Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1890, Image 1

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Prohibition no Longer a Test of Republican
Party realty in Iowa
Hie "Bottled Policy" Blunder of Imst
Vein * Condemned by the Sioux
City Convention Tlio
New Platform.
Sioux CITT , In. , Juno 25. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB Bm.j : The republican conven
tion today was tlio most harmonious and en
thusiastic that has been held for years. There
wore prognostications of discord mid faction ,
nnd tbcro seemed to bo many rocks upon
which it might strike , but nil such anticipa
tions nro utterly disappointed by the action
of the convention. The chief Interest of the
convention was not In the ticket , although
thOro was a largo Hold of candidates for tlio
various nominations and a spirited contest
among them. The contests , however , wcro
friendly , and the ticket as it is made
up is composed of fairly repre
sentative men , and Judiciously distributed as
to locality. All the nominations were made
unanimous , not merely as u matter of form ,
hut ns the reflection of a gcnultio spirit of
The Interest In the convention , ns was ex
pected , centered chiefly in the temperance is-
The reverse uustalncd by the party in
) last year's election in tlio election of a demo
cratic governor brought again to the front the
element of the party which all along has pro
tested moro or less vigorously against the
prohibitory policy. This clement began
BOOH after the election a movement
for the purpose of modifying the de
clared ( position of the party. While
the legislature was in .session the nnti-pio-
hibltlonists held a largely attended conven
tion iu DCS Molncs , nnd the president of tlio
organisation , II. S. Fairall , of Iowa City ,
was charged with t'ho work of organising tlio
force ? for this convention. The counties in
which nro located the larger cities and some
of tlio rural conties scjit strong auti-prohibi-
tlon delegations to the convention , and they
eamu upon the ground early. At the mime
time the nioio radical prohibition clement
took alarm immediately after the call for the
convention. The state temperance al
liance issued n proclamation , calling
upon its members to bo on their guard
and to be active at the primaries. It was
from thcso conflicting factions that cmbar-
lassment was fc.ned , mid in fact predicted.
The two factions last night held separate and
largely attended caucuses. About two bund
led delegates joined in thu anti-pioliibitioii
caucus. The caucus adopted a carefully pre
pared programme of work nnd appointed as a
strong committee to appear before the com
mittee on resolutions nnd to protest against n
prohibitory plank the following named gen
tlemen : II. S. Fairall , J. C. Davis , Col
onel D. E. Lyon , Major William
G , Thompson , Dr. J. A. Uiggcn , J. A.
Lccns. Captain J. O'Kcefo , T. J. Evr.iis ,
W , II. Forbcrt , Colonel George A Clark ,
Prince Seaman , A. W. Erwin , and F. W.
Smith. These arc nil leading icpublicaus and
rroprescnt every scctioii of the stato. The
, xiTiohIbltlon caucus last night was oven moro
larkely attended. It adopted resolutions , the
-'essential ono bgiug as follows :
UusoUed , That wo unflinchingly stand for
the prohibitory Htatnto of Iowa , passed In obt-
( llenoo ti > the iixpressod will of tno people und
for Us complete onfoiuuincnl.
J. II. Loiter , a noted prohibition leaderwas
designated to present the resolutions to the
platform committco. The contest to contiol
tlio platform committee was au earnest one.
The outiight anti-prohibitionists secured only
two among the eleven members of the com
mittee , being these fiom the Second and
Third congressional districts. But a consid
erable number of the members weio conservative
vative republicans.
The debate in the platform committee was
long and eai nest , and for a time it looked as if
no ngicement was possible. But a final com
promise , however , was readied. The antl-
prohlbitionists accepted the declaration that
the putty makes no now teat of fealty , while
the prohibitionists tire content with the dec
laration against a compromise with the saloon
nnd the platform was unanimously repotted
by the committco and adopted by the conven
Thcro was a powerful sentiment In the con-
.vention In favor of a declaration for unlim
ited silver coinage. The committee was plied
with telegrams and loiters from Washington
piotcsting against such a declaration.
Among other communications on this subject
was one from Speaker Heed. There were
telegrams from every Iowa congressman.
The platform committee was strongly inclined
to unlimited silver coinage , and tlio conven
tion beyond question would have adopted it ,
but the plank as finished declared only lor
frco coinage of the product of American mines.
Thuro was equal anxiety in Washington as
to the tariff plank , but the committee framed
nn independent statement. 'J ho presiding df-
llcor , the venerable ex-Senator George G
Wright of DCS Moincs. an old-time republi
can war horse , added dignity to the conven
tion and added greatly to dispatch business.
Them was also a very largo attendance of the
older leaders of Iowa republicanism , many of
whom came as quiet spectators and not us
The Convention.
Sioux CITY. In , . Juno 25. Tlio republican
state convention was called to order at 11
o'clock this morning by Chairman Pray of
the state central committee. S.M. Weaver of
Iowa Falls , who was elected temporary chair
man , made an nddrojs of some length eulo
gizing the work of the party aud predicting
success tit the next election. The member
ship of luo committee on resolutions was
then announced.
At the afternoon session the report of the
committee was received and adopted.
t Judge George G. Wright of Polk was made
k permanent : chairman , II. L. Buyers of Lucas
UL secretary nnd W. II. Berry of Warren county
* " " " " " au.i .ding clerk.
r The iblp\ylng ! \ state central committee was
framed : First district , C. M. Juukin , Joffer-
bon ; Second , J. M , Komblo , Muscatino ;
Third , C. W. Mullen , Blr.ek Hawk ; Fourth ,
J. 1C. Blythe , Ccrro Gordo ; Fifth , George A.
Uncoln , Linn ; SlKtb , B , W. Preston ,
nominated for secretary of state on the second
end ballot , getting 5ttl votes tour for BjrUt ,
und 2l ! for Church ,
The platform committco then reported as
follows :
. That vro , thoreniihllcnnHOtlown ,
convention a st > inbli > d , ivullirm ourdiuo-
tlon to the iirliiulplei. of the national roiuiblt-
eiiu part ) , and \ \ iMimUu no other test or leultv
to thu lonulilk-ini puity of town ,
Wolu'uitlly cndotM ) tlio nhli > . prudent and
patriotic mlmlnlsu-atlouof I'lcslilcn llaiilsun ,
v.lth the hiicolul commcnduUon o ! thu move
ment for eliixur ami better lelallons. both
bnilness ami political , unions all Aniorlctn
WoilosneclUoalfy decline our adhuiuiu-u to
the prlne pie of protection to Amerlvun Indus
try "milled wisely In vlow of the Interest of all
conilfll - and administered in
Mow of .
