Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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    TH HI filUAUA U A 1 I \r 11,1,1 m
Tlio pollco force cnmo out In thotr new
auminci'helmotii yesterday morning.
Lend TuUHl , a wotnnn fifty ycnra old ,
won tnkon to the Insnno iiHylum by
Shcrifl Boyd ,
Judge Glnrtaon aont Grnclo Knows to' '
the rofonn Bchool for pontistenlly dis
obeying her parents.
M. D. Roclio todny sold Frank E.
Moorcs n. 50-lot at Thirty-Ural and Cum-
Inp streets , opposite Bunkur Yules'
Rov. Fnthor BreltkofT of the Seven
teenth Htrcol Mission , took out his first
imlurnllznllon papers this noon. Ho Is
a tmtivo of Bohemia.
A. Bycrs of St. Louis lins succeeded R.
O. Lanzoby as aBsIstant to Weather Ob-
Berver Welch. Mr. Lanzcby htis been
Sromolcd to bo observer at the Yankton ,
. D. , onico.
The Thompson lumber company have
filed articles of Incorporation. Their
capital stock IB SIB.OOO. 0. Thompson ,
B. Boyd , J. Evans and C. P. Martin are
the Incorporators.
S. I ) . CoutHf a young man twcnty-thrco
yours of nge , has been missing from his
home , Fifteenth and Burdetto streets ,
since Juno 11. Ho left to go to Moii-
( liiniln and has not reported there or at
William Watts was found prowling
about a grocery store at Tenth and
Dodge In a suspicious manner and was
arrested. Ho had a skeleton key In his
pocket and will bo held for an Investi
Uncle fiiun Caught Him.
John Peel , nn incurable vagrant who has
made his living stealing from the refrigera
tors nt Port Onmliii , was arrested for the second
end time on a charge of burglary. lie is
hclil by the United State * authorities.
Pears' Soap Is the most elegant toilet adjunct
Tlie Exhibit Closet.
The exhibit of school work in Tun BER
building is being taken down from the walls
today and selections of pieces of work are
being made to be sent to the annual meeting
of the Nutlotuil educational association , soon
to bo held in St. Paul.
Death of Sirs. A. M. Cnrtcr.
Mrs. Mamie Carter , wife of Addlsoa S.
Carter , treasurer of the Omaha hardware
coinpaiiy , died at her homo , 1,723 Howard
street , yesterday of consumption. The
remains will be taken to Mii'iuoketa , la. , this
evening for interment.
Llvo pigeons wanted before July 1 at
$1.50 per dozen. Ship to F. E. Mockett ,
Lincoln , Neb.
AVhoro Ii tlio General ?
General George S. Smith , ex-assistant city
attorney , has been missing since Friday
night , and his family , which is in Lincoln ,
are exceedingly anxious as to his whcre-
abauts. He gave no notice to his friends hero
as to his departure or destination.
A. Hwiudlcr.
McCoy & Underwood , stock men at Kansas
City advise the stock men and police of
Omaha to look out for M. A. Homers , who by
representing that lie had ! tr , > 00 sheep on the
way to Kansas City swindled the firm out of
1115. Ho is supposed to bo in Omaha.
Merchants' hotel , Omaha. $2 to $3 per
day. Nat. Brown , proprIra P.IIigbynigr.
Marriage fnconstn.
Licenses were issued to the following
parties yesterday :
Name and address. A co
j Homer Clark , Sioux City. . ! ) l
( Lulu Johnson , Omabo . . " . . Uo
( William G , Ingram , Omahdu. ' . 23
( Emma Buckingham , Omaha . 17
Tlio I'ark Pavillion.
The park commissioners have decided to
erect the moorish p.ivilllon in Hanscom park
at the end of the lake.
It has been found that the plans , as orig
inally drawn call fora buildingaro somewhat
larger tnnii will lit the place selected so
they will bo reduced , the building being 10x ( )
CO feet instead of lilOxsO as first contemplated.
of ; - tockliolders.
Section , article 11 , of the state constitu
tion of Nebraska , reads : "In all cases of
claims against corporations and Joint stock
associations , the exact amount justly
duo shall bo ilrst ascertained , and after the
corporate propeity shall have been exhausted
the original subscribers thereof shall bo in
dividually liable to the extent of their unpaid
iiulHcriptions , and the liability for the unpaid
subscriptions shall follow the stock. "
Dr. Birnoypraetico limited to catarrh-
til diseases of nose and throat. Boo bid" .
Tlio Part > ! ' a Gi'iitleinnn.
