Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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    A JH
'in ? onp/'iti Tiirp iftmfpTn
hving to a Paucity of Hews , the Wheat
Crowd Was Restless.
Ocnernl lint Down In Onts DIs-
linluticH'llavc a DchllltntltiK
KfTcut on Hot ; Products
Cnttle and
CmcAno , JnncEl. [ Hpcclnl Telegram to TUB
IKE.There was an unsettled market In
ihcat all day. News was HC.irco and not of
licdeflnltu kind to nhapo thu market. On
ho wliolc the market was bearish and prices
tiled lower on tlio distinct declines before 1
'clock. 1'erlmps tlio knowledge tbat now
( heat Is on tliu inovo In tlio south and Routh-
rcHthad much to do with thu bearish fuellnir.
mother boar Inlluencoof the day was udls-
pointing dcurcasn In the visible supply ,
* - ! arly dispatches showed a dccrcaso of IM.WO
iilfdielH at HulTalu , IfiH.OOO at Dilluth , 1110,000 at
lew York and a moderate ( lee run so at
nnny other points. The cHtlmato at II o'clock
fas for a tlecrenso of not less than 700,000
niHhels against the decrease ono year ago of
( IfO.OOO bushels , The canal Increased Us
( heat very materially and upset calculations ,
oavliiH' a total decrease of 4M,000 ) bushels.
Sew York again cleared no wheat. Liverpool
( allies quoted wheat He lower. On the hull
lldotheio weio dispatches from the north'
Rest of damage following the heavy rains , In
quiry among vessel men for room for cash
wheat lirul at times extremely light oircrlnun ,
which allowed prices to rebound , AH already
Mated , Hint prices wcio off about Uo all
ttrotmd from Saturday , with .luly at K > Ho ,
August K"i4C ? , and December BT .e. July at
once lost MO to 8. " > ! c , while other months
limned a slight Improvement during the early
Inidlng. Atone time , when olTerfnjrs were
lightest ami on pretty fair buying lead by M.
( ' . Mitchell , Leopold Illooin and thu rumor
that HUIIIII was covering his chort wheat ,
prices went to the beat points of the day July
KVJc , August Wl' c , September Hiyc , nnd De
cember. b'fic. On a small deorcase In.vlslhlo
reports of new wheat at St. Louis and selling
'if July by Ihltehlnson , the trade turned
Fellers again and prices went off sharply to the
lowest llRuroH of the day July 8lioj !
SAligust8r > c , b'elitember K'OtC and December UTc.
for other months bcforo 1 o'cloclt. were
but 'SI CarH of wheat lecelved hero. Wheat
made a fair recovery before tlio eloso with
about half the eai ly decline wiped out. It was
found that many mild whcalon a bogus leport
that IfiOcuisof wheat were loaded at Minnea
polis for shipment to Chicago. An Illinois
crop report , giving the condition at ( it , Imd a
Steadying oiroct. Last prices were : July
K > lr. August 8.V. c , September bW.c and Decem
ber S7 ? e.
Theio was no particular stir In corn at any
tlmo today. The opening urlces were about
steady , but ii Hlliiht decline took ulaco early
on the general selling and In sympathy with
other maiKcts. Uccclpts wcio ilttlo moio
than estimated , and 2.5 rait ) out of 4 17 cms
received graded No. 1 ! . The visible supply
Hhowed a small decrease of 681,000 bushels.
There was no big trading by any one In the
lilt. Theio was 11 slight recovery from the
bottom in Ices before the close. June coin wan
( liioted at the close at IHUWlo ; July : tljo to
W'uO to.'UJJe ; August JlTiU toltfo to&Vic ;
tember : i. > 'ao toIITilfc to : " > ' < : .
Theie was a let-down In prices foroatscaily
today , from which theio wiib hut Ilttlo fm-
liiovemont bofoio the close. In agoncial way
.lid wcakncfis was attributed to theattltudeof
Mr. Iliitchliisoii. who was a seller rl ht fiom
the .start. S. V.White & Co. and Mllmlnc Hod
man also freu Millers , and many smaller
fcellcis parted with oals easily. Kecolpts weio
nliout foity cats o\i'r Saturday's estimate.
Thuio was less talk of damage to ciops and
. the support was poor. Juno at the closu was
quoted ntSh'ic , or ? coir. July was quoted at
Win early , mid iS'fo at the eloso. A sharp do-
cllno wan inndo In August al27c toli'V to ' 'Tc
1o87'c. ' or 'So lower than Saturday. .Septem
ber opened ! { o lower at iOTiC , sold at 'M'/iV ' , and
closed at"i ( ? c.
There were a < ! ,000 lings at the yards this
morning and dispatches reported pi Ices ] 0c
oil' . This hul : u weakening cll'aet on iiioducls
In the pit and paekois were sellers of laid and
rllm eaily. Itut a few cents almost covers the
action In piovlHlous lately and Itwasso today.
Moss jioik wax neclccled early and later sales
of July were at JI2.85 to $ IU'i.r > to IS.7.V August
tiadeil In slightly at$12..pX ) to,5 ; iit'ptoin-
ber , J12.II5 : July lard 15.85 to W.H7"t to .VSJ'/ @
* W > tot. > .K * > . orfio lower than Hatuiday : iop-
amlier , * ! ! .074 } to Si.i.Wfi ( 07 . Hlbs yielded 50
tof5.ti5 , for July , and * . > . > for yoptombor.
CuiCAno , Juno 23. [ Special Tolcgram to Tun
nuEl OATTI.K The demand was active with
an upturn of a strong lOo on all cholco cnttlo
whllo common nnd grassy stock showed no
change. Receipts of Texans , ' . ' ,000 ; all sold at
an advance of 6IOc. Native biitchois' stock
was rather scarce and hold at a slight ad
vance. There was seal cely n siilllclcnt num
ber of stockers and feeders on sale to make a
market. Choice to extra beeves , J4. ( ) ® I.M ;
medium to pool stcurs , 1'L'iO to l.fiDO Ibs. .
n.rjdOl.W ) ; 1,200 to li.Vlbs.l.4U4.iO : ) | ( ; 1150 tolAW
Ibs. W..10WI.10 ; htoclccrs and feeders , KUUXfrMX ) :
cows , hulls and mixed $ I..VXKU ; bull- , ? - ' . ' - ' : >
CW Ml ; Texas grass stems , $ J.'iy.U5 ; fed stcors ,
f J H04H.8S.
lldds Values wcio a str < ) iiR lOo lower and
on thu decline there was an actlvo demand.
Tim proat hulk of mixed sold utiM.7. ) . a few at
J.'I.M and a few at J.1.70. The best heavy sold
ut J.I.KI , a load or so at $ .18215 and one load at
t I.K * > . Light ioi ts. $ .1.7.1 to J.1.HU. Singe variety.
U.b5 to J.t.W ) .
Nr.w YOIIK , Juno 21. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Ilnn.l The stool ; market had an U regular
couro during the morning. London prices
came lower , but c.iblo advices wcio that the
short Interest abroad showed a deposition to
cover on tlio soft niaiket unused by a imulnosH
in money cliclcs. This In tiiin gave rlso to a
bettor fooling In the homo market. There
wore no matoilal changes fiom Satuiday's
nnal figures at tlio opening , but .Sugar Uellner-
les was up IV4 per oontat70i ! , In the absence
of any pressure the murkot was Inclined to
advauco and Sugar rose US per cent to 72.
Thoiudls-posltlon to buy , however , W.BI so
marked that traders woioencoiuaged toham-
inor prices a Ilttlo and Chicago ( las and Cleveland -
land , Columbus , Cincinnati A. St. Louis weiu1
knocked oir 1 per cent ouph toKUi and 7,110-
hpectholy , the of thu list following with
fractional looses and Sugar retired l' to 70'i ,
The downward movement was of short dura
tion and the early losses were generally re
covered , .Sugar again teaching 72 and most of
the stocks coming up to the level of the open
ing prices. The doallncs presented no special
feature of Inipoitanco and at 11 o clock
the market was quiet. sticnvth
and acthlty came with the succeeding
hour. Chicago Oas rebounded to f > l' before
noon. Atchlson led the western stocks , i thing
from 44 ? to41ij. Koelc Island was up a point
from .Satuiday tolc'lj. MNsourl Paolllcwhich
cold an ox-dlvldond of 1 per cent at 729 at the
opening , tallied , cariylng Its dividend.
Heading was the only eoal stock fallowing any
advance. Late in the day the
etrongth In railroad stocks was
In AtclilMin , which rose to 4(1 ( ! (
and closed at 1 lior cent up al 45 * | . fet , Paul ,
which touched 75S , and closed ! i higher at 75 ,
and .Missouri Paclllc , which touched 75.3 and
closed with Its quarterly dividend , icgalned
At Sugar was not buoyant and closed
under the top llguros , with neatly : i points
jviln. Chicago ( las touched M. but did not
liutU up for the day. Lake
kiioro , NowhUKi"nd nnd Hoadlni ; Hindu fair
zalnn. Tliu totalHiilos wcio lr > lOUO hhaies ,
Tlio following wore the closing ( | iiotatlons :
U.'tMimiular I3IW nrthurn 1'aclllo .Ill
tH. ) * coupon * UJ ) ilo profcrroil 83
U.S. 4 1 riMiilur. . . .IU1 O.AN. W. . .
