Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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for these rolumswlll
ADVEHTIfiEMENTH : ; p. m. . for the even tig
edition mid until 8:31 : p. m. , fur the morning
rdltlon mid Bu.viiAr HKK.
rpnit.MB-Cusli lit advance.
* OATKH Adrortlsemontson this page will bo
J Veharjrrd for nt Ilio rate ofVt \ rent per word
for the first Insertion mid 1 cent | ior word for
enrli Insertion. and 11.50 per line
] > < > r month. No advertisement taken for
less tluiii 21 cents for tiio first Insertion.
TNITIAL3 , figures , symbols , etc. , count each
JUnotio word.
riUIKHK advertisements must run consectt-
JL lively nnd timlur no clrcnnmtnnces will
Uioy I o taken or discontinued by telephone.
TPAKTIEB advertising In the o columns nnd
4. having tliclr answers addressed to u "ntitn-
bored letter" In riiro of TUB HKIvlll : receive
n ntlinbeird check tn ennblo them to get their
jotters. Answer * will bo delivered only on
] > re entuton ! of this check. Kncloso answers
in envelopes properly addressed.
Id * ndvertl nmPMts under the liend of
A " .Special Noticed" are published In Ixith the
imirnins ; and evnnliiR edltlont of Tin : HIK. : thu
elri.'iiliilloti of which nKKre ateH more than
11,000 piiers | dully , nnd Klvus tin ) advertiser
the l.iinelit not only of the large elruuliitlon of
Tin : Km In Uniaha , but tilso In Couuall IllulTrt ,
l.liiLoIn and other cities and towns In the west
AnvnilTISHMKNTH : for situations or for
HIM In or female help , not exceeding 21
ivordsuro inserted In TUB SUNDAY m.Kiil half
rates during the ntontht of July and August ,
trim n'guliir ratis will he charged for each
additional word alxivo1 words us well as for
consecutive Insertions.
Advertising for these columns will bo taken
on the uhovo conditions , iittho following busi
ness houses who are alllhorl/ed totakospeclal
iiotlci'x. at the same rates us can hud at the
main _
Fr it OMAHA iiUANrn oiTion-comor
of Twonty-slxth and N streets , Nebraska
Biivlngs Hunk Dulldltig. _
O1IN W. llKIji ; , I'hurmaclst , 820 South Tenth
GHAHi ; ft KDDY , Klnt loners and 1'rlntcrs ,
11.1 Soiitlillithslfeot.
CJ II. 1'AUNSWOUTII , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
( p > in. : street.
, T. 1IUO1IES , Pharmacist , C2I North 10th
utroet ,
(7JT.O. ( W. PARR , Pharmacist , 1718 Loavoii-
worth street.
-.TUGIIEri' . PUARMAOY,2ltli and Farnam.
B 1 TU ATI OXrtV AXTI3 1) .
2''or rate * , etc. , w ( op of ftrxt citfiunn on Hits
llftlf tatcx on
* \\7ANTED Work by iho day at washing or
Y > cleaning. 1421 Howard. _ S7i ) 2C
STENOORAI'IIER-Gentleman. 2 vosirs ox-
perh-nce. bust rcfciences. II. , 52 Itee. or
Telephone 151.- , . M8-S4 *
2''or titles , clc. , fee lop of flttt column on this page.
Half talc * on Siindii// / .
' \\7ANTED Experienced and compclent
TT coachman ; must have gooa olty lofor-
pnces ; must Lo sober , moral. IndiistiIons and
willing lo work. Apply lo 11. Komil e. 1st Nat.
bank. 573 20 *
OOD UAUItEK wanted Immediately. AcN
diess Ueo. O. Stevenson , Madison , Neb.
'ANTED A good boy at Samuel Motz's
KIsh Maikut , J517'i 1 atnam ht. 603'24
rANTEO-Good baker. Call ut once. 1017
Clark st. 5'l-25 ' ) *
"W /ANTED 20 bridge cnrponteis , Apply at
( AiDrlght's Labor Agency , 1120 fainamst.
" \A7ANTED--Agood energetic man who can
T run an engine. Is u good hand with car
penters' tools , is willing to work at anything
nnd make himself generally useful about u
lunch ; htulo ago ami experience. Addiess
the btunton llreedlng Farm Co. , Mudlson , Nob.
530 21
\X7ANTED 1'our men 21 to ; i3 yrs. old , fair
education and good address , for Nobr. J.
II. Ficncb & Co. , 512 L'uxton blk. , Umnha.
. .A GENTS wanted , IB now specialties , all fast
cv. hellers ; no oxpoilenco necessary ; big
jiioney ; sample free. Address II O. Itrowstor ,
llolly. Mich. SIQJyin *
"VVTANTED Salesmen on sal'iry or eommls-
TT slon to handle the new Piitent Chemical
Ink Erasing I'eucll. Thn greatest soiling nov
elty ever produced. Erases Ink thoroughly In
two seconds. ; no abniHlon of paper , 200 to 500
Ix-r cent profit One agents sales amounted to
4020 In six days ; another * ! ! } In two hours. Wo
.want one energetic general agent for each
Mute und teriltnry. Sample by mall : i5cents.
For forms und full particulars , address The
Moniou Eraser Mf'g Co. , La Ciosse , WIs.
500-24 *
A OKNTH WANTED rompolont men can
-CAno\v \ make valnnblu contracts for general
and special agencies In Nebraska , Iowa and
Kansas with tint Guaranty llulldlng and Loan
association of Minneapolis , Minn. , ono ot the
oldust associations In the Held and well estab
lished. ,1'uitlcs desiring remunerative posi
tions should Rive this prompt , attention , us
these openings n ill boon bo tilled and Mich
vacancies will not occur again for years. Wo
furnish our agents valnablo assistance In
Ibelrwork , Know what lo do and do It. I'or
fuithcr information , descriptive clieulars ,
ete. . addioss 11 , E.FulrohlldseoieluryMlnne-
npolH , Minn. 503-27 *
WANTED Two men to travel , must bo
willing to start on .small-salary. Address
y Lock 110XC2I , Columbus. Neb. 5U-24 (
SALESMEN to sell specialties lo merchants
by sample ; salary paid to good men ; sam-
ides furnished ; steady sltnatlrtii ; Model Mun-
ufiu.'tiirlu Co. . South llcml. Ind. 4SOJi20
WANTE1V-A salesman to eairy line of
teas nnd cigars on commission through
Foiithwerttern Iowa. E\tra Inducements of
fered ; also man to work Omaha city trade.
Address George A. Kennard , at. Joseph. Mo.
477 27
rtWANTEn-aoo" laborers tat extra lend
JJ gangs. Apply to 1' . H , Johnson , 11. k M.
nissi'iiiHT depot. Omaha. 48H
"p Ot"TOH wanted ; loyal Ion flrst-elass ; stuto
JL/wbeil and where graduated , whether dinn-
ocrut OT'iopiibllciiu ; gl\o refeienees. Inclose
htanip ! tegular only. Addiess II : > n. Dally
llee. Omaha. 412 23
STONEMASONS wanted at Norfolk nnd
Ueattlce. Good wages paid. M , T. Murphy.
. 118
AHOY ! Grand expense-maker forcanvnssors
l vorybody buysnV.H.Pilce.David CityNub
r _ _ _ _
\ \ rANTKI ) Men to travel for our Ca nadlun
T I nurseries. btonu&.WelllngtonMadlhon.Wls
AOENTttOoiitlltonlMduys' time. ,
profit In \veulH or no pay. Add. , with
i-tai mp : Jurvls& Company , Kuolno , WIs.
"IVTANTED-l.OOO men for iiillroad work In
T Wy < iiulng , Dakota , Utah and Nevada ;
; , fl'tt ) hiriia'm st ! * ' 8i4Jyi '
" \\7"ANTED Salesmen at $73 per month sul-
' T my and expenses to ell u line of sllver-
jilatod wine , watches , etc. , by sample only ;
iiorno nnd team furnished free , write at once
lor full paitleulars nnd sample ensuqt goods
Standard bllverwuro Co. , lio.-iton , Mtlss.
A JvJii ) ; > Knorxetlo men nml women for a
. - ireiiteuHillslnesspaylngWi ) weekly piollt
icanler limn * ( iO monthly otherwise ; experience
unnecessary ; permanent position nnd exeln-
Mvo torttory ( assuix-d ; * 1 samples free ; Inves-
llRiituduv monoy-miiklng biiMlness. Addiess
with.stamp. Murrlll Muuufuclurlni ; Co. . It 53 ,
Chleugo , 111. bvSlJvKl *
, ( tc , , e tup of flrat rolnmiion thlt
on & 'uiidi/ | .
