QMAHA PAIM EE , SATURDAY , JUNE 21 , 1800. | F | f ERY LITTLE PROGRESS MADE , Continuation of the Jawbone Contest in the House of Ecpressntativcs. SILVER STILL THE BONE OF CONTENTION. CTtio Brunto Votes to Ineivnflo tlio Balary of ( tin Commissioner ol' tlio General Ijitnil Olllce. Juno 20. Yesterday's con text was renewed In the house this morning. Tlio Journal of yesterday's proceedings was not read and the speaker announced the pending question to 1x3 ordering the previous jiuestlon on the motion mndo by Mr. Mills of " 'J'cxfia to approve the Journal of Wednesday xs amended by the resolution of yesterday. 'J'he previous question was ordered yeas , 1U ; liuys , 11W. Mr. McICInloy of Ohio , before the an nouncement of the vote , chaligod his vote to the ( inirinallvu nnd then moved a reconsider- utlon. Mr. Tracy of Now York voted with the rt'piibllenns. The republicans voting with the democrats In the aftlrniutlvt ) were Messrs. Uartlnc , Carter , Dclmven. Ilerrman , Kelly , JMorrow and Townscnd of Colorado. D Mr. Mills moved to table the motion to re consider. The motion to reconsider was lll ! 1 : > 9. tabled -yens , ; nays , The question then recurred on approving the Journal of Wednesday's proceedings as amended. The motion as amended was o greed to yeas , 182 ; nays , 130. The clerk then proceeded to read the Jour nal of yesterday's proceedings. The journal having been road and approved , IVlr. Stewart of Vermont asked for recogni tion with the conference report on the anti trust bill and Mr. lilund of Missouri was on bis feet raising the question of consideration. Mr. Hlaml's ' purpose was to offer the follow ing That house bill . " ) , : ! 81 , directing the pnrclmio of silver bullion and tlio Ismio ( if truiixnry notes thorcou and for oilier jiurposus , with tlio senate amendment bo concurred In. The honso determined ycjis , 14 1 ; nnys 10"J to consider the conference report. After a short debate , in the course of which Mr. Kerr of Iowa declared It was the llrst bill < llrectcd against trusts that hod over passed nn American congress , nnd that in fourteen years' control of the house the democratic jmrty had not produced n syllable of legisla tion of the kind , the report was adopted yeas , 23:3 : ; nays , none. Mr. Dalzell of Pennsylvania presented the report of the elections commltteo In the con tested Mississippi election case of Chalmers vs Morgan , In favorof Morgan ; mid Mr. Howell - ell of Illinois presented a report from the same committee upon the cuso of Miller vs Elliott , In favor of Miller. Mr. Miami then olTered his resolution to tuko up the silver bill. Mr. McICiiiley made the point of order that tlio motion was not privileged , and that the only way to reach tno speakers table was to follow the order of morning business. Mr. Conger of Town added ns a further point , amidst sarcastic democratic laughter , that the bill was not on the speaker's table , but In the hands Of the coinage comiliittco. Mr. lilanil argued in opposition to the point of order and held that the bill was on the upeaker'.s table and therefore within reach. Mr. Springer said the elVect of the special order under which the bill was originally con sidered was to take the bill out of the commit tee of the whole. The only question was whether the senate had added new matter a new amendment that was subject to consid eration in commltteo of the whole. After considerable further debate on the jraiiit Mr. IJUttenvorth declared that there were not twenty-live men under the dome of the ctipitol who believed upon their oath that the bill was Incorrectly referred. [ Repub lican applause. ] KMr. Marrow replied that a majority of the house declared otherwise. Ho was hero to curry out the .wishes of the pcoplc-i-a major ity of the people. Mr. Buttcrworth said there was no tyranny Ilko th'o tyranny Of a majority that acted in disregard of the law. [ Great democratic up- l > lunso.l Mr. Williams of Illinois said that yester day , While a motion to reconsider was pend ing mid the resolution hud been adopted , the chairman of the committo on coinage walked up the speaker's desk , took up a bill that ho ( vVininms ) believed was the silver bill and liaiuled it over to the clerk of the commltteo on coinage. This looked like a conspiracy to Obtain physical possession of the bill. Mr. Conger or Iowa , chairman of the com mittee on coinage , said the bill was delivered to his clerk before 11 o'clock yesterday morn- lg. | ( During the afternoon , upon the request of the Journal clerk , it had been put In his possession for a short time in order to make some clerical