Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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    TJUi ! UMAJbiA JJAlJUTt W'JiJJJNJjJ , JJAi : . d UiNJU 20 ,
Eight Mora Union Pacific Employes Dis
charged and Mora will Follow.
TVhcrcnbouta nml tlio
Kxoltoincnt Which Ilia Al
leged Shnrji-I'ractlco
Klght more men were discharged at the
Union 1'nciflo shops at quitting tlmo Mon
day , making a total of 183 mechanics lot out
iilnco the "reduction" business began , These
' who remain nro working eight' hours a day
instead of nlno hours and a half , with propor-
tloimtcly Hiniillcr wages.
When tlio work of reduction began , the of
ficial * declared that but 5 per cent of the men
would bo discharged. The estimated num
ber ol men formerly employed by the com
pany here and In Council bluffs is 1,000. On
this Imls , 18.8 per cent of the men have been
discharged slnco the "work of reducing ex
penses ! i. " > per cent" was begun.
Prior to the mooting held In Holcomb's
ofllco on la'jt ' Saturday , the foremen at tlio
chops wore ordered to prepare lists of all the
men they could possibly dispense with. The
order wns compiled with. "But , " said a man
well acquainted with the situation , "as fast
as pieces of work that the men wcro em
ployed on at the tlmo tlio ilrst lists wcromado
nro finished , you will see other men dis
charged , until a total of : iX ( ) men or : t3X per
cent of nil these employed shall have been let
out , and the remainder nro working eight
hours a day Instead of nlno and a half. Yet
this company alleges that it nought only to
reduce Its expensed 2. per cent. "
The inon seem to feel this way also , and
many of them have been heard to say that
they expected the discharge of from live to
fifteen men a day until the maximum of 300
has been attained.
Pioneer U. P. 11. 11. Employee.
By request of ton members of the Pioneer
association of U. P. H'y Co.'s employes , a
special meeting of the association Is called to
meet in the Durant ongluo house on Thurs
day at 4:10 : p. m. for the purpose of transact
ing important business.
T. It. DAiwir , President.
It Is Still the ConsIp of the Clubs ami
A rumor that C. II. McKibbin was In town
was circulated yesterday , but it didn't go
far. Somebody said ho had been seen on the
streets Monday night , but the story was with
out foundation.
HowQVor , the w ily diplomat did make his
appearance in Council Bluffs last Friday.
Not moro than half a dozen of hl < 5 most inti-
jnato friends , however , kuovv that ho was-
A hasty and secret consultation with one
or two confidants as to the situation con
vinced him that this would ' not bo a healthy
community for him to linger in. Consequently
quently , ho returned to the east that night.
The story of McICibhin's skyrocket career
as n Union Pacific ofllclal In Monday's
Bun , created lively comment. It was the toplo
of discussion In the clubs , hotels and cafes.
The investigation by Acting Purchasing
Agent Anderson is still going on , but nothing
has been developed which may br > tnado pub-
llo. Thaio directly Interested say they are
satisfied that his straugo dealings extend be
yond the purchase of lumber and amount to
many thousands of dollars.
It is reported that ho has employed an
attorney and proposes to fight the company.
Judge ICelloy says that Is Just what tlio com
pany wants the young man to do. It will
give him , the Judge says , an opportunity to
Jintl out whether or not was an organ
ized conspiracy to rob the road.
It Is reported that Attorney Kulloy has filed
( mother suit against McKibbin for further
Tlio CarpetH AVcro Paid For.
OMAHA , Juno 24. [ To the Editor of TUB
BII : . ] The statement made in THE Bun that
Mr. C. II. McKibbin had forced mo to carpet
and curtain his house in Council Bluffs Is u
gross error.
When your reporter called on mo last
Friday and stated that ho Jiad heard the
rumor that Mr. Mclvlbblii's house had boon
furnished by mo without charge I not only
denied it but showed the reporter where Mr.
McICibbin's carpets had been purchased and
paid for the same as thnso of any other cus
tomer of the Morse dry goods company.
Dickinson's Now Position.
Ed. Dickinson's position with the Balti
more Us Ohio road will give him control of
about six hundred and fifty miles of road.
His territory covers the main line from
Chicago to Bollalro , O. , with branches to
Cleveland , Newark and Columbus. The
position lias boon vacant for a year and ,
upon learning of Mr. Dickinson's retirement
from the Union Pacific , General Manager
Olds sent u telegram offcrini ; the pluco to
him. His headquarters will bo lu "Tho
Rookery" building , Chicago.
A Union Depot Force.
The mutter of joint agents , baggagemen
and other employes necessary to a union depot
force lius , it is reported , boon decided on bo-
txveen tlio Union Pacific and Burlington
roads , but the oflleluls decline to admit it.
There bcoms to bo a general understanding ,
however , that Jim Chambers , ticket agent ,
Ed. Hanoy , depotmastorof the Union Pacific ,
and Charles Ilomelln , baggagomastor of the
B. & M. , will bo retained. The force will not
bo organised for several weeks.
An Association Comniittoo Meeting.
Tlio trans-Missouri committee of the West
ern passenger association will meet in Kansas
City Thursday next for the purpose organiz
ing and taking up matters loft by the old as-
Boclatlon. This committee is composed of the
general passenger agents of all lines west of
the Missouri river covering the territory in
cluded in the now association.
Grlfilth'H Successor.
It is understood that William An
derson , traveling auditor , has been selected -
loctod by the Union Puclflo ofllclal
to succeed J. W. Urlffltu as
auditor of disbursements. lie is a good man
and his promotion is said to bo one of the
most deserving of the many recently nuulo.
Wri-ofc on the K. , 12. Ai M. V.
