Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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    f" . m
' . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , , ! SATURDAY , JUNE 21. 1890. g
No nilTcrtlicmnntf ) xvlll tc tnkcn Tor
llicnc coltimnH nnor ! 2tO : : p. m.
i In ivdvnnoe.
Adrrrttdetnenln under thin head 10 ornt pnr
line for the llrst Insottlnti , 7cctil foreach ub-
iipniient Insertion , nnd JIX-o porllne pcrrnonth.
No ndvnrtl.'rnient * tnkcn for Icxatharc 2T > centH
forllrot Insertion. They must run consecu
tively end must lifl paid In ADVANCE. All
sdvert RcmcntB must ho liundril In b fornl2'S )
o'clock p. m , , nnd under no < lrcum tnnrp will
they ho In ken or discontinued by telophonn.
Parties advertising In these eolumiM nnd
linvlnit their anowern addressed In earo of Tnr.
I1KB will plennc nuk for a check loanable thorn
to Rot their letters , fls none will he delivered
except on presentation of check. All answers
to adrcrtlxcmcntx should ho enclosed In enve
lope * .
All advertisements In the e columns are
puldhdicd In both morning and evening edi
tions of Tun HUP , the elteiilatlon of which ag-
Krettates innrn thiin JO.COO paper * dally , and
clTex the ndvertlfers the Irenellt , not only of
thnoltr circulation of Tun HKK , but also of
Council IllnlTs. Lincoln and other cities and
ton us throughout this section of the country.
Advertising for these columns will lie taken
on tlrt1 above conditions , at the following btis-
ncns tonnes who are authorized to take special
nntlcc * , at the aamu rates as can be had at the
main oniuo ,
_ . , , . . w < lAfOHII KA N Ol f OKI' < O ri- Corner
Oof Twonty-sUth and N streets , Nebraska
Savings bank building.
JOHN W.1IELL , Pharmacist , 820 South Tenth
lUrcoU _ _
CHASE & EDDY , Stationers and Printers ,
JKI , South 10th street.
. KARNSWOKTil. PhamaoUt , 2115 ,
Cumlng street.
WJ. IIUOHE3 , PharmacUt , 024 North street.
RO W.PAKK. 1'harmaclst , 1713 Leaven-
worth Street. '
TTliaHES'PHAIlMAOY.24tli. and Parnam
_ _
WANTED Situation by u young lady In .
aiespectablo prlvntu family of two or
three , Call atll7 N 14th st. 42020 *
and pastry cook ; references given
MEAT present employer. Address HII7 lieu.
427-21 *
\\7 ANTED- Situation by a competent steno-
> graphorand bookkeeper ; three years' ex
perience ; rofeiences fuinlshed. Address H IJ3 ,
lice olllee. 401-23 *
AJITI'ATION wanted by a young man to learn
Ja trade , blacksmith Ing or home-shoeing pi o-
ferrt'il ; hum somu oxporlonuo ; will take any
l < hld of steady job. AddressC.Olson,2floi : N.SOth.
4il : 21 *
WANTED-Situation by competent lady
stenographer. Refeience If desired , state
palnry. Addiess II 2.S. Kyo office. 'flS 20 *
by experienced book-keeper and
accountant ; irlltudgu references fuinlshed.
Address II 17. Ileo. : H Si'
7r > .ii ( ) to i230.on u month can bo miulu work ,
Ing for us. Persons proton cd who can fur-
ci , M iini-.o ntui ( JIMS tnolr whole tlmo to the
. moments may bo profitably
cniployed also . A few vacancies In towns and
dtles It. F. Johnson & Co. , 10UO Main St. , Rich-
iiionil Va.
WANTED Traveling men to sell hosiery ,
gloves , etc. Addiess Ulobo Hosiery Mills ,
Detroit , Mich. 40723 *
"WANTED A barber for Saturday and Sunday -
> > day at 1001 24th at. Hi.'l-21
WANTED Atonco. good temperate barber.
Hood wages. Jamluson House , Urand In
land. Nob. 130-20 *
WANTED At once a practical baker , Gor
man pieferrcd. Call on or address Charles
I.oup City. Nob. _ 413 21
WANTED draughtsmen. .1
Hodgson , jr. , 613 Urown block , Kith and
Douglas. _ 453 23
DOOTOU u anted ; locution first-class ; .state
when and wheio Kradualed , whether dem
ocrat or lopubllcan ; glvo lefoiences. Incloso
Bin fun ; . regular only. Address H 3d. Dally
lienOlimhii. . _ 41225
" \A7"A iTEO Gorman , registered ding clerk ;
' T 110 boya. or lushois need apply. T. J.
Klcgenbaum , Hampton , Nob. 405 21 *
_ _
W reliable agent. Salary
ami commission paid. 1101 21th st , 41221 *
Wanted While 1'Mrst-olass work
man , steady work. Addioss or call on I'ar-
kor Itros. . . < larlnda , Iowa. : ifi2 < 0 *
\\7"ANTED-Scene nalnters. None but lirst
' class need apply , l''or Information ad-
< lu s R , Carleton , Itod Oak , Iowa. 212-20
wanted at Norfolk and
lloatrlcc. liood wages jiald. M. T. Milrphy.
HOY ! Grand expense-maker for canvassers
E\ cry body buyslW.II.l'rlco.DavldCity.Neb
* V\ZTAN'CED Men to travel for our Canadian
IT nurseries. Stono-fc Welling ton , Madison. Wls
AUKNTS t , > onutlitoiiw < iiiyf , ' tlmo. . ,
prollt In 4 wiMiks or no jiay. Add. , with
ktampi Jarvls & Company , Racine , Win.
\T7ANTED-1,000 , men for railroad work In
VT Wjomlng , Dakota. Utah and Nevada ;
wnuos $1.73 to i2.r > 0 ; steady work. Albright's
.Labor Agency. 1120 fariiiun st. 8I4Jy4
"lirANTED-Salojinon at $73 jior month sal-
> f ary and oAponses to .sell a line of sllver-
jdated ware , watohe.s , otc. , by sample only ;
hijrso and team furnlshod free , wrlto at once
for full pai'ttculars and sample ease of goods
free. Standard Silverware Co. , Boston , Mass.
WANTED Enorgntlo men and women for a
centeeniuslinlss naylngjftl weekly profit
easier than ftX )
Uilnll.1 * > * \nj monthly otherwise ; oxiioilonuo
unnecesiary ; permanent position and oxclu-
Blvo territory assured ; $1 samiles | fieo ; Inves-
tliratoimr inonoy-maklng business. Ad'lress
with stamp. Jloirllt ManufaBturlng do. . II Ki ,
Chicago. 111. ; KSJIyKI *
\\T ANTED A good glil for general Imusc-
woik.'iy > llarnoy. : W'j2i .
i n 11u irw.v jiuiivs a salary of $7o per we"ok
J to woilv fo ino lii thelrloeallty athome.llght
voiK , good iinv fur part tlmo. Write with
Btamp , Mrs. H. K. raiilngton , bov 703 Chicago.
" \ArANTED An energetic lady , teacher pio-
' - feired * to tra\ol not th and west ; salary
tfO per month ; no canvassing. Call room 20 ,
Chamber of Commerce. 483-21 *
"WANTED A girl for-general housework ,
> i'10.1 Webster st. Mrs. 11. W. Ciomer.
" \\rANTr.D- Oooil eook and laundress for
M small family. 122 S. 17th st. ' JM4
i.I OITSEKEWER-A coloiod widow'lady for
.1 I cook and hoiisokeopor with son from eight
to fifteen yours old.soml loforencos and wages.
A lid , i Os * H Mjlc.o , 411
\ \ ANTKD-A girl at N. 2uut ; , ,
good wages. 40(1 21
"V\TANTED Four energetic lady agents. Ail-
dtessorcall at 310 llarkor st. , Orehanl
413 21 *
_ _ _
Itl Ht good wages for family of two.
aloiH-u. 402 = 1 llamHton st. 4ZI 21 *
" \\T ANTED A middle-aped woman to assist
In thocaroof twochridreii. Apply at4ll
NUil st. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4.17 SH *
\\7"-ANTED-Woiian to cook fora company
M tru\ellng In n special car. One with llt
tlo girl preferred , Mrs , lliosa , 3111J S. isth.