" \\7 ANTED TruvolliiK saleslady ! salary $30
' per montb ami expenses , Call or address
lloom 411 Shcdly block. &s320 *
Active lady , loaclier preferred ,
to ttawl north. Halury * IOO per month.
ho canvassing. Cull room 20 , Chamber of
Commerce. 010-20 *
TV ? A N I'KD Cook for Holsteln , In , , oTioTfor
T UlalriKt3 each : 2 waitresses for Ohadron ,
120 ; 1 for Norfolk , 2 for Carroll , la. , fares all
paid , HousoUeopor for olty , waitresses , J3i
chamber mulds , boeond girls , nurse clrls. 51 }
glrU for general w ork. While's olllce.UO N. 10th.
5iff 24'
\VANTED-Olrl for general housework. Ap-
> I ply2Ui2 Davenport street. Uh-23 *
"WAM'ED-llollablo mlddle-ugod woman as
> housekeeper for U In Cheyenne. f.'O ; ono
in put , 18 ; tiantry girl and waitress. * 2i < ;
co ) ks for hotels mid boarding houses , walt-
rcv-cs und 5 < ) girls for general housework , 4
laundry glrU Mm. llregit , aim i = . llth.
UM 24 *
"VlTAM'ED-An wlucnted lady to work In the
1ol IittCliy of kcoretury and traaauror for u
\NhoIesali > nmnufacturlm ; Co. , C.VW capital ro-
XHl * U puy from * luo to 1150 per month.
lice. 6S 24 *
"I ANTElV-A BoojTiiIrl for general
rl work" , cell at 114 8 loth at. fr-
GlltL for Uouauwork , 817 S 1'Jtu ' ht.
WANTED-Walst and skirt makers , Mw.ll. ,
_ O. Moles , SSHgai nam. Min-2l *
OOD waut hands. ' iTa ) Oapltol uvo.
Slfi-Sl *
HOl'HEKEEPEU-A eolorcd widow lady for
cfmU and housekeeper with son from eight
to fifteen years old.send references and wages ,
Addrossjl id ljeo. 411
\\fA NTKTf-Uootl cook nnd laundress for
> > umall family. 122 S. 17th si. | l _
WANTKD-OIrl for dining nnd chamber
work , Dornn house , 42J S 18th at. , 1 block
south of court house. KCI
WANTED-GIrl for general housework , two
In family. 1113 a.loth st. 11)4 )
WANTED I'lrstcltiHs seeoml gin , family of
two.2221 Howard st. Mrs. Ernest Itlall.
Bffi ! 21 *
\VANTnD-Olrlforsccond work. Call at
TT N. W. corner 34 th and St. Mary's avo.
. f.37-23.
WANTED Two Inilles. ono bov to reeelvo
Instructions and Keep kooks In July. J.
IUjii i1 th. MO New York Life building. IVVl 21 *
WANTED Girl for general housework. 1130
Oeorgln ave 002
WAS"TKD-A nurse girl. Oood wages to
the right party. H. E. Cor. 25th and
Jones. 5'10-2'J.
WANTED Ohl for general housework In
family of two ; must bo good cook ; fair
wages paid. Mra. 11. Colin , S. 401) ) 23th ave. 005-24
- rood girl In a family of two.
Enquire i tMrs.Chrlsten , eii's,7I3S. istli st.
housowork. 2I'13
ANTED'-Agood girl for
llnrnoy. 501 23 *
1st and 2d irlrls In private family
ly ; best of wages paid. 721S HHh st. . cor ;
nor ot Leftveitworth st Mrs. J. L. Urandols.
- - qvporUmced uinmg room
girls at the llurker hotel. UPS
For rates , etc. , fee top of flist column on tlittpaiie.
M _ 3.RO."Sansoiiip , Oil"S. Ifith , fashionable
dressmaking , , llalloy system taught.
ENGAGEMENTS to do nrcss making In fami
lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 5J3 S. 25th nve.
For mien , elf. , fee top of flist column on this paqe.
T.T1OUHENT Small housei > per montn J.
JU Wilkinson , 018 Pq.xton blk. Ola
EOIt UEN'C Tcroom now house , olty water ,
clstcfn , well , burn If wunleU ; 1323 N.l'lth si ,
508 20 *
T7IOU KENT Furnished house of 7 rooms
JU from July I lo Oclobor 1 , near Hanscom
Park , 1203 a. : r'd. 5.12-211
"TTIOU UENT Bpsldences In all nirls of olty.
JU Ilst too largo to publish , Globe Loan & :
Trust company. 307 S. Ifilh st. S71
"T7IOU UENT--AI moderate rent , the threo-
JU storv nnd basement brick building situated
at No. 1110 Douglas sti eat , suitable for manu
facturing , wholesale or w in ehouso purposes ,
also one store and basement No. 107 S. l.ltli st.
Apply to Chus. Knufmunn , 1202 Douglas st.
FOU KENT About June 1 , those elegant
stone icsldenccs on Georgia ave. , S. 2'Hh st.
bet. Mason and 1'neltlo sts. too owner for long
tlmo lease. 11. H. Henderson , room 400. Pux-
ton blk. 574
UENT rurnlsbcd for the summer , a
FOU house , all Improvcmonts. 1 block
from motor. Cull or uduiess U. C. McClure ,
5'ci Paikave. 311
FOU UENT 2 fine pressed brick houses , oust
fionts on Geoigla ave. . Just north of Leav-
cnwoith &t , 9 rooms , bath , fuinuccsewer con
nections , all conveniences ; will rent to le-
sponslblo parties for * JO. M. A. Upton Co. ,
1Mb nnd Farnam. 740
ITlOIt KENT House , 10 roonrs , all modern
JU Impiovcments ; large yard , 8.15 per month.
Commission to agents. Dexter L. Thomas.
YOU wish to rent u bouse or store see II.
IF . Cole , Contliienlal block. 60.1
TTIOU UENT Two of the finest residence Huts
JU on South 10th street , with all modern con
veniences , hot and cold water , close to Ilrown-
cll hall. First class surroundings. Apply to
C-liiis. Kaufniaiin. 1302 Douglas st C3.i
TTUNE house , 0 looms , water , sewer , at 100 , ' ! N.
JU 23tli St. ; 3 looms ut MS Noith 13th slrcct.
472 2-1 *
TTIOU UENT Good 10 room house , newer ,
JU water , gas , bath , barn , furnace. In elegant
shape , cheap. D. V. Sholcs Co. , 213 Flist Nat'l
bank. 331
KENT 12-room brlek house , with all
modern Impiovements. lii ; S.20thst. Cheap.
Also a nlco4-room collage on N.17th st Judge
Anderson. 341
GOOD boarding honsO for rent very cheap In
South Omaha. Inuulie 000 South 10th st.
400 23 *
FOU UENT Dwelling , 1) rooms , stanle , and
all requirements for a first-class homo ;
south fiont ; 2508 Capitol avenue ; lenlal very
low. Inqiilie at 1001 Farnam st. KM )
- Hat with steam heat. 10th st. near
8-UOOM Thomas F. Hull , 311 Paxlou block.
TTIOU UENT 10-room brick Mouse , with mod-
JU ern conveniences , No. till S. 20th st Apply
at No. h27 H. 20th st. 573
FOU UENT 7-room house with barn ; nom
inal rent to good party. 0. F , Harrison , Oil
N. Y. Life. 111
TT1OU UENT 10 room house , 2107 Douglas.
JU Inquire 2111 Douglas. 811) .
TT1INE residence , modern improvements , 2108
JU St. Mary's ave. . $03 per month. Inquire at
premises or at A. Holler's , 1114 Farnam. 150
TTIIN E 7-room dwelling with vnrd , 935.
JU Also , 8-1 oem dwelling with yard , $30.
0 und 10-room dwellings , $13 to $00.
Smeutoii & Allen , ICOOK Farnam st.
152 Jy 12
' * | i > ESI DENCES 23th and Ilarnoy. For prices
-lAsco Paul. 1000 I'arnam. 173-30
1 " 17IOU UENT About Juno 7 , 8-room house 3Hd
JU and Cutnlng sts , $ J3 per month. C. F ,
Harrison. 11 N. Y. Life 480
TTIOU UENT Very nlcuT-room houses ; special
JU terms made. Apply to Fletcher Young ,
Ambler Place. 2iXl
TTIOU UENT 5 room good lepair , nice
Jt : yard , cistern water , lent $ J2. Apply to 140 ! )
South 7th uve. or to Jno. W. Hell , druggist , 10th
For inlM , etc. , tec top of flist column on this pane.