Mr. Gcorgo W. Hopper , concerning whom
nn article appeared In Thursday's Biu : rela
tive to a visit of his to a Mrs. Hlco , living on
Sixteenth street , and improper conduct on
his part ut that time , called at Tun
Bin : ofllco and denied in tote that ho
liad used any Improper Itmgungo to Mrs.
lilco. Ho was looking lor rj > in | for a client
nnd sliuiily knocked ul the door to ascertain
about tliom. Ho referred to the client who
instructed him to procure the rooms.
Tlio New Sidewalk Ordinance.
The now ordinance prohibiting wooden
sidewalks In the lire limits is attracting prob
ably Just a little inoro attention than any
local law which has gone into effect for
months. It provides that no sidewalks shall
bo constructed or reconstructed within the
lire limits cither in whole or in part of wood ,
In case of the extension of the lira limits this
ordinance covers all territory included In
such extension. Temporary repairs may ,
however , bo intida with wood when ordered
by the slde\valk inspector. The chief of police -
lice is directed to see that the ordinance is
enforced. For n violation of the ordinance
the penalty is a line not exceeding SSI ) and
imprisonment until Hue Is paid not exceeding
thirty days.
A Costly lliiimxvny.
Ono of Mctz Biothcrs' brewery teams at
tached to u heavy malt vvagon dashed up Sev
enth street from Pierce about It
o'clock yesterday , having become f lightened
by a noise on the street. They steered
cli'ur of obstructions crossing a doz
en of the trucks of the Union Pacilio on
the bottom till they reached a train of cars nt
Seventh and Leavcnworth. The corner of
the wagon struck one of the caw smashing
the former and the team dragging the hind
wheels and polo went on till they reached the
Nebraska Fuel company's yards whore they
stumbled and fell. The Wagon was wrccucil.
Ono of the horses , a line bay , was severely In
jured in the head and hind leg , while the
other was but slightly scratched. The dam.
ago will amount to almost . ' 50. The team
mid wagon hail been borrowed by a man
named Jolmsou who was engaged in hnuling
co" ' '
rKcd 15O .Men.
Tie | now eight-hour order wont into effect
3'osterdny morning at tha Union Puclllo shops.
The men accepted the Inevitable without n
Mr , Wilson , the assistant suporintondcnt of
motive power and machinery , stated that it
had been necessary to discharge about one
hundred and llfty men in order to bring the
expenses down to the limit. Ho said
men wore all young men and were taken
from all the depart meats.
"Some neonlo thluk , ' said he > , "llmt tills
reduction Is u blow nt Omaha , but it is not.
The sumo thing is being done ail along the
lino. "
Several of the men wore spoken to ami
they all expressed themselves lu being satis
fied us well as could bo expected under the
circumstances , and hopeful of n chuiige uncle
to the old routine In a short time.
Holy Upon Plalt'H ChlorldcH
for all household disinfecting purpose * . '
It Is I2iijocd by Twelve Hundred I'lo-
nlocrH nt Wilder.
Eight caw nt the B. fe , M. depot were filled
with excursionists when the train pulled out
nt 8:30 : Sundny morning. The occasion was
the annual excursion of the Tclocvlcna Jed-
nota Sokol or Bohemian Turners , and n red
letter day In the calendar of the sons nnd
daughters of Bohemia. The Turners are
noted for knowing hoito 'enjoy themselves
nnd on this oec.isiou they surpassed all pre
vious occasions.
The uncomfortable heat of the day was to
some extent overcome by the pleasant breeze
excited as the train tore along between green
fields , over bridges nnd through the valley
under the guidance of Conductor E. S. Kaney
with Engineer Oleason nt the throttle. The
scats of the coaches were all lllloJ with Turn
ers In uniform and their sweethearts nnd
wives In white dresses.
At SoutU Omaha n halt was made to add
two more coaches to the train and again it
sped along to Ashland where another coach
Illlcd with excursionists from Schuylcr ,
Wuttoo and Pragun was waiting on a side
track and the incoming train was greeted
with the strains of n band of music and n
rousing cheer from the crowd on the plat
form. At Lincoln and again at Crflto addi
tions were made till when the train pulled up
on the side track opposite the beautiful grove
in n bend of the Blue river about n mile
above Wllbcr there were upwards of twelve
hundred people who stepped out eager for a
day in the woods.
The engine Jiad been gaily decorated with
the national Bohemian colors , inter
twined with the stars and stripes
and bore in front n gigantic
reproduction of the emblem of the order , the
Intertwined letters of the word sokol , in mo-
plo leaves nnd pink , white nnd yellow roses.
At every way station nnd crossing n curious
crowd gave 'the party a cheer as the train
roared past.
