Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1890, Part I, Image 1

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    1 i w ll"IUIIBI * v * * B H v * BV m M mn * > * MK v H M Vfm MnmHMmnBVBHHHn BHMHHBMHHnnh0PHi
1-8 ,
A Terrible Oyclono Sweeps Through Portions
of Illinois.
a lie Teacher nnd Six IMinllB Swept
Into Ktcrnlty Trees .Mown Down
Jjllco CJriiHH hy the Mon
ster of the Air.
EAW.VIU.K , 111. , Juno 21. At-l:30 : yesterday ,
afternoon occurred the most terrible storm
that over strnck this section. The scene of
the worst part of the storm was six miles north
of this city nt what is known ns the Deacon
Hunt school house. Two clouds met nnd
burst. The school house was the first object
In the track of the storm and was entirely
swept away , together with the Inmates , con
sisting of the teacher and six pupils.
Peter Rcamcs , a peddler who lived near
Paw Paw , was passing the school house with
n team and wagon. Ills dead body was later
found lodged in n willow fcnco , but his team
cannot bo found.
fr The following nro the names of those killed
at the school house :
MAGGIE McBRIDE , teacher.
Parents nnd neighbors wcro soon nt the
sccno of desolation nnd entered upon the task
of searching for their loved ones. After n
long search all wcro found except the body Of
little Carey White.
The roads between hero nnd the scene of
the disaster nro impassable and parties who
came to town for assistance are unable to
The storm hurried on in a southeasterly
direction , taking everything It came in con
tact with. The whole country from near
Enrlvillo to Paw-Paw , In Leo county , is
marked with ruin. At least fifty farm houses
nnd other buildings were wrecked and
eight more persons killed. All the fences ,
orchards and crops were mined nnd the dam
age done is very great. The cyclone con
tinued increasing in violence until it reached
the village of Paw Paw Grove , where the
greatest destruction of life and proi > crty oc
curred. This village was left in. ruins nnd
the loss of life there was very great. It is re
ported that seventeen persons wcro killed and
ninny severely injured. Twenty houses were
torn to piece i and the eastern portion of the
town entirely wiped out. Many of the bodies
of the dead were carried hundreds of yards
and mangled almost beyond recognition.
From Amlioy.
AMIIOT , Leo county , 111. , June 21. It is be
lieved hero that the reports of loss of life in
this county nro exaggerated. At Subletto a
Mrs. Bltncr was killed by fulling timbers and
eight or ten other people wcro hurt , but none
of them seriously. Ten or twelve frame houses
In the outskirts of town were blown down ,
tiut very little damage was done to the busi
ness part of town.
A school house between Earlvllle and Paw
Paw was caught by the cyclone
and completely wrecked. The teacher ,
Miss Magglo MeBride , and six
children wcro killed. Fifteen
people nro reported Injured In nnd around
West Brooklyn. The track of the cyclone at
Subletto was about forty rods wide , and
struck the north end of town , taking an east
erly direction.
I'aw I'aw Was Not Demolished.
EAUI.VII.M : , 111. , June 21. The report that
Paw I'aw was entirely demolished and seven
teen people killed is false , no injury being
done to person or property there. The
storm came from the southwest , striking
liear Subletto , doing considerable dnmnco ,
but passing Just south of I'aw I'aw , where it
rose above tlio groYnd and did no further In-
'jury. The path of the storm was about forty
rods wide and several miles long. The dum-
ngo was about $10,000 to property.
v Ton 1'crsons Injured.
WIST : BIIOOKLVN , Juno 21. Last evening n
cyclone passed through about flvo miles
boutn of this place. Trees were uprooted and
a number of farm houses and buildings blown
( Uwn. About ten persons were injured , but
none wcro killed. Many horses and cattle
wore killed.
In the Chamber of DepnticH.
PAKIH , Juno 21 , The report of the com
mittee appointed to investigate the position
of shareholders and bondholders of the
Panama Cunnl company was submitted today
to the chamber of deputies. The minister of
justlcO replying to quctl ons , said the
authorities had never accepted a Joint re
sponsibility for the enterprise , but hud not
remained inscnsiblo to the disasters befalling
It. In n few days tlio ofilcial liquidation
would bo able to reporton the present position
of affairs and when it was established who
were the responsible partjes the ministry of
stico would intervene If necessary
Dolonclo put the interpellation regarding
this British protectorate In Zanzibar.
The minister of foreign affairs replied thnt
the act of the Berlin conference rendered it
obligatory upon every nation desirous of es
tablishing a nrotcctomt In Africa to commu
nicate their intentions to the other powers.
Great Britain could not take any action with
out a previous understanding with France.
Sunday School Convention.
PiTTsiiiuuo , Pa. , Juno 21. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bm : . ] Tlio international Sun
day school convention will convene in
Mechanic hull on next Tuesday nnd will eon *
i for four days , holding sessions dally.
promises to bo the largest and most im
portant meeting of the kind over held , fully
1,500 delegates and prominent divines being
exj > ected.
In addition to the delegates from the states
nnd British provinces , commissioners from
various foreign countries will attend. Among
these from foreign lands , one from India and
one from Egypt have already reached this
country ,
Among the many prominent delegates who
will attend arc : Senator A. II. Colquitt of
Georgia , Bishop John H. Vincent of Now
York , the founder of the Chnutuuqun assem
bly ; II. F. Jacobs uf Chicago , Rev. Dr. A. F.
Schauffer of New York , Rev. Dr. J. A. Warden -
den of New York and Hon. S. S. Blake of
A FallProposition. .
WII.KEHIIAIIUK , Pu. , Juno 21. [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : Bin : . ] A singular offer comes
to till * city from a farmer named William
Morgan of Puwnco county , ICunsas. Ho has
rend of the disaster and the distress which
oxluls utpc ; the widows and orphans , Ho
states that ho is umiblo to forward any
money , but ho offered to marry ono of the
widows and provide for her children. Ho
gives no details , but Invited correspondence
nnd glvcb every assurance of his good faith in
the matter.
Thu communication , which was received by
the mayor , has been submitted to the Ashley
relief committee and they will open corro-
bpomlcuco with the western man.