II. B. tiji coupon. . .101 do proforreil HI"
I'ucltlobaot "J\ . . . .111 N , V. 10'JW
fvnlral I'ailllo 'IIU I' . , II. , v K "oU
Clilraito A Alton..Ul Itock l < lnnl uij ]
Uilcnuo , llurlliiclun U , M. A St. ! : iji
, . * .guinor do | > referroil till
.i. , U.v w . . . . joiK
dl. Paul A Urn ihti. . . . : ) r
Illnuli Outrut. tin prurcrrcil w
,11.4 W , Ualou 1'nclllc , blU
Knnian.VTuxai Ill \V. , St. I..V. I' l.'tj
UikeKlioru . . .Ill1 ilo proforrecl , VI'.LJ
lllclilunu Central..101 ! Wo > leru Uulou blji
UliKiurl I'aciHe. , , . , . 7J , , ,
MONKV Kusy , 4OU percent.
riuiiK MKIIOANTII.I ; I'Ai'Kti .va ? per cent.
OllU , fl.MideiniiiKl , H. KU :
Allitlnu K tucks.
' New VOIIK , Juno2a iSpechil Telesram to
niKllKE. ] Thufollowlnz urotho mining Btook
quotations !
Allro. , . . . 220 Iron Mlri-r 1U )
filrtlunla II. II 1NJ llulllulsle IIU
Con , Oil , .V Vn 410 L'uumioiiwvallli JU )
Cuninionncallli , , , , . . 1'U ) Ontiirlu , tuuu
Kurvkul'on 3'U riiirnlr. Aril IU
ll loNvrcrosn , , , , WX ) flerru Novarta 310
llonicstakr „ . , . 1UU ) Suiter Crock , , 1JO
llurnSllTcr. .1.0
, Juno sa.-itt3 p. 111 , closo-Whoat-
rirni ! ciish. M { U ! July. Ml > 4o.
Uirii-tftciulri cifili.34'ut July , 34to. !
HurleyNotiilnul. .
I ,
.WiaakV-tlC3 ,
Pork -HI end v : emli. ! 2'ifl ! .Itily. ( I2M.
I.nrd-I'iisyt cnsh , K5.M2 < , f July. 13.83.
Klour'howcd no sjiooliil clmnae ; doalnrs
nskt-d tl.M 3 'il for intcntn In tiiricK \Xa \ * 73
fur hukorx , ( .LT.VUI.21 for Rtrulght , nn.ltl.40n
4.W for \rlntor.
Provhiotm.Shoulders M.09 3.10) ) short clear ,
f.V4VRA.ii ) | short rlln , VOOaVOV
Iluttur Autlvo ; cruiiincry , lO'.iiilt'iot ' dairy ,
Olicooo tJnrlmnscilt full cronm t'hoddnrs
nnd Huts. 7'iCt71xej ' Young American ,
milted hulls , iV ; itrci'ii salted eulf , CUSt'ci dry
Hint , ( Vii'o : dry Hilled hides , Go ; dry cull ,
&ftOoi deacons , 20o o.iuh ,
Tullow Unrliiinaud ! pacltcd , 4i ! < & 4'4c ' | No. 2 ,
3c ! ! cakr. 4'ic.
KKKB Weak : westorii. ll ll c.
ICerolnls. Shlpm'ts.
I'loiir . 7.003 11.000
Wheat. . . . . 15.010
Corn . 770,003 f.'iO.roo
Oats . , . 150.000 2:13.000 :
NKW YOIIK. .lime 21. Wliont Kccolpts , 40.HIO
| HI | IL'H | ; oxportx , none : stuit steady ! No. 2
red , UI'.Jo ' in oluvator ; nVto : Ol'ii ®
two f o hi options lower : > io. 2 red , June ,
a losing ( Cl'ic.
Corn Receipts , 'fll.100 bushels : exports ,
: CI,7VliiislioIsi ) upot closed uasyj No. 2. 4Ic In
oluvator ; 41MIiO iilloat ; ungraded 40QI2lc ? ;
options steady ! Juno closltitt wt41c.
Oats Itecofpts. inl.lOJ hushols ; o.xports , 123-
000 ; Kpotlonur ; No. 2 white. .1li ! < ( iU'f ) > whlto.
western , a7'5c ; mixed western. 3W5oi options
easier ; Juno ylo-lnc nl'M\c. \
ColTeo Optloiu opened weak , 20IO points
down ; closed steady , 2WJ.20 points down. Fair
trade. Sales : W,250tjaKsJune.17.25l)0.7iily : : ) : ,
! IB.b ( > iil0.uo ; spot rlo lower ; fair cargoes J20.UO.
Haw , cut steady ! molasses sugar ,
Mlest , S c ; C. ft T. rellned , weak : evtra U ,
07-10 ; Ntanilard A , 0 15-IGiM ( ! , ; cut loaf , 7 ! > u ;
powdered , U 15-lCo ; granulated , 0 ! - ( ' > < ! .
Petroleum-United closed for July at SD'Jc.
1'ork-Oulct ; inesx. $13.r > ( > ai4.00.
Lard l.aHV , dull ; westunt steam , W.05 ; July
c I os I n K a l Hoi ! .
KBITS I'lrm ; western. 14'5145e. {
Ilutter I'll m ; Klgln , llliic ; western dairy , C ®
lie : crcami'ty. 8lCc.
C'hecso Dull ; western , ? 0Sc.
Ii.v.vKAt'oria. Juno 23. Wheat , Including
Sunday llecelpts , W curs ; slilpinentHr > l enrs ;
cash market jirully dull ; low grades dull ;
Closing : No. I hatd. Juno and July , 6.lic ! :
on track , 8558flc ! ; No. 1 northern , Juno and
July. 82jc ? ; on track , KJSifWIc : No. 2 northern ,
Juno and July , 7Sc ; on ttaok , 760e.
KANHAS OITV , June ' 1 Wheat Unsettled ;
No. 2 hard , cash , TUfaW'ic : June , 72tfc ; July ,
7l'io ( ; No. 2 red , cash , 705u. !
torn Lower ; No. 2 , cash.SOc : June , SS c.
Oatsl.oucr ; No. 2 , cash and June , 25J5c.
Sr , Loui" , Juno 211. Wheat-Colscd lower ;
cash , fcOc : July , 858c. !
Corn-Steady ; cash , 32" ; July. 327i < a3c. : )
O.its Iowor ; cash , 2bc ; July,2s4C. ?
I'ork-Dnll iilII.M.
Lard Nominal ut $5.G5.
Whlsky-I.OO. *
Iliittcr rinn ; dairy , ll < 31Ic ; creamery , 11
MIMVAUKKE , Juno 20. Wheat No. 2spring ,
60S5OS1 ' / ( .
Uirn-rirm : No.3,34"c.
Oats-Steady ; No. a whlto , 30c.
Uyo Qulot ; No. 1 , Wv. .
llarley-Stendy : No. 2 , 47''tC. '
1'iovlslons EtiHior ; pork , cash , $12.70.
OINCIS.VATI , Juno 23. Wheat Stronger ; No.
2 red , RVfJWic.
Corn htronirer ; No , 2 mixed. 3714'JSc.
OatH-riim ; No. 2 ml.xcd , 30' ' 'Jlc .
Whisky J1.02.
LiVKitPOor , . Juno 23. Wheat-Dull ; holders
olTer moderately.
Corn l''l rm ; demand fair.
CIIICAOO. Juno 23. Cattle Receipts , 11.510 :
markut strong and lOo higher ; beeves. $4.WKiJ
4.85 ; Ktuers , J.l.r > 04.M ; stockers and feeders ,
T2.303..h ' ) ; cows , hulls and ml.xed , $ I.5'JJ.35 ;
Texas Hteurs , $ J.3' . .
lloKH-Hecelpts. 35.000 ; market slow and lOe
lower ; mixed. $ l.fi03..i-0 ! ; heavy , $ J.O.ViiJ.b3 ;
light , ? .i.wwi.b7' ; ; skips. Jioii.f : > u.
Sheen Koculnts. n.OJO ; market steady ; na
tives. * : i.7.Vil3.50 ; wostuins , $ .I.704.UO ; Tcxaiis ,
W2.VTt4.25 ; lambs. ViOOfinm
The Drovers' Journal 4 London cablogiam
reports uattlo weaker. Good to cholco Ameri
can liuo\ei. ll@lliO pur pound estimated dead
ST. Louis. Juno -Cattlo Ilccolpts , 3,000 ;
Khlpmcnts , 1,70 1 ; market higher ; fair to fancy
nativoslcors , Jl.O'jai.UO : htockutd and feeders.
Hogs Kceelpts. 1,000 : shipments. : i.503 ; mar
ket steady : heavy. $375aiJ.N' > ; packing , tl.dO ®
3.75 ; light , $ .I.MXat.75.