endorsements , but ho ( Conger ) Imd again taken it buck to the committee ' " clerk. Mr. MeCreary maintained that under the constitution the bill hud never been properly in charge of the commltteo on coinage. The -constitution required the house to keep u Journal , Until that Journal was approved it was not proper to send u bill nny wliero. The ftntrv in the Journul was void. Ho held that the bill was on the speaker's table nnd should bo placed before the house for action. After further discussion by Mr. I3Innd , the 1 the speaker and others Air. niaml modified bis language so us to direct that the speaker , 'under ' rule 1M , lay matters on his table. In cluding the silver bill , before iho house for action. The speaker said that perhaps ho could sim plify tliq matter and suggested to Mr. Bland thai ho underrtood his wish to bo to get at the mutter when It naturally canio up , sup posing it was on the speaker's table , not pass ing upon the matter this time. "What the chair proposed to do was that when the bill was reached It should bo brought before the house , lint the gentleman did not seem to consider tliat this was Friday private bill duv and thul private bills ulone were In order. Mr. liluml ashed whether the bill would bo laid before the hone tomorrow morning. The speaker declined to answer that ques tion until tlio proper time. , Mr. McComus demanded thn regular order. TJm.SiK'aker said the regular order wus n private bill , which ho pushed to the reading cltn-k. Mr. Springer wished to know wliou the chair might be expected to decide where the bill wns. The Speaker Whenever the bill Is In order , providing the views of the other side are cor rect ( nlxnit which the chair expresses no opinion ) because ho does not think it is the proper time. As Messrs , Hlaiid and Springer finally In- ntsted on u specitlc ruling the speaker iluully ruled that lur. Hland's resolution to proceed t < ) the consideration of the silver bill was not In order under the rules. Mr. lilund appealed. Mr. McKinley moved to lay the appeal on the table. The yens ami nnys were ordered , i > omllng which Mr , Crisp moved that ttiu house ud- Jonrn , , The motion wns defeated , but the hour of 0 having arrived , the house under the rules took a roccs * , the evening session to bo for ] x-nslon buHliiPHM , No business was trans- uetod HI iho evening session , however. Hciuito. WAsni.viiTOtf , Juno SO. In the sonata today Mr. Stewart , rising to a question of personal privilege , dented the truth of the utory recently published , giving an account of nu Imaginary conflict between himself nnd Mr , lioagun. Mr. llengau also stated that there wus absolutely no foundation for the report. The postoflleo appropriation bill und the consular und diplomatic iipproprtutlon bill wan recorded and placed on the calendar. Consideration of the legislative , executive nnd Judicial appropriation bill vrus resumed , After ttoino discussion the amendment In- crouslng the salary of the commissioner of the general land olUco from $1,000 to $ .1,000 and the iiwUtunt commissioner from 1,000 to $ ) , & 00 was agreed to , The motion te Increase the compensation of the surveyor general of Oregon from f 1 ,800 to $ ) , MX ) wns ngivcxl to , U'he bill was then formally roportca to tha acuato and the nmciidmenU In committou of the whole uxivtxl to. A motion was made to IncmibG the salary of the commissioner of In dian uffuiro from $1,000 to 5,000. iir. Utuwart moved to strike out the Item of # J,0X ( ) for nn executive onieer of the geolog ical .survey. This gave rlso to n long debate. Major Powell was harshly criticized ny Mr. Stew art and other * and defended by Mr , Ingull * . At the cloHO of the discussion the amend' inontTwivs withdrawn by Mr. Stc\Viirt , The bill then passed. Adjourned. A I'llKS tIt /v'A'TI,1 i , I'/v'TO. The Scheme ofnn Arl/onn County Hut Down'Upon. WASHINGTON , Juno 20. President Harrison risen today returned to the house without ap proval the bill to authorize the board of superVisors - Visors of Marlcopu county , Arizona , to Issue bonds at the rule of fcl per mile In aid of the construction of n certain rultroud , The presi dent treats the mutter In great detail nnd says the bill scem.s to have passed the house under u misapprehension of Its true character , The report of the com mittee on territories sUited that the county would receive bonds In payment of the sum proposed to Iw advanced. The bill , In fntft , did not provide for the loan to bo secured bv bonds , but a subscription of stock. The bill dues not submit the question of granting this aid to n vote of the