4M-2U *
\\rANTKn-rDressmakers , also ono appren-
> > lice girl , at Miss Sllnnlok's , llLuaven -
> vOTthst. 40920 *
ANTHD.-Girl forhouso work,713 NTildsU
j. 1 20 *
" \\'ANTED Ulrl to learn dressmaking , Mrs ,
' ! H. U. Moses , 233S I'uruam. A Bystem f ur-
ilUhcd , UW 20 *
\VANTEU-A competent girl for general
* liomowork ! g ( oil Wages , Apply toMrs , A ,
1 * . Uoultlli ! * . 181H Capitol uvo. 417 31'
\\rANTEU-Walst , und Bklrt-makers. 1310
Douglas at.
\\TANTE1) A nurse girl. Apply at 510 So
\Vaitu st. . - sea 20
\\7ANTEU-Olrl that understands all kind
f T 6f work In boarding house , ono that iin-
dorataiKls English , Gorman or Swcdo pre
ferred ; Kl per week ! permanent position If
satisfactory. K. M. Ollineer , Eurllug. la.
aa 30 *
\\rANTED-A Blrl for general housework ,
> > 2tli3 Leuvcnworth street at Spot man i
f toner f Btoro. 371 20'
' \\TANTHD A good girl to do cooking and
J * Ki-nornl housework In family of two. Mrs ,
Ilniiewell. 411 North Kith sU. up stair * . ftM
work , Doran liouso , 423 818th at. , I block
outli of oourt ) ioii e. MI
\X rANTKlJ-airl [ for general hoti o ork , two
Tl ' 1113 H.lutU U 10
\yANTKO-A good second ulrl. Mrs. M.T.
T ' Patrick. ii. w. oor. 2tlli unil LtkP. 105
\\rANTKD-Ut nnd art Girl * In prlvato faintly -
> ly : best of wages paid. Rltf lutltst. . cor ;
tier 01 Loavoitworth at Mrs. J. L. Ilrandols.
. _ _ 177
" \\rANTKl > T nroe experienced uinuw room
tlrls at the HarUer hotel. : H
MIIS. ] ( . ( ' . Sansonio. nil 8. ir.lli. fashionable
drc.s.stmtklng. Halley .syMom taimht.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
ENOAOEM ENT9 to rte nrpt making In fami
lies solicited. Mlss Sturdy , ft S. 2" > th HVO.
JIM.W21 *
fi iNT 7iTuus'ios.
JMVilklnxon , CIS PAX ton hlk. OH
* T ROOM"IKIUSO wltn all modern convenience s
rent W ) per month ; furniture that cost JI.200
for MM. Co-uporatlvo Land und Lot Co. . 203
N.lMhf > t. 4U 33
'iron REV ! ' Residences In all parts of elty.
' List too large to publish , ulobo Loan &
Triut cumi puny. : i07 3 * 10th t. . ii'l
off KENT--At moderate rent , the three-
ntory and tenement brick building situated
at No. fill ) Douglas street , suitable for manu
facturing , wholesale or warehouse purposes ,
H lee ono store nnd basement No , 107 S. l.lth st.
Apply toChus. Kalifniann , 1302 Douglas t.
FOR RENT At.ont Juno I , those elegant
stone residences on ( leorgla ave. , S. aitli st.
bet. Mason and Paclflo sts.eo owner for long
time leastH. . II. Henderson , room 400 , 1'ax-
lonblk. f'74
KKNT rurnlshed for the summer , a
FOR house , all Improvements. 1 block
from motor. Call or address R. C. McCluic ,
KU I'arUave. JIH
171OR RENT 2 flno pressed bilek houses , cast
J. fionls on flcorgla ave. . Just north of t.eav-
enworlh lit , Ii rooms , bath , furnace , sewer con
nections , all conveniences ; will rent to re
sponsible "parties for } 30. M. A.'Upton Co. ,
1Mb and I'arnam. 40
KENT liouso , 10 rooms , all modern
- Improvements ; largo yard , $ J3 per month.
Commission to agents. Dexter L. Thomas.
( Vi7
IK YO1' wish to rent a house or store see H.
E. Cole , Continental block. iW'
FOR RENT Twrtof thfi finest residence Hats
on South 10th street , with all modern con- nnd cold water , close to llrown-
ell hall. First class surroundings. Apply to
C-hus. Kaiifiiiaiiii. 1303 Douglas st ftu
rTTlOR RENT Nine room furnished house , all
ULJ conveniences. Price low to party with
fcood references' will retain ono room at a fair
rental If party wishes , 114 S. 23th si. or 1313
Doilglasst. aSO-23
ITIOR KENT Ooocl 10 room house , sewer ,
J-1 water , gas , bath , barn , furnace. In elegant
shape , cheap. D. V. Sholcs Co. , 213 Plrst Nat'l
banlt. 381
TT1OR KENT 12-room brick house , with all
JL ? modern Improvements. 113 S. 20th st. Cheap.
Also a nice 1-ioom cottage On N.17th st. .ludgo
Anderson. 341
FOR RENT Klat 7 looms , range , awnings ,
screens , all other conveniences , $ . ' 12 ; gentie-
man loomois now Hi Hat-would ltlo to arrange
to remain. Ueorgo Clouser , store 701 S. Kith st.
/1OOD boardlns hoit'te ' for rent veiy cheap In
VJ South Oinuba. luqulru OOfi South inth st. Q
' . 400 go *
_ _
THOU UKNT 10- room hHcU reideneeall mod-
-13 orn impidvemouta. Apply 71W a. ISth st.
Mi4) ) 0
FOHHKNT Itouso on'JIst and Davenport
st , opposite lil h school iriiiuiiils. Iiuiulro
of llowaid 11. smith , loom OU ! N.V. Life Ins. big.
4IU 31
T71OU HKNT Dwelling. 0 moms , stable , and
Jt ? nil reiiilremcnts | for a llrst-elass homes
south front ; i'lOS L'apltol avenue ; reiltal vury
low. Innulro at 1001 l > 'arnam St. KIO
T71OK HENT-Klat 7 looms ! d lloor 7KI ri 10th
P St. , ranue , awnings , screen , mantel and all
other conveniences fir > Including water. (3eo.
Ulouser , store 701 S Idth Ht. _ . *
- Hat with steam heat. Ifith st. near
Jones. Thomaa F. Hall , . ' 111 1'axton block.
_ MB _
T71OH KENT ID-room brick house , with inod-
Jern conveniences , No. Sll S. JOlh st. Apply
lit No. S 7 y. ailh st. 675
FOI ! KENT 7-room house with h.irn ; nom
inal rent to good party. C. V. UaiiUon , Oil
N. Y. 1.1 fo. 111
T710H KK'NT 10 room house , 2107 Douglas.
-13 Inquire 2111 Douglas. 81U.
FINH lesldonee , modern improvements , 240(1 (
St. Jlary's avo. . WS per month. Inqulte at
premises or at A. Holler's. Ill ) Karnam. 150
TT1IN E 7-room dwelling with yard , $2T .
-3 Also , 8-room dwelling with yard , $ JO.
0 and 10-room dwellings , tin to $ C' ) .
Smcalon & Allen , lJM'/t ( Faniain st.
152 .ly 12
RES1 DENOES SSth and Ilarney. For prices
see 1'aiil. IIWO rarnam. li-)0 : )
POK KKNT About June 7 , 8-ioom houso.'Cld
an 1 Cumin' , ' sts. t.L" > per month. C. 1' ,
Harrison. Oil N. Y. I.Ifo 4SO
POK KKNT Very nleo7-room houses ; siiectnl
teims made. Apply to Fletcher 'i oung ,
AmblerJMace. _ _ _ 2U ! _ _
T7IOK U15NT B loom house , eood repair , men
JL' yard , cistern water , icntf Apply to 1401) )
b'outh 7th live , or-to Jno. W. Hell , ( Irugg'Ist. 10th
rilO gentlemen , nicely furnished southeast
JL front room with alcovc and bay window ull
modern conveniences , board If dcslied , near
Park avo. motor , i > 23 ( Jcorgla avo. ( S. 2 ! > fh si. )
4113 23 *
T71OR RUNT 4 rooms , paitly fuinlshed or
- - iinfurtilHhed , all modern conveniences , 1107
N. lUth .st. 138 22 *
\TICK fui'iiltiuo for sale cheap , I'M S. 21th st.
I > 430 20 *
plORRENT--Allnow and tastily fnrndshed
rpo linNT L'nrnlhhiNl itioiuK , with modern
JL Improvements , snltabln for Kontlemen or
1 adlOh.oii ear IIne. ApplySHU Hurt. '
IJUlTof fuinlshed rooms ; hoiisoKceplng. 1st
Jlloor , 2020 tft. Mury's nvo. IM1-22 *
norrnENT T'iirnlshod
or nnfurnlshod
rooms at 1310 Lonvonwort h. 3UI 21 *
| j OR RENT Choice ronms with hoaitl In
JL private fiimllynlcelyslluatcd,2ir0'llarnoy. !
