Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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    " " t W BW W -
r 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BJlUiy SATURDAY , JUNE 21 , 1800. W-Wp | L
At iv Hliort fCHfllon of the foonril of
public works Ed Cnllnlinn was awarded
the contnict'for flUing lots , and a num
ber of routine exnoiibo bills were ordered
Slow trade 1ms crippled the business of
Charles 0. Hunt , a wall paper dealer at
fill ) North .Sixteenth street. Being un
able to meet his bills creditors have
closed the store.
Joseph Welthartner and Frank Wng-
ncr were arraigned In the United States
court yesterday and charged with re
fusing to answer questions put to them
by thocensus enumerators. They pleaded
not guilty and were placed under $ -00
bonds to appear for trial.
"Why ilopsn't ho fcwo Hood's Saranp-
nrillu1 ! Is the ( 'oncnil Inquiry of frioml
when n ixjrson suffers from tiny illswtso of
the bloou. _
County Court.
C. ( lOt/inn ft Co. hnvo sued Hnchcl Schlnnk
tor CJ ± ! , 'j5 ' on account.
Urownbll .t Co. hnvo brought suit ngnlnst
II. Ktovcns ft Son for M7I.8T on ftiiotctnnd
fiKiiInst St'lilt'singcr Ill-others for $ > on
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
" Cook' s K x triT I ) ry I m pa rlnl Champagne Is
nntur.illv fonncntcd ; tlioro Is nothing In it
but the juliic of grapes. Try it.
Hooked for tlio Kcform Sclmol.
Mabel Osbornc , the little girl who has been
nt the iHlico ) station scvonil days waiting for
n. mother , was yoitcrday arraigned on ti com
plaint , clinrging her with being incorrigible.
L 'lio OUiirges were sustained and Mabel i ?
booked for the" reform school.
"Fifteen Yearn In Hell. "
The presence In the city of Luther Benson ,
the temperance advocate , is causing quite a
demand , iimong those who hnvo beard him ,
fqr Ills hook , which Is an aatl-blogniphy ,
under the somewhat startling title , "Fifteen
Y -ars in Hell. "
The book was written by Mr. Benson while
ho was an inmate Of the Indiana asylum for
tin ! insane. It is a somowlmt gruesome tale
of the author's p.i t life in which ho sacrificed
fortune , bright prospects , respetit , friendship ,
honor and all that constitutes successful man
hood to Ills Inordinate and inherited love for
strong ilrinlr. The book is for sale by E.
Wyman , lib South Fifteenth street.
For Nervous
Use Horsford's Acid I'hosphatc.
Dr H. C. McCoy , Algona , In. , says : "I
hnvo used it in cases of dyspepsluncrvous ex
haustion and wcakncss.with pleasant results.
Also think it of great service in depressed
condition of the system resulting from biliary
derangement. " _
Delinquent mill Cancelled Tnxcfl.
On Monday next Comity Clerk O'Malley
nnd County Auditor Evans , with a clerk from
each ofllcc , will commence looking up the
delinquent ami cancelled taxes on the county
records from-lSo'J ' to the present time.
This action is in accordance with n resolu
tion passed by the commissioners at their last
meeting , wLicli was duo to the recital in Tun
UIIK of the fact that there was duo the county
from the stuto a lurgo sum of money as the
state's proportion of these uncollccted taxc3 ,
for which the county was entitled to a rebate ,
which might bo used as an offset to the judg
ment against tuc county for boarding insane
Inmates of the state asylum.
A Victim of the Check Gumo.
During the latter days of last month Au-
pnest Lai-son , a farmer from Tontcnellc , this
state , caino to this city , and the first day lie
was here ho allowed himself to bo worked fora
sucker. H. L. Johnson formed his acquaint
ance , and in n .short time I mil negotiated n
loan of $8 by putting up a $0-10 check on the
First National bank. The next day Johnson
was arrested as n vagrant and sent to the
county Jail to do thirty days. Yesterday
I-iurson got tired of waiting for the return of
the $ S and attempted to negotiate the $ ( HO
check , but upon taking it to the bank ho was
surprised to llnd it worthless. Ho then swore
out a warrant charging Johnson with forg
ery , and as soon as ho is out of Jail ho will bo
Thp police are of the opinion that Johnson ,
whoso right name Is Henderson , is the leader
Df a gang of crooks who have been working
the city during the past four weeks.