Twenty-Five Yearn In the Pen.
i IOWA Cm' ' , la. , Juno 21. Juilgo Fairall
today bcntcnced Joseph Alberta to twenty-live
years In the penitentiary for the murder of
John Myera near this city April 12 last.
O 31. 1 II A * H 1'01'VI.A TIOX.
It Will Prohnhly Hcach 1 2OOO In
Splto til' CnrclcsH Knumcrntorti.
LINCOUT , Neb. , Juno 21. [ Special Telegram
toTiiKBiiK. ] It Is learned on good authority
this evening that the population of Lincoln
according to the census enumeration is In
round numbers 60,2H ( ) souls. The returns for
Omaha ore not yet all in. but the best esti
mate thnt can bo made is that the number of
persons counted In Omaha Is only 1.'I2,000.
Air. Cook says that no provision has yet been
made for Including tbo hundreds carelessly
overlooked In Omaim.
"Will Mnlcn ft Test Case.
Sioux Cur , la. , Juno2t. [ Special Tclrgram
to Tur. BKK.I The vendors of "original
packages" nro organizing for n legal light
against the city authorities. Thcro are
twelve or fifteen of these package saloons.
They have largo rooms In choice locations in
the heart of the city expensively fitted up for
public bars. The liquor is sold to the cus
tomer in an unbroken original package , con
taining one or any number of drinks. Cork
screws nro as plenty as toothpicks , nnd the
customer draws his own cork. When these
package saloons were opened an arrangement
was made whereby n fine of SiO per month
was levied upon ouch ono , the proceeds going
Into the city treasury. The fine has been
regularly paid for several months. But in
the meantime the bootlegger and hole-in-the-
wall man have swarmed in the alleys , cellars
and out of the way places. It Is alleged that
there nro over 100 of them. They pay no fine
or license fee. Neither do the police inter
fere with them. Therefore the package sel
lers kick. They say they are willing to pay
f.'iOa month provided tno bootleggers are
suppressed or caused to pay the same fine ,
but not otherwise. Tliey nro organized ,
have taken legal counsel , and they claim
that , as their transactions are legal , they con
defeat the city authorities in the courts.
County CoiiventloiiN.
Lr. MAIIS , In. , June 21. [ Special Telegram
to TUB. Bix. ] The Plymouth county
republican convention today declared
enthusiastically for the return of
Hon. I. S. Strublo for congress.
The delegations arc as follows : State N , L.
Grccr , R. D. Mason , A. P. Bowman , A , W.
Parsons , E. D. Clmsscll , P. Bolan. Con
gressional P. F. Daltoii , C. P. Dilbourn ,
William Rlekc , M. Hilbert , I. D. Smith , A.
W. Durlev. C. Woodward. Judicial A. A.
Allliic , J.'U. Sammis. F. M. Rosebcrry , J. M.
Wormlcy , I. F. Martin , W. M. Smiley , Henry
Newell. _
Missomi , VAU.r.v , la. , June 21. fSpeclal
to Tin : BiiiTho : ] republicans held their
county convention yesterday and elected dele
gates to attend the state , congressional and
judicial conventions. Most of the delegations
arc instructed.
A , la. , Juno 21. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bix.J Senator Ilutehinson heads
Wnpcllo's delegation to the state convention.
The other delegates elected today are W. F.
Foster , F. M. Epperson , A. H. Hamilton , A.
W. Johnson , W. B. Bonnalleld , Jacob Prugh ,
C. E. Morton , Paris Culdwcll , Cul Manning ,
George Hatch , II. K. Berry , Sain Henry , F.
A. Nimmock and H. S. Needier.
MvnsiiAJ.T.TOWN , la. , Juno 21. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bin : . ] ThcMurshullcounty
republican convention today selected a dele
gation to the state convention favoring Gen
eral Bceson for state treasurer , and adopted
resolutions approving the prohibition record
of the party.
A Tramp St.-als n Train.
EAKI.VIM.I : , la. , June 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bin : . ] A tramp with more than
the usual amount of "gall" possessed by his
species , did n very peculiar piece of work
hero this morning. While the work gang of
the Milwaukee road was eating breakfast at
a boarding house near the railroad track , n
tramp jumped Into the cab of the locomotive
attached to the work tram standing nt the
depot , and opened the throttle wide. The
train pulled out with lightning speed , and al
though the rtilroud men saw it start they
wcro unable to overtake it. Ten minutes
latter n freight train pulled in , the engine
was detached and the crew started in pur
suit of the stolen train. Just this side of
Panama , seven miles west , tlm work train
was found standing on the track , but no trace
was discovered of the thief. Steam was up
in the engine , hut the tramp was oviddntly
afraid to run by the town , and sq deserted his
stolen property. The engineer expresses the
belief that the tramp must be an engineer.
A Young Ijady Brutally Assaulted.
Sioux CITV , la. , Juno 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bin : , ] Late last night Cora
Otto , young lady twenty years old , went to
her bed room without a light. Slio had not
fully disrobed wlien she was grappled by a
man , who held a revolver in ono hand. Her
screams awoke the family , and tiio man made
his escape , leaving the girl , whom ho had
clubbed with the revolver , badly bruised.
The man was recognized as Frank Dowev , n
painter who boarded with the young lady's
mother , and whoso attentions she had re
pulsed. Dewey cannot bo found by the po
lice , but Mrs. Otto today received a threat
ening letter from him , commanding her to
discontinue criminal prosecution.
The AVcather Crop Bulletin.
DKS Moixns , In. , Juno 21. This week's
bulletin ot the Iowa weather service reports
the temperature above normal and excessive
rainfall covering the larger portion of the
state. Some counties report u measurement
of from tnrco to seven Inches. All crops nro
greatly improved o.vept in localities where
temporary damage resulted from heavy
rains. The outlook Is promising for small
grain , millet and the hay crop. Corn made
good progress , the only drawback being lack
of sufficient cultivation on account of exces
sive moisture. With favorable conditions
the balance of the season the cribs of the
state will bo well filled.
The Line Will lie Itullt.