pepplo of the country or confer direct authority upon the supervisors to Issue bonds. It is sold , how ever , that In April , 1889 , nn election was field to obtain th6 views of the people on the ques tion. It does not appear from the papers , says the president , who were the managers of this election , what notice , if nny , was given , or in what form the question was pre sented. There was no law providing forsuch election , and , being wholly voluntary , it was of course under the management of those who favored the HUbstdy. I have been given what purport to bo the vote nt twelve points , standing 1,105 ayes and 1M ! imy.s. liut of the afllnn- utivo vote Ir W were given nt Phoenix nud 183 at n town very near Phoenix. If there are no other objections to thn bill I should deem this alone sufficient that no provision hud been mudo for submitting It to u vote of the ] > ooplo ut an election after duo notlco and under the sanction of law the question whether this subscription should bo made. The president votwldora nt length the ques tion of limitation of municipal nud other in debtedness nnd says Murieopa county Is ono of great extent and this great urea Is to bo taxed to construct a road which can bo of advantage to but n f rnctlon. Ot the existing bond Indebtedness Marlcopa county Is f i"2- 000 , nnd the tax assessment about-yS.OOO.OOO. The bonded debt , to say nothing of the float ing debt , is already largely in excess of the legal limit , and it is proposed to increase it by a subscription that will certainly involve nearly S.MO,000. If the bill should become n law the bonded , indebtedness will closely ap proximate 10 percent of tbo value of the property of the county. The president feels the fprco of the argument that the freight charges' now imposed by the railroad inxipor- ntion are oppressive , but the bill does not af ford much relief in that direction , as there would bo but ono competing point Phoenix , lie docs not think any one will insist that the true and permanent property of communities will bo promoted by loading them with a great debt. ItAXK F.tlfiUJlE IX CHICAGO. Tlie 1'nrk National Closes Hocniiso it Did Not Make Safe Ijonns. CIIICAOO , June 20. The Park National bank of this city closed Its doors this morn ing and a crowd ot depositors now surrounds its place of business , The causes of the failure arc not yet known. A notice posted on the door says it is in charge of J. D , Sturgis , national bank examiner. Charles I1. Packard is tlio president. It has been or ganized only a few years. Its stock sold at par yesterday. No statement of assets or liabilities is obtainable at this writing. The bank was not an Important ono , its capi tal stock being only $200,000. The report of the condition of the bank May 17 last showed loans and discounts amounting to $080,000 ; notes and bill rcdlscounterf , SG'20,000 ; surplus fund 31,000 , and undivided profits , $18.000. The failure was not unex pected In banking circles. Its president made considerable money in the hat business and took charge of'tho bank , it is said , with out sufficient knowledge of banking. The result - sult was that its loan department was under stood to have been conducted less strictly than conservative bankers consider nqccs- sary , with the result of getting rather a poor line of paper. President Packer insists that the bank is solvent and will bo reopened soon. The gov ernment examiner refuses to talk , Why It. Wns Closed. WASHINGTON , Juno 20. The comptroller of the currency said this afternoon that his ac tion in closing- the Park National bank of Chicago wus based on the report of the bank examiner. It appears , the comptroller says , that the bank made largo loans on doubtful security , and some ofllcers of the bank have been heavy "borrowers on Its account. The comptroller says n receiver will certainly bo appointed unless there is a change in the management and the contribution cof now capital to put the bank on a .sound basis. The comptroller says It is not likely the failure will ellcct nuy other institution. A UIow nt Western f/ln-g. CIIICAOO , Juno " 0. [ Special Telegram to ' Tim 'BIIK.