At the grove the party scattered first to
lunch in the many shady nooks of the place
and afterwards to such amusements as suited
them best. There was n line dancing plat
form wherd 'music was furnished to dancers
by the Bohemian bands of Omaha and Schuy
lcr. There were hammocks , swings nnd mcr-
ry-go-roumls for others. There were base
balls for others and what was of the greatest
Interest to the majority , there was such an
Immensity of grccn-carpotcd , green-domed
space no particular pair of lovers need fear
the Interference of a third party in their con
Everything went off in the happiest man
ner , thanks to the energetic and careful man
agement of the committee John Kosicky ,
John Hoffman , Pcclval , Prelhlcr , Meckosky ,
Frank Swoboda , Hudlcck , and Charles
There were no disturbances nor disagree
able incidents of any sort to leave in the
minds of the picuiccrs any unpleasant memo
During the afternoon the Omaha boys had
a friendly Jumplngeontest with the following
result :
Running high Jump : First , F. .Tclen , 5 feet
1 Inches ; second , H. Havelka , 5 feet ; t inches.
Hunning long Jump : First , F. Jelen , 20
feet 4 inches ; second , It. Havelka , 1'J feet 7
Vault : First , Joe Percival , 8 feet 0 inches ;
second , F. Jelen and It. Havelka tied oa 8
feet inches.
The other branches of the society present
in uniform were : Cretcs , fifty members , John
Sharey captain ; Wilbcrs , fifty-two members ,
John Malccr captain , and Oinnhas , 100 mem
bers , Joe Percival captain.
There arc altogether eight brandies in the
state , nt Omaha , South Omaha , Ciete.
Wllbcr , Linwoood , Bruuo , Millbank and
Brush Creek.
What It Costs
must bo care fully considered by the great ma
jority of people m buying even necessities of
life. Hood's Sarsaparilla commends itself
with special force to the pi-eat middle classes ;
because it combines positive economy with
great medicinal power. It is the only medi
cine of which can truly be said " 100 doses
one dollar , " and a bottle taken according to
directions will average to last a month.
AV. S. Kelly Apparently Has Deserted
Wife mill Children.
Thcro is a llttlo black-liaircil woman at 703
North Twenth-oigtith street who is in need of
help and should receive it.
Up until Juno 5 AV. S. Kelly was a foreman
at the smelting works , receiving a salary of
75 n month. He had n pleasant homo on
North Twenty-cigTitli street , was blessed
with a good wife and six obedient children ,
and everything seemed to be working pros
perously with him.
On Juno 4 bo asked his wife to show
him his accident insurance policy , which
she kept , and she did so. Ho looked
at it nnd then watched her
as she returned it to the place where it was
kept. On Juno 5 ho drew a month's pay nt
quitting time , walked away from the works.
and since that day neither his wife nor any of
his former associates have seen him. The wife
lay awake all that night awaiting him , and
the next morning visised the shops and In
quired for him , only to learn that ho hud quit
work the night before with $75 in his pocket
and had not been seen since. On returning
homo Mrs. Kelly found that her husband had
ordered and paid for at n down-town grocerv
a sack of Hour , some tea and coffee and hail
them delivered that morning , though
they had been paid for the
night before. From this and the fact
that her husband's ' accident policy had dis
appeared. Mrs. Kelly concluded that her
husb md had wilfully deserted her without
cause and has made no effort to find him.
Some Inquiry has developed the fact that
Kelly kept very fast company and spent more
than ho made , anu consequently had borrowed
more or less from his associates. The family
moved hero three years ago from Yankton , S.
D. Kelly served a number of rears in the
United States army aud married his wife in
Mrs. Kelly is loft destitute with six chil
dren on her hands ,
California Cat-Il-Ciirc.
The only guaranteed cure for catarrh , cold
In the head , hay fever , lose cold , cutnrrhnl
keafncss and sere eyes. IJcstoro the sense of
taste and unpleasant breath , resulting from
catarrh. Easy and pleasnut to see. Follow
directions and u cure is warranted bv all
druggists. Send for circular toABIETINU
MEDICAL COMPANY , Oroville , Gal. Six
months' treatment for $1 ; scut by mail , 81,10.
Sold by Goodman Drug Co.
llol.sloy Will .Not Allow Ilia
Work to hoMado a Faroe.
Mayor dishing has sent a letter to Judge
IleUloy authorizing him to release P. IJcoves ,
impiUoncd for UO days for assaulting and
beating ills wife.
Hcovos got crazy drunk nnd , with n re
volver , chased his wife over the prairie.