Sioux CITV , In. , Juno 21. [ Special to TUB
BIB. : ] General Manager McLean of the Pc-
cillc Short Ltuo contradicts the published
rumor that there Is a serious uncertainty ns
to the time when the contractors will begin
to construct Uio road from O'Neill. Neb. ,
through to Ogden. Ho says positively that
the SU Louis firm thnt has the whole con
tract will begin work us soon us the Pacific
Short Line company is able to deliver the ma
terial at O'Neill. This , ho declares , will be
within thirty days.
" \\ell Dressed Italian * ) In I/lmbo.
N w YOHIC , Juno 21. [ Special Telegram
to Tnu BKB. ] Placio Voltacio and Munzlata
do Lucia , well dressed Italians who recently
arrived here and seemed to bo well fixed
financially , were before United States Com
missioner Shields today charged with at-
tcmiiting to pass a counterfeit 10 lire bill
Italian money.
Hevunuo Agent Brooks found them
loaded with counterfeit Italian notes ,
one 100 lire , fifty-two 10 lire nnd six 5 lire
notes being found In their possession. They
had besides over WOO in good American and
French money.
Commissioner Shields committed them to
Jnll for examination in default of * 3,000 each.
By nn act of congress it is us much of a crime
to pass hero foreign counterfeit as United
States counterfeit money.
Celebration at Fremont.
FIIESIOXT , Neb. , Juno 21 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEE , ] Fremont put on her holi
day nttlro today In honor of the annual cele
bration of the Dodge County Old Settlers' as-
sedation. Flags and bunting were unfurled
from every house top and tlio visitors were
welcomed by the Dooming of cannon.
The gathering was held in the city park ,
which was full of swings end hammocks ami
u splendid dancing platform. A largo crowd
was preseut and short speeches were deliv
ered by Hov. Hcaton , Ross L. Hammond , H ,
A. Pierce , James Dmslow , Dr. Abbott , Henry
Kprick , J. B. Hobliibon , Perry Seldcn , Will
11. Fowler aud Robert Kittle. The affair
terminated In 'Uo evening with a grand
Germany Secures an Important Cession from
Great Britain.
The Inhabitants Opposed to Becoming :
HullJectH of the Teutonic Govern
ment , Hut That MukeH iia
1(00 } > u . .Veto York Atwclatttl P . .1
Br.iti.ix , Juno 81. During the prolonged
sitting of the bundcsrath Chancellor Caprivi
explained the alms of the government in con
cluding the Anglo-German agreement rela
tive to African territory. Ho dwelt on the
immense Importance of the strategic value of
Heligoland nnd recalled the fact thnt
during the wur of 1S70 It was ueccs-
sury to detach a largo force to guard against
n possible French landing at the mouth Of
the Wehr nnd Elbe rivers and lay submarine
mines to protect the water approaches to
Hamburg and Bremen. Ho produced an
opinion from Von Multko that Heligoland
could be so fortified nnd that it would bo
equivalent to a largo Increase in the German
army in the event of war. The bundcsrath
unanimously approved the compact and con
gratulated the emperor and chancellor , to
whose initiative the cession of the Island to
Germany by England was due.
The report that Lord Salisbury spontane
ously offered to cede the Island is in direct
variance with the fact that Count "Von Huz-
feldt handed to Lord Salisbury two weeks
ago a formal demand from Chancellor von
Caprivi making the cession of the island an
absolute condition of an English protectorate
in Zanzibar. The English government prob
ably will not like to produce the
opinion of military experts on the value of
Heligoland. Hero the strategic importance
of the island is universally recognized. Ad
miral Honks' paper , written in 1882 , Is largely
quoted as proving how greatly the possession
of the Island strengthens Germany. Before
long Admiral Hcuks' idea of a great island
will be realized.
The opinion of the people of the island
docs not count with either government. Both
know that the islanders are opposed to an
nexation to Germany. During n former dis
cussion regarding the cession of the island
by Great Britain an informal plebiscite re
sulted in a deputation waiting upon
the governor and presenting him with
the unanimous declaration that every
man on ttie island would prefer to emigrate to
America rather than to eompulsorily become
German subjects. The dread of military ser
vice be the main objection of the
people. The German customs regula
tions was n minor objection. The
agreement endeavors to modify these
objections by giving the islanders twenty
years exemption from military service , with
the same period of exceptional customs privi
leges. Whether or not these concessions will
reconcile the islanders will not effect the ces
sion of the island , which adds to the security
of u great nation.
The leading Hamburg journals regret the
granting to England of a protectorate
over Zanzibar because it will paralyze the
recently formed line of German steamers to
East Africa and place the whole tr.ide in the
hands of the English. The East African
colonial company , which lately absorbed the
Witu company , already claim compensation
for the cession of the Wituland.
Major Wissmann , who will arrive hero to
morrow , has telegraphed expressions of his
concurrence with the opinions of his old lieu
tenant , Baron Gravenrenth , to the effect that
the surrender of Zanzibar makes the English
masters of East Africa , nnd that the sur
render of Uganda into the hands of the
English gives them the key to Central
The Hamburger Nuchrichtcn declares that
German commerce in East Africa will bo
ruined , but admits that the acquisition of
Heligoland balances any loss elsewhere.
England , the paper says , hns done Germany
a real service to the disadvantage of France ,
which always requires to bo closely watched.
The National Zcltung holds that the Ger
mans will soon establish trading ports In the
main land of Capo Zanzibar , and reminds the
malcontents that most of the regions con
ceded to England never belonged to Ger
many. Public opinion , influenced by articles
dilating upon the strategic nnd naval
value of Heligoland , become moro and moro
pleased with the compact , It is probable
that the opposition of Franco to a British
protectorate in Zanzibar was not overlooked
in the negotiations. The Anglo-French agree
ment of IfciW , guaranteeing the Independence
of Zanzibar , was held as lapsed under the
French recognition in 1SS7 of the German ac
quisitions in East Atrica , combined with the
British treaties with the sultan o'f Zanzibar.
An ominous note was presented today to
the porte by the Russian ambassador , Nell-
doff. It suggests the intention of the czar to
actively interfere in the Balkans. The note
declines the request that Russia wait until
November for the payment of the war indem
nity by Turkey and demands Immediate pay
ment. The note declares that In th'6 event of
a refusal Russia reserves the right of takhig
all necessary measures to compel payment.