To NrrvoiiH Debilitated Bleu.
If you will send us your address wo will
Bend you Dr. Dyo's ' Celebrated Voltaic Belt
find Appliances on trial. They will quickly
restore you to vigor , manhood and health.
Pamphlet free. VOLTAIC BULT Co. , Marshall ,
Three ol'Tlioin Were AInilo Yesterday
nt thu Union Paolllc.
Three now appointments were announced
at Union Pacilic headquarters yesterday.
J. F. Hill , a clerk in the auditor's ofllco has
been clpviiteiltn the position of assistant to
VIce-PresldcntHolcomb : S. F. Hhoads becomes -
comes superintendent of the stone depart
ment , and F. Washlmrn has been
appointed superintendent of the hotel depart
ment. While Mr. Hhodcs will , under his in-
atruetion report to C. F. Meek , general nuui-
nger of the gulf division , Wushburn is to re
port to Mr. Holcomb.
Bronsoa Howard's greatest triumph ,
"Shcnandoah , " which met with such re
markable success when presented in this city
by one of its traveling companies , will bo the
attraction at Boyd's opera house next Thurs
day , Friday and Saturday evenings and Sat-
urilay matinee. It will bo played by its orig
inal east nnd nil its scenery mid accessories in
precisely the same manner us it was seen dur
ing its run of 'MO nights in Now York. Tlio
bale of seats begins Tuesday.
The success of Mr. E. II. Sothern , who
plays "Lord Chumloy" nt Boyd's opera
nouso next Monday night , is duo in a great
measure to pluck and perseverance. When
ho first appeared ills father plainly told him
that ho could never succeed on the stage. Ho
was determined , however , and Joined Me-
Cullough's company to play small paits bo
mobs , barbarians , ctti/cns , or whatever the
piny called for and his fellows in the com
pany say ho did thorn very b.ully. In a
f or two his persistency won. He made u hit
* with "Tho Highest bidder , " and following
that with tlio sensation ofLord Ohumloy"
hu found his reputation us uu actor was
assured. _
Merchants' hotel , Omaha. $2 to $3 per
day. Nat.l5rownpronrIra P.I
The First Snt in-day Arieriio < m Concert
to be Given Today.
This afternoon at1 p. m. , the metropoli
tan custom of Saturday out-door jrancorU will
be Introduced Into this city.
The musio will bo rendered under the
auspices of the park commission , at Haaseom
park , by tlio Omahu musical union orchestra
of twcnty-ilvo pieces under the leadership of
Harry Irvlno. U was this excellent organiza
tion which gave buch a delightful con
cert in thu park on last Sunday iitternoou.
The progrnuno for tomorrow is us follows ;
MaU'h SI. I.awrpuco . Sims
Uvi'itiuol'ru Dluvolo . A 11 ho r
( lavotto Tlio I'lliioi" . * . C/llmlka
Mi'dloyYunkvoTlckln . Hover
L'oruot Solo Mai rlago llolU . Ueardon
PAUT 11.
Descriptive piece A Hunting Pconc
1 , The moniliiK bieaks calm and peaceful.
' . ' . The lluiitMi.oii ptiipuiu for thoitlcahiirun
of thachaic. ; t.Vu Jump on our Miilillo
and the huntsmen sound u nioiry blast.
4. Tin ) parties Join. ft. Tlio road Is allVn
with hoiMimcn , U , On the hci'iit. 7. I 'in I
cry. b. Tho'di'aUi. U. Wo return homo.
Fuloelum I'atlunro . Sullivan
Walt- Dream of riilldhood . Wuliltuutel
The Turkish HovuJHe tlly reiniosti Michaels
Uvettuio Mo lli < y-A Night In Now York . .
, . . . . . . . . llrooks
I'.MIT 111 ,
Overture I'rlnco and Peasant 1'urrazzl
Thu UurMe's Drouiii , l.itn lnt :
Kt'h't'lliw ItfitKar Student MlllocUcr
Qulup do Concert- Infernal . Kulur-Uchv
To dlsliifcct collars , wosto pipes , water
, etc. , always use I'luU's OulorWcs.
Tlic High Seliool UradtmtcB * SnoecHs-
1'nl Field Day.
Yesterday wns field day at the Omaha
high school , and'tho ' morning exercises were
given over to athletic contests.
