Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Eleven Jnroia Tried to Send Him to tlio
Irrlval ofllon. P. A. Collins , Chairman
or the tiaat National Ucmourntlo
Convention HlH Trip
Old Patrick Bremmn , spore built , white
haired iind white whiskered but for his vole
Tony I'raulc would now bo under u conviction
oT murder In tlio llrst degree.
four Hourly four days the jury with whom
' rested the rosiwnslbility of determining
whether or not Chronlstcr , the peddler , had
been iniirdered by Frank , has been trying to
arrive ttt u conclusion on the question.
It htki been the longest Jury-room struggle
In the hlUory of the criminal court In this
At the opening of court yesterday morning
Judge Ckirkson ordered the tenacious twelve
brought before him.
"I take it tluit you arc unable to ugree upon
a verdict , " said the court.
"You are qulto right , " replied the foro-
maii , Charles li , Sllsbcc.
"What , prospect Is there of un agreement I"
'Tho prospeet Is best understood , your
honor , by the fact that we have boon stand
ing eleven to ouo pretty nearly since wo
started. "
After meditating a moment or two , the
Judge tiskod Mr. Crowoll , for the defense. If
ho had any objection to the Jury being dis
charged , and the latter said he had not.
The same question was put to the prisoner ,
who at llrst failed to comprehend Its mean
ing , but after u lengthy explanation from his
counsel , surprised the latter by saying in
( itlito plain lOnglish and with great emphasis
that he wanted the Jury to continue and not
be discharged.
Mr. O'Brien , also the counsel for the de
fense , entered the room at this point and uf-
tcr a few hurried words witli his colleague
urJkc and objected to the court having asked
his associate and the prisoner whether or not
they had any objection to tlio Jury being dis
charged. The court overruled the objection
and counsel asked and was allowed un excep
tion. Tlio latter then asked that the Jury bo
polled as to whether there was any probabil
ity of their agreeing , and the court ordered
this dune.
Every man answered in the negative and
with a good deal of force. Then the court
said :
"I shall now take the responsibility of dis
charging you , gentlemen of tlio Jury. The
court takes pleasure In saying that it feels
that each unu every one of you lists clone his
full duty and only regrets that yon should
Imvo been compelled to remain in session as
ioug as you have ) . You are discharged. "
Tlio counsel for the defense took another
objection and the prisoner was led buck to his
cell to await a new trial.
It required but little questioning to ascer
tain that the eleven were for murder in the
llrst dein'ee , and that ono was for acquittal.
Foreman Silsboe informed Tur. Bun repre
sentative that seventy-two ballots had been
taken. The llMt stood eight for conviction
nml four for acquittal. Almost the next
ballot changed to cloven for conviction of and
one against murder In the llrst degree , and so
it continued ,
As noted above , the ono man who could not
vote for conviction was Patrick I3rennan.
One glanei ) ut his face , witli its sharp chin
and resolute mouth , is all that is necessary in
order to show that ho is Just the man to pre
vail for a limitless period against eleven of his
fellows. AVhcn spoken to regarding the
record for endurance which ho had inado for
himself , Mr. lirennan said simply that he did
not believe the prisoner guilty , and wouldn't
have voted so , even if the Jury had been kept
out forever.
On Ills AVjiy to the Coast Ho Stops
Ovir in Omalia.
Hon. Patrick A. Collins of Boston arrived
In Omaha yesterday morning , en route to
Portland , Seattle , Tacoma und other North
western points.
Mr. Collins is a distinguished lawyer and
or.itor , has been a member of congress , pre
sided over the lust national domocr.itio con
ventlon lu St. Louis , and at ono time it was
thougnt would bo Selected fora position in the
cabinet of President Cleveland.
He was met at the Murray hotel by Mayor
n , Gushing. Postmaster Gallagher , John A.
Creighton , James Crelghton , Thomas Bren-
nan , Frank II. Morrissey , Charles Conoyer
nnd others , who gavu him a hearty welcome
nnd assured him of the pleasure it would ul-
ford thmn to make his visit to the city ugroo-
abhi to him.
"Omiihu bus changed wonderfully since
my lust visit horo. " said Mr. Collins , "mfd I
should judge from the general uii > curunco of
things that her prospects for becoming u
great city am most Haltering. "
"When wore you hero last : " ( |
"Tweiity-ono years ago this month. I pur
chased the llrst trans-continental ticket over
sold , u frieud of mine jjot number two and \vo
weut hmuM to San FranciM-o. I remember
that we crossed the river to Omaha on a
terry-bout aud stopped at nn old wooden
hotel down near the river bunk' . A beer gar
den and two brass bands kept mo uwako ull
night , "
Speaking oC mutters in the cost Mr. Collins
thought that , us compared with western push
und enterprise , the people there were de
funct. "You uro getting away with us in
everything. "
"John Arkins nnnounces that the demo
crats must nominate a western man for pres
ident in " , U if they hope to succeed ( "
"Where is the man ) If you Imvo him ho
should bo trotted out. Since Tom Itondrieks
I don't Know of ono who nm curry his htutc. "
"What do you think of the proposition on
general principles , Mr. Colilnsf"
"OJi , bless your soul , I um out of politics
entirely and was novo. " so well contented. "
"Hdoesn't Interest you any morel"
"Yos , to u certuln extent , but I nm not
speculutlng , predicting or taking uny part ia
party Issues. Wo Imvo taught ourselves lu
Mussuchuiuitts to bo conservative , to Iind out *
who und whut the country wants. I don't
believe that any ouo state bus u right to dic
tate or demand when it bus no goods to de
liver. "
"You uro chairman of your state central
committee ! "
"That's a fact , nud the headquarters are
near my ofllci'j but I have only been In them
four times since the llrst of January , and
then solely to utteml meetings. "
Mr. t'olllns could not bo induced to state
_ his preference on the liresldentlal question.
" 1 um out , " he declared , "on business mutters
tlmt take mo to Seattle , Spokuno and
'liieonm. During the campaign , two years
two , 1 only made three speeches , and I mayif
alive , make ono or two the m-xt time , but
have actually given up iiollttcs. "
Mr. Collins Is u tall , slight , handsome gen
tleman forty-Mx years of uo. ( His brown
curly hair and mustache nro turning gray.
. Ho Is neconipanled by Mr. J. P. Noonan , a
wealthy gentleman of Boston who makes the
trip more for pleasure than anything else.
They are the guests whllo hero of Mr.
Brcnriun und will bo given u lunch at the
Union club today.
DlHtrlct Court.