A fright train running to Blair yesterday
over the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley road , broke In two near Cnlkoun with
the result , that a refrigerator car was de
railed , causing the wreck of a number of cars.
No ono was injured , but all trains wore hold
back by tlio accident , including the St. Paul
express , duo hero at 0 o'clock.
Ait OIHco AUollHhod ,
The oflk-o of assistant superintendent of the
Colorado lines of the Union Pacific road will
bo abolished July 1. J. B. Ollchrlst , who hold
that position , has resigned.
NotcH and
Ooncral TrafUo Munagur Melleu wont west
yesterday afternoon.
Assistant General Passenger Agent Scott
lias gene to Chicago.
K. M. Ford , traveling passenger agent of the
Union Pacific , went through Omaha Monday
ulght with an excursion party of l&O travel
ing men en route to Denver.
Al Mlrloy , ticket agent in the Auditorium
hotel at Chicago for the Wisconsin Control
road , U in the city ,
P. P. Murray , western passenger agent of
the Michigan Central , Is in town.
Ncrvo and IJvor Plll.i.
An Important discovery. They act on the
liver , stomach and bowels through the
nerves , A now principle. They speedily
euro bllliousnoss , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles and constipation. Spjondid for men ,
women and children. Smallest , mildest ,
uw > t. 80 doses for ! ! S cents. Sauiplix f roe
U Kulm & Co.1 * 15th oud Douglas.
A Sinn Who Aided In thn Street Con-
nolldntloa Wnntfl Ills Commission.
Suit for $20GOO bos been commenced in the
district court by William L. Adams against
James J. Mlllard , Jnincs J , Brown , E. W.
Nash , W. B. Millord , W. W. Wells mid tlio
Omaha motor railway company. The plain
tiff says that ho acted as agent , broker , etc. ,
when the matter of consolidating the city
railways was under consideration. Thovaluo
of the property involved was $300,000 , and
Adams says ho was to get liU per cent on the
deal , or & ! 0OQO. Tha.VX ) claim is based on
certain appraisals of property which ho
claims to have made.
Police Pickings.
Two almost forgotten ordinances wcro
brought forcibly to the remembrance of Billy
Boquct , the hackmun. One provides that tie
shall keep his lamps burning and the other
that hu shall drive only on tlio right sldo of
the street. Ho had failed to do either and
when ho smashed n buggy was arrested.
Jake Ackers , another hackman , was ar
rested on a similar charge.
Mlko Hlckoy , with four other men , were or-
rested as suspicious characters. They were in
company with Put Cl&ncey and Tom Kuton ,
two notorious character * . They had in their
possession all the necessary appliances for
working the shell game and a complaint was
filed against Hlckoy under the statutes , there
being no ordinance to cover the case.
Theodore Alton was arrested at 4:30 : n. in.
while In the kitchen of a neighbor at Twenty-
second and Cumlng.
A Matter of IntcrcHt to Travelers.
Tourists , emigrants and mariners find that
Hosteller's Stomach Bitters is n medicinal
safeguard against tinhcalthful influences ,
upon which tnoy can implicitly rely , since It
prevents the ollccts that an unhealthy cli
mate , vitiated atmosphere , unaccustomed or
unwholesome diet , bad water or other condi
tions unfavorable to heallh , would otherwise
produce. On long voyages , or journeys by
land in laltitutcs adjacent to the equator , it is
especially useful as a proventlvo of the febrile
complaint1 ] and all disorders of the stomach ,
liver and bowels , which are apt to attack na
tives of the tcmperalo zones sojourning or
traveling in such regions , and is an excellent
protection against the influence of extreme
cold , sudden changes of temperature , expos
ure to damp or extreme fatigue. It not only
prevents intermittent and remittent fever
and other diseases of malarial type , but erad
icates them , a fact which has Leon notorious
for years post in North and South America.
Mexico , the West Indies , Australia and
other countries. _
Ho It ) Shut Up Beyond the Reach of
Ordinary Mortals.
L. O. Sccrest , the window victim of the
Merchants' hotel , was reported as being a llttlo
better yesterday. His brother claims that lie is
perfectly rational and not only answers ques
tions , but makes inquiries himself.
The first day his brother came hero the
latter asked him If ho know Werner had
thrown him from a window.
Sccrest at once became excited , being then
delirious , and it was found necessary to dis
continue this order of questions.
Yesterday when his brother entered the
room ho said : "Do you know that they cla'm '
that John Werner threw mo out of the win
dow and I have lain here three days and
didn't know anything about iti"
"Wclldid you and Jake have any trouble ? "
asked the brother.
"O no , wo didn't have any trouble. There
has never been a word between us. "
This is the conversation Iho brother savs
An urgent request was made yesterday
by u representative of Tan Ben to bo allowed
to interview the injured man , inasmuch as it
was claimed that the latter was perfectly ra
tional , hut the request was emphatically de
nied , and a strict embargo has been placed
on the chamber wherein Secrest liesalthouKh
during the first two days after the catastrophe ,
tragedy or whatever It was. people were per
mitted to call upon the victim.
Sonio of the friends of Werner have become
very much incensed at the newspapers for
publishing all the details obtainable concern
ing this matter , and moro ospeci.illy for sav
ing that the chances wore that Secrest would
die. They say that ho will get well , but the
fact remains that the doctors attending him
have said , no later than this morning when
it was claimed that ho was doing so well ,
that his chance of recovery was ono in a
' "Tis " that
strange , passing strange ,
parents will lot their children die with
diphtheria when it is a noted fact that
Dr. Joll'ties' preventive arid euro never
fafls in any case. Twonty-fivo years'
trial has proven it. No physician re
quired. Best references given. Price
$3. Addro&s box 057 , Omaha , Nob.
Prospective niarrinjjo ofMr. Charles
Mot/ and Miss Augusta Pomy.
