Ju J jLiU 'V7iU"7VJ"JL"ZX -i 4Ot7vJ 'UK ' TRANSPORTATION BOARI ccrttiriei Ba1 > mit a Report in Accordant With the May Resolution , 8 ATE FROM COLUMBUS TO SOUTH OMAHA rind Hint tlin I'rosent ClmtRo a U 1'or Cnr on Mvo Stock la Kx- ccHsIvo nnd Ilccoinmoiitl a Kate orl5. ! _ _ ! . * , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special to Tn 1 The stnto board of transportation me this nf tcmoonnt a o'clock nt the call of th secretaries to consider a report submitted h Secretaries Gnrbor nnd Oilchrlst under th resolution adopted by the board wherein th ( Secretaries wore Instructed to Investigate a Jto the cost ol the railroads nnd to report . schedule of maximum rates based on arcasor nblo rate of Income upon the capital nctuall Invested in the construction of the roads. Iii Cldcntnlly n report was submitted with rcfot cnco to the complaint of Q. O. Barnum vs th Union Pnclllo railway company conccrnln , Ibo rate on shipments of Hvo stock fret Columbus to South Omaha. The reportglvoi below was submitted by Secretary Onrbcr : U1 The complaint , In substance , is of the rnt Of transportation of live stock from Columbu fo South Omaha. Tlio farts nro ns follows : The respondent1 ! rate for the transportation of Hvo cattle am bogs from Columbus to South Omaha la W per thirty-foot car , other lengths taking flxci percentages of that rato. The distance fron Columbus to South Omalm by the railroad ol the defendant company Is approximated ninety-two miles. The rate of shipments o ; live cattle from Columbus to Chicago by tin i.ino of the defendant and Its Connections was fit the time of the bringing of this complaint Wfli cents per hundred pounds , subject to i minimum charge of 13.18 per car. This rnt < is the result of n war on Hvo stock rates be twcen competitive lines carrying the live Block ti-nMlo from lower Missouri river points , _ to Chicago , the results of that conflict belnt to rcduco the rate from Kansas City to Chicago > cage from 25 cents per hundred pounds to 1JW ! 7r ccjits by u succession of changes. f , Tlio prevailing rates to South Omaha or Jive stock from stations within competitive distances of Columbus nro as follows : Schuy Icr , about sixteen miles cast of Columbus or the Union Pacific , $23 per car ; Beaten , hall way between Schuy lor nnd Columbus , $20 , Duncan nnd Gardner , eight and fourteen tnllos respectively west of Columbus on Unloii Pacific , & < J each ; Oconce , Plutto Center tor , Burrows , Monroe , Matson and Genoa stations north nnd west of Columbus on tin Rcpubllcim Valley branch of the Union Pa cllic , the rates are $29 , the same as nt Colum- bus. While ) Ucllwood and David City , south- past of Columbus on the Burlington road ( the last mured city is u competitive point be tween the Union Pacific , the Elkhom and tlio Bmlhigton ) , the rates nro $20 nud § J5 re spectively. Columbus Is n main line station of the Union Pacific. Its situation entitles It to as low if not lower rates than are made from stations further distant and located on branch lines of costlier trafllo service. Your secretaries Hud that n rate of 29 per tar. standard length , on shipments of live cnttlo and hogs , from Columbus to South Omiihii as compared with the rates prevailing from stations located in competitive territory With Columbus , is unlust nnd unreasonable nnd nn net of discrimination against shippers at Columbus. * The carrying of live stock to market is pe culiar in itself. The character of the service is of greater proportionate consideration than the charges for the sumo. The smallest limit In time of transit Is of the greatest im portance to shippers. An unnecessary delay of an hour or two results in n shrinkage in Weight for which a few dollars loss In the freight charges Is no adequate compensation. And yet It Is undoubtedly true that the rates generally on Hvo stock mo lower in view of the service performed , nnd risks assumed in transit by the carriers than on any other trafllc. The rate shown nro not to the road. From the rate Is deducted 75 cents whenever n shipper beds the car ; $1.50 Is paid the stock yards company for hauling Iho far to the pens und for unloading the same. It is the conclusion of the secretaries thnt $25 per ear , htandard length , is a reasonable rate for shipments of Hvo cattle and hogs from Columbus to South Omnlm ; other sta tions within the territory adjacent to Colum bus to bo adjusted In conformity therewith ppon principles of equity nnd Justice. | STATI : uousn NK\VS. The following notarial appointments were made today by Governor Thayer : J. M. For- Rjisoii , Hustings ; B. F. Harbaugh , Armada ; W. II. Jonos. Broken Bow ; E. A. Cook , Lex ington ; W. D. Mnthows , O'Neill ; Samuel P. Davidson , Johnson countya John M. Tracv. Jjincoln ; II. V. lioaglatid , Lincoln. ' Mr. O. C. Bell , deputy secretary of state , loft today for a ton days Jaunt In Utah and Idaho. < OMAHA IXnUSTIIICS. The Union stock yards company ( limited ) Of Omaha filed amended articles of Incorpora tion with the secretary of stnto this morning. The principal amendment Is that to article 0 , Which increases the authori/cd capital stock to $1,000.000 and provides thnt it may bo still f uithcr Increased by a vote of two-thirds of the stockholders. Aitlclcs of incorporation of the Dawson brick company of Omaha were filed this niornlng. The object of the organization is to manufacture brick and other articles from cluy. Also to uilno und sell clav , coal and other minerals nud to sink and operate walls