Mrs. Kate Utoft was tried before Judge
Clurkson yesterday afternoon on the ohargo
of selling llinior without a license. The evi
dence showed that thu Utolfs kept u saloon ut
Klkhorn which was run without a license.
Wet goods eauio to It addressed to Mrs.
Utolf aud were disposed of by her. The only
question was whether she acted on her own
account or us agent for her husband. The
Jury-retired about 5 o'clock and at the hour
of going to press hud not returned.
Judge Wukeloy will hand down decisions
this morning in the following cases : The
Star Union lumber company vs Fluney et
at , und Miles vs Prince.
A , S. Stlgur has commenced suit In foro-
clomro against C. C. Hpotswood to recover
1135 on u note secured uy mortgage OB prop
erty lu Kendall's addition.
Tjlvo iiljjoona wnntcd before July 1 at
M.fiO imr dozou. Ship to tE. . Mockott.
Mnroln , jf
Htnto Hollncs4 Ansoclntlon.
DnsMoiNR t In. , JunoCO.-Sixx'lnl [ Tola-
to TUB BKB. ] The lown Holiness.
aiHociatlon , ia camp bore , anil compo-wd of
members of nil denominations , elected the
following ofllecrs for the ensuing year :
President , Isnlh Held , Ncvndn ; vlco pros I-
dent , C. A. Boverloy , Ainw ; rcuonllnf ? scti-
rotary , Mrs , J. M. Otis , DCS Moincs ; corro-
spoiullng sec'retnry , Mrs. Aguca llrookmlllcr ,
Carlislei triswurcr , William IJrudway , De3
Dolllvor Hciioniliintctl.
BOOXB , In. , Juno 20. [ Spocbl Telegram to
Tun HKI : . ] The ropubllcan congressional
convention for the Tenth dUtrlct , held hero
today In Phipp ? ' o , > 3rahouse , was n veritable
love feast , Congrossnntn J. 1' . Dolllvcr being
rcnointiiutcd by acclamation amid rousing
cheers from the delegates. About ninety out
of tlio Hit < lclojat < M to the convention were
present , antl ex-Speaker Hc.xJ of JolTeMon
was made permanent cli alnnan. Dolllver.waH
plated In nomination by Senator Me-
Vey of Calhoun In a ringing Rpeoeh ,
coupled with the motion that , the nomination
be by acclamation. The nomination \VIIH
carried \vlth a hurrah. Excellent speeches
were nuide during the convention bv ex-
Oovcnior Carpenter , Chalnnan Head , M. D.
O'Uonnell , V. n. Doiilver anJ others. Late
in the proceedings a telegram from Congress
man Dolliver \Vashlngton was read , thank *
ing the convention , und proposing the .senti
ment : "A united republican party In Iowa la
invincible. " This telegram and every men
tion of Dolliver'3 nanio was roundly cheered.
The committee on resolutions reported that in
view of the near approach of the state con
vention they would offer no planks on politi
cal problems , but content themselves with
ringing commendations of President Harri
son ami Congressman Uolllver. A con
gressional committee of one from each county
was chosen and the convention adjourned.
The delegates are being treated to uu clognnt
banquet this evening , tendered ut the Butler
house by the citizens of Doono.
C3 Ui'il Onk'H New Court House.
Knn O i if , Ia. , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram
to Tier DRK. ] Governor Boles will ofllehito
nt the laying of the corner stouo of the now
court house in this city on July ! . It will bo
a $ r. > ,000 structure , and the citizens are preparing -
paring to celebrate the event on an extensive
scale. The exercises will bo uiitler the
auspices of the Masonic fraternity and Judge
Granger of the supreme court will deliver the
regular address.
Tin ; iUilitlu Ijnuampiiicntff.
Dns MOIXKS , Ia. , Juno 20 ( Special Tele
gram to Tun BKK. ] Major General Scho-
Ileld nnd the secretary of war have granted the
request of the governor for a butallion of
four companies to encamp with the Iowa na
tional guards this sum ncr. The commandIng -
Ing general , department of the i'latte , will
have charge of the details connected with
sending a Ixitallloii to each camp.
A Filmier
MUSC.VTIXE , Ia. , Juno 20. Special Tele
gram to Tin : BUB. ] Jphn Hanoy , a farmer
residing west of this city , was assaulted by
an unknown party last night and frightfully
bruised and cut about tlio head while on his
way home. Ho is unable to see this morning.
He remembers bolug struck on the back of
the head , but by whom ho docs not know. It
is thought a thug did it.
Sunday School Confcrcncn.
DBS Moixus , Ia. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKK.I Tlio annual Sunday
schpol conference of the Friends' church of
Iowa began a three days' soasion here thU
evening with an address ot welcome by Dr.
Woods Hutchison of this city , response by
Ksthor P. Torrill of Oskaloosit and tlio presi
dent's address by William Jasper Hadlcy.
Twplv ? Cows Killotl l > y U
Mcdc.iTixi : , la. , Juno 13. [ Special Tel
egram to TUB BII : : . ] Andrew Cochrane , re
siding ten miles west of Muscatino , hail
twelve cows killed by ustroko of lightning this
morning. They were standing near a wire
feu ce.
A Boy Killed liy Whisky.
MUSC.VTIM : , Ia. , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram -
gram to'l'iiii BHE. ] Teddy , the six-year-old
son of Constable Hogan , got hold of a bottle
of whisky last night , drank it , and died ut 11
o'clock today.
Franklin Street Property Owners.
About fifty of the resident property owners
along the line of Franklin street met at Ralph
W. Hull's residence last night to decide upon
the material to be used In curbing and paving
the street from Twenty-fourth west to Twen
ty-ninth street. After a lengthy discussion
as to the relative merits of the various kinds
of paving material , Colorado sandstone was
decided upon for the curb and asphaltum for
the paving.
The action of the mooting will bo reported
to the council next Tuesday night.
In the matter of grading Franklin street
from Twenty-ninth to Thirty-fourth , the
committee appointed ut a former meeting to
estimate thn damages reported that after deducting -
ducting the assessments for benefits , there
would still bo tlio sum of 5:1,750 : to bo paid
property owners whose lots would have to bo
brought to thu established grade.
A number of tlio residents living upon
Seward and Decatur streets appeared before
the meotinir and stated that if the street
could bo graded they would share their pro
portion of the expenses.
M. H. Knhu stated tlmt as soon as the street
is graded the motor company will put in a
line of road , running from Twenty-fourth to
I.owo avenue , and there to connect with the
Walnut Hill line.