Oll'UENT Now furnisiiwl"rooms' In Now
Terrace , all conveniences , with boardfrom
J3.Mtoif0.50por ) week , 2123 lluinoy bt. 00129
COOL furnished rooms , with or without
board , all conveniences , 010 California st.
Ml itO *
" \TE\VLV furnished looms and board forsov-
JLeial parlies at 201.1 llarnoy st. ; tj o mln-
luos' walk from center of business , and cool
place for mimincr. Miss cavlnls A Wnlbrldgo.
| f)73-Jy23 *
O ADJOINING , ground lloor , furnished par-
lorb ; also large furnished front room , ued-
looms and 2 hmull'ronms ; all modern Improve
ments ; MtltttbJe , for ladles or genlleiuen. 2112
Unit. 671-21 *
QUITE of Ibreo Hrgo rooms eomploto for
( j housekeeping ; ulcu yard ; near ear lines ,
1010 N. 22(1 ! .t. 621-21 *
O HEAIITIFtlLTOoms with first class board.
.5 J8I4 Dodge H trout , . 4U5-24 *
1JOOMS for liousokeepiiig , 11U S. 17th. _
US. OIIUHOHUJ. . 411 N. 10th street , bus
M now fauvorul dc > lrablo looms with board.
2(23 ( Dodge , for gentlemen
only. 1'rlco moderate ; modern conveniences
, , " . , 4b7-Jy4 *
rp\VO eholco rooms will"'board , in private
J- family , ulcoly situated , 21 JO Hurney.
aui-20 *
PLEASANT south room , with board. 1S23
Chicago. . 6l4-2h *
TTIOU UENT All now and tasllly furnished
JU rooms ut U17H NlSlh st. 428 27 *
"M IOELY furnished rooms , 2021 Tarnum.
553-21 *
T7io"lt UENT Furnished or unfurnished
J. rooms at 1510 Lcuvenwortli. 3DI24 *
* IT\OU \ UlXT ! Cool , nloasuutfurulalied rooms ,
X1 1814 Davenport. 613-24 *
KOOMS , with board If desired , 11)08 ) Can. avo.
21027 *
TTIOU UENT Two furnished front rooms ,
JU' with bay-window , modern conveniences , 110
nnd 14 per month , with or without board. 2218 ,
Leqyeimorth st. 813
T71OU UENT-Furulshcd rooms. 1724 Capitol av
8l7Jy4 *
T7IOUUENT Now furnished rooms In Now
JU Terrace , with or without board , ut reason
able rules * 2128 Hnrnuy st , lo
F oiUENT furiiUoOI rooms , 1000 DouBlas 670 ,
" 17 < OU KENT Kurnlshed rooms ; gus , bulb and
JL1 ntcauij 1MB Uoward , 074
FOIl RBNT Nlcoly furnished room , all
modern conveniences - blocks from 1 * . O. ,
ClflHlTlliRt , 677
"TJIOR HENT A largo and nicely furnished
Ji1 room fronting otr Capitol nvoiuie , ea tof
tha blah school. Private family. .Suitable for
two or three gentlemen. Address O , 51 , llee ,
. OLAIU European hotel , corner 1.1th nnd
Dodge. Special rates by week or month. 570
TTUMI ifENTA largo front room.lurnlshcd ,
JU In ono of the finest residences In the city ,
724 a. lOlh at. , corner l.cavenworlll. 811
rblt ItEXT 8TOUKH ANI ) OKFibfcsT
For rate * , etc. , tee top nf firtt colum n on th fa V V >
' '
best slorn nnd looatlon on street at the
prlco. George Clouser , 701 South loth st.
TTuTU HENT Hrlck warehouBe. two xtorles
JU and basement. 27,000 snimro feet , With 100
feet ot double track on u. 1' . railway , south
20th and 1'lorco streols. Address 0. Osknmp ,
Umaha , Neb. _ M2
T710 iflTITNT I'lnn storeroom In Norfolk. Neb.
JU Shelved siiltablo for clothing business ;
eleclrlo lights , steam heat , etc. . Address U.A.
Must. 670
"I71INE olllce at small figures on 'ground floor ,
JU In Hoyd'a opera bouse. Innulro of Amerl-
can I'uel Co. . 215 S. 13lh st. KM
basement 24th nnd Lcaveiiworth
OOKMEK ; place for barber shop. } 5 ) > er
inonlli. 1C4-23 *
NEW bnlldliiK , handsomely finished stores
nnd Huts ; all modern Improvements ; steam
beat In Reason ; eor. I.eavunnorth und Illth sis.
Inquire Kelkcnuy & llray , Continental blk.
! 112
1710U UENT-Snmll stern room. * . " > . South
JU Tenth , four doors from depot. Suitable
for fruit orclgar store. Apply ticket olllco ,
IWfcoutn 10th. SJO ,
STOKES at TO ) , 8 Ifllh. 22x01 each , large
sliow windows , steam heat f mulshed. Thos
V. Hall , 311 1'atton block. Ml
T71OK RENT The 4-story brick uulldliifr , w Ith
JU or without power , formerly occupied by the
Ueo Publishing Co. , 1 > IG I'arnam st. The build-
Inghas a Miepioof ceniert Ixiscmc.nt , complete
steam heating fixtures , water on nil the lloois ,
gas , ete. Apply attho ollleo of The Ueo. 1)13. )
Tor tales , etc. , fee top of futt rolimiti on this jiage.
J. fKEYrenial . Y. Life.
. 700
MOKTON'S rental agency , 517 I'uxton block
_ _
HE. COLE , rcnlul agent , Contliienlal blk.
. 5d5
For rate * , etc. , see top of flift column on thin
AD STONE I have a genuine mad stone.
L L. Ilenbow , 53 'South 20th. St.
For idle * , etc. , see top of first column on this payc.
WANTED Houses or stores , clear of In-
cumbrance , In other Nebraska or Iowa
towns for Incumbcicd Omaha neat estate.
Stilnxer & Penny , Douglas block , 10th and
Dodge. . 201
\ \ TTANTED Good commerelat pinor. Ne-
T T uiuskaMoitgugo Loan Co. , 61U Pit \ton blk.
TTIURNITURE , household goods.ote. Highest
JO cash ii ) Ice. 317 S iith. : ; t7J
Forato , etc. , see top of frsl coiiinn on this ptxje.
p alcd 1 ; expr
U key Uttlng at llollln's gun shop .119 N. Ifith.
"OARASOLS. umbiellas and wapon umbrol-
JL las covered and lopalied. WalkhiK e.incs
repulied. li. liulor , 1313 Douglas ; basement
I''or into , tic. , fee top of fiist column on tills jia e.
. James A. Lonsdalc , masseur. Nervous
diseases of women u specialty. Rooms
1 and 2 over ( UQ S. 13th. _ 51S-27 *
LOUISE 11ENNETT , from ChlcaRO. the fa
mous massi'iir and magnetic munlpnlator.
Parlors. 310 N. 10th st. 2ir-24 ! *
EMOVAL Mrs. Dr. Diyhus fitted up clO-
Kantbath rooms. No. 1408 Dodge st. . the
Rround lloor , and Is now piepared to give Hot
Springs baths with electricity. All suffering
from rheumatism , la crlppc , paralysis or
dropsy will do well to call upon her. 24SJyl3
MASSAGE and magnetic treatment , 1113 Pu-
cillc , half block from motor line.
_ 510-29 *
MASSAGE trcalinent , electro , thermal , med
icated huths.scalp & hair treatment. munl-
cuio & chiropodist. Mrs. E. M. Post , 413 S. 19th.
SK > jv 5 *
For i ata , etc. , gee top of Jint column on thii page.
A REyouKoIni ? to take a vacation or n trip ,
-cVlf so don't go until you buy one of lloyirs
amateur photo outlitb. 20 styles to select from.
1414 Dodge st. SXi
For rate , etc. , sec top of fli st colionn on Hits ptiue.
EN. OLINGMAN , exclusive pension nttor-
ney , R 1 ! ) A : 21. Fron/er block , Omaha ; also
Cincinnati & Washington. Stump for circular.
_ 5b"
Fondles , etc , , sec top of flist column on (7is ( ( page.
' "
JL Ilushman. 1311 Loiivenwortli. _ 683
/ 1OLD storage. David Cole , 815-817 Howard.