Iali' ? ' u , , 1WTho , n > nl Mock is to bo 50MK ) . The | Ineorporntors nro Normnn A. Kuhn , C. D. Woodwoitli , Jeff \V. Bedford , Alexander O. Chnrlton , Ulchnrd Smith , W S. Glbbi nnd A. II. Cooler. TUB woui.n-m : I.T.VCHKIIS. At S o'clock this morning Charles Smith tbo lust of the would-bo lynchors of G W Blnkoley laft nt large , was captured. Ho Is the fellow who , It Is alleged , drew his revolver ver ami attempted to kill Blnkclov after the penitentiary guards appeared on the fccone. The trial of the six men Jyas set for 'J p. m. nnd the po- lloo court was crowded with spectators. Blaltoley was present nud his neck still bore the livid marks of the rope that was put nbout his neck yesterday morning , nnd walked With n Imping gait , showing the injury to his hip by being dragged over the rough street. The prisoners objected to n trial before Judge Fox worthy , ns ho was n member of the pur suing party that captured thorn. A chungoof Venue was taken to Justice Cochran's court SMITH LBAVKS TOW.V. George Smith , the man who criminally ns- Biuiltcd llttlo Mary. Hayes , the ten-year-old sister of his. wife , was arraigned this morn ing In the police court , Mrs. Hayes was the only prosecuting witness , but she refused to testify against her husband. Ho was thcro- 101-0 released from custody , but was given sixty minutes to get outaldo of the corpor- BUR WANTS IIlilt I.OT3. Mrs. Hannah A. Nelson complains In the district court that Atkinson & Doty attor neys , hnvo resorted to n sharp trick to rob her of two lots in Yolando Place. Mrs Nol- con says that she hired these lawyers ns couiuol In u certain suit and was persuaded to give as security for their fees u deed to tno lots ; that they gave her u written ngroonient that they would return the lots to her as soon as their fee was paid. She says Jurtherthatthoi-uso was compromised and Bho offered her attorneys the f 150 that they jlonmnded from her. She was astonished , liowuvor , to find that tlioy refused to accept the fee and intimnto that they had her lota nnd proposed to keep them. Entrontlos were lit vain und she has found it necessary to ppjKjal to the courta to got her property back. / 8I.OMIXSKI CLIIS13 1C1IK INJl'KBD. Dr. Slomlnskl , whoso notorious record is Known to every citizen in Omaha , has caused the arrest of the uroprletor of the Evening Ne\\-s of this city for criminal libel for the imblU-ation of the following : Dr.Monilnikl , the duok whom THE OHAHA IlKK ImsoxiHHoil time nnd uBiiln , and who atone ono tlnm attempted toliliiRanOiualm reporter. IIIIH opened up a tio-culleil UUIHUUIII of Him- toniyon Ostiuotnnd In eatchlnx tlio sucUuw JuKioiitshtipo. Thoattontton of the police lm liooii oullod to the obioeno advertUliiK imiiinlitatstliDtliolins had olrcultitod about tlioi'lty. Hobhouldbollnodfor violating the urilliitinou votcrlui ; that point. The trial will bo held at Justice Cochran's court at 1 p. ui. tomorrow. TUB Tl-HNFCST. m'i'il'.a"lVu.alB ' ? udl'urilfftJtof l" ° Nebraska BlvUlon of the Turnveroln coramcneod ttx'.ay , Hid llaruiaula hall and vicinity cm uilvo with Imntl.iomo gymnnits in gray uniforms the color worn y the onlor , The day wr.s pa.Hod In receiving visitors , nnd cnult dclo gallon was mot nt Iho depot with a bnnd nm escorted to the headquarters of the loca society. Thli ovoninir n grand social knowi as n kommcrs Is bclntf held In Uohunnnn'i hall. Tomorrow morning the contests com nicnco nt Sawyer's park. TCACnKUV 1NST1TOTK. The teachers' Institute of Lancaster count' ' opened today In the rooms of the supcrlntcn dentof publio Instruction , nnd will contlnu until July D. Seventy teachow were In nt tendance. The opening feature today wa the class drill in arithmetic by Prof. Ilakc straw of Nebraska City. Mrs. Sarah Jen kins of Now York city followed with n lee turo on primary reading. Prof. Hunt of tin state university gave n class drill in grnm mar. Arrangements have been made for i complete normal course in the next twi weeks , nnd the Institute promises to bo on of great bcuoflt to the teachers. WUXDT FAlIjRD TO Al'PKAU. The 1'aiilcy Vault Agent Docs No Answer the Charge of Bribery. Itvn3 nntlclpatcd , with u great deal o anxiety on the part of county officials generally ally as well as many contractors , that tin trial of Clmrlcs L. Wundt , charged wltl bribery in the Pauloy vault job , would com mcnco In the district court yesterday morning Thcro were many spectators present whc had evidently como for the solo purpose o listening to the caso. Every ono concerned In the enso was pros cnt with n noticeable oxception. The excep tion was Charles L. Wundt. It will bo remembered thnt Wundt was in dieted by the last grand jury for attempting to brlbo County Commissioner O'ICcclTo in connection with the contracts for the vaults in the courthouse. When the indictment was returned Wundl came forward nnd presented C. W. Hamilton , president of tlio United States National bunk us his surety on the $1COO bond , llxed by the court. Attho'cndof lost term of court Mr. Mahoncy informed General Cowin , counsel for Wundt , that If ho would agree to have his client on hand for trial this tunn ho would not require the formal renewal of the old bond , as Is customary when n cnso of this kind is carried over from ono torni to another. Mr. Mahoney says that General Cowiu agreed to tills. Lost week the latter was notified that the case would como up yesterday , but for some reason the gcueral failed to have his client on hand. Mr. Mnhonoy says ho will