When hold for examination , ho asked the
amount of bail required and was told that f > 0
would do. The wife then bogged that ho bo
not admitted to bull as she feared for her life.
Two days afterwards Hooves was examined
ami the wife jofuscd to testify. Ho was sent
to the Jull for thirty days and the wife Imme
diately petitioned for his release. She re
ceived a peremptory refusal from Judge
Helsloy and applied to the mayor.
Judge Helsloy says ho will not issue rin
order for the man's release and that though
ho may get Into trouble he proposes to sec
that the work of the police court docs not
become a farco.
Miles' Ncrvo and Liver Pills.
An important discovery. They net on the
liver , stomach and bowels through the
nerves. A now principle. They speedily
cure bllliousncss , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles and constipation. Splendid for men ,
women and children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest. 110 doses for 23 cents , Samples frco
ut Kuhu & Co.'s 15th and Douglas.
Three Union Pncillu onielnU AscoirJ
n Hung In the ladder of Promotion.
John W. Grinith , for n long time auditor of
disbursements , has been appointed general
purchasing agent of the Union Puclllo road ;
Fred. B. Whitney Is appointed general
freight agent nnd J S , Tebbclts superintend
ent of the coal department.
These changes Uko effect the first of July.
Others nro to follow , but the officials any they
have mailo no selections as yet , Thcro will
bo successors to Grinith as auditor of dis
bursements and of Whitney M assistant
gcncnil freight agent at Kansas City.
Tlio Strike of Shop Men.
The strike of Union Pacific shop men out
west Is confined to tlio shops at Lo Grand ,
Vice President Holcomb received a tele
gram yesterday Informing him that twen
ty-three machinists and holler maker * had
walked out Sunday morning on a demand for
more wages. They askcil 85 cents an hour ,
the amount paid being DO cents.
Mr. Holcomb says tlmt the order of reduc
tion In hours anil force has nothing to do with
It. So far as ho had been able to learn , the
men hero were satisfied , and all these who
did not receive tlmo checks Saturday night
returned to work this morning.
A Union Depot Force.
The matter of Joint agents , baggagemen
and other employes necessary to a union depot
force has , It Is reported , been decided on lio-
twccn the Union Pncillc and Burlington
roads , but the ofllclah decline to 'admit It.
There seems to bo a general understanding ,
however , that Jim Chambers , ticket agent ,
Ed. Haney , depotmastcrof the Union Pacific ,
and Charles Homoltn , baggagcmaster of the
JJ. & M. , will bo retained. The force will not
be organized for several weeks.
GOCH to tlio II. & O.
Edward Dickinson has been offered and
has accepted a position with the .Baltimore
& Ohio road. A circular was Issued yesterday
appointing him general superintendent of all
lines wcstof the Ohio river , with headquar
ters at Chicago. The appointment taken 'ef
fect July 1 , and on that date Mr. Dickinson
will take possession of the onicc.
Grlillth'H Sucuqfl or.
It Is understood that William An
derson , traveling auditor , has been sc-
lected by the Union Pacific officials
to'succeed J. W. Grinith ns
auditor of disbursements. Ho Is a gdod man
and his promotion is said to bo one of the
most deserving of the many recently made.
For Nervous Exhaustion
Use Hereford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. H. C. McCoy , Algonn , la. , says : "I
have used It in cases of dyspepsianervous ex
haustion and weaknesswith pleasant results.
Also think it of great service in depressed
condition of the system resulting from biliary
derangement. " _
Will Forget the Past.
John Dillon of Dubuque , In. , arrived In the
city yesterday and nt once commenced a
search for his wife , whom ho claims deserted
him some time ago.
Three weeks ago a woman who gave the
name of Hanson arrived in Omaha , penniless
and with three small children , looking to her
for support. To the authorities she stated
that she was waiting for her husband ,
but us he did not arrive , the children
were taken to Couni.ll Bluffs , where they
were placed in the Orphan's home , after
which the woman returned to this city nnd
soon found employment in a Fourteenth
street chop house.
The husband tells n different story , and
says that his wife employed a man by the
name of Young to get him drunk , after
which ho was sentenced to thirty days in
Jail. During the time ho was serving out his
sentence she eloped with one of Youn g's
friends and came to Omaha , where ho dc-
sci ted her.
List night Dillon found his wife , and after
a short consultation , they concluded to let the
past oury the past anil begin life anew.
Headache , neuralgia , dizziness , nervous
ness , spasms , sleeplessness , cured by Dr.
Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Kulm &
Co.'s , IDth and Douglas.
Had Washouts Reported.