\J 237
S' TOR ' AGE Hrunch & Co. , 12il Howarcl.G28
1 G28
FIlRNlTTjRfc ; storuKO , separata eomnart-
monls. 813-817 Howard. 237
milAGKAGE storage , David Cole , HI5-817
X lion aid. 2. " > 7
For t ate * , etc. ,
'VITANTED lly a baehelor , a lady paitner
Vi for llfo with some means to help but Ilo anew
now fat in. I am 2Syeai.s. weigh 111311)3 , 5 ft 11 ,
black hair , dark oves. Use neither tobacco
noi-lIquor. bend photo In first loiter. Will ex
change orietuin. A 1 referencosKlven and le-
qulred , Addiosa bo20 , Medical Lake. Wash ,
I'or rates , etc. , fee top of flr t rolionn on this jxiye.
IOST this morning on the motor line bo-
i tween 10th st. viaduct and Ninth Omaha ,
a i us-et leal her pocket book containing papcis
valuable only to the owner , A rewind will bo
paid for Die delivery of haul book and con
tents at thu lleo olllco. Allen Hoot. 5bU-2t *
STRAYED Or Melon , ono small sorrell ,
white face pony. * 3 leward lor return to E.
A. Marsh , 514 N. 10th. 5SI
T OsT 1 dark buy and 1 biown goblins ,
.UwolKht 1.200 cacn ; bay homo has small
bunch on left foiearm. Return toOley Kund-
sen's brickyard , 40th nnd lllondo , near Holt
lino. 000-23 *
LOST Pocketbook on I.owo avo. bqtweon
I'arnam and Hamilton. Finder lewardcd
at 1020 Cup. in o. 4.JO
I 'or rn la , etc. , fee ( op of flntcoin [ mn on this page ,
SPAN good mules , $100 ; span horses , $130 ;
wagons , harness und buggy , all ut very low
prices ; also a nice single driving hoiic , S73.
Co-Operative Laud & Lot Co. , 203 N. iflth st.
TTtOUSALE 1 platform spring loalTier top
JU earl Inge almost new , luuckbonrd new , I
toad cart , 1 single harness and l double
buggy or carriage harness. Apply at 2215
Webster slreet , Omaha. 550.
TTIOU SALE A good black horse , well broken
JU to Iho oily. 122 S. 17th St. 30U
HOTisES * 30 und up. H. E. Colo.
TpirTEEN span work mules , longtime utT
JU per cent Interest , Selby 13 Hoard Trade.
T5AUT1KS looking for line driving or Huddle
JU horses , would do well to call on , orcorros-
. pond with T. J. riemlng , manager W. H. Mil-
lard's farm. Calhoiin , Nob. Ho 1ms for sulo
some first-class slngla diIvors , carriage teams ,
and saddle homes , at reasonable , prices. _ _ MU
- - drivers , bargain. Thu lale
HOUSE3--Llght them cheap , H. K. Cole.t'ou-
llnoiilal block. 524
For -a ( , etc. , tee top of Jlrtt column on tlit/iMue ,
TT lOttagoaf six or seven rooms near or on
the car Hues. Will bo pormununt. Address
O 31 Iteo. 771)
\\TANTED. .Oiui largo furnished front room
TT tueing bouth , for two gentlemencon
venient to Now Yorlf Llfo building. Add rend
NvU. , 21U Nuwjj'ork Llto building , C0i-2u *
T WANT moro liousus to rent ; moro dumund
J-tlmu houses. Parruttu Ituutul ugeney.
TTTANTED-To rent ,3 to 3 tinfitrnlshcd
TT rooms for housekfhplng , small family ,
near business center , ' /tudresi / U is , Ueo ofllco.
- 701
1 ' " jtttli- " ' .
Fur nitflt , etf , . tee lop injjntt coliiiim onito (
SCOND-HAND fnrnlUiro of al kinds for
ensli. Addrcs-s 11. 5lleo olllco. 68J-23 *
ijOUPALK-ritrnUuijo f 0-room house , nil
JL3 now , 40ii o. 14th 8 ri QS2- ; ) *
TTTmtSALE rurnltUfnof g-room bottle. 'Hlfl
a ? Hurt st , , account lanyltig olty , lluyer can
obtain lease of house. 533) )
171OH SAFiI5 Furniture of 10 room liouso ;
JU reasonable ter nis. ' 'BIS ' N" . 20th st. 510-24 *
SALE of Kiirnlturo Jim stock of HO. Llnd-
rolh , lately" deooased , Jens Monson , ad *
mlnlsliator. CraigNeb. . 611-28 *
TTIOU SALE Furniture , carpets and housc-
JU hold goods of all kinds every Tuesday ,
Thursday and Saturday morning nt 1111 I'sr-
nani st. Cash puld for goods. Omaha Auction
and Storage Co. Henry Crelghton , auctioneer.
For inlet , etc. , fee top of flnt column on Ms ] , auf.
rpHE famous Warronsburg whlto and blue
JLfiaud stone will stand In any climate , Is flro
nnd frost uroof and Is suitable for all purposes
where Mono Is preferable to other material. I
am prepared to furnish this Mono on short no
tice hi any quantity , rough , sawed or dressed
ready for use. For further Information ad
dress Jacob PlckelVjtrreitsburg ( Qtturrlcs.Mo. )
1 > 79 J8 *
TT1OH SALE Cheap , a beautiful fawn colored
JU grey hound. Enquire ? J4 S. llth ) St. , corner
of Loavenworll. . 814
TTtOU SALE-A fiesh cow al 048 N. 24th st.
JU . 681-30 *
150-ln. Victor bloyclo ; 1 Estey2mununl pedal
organ. II. II. Allen , ollleu Chicago Lutn. Co.
TTIOU SALE 100 piano boxes prlco $2. A.
JU llospe. 1513 Douglas. 800 u 1
[ T\OU \ SALE , cneap SO-horso power stoo *
JU holler , good us new , with fillings complete ;
heater , mud-drum , pluugo pumps , nnd No. 3
Knowlcs ; will sell for one-halt original cos ,
JolTW. Hedford. Ml
OOD soda fountain , In running older , for
G less than half cost. O. Peterson , 018 S. 13th.
TTIOU SALT ; Some good watches and dla-
mends cheap. II. I' . JIastcrs , room 4 , \ \ 1th-
nell block. &
For ratci , etc. , see ( oji of fust column on l/is ( jxioe.
BEI'OHK buying a piano oYnmino tno now
scale Kluiball piano. A. Hospe,1513 Douglas
5U. >
EO. F.arrjLENllEOIC.teacherof the banjo ,
G with llospe. llouglas. HI ! )
For rales , etc. , sec top of Jli t column on ttiti
frpAl ) , KM 1'arnain st. Llonoy to
G loan on fat ins and Olty property. S9. " >
LOANS City and faun loans , mortgage pa
per bought. McCague Investment Co. 002
' loaned at lowest rates , long time on
MONL'Y Omaha leal estate , no "extras , "
no delay , Globe Loan & Tuist Co. , 307 S 10th.
BUILDING loans , fi to 7 per cenr ; no addi
tional charges forop'ihmlsslon or attorney's
fees. W. 11. Melklo , First Nat'l bank bldg.
% i Ul )
MONEY 30,00 or 00 ( tayi on f multure , pianos ,
horses , houses , etc. ' J. J. Wilkinson , CIS
Pa.Monblk. M ! )
/"CHATTEL loans at .lowest rates ; business
V conlldentlal 51b Paxlou blk. J. U. Emlnger.
U)0 ) _ _ _
/1OMMERCIAL and gqneral short time paper
v bonght ; also regul.u live-year loans made
on Improved property. Gee , F. llust& ! Co. ,
20J Ramgo bldg. OOC
QECOND moitgago loans. .Second mortgages
Ohought. Loans onivjicant lots. Reed &
Sclby , loom 13. Itoaul tFa ) < lo. CJ7
I1ATTEL Hank , 319Sf J3th st. will loan you
0 money on chattels at hank rates. Call 44 ! )
real estattj loans made by W. M.
LIBERAL 20 , Fren/.or block , opp. P. O.
If EYSTONE Mol gafeoi-Co. Loans otto1
-ivioooj Kctouriatei before borrowing und
save money ; loan on boises , furnlturo or any
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought , for now loiinorenowul of old and low
est rates , cull U 203 , Sheoly blk , 13th and
Howard sts. C03
TTHUST morlgngo loans at low rates and no
JU delay. D. V. Sholcs Co , , 210 1st Null bank ,
GPEU CENT residence loans , $3,000 to JKf.OOO.
llulldlng loans at special rates. The Mead
Investment Co. , lleo building. 5iW
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mines ,
household goods , pianos orgnns.dlamonds ,
at lowest rates. The llrst organised loan of
fice In the city. Make loans fiom 3D to Bin days ,
which can bo paid In part or whole at any
time , thus lowering tbQ'pilncliml and Intoiost ,
Call and see us when you want money. Wo can
usslstyou piomptly and to your advantage
without removal of pioporty or publicity.