proceed against Mr. Hamilton If Wundt is not Immediately produced. The worst that could befall Wundt In case of conviction would bo simply a line of $500. Judge Clurkson made nn order fixing the bond ot J. II. Clnmpltt at $1,000. It was done at the request of prisoner's counsel. Before making the entry the court celled upon Mr. Mahonny for his opinion in the cuso , the point being that the lower court had llxcd the bond at Slr > ( )0. ) Mr. Muhonoy explained how Chunpltt had boon brought back from Balti more after running off while under a $1,500 bond , but nddcd that ho thought a bond for $1,000 , if a good ono , would bo Just as likely to hold him as ono for WOO moro. Counsel for prisoner said that his client had , in running away , acted upon the ndvico of tlioso who were then , but uro not now , his f rlouds. The first count in the information against Wm. A. O'Lcary ' , the Council Bluffs hnck- man charged with robbing a pascengcr of 8100 , was dismissed on motion of the county attorney , nnd ho will bo tiled simply for lar ceny as bailee. Judge IIopowoll nnd a jury took up the case of John P. Mertis , u German about flftv- five years old , against the Union Paclllc rail road company , for 51,199 damages for injuries received by being run into by an ongmu ut Shecley's station about four years ago. Ono of Wertis1 ribs were broken and his shoulder dislocated. Judge Doano is still holding court in the equity court room , nnd vestcrday took up the case of Mrs. A. M. Lewis against D. C. and William Patterson. Mrs. Lewis seeks to recover the title to her homo in the northwestern part of tbo city , In Hagan's addition , alleging that n deed to the property was obtained by the Patter sons by fraud. Mrs. Lewis was put upon the stand yesterday nnd testified that the Patter son brothers had induced her to trade her Omaha property for borne lots in San DIego , Cnl. , anil persuaded her to sign n paper which was represented to bo n description of the property , but which afterwards turned out to bo n warranty deed for the Omaha property Lo Patterson. She was to have received u icrtaln sum ot money , by the terms of the iSTOomcnt , but nothing moro was said to her nbout the matter und Patterson sold the prop- srty to a third party. At this time Patterson was keeping company with Mrs. Lewis' [ laughter , according to Mrs. Lewis' testi mony , and promised to deed the property to the daughter if she-would marry him. The Nebraska Savings und Exchange bank lias brought suit against II. K. Kilborn , Thomas F. Uufus and B. F. Parker to recover SI , r > 00 on a note , Henrietta Thedo has brought suit to have ilund contract with Frederick iJicmor set xsido. Daniel Burr has commenced suit against 3x-Justlco of the Peace R. D. A. Wade and Ills sureties , Julius Mover and Joseph Gar- icau , to recover 8100 alleged to have been the imount of damages sustained by Burr by reason of Wndo's fnlluro to have certain Capers prepared in n case taken from Wade's iourt to Anderson's on a change of vonuo. Emello Woyiieh has commenced suit igalnst August Seidloy and Balthas Jottor. 3ho alleges that she and Seidlor are the icirs of Edward Seidlor , who purchased n ot of Jotter and had the deed made to August Soldier , who paid no part of the purchase uonoy. A building was erected on the lot ind occupied as n saloon. The suit is brought o have the property declared to bo held in , rust for Edward Seidler and his heirs nnd 0 have the profits of thasnloon accounted or. Victor II. Stcppuhn has sued the Union Pn- ilflc railroad company for $ . > ,000 damages. Io states that ho was compelled to wait in ho cold nnd storm nt Madison 6n Fcrunry U7. 8H ! ) , by reason ot the delay of the train and ho refusal of the company's agents to open ho station houso. His hands mid fuel were rozen mid ho was disabled for several weeks d suffered great pain , etc. , for which ho onsiders $3,000 , a Just recompense. County Court. Henry Price has sued F. M. Russell for 170 for rent of a store in Dos Molnos in 1878. Hans C. Hansen has commenced suit gainst Joseph C. Skopper for Sl.OOO dam- gus for personal Injuries received in ix fight. Silos D. Pike and Jacob R. Hendrix rceov- red a judgment for $500 against Drexel & \ > ll for runt of ground adjoining the do- endauts1 stone yard. In the Foil oral Court. Tlio May term is practically ended , there telng no further causes to bo hoard. John Hughes pleaded guilty to Impeding ibtice by interfering with cattle brands , nnd , -ns lined 10 nnd coats. Dr. Conrad of Falrflold pleaded gulltv of elling liquor without u llcciiso , and was lined 23 nnd costs. 1002. Sixteenth nml Fnrnnm streets Is ho now lloclc Ibliuul ticket olllco. Tielc- ts to ull points east at lowest rates. Army Orders. Captain Cyrus A. Earnest , Eighth Infantry , 'ort ' NIobrarn , Nob. , has been nssigncd to uty in charge of the department rlflo camp 1 bo established on the Bellevue riilo range ir the competitors , etc. , nt the coming an nul department rlllo competition , nud will rucootl to that plnco by July 14 , next , roport- ig on route to Major Daniel W. Benham , ovcnth Infantry , inspector of small arms ractlee , department of the Platte , for hi- a-uctlons. The following named onicors will roiwrt in frson to Captain Cyrus A. Earnest , Eighth ifantry , nt the department rlllo camp near olluvuo , Nob. , for duty In connection with io approaching annual department rillo com- Hltion : First Lieutenant Jumos B. Jack- in , Seventh Infantry , Camp Pilot Butte. iTo. , ns camp