Yesterday the Bulgarian envoy presented
to the povto a note from Stunibuloff , demandIng -
Ing the extension of religious Jiherty
to Bulgarians in Turkey and also
recognition of the Bulgarian government.
Stnmbuloff Is acting in concert with Russia
without regard to the personal interests of
Prince Ferdinand , mid it is expected that his
action will develop n proclamation of the Independence -
dependence of Bulgaria under the prince , who
will be ngryenblo to Russia , with.tho absorp
tion of part of Macedonia Into Bulgaria.
Dr. Wimlthorst , the leader of the clerical
party in the relchstag , has offered the ndhe-
blon of his parts to carry the military credits
on condition thnt the government introduce
n measure giving the Cuthollca effective con
trol of their primary schools ; also that it
modify the army bill by granting nn extension
of tile leave of absence. The opponents
of the bill calculate upon having 15'j"votes. .
It is certain that the government will ljuvo
1M. The fate of the bill turns upon the vote
of the Catholic members nnd the members
from the Rhlntsh nnd Westplmllan districts ,
whom Dr. Wlndthorst manipulates.
Count Knlnoky , the Austro-Hungarin'n
prime minister , is recovering from his illness.
Emperor Francis Joseph visited him tonight.
Empeior William will start for Kiel on
Thursday. Thence ho will go to Friodcns-
borg. The king of Norway will recciro him
at Christlania on Juno 'M. On July 5 ho will
sail from Christlania for North Cape.
It has been declacd that Queen Marguerlta
will accompany King Humbert to Berlin in
the uutumn.
Prlmo Minister Crispl's ' family is at Carls
bad. Ho will join them there on July 1 aud
will afterward Lave a conference with Count
FRO Jft fAM its.
The AnRlo-flcrmmt Treaty , Considered
n Diplomat 10 Defeat.ror.-KiiKlniid.
( Copyright ISOObvJni rs tfordon IHnntUA
PAIIIS , Juno 21. [ New York Herald CnWfl
Special to THR BBK. ] The weather c < jrt-
tlnucs warm nnd cloflc , with occasional sun
shine , but wo hnvo scarcely yet emerged Into
summer and the avenue Du Bols do Boulogiio
nnd Champs Elysccs nro still thronged wUli
mondalncs lulling their morning walks t r
rides. Thosccno Is. enlivened by dushUjr
groups of gaily dressed ' tcmlresses , the tiW
name for stars of tho' world when on uo
cnnut pas.
There has been no politics during tUa
week , but the French papers regard the
poscd Anglo-German treaty about Africa
bo a diplomatic defeat for England.
nro now satisfied with It nnd full to See tlab
ono outcome of the proposed treaty Is vcr- } '
evident , nnd that Is that England novcr l j-
tends to give up Egypt. Germany siilV-
rendcrs the Witu country , which would Im
pede access to Abyssinia , and' also Ugamtn
with the pearl of Africa and key of the Ullo
region nnd of Egyptinn depcmlonco. EnglfWd
is building slowly but surely in Africa aUd
realizes the truth Of Major Wissmanifi's
utterance , recently madq at Cairo , that tlw
whole of Central Africa Is not worth u tcut-ti
part of Egypt.
Figaro says thnt the British protectorate Of
Zanzibar will bccoino a dead letter as the Ex
isting treaties with the other powers nUil
notably with Franco prevent the reullzatjrtn
of nny such protectorate
Mr. Cnmillo Flanimarloii"-tho astronomical
writer , has sent n long letter to the HerAtd
about the recent eclipse "which caused sUftli
Interest in scientific circles. M.
Flammarion Is president over ttbo
observatory of Jurisy and says ttuit
in spite of the cloudy skies which have over
hung Europe this mouth fortunate breaks lU-
lowed the astronomers tofollow the progiVSs
of the eclipse at the Jurisy observatory. Ho
says : "I was enabled to.tako seven sketcjits
of phases of the cclipso from Si-Ion. mto
10:15 : a. m. Beginning at 8:83 : it was com
pletely obscured by the clouds , and up to V.-AO .
the sky was unlforiiily covered by u wist
which allowed us to see' perfectly where Uio
sun was , but not its disc clearly defined. "
Telegrams to the Herald from the asUstHi-
omlcal expedition , fromM. Do Labaume , \ 1io
was sent to Canoe in Crete to observe Uio
eclipse , and by M. Tauslen of the Mendon Ob
servatory , show that they njso were very Suc
cessful. M. FonvellOj'tho aeronaut , also yuc-
ceeded in taking some'photograpns , of tlxo
eclipse from the Eiffel'tower. '
The Paris atmosphere is laden with cuofcra
bacilli , and microbes of other shapes And
names are in everybody's mouth , metaphori
cally speaking. Of course there has not lyjon
any real tendency to a panic. Whatever
little consternation has existed will bo Jfln-
teriully allayed by the precautions takcu by
the government. At a' cabinet council at the
ministry of warDo , Froycinct in
the chair , M. . .Constans , minUter
of the interior , informed his .colleagues of the
steps that ho hud takeii'to ' prevent the ftUol-
cra from being imported _ across the Pyfcn-
cles. A disinfecting apparatus has been srttit
to all the stations on the Spanish fronUcr.
and Descharrin and Nctter have Uien
charged with the organization of a sauiifttry
" ' "
Presiden Cornefc ho/.fiiracdf decrees for
bidding the importation o'f-'frnlt and vefi tables -
bles from Spain nnd the text of this has V en
telegraphed to the proper officials , The Vcg-
ulutions made during thd ppldemics of 188-1
and 18SU at all French , Algerian and Tuni
sian ports have again been put in force.
Devotees at Ireland' * ? Shrine Heart ) n
Ijlon in Ills Den.
[ CiipiiHuht ISOObiiJamei Gordon IJcnnrtt , * ]
Loxnox , Juno 31.New [ York Hohild
Cable Special to Tim BKB.I I witnessed
un extraordinary scene on the terrace of the
house of commons Friday night. A btirgo
rowed up. n transparency was hoisted uuOL in
a few minutes n series of pictures \t-ero
thrown upon it. The fir t was a portrait of
Mr. Gladstone , which was received With
much clapping of hands by holrish meinl/ors
who had collected on tbo' ' terrace , evidently
knowing what was to take place.