\ \ o lurco that disci liiilimtloiis may bo tt l .oly
iiuule , uut nevifr In behalf of thentiong against
thuueuU never aaliist ; the m-issus. In tills
H'tlt t > hold that all kvlslatlon should bo
mill , whutlicr It concern the raUiitroC roAonuo
orilii.iiuikiMiioiit or the Mime , by the Konorul
KO\iriiini > nt , by the
; state or by sub-division of
local Kou-rumt'nt , wlifiherlteonceru domestic
AU'uix'Infiuur of kiich expansion of the
euireiicy uaylliuiivt UioKrottWileuittwIs .if
the fin-reuse In population and tr.uli > uml oir-
ot contraction resulting f rum voiitliiuul with
drawal of nutiouul Uauk circulation , i'o this
end we favor nuch Ipgfalntlon ns will utlll/o ns
money the cutlro silver product of our mines ,
and wo fitvorsueh laws us will aid In the ulti
mate unrestricted use of both precious metals
us money.
Thu ii'publlcan party of this state
Is In favor of promoting In n\cry fair
nnd honorable way the Industrial Interests of
the ticoplo of this state. We believe that the
Imsfncss Interests of the people uro Inter-
chanitrablo and mutual , and that Injustice
tan atds ono cln s must sooner or later work to
tbo Injury of nil classes. Particularly dn wo
believe that ) the ( { real Industry icprcfcnted by
Ilie farm stands at the bead of Iowa Indus-
tiles , and that the faithful pimrdlanshlp of
that object Is a prime obligation upon those
who make nnd ndtnliilstcr our IIIWH.
Wo cotiirriitnlato tha iicctilo of this Btatc ,
Irrespective of party relationship , upon thu
measure ot success obtained In tlio contest In
this state In boliulf of just und ICKU ! control of
railway corporations dolii ; business In this
slate , und we appeal to thu people to HCO to It
licit there hu no icccsslon In tlic just policy of
tin ! state In tills minimi. We believe that thu
ollorts to nullify thu Interstate commerce luw
Bhonld bo resisted , to the end that national
protection niid state protection may alike bo
cfuul | to all communities und among all
The republicans of Iowa offer their sym
pathy to thu producers of the south who seek
no\v for illscnthruliment fiom the Industrial
bondugo of the grinding monopolies of the
states of that section , ptotcctod and promoted
meted by all the power of the orKtinlml dem-
ojiatlc party of tlioso Htutos. We believe that
In the breaking up of those sy.stcms under
which Industrial freedom Is Impossible , and
which rob and persecute the poor , Ik's the one
preat hope of freedom ( if elections and popu
lar government , social peace , and general
piosperlty In the southern slates. Itccognli-
niK ievolt , In the Kouth In behalf of liberty
and Justice , popular government and popular
rights , It Is a matter of minor concern In
what name the battles are fought and won.
Wo welcome the first growth and spread of
power of republican principles.
Wo cordially approve the purpose of re
publicans In con i ess to so a mend and lmuro\o
the pension laws ns to niake further and moro
ftPiiiiions loiihlons for union soldiers , thrlr
widows , patents and cblldicu , and wugludly
believe the day N not far distant whenuueii-
eral service pension law should und will be
We express our abhoricnce of nil ti lists and
trade conspiracies of uvoiy kind Intended to
destioy comnctltlou and create nnd perpetu
ate monopolies , uml call for the enactment
and cnfoiccmcnt of both federal and state
laws to completely exterminate such Iniqui
tous and duuxoioiis combinations , and to pre
vent their furtliororgutiUatlon.
\Vo declare against a compromise with the
saloon and stand by the people of this .state In
their hostility to Its existence , spiead and
power.Vo favor such legislation on tlio put. :
of congiess us shall piotect the police power
o ( the states In their cIlortH to icKiilate , con
fine or prohibit the nubile bar , und foi tbo up-
pro\ul of the work und reuoul of thoiepnlill-
can party of this state In this Kicutcuusuof
tcmpi'innee , Involving the public peace und
Ihubiifuty of good got eminent , wo tinuuul con-
llduutly to thu electors of Iowa.
Wo coiiKrniulato the people of Iowa upon the
piospeilty that bus attended the past and
upon thu confidence und courage with which
the stuto awaits the futiue.
The platform was adopted.
J. A. Lyons was nominated for auditor , re
ceiving 51U votes , 310 being cast for McCarthy
and 107 for Kylo.
General B. A. Bceson of Marshalltown was
then nominated for treasurer by acclamation.
Judge J. M. Hothrock was nominated for the
supreme bench over N. M. Pusey of Potta-
Hon. John Y. Stone was rcnominatcd for
attorney general by acclamation.
O. B. Bray was reiiominatcd for clerk of
the supreme court on the second ballot
N. B. IJiiymoud of Polk was nominated for
reporter of tlio supreme court.
J. W. Luke of Franklin county was nomi
nated for railroad commissioner after a stiff
Unlit and over a heavy opposition.
Well IMciiMctl AVIlli the Ilesulr.
Sioux Crrr , la. , Juno25. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Buc.1 H. S. Fairall , editor of the
Iowa City Republican nnd president of thu
state anti-prohibition republican association ,
In an interview tonight Mild : "Wo feel that
wo have achieved a great victory and nro
well pleased with the platform. Prohibition
has not been and will n6t bo again declared a-
test of party fealty. The settled policy blun
der of last year has been condemned. The
national platform is declared to bo the only
party creed. The republican party can no
longer bo ch01300" with being a prohibition
party. "
Second Day ol'tlio Tournament.
PiATWMOfTir , Neb. , Juno 125. [ Special to
TIIU Bii.j : Tlio bccond day of the tourna
ment is but a repetition of the first iu every
respect but races. At an early hour this
morning ciowds began to congregate on the
streets to witness the par.ulc.
At 7 n. m. a special train over the Burling
ton brought iu the Omaha Veterans' associ
ation and the Union Pacific lire department
with their friends and two babuls. They
were escorted up street to a hall , where they
were welcomed by the local firemen , and as
the veterans marched up the streets every
one remarked at their line appearance.
The parade formed at } 0 n. m. and marched
thiough tno principal streets iu the following
order :
Ancient Order of Hibernians' band of
Omaha , Omaha Veteran firemen , W. II.
Burston running team of Crete , Ashland run
ning team , Juvenile hook nnd ladder , city
band , Neville running team of Plattsm outh
Corcorans of Crete , P. E. White ho o team ,
l > \ M. Hlchoy hose team , B. & M. band , B. &
M. running team of Plattsmouth , Alexander
of Grand Island , local hook nnd ladder team
and Nebraska City running team.