ndjutant and acting signal Moor. to report July 15 text irst Lieutenant William A. Mann Sovon- icnth infantry , Fort Brldgor , Wyo. , tw camp lartonnastor und acting ordnauco ofHcor. to iport July 15 next. First Lieutenant Ichnrd R. Steodmnn , Sixteenth infantry , ort Du Chcane , Utah , as acting commissary ' subsistence , to report July 15 next. Soc- id Lieu tenant Groto Hutoheson , Ninth cav- ry , Fort Nlobrara , Nob. , ns statistical und mnclnl ofllcor , to report July 15 noxt. As- slant Surgeon Alfred E. lirudloy , United atcs army. Fort Omaha , Nob. , us medical licer , to roiwrt July 15 next. The travel directed Is necessary for the ibllo service , , THE MONSTER IOWA UETEOI A Fall Account of tbo Qro.it Oolcstbl Vi itor of Last May. WEIRD NOISES FILLED THE All An Annlyfllf ) of the Curious Hotly 1'licnomcnn Accompanying Itn Ap licnraiioe Oilier FnmniiR Meteors and Their Sclriitlflo Value. Within the last fifteen years thor hnvo boon four motcorio showora In th atiito of Iowa. Two of these were nmon the most brllliiuit of modern times. On of the meteors foil nt 12:20 : o'clock on th night of February 12 , 1875 ; the othc fell about 7 o'clock in the evening c May 2 last. The meteor could not ha\ been seen from any other point bctwcc Dos Molnos and St. Paul. As it move rapidly through the atmosphere It pr < dtiecd a variety of sounds , non of which were nt nil conduciv to the mental comfort of thos not learned in motcorio loro. Th noises were of u rolling , rumbling' an detonating nature , and of such fcai ful intensity that they shook th houses as if they wore moved by a earthquake. The heavenly body ox plodou when about ton miles from th earth with a frightful sound and seal torcd meteorites weighing from one quarter of an ounce to sixty-six pound on a Held three uillos long and ono inili wide. While the motcorio field waa in i thickly settled part of Towa county noiv of the stones are known to luivo struel either house , man or beast , says the St Louis Republican. If unythliif or anyone had boon struct it would undoubtedly have boor known. Meteorites fall with sucl force that one an inch square would kil any man , and almost any beast won they struck by it. There are not , however over , any well authenticated cases o death , from such n cause in this country and there are but two cases recorded any whore. Ono of these happened Jin 105-1 near Milan , when a Franciscan monli was killed by a small meteorite ; and tin other occurred July 2-1 , 1700. near Bordeaux doaux , where a stone fifteen in diametci fell into a hut , killing a herdsman and a bullock. But the Damocles' record of n meteoric stone is constantly suspended over our heads. But this should frighten no ono , as only ono person ii : many hundred millions como to to tin un timely end in this singular manner. Notwithstanding the number of meteors seen in space , very few of them strike the mirth. Those that do not , go back in space. They move as fast through space us the earth , and sometimes much faster. J'ho motion is retarded by contact with Lho air. This friction gives the heat and consequently the light. Very few of them : ire projected in t > ueh a way us to strike the earth. As the meteor shoots through space if it has n motion which directs it towards the earth , the pressure con- lenses the air under it and causes the explosion. Throe days i\f tor the meteor fell in Iowa in 1875 , a meteoric stone , weighing seven [ Kwnds , was found precisely where ob- jervors had seen a "glowing coal" do- jcond to the earth. Farmers working -heir fields in the latter part of the nonth found about 400 pounds of meteoric stones on the meteoric field. Those evidently formed only a small Iragmont of the entire meteoric body , io the whole mass must have weighed 5,000 pounds. This meteor ranks with these of Pul- ilbk , Poland , which fell January 30 , 1808 ; Kuyahula , Hungary , Juno 9 , 1SGG ; Drguell , Franco , May 4 , 1801 ; the ) iio which fell in Guernsey jounty , Ohio , May 1 , 18GO , null , vhich was seen from the Ohio to the At- antlo coast ; Parnallco , India , February 58 , 18-57 ; L'Aiglo , Franco , April 20 , 1S03. This great Iowa meteor consibted of in elongated pear-shaped mass of the nest dazzling whiteness. Thobulk of , ho mass was about two thousand foot eng and four hundred feet in diameter , , ho narrow white trail was about four feet long and forty feet in di- unetor. The body was posteriorly en veloped by a much less brilliant trail , ihading from orange inside to greon- sh outside , and extending about line miles along the path of the netoor. Persons in the track of meteor saw such a brilliant slrcular disk of white light surrounded > y an orago to greenish halo , the dim light of which was constantly traversed ly narrow bands of brilliant light , run- ung from the central disk in irregularly iurvcd lines toward the circumference. Vs the body , inercasimg in brilliancy and ipparcnt magnitude , was rapidly up- u'oaching the earth both men and ani- nuls were overcome by fear. The mo- eor , when it struck the atmosphere of no earth and became visible , was at an iltitudo of 150 miles vertically above the own of Plonsnntyillo , Mo. , and finally ixplodcd over a point three miles south- ifist of Norway , la. , at an altitude of .bout ton miles. While the meteor Tossed the northwestern ( Pralrlo ) town- hip of Keokuk county It was seen to livldo into two equal parts , a small astern portion continuing its motion lorthcabtward , but soon losing its Ijril- ianoy , and a sovcn to fourteen times 'renter western portion which remained ntensoly brilliant until its final oxplo- lon. It was the smaller portion of the iioteor which produced the meteoric bower in Iowa and Annum townships of owa county. While dividing the meteor iroduced two tremendous detonations ftor the main body had crossed ho railroad at Marongo it produced hroo terrific detonations which shook luildlngs for miles around. A variety f other sounds wore hoard over a circa- : ir area of 150 miles in diameter. To hose farthest away from the orbit it ounded nb if their chimneys were on TO. Those nearest the track heard a irolonped rumbling and rolling sound , , -hlch they compared to a train running vor a hlgli and long trestle bridge. The meteorite stones soon had a inur- ot value. Two dollurH a pound were ITered for all that could bo obtained , ( no stone weighing forty-four pounds as found and sold to a "meteor broker" > r $2.50. It was sold In a few days to an stronomer for $88. Tlio meteorites are Lways covered with a black crust , mak- ig them to all intents and purposes coin- loto stones. The smallest stone so far > und weighs about two ounces , the irgost 024 times that muoh or seventy- ght pounds. The crust of the fragmon- try stonort is formoddurlngtho cosmlcnl irt of their motion through the earth's .mosphere. The crust is not duo to islon , but simply to the heating of the nor layer of the stone to a rod heat , us is boon proved by Mounter. These meteorites are exceedingly ugh , and It is difficult to break thorn > ; this is duo to the iron grultis being irtly connectectod by fibres and folia. .Ill Iho niokollforous id present in do- died masses , or occurs sporadically the stono. These meteorites belong the great class of sporadosldoros of nubroo. In this class there are three tocles ; these containing much , llttlo or it very llttlo iron , so that it can only ) recognized by a magnifier orti micro- oiw. The Iowa stones contain hut itlo plainly visible metallic Iron in do- uhuu grains. HOVTll Ojrf'.Il ' A Bttftplcfiuiq Klrc , At 4 o'clock ywtcnlitv morning Arthur Le occupying room Ul In fie City hotel , Jound h room full of smoke ana the house , on fin Ho went from room ( A room firouMiis the i mutes ot the house. Hoscuo hose prompt ! responded and did o&ellont work. All ( the Inmntcn were rescued without Injury , n thouRh moM , of thorn p6t out In tholr nlol : clothes. The building Is budly damn ed nn the furniture almost ruined. The lire is BUI poacd to have orlRiuntm fn the kitchen on run up between the RttkUdltig nnd broke ov In the upper rooms. There was no llro in Hi kitchen at the time and murmur * of incci dlarism nro ulloat , The building is own6d by Daniel Uaffort and Is said to bo Insured for 1,000 , full enough to cover the loss. Landlord Flnhl had f tt2.)0 on his furniture , fixtures nnd b.i stock , 1750 In each , the Hecla , St. 1'nul , Cnl fornlu nnd Connecticut. Mr. Flnhlo think 'his loss will bo between $2,000 and $ U,000. Storm Driftwood. The storm of last night did moro or Ics damage in every part of the city. The Chicago cage store had sonio goods damaged , th collar for J. J. Joslyn's new bloc on N street west of Twenty , fourtl was fllled with water , Holmes J Smith's cellar wall was damaged. Charlc Hanuso's saloon was Hooded and his eclliv filled , causing about fTHX ) loss. The tin roc of Uio Grand Union hotel was blown of ! nil i the house drenched and twenty Initiates wen driven in the corner of ono room to oscapi the fury of the storm. The chimneys wen blown oft the Lister block and moro or lesi injury was done , including considnrahlo t ( furniture. The toiw of the chimneys wen blown oil , George W. Musson's house and th ( ruin and soot and water ruined his carpet ; and some of the furniture. The streets arc badly washed out In places. The damage all in small amounts will amount to sbvcr.i thousands of dollars. Court Slcnmlln Klcctlon. Court Sknndla. No. 2JO , elected oniccrs a ; follows : Past chief ranger , Nels A. Lund grcn ; chief rnnger , Edward Peterson ; vice chief ranger , Charles W. Ecklund ; recording secretary , Swan Larson ; financial secretary , Johu Anderson ; treasurer , John A. Nelson ; senior woodward , Gust Person ; Junior wood' ward , John Johnson : senior bcadlo , Gust Fcrnholui ; Junior beadle , Fred W. Hanson ; chaplain , Charles E. Johnson ; Marshal , An drew J. Johnson. The oniccrs elected will be installed by State Deputy George J. Seltzer , Saturday evening , July 5. Hibernian Klootion. Division No. 3 , Ancient Order of Hibernians , elected onicers as follows : President , Judge Joseph J. Brcen ; .vice president , Charles P. O'Hnrra ; treasurer , J. O'Rourko ; recording secretary , John J. Fitzgerald ; linancial sccre- Inry , Lawrence Connors. The ofllccrs will bo installed nnd the appointment oftlces filled at the mcctingSunday afternoon , July 0. Tno commltto appointments will bo also made at the sumo time. U. O T. H. Anniversary. South Omaha Lodge , No. 53 , United Order of Trou Bund , celebrated its second anniver sary Sunday with a picnic in Gormanla hall and gardens. Delegations from Omaha and Council Bluffs were present. Notes About the City. Edward A. Cudahy has returned from Chi cago. John Roft Saturday cut a gash across his left hand. > Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McCulloch have re turned from Galesburg , JU. South Omaha Loago No. CO , A. O. U. W. , will elect ofllcors Tuesday evening. llobort T. Maxwell lias sold his