Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    TJdUii OMAHA DAILY AUtfJBJ , TUESDAY , JUNE 24 , 1800.
ueh satisfaction that Mr. Mollcn retained
Jilm as his assistant.
When Mr Mellon bccntno general traffic
mannrfcr In March , 1S3' > , Mr1. McUlbbcn suc-
Bccdca him
IV to Hint time , the latter had lived mod
estly mid moderately. Very suddenly a"
entirely different line of conduct was notlci J
5tHho young man. It was not long until bowen
won nnd proudly were the soubriquet of
IK-IIIR n ' 'high roller. " A fast tcittn of horses
and line cnrrlngo In which ho rode dally llko
n tnllllonuiru prince to the oftlce , nmdo their
npprnrnnce ; a blooded saddle horse was also
lidded to the possessions.
Immediately after his succession to the
oftlcoof general purchasing agent , thu coal ,
Btono and hotel department * wcro nttnchcd to
it and put under his control , Naturally that
Increased the Importance of the position
throe or four fold ,
In the meantime- this rapid Increaio of
honor.and. . power hud changed McICIbben'a
bearing to such an extent that ho bccnino
nutocratlc , dictatorial and very Independent.
.Agents of supply houses , local merchants who
deiilt moro or less with the company nnd
others soon found him so Indifferent and cool
towards them when they railed at the ofllco
on business that complaints commenced to bo
heard. It Is a notorious fact that prominent
business men ucro Ill-treated and dollber-
nlcly Insulted.
One uuy ho ordered Fred dray out of his
ofllce. Another time ho undertook to bull
doze O I-1. Hamscy but Mr , Ramsey showed
light so strongly" that McKlbben backed
down mid apologized. Many other lucldunts
of this character arc currently reported.
They llnnlly reached Holcomb's ear nnd that
gentleman asked him for his resignation , but
it was not forthcoming. McKlbben ques
tioned tlio vice-president's authority to lot
him out , went posthaste to Boston , snwl'resl-
dpiil Adams nnd got himself reinstated.
This net of favoritism greatly inllatcd Mae's
estimation of himself and he never missed an
opportunity to impress upon those with
\vliom ho came In contact the full scope
nnd magnitude of his olllelal capacity.
Jn consequence matters soon reached such n
condition that Adams , Holcomb , certain dl-
ri > ctorH and everybody else having nny
nuthorityoro appealed to by men nil over
the coUntrj' for better treatment. The day
rolled round on which something had to bo
done , Mr. Holcomb determined to remove
McKlbbcn or quit the Union Pncillo himself ,
Thorefoio , when Mr. Adams arrived hero on
bis recent visit the question was made an
Issue- . The icsult was McKlbben's resigna
tion ,
Mr. Adams was informed of the al
leged frauds that bad been carried on
nnd ordered the investigation mentioned
nbovc. AH yet the officials decline to dlvulgo
the full extent of their discovery. It comes
front icllablo authority , though , that Mr.
Anderson has traced the payment of commis-
Kions on contracts , in money and presents ,
amounting to nearly , if not quite ,
Numerous nro the racy stories related of
Klbbens' ' debauches after ho arose to the
Jicight of his career. The first trip ho took
over the system as general purchasing agent
was , according to all accounts , a round of
drunken revelry. Ho stocked his special car
with wines nnd liquors before leaving Omaha
nnd sent hack for more from North Plntto.
A company of congenial companions went
along and they simply made Homo howl.
Passing through Wyoming their actions were
NO annoying to the conductor that ho threat-
icnol ( enco to sidetrack the car and leave it.
McKihbon was in Chicago last week en
route to Omuliu , but divined , it seems , that
this exposition of his career was coming and
icturned cast.
licneral Manager Dickinson saw him there
and at his request secured u pass for the
young muii from Chicago to this city. At that
time he made anxious Inquiries regarding the
bituatloa of affairs hero and what was being
haid concerning him.
The Omaha Nest.
Out on Fortieth street , near Farnam , in
the best neighborhood in West Oniahnstands
'MclClbben's new residence , now being con
structed. When completed it will bo one of
the most delightful residences in all Omaha.
In style of architecture it is semi-colonial.
It is largo nnd the elegance of all Its appoint
ments is very noticeable. There are two full
stories , an attic and u basement. The roof is
pitched high , with a long slant from
' I which protrude dormer windows of varied
shapes. A broad verandah encircles the front
and the .southern side half way back , wliilo a
I " narrower piazza run * around the remainder
\i \ of the south side and the rear. There are
fourteen lai-go rooms with high ceilings ;
thoru are bath rooms and every convenience
imaginable. All the floors are of hardened
, and polished wood , the stairways are broad
| ] mid tlio balustrades Unique. Immense arched
windows , from which a mngnitlceut view
can bo obtained of the surrounding country ,
tr.illsfonu the front of the house into an ob
There is an immense carriage arch and all
the ronvcnlences nnd appointments of a mod-
cm house perfect In its arrangement.
McICibben values this proiwrty at $3r > ,000 ,
its actual cost , but has authorbed his agent
to Sell it for fcJJ-.OOO cash.
Tito Council Hlii IT * Nest.
Mr. McKibben resided at2:23 : South Seventh
street , Council. Bluffs. The building Is a
Mnall brlelc , two stories high , and contains
Hats for three families. In the most south
erly of these , the cx-purehasing agent re
sided. The structure has stone trimmings
nnd is otherwise ornamented , the entrance to
the McKobben homo being an alcove of
unique design.
The house was furnished several months
ngo , everything from the white owl mantelpiece -
piece to the clothes pins in the laundry
liuvfng been purchased at the time.
As n consequence , when Mr. MeKibbon loft
all the goods were almost as fresh as whor.
they wcio purchased. The doors of the resi
dence were locked , the curtains were milled
down , the servants wcro discharged anil for a
tlmadeseitlon held sway within the walls.
In the meantime , however , correspondence
ban passed between Mr. Melubbon and I/1. 1C.
Darling of this city with the result that the
latter was authorized to bell the fuinlturo at
Accordingly , on Saturday last the sale bo-
RUU under Air. Duiling's supervision , Hurry
Irwln of the Bluffs being the auctioneer.
The sale t ntlnucd during the day , n num
ber of things being disposed of ut fairly good
Jirleas. It was continued Saturday nignt ,
but only n small number of purchasers were
in attendance. A bed room set of antique
* onk , with w mattress which must have cost
$ .10. together with n magnificent hall rack ,
bom for JUS. The sot must have cost 5400.