-J The report of the Interstate commerce commission to the United States senate on the result of Its investigation into western freight rates was a stunning blow to 'western , lines ; The report finds that the present minimum rates on corn and oats of " 0 cents from the Missouri river to Chicago , and 15 cents frorp the Missouri to the 'Mississippi river , areuxccssivo and should bo 17 cents and li ! cents respectively. It llndst further that corn and oats from Ivansas and Nebraska points to the river iihould bil J ceuUs lower , una finally that the rates of HtJ cents on grain and 51 cents on ilour and meal from Kansas to Texas are grossly excessive for tlur longest distance of bOO miles und are likewise discriminating in that the saino rates are charged for distances of > OmlloK. As already noted , Chairman Walker of the Interstate Commerce Hallway association made a vigorous protest against those findings and commission huvo issued a notice that prior to issuing an order enforcing tlio rates as recommended they will glvu addi tional hearing to roads Interested , beginning July 8 , in Washington. Chairman Walker , who has made a careful study of the question. declares the enforcement of the proposed rates will bo rdsastrous. The roads themselves hardly know what to do. Kuch prominent men as General Man ager Chapoll of the Alton und St. John of the Kock Island see only n loss in such rates , oven with suich a crop of last year. Tlio strongest possible argument will bo presented to the commission to Induce- them to forego the making pf the reductions. - , Itoml Mixttors. WASiuxtrfox , .Juno 20 , Uoprcsontatlvo Dalzell today reported to Urn house from the commltteo on Pacille railroads the bill agreed upon by the commltteo authorizing the secre tary of the treasury to negotiate with the Sioux City & Pacific railroad company for n settlement of its indebtedness to the United States. The report nccompnnylng thn bill says : It appvurs from the report of the Puclflc railway commission that the methods by which tha construction of this road was originally' effected were such ns .seem to have pointed to the construction of all bond-aided Pacific railroads , and If n proper remedy could bo found the government might bo en titled In law to recover from the original constructors of the road moneys by thorn un lawfully appropriated to their own Uso. For tills reason the committee has embodied in the bill n proviso , the Intention of which Is to save to the government the right of action , If nuy such It inuy have , for the recovery of these moneys , Cloakiiiiikers Imokod Out. Yonit , Juno ) . Another hrm locked out 100 of their cloakmakers this morning , making twelve tlrrns in all now who have locked tholr men out. About. seven thousand men and women nro Idle In consequence of thostriko , but they uro cheerful and say they nro able to' holdout all summer If necessary to make their employers recogtiizo the union. 1 1 Itoml Offering * . WtNiiiNQTO.v , Juno i.U [ Special Telegram to TUB HUB. ] Uouds offered ; ? ! , U5U ut SUGAR AND WOOL SCHEDULES , Sc'mtor Blaine Endorsed in the Position Ho Has Taken. EFFORTS FOR RECIPROCAL TRADE URGED , The President Will Not Make Known His Views Kegardlnjj Sliver Until tlio House Takes Homo Action. WASHINGTONBuiiEAuTnn OMAHA BRB , 1 51J1 Fount KKXTII STIIKUT , , > WAHIIIXOTON , I ) . 0. , Juno 20. I Mr. Blnlno UIH received today irom nil parts of tlio country a groit iiiiiny letters and tclcgr.uivs commanding the jiosltlon lie tins taken on Uia sugar and wool schedules of the turllT hill iiml ttrglnir him to contlmio his ef forts until some reciprocal tr.ulo Is secured. The first caller nt his house this morning was Senator MorrlU of Vermont , the chairman of the flnmieo committee. Ho aid not succeed In seeing Mr. IJlulno , who was too busily cninuced to see anyone , hut afterwards wrote him it letUrr , In which ho nsltcd , In behalf of the finance commltteo , the co-oporatlon of the secretary state of in amending that portion of the hill which re fers to the augur nnd wool tariff. Mr. Blaine will doubtless luiv.o nn interview with the eoininltlco before many days. TIII : i > nnsn > i.VT : AND s'u.vr.ir. Several attempts have been made to draw out of the president some kind of a committal on the silver bill by members of the house of representatives and the senate. Three or fot.1 statesmen visited the white house today and by one way or another sought to elicit nn expression from thg chief executive as to what he would do in tlio event of n frco coinage bill , such as was parsed 'bv the sen ate , being sent to him. The presi dent in the early pnrt of this session indicated that ho would Ilka n bill passed such as Secretary Windoni proposed and sent to congress , but smco that has been c.istiisido and u free , coinage measure substituted no word has been uttered by him which would indicate his position on. any other silver proposition than the present. The president indicated very clearly what kind of it measure urehe wanted when slept were taken toward the formulation