' , ' , ! .7 22 *
/111 N. 10 St.-Rooms w Ith board at Mr.s.Cmirch
t Ill's , - . 27.1-21 *
rpWO nl < o looms wlth ns and bath $7 and $10
JLtcr \ inoitlli. It-'l ij. liilli st. 231-20 *
KST and eoolest rooms In the city , new
-L > ly furnlihed , all modern conveniences , at
2214 Fiirnnio. Hoard If deslied.
TJOOMS for housekeeping , in 6. 17th.
V yjop *
_ _
PLKASANT furnished room with board ,
private f.imlly , good location , J13 Douclas.
.sS 20 *
_ _
FOIl IlENT furnished roonis,131l Da venpoit
iKl-20 *
3 ROOMS for housekeeping to.lian and wife ;
no chlldioii ; rent taken tn board. . ' 110 N. 17th.
, _ . . _ lUH " . ! '
R0051S , wltliljoard If deslted , 1C03 Cap. avo.
. KB 27
_ _
COOL , pleasant' room aillVJ N. 15th , Hat "J , "
with llc.t-ciass board , for gentleman.
J17.VJ 23'
" 71011 RKNT I'loasant furnished room with
-1 ; all conveniences. 212 S. > th bt , bS.
TT1OR RBNXr-Two furnished front iiioms ,
X' modern Improvements , 008 N. 17th st
- USU 20 *
_ _
POH KENT Two furnlslirtl front rooms.
with bay-wlndQw , modern convenience ! ) , ilu
nndf4 ] H < r month , with or without board. 2213
Lcavenworth st. _ b3 !
"ITIOll RKNT-rurubhed rooms. 1721 Capitol av
_ _ _
OOMSJ7nml10j810S. 23 , < 273-20'
P4tlyNT'7s'lcollr : : futnUlicd looms. July I.
JL' 1723 unpltnl ftvp. _ 2s3-21
TflOIl KHNT-New furnished rooms In New
J-'lerrace , with or without board , at roason-
ublo rates. " 128 Hurney at. ; kX )
TpOR RENT rurntslicd rooiua. 1 DouglaZ
TTIOR RENT Nicely furnished room , all
JL1 modern conveniences , 3 block * from i' . o. ,
618 b 17th at. _ 577
T7IOR HENT A largo nnd nicely furnished
-I. room fronting on Capitol avenue , east of
the hlRh school. I'rtvato family. Suitable for
two or three gontlemco. Address U , M , Hoe.
. . _ IXti-
FOR RENT Viirnlsheil rooms ; gas , batli and
gleam j 1510 Howard. 57S
S1 T.OLAIU European hotel , corner HtU and
Ikxlgo , Special rates by week or month , & 7t )
T7\OR \ RENT A larjo front KKUII. furnUhod ,
-L In onn of the Illicit residences lu the city ,
724 H. lOUi nU , coruur Loavuawurlu , bU
rp\VO m three newly papered , unfurnished
JL rooms , city water , bath and sewer , on c blO
line , clump. 1123 No. 20th st 311-30 *
"VTEW building , handsomely finished More *
J- > and Hats ; alt modern Imurovcnients ; steam
heat In season ; cor. Leavenworth nnd I'.ith sU ,
Imiuliu Kclkcnny ft llray. Continental blk ,
. . . RENT Ground floor ofllce. best loca-
toln In the city for coal or Ice. 303S 13th st.
oftlee at small flgutcH on ground lloor ,
iivd's opersi house. Ituiulru of Amerl-
can I'liel Co. . 213 S. l.Mli si. 1M
T71OR RENT I unfurnished rooms to family
J- without children ; miMlern Improvements
1701 Webster st. Price 113. fi0
_ _
F01 I RENT-3unfurnlshe'l rooms,3 * N. Wth
basement 24th aiid LeaNennorth
GUKMOK ; place for barber shop. $5 per
month. lil-25 (
T/1OK KKNT-Corncr store. 701 H , inth r. , fiO |
JL1 bust ston1 and location on street at the
price , tleorge Cloiiser , 701 Houth 10th st.
45T > 20 *
_ _
Oil KENT-Small store room. 15. South
Tenth. Tour doors from depot. Suitable
for fruit orelgar store. Apply ticket olllce ,
{ 07 Sou I II 101 h. 820.
STORKS at 701 , H Kith , 22xM ( cacli. largo
ihow windows , steam heat furnished. Thos
K. Hall , ail I'iUton block. _ Ml
"fjlOK HKNT Tin' 4-story bilck liulldlng. with
J-1 or without power , formerly occupied by the
Ree Publishing Co. , 810 Farnam st. The buildIng -
Ing has a HiepiiMif cemert basement , complete
.steam heating IIMurus water on all the lloois ,
gas , etc. Apply at the olllce of The llee. 1115.
IT * J r."llYE\etaUgent,20iN. ( Y. Life.
Jt | . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 790
icntal agency , 517 Paxton bhwk
HC. COLE , rental agent , Continental blk.
W1I. DAY , plumbing and gas flttlng , 202H
Eiirnam , formerly of thellussoy & Day
Co. ; hasopcnod a plumbing , steam and gas
titling establishment where. hc Is now ready
to inaKo estimates and do all kinds of jobbing
at reasonable prices. Glvo him u call. Telephone -
phone 15SO. 271-21 *
TTsTORMATION wanted of Fred Dnsher ,
Jl more commonly known as .loo Dasher. When
last hoard from , two years ago , ho was In Kan
sas City , Mo. ; Jsl8 ! years old medium height
and weight and light complexion. Any Information
mation as to his whoreal > outs will bo gladly
iccolved by hlsmotner , Mrs. Dora llcrmastcr ,
UriiUon. Nob. 371-21 *
" \TOTICE--rraudiiIent parties are trying to
J- > collect for the Omaha delivery of too Chicago
cage papers. No bills or receipts for any of
the Chicago or St. Louis papers uro gcnulno
unless stamped by V , R. Nugent , agent.
JUKl-gO *
M AD STONE I have a genuine mad stono.
" L. Henbow , 12.12 no. 2Us t
for a'TTrTIrhtTTfTe { 7riT"of
Mrs , llrega.314'/ . 13th. 4'il--0 *
WANTED To learn of an opening for a
icgiilar and experienced physician. Ad-
diess 1127 , Ileo olllee. 370 20 *
\\rANTED-Agood homo for llttlo 10-year-
' old American girl , In family nhcio theio
aio no other ehlldion , If possible ; icforence.s
exchanged. Address- 20 , Ileo olllce. IHiS 2U *
\\rANTED Houses or stores , clear of In-
ciimhrance. In other Nebraska or Iowa
towns for Incumbeied Omaha real estate.
Stringer & Penny , Douglas block , 10th and
Dodge. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2lll _
Rood commoiclal paner. No-
uiaska Mortgage Loan Co. , 01 ! ) Pax ton blk.
IjlUKNlTUKE , household goods.etc. Illghest
J ? ca > h price. UI7S Kith. _ : i7i :
TTMlu ELLAS repalied ; expert locksmith
U Key lilting atllollln'bgun shop ,110 N. liltli.
_ 41ilJylO
"IDAItASOLS , uiulirolla.s and wagon umbiel-
JL las covered and repaired. Walking canes
rcpaiied. I ) . Italor , 1515 Douglas ; basement.
OUSE 11ENNETT , from ClilcjigoUief
IMOUS masseur and magnetic manipulator.
Parloih. illll N. . Kith ht. 2U2-24 *
MASSAtiE and magnetic treatment , 111 ! ) Pa-
cilic. half block from motor lino. 5122 ( *
KEMOVAIy-Mis. Dr. Dayhus lilted up elo-
. gant bath rooms. No. I4IW Dodge st. , the
ground lloor , and Is now piepared to give Hot
Spilngs Imths.wllh electricity. All huH'erlng
fiom rheumatlsiii , la giippe , paralysis or
( hopsy will doj ell to caU upon her. 24SJyii ;
MASSAOE tieatmentelectro ,
Icated luiths.scalp & halrtreatment.manl-
euio fi chiropodist. Mrs. E. .M. Post,4itS. : I'.ltli.
hlt'i Jy 5 *
MISS V. FOUSTEK , midwife and M. D. for
chlldien and female diseases , ItlllSaiinders
hi. . In second a lory. gOI-J-31 *
A RE you going to take a vacation or a trln.
