Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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And Daabcd Hi3 Bast Friend from a Three-
Story Window ,
Hn HoIre ! * to IScd ullli .T. .7. Werner
of Ili'lirnii anil Onn Uinir Ijatcr
IH I'Viunil AlinoHt Dead
In a Court.
1 , . O , Hocrcit , of Hebron , Neb. , lies In
room ! . * > on the third Moor of the Merchants
hotel Hni'crIiK ! between life and death , whllo
his chosen friend for two years twist , J. J.
Werner , also of Hebron , Is held at tlio cen
tral pollco station charged with assault with
Intent to commit murder.
Knrly yesterday morning the former was
thrown from the window of his.sleeping apart
ment by Werner and n few minute. later was
found a brul/.cd and bleeding mass , besldo
the cast wall of the hotel.
Soerest and Wenieraro Masons and nro at
tending the grand lodge of that fraternity
now In suasion in this city.
They have lived In the town for eight
years , and for the last two of they hnvo
been boon companions.
When they came to Omaha the first of the
week , by choice tney went to the same hotel
nnd secured a room together. Since that , time
they have attended ttio Hussions of the lodge
in company , have eaten their meals and .slept
together All till ; ) time there has been no
blga of contention between them.
The men retired to their room nt the hotel
' .Thursday nlghl about 1'J o'clock.
What occurred in that little .square room ,
with the Hlnglu window , during the next
hour and a half , is known only to the man
who Is charged with an attempt to murder
his friend and the nr.iri at the hotel who Is the
victim either of a deplorable accident or u
ilcndlsh assault.
All was ( inlet upon the hlrd.lloor where
the men slept , and nearly nil of the guests
were asleep , when , some time between I mid
U o'clock , a scries of the most agonUIng
Bhricks froze thf nlood and stilled iho hearts
of nil that heard them.
A man clad In a nightgown and underwear
rushed with frenzy down the hall and stairs ,
mid falling upon the desk of the hotel before
the startled night clerk , gasped :
"My God I I have killed the best friend I
over had I O , my Clod ! my Hod ! "
tireat drops of perspiration stood upon the
man's forehead. His eyes weru dilated as
though looking upon some horrible thing.
His lingers moved convulsively as if ho was
KtifTortiiL' untold agony.
Tlio night clerk , Alfred Koss , and the few
others who were in the hotel oflieo at the
time , thought the man Insane and simply
ga/.ed compassionately at him as he raised an
almost nerveless arm and , pointing out of a
window into mi area , muttered :
"There there "
, 1"
A minute later Will Thompson , who had
been eating a late luncheon at Little's oyster-
house around the corner on Fifteenth street ,
rushed Into the olllce and announced that a
man lay dying In the narrow passageway be
tween the saloon and the hotel.
A hasty examination was made and a man ,
crushed and bleeding , was found lying whuro
Thompson had designated.
The limp and apparently lifeless body
wasiMiTicu into the hotel , whuro it was
identified as that of L. O. Secrcst.
A dill was scut to the central station by
tlic policeman on that heat , whoso attention
had bee ur traded by the shouts of the ex
cited mon.
The patrol wagon responded immediately ,
accompanied by a numhorof officers.
The seemingly lifeless form of Secrcst was
placed upon the stretcher which had been
taken from the wagon andthoollicersborotho
man to the room from which he had hut a lew
moments before made such a terrible exit.
He < vas attired in a starched linen shirt
and lisle thread drawers. Tlio shirt was
bloody from cuts in his face and neck.
Immediately , friends of tlio injured man nnd
Werner from Hebron , also attending the
grand lodge , were summoned and Dr. Smith
ulso from the sumo place attended to the in
jured man.
Dr. Ayers , Dr. Sussdorf and Dr. Cum-
tilings were also summoned to the man's bed-
When the body was brought In , Werner
became more frantic than ever and it was
found necessary to administer a narcotic to
him. He was then taken to the central sta
tion and locked up.
Werner , when asked for an explanation of
the affair whllo in the hotel olllco Thursday
night , said , to use his own words :
"At 2 o'clock 1 awoke and seemed to bo
under a huge animal , whoso eyes glared at
me. It dug its nails into my throat and face ,
and tluu with a mighty effqrt
1 rose from my bed and hurled
It through the window. That fully aroused
me , and for the llrst time I realized that I had
killed my friend. "
There was so much excitement about the
hotel that very few who witnessed
the exciting scenes recollect clearly the de
tails of the affair.
The night clerk , Alfred Hess , says that the
men came in some time after 11 o''eock ] , got
their key and went up stall's. They were
Holier and seemed to bo on the best of terms ,
laughing together over some Joke of Werner's.
Other guests sitting about the hotel inuko
similar statements.
Dr. Smith , who rooms across the hall , says
that lie didn't ' hear any noise from the men
until Werner bugnn screaming.
The olllcein who bore the body up stairs
pay that tlio bedclothing had not been turned
back. Werner accounts for this by saying
that It was so warm that they lay down upon
the outside of the bcdclothys.
There uro all kinds of rumors afloat there
always uro in these cases but the friends of
both men scolT at Iho Idea of there being any
trouble between the two and show an inclina
tion to accept Werner's storv as the truth.
Tin ) room had not been disturbed particu
larly , not moro anyway than two men would
nmko In retiring lor the night , out there were
bloodstains upon onu of the pillows and upon
the door and window.
Werner Is In a terrible state of mind.
Ho still sticks | to the story of a
uight-ninru during which ho Imagined that ho
was being devoured by some kind of wild
beast and never realized what had happened
till the crash came and his friend disappeared
down thu court.
Showing the cut on his thumb ho explained
that Secrcst had bitten him.
"How do you know that If you were uucon-
icious ! " asked Captain Mostyn.
"Well , I don't sco how else It could liavo
happened , " ho replied.
ily It o'clock yesterday morning Judge
Ilelsley was besieged with applications for an
niidlcnco with the prisoner by brother Masons.