KANSAS CITV , June 23. Cattle Receipts ,
7,010 ; shipments , 2.400 ; mail > et steady and lOc
higher ; bteeis. $ .I.XX24.X ( ( ) : cowa , J1.0.V33.05 ;
stouUuis and feedoi's. JJ.OO'I.70.
Hogs Kc'celnts. 0,4iO ( ; shipments , 1,300 ;
market lower ; all grades , H4VS3. CO.
O3I A 11A Ill'E STO CX.
Monday , Juno 23.
Estimated receipts of cattle ! WO. eomp.ircd
with 2,411 SatUKlay and 1.321 .Monday of last
we k. The market opened fairly aetlvo on
steers , with buyers pitying lOe. higher prices
for duslrahlo lot to fill orders. After the
buyer , had their orders ( Hied the market be
came slow and weak. Only u few cows wcio
among the receipts. The maikot was reason
ably actlvo , with prices steady. Hardly any
fiesh stocUcisaiiil feeders weio among thu
receipts. Statu ones woio rather slow , with a
decllnn slncu last .Monday of fully lOc. Calves
mo unchanged and bulls steady.
Estimated receipts of hos 3.800. compared
with li71 ! ( vestordav and OOIS Monday of
last week. The hog market opened actlvo at
u.rH ! advani'U. with early bids .is high us ? l.70
but on advices of a nea\y run and lower
pilces at t'h'caio , b-jc'iimo weak and closed
Mow with thu advaiico lost. The langu of
prleos was * I..Vri .l.ii7ls : light f3..V > ® : i.CO ; mixed ,
* .l.57i'W. ! < i2' ' { ; heavy , * I.O .I.i7'j ( The uvunigu
of the prices paid was SU.IJO compaiod with
t'.V Saturday and 4.I..VI'Monday of las
week. t
DEstlmated receipts of hheep 447 , compaicd
with 144 S.itutd.iy. Thu light leuelpts and
packing liotf-o duinuntlii hold thu markut linn
on good muttons.
I'i'oviulin ; ;
The following U a table of prices paid In
Ihlsmuiket forthu gr.idoof stock mnntloncd :
rrlinostuurs. CXU to Itwi tts . IM : r Wl.iw
( ioodhtunrs. I3V ) till I.VJ fits . 4.2J ( Jtt.ri
Uood-steom. IO > JtoIIK ) Ibs . 3.M 6I. : )
Comiiioii , 1WK ) to ll.VJ s . 3.W ( fAI.75
Coiiiinoncaniieis . 1.1/0
( ) fair cows . 1.113Vl3
rulrlo good cows . l.'K ' ) ( ifi'.OI
Hood loeholfucons . 2.75 ( n-.1) ) !
CUolcu to f.incv cows . 2.01 6S.K15
i-iilr to good mills . 1.75
Cholco to fiinoy hulls . 2.5J ( T&.I..VS
Light stookurs and feeders . 2.53 46.1.25
Kceders. ikV ) to HOOlbs . 2.HO Ctifi5 :
Talrlocholco light hogs . 355
Pair toeholco heavy hogs . 3.00 ftr.-l.i (
Kulr to cholco mhod lion's . 3.57iu3j2i ! ! !
The fiillowln ? tublo sliowj the ranto of
prices paid tor IHVS :
Kalr to cholco light hogs . $1 M © 3 CO
Kalr to cholco huavy . 3 CO < &l fi7'/i '
Kalr to cholco mixed . 3 57ij ! O-'ii
blltUl' .
1' shcop . 50) < ! 3 23
( loodfatsheup . 4 M Gr > 00
Comiiiun to medium oheuu . 3 O'J ttl 23
Comparative Table * .
Thu following tahlo show * tlio rano In
prlccson ho s during this un I last woa' < :
DJJS. This \Voolc. Last Week
MDiiilnjr. . . . . f J U ti3 L7iii n
Tiicsctnjr 3 40 < (3 IX )
\Vcrtmwlny. 3 M 3 il
Tliurnil.iy. . . S , SO
Batunlay. . . . 3 ii J OS
Avernso Price of
Bhowlng the avurago prluo paid for lot Is of
hogsoii thudayslndtuatuJ In lil , lii ) , 1-iiJ and
lbW :
Uajr. Junu'lU Juno 'by. Junu 'Ki JvneW
vtlW ! "WIT"
B ! > 7 5.H SuiKlnjr
4 01 6 .12 4 (41 (
I Ul & l 4 IK !
4 M 4 it )
Siinilay fiik ) 4 Mi
Ijtr.vtut Sales of lln t.
Today. Saturday. ! *
- - , . it Il (17'J ( riluhoKt (3 M
Lioweat il 55 Lowest J U
Htouk Iteoclpts.
oniolal Satiiiday Ksttmntod Today.
Caitlo..llSoars.J,4Il Cattlo. . . . 4 cars. 000
llo s. . .liocars , O.U71 llo s R3c.irs ,
bl" . ' 'I > 1 car , 114 bhcop U cars.
Cost or llogi.
Tlio following tiblo Klvm tliu uvor.x o oo < t
oflu)0Mou thudutuaiiiaiitluiiol , liulii'lliu Uu
costtoJay , us basn.l muii silo < ropjrtuJ :
JuneS . a 70 Juno 13 . : i 5D
Junoa . a mi jimu H . a ia w
Junu 4 . U &MJ Juno III !
. u M >
. . . . . . "
jimu ft aw Junu 17 u M
JtllluO Juno IB u 41
Junu 7 Junu ID a 47
" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Junu IU . a ( II Jui 101'I , . , . . . . . a'ft ! )
Juno 11 . U M i. . . . 361
Dlspusitlou of Btoulc.
Sliowlns the number or cattle , liojs uii'l
slit't ' < ' pbou lit by the luadltiK tiuyurd on to-
Uijr'b : luurkut :
Sxvlft k Company , 430
The 0,11 , lluiuiuuiul Uo K7
The Annoiir-UuUuuy 1'acklusCt ) 1 > S
llninltlon ft Hteplicu . , . . . , . . .t , . . . e
Pctrnn . 1
I ihtniinii cTrnucrmnnn . . . . . . 2
Other Iliiyers . , . M
The Arniour-Ciidnliy l'nct < lnx Co . 1.-V1
Omnlm Packing Co . . . . 1,14A
TinI. I. ll.lliiiiinioiid Co . M
J. T. Squirm A Co . . IS
For tlio Week.
Tlio ( I. II. Hiuiimnnd Co . MV >
Ariiuiiir-Ctidiihy I'ltcklnif Co . . . l , "
Oiimliu I'nckliiB Co . 1-1
Other buyers . g.C fl
Total . 8,501
iinci ? .
Arnioiir-Ciulnliy Packing Co. . . . . . . . I' . ( Ot
Uiiitilin I'ncUIlm Co . , IM'l. '
KwlftfcCo . 4'J
Thu 0. II. lliiinmoiid Co . 2.4 IS
J. i > . Squires & Co . U.OM
llrlttitln & Co . : ! 7U
Ciidlthy I trim . > l
cicvuiiind I'nckins Co . arew
Olbb8& Whltu . W.
Totul . . 43,57a
Artnoiir-Ciidaliy 1'iicklng Co . . . . J-T )
Swift &Co . 455
Total . COI
Roprosontatlvo Siilci.
uitissiu : IIEKISTBKIIS. .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
l. . rjo 300 ji.iiiw line -so..urn 4 or
4 .1057 II 40 IIB..1I.VJ a IK ) 0. 123 4 tti
18. . IW ) II 70 H.-ICKW 4(0 ( 40..loaH 410
in. low a 70 21..1170 4 as : ; s..ii7i i7 ! {
17 .1010 a 75 15. . 1003 J80 19. . 123.1 4 20
17 . IWi a 75 10 .1148 il 80 1(1. ( . 147(1 ( 4 25
III. . 883 a 73 1(1 ( 10SI ; t M ) 1C..1U57 4 UO
14..1119 a 60 15 .110S 3 KV
H. 1150 a 7.tS 07..1200 4 SO 2J..U 8 4 25
42..1145 a fc7 ! , 21..1274 400 21 .1450 430
I0..1JIU a UO 3J..1I10 4 12ii 42..1U57 4 CO
3..10711 315 21.1122 270 20..1001 280
3.1007 220 1 1020 275 0. . 0 < l 2110
n..ll20 223 3..1117 275 1..1100 310
1..I2IO 223 1.870 2 35 1..1300 320
1..1IIO 225 1..I2IO 235 G 102:1 : 325
fl. . K.5 ! 230 12 .lllifl 2 CO 0..1025 325
4..1072 230 4. . 783 203 1..1170 323
1..1500 223 1..I3W ) 255 1..1770 270
1..1410 225 1..171W 2 M 1..1700 270
1. . 630 300 2. . OSO 323
1. . 7JO 1 23 0. . 810 1 60
1. . 740 2 73 2. . 1105 340
30. . 504 2 CO
11. . 507 3 10
No. A v. Pr
20 steers , Tc.xas dressed beef' .119. ) SI HO
20 htcers , Texas Uiesscd beef..1234 U OJ
No. Av. Pr.