Money always on hand. No delay in making
loans. 0. F. Ueod & Co. , 310 S. 13th st. ; over
Illnghum & Sons. frff
Money on bund , low rutos. Omaha
LOANS Estulo & Trust Co. , 2JO S. 17th St. , Bee
building- 033
MONEY to loan on any security
for short time at low
rates. Lonost rates
on personal pi oporfy.
The Henderson Mortgugo Investment Oom-
pany , room 400 , Pa\ton block. " 08
First class Inside loans. Lowest
WANTED Call nnd see us. Mutual Invest-
montCo. , 1304 Furnani , 003
T > r.FOUE negotluling a loan lo Improve
JDyour real eslulo got terms from
The Odell Investment Co. , 301 N. Y. Llfo bldg , ,
Thos. S. Itojfd. rcprcsonlallvo. 010
Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
always leady to loan and pay promptly ; first
mortgages wanted Ueorgo W. P. Coates. lenro-
sontatlx e , room 7. Uoard Trade. OH
TTlAbTEHN money to loan on city property ;
JUJmorlgugopaporpoughl. U.K. IieyN.Llfo
to loan on long or shoit tlmo ;
MONEY warrants bought. Star Land &
Loan Co. , ICOil'/j Tainani st. ti2i ) J 28
tlmo loans on vauant lots. Solby Sc
SHOUT 13. board of tiado. 5S3
ONEY to loan in any amount irom KIO to
M { 10,000 for any tlmo from one to six months.
Loans made on household goods , pianos ,
horses , mules , wagons , bouses , leases , etc. , tn
fact on any available security in any amount
at the lowest possible rates without removal
of pioporty.
Payments can bo made at any tlmo reducing
both nilnclpul and Interest. You pay Interest
only for the tlmo you use the money. If you
nwu a balance on your pioporty 1 will take U
up and carry It for you.
Jloney always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity.JNo removal.
Room 4 Wllhnoll blookj 15lh uii'd Hurnoyjs.
PER cent money ? d loan on real estate se-
5 curllv. Loans cmnnbo paid off In Install
ments. Jno. W. Robblns , 20 N. Y. Life bids.
/CHATTEL loans , blk. , ISA
VVDouglas ; business uonlldentlul. M.J. Hulli
Mir mica , etc. , see top of Jtwt roliiiun oni ( pane ,
ECOND 'HAND CalVsrapiis , ilaiiinioiid and
Remingtons , Jolur ( If. I ornes Co. Letter
Vlles und olllco special ! U'.s , Ramgo bldg. 510
JVur rata , etc. , * tetopo $ ttcotumn _ on thtojMut.
LEIL CLAYTON etnlrvoyant and magnotlo
healer , can , by livKitondoif ul will power ,
grant any loiiucst. I uafos 50o and gentlemen
$1.00. 5oJs. loth si. , uiTytitirs , _ ar.-2i *
MRS. DR. EDDYhus Burned. The renowned
clairvoyant Is the seventh daughter ot
the seventh daughter , horn with veil and great
prophetle glflof sccondHlght. Whlloontranced
will reveal tohor patronsovery hidden mystery
In life. Has long been pronounced In Luiopo
and America thu gioutost living wonder ot the
present age. Understands the science of thu
' Peralan nnd Hindoo magic. " or ancient
churm working , and prepares Egyptian talis
mans which will overcome your enemies ,
removes family troubles , iostoro-t lost
affections , makns marriage with the ono
you love-no failure. Removes evil Inn -
n nonces , bud hublts , cures witchery ,
flu , and nil long standing und mysterious
dUiuibes. Too II , $ . ) und $3 ; hours 0 u. m , lo 8 p.
m. , Hlrlct. Send stamp for Illustrated oliculur ,
Parlors 321 North 13th st. Always ut homo.
_ _ SHU 27 *
"iVj ADAM DELZ1EK , mugnotlst. U acknwU
J-'L edged by nil competitors the queen ot
massage und murfnulUm. Parlors over 0103.
Uth. Hours 0 to H ; Sundays 10 to 3 strict.
DR. NANNIE V. WARREN , ciutrvoyan t
medical and biuliuiss medium , Fumaludls.
oases a bpcolulty , 11U N , 10th t > t. , loouu 2 and 3.
For ratet , tie , , tte top of flrit column on thtx | xi < ; .
CIGAR store In fine location , $ .V ! $200 cash ,
bnlniH'o tlnic , Co-operative Land nnd Lot
CO. . 205 N. Kith flt.l OHOM
fOU PRINTING plant for Jl',230. llavo ii
tl splendid modern outfit,00 days In use , which
Invoices nt I1.7.X ) . A rare opportunity for any
one wanting an established onslness without
paying tor good will , Hooks will show n largo
trade , and I rellmititsh my successful hold on
terest In established manufacturing bus-
Iness. Money wanted to meet growing de
mand * of the trade. Investigate this. For
particulars address H. L. Hart , 222 East 2d st , ,
Kansas City , Mo. 527 2tl
WE want a good man with $ . ' ,500 to $5,000 to
take an Interest In the best paying manu
facturing business In the west. It will pay
you to'Investigate this. Address H. L. Hurt ,
Sil and Oak sts. , Kansas City. Mo. 577 20
HOTEL for sulo or rent. Two-story brick ;
Is ono ot the best hotels , doing an excellent
good business , on one oft ha best comers In the
elty , Address Commercial Hotel , llrolcon
How. Neb. 37il 21
D11UG store , widow lady wishes to sell nt
once her late husbands half Interest In
good paying drug business , Invoicing about
$7,000 , In Lander , Wyo. . as she wishes logo
oust. Address Mrs. J , Vf. Sullivan , LanderWyo.
EOH SALE A stock of drugs , store fixtures
and a line soda fountain , located In u prosperous -
porous county seat In Nebraska. Everything
hot the best. Thn town Is a U. H. division
station rtnd the H. H. shops are located there.
Tor full particulars call or address H. H. Hen
derson , rooiu4uO , Paxton block , Omaha , Neb.
COMMISSION business for sale , fixtures ,
V-/bors and wagon , will Involeo to suit pur-
cliasor $ > ' ! to $300. 1'Irsl-class locallon. Ad
dress 0 3 ! ) lice. all
TTIOU SAliE cheap A good fiist olass22 room
JU hotel well furnished , the only hotel In town
n oed cham-erfor the light man. JacobThtini ,
Coleridge , Neb. 375 24 *
TTIOU HALE-Or Hent A small hotel In a
JU good tallroad town , doing a good business ;
will lease the building and neil the furniture ,
eto. , nt reasonable price : everything new : good
reason for selling. Address 11 22 , lleo olllco.
! IB ) 21 *
HOTEL for rent , furnished , near O. K. .t
A N. depot , a. division point ; soft snap for
right party. Add. Mont Mann , Talibury Nob.
TTIOUHENTor sale A first class creamery in
JU good agricultural district. Plenty of cream
can bo bud. Address J. P. Uenshuw , Sterling ,
Nob. 042-J23 *
T710H SALE Physician desires to soil his
JU lesldeneo property and practice worth
from $2.500 to $ .1,000 per year. In a growing
town In Nebraska , good chance for a doctor.
Address , M. L. Uoodor & llro. . 493 Paxton
block. Omaha. I'M 21
T71OU SALE Fine established olgarand news
JU business. Itcst location In Iho cllv. Address -
dress box O , C 2 poatolllce. 480
i , etc. , see top of frst column on Hits paae.
rPHADE your farm for a good cash business
JL jn eastern Noluasku town ; $3IOO ( equity In
hotel and furnlluio ; excellent property , every
thing complete ; want Iowa or Nebraska land.
Addioss , for particulars 1110 Lowe ave..Omuhu.
577 20 *
" \A/HAT / have you for I" ) quarter * of land
> T houses and lots , also mortgages ? May
assume. W. J.l'.iul. 1039 1'ainain. 173-30
\\7"E hao $230,000 wet th of real estate to ex-
M chau.e formdse. What bnvu vou toolTor ?