Sunday word was received from Mr. Mc
ICibben , and as u consequence all the small
goods which remained unsold were put Into
trunks with the Intention of shipping them
c.u > t ,
Yesterday these trunks were scattered
tiirguuh "tho rooms nnd the only part of the
furnishing which remained unsold were the
carpets. Thcso were of nil styles
mid raitgpd from the softest velvet ,
oil ' whim the heaviest footstep
Ayoujd full noiselessly to cheap cotton stuff
which did sorvleo In the servant's apartment.
They wow measured carefully , ttm urea cov
ered being about ono hundred and seventy
yards. For thesa the auctioneer was willing
to necopt an uvorugo prlco of $1.20 per yard.
The intending purchaser was Mr. E/Hart
' of the Bluffs. Mr , Darling was consulted
on the subject through the telephone. The
deal did not seem satisfactory to him becaiisa
"lie thbught the carpets ought to bring him n
higher prlco. Ho finally stated that ho would
go over to the Bluffs nnd superintend the deal
himself , Mr. Hart , however , anticipated him
by driving to this city himself shortly before
jioon ,
The fumlshlug of the house , was of the
best In o\vory respect and must have cost
( iovorul thousand dollars.
TUoiulo nottcd something over n thousand
t dollars , Kvorythlng of course was slaugh
tered after" the manner of secondhand salon
nnd wont put of Mr. McKlbbcii's possession
just about us cosily us it had gene into it ,
" The carting uway of the goods attracted
the attention of nearly all the neighbors , who
slyly peupod from behind parlor eurtutn.s ,
though few of thorn knew of the charge
sey them to suddenly lose their iU- !
Tlioy Must Not Air Tliulr Grlttvnnues.
LONDON- , Juno 23. [ Spoelal Cablegram to
' - TUB BKK.J Colonel Bradford , the now chief
' jjjuuulsstouer of the metropolitan police , bos
Issued an order forbidding the members of
' the force from holding meetings for the pur-
, j oj of agitating tbclr grievances.
' , lloiul
, WASIIINOTQ.V , Juno ! J3. [ Special Telegram
* Tuu nK. I Bonds offer * } i
George Maxfiold , the Bcatrico Jailor , Per
haps 'Fatally Hurt.
A llorso Thief Attempts to llronk Jnll
mill Hnceeedfl Mounted Men
in Jlot Pursuit AVlfl bo
Jjyiiohod If
n , Neb. , Juno M , fSpecIal Tele
gram to TIH lii : : . ] This city wus thrown
Intoafcvcr of excitement at 0 o'clock tonight
by n desperate Jail delivery In which Oeorga
Maxflcld , the .Jailer , wus seriously if not
fatally injured ,
As Maxfleld wns handing a pall of water
through an outside door In the county Jail ,
JaqkVortlunn ; , oiio pf the .horso thieves ar
rested n few days ago. struck Muxllcld two
fearful blows over thu head with some sort of
mi edged tool , felling him to the ground In
sensible. Ho then made bU escape and at
this hour is still at largo.
Wortman'9 partner nUo tried to escape , but
was forced back. Thirty or forty armed men
are out searching for Wortman , and If bo Is
recovered a lynching bco Is not Improbable.
Ho is "about Jlvp feet , cloven Inches tall ,
fsqunrcly built niiJbus u light moustache. Ho
is u vicious desperado uud will light to the
death' .
, The Crete Cliiuttnmiun.
CnrTE , Nob. , Juno 2.J. [ Special to Tnn
Bun. ] Great preparations are being made
for the coming rf qbraska Chauttiuqua assem
bly nt Crete. Its aim has been mainly edu
cational , moral mid religious from the start ,
and it has spared no pains nor money to se
cure the best talent In thcso lines which the
nation affords.
The programme for the coming session
could not bo surpassed. Kov. Do Witt Tul-
mage , Bishop Vincent , General Clinton B.
Fisk , Francis Wlllard , nnd others of national
reputation constitute its lecturers and work
ers. 1Tho Cbautauqua Idea Is not moro fully
carried out at its original beautiful location
tlmn'lt will bo ntCrete.
Nature has been lavish in her provisions for
comfort and usefulness. The Indies of the
"Women's Christian Temperance union at Lin
coln nro to manage the dining hall , nnd are
making the most ample arrangements to pro
vide IHtingly for the appetites of those worn
out nnd desiring only that which Is choicest
nnd best in the culinary art ,
The management will spare no effort to
meet the requirements of their hosts of pa
trons nnd friends. All lovers of the true , the
pure , the beautiful and the good should try to
plan to come and spend a week or ten days n
this favorite retreat.
The1 Fun Commences.
PiATMMOUTir , Nob. , Juno ! M. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BII : : . ] Thehoso teams and
visitors at the tournament arc beginning to
arrive and tonight the city is full of strang
ers and everything is in readiness for tomor
row. The track is in line condition and Is
pronounoxl to bo the best aod fastest in the
The hose nnd hook and ladder teams nl-
cxander hose and Aurora hose. The pro
gramme for the opening day is :
10 a. in. Heccption of visiting firemen.
11 n. in. Meeting of board of control.
2 p. m. Green hook and ladder race , purse
SI 50.
! ) p. m. Chief's ' race of 100 yards ; to fast
est , $ > badge ; to slowest , leather bailee.
! t50 : ! p. m. Forty-two class hose race , purse
Evening Grand firemen's ball at the opera
Incendiary Flro at Itrnmllnld.
BKOMiMnr.n , Neb. , Juno 2. ) . [ Special to
Tin : Bm : . ] The city boll , owned by George
Wright , together with his residence and
most of his household goods , was completely
destroyed by flro last night. The origin is
not known , "but Is supposed to bo the work of
nn incendiary. Loss on the hall , including
goods , Masonic , Ancient Order United Work
men and Grand Army of the Republic
supplies , $4,00(1 ( ; insurance , § 1,000. Lessen
on rcsidcnco , including household goods ,
$1,800 ; . insurance , $000. Mr. Wright had
every dollar lie was woith invested in this
property , which wus mortgaged for moro
than the insurance , and ho is left iu close
and almost destitute circumstances.
Temperance Movement at Alliance.
ALLIANCE , Neb , , Juno 2 , } . [ Special Tele
gram to Tnn .BUB. ] Mrs. Woodward of
Seward has been In our city for the past two
days and gave Its citizens a rare treat of
eloquence and pointed argument in favor of
the great cause she so ably represents that
of temperance and reformation.