107 natives , stockers .105 3 40
jvrnrkct Mention.
Steers opened 10 cents higher.
P. C. King marketed a car of cattle from
Douney it Toof bent Ina car of hogs fiom
A u 101.i.
K. K. Umleiwoodof Danbury maikotcd a car
of hog" .
0. A. Hencdlctof Jlerna Avas hero wltli six
cars of cattle.
Inspector Howard condemned and shot one
lump J.iw steer.
Henry Schlnstock marketed a car of hogs
from West Point.
Hogs opened 5 cents higher and closed with
tlio advance lost.
( J. K. I.llllbi Idgo was ever from Weston with
two cars of cattle.
Chailey Welch ciiino up fiom Papllllon with
two cars of cattle ,
Heniy lilx of Calhoun was on the niaiket
with ae.ii'Of hogs.
J. A. Gowdlo had a car of hogs on the mar
ket fiom Stamfoid.
Alexander Ctuluksliaiik of Cicto came up
with a car of cattle.
Clans Peters of Ilancroft had two cars of
cattle on the maikcf ,
Henry Xolman of Pehuylcr was on the mar
ket with two ears of cattle.
was heio with a car of cattlo.
( McKeegan & .McManus , heavy dealers of
Itancioft , hcnt down two carof IKMS.
J , TJ Hitter and Moisc , Hogers & Co. of
Morbj ) Itlnlls was down with a ear o.ich of cattle
tlo , uul hogs.
C'hiiinbeis & llurdlek had a car of onttlo on
the maiKet fiom llciinan. .Mr. lluidlck came
In with them.
O.W.17/.1 n'HOLKS.lItE JI.UtKETS.
TISII Perlb : Peich , 7e ; buffalo , To ; perch ,
7c : plckerol , 8c ; pike. Do ; tiont , Oo ; white , Bo :
eiopplo. lOo : cat IMi , lie ; cod ste.ik , I2o ;
llonmlcrs lie ; Oieaon salmon , 15cj black bass ,
15e ; lobsteis , Ibe.
Ai'i'i.i : Him lilt I'er Ib , fftSc.
Wooi I'lne unwiished , llICc : medium tin-
washed , isa.'lo ; couisit unwashed , ! W3i20o.
111111.4 , I'Ki/rs AMI TAI.I.OW ( Jicon salted
hides , 5 < ( ( ! ? iioi dry s.ilted hides. 5c ; dry Hint
hides , IP , ( j c ; ealf hides. 4i7'je. ! Damaged
hides 2o leshheop pelth , gieun. each , WcJJ
81.23 ; hhcep polls , dry , per Ib , oailc ; tallow. A
No. 1 , 4c : No , 2 , aaUc ; grease , white , a > ® lc ;
yellow , 2' ' JWlc.
HONKS ( ( jiiotatlons are for dell very In Chi
cago. ) Dry buiralo , pur ton. $ IG.)0I8.00 ( ) ; dry
country , blo.iched , * ll'.001.1.00j ' dry countiy ,
damp and meaty , 48.00jlO.OO.
JUI.MUVII'tQiJe purlb.
Ditiishrn Vi\i. ! I'holco medium , GJJTc ; light ,
U&Vivi heavy , 4iiV ( ! .
IINMKII : Oii < l < nw , roe ; boiled , ftle.
C'liiKlt-Porbbl , lellncd , $1.00 ; half bill. ) .25 ;
hiucl elder , piiio , pot bill. f.VOO ; or.iugo elder ,
half bbl. H.OJ ; pear elder , half bbl. U7.00.
( 'Al.lKll.MA ) C'lllMIIIIKS Per 10-ll ] box , Jl.CO ®
l.M ; 6outhein2-bii Btiuul , $ .I.OCQ4.00.
Al'iiicoTS 20-lb crates , J2..V ) .
PKACIIKS Arkansas. ia' bu box , * 1.501.73.
I'iNKAi'i'i.KS Per dotS.r > TQ-'I.OO ,
OnNdhs Perbox. Mediterranean sweets ,
$1.75 ; I.os Angeles. W 00 ; fancy IJuaito hccd-
llngs , fl.M ; ifodl. KI.OO.
L : Mi.Nh I'er box , .Messina , fancy , f5.00t3.1.V ) ;
strictly choice , HH,75a5.00 ; o\tia faney IOIIIOIIB ,
. Per24-iteaso , cholco jp-
plng stock , Sc..53a.l.lOj ( ( good. J-.002.50.
lUspiiKiiiiiKS-lted. * . ' .ooia2..vj per2l pt case ;
black , UfxW.OO per 24 qt case.
TWO llUHhel htllllll , J5.00.
ivr hundred , W.W ) .
PICKI.VS Medium , per lib ) , t'0 ; Kiniill.W.M ;
gherkins , t'.M ; U. and II. chow chow , ( its. ifi.SJ ;
lilnth. $ l.'t5 ,
WArKiixiKi.o.Ns Per loo. tao.ofiB40.oo.
( JANTAI.OUI'KPer ( IdW.OOftO 00.
TOMATOKS Per4-biski < t crate , $2.50iiJ1.00.
VKOUTAIILKS Now southoin onions , per bhl ,
JI..VIhorseiiullsh , per dor , fl.2.1 ; new outherll
potatoes , tl.'JJ'iia.7."i per bol ; per 111 , bacl.h , 2io
2io !
Sl'om.TUV Per dozen , choice hens , $ .1 OoK.50 : ) ;
lolco mixed , V..5oiti.ooj ( ; roosters.'
spring ehlckenn. , ' .00 for Hmall ; ? . ' .2. i2.rx ) for
medium ; ( .UXJ ® 4. 00 for largo ; live turkeys , per
Ib. l1 ® IDc.
HinTKii Creamery , fancy rolls , print , 17Q
! Sc : ereaincry , fancy , wolhl pauked , l.V7e | ;
creamery , choice , UiAU'c * ; dairy , fancy loiU
and prints , l.'ttl.'k.'t dairy , fancy solid packed ,
10K'c ; diiliy. cholco , IHfMOoj country loll ,
fancy , HiMc ; cholco , 7i ( ; Inferior , 24i1c.
Kiis Ho per dozen for btrlctly f rush ; stale
stock not hiilcable.
t'HKtsE I'uticy V , A. , full crrain , IHio ; full
cream twins , lOUc ; cholco full urcam twin.- ) ,
nloo ; iiklnis 0xi : Swiss domestic , 15317o ;
llmburgcr. fancy , I2@l.'lot bi Iclc. )2 ) < SI3o.
UK-ASS Iluiul picked navy , tl.CUtfl.75 ; hand
picked navy , medium , I IMWl.Wt hand picked
country , il.4031.ix ) ; good clean , } 1.2iiil.4o.
Oorruu Grcon Fancy golden nio. ZToi
fancy old pcaburry.jijigj lilo.oliolcc to fancy ,
ZlHci Klo. primp , anoi Hlo , pomK 22'ici Pantos
ami common HI , HHiWtci Mct'hti..i'o : Java ,
pomtlno O. 0. , S'ei ' Java. RooM Ulterior , 25oi
Ti * w'it *
KK Konstrd - Arljwa , OSSci Ilunoln ,
Jlct.auBlillu XXXX. a'.Sc ; ( k-rinan ,
DIlwonhN. avioi Woiuj Si ! Mall-
| Kiiici , VSct , O.l .raVa. arto.
ti iit ( ) . liiirloy , aij ; farina ,
5c ; pea9 , no ; oatmeal , Iw 'l'io ' ; niacarnnl , lee ;
x-rmlcelll , lOc ; rice , 4y < i'ici ' nano and tapi
oca. ivac ; lima beans , Co ; split peas , ao ;
CA.SSKIJ Uooiw-rniH * . CnllTOrnln stniidiiril
brands. 214-111. per -AnrlcoK Jl lXftl.M ;
apricots , pfo fruit , JI..V ) ; gallons f4.50 | black-
beri les. J.1 2chorrlc.s ! black , tr'ip-.25 ( ; cher
ries , while. * J.2.vf . v > ; Rrapcs , ( l.irn > , i.N ) ; IIO.IM ,
llartlott , KMUiai'.S'Si poaoJies , y il l.w ) , J.I 0112.2.- i
peaches , lemon oling , . ' .IOJ iiluiiis , egg ,
* 1N > | plums , golden drop , ll.rtijlflltinisgreen
giigcs , l.UV5il.M ) : peaches wjtli , plts In , II.GO ;
currants , $2.'H ; goosebcrrlev i.-K ; quinces ,
t'.MO ; ra pberrlos , IJ.60 ; strawberries. i'i.V ) ;
tieacliD" , a-lb eastern standard" , fl.M : a-Ib plo ,
JI.2.1 ; gallons , ple.flOO : apples , high standards ,
UI5 ; 2-lbgoosoborrlesUtc ; 2-lb strawberries ,
KVasVic ; raspborrlos , Jl.rO ; 2-lb bliiebori les ,
f-oSliOc ; 2-lb blackberries. G5 75ui 2-lb straw
berries , preserved , fl.M ) ; 2-lb raspberries , pro-
servcdrl.80 ; 2-lb blackbcrrlos , prescrvml.f 1.20 ;
pineapples , llahnma chopped , J2.00 ; 2-lb Ita-
hama grated , J2.75 ; 2-1H llahama sliced , f2.00 ;
2-lb standard sliced , fl.25Ol.rxl ; cherries , 2-lb
red. Ilaltlmoro , 854Mfio ponw , 2-lb , Jl.W.