of tuo bill prepared by Secre tary Wlndom. Now that congress has taken It upon Itsplf. to pre sent an independent measure the president intends to wait until congress lias-done wnnt it considers its duty , then ho will proceed to the duty devolving upon himself. lie is free to say that he is anxious for n Judicious silver bill to bo finally adopted. Ho believes it will be to the best interests of the country , ns it will increase the volume of the circulating medium. Ho does not want .to see a bill passed which will bo objectionable to any considerable section of the country , as it would not lo a thorough success if it was antagonized by any ) formidable element of business. It is believed , although it is not known , that ho does not look favorably upon the free coinage bill , but whether ho would veto it remains to be seen. The votes in tlio house today relating to the silver bill stood about the snmo us yester day , nn unwavering majority of two or three against any movement to send it to the com mittee on coinage , weights nnd measures , where it is known that it would bo amended and reported back in n form similar to the original Windom bill. The democrats are not solidly for free coinage , but are solid in tlio present light because they believe they can cast a reflection upon Speaker Keed. The fact that a number of republicans voted with the demqcrat-s to rescind the action of the speaker in referring the bill back to n com mittee cannot be construed ns a rellection at the hands of republican members upon their republican speaker. It only means that there are a numlxir of free coinage advocates who have so much prcssuro upon them from their districts that they feel compelled to stand against movements intended to weaken the cause of free coinage. Mr. Dockery of Missouri , who is ono of the leading 'democrats now lighting tlio speaker's rulings , acknowledged today that the demo crats were standing together simply to "sit down on tlio speaker , " Ho says that ho know Unit there were a lot of democrats , who were opposed to frco coinage and that they were voting solidly for "cussednoss. " But lib took satisfaction out of the fact that there were some republicans voting with the demo crats. The bill still rests upon the speaker's table and is yet considered as in committee of the whole. The journal of yesterday , which showed that the bill had been committed to the committee on coinage , weights and meas ures , has been amended so that it docs not show any action on tlio hill whatever. Mr. Bland of Missouri moved to lay the bill before the house and direct the speaker to present it for immediate consideration , but there were dilatory motions which consumed the time up to the hour of adjournment , nnd the motion Is yet pending. No one is able to forecast the outcome of this contest. Many of the free coinage advocates are frank to say that the Windom bill with the bullion clause stricken out is better in the long run. for the country than the measure which whs adopted by the senate , and that it is sentiment nnd principle that they are fightin * for , but they refuse to recede from the position they took iu the , be ginning. TITE STOUT OIIT.W. The widely published story that the presi dent had Informed "a well known intimate friend" that he would not bo a candidate for re-election is based upon a remark ho made to John II. Woodward , formerly the correspondent of n Cincinnati paper and , now n railway traveling agent. Woodward for merly lived in Indianapolis and knew the president well , although of opposite politics. Being in town he called at the white house and was cordially received. , In , the cour.se of the conversation the president incidentally remarked that when his term closed ho should go hack to Indianapolis nnd resume the practice of law. This remark was re peated until It grewto a story to the dimen sions published. LAX XKIlllASKA n.N'UMBIIATpJIS. Information has been received hero today to the effect that ut least ono or two'census supervisors In Nebraska have been very lax hi their efforts to secure a fnil wusus of all the citizens of their district. SOfno tlmo ago Senator Mandcrson wrote to the supervisor at Omaha asking him what , if any , etl'ort had been made to take tno census of the ono or two hundred citizen.1 ? of the state who nro temporarily located , in Washington , und ho received no reply. Subsequently ho tele graphed to the supervisor , making the snmo inquiry , stating that there were n largo num ber of Omaha people hero who should bo noted in the census of that district , but lie has received no