The sport opened up with n five-inning
game of baseball between two picked nines
called the Lewis nnd Hlnshaw clubs. The
former team consisted of Hustin , first base ;
Hess , centerj Taylor , catch ; Dcnlse , third ;
Johnson , second ; Clarke , shortstop ; Cooly ,
left Ill-Id ; Keen , right , nnd Arnold , pitcher.
Tlio Hlnshnws comprised Purccll , ' catcher ;
Hobltison , pitcher ; Hungnte , first base ; But
ler , second ; Cody , third ; Ha kell , shortstop :
Page , right field : Christian , center , nnd
Thompson , left. The game resulted in a
victory for the latter team by a score of 0 to' ' .
After tbi ) ball contest came the running
long Jump , which was won by Dcnlso , who
covered sixteen feet of ground. Taylor came
in second.
The hundred vnrd dash was won by Taylor
inyt \ \ seconds , with Koyee close at his heels.
Hungnto was awarded the running high
Jump , making feet 10 inches. Crelgh made
the next highest Jump.
An amusing sack i-.ico was won by Faulk
ner , the smallest of the competitors in that
In tlio htdillb raccTrtvlor cntne In first , cov
ering the hundred yards In 17 seconds ; Hun-
gnto second. ' Taylor was also victor of a
wheelbarrow run blindfolded for the
same distance. '
Butler managed to throw a baseball ever
the longest stretch of ground.
The last event consisted of a three-legged
rficc , which was won -by Aikin and Billings.
Mr. Wllklns Uustin acted as referee for all
the contests. , while Morris Bcall umpired tlio
baseball prelude. ,
The pri/cs at stake 'consisted of neat silver
medals and were awarded the victors by Miss
K. P. GoodsOh , who made a short presenta
tion speech , on behalf of the class of "JO , under
whoso auspices the- field day exercises wore
The Iiltcrary Exorcises.
The afternoon programme of the field day
entertainment given yesterday by the cl.iss of
' 00 of the Omaha high school consisted of
umieal and lltci-iiryjcxorclse.s. The assembly
gathered about 2 o'clock around n platform
wiifch liad been erected upon tbo south
campus of the school grounds. The exercises
commenced with a song written by Miss
Flcta Hiddoll and sung by all the members of
the senior class. The president , Mr. Charles
Ilungate , followed with an address , in which
lie reviewed thoi class organization and
showed that henceforth the paths of its mem
bers will bo separated.
The class history was then taken up by
Miss Carrie Robertson. The speaker traced
the development of the present seniors from
the time they first entered the high school as
freshmen. She recalled the manner in which
their early entertainments turned to min
strelsy and brought to memory the
generosity of the school board in in
augurating the system of free
school book for their benefit. She brought
the history up to the Junior year , when It was
taken up nnd carried further by Miss Fleta
Hiddell. The story of the development nnd
final ruin of the once famous cooking school
was unrolled. The innovation of the seventh
hour was explained , while tlio paper eon-
eluded with mi account of the recent social
festivities attendant upon graduation.
The assembly then proceeded to the east
side of the building , where an ivy had been
planted commemorative of the class of Ih'.IO
and listened to an oration by Mr. Knrbach , in
which the training and study of his fellow
students wore likened to the spread and
growth of the ivy vino. The class then sang
the "Ivy Song , " written by one of its mem
Miss Lucy Evans then proceeded to the
class prophecy , in which she attempted to
picture everlasting fame for each of the
sixty-six seniors. She imagined her
self carried back to the temple of
Apollo at Delphi , where , after entering the
shrine strewn with relics of experiments in
physics and in chemistry she received the
voice of the oracle. After filling the presi
dency , the cabinet , and all the high ofllces of
the United Suites with her classmates , a sul-
lleient number remained to bo relegated to
almost all the less dlatiuguishcd walks of
Mr. Batten then made an attempt to give
theuiulor-cliissmcn a hit of "senioral ad
vice , " whereby ho sought to allow tnoin to
profit by his experience and to impress the
facts upon their minds by frequent humorous
The next piece on the programme was the
cl-iss poem , which was recited in a pleasing
.ind attractive manner by its author , Miss
Ethclwynno Kennedy. The poem referred
to the work of the instructors with grateful
words , nnd called upon the members of the
class of "JO to remember one another with
fraternal feelings. After .singing a comic
song reflecting upon the lower classes of the
school , the programme concluded with the
class yell , which rang out loud and lustily :
"Never say die , Omaha High I 'Uau I 'rah 1
'rah ! 'Ml"
The class of "JO in its attempts to leave re
nown behind it has , besides planting the
commemorative Ivj , had u marble slnb about
two and one-half feet square inscribed with
tie words"Tllo Class of Nincty"and attached
to the wall oftho high school building a little
to tlio loft of the main entrance. Some of
its bolder members painted a similar In
scription upon the slate mansard with white
p.dnt , a piece of work whoso erasure has al
ready furnished u laborer with a day's Job.