The most spaclouc hall-of the city was pro
cured for.theso meetings , which huvo Jllled
every nook and corner , and many were
turned away who could not be accommodated.
At the close of the address last evening a
vote of thanks was called by Councilman
Mclntyre , the immense , assembly rising in
honor of the bravo woman who is giving her
whole lifo to this grand work.
< f - i - i i
11 "A Conleronco lit'Kearney.
ICi ! uixr.v , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bun. ] A delegation from the
board of education of the United Brethren
church arrived here today and held n confer
ence thls evenlng with the board of trade
with refcVcneo to establishing a state college
hero under the auspices of their church. A
committee was appointed and the mutter will
bo thoroughly canvassed tomorrow. They
propose a. fcoWO stnle.turo as a starter null
the people are nllvo to tho.uccessity of locat
ing it hero.
A.Petition to Council.
ICiiiuNcr , Neb. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun "Bui : . ] A. D. Schermcrhorn ,
division engineer of the Union Pacillc , pro-
sented.ujM3tition"to the council this evening
asking leave to stralihtcii.a curve in the city
and the vacation of'fno ( ht nvcnuo north of
the track , "whcro , the company proposes to
build a union pas.sHigcr depot , to bo used by
the Union. Pacific and Kearney & Black
Hills vaUways. .Tlio reijuest will bo granted
as soon us preliminaries are attended to.
Fremont Tiu-ncrs.
FnijsiojjT , Neb. , Juno 2a. ' [ Special to TUB
BUE.J A delegation of' eighteen Turners
from the Ffomont Turnv.orolu wont to Lin
coln today to participate Jill the statoTurncrfeat
this week. Klght of these were active Turners
and ten were In the boys' class , all to
compote for prbos. Wednesday an excursion
will bo ruu over the Fremont , Elkhorn is
Missouri Vulloy roud , when a largo number
of citizens will visit Lincoln and the Turner-
fest. .
CAHCN Disposed Of.
LourCrnr , Neb , , Juno 23. [ Special to THE
B HE. ] The district court , which has been In
session hero the p'ost week , adjourned Satur
day. TJVQ important cases were disposed of.
S. S. Porter yj the Sherman county banking
company , Judgment for * 1,700 for plaintiff ;
nnd Furbush vs the Barker estate , Judgment
for about SIO.OOO for plaintiff.
A Hie GrniUniToutm.
BKVTIIICE , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin ? BKU. ] Horati & Ware's big
grading outllt disembarked at Virginia Stu
tion ou tlio Hock Island , this county , Satur
day mid will travel overland to Lincoln.
where they will engage in the Omaha nnd
Lincoln Hock Island extension work , There
were twenty-eight cars of tUo material.
TnitKlblo Shape.
Nob. , Juno ! 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tins BEE. ] Nlnot v- care of material
for the Kearney & Black Hills railway
arrived today and trucklnylng from this city
bosun in earnest. The road will bo completed
to Cullo way aud rolllug stock all in motion by
September 1. J. 13. Humo. formerly ynrd-
master of the Union Pacific , was today n -
pointed conductor ot train No. 1 ,
Ministers Meet nnd IlrSolvc.
KniiiNKT , Nob. , Juno B3. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HUB. ] At the regular meeting
ottho Ministerial association this morning
Ilcv. John Asking DD. , was elected presi
dent , Hcv" . J. C. Lvnmn , vlco president , nnd
Hov. W. S. Barnes , secretary. A resolution
wns adopted advocating the proposed prohib
itory amendment to the constitution ,
In Harmony.
PAW.VBB Cirr. Neb. , Juno 23. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BUR. ] The union labor
convention Siturday nominated four dele
gates to the state convention nt Lincoln on
Juno 2r . Kx-Govomor Butler , heads the
ll t , the greatest harmony prevailed and the
union Inbor party of this county and the
Grangers uro working In union.
.Stirring Up
GUAM ) IsiAxi ) , Neb. , Juno 23. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BBR. ] The city board of
equalization was In session all last week nnd
will convene again Wednesday , Many citi
zens of Grand Island have been , summoned
to appear and stuto Why their assessment
should not bo Increased , and' as n result over
$ . ' ,000 will ( hid Its way lute tlio city treasury.
The Hoys Are Kull ol'JIopo.
Gn AND ISIAXD , Neb. , Juno 23 , [ Special
Telegram to Tnc Bin.-r-Both : hose com
panics loft this morning for Plattsmouth to
participate in the coming tournament. They
were accompanied by the Paolllo hose com
pany band , The bora have been training only
u. short time , but they have plenty of speed
nnd expect to bo among thu winners.
Klectlon of
Pr.xnnit , Neb. , Juno 23. [ Special to TUB
if BE. ] At the meeting of the old soldiers at
this place today J. O. Downs nnd Aaron
Voting wcro elected delegates to attend the
meeting of the Stnto Veterans' association
which meets In Lincoln next Wednesday.
Killed Six Out or
BKATIIICB , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BBB. ] A north-bound B. & M.
freight ran Into a bunch of eight horses near
Putnam , this county , Saturday ovenlug and
killed six of the animals.
Iiliiooln'n Population.
N , Neb. , Juiie 23.- The census superVisor -
Visor announces that Lincoln has 53,002 neo-
. This does not include four manufactur-
ig and educational suburbs that , it is
estimated , will swell the total to 00,000.
- >
The Notorious Prohibition Searcher
Fatally Wounds a Ulan.
DBS Moixns , la. , Juno 23. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tin : Bm.J : Terry Chambers , keeper
of a restaurant , was shot and probably fatally
injured this evening by Frank Pierce , the
notorious searcher. Plcreo had boon through
the restaurant a short time before in search
of liquor , but found none. Ho came the second
end time nnd asked to go ups Ultra , but Cham
bers told him he could do so it ho had a war
rant. Plcreo fulled to show n warrant ,
but tried to force his way up the stairs ,
which Chambers sought to prevent. There
upon Pierce drew a revolver and flrcd. the
bullet going clear through Chambers' body In
the region of the bowels. Pierce llrcd
another shot at the waiter without eltect.
Miirsliallto\vn Mutters.
MAIISIIAI.I.TOWX , la. , Juno 2. ! . [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BBK.J Fred Wood and D.
Hiimcstono of Union , champion couplers of
the champion hose team of Iowa , have gene
to Pluttsinouth to couple for a team of that
city In the state tournament.