After the pnrndo the presentation of the
banner to bo given to the finest looking and
host uniformed company took plnco. It was
awarded to the Omaiia veterans.
At the races in the afternoon the state hose
race for the champion cart was with six en
tries. Their time was : B. & M. of Platts-
mntithU45 ; Wide Awake of Kear
ney , US-1-5 ; Alexander of Grand Island ,
laa-Ti ; Corcoran of York , U5 : ; Amoras ,
411-5 ; Neville of Plattsmouth , no time.
The Alexanders had a bcjl coupling
nnd the Judges took the time
under advisement until this even
ing , when they agreed to allow them
to run over. The hose broke on the Neville
cart after making a run of thirty-five seconds
ends ; tlio board of control bald it was out of
the question to glvo them another trial ,
but us no protests had been
entered and a precedent had
been made nt Kearney where the
Fremont hose cart broke down and they got
another trial , it was decided to give them the
same chance. It they make the run they did
today the PlattMiiouth team will have the
cat t.
The stnto hook nnd ladder race
took place ntIjiJO witU.only
two entries. JMebr.iska City took
tlio championship belt , their time being Is 1-5
seconds. The Plattsmouth team made a good
lain , but as their laddernmn hud becu Injured
In the green race the dtiv before by
fulling from the ladder while in
the air the jiow man could
not make the time. The Given hose race
wab also undecided because the coupling
broke at the bcratch after they hail made n
good run. They will run tomorrow.
Tomonow in the free-for-all iiico it is ex
pected that the record will bo broken ,
us nil teams hero have pro
fessional men , A few teams from
Iowa uro expected to take part In it and good
races may bo looked for.
Tomorrow's progrninmo. is :
' 10 a. in.- Pompier corps contest , purse $75 :
Ih-st pri/e , $50 j second prke , $ , 5.
11 a. m. . Grand free lor all water test ,
handsome fift hndg
1:30 : p. m , Hose race , free for all , purse
100 ; llrbt prize , $30J ; second prhc , $100.
Jjyop. m. Hook and ladder race , free for
all , puiiio flOoOj first prize , KK ) ; bccond
prize , $100.
a p. m , Couplers' contest to rules : prize ,
two $ badges. '
Good Templars Meet.
F.UUIIUIIY , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKE.J The district lodge of
tlio second district Independent Order Good
Temi > lait > have Just closed a two days' meet
ing hero tonight. The district comprises the
counties of Tlmyor , Fillmore , Saline nnd Jef
ferson. Thcro were about ono hundred and
llftj ililejiutes from subordinate lodges m
th' district in attendance , The session
closed with u musical convert uud an address
by A. G. SVulfenbiuger.
Free Coinage Men in Both Houses Acknowl
edge Their Defeat.
Several Nebraska I'ost masters Out a
ICalKc lit .Salary South Dakota
Uocsu't Want Any Moro
ol'tlio Chcycnucs ,
5111 FouitTKnNTii STitr.ur , }
AVASiitMiTOY , D. C. , Juno 'Jo. )
Free anil unlltnltod coinage has for tlio second -
end tlino failed iti the house of represontu-
tlvcs. The majority against It this after
noon was seventeen. The proposition came
up in the form of u motion to nou-eoncur in
the senate's amendments to the Wludom bill ,
the principle of which was free coinage. A
few minutes before n vote was taken it was
feared by many who conscientiously believed
that it would ho Injurious to the best Inter
ests of the country to have free and unlim
ited colnago that the motion to non-concur
would full , as oho democrats wcro exerting
themselves with great vchcmcnco to get all
of their members in line and vote solidly
against , the committee's proposition. It was
nrgued by Mr. Mills and other democrats
that this would bo a good opportunity for the
democrats to make a political point that the
president would veto a frco coinage bill , and ,
knowing this , the.monomcWHsts from the
east would bo justified in voting for frco
coinage against the wi"hes of their constitu
ents because they run no risk of making it
possible for the proposition to bccomo
a law. The limited coinage democrats
woule not bo beguiled and drawn into such a
scheme , and so they voted for non-concur
rence In the senate's amendments. About an
equal number of republicans voted against
non-concurrence , so that as far ns partisan
views were concerned the break of the nnti-
free coinage democrats was but a stand-off to
the republicans who voted for frco coinage.
There was the largest vote cast upon thtsprop-
osition that has been developed for some
weeks , 287 out of the 330 members being
recorded as voting. Thcro was a very
perceptible agitation on both sides of
the house as the roll was being called upon
the first amendment free coinage.
A number of senators fiom both sides of
tno chamber were on the floor of the house
urging their friends to stand to their convic
tions. There was but one aye and nny vote
taken--that upon the question of concurrence
in the senate's amendment for frco coinage.
The other votes worn viva voice , as it becumo
apparent that the anti-free coinage men had
a linn majority of seventeen.
The fico coinage men in both houses
have given up the contest. It is
conceded Hint the conference committee will
niftco to u bill providing for the coinage of
54,500,000 -J.ritKI.OOO ounces of silver bullion
monthly , and that thu certificates issued for
the purchase of the bullion will bo made a
full legal tender for public and private debts.
This A\S ! accepted by nearly all the frco
coinage men as satisfactory , and it is believed
that it will uot only satisfy the silver produc
ing states , but glvo the most general satisfac
tion to liberal silver men in ovnry section of
the country. It will set"at rest
all fears which would constantly bo
entertained under a frco colnago act of hav-
a ing nlsurplus'offorcignbnllloncoinodflnto1
American money which would take the place
of our gold and eventually drain the United
States of one of its principal metal bases of
Barring very unexpected changes , there
will be no more excitement over the silver
question iu Washington and within a few
days a silver bill will become a law.
Nebraska's three representatives voted sol
idly , as thov have on several former occasions
in this session , for free colnago and for the
semite amendment providing for a full legal
tender clause in the bill.
Senator Pottiijrcw of South Dakota , who is
a member of the senate committco on Indian
affairs , says the bloodthirsty Ohoycnncs on
Tongno river and other sections of Montana
will not bo shipped down into his state. lie
says the appropriation placed in the Indian
bill in the house at the icuuest of Uepresen-
tativo Cai ter , providing for tiio transfer of
the Cheyeiincs from Montana to the Sioux
icsorvation in South Dakota , will bo stricken
out iu the senate because they are not wanted
in his state. Senator Pettljrrow says that ho
would prefer and thinks it would bo much
easier to have the 5'WChoyennos ' In South Da
kota transferred to Montana than to have
the 200 Choycnnes in the 'lat
ter state sent down into the former.