V'KnKTAin.KS Tomatoes < l Ib extra , fl.OO 3
Ib ( standard western brands , nee ; gallons , .
strictly standard. $2.10. Corn Mnest grown ,
il.X ( ) ; gilt eilRod Hiuar corn , very line , JI..V ) ;
choice 2 Ib sugar corn , ft. 10 ; 2 Ib extra western
brands , H5citfl.on : 2 Ib standard wcHtern
brands , ( kVQ > 7.V ! . Jluslirooins 1 Ib I'roirch , e.x-
tiallno , 222.- ; lib Kreneh , line , lWl22c ! ; 1 Ib
Krench , ordliiary , lGai8e. Peas Tres , line ,
per can , ate ; deml-nne. per can , IGo ; 2 Ib sifted ,
il.GO2lbearly ; June. J1.2.val.i-j : 2 Ib .Marrow
standard brands , JI.10 ; 2 Ib soaked , fi7c. String
beans 2 Ib high grade , Hcfugee , Me ; 2 Ib Ciol-
dcn was beans. 70o ; 2 Ib string bonus , ( We. Lima
beans-2 Ib soaked , 7ic. Boston baked
bonus 'llb Lewis. 8I.G3 ; Orown brands , 81.50.
Hweot potatoes a Ib Now Jersey , Jl.rx ) . Pump-
UhiH ; Illi. f.110. Okra and tomatoes , 31.GO ; okia
tl.lX ) ; succotash , $1.20.
DIIIIID 1'ittitTS Ourrnnts , new , 5X < 37o ;
prunes , casks , 1WO : Ibs , CJio ; prunes , bbl or
liag , Gifc ; citron peel , drums. 20 Ibs , 22c ; lemon
peel , ilrnms , 20o ; apples , cholco evaporated ,
lOcj'.MIcIiigan , 'in , do : Porslan dates , 7e : black
berries , evaporated , M-lb boxes , 5'tc ; elierrlos ,
liltted , dry cured , ; riopberrles , evaporated ,
N. V. , new , aoc ; prunes , U. 0 , . txi-70 , UKai24o ! ;
oiaiiKopeol , ; raisins , California , London
oroptyHl , $2.i5 : : Oallfoinlu , loose iiiuscatols ,
ciopISOJ , * 200 : valcnelas. IfiSs , ( So ; Valonclas.
new , Oo ; Callfoi ula seeds , sks , b1 So.
1'jsn C'odllsh , extia Georges , now , r > ! io ;
grand bank , now. 4io ; silver , 2-lb blocks , iio ;
snow white , 2-lb bricks , now , 73ic ; Turkey cod ,
lar o middle brloks , 8'io ; Miow-white , erutos ,
12-5-lb boxes , 7'jo ; mcdlnm scaled horrlng,25c :
No. 1 scaled herring , 20c ; domesllo Holland
herring , 40c : llamburc spiced herilngs , HOe ;
Jtusslan sardlnei. (15o ( ; Kusslan saidlnes plain ,
80o ; do fancy mllkers.OOc : mnckeiel.No.lshoio ,
half bblstii.OO : : blo.itois.half bbls , $1S.OO ; whlto
llsh , half bbls , SK ( ) ; trout , half hhlstv > < ) ; fam
ily whlto lish.W.Mj s , Union , Jt.50 ; 1-lb mack-
ei el ( hei ring ) J1.00 : 1-lb Mnnan haddles , jl.X ( ) ;
1-lb lobsters , $ .M.rp.25 ; 1-lb Alaska salmon ,
Alent.I.i52-lboysteis. : ; 10oztl.y > ; 1-lboysters ,
fl 07 , U3 ; 2-lb helects , 12 oz , $2.av. 1-lb clams ,
little necks , $1.25 ; 2-lb clams , Ilttlo ncck ,
$1.75 : ! 4-lb saullnes. Imported , per ease. 100s ,
' . . . W-lb Imported boneless sardines ,
key , JJ5.00 ; ! i-lb sardines , American , per case ,
JOOs , Kiciich .style , $4.45.00 ( ) ; > , i-lb sardines ,
American , per case , 100:5 : , French style , $7.50 ®
H.OOj H-lb sardines , mustard , per case , 50s ,
$ J.7.I.OO : imported key sardines , iia.OO.
SAI.SOUA llbls. , l ? c ; giauulated , 2c ; licgs ,
bo A Pkgs , GO Ibs to box , S'jtiioHc.
Nuis Almonds. He ; Hra/lls , 14o ; filberts.
12'sc ' ; iiccans , lie : walnut , 124c ! ; peanut cocks ,
8e : roasted , lie ; Tcnuesseo pca-iuts , 7Hc-
s llbls. N. ( J. fancy , per gal , 5V < J57e ;
choice , 4" > ® l7c ; good , ao05o ; Cuba baking , 24c ;
black strap. 2)c. )
Wiui'i'i.vo PAi'iin Straw , Ib '
per , I',4 < tt2rjc ! ;
ins. ai'jc ; Miinlllii II , 52i'c ; ; No. 1 , Be.
ItAds I'nlon Square , .WWoo per cent off list.
SALT Dairy , 2 o Ibs In bbl. bulk. $2.10 ; host
gi.idc , ( X ) , fis , fe'U ; best grade , 100 , a , , $ J.I > ; best
grade , 18 , 10s , $2.20 ; lock bait , crushed , Jl.bO ;
comui 3D. bill. $1.25.
SOAICastllu , mottled , per 11) , 910c ; do ,
white , per Hi. Me.
IiiOOMs--P.irlor , 5 tie , W.OO ; 4 tic , $ . ' .73 ; 2 tic ,
$ - ' . 25 ; stables. J2.8" ; common , Sl.jOSl.75.
COCO v ' { -Ib tin. 40c per Ib.
CIIOCOI > ATI : 22 < ErJ5c per Ib ; German chicory ,
Koi'i : Hasls Manilla rope. 15o ; sisal lope ,
12c ; cotton lope , ICe : new piocess , b'/jC. '
COTTON TWIM : lllbb , voiy line , a or I ply ,
22c ; line , 2 ( > c : daisy , be ; oandlo wick , 22o.
OI.IVKS Quarts , per duz1.10 ; phitt. , per doz ,
$2..rX ) ; bulk , porgat ) ) > c.
Vl.MioAii . ' 111 gr , elder , lOo ; good , 12c white
wine , iflc ; fam-y fruit. f-e.
Srovi : POLISH $2.00'i 87 per gross.
1UUSAm , per 1UO , $17.00 ; , Lunlston , per 100 ,
Oir.s-Ivcioseno-P.W. . lie ; W.W.l'lo : head
light , 14'io ; g.tsollno , lie ; salad oil , A 1 , $2.00 ®
U.OO per do/ .
Provision * .
ME vrs Packers' prices Fmokod hams 10 Ib
aveiage. O' c ; smoked hams , 20 to 22 Ibs , Ouj
smoUcd hams. 12 to 14 Ibs , 10jju ! ! o.\tra he , ivy
hams , SI to 25 Ibs iivoiagu , b ? e ; sklnnqd slic
ing , 1H to 20 Ibs avoi age , lOc ; Callfoinla hams ,
7'ic ; bieaUfast bacon , clear , 7".io : rib , 8'ic ' :
ham sausage , be ; jiU'iilc hams , 7'io ; dried
beef hams , Mte ; beef tongues , per doz. , Si.OO ;
per Ib. . U'4e ' ; dry salt meats , fi@0c ; mess
iioik , per bbl. , $12.75 ; extra mess beef ,
} 5 50 ; sausage , per Ib , bologna , Ic ; star , 4'jc :
liver , 4ic ! > blood , 4'sc ; head cheese , 4'jc. Add
3 i ! peril ) foe lots les- than 50 His. Pig pork ,
boneless , per bbl. , $1 1.50 : half bbl. , $7.25 ; quar
ter bbl. , * t.75 ; kits , $ l.r > ; pigs nocks , half bbls. ,
$4.71 ; qnai tor bbls. , $ .Mr ; elthth bills. , $ fl.X ( ) ;
Kits , I.i IDs , $1.15 ; nigs feet , hul7 bbls. , $2.75 ;
( inaiterbbls. , J1.40 ; olglilh bljs. , bOe ; kits , 15
His each , ( IV.
Iais ) : > iii HIIEF Steers , 533 to GOO Ibs average
natlxe. C'ltii'io ' ; steel's , 400 to .10) ) Ibs , average ,
nailve , ( > ' < (0' c ; oow.sandheifeis , 400 to 500 Ibs ,
ILM'IilgO , 5'U.