This created considerable enthusiasm nud
immediately a petition will bo circulated
among the property owners asking thorn to
waive damages. _ _
now ofliccs of tlio great Rock la-
land route , 100i : , Slxloonth and Purimm
street , Omitlm , are tlio In the city.
Call and sue. them. TlokoU to till points
oust ut lowest rates
KKNNKDY-Mrs. II. L. . , In Chicago , Juno 10.
Funeral Sunday at IliHO p. , m. from First
M. E. church to Prospect Hill. Family will
leave their residence , 'JiiO 1 Davenport street ,
at U p. m. Friends invited.
i , v.iii.itijt.tvns.
John t , . Carson , ono of the veteran bankers
of the state , has Just returned from the Pa-
cltlo coast , und with his family is tiuurtiucd
at the Millard.
J. M. Bennett of Hebron Is stopping at the
F. II. Smith of Albion la stopping at the
Norrls Brown of Kearney is registered at
the Paxtou.
C. K. Fink of Lincoln is a guest at tbo
C. H. Thompson of Topeka U registered at
the Murray.
Charles Klegelmanof Des Moiuea is n guest
at the Murray.
M. E. Callahan of North Platte Is regis
tered at the Casey.
E. A. Hatileld and L. C. Htno of Benedict
are guests at the Casey.
W. R Hammond of Elgin was at the Casey
O. F. Moray of Hastings Is stopping ot the
Mrs. A. E. Daniels of Lincoln Is a guest at
the Millard.
E. W. Hayes of Beatrice U stopping at the
J. I ) . Pope of Friend U at the Mlllurd.
S. W. Orton of Weeplug Water Is at the
S. E. Spencer of Beatrice U a guest at the
F. Harreman of Blair U ut the Mer
Tlio NCWH Pained Him.
Juno 20. [ Special Cablegram to
Tim Bcr.1 Lieutenant Baron von O raven-
ruth , who was connected \vith Major Wls-
munu's expedition In Africa , has written a let
ter to a paper publUhud In Augsburg , in
which ho ays ho Is painfully surprised at the
terms of the Anglo-dernian settlement in ro-
cnrd to African territory , especially ttiatiuirt
of the agreement providing for the sur
renderor Zanzibar to the British. Hen ys
he considers Kauzlbnr the key to Africa. JIIXKHS ,
Tlio ItcHcnors Hear Sounds Indicating
1 hut Sonic nro Alive.
DONHAH , Pa. , Juno 19. The Imprisoned
miners have been heard from. This evening
the men cworking in the lcud ) of the entry
through which the rescuing party Is working
Ite way , distinctly heard "pick , " "pick , " fern
n dozen times from the Inside. The rescuer
have gone to work with renewed vigor. The
miners cannot bo reached for hours yet. The
rescuing party Is within a few feet of the line
leading from the Muuonlng to the Hill Farm
mine , but after this is reached the men will
have to drlvo through seventy-live feet of
coal to reach their Imprisoned comrades ,
News that the entombed miners had been
heard from spread quickly throughout the
little mining town and In a short lime the
mouth of the Miihonlng mlno was crowded
With men. women nnd children. Itonowed
tupping tins evening has Inspired the rescuers
with fresh courage. Thoydonot now fear
danger and it is not probable that they will
meet with any.
Late tonight General Manager Howard said
they had hope * of reaching the men before
daylight. A corps of physicians is waiting
In readiness and every provision Is made to
take care of such of the unfortunates as may
bo alive. One of the rescuers said only two
men can work at a time where they are now
digging. The suspense among the anxious
watchers above Is awful.
DUNIUH , Pa. , Juno 20. The relief parties
were hard at work all night. This morning
there were KM ) feet of slate and coal to go
through before the miners can bo reached. It
Is thought this will take till 0 or 10 o'clock to
night. No moro tappings Imvo been heard
from the' inside.
1C02. Sixteenth and Furnnm streets Ia
the now Itook Island ticket ofllco. Tick
ets to ull points east ut lowest ratoa.
Heavy Rainfall Causes Much Damage
nt Atclilsoii and St. Joe.
KANSAS Crrv , Mo. , Juno20. Severe elcctrle
storms , accompanied by much rain and heavy
winds , prevailed lust uight lu northeastern
Kansas and western Missouri. At Atchlson
the rainfall was exceptionally heavy. The
water forced Itself into the water mains , sev
eral of which bursted and Hooded collars all
along Commercial street.
The city's loss Is probably about Ki,000 ( )
and the loss to merchants and railroads $100-
At St. Joseph , Mo. , rain fell In torrents
and Hooded the streets and bursted several
sewers. Joseph C. Coombs , while attempt
ing to keep the inlet clear , was overcome by
the force of the water and can-led iuto the
Uad Storm in Illinois.
CoitXRi.i. , 111. , June 20. A tornado passed
west of hero this afternoon in.n path eight
rods wide and about four miles In length.
Everything in its path was either totally
wrecked or badly damaged. Four persons
were seriously and probably fatally injured ,
nnd several others slightly hurt. The storm
llrst struck the house of S. Plymiro , tearing
It to pieces and terribly injuring Mr. PJyuiire.
The residences of William Vindcamp and Jim
Bradley were unroofed , the outbuildings de
stroyed , and Vindcamp and Bradley slightly
hurt. The house and barn of William Sutliffo
were badly damaged , but the family escaped
with a few bruises. The most extensive
wreck was at W. D. Connor's. His house ,
bum and other outbuildings were completely
demolished and Mr. Connor and wife received
fatal injuries. A school house a short distance
east was blown all to pieces , not a timber be
ing left standing. Fortuuately school was
not In session nt the time. A son of Mr. Mor
risen was badly hurt by Hying debris. C. C.
Leonard's house and outbuildings were badly
damaged , ono of his boys probably fatally
hurt and three otlicrs slightly injured.
Tli rough coaches Pullman palace
sleepers , dining-cars , free reclining- chair
cars to Chicago und intervening points
via tlio great Rock Island routo. Tick
et oliico 1GOL' . Sixteenth aud Fumum.
The Swltuhincn's Strike.
CI.RVUI.ANII , O. , Juno 20. 'Tho switchmen
on the Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago & St.
Louis railway and the Luke Shore & Michigan
Southern railroad returned to work this
morning at what is known sin the Lake Shore
wages. The "Nickel Plato , " Vulloy railway ,
Cleveland , Canton & Southern and Pennsyl
vania companies' yardmen are still out and
express a determination to remain out until
they are granted ut least ten hours for a
day's work at the Lake Shore sculo for twelve
hours work.