Indication yet that any effort has been uuulo to take the consul of'Omaha citizens In Washington. A number of Ne braska people hnvo gone to the trouble of sending statements of their citizenships to the census olllce , but It Is not likely that in the burly burly of the season proper notation can bo given of the information in the re turns. MISCm.LANIIOUS. Ex-Governor West of Utah , who 1ms been In the city for some tlmo , says : "The rest of the territories may bo ready for statehood , but the sumo cannot ho said of Utah. I urn u democrat , but it took n residence In Utah to cbnvinco ma that the situation there can only bo controlled by the most rigid and effective legislation. The people of Iduho have secured the laws they needed to shutout the Mor mons from the polls. In Utah wo huvo secured leglisutlon escheating the property acquired by the church for purposes contrary to the spirit of our Institution * and punishing polygamy. Why , then , should wo not huvo laws to break the power of Mormonlsm at the polls ! That Is where It must bo struck. " General and Mrs. Van Wyck and daughter left this afternoon for Nebraska. Today's Post of this city has nn interview with tieneral Van \VycK , in which ho says : " 'i'ho farmers' alliance Is growing , not only In Nebraska , but In all tliouorthwo.it. Party lines are loosu and u tendency is developing to muko lmloHlmluiit | nominations. In Ne braska the corporations huvo for years con trolled u majority of tha ropubllcim leadeix and n minority of the domocrutlo leaders. The latter huvo been used to Insure straight nominations and disastrous defeats for their party. This fall wo ulcct full state , IcglHla- Uvo and cougrudskmul tickets and tha people are trying if thnnr off the monopolies. The producer * nt ° Marking everywhere for their board and clothes practically. Tnoy are not prospering nnd the monopolies arc. The people - plo nro pushed to the wall , and now tlioj must light , " , . - . J. Lowe of'pmiilm ' Is hero. Scully coumaiiSouth Dakota 1ms asked to Iw taken out of the Pierre land .district and attached to the Huron district , and It Is said CommlssloncDiQroiT will recommend It. Probably sixty yca'rs ago n young man named Van Clove was npjwlntcd n second lieutenant in the army of the United States. After live yoarsiof service without iiromo- tlon here.slgnpd..i When the war of the ro- bolllon broka out Mr. Van Clove entered the union army miU'was ' soon In command of n brigade. Out } , , of CJeneml Van Clove's colonels was Senator Mandersou and the senator discovered not long ago that his old commander was In destitute circumstances. The president lias nominated Mr. Van Clcvo as a second lieutenant and ns soon ns ho is co'iillrmed ho will bo retired with nt least enough pay to keep body mid soul together. The law allows such action where the nomi nee was previously in the regular army. Postofllees hnvo been established nt Senrlcs , Crnwford county , nnd K. Searles appointed postmaster , anil nt Ulxon , DIxon county , W. A , Nocdhum appointed postmas ter. Captain U. O. Phillips left for his homo nt Lincoln tonight , The chief of postoflicc Inspectors has called for the resignation of Charles J. Browne , postofllco Inspector for the division of Den ver , and has notified the Nebraska delegation In congress that n new officer Is to bo ap pointed , The Nebraska delegation hopes to secure the appointment and will immediately recommend u man for the place. The veto of tlio senate today by which it raised the salary of Land Commissioner OrotT from &IXW ( to $5,000 , a vcar was 28 nyes to 10 nays , .lust bofora the vote was an nounced It lacked ono of n quorum , but Sena tors Manderson and Paddock succeeded in rustling up a quorum before the result was announced and the vote was ono more than u quorum. There Is no doubt that the house will agree to Senator Mniiderson's bill with Its amend ment Increasing the time of purchasers of lands on the Omaha Indian reservation so as to pay the Indians interest as well as the principal. The secretary of the interior hafl discov ered that no provision was made in the sun dry civil appropriation bill for expenses in operating the sixteen land ofllccs which have been established ; imd ho has. through Secre tary Wlndom , recommended appropriations in the legislative , executive nnd judicial ap propriation bill giving ) ,000 salary to each of the now oflleerji , Among them are the two land officers each at , Pierre nnd Chamberlain , S. D. ; Lewlston nnd Missoula , Mont. ; Lan der , Douglas and Sun Dance , Wyo. , and Alli ance and Broken Bow , Neb. , with the recom