If to don't go until yon buy ono of lleyn'st
amateur photo outllts. 20 styles to select fiom.
1414 Dodge bt. ' U
EN. CLIN(5MAN ( , exclusive pension uttor-
noy , R 1' ' ) C.V21.1'ren/or block , Omaha ; also
Cincinnati & Washington. Stump for circular.
, M7
rriRACICAGE storage at lowest rates , W. M.
, nil Loavonworlh. MW
0 OLD storage. David Cole , 813-817 Ilowunl.
SiTOKAGE llrunch & Co. , 12lt Howard.
PI KNITMCK storage , separate voinnait-
inents , SI3-H17 Howard. 237
Ci : storage , D.ivld Cole ,
Howard. i.-J7
I OST On last Saturday , pug dog : had red
JLJrlbbon around neck. Return to 1137 S , 31st
iimUie liberally i-owaided. 41120
LOti'l' Pooketbook on Lowe avo. between
rarnam and Hamilton. Kinder unviirdcd
IllJIiVIM'ap , UVO. _ 130
'f"O .ST On Wednesdiiy e > cuing. June' is. on
' Dodge between lltli and 25th streets , u
lady's wuteh with dull jet fob.b'lmlcr jileaso
loa\esanle at 1522 Howard stieot. 402-21 *
TOST 1 bay mate with white hind feet , star
J In forehead and foiotop clippedIs newly
shod and weighs 8.x ) pounds ; the tinder will bo
lowaided 1 > 3' returning sumo to30th and Oak
sts. . Summit add. 401-22 *
TOST Small gold wateh , Elgin movement.
-J diamond In ease , number U,3bO. Rewind If
returned to Illll N. 271 h st. 401 22'
TOST--An envelope has been lost or mislaid
Jcontnlnlng six eeitltlcates covering > r > 00
shares of the slock of the Omaha Standard
Oil company of Wyoming ; also ono coilillcato
of the stock of the Urand Canon Placer ( Jold
Mining company. Any ono llndlng same and
icturiilng It to 300 South 13th st.ibasemen
1'lrat National bank building ) , wll bo ro
warded. 421-20 *
J OUM ) .
rpAIvfiS U r'-ritKiit MM ! eovv about ( I yeirrs
-i-old. Owner please eall and settle damage
and gut cow. J. M. Uennott , 1021 B. Kith st.
lii 20 *
IS PAN work mules , waKen and hariuss to
sell at auction at tbo Omaha Auction and
Storaeo L'o.'a 1111 rarnam tit. , Saturday 10
Ojtloek a ni. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4211 20 *
FOR SALE or trade ( iood family hone and
phaeton. Address. H 'tl , Ileo. 420 I'l *
FOKSALB A ; oed blaok horse , wollbioUun
to the city. 122 S. 17th st. 'Mi
"TT1OH SALE A full pTatlorm xprlni ; , leather
JL1 topt'arrltiKO.nliiuwt now , and ono ColumbiiM
maUu bucKyj aUoono set double harness for
8.H. _ _ Aj > lily _ at 2215VelHter st. _ 108
HOHSKSWOandup , if. K. Colo.
_ _ 120
"IjlU'TKHN span work mule.s. lonu time at 7
J- per cent interest. Selby U lloanl Trade.
1DAHT1KS looklnct for flno driving or Middle
A horses , would do well to call on , or rorros-
jKiil with T. J. rienilim , manager W. 11. Mll-
Inrd's farm , Calhoun , Neb. Ho lias for s-tlo
some ni-Ht-cliiHihliiKlo drivers , currliiRo team * ,
and saddle horses , at reasonable prlcm. ( Oi
FOR SALK- Kino family carrlaco horse
sound and gentle. Innulro Sli N , liith xt ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
TLTOHSKS LlKtit drivers , bargain. The late
* -llro has muilollicmcheiip. U , U. Cole.Cou-
tluuutal block. Kid
< i\
. . eottagoof six or seven rooms healr or on
the ear linos. Will brr-pormanont. Address
ttai llee. 77U
\\rANTED-To reiit'ii to 3 unfurnished
> V rooms for liflttsQbiitpliiR , small family ,
near business center. Adutoss ( J li , llee olllce
IWANTmoroliou < W } | ) rent ; moro demand
than houses. Parrotte Rental agency.
. - mo-im
KOU 8AMi1u Nrriiui m-c.
POIl SALE-runilAW , cariH < ts and bouse-
bold ssixxls of alKkltuU evc-ry Tuesday ,
Thursday and Satutday mornliiRat 1111 1'ar-
num st. Cash paid foriirtods. Omaha Auetlon
and Storage Co. Henry Crelghton , auctioneer.
Toil HA I ilai I HC KI i l"iA NKO US.
( TpffiK fiimiiiis YVarri'nslninj'wliito ami filiio
.1 sand stone will Htand In any climate. Is lire
nnd frost nt-oof and Is suitable fur all purposes
where stone Is preferable to other material. I
am prepared to furnish this stone on short not -
t leu In any quantity , rough , sawed or dressed
ready for use. Tor fuither Information ad
dress Jaeobl'IckoliurreiHburg ( yuarrlosi.Mo.
_ , _ ICT , | ys _
T7IOH SALlV-Partels looking for a business
-L1 Dpcnlntf run hear of a No. 1 commerelal
Job printing plant In Omaha , now In operation
hy iiKiurlni ; of t-ei ) . A. Mainay , IIHIIII HI" ,
Oniahu National Hank building. ati-'J.
FOIt SALK Cheap , a beautiful fawn colored
greyhound. Kn < iulroJI S. 10th sU , corner
of Leavpiiworth. " 814
ITlol HA Lr.--Clieap , Hutehcr boiler ind
JL1 ] iress , ; ill ) S. llth st. 4:0 : 23
_ _
IW-lii. Victor bleyclo : 1 Pstey 2 manual pedal
orKan , II. H. Allen , olllee Chicago Lum. Co.
4ia 2.- > *
_ _
SALE 1 ( ) piano bo\es , prlco $2. A.
rOK . l.ii : DoujTlas. _ bflii a 4
OO I ) sod u fountain , In running order , for
G les- , than half costO. . 1'e.terson , OH tf. l.'lth.
_ . ' 8H-J2I
rpOK SALE , cneap SO-hoi-,6 ( Kiwer steo
JL Ixiller , good as notv , with llttlngH complete ;
heater , miid-driini , plungu pumps , anil No. U
Knowles ; will sell for unc-half oilglnal cojj
Jeiny. Itedford. _ Ml
SALE Some gcxxl watches and diamonds
FOR cheap. H. V. Masters , room 4 , \ \ Ith-
nell block. 5i
buying a piano examine tno now
scale Klmuall piano. A. Hospe,1513 Douglas
EO. K.OELLENIlEOK.Ieaeherof the banjo ,
G with Hospc , 1513 Douglas. 2I'J ' _
: J. PATJU NXM I'arnamst. Money to
GEO on farms and city pie | > "rty. 805
"I OANti ( Jlty and farm lo.ins , mortgage pa-
J-Jpcr bought. McCague Investment Co. 002
MONKV loaned at lowest rates , long tlmo on
Improved Omaha real estate , no "extras , "
no delay , Ulobo Loan & Trust Co. , 307 H Kith.
UII7D1M1 loans,0 to 7 per cent ; no addi
B tional charges forcommlsslon or attorney's
fees. W. 11. Melkle. First Nat'l bank bldg.Ifll
M ONKV : uSOor ( Wdayson fiirniture.planos ,
horses , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson , Olfl
/CHATTEL loans ut , lowest rates ; business
confidential Dili PnsjjSn blk. J. 11. Emlngor.
/1OJIMERCIAL andjMiicral short time paper |
'bought ' ; also regular ; live-year loans made
on Improved properly. Ueo. F. Itlust fi. Co. ,
20J i Itaingo l _ blilg. n Bio
SECOND mortgage limns. Second mortgages
bought. Loans on. racant lots. Reed &
Selby , roomljl. Ili d Ti ade. C07
Hank. 3ll , jx t..fh st. will loan you
CHATTEL chattels' : ) ! bank rates. Call II ! )
real estafuloans made by W. M.
Harris , room 20 , Kion/or block , opp. P. O.
' ! i ° JL _
Mortgrt C Co. Loans otto
KEVhTONE ; bofoio borrowing and
save money ; loan on horses , fiiinlturo or any
approved security without imbllcity ; notes
bought for new loam tt'nowul of old and low
est rates , call R 203 , SJieoly blk , 15th and
Howard st.s. " C03
Flits'1 mortungo IcAilis at low rates and no
delay. D. V. tih olos Co , , 211) ) 1st Natlrbank. .