residence to O. K. Paddock , the commission man. Carl 'Wuestner , of this city , and Lena Schr , of Omaha , have taken out a license to wed. wed.Tho The Robert R. Livingston drum corps will meet this ovoid tig nt Jolm B. Mullen's , Al bright. . Manager Charles H. Rich of the Stockman has returned from the watering places in Wis- COllbltl. Robert T. Maxwell will remove to his new residence on A street Just west of Twenty- lonrlh street. Bee Hive lodge , No. 1S4 , A. F. & A. M. . will go to Omalm Tuesday evening to install the ollleers elect. The Models of Council Bluffs yesterday defeated the Sobotkers in a gaino of ball at Lake Manawa , by a score of 11 to t. Dr. M.J. O'Rourko and Judge Patrick. ! . King will le.ivo for Chicago this evening to testify in the trial of Patrick H. Crowe. James Dcvcreek was lined $3 by Judge King und committed to the county Jail for wanting to cano the bartender at the City liotcl Saturday night. Mrs. S. Pessley , of 1D10 South Thirteenth street , received a painful cut on the head Saturday evening by falling from u motor car at Twenty-fourth und L streets. The Annour-Cudahy club defeated the city league on the Brown park grounds by n .score of 18 to 15. The heavy batting of Rlley and Dahill won the game tor the packing house boys. Several ineffectual attempts have been mndo to burn a small house owned by Mich ael Cody , Sixteenth.nnd O streets. The last ivas tnado Saturday evening , when a lot of liny was piled up agaltibt the house and set ju llro. _ Swindling 1'linto Ticket Seller. A man assuming the name of Grant ; old reduced rate tickets for our gallery. Wo warn the public that wo make no hango on our tickets except to extend iho time two months. Cholconor's Gallery , 1509 Douglas St. The only railroad train out of Omalm : un expressly for the accommodation of Dmiilm , Council Blurt's , Des Molnos and Chicago business Is the Rock Island . estibulo limited , leaving Omaha at 4:15 : : j. m. daily. Ticket olllco 1002 , Sixteenth ind Farnnm St. , Omaha. TO a'EE KIGHT. Do not ho Imposed on ijy any of the numerous Imitations , cuhstltulrs , etc. , ulJch are llocxlinR the world. There Io pnly ono Sulft's Bi clflc , and thcro la nothing llko tt. Our remedy con. tains no llcrcury , 1'otcjli-Arsenic , or nny pol - onoua Bubatancoliatarer. . It builds up the gen eral health from the ( ! ( ilcuc , and has never failed to eradicate conUi tous blood poUon and its effects from the eytti'm. Bo euro to get the Ceaalao. Bind your addrcsa for our Trtatlso oa Olood and Skin Dlecawp , which will bo malloa tree. 8WIPT SPKCIJffO CO. Atlanto. Oa. 5rARTUMOIIR 5 COM.Kffie. ' SWAHTIIMOnK , | ' A . Openilith month , Vlli.im Tlurtr mlr.utoj from irnail St. station , IMIln. Umler care of I'rlnmli. ull colluKlnto ounr oa for both BOXOS lurid laulcal , Knsln orlni { , Sclontllio nml I.ltcra rt-fli. lIOHlttiful location , oxtonslro uri ullJlnK , machlno iliopi , laboraturlu * ana .es. tot fiillpartlcnl.ir iulilrosi WM. 11. Al'l'LKTOM , I'll , 1) , ITOJlJont. ILLINOIS MILITARY ACADEMY , ' la&.lT' ' " Clrcularof HENRT J. 8TEVKN8 , A. 11 , 1'rln. JOSEPH GILIOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PAIU3 EXPosmoN , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS , Both tlio method nnd resnlta when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it ia pleasant and refreshing to the tnsto , and nets gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , clonuses" tlio sys tem effectually , dispels colds , licad- nclics nnd fevers nnd cures hahitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the tnsto and no ceptablo to the stomach , prompt in its notion nnd truly beneficial m ita effects , prepared only from the most healthy and ngrccahlo substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to nil and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60o and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 'SAN FRAHCISCO. CAl. IOUIVtU . Kf. HEW YORK. ff.Y. PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 218 S. 15TH ST. , Opposite Uoyd's Opera Houso. NO CHARGE FOR SERVICES To All Cases Taken During the First Three Months. Those eminent Physicians , Surgeons and poolillsts : are pro-eminent ly tiliovo all others In the tro.'itmont of all Chronic , Nervous , bkln nnd Hlood Diseases , nnd dlionsvs peculiar to women. No nuittor what your complaint , consult thuso skillful surgeons , who are alilo to ollect euros In nmny t-asos tliut have boon lironouiu'ud hopeless. All suiilL-nl ; diseases , minors and deformities removed with aston ishing icsnlls. Oenlto-urlimry surgery , stric ture , nil discuses and deformities of either > ov , ull Impediments to man Inge quickly re moved. Ijonc experience , with nnpiniliulcd : success , Is the best evidence of a doctor's . Olllco Hours n n. tn , lintllfi p. m. Sunday. 