Governor Doles was hero today at the re
quest of Mayor Amesto investigate com
plaints in regard to the discharge of veterans
from the state soldiers' homo who were turned
out for drunkenness nnd became charges of
the city. In response to an inquiry the gov-
ernorsaid that the facilities of the homo were
inrdequato for such emergencies ; that the
bomp should have u guard house , so that
offending veterans could lip punished by im
prisonment thcresn , and that no would try to
remedy the matter. The homo managers are
governed in tills matter by the rules of the
stuto commissioners.
The Delegates Assembling.
Sioux CITV , la. , Juno 23. [ Social Tele
gram to Tin : Bun. ] Delegates to the repub
lican state convention which will bo held on
Wednesday , began to arrive today. Several
candidates were on the ground as early as
Saturday. II. M. McFarlnnd of Emmet
county , candidate for secretary of state , was
the llrst to arrive. There Is n largo field of
contestants for all tbo places on the ticket
except for judge of the supreme court , for
which Judge Uothrock of Linn county hits no
opposition. H. S. Fuirull , editor of the Iowa
City Hepubllcan , and leader of the anti-pro
hibition element ot the party , came this
morning nnd is preparing to imiko a light on
the liquor plank. But if the expressions of
tbo delegates who have arrived are any sign ,
the sentiment of the convention will bo over
whelmingly against nny turning back from
tlio prohibitory policy of the state. A sig
nificant feature is tbo indication of a pro
nounced sentiment in favor of free silver
A Unm Swept Away.
STUAMIKHT ttocic , la. , Juno 23. [ Special
Telegram to THE Bui : . ] The largo dam In
the Iowa river hero was swept uway Satur
day night. Tbo river is very high and raging
fiercely. The dam which was swept away
will necessitate the closing of Mr. Lathrop's
largo Hour mill , which employs a largo num-v
bcr of hands. The mammoth dum ut 151doraf
tlvo miles below bore , is in n dangerous con
dition und is expected to go out nt nny time ,
Held for nobbing thu Mail * ) .
CHIC tno , Juno 2,1. WllsoaGreen and Elay ,
two young men from Buda , 111. , weio held by
the United State commissioner tcday on n
charge of stealing from the mails. The postr
oillco authorities bcliovo they nro members of
a regularly organized gang that' has been
committing depredations on mall matter In
that section. >
A DrownlnR at Koulc Falls.
MASOX CITV , In. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKEV ] Theodore Oleson , n
student In tlio Hock Faljs schools , was
drowned In the Shell Hock creek yesterday
afternoon. Ho went In tUo crock io bathe
and was novcr again 0.0.11 ullvu. His body
was recovered. ThievcH at Worlc.
GuTintiB CBXTBII , la , , Juno'-if , [ Special
Telegram to TUB Bnii.J Two , spans of
horses , ono spring wagou unoT' two sets of
harness were stolenlast - night six miles
southwest of Bayard ; In this county. '
A Foundry Jlewtroyeil.
CEIUII Kti'ins , la. , Juno 2.1. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKK.J Hoblnson Brothers'
foundry was entirely destroyed , by llrp at 4
o'clock this morning. Loss , $3,000 : insur
ance SOW
Imrnmiq Ii
LMUMIK , Wyo. , Juno 23. [ Special Tclo-
trnm to TUB BKB. ] There is considerable
dissatisfaction hero over' tbo"faet'that the
force In the Union Padtlo machlnp shops has
been reduced by the discharge , of fifty-three
men while the hours of those remaining have
been cut down. The Knights of Labor hold
a meeting last night , but It Is Impossible to
learn jvhut was dono. ,
The force at Uawllns has been .roduood by
discharging a force of men , und both bore
and at that place there Is moro work on hand
than tbo old force can do. It is believed that
all the dlscbarcea men \\tii uo ro-ongusod in
a few days.
Word baa l > tcn received hero that Mrs.
Thomas McHugh of this city , wife of ono of
eldest and best engineers on the Union Pa-
cltle. died lust ovenlug nt Ogden , She suf
fered a parulytlo stroke a year ago. The
remains will Do brought Itcro tomorrow.
Canada and the Immhcr Tariff.
OTTAWA , Out , Juno 23. Congress having
amended the tariff bill reducing the duty on
lumber to $1 per 1,000 foot board measure ,
tbo Dominion government will now remove
the oximrt duty on saw logs as soon as the
United Stated tariff bill becomes u law.
Tnmniany fall's Leader Appears Baforo the
, Fiusott Oommittco.
' '
i a . . ,
Itlnyor Grj\\'jtlp \ ' Caili PrcHouts to Little
Flosslo Acknowledged But n De
ntal ! > rn'ilo of Any Previous
. ' 'UiulcrstanilliiK. '
NKW Yonit , Juno 23. The Fnssolt sennto
committee held n special session hero today to
take the testimony of Illchnrd Crokor , the
'Tammany hall leader. There was a largo
crowd present , Patrick McCanu , and his
wife , who It a sister of Mrs. Crokor , were In
the audience. Crokcr did not display much
evidence of Illnws , but looked much worried.
Ho was nt once culled to the stand. He said
that ho had come from Europe , contrary to
the advice of hU physicians.
Lawyer Chonto read part of McCann's
testimony nbout the money which ho said
Crokcr had In his satchel to bribe nldormeii
to got n continuation by them cf Grant's ap
pointment by Minor Kdsou for commissioner
of public works.
Crokor said It wns absolutely untrue In all
particulars. Ho had gene to McCnnn's store
nbout that time , but had not carried a satchel
nor any largo sum of monoy. No such sum
bad been raised for such confirmation nor
nny since , nor had Grant raised $30.000 for
sucn purposes. Ho said ho had visited Mc
Cann's about the tlmo referred to and nsked
McCimn If ho hud hoard anything about a
rumor that $30,000 had been raised to keep
Hubert O. Thompson in the oflleo of com
missioner of public works. McCann thought
that Tom Adams , who was intimate with
Alderman Picrson , might know something
nbout it. Ho had mot Adams in McCnnn's
store by appointment subsequently ,
but Adams knew nothing of the rumor.
They had no other conversation. Tnmniany
hall was doing nil It could at the tlmo to fight
against the reappolntment of Hubert O.
Thompson and ho desired to defeat any efforts
nmdo by Thompson to arrange for u confirma
tion. It was also understood that witness
was to get 10 cents ou every barrel of cement
used by the department of public works pro
viding Grant got the nomination. Ho ro-
inemberod that Grant bad stood as Godfather
for his daughter Flosslo and had given her
55,000 , on two occasions in bills as
u present. It was not given by reason
of any prior understanding with Mayor
Grant. iTho money had been Invested
in October , 1887 , in a house for the boncllt of
the child. During the cross-examination by
Lawyer Ivins a document was shown wit
ness with ono signature cut out. 'Croker ad
mitted his signature to it. It was nn agree
ment signed by a number of aldermen , in
cluding Crokor , who swore that they would
not as aldermen vote to confirm nny ono or
pass any bill of moment without consulting
A. W. Gnnet. Thomas J. Ciemer , Michael
Norton , G. W. MuLnno and G. II. Piorson.