Ordained a Ijiirgn Class.
BAI.TIMOUH , Md. , Juno 20. Cardinal Gib-
uons , assisted by President Magniun of St.
Mary's seminary und Uov. J. R. Slattcry ,
ordained today the largest class of candi
dates that ever Hied into the cathedral.
Among them were J. H. Conluy , Lincoln ,
deacon ; E. C. ICniory , 1'eoria , 111. , acolyte ;
H. V. JUalone , Davenport , In. , lector ; F. J.
Hunt , Davenport , Ia. , tensuro ; J. J. Cassldy ,
Davenport , Ia.
Iowa Central Train Ditched.
MASOX CITV , Ia. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bin : . ] A tremendous rain
fell over this section last night. A dispatch
has just reached this city that the vestibule
train coming north over the Iowa Central
has Just been derailed ten miles south of the
city. It was due hero ut 4 o'clock. No par
ticulars can yet be learned. The nigM. trains
over the Milwaukee uro delayed.
It Was AVItiiessod l > y Hundreds.
Ciinvnvxn , Wyo. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele
gram toTiiK Bin. : ] The Union Pacilic shops
were thrown open to the public this evening
for the flrst time , nil of the buildings being
illuminated with Edison electric lights by u
plant on the ground. The sight was un ex
tremely pretty ono und was witnessed by
hundreds of citizens ,
Si'itiNOFir.u ) , 111. , Juno 20. At a largely
attended meeting of business men today in
terested In the success of the world's Col
umbian exposition of 180:1 : a resolution was
adopted urging on the national commissioners
the selection of Hon. Thomas W. Palmer of
Michigan us president of the commission ,
commending him us u man lit lu every way
for the place.
Murdorn r Johnson Surrenders.
Auuuitx , Nob. , Juno 20. Charles Johnson ,
who shot and killed his brother-in-law , Juiaes
Whltcmau , lust Monday , surrendered himself
to the sheriff and is now in Jnil hero awaiting
his preliminary hearing , It is said tlmt John-
sou has acknowledged the commission of the
Crops DcHtrnycd l > y Hall.
ST. CiiAin.i'.s , Minn. , Juno 20 , The great
hall storm In this vicinity Wednesday did
great damage to ull kinds of crops , The
storm was followed by a heavy rainfall , and
farms already stripped by the hail were
washed of everything movable.
Ciraeo Hawthorne to Tour.
LOXIM > X , Juno 20. [ Special Cablegram to
TUB Bui : , ] Miss Grace Hawthorne has sold
her lease of the Princess theater mid will
make u starring tour of the United States and
Australia She will return to London lu Oc
tober , IS'JI , when she will occupy her own
now theater which is now lu course of con
Illectricnl Storm In Wisconsin.
BOSKOHBL , Wis. , Juno 20. A severe elec
trical storm prevailed in tills vicinity last
night and considerable dumago was dono.
Near Muscodu John Minor's house was
struck by lightning und tbo family pros
trated. All will recover.
Glass Workers' Scale.
, Pa. , Juno 20. Tbo Hint glass
workers have pnwcnted their scale of wuges
for the ousutug year , mid the manufacturers
have the matter uudur consideration. The
scale advances wages about U per cciit.
Alleged Crooktd Minneapolis Census
Takers PrnUf lunlly Acquitted , -
MIN.ST.AFOI.M , Mlhii , , Juno -Special [
Telegram to Tun'Br.u.J-The great conspir
acy has collapsed. Tlio seven Minneapolis
enumerators kldnlippod lost Tuesday night
while In the pursuit of their lawful business ,
nnd conveyed to St. Paul by St. Paul oftleors ,
nnd arraigned bcM'rq Commissioner McCuf *
forty of St. Paul at midnight , had their pre
liminary hearing 'boforo ' the commissioner
today. Hon. EuReuo Hay , United States
district attorney , asMsted by Attorneys Law-
ler and Munn of 8t , Paul , appeared for the
government , nnd Juduo Shaw , Frank Davis
nnd F , B. Hurt , all of Minneapolis , appeared
for the enumerators. After u half day's
wrangle over the question of the right to a
change of vcntio on the grounds of prejudice ,
lu which MeCulTorty overruled all the de
cisions of the state and United States courts ,
the case was ordered to n hearing. In spite
of the fact tlmt the St. Paul ofllccrs
had kidnapped seven hags of alleged false re
turns , and m splto of the allidavlt of William
Pitt Murray tuut ho "believed" fraud to
have been committed , nnd in spite of the
> reseneo of fifteen witnesses , whom the
Pinkcrtou agency had caused to be sum
moned , the district attorney of the United
States was compelled to ask a continuance
of ten weeks In order to obtain any testimony
in law sulllclent to urocced upon. The
United States attorney told the court In substance -
stance that he and his two SU Paul assist
ants , both of whom had been employed by
the St. Paul gang of kidnappers , had exam
ined the contents of "seven bags , " and
had examined old Bill Murray and the fif
teen witnesses , but had utterly fulled to ob
tain , abstract or corrul a sufllciont amount of
testimony to warrant the holding of the re
spondent. But that there might bo the am
plest opportunity for the government to ob
tain evidence , the district attorney moved for
a continuance of ten weeks , or until August
20 , to obtain any * evidence that might by any
possibility exist. Commissioner McCaffcrty
was thus compelled to continue the case und
so the farce cuds.
The nlloged testimony In this case was sent
broadcast over the land before tiny hearing
could take place , that tlio fair reputation of
Minneapolis might be smirched. After three
days of hunting not ono lota of testimony has
been obtained , and tlio case bus absolutely
collepsed. The people of this city oak that
the newspapers of the United States publish
these facts to counteract the false impression
made by former publications.
Chicago Ought to lie Satisfied.
CHICAGO , Juno 20. The Journal this after
noon says Census Enumerator Gilbert un
wittingly gave Its reporter the approximate
number of people living in this elty , and it
states this number at 1,250,000.
The Village of Alllacn Almost Re
duced to Ashes.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BHE. ] The village of Milaca ,
a hamlet of 800 inhabitants , in Millo Lacs
county , is reported to have been almost
wholly reduced to ashes tonight by flro. A
dispatch reached St. Paul at 10:30 : p.m. ask
ing for assistance , and ut 11 o'clock a Great
Northern special , Containing two engines ,
twenty firemen and half n do en citizens , loft
for that point. The place is seventy-two
miles away and the party will not roach the
scene of disaster much before 1 o'clock , A
brief dispatch says'the flro is thought to have
been set by ligtnlng striking a born. The
wind was blowing a gale , tlio lluuics commu-
catod to adjoinlugt , structures aud soon the
main street was ablaze. It is bcliovod oil the
business portion of the town will bo swept
away. Communication at midnight is cutoff ,
the telegraph ofllca having been burned.