Monday night the formal announcement of
the engagement of Mr. Charles Metz , of this
city , to Miss Augusta Poniy , was made , tlio
event being celebrated by a gathering of tlio
relatives of the young people at the homo of
the fiancee , 1110 South Tenth street. Tlio mar
riage will take place early in the coming full ,
by which time the groom prospective will
have erected a beautiful homo on soulh
Twenty-eighth street , upon which work is to
bo Immediately commenced.
This marriage will undoubtedly bo the
leading event of the year in the Gorman
social circles of this city , and will bo looked
forward to with the gro.itestiutoi-cst , because
the contracting parties are among the most
widely known of their people in this city.
The Intending bride is the bocond daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Pomy , the former
of whom is the well-known senior member of
the firm of Pomy & Segclko , soda and min
eral water manufacturers. She is both beau
tiful and accomplished , while the prospective
groom Is the eldest son of Fred Metz , the
genial and veteran brewer of this city , and
also a member of the firm of Metz Bros. , the
well-known brewers who have succeed to the
original firm of that name established in this
city many years ago.
The nuptial event will bo awaited with in
terest by many friends , all of whom have
only the kindliest wishes for the happiness
of Ihcso two young hearts.
Bad drainage pauses much sickness , and
bad blood and improper action of the liver
and kidneys is bad drainage to the human
system , which Burdock Blood Bitters rem
edy , _ _
Omaha's Oldest Kvprossmaii Ferried
Over tlio Tide.
Omaha has lost its oldest and almost
pioneer expressman in the death of Patrick
Hughes , at 1011 Marcy street , in the seven
tieth year of his ago.
Tlio deceased caiuo to this city moro than
thirty years ago and had followed the express -
press business up to a short time before his
death. Ho was u steady and thrifty man and
as u result loaves an oatato variously valued
at between ? " > ,000 , and $30,000 ,
Mr. Hughes was thu father of Mrs. James
Flannery wlto of the city street commissioner
and of Mrs. Edward Hoafoy of tills city.
The funeral will tnlco place today at 9
a. in. Services will bo hold in St. Patrick's
church and Interment will take place at SU
Mary's cemetery ,
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up in largo two-ounco tin Iraxcs ,
and U nn absolute euro for all sores , burns ,
wounds.cnappcd hands and all skin eruptions.
Will positively euro all kinds of piles. Ask
MENT , Sold by Goodman Drug company at
'i3 cents per box by mall HO ccuta.
'Uoeilers' National Annual.
The National Annual , a com pic to compen
dium of Omaha commercial affair * , Issued by
M. L. Uoodcr & Bros. , managers of the west
ern department of the National Life Insur
ance company , is ono of the neatest , most
complete- and handsomest volumes of tlio kind
over published. It is nuigultlcautly illus
trated , containing artUtlu cuts of all thu
city's notable and private buildings , with
life like engravings of a largo number of our
moat active and distinguished citizens , besides -
sides a mlno of Information pertaining to
Otnitua's bussncss , industrial and social
status that cannot bo obtained from any
other source. Many of the ornamental de
signs of the volume are superb , and the
Messrs Hoed or are justified in the prldo they
evince over the enterprise.
City anil County 'Ofllccrfl Cnnflldcrlng
How to Accomplish It.
A delegation consisting of Mayor Gushing ,
City Treasurer Hush , Comptroller Qoodrlch ,
City Attorney Popploton and Councilman
Wheeler , Davis and Blumcr , called upon the
county commissioners yesterday morning to
sco what could bo done about raising the
county assessment.
The delegation found Commissioners An
derson , O'Keoffo , Turner and Berlin with
County Attorney Mahoncy ready to receive
It was about 11:30 : o'clock when the delO'
gallon reached the commissioners' rooms and
nearly half an hour was spent in informal
talk and figuring.
A call to order was finally made and at the
suggestion of Mr. Wheeler , Treasurer Hush
outlined the purpose of the consultation. lie
gave ligures , regarding what the city had
done In tlio way of valuation in the past and
the favorable effect which these valuations
had had upon the sale of bonds. IIo closed
with the remark tlint something wus radically
wrong and hu thought Mr. Poppleton the bust
man to suggcs.t ways and means for righting
"A careful revaluation ofprivate property
Is necessary , " said Mr. Poppleton. "If the
city Is put up and the county reduced I think
that would have the fleslred effect. I think
that a largo Increase In the assessment could
bo made If the corporations wcro gene over
and their capital stock , their bonds , etc. ,
taxed as they certainly should bo and as they
certainly are not at the present time. I would
like to hear from Mr. Muhoney as to making
n horizontal raise of the assessment. "
"All I have to say. " said Mr. Mahoncy , "is
that u horizontal false Is impossible. U you
raise one precinct 10 per cent It must be done
simply with a view to equalizing the property
In that precinct. You cannot change the
general result if the change produces
u higher assessment. I have a suggestion to
offer the Kcntlemen representing ; the city
council. If they will examine the returns
and upon ilnding what they think to be an
injustice , let them Illo a complaint with the
county board and have the value of that
property examined Into. But I would have
you not forget that you can't ' raise Smith's
property unless you lower somebody's else :
j'ou can't raise one precinct unless you lower
another. "
Whou Mr. Mahoncy had concluded , Mr.
Wheeler thanked the board for Its attention
and said that the representatives of the city
would take some action upon the matter.
Headache , neuralgia , dizziness , nervous
ness , sp.wms , sleeplessness , cured by Dr.
Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Knhn &
Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
Sonic Excellent "Work from tlio
Urnnlicn ol * Omuliii's Artists. .