10 to 1 ! ) Thousands successfully treated by orrcsponili'iico. All coiillilentliil. Bend 1 cents - In stamps to Insure prompt reply. D A RV CARRIAGES TDrC DAD ! DELIVERED B'nCC to any ! ' ! * < in tint UnltM M tn , Also , IUby -i Jumjwik , Hicyrlfi , b-fott > n < l Oirli * Tricyo- 1 If * One or more at wjiole ilo | rfc * ( tut .O. 0. D ( lirM-t frnni I * ( I tSprorrr' * I to * I tor } , 1 W. M t.ln nn St. . Cliiracn. f ' $10 siivfil. Send 2r. I'atnp fir new < uu 1 > ia IfttLoa ; Tk'.Vtr ) la the world. Horn ft ItAtMK ? . MomUtu. Tunmlmi I limn 01 01 0 ; unit YCoUliutulliij , f JU" 4J | 4 * | 40 ENGAGEMENT OF MR. E.H. SOTHERN ( lln.lor the munitgompM of Mr. ninIM rrohmnn ) , ntv Ml * own comoiljr conipnuji from llm l.jcouo Tlicnlrc , No rrotk , In Mi popular comcJIoj , Which will bo ulvcn MONDAV unJ TUK.3UA V N1UHT3 , nmltho I-IIGM13ST BlDDEin. WKDNK3DAV KVKNINO ON1.V. NEW YORK COMPANY ! SPECIAL SCENERY llCKular prlcoj. Scuta will bo put on iitlo Satimlnj BOYD'S [ "SPECIALI "I ft mo ( irpmM the courlctlnn thnl 'Shcnnntlonli' ' ciioiiM bo IPOII lijr ororr pnlrlolof uur country. " Oon. W.T. Sliotmnn. Thurnclntft Buturcluu. SATUIIDAV MAT IN1JH. The OBIQINAL NEW YORK OAS1 In llronson Howard's drcutojt Trlunipli , Prcsetitod oxnctlr n It w i scon for I ® * 300 NIGHTS IN NEW YORK CITY Itcmil.ir jirlco * . Scats nml boioa ro.vlir Wolnoailny Eden Anna Rowlln of Olnrlmla , In. , A Colored Woman who is Turning White THE ALL STAR SHOW Hall , Dooley & Eldridgo's Par lor Minstrels. Molntyro & Heath's All Star Specialty Co. And the Carncross Quartette. Como and non star * , the kliiK" , the producers , thoorlglimtorH , the fashion plutetof ro- bluok fiu'O coinoily. One Dime Admits to All. MINGO GRATEFUL-COMFORTING EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "tit n thorough knowledge of the natural Inw ) nhlcu ROTorn the operations of illgestlon und nutri tion , mill t > r B cnreful nppllcitlon of the flno proper- tips of ncll nolecteilCocoaMr. Bpps buprovliloJour breakfast tables with a dollcutoljr flavored bovcnina wlilcliranjr BIIVOUB rannv heavy doctors' bills. It ll by the Judicious usoof sucli article * of diet that a constitution majr bo grnduallr built up until strong enough to ruilst everr tcndunov to dKonio. Iltm- drcda of outitlo umladtos are floating around us roAdf to nil nek wherever there Is a wp-ik point. Wo mar oic-upa ninny n fntal shaft bv XcopInK ouraolvos neil { ortlllud with pure blood aud a properly uourlshod franio.- Civil Service ( iiuotlo. Mndo slmplr with bollInK water or milk. Sold only In half pound tins , by grocer * , labeled thus ! JAMES EPPS & CO. , " " " ' WnWl191 ? For XOBTorFAILIMO HANHOOD ; Otneral e-nd HKHVOUO DBB1LIT Yj Weikne.nof Bodyanclliind , Effeoti ilof Error orKloei eBin01dorYoune , llnlorrd. How lnfiiUr ; . tat . Jt olal lT nnflllliiK IUI31E TRKITSKNT Ooilll In < Uy. Din titlll ; nom to BliUi > nd F.rflin Counlrl.i. ITrlU Ihtm. IXlcrlctlio Bock , urination and proof , mtll.d ( i.il.d ) tr . .Uirtw ERIB MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALO. N. V. PURE SOLUBLE CHEAP 5 Rich. Digestible. Stimulating. Nourishing. Having a peculiarly delicious flavor a food and drink combined at a half cent a cup and fit for a prince. "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " HOUTHN'S COCOA ( "onco tried , alwnyi nst.l" ) was Invented and pfttentodancl Uinutlo lit Holland. It la acknowledged by tbo most eminentdoctora and analysts tlmt by the .pedal truutmcnt VAN HOUTKN'S COCOA has iinJorgouo. the gullibility of the fleth-furmlnir conmlltiiciit" l > lncreu eil fifty per cent. , nhils the vrhotu ot the fibres are aoftonod and rendered moro palatable and dlcoitible. "r'riost gila In the world. " Aik ( or VAN IloUTK.N'8 uml tttko no utlicr. jgrow J"air in Hie lighhof * works , especially i It-is awsolid ca.Ke of scouring see p used f-ore ll clca.ning p u rp o s es . All tro cers keep i f. / / ) / / " O by many a woman 8trlvfls household and LUVL U to plcaso her works herself to death in the effort. II the house docs not loox as bright as a pin , she gels the blame II things are upturned while houso-cleaning goes on why blame her again. Ono remedy Is within her reach. II she uses SAPOL1O everything will look clean , and the rolgn ol liouso-cloanlng disorder will bo quickly over. Breat Sifmmer Bargain -DY- MAX MEYER & BRO. , Je\velers and Silversmiths , SIXTEENTH AND FABNAM STREETS , - - OMAHA , NEB BARGAINS IN DIAMONDS. BARGAINS IN LOCKETS , BARGAINS IN WATCHES. BARGAINS IN CHARMS. BARGAINS IN HAIR PINS. BARGAINS IN CHAINS. BARGAINS IN SILVERWARE. BARGAINS IN FINGER RINGS. BARGAINS IN CLOCKS. BARGAINS IN LACE PINS , BARGAINS IN UMBRELLAS. BARGAINS IN EAR RINGS BARGAINS IN LAMPS , BARGAINS IN CUFF BUTTONS. BARGAINS IN CANES. BARGAINS IN COLLAR BUTTONS. BARGAINS IN SPECTACLES. BARGAINS IN SCARF PINS. BARGAINS IN EYE GLASSES. BARGAINS IN BRACELETS. BARGAINS IN OPERA GLASSES. BARGAINS IN NECKLACES. BARGAINS IN FlbLD GLASSES. BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING. Watches , Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at Reasonable Prices. ALL WORK WARRANTED. ESTABLISHED IN 1878 BY THE MEXICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. LOTTERY OF THE PUBLIC CHARITY , iind r.fk twcnlr r * f' contr et t > j th iloxlcao lulfrnntloiml ImproTomont _ OompmiT. Orind Monthlr OMwlncii fi M In the Jlorciqa * rTinon Inliio Alnmpilft I'Atlt.ntTiir Moilco , nna publicly conrtndc.1 ttj uiiTernniiinl umcUU niipolnu < 1 | > .fi'1Tt ' | l"lr'K > 'o''rthoa ' creUrrof ttio lutorlof LOTTERY OF THE BENEF1CENCIA PUBLICA. ' THE NEXT MONTHLY DRAWING Will bo ticM In the CITV : OK MU.XICO. ON THURSDAY. JULY IO , 1800. CAPITAL PRIZE , 60,000 , 80,000 Tickets nt ( I , fCtM.O * ) . Prleoof TlokoU , Ainorlenn Monoy. Iv'holoa ? ! UnlvowSU : Quui'luroei. LIST ( K IMU7.K3. ICnpllnl Prlroof HUM ) . Ii f ( MOOO ICniillal I'rlioof avail ) . . . | MftH irnpltall'rliour IUOUO . , . | < IOUUU 1 ( Irnml 1'rlro of 2OOD . It HIM ) o , i ro ' 8 r too of Ml nn > ii'iM ) ajl'rlieiof SIM nro ' IWl'rtoof KM ro Ill'lXM Jiurrtotof fO nro I7.IXM Ull'rltoiof SO nroro 11WO APPIIOXIMATIIIV IMIIZK4. O.OiXl 7.MH fi.UW I5.1W ) _ _ 2WJPrl oi AmmintliiB to TiriCr-H All I'rltp * sold In