CAN.NKD Mi : AT- ! Coined beef. 1 Ib , $1.20 ;
coined beef , 2 11) ) , S'.MO ; lunch tongue , 1 Ib ,
$ , ' . 'iO ' ; lunch tongue. 2 Ib , $1.75 ; brawn , 1 Ib ,
$1.20 ; biawn , 2 Ib , $0.00 ; ox tongues , ly Ib , * 5.0J ;
ox tongues , 2 Ib , $ fl.M ) ; chipped beef , I'/i Ib ,
$ l.'i3 ; chipped beef , 1 11) , $2.10 ; lonst beef , 1 Ib ,
loiuiil en us. $1.20 ; toast beef , 2 Ib , lound cans ,
b-.OO ; potted ham. U Ib , lonnd cans , ( k'.c : potted
l , l t lit , . \ , , . l f.'llll. ft ! ' 'O. flnvllltfl I , .10. \t
Ib , loiiiid cans. < > 5c ; dollud hum.3 Ib , round
onus. $ ,1.20 ; potted o\ tongue , U 11) , round caiih ,
( ! 5c : potted ox tongue , > ' , II ) , lound cans , $1.20 ;
compiesscd ham , 1 Ib , siiuaro cansl,75 ; com
pressed 1mm. 5 Ib , smmro cans , ? 2.75 ; tripe , 3
Ib. lound cans. Sl.MI ; minced collnps , U Ib ,
loundcaiis , $ J. ' , ( ) ; boneless pigs fcot , 2 Ib ,
MIIIUIO oans , $2.25.
LAHII Ou.s Hxtra lard oil. w s , 4Rc ; extra
No. I laid oil , 4.'k > : No. 1 lard oil , : i5c ; No. 2 laid
oil , ax'o ; piiio neatiifootoll. 50u5 ; gal. can , 5T > c
gat ; extia ncatsfoot oil , 4Jc ; No. 1 ncatsfoot
oil , ao ; tallow oil , 4.'c.
hi'iunn PHIS' To.viuis : Ilalf barrels , $11.00 ;
iiuarter barrels , $5.73 ; eighth bancls , SJ.03 ;
Kits , 15 Ibs each. ? 2.23.
TAM.OW A , No. 1. 454c ; stcailnc , G' o.
PiCKi.r.u HEIIFTONOUES Half b.iriols , $3.50 ;
quarter barrels , $5.50 ; eighth bin rols. W 00.
L MID Tleices Hefl ned laid com pound , 5'jc ;
PIIIO leaf , fi to ; keltic , 7o. Add ! io to ? o per
Ib for smaller package's.
Pll'Ki.KiiTliii'i : Half barrels , $2.00 ; quarter
bauds. $1.00 ; eighth bnircls , Ute ; kits , 15 Ibs
each , 5oc.
Ho.NinroMii Titll'E Half barrels. $ .1.75 ; quar
ter ban els. U10 ; eighth bin JOls , $ ; kits , 15
Ibs each , liJt.
POIIK ToNniTKS ITnrnokod Mild Ciiicd
Half barrels , 103 Ibs , $7.50 ; quarter banols , 50
Ibs , JI.OJ.
S VUSAOK CASINOS Cattle Tlcrcos and bar
rels , middle , per Ib , O o ; round , aXc ; bungs ,
4c ; hog casings , IHc pot Ib ; ho bung.s. No. 1 ,
4'iu ' each ; tonnds , per net UK ) fcot , l ic set ;
mlddlen , per hot 57 feet , 'iio ( .sot ; wcasaiids , less
than l,03J-ploL'o lots , a'iueach ' ; small bladders ,
loss than & 004loIOIH , IK ) per ( lo/t largo blud-
dcis , If ss tlian , 'Xjlolots ) , UOo per do/ .
Dry Goods.
Hnw Ilnow.v COTTONS Atlantic II , 7'ic ;
Atlantic II , 7o ; Atlantic 1) , fi'Jc ; Atlaiitlo P ,
Go ; Aurora O , 41Jc ; HncL'.s Head , ( Pi ; Cabot
W , Ciio ; Darlington , fiU'c ; I'armois' No 1 , K
4'/o ; Hoosler Ll5 ic ; Indian Head , 7'jo ;
Lawreneo LL , 51o ; lloinleltu LL , 5 e.
TI.NK HnowN CoTTONH Atlantly LL , Go : An-
roia , ( ; A morn 1C , Q'l < " , Atlas O N ll.7'/io ;
dic'o o cloth , < o ; Clinton l'F,5Jioj Pcpporoll K ,
U'io ; Langdon ( J II. tie , , llcrkoloy cambric No.
GO , Do ; Host Yet , O e ; Ili/ttniuloth / XX , 44c ! ;
Cabot. 7 ci rintCall,0)i ) ; Tiultof the Loom ,
KUc ; Hill Semper Idem , be ; Housekeeper , h c ;
King Phlllpcambilc , 10c ; Langdon U I ) , IMio ;
Lonsdalo. bUo ; Lonsdalo cauiurle , lOc ; Now
York Mills lie ; Oak Lawn , 7u ,
funi.Ti.Nds A.NII Pn.i.ow CASiNns llrown
Not-Pupperll , 45-lti. lOc ; ' I'ejiporoll , b-4 , Ibo ;
Pciperell,0-4 | , G-4,20o ; Poiicrnll.lO-4. ) | 22 , Utlcu ,
4R-ii ! , 15o ; Utlour < h-lu. 17 ; Utlca , W-lii , 24o |
tUlca. W-ln,20c ) ; Utlcu , 0 ] < lii,28iu. ! llleachod-
( ii.siiiAM. ( Amoskeug , ' Ufic : ' Atnoskeag ,
dretis , 8'Ho ; Hales. B'ioi Wilrwlck , dns , 7ic ! ;
Luncastor , 0 , 0 ; Uleuulro , OJlie ; Whlttonton ,
dress , bJ4c.
, . PIIINTW Indigo blno Netr-Martha Washing
ton , Go ; American , OMo ; Arnold , GUc ; Arnolcl
II , long oloth , 20of Kllfel A , I2j ; Merrlmack , '
. ' , , lOu ; UoUl Leaf , 8Vio ; Hamilton , Mjo ; Allen
PliikuGic ! ; Allen Clmmbiay , Go ; Qloncestor ,
, . .
< iu * i wi f a ts > > t vt | >
vtiV l ifctTft v/l 1 3 < t U *
fOi.oiiin'AMiiiiics : ( Uroun , 4yo ; Hod btar ,
4io ; rolled Clover , 5o ; falator , Ou ; high colors ,
-Yoru Nankin , lOJio ; Eveiett.
8-o2 , ISo : l.cwlston. 10-oz , 33Ho ; Workliiguuu'v ,
lie ; Corkscrew caaluuerc , U.'lic. uftl /
* f
nt.ocn Tix Pmnll pl/f / , 30(5 per 1I ) | bur , OOo
per III.
( 'OH'Fil I'lntilsheil holler ( lres , Mapper III !
rold rolled , 200 per Ihi aliqitthltig , 2 ; < c pur Ibj
pills nnd flat s. ' .lie per Ih.
UAf.VANirKii HIIKBT liioN Discount SO-10 per
rent , pal , plan Iron , Nos. SI nnd 27 , A , lOHu ; ll ,
fcix I'r.ATn-I. 0. , 10x14 , 223 , 17.00 ! I. X. , 10x14 ,
223. IC.75.
Itoori Cliarcoiil , I , 0. , 14x20 , 113 , f3.50) ) I ,
SIIKP.T Ittox-No. 20. J.1..W ; No. 27 , M.CO.
SoMiRii-Strlctly liiilf and half , IGc.
TIN I'l.VTK-Coke , 11x20. 112 , KJ.23.
HTKKI. Nttr.s iiase , r..U s
STEKI , Wntn NAII.H llase. f3m.
WlltB Jap. barb , M.23 ; gnlv. M.W.
The VlHlliIo KII mily.
Cmcno , Juno iW. The visible supply for
the week ending Juno Ul , as compiled by the
secretary of the Chicago board of trade Is us
follows :
Wheat . 2lHisooo (
Torn . . . I3.i20ooo (
Oats. . . . : . 4,1 > 44,000
Hyu . . . GK3.000
llarlev . . . _ , . . 470,000
Trndo NotoH.
The Now York stock exchange will bo
closed from the afternoon of July a till July 7.
Vice-President Sykos of the Chicago &
Northwestern railroad company advises his
friends that the condition of the property was
never better nnd that the business along the
line is flourishing beyond all expectation. Bet
ter rates nro obtainable in Iowa nnd the bitter
feeling there ngalnst corporations is
not as pronounced as It was twelve months
neo. The statement of earnings will bo ready
Monday nextnud while not expected to show
n largo increase because thu comparative
month of last year was n heavy one , it Is
probable that the figures will more than hold
their own.