This was followed by Yarious scenes Illus
trating the shadowing process by the police ,
cruelty and evictions , interference with
meetings and other incidents in the IfVish
struggle. A man in the hirgo with stcntaflan
voice shouted out the Descriptions of
views. }
The members In the library nnd smolrfng
rooms all came to the windows amazed at the.
daring intrusion on the sacred tcrriMi-y.
"Where is the scrgeant-aVarms ? " was the
question passed from ouoto , another , but no
ono answered.
The speaker's house is at ono end of the
terrace and as the droad'functlonnry wiM at
homo at the tiuio it is all the moro wondi'tful '
that this demonstration was permitted , Will-
lam O'Brien was the hero of several thriving
pictures. i
The stentorian voice cried out : "Don'tsay
now , members of parlianient , that you Jiavo
not seen what goes on jhi poor Ireland. * * A
number of persons then Started singing , "God
Save Ireland , " the choras being taken u by
several Irish members of the terrace.
The whole river front-'of the parllaiUont
houses was now in n st ito of no small c lto-
ment. The police looked'on without uttQlupt-
ing to interfere , evidently Influenced by1 so
many applauding M. P.'s.
It Is stated that two nationalists wcr ( ) on
board the presumptlourf bnrjfo. Still huH-Ung
their defiant song , "God Save Ireland , " nt
the British parliament , the homo ruM in
vaders set all authority at defiance and
moved off shortly before midnight omit ) an
other burst of cheering. "
I understand that.tho speaker is very Mgry
nt the unprecedented occunvnco nnd is fcuus-
ing searching Inquiries to 1m made into itIf
tbo chief of the ringlcaderi is found out ( | jcro
will bo a row. |
The Muriiltt do MhrcN' I'arol
PAIIIS , Juno 81. [ Special Cablegram to
TUB Bisi : . ] The Marquis do Mores , wlM was
convicted a short tlino < igo of Inciting s\ \ dis
order at the tlmo of the May day labor itura-
onstratlon , is still out of 'jail , having fcoen
paroled on account of tholllness of his \vlfa. \
He expects shortly to begin to serve the en-
tunco of three mouths' imprisonment InifA'dod
upon him. Ho Is seen nightly at the * > t > era
and other places of amusement.
The number of Americans arriving lu'ro is
greater than nt any provlousvperlod , ' hwo
seems to bo almost IM many Americans lit the
principal tiotefs now 'us tuenj wcro dating
the exhibition.
American travslcrsj who neglect to prAVldo
themselves with passports , still c.xpoi-U'neo
considerable nunoyaitcu when attcmpUOn ; to
cross the French frontier IntoAlsac Lor.
ralno. Naturalized American citizens ctUinot
procure these passports unless they ( javo
brought their naturalization papers to Europe
with them. jf
CongrcHsinCn Itenointnated.
PIIINCCTO.V , 111 , , ' Juno 2l.-r-Tho republicans
of the Seventh district yesterday renomlfiatcd
'Jcneral Henderbon for congress.
C'liK.Kio , June81.Tho republicans erf the
Third cougroislonul district today
iiiatcd Cougreaanum W. E. Mu&ou.
It Finally Goes to tbo Committee on Coinage ,
Weights and Measures.
The Senate Tnkcs up the Ilonoo Sun-
] > Icntcntnry Itlll In Ho Terence
to Bigamy in the Terri
tory of Utah.
WASHINGTON , Juno 21. In the house today ,
after the reading and approving of yester
day's journal , Mr Bland moved to reconsider
the vote by which the yeas and nays floro or-
dcred upon Mr. Melvlnloy's motion to table
his ( Blund's ) nppaal from the decision of the
chair ycstcrd'iy , declining to entertain his
motion to take the silver bill from the speak
er's table. Ho announced that ho desired to
withdraw his nppjul , but Mr. MelClnley in
sisted on a Vote , so Alt' . Uluud's motion to re
consider was put and defeated 90 to 120.
The roll was called on Mr. MoIClnloy's mo
tion to table Mr. Bhiud's appeal and it pre
vailed yeas , 140 ; nays , 45. ,
All the free coinage men except Dchavcn ,
who did not vote , voted to table the appeal ,
as well as the following democrats : Bucka-
low , Campbell , Dunphy , Fitch , Geissenhaln-
cr , Lewis , McAdoo , Mutchler and Traeey.
A largo number of democrats refused to vote
at all.
Mr. Forman of Illinois , rising to n question
of privilege , said the journal showed that lie
was present and refused to vote when the
administrative customs bill was passed ,
when as a matter of fact ho was in Spring
field , Ills.
The regular order being dcmaded , the
speaker said the question had been discussed
yesterday us to the condition of the bill ( sil
ver bill ) , which had been referred
by the speakur and the record
of which in the journal had
not been concurred in by the house had 'been
said to bo effaced. The rules required that
such bills bo referred and n statement to that
effect should bo put In the journal and record.
The statement was made and the house saw
' fit to not permit It to become part of the
journal , which left it a somewhat difficult
question ns te the status of the bill. Indi
vidually the chair believed , as did the gentle
man from Iowa ( Conger ) , that a refusal to
record the fact did not obliterate the fact
itself. The action of the house might have
its origin in another motive that it would
not give its sanction to record in the
journal a transaction which it desired -
sired to subvert. and while it
might seem to the chair that some dcilnito
action should be taken by the house , yet , as
the gentlemen might have noticed , parliamen
tary law did not seem to bo an exact science.
[ Laughter aud applause on the democratic
sidel. The chair , however , desired to give
the house all proper opportunity for the tran
saction of business which it might desire ,
subjo.t to the rules. The reference was made
in accordance with the custom which had
prevailed over since the establishment of the
rules. The chair believed the senate amend
ments to the silver bill came within the view
of rule 20 , which prescribed that any amend
ment made by the senate to
any hoi so bill must bp .considered
first in committee of the whole if it
would have been so liable had it originated
in the house. Thu senate amendments to this
bill struck out the first section and substi
tuted another section containing no words of
preparation and proposing n different line of
action , to-wlt : "Fashioning of silver bars
and coining of all silve.r presented instead of
the purchase of silver bullion. " This and
other substitutions were plainly now propo
sitions , requiring consideration in committee
of the whole. Under these circumstances the
chair announced to thohouso that the bill had
been referred to the committee ou coinage ,
weights and measures.