OPER OKNT icsldoiicc loans , $1,000 to 110,000.
liulldlng loans at f.pecl l rates. The Mead
Investment Co. , Boo building. 603 _
MONEVtoIoan on horses , wagons , mines ,
household goods , pianos , organs.dlamonds ,
at lowest rates. The first organl/ed loan of-
lice In the city. Make loans from 'M to 3 < i5 day.s ,
which can bo paid In part or whole at any
time , thus lowering the principal and Inteiost.
Call and see us when you want money. Wo can
assist you piomptly and to your advantage
without tomoval of property or publicity.
Money always on hand. No delay In making
loans , u. K.lteod & Co. , 319 S. Kith &t. : over
lllii'-'ham & Sons. _ | V)7 ) _
Money oiTlmnd , low rates. Uniaha
roANS Estate & Trust Co. , 220 8. 17th St. , Duo
buUdlng. _ 1 )5 )
MONEY to loan on any security
for short tfmo at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal properly ,
The Henderson Moitgagy Investment Com-
_ _ liany * , " room _ m. Paxtini blook. _ COM
W AM'"ED First class Inside loans. I4owcst
lates. On 1 1 and see us. Mutual Invost-
mentCo. . 1511 I'amaii' . _ ( iQO
BEFOKE negotiating a loan to Improve
your real estate got terms fiom
The Odoll Investment Co. . : iill N. V. LIfo hldg. ,
_ Thos , H. Hoyd. nMiieseiMjitJvo. _ ( ilO
CHEAP Mort-jago and Trust Co. ,
always lo.uly to loan anil pay promptly ; first
moi tgages wanted ( ieorgo \ \ . P. Co.U s. reiiro-
hentatlvo.j ) Oiii 7 , HoardTrado. _ _ fill _
"ASTEKN nionoy to loan on city property ;
E mortftngo paper uou hl. II. U. Iroy.N.YJ.Ifo
'ONEY to loan on long or short tlmo ;
county warrants lx > ught. Star Land St.
Loan Co. . ICOOiS Farnam SI. _ ti2l ! J 2S
lime loans 'on vacant lots. Selby X
SHOUT _ ii. : board of trade. _ 5S5
EY to loan in any amount fiom 410 to
.OW for any time fiom one to six months.
Loans made on household goods , pianos ,
Horses , mules , wagons , houses , luases , etc. , In
fact on any available security In any amount
at the lowest possible rates without removal
of proper ! r.
Payments can be made at any tlmo reducing
botli principal and Interest. You pay Interest
only for the tlmo you Use the money. If you
owe a balance on your pioperty 1 will take It
up aim carry It for you.
Money always on haild. No delay. No pub
licity. No icmoval. Lowest rates.
11. Masters ,
Iloom 4 Wlthncll block , 15th and llarnoy Sts.
( T PElfcont money to loan on loal estate se-
' ) curlty. Loans can bo paid off In Install
ments. Jno. W. Kophllis , 20"N. Y. LIfo bldg.
" llATTET , loansTuTli ) Co tTiientaFuk. . ISA
Douglas ; business contldentlal. M.J. Hallo
SI 10 UT 1 1 AXtTAy JlT T V I ' 10 W 1 1 IT FxiO.
\\rANTED Edueaie/i young ladlesaml genT -
' T tlomentto leal n .shortliand and typewrit
ing ; good salaries ; stullonts assisted 10 IKHl-
tlons. Stanilanl bhoi'Hrtnd Iliislness Collego.
1 > rankJ Hell , liistruiifaa- . ( HI
QECON1) liAND 1'ffleferiiphs , Hammond and
ViKemlngtons , John If. C'U'nes Co. Letter
Files and ofllco Npcclattlrs , Itamge bldg. MO
IpnOK , I , oreo. the n > uownod pnronologiat ,
JL medium and palmut.who has been publicly
tested and challenges ( lib woild In revealing
inysteilcs , disperses1' 'Jealousy , ovll Inllu-
eneos , gives full na'pHJs of present or future
husband or wife. ulsd./tnlU your faults and
qualities , tradu buribiuss or profession to
make a success. & 2 Ni th lOtli up stairs C-ou-
sultatlon il. Satlsfav ji given orjio pay.
_ "OI-J-21
MHS. DlTTEDDYhasmturnod. Thoionowned
clalrvovant Is | , ) i % seventh daughter of
the seventh daughter , born with veil and great
prophetic gift of .seeouaslgiit. While entr.inccd
will reveal to her patronwvory hidden mvMory
In life. Has long beenMiliimiunccd In Europe
and America the gioatOit living wonder of tlio
pn'scnt age. rnilerstands the hulencc of the
"Perblan and Hindoo magic. " or ancient
charm working , and prcpaic- > Egyptian talis
mans which will overcome your enemies ,
removes family troubles , restores lost
atroutlons , makes marriage with the ono
you lot u no failure , itcmovos evil lu
ll nonces , bad habits , cures wltuhery ,
Ills , and all long standing and mysterious
diseases. Fee * I. ti mid * - " > ; hours 0 a. m. to H p.
m. , strict. Send stamp for lllubtraUMl circular.
Parlors X'l North 15th ht. Always at homo.
220 2 < )
_ _ _
MADAM DEL/.1EK. Is ackowN
edged by ull competitors the queen of
massage and magnetism. Parlors over 010 S ,
IJUi. Hours | ) to Bi Sundays 10 to 3 strict.
_ UVJly7 ) *
f\K. NANNIE V , WAUHEN. clairvoyant
L/modlcal and Imslnesx medium. Fomalcdli-
euscH u specialty. 119 N. lUth St. , rooms 2 and U.
_ iiAxois. ;
_ _
IfUJ It A L1C I'Irst-cliss halooiiTn go7)d"towti
' In New Mexico , dolug good business ; 7 f nr-
nlsbed riMims In eonnuctlon , about pay rent.
Address 11 it Outiiha Ileo , am i i *
T710U PALE HanlwartJ store , wilt Involco
J-J aluiut 17,001) ) ; must . ell fort hare other biiiv-
Iness Innttnnil to. Trades nut wantod. In-
qulroat E. PauKen , ( BI N. liUhst. 43023
HTTKTnif riitTTu > iiTsTie < l. iiear cTTvTS
N , depot , a division point ; * oft .snap for
right party. Add , Mont Mann , 1 alrbury , Neb.
4 0 9i
TyjEWSPAPKU. dally and weekly , "with Job
J-i olllce. for sale , profits for tnonth of May
$5uO , fl.SOO buys It , part cash. Address H 251teo.
DHl'O store , widow lady wlslirn to ellut
once her late hiiHhand s half Interest In
l paying drug business. Invoicing about
* 7W)0 ) , In Lander , Wvo. . as she wlslies to go
east. Address Mrs. J.V. . Sullivan , Lander. Wyo.
"I710U HALK A stcwk of drugs , store llxtures
JL' and n line * Kvla fountain , UK'ated In it pros
perous county seat In Nobiaska. Everything
hot the best. The town Is a U. H. division
station and the It. K. shops are located thero.
For full particulars call or address H. 11. Hen
derson , room 100 , Puxton blouk , Omaha , Neb ,
jru > .MMlSiON ! business for sale , llxt u res"
Vyiiorso and wagon , will Invoice to suit pur
chaser $ .150 to * 500. First-class location. Add -
d re vs 0 ; a > Itec. _ Sll
IjlOIC MA Mi cheap A good tlrst ela s2. room
-L1 hotel well furnished , the only hotel In town
a good chance for the right man. JacobThiim ,
Coleridge. Neb. U75 2 > *
-7\OU \ yAL1'Or Kent A small hotel In a
- * - ' gooil railroad town , doing a good business ;
wltUensl > the building anil sell the furniture.
etc. , at reasonable price ; everything now ; good
reason for selling. Address 11 22 , Ileo olllco.
VU ) 21 *
_ _
IJIOHTALE Drug stock ; an old established
JL1 and well located ; will Involco $1,000 toW.rtW ;
part cash , balance on time or Omaha olty prop
erty. The Mead Investment Co. , Ileo building.
OTEL for sale or rent. Two-story brick ;
Is one of the best hotels , doing anexeollent
good business , on ono of the best corners In the
cltyt Addtess Commercial Hotel , llrokeu
How. Nob. _ : i7 24 _
F OH KENT or sale A lirst class creamery in
good agricultural district. Plenty of cream
can bo had , AddicssJ , P , Henshaw , Sterling ,
Neb. _ _ 1' _
iTum &ALK Very cheap , thoeiitlrostoekand
JJ tlxtliresof the Omaha chemical works at
Illfl H. lllh st. ; a good chance for the right par
ty. For particulars call on SiorlU Meyer , cor.