MLss Tena McLennan , ono of the most ac
complished , although one of the youngest of
Omaha's numerous artists , is giving an exhi
bition of art in room 109 of Tun Ben build
ing , beginning yesterday afternoon and con
tinuing this afternoon and evening and to
morrow afternoon.
The exhibit includes , work from the brush
of Miss McLcnnan and from these of a num
ber of her pupils.
The display made is llmltol as far as the
number of pictures in tlio exhibit is con
cerned , but much of the work is so excellent
that a visit to the temporary gallery amply
repays whatever effort it may require.
The work displayed by Miss McLennan is
confined principally to paintings of flowers in
oils. In these she has displayed Iho talent
that In her lies. Ono rose particularly is ex
quisitely drawn and Is rich in coloring and
accurate in shading. A bunch of carnations
by the young aroist is of extraordinary worth.
She also has upon exhibition a sketch of a
portion of Pries' lake , which is not inferior to
her other work , bearing evidence that her
talent docs not lie in ono direction only. The
reflection of the woods in thu water is v6ry
In water colors Mrs. Lieutenant Hoe lists
displayed a number of pieces which reflect
thu very highest credit upon her. Her boat
work Is a drawing of two haystacks in which
the shading is perfect. A marine of hers sur
passes most of the work of the kind over dis
played by amateurs in Omaha. The draw
ing , the coloring , the lights and shadows
dews , nil denote talent and careful
attention to details. In the comparatively
short tlmo that Mrs. Hoe lias been a student
in art she has accomplished much , and if Mie
pursues the study nothing ordinary can pre
vent her becoming very successful in her
work in water colors.
Miss Fanny Gilbert exhibits two pieces in
burnt umber that are excellent. Abide from
their intrinsic worth in delineation and color
ing they attract additional attention on ac
count of their comparative novelty , as there
is but very little Work in brown and'white
done in Omaha.
A work in oil "A Fisherman" by Miss
Hattle Stevens , is among the very host pieces
in the collection , and shu has also painted a
study in btill life that U very good
A vase of flowers , by Miss Jennie Burnett ,
is notable for the accur.u-y of its coloring , and
a piece in still life by Miss Getty possesses
this feature in addition to accuracy in draw
Miss Spearman of Paplllion dlsplavs a land
scape , and Miss Nellie Elliott a btudy In still
life , both of which will attract favorable com
There are many other works that are highly
comniondablc , tlieso being but a few of the
more noticeable piccesT
Live pigeons wanted before July 1 at
$1.50 per dozen. Ship to R E. Mockott ,
Lincoln , Nob.
Additional Responses to the Appeal
From the Tornado HufTorora.
Remittances in any amount sent to this
ofllco will bo acknowledged through our col
umns from day to day.
The subscriptions so far received by Tun
Bin : are as follows :
1'rovioilsly runortud SJIMfi
St. Paul's church , UlarksvUlc - ' uo
Total &H3.03
To the Editor of Tin : BIK : : Inclosed please
find $3 towards the Bradslmw relief fund ,
sent by St. Paul's church , Clarlcsvillu.
Truly yours. A. E. MAUUII , Koctor.
Now Coalo.s HOIINO , Knii , City.
Absolutely llro proof. Finest and , largest
hotel In Kansas City. Unexcelled In Its ap
A Call for a Icutiug of the Repnhli-
can County Central Committee.
The republican county central committee
for Douglas county Is hereby called to meet
at the committee ropm , Mlllard hotel , on
Saturday , Juno 23 , 18X ! ) , 2 p. in. , sharp , for
the purpose of considering the call of the
state central committee for a convention , and
such other business as may como before It.
Moans P. O'lJitiE.v , Vice Chairman.
Boward of Frauds. Bo sure vou got the
genulno Dr. Thomas' Etcctrio Oil. It cures
colds , croup , asthauia , deafness and rheuma
Elmwood Park.
The name of the now park on West Leaven-
worth street has been decided on and hence
forth this delightful shady retreat will bo re
ferred to lu history as Elmwood park. Mr.
Pratt made the suggestion , as the park is
covered with a line grove of elm trees. The
suggestion was adopted and the uarno is now
a fixed fact.
Mr. Snydar , ono of tlio donors of the West
Lcavenworth street park , was present , and
the board endeavored to have him donate a
couple more acres of ground to the city for
the proper construction of roadways in the
Mr. Snyder refused to make any further
donation or to listen to any projKwltton the
board had to make.
The matter of placing now lamp ptfsts in
Hauscom park was referred to the proper
commltlco ,
The board adjourned until Saturday at 1 ; 30
Dr. Blrnoypractlco limited to catarrhal -
al diseases of uoi > u and throat. Boo bldg.
Proceedings of tj io City Council.
The mayor and al | members wore present
at the meeting of the cttj'councll Monday night
City Treasurer HodHJ ? * notified the council
that the Interest oil' $70,000 of city bonds ,
amounting to $2,100 , wilt become Sue July 1 ,
and asked directions to pay , C. H. Prltchott'a
communication asklpg for (3,000.31 , balance
duo on grading Twoij vfourth street , was re
ferred to Messrs. .Connelly , Johnson and
Attorney Edgcrton. The petition for lighten
on the L street viaduct was recommended to
bo held over till thcrq bo money In the fund.
Herman Kobort's request to refund taxes
was referred to the ilnanco committee. The
petition against dumping refuse on J street
was referred. W. Sj Cook's petition to bo
appointed city electrician was referred to the
mayor. Laufenberg < fc Clark's claim of
$0,000 for .damage , caused by grading N street
was referred to the city attorney. Attorney
Edgerton'a favorable report on the claim of
ex-City Treasurer Thomas Geary for ll. ( > 7 ,
wns Hied. Notices of suits of John P. Helteh-
art for $1,327 , and Bella Dlokson forfJOO
against the city were received.