London's New Chief of Police.
LONDON , Juno 20. Colonel Bradford , pollt-
cal undor-sccretary for the Indian ofllcc , was
announced in the commons today as a suc
cessor to Munroo as chief of the metropolitan
police force.
In making tlie announcement Mr. M.
Matthews said that Sir Edward hud been for
many years attached to the army in Madras
aud hud been a British resident in Hajpob-
Mr. Thomas O'Connor asked Mr. Mat
thews : "Has ho over been in charge of any
English police force i Have not his services
been always among tlio Asiatics i"
Mr. Matthews replied : "While ho was in
Knjpootana ho commanded tlio police there. "
Tliis statement was greeted with opposi
tion groans. Sir Edward is a friend of tlio
Prince of Wales. Ho chaperoned Prince Al
bert Victor , eldest son of the Priuco of
Wales , during his recent tour of India. The
radicals denounce his appointment as a job.
Spoke Against Useless Strikes.
BuntIN , Juno 20. [ Special Cablegram to
TUB BKR. ] At a great meeting of socialists
hero today Herr Bobel spoke strongly against
useless strikes. Ho said that many errors In
the mutter of strikes hud recently been com
mitted throughout Germany. A majority of
his colleagues , intoxicated by the result of
the election , believed they could do what
they lilccd with the middle class. It was u
mistake ; the leaders must act with caution.
Adverting to the boycott recently placed
on Bavarian beer brewed in Berlin , he said
the weapon of boycott was abuscu and that
the leaders of the workingmen were incom
petent. The meeting was not in accord with
Herr Bobel and voted a want of confidence in
the Berliner Volksblatt because the paper has
taken Bebel's views of strikes. It was de
cided , however , to remove the boycott on
Bavarian beer , the breweries having arranged
a compamiibO with the strikers ,
Ilrakcmcii Hack nt Work.
PiTTsiiUiio , Pa. , Juno 20. The strike of
through brukemen on the Monongahela di
vision of the Pennsylvania railroad was set
tled today , the men accepting the proposition
of the omcials for a slight advance.
a Bookmaker.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Juno 20. The safe of
Lewis M. Bilor , a bookmaker , was opened
last night. Three thousand dollars hi cash ,
$3 < X ) worth of diamonds and about $ . ' ! 00 lu
notes were stolen.
Census KlRiireti a Secret.
WASHINGTON , Juno 20. The report that the
superintendent of the census hud authorized
the supervisors to give out the census
Is denied by Mr. Porter. Ho says the report
is without foundation.
Died Declaring His Innocence.
BKU.KVII.I.E , Out. , Juno 20 , Peter Ed
ward Davis , who in September last murdered
his paramour's husband , was hanged here ut
8 o'clock this morilug. } Ho declared his iu-
noccnce to the
Boyd's Opera House Block.
Both the method nml rcsiilta when
Syrup of Figs is tnkcn ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , nml acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver mid Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem cLTccturdly , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers nnd cures hnhitual
constipation. Syrup of Fig3 ia the
only remedy of ita kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the tnsto nnd nc-
ccptahlo to the stomach , prompt in
its action nnd truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agrceahlo suhstanccs , ita
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in COc
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
euro it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
xnr. An unrnlt-
I mi I WiMkni'.n ,
HpormiilorrlnB.1 ,
Imiiotoni'y , nnd
nil dlaunHO * time
follow na n
iiuonco of HcIT-
nbiiRo ; nf Tos '
of .Momory. Unl-
BFFOOC TAKItin. TCrsnlljissltiiilo , AFTFR TAWMf | .
Pain In the Uark. Dlmneaj ot Vision , PronmUiro OM
Ago. anil mtinjr otlior ilLsciupa that Ioi3 to Inability
orron'UMiptlon nnil npromnturnKrnm
nfFiill pnrtletilar.i In our piunplilot , whir * , wo do-
slro Uincml frpii t > y mnll Ui every ono. IBTho 8pu-
cltlc niodlrlno la sold ut $1 per packnuo , or ilx piu'k-
IIKCH for ? . " > , or will bu sent frm > by mull uu tlrJ receipt
of tlio money * by mldreaalntf
1110 FAIIWAM STHKKT , - OMAHA , Nicit.
On ncroimt of rountorfolta no Imvo mloptcU the
yellow wruppcr , tliu ouly tjuiiulnu.
't The Secret of Hoaltli
In the power to cut , dlgnat and mulmllata
propitr qunntlly of irhnlrsoino food. ThU
cnn novcr bw tlm canu Avhlln lmptivltl > .t xJit
In thu nynlnni. Tlia hlootl iiiiut lia purllloi ! )
It la thn vltnl principle , innilfyliifr through
everyimrtoftliobody. Dr.Tiitt' Tillsoxpal
Billmimrltlei und vltullzo the whole ayatcnu
, A Noted Divine says :
"I hare been usliiff Dr. Tutt'a TJv r 1'llla
the pant til roe months for dyapcpaln , Trcftk
itoiimoh and narvoiisnfliN. I navcr had any-
t 111 UK to do nio no murlt K nd. I rurniniiittnu
Micni a * HIM beat pill In cxlatence , and do nil
IX can to acquaint others \vltli their murltm.
They are n siiflclul blcMhiK. "
Itor. F. It. OHOUOD , Now York.
' Tntt's Liver Pills ,
, FOR DYNl'ri'SIA.
Vrice , 25c. Office , 39 & 41 Park Place , N. Y.
"Dy n thorough knowlciluo of Iliu lairs
nhlch povern the op rntlon.ii > f dlgostlon nnd ntitil *
tlon , and liy n curefnl appllcntlnn of the line proper
ties of well rolrcttxl Cnenn. Mr. Kppi lia.iiroviiteiloiir |
bruakfnAt tjibloa with a detlentely flnvorud bevcmuo
which may anvu us many heavy doctors' bills. It IM
by the Judicious use of such nrtlclci of dint tlmt n
constitution nmy liocrmlunlly built lip until ulraii ) , '
enouxh to reidnt every tcndcnuT to ilKcii'O. llun-
drcds of nubtlo muludlesura tloatln nrouiidiis ru.Tlr
to nttnck whereTor lliero Is n wenk point. Wo inny
eocupo ninny n fntnl Mlmft by kccptnK ourselvcatoll
fortltlcd with pure blooil nnd n properly nourished
frame , " Civil Service ( in/etto.