They all got tlio requested permission , and to
ull of them Werner repeated his story. Ho
was tlnidly taken Into Chief Seavey's private
otllcound Interviewed on the trouble. No now
particulars wen ) elicited , Werner Insisting
that Secrcst was his best friend , and that
his previous story was all ho knew of the
Werner Is n mlddle-uged man with an open
countenance. He was dressed In the garb of
u prosperous business man. Ho has blonde
hair and mustache and wears gold-rimmed
Kpcctuclcs. Ho Is known to numerous Omaha
) HOplc ! , among them County Attorney Ma-
hoiioy and Robert Duncan , who claim that If
Ids story Is not true they nro very much mis
taken. Ho Is a leading citizen of Hubrun ,
proprietor of a wholesale Implement house
nnd deputy county treasurer of the county.
Ho has a wife hut no children.
Quo sldo of his face ls covered with fresh
cuts and his thumb bears the marks of a so-
vcro bite which would Indicate a scuftla of
fcomo sun.
Sec rest , the victim of the affair , U said to
liavo had a troublous IIfo.
Some time ago ho brought suit uuulnst a
fellow townsman for alienating his wlfo's
affections. Ho lost the IIret suit and on the
trial of the second onu for the same cause
was given $1 and the costs of the cause wcro
paid by the defendants. -
His wlfo then left him and went to live
with a man named Apiilo In Hebron. Apple
wanted her lo dope with him and on her re
fusing to do so blow out hU brains with u
revolver ,
Liiwvor Alex PC- Graves occupied a room
Immediately under that of the two partici
pants. Ho said.
"I did not rotlro till Into , about 1 o'clock
or later , 1 think , and had Just got Into a doze
when I was startled by n crusti and a scream
of some sort and realized at once that sumo
line hud fallen from u window.
"Tho crush and the scream seemed to como
( ogutbur uud I dou't l < uow whether the volco
win from nbovo or Imlow. I heard no volco
niiovo me till tlio full cmno. "
Tlio Injured tnitn remiilned practically un
conscious nil night mul yesterday up to ! J
o'clock , Mo hud hut ono lucid Interval In nil
that time , mid that was when County Attor
ney Mahoney visited him ut It o'clock to note
his condition mul ascertain iinv facts , If possi
ble , In older to fix the hull of Wiirncr.
Mr. Miihoncy knew Scercst your * ago In
Iowa , and upon sitting down besldo him
nskcd :
"Do vou remember Matioticy of Leonora ,
'What , TitnMnhoneyl1' asked the Injured
man. "Yes. How uro you , Tim I'1 and ho
held out his hand.
"Did vou have anv trouble with Werner
last nlghtl" the public provcu tor then asked.
"O no , wo didn't huvo any trouble. "
"Do you know how you fell out of the win
dow how you got hurtl"
"No. "
Ki'crost's thoughts bcgnn to wander again
and further attempts to obtain any lucid re
plies to questions were futile.
The hotel was visited by u great many nco-
nlo anxious to have u look at thu alley
In which the man bad fallen.
Iletween the hotel mid tlio rear of the
building along Fifteenth strecet there is an
urea , not moro tbtiii four feet wide. The bottom
tom t.s paved with .stone.
The room occupied bv Werner and Secrcst
last night Is on the third tloor , and the one
window It contains Is about fifty feet from
the ground.
Below the window , nt the second storytwo
wires wore strung , the first a telephone wire
and the second one of the electric light plant.
In bis terrlnle fall Secrcst struck these ,
breaking the first wire and bending the second
end , and while the collision with these In
flicted brulso.s , if the Injured man ever re
covers It will be due to those two wires which
broke the force of his descent upon the rook
pavement below.
It wai : n ti-rrll'lo ' fall and tlic chances
against Sociost's recovery are very grout. He
is a man of mere than medium height , well
formed , ( lark hair aud mustache and appar
ently about thirty-twe years of ago. Ho is u
carpenter nt Hebron , where ho has lived
eight vears. Ho is said to bo sober , indus
trious , and popular. Ho has a brother , a
farmer , living ncitr Hebron , who has been
telegraphed for.
I \VenierHtatedyestcrday afternoon that bo
was subject to fits of nightmare In which ho
imagined a wild bc-nst was attacking him , mul
had had live or six visits of the kind , but
never with such disastrous results.
Werner will bo ulmltted to bonds In tlio
sum of > , ( KK ) which will bo furnished by his
Masonic friends ,
Mr. Baiter , United States attorney , nnd
Frank T. Hansom , will defend Werner , boll ,
being old-time friends of bis.
TlIK irOItLD'S FA lit.
Director * Decide In Favor of the Ijnlcc
I'Vonl Kilo.
Cuiru'O , June -'U. The directors of the
world's ' fair formally declared n preference
for the Lake Front site this afterroon. There
was only one dissenting vote. A resolution
was then adopted instructing the committee
on grounds to enter into negotiations with
the city of Chicago , the Illinois Central rail
road and all other interested parties to secure
an area on thu Lake Front of not less than two
hundred and llfty acres , to be bounded on
the north oy Monroe street. The directors
arc to hold another meeting June ' , ' ; ! , which
is Just prior tn the gathering of the national
In the Coiiiiiiiiii.s.
Loxnov , Juno 'JO. In the commons tonight
A'lnccnt , conservative member for Sheflield ,
asked whether the government would reijulro
the United States to .modify the prohibitive
duties on British products before It would
make any modifications in the rules covernlng
the Impo'rtation of American cattle.
Undersecretary Ferguson said the restric
tions on cattle were based solely oil sanitary
Vincent thereupon gave notice of a motion
declaring that tlio house will consider
whether u free market ought longer to bo
given to the competing products of a foreign
state which puts a prohibitory tariff on Brit
ish goods
Smith , government leader , announced that
Instead of moving ji resolution continuing
bills from session to session ho had adopted
Gladstone's suggestion that a select commit
tee bo appointed to inquire by what means
the passage of the bills considered nt one ses
sion could bo facilitated at the next.