Miles' N'prva nnd Ijiver Pills.
An important discovery. They act on the
liver , stomach and bowels through the
nerves. A new principle. They speedily
euro billiousness , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles and constipation. Splendid for men ,
women nnd children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest. ! ! 0 doses for 23 cents. Samples free
at Kuhu & Co.'s 15th and Douglas.
Hut the Park May Not Now Ho Used
for HellgionsEerolhOH. .
At the mooting of the park commission yes
terday n petition from the Swedish minis
ters of the city was read asking to bo allowed
to hold religious services ill Hanscom park
Sunday afternoons.
"Wo cannot nso this place for campmcetlng
grounds and wo might as well draw the line
right now , " remarked Mr. Milhu-d.
"My sentiments , " said Judge Lake.
"If wo let them in the salvation army will bo
after us to hold their gatherings there , " said
Mr. Linttigor.
That settled It , and Secretary Donno was
instructed to notify the preacheis that relig
ious services would not bo tolerated.
Picnics were discussed and it was decided
that they should bo allowed la the park , but
they will bo governed by police restrictions.
The olTur of C. D. Woodworth to do pav
ing , curbing and guttering at 5S cents per
llwal foot was referred to the committee.
Upon the question of Sunday musio the
committee favored the hiring of ono of the
bands of the Musical union. The report was
adopted nnd twenty-five instruments will bo
secured , the board reserving the right to dis
charge ( ho musicians.
Two concerts will bo hold each week , ono
Sunday and oao Saturday afternoou. The
expense will bo $ " > pnr week.
A proposition to put in Icmouado stands
was rejected.
Messrs. M. V. Lee. John T. Bell M. II.
Hurlbut and C. P. White appeared before the
commission to urge the co-operation of the
city council in an ctTort to establish the grade
ot the street from the Missouri Pacific tracks
to the now park on Lenvcaworth street , A
full expression of opinion was given to this
matter , the result being that a report made
by the special committee seat out by the
park commission to view the road , to the
u licet that the council bo urged to at
once establish a grade providing for a
cut to not exceed nine feet on the
highest hill , was unanimously adopted.
The opinion of the park commission appeared
to bo unanimous that la the future a viaduct
across the tracks would bo required , but that
It was not wlt.o to delay the Improvement of
the stiect until a vlndnu could bo secured.
The grade proposed Is with a vlfi\v of hav
ing a viaduct at some futuro- time nnd will
insure donations of property on both sides
to widen the street into a bouloyurd of 150
feet , .
'n'l'lift ( vtlmatOH for constructing dams nt the
two lakes In 11 tin scorn park were pre
sented and ordered placed on lllo , with In
structions that work upon the upp r dam bo
commenced at once.
The const ruction of the dnm at the lower
hike will bo duUiycd until full.
The committee on supplies was Instructed
to procure and locate three drinking hydrants
iu tlio park , auvl uho to ask the city council \
the two boulder drinking fountains not In us <
could not be donated to the park commls
sloncrs ,
Thrco sets of plans for the prwjllon Iti
Hanscom jiark were presented. The plans
were from Fowler It BclndorfT , I. IlmUon ,
Jr. . and Maxon ft Bourgeois , Hodson's esti
mate was $0,000 and that of Maxon & Bour
geois f li,000. ! Fowler ft Bclndorff fulled tc
transmit any estimate as to cost.
On motion the plans of Maxon & Bour
geois wci-o accepted and the commission will
nt once advertise for bids.
Monday , Commissioners Miller , Millardnnil
Llnlnger will act as n committee to locate the
exact spot where thu pavilion shall be built.
An AliNolnto Cure.
Is only put up in largo two-ounce tin boxes ,
and is mi absolute cure for all sores , burns ,
woundsehaptied hands anil all skin eruptions.