Ho has given notice to the Montana men that
they need not expect to get rid of their thiev
ing and murderous Choyennes , ns they are
termed , if they expect to send thorn to South
Dakota , and Senator Pcttlgrow is in a posi
tion to fullill his promises. Senator Petti-
grew says fnither that he does not sea how
the Clicycniies of Montana could bo evangel-
bed any better in South Dakota than in Mon
tana , or why it could bo expected that the
climate iu ills state could have any more of a
moral influence upon the savages than the
salubrioi s atmosphere of Montana.
A practical Joke was perpetrated by Sen
ator Edmunds upon Senator Call today. The
latter is the most nearly incessant talker in
the upper branch of congress and never fails'
to cmuraco an opportunity to tnlce up space
In the Congressional Hecord. This afternoon
ho opened himself and thought ho would
make some munitions to bo used in Ills approaching
preaching campaign by advocating nn inde
pendent lorm of government for the island of
Cuba. Senator Edmunds immediately arose
and said that inasmuch us ttio senator from
Florida desired to speak upon international
comity and alfairs which properly belonged
to an executive session of the senate the
doors should bo closed. His suggestion was
adopted and the speech of Senator Call will ,
of course , not appear in the Hecord ,
and of course cannot ho given to the public.
Senator Call did not appear to enjoy the hot
weather Joke and it is said the speech which
ho Intended to bo of several hours' length oc
cupied but a few minutes behind the closed
doors , whore the temperature was almost 10D.
This blow came upon the heels of n severe
"scutching" at the hands of Senator Ing-alls
and others for a gross breach of the privil
eges of the senate. Mr. Call published In the
Uoeorfl today a statement intended to show
that ho had done more than everybody clso
in the senate. It was a comparison of the
number of bills gotten through by each
senator mid was full of misrepresentations.
One by ono the senators got up and de
nounced the publication as n tissue of false
hoods. Verily Senator Call is having u hard
vow to hoe towards re-election.
I asked an ultra free eoinngo advocate and
11 determined limited coinage man In the sen
ate to toll me , In a sentence each , If possible ,
why ttio positions they occupied in the pres
ent contest wore the most tenable. The free
coinage senator said :
"Tho nubile man who takes n position
against the frco admission of raw material
with which to make money itself cannot bo
regarded us an advocate of relief from the
scarcity of money , for the more money wo
manufacture in tills country the more wo
will have for circulation , oven though wo
make It , Hko the miller makes Hour , on
the shares ; and besides , there will bo n
stability In the Increase of the circulating
medium if wo have free coinage which wo
cannot have if wo plnco n limit upon the
supply , thereby casting doubt upon the face
of the act as to whether it is just the proper
thing , and announcing that it Is riskv bust-
ness , but wo are willing to try It to a certain
extent. "
ThU Is what the senator said who advo
cates limited coiimga and u bullion redemp
tion feature ;
"Free coinage will bo a menace to our finan
cial system , for the reason that this will bo-
coma the dumping ground forjffio surulus sli
ver of ttto world , where abbuUJJ ! , ccnta worth
I of silver bullion can bo broughttftnd exchanged
for notes controvcrtnolalnto- coin worth
the world over 10J cents' and gSisldca the re
demption day for all thMolesal louder cer-
tlllcate.i will hung like a sword.ijyer the coun
try and throw us into financial > ruln the first
time wo are threatened with wjir or put Into
a hole by a 'corner' which may easily bo
formed by old world combinations. "
Jir.ADJt'STMKNT OP I'Oft'pfAjSTtns' ' BU.AKtr.S.
The readjustment of' ' second class post
masters'salaries , based'upoujtho receipts of
the ofllco during the past Hscil year , audio
take effect from and after 1fUno ao lust. ,
li is been completed. The following are the
changes of Interest to BUB { readers : Ne-
crease ) ? V )0 to SJ , 100 ; South Omaha , ? . , UOO
toSJ.GOO ; York , SI , 000 to SJ,000 ,
Iowa Cedar Falls , increased from $3V000 to
? 2,100 , ; Fort Dodge , $ . ' ,0)0 , ) to § 3.100 ; Marshall-
town , SJnoo to 6J.C03 : Mount Pleasant , $ , ' ,000
to S:3,103 : ; Musentlno. 5 00 to 2,500.
South Dakota Aberdeen , increased from
S.2,100 tor > 0u ; Watcrtown , 4 > 000 to $ .2,100 :
Yanktoii , SJ.OOO to $ . ' ,200- \
Representative Dorsoy was before the
house committco on publlo buildings and
grounds today and presented an argument in
favor of the Norfolk public building bill. It
was very dlfllcult to get members to take
favorable action upon this bill , owing to the
feeling that thcro nave already boon more
publlo buildings provided for than the surplus
of the government will warrant. The com
mittee finally agreed to report a bill appro
priating § 10,000 , which will' now go upon the
calendar of the house , and thcro Is very llttlo
doubt that it will bo finally adopted before
this session closes. '
D Assistant Secretary Chandler has directed
Hint the land commissioner grant Daniel B.
Hills , appealing from thq commissioner's de
cree , another hearing to show cause why his
timber culture entry for the southeast quar
ter of the northeast quarter of the north half ,
southeast quarter and thd northeast quarter
of the southwest quarter oJt section J0 ! , town
ship a ! north , range 43 wuat , Sidney , Neb. ,
district , shall not bo dismissed.
II. Hose was today appointed postmaster at
German City , Woodbury coUuty , Iowa , vice
M. D. Hose , resigned ,
QA number of representatives of agricultural
colleges are at the Ebbitt and holding dally
conferences. Among those present is W. J.
Chuinbcrlln of Iowa. The obj'ict of the con
vention is to improve the system followed in
the agricultural schools throughout the coun
try. PnllUV S. IIUATIJ.
The Wointui Who Enticed Him to Ills
leati ! Makes n Confession.
OTTAWA , 111. , Juno 25. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bcu.J The Ford woman , whocnticcd
David Moore to his death , \ias \ made a full
confession. She states that .nho had nn ap
pointment with Moore for,8 o'clock Monday
evening , and that her husband , n man named
O'Brien , and O'Brien's . mistress , Min
nie Wintcrling , accompanied her to
the place of meotfngj at the south
end of the Illinois river bridge.