Yesterday afternoon Superintendent Jnynes
of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Omaha railroad received information that the
whole country between Wukcflcld and Wind-
side was still under water. bud
washouts are reported , and in one place 1,200
feet of track has been carried out into a
neighboring corn field. All trains were
abandoned , nnd as the road bed cannot be re-
prdied until the water subsides , it will be
several days before trains are again running
on time. _
The now offices of the great Rock Is
land route , 1C02 , Sixteenth and Farnain
street , Omaha , are the lineat in the city.
Cull and see them. Tickets to all points
east at lowest rates
Tt superior excellence proven In million' of liomos
formoro than u quarter of n century. It Is used by
the United States Uorcrnment. KmlorMOd by this
lu'iulsof the Kroit tinlreraltloi. nt tlio ,
I'urcstnnd.Moit Henlthfnl. Dr. I'rlco's Cream link-
Ini ; Powder , docs not contain ammonia , llmo or
alum. Sold only In cnni.
New YOTls Chicago. Haa rrnnclaca. St.Louls
minaimu o. "
The figure 0 In our dntes n ill make a lone stay.
No man orvoraan now living will ever date a
document without using the figure 0. It stands
In tlio third place In 1600 , where It will remain ten
years and then move up to t > ccond placa in 1000 ,
where It " 111 rest forono hundred years.
There is another " 0" which lutsalco come to stay.
It Is unllku the figure 0 in our dates In tlio respect
that It hna already moved up to first place , where
it will permanently remain. U U called the "No.
9" Hluh Arm Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine.
The "No. O'1 was endorsed for first place by tha
experts ol Kuropo nt the I'arls Exposition of 16S9 ,
where , after a severe contest with the lending ma
chines of the world , It was 'awarded the only
Grand 1'rUo given to family sen Ing machines , all
cttien on exhibit having received lower awards
of gold medals , etc. The French Government
also recognized Us superiority by thedecoruliou ot
Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler , I'rcsidcntof the company ,
with tha Cross of the Legion of Honor.
Tbo "No. 9" Is not an old machine Improved
UVOD , but is an entirely new machine , aud the
Grind Prize nt Paris was awarded it as the grand *
eitadvance in ( cninc machine mechanism of tl.e
age , Those who buy it can rust assured , there.
( ore , of having the very latest aud beet.
185 nnil 187 Wabiwh Avo. , Chicago ,
20 North lOt hStreet.
Kheinmatlsm ,
BEINO duo to" > the presence of uric
acid hi the Wood , \a \ most effectually
cured by the usovof Ayor'a Snrsnpo-
rllln. Bo sure you got Ayet's and no
other , and tak4 it till the poisonous
acid la thoroughly expelled from the
system. Vfo cliaUqngo attention to thla
testimony :
"About two years ago , after suffcrlnc
for nearly two .yaws from rlioiunntlo
emit , being able to walk only with great
discomfort , ami ( Irving tried various
remedies , Including mineral waters ,
without relief , I saw by an advertise
ment In a Chicago paper tliat a man had
been relieved of this distressing com
plaint , after long suffering , by taking
Aycr'a Sarflnparllla. I then dccjdcd to
make a trial of thli incdlelno , and took
it regularly for eight inontliB , and am
pleased to state that it has effected n
complete cure. I ! mvo since had no re
turn of tlio disease. " Mrs. H. Irving
Dodge , 110 Went ISMih St. , Now York.
"Ono year ago I wai taken 111 with
Inflammatory rheumatism , being confined -
fined to my liouso six months. I came
out of the sickness \ery much debili
tated , with no appetite , and my system
disordered In every war. I commenced
using Ayer's Snrsaparilla and began to
improve at once , gaining In strength
ana soon recovering my usual health.
I cannot say too much In prnlso of thla
well-known medicine. " Mrs. Ii. A.
Stark , Nashua , N. U.
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mats.
Price tl ; clx bottles , $5. Worth $5 a bottle.
i.nv An unfnll-
Innl WcnknuKS ,
Spcrmntoriliica ,
Jmpotoncy , a ml
nil ( tl > ca-c 3 tlmt
follow AH a Bt1-
qiiunco of Self-
nl > HKc ; l Lots
I'nln In the Hack. Dimness of VMon. I'rcmaturo Old
AKO. nnd ninny other ( llsenscs that le.ul to Insanity
or consumption mi I n preinnt'irecnivo.
CWKull pnrtlciilriM In our pamphlet , which we do-
lre to cnd frco by mall U ) every one. I-iyTlia Spe
cific medicine lixoldul Jl per packime , or MX pack-
nt'cs forj.'i , or will be Kent free by mull on the receipt
of the money , by nddrcsilnff
Onncconnt of counterfeits wo have adopted the
yellow wrapper , the only genuine.