Will positively euro all kinds of piles. Ask
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
'i3 cents per box by mall 30 cents.
The only railroad tram out of Omaha
rim expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Bluffs , Den Moined and
Chicago business is the Koek Island
vestibule limited , leaving Omaha at 4:15 :
p. in. dally. Ticket ollico 1002 , Sixteenth
and Farimm St. , Omaha.
Nightly Vlwlt the Pupils' Art Exhibit
in The lice IlnlUHnr. ;
The exhibit of school work in Tun Bnt'
building has continued thus far with marked
success , the crowds thronging the rooms dally
increasing rather than diminishing.
Lust evening , the corridors lending to the
exhibit wore crowded long bcfora the doors
wore opened.
It is not surprising that Mrs. Newton , prin
cipal of the Castcllor school , takes such pride
in pointing out the work of her pupilrf , us the
school certainly has displayed a most creditable
army of examples of their tuleilt'tuufctUiS deft
ness of their fingers.
The drawings are of a very high order nnd
there are two girls In the class who will mnko
n mark in the artistic world some day if they
continue .to apply themselves to
study. These nre sisters , Scgrid and
Ingerborg Andrccscn. The former's re
production of horses is simply remarkable for
a school girl. She has on exhibition irawings }
of n grader's outfit , horses of the fire depart
ment and a horse in the pasture , nil taken
from life , and to say that they are nearly all
without defect would bo speaking accurately.
The talent of her sister runs to landscapes ,
nnd her work in this direction is excellent.
Annie Smith also has displayed a number of
landscapes that reflect great credit upon her
The work in paper cutting and folding of
the seventh grade is exceptionally line , and
so is the work in clay Emma Dirkes and
Miss Gnlbralth have class work in drawing
displayed that is worthy of especial mention.
Tlio work of Miss Dirkes is particularly no
ticeable for its uniformity , regularity and ex
cellence throughout the course.
The work in penmanship in this school is
very good.
No ono acquainted with the city could fall
to fiivo the work from Dodge school more
than passing notice. This suhool is not lo
cated where artistic merit would bo expected.
However , the work compares most favorably
with the average shown , and some of it is es
pecially good. In the work from the little
ones , a card of pcaswork is tasty and evinced
most careful handling of the pupils on the
part of tno teacher , Miss Kead. The work in
designing , cut from colored paper , is very ac
curately done.
Some drawings from the Sixth grade pu
pils , Emma Thicle , Hnttic Mnngor , Maggie
Shannon and Ninnio Smith are creditable.
The clay work of the pupils in the First
grade , the paper-folding in Miss Florence
Baker's room and a sheet of cut work by
Miss Hattie Allen's charges arc nil com
mendable and so is the drawing of the
Sixth grade.
Miss Fitch is the principal of the school.
The face of Blatchford Knvunngh , the
sweet boy iiiigcr , stands out from the center-
of tie Cass street exhibit. It was drawn
from a lithograph by John Rogers and is an-
ndmlrablo likeness. f Mamio Miller , Jessie
Goodso-nnd Viola "Longer have also distin
guished themselves in drawing. The pupils
in Miss Cora Pratt's room hnvo a sheet of
drawings also on exhibition that is highly
creditable to them and their teacher.
The cut-work of the sixth grade and the
work in paper-folding attract much attention
and favorable comment , as does also n lot of
cabinet boxes from Miss Doyle's manual
training class.
The manuscript work.cspecially that of the
arithmetic class , under Miss Bennett , is
among the best in the display.
Miss Wilbcr is principal of Cass school.
The name of the Bancroft school stands out
very prominently , woven in tissue paper by
the pupils. The clay work , the penmanship
work , especially that of B. A. Birkctt , the
work In free-hand drawing by the Seventh
grndo are good , while the work in paper
folding and that in the exercises nre partic
ularly excellent.
Eddie Kaufman of the Seventh grade , mis
on exhibition a folio of drawings of which ho
can Justly bo proud , while the work of the
pupils throughout is such as to reflect great
credit upon the teachers and the principal ,
Miss Hice.
Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous
dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured by Dr.
Miles' Nervine. Samples free ut Kuhu &
Co.'s , lHli ! and Douglas.