I The applications for license * , W.Johnson ,
for vehicle ; Whclau & Brown , for plumbing
and g lilting , and Brings & Dare ana J. l < \
Burl , drain layers , were"referred. . T. J ,
Hook's rccpiest lo Itll up the alloy between
Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth and 1C and
L streets , was referred.
Engineer King's estimate of 57,707.20 for a
24-Inch storm water sewer on Q street f ron'i
Thirty-third street to connect with the stoeic-
yards sewer , was Hied ,
Ordinance No. 215 , creating the ofllco of
city electrician , and No. 21'J ' , for inspection of
stock , were referred.
Bills as follows were ordered paid : D. O.
Anderson , $ ! H ) ; Hay & Hall , $ .20 ; Patrick
Mortimer , S.'lViV teleghone company , $1UO ! :
John J. Hyau , * 3 ; L. Gusberg , * r > . Bills
were referred as follows : llowland & Brad
ford , § 150.81 ; John Larell , $12T. J. O'Nell ,
KAkofcr ) ; & Casey , $3 ; Gibson , Miller &
Hlchardson , Sl.fil ) ; J. P. Hayes. $ J.KI. :
The mayor and council will Tuesday and
Wednesday , July Land 2 , sit as a board of
equalization on the grading done on Q street ,
between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-sixth
Messrs. Rowley , Melchcr and Johnston will
act as a committee to ascertain what the
county comtnU-uoneM will do towards pav
ing intersections on Twenty-fourth street.
The committee on streets mid alloys was
authorized to advertise for bids for.tho sewer
on Q street from Thirty-third street te the
Union stock yard sower. The N street storm
water sewer will bo extended to and con
nected with the stock yards suwer.
City Attorney Edgerton will draft nn ordi
nance assessing costs of all sowcr.s ( not
mains ) constructed In 1333-0 on property
Attempted Incendiarism.
Police officers report that tnoy have ample
evidence of the attempt to burn the Coady
cotta < ro on Seventeenth and O streets. The
house Is said to ba insured for twice Its value
and the police claim to know that a certain
woman has threatened to burn the house
to get the Insurance and further than
that .she has been hcen in the neighborhood of
the cottage about the times when the build
ing wius on lire. They also any Unit in the
house was a broken jar of kerosene oil , one of
her aprons and u paper , to winch bhe sub
scribes , saturated with oil and a candle al
most burned down to the oil when discovered
and extinguished. Thoilnsurice was placed
on the house by Omaha agents.
'Hie Union I > iotito.
The commlttoemcn arrange for the first
annual union excursion imd picnic of the em
ployes of the union fetockyurds company , the
George II. Hammond company , Swift
& Co. , the OmaUt ! packing company
and the AriupuV-Cudahy packing
company have decided to have the
picnic on Sunday , Julyi 27. They closed a
contract for the .grounds at Waterloo.
Messrs. Theodore Buchtnau and George W.
Ball worn appointed onllio music committee ,
and Messrs. WillUni Clifton , of the btocl :
ynrdsJ.ims3 McGuira , of the ArMour-Cudahy
William T. Martin of thu Omaha packing
company and James-W. Glnnnen of Swift &
Co. , on printing. Tllirty dollars wcro put in
the treasury. AH committeemen will meet in
the cornet band.iroom : Saturday evening ,
Juno 23. !
Court SJcaudla Election.
Court Skandia. No. Sis ) , elected offlsars as
follows : Past chief ranker , Nels A. Lund-
gron ; chief ranger , Edward Pjtersou ; vice
chief ranger , Charles W. Eulclund ; recording
secretary , Swan LUMOII ; financial secretary ,
John Anderson ; treasurer , John A. Nelson ;
'senior woo J ward , Gust Person ; junior wood
ward , John Johnson ; senior bo idle , ( Just
Fornhohn ; junior bcadlo , Fred W. Hanson ;
chaplain , Charles E. Johnson ; Marshal , An
drew J. Johnson. The olllcow elected will bo
installed by Slate Deputy George J. Seltzer ,
Saturday evening , July 5.
lllherniiin Election.
Division No. ! ! , Ancient Order of Hibernians ,
elected ofllcers as follows : President , Jud o
Joseph J. Brccn ; vica president , Charles P.
O'Hurra ; treasurer , J.O'Rourke ; recording
secretary , John J. Fitzgerald ; financial secre
tary , Lawrence Connors. The officers will
bo installed and the appointment olllcus filled
at the nicctiiigSuiiduy afternoon , July 0. Ttie
committe appointments will bo also made at
the same time.
OfT to Lincoln.
Messrs. John Frey , Bernard Blum , Henry
Martin , Edward ElHcr , Alexander Lomm
and John C. Danlol loft for Lincoln yesterday ,
and Messrs. Jacob Jasknlok , Gus worJomun ,
Rudolph Hertz aud F. J. Esrger will go
this morning to attend the mooting of the
State Turners and the People's Protective
lights league.
Church Dedication.
Rev. Mark C. Hancock announces that
arrangements have been completed to dedi
cate the new Christian church at Albright on
Sunday , July 111 , at U o'clock.
NotCH About the City.
Miss Zotta Northuutt of St. Paris , O. , has
returned from Norfolk to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Claud L. Talbot.
Mrs , Robert Blanck Is listed among the
Frank Cockroll loft on n visit to Chicago.
Prof. Cassius M. Wyrick of New Orleans.
La. , is visiting his wife's parents , Mr. and
Mrs. S. D. Rynerson.
A son of John C. Hardesty is quite sick.
A daughter boru to Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Mr. and Mrs. William Clements have returned -
turned from Foil du Lac , Wis.
Edward A. Cudahy has returned from Chi
John Rod Saturday cut a gash across his
loft hand. '
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McCulloch liuvo re
turned froinOalcsbiirg , III.