Croker said ho did not know whoso signa
ture had been cut out. but presumed it was
the name of the m > n who had possession of
it beforeJvinS gocit. Croker admitted that
Florence ScannoU , the murdered brother of
John Scannoll , wns also a member of that
board of aldermen.
Objection was made to this line of ques
tioning by Lawyer Clioate , and Ivins made
the astonishing btatcniont : "I want to show
that the tag en Is Of politics in Tweed's ' tiino
now rule our politics. I will show that John
heannoll , brother of Florence , is now a mem
ber of Tammany hall and ono of its money
raisers. I vrlll slmw that James Barker was
also a member of that board nnd was closclv
connected with C'rocker and Tammany until
recently convicted of assault. I want to
show whore part of the money raised wont. "
A recess was taken at this point.
After recess Ivins took up once more
Mayor Grant's present to Flossie Croker.
The first ? r > ,000 , Crokcr testitied , was pre
sented in the ijuyly part of 1SSO.
' Did the piescht cieuto any surprise on
your part ? " -
' Well , of course I recognized the fact that
Grant was doing a very generous net. Mrs.
Orokor took the envelope containing the
money front Flossie and \ > M it in the safe. "
"Did you buy that safe ? "
"No , it was bought for mo by Mr.
Flack. "
Croker says ho did not invest the money
right away because ho owned some property
which he was trying to sell and ho wanted to
add this money to that ho had before buying
any more property.
Senator McNaughton said the committee
hud no business inquiring into Croker's
trusteeship of money given by Grant to
Floss to Crokcr.
At this reply to Ivins the Tammanyltes ap
plauded vigorously.
Croker declared that no tax was levied on
nny onlceholdor for election purposes. The
expenses , however , In the various districts
were very heavy. Croker did not know what
contributions had been made by Judge Book-
stavor , Mayor Grant , Mayor Hewitt , and
other candidates.
Mrs. Croker was put upon the stand. She
denied that she over told McCann that Croker
had gene to Europe and loft her unprovided
for , that she had ever said Mayor Grant gave
Flossie J5OUO , , or that she over sat up all
night to guard $180,000 which had been raised
to secure Grant's appointment as commis
sioner of public works. She said she put the
tnouoy given little Flossie by Mayor Grunt
into a safe nnd It remained there until the
property was bought.
Standing of tlio Clulis.
flayed. Won , Lost. For 01.
Mllvrailkeo 41 27 17 .014
Mtnnonuolls Ill 27 10 .687
Denver 4 % 25 SO .65(1 (
SlouvOltv 45 2 2t .BCI
Kansas Uity 4t 20 21 .483
Dos Mollies. , 41 ! 2J il ! .47H
Omaha 47 21 2ii .447
St. Paul 44 t.l at . ' "JJ
Sioux City I ) , Omaha 4.
Sioux CITV , la. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bun. ] It was a listless and
nn almost featureless game which the Corn
Iluskers won from Omaha today , The heat
was oppressive , but the game , nevertheless ,
.should have l > con moro Interesting on both
sides. Kittle , the new pitcher , went Into the
box for Omaha. 1fto struggled hard and
pitched good ball outside of the third and
fourth innings , when thu locals full upon him
and amassed a total of eight runs. It was a
slaughter In splto of the cnorgotlo work of
the outlield. Devlin also was bit milto freely
by the champions , but they failed at critical
times. They attempted in the iirst few in-
Dint's to steal bns H , but after a few dlsas-
trousexi > ovimeijb-wlth , Strauss throwing to
bases , this wus tuiuiidonuil. Omuhu scored
only in the Udr' } Inning. Cleveland nnd
Urqunhart opened the innings with
corking base .lilts and then Kittlo was
hit In the Mia. by n pitched ball ,
tilling the bascx { Caimvan hit the ball , scor
ing Cleveland lfiu < l Urqunhart , hut forcing
Kittlo out at ikclaud. Then Collins and
Walsh got theiribases on balls again , filling
the buses. ICear/iH"drlvo / for two hoses scored
Collins and Canuvun. Then 1 lines sent n hot
lly to Block , wpp performed the only notublo
feat of the gnmo.b.v mulling a Jumping catch
and pulling down Mines'ily and running to
second base ajid1 putting out ICenrns , ac
complishing aloiio'li line douhlo play. This
ended Omuha's/scfirc. although they repeat
edly had men oi | , bases , so that n few timely
hits might haveivftix the gamo. Tim scorn :
Earned runs Rloux City a. Two-huso bits
Hrosmin.'KeurnsJ , llanos on ball * Oovllu 0 ,
Kltilu ,1. Struck out llrosnan. Catmvuu ,
Andrews. Loft on liakiis-hlonx Ulty : i. Onialia
7. baorlUco hlts-llliick , Ullnu. ICuppoll ,
Andrews , lilt liy pltcliot fileim , Kittle.
I'lUMon liulls , Uniuuh.irt , Hams atolon Ullnu ,
Ulunn - Cunnls , lro ) iian. DouUlu tiliiya--
Ulavk ( iilonu ) , Cloveluuil to Andrews. Tlmu ot
KUIIIO , one hour unit fortmtmiu I. uinulrt1
Kt. Pn l St I'CP 3 rlt.fK O.
Dm MOI.NF. , In. , Juno ! i'l. [ Special Telo
to Tun BBK.J following Is the resul
of today's gnmo !
Karnod runs Mllwiiukoo 1. Tvro-baso lilts
Kvn. Homo runs Thornton , liases on balls
ny DII kn : i. Thornton l. Struck out lly
Duke 4 , Thornton 7. 1'lrst Imso on orrots
Minneapolis ! . ' , .Milwaukee ; ! . on bases
Minneapolis a , Milwaukee U , Umpire ( Jon
DCS Mollies I Will Stay In.
Dr.3 MOIXBS , la. , Juno 23. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun BEE. ] The case against the
ball players arrested for playing yesterday
was dismissed by tbo police Judge this morn
ing on the ground that thcro was nothing in
the ordinance to prohibit bull playing. The
members of the club have been paid their
salaries in full nnd will be kept in the nssoeiu-
tton the rest of the season. They left for
Minneapolis this evening to play the games
thcro that were scheduled for Dos Moincs
this week , Catcher Dolan has disappeared ,
having forfeited his contract.