The light now going on ngninst dressed beef
nnd live cattle is likely to run its course
within a few days. The acting commissioner
of the trunk line association iu u recent dis
cussion of the matter , said : "The question is
not of such vital importance ns mill street
believes. The fact of the matter is thnt in
rai'road ' circles very little consequence is at
tached to this rate-cutting. It in no way for-
bodes one-half the rashness thnt laymen nro
inclined to attach to it. There nro nlwnys
more or less disturbances going on , niul fortho
time being the public is Inclined to magnify
this irreguliuity. It will end , however , ns nil
previous troubles hnve ended , satisfactorily. "
A. Novel nnd Expensive Method of Ad-
vcrlisitiK llcnl Estate.
Commencinfj Monday. Juno 30th , wo
will pivo mvny 100 choice lots to any ono
sending us their full name and address
with 2e for return oostafjo.
Thcso lots nro 2oxli2-3 foot nnd will bo
worth $2oO each in loss than three
The present population of Salt Lake
City is ( ! 0,000. In live years it will ho the
largest city between Chicago and San
Frnncibco. Wo moan business and if
you want a warranty deed to u splendid
lot send on your iitttno to the Salt Lake
View addition company , Salt Lake City ,
Future of the Con ! Trade.
As much local interest centers in specula
tion ns to the future of the coal trnde , the fol
lowing from the Philadelphia Ledger is
worthy of perusal ;
The anthracite coal trade is in a healthful
state , nnd the movement of coal , while not
bnskis more nclivo than it has been for s > otno
time past. The weekly output of coal is in
creasing , the latest report ( for the week end
ing June 7) ) showing an increase to over 750-
000 tons , or 10,000 ( ! , tons more than in the cor-
icspondiiig Aveek of last year. The Heading
Coal & Iron company nlso shows n Inrgo in
crease in its weekly output , nnd wo arc in
formed thnt that company is moving the
greater part of its production , the
stove and chestnut nnd the small
steam sizes of course being stocked both at
Interior points nnd tidewater to some extent.
The market continued to readily absorb all of
thu Inrgo sites , nnd the dcmnml for egg coal
is reported to bo much improved. From now
until the f.ill months the output may naturally
bo expected to steadily increase , nnd consequently
quently the domestic si/.cs and pen nnd buck
wheat will accumulate , but the stocked coal
will , no doubt , find n ready market during
the fall and winter months , nnd at much bet
tor prices than could bo now obtained by any
ciTort on the part of producers to force its Im
mediate sale. Tenders to supply the United
States mint in this city with ,400 tons of pen
coal , 45 tons of egg and 20 tons of stove coal
were made last week by dealers representing
the Pennsylvania railroad and Lehich com
pany's conls at the following prices : Pen ,
VJ.54 per ton the lowest and fcj.85 the highest ;
egg , 4.25 , nnd stove , $1.10 the lowest nnd
SI.IK ) tno highest. New York buyers who
have watched the market have nil bought
pretty hbarally nt May prices , nnd at the
present moment they nro ut the hesitating
point about buying more. The consequence
is thnt wo hear of considerable stocks nceu-
mutating , and n very dull , lint market. The
expectation thnt by July 1 the market will
about correspond with the July market of
last yjetiv , as far ns tonnage is concerned ,
seems lo bo well founded. But the country
should tnko n great deal more coal this full
mini 11 uiu lust laii , 11 uiu inuicauuim uro re
'J ho total amount of nnthracito sent to mnr-
ket for the week ending Juno 7 , wns 7S1'li.'i
tons , compared with ( il.riJl ! tons in the corresponding
spending week last ycnr , nn increnso of 100- ,
'JOI tons. The total nmount of nnthraclte
mined thus far in the year 18K ! ) was 12,000 , IbO
tons , compared with 12,8.15,1101 tons for the
same period hist ycnr , u decrease of 1&0.057
tons. The leading coil-currying companies
make the following reports of their tonnage
lor the wcok ending Juno.7 , compared with
their respective amounts carried to the same
time Inst year :
Week. ISM. mo. Dlffcri'iico
HcadliiKlin..ll < 3.T8J ,3,1'Mi.O1.1 ! .tUi,177 ! inc. : ; i'.sia
On. lilt. N. J.U'J.07.1 Due.
Shniniikln. . . . 'iv'i8 ' 1T.I , I7'J , . ' ) i Inc. 2P.I28
Un UK. .V. J , ' < M ! O5 Inc. "
reiin. Cunl . .1 t'.Ml < ( ? .l,7 U ! I no V" ! .IS3
I'lcnrM , I'n. 70,782 I.MI..SIJ Inc. 2J-I.H.1 )
llun. \ II T 4l'i,7 ( Wi.llO Inc. i7.l ! Mi
Norf A Wtf"t. .w.oso tVS h'JI 72J,7I'J Inc. 173.0711
llecck Cicak. 5U,4VO , Inc.
Cht 3. A. Ohio Wl.J'JI 70)WJ Inc. 11)7,015 )
Lndics who vnluo u refined complex ion must
use Pozronl's powder It produces n > soft and
beautiful skin.
The sonnto committee of nfirlculturo 1ms
rcpoited a bill to meet nnd correct dishonest
practices in the adulteration and saleof
prod nets of the farm. It Is aimed chlclly at
dairy products , 'fhcro nro laws in many
stales designed to protect thcso Interests and
to pui'KQ the markets of baleful goods. If
thcso laws were strictly enforced good ser
vice would bo done to the community ; hut
they nro in their very nature less effective
because restricted to state limits. A federal
law might provo more ! useful , and would ,
indeed , if It did not carry too much politics
with it.
* '
Diphtheria is cured by1 the use of Cook's
JiMni Dry Imperial Champagne as n gurgle.
Ask your physician to try it.
The superintendent of the census Is ex
pected to publish returns of population from
the largo cltias us soon us the computations
can bo mado. The counting will bo by dec-
tiloal machines and the schedules will bo
rapidly handled. The fourteen days allowed
by law in the cities expired Juno IT. The
work was already complete in some localities ,
nnd in many others only uecaisary correc
tions remained to bo inudo. The publlo
uwalts the figures from important places
with anxious Impatience to note how the
relative order of prominence will bo main
tained iu the cities that contest for promi
Provisions and Stocks.
Basement First National Bank ,
OB South 13th Street , Omaha
SYPHILIS Can bo curdl In'.XI to00
dayH by use of thomur-
vclous Maglo Umnrdy. J.VxJ.OO for u cuso It will
not euro , ( JAUT1ON to got the genulno rem
edy. Write or call on r. O. Joslyu , ao Uur-
utfiticot , Oiuuhu , Ncbriuku ,
i , ni/ru.iNVrotf \ y Arrlfvi
_ Omnlm. Jfcjmt 10th ami Mninn MroeH I
, 1 d m , , . .Chlrncii "Kiprc , ,
Vli nil . . . . . . . .ClilcBk-o Kiprcif , , ,
ti in p ni ] nilrnro K pro . . . . .1
G.fOp ni | * , nt'liliniio ! * ! I
IX-RTC. llUltr.lNdTOS % MO. IUVUU.
Um hi , ) IK'pol loth i > n < I.Minon ln'oti. I
fll.lA n ni . . . .DriiTcrTIity Kipro * *
10.15 n m DciiTpr Kxprc i . . . .
t 40 p ni i.I ) nTt > r iS'lcht JITOM , .
jU& n m . . . . . t.liimln Ixinil , ,
I/oi vm
Umnha. Depot 10th niul Ala on utrcotj.
tuts n m . . .KntiM ( Mtr IMr Kxpre"
Ji 4i p m K . ' _ NlKlit Kip. ! V V. Tr H
Omaha. IHtpot IDUi nnit M rcy street * . Umithik.
2 fo p in ( iTcrlnnil Hjrr. , I ) IJ p m
T..TU p m . . . . . . . . , IMclflo Kiprp t , 7.15 n in
10 W n in lciiror Kipri1" 4W p m
4 45 p m ( Irnml Inbuilt Kip. incept 81111 U 42 p in
& 0 ( n m I2U1 n in
TitiTci I A VAOH'It' . Arrlfos"
UiiiRhA. | L' , I * , depot. lOtli nn. . Mnruy Sl .
> . ! & p ml _ . . "NlHht Kiprc" IJUl n m
VIA n in Atlnntle Klirc" [ . . . . . i\.m p m
4.15 p in VeMlliulo UmltPit III ( in m
n " THrtUX OIl'V VAl'IKlt' "
nvos ] . | ArTlVoT
Uiimlm. | U. 1' . Ogpot. luih nncl Mitrcy SU | Oniilit.
7.15"ft nil . . . .Sioux Cltr rn etiKor . . . .I
c" , ,1 100.1 n in
TSnvBi i irrnu.'in'i'i'VA ' luoit'iis" " i Am
Oinnlm. | Ik'pot ISlll nmlVcli trr St j _ J llinnlia.
_ BJX1 P niliirixM.J tTjrVyil MmTteiT. . . I IIU ntn
II KTCI | rilICAJTS N'OIOl'lh * WVllllN.i Arrlfos
COnmlm , | U. r. ilop < it. lOtli niul Mnrry St'.IOiunlin.