Dr. Birnoypraetico limited to eatarrh-
al diseases of nose and throat. Boo
t IMsuperior oteollonco proven In million * of homos
formore than miunrter of u century It It IIKOI ! liy
tlio L'nlteil Stalin ( iuvcriiinont. l nilortcil liy the
heniUof thn unlveraltloi. na the Stroneett ,
I'uri'ntunit.Mostllealtlifnl. Dr Trice's Cream llnW-
IIIK 1'owilcr , iloi-s not contain nmmonln , lluio or
ulum. Solil onlr In enng.
I'ltll'K 11AK1NO I'OWDKJl CO. ,
NewVork Chlcaun. H in Prnnclvro. St.Louli
I took Cold ,
I took Sick ,
I talio My Meals ,
I take My Host ,
getting tht too , FUR Scott's
Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil
and Hvpophosphitosof Limoand
Soda ifar ONLY ci'Kcn MY Iiiciji-
icat Consumption m-r uuiur
rAKEirjtsrAsr.AsiLYAs i DO MILK. "
Oponttlth month , Will , IKO Thirty minute *
llrniul bt Mutton I'hlhi. tmlrr euro of Kn
hull C'lllt'Kliito rourtu for both ki' v > Icuiln
Ol.mlcJl , Kimlnci'rlnt ! , hcliintlne ami I.lturur ;
kTi'i1" . llfnlthlul locution uitoinlro tin
liulldliiiti , lunli'iio ' ihnpi , labi rulurtvi aud hura-
Jletf. For full pn.ulcuur4 uililrc-.M
WU. Ii. AlTUiiV.S' , i'U. i . , ACtUig I'H'JlUeut.
Bhemmatlsm ,
BEING duo toe the presence of uric
acid in the blood , Is most effectually
cured by the use of Aycr's Sarsnpa-
rllla. lie suroiTQii get Aycr's rind no
other , nnd take it tilt the poisonous
acid is thoroughly expelled from the
system. Wo challenge attention to this
testimony :
"Abcut two years ngo , after suffering
for nearly twotjqnrs from rheumatic
gout , being abl < uc ! wiilk only with great
discomfort , mull liavlng tried various
remedies , Inclmling mineral waters ,
without relief , I saw by an advertise
ment in n Chicago paper that a man had
been relieved of this distressing com
plaint , after long siiffciing , by taking
Aycr'H Snrsaparlllu. 1 then decided to
tnnko n trial of this medicine , and took
it regularly for elyht months , and am
pleased to state that It has effected a
complete cure , I hnvo slnco had no re
turn of the disease. " Mrs. H. Irving
Dodge , 110 West ll5th ! St. , Now York.
"Ono year ago I was taken 111 with
inflammatory rheumatism , being con
fined to my house six months. I came
out of the sickness very much debili
tated , with no appetite , nnd my system
disordered In every way. I commenced
using Aycr's Snrsnpnrllln nnd began to
improve tit OUCH , gaining in strength
nnd soon recovering my usual health.
I cannot say too much in prnlso of this
well-known modlolno. " Mrs. ii. A.
Stark , Nashua , N. H.
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co. , Lowell , Mais.
Price 1 ; eU bottlc , $5. Worth 5 a botlle.
Santa : Abie i and Cat : R : Cure
Forsalo by GooJuutwUrua Co.
Extract of Beef.
Makes tlio pin cat , cheapest and liost llcof Tea
Finest meat flavoring stock fur Soups.
Sauces and Made Dishes.
Ono ponndof Extract of lleof equal to forty pounds
of lean Luff , or the vnluo uf about i7.SU.
Genuine only with
Justus Min Llcblg's
sipruitiu'c us shown
Is Now in Order.
A choice assortment of
light coats and vests may be
found uijo n our counters , with
all requisite , articles of com
fort and good : taste , pertaining
to men's furnishings. No
gentleman's wardrobe com
plete or safe without one of
our elegant'Umbrellas ,
1'reimrcBforCOllCOC. forTEACHINQ.forBUSINESS ,
onil olfi'ricxcalluniopporluiiUU'a lor thu ttnurui
I , Art , bhorHlundttiulTypowrUIIIB ana Kio-
cuti > n ItullillnKhe.iirilliritfuin. KorcutalDutuU-
urcts , Her U.U LOVIJOV , A.M. . Aurora , III.
8 & TRR [ HAUH , IN9.-A SCH091 OF tNOINltRIND ,
\ \ flliluwcit \ \ , vtrll HIIIIPI" I arnultlll llW ill Jl" .