Then Ford went ahead and she and Moore ,
followed by O'Brien and the Wintoillng
woman , went into the park. When she and
Moore were alone , " Ford , as prearranged ,
rushed out and demanded blackmail.
Moore refused to pay , and in a scufllo which
follo\ycd was gaining tiio" mastery , when
O'Brien rushed upon him and struck him
a terrible blow with a coupling
pin , felling him Ilka nn ox
O'Brien and Ford pounded { iis bead to a pulp
and then robbed him of .Insi diamonds and
watch and § 1,000 in bills , olookiug $140 not
in Ills purso. All of the prtioa are in Jail ,
having been captured bofofolO , o'clock "last
' .f _
Eater The AVintcrlin ? woman , ono of the
sirous In the Moore case , h is confessed. Her
confession , added to that of Mrs. Ford ;
further clears up the terrible details of the
crime. It now nppcirs thjif , a third man , un
known to the women , tooic au active part in
the murder. Ho is still at large , though the
police have clues which will lead to his cap
ture before morning.
National World's Fair CominlHsIoncrs
Gather at tiio Pacific Hotel.
CHIOVOO , Juno 21. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : BnK. ] Oregon nnd Muino , Florida and
Vermont shook hands at the Pacific hotel
when the national world's fair commissioners
from tlioso .stato-i met this morning.
"It's n good omen , " said ono of the com
missioners who wltnossed the greetings , "it's
nn omen that sectionalism will bo forgotten
and that nil parts of the country nro going to
unite in making the Columbian exposition u
success such as the world has never been. "
The national commission has established
heudquuiters in the Pacific hotel. The pre
liminary meeting was held at 8 o'clock to-
niplit. at which there was nothing moro than
nn informal discussion of plans , The regular
meeting is called for tomorrow morning.
At this meeting the secretary will bo elected
and the permanent organization effected.
There are about as many candidates for the
position of secretary us thcro are commls-
bloners. Most of the .states have men whom
they would Hko to see got the place.
The choice , however , will probably fall
upon either Commissioner Dickinson of
Texas or Benjamin Butterwortlt of Ohio.
The former has established headquarters at
thu hotel and is m iking nn active canvass for
the place. Every commissioner is button
holed as soon ns ho arrives and Ills vote is
Mr , Butterworth's friends are also active
in his behalf and it is a wary commissioner
who can escape without committing himself
to cither 0110 or the other.
KEr.l'lXU TllVIK Jl.lXJ ) fX.
A 5-nfi ) at Ijii'lmlo Cracked by Mim
Who Know Their ilimiuems.
LvniMii : , Wyo . , Juno 81. [ Sposhil Tele
gram to Tin : Bii.J : : The safe in John
Hucmpfner's saloon , at the Larimlo head
quarters of tlio Denver brewing company ,
was cracked by burglar. * at an early hour
this morning. Two hundred dollars and
notes representing ? 5OW wore taken. There
is no clue to the burglars , who evidently ex
pected to find in the sofa o largo amount , col
lected for the brewing company. The work
showed that the men wora probably exports
at safe cracking.
For nearly ten pays a { dense smoke has
been hovering over Ball mountain'in the
Medicine Bow range south of Lnrimio. It
was learned that u dis istrous timber fire Is
Iu piogross and that hourly 700 acres have al
ready been burned over. It is suppotcd t hat
the fire was started through the carelessness
of persons who wore camping out.
Henry Peterson , n painter employed In the
union Pacific shops here , has been ir.i.sblng
for llvo weeks nnd his whereabouts are a
mystery. Shortly before ho left ho was ob
served to act strangely aud his friends believe -
lievo ho became insane and wandered. Ho
disappeared immediately after receiving his
mouth's salary.
Ilciioinlnntcd Tor
BLOOMIXOTOX , 111. , Juuo 25 , Congressman
Uowell was rcnomlnatod today by tlio ro-
publlcans of tlio Fourteenth congressional
fitu o HolmoM Slightly Fooled.
CAMbTocu , Cal. , Juno 25. Three masked
men robbed the Hurdln Springs stage today ,
mistaking it for n stage carrying the express.
The passengers wore cleaned out , the high
waymen getting f300 nnd some Jewelry ,
All Quiet lit Hpokano Falln.
SroicvxG FAi.i.SjMVush , , " Juno 25. The
stieet ear tioublo has quieted "down , awaiting
the decision of the court on the contempt mo
tion against the fit ) authorities ,
Hand Offering * .
WASHINGTON- , Juno .ft.-Special [ Telegram
& 'f"B "KKJ-I1 ° I ls a" " " 1' ' * iooooat
nI.n : ? WITH Till ? CIV
The House Votes Against the Araoadm3nt3
to the Silver Bill ,
MukcM an Unpnrllnnicntary
lluinark iu Uofcronoo to Gall ,
is Called to Order , and
? IO'1II1.'H It.
, Juno 25. In the house today
the conference report on ttio naval appropria
tion bill was presented.
The previous question was then ordered
nnd the conference report adopted.
Mr. Conger then moved that the debate on
the silver bill bo extended to U o'clock , at
which time voting shall begin. Ills motion
was agreed to and Mr. Morse of Massachu
setts took the floor in support of ttio house
bill and In opposition to the senate bill.
The debate was continued at great length
by Messrs. Taylor of Illinois , Peters of Kan
sas , Cutchcon of Michigan , Diinncll of Min
nesota , Bayno of Pennsylvania , "Williams of
IJJtiiots , nnd others.
Mr. Williams charged that the president
had scut men hero threatening a veto if a frco
coinage bill was passed. Ho did not propose
to go to the president and pet down on his
knees and ask what kind of silver legislation
should bo passed.
Mr. McKinley , In closing the debate , said
ho wanted the use of both niotnls to continue
and opposed the senate amendments. Ho
wanted the metals to stand side by side , equal
in purchasing power and legal tender quality.
The gentlemen who favored tlio senate
amendments wauled silver to do all of the
work.Vliatover wo had for money in this
country must bo equal in purchasing power
nnd legal tender quality , whether gold , paper
or silver dollars , each redeemable In the other
and each exchangeable for the other and cacli
of equal valuo.
The hour having : arrived Mr. Conger moved
that the voting begin.
Mr. Bland moved that the house concur iu
tlio senate amendments.
Mr. Springer moved that sepirato votes bo
had on each section , and the first vote taken
was on the proposition to concur in ttie first
section of tlio semite bill , providing for the
free colnago of sliver , the coins to bo full
legal tender , in place of the first section of
the house bill , providing for the coinage of
$1,500,000 worth of silver per month.