Slcam.slii | > Arrivals.
At Glasgow Tlio Prussian , from Philadel
phia ; tlii- State of Alabama , from New York.
At New York The Trave , from Bremen ;
the City of Berlin , from Liverpool ; the Can
ada from London ; the Augusta Victoria ,
from Hamburg.
At Londoii The Australian , from New
At London Sighted : The Holland , from
Now York ; tlio City of Chicago , from Now
Four PCI-KOIIH Killed by n Tornado.
Dixox , 111. , Juno ' , ' ( ) . A tornado swept over
a portion of this county early this evening ,
doing terrlblo damage. In the village of Sub-
lotto immv buildings were destroyed , four
persons killed and others injured. In the out
lying country many farm lyniscs were dam
aged and people moro or less hurt. In Brook
lyn township a school hotiso was wrccKcd ,
eighteen children being injured , but how se
riously has not yet been learned.
A Hiummiy Train.
Ilnnroiti ) , I'.i. , JunoSO.Tho lirst section
of a freight train on the Pennsylvania rail
road broke In two on top of Buffalo Mills
grade last nluht. The rear part ran down
the grade at terrible speed and crashed into
the second section. Joseph Martin nnd
BraUumun Little were instantly killed ami
several others seriously injured. The men in
the caboose went to sleep and failed to slop
the runaway cars.
A AVater Famine nt Atolilson.
ATVIIISOX , Kan. , June -JO. This city Is suf
fering from the unusual experience of a water
famine , caused by the Hood. The exceedingly
heavy rains last night burst tlio water mains
and cut olt the supply of water from all con
sumers. The gas. . works and electric light
plant nro not able to continue operations with-
jut water , hcnco the city is also deprived of
its usual means of illumination.
The Wcathor ForouaKt.
For Omaha and Vicinity Showers.
For Neliraska Fair ; slightly cooler vari
able winds.
For Iowa Fair ; no change in temperature ;
slightly cooler in southwestern portion ; vari
able winds.
For South Dakota Fair ; no change in tern-
pcriiture ; variable winds.
MyNtlt : Park
BOSTON , Mass. , Juno ' , ' 0. Summary of to
day's races at Mystic park :
J r-'il class , ? : .00 . Pimllco won , Frco Trade
second , John Handon third , Daisy H. fourth.
Best tlmo 'Ji'JM't. '
' . ' : ! w'i class , MM Dawson won , Pickerel
second , Ciazcllo third , Sunshine fourth. Best
tlmo-'J S.
Wv mxiTov , Juno ' , ' 0. President Green of
the Western Union submitted In writing to
the house committee a statement In reply to
the testimony given by Bates , Hose water and
Hubbard. Ho denies llatly , emphatically and
In detail many statements made by these
_ _
ll Wanted to Hide Fast.
Billy Mostyn chartered a hack for an hour's
ride last night , and because the horses wcro
not driven at a high ruto of si > ced ho kicked
all the windows out of the concern. Billy
completed his ride by being driven to the po
lice btatiou.
A Untoluu- Triiiiltli- ,
Kd Kupplg , for maintaining a slaughter
house within the city limits , was lodged In
Jail last night. The objectionable pluco Is on
West Leuvcnworth street ,
Hurtling UulililNli.
The burning of a barrel of rubbish In the
the ivnrof Kuhn's drug store drew the de
partment to Fifteenth and Douglas at 1
o'clocK this morning.
Tlio Cholera Kpldomlu
MAIIHIII , Juno'.U The cholera epidemic Is
decreasing at Puoblu del Kugut and Moutl-
ccilvo. Two cases are reported ut Ciaudli.
J'OH'lHJItl.y , I.VJT > UOMl'KKH.
Tlio TwoOrcnt American Labor Clileffc
ni UulM.
NB\V YOUK , June ' , ' < ) , Grand Master Work
man I'owdcrly replied In a letter this after
noon saying ho would meet President Gom-
l > ors of the American Federation of Labor nt
Cooper union this evening. Ho added that
Gompers was In error In his letter of yester
day In saying that the knights had been preparing -
paring for this meeting for several weeks. Ho
( Powdcrly ) had no Intention until Monday
evening of taking up the sub
ject of the charges against the
knights emanating from the hoadiiuartcra
of the federation. Ho said ho would talk on
other mutters , but In deference to Gompcrs1
wishes would iirst discuss the subject at
Issue , allow Ciompcrs some time to reply and
thru tuko up other matters. Ho denied em
phatically that his Invitation to Gompcrs was
In the nature of a challenge.
Gompcrs Issued a written reply to the ef
fect that ho believed Powtlerly never ex
pected his "challenge" to bo accepted , or , If
accepted , the Idea was to entrap him ( Gom-
tiers ) Into n packed meeting. He accuses
Powdcrly of being a pettifogger and a double
denier. Ho adds that ho was ready nt the
meeting or anywhere else to repeat and prove
ull ho said about the knights.
Gompcrs was not prc-ent at the mcetlnir of
the Knights of Labor tonight. Cooper union
was crowded and many people uhablo to gain
admittance attended an overflow meeting out
side. In thehall , aftertho readlngof Gompcrs'
letter , Mr. Powdcrly Invited Mr. Warner to
take the platform , who said that as this was
a regular meeting of the executive board for a
specific purpose It would not bo proper to
adopt Gompers' suggestions to give him half
the time of the meeting fern purpose not con
templated in the call. At this point about two
hundred men arose us If by prcurrangemcnt
and left the hall. Powdcrly then said :
"All who desire to leave will please do so
now , as there are hundreds outside who can
not get in. "
This was received with great cheers. Pow
dcrly then spoke on the insinuations made
against the management knights'und read n
document showing that they were the llrst to
suggest tl o eight-hour principle. In the fu
ture they would continue In the eight-hour
movement to help those who are willing to
help themselves. Ho went into an analysis ,
of the statement of the membership of the
federation and asserted that the largo appar
ent membership was made up by claiming
tlio ICnight.s of Labor as members of the fed
eration. Tlio flint trouble between the or
ganizations occurred when the knights suc
ceed ed in having the wages of the cigarmuk-
crs * Increased. The man who headed the
shoemakers' union was little better than n
lunatic and the knights Had to expel him.