Mu.lo simply wlUibolllntt iriiter onnllU. Sold only
In hnlf pound tins , liy uroccrs , Inbeled thus :
IIMI'C : lMIVJ ) S , HoimBopatliloChomlsts \ ,
, Louaou.
OvRti A * UisTiitmrrrn.
Louisana State Lottery Company.
IneorpuraliM tiy lhr > I.oitl'IntMri' , for nl c.itlon i |
rlinrltiMilo * , IIA frnnrtil'it mcvlo
Th I.itra-t. Fa lrl nml Flm t , In In * > Vorl.l. nml imrimso
' iMtMlltutlon III 137V br no
lrtenirrr n < minoUtl < m < nno'rcliiM , putt Of Iho | Ti' enl < lnln , ,
nvrtnlH'liiiliiu iKM'lilnrvoto , nml
KTIIini'IA , .limn 21. | HKVONtA. Jiilr .V Its present charter ending
PI'IINK.iiUA.Junn : . ! ) . I CIIIOAMitIA , .Inlr 13.
New York , Queonitown and Liverpool. ing January 1st , 1895
Tim CnlphKitml I JnnoWth. JuljrS'.th.
CITY UFIIO.MK. | All * . IM. Pit , t SUIIi. nits MAMMOTH DKAWINCJS take plnca
SAtOQH , SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAQE Soml-Annnally ( Junonnil Docemboland Its
mm on inwpit t < rm * M ami fnim In" Qr.nnd SliiRliJ Number Drawing tilto plaon
SCOTCH. IIISIISM. IRISI MO u toiiTuEMi pants. In each of the other ten mouths of the yonrJ
Kicuriloti ticketruluciil , mml xxlltblit 1.1 rrturn
IT cither thi' picture-quo I'l jilf. Hr'cr a-wcjr. Jiortli or and nro all drawn In public , at thu Acadojnjj
fiinlliof Iri' NnplMorilllirnltir- of Music , Now Orlo.tni , L : .
t lo trat current ruleAimlr to any of ir Irviil FAMED FOR TWENTY ,
* iriinhilor to HENDERSON RROO.t ChlCORO. For Integrity oflta Drnwlnnsanrl AKPIIU ulOmutmi Harry K. Moore , Clinrli'.i
Mare * , \V. F. Vulll , 11.1' . Hauel , Cltliim' * lluiik , Otto Prompt Payment of Prises.
Wolf , * follows !
'Woilitlioia'.ir oi'rtiry Hint wo iiH < rvl-o Ilia r ,
rniiKi'iiiiMit' * for nil thn tunntlilr nnil numl-nnminl :
itrnnlnit * of Ilio lmils [ : m Pluto liottirr Coinpnnjr ,
nml in | i < < r.ioii iimiKiBii nml fontrol I ilr.inlnat
tlieni-i'lvix. nit.l Hint Ilio nvno nro romlnrlml wltb
lioinv-lr. f lrm" > * . nml In iwoil rnltli Invrnril nil pur
lin * , nml woitulliorlio HID nwiiuinjr hi i fl till * oor
II Mono with fno'linllosof our glRimtnm
GLASGOW , LONDONDERRY , BELFAST In IWmlTUttlsi'liioiil * . "
Cabin Paisago $35 to 550 , occordtnu to location o !
( tatoroom. Excursion $05 to $33 <
StCDrnaotnnnil I mm Knnipont Ixiwost Itntca.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO. , General Agcnti.
Jnti. llU'SOii. Ornoral WiMUmi Ann n t , 1
lUmlolliH Struct , Uhlca u. Hurry E. Jtoorod , , , inilorilitnoil limik * nnil Imnknr * will IMIT nil
ii ! . prlro * ilruwii Intlui Uitil.-iuiii Ht.ito l.ottork'J nulcti
may Im nro.'i'nliM nt our iviunlon
It. M. WAMHKI.V. I'ri-t. l.ouNmm Nat. llnnk.
A. HAl.mviN , 1'riH. Now UrlnuiiH Nut. Hiiulc ,
CAKIKUI1N , 1'res. Union NntUmal Hunk.
At tlm Academy of srinlc , Now Orlbans ,
Tuosiin'y , July IS , 1800 ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000
100.000 TIcK-ot * i\t Twenty Dollars nncli.
P.issnnoto ant ) from Croat Drltaln and all Hnlvc.t. $10j UiiitrtofM , fi ; Tciiths , * . ' ; Twoit
patls ot Europe ! Montreal-Liverpool roulo , by the Uuth9l'l >
waters o ! SI. llawronco. shortest ol all. OlBdcow to Mwor
lloaton , to rhllndolphln. Ltvcrpool to and from i riti/.ic OK fM ii , w in .
t'ln . i IM.K or iixi.ojii i too.uo
. <
D.iltlinoro. Thirty Sleamori ! B oxcplalor.
1 I'UIXi : OK HUM ) M . H ) . M
Accommodation * imnirpnBfeil. weekly sailings. iv xi i . avun
AM4IN A OO..Oon. West. AR'tfl. 3 I'ltl/.TH OK lU.lkKI nro
C. J. Sundtll. UU La 8 llo St. , Chicago , 111. ft I'lll/.IW OK fi.UW nro ,
2.1 1'KIX.r.H OK UlNnro . --.1.0I)0 ! )
Km I'ltl/.KS OK W ) nro . MI > IO
2U > I'llliCKS OK 'WO nro . HIOUI
NO RIBBON M ) rillXKd OK 'A nro . 1UOIMJ
1001'rlronoff.Wnro . TAOOO
1UO I'rltes of TfO nro . . MMMI
Permanent Alignment 11X1 TrUca of SUOnro . 20.WO
TKII.MINAI. i'iuu > ) .
WIPrUiKOffimnro . ( WIXX )
SPEED , ttM 1'rl/es of ItOnre . tfJ.'JU )
3,13-1 Prizes amounting tn . $1,06-1,800
KoTK. Tlrkclx ilrnwIiiK Cnpltul 1'cUoi nru nut ou
Strength. titled to icruilnnl 1'rl/fn. _
ANTEE. C'l.trn HATFX. or any fiutlior lllfornlntlo
wrlto luitlbly U > thn umlenlL'iioil. cle.irlr
our n' lil nn > , with alnti1 , comity , ntroot nnd
GEO. H. SMITH & CO. tinnilH' 'r. Muro nil. 1 1 retuin mall delivery will bo
, iiMsurt il liy ynnr unelualtiK nn onvulopu lienrln yout
full n Uri'.HH.