Iho United Stutoa fully paid In U. a. Currency. AGENTs"WANTEI > . HT"fon Or.nn HATICS , or nny olhor Information ncKlreil , wrlto li < xlbly to thn iindorilgnpd , clearly statins your loililoneo , with stnto , county , street nnd nunibur. .Morn rnpld return mull delivery will ho miuroil hy jouronclosliiK nn onvolopu boarliw your full address. address.IMPORA.NT. . Address , U. IIASSETTT. Uixvor MKXICO , MKVIOO. Or to OIIAS. n. M ANrni.r. & Co. , Uooin IQ1 N. Y. I.lfo llulhllint. Uinalui. Nob. Ily ortllnary lutlorontilnlni : ( MONUV OIUlKIl niueit by nil Kxnrt'o roinpanlc9. Now VorK Kx- cUniiKo , Draft or l-oslal Notu. Sl'KClAtj KKATIIHK3. ny terras of contrnct tlio comimnr uni'tilonnilt the mini of nil pi-Iron Included In Iho nclionio Ix'lorn cll- lni { ilii lo ticket , mid rcoalvu the fol.owln oltlclnl pormlt : CKIITIPICATK--I hereby certify that the Hank of Tiomlon nnd Mexico Imi on deposit the nnm' < ary funiU to RiinriinU-u the pnymont of nil prlios drnnn by thd l.olorla do la llrnrlU rnola I'ulillni. Al'OMVAKC'ASTil to , IntorTonnr. Furthertliorompniiy lnri'iiulri-dtodl trlliiitollfty- nix per rout , of tlio vnluo of nil tbo tlokiitn In prliui n Inrwr portion tlmn h ulri'ii by nny otlior loltory. Finally , tlio nunibur of Ikki't.i It limited toRO.UOi ) 20.0UU Ions than nro aolj by othur luttorlos uslnic the same ichunio. Thl In to certify thnt the Il.ink of Conimorco , Naahvlllc , TCMIII. , will pay nil prliui In nlioro. . 11. UU.M-A.V , Cashier. ALLAN LINE OCEAN STEAMERS n Passage to and from Great Britain and all parts of Europe. MontreaMlvorpool route , by the waters of St. Lawrence , shortest ol all. Ulnagovr to Itoaton , to riillndelphin. Liverpool to and from Baltimore. Thirty Htoamorn. Clnes axcoinlor. Accommodstlnns unsurpassed. Weekly sailings. AM.AN A CO. , ( Ion. West. AR'ta. C. J. Sundoll , UUIMM. lia La Hullo at. , Chicago , U' is FIRST CLASH ' b * I.aritr l. Kanlot nml Finos' . In the World. rasiM'iiK * r niL-oinitititloiid unnicf tlotl. HEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND ULASQQW. KUIlNKSSIA.Iiino2S. | C1HCASSIA , .Inly ] 1 DIIVONIA , July B. | ANCIIOH1A , July 19. New York , Quocnstown nnd Liverpool. The Culnbrnted I Juno Will. July -Jfith. CITY 01' 110.MH. | A HIT 2ld fieU SOtli. SALOON , SECOND-CLASS AND STEERADE rated on lowing tt-rniM tn and from tli * tirlnilpnl SCOTCH. ( NGUSH , IRISH ADO Alt COH1IHNISI POINTS. Kxcur loii tickets rcilucitl , inailo avtillablti to rvtuni by vlthrr the | > lcture > iiuoUlrd , lltrcrllvncr , North or Houthntlruland Nnplfjorllllimltnr. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT AND DRAFTS at lowiBt current rntpN. Apply tn any of our local awmu. or to HENDERSON BROS. , ChlOQRO. Local Aiontn ntOinnhn ; Harry K. Monro , Plmrloi Mnrei , w. K. Vulll , 11. 1' . Uuuel , Cltlion'a Bank , Otto Wolf. STATE LINE. - TO GLASGOW , LONDONDERRY , BELFAST DUBLIN , LIVERPOOL & LONDON. FROM NIW vonic KVRHV TnonsDA ? . Cabin Passage $33 to $50 , according to location ol stateroom. Excursion $05 to $95. Steerage to and Irnm Kiirnpa at I/\rpnt HatoS. AUSTIN BALDWIN & . CO. , General Agents , 53 Broadway , NEW YORK. Jno , TUnjjon. rienoral WiMtern Aijnnt , 1 Raiulolpli Htiuot , Ulilcuifo. Hurry 12. Muor Tlios ( Junnu. ERRORS OF YOUTH. i FUOSI ArrrniiK Dclilllly , Youlliful IndUrrelloni. Lost Manhood. r Be Your Own Physician Ii , Many men , from tlio effect * of youthful j . Imprudence , hare bruuuhl alwulmUto cf , ' ' oraknosi tlmt has n luccd the RunorM tit- torn so miirh as to InJuco tlrnoit Tfry i other dl < . aj , and the ri'Al cauw of Iho j IrouMeKarci-ly ever lielnitiuipvctodthey . are dortorrdfor ovorjlhlnit hut Ihi-rlk'ht une. Nutwlthstanillnir tlio ninny TaliiAblo romcillui that medical ffdencti liu produred i for the relief of tills class of | wlluit , HOMO cur * . IMirlnKoureiUniltocnlloKeiuulhoc . ' I'llnl ' iirncllrit wa turn ipcrlmtntnl with 1 and dltcovered now a nil concentraUxl rmnn' < ! | M. The accomiutnylnir pr ioriitlnn | h of. ferotl a a certain and mirrily cure , u s hundnxliof cairt tuour practlre liare Ix'tn I raitoreil to | * rfert hralth by 111 uio after I nil other reraodlniifftlli-d IVrfectlr imroln. < ( rrmllontJi mint Ix ) uwd In the preparation of ; tuU prvxrlptlon. It > 'rythroiylon COCA , 11 drachm. JorulK'liln , 11 drorhiu. Holonlai niulcn , 1 > drachm. Clelnemln. lirralni. . Kit. Ivruitln amari ( lrohoUolfrraliu ) ; Kit. IvptitiKlra , iicruplei. ( llycerlnu , ii a II11. I HakuMpllli. Iak lplllat3p.mandan. ' other on Kulnit to iHid. ln onior-.i cill will , Ixi nocinuary fur tlio tuitlont to take two I > IIU , ' t liudtlmo , maklnvlhuiiunilwrthniiaday. Thlmm lylia > laiti > < ltnaTeryconilltlonof ' , nirrout dcltlllt/ and weakneu in either ei , ' and especially fn thoM ) cajuia rriultln' ' Impruclenm. Tim recuperatlrn j , „ . , tills rmtornllfuore truly AitonUhlnif.tnd It * . uiMContlnuwl for nihort tlmorluniriil the . IsjltruUl.deUlltAtntl , D rrul ss cgudltloa tu j vneof renewwl llfoand vlffor. < As we an conttantlr In receipt of l.t ( r of i Inquiry rfUtlv * to OIM romoily , wa would ' < . > ty MthowwhowouldprrfrrtoobulnUof ui. remitting | l a srrurtly sralml pu > k. ' luia contalnlnit CO pills , earofully com- liuundwi.wlll IK ) wntliyretuni mall from , ' our prtralB Ulxiralnry , or wn will fnrnlih t ' iiuck ni * , which will ourouioituuiM. for t-\ ' AddroMorcall on Now England Medical Institute , 31 Treniont How , lloslon , Mans. : it ) tf OoPfrlnht.lMD. liy r. II. Iliuiu. STETSON'S Jorr AND STIFF Boyd's Opera House Block.