This man was now ready to oppose the best
interest of labor. All worklngmen should
stand together and ho ( Powdorly ) was ready
to resign In favor of Gompers If the workingmen -
men of the country would unite under him.
The Knights of Labor have berne Insult and
misrepresentation in silence long enough.
Hereafter they will strike back when at
Holders oOfcxtuaii Stock Determined
to Win at All Hu/.ardH.
BATON Uorni : , La. , Juno 0. In a lottery
discussion tills afternoon Representative
Shattuck created a sensation by stating that
Isadorc Newman , the largest holder of Mexi
can stock in Now Orleans , came to a friend of
the Louisiana lottery people several dnvs aero
and said that they were determined "to
"get in" on the Louisiana proposition. If
they were refused they would go to
the legislature and make an offer of a million
and u quarter a 'year : if Louisiana people
meet it raise it to a million and a half , and
if that was raised go as high as live millions ,
because they wcro determined to'bo in on the
The Louisiana bill was read the third time
this afternoon. Tlio district attorney tiled an
Information charging Hepix'si'iitativoStamant
with having received at various times bribes
from Louisiana lottery peoi.lo for his iullu-
cuce. Stamant gave bonds of $ . > , UOO.
Plshop Keani ; limlly Bruised.
WASHINGTON , Juno 20. Bishop Keano ,
who was injured in the Baltimore it Ohio
wreck today , is badly bruised and shaken ,
but no bones were broken.
Mrs. Purm'II I'ciiHloncd.
WASHINGTON , Juno 20. The president
signed the bill granting a pension to Delia T.
Pamell , mother of Charles Stewart Parnell.
A Missouri Town Hunting.
MOIIIIIIV : , Mo. , June " 0. The village of
Higbe , ten miles distant , is burning. Aid
has been sent from here.
The Death Roll.
LONDON , Juno 20. Major General Breckcn-
ridge , British army , is dead.
N. Y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
J. E. Scott was run in yesterday for ped
dling Nebraska fruit in Iowa without u Coun
cil Bluffs license.
Owing to a serious washout the incoming
train over the Kansas City road that should
have arrived yesterday morning did not get
in until last evening.
The public schools of the city closed nt n
o'clock yesterday afternoon for the summer
vacation , and the pupils will now forgetstudy
and school bells until September 1 ,
The bill of sale of the lumber yard of the
late Gcoriro Bebbington to George A. Hoag-
land of Omaha , has been Hied with the county
recorder. Tlio consideration was $800. ( !
Mi's. Suodgrass died last evening at the
Christian homo of diphtheria , aged twenty-
seven veal's. She came hero thvco weeks ago
from Sioux City , with a little babe , and was
obliged to seek shelter nt the home.
Mr. Melville T. Cox of Denver , nnd Miss
Carrie Mutlack of Tipton , In. , wcro married
Thursday evening by l ev. T. J. Mackay , at
the residence of Mr. Shropshire , No. 200(1 (
AvcnuoA , lu the presence of a few invited
The Wiishburn concert guitar donated by
Mr , J. Mueller of the Mueller music company
to the pupil In the high school graduating
class making the most rapid advancement
during the four years' classical course , was
awarded to Miss Carrie Morgan ,
George A. Holmes , ex-city being
urged by his democratic friends to become a
candidate for congressional honors. It is tlio
generally expressed opinion of the leading
politicians of both parties , however , that
neither of the congressional nominees will bo
from Pottawattamlo county.
The following prizes will bo given to the
successful marksmen at thoSchuetzen Vereln
contest at Munuwa tomorrow afternoon :
First prize , beer mug valued at tlii.MI ; second
end , sllves moustache cup valued nt 9 ; third ,
ash receiver valued at ) . Shooting will be
gin at 'J o'clock. Admission free.
Frances Lillian , daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
H. A. Ballenger , died yesterday morning of
diphtheria at the family residence , No. Wl !
Willow avenue , aged four years , llvo months
and seventeen days. The funeral exercises
will bo held at 10 o'clock this morning. The
remains will bo Interred at Fairvlow ceme
tery , llov. Dr. Phelps will oflleiuto.
Hugh A. McDonald is rejoicing because ho
has Just received word from his father , whom
ho has not soon or heard of In forty years.
The old gentleman Is now ninety yean of
age , and is living with n daughter at No. fit
East Twenty-ninth street , New York. The
sister wants Hugh to como east on a visit ,
and ho will probably go In a very few days.
For bonio time the .Burlington has been
cramped for trackage facilities , and yesterday
a force of 2X ( ) men was put to work laying
three now tracks through thoyurdson Fourth
street from Sixteenth to Eleventh avenues.
This will give over a mlle mow trackage and
will do away with much of the incoiivenicnco
heretofore extiorienced in handling freight.
Suit was yesterday Instituted against ox-
Alderman E. T. Waterman to recover J2'JS '
which , It Is alleged , ho illegally drew as eom-
iiensutlon for services as a member of the
board of equalization. Ex-Mayor Hohrer and
someof the other ex-aldermen are in the
sumo boat. This suit Is * brought as a test
case to decide whether the views of City At
torney Stewart on the subject uro well
Messrs. L. II. Hunscom , O. P. McKesson
nnd L. A. Dcvlno , general western managers
for Aiiltman. Miller & Co. , and the huvo
army of clerks and Buckeye hustlers who
have their headquarters in this city , were
smoking congratulatory cigars yesterday
upon receipt of u telegram from Dallas , Tex.
Tlio wire announced another great victory for
tlio Buckeye over all competitors iu the Texas
wheat ilelib.