Qoneral Agents Nebraska null Iowa.
S1O S. 16th St. , - - Omaha
AdilrosM A. DAUl'HIN.
NinvUrloaiiM , Liv
DenwttLotterii Ilyordlnnry loller , einlnlnliiK Mn.VKV OIIIIKII ,
neil hyull c iin.HH | ( . oiDp.iiilfa , Nuvr Vork Kxulnuiiju ,
ilralt or | i < i til : uotu.
Adtlreu ? Roalitorod Luttors ContalnliiB Cur-
Denver Colo. oncy in
Now OrluaiiH , La.
Capital Prize $7,500.
, . IlKMKMIlKR , llnttlin pnjrinontof prUn l-dl'AUA.V
TKKimr point NATIONAL HANKS ot NO.T OrlimuK ,
T1CICKTS , no CIONTS KcVGII. nnil the tk'Kot-nru-lunvil l > r tlm | iri'.il < lenl ofnn In-
tltntlmi nliii-ii.clinrti > ruil ilitliU nro ri-cimiilrnil In
tlm hklii.'ntciiurttheroforc ; , buwaru ull of Inlltii
$26,370 PAID EACH MONTH. tlnii.s ur muumymuu" BL-III'IIII-H.
The question now uiidor consldoratlou IHI
BANK OF COMMERCE PAYS ALL PRIZES. Shall the prosnnt charter expire in 180G bs
limitation or SHALL , it bo extended anothot
Address B. RHODUS
. \ , ONI : Dili..Ait I * tlm prlco of the "nmllc-t part nt
fractliiii of a ticket issfKli itv I'M In any tlrin-lni *
DENVER , - COLORADO. Anytlilntt In uiir iiuiuo ulluruil fur loss tliun ntlulliir U
n awlmtlt' .
WANTKH-AKPiiU to sell Iho I'lnlcis ClothPH l.limj
Ilio only line over lnvi nteil Hint liolilt tlio clotlic.i
without pint ; a perfect ATfiicc < > t : pntont nirant-
ly l nuiMl ; sold only by i' V 'HKOnts , to whiini tlio ERRORS OF YOUTH.
axcliitilra rlcht la PFIVH Klvnni iniicojlptot
M ct.i. , wo Kenil a JL I 1 1 k ? aaniiilullnoliy ninlli BUFFKIIEUS FUOJI
ale clrciilur.i. prlco lint nnd trnni to imi'iitH : poonro Arrvou * llphlllly.
your territory nt once. Adilrooi , THK I'
OI.OUIKH LINK CO. , 1" , llprinonSt , WoriTStor , .Mns-i. Yciithful lndl crelloni.
Lout Alnnlinod.
JOSEPH eiLLOTT'S ' Bo Your Own Physician I
Many men , from tlio effectj of youthful
' , Itupruclencu , have tnnmht nlKiut AtUitu of
| wt knoha that has rtnluri * ! the ctMieral HJ <
* turn o much nn U > Imluco alniout every
t uthflr dlwasc , anil thu real CJIUHU of tbo
GOLD MEDAL PARI3 EXPOSITION 1889. troultloftcarrt ly orur I > e1n KUf ( > uct4' < l , ttiojr
, ,
are di > ctontl for uvcrytliln # but Ui * riulit
ono. NutwltluttAinlliiK the many YtUuawo
THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. ronictHi-s thnt innllcftl delonru Imn pro lurtd
. for tliti rutluf of thlsrloji of patlwntA , none
ot tlm onllnarj iniHles of treatment tlTt'Cta
BNFSS CUweDi > r * 'l'r ' cuni. Daring our ntt-iiiivo rolltvo and hot *
1 : CIISHIOHS pltal nrncltett wo have experimented wtth
i tlhliavTUDtlLAR AH nuii UlMuoTttrvit iu > w ntul conct-ntraU-d n > mo *
_ . .bupmbMfilillillwIlj. DomrorUbU. illBS. The oiTunipanylnu iironcHiitlon fa of-
ViattuM wbursall Kcmc.liij lt. IlliiitriMBt book k fitxff furtxl nn n certain und np fldy euro , M
. llony.HIaCXX. SSIl' J iM *
ffHKK. Addrmori hundrtvliuf CA PR In our tinwUctt huru In tn
n rMtonnl to perfect hu/Uth by 1U use fcftvr
Mill | ) IVHCI1L1UI1.
1 It Krythroxylon COCA , 1-f tlrchra
Ji-rubcMM. l-a dnu-hm.
] Iolonla JJlulco , l H drachm.
( IclHinln. fl Knijns.
Et. lanatlw umarai ( & 1cnhoUoS ) ( rralnj ;
Kit. lontandra , 3 icru Iw * .
Ulycorma , n. HL Mir.
Hok nWilll9 | , Tfikftl pill At 8 p < m. , oiid * n- ;
nthuroii ifolnff to tx-d , lnBorn ea cnU will
liu nuroHf ( try fur tlie imtltint to taUo two pllU
fit tKKltlmn. niAklnff thanumlKrthrfoaitay.
Thi 4 rom "lr " 1i fulfiptutl tn ortiry cunilltlun of
litrrous iltimlltr Antt wtir\lciu < iu In ultborsor ,
Instantly stop * * thn most nxcruclut Inn nnlns * novnr falli to crlvo oimn to the suffornr. .ml C9i vir\lly m thoMciutPi rfHultlnfffroni
For PAINS , HKl'ISES. ItACKAOIIK. ( . 'ONdKSTIONrf , INKLAMMATIONS. KUKUMATtSM , ! li The n-cutwrntlvq imwer * of
E bin runtonLtlvuaru truly AJtuiiibiIii ) , andlt.i
' '
. , or any , u u < 4O cnntlnuofl for n nhnrt tlrao chnncen the
aid JIKu mtiKli'i I'liusin the piiln to Instantly stop. l.iiiRiifU.ilHljIlltAlnil.iirrvelocii cuutlluuil to
uiioof nMiiiwod Itfu nnil vlm > r.