K'lllOAlio , Miu , A ST. I'Aliui Arnroi
Oinnlm. | U. I * . Ot-pot , luih nnilJSIimiy 1 < 1 I Omnhix.
TIie o trnlna nuo mop nt Mill , nth , ZUdi nnuzitti
etrpetd , Humuilt nn < l BnvltlKO Crosiluf.Vorklntffl
men's train * iki not run
Imvca I OHIOAl.O. ll. 1. A 1'ACIMU. | Arrives
Transfer I Union Depot. Council Ilium. | Transfer
S-M p nil Nlitlit Kxpreiu I ! U5 n ni
11.10 a in Atlnntle Kiprosa 6f > 5 p in
500 p nil _ . . „ . . .Vattlhnle Limited . . . . .111) ) ; < U ft m
" 1-cnvi'u JX'HlCAliU &NOlirilWHsii'.ltN.l ATflvps
Traniferl tlnlin liopot. Council HIiilTit. | Triiinfor
U 4U u iu 7l'hlciiKO Kxproja tlHUp iu
: . UUP m vciiiiiuio Limited u , .0 u m
10IXJ p .11 Knstern Hycr ! 00 p m
_ bOJ p ni . _ . Atlantic Mull . . . . . _ i. . T.U : n m
lx.-BVi.'J TClIfOAtn ) , 7M1L & _
Transfer L'nlon Depot. Council Iliads. l'1'rnntfer
'JW n m.Uilcni | > .Mnll ( i-xcepi y.nnl.iy ) . . 6 .HI p m
KlOpni Chlrnvo Kxpro s ll 15 n in
IdOOpin . . .f'hlinvo KxprGm 200 p in
"l. iivo T K.T : , t * r JiiK A , OT U. Arrives"
TrniKtcrl Union Depot. jCouncllllluTi ] _ Tmnafur
10W 11 ml. City Ilur Hxpress . 6 IJ p ni
IU25ijiii | | . Knn Hii 01 tjr Night Kxprosi fiV'J n in
TrioaTos" ! OMAllAA ST.lX5Ul ( . I Arrives
Tran ft-r | Union Depot , Council Illult . Transfer
fiUjiin [ . . > t. Canon Hall. . . fU.I.'i p in
' A. QIMNCV , Arri\cs
Trnnnferl Union llo'pot , Cninclljlliill . ( Transfer
MIS9OUUI I'ALlHo obuuuiiAtl TKAlMb.
1302 Farnnm Stroot.
Cl y Pnesongor and Ticket
Sncclflo for HyiU-rlik , DI ln nFti ! , Kuuralgla , WaV * .
lulncn. Mental Dcpniuloii.ttorunlnirot thu
nulling In Insanity nail leading to mlicrjr ileony cuiJ
iltath. 1'rcmtiure Old Air * . ilarrennt u. l. of i'awcr
\Vltlt each order for tlx boxft , vlll rend
( tiAr nt'-A to trfnnii mnni > T If th irmtinfnt falls tu
1110 Farnam Street , Oinahn , Neb.
Deni/er / Lottery
Denver , Colo. ,
Capital Prize $7,500.
Address R F , KIIODUS ,
Buttering from Ilia cnrclnnf youthful error * , etrlr
df c r. wunlnR wttkntu , \ < mnuliivxl , rtr. , I nUI
tcml a valutbla tmllte ( M'alfil ) containing full
rartlrulan for home cure. I'ltKIC of chtrvr. A
iplcnttld inHllrttl work I * hould bo riuU by rjtty
man "hn U m > rrnn anil clrhlllut'it. AMtta ,
_ lrof. ! ' . . ' . l'O\Vtltlt.PIooau .Conn.
AOOODU1OII , hawyor , 131 Dearborn af
. Lhloago , IM years uuccm.sfiil jiracllou.
Advlcotrcu ; nupubtioUjr. tipoclulUvUltlcilo
tuauj atatcn ,
National Bank
Capital , v $ -iOOOOa
Surplus Jnu. Jnt , itfOO , - 07DOO'
Ofle r * n.1 ntrccltvn-ltonrr W. TalM , prmldinlt
tftwlis. ItPttl , Vi : I'roiMonli JnmoiV HATMI > Y >
T' Morse. John H. C < iUni ) II ( ' Uuihtnfi J , M , K
r Ulok | W.I I. 8. Ui' ho , caihler.
Co ncr Mh anil Kiirnam Plrcf ( .
A Oono' . ItunU' ' " " 'inlt > p Transacted.
National Bank '
Cnpitnl , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4O.OOO
Oncers AncJ Dlroclnrn-K. M. MoMonmn , O , M.
Illtchrock , .lixopli Onriionii , Jr. , A. llrnry , K. .11.
Anilvriun , William ( I , Mniitliiviiroslilriil ! U II ,
Wllllnni. . A. 1 * . lloi'kln. , | < rp l < U < nti A. .Milliard ,
eauhlrr ; F It. Ilrfant , nsilslnnl cn Iilcr.
Omaha ManiJFaGtiiJrBrs.
UootM nntl
Wholesale Manufacturers of Hoots & Shoes-
ifonti for Uoston ItuMior Shno Co , 1107 , 1 101 nnd 111 * '
llama ? Strret , Oiimtm , Noli.
Lager Bwr llrcwcrs ,
IMI Ncrtli IMli Stfol , Onmlm , Nob.
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice.
w rnpi nnd mplnllcnlijrllKMi .lolm Kppuotor ,
proprietor , luannd lloHoittli 10th utrnot.
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
till IKiUKlas Hlroet , Otnnhn , Noli.
Coal , Coke , Kto.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
B. B. Cor. IGtli and DOIIAI | Street * , Omnlm , Neb.
Shippers of Coal and CoKe ,
211 South 13tu Street , Omnlm , Nob.
Wholesale Cigars.
405 N. 10th Street. "Hollol" N39.
Dry GooclH niul Notions.
M. E. SMITH & . CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
Corner lltli niul Uiiwanl Strcati.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
QonU'Kurnlalilni.'Oooil9 Corner llth anil liurno/
titroi'ts , Onmlia , Neb.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnnm Street , Omnlm , Ne
Wholesale Grocers ,
I8th and Lonvcnworlli Htrccta , Onnlm , Ncbnufca.
, Ktc.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc.
Imported and American Portland Cement. Slat *
" aentfor Milwaukee Hjrdniullo Cement , and
QulncjVVIilte I.lme.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood oarpoti and imninut HaorlnK Otu and DouglM-
BtruotB , Ouialin , Ncbrnika.
\f. ( J-ltKY ,
Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Etc.-
, , , . , . -
Corner Oth and Douglas Btreeti , Omnlm.
Millinery nnd Notions.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
103. 210 and 211 South llth utreot.
Notlonx :
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1121 Harnoy direct , Omaha.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
A lo urcuBC , etc. , Omnlm. A II ll'ahop , Manager. ;
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Currr ntco itock of prlntlntr , wrapping and writing
paper. Bpuclul attentlun vlTen to curd pnpor.
, Ktc.
A. L. DEANE & CO. ,
General Aiccnta for
Halls' ' Safes ,
SI and 073 South 10th St. , Omaha ,
Toys , Ktc.
H. HARDY fc CO. ,
Jobbers of
Dolls Albums Goods
Toys , , , Fancy ,
House Kurnliblna Goods , Children's Carrlacas td
Karnam street , Oumha , Nub.
. AVntur Huripllcu. .
JU-U-U-I--HJ - " ' - - - - - - "
- -
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Matilda ? wind 'iillls 018 and 070 Jones St. , Omaha.
O. K. Hois , Action Manager.
Iron Work * .
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worif ,
Engines , brnrs wurk. Ktnor /oundrr l , machlni ua4
blacksmith work OfUco nii-1 works , U , K
Itj. ami ITth street , Omaha.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
VaulU , Jail work , Iron shutters and fire eirapc * .
U , Androtu , l > rop'r Cor , llth and Jackson Bts.
Knwli , Dourn , Ktu.
M. A. DI8UROW c CO. ,
Wholesale niauufucturcrs of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch oOlce , I2th aud Iiard streets , Omaha , It t > . O-m.eLln.etJ
01 South Omaha , Limited , J
Taxidermists '
Specimen ! can bo lent ai iifelr * > j
m mil or vipreti Beud fur I/HIM , fcu it |
ICIU BlrscU OKMtia.
/ fliiffurln from offoot *
UrpfTTT/MEX ' of lo t Manhood ,
yVlA/41'\yo / th1 Krrorv , Iiiiiiotuiuiy
and HlHuascHof Men. can l
cured pcrinnnontlr and pilrolely tij our Hnxiial Hi > n-
clllc. Bent tiy mall for II Hook tout ( malcd ) for
damp , lleacoa Medical Cowpuiix. 157 WiiiliniKtOa
utrt'Cl. uoiiton Mu t
"WPr& ? 1C WIANHOOtf
w w KL ink v r ririiMi > < i iMH , I P > I M
m < 7L > iMlf < > rii < llirllliIul ) < t
lie II.u , TriilU , Mut Irt anil KiltJ. Ill I'rlx Ui iK
U <