Commencement Exercises nt St. Francis to
Tnko Place Njixt Thursday ,
Dentil of a Well Known Council
Man While on His Weil-
Trip- General and
The commencement exercises of St. Frauds
nen-'einy will tuko plnco In tlio hull of this
popular Institution next Thursday evening
nt 7:15 : o'clock. Tlio nrt exhibit will be open
during the evening , showing the work of the
pupils during the past year with brush ,
crayon , pen , pencil anil nctfdlo. The attend-
unco during the year has been ! ! 0. " > , which Is
fully iis good 113 during any year since the
Institution WAS opened. Thograduatlngcliiss
this year Is composed of Miss Marv Ilonkle ,
Pueblo , , Colo. : Miss Katherine Uuiuio ,
Dubinin ? . Ja. ; Miss Maude Young , Tekanwh ,
Neb. , and Miss Mary Hughes , Council Bluffs.
Dempsey Urotliers liavo rcoponcil their
retail candy store at lo.l Main street. Cus
tomers can bo served with the most delicious
confectionery that can be made or Is known
to the trade. Gentlemen desiring to present
a uox of the most delicious confections to
their lady friends will find hero just what
hey want.
If you wlsli to negotiate a loan on chattel or
real estate security , at lowest rates , see E. H.
Shcnfo ft Co. , broken ) , Broadway and Main
street , up-stnirs.
- S. B Wadsworth & Co. , 'JOT Pearl street ,
loanmoney for Lombard Invcstmentcompany.
A HlrtInlay Surprise.
A pleasant surprise party was tendered
Miss Elizabeth Graham Thursday evening at
the residence of her parents on Seventh ave
nue , the occasion being her sixteenth birth
day. Tncre wcro fifteen couples present , In
cluding several from Omaha , The evening
was devoted to dancing , social games and
music. Among the vocal numbers wcro
"Scotland's Burning " by Miss Ida Miller
of this city mid Mr. W. Brown of Oinaim ;
"When the Tide Comes Home , " by M. P.
Hue ; "The Bridge , " Miss Jessie Stevenson ;
; tn My Mother's Triumphy. " Miss Christina
Ciruhum , and "At My Father's Home , " by
W.V. . Brown.
Tlio gasoline steve is more dangerous than
the unloaded gun. Save life and property by
using the C. B. Gas and Electric Light Co.'s
gas stove.
Buy WalU'apes.
Gillette & Freeman's , 28 Pearl street.
Choice residence property centrally located
for sale by K H. Slieafo & Co.
If vou wish to sell your property call on the
Judd & Wells Co. , C. B. Judd president , COO
Died on Mln AVoddtiiff Trip.
About ten days ago Mr. Henry A. Yonng
left Council B'uffs ' on the happy mission of
wedding a young lady , Miss Anne A very , at
North Collins , N. Y. She was a cousin of
Mr. Vic Jennings of this city and it was at
Mr. Jennings' house that Mr. Young formed
her acquaintance about two years ago , when
she came on from her eastern homo to nurse
her brother who was very ill at the time. The
acquaintance ripened into wedlock and the
ceremony was duly performed at the
homo of the bride on Thursday , the 12th. It
was expected that the newly wedded ones
would arrive in Co.uticil BlufTs yester
day , and the friends had made
due preparations for a mcrr > greeting , when
the terrible tidings came instead that Mr.
Young was dead. Ho was not well when ho
reached the home of Ills bride , but the mar
riage ceremony took place as arranged. Symp
toms of malignant diphtheria developed , ho
grew rapidly worse , and on Wednesday hist ,
less than a week after his passed
away. ' His death occurred at 1 : HO o'clock in
the morning , and the funeral was held at 4
o'clock that afternoon. The sad news is re
ceived that his bride is also very ill with tlio
same dread disease , and friends here will
\yait with great anxiety for further informa
tion as to the result.
This death IS one of the saddest possible.
Mr. Young was nut quite thirty years of age ,
and life seemed very full of promises. Com
ing hero as a boy about ten years ago. ho
had won his way among strangers , making
them his friends. Ho had shown such busi
ness ability that it had brought to him some
portion of a just reward. Ho had just com
pleted a new homo on south Madison street
and furnished it throughout , ready for the re
ception ot his brido. He was one of the lead
ing salesmen for the Keystone manufacturing
company , thus occupying a desirable position ,
for which ho had become well lilted by years
of active experience in the implement trade ,
having formerly been for several years in the
employ of Wies ft Clausen. Ho was one of
the charter members and a very active one
In the Council Blurts lodge , No. ' 'TO. United
Workmen. On all sides there arc friends to
whom the news of his death will come as a
great shock. His parental homo is in Wis
The Manhattan sporting hcadq'rs , 418 B-
way. _
Allcn'H Now Map of Council HlufTH.
Just Issued , 4 1.'xl ) feet in si/.e , with every
addition to date. Price $15. Address C. II.
Allen , rooms 2Ii5 and 230 , Merrhim block ,
Council Bluffs.
Tlio Fail-mount Park Concert.
The band concert announced for Thursday
evening in Fail-mount park , and which was
postponed on account of the rain , was given
ast evening from 5 ; , ' ! ( ) to S ; ! IO o'clock. The
ittcndanco was much smaller than It would
uivo been but for the postponement , as It was
lot generally known that the concert would
lie given last evening. The programme was
.ho same as previously published , and was
excellently rendered. Those In attendance
were highly pleased with the concert ,
i'heso concerts arc already becoming very
popular , and there will certainly bo an un
usual crowd in attendance tomorrow after
noon. All arrangements should bo made ac
cordingly. If the weather Is pleasant the
motor trains will bo taxed as never before.
Last Sunday afternoon when the llrst concert
was given the motor cars carried 4,000 people
to the park , a slnglo cur carrying about eight
liundred and another over soveu
liundred. The other four ears on
that line madoa \ > - the remainder.