A CURE FOR ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. Auwoni-ncoitstantlvlni culptofletttnior
tii'iulrr rrlatlru to thin rciuoily , WA would
Intortinlly taken In ilosc.s of frnni thirty to sixty drops In a halt tiimblurnf wutnr will rnro In nay lolhoBo who would praftr to obtain It of
n few mlnntiiA Crump , Sprains , SonrSloinacli , ( olio. l > 'latuloiiui ) , lUmrtlmrn , OliolDra .MurliiiH , u , rmnlttltur 91 a w-rui-cly Bualdt park- ;
* jJlurrliu'ii - llouduuhu Nau.soa Nurvoiisnoss Mularlit ivtfrt coiitnlnlntf CO pills , ranfully com- <
Sk-k , Sluoplusdiiuss
Dysuntry , , VonilthiR , , , , jiuumlwl , will IHI nt-nt l > y i lurn mail from i
und all internal puliiH arlsln ; ; ( rum uliungu uf dlut , or walor or othnr ( nuiscs. our privAtn li\lomtoty , rw ttlllfuntlsh 6 ;
tmckauoHwMoi ) will euro inofctcttiMjfor J5.
5O cents a boUle. Sold by nil Druggists. A Jilrow - or call on (
New England Medical Institute ,
21 Triiinonl Iliiiv , Iluilon , AIiiHn ,
The claims of cocoa as a useful article of diet are" steadily
winning recognition. Unlike tea and coffee , it is not only a
stimulant but a nourishcr ; and it has the great advantage of
leaving no narcotic effects. Hence it is adapted to general
use. The strong may take it with pleasure , and the weak
Btwlfle for ! lriif rl .DlMlnmii.F'.tii.5iiiimliln , Wat *
f iilnuu. MvntM iK'iiroislim , HnrtunliiK of tliu Uraln , r -
BUlllnir In liL'ftnlty nnd lc\dlnir to mUcrjr ilwav an. I
ile.ith , I'rrmjiuio Old Alt" , JmirunninJ , I.unuf 1'oiror
Inultliur > e < , Involimtar/ Liana , oml Hiumnatoirl.a-a
CAIIKCM ! hr oTur-viurtln.t or thu hrnhi , pi'lrtiiru or
uviT-lMilultfonco. KichH \ > \ rotitaln naniunll.'d InaU
ment. Stahiir. or blx for CH. * int liy iiiallprpialil.
Witli iiirh order for li hoi , v > lll mini imn'
"BEST " punr ntco In infnnd ioni'r IT thu trw imrnt f
llouTCN'a COCOA ( "ouca tried , alwnys uiod" ) leaves no injurimm effects on the GOODMAN DUUG CO. ,
nervous system. It'ano woniler , therefore , that In all parts of the world , this ( nrrrifor'f 1110 Furuuiu fativut , Oiniilui , Nob.
Cocoa U recumtmmilutl by niuillcut men Incteail if tu flint colfcu nr nthrr
cueoaxircliovolutv * lor dally un byclillilreu i > ailnlln , hnlu ulul ilck , rich
i | nnd pixir. "Iarsn t alu in tliotorlil. . " Ask for V.\x llourrN'HtinlMt noo/A/r. CO
plfor LOBTorrAILIMO EtANJI001) |
| W akn Mof HodyandHlud , Iff t
. . . . . . < nHPrYn-Jlir-
llob.ll , .loMjtU.IHmilimilrllr.lnrrd. llo l.fl.llr f . "i
Hlr lb. . HliL .11lk KLOiaiMlllaN8al'lllTNO > r.lby. (
JUclulrlT iinrillinK IKIHK 'IllUt rjlKNT-lltntnu In ilij.
H Inlllr < " * CO liUIri > n < l fortlju I'uuolrln. > Ttlt Ihcu.
vrouf niaUtd ( li < lfrt ) * *
. . nUPFAlO.N. V.
_ r . . 'ff | , 'iff
yf-"I > 2nj. & < ; ? T > a
Jev/elera and Silversmiths , jgggjgffigg g '
. Era 'iiwriumfi : r.,7r- ;
AND , , . tij II.UN-0
V/o of articles 01 . * < , Ua l * fAr > tlU ) > r < * ' ' l'19kar ' *
invltopartlculnp attention to our Inrgo vDrioty DOM , Cum 01 ll tr ll . , clTlni Kr rl ; , Mild , H "lk.
l. , Ui > llnu. , lMrr U of KlMKIcllr ttiiouiK til WKilt
cles appropriate for Wedding Presents at PAIiTM. n .Mrlui Ihun la IIK1I.TII d VII.OIIIII 8 NtllKMrrll.
Hlfflcle lurr > m K.ll luilull ) , or > rmfill In " .
POPULAR PRICES. UKtT n.l U iM rr ( ; iMUt | d& m& uu. Wor.l ccivtl r *
nu.ullt tnr.,1 In Inrc * mtmtfc * . U ill b liipbl.l Vtu *
Solid Sterling Silverware , stnglo pieces or In sola , combinations , &o > , from BAH I ) EH ELtOTHIOCO. . loousuuifi. , CHICAQO.IIL
$3 up to $600.
Finn Quadruple Silvor-plated Ware , In now and elegant designs , omJ > raoln3 Jtr a'H"ll"rT JL ' IJ jLwJLcurejfn > i/ir Mnrnliliie lllt llalill
about everything known to the trade in both Uat ami liullow ware , HO low In OB
Price that wo dura not name the tlgurua. bolua ouly about HALtf OUU KOUJI-
ER Lampa PIIICE3. , Toilet 3 its , Candelabra , Bronze Ornaments , Mlrroru , beNlilos the D R UENNESS
largeHt asaortminit of ClooltH to be found west of Chicago , from $1 up to $ aoo. r.iQtJott tiABx-r.
Handxome Mantel Clocln at $5 , $7.60 , $10 , $16 , olc. , with half-hour atrtlcu IN AIL THE WOKLD THEKE1S ( JUT UNE CURE
attachment , cathedral ijongK , iSco. DR. HAINES1 GOLDEN SPECIFIC.
Rich It ran be qlvrn In u rup ttt wufffH or Iru , tir IM r
Diamonds Watches and Gold Jo\v-
, , \ - tlfl - uf luoU , without Ihu ktiowlbUtfa ot Itio iiaiiont ,
irneoiiM4ry. It Uabiolutaly h rinlt * and will eGucl
at Reduced Prices. a poriuaiioot and spend/ our , whether ( h puiuiit l *
elry Greatly . fuodertUJriukor or4u uluoholio wrec'i IT .N h \ KIC
KAll.n. H opvraUa u quiolly Mild wilb nuult ocr *
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