Mr. Bland of Missouri appealed from the
decision and proceeded to argue the appro
priation clause in the original house bill , and
the bill as it came from the senate was the
same in terms and purpose and was not sub
ject to reference to the committee of the
whole. Besides ho held that the point was
made too late.
Mr. Springer declared that the silver bill
was the only one which had been subjected
to this kind of-treatment.
Mr. Peters of Kansas said that all the gen
eral appropriation bills took the same course.
Air. Springer denied the statement and
challenged the speaker or any ono else to pro
duce a single similar instance. This was an
attempt to revolutionize the rules them
selves were revolutionary in conception.
The republicans and tlulr speaker were
dodging the silver question.
Mr. Crisp of Georgia said It was evident
that there was a deliberate intention to pre
vent a direct vote upon this question.
This was the only opportunity to get a vote
on free coinage. If the speaker was sus
tained and the bill went to the commltto , if it
over again came from the house it would
como under a rule that would keep it entirely
within the control of the gold men , who
would alone bo recognized to move amend
ments. If the frco coinage men would do
their duty they could got a-voto upon the
proposition before the sun went down.
Air. Herman of Oregon said the silver
question was an Issue at every election held
In his state. Ho had agreed to support the
republican state platform , declaring in favor
of free coinage.
Mr. Fitch of Now York said It was plain
that yesterday's proceeding was a victory for
free coinage. VY&en it came to that point ho
jyould refuse longer to combine with the free
coinage republicans and vote to refer the bill
fr > the proper committee , The gentleman
Irom Georgia ( Crisp ) , was slightly mistaken
In his estimate of party position , for at least
some democrats from Now Yorlc would refuse
to vote for free coinage.
Mr. Perkins of Kansas said tlicro was n
purpose not to secure free coinage , but te
force through a measure that the president
would bo obliged to veto. The democratic
party would wreck-business in the streets of
the country If in so doing they could advance
the interest of the democratic party.
Mr. Henderson of Iowa held up the urgent
dcllclcny appropriation bill as an Instance of
u bill that had taken the same course.
Mr. Springer sought to put n question , but
Mr. Henderson waved him off : with the re
mark : "I will not yield to you : you are
bobbing up all the time. " Continuing , ho
said ho wanted silver legislation. Ho did
not care a snap for the money lenders of Wall
street or the great mine owners of the west.
Ho stood for the laborer and farmer. The
bill would come back from the committee.
Mr. Bland Will this free coinage bill comeback
back I
Mr. Henderson The house bill will como
hack with such recommendations touching
the senate amendments as the committee may
Mr. Conger of Town said there were not
three districts in the United States out
side the silver producing1 states that would
support such a proposition contained In the
amended bill. As for the coinage committee ,
ho would promise again that the bill would
be reported back at the earliest possible
moment. The committee was not unfavor
able to silver.
Council of Nebraska said ho could not see
why this should be regarded as a political
question. Some of the democrats would bo
lound voting against the majority of their
party. Why should not wititcrn republicans
show the same Independence.
The debate having closed , Mr. McKlnley
moved to table Mr. Blund'ti appeal. The
yeas and nays resulted yeas HI , nays 117 , so
the appeal was laid on the table. ,
The following republicans voted with the
democrats against Mr. MeKinloy's motion.
Bartlne , Council , Dchavcu , Hermann , Kelly ,
Morrow , Townsend and Fuuston. The dem
ocrats who voted with the republicans In fa
vor of the motion wore Bucknlew ' , Dunphy ,
Fitch , Gulssenlmincr , Mulsh , ' 'MrAdoo ,
Mutchler , O'Nell of Massachusetts , Qulnn ,
Wiley and Stuhlnccker. A number of palm
were announced
Mr. McKmley , upon the announcement of
the vote , suldj "So the appeal Is tabled nnd
the bill stands referred to the coinage com
mittee. "
Mr. Brewer of Michigan presented the report
port of the appropriation committee on the
senate amendment to the fortifications appro
priation bill , The house non-concurred and n
conference was ordered.
WASIUXIITOX , Juno 81. In the senate to
day Mr. Morrlll presented several petitions
for u duty of W per i > outid on and several
against a duty on tin plate.
The resolution offered yesterday by Mr. Ed
munds for n committee of seven to take Into
consideration the state of the administrative
service of the senate nnd to report what
measures should bo adopted In respect to the
greatest eftlcleney and economy of the service
was taken up nnd agreed to.
The house bill , supplementary to the act of
Maruh 83 , lt S2 , in reference to bigamy , was
taken up. It provides that all funds or prop
erty lately belonging to the Mormon church
shall bo devoted to the use end benefit of the
common schools in that state.
Mr. Butler offered an amendment devoting
the funds to the endowment of Institutions of
learning in Utah , and for that purpose turnIng -
Ing over to the general board Of education of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints , subject to the rules and regulations to
bo approved of by the president of the United
Slates , nnd not to bo used In disseminating ,
teaching , upholding or Ing the doc
trines or practices of polygamy or plural mar
Mr. Edmunds opposed the amendment.
A vote was taken on Mr. Butler's amend
ment and the vote was yeas , 0 ; nays , 84.
The nine anlrmatlvo votes were given by
Bates , Berry , Butler , Call , Coke , Harris ,
Hansom , Teller and Vance. All the negative
votes but one Payne's ) , were given by re
Thcro was no quorum voting , but Mr. But
ler , in view of the vote taken , withdrew his
Mr. Voorliccs moved to postpone the bill
until the second Tuesday In December next.
By that tlmo , he said , the supreme court
would have reached a termination of the liti
gation now pending.
Mr. Edmunds opposed the motion and said
the bill did not touch or affect the property
at all until after the supreme court should
have finally disposed of everybody's ' rights ,
public and private.
Mr. Voorhees motion was not agreed to
yeas , 20 ; nays , 83.