Manager Charles JIt Rich of * the Stockman
has returned from the watering places In Wis
Robert T. Maxwell 'will remove to his now
residence on A street just west of Twenty-
fourth street.
- - .
On account of our largo
and incronsinrr. Practice ,
wo have REMOVED to
rnoro spacious and con
venient ofllcoB ,
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
1409 Douglas St. Omaha , Neb.
With jour name and address , mailed to
the Bwlft Specific Co. , Atlanta , Go. , la
' necessary to obtain an Interesting treat-
bo on the blood and the diseases incident
Jolt ,
Slcin Eruption CJurod.
Ono of my cuatomcrs , n highly rwpcctcd and
Influential citizen , but who la now absent from
the city , bos used Swlft'a Specific with cxctllcnt
malt. Ho UIJB It cured him of a vkln eruption
that ho bad been tormented with for thirty years ,
and had restated the curaUvo qualities of rainy
other medicines.
Ikwxitr Cutoo , Dw ; l ' T * " " fy , tlcb.
W. lAKEIl ) & CO.'S
It abiottiteli/ pure and
it it soluble.
No Clietnitcafo
in uicit In III prrrtrnllon. It hu Kort
la * Hrr ttmrt fA ifrrnyM of COCOA
tnlicd xrtlli Starch , Arnmrxiut or Sugar ,
and li therefore far mora economical ,
fonttnff Itfl IJkafl oft frnt a tup. It If
dcllclouj , nourishing , itrvnAthcnlnff , KA *
MLY DiOKSTKn , ami ailmtraMy mlnp'.ed
fjr Imnlldi ai Mill pcrtoni In health.
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Moss.
FOR SHE oi 5 > : i\s \ .vmm
To euro nillousncss. Sck | Hondndio. Constlpntlon.
aialario. I.lver Complnlr.w. tnko tlio naTo
nnd certain rcincJy , SJliTH'S
UsotlioSMAITSIZn(10 ( llttlo beans to fho boU
tlo ) . Tlioy nro the most convenient : suit all ages ,
i'rlcoof either size , S5 conU perboUlo.
* * Pano'lEliooftius - Ior4
. 7 plcttu-o
cents ( coppers or stamps ) .
j P. ssirrn&co. .
Mnlipraof "nilo Bcaru , St. LouU. Mo.
; Opera.
Horn ft 1UYSE9 , Managers.
Morulmj. Tuoatlnu
( Under the rrmnnitonipntof Mr. Daniel Krolirann , Janrt
his own eonuily rnmp.iny , from the I.jcoum
Theatre , New Vork , In liu popular couicUlo * ,
Which will bo Blrcn MONDAVanii TUESDAY
MIOllTd , nml Iho
rtomilnr prlca . Sont.i nltl bo put on ftitlo Batnrilny.
"Jt mo expresi tlio conrlctlou Hint 'Shcnnnilonh1
f riniilil ho soon hjr every patriot of our country. "
( Ion. WT.
§ TUP M 91
dlillu I
Sulurtluu . 6u , a
In Uronson llotrard'a Ore test Triumph ,
l're cnto.l exactly ns It wns noon for
Itottilnr prloo < . Heats and boxes ready Wcilnosihiy
Ed en
Anna Binvllu of Clarhula , la. ,
A Colored Woman who is Turning While ,
Hall , Dooley & Eldrldgo's Par
lor Minstrels.
Mclntyro & Heath's All Star
Specialty Co.
And the Carncross Quartette.
Como ami son stars , the Itluc * , the producers ,
the orlglimtor.s. the fashion plates of ro-
Jlncd hlack face comoily.
One Dime Admits to All.
ducted liy thu
RBI/ . John Hlex , Dowle
and Mrs , Dowi6 ,
( From Melbourne. Austrftlln ) , In the
First Baptist Church , Omaha ,
( I'oi nor Da vcnuort and 15th Streets , )
Ilrlns Ulhloi and Parts Gospel Hymns.
"Conic , for nil things are now ready. "
rorthccuroAf nlimsOTtnK 8 OK Till ? STOMACH , UVKIl , 110\VI5nS. KIDNKTH , lU.A.nDKK. NKIl
MAUfe'l'AINSIXTUK HAClil ) lAliOlKI KKKM.V J3 , HIV ! . . I.VIII ( JK-iftV , lltrUOUdNKJ3 , F1SV1SII
NFr.AMMATK > -TIIiUO\VKL.S : , I'lltKi ami nil flor.inwiiienti of Ihu Intorml Viacom.
KAUWAV'd 1'IIjl.Snron cnra for tuts ciiiniililnt. Tliay t'ni > up tlio Internal secretions to healthy ac
tion , restore Htronuth to tlio Htonrirh and enublo It to perform Its functions.
ITlco * o per box. , oa , bynll UruwUt , .
RAHWAY & CO. . Now York.
I Carry a Complete Line of Gentlemen's , Ladies' , Boys' ,
Misses' ami Children's High anil Low Cut Lawn Tennis Shoes
Which I sell at WIIOLEdALtC only. If you Imvo not placed your order for fall ,
MR. SHOE DEALEK , I would urtvlsoyou to .send it to mo without delay , afl rubber
{ roods nro advancing atonilily. I tun "WoBtarn Acont for the NEW JERSEY
RUBBER SHOE COMPANY , mid glim to say the goods this season have no
Hupurior in style and ohaiiu , and you know they wear well. Call and see mo or
write for discounts , samples and price lists.