Kith and Faniani. agent for ci editors. 4H : 22
"TT1OK dALll'Irotclass steam laundry plant ,
JL best location In Otuaha.or will sell H inter
est to valuable man capable of managing
same. Address H 3 llee. 4tl : at *
OK SALE-T'hyslcIan desires to soil h la
residence property and practice worth
from $2,500 , to $3,000 per year. In u growing
town In Nebraska , good cnanco for a doctor.
Address , M. L. Kocdor & llro. . 403 Paxton
block. Opiahn. _ rr > n 24
& \.L E Ono of the oldest cstabllsliod
grocery businesses in the city ; good trade ,
good location and .splendid chance for live
maii. Add rcss 11 IK , lice olllce. 31W21 *
FOH SAIl > -Olgar , confeetlonarv anil.'frult
stand , with five rooms , 2W South 12th st.
_ 231-2J *
tfALEUraln. . coal and lumber yatds.
Address , I' . J. Hale , llattlo Crock. Nob.
110:1 : 21) ) * _
_ _
IilOU SALE Flno established cigar and news
business. Host location In the city. Address -
dress bnx O. r > s2 poslolllce. _ HO
' '
. . . im mill , clear ;
stoio building on N 2llh st , confectionery
Stock of general merchandise of KliOO ! to ap
ply on good lesldeneo piupr > rly.
13 room sets of furniture for f ISO cash. If
yon want to keep loomeis this Is a simp.
1'or sale , ono large range suitable for noaril
ing house or chen house , for onethirdaluo. .
Evans , loom 033. N. V. LIfo. 447-2J *
\ \ ; HAT have you for 45 quarters of land
> i houses and lots , also mortgages ? May
assume. W. J. Paul. HJO'J I'arnam. 173-.10
171OK EXr-HANGE-Cloar land In Iowa and
JU Nebraska to exchange for Omaha or South
Omaha vacant lots ; will assume small encum
brance. M. S. Sturgeon , Room 13. Hoard of
Trade. 1J
Jr WANT a stock of merchandise for land
JUiud cash. Gco. 11. llowtlng , Stuart. Nob.
40323 *
In Lincoln. Neb. , for stock merchandlso
LOT Win , Roweidlnk , Hlclvimin , Nch.
rpo TRADE Clear property and Hi lid teL
L trade fo. ' stock of general merchandise and
groceries. Address , llox 131 , Thurmun , Iowa.
373 21 '
" 171A KM dml city property for sale or ox-
JL'change for any kind of merchandlso or
ehattols.horscs and cattle ; would particularly
like to trade for steers. Willis Cadwoll , Ilrokon
How , Nob. 059 j 23 *
FOR EXCHANGE Good farms , olty proper
ty and wild lands In i Noli and Iowa for good
gen'l ni'd'so ; property clear , title perfect. "Ad
dress Lock Box Itt , i'romont. Neb. ! XH
I WILL trade a good clear lot In So. Omaha
for piano or hoi so aud buggy. Address O 1
lice offlco. 303
10 K HAI-K K A Ii KST A't'lO.
"VflCEspan of horse , a slnglo driver ; also a
J- > spun of miilos$100 , with harness and wagon
$150 , on tlmo with good security ; small ad-
viiiicu. R. 1' . Williams. 203 N. IQtli St. 411 21
"IT1OS SALE Talmago says to the young man ,
JL1 "Do not go in debt for anything except a
homo , " He might have added , "buy one with
in your moans , " To any one who would take
this advice , 1 otter a very cholco full lot for
J3i > , good neighborhood , with school , cliiirch
and street ear pilvlloges. A complete and ele
gant llttlo homo can bo secured with $1,000 to
$1,500. Only u small amount of cash required.
C.J' " . Harrison , ill ! N. V. Life. Is ! )
FOR SALE 110 acios unimproved land In
Wayne county , two miles fiom Randolph.
Also HiO acres In CediiJ county. Address E , M ,
Towlor , 553 Washington boulevard , Chicago.
422-20 *
FOR SALE Choleo south front lot , facing
Ilanseom Park , ( itxloo , $ . ' .500. Choice build
ing site , cheap. 0. ! ' . Harrison , Ull N. Y. LIfo.
457 25
OR SALE 20 acres u mile north Fair
grounds. This land will bo sold at a figure
that purchaser can double his money In ono Innulro at E. Paulson , 033 N , inth si.
450 23
THOU SALE Largo biluk warehouse , ( , xii2 : , 4
JL1 stones. Also bargains In choice residence
piopoity. Inqiilio room { to , Chambcrof Com-
moiuo. Mi , 'W
171OK SALE Or tr.'ido at u bargain , fi-ronm
. house near ball ground. Call ou Wood-
brldgo llro-.IJ412Capltol avo. till 20 *
"IJ1OII SALE Uriel ; waiohoiiso , 2 stories and
JL1 basement , 10)\Hfr. ) ! ) with lot IOJX152 ft. ; to
double truck on south20th and Plorco sts. Ad-
i , v llalnos , Omaha , Nob.
. . . - . ,
NEW l-room house , near motor line ; will
sell cheap and on small monthly pavmonts.
Call'iiulcklf you want a bargain. J. J , Wllkln-
t-pp.i.l-i I'uxt.m . hlk. _ 1211
"IjlAllM" for sale-H.i.1W cash will buy a 120
Jaoio farm In LaClead co , , Mo. 00 aeies In
cultivation , ( it ) aeies line timber ; this farm Is
worth * iOOJ , For further partleulais address
o. ' . oiivo. Dolui. hnvju riiai- . . * . ; *
O UUO.M liouso Mllli all moilorn Improvo-
I'lnonts Including hiilciiillil fiunace , In llan-
Hcnm placo. gl/tOO , tSOO cash. O , F. Harrison ,
Oil N. V. Lite. ; W7 20
" "
l'"lNCOLN Pljico and Caillmgo lots , price
JIM.IKX ) , I50/lovn , balance $15 monthly.
W.L.tJelby. room 13. lKard of trade. 017
"I71OIJ SAirEA homo on monthly payments.
J-1 A nice 8-room house , $2) per month , $ > ,0 ,
tlrst paymoul as arranged , A pretty cottage ,
5 rooms finished , upstairs for as many more ,
lot 50.X120 , J2.000 , tI5 per month , small payment
down. A tiiiillur cottage , lot lOlxW ) , } . ' ,200 , fLI
nor month. Will build on vacant lots to suit.
Norman A. Kuhu , druggist , 15th and Douglas.
' "iIW
FOIt SALE Iliislness puipiirty on inth st.
that pays 15 percent on Investment ; want
a vacant lot right down In city foi a toady
huyijr ; house and lot on N 17th at ymir pncoj
U cash buyer for groi o/iy stock. For a sale era
a quick nxchango see Huberts & Waterman ,
( L'W Paxton. 4lii 2H *
rpAKK Notice Wo have the nicest l. ! xiu :
-L south and east front on rarnam , east of
33th st ,
Wo have < y\S72 In Olse's addition , just west
of 24th , fronting two streets ; tiaile.
We have ( > U\1.12oii & . E. Cor. 15th und Jones ,
for sale or lease.
Wo ha\e 100x123 S. and E , fionton Spauldlng
Btreot , paved. fiirfJiKX ) .
The alxno Is all gilt edge propeityand can
ho bought right. Sco M. A. L'ptuu Cu. . sulu
agents. 410 2:1 :
lilOU SALE A Ilimlii'W n-room cottage lie ar ;
-A ? eloctilo car line on N.STth st. Will lake as
part of cash payment a good horsu pr
and nhaeton. P. 15U rarnam st. MO
/"tOTTAfiE homos m most any addition for
v/salo at from up. on easy monthly p.iy-
mejits. I' . K Darling. 43 llarkor block , lilif
A'SMAI < l7niyHicnt | ilowii und flS per month
will buy u 4-room house and hit on inili , 2
blocks from motor ; first-class chance to ae-
qulron hoinoon easy tuciii.s. Apply to II. H.
Ckjle. Continental block. _ 6C3
K-IiOOM collages , 11 , MO each. IIUO eash ilon n.