, cluniriilaiiiU'Nilhneiiii'-riii' . H"-in y i'ienii ! .
try , lltj iii . Uxlcii i > iMi l * jl"iri"lfl'1A1"
I tuiinluw , t ri.aUluUugudan..iUA\\ulj iLil ( u.
. <
ING f.v
Our great stxlo of thin coats and vests has commenced. For custom
ers who remember our-former summer sales the mere announcement
of this sale is sufficient. They know that it means an opportunity to get
their goods at about ONE-HALF THE PRICE THEY HAVE TO PAY
ELSEWHERE FOR THEM. We have this season an enormous stock ,
and it consists mostly of the better grades of goods , but these will bo
slaughtered at prices which others \vill charge you for inferior and low
grade goods.
Fine plain Mohair Coats and Vests in several $1.76worth
Fine striped Mohair Coats'and Vests in several shades at $2.2B.
Very fine Drap D'Ete Coats and Vests , elegantly made up with
French facing at $3.2B ; you have to pay for similar goods fully $6.
The finest Black Serge Coats and Vests at $3.BO , worth about $7.
Very fine FrenchFlannel Coats andVests in beautiful stripes at $2.9O.
A large variety of black Alpaca Coats at $1 , $1.6O , $2 and $2.28 ; also
extra long Alpaca Coats.
To get a correct idea of the values we are offering in these goods
you must see them.
We will not take any chances this time. The season promises to be the shortest we ever had ; and wq
commence an early clearance sale , We offer today two lots , of suits at such reductions that buyers can
readily see the superior values we offer.
One lot of all wool plain grey cheviot sack suits at $6.50. This is a suit that has been made up
to retail for $12.50 to $15 ; the quality of the goods is. excellent. It is lined with double warp Italian ,
made up stylish , with patched pockets , and makes a splendid business suit.
The second is a large lot of sack and frock suits of-black cheviot , the most fashionable material
this season. - These are made up in fine style with worsted binding and fit elegant ; the suit is worth
over $15 , and we offer them at $8.90.
Ask" our salesmen to show you these suits.
It is astonishing what a quantity of ilannel shirts we are selling this season. The enormous sales
induced us to buy very heavy. We have recently closed out a manufacturer's entire stock and place
them on sale today at about one half their former prices ; Among the lot we offer :
70 dozen Oxford Cloth Shirts , excellent patterns , woven'colors , made up with yoke and in good
style at 50c ; a few weeks ago these shirts would be considered cheap at $1.
40 dozen silk striped French Flannel Shirts at 90c ; worth $1.75.
Never were such bargains offered in flannel shirts as we have this week.
oraska Clothing Co.
Corner Douglas and'Fourteenth Streets ,
, , JS. ,
The Doctor IB unsurpassed
Iu the luatmcnt of nil
forms of I'riuilu Diseases.
No treatment hasover bcin
mnrepiicriM < fiil anil none
IIIM hail Htrnnxcr endorse-
nicnt. A enrols guaranteed In ihucry orst cafes
infrom'Ho5 1ii\iMvilhoiitthn 1 ( IPS of anhoiir'etlme.
Those who lm\o licen
m dir Inn Irenlmcnt for
Stricture or illlllcnlly in
relieving tlio hlmlder. protiounco It a moet uoniler-
fill MICCCSS. A complete cure In a fcwiluye ullhoiit
pain. Ins'rnnientH or loss it time.
timidity or nervoucnces , In their worst forum and
moet drcailf'il ru'iilts nro ndtoliitcly cured.
Anil nil KKMALTC
nt llonio | ( , , ,
Instruments. A wonderful remedy. 1IOU11S for
ladies from 2 to 4 ONLY.
and all Dlpcnfre of the Skin ,
Illood , , Liter , Kid
neys mid iadtler ! ! cured.
Cured In 30 to tO days. Tlie
mott r-ipld , cafe nnd effect-
l\u treatment kninwi to the
medical profession. I3\cry trncoof Iho disence re-
imncd from tlio bloodncompli : to cure guaranteed.
Tor "man" oruunim" , null IGc
Treatment by eorru-
Rpnndcnco Stamp for reply.
Open from H A M. to 0 I' . M
1 Eulrancn on Parn-im or llth Ut. ,
Merrill i ( Ml
MqpnpTATlQ'N '
Opposite lloyil'a Opoia House.
To All Cases Taken During the First
Thruo Months.