St. Paul in Hard
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno 23. [ Special Tclo-
gram toTm : BBB. ] The St. Paul base ball
team Is to bo sold. The old management has
run out of money and it is n simple question
of dlsbandmcnt or salo. W. H. Watkins ,
formerly manager of tbo Detroit club , arrived
here last night and today is trying to form n
stock company with 21,000 capital. In case
of success Mr. Watkins will become manager ,
discharge half of the old players and put
stronger men in their places. Michael T.
Hoc-he , secretary of the Western association ,
Banker W. F. Bickel und J. M. Potgoi/.er
are the local moving spirits in the proposed
new management.
National Ijr-i ' .jito.
First game Philadelphia 13 , Pittsburg 0.
Second game Philadelphia 12 , Pittsburg 3.
AT ciuuvno.
First game Chicago 7 , Now York 3.
Second game Chicago , Now York 0.
AT ctxcixxm.
Boston 12 , Cincinnati 4.
Cleveland 1 , Brooklyn 2.
Players' League *
Pittsburg 3 , Philadelphia 0.
Buffalo 0 , New York 7.
Cleveland 10 , Boston 3.
First game Chicago 5 , Brooklyn 8 ; ten
Second game Chicago 13 , Brooklyn 9 ;
eleven innings.
American Association ,
Columbus 2 , St. Louis 1 ,
Toledo 0 , LoulsvilloJK
First pamo Athletics 15 , Syracuse t.
Second game Athletics 10 , Syracuse 4.
Kdcn Musoe's Victorious.
The ICden Museo team played an exciting
game with Nebraska City Champions Sun
day afternoon on the grounds of the latter.
Following is tlio score :
EdenMuseos..0 0 H 4. 0 0 0 0 4 11
Champions 1 00 ! 1 30000 7
Batteries Murphy and Linchan for the
Musces ; Longstroet aud Sidner for the Clmni-
pions. Base hits Musecs 11 , Champions U ;
errors Musees 4 , Champions 0.
Saturday afternoon the game resulted 13 to
12 In favor of the Musees.
it ix a.
Washington Park Knees.
CIIICAGQ , Juno 23. Summary of Washing
ton paik races :
Five furlongs Mnbello won , J. J. second.
Burr Cooper tnird , Tinio infl'f ,
All ages , 0110 mile Duke won , Hornpipe
second , Vnttell third. Time I : I5f.
Milo and one-half Los Angeles won , Jubl-
eo second , Brnndoletto third. Tlmo 2:13. :
mlle nnd one-sixteenth
Threo-yeur-olds , -
Drnwllsh won , Morco second , Flyaway third.
rimo-1 :5S. :
Mlle and ono furlong Wary won , Spokane
second , Ked light third. Time:00. : .
hhoepshoad Hay 11 001.
SiiBnrsiiiHn BVY , N. Y. , Juno 23. Sum-
nary of today's races :
Five and one-half furlongs Fides won ,
Blue llock second , Fordlram third. Time
1 : ( )3 ) 1-fl.
1'ivo and one-half furlongs Bermuda L.
won , L'lntrlgub second , Equity third. Time
Dandelion stakes , ono mileKeelnro won ,
Major Daly second , Druldne s third. Time
1 :44 : 3-5.
Milo Defaulter won , Tanner second , Ban
Cloebs third. Time 1 : 13 2-fi.
Mlle und one-fourth Castaway II. won ,
Pnithcr second , Tristan third , Timo-2 :10 : 2-5.
Mlle and ono-slxtecnth Itovcr won , Tattler
second , Cast Steel third. Tlmo 1 :5l : 2-5.
Tips on Shropshcnd.
Bnooia.y.v , Juno 2U. [ Special Telegram to
fiK | BKB. I The following uro TUB Bun's
tips on Sheoiishead today :
First race Lord Harry : Blitbo second.
Second race Her Highness ; Flora Ban
second ,
Third race Padishah ; Eon second.
Fourth race Firctul ; Sonorltu second.
Fifth rnco Bolero ; Kiubcll second.
Sixth race Hancocasj St. Luke second.
A Hotly Contested Trial.
Oaonx , Utah , Juno 23 , [ Special Telegram
toTiiBBiiK , ] The trial of Thomas S. Todd
waa begun In the United States district pourt
ioro today. It will bo recalled that ho shot
Pat Desmond in this city last February , per-
foratlng him with live bullets.
Desmond was known ua the "terror of the
west , " having Mivoral notches on his pistol
For men ho had shot. Hols well known in
Utah , Denver , Pueblo and Omaha as one of
the coolest dosporadfxa that ever lived In the
mountrin country. Todd had been an om-
iloyo of Desmond , but they hud u difficulty
i'odd got the drot > and killed his man. The
trial promises to bu "hotly contested. t\n eye
wltnusH will bo produced for tbo Un > t time ou
, hU trial.
Au Eugiuo and Two daw Dltohod Neat
Silver Oity , la ,
Noneof the IViRHOttgcr Conohcs
Ijenvo tlio Track Tlio of the
Accident Unknown Tlio
Knjiiiecr's Story.
A fatal wreck occurred on the \Vnbash near
Silver City , eighteen miles southeast of Connell -
ell niuff * , nt 1130 yesterday morning. The
Incoming passenger train No , 7 , duo ut 1 ! ) :1B : ,
was ditched nbout ono nnd u half miles south
of that place by the breaking of it Mango on
ono of the driving wheels of the engine. The
engine , mall nnd baggage tar : wont down the
bank , but the rest of tiio train remained on
or near the mils , which at that point are on n
llfteen-fool , embankment.
It Is n mystery Just how the wreck oc
curred , the engineer , W. D. Hodgorson , belnp
of the opinion that the engine Jumped the
track and that the llailgo on the driving
wheel wns broken off nftorward. The train
had Just passed over n bridge and wns ma
iling about twenty-llvo miles pn hour. En
gineer Hodgcrson says he reall/ed that they
were off Just us they left the bridge und Im
mediately applied the nlr. Ho then rushed
for the tender , so 113 to get out of
the way when the crash came ,
but Instantly turned back again and
"screwed her dd\\n tight. " after whloh
ho again sought the tender. When the en
gine Jumped into the ditch the tank was dis
connected nnd turned end over end.