'Jbalaneii t5 ! pur month. Thob. F. Hall. 311
Paxton bhmk. _ W
"YXfATTrED-AlMiut tOOxlW ft or morn , olose ,
ii Innldo ; part trade , cash and tlmu or cash
and tlmoII I , Ileo olllco
K up and buy a homo on monthly pay-
menu Cluilcuof ioven different houm's ,
south f runt sun Farnam st , Every convenience ,
Including furnace und gas. ! cui ; bo seen
Ht my olllco Uall lu. D. V. Sholcs fo. . 2it : fit
Nullooul bank. tti
" 171OK SALE or Trade My residence on So.
JL' aith st. , near Park .school , , hoitno of seven
room * with hath nx > m. water chHot. hot ami
rold water , all lu good repalrwlll soil forensh
very cheap Or will take vacant lot on West
Farnam it. as purt payment. For particular *
addros E ai Ileo ollloi. _ W.1 _
1J1OU SAtlTl-N'lco 7 room liouso ready to
JL1 move Into with full hit , $2,200 , $2JJ cash. O ,
! ' . llarrlson.ini N. Y. Life. VB
\ \ 7AUail A WesterfleiTl.real estate. S.OmaluT
II' YOU have anything to soil or exchange ,
call tit KM Puxton block S
Notice to Contraolor.s.
South Omaha. Neb. , Juno 17th , 1S90.
Scaled proposals will bo reeehed by the un
dersigned at tills dtllce until twelve (12) ( o'clock
noon , Junot : tli , * ; ) . for furnishing all thi'nia-
terlal and doing all the work neeesxary to
build and complete a pile box storm water
sewerapproxlmately 1.40 > ! ft long at the Union
Stock \ards. South Omaha , Neb , Plans and
siicclllcattous and all Information relative to
tno wotk can bo obtained at this olllco ,
No propovils will bo considered itnlo i no-
comp.inled by a eertlllcd check tor $500 , to bo
leturned on all bids not accepted.
The rlcht Is reserved to tojoet any or all
bids. W. N. HAIICOCK. General Miiiiuanr.
Union Stock YiCnW Co , , ( Llmltod. )
Juno 17 d lilt.
Department of the Platto. ' Omaha , Neb. .
May'.lith , 1WM. Sealetl proposals , ! ! ! trlplleato
will bo received hero anil nlsi bv each Pos ,
and Depot ( Juarteinnwtor In till * Dopattment
until two o'clock p. m. . central lime , Juno2i > .
1MM , and then opened for furnishing hav and
straw requited in Department of the Plalto
during liscal year commoni-lng July 1st. IMM ,
U. S. reserves tight to reject any or nil bids.
Preference given to articles of domestlo pro
duction , conditions of quality und price ( In
cluding In the prtco of foreign production the
duty thereon ) being equal. All Information
furnished on application hero or to l'o > t and
Depot Quartermasters. Envelopes containing
proposals to bo marked "Proposals for -
at . " and addressed as indicated above.
WM. H. Hl'GllES , Lieutenant Colonel and
Deputy Quartermaster General. U. S. A. ,
Chief Quarteiinastor. miUUtjllVJO
Notice to Contractors.
South Omaha , Nob. . Juno 17th , 1SOO.
Sealed proposals will bo received by the un
dersigned at tills olllco until twelve (12) ( ) o'clock
"fsiribiKJ. for furnishing all I'ho'iiia-
terlals and doing all the \\oik necessary to
grade Iino.ouo cubic yards of earth more or less
at the Union Stock Yards , South Omaha , Nob.
Plans and Npeollhuittons may bo seen and all
Infoimatton rulatt\o to the work obtained at
No proposals will bo considered unless ac
companied by a certllled liheck torfU'OO , to bo
returned on all bids not accepted. The right
Is reserved to rejeot any or all bids.
W. N. HAIKJOUK. General Manager ,
Union Stock Yanla Co. , ( Limited. )
June 17 d 1 H ,
* OMAHA . -
linpni tera anil Vholcsalu Dealers In
atdieii , Jewelry , Cuilcry
Notions , Xo > cities. Albums ,
Coat-Collar Springs ,
Fancy ( Jonds , Ac.
Largest assortinunt far
nic variety of 5c , lllo anil 25o counter
cooiVs. Our laisru anil llilly lltiistiiiteil
I'oy Spcclnl Attention to the
rc ofFer
For Homo or Store. We have the
lu tun city.
202 fo 208 South Water Street ,
LUN DisiiAsr.s , Iiii'Uin : lli.oon.
CO. ,
Paoi'iuiTORS AND SIH I : MA.NfjfAjTL'itin ( : = i ,
New York , Chicago , Denver , Salt Lake City and
San Francisco. .
Midway bPlweon Dgnvcr wml San rrnnrl coj 7PO
rolli'5 Iroiu cllli r , Di'ttlnccllo bccoiuu ono uf ttie
Croat commercial CCIIUTO.
Famous I- Summer and Mountain Health Retort.
Allltuilc otor I.IX/J left , yet fniirurt tiy brpptri
ounaKri'iit InUnil bait Hoa. Kiiiunt h ltVntcr
UuiliiKuiid ll.itlilti . l lUdb.-iltii-Tt in ( , rrnt hull
/Jik l.inycur frrtuiit neiunn HJH nfil Mny 11J ( inoj
Ilnli'li , Klihinf. Iluiulnii and Cnnii'lni : . lirvtj I'll-
Militurr llunj Cuncvru uallr ul tort
A Might ; Inflow ol Hie Dest American ( llood
In rcrrnt year * Inn iloublcd iho tinpulntlon , now
il < } | .ril r > * 5ourt'i , lium : ip f Ininiicliiirclici ,
ititttUiiiii. lonlHrt'il putillo kctiooU , i'rittteu
K tuclul cunUiUuuti. A dulislulul tiuiuu tit/ .
areUrireln llfl Kntatc. InTfutmonti.SqnJ 10 per
cent MorlKiuo. Iron , Ciml end Ml r ilniliiKAVoot-
rn Mlll . < il.i i Wuikt. I'nporMiili.ClicuilcHlWorku ,
Mlnvrnll'niiil.Kitiirnld'nf.OII , I'otlorlni M t , A -
pbullum , Viuna Quirrlcn , Ilixil unit bliuu Knrtnrltn ,
nntlv hiilpflnlu riuiini'ii. nil Itnua. Our i > wi > U wilt ai *
. .Vufiuifriiriira'ufrrirljrf arnj ufouy / tht
I'lniiitre wllh Inirilfa llftn / tlti
MEDAL , PARJS , 1070.
W. JUAKKll & CO.'S
Jt ahiotiitfttt IMII-P atiil
41 It toltililr ,
No Chemicals
re lit * ! In lu rrr" nllon. tl Sm K W
mil * ! vtlli SUreh , ArMwnwl or iCr
unit U Itirrefor * fir mora rronoinlcil ,
ilcUcUtn * , tiourUMnff. "twiullu'iilnj : , KA *
SII.Y Dun btns ml .lmlr t > ljBU | > ti l
tit lm lliiiMillm ixTBint In tiMllh.
Sold by ( Jroof n rterjnhero.
W. BAKER & CO. . Dorcheator. Moag.
AlwoliitFly n-ll lil ( > , ivrfivtly nfi\inn t powi-rfulfrnmln
ivtfiimt'irKiiown ncvrrfnll , A3i\lt.n , lHpililiont > bor.
uinnont. Ail.liv-w I.ION liut'ii ( I ) . , Rnir lX , V.
Hold liy < l < H > | i.M vs DUUU IV.
AQOODH1CII , Lawyer , I''l Dearborn St
t.hlO'igo. 2il years' successful pmolloo.
Advlcefree ; no publicity. Special tuollltlosltt
many states.
Do You Know
That Dr. Simons Is one of the most stMenti
and tmccessfiil ubyslelans In the I'nlted
Mates , anil that ho Is lorated at eornur of
Jones and tiUh xts , nnd treats all eases of
NliRVOUS niiHlUTY S..V . . K
lleally and suecessf ully. Dr. Simons Is a spec
ialist In alt female complaints. No person
Hiitrerlng from any of tho-e distressing troub
les cares to let everybody know It , go to Dr ,
Slmonswho Is a regularly educated physician
without the semblance , if quackery tiboi't.
him. He will illncoitino your ease and te'l '
you plainly whether you can be cured or not ,
Call ou him as thousands of others liaMidom ; ,
Come and bo happy. Sueco-'stiil treatment by
DK. SIMONS 1 S. inth St. . Omiilia. Neb.
suffering from iv. . . . , . ,
of Lost Manhood ,
Youthful Et rors. Impotency
and Diseases of Men can bo
cnroj permanently1 anil prlvntely l > jr ourHprunl Hi > o-
clllc. Bent tiy mull for II Hook ont inroltMl ) for
Mmm > . Diuiron Mfillcal Compiiny , 157 Wasluiiiitoii
BtlCC't , HoSlUll MllWS.