Habitual Costiveness
causes derangement of the entire syntern ,
and bcgctRilUcnrfM tlmt nrr hazardous tollfo.
IVrsoiis < > f contlie linblt nro sultfcct to Jlcnd-
nelio , Jcfcctl\o Memory , Gloomy J'orebod-
Jn < r , > 'ur\ui ncKs IY\ern , Drowsiness , Irri
table Temper nnd other nymptoms ivlilrli
unfits thosuntTor for bUilncBH or aurccablo
associations. Regular habit of body aluuo
can correct thc.soiotlls , and nothing : suc
ceeds goi ell'in achieving this condition as
Tutt'sl'MH. Ily their use not only is the
) stem renovated , but In consequence of tlio
harmonious change * thua created , thcro
pervades n feeling oCgatlufacUon ; the men
tal faculties perform their functions with
vivacity , anil there is an exhilaration of
mindand body , nnd perfect heart's ease that
bespeaks the full enjoyment of hcnltlu
Tutt's Liver Pills
Walter Brsant.
The wcll-kiiffion Yelloiv Labels o/
the Apollinaris Company , Limited , are
protected ly Perpetual Injunctions of the
Supreme Court.
Bcivare of bottles bearing the genuine
Apollinaris labels but re-filled with a
spurious article.
which , if genuine , is branded with the
name of the Apollinaris Company ,
Limited , and the words Apollinaris
JJru/i/tett" around an anchor.
Permanent Alignment
General Agonts.NobruEka uiul Iowa.
81O S. 16th St. , - - Omaha
DQ You Know
That Ir. Simons Is one of the most scientific
and successful physicians In tlio United
Plates , unil that he Is located ut corner of
Jones und Kith Bis , and treats all cases of
flcally nnd successfully. Dr. Simons Is a spec
ialist in all female complaints. No person
sulTcrlnK from any of tlKV-o distressing troub
les catos to lot everybody Umw it. K to lr
Simons who is n regularly educated physician
without the semblance of qu.iekory about
him. He will diaijoiioso your case and toll
you plainly whether you can be otticil or not.
ration him us thousands of othoH havodoue
Come and bo hunpy. Successful treatment by
mail ,
Dll. SIMONS 1 S. 10th St. . Omaha. Nob.
UK. J , 3S. Mc EEW ,
The Doctor In nnmrpnstcd
lu the ULUinifiit of all
9 forms of 1'rhntu DlseaseB.
'Notrtalmcntliaa ever been
inoreeucce eful and none
> ) ms had ntronecr endorse
ment. A enrols guarantied In lliotry \\orst cncca
in fronijtosdiivjwlthoiittlie lossof an lionr'n time.
" " Tliofo who Im\o bten
uiid < r liu trcr.tmcnt for
stricture or dlniculty In
rfllovlnj the bladder , pronounce it n moet unndur *
fill KUCCCK * . A completu euro In it few du ) without
[ nilii. Instruments or lossof time.
n And all \\ctk-
30 nu8 of the
" *
llmUlty or ncrvourncss , in their worst furina mid
inoit dreadful remits arc absolutely cured.
- And all FKMALK
nt homo ullhniit
Insltuincnii. A wonderful nnudr. HOU11S for
laUlrifrom 8tD4 _ _ ONLY.
and nil Plxascs of the Skin ,
lllood , lleiirt. l.lver , Kid-
ueys and llhiudcr cured
| { % Cured In 30 to to duy , The
tnutt rnpld , tuto mm cffirt *
lie Inatmcnt kuiiHii to tlio
medical profeeslon. Lmy trnca of Hie dUctko re-
UUIH ! from Ilia blood : nconmti to cure nuifanleed.
For "man" or "woman1 , i ach lOc
( ( tumiia ) . Trcntini'iit by corru-
8iKidt > nce Htamr for reply
N K t on. Urn AND KiniU ST.
Open from 8 A M to B I' M ,
Kntrancn on Fornnm or lllltbt. ,
Our great sale of thin coats and vests has commenced. For customers -
ers who remember our former summer sales the mere announcement
of this sale is sufficient. They know that it means an opportunity to get
their goods at about ONE-HALF THE PRICE THEY HAVE TO PAY
ELSEWHERE FOR THEM. We have this season an enormous stock ,
and it consists mostly of the better grades of goods , but these will "be
slaughtered at prices which others will charge you for inferior and low
grade goods.
Fine plain Mohair Coats and Vests in several shades at $1.75 worth
Fine striped Mohair Coats and Vests in several shades at $2.28.