As these concerts bucomo established suc
cesses and the public bwoines accustomed to
spending their Sunday afternoons in the park
travel will bo increased to more than double
what It was lust Sunday and there will bo
fully ten thousand people who will want
transportation. To make it pleasant and suc
cessful , tedious waiting1 must bo avoided , and
in'creased service wiU'lweulled into play. The
motor company Is now distributing new
girder rails on South Madison
street and Graham avenue , and will
begin next Monday morning the work of re
laying their track. While this work is being
done the necessary chahgcs to aivommodatu
the increased travel wli | , be mdu : ) and addi
tional sidings to allow of bettor service will
undoubtedly bo put In. The work will ru-
qulro about two week * to complete.
From now until July 1 wo are going to
lnock all previous attempts at low prices.
We will guarantee to sell you goods chcniwr
than you ever bought the same quulltv nr
money returned. Best quality India chullles
! l and fi cents yard. Good sateens 8 , 10 and
1'J'j cents yard : the quality cannot be dupli
cated In the city at the price. All of our
fiiucy.dress buttons at just half price. Just
think of It.Vhero can vou get Mich bur-
gains I Only at Cully's. Wo will sell you
yard wide sheeting So yard that Is better
than Lawrence L. L. Good yard wide
bleached muslin ( lo yard , worth b. Good
dress ginghams U' ' u yawl , worth
fc'n'Wo ' will save you money
on all white goods , lace llounclngs , gloves ,
mitts , , corsets , fans and parasols. Baby
caps at your own price ; wo have t x > many , if
you should happen to want it tine woul drc-is
wo will save you at least ii pci cent. If yuu
aits after bargains \vu are bound to get your
trade. LuJlci' iujyyrted Jicui stiU'Ucd haul-
kerchiefs ) fii % worth lOiv Ilents1 lni | > ortcd
hem ntltched handkerchief * , Ilk * , ! l fur We ,
that are worth Just double. This Is pretty
largo talk ; call and see the goods and satisfy
yourselves. We give a ImmUomo present
with each and every cash purchase to the
amount of fcl.
JUS Broadway , C. 0. Cut.t.y.
, Have UK ; Ono and Procinro ttto
Olhcrut tlio ItoHlon Store.
Today and tomorrow will present oppor
tunities for the ladies who huvo delayed buy
ing ttielr parasols. They will bo enabled to
{ ire-euro the latest novelties at a great reduc
tion from early season prices. The ladies of
Council Bluffs never saw n liner line of both
umbrellas and parasols than Is now displayed
at the Boston Store. Look at these prices
nnd qualities , whlcluwlll prevail today and
tomorrow :
StUneh gloria silk SI.IO. former price $ l.r > ( ) .
2Mnch ( idorlu silk SI. 'JO and SI.-Ki , former
price 3 1. ft ) and $ i.
lM2-Inch ( ! Vienna gloria , $2 ; worth fcJ.TS.
The handles are In natural ebony nud bamboo
crooks , oxidized silver , etc.
Wo have Just received I fi ( ) samples from
n New York manufacturer which wo have
tminccd $2.110 , 1 nnd t.7fi. The sumo goods
are jobbed from XI to $3. Kvery onu furnished
with silk covers.
Our guaranteed silk umbrellas range In
price from fc.f ! > 0 to * I. r > , They are each
marked "Boston Store" and are warranted
for one year.
See our line of misses' and children's from
2le tel , nil the latest novelties.
Ladles' fancy parasols at greatly reduced
If you have an umbrella that Is worn tluu
you prize highly or is too good to throw away ,
we can recover It for you as good as new in
one minute. BOSTON STOItIO ,
Fotherlnghnm. Whitelaw ft Co. , Council
Bluffs , j
J. G. Tiptpn , real estate , 527 I ] road way.
The Itoat Club Falln to Meet.
The adjourned meeting of the directors of
the boat club should liavo been held last
evening , but a quorum failed to assemblcaud
they will try it again this evening. There
lire several matters upon which reports are
to bo made , Jffid plans are to bo perfected for
a , club icgatta.
J. C. Blxby , steam ncattng , sanitary engi
neer. Oil ) Life building , Omaha ; SJW Merriam
block , Council Bluffs.
A good hose reel free with every 100 feet of
hose purchased at Bixby's.
Dr. II. S. West , porcelain crown nnd bridge
work , No. 12 Pearl.
Dissolution Notices
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween C. L. Gillette and W. E. Freeman ,
under the linn name of Gillette & Freeman ,
Is this day dissolved , C. L. Gillette will col
lect all bills and assume nil obligations of the
firm nnd continue the business at 28 Pearl
street. C. L. GIUXITI : ,
Desirable dwellings located in all parts of
the city , for rent by E. H. Sheafo it Co. ,
Broadway and Main st. up stairs.
Waterworks ? 10. N. Y. Plumbing Co.
J. P. Covalt has gone to West Point , Neb. ,
where ho will locate.
C. S. Lcfferts' left Thursday evening for
Boston on a business trip.
Mrs. Maggie Marsh of Hebron , Neb. , Is
visiting friends in the Bluffs.
Hon. W. II. Ware of this city will deliver
the Fourth of July oration at Crescent City.
Mrs. Dr. John Green returned last evening
from a three weeks' visit in Kansas and Col
orado. Her health is greatly improved.
Mr. II. S. Moore of Utiea , N. Y. , arrived
in the city yesterday morning on a visit to
J. II. Dexter on Damon street , and W. D.
Youlen on Worth street.
Mr. J. Mueller received word yesterday
from Hong Kong that he is now a grandpa ,
his daughter , Mrs. Dr. Simons , having given
birth to u line baby boy on May 11) ) .
P. W. llynn , traveling correspondent of
Dunton's of the Turf in
Spirit , came yester
day morning from Denver. Ho will remain
hero over Sunday with his family , leaving
Monday for Minnesota.
diet Stevenson returned last evening
from Iowa City , where he has Just graduated
from the law department of the state uni
versity. Ho was one of sixteen in n class of
sixty-four who received honorable mention.