'Jo I'eodor.H mill Cnttln Man.
On and after the Stlth lust. , wo will have for
sale four thousand or more good , high grade ,
one , two and three year old Utah feeders , that
wo can furnish at the Union Stock Yards ,
South Omaha ; or If desticd. wn can urrango to
sell these cuttle at North Plutto or Hastings ,
Parties wanting anything In this line , will
plosusoooiiospond with us.
ttio. : liumu ; & riiA/.imt , South OmahaNob.
TNSTRUMENTd plaood on recent dm In/
yesterday :
A M Human toJ T Pollock , lot 0 , blk 2 ,
Crouton add , w d { 2,000
Chat Ics Itcoslus to Nibble Itcostiis , lot Ii ,
Itritthlon. w d 1
A W Itabcock and wife to C C Esiahrook ,
D L llleyci to A \ \ llabcock. lot r , IUU W
South Omaha , w d 2.100
lot 7. bllv'.t ! , lSouth Omaha , wd . 4,100
E A llensim to a N Kohn.lot l.blU 7a , Ucn-
son. wd , . 409
,1 L Collins and wlfo to EH Walker , lots
f > , 8 and II , blk 'M ' , I 'loronce , q c d , . i
I'rank Elnioie to E II KateUIn , lot I ,
Preston & Williams' add , w d . 10,0,10
E P Kvuiis and husband tolloUan Krlck-
son , lot II. Eans' add. w d 1,000
II is llu/clot und husband to 1'iaiik
Campbell , lot 10 , blk 1UO H Hoggs add
w d . . M
A .1 Jennings and husband to S A Mc
Donald , lot 21 , blk 2 , .Maym > place w d. . 2'VO
Homo Insurance I'oto 11 T llolden , lot 0 ,
blkir , Oichaid hill , w d . . 1
J S McCoimlck to Ii T Mills , und i , lot 1
blk I , Deer p..l k. wd OOJ
II A Moo and wife to A ( i Reynolds , lot1. ) ,
blk 2. MoeVsub. w d f > 50
II A Moo ami wife to ( ! eo Reynolds lot 10
blk 2 , Moo's sub. w d 5iO
E W Nash and wife to I ? E Coulter , lots 5
and ( > , E W Nash's plat , w d. 1,030
D.I O'Donahooct ul to Ida DavN , lot'I ,
Aldlno Sijuaie , wil 4,1130
Pioneer town she company to N Peter
son , lots 7 und 8 , blk 1 , Iteiinlngton.Ncb ,
wd 157
J C Wilson und husband to Win Scrlm-
pcour , lots 21 and 25 , bile J3 , Clifton
Hill , wd 4.20S
Jane Richaidson to Alexander Richard
son , n M lot 4blk 5 , und lot 1 , blk 17 , Flor
ence. i | e c 10
M C ! Mm I In and husbind : to Y E Hendor ,
n V lot IS , blk Ii , Ri'dlck's sub of Red-
lok's , wd 2,009
N A Kuhn mid wlfo to Win Slelmbc , lot
G. blkll. Ciol"ht < m Heights , wd 450
II Glass i n I wlfo to Clinton llrlggs , 01.73
acres In n w 2U-15-ti : , i | e it 759
A H Homers and wlfo to S R Town , lot 17 ,
blk 1. Hillside Reserve , wd 3,000
Erlok Johnson to I' " 1 Thomas , lot G , blk
10 , Oichard Illll. qcd 73
A El'Mtchnnd wlfo to W S Ryan , lot 4.
blk 1 , Spilngdalo add , w d. . . 1
S i ! Hrowstorand wlfo to E L Hiewstor ,
lots 7 and H , blk I , East 1 rvlngtim. w d 1,009
E N I'enn and wlfo to II .1 Toboy , lot 31 ,
blk 12 , West End add , w d 4,12 < I
Twenty-seven transfers
Permits to build wore Issued as fol
lows by the superintendent of bulldinns yes
terday :
J. A.Sundlnnd , ono and ! one-half story
frame dwelling , SU Lnurenoo und Cal
ifornia $ lKifl
Charles Hush , one-story frumo addition
to dwelling , 4012 Orolmrd. . . * . . . MO
Helen Gieonlo.'if , brick basement to
dwelling , S714 Douglu-s 1,000
J. L. Hyers , font-story brick store , 1411-
10-18 Douglas 33,003
Jennie Shields , ono and ono-half-slory
frame dwelling , Charles and Twenty
second :
G. II , Puyno , two ono and one-half-HtOiy
frame dwellings , Twonty-vlghth avi
iiuo , near ( Irunt , SI.20J each 2,100
Two minor pormlU , 4V )
Nine permits ngroatlng. ; . . !
Hcadiiche , neunilfrui , diz/.inoss , nei-vous'
ness , Hp.isms , ttlui'plinsiiMs , cur 'd b ; , ] Jr.
Miles' Nervine. Samples Iroo at KiThu , Sj
Co..s , Ifith and nonplus.
Iowa anil Dnkotn
\VASIIIMIIOX , Juno 20. [ Spool il 'lYIapraw
to Tin : 13ii : : . ] Pensions irfnntul to J\o
hiiiskuus : Orijfliwl Sidney P Woicoit , i 'l
C'louil , Ktepheii Wllcox , Stoeltlmm. Inr.'oi.Ha
Isaac Smith , 'I'lvnton ' , Isaac ( iindwit ,
Crete ; Thomas J. Jones , Hulo , Thoniu- Bat <
tlcijJi JiuiliiUi. Orlglnnl whluwb Alutlr.1 ,
widow of Daniel Hcnilrlck , Luahtoii.
Iowa : Original .lamus Aticliur/l'ivuiri .Iou
ntlian I ) , lloge , Indlanola ; Silas S. Woods ,
White Oiik ; layman Illnus , Nevada ; ( joorgn
L. IllaljcMco , Adalrj OorKO JJcll , ] } urrini ;
ton ; Thomas .1. Cowman , Praldo Cty. ( jo.
stomtion nnd rclssuo Wtllluni J. J oavcrtoii ,
Van Motor. Hostonitioti mid lucronhO l es-
lie True , D'lwitt , Inrroiwh Alfred A Hm
lln/Miuu'hosU'f ; Samuel A. Wohr , Huininlli
IUU ; John U. Duiiran , Columbus City ;
llgnry E. llalii'i1 , Onwood ; .Tamu.s M. Cm- . '
riiiKton , llalilwin ; JosephV Ln\v
renixj , IJ''oclfs ; Andruw J. Braitnur.
] ilniilnflmiii ; ; CJeorRO W. Johnson , Council
Jlluffs ;
' '
llrlttnnVintorsot ; Howard T Stuttton ,
Mlllllulil ; Thuoiloro O. Miillor. DUCII-
tur ; Knud Olson , ulla.s Kauu Ulscu ,
Clear J iko ; Joseph M. Tcdfonl , Co
luinbim City ; .lernl Carver , OsUaloosit.
KclssueSamiiol I ifo , TruerOi'lglunl
widows , etc. William , father of John ( jur-
man , Pulaskl ; inlnur of Albert bill , lluzel
South Dakota : Original Homer C.
Holmes , Plankliiton. Incroasn-Krastus A.
Dovan , liryant ; Henry N. Hill , JllRstono
City ; Dniilul M. Cluunbt-rlnln , A'ermijnt Cltr ;
James H. Massey , Armour ; Antrim w.
Duvls , Kthan ; Hobert Martin , 1'iirkur. Ho-
issuiJohn ) \\Mler , White Uulssuo and
Incrooiu fciamucl K. Snyur , Ilowdio.
A Novel anil I'\ii | nMlvo JUotliod ol1 Ail
Mondtiy. Juno SOtli , wo
will L'ivo uwity UK ) oliolco lota to uny 0110
Bcmdlntf us tholr full niiino unil uddrosa
with 2o for return DUatauo.
'J'huso lotH uro UTixliW foot and will bo
worth $1150 each in losa than throp
The pri'Bont population of Salt Lakd
City la 00MX ( ) . In II vo yonn It will bo the
laryowt olty between Chicago and Bun
I'Vniicibcu.Vo inuan buslnosa and if
you u warranty duud to a bplondl'l
lot Bond on > uur MIMIIO to the Halt Rulto
\fiow ucldiliou company , Salt Luku City ,