The bill then passed without division.
There were some formal amendments made
to it which will require a conference.
Mr. Merrill moved to proceed to considera
tion of the senate bill to establish an educa
tional fund and apply the proceeds of public
lands nnd receipts from certain land grant
railroad companies to moro complete the en
dowment nnu support of colleges for the ad
vancement , science and industrial education.
After'some objection it was taken up , but
soon went over without action.
Mr. Edmunds offered an amendment to the
sundry civil bill to pay to the widow of Chief
Justice AVuito $8,7.10 , equal to the balance of
his salary for ono year , and appropriating
$2.r > 00 for a tablet in the interior of the Wash
ington monument , suiting briefly the history
of the structure. Referred.
After some routine business and a short ex
ecutive session the senate adjourned.
CAitxor itKvmnts
A rtcception Tendered to Sciilior Ita-
Julin , the Brazilian Minister.
PAHIS , Juno 81. [ Special Cablegram to
Tin : Buy. ] The reception ot Senhor Itaj'uba ,
the representative of Brazil , by President
Carnet yesterday completes the first official
recognition which the Brazilian republic has
received in Europe. Scuhor Itajuba was n
long time In the Brazilian diplomatic service
under the eniporer. Ho was prompt , how
ever , In tendering his services to the republic.
The minister then in Paris , Baron Penedo ,
on the other hand , refused to recognize
the republic and tendered his resig
nation to the emperor. Senhor
Itajuba was Immediately promoted
and sent to Paris , but was not received by
the French government. The long delay
which followed caused the Brazilian govern
ment some embarrassment and the new min
ister was even falling under suspiciuu as not
being sufilelontly zealous in his efforts to se
cure recognition.
A curious explanation of the delay Is now
given by M. Dclonclc , a member of the
French chamber of deputies , according to
whom Franco has only recognized the repub-
He now on condition that the Brazilian
government make u prompt settlement , either
by arbitration or direct treaty , of its old
territorial dispute with Franco respecting the
boundaries of French Guinea. M , Delonclo
claims that the settlement can bo made
which will not doubt the territory of French
Guinea , and there is u possibility of Franco
getting a territory five or six times as great
us is now included In the French colony. In
any case , ho insists France cannot fail to se
cure the left bank of the Amazon between
Maeapa nnd the sea.
, Mucapa will thus become n French port
and Franco will bo the only European power
established ou the Amazon , and will have tjio
privilege of navigating and trading on that
river. The wealth of which the future , M.
Delonclo thinks , will surpass that of the Nile
or the Congo.
Senhor Gabriel do Pizu , the now Brazilian
minister to Germany , has arrived in this city
nnd will proceed in u week or two to Berlin.
The Brazilians arc very hopeful that the
recognition of their republic by Germany
will soon follow. Senhor do Pita was edu
cated in America. He has long been a promi
nent Brazilian republican.
Adoption of the HOIIHO Conference
Itoport Siirju'lNOH Them.
New Yoitic , Juno 81. Holders of sugar
trust certificates were dismayed ' this morn
ing when they read of the unanimous vote by
which the house adopted the conference report
port on the anti-trust bill , nnd long before
the opening of business the sugar post on the
lloor of the exchange was surrounded by a
largo nnd excited crowd of brokers discuss
ing Its effect. They boon realized what the
effect would bo , however , for when the chair
man's gavel fell the entire crown began to
offer certificates. At the close of business a
decline of 1 % per cent was noted for the day.
Many speculators who bought certificates
above SO lust week ara crippled. Represen
tatives of the sugar trust are anxiously
awaiting the decision of the court of appeals
on the legality ef the trust.
Reciprocity IN What AVe Want.
WASIIINOIO.N , Juno 21. Referring to the
published utorics concerning n scene in the
room of the committee on appropriations the
other day , u gentleman who was present said
tonight that while the affair was greatly mis
apprehended the discussion which took place
was not In relation to the general schedules of
the McKlnley hill , but the feature which Mr.
Blulnu condemned was that of giving a free
market in the United States to the products
of the sugar planters of the southern conti
nent and not asking in return free markets
lor the products of 0'ir own farmers where
we can get them merely for the asking. Mr.
Blalno huy.i that corn would uot be selling in
Nebraska fur 17 cents a bushel if the markets
of Lutln-Aincricu were open to our prouucts ,
Worhl'H Fa
WASHINGTON , Juno 21. The president to
day appointed the following commissioners-
to world's fair Gaston
at-lurge the at Chicago : -
ton W. Allen of Wow York in place of Edwin
H. Ammlduwn , declined , with Louis Fitzger
ald of Now York , alternative , and William
M. Lindsay of Kentucky , with Patrick J.
Walsh of Georgia , alternative.
NntlonallHt Klcctora Ceiisuro a Jimtluo
Dtmi.iN , June 21. At u meeting of the na
tionalist electors at Newry today a resolution
wa-s adopted censuring Justice Huntley Mc
Carthy for | > 'T : > bl < 'Mt neglect of his parlia
mentary dutii-3 , and declaring that at the
| next election < i n w candidate wuuld bu num-
; inuted in bis stead.
Western Tt\ \t \ Men Will Have a Hearing
inV ikington on Jnly 8 ,
The General tnloii SCCIIIH toPrcval )
Among lift jail Mon that Any
Further Decrease Would
bo Kuluotis.
CIIIP.VOO , Juno 21. [ Special Tcloft Am to
Tun Bin : , ] There will bo a divided delega
tion of western railroad men In Washington
on July 8. At that tlino the interstate com
merce coiiiniission will give n hearing to the
western roads to show cause why grain
rates should not ho reduced to 17 eents from
the Missouri river to Chicago , and 12 cents to
the Mississippi.