Ho will remain at home for several weeks to
When Hnby was sick , wo guvo her Cnstorln ,
- When Bhewos R Child , she cried forCostoria ,
When shu became Mlss'she clung to Cnstorlft ,
When she had Children , she guvo tlieui Cftstoria ,
Electric Trusses , Belts ,
Chest Protectors , Etc.
Agents Wanted. DR. C. B JUDD ,
POIl SALK or Uont-Ciarden land , with
houses , Liy J , K , Kluo. 11U Main St. , Couuull
BOOK Keepers Wanted Ono who Is a sales
man and has had o.\pcrlcni'o In drv goods ,
rSltiRln man , not less than 'J' } yoais old pro-
f ei red. Must ho u rustler. Add less K..M. Jones ,
Uieeiitleld , la. ,
rpWO Cutters Wanted Permanent position
-L for ono yoarat tiiO per month. .Must work
as tailor a No. Can also use a few tailors. 1' . M.
Jones , lireonlleld , la. -
SIX halesiiion wanted to travel In company
with others. Only these who luivu hail
two years' experience traveling In country
sellliij. cojds desired. Como at oueo lo ( ireen-
lleld. la. , or write to Macodonla , la. Salary
fiom Hii ) to Jl'.l per month and expenses pain ,
i o sol I dry goods tofarmoisonono yeai'stlme.
1' . M. Jones ,
\ VANTKD Two tmorjotlu young men and
f women. Wanes , & . ' . " ' < ) per day. Nu. i i
Mynstor snout , Council Itlulls.
" IIITKINI-S.S : ChaiiL-u-A party wllhlVWolo
J-.M.OOI can Hud a Kood liivestnienl and eiu-
ploymonl In a prolltahlo Imslnoss , I'or par-
lleuluib address'Caio Hee'niiiiiiil HlulK la.
rpVI'RWUITINti iind Shorthand Kiilu
I. Ithodes has oponi'd a general olllco for
shorthand and typewriting and h pioparod lu
take dictation either at the olllcu or outside
Depositions nnd joxal copying glvon Hpoehil
attention. Uiiom i. Uroun building.
A XT' IIV pay rent wnen you can huy a homoim
> > the hiiinu terms , and In uuio of your doulh
at any time leave your family the homo cluur
on the following terms ; .
A htimi ) worth fl.'kM ' at Jr. ' per month.
A huinu worth J1..VW at * IS IILT month.
A homo wotth IJ.un at { ' 'I per month ,
A homo worth * . 'U M at * ) per month.
A homo worth JI.WJ at JH p r month.
Othur prk-od homos on tliuh.inii ) torms. The
ahovo monthly payiuuiils Inolmlo principal
and Inti-iuit. For firll parllfiilaM call on or the Judd .t Wollh Co. . 000 Hrowlwuy ,
"Ilioit KENT Two isinnl miKiern lieu .s. W.
X1 W. IHlKor. M I'euil htri-ol.
Ul ItK.NTTho Ktnri' I-INIIII , No. IH , fiontln {
Il on 1'earl htW t' . James.
VIIAVT. ! : M < t mil lioautlfiilniDlorn h KM
\ I that WD will trade f..r oni'iimlx-ivd vu in
lots In Omaha or t niiuvll Olulfa. Tliu Juild i
ll Co. , Cuuuvll UlutTs , I a.
\VIII lie paid to any t'dcmirt who will
find , on analytl ? , n p.irtlclo of Mercury , I'otmh ,
or other pottoug hi Swift's Specific ( S. B. B. )
Ilcmlcti'on , Tex. , Aug. S3 , 1SJ9. "For eigh
teen months I had an rating oorj on my tongi' . ' .
I wna treated by the bet locil physicians , but
obtained no relief , tho'eoro gradually growing
Tcorro. I concluded finally to try 8. B. 8./mi
was entirety cured after ntlng n few bottle * .
You tmvo my cbcerfufpcrmlulon to publish the
ibovc ttatcmcnt for tlio benefit of these slmllarr/
afflicted. " C. I ) . McLiMonc. Hcndcrson.TVx.
Trcstleo on niood and Skin Elscascwnnlled fica.
TUB H\virr SPKCIFIO co. . Atlanta , ox
Classes instructed , patients received for
treatment , and calU rosmndud to. The
poor nnd needy always welcome. .
. 304 High School Avenue ,
Council Blutfd . . . . . low
The J. A. Murphy
1st Avenue and -1st .Street.
Sash , Doors and Blinds
Hand nnd Scroll Hawing. Ite-fawms and
I'lanlng. .Sawing of all kinds. I'oreh Hrackots.
Kindling wood JJ..V ) pur load ( lellveicd. Clean
sawdust by the ban-til : ao. All work to bo
llrst-class. Telephone. ifJJ.
First Class work guaranteed in
every respect.
35 Fourth Street.
Council Bluffs - - Iowa
OverC. 11. Jaequemln & Co.'s Jewelry stoic.
lionin 0 Morrluin llloi-U , Council lltuir * . la ,
ItooniCION. V. l.lfo llullillns. Omaha. N > ' 1 > .
Tiios" . omnm. \V. II. M. PUSKV , J *
OI'l'lCliR ' S 1'USIiY , /
Corner Main and lliontlway ,
Council Uluffs , - town.
Dealers In forolgn mul ilnmcstlccu'lmngrt. .
Cnllfctlous Hindu and Intuiest paid on tluu
deposits. .
J.I ) . KIIMUMHO.V , 1C. I ; . S
l'U"i. Vl
K. HAINAN. Cashier.
Paid Up CnplUl . $100,000
Surplus and I'rofl'.i . 60,000
Liability to Depositors . UoO.OOU
DIIIKCTOIH I. A. Mltlor. I' . O. ( Ilimson. K. It
Shnu'iu-l. K. 1) ) . Iliirt , J. I ) . Kdmuiidxon ,
It , llatiuan. Transact general b.mklii liusl-
nt'SM. Iir ! i-st capital and surplus of any
bank In Southwestern Iowa.