The motion to concur in tlio substitute pro
posed by the senate for the first section of
tlio house bill was defeated yeas , 1U3 ; nays ,
15- .
15Tho following republicans voted with the
democrats in favor of the free coinage amend
ment : Bartine. Carter , Council , DoIInvcn ,
Featherstone , Funston , tiifl'ord , Hermann ,
Kelley , Laws , Morrow , Ptruins , Peters , Post ,
Smith of Illinois , Townsciid of Colorado , Tur
ner of Kansas , Williams of Ohio , Doracy , An
derson of Kansas , Owen of Indiana , \Vado ,
The following democrats voted with the re
publicans to non-concur : Andrew , Buckalow ,
Campbell , Clancy , Covert , Duniphy , Dargcn ,
JflowoiYttfotsonmnhotincr , Manish , McAdoo ,
Mncfcler , O'Neill of Massachusetts , Qulnn ,
. . .
W 9l..l\4 f'Lk * * y-V& WB W V.lflhlk4t VSA - f VkUn1 11 ,
with Phclan , McCormlck and Morgan , Nuto
nnd McCarthy , T. M. Biowno and Outhwaito ,
Pickler and Stahlneckcr , Walker of Massa
chusetts and Wike , Kandull of Massachusetts
and Clunie , Osborno und Hayes , Wheeler of
Michigan und Barwig , Dal/ell and Mai tin of
Texas , liny and Hooker , J. D. Taylor and
Price , Thompson and Senoy , Kockwoll and
Hogors , Clark of Wisconsin and Walker of
Missouri , Cooper of Ohio and Dibble. Buch
anan of Now Jersey nnd Lawlor , Wionham
and Briggs , Grosvcnor and Yoeler.
The absentees were : Fitch of Now York ,
Alright of Pennsylvania and C.ildwell of
The announcement of the vote was received
with cheeis on the republican side.
Mr. Springer then withdrew his request
for n separate vote on each section and the
house then , by u rising vote of 110 to 105 ,
non-concurred in all the remaining senate
The house then voted that a conference bo
asked with the senate on the bill.
Mr. Hltt of Illinois presented the confer
ence report on the diplomatic appropria
tion bill and it was agreed to.
Mr. Cannon , from the committee on rules ,
reported back the substitute resolution intro
duced by Mr. Lodge of Massachu
setts , setting apart fb-o days of
the present week for consideration of
the iritlonnl election bill. The substitute
provides that Immediately after tlio passage
ot the silver bill the house proceed to con
sider the election bill until July 2 , at ! . ' o'clock ,
when the previous question shall bo consid
ered ns ordered. This is not to interfere
with the general appropriation bills.
Mr. Springer moved to adjourn nnd Mr.
Euloo shouted , "This is n bill to revolutionize
tlio government. "
It was finally agreed to allow forty minutes
debate on the resolution , with the understand
ing that the previous question should bo con
sidered as ordered , and Mr. Springer with
drew liis motion to adjourn.
Messrs. { McMillan and Blout vigorously
attacked the bill , nnd from this time on there
was gicat confusion on the floor.
Messrs. Cannon and O'Neill ' of Indiana
engaged In a colloquy somewhat personal and
this added so much to the already existing
disorder that the scrgcant-nt-arms came for
ward with liis miico of olllco and restored
Mr. Springer moved to tablotho resolution.
On a yea and nay vote this was lost yeas ,
IIO , nays , 1 IM Coloimin of Louisiana being
the only republican who voted with thu demo
The resolution was then adopted.
After arranging to meet at I o'clock for the
six days during which the debate is to con
tinue the house adjourned.
W smvfiTOV , Juno 25. In the senatn today
the senate bill to pro vent transportation in
bond of merchandise' between the United
States and Mexico and to restore that right
wherever zona libra is abolished was loported
Mr. Call rose to address the senate on the
subject of resolutions heretofore offered by
him ( and reported back adversely from ttio
committee on foreign relations ) ono author
izing the president to open nogotl itlons with
the Spanish government for tlio purpose of
inducing that government to consent to the
establishment of a free and independent rq-
[ lublio In ttio island of Cuba , mid the ether
In relation to Gornnn ownership of a largo
proportion of the bonded debt of Cuba.
When the clerk was reading tlio second
resolution Mr. Sherman rose and moved that
the doors bo closed ,
Mr. Edmunds seconded the motion nnd the
vice president directed tbo galleries cleared
and the doors closed.
Mr. Call , being thus unexpectedly cut off
in his desire to make a speech before the
public , said that ho would withdraw the roa-
alutlon , but the order to close the doors was
insisted upon by Messrs. Sherman and Ed
munds and was carried into execution.
The doors wcro reopened tit 1 ; 30 and the
senate took up the house bill for the admis
sion of Wyoming to the union as n state.
Tlio bill was temporarily laid usldo nnd Mr.
Ingulls offered a resolution instructing the
committee on privilege * and elections to in
quire into the publication iu the Record today
of a personal explanation by Mr. Call and ro-
poit whether It U in accordance with the
rules , etc.
Tub led to a sharp s.uaU Iu tlio course of
. \-z \
which Mr. Inga'ls ' charged M _ nil will
having "deliberately falsified ftv V-ord,1
Ho was called to order alid uu * * ' this ,
making it "ehaliired tlio record. " \ V ,
The resolution went over with yctlor
nnd the senate proceeded with the * ilnn
admission bill , the report of the com o 01
territories bclngread. * *
Mr. Vest opposed the bill , IIo hue Mu
past of states being admitted with snt > p <
iilutlons because of some sectional or y
exigencies. But notio such existed
Wyoming , ho said , hns n population o
less than sixty thousand , scattered ovO. an
Immense area. Ho would not vote for the
admission of Wyoming with Its present con *
Mitution , permitting woman suffrage.
Woman sufti-ago was antagonistic to tiia
spirit and institutions of tlio Amor-
lean people. Ho deplored the extension ol
fcuffrugoto colored men In the south and said
no Intellgent man today would glvo it te
them. Ho himself would no moro give them
the right of suffrage than ho would glvo n
deadly weapon to n child. Certainly he
would not glvo it to colored women , who
were far mnro Impulsive nud thoughtless
than men. Another objection Mr. Vest made
to the constitution of Wyoming was that it
gave the light of holding property to aliens.
Mr. Phut said Wyoming bad us good n tight
to admission as nny territory over admitted.
Ho was surprised that gentlemen so devoted
to "homo rule" should not bo willing to allow
n territory to decide woman suffrage for it
self. Ho believed tlio population of Wyoming
nearer 125,000 than 100,000. In conclusion.