1111 Harney Street , Oniaha , Neb.
ror the treatment of nil CIIIIONIU AND SIIIinirAI. DI313AHK3. Ilrncm , Appliances for n formltlca , nn
TruiiL'i. I'oit KuallltlUJ , Apparutm and ltomoill i for auccoiiful Iroatmeal of uvcry farm of dlsraiere-
quIrlnu-.M 04) ) or Huriloal Treatment. MINMTY IIOOMH KOH 1'ATIIJMTS. llooM nnd nttonrtnncu. Iloil
Accummuilutloiia Went. Wrlto for clrculam on Dufcrmltlu * and Urartu. Tru u , Club Kuot , Curratumol
Hplno , 1'llos , Tiimcju , Canctr , Cntarrh , Ilrouehltli , Inliuliillon. KlMtrlelly. I'arnlimls , Kpliepny , Kidney
Illailder , Kye. Kar. Bkln and Illnoil , and all mirnloal operation ! . IHSUxHKS OKVOMKN it nprcliilty , Hoot
of Dlieaitiof Women Kreo , Wo hnvo lately udded a Lying-in Depirtment \Vunieni3iirliiKCouUnonJiinl
( Btrlctlr 1'rlvute ) , Only llvllablo lludlcal Inilltuto mnklny anpoclultr of I'llIVATT. DlrtHASICS.
All tllood OlHeagumuceoiafully trontud , HrphllHIc poUnn lemoved from the ayilom nltlinnt mercury
Now ItpntoratlTu Treatment fur ln of Vital 1'otvor. 1'ortloa unable to vlilt ui may ba trralod nt homo l > i
correipaadenca. Allcoaimunlcatlans conHUjallul , Mvdlclno or Initrumonti aent by mail or oiprmn , no-
curtljr parked , no tuarka lo Indleatu ropUnti or aendor. Una perional Intcrvlen nrofarred. Call and coiuull
ui or send hlttory of your cage , ami wu will ( end In plain wrapper our 1IOOIC TO MII.V t'lllJi : , upou I'rlTUto
BpecUl or Nuriouj Diseases , luipotonoy , Bjplitlli , Uloet and Vurlcocele , wltu quu llon lltt. Addrei *
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner 0th and Harney Sts , , Omaha , Nob.
Lonisana State Lottery Company.
Incorporate ! by llio I Rl.ilntiiro , for educational
riml rhntlt'tlilo purpose * , in frnncliKo miMlo *
part of the present Mate ronitllutloti , In 187VJ \ a&
oternholmlng popular vote , luul
To conttnuo until
January 1st , 189D.
Dlts MAMMOTH DRAWINGS talcs plfteo
Soml-Anmialty ( Junomtil December ) nnd Its
Qraffil Single Number Drawings ta'w ' pl oi >
In each of the oMior ton months of tha year (
ami nro nil drawn in public , at the Acailom ?
of Music , Now Orleans , La.
For Integrity of Its Drnwlngsand
Prompt Payment of Prizes.
Atlontoi ! n * follownt
'Wo do hereby certify tnnt wo BUporTlnci the r
rnriKaiucnH for nil the monthly nitil Ki'inl-nnmial
drawings of the Iioulaann Blnto Iiottvrr rumpanr ,
onil In porion ninnnito nnil control III" Ornwlnm
tliomai > ln > * ( nmt Hint tlio rnmo nro cnniluctcil with
uonoaty , falrno'i. niul In iiooil fnltli toward nil par *
llo * , nnil nnnuthorlio the company til u p thU eer
tltlcnto nlth fac-alinllmotour altfiialuroi ntuohtdr
la Its ailTortlacmcnts. "
W tlio umlorslencHl Imnkn nnil Imnkor * nil ! pir Mt
prltc < ilrntrn Intlio 1/nilvnm Htnto Ixittorlo ) nltlch
mnr bo presented nt our countortii
K.ta. WAMSKIjY , I'res. l.onlsana Nat. llanlc.
I'lKKKK r.ANAUX. 1'ics. State Nat'l Untile.
A. ItAUnviN , Pros. NuwOrloiins iNnt. Hunk ,
GAUL KO11N. I'rus. Union National Hank.
At thn Academy of Music , Now Orleans ,
Tuosday.'July 15 , 1800.
100,000 Tickets nt Twenty Dollars each.
Halves. $10 ; Quarters , $3 ; Tenths , W ; Twoti *
tleths , $1.
LIST OF rjtizr.3.
1 PIUZI ! OK f.K ) , IKK ) la . r OO.OC <
1 1MU7.IC OK UIU.OJI ) I . lOO.UUt
1 I'HI/F OK M.UUO In . . . . MMXXl
1 rill/.K OK M.CKIO 1 . . . . Xl.UOfl
2 1'IU/KS OK tO.UOi ) nro . 80,001
f. IMU7.KH OK 6.1100 nro . 2.1,001
23 I'ltlZKS OK l.uuo nro . 2J.OIK
100 I'lU/KS OK MO nro . , . UMKN
200 rill/.lW OK Sl ) ( ) nro . ( W > a
600 1'1U/.E3 OK 200 nro . 100,001
. \rrno.\iMATUi.v ruizKS.
100 l'rlic of fMO nro . fiO.OOl
lOOfrliotof .lOUnro . 'ill.OM
1001'rltcsof 2lXnro . 20OM
IW ) Prized of $100 aro. , . * . 09flO
( W ) 1'rlios of ICOnro , . V. > , wi
3 , 134 Prizes amounting to. . . . $1,054,800
NOTK. Ticket * ilniwlng Cnpltnl 1'rlio.i are not entitled -
titled to terminal 1'rlins.
CITKou Cr.un HATK * . or nnjr further Infornintloi
iloxlrcilrltu tPKlhly In the timlur lKiioil. rlenrt ;
stntliiR your residence , with stale , county , ntrcot nn ?
number. Moro rni > M return ninll delivery will bo
nsHtiruil by J our unclosing nn envelope benrlug youi
full addrexs.