Western Exchange Co..Columbus , Neb. 502-21 *
, assorted hardware to exchange for good
$ lands or olty pioueity , in lots of $1.000 or
moie. 0. P. P. . Hex Uu , OOP 7
Oil EXOIlANGE-Clear land in Iowa and
Nebraska to exchange for Omaha or South
Omaha vacant lots ; will assume small encum-
hrance. M. S. Sturgeon , Uoom 1J. Hoard of
Tiade. 17J
WANT a stock oT merchandise for land
I and cash , Geo. II. Uowrlng , btuuit. Neb.
40S 28 *
In Lincoln. Nob. , for stock meichnndlso
LOT Win. Howerdlnk. Hickman , Neb.
. 00.J,10 )
n O THADE Clear property and land to
4- trade for stock of gonoial merchandise and
giocerles. Aduiyss , llo.v 154 , Thuiiiian , Iowa.
PAUM and rlty property for sale or ex
change for any kind of merchandise or
ehatlols.horsos and cattle ; would partloularly
like to trade for steers. Willis Cadwoil , Broken
53'J J 28 *
How , Nob.
EXCHANGE Good farms , olty property
ty anil wild lands In Neb. and Iowa forgood
pen'l m'd'so ; property clear , title perfect. Ad
dress Louie llox U3 , Fremont. Nob. 9OT
T WILL trade a good clear lot in So. Omaha
Jlfor piano or borso and buggy. Addiess O 4
Ueo olllco. 305
.viic. % f ir1 ii 'sr. i.'C'i11 rvt *
4 Cllv olLlJlj ! IbXTjiVI 1 l OX.LXl ! , .
For Kite * , etc. , fee top of fust column on this page.
"IjiOR S A LE Now 7-room house with laun-
JO'diy , bath rriom. hot and cold water , furn
ace , elecllic bolls. Apply , Fay , Room 45) ) . Iteo
building , or lesldonce. 40.S1 Douslas. 6'U ' 30 *
"T710R SALE or exchange for clear Iowa prop-
JO erty , eholco Inside Omaha losldenco prop-
oity , modern and brick Improvements ; valua
tion J10.0JO , Address with particulars. 11.53
Ueo olllce. 509-20 *
bo sold to olosn an estate Eight
choice lots In Suumlers & Hlmebaugh's
addition at less then lliolr worth. If sold soon.
Omaha Real Estate & Tiust Co. , 220 So. 17th st.
Hoc building. 530
SALE-J10.000 elozant double-brick
FOR with over } ' modem convenience ; In
line location on motor line ; will take clear
piopoity In Iowa for part payment. Address
with particulars , 11 51. Hoe Olllco. 570-21 *
T71OR SALE Choloo south front lot , facing
JJ Hanscom Park , 01x100 , f.r > 00. ChoIce build
ing site , cheap. O. F. Harrison , Ml N , Y.l lfo.
7 3
Tt > M >
FORSALE Fine stoio piopeity near N st. ,
South Omaha , enquire ioom410 N. V. Life
bldg. 6 72I *
Houses 2 houses. 4 rooms each. Mill
and Chailes sts. , J1.23U , iii cash , bal. 812 per
month. House , 4 looms , well , elstein , etc. , full
lot. on : nth and Patrick avo. , fLSOJ ; $30 cash ,
bal. on easy monthly payments.r houses of 7
rooms each. 2 full lots with each , only W.MK ) ;
$50 cash , bal. * 10 per month , 7 per cent , and-i
number or others. Geo. J.Paul , 1009 1'arnnm.
171OR SALE Largo brick warehouse , ( ,8x132,1
JO .stoilcs. Also bargains tn choice icsldcnce
propei ty. Inquire room 58 , Chamber of Com-
moico. 402 30
FOR SALE-Lot 60x123 , Hillside No. 1 , near
Yules' lealdencc , south fiont ; if sold ut
oiii'e , $ , ' ,100.
Fine tesldcncc , 20th and I uriiain streets ;
modi'in Improvements ; $12.000.
G. L. Giecn , room 39 , llrrker blook. 653
FOR SAIfE Or Irado at a bargain , fi-room
house near ball ground. Cull on Woud-
brldgo Urns. . 1412 Capitol avo. 41020 *
ATEW 8-room house , near motor line ; wil [
J- > sell cheap and on small monthly payments.
Call qnlok If you want a bargain. J. J. Wllkln-
boii. 018 Paxton blk. 129
LINCOLN Place and Carthage lots , price
f 1.000 , { 59 doun , balance if 13 monthly.
W. L. bolby , room 13 , board of trade. 017
T710R SALE A homo on monthly payments.
-L'A nlcob-ioom house , * J3 pur month , 4 > , OJO ,
llrsl payment as arranged. A pretty cottage ,
5 looms Mulshed , upstairs for us many more.
10150x120 , $ ' . ' ,000 , (15 per month , small payment
down. A similar cottage , lot 100x80 , i-V-JuJ , $13
per month , Will build on vacant lots to suit.
Norman A , Kuhn , druggist , 15th and Douglas.
031 .130
TT1OR SA liK A duo now ( i-room rottago near
J. elect rlo car line on N. 27th st. Will take as
pait of cash payment a good horsu or horse
nnd phaeton , P. 1501 Furnam st. 61U
COTTAGE homes In most any addition for
sale nt from $1,009 up , on easy monthly pay
ments. F. 1C. Darling , n llurker block. U10
A SMALL payment down and tin per month
will buy a 4-room house and lot on Ulth , 2
bloeks from motor ; Urst-olass chance to ao-
qulruahomoon easy terms. Apply to II fc.
Cole , Contliienlal block. 603
5ROOM collages , $1,600 each , 1100 cash down.
balance $15 per month. Thus. F. Hall , 311
Paxton blook. Ml
_ _
T\7ANTED About 100x100 ft or more , close ,
' > Inside ; part trade , cash und time or e-ash
and time. II 1 , Ueo olllco. 173-30
TVTAKE up and buy a homo on monthly pay-
ft menu. Choice of seven dlD'cruiithousu.s ,
south fronts on Farnam st , Every convenience ,
Including furnace and gas. Plans van bo HOOII
at my-olllcu. Call In , D. V. bliolus Co. , 213 1st
National bank. bJ3
A CHEAP ranoh-2.75 an aero buys
auro ranch In Miutbwebtern Kaunas , good
boll , running water , timber , Monehousus , 0
miles fence , clear encumbrance , tltlo good.
Plercoi Taylor , Ulch Hold. Kun. 6 < ao ;
T\rAuail itWosterlluld.ronl estate , SUniaia.
IF YOU havu anything to bull or oxchungu
vail ut CU Puxtou block , BU
TTIOIt RALE or Trade -My resldonco ort So.
JL' SOth'st. , near Park school , house of ov n
roonit with bath room , water elosat. hot and
cold wMor. all In good repair ) will soil f on-nth
very che.ip or will take vacant lot on We-st
1 urimmM.nnpart payment. For partloulan
ntldn'M E 20 lleo offlee. 1 > U
I 1011 SALE NIce room house ready in
move Into with full lot,200 , WW cash. 0.
1' . Harrison.OH N. Y. Life. 1:8
Notice to Contractors.
Notleo Is hereby given thatneated proposals
will bo received by the elty olorkof thuelty
of s'ouili Omaha , on or the 5th day of
July , ISO , nt 1 o'clock p. m , , for .sloping nnd
removing the dirt on the following lots , ae-
cordlng to the provisions of Ordinance No. 1' ,
Ixt : i , block SO. South Omnlm.
Lots l anil 2. block 84. South Omnha.
Lots 1 and 2 , block 2 , llrst addition to South
Lot 8. block 1. first addition toSouth Omnlm.
Lot 14 , blook H. llrst mldllloutoSouthOtunhii
Lotsi ) , 10 , II. 12and 13 , block 8 , llrst addition
to South Omaha ,
Lots I , 2 and 4 , block 7 , UrU addition to
South Omaha.
West Hoventy-flvo feet of lot 1. blook 4 ,
Ilrown's Park.
East soventy-llvo foot of lot 21 , block 4 ,
Ilrown's Park.
East sovonty-flW ) foot ot lot 8 , blook 8 ,
llrown's Park.
Lot 7 , block 8 Hrown's Park.
Lot I ) , block 113 South Omulm.
Lot 10 , block 111. South Omaha.
Lot 0 , block KS , South Omaha ,
Lots 1,3 , nnd 4 , block Kl South Oniahn.
Lots 1,2 , and 4 , block W , South Omaha.
Lots3 nnd 4 , block lu1 , South Omaha.
Lot 0 , blook 73 , South Omaha.
Jumr.'l d 10 t JOHN-.1. RVAN' , City Clerk.
Notice to Contruotoi'H.