Kvcr hrtmglit l the west nro now onsaloat
our stoic. TinKIH ids comprise tin1 entire
wholesale stork of .M. AdlcT. \\crehiiiiKht. .
atslit'HH'H sale at less than " ' > per cent of
wholesale valiu * . Wo will sell yon plcturo
frainrsi'licapcr than you can buy the untln-
Nlicd material for. Tlio stock comprises Uio
III'NI grade of KooiNiuadi' . Conic and HIM' .
\Vhaley , 40i > llradway , Council Itlull'a.
F. M. ELLIS & CO. ,
AND mm.tnsn Riirr.iuNTr.Niir.sTJ.
Ilooms 411) ) and 4'K Hocllulldln . Omaha ,
Neb. , and Rooms "It and "U ! Mnnlam Itloolc
Council llluirs , la. Correspondence solicited. * *
Shirts lOc. Collars 2c. Cults 4c. Under
shirts Sc. Handkerchiefs .V. Souks Uo.
J , miles' clothes cheap.
Guaranteed Dentistry ,
CoM crown ami lirlik'U work , Inc'lililllik' nil llnci of
liliitu * - ( iiilil. I'liitlniim , Aliiiiiiiliini iiuil ( Vlluldlil.
CiiiitourlilllMK anil voiillniiuiia itmii nurk | > o < 'lul-
hle .
JB Ano tlii'tl < "iKlviMi when ili-xIriMl In i-xlrnrtlnn
teeth. OHIi'u liiiiir ? , S In I''n. in. ami'oli ( p. in.
Ulllcc rnoin. .11. ' .Men him block , Cmuicll lllults.
Gas Stoves and Ranges
These stoves are the very best of their
class. They are made in all designs and
sizes , for all purposes , and their durabil
ity insures them to last a lifetime. Gas
only costs Sl.5o per 1,000 in Council
Bluffs , and one burner consumes 10 feet
an hour , making the cost of runningabout
equal to gasoline , with none of its danger
and disagrccablencss.
JBWB ! Circulating
Water Heater ,
Thl llontcr Is to Im romii'Oti'il with Ilin kllrlirn
hut irnlcf hnllir It will liiku tinpliuv "I llicuutri
Tumi In n rnn L or rook duvc II limy nlso ! > < ti ril
In f iMiititniitlon uih | a r.limit nr conk Htovi1 , If ilo-
p'ml ' It IH iiiiMliMMitlri.)1 ! ot ui't Iron unit IH packiMl
itlili mineral wool li.-lwjni tlm Iliilnu mill ! u.
U will IKMU a 'lO-callon liollir of nili : > r ironi. > U3 lo
Jaio In DUO liour. on ; w fivt of IHIS , at Ill-ID pri"-niiru
TliiTo nro tlnui huriii'ri luhiw ( ho tloulilo plpn
( oil. it Is Hi la. IOMK , 8 III. lilu mul 111 In. hlvli
WulKllt ! < J lilt.
Tliu , h > < vil l < Iho only Cut Clmil itlml Wmcr
llo.itor In thu wurlil t'liit ' Is ooiiipnct , pounrful ami
IL'iOJI , tlilnk of It ! Try to mutch It. liny one , for
It IH Jiiftt wlint you wiuil
.Mori-him ( luoilltri'ienl Kindt of can MOVM limelccl
fiuni , J.mllv , t'oiiiu mul nuu ( hoi" nri1' ' iry Ihuin.
Council Bluffs
Gas i Electric Light Go ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
I arccst Stock and Lowest I'rlccis. Dealer" . M'nil for C'ataloRiip.
Nos. 05 anil ii07 Broadwiiy , and liOl und UOU IMorco Struct , Council DlulK
HTD'.l ' | _ IIydraulic and Sanitary liiurincser. Plans , Kstimato
s J _ > 1I K111IJ1I1L Spoelllcutioils. Supervision of Public Work. JJrowa
' Uulldintr , Coucll HlulTs. town.
NC „ ] . . , . , . , , .Justice of the L'oaeo. O.Ilco over American Express , No.
. OLIIUIA Droadwuy , Council HlulTa , Iowa.
„ -Attjrnoys iiiVvw. Prnctloo in the H tuto nnd Fort
- oril ; Cjurts. HJOIUJ 7 und 8 Shu u r-Hono Ulock
Council LJlulowi.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical institute. .
ForlhetrontmcntofnlininONie AM > Hl'IKUPAI. DIHKA8KH Urn . ,
Triii ui HIKI Kui'illtini Auuirutni nud Iti'inediui for iic < ' fiil lri' lm . .
"fRl'iil" , VS/lyM'r'r"c ? ! ' "w.1hSV ; "u V"SK ! ? l li"inlJ-ln | | pi M mfor W ImrduniiircTinLnsmclil *
tBirM ; ?
NKW IIot riitlvo TrV * mon" fur UV > .f V luiI Rwr ( ' . .rilluiml.lo to a miir l. Ircnlcrt at hume I ,
cor7olDnilom'0 . AuOini trilni"ii ilmliclne or l.i.truii.Diit. . . tent \ > 1 luull ur nipre.ii. n >
cunu p .niicmii jiirei'i ' . ; , , , . „ " , onienln ur ininlcr. < me rormnnl luli'fv OK incfirri'il. Call und cnnnull
arV-n-l - h it. " ? i ' "ircui2 " " d w "win"end In piIn wrupW i. r IIXK TO MIJN Hi KB , u.oi , I'Kvat.
Specli or NMVUU * UUi'iiU" lu"otflnrr. . hj.lillH | , Oluct un.l . Varicqelu. . > lUi iiic tlun Hit. Artdcen
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner jth and Homey Sts.j Orpahb , Nf b