The presoi.t rites are 80 and 18 cents re
spectively nul many of the roads claim the
proposed rates would bo mlnotis. On the
other hand , such roads as the Alton , knowing *
rates are being cut furbelow the. proposed re-
ductlon , uro cither Indlfforentor would prefer
the ro.ltiction to tlio alternative of u ruto war ,
which will surely result if rates remain on
their present basis , and the manipulations
Said onoof the Interested oftlcors todays
"Testimony will bo given In Washington
showing that at least ono of the roads Is not.
getting I'- cents u hundred from Kansas City
to Chicago , let nlono 17 cents. This state ot
alfairs bus been continuing for over a month ,
as Chairman Midgcloy's report shows. What-
kind of an argument then can bo advanced
against the 17 cent rate. Of course the 17
cent rates will not stop manipulation , but It
will give the crooked roads a smaller margin
ou which to cut. I hardly sen what argument
will bo brought to bear to overcome the In
tention of the Interstate commerce commis
sion to reduce rates , nor am I lying awalio
nights to thinlc of'one. "
Itallroad Changes.
CHICAGO , Juno 21. ] Special Telegram to
Tun Bin : . ] The Atchison hns appointed J.
J. McCook as general counsel of the Atlantlo
& Pacific. George It. Peck has also been ap
pointed general solicitor and W. C. lluzlctont
general attorney.
Vnnkton AlVulrs.
YAXKTOX , S. D. , Juno 81. [ Special Tele
gram te Tins HIM : . ] Captain T. B. Bur-
leigli , well known as a Missouri river steajn-
boat man , died of consumption at his home in
this city this morning.
Kunklu Cillaland , aged seventeen , son of iv
prominent farmer , was drowned in the James ,
river near hero this forenoon. The body was.
South Dakota Congressmen Gilford and
Pickler were advised to vote for the frco.
coinage bill by a telegram hearing tno signa
tures of a dozen prominent city republicans ,
and democrats this morning. They want that
bill to become a law.
George J. Johnson of Mitchell , S. I ) . , one ot
the most prominent republicans In the state ,
today announced himself as u candidate fo.r-
the governorship.
AVomeii IKHIIO a Call.
iluiiox , S. 13 , , Juno 31 , [ Special Telegram.
toTiiiBic. : : ] A consultation of the leading
women of the state favoring equal suffrage. ,
took place bore this afternoon. They deter ;
mined to Issue a cell Monday for ft muss con- .
ventionof the friends of equal suffrage , to.
be held July 8. The call was signed by forty-
of the most prominent women Identified witlu
the cause. Very probably the gathering will
have some bearing on the action of the indo.
iKmdent convention to bo held hero July i' ' .
The political situation Is rapidly bccomlni-
Huron firemen , together with teams fronu
Yankton , Sioux Kails , Madison. Brookiugiv
Centcrville and Milliank , were given a grand
re option and dinner here this afternoon on.
their return from the Pierre tournament ,
Captain Mlltlmoro 'i'alceH the Stand. .
TUCSONAriz. . , Juno 31. [ Special Tele
gram toTm : Bin.J : Captain Miltimoro testi
fied hi his own defense In the court-martial ,
trial today. Ho said he had been in the <
army since 1SISJ and had been ( innrtcrmustor
since 1S78. Ho was with Sherman in his ex
pedition in the rear of Vicksburg and witlu
Grant during the siege of that
place , where ho was shot through
the left lung. Ho joined Sherman
again in the Atlanta campaign , was twko
wounded at Atlanta and received two other-
wounds In the action ; joined the regular-
army In Ibiiii and purchased the property
whore ho resides ; sold the same to Mrs. Hock , ,
who received the rent paid by the govern
ment for the olllces there. Ho considered ,
that rents paid by the government for olllccs.
in this jilaco were reasonable.
The French Excllod. Ahoul Our Tariff. .
PAIIIS , Juno 21. The excitement among
French merchants arising from difficulties
caused by the new American regulations con
cerning the importation of goods into tho.
United States Is spreading to the chamber of
deputies ami the newspapers. A few excita
ble people talk about retaliation. Govern
ment officials and the artistio community
were both startled by the news that tba >
finance committee of the American senate haa
stricken out the clause In the tariff bill put
ting works of art on the free list. There Ib a.
great outcry over tills action.
$15O , < ) < > ( > It < : ali/.eil.
PIIII.AI > IU'IIIA : , Pa. , Juno 131. [ Special Telegram -
egram to TUB Br.K.JAbout $150,000 has been
realized by the recent nalo of real estate , ,
stocks , etc. , belonging to the bankrupt firm ,
of Jay Cooke & Co. , and Trustee Ilarrlng
estimates that after defraying all costs tlicro
will be enough left to pay the creditors a
dividend ofyt \ txir cent , malting the total
dividend about 15 per cent emu , Some of
the creditors of Jay Cooke & Co. , who held i
on to the securities which they recnlved after
the failure , huvoTealizod over 100 per cent on
their claims.
'Itio Deadly Worlc of n Hull.
HOI.YOKI : , Colo. , Juno 81. [ Sp.'clnl T"lo-
gram to TUB Bui : . ] It Is feared that Mrs. J.
Wagner has sustained fatal Injuries while
trying to save the life of her husband , who.
was gored to death yesterday by a ball. Her
Injuries scorn to bo internal , yet her seeming
dangerous condition may ariseIrom the fright
and awful shock sustained while being an
unavailing witness to the terrible ali'air. Thu
bull was shut today by the neighbors of the
bereaved woman.
A Chliinniiin Denied the Franohim ; .
RBADINO , Pa. , Juno 81 , ( Special Telegram ,
to Tun Bin.J : In court hero today Judge-
Endllch refused the application of Charlc .
Ah Song , n Chinaman , for naturalization
papers. The Judge finds no warrant in law
for making a Chinaman an American citizen ,
no matter how respectable or worthy ho may
bo. On the contrary , Judge Endllch fimja
that the fminers of our laws never eontun-
plated that u Mongolian should bo made a.
voter in this country.
HtoatiiHhlp Arrivals.
At New York The Mursolu and the Go- !
lert , from Hamburg ; the Obdam , from Rot
terdam ; the Lydlim Monarch , from London ,
At Quecnstoivn The Urltlah Prince , from
At Philadelphia-Tho Montana , from Ldu-
don.At London The Bulgarian , from Huston.
The Death Itoll.
I'ui'ciiiKr.uriiii : , N. Y. , Juno 21.-Major.
Isaac T. Duughty. the oldest marine officer la
the United Stales , died today. President
Jackson appointed bun major of marines uiid
he werved fi/rty yearn.