Hodgorson was thrown high hi the nlr ,
and when ho fell ho struck tbo driving
wheels on the upper side ot the engine , and
one arm passed between tbo spokes. Had'
the wheel boon revolving It would huvo torn
off his arm and probably killed him , but as
it was bo escaped comparatively uninjured ,
his side being bruUed nnd ono hnnd some
what injured. Ho will not bo laid up for any
great length of tlmo.
The fireman , Andrew Christ , did not ap
parently try to get out nnd ho died u horrible
death. The engineer says ho canliot imagine
what tlio fireman was doing or why ho did
not try to jump. A f tor the wreck Christ pot
out of the cnb of the engine and walked as lar
us the baggage cur , where ho fell. Ho was
literally cooked , and as he walked nlong the
ilesli dropped from his bydv in largo pieces ,
leaving u distinct trail Vv'hen the body was
raised up nnd placed in the baggage
car , ono hand , with the exception
of the bones , fell off. Christ lived until the
train which brought in the passengers was
about half way to the Bluffs , when ho died.
He was scalded by the escaping steam , in
which ho lay for nearly a minute.
The deceased , Andiexv Christ , was a Dane ,
twenty-four years of age. Ho was married
aoout nix months ago and leaves a wife who
is now in a delicate condition. The wife
was notillo'l by telegraph ot the .sad accident ,
but she did not know of the f.ital termination
until after the body of her hiisbind arrived
hero. Tlio poor woman was .standing in the
door of her cottage when the train stopped
but a block awu\ , but fortunately she did not
see the undertaker's wagon back up to receive
Its burden. The funeral will take place from
the i evidence at ! J o'clock this afternoon.
The bcenu of the accident wns in a valley ,
and the sun beat down unmercifully
A wrecking crow was sent from Stnnberry ,
ind pulled back the coaches , which were all
ludly smashed In. The truck was toin up
for u distance of about ono hundred yards.
A freight train which came up shortly alter
the accident had a car of ties and another of
iron for the Union Pauilie , but it wns promtly
ippropriutcd and used in repairing the Ira -if.
The track was cleared for the p.issago of
trains shortly after midnight.
C. M. Itarl nnd family of Council Bluffs
were on the train but wcro uninjured. Mrs.
[ Inrl suffered a severe nervous .shock.
Had the wind been blowing from the sc nth
Snginocr liodgorson would undoubtedly have
buttered the futo of his Jlroman. Ho wus
lartinlly stunned by the fall , but the wind
) le\v the steam the other way , and ho was
rescued without being scalded. The prompt
iction of the engineer was what prevented
; ho passenger coaches from going down the
jiinlf , and prevented a dreadful catastrophe.
As nearly is can bo ascertained no blame
'or the accident attaches to nny ono. The
ireahing of a llangoor Jumping the rails is
uot to be avoided.
The company will sustain a loss to rolling
stock of about $1,000.
Iiithor Troubles.
DnvvBit , Cole , Juno ! & . The laboring-
men's strike , which has been in force for
some time past , is virtually atan end. Nearly
ifteeen hundred carpenters , who ten days-
ago went out with the striking mill , machine
and bench men , returned to work tills morn-
up. oTho men who returned to work to Jay
vill contribute to the support of the strikers
and all lumber from u mill refusing to grunt
tlio strikers' terms will bo boycotted.
Yo.vKinw , N. Y. , Juno IW , Ono thousand
employes of the Pntroon-Copcutls silk mills
went on u strike this morning against a re
duction of wages.
IloudliTO.v , Mich. , Juno 23. The Tarna-
ock coppur mine strike has been settled. The
ncn returned to work at noon today.
WoncR&Tiiii , Mass. , Juno 2'J. About six
lundrod union carpenters in this city quit
work this morning on their demand for
shorter bour.s aud no reduction of wages
icing refused.
, TIKKY : Cm * . N. J. , Juno 03. Two hundred
girls employed ut the f-orillard tobacco fac
tory struck thK morning for tin iiicro.iso of
vagus. Three thousand hands are employed
n the factory mid the btnlco may extend.
Mnrilercd on the Highway.
MONTicm.u ) , 111. , Juno 'J.J. [ Special
rolegram to Tun Iii : ; ] . Saturday
light Hurley Hussell and wife , who
mil been to MonticdllM' nnd were
returning to their homo in the country , were
stopped just outsldu of town by two men.
Jno of them held , while the other
draw n revolver ami shot Hus-jell through the
iody , the bad penetrating the right side mid
nuslng u wound from which Uussoll d'ed '
yesterday. Hussell testilled in his dying
statement that ho recognised the man who
shot him its Calvin Holden , and thoTnan who
icld the hoi-so as Albert Dunham Sheriff
Miller arrested Holden and Dunham nnd
> lnred them in the Platte county Jail. They
deny that they did the shooting.
Tn Cholera in Snalu.
MAIHIIU , Juno ! ii. : ( Special Cablegram to
TUB IJui : . ] The baggage 6f nil travelers
arriving in this city from the province of
Valencia is disinfected before bolng delivered
o UH owners owing to the provnlbmco of
holera in several pl.icos in the province.
Ono new case of the disease and ono addi-
loinil death therefrom are reported ut I'nublu
) oHugnt. There bus also been ono moro
leath ut Gaudia. _
Kntnl Illrctloii Itlol , In Austria ,
VIHXN\ , Juno ! i.l.--liirlng ) the progress of
an election at Iuioi't ! > a , Hungary , a mob imulo
in attack upon the voting station but were
ppulscd by the gendarmes. Three of the
ittacklng paity wcro killed un'd eight others
_ _
Mujor WiHKinumi UoturiiH ,
Iliiiiux , Juno ! ij. ; [ Special Cablegram to
: 'nu DKU.- ] Major \\'lssman arrived here to
day from the cast coast uf' Africa. Ho was
net and warmly greeted by a number of tlfo
number * of the German lOn-st AfJuun coni-
jany ,
O'Connor Duleautil l > y Slansbnrry.
Rj Ni'.y , N. SV. . , Juno ! i't. The boat ruco
) otwcim William J. O'Connor , the Cunuulun
oarsman , nnd Htniinhurr ) ' toolc place today
m the 1'usamottu river und was won I ) } the
alter. _
TJio IniprlMiiiiKl
Duxiun , Pa. , Juno 2.1. The rmculng pirty
s Btlll working through the heavy fiuw uf
late and may reauh thuoiion heading luuding
o the coal at any tlmo , Tlioro In not murli
lonothut thu Farm Hill mlno can bo reached
> oforo
' Positively cured by
those 1'ulo PIJls.