Address M A. DAUPHIN.
Now Orleans , La.
Washington , ! ) . O.
Ily ordinary letter , coutnlnliiK Mo.N'KV OHinu : , H.
nueil by nil vxprcsi companion , Now Vurk l xclmiifu ,
drnft or postnl nuto.
Address Registered Letters Containing Cur-
oney to
Now Orleans , La.
KEMEMUKit , tlMttho pnyinentof prlre ISOUAUAN'
THK1 > 11V rOUIl NATIONAL HANKS of NoiT OrlUnllS ,
unit tlio tickets nraaUniMl by tlio prc.ildeiil of nn In *
ntltutlon ebnrtereil rluhU nro rc'cognlzed In
Urn lilKho.itcourts ; therefore , bawnro all of Initia
tions urnnnonruioua schuiuni.
THU UN1TK1) 8TATKS hiu decided thnt tlio Ix > ul3-
InimSlnto lottery Co. him n CONTIIACT with tin
Stnto of LoulMium , which 1)OKS KOI' KXl'IUK UN.
T1I.JANUAIIY 1st , lbl)6. )
Opposite Iloyd's Opera Houso.
To All Cases Taken During the First
Three Months.
These cinliinnt 1'hysluluus , Burgeons and
Spi'tslallsts uru pro-uniliiently nlmvo nil olhun
In the trnatniant of all Ulironk * . NorvouH. Slcli
mid Blood DNonspH. anil dl.suusi" ) peculiar t (
women. No inattnr what your complaint
consult thcso skillful Burgeons , who nro nblt
toelTuctunres In inany IIIISCH that liavo houi
pronounccil All surgical dlm'nsci
tumors and duforiuitlcx removed with iiHton *
IshliiK results. Genlto-urlnnry surnorv , htrlo.
turo , all diseases and ilufornittles of elthol
sox , all linpcdlinmitH to marriage quickly ro.
moved. Ioiip uvpurlonco , with unpaiuluilo {
RiircuHS , Is thn bust ovldunce of u dootor'l
Olllco Hours Oa. in. until 8 p. m. Sunday , 11
to 12 Thousands sucoimfiilly treated bj
corrrspiiiidenua. All conlldcntlal. Send 4 conti
liiHtanilis to Insure prompt reply.
A Written Guarantee to
_ _ Our euro Is permanent
" nml not a pati- ' up.
Ciuc * t
hlnco. Ily doKcrlMjiir CUMJ
fully wo can trtu\t you by
mall , and w plro tlio > &m
ittionff guurunlwi tuouro ui
icfiinii nil money. 'Ihoitq
will pay rallinad furoboUt
wixj unil hulol bllU vrhlU
lieru If vofnll to euro. W4
Clinllcniro tliftWotltt forq
ruotlmtuurllAdlU 11KM.
KIlYwIlt not ruro. Writ !
for full particular ) anil K l
tlieuvldunco. Wo know thai
) ou nro ulioptlral , juilly nil
too , an tha tnuit. eminent
pliygiclans Jiavu nrver bevn
ulilo to Bit o moro Hum tem.
porary relief. In our Dv4
5 ears' pructlco with tlill
been most dlllleult to ovur.
como Iho prejuilleei ngalinl
allroealliilriwcllleii. llul
you thoulil not lu > > llalo to
try tlilJ lemi'ily. You lain
) to elianon of lo tni ; youi
OM thin Illaitratloni rtp money * Wn ( ruaianten ta
r.ot „ , nroleit , aUo'ltnan.
I'll'Bo ( " ! ounj cU i. , , O'r ( JOO.OOO , II
II" I'll' Uiieifeetly nfoto nil wh
will try the treatment , lleruto
forojoilliava been I'litllnif U |
anil l > .iyluif out > our money foi
illfTerent lri'atiiii-ijl , ami at
though you nro not ) et currd ni
unit liaa | uld bacUyourinbnry <
Du not \tanto nny moio monoj
until you try uii. Old elironlo ,
deei HUuteil eaxe * cnrt'tl In SO ta
! > 0ilay . Invi'itlitnto uur ( limn-
ilal tonillnif , our reputation l
bu > lncr > men. Wrlto u > foi
liavo cuicil wlio Imvo given j r-
misHlon tu icfor to them. It
coBtn you only jMMtKiti to du
thUi It will > ave you a worlil of
urTerlntr from mental itraln , an < l If you are marrlci !
what may your olTriirlnif lulfor throuitli your iii-Kll *
Krneollf youmyiiiitoiiiaaroforotliroat | , mueounpateh *
ei In muulh , rlK-umalUin In bone < and JoInU , lialr fall.
Inicout , rniptloni on any ) > nrt of lluboilfirllni < c (
( rcneral ilepiuimlon , pains In head < > r l > one , you Imvo
no tlmo ( owiuilo , Thoiu who are eonitaiitly taking nuir'
curyamlpotah lioulil ( Ilirontlnuv It. Couilaiit um
of tne tf drut ; will vurtly brlnv rei lit thuunuU Pou't
falltowrlto * All corrvponiluicount nealwl lu plain
envelope * . Wo Invltu tha inert rlicl'l ' Invettltfatlonand
wllliliialllnnur IIOWIT la ul.l you In It. Aildreu ,
COOK ItlSaiKllY CO. , Oiniiliu. fi'ebrual.H
WK Al. ! 0 ritKPAHK A
For Nervous Debility
and Lost Manhood
A nccilr and pormnncmt cure. Tliounauili of caia
ciircil wltlinut n failure. II and K bo > u > . II tura
oilld cu e : K euro * obstlnutu caiui
COOK IIHHI1DY CO. , Omulia , NgU.
13th uud Dodro Strcol-