Mr. Pratt spoke of tlio great resources 01
Wyoming und said that with Irrigation it
could support 10,000,000 people.
At the close of Mr. Pnitt's remarks ho
made an effort to have a vote taken on the
bill , but Mr. Vest objected nnd moved nu
mcndment and the senate adjourned.
ClinngcH Kooommemled by tlio Senate
Finance Committee.
WASIIIXOTO.V , Juno 25. The text of the
tariff bill , together with the changes recom
mended by tlio senate finance committee nud
explanations thereof , wcro furnished today
to the senate. The committee states that the
changes made from specific to ndvalorcm
rates and vice versa were for the purpose of
simplifying and expediting the collection of
duties. The increases were made because
they were believed to bo no moro than neces
sary to protect domestic industry. Tlio rea
son given for a reduction In most Instances
was that the new rate was believed to afford
hufllcicnt protection. The committee believes
that lead contained in silver ore should not bo
admitted for le--s than lend in any other metal ,
hence a duty of l' cents per pound. A.s to
sugar the committco says : "Sugar up to No.
Ill Dutch standard was placed upon the free
list as n matter of wise public policy mid a
bounty provided in order to encourage domes
tic production , " The committee says as to
wool : "Tlio demand from the representative
wool growers of the country that rates upon
wool .should bo largely increased lias led the
committee to recommend the adoption of the
nc\v classification hoieln suggested , which , it
is hoped , will result in a uniform mid honest
classification of wool. The increase of rates
for manufacturer : ) ' wool lias been made neces
sary for this increase in wool rates. "
Minority Tteport Denounces Fcdoral
IntciT rencc in State IClcutinns.
WKSIIIVC.TOV , Juno 2i. The minority re-
poit in oppoaition to the federal election bill
denounces federal interference in state elec
tions , and says ono clectl vi under the pro
visions of the bill will , if fully applied , cost
the taxpayer * of the country Sll,0o,003. ) ; )
Thooroport makes particular objection tea
a change in the number -of precinct
supervisors. Tlio report also makes a strong
objection to the provision of the bill consti
tuting the final returns of elections made "by
a distiict board of commissioners to the clerk
of the house prinm facia evidence or election
results. It says the bill is plainly unconsti
tutional because the stutoi have uot , failed to
pass luws for the representation of their people -
plo in congress nor made laws hostile to .such
representation and to the government of the
United States in connection therewith.
Forest Fires in Colorado.
Dr.NVinCol. : , Juno A"-Telegrams received
hero stuto that forest liroi are raging in the
Siiu Jose nud San Juan ranges in the south-
portion of the state and also In the neighbor
hood of Salem 1 ilto Word has been received
nt Boulder that the. mills und works at the
I'luzlcr and. Boston mines have been de
stroyed by fovcbt fires and over two thousand
acres of valuable timber also burned. The
loss will bo largo but cannot now bo esti
Telegraphic reports state Unit a gro it portion
tion of the Sangro do Crist o range , in Col
orado und Now Mexico , Is in flames
A Hpccial from Spenolu , N. M. , says the
valley is obscured by smoke from the burning
mountains. The lire extends over some
twenty miles up and down the Santa Fo
range. The loss will bo
A special from Palmer Luke , Colo. , says
the forest lire which has been burning in the
Cook Creek district the last few days tms so
fardestroyed 1,0J ) a'-res ' of young timber.
The most serious fire is near Boulder , Colo.
No additional ucwb lias been received from
thcro today.
Will PIBht the Whisky Trust.
Nnw YOUK , Juno 25. The committee ap
pointed by the wholesale liquor dealers' as
sociation to confer with the distillers and cat
tle feeders reported this afternoon that the
trust declined to rescind the rebate and made
n quasi promise about the price of spirits con
ditioned upon contracts for a certain period.
In regard to the demand that the trust shall
sell to wholesale liquor dealers only , Presi
dent Urconhiit informed the committee that
such Instructions had already been issued to
agents. After hearing the report u motion
wrs adopted that the wholesale dealers pro
ceed immediately to build distilleries on the
co-operative plan and raise subscriptions for
that purpose.
They ( /htifl'cil Stanley.
LoN'Dox , Juuo 25. [ Special C.iblegiam to
Tins Bm : . ] Henry M. Stanley and his
llnncco , Miss Tcnnunt , , attended commemo
ration day exorcises at Oxford university to
day. Tlio under graduates guvo Mr , Stanley
a most uproarious ivcoptlon. They cheered
and chuffed him , and when ho was formally
"if o's Good Fellow
presented they sang n Jolly
low , " following up the song with moro
cheers for the explorer mid finishing with
"ono moro for the brldo. "
The degree of doctor of civil law was con
ferred upon Professor ( .1 Godwin of Harvard
university and upon Stanley.
Absconded from ( annila.
MONTIIKAI. , Juuo 25. Business circles
were agitated yesterday when it became
known that Louis. Mayor of Louis Mayor t
Co. , wholesale clothlow , had disappeared ,
leaving debts , it is said , amounting to about
{ 78,000. Fred Lewis , a friend of his from
Now York , iccontly opened n retail sloro and
began giving largo orders. The two firms
kept on buying until their outstanding paper
In town amounted to between gltiO.OOO and
* 170,000. The most of this falls duo July-I.
Ixswis has disappeared also and It is thought
both uro in the united States. A movement
is on foot by their creditors to have thorn
brought back.
Two Killed by an KxploHloii.
COI.CIIKSTBH , Ont. , Juno 23 , The boiler of
mi engine on William Craig's farm , two
mllcu from hero , exploded yesterday after
noon , killing Gcorgo Craig , son of William
Craig , aud Thomas Quick , owner of the en-
glue , uhd fatally injuring Frank Quick. Sev
eral others were seriously injured.
Vnlo and Harvard Tied.
Nuw HAVES , Conn. , Juno 25. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Bui : . ] Yesterday's game
leaves Yule und Harvard tied In the cham
pionship Borloa , Kach college bus won two
gumog , und the decisive game will be | > I m-d
at Humpduii park , Spilnglield , Saturday ,
June " 3 ,
The Illinois Control Strike Liable to Ix
tend to Other Bonds.
KinploycH ol'OtliT TJIIICH In Sympathy
AVIlli the Striker , * and Heady
to Go Out at a Mo-
Cinovoo , Juno 2. . From Indications to
night it is feared tint before noon tomorrow
ev ry railroad cntei Ing Chicago will bo tied
uitand the entire carrying trade of the city
bo suspended.