They also relieve IMs-
trcs fro'n Dyspepsia , Indigestion -
JTTLE . digestion and Too Henri )
OVER Knllng. A perfect rem
edy for Ulujnrsn , Xfuwea ,
PIUS. Drowsiness , Had Tiwtc
In the Mouth , Coated ,
giio , rain in the titda ,
Wgulato the Dowels. I'urcly Vegetable.
An Increased Detective Force Doomed
Inexpedient at Present.
When the flro und poltco commission con
vened last night Chief Soavoy presented n
large number of letters from oftlclaLs of
several of the larger cities of the uounlry , ,
relative to the merchants' polleo system , Tlio 2
commissioners listened White the secretary *
road the communications , which Indicated
that In most of such cities the merchants'
police have the snmo nuthority as regular
patrolmen , The ( ' 01111111111(01110118 ( were ro-
lerred to the committee on laws mid ordi
A committee from the Polleo Kellef asso
ciation nsked that the police force bo allowed
to glvo a railroad excursion and picnic FOIIIO
time next month , and that the proceeds go
into the treasury of the association The re
quest was referred to the committee on meu
and discipline.
Tlio major nsked for the appointment of
Pat O'Toolo ' us n special policeman to net
under the direction of Garbage Master Mor-
risoy. The appointment was made and con
Uog Catcher Pulaski asked that his sub
ordinate dog catcher. Sol Van Horn , bo ap
pointed .special pollccnlan , with nuthority
to make urrosts. Thu commission nmdo the
Ofllcer Mitchell of the police force wus
granted n llvo days' leave of absence.
The committee on men hud discipline , to
which was referred the matter of increasin
the detootivo force , rejiorlod that it was not
considered expedient to Increase tbo foroeLat
pivsent , owing to the fact that patrolmen HBO
needed Instead of detectives. The report wii.4
The chief of police reported that Henry
Schroder and Joseph Burns , at 120.3 Cass
street ; Gits Schultut Eleventh street and
Capitol avenue ; Hans Peterson , Fifteenth
and Webster streets , nnd L. K. Hioh. Fif
teenth nnd Webster streets , had allowed
their saloons to bo kept open on Sunday. The
chief asked that they bo arrested on the
grounds of having violated the Sunday liquor
law.By the action of the board the poltco man
ual was amended .so that in the future any
oflleer who is absent from ono roll call , wltli-
out furnishing a good excuse , shall forfeit ono
day's pay ; for the second offense during the
same month ho shall forfeit three days' pay ,
mid if he is absent three times during any
one month such olllcer shall be dismissed
from the force.
The matter of looking up n now location
for No. 3 engine beusu referred.
Some of the members weie of the opinion
that policemen do too much talking whllo
upon their beats Chief Soavey was in
structed to call this matter to the attention of
his men.
ItH Advantages Impressed UIIDII tlio
lllsli Suliool Grnduntos.
The graduating class of the high school had
n session yesterday afternoon , the chief ob
ject of which was to have placed bnforo thorn
the advantage ! ) of a university course and
the desirability of their considering the mat
ter on leaving the high school.
Mr. Levitt Burnham , one of the Nebraska
bo ird of regents , called attention to the differ
ent departments included in thu curriculum
and the rapidity with which they woio grow *
ing In importance as a seat of learning v <
Mr. Clement Chase , ono of the ultimni.V
told of the benefits ho hud duilved iromii V
course. Xv
Prof. Bossoy , acting chancellor and pro ,
fessor of botany , expatiated also on the
strength of the various branches and facili
ties , and nlso upon the comparative cheap
ness of n higher education nt Lincoln. Ho did
not want to be looked upon aa a solicitor for
patronage , but simply in tbo light of one
deeply interested in educational work nnd do-
slrons of putting before the people of the
state the superiority of their homo institu
Superintendent James then addressed the
class , impressing upon them the Impoitancu
of getting a college education somewhere , .
oven if they did not at Lincoln.
Additional Hi'sponscs to thu Appeal
I'Yum the Tornado Siift'orers.
Tin : Bui : invokes prompt and liberal aid
from every man and woman whoso heart '
throbs in sympathy with the striekefi 10 pie ff *
Hcmittancos In any nimiunt sent to tffls
ofllco will bo acknowledged through our col'
umns from day to day.
The subscriptions so far received by TIIH
BM : are as follows :
I'luvioiisly reported $ .l'llXI (
Mis.U. , Unialiu 10.0) )
An Omaha hvly sends a check for § 10 to the
editor of Tin : Bin : and says : " 1 send the
enclosed check to add a little to your fund for
the Bradshaw sufferers. Plcaso civdlt it to
Mrs. G. , giving only ono initial of my naniu.
Yours respectfully. "
Ofl' Tor tlio Tnriierbiind.
The Omaha contingent loft last night for
tlio Nebraska Turnerbund convention. The
nctlvo members were : Henry Kummerojv ,
district professor ; Casper Beiichncr , Fred
Hoth , Henry His , Ficd Fruohiiuf , Gottlieb
Blattert , Carl Hosrhtib , George Crundall ,
Geoigo Stiuigel , Fied ICuelmu and Otto
NIederwel.sscr. They were accompanied by
u number of friends.
Tlio Dentil Iloll.
BuTiMonr , Mil. , Juno t > ; i.-Jiiilf0 Jnmos
Lauicnson , who has been In the postal ser
vice of the United Slates lor .sevonty-ono
years continuously and who has sworn into
oillco every postmaster general slnco the
days of President Jackson. Is dead Ho died
this morning at his homo in this city , agea
CIIICMIO , Juno8.Charles ) K , Culver , 01
president of the bo ml of tr.iilu , died today ,
I < mln I'liHlui IJCIIVON Mhvnva. | .
/ \N/mui , Juno : . > : ) [ Special Cablegram/- ' '
Tin : Uii : : . ] Emii | Pasha , will ) his convoy ,
has luft Mpwapwa. Thu KiiKllsh caravu.n
tinder Lugard is about to start from Mombasa
for Uganda ,
An Ammonia Trust Formed.
BOSTON , Juno IM. A combination pructlc-
ally taking in all producers , has been formed
among thu manufnctiirers of ammonia , anil 0
in eoiwequciiuo the price has been advanced
from fi'40 ' to 80 pur pound.
Absolutely Pure.
A uruiini of tutir : Imk'v ' nowilur. llii < i t
of It'.tvuniiiK dtroiiHU-lJ7W JyvgriiJiiw | Hu
pun AUK 17 , law-