Closed bids will Jio rc-jelved In the office of
the Park Commissioner (531 ( Paxton llld'g ) ,
until 12o'clock noon of Saturday , Juno 28th ,
1M)0. ) for the construction of u dam In Hanscom
Park , containing
70 cubioyards Rubble Masonury more or lo s.
( I cubic yards Dimension Masonaty more or
10 cublo yards Concrete Musonary moro or
(5cubic ( yards Excavation Mabonary more
or less.
And in lineal feet coping moro or less.
Also,73cnbloyards Rubble Masoimry moro or
less , for a cascade nt the houil ot the lake.
Also , a culvert , 30 feet long bv 0 feet wide ,
containing 31 eublo yards rubble masonaiy
and 17 cubic yards o.xcavatlon more or less.
Same to bo covered by a stone HagglngO Inches
Ihluk and 10 feet long. For further Informa
tion call on the Superlnlendent at Haiiseom
Park. Guv U. DOANB , Secretary.
June 21 d 31
Notice of Dissolution o f Partnership.
To Whom It may Concern ; The co-partner-
shld heretofore existing between W. G. Al
bright and A. II. Coolny. under the ( Inn name
of W. O. Albright * Co. . has this day been dis
solved by mutual consent , und said linn have
ictlrcd fiom business.
All unsettled mailers of the firm h-ivc been
placed In the hands of Mr. Arthur East , room
521 N. Y. Life Ins. llldg. . who Is nuthorl/od to
make all collodions and adjust all settle
Mr. W. G. Albright can ho found at the ollleo
of the Albright Land and Lot Co. , rooms 521 ,
522 and 523 N. Y. Lite Ins. llldg.
Jlr. A. II. cooley can be found at the ofllco
of Dawson Hrlck Co , 218 South 15th st.
Juno 21,1800. W. ( ! . At.mttnilT ,
Juno22d7t A. 11. COOM'.V.
Matter of Application of John Llndcr nnd
William Met/ger for Transfer.
Notice Is hereby given that John Llndornnd
William Metzger , doing business us Llnder .Vi
Metzgor. did upon the Wth day of June , A. D.
Ih'Kl. ' Illo their application to the Hoard of Klro
and Police Commissioners of Onrihn. for per
mission to remove their saloon fiom'JM S 10th
St. . to IIS ! b. llth St. . In the same waul , Omaha ,
Iflheio bo no objection , icmonstranco or
piolest ( lied within two weeks fiom June25th ,
A. 1) ) . 1800 , huld pet mission may be granted.
JOHN LIMIIH : and \\'II.IIAM MKT/nr.u , of the
film of Linger & Melzger. Apllcanls.
24 J y 1 *
Notice to Contractors.
South Omaha. Neb. , Juno 17th , I'SOO.
Scaled proposals will bo leeelved bv the un
dersigned at this office until twelve (12) ( ) o'clock
noon. July 1st. ISM , for furnishing all the ma
terials and doing all the woik neeess'iry to
grade 300.000 eublo y aids of earth moi e or loss
uttho Union btouk Yiids. : South Omaha , Neb.
Plans and specifications may be seen and all
Information telatlvo lo the work obtained at
this olllco.
No proposals will bo considered unless ac
companied by a curt tiled check for SI.MX ) , to ho
returned on all bids not accepted. The light
Is reson ed to rolect any or all bids.
W. N. HAIIUOCK. General Manager ,
Union Slock Yards Co. , ( Limited. )
.Tu no 17 d 141.
Notice to Contractors.
South Omaha. Neb. , Juno 17th , 1B99.
Scaled proposals will bo received by Ilio un
dersigned ut this ( illlco until twelve (1J ( ) o'clock
noon , June 30th , Ib'M. forfurnlshlng all tmma !
terial and doing all the work necessary to
build and complete ft pile box storm water
sewer approximately 1,400 ft long at thn Union
Slock Yards , Soulli Omaha , Neb. Plans and
spccllleallons and all Information relative to
the work can bo obtained at this ofllce.
No proposals will bo considered unless no-
companled by a certified check for J50'J , lo bo
lotuincd on all bids not accepted ,
The right Is reserved to i eject any or all
bids. W. N. ItAncouic , Gcneial Manager.
Union Stock Yards Co , , ( Limited. )
Juno 17 d 1,11.
All persons Indoblcd to the Nebraska Steam
Laundry for work done prior to Juno Kith ,
1HUO. aio hereby directed to make payments ut
the laundry lo E. D. Iluestls , who Is author
ized to locelvo all such monies due and give ,
receipt Ihorefore. NKM.II : POOH ,
E\eutrl.x of the citato of 0. S. Poor , deceased
J St d 0 I.
Taken Up.
Yellow cow , with rope and halter on. Owner
will call al Well's farm,5mlles west of Omuhu ,
on Dodge st. 007-23 *
* OMAHA. *
BROOKS BROS , & 00 ,
Importers amiVliolcsjlo Dealers In
Watches , Jewelry , Cutlery
Notions , Novelties , Albums ,
Coat-Collar Springs ,
Fancy Goods , jfcc.
Iir'i' t n.norluiL'iit lor
IH r variety of He , lOc anil 25c cnuntcr
goods. Our IHTRU ami fully llluslratud
loKiiu iiwllnl free tn ili'Hlcru only.
. U7.11 N.Fourtli8t.
St. LoulQi Mo.
Bpeclfla for } | rit rlaIlliilnoiiiFtt ! , Kvuraliitn , Wake.
fulntias. Mental Iiupratilon urtenliiKuf lliu liralu , ro <
nilthiK in I vanity nail loaitlmt to iiil.cry ducav nml
ileith , PremJturu OM ARK , HiirroiiMcu. 1 itn of Tower
Ineilhur set , Involuntary J-oi c , unil Hixirmatoirlicca
cauaoit | jv orvrHjiortlun ot the l > ruln , ulr al > u u or
ov r'indulgonco. Lach t > ox cotitainn ono montt'n treat
ment lluboi , or nil for , rent ty mull | iruialil ,
\Vlth pnrli onlcr for fit bon-s , will nonU imnliuor
( ntttrantt'o lo rtifund nionoy If tliu tr * atinfnl faiutu
car ( I ' "
1110 Fnrnam Street , Omalm , Nob.
O.neral anJ NERVOUS ]
, We l neuof BodymdHInd , :
of Error orEic ln Older
iie " Ycunif.
tUMIOflliroll ; Jlor - - - - -
Jb.olul.lf DBUIIlur HUBB 1IlliTBli1lT-ll , nii In t di
B.u IMllfj from SO HUUi ui4 Kor.lgo l'.ootrli. Urllt Ikl .
Uicrllll ) , Touk , flplanalloaftail preor u&lu > d ( * klfdlfrto.
14lu ERIE MEDICAI. CO. . OUFr'AtO. H , V.
la lltj I lc In lh < Unit * 1 feUUi ilio , U t/
Junil ri , IlicjrcUi , b rtliti mil OlrU * Trlcyo.
Iti On * tr fuor * tt wholMil * | rlri , tnt
O. 1 > dlrrrl froni I. U Vftmttt't IM-
y , til W. Miduon El. , tintifii. f3 la
, .9i vt < l H n < l < e.titmpfwr ntw rU
lc.uc. TUtliriiti fiV4) In Hit nuilJ.
FoitlMDlKS ONLY lr I.ouuc , i I'orlodlcid I'llll
lha I'rcnch roincily , net on tlio ninniilruul nyiituiii and
euro nuppruaglon truiu whut'ivor ' cuuso. I'ruluutu
munttruatlon. Tlioio tilllisliuulil not b'i tnkon ilur-
lircKiinnojr. Am , I'llICo ) , Uoynlty , I'ropa , Hpon-
Clay Co , | n lloaiiliiutif tilicrniun 3i .McConuull ,
iKin.'o > t , nanr I' ( ! , , luuili.ii U. A Mulcliur , South
Oiiialm , 41 , l > . L'llls , Council llun | . U , uraturti
Oprni 9th niontli , fill , IbUU Tlilrlr nilnutci frnm
lr'iuil 8t Htntlon , 1'nll.v L'mtfr caru of Krlomli ,
Full I'olk'xluln oour o for iHith * iv > Icixllnu to
ClnMlcal , Hiitilnoorlnw , Hclniitlllo ami I.lturnrj ila.
Krooi , Jlualtlidil lucillon , oxtontlvu tiruuilili ,
bullUliiKs , iiincliliiH cliotii , Inboniturlui aait libra-
llo * . VVir full uartlculari aildroia
WM JI Al'l'LUTON , I'll. I ) .