TliP o eminent I'hysliMiim ' , Surgeons nnd
Ppei'lalKts are prc-ciiilnuntly almvit all utluirs
III tin' trnatinmit of all I'liionlc. Nrrvnui. Skin
anil Illooil'H , anil ilUciiM's pi'uiillar to
ttoiui'ii. No matter what your complaint ,
cou-iiilt tlii'so Klclllful hiiiKCiiiio. who ate alm >
touiri'Ctcuni.s In many i-ascs that luivu IJIMUI
iiroiumniTil Imprli'vi. All Miiulrnl illkuiisi- ? ,
tmmiih anil deformities ronnuil > with astou- ,
IsliliiK ii'hiilts. ( iiMilto-uilnary BUI wry , Kiilo-
turi1 , all dlsi-asi'B and dt'foimltlfH of i-ithor
M > \ . all Impediments to marrlnKiqiiliUly rn-
mmuil. l.oni ! imunlimrii. with'li'd
Hii'i'fss , IB thu bfht evidence of u douturu
- . in. until 11. in. Smulay W
to 13 ThousandMiioictsfiilly tii'.it.-il hy
Kmd coals
< -iiiiiN | > oiiiliiniM > . Allimillilriitliil
In htumpt to Iii-.nru iiioiupt ii-ply.
ili min I iiurtiral > rk .hoiilil 1 * by r wry
limn " > i JHTVII * ami ill > illlutiU , Ai ,
I'rof. ! ' . . lMI\VLI'.Ilriooail .Coiui.
ti fi I U * ft n
MolixtQ M th 'iff
Sn-J * . Hattp t t i
Sole Agts. for Omaha , 1514 Farnam St. N
Grand Lottery of Juarez.
Under the Management of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concessionaries.
Will taUo place in publlo at the CITY OK JUAKEX ( formerly Puso del Norto ) , lloxlotf
WEDNESDAY , JUNE 26th , 189O.
Ondor the personal suporvlsfonol GEN , JOHN S. MOSBY , and MU. OAMII.O .
the former a Rentloman of mioh promlnonco In the United St'itos that his nresmuio alone It
sufficient Kuaranteo to the publlu that the dr.iwluizs will bu hold with strlut honesty and fiilr-
ness to all , and the latter ( thu Supervisor of thu Muxloau Oovcruiaua'j is of cijual ytandlur
and Integrity.
Only 6OOOO Tickets ! Only 6O.OOO TicketsI
Wo the um1cr Unoil horchr cortlfr that the Ilnnco If anr ticket rtrawlni ! n prlto Imcnt to thounlor.
Noclonnl of Moxlco In Chihuahua hut on iloponll iluncil , 1 ! fucu vnluo will bo collcctuil anil roiuUioi
from I lie Muxlfun Internatlonul Ilunklnw Coiupnnr. to thu oirner Ihuri'ot Itoa nt chai-KU.
the necc f units to vnarnntvo the p ivincnl of nil HIKIAII II. IIIIONMOV ,
thn prltui drawn nry In Iho limnfl Mltorr of Junroz. rrcilrtont Kl l'u u Niitlunnl lUnk. ll I'aso. Tot
Wofurthercorlltr thiil we wllHup rtl onll thonr- AUBNTB WANTKIJ.
rimvunivnti , nml In periou mnimim niul control nil For tlub ratal , or unr other Informiillon , wrl | t
thuilrHWInusof this IsiUury , iiiui Hint the sixmo uro the umlorilKneil. tntlni { your iuttlro clo.irlir. wim
conilurtoil with honualjr , fttlrnuj * uuil In itood fultu Htatu , County. Htioul mul Niuubor. Moro ruplil mull
tuwftriliull imrlloi. ilellvorr will bo iunuru'1 ' by your oncloslnu an u nu
JOHN B. MOSI1V. rornmlssloncr. ova lit-arlnif your full mlilraii. . . . , , „
Bupurvlbor for the Uoveriimurit. CJIty of Juaroi , Muxlua
Send rotnlttani-CB for tickets i liy ordinary lottor. rontalnlna Uruftorl'ostal Money Ordor.
Isfciicd by all Kxpr 'sa Couiuau ! , Now Vork Kxchunue , Iluuk
Note. Advlrras all ruKlhtoied luttnm to
OILtj of Juai-oz. Moxloo , via bll Paso , Tox.