Very fine Drap D'Ete Coats and Vests , elegantly made up with
French facing at $3.2S ; you have to pay for similar goods fully $6.
The finest Black Serge Coats and Vests at $3.SO , worth about $7.
Very fine FrenchFlannel Coats andVests in beautiful stripes at $2.9O.
A large variety of black Alpaca Coats at $1 , $1.6O , $2 and $2.25 ; also
extra long Alpaca Coats.
To get a correct idea of the values we are offering in these goods
you must see them.
We will , not take any chances this time. The season promises to l e the shortest we ever had ; and we
commence an early clearance sale , We offer today two lots of suits at such reductions that buyers can
readily see the superior values we offer.
One lot , of all wool plain grey cheviot sack suits at $6.50 , This is a suit that has been made up
to retail for $12.50 to $15 ; the quality of the goods is excellent. It is lined with double warp Italian ,
made up stylish , with patched pockets , and makes a splendid business suit.
The second is a large lot of sack and frock suits of black cheviot , the most fashionable material
this season. These are made up in fine style with worsted binding and fit elegant ; the suit is worth
over $15 , and we offer them at $8.90.
Ask our salesmen to show you these suits. .
It is astonishing what a quantity of flannel shirts we are selling this season. The enormous sales
induced us to buy very heavy. We have recently closed out a manufacturer's entire stock and place
them on sale today at about one half their former prices. Among the lot we offer :
70 dozen Oxford Cloth Shirts , excellent patterns , woven colors , made up with yoke and in good
style at 50c ; a few weeks ago these shirts would be considered cheap at $1.
40 dozen silk striped French Flannel Shirts at 90c ; worth $175.
Never were such bargains offered in flannel shirts as we have this week.
Clothing Co.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , 1
Sydney Smith's sugges
tion-of taking lofl one's flesh
and sitting down in one's
bones , wag-made before the
days of modern improv-
ments. Now comfort may
be secured and good taste
not be offended by simply
donning a thin coat and vest
and a light pair of trousers.
A full supply of the same
for the heated term may be
found at
UKiiii iTinu ibiou.i , i > .
i f KB 111 OUX.3 < 1 bl IMitsiw
r , H ile for lhli r clne ! > " '
{ oie Curi * uf llrnrralbe Hrftkipi. . f Ivlnf trttInllJ , Hottth.
int. tnolUuoilt Inmnli of rUrlricllJ tlirouib > ll W UK
1-AKTH rui'xrlut Ib.mto I1K1I.TII mid VII.IIKIII H HTIII.VUIIL
Klnlrle fl ( luOinll ) , or wo forfeit J5.1XI In eiih
IIKtT loj Haip.Diorr Coaipl.l * f 3. * n4 DII. \V oral rtlf I'fr *
nuvnllf for 4 In tnr.e tnouthi. Rfal.4 pnturhl't lr * .
B - TO.T.lliirlilillln
hTfy-t TO./T-
-HT Jl. - JjdOLcutoajnllltaUOdtyi
llopiytlllcur 4 BR J
ArrceU dUcharRos from the urinary organj
In cither ecx m 43 liodru.
It U lujitrlor to Copaiba , Cubcb , or Injoe-
tlon > , and frcorum all bad luicll or other
Uiconvcnlcocci ,
CipiulK. WtU Ur Ibeoiauln l\ \ *
_ ' without viMtll COD r ptmiloi.
Abiolulrlyrtlliblp , rfiftlyMfc.moitpcwcrfulfrmal
i *
-ulatorVuown ( nev < rfall , ( ! J. . . tK. < ii M .oiol
unlrliBt. A'Mrtw I.IDN llW O l. liufTnlo , .S V.
_ hoU liy UDOliMA' , '
. . iill u cil . Loufotutu.
vfkl.i > .rik r < > > ;
> < IL. '
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
For the trcitmcnt of nil CHRONIO AND StJIlOICAIj DISHASKS linear Appllnnccs for Dtformltlen nn
Trusses Itoil Fncllltlpi , Apparatus nnd llumeiHo * for miccoinftil Ironlmont of pry form of cllsu.iio ro-
qiilrlnKAtecilcil or SurKlonl Treatment. NINBTY HOOMS tOU I'A'UKNTS llonrJ and nttciiilancu. lies !