ClrcuUroJ IIU.VUV 3. bTKVKHS , A. 11. . I'rlo.
On account ot o\ir \ Inrgo
and incrimnlm ? Prmitteo.
\\olmvoHl3MOVUD to
moro Bpnc'ioim niul con
venient olllucs.
Drg. Betts & Betts ,
1409 Douglas St. Omaha , Nob.
"SAXATIVO , " the
Wonderful Hnnnloli
Itrlnrilj , | pofd With
n Written Gnnrnii *
too to enro nil Ncrv
Weak Memory , Ijont
of llriiliiro\vorlleml- \
irw. " vvf f tfs & % & Acljp Wrtlcofu ln pp |
Bpforo & After USO. Luat Mnnhoob Nrrv <
riiuu > isr iihea ( rum Ufo. oiiturM , I.iMinUllde ,
nil drains nnd lota of power o ( the ( lonmtlvo Or
pnniln cither nex , enured by over-cicttlon , yontti-
fill Indiscretion * , or thu exert lvo mo of tounrcn ,
opium , or ttlmnlniito , which ultlinntclv lend to
I'jflrmlty , Consumption mid Infcnidty , rut up In
convenient form to carry In thu vert pocket. 1'rlco
51 a package , or 0 for $ .V Wltti every $5 order wa
Klvon trriffpn ffiKiiiinfrfl to c rn OP rrfiintl
Hit imuirhciil ; by mnll to nliy mUlri'gi ) . Clf *
culnr free. Mrntlou this paper. Adiln-ii
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. llrnnrh Otllco n > r U. 8. A
417 Tml > "rn Slri'i t. CHICAHO , ILL.
Kulm & To. , Cor.lllli nnd DoimHi Siren ! * .
J , A. IMIIorACo. , Cor , lull ft IKiiiKln Slioot ,
A , U. lter A Co. Council lltiilH , lown.
UflKtlMATISM. IV8I' ) '
LUMl Atus : , iMiutni : lli.oon.
ILxISR. & CO. ,
rilOl'ItlKTOIl.S AND SOI.i : MANUKACTt'ltllltS ,
II can bo irlvcn In n CM f oolUe , tr lilt , or In > tK
lltlrA uf r < , uil , wllhotlt the knowledge ol Itlopitlollt ,
if aeeeasary. ILla ab.oliltoly liArinleHu And H 111 effect
a permanent nnct .pecUy euro , whcilipr tlto tmilcm Is
nuioaoratadrlnkeroranalcoliollcwrcck. 11M.IIll
FAILS. It oporaloa * a qutolly nutl T7llh ouch uer-
talnty that thu patlcat undorRoon no Inconvenience ,
mid era ho la aware , hta complola relormallon In
effected SUnage book of pnrllctllara free. Tobohndoi
KUltN A CO. , 10th &UouKlaasAc lull K CunilUK Utn.
CTTrarlo aujuplleil by I1L.AKB , 1I11UO1 ! & CO , and
lUCKAKlJaON JJUUtl OO. . Omnhn.
rccomtncnclccl by tlio Auidom ? of
. .ledlcino of 1'AHIS lor ttio euro of
nnd fur rcKiibitliiR Us iirrlciillo course.
„ Keno Kcnnlno ilnlffK olflmil "JliamiAnu , 40 run
„ I5onai.nrtoParis. " HOfl ) 1IY ALL DUUaOISlH.
< SlH.KOIIKITU > VCQ..N. Y. Aitentuforllio U.S.
Buffcrtns frnm tli t'lli CM of youthful I'rrore , onrlr
.decay. wntttliif $ wenkncM , lout manhood , rto. , 1 win
eomt n valuiuilu trcutlHo ( Hinlnl ) conlulnlng full
particulars for homo euro , VltKH of elmrBO. A
Bplcmllct inpillcal work : should l rcml by rvory
man who J4 IKTVOII nntl tloltllttutiMl ,
t'rof. I' . C.
SYPHILIS Can bo ctlicd In20 lofil )
days by use of thonlar-
volous Aluglo Remedy. $500.00 for a easu It will
noteiiio. CAUTION Ingot the genulno rem
edy. Wiltooreallon F. C. Joslyn , 2012 Hur-
ncy Sticet , Omaha , Nebraska.
Cheap John Jttnisea aic Trying to [ mitnle
TNSTUUMENTd plaood on rooord
JL yesteidav :
J O Slatter and wito to S O Damon , lOtlO.1
ft In tax lot 10 In 15-11-1,1 , wd * 1,503
E A lleiiMin , trustee , to O 1 Morils , lot
10. blkiVi , llenson , w d 130
AlbilKhtland and loteompany to Knill
Hoth , Into , blk yo , Albilght'i ) Choice ,
w d tz >
Malan I.icy : to DennisCunhlnKhnm , loin
1 , y , and li , Mahoney's add. w d 2,100
Joseph Knvan and ulfo to Uudolf I'nlllc ,
w / lots , blk 4 , H E UOKOI.S' add , w d. . . 10,000
0 L Hint to I V Hart , lot 1 , Hart's sub ,
wd S.OOO
W H I'nisrh and wife to S T King , lot W ,
lillca , Wnlioloy
S H Curtis and wife to 11 A Snow , lot 'J ,
Kelly's add , wd COO
Ed I'helanolnl lo Malt Miller , lot - ' : . ' ,
hlk 1 , Missouri avenue park , w d . . . . COO
V M hloinuii and hii.slmnd to Itudnio
I'rank , lot.sCO und SI , Key's subot lot ( I.
Capital add. Hub lot 11 In lotO , Capital
mill , lot S. blk 10 , Went Omaha , w d. . . 1
0 C I'armolo and wlfu to J. H , Donnelly ,
lots 18 lo SJ. blk S , lols 0 lo 0 , blk 4 , Wise
fe I'armolo's add , w d 1,000
Louis Sehrooder , linslee , to Joseph I'n-
llk. lotiT > , hilt J , Cluveland
William l.ilj ) to H .1 Wlndor et ul , lot IS ,
blk b , South Omaha , w d 1,500 ,
Thirteen transfois $ S3,37l (
Permits to build worn Issued ns fol
lows by the buporliitcndont of bulldtniM yea-
terilaj' :
A. U. McCandllsb , two-slory frame
d ellln , Tuonty-fourth ami Taylor i S.OOO
A.Boiuiihon , four one-story fiamo eot-
tiiKes , Twenty-ninth , near NlcholaHiil
$ AOO eiieh 3,200
W. N , West , one-ainl-ime-foiilth-story
framodwelllni ; , Valentine , near Twen-
ty-Mucoml 2,000
Two minor pc'i mils , , . , 175
Eight permits nggrogat Ing „ . $ 7.J75
A Novel nml HvpoiiHivo Motlioil ul' Acl-
Coinmcnain ionlltly. Juno IlOlh , wu
will alvo tuvivy 100 ohoiuu lotn to tiny ono
Bonding UH tholr full iitiiuu und utlik'oad
with 2o fotrotui'n iostu ) < ( o.
These lots tire Uoxliil foot iititlvill bo
worth $ - " > 0 oiiuh in IUHS tliiin Llii'oo
The present population of Suit Lalco
City IH 00,000. In live yenra it will ho the
liu'gest city hutweon Cliicu o und San
Fninoisco.Vo inotin bualnoss iiijd it
you wnnt a warranty doqd to H Bplondid
lot send on your nitino to the Knit Lulco
View uddltlon cuinpuny , Salt Lulco Ulty ,
Utah ,
Hearing UutH Away.
It is Bald that the plnyiio of rutH may
may bo dispofbcd by cutuhing' ono of
them , ilrtiHsliitf him in scuilet , and
tut'iiiiiK him IOOKII. lllH uppuuranca
will uiiii&o Hiiuh a friL'lit ninont , ' Ida com
panions that Uioy will clear out at once ,
biiyH the lioston lluruld , If not conven
ient to dro&s the rodent , a IIt\rvnrd Btu-
dunt might ho allowed to puint him rod.
Pears' Istlioinuvst mid boat SoaiiovormaJa
Illrilh In Now Vnrld
A grout numhor of Kuropoun Bturltnga
nnd oliuflinchoa huvo luiuontiy boon not
ut llborty in Conlrul park , Now York ,
for thu purpo&a of introduolng tholr.
ijpooioy into the United Stiitoa. Both
birds are line Hlngoi-H and are a decided
acquisition. The HturllngM are lib largo
UH blackbirds und huvo u plumugo of
unuiiuul buuuty ,
Aran Iloutou's Cocoa Largest aulo la tUa
world ,