No final dccisloh was reached at the confer
ence of Illinois Central officers and employes
tills morning. It will bo rendered tomorrow
at 10 o'clock , and on It depends thu whole
The chairman of the grievance committco
is responsible for the statement that if an
agreement Is not readied the brotherhood of
switchmen will call out the men on the other
roads. These men nro entirely in sympathy
with the Illinois Central stilkers mid ready
to go out at iijinomcnt's notice.
Telegraphic advices from points in
ttiis state , Wisconsin and Iowa Indicate
that the tie up on tlio Illinois Central
is not as complete outside of Chicago as was
generally supposed. While most of the
branch lines seem to bo at a Htnudstlll , ad
vices are to the effect that the main stem ,
which traverses the state from Uiiluth to
Cairo , is still in operation , nnd that the
lines in Wisconsin and Iowa have not
so far been affected. The fact is that the
chief ofllccr of the united railway employes ,
who nlono has authority to order a .strike ,
has taken no action In the in liter. Yester
day's action of the strikers , declaring a tie-
up on all the lines under the management of
Division Superintendent Itnsscll , was taken
without authority in tlio hope that tlio chief
of tlio order would approve it as nn accom
plished fact.
A conference was held between the strikers
nnd olllciiils of the road today , but as far as
known practically nothing resulted except n
heated wrangle. The divisions of the road
now repotted completely tied up are tlioso
from Chicago to Centralia , 111. Chicago to
Freeport , 111. , and Chicago to Unbuquo , la.
As result of the the
a tie-up express -
_ press companies of this city are lefusini ;
matter for points on the Illinois Central.
About * JOOOih ) worth of iwrlslmblo freight is
side Hacked at ICankakco , 111 , si\ty miles
fiom hcio. Live stock en route lor this city
from points on tlio Illinois Central is being
brought in by roundabout routes , over con
necting lines. It is estimated that between
fifteen and sixteen bundled men are idle.
There is danger that unless tlio strike is
soon satilod it will spiead to other roads.
Tim Big Four road , which tins a trackago
nirangement with the Illinois Central ,
finding itself unable to got freight into ,
the city , made an arrangement with the
Chicago it Kastein Illinois. The strikers ,
suspecting that the Illinois Central was also
using the Eastern Illinois , sent word to the
employes of that line not to handle Illinois
Central freight. Tlio request was complied
with wilh a vengeance , tno Eastern Illinois
men refusing to handle nny moro Big Four
cars. Much porWiablo freight is now sine-
tracked. On the Illinois Central tracks largo
quiinlltUa of fruits and berries are side
tracked nt various points nnd fast rotting in
tlio boiling sini. The ofileials of the road have
issued an order to sell these goods out as last
ns possible.
Committees of trainmen from several loads ,
including the Chicago , Milwaukee & fat.
Paul and Chicago , St. Paul As Kansas City
road * , have oflcrcd to make the strike gen
eral unless the trouble is settled tonight.
Superintendent UiiHsell was formerly con
nected with thcso roads , and they saj tie
piovcd so obnoxious that he-was forced oil'
those lines.
The Illinois Central today receded from its
position that it was not acquired to send out
mulls except on regular passenger trains ,
which could not bo made up. The postofllca
nuthoi Hies say it will bo fined for its failura
to send out tlio mail yesterday.
Sti-iiolc lor J Holier A\'HKCH.
Si. Tjoris , Mo. , June 25. Between four and *
live bundled men employed by tlio various
railroads centering In East St. Louis struck
today for higher wages. They have bean get
ting ? l.2T per day and now demand 51.60 for -
ten hours' work.
int. Mtito irx-si : ri n it.
He Coinos A aln to tlio Front \ \ llnil. \ .
Improved Theory.
[ OojriSW ) / ( / ( / li j Jiimcf ( lonlim Hewlett 1
PAitiSfJuno 25. f New York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : BII : : . ] Dr Brown-Scquard
again cotncs to the foro. It will bo remem
bered what a sensation ho created about a .
year ago by a discovery which ho claimed
was tlio fountain of youth. Dr. Brown-So-
quard's subcutaneous Injection was a nluo
days' wonder , but nothing moro. Scientists
gave ills discovery the cold shoulder and the
academy of medicine refrained from appoint
ing n special committee to consider the sub
ject as it has often done in analogous cases.
Kccontly the academy of biology , bcforo
which Chairman Brown-Scquard lead first a
report on ills discovery , was notified that the
learned doctor desired to acquaint thorn with
a now development of his system Daring
the winter months , whllu residing
in Nice , ho experimented with a
septio injection of his famous solution.
Scqimrd claimed that by a now treatment
there had been rapidly cured cases of chroiilo
Intermittent fever , looted Houialgiii , ilienma-
lism or insomnia , oven leprosy. IIo refened
particularly to the euro obtained by a leading
physician in the enso of a gentleman well
known to him and to a fellow member M. D. ,
Arsonval , who corroborated Dr. Su < | iiurd s
statement. The new system llmls no mow
favor with Ills sclentillo coiifrcios than did
his first. A largo majotlty are moro than
skeptical and sp-ak pitiously of thu grand In-
tolloctunl cap.iclty which is la > lng , if it
has not oheady lost its balance. ThOio
nro , however , some who give open nnd unre
served admiration to tiio aged piofe ser
who , at the close of a long career , whim other
men are resting on their laurels poruovcres In
labor which ho believes to bo that of science ,
careless of the sneer of sarcasm.
Among the Inttor stands prominently Dr.
Varlet , who was one of the first I'm hi physi
cians to experiment on other solutions which
Sequard had so far only tried upon himself ,
Among tha majority l Prof. Germain Xro.
whoso lectutos at the Hotel Dleu have iilnccd
him in thu front rank of French physicians.
Ijondon Press Common ! .
LONDON' , Juno 25. [ Special Cablegram to
Tin : Biu. : ] Tlio Post wants the government
to drop all bills and simply to ratify tha
AiiKlo-Ucrnmn agreement , deal with the
supply bill and Immediately adjourn pailiu-
The Telegraph says that the government
has donu all that could legitimately bo ex
pected of it In the face of thu obstruction ,
offered and that the best course now Is to
drop the licensing bill.
Another Homo ICuloiHleoied ,
LOMION , Juno 33. [ Special Cablegram to
Tin. Bii..J : Hochefort Mugulro , the nomlneo
of Mr Parnell for the seat in the house of
commoiia for North Donegal made vacant by
the irM-imr in of Mr ( ) 'Doherty , ittso a hoiiia t
ruler , im , ijccu elected without opposltiou ,