Accummmhitlmis Wist. Write for clrcul.iri on Dofa-mltloi nnd Unicom. Tnisim , Club 1'eet , Ciirvnlura of
Spine , 1'llcs , Tumors , Cancer , Cut.irrh , llromliltl" , Inluilnllon , Klritrlcllf. I'nrnljKls. Kpllopm. Kidney ,
Illmldcr , K.JO , Knr , hkln nnd Dlood , nnd nil HiirKlcnl operations. IMSIIASICS Ob'VO.MHN n xpeclalty. Hoot
of Dlscnsis of Woman Free. Wo Imvo lately mlded a J.ylim-ln Dcpirtiuvnt for Women dmInc Confinement
( Strictly 1'rlvnto ) . Only Uvllnblo Mcillcnl Institute mnklne n specialty of 1'UIVATU DlbKASKS.
All lllood Diseasesaiicccssfully treated , byplillltle polion lomovod from the H ) lem nllhcnit mercury.
New Itcitor.itlvo Trt.nient for I-oss of Vital i'ower. I'nrllei unable to % loll in may bo treated at homo uj
corrojpjnilorue. Allcomm inlcatloni confidential. Medlelno or lumriinicnti Bent by mill >
enrol- packed , no marks to Incllc.ito lontonts or sender. One parbonnl Interview preferred , t'nll nnd consul !
nsor enillil tory ofyonrcAso , and wu will send In nlnlu wrap.icr our 11OOIC 'JO MK.V FKCK , upon 1'rlvut *
Special or Nervous Ulxcnscs , Impotcncy , Syphilis , ti.eet and VuikocUe , with question list. Addiess
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner 9th and Harney Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Grand Lottery of Juarez.
Under the Manaeement of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concessionaries.
Will take plueo in publlo nt tlio 01TV OV JUAHEZ ( formerly I'aso del Norto ) ,
WEDNESDAY , JUNE 28th , 189O.
Under the personal supervision ol GEN. JOHN S. MOSBY , nnu MU.OAMIM )
the former a gentleman of such prominence In the United States tint his presence Mono is
sufficient Kuiirnuteo to thunubllu that the ilr.ivrlmrs will behold ttltliHtrlot honesty and 'iilr-
ncsi to all , und the latter ( the Supervisor of the Mexican Government/ , / of ! ntuudlujf
and Integrity.
Only 6OOOO , Tickets ! Only 6OOOO Tickets !
1 Prize of $60,000 , $60,000 $ , 100 Prlroi of Approximation I W enoli Prize1 ? . I ! > , ( * *
. 'rite of 10U l'rl of W ) eicli 8.TOI
1 1'rlioct 10U 1'rliOJ of VS fttcli ' , " 2WJ
3 rmccof I.UUU Cecil . 3WO ( Terminal Prize"
10 1'rUoiof sue each . HiOTurnilmls to fi/ ) , < J I'rUu of HO onch III.W7
W I'rlrcjof 10) ) oncli . iWl'orininala to HU.OW 1'rlio of 110 ncn. . . . . t > , M
110 1'rlzcjof dCenih .
Ul uclj . UU4 Prizes amounting to $1(26,070 ( ,
Wo the unflerslencil hereby certify thnt the Ilnnco It nny ticket rtrawlnn n prlio Ii nont to the i ( if Mexico In Chlhiiuhim lm on deposit ilKuoil , Iti racn ruliia will > > o collected nnd rouiUto4
from Ihu Meilran Inlcrnntloniil llnnklnu Company , lu the owner tliurcMif frt'u en' rlinri , ' . .
tlio lu'coasary f mull to Kunrunteo tlio pnyment of all 15IH1A11 II I1IION10.V ,
the prizes drawn In the liiund lottery or Junroz. 1'rcjldent Kl l'u o NiUlimul Hunk , Kl 1'iuo.fot ,
Wu further certify tlmt wo will nil the nr- ACiHNTS WANTHm.
rnnpcments , unil In pernon luannitu ami control all For ilub rntoi , or mir otliur Information , wrlio to
tliuilnwlnns of Ilil * Lottery , anil tlmt thonnmo am tliounilornlKiMM ulntlnu your mlclroin cloirly , will }
conducted with honesty , falrnos * und lu u'ooil faith Htnle , County. Htrecl nii't ' Number. Moro riplil mull
° " ' delivery will ho osnuroa by your oncloiliu " tinTUl *
"nrjon'ii B. MOSnY , Commissioner. liu your full mMrom. .
BiipervUor for the Government. Ulty ot Juuroi , Mexico.
NOT IDE Fuml romlUnncfs for tlokets by ordinary letter , cnntiitiilim Money Order.
i i , , , , lsbl,1 ( < (1 ' > y " 'I ' Hxpn-HS Companies , New Vorlc Kxulmngo , Hank Uruftor 1'ojtal
Note. Address nil rc lstcm ! lotturn to
Olty of Juarez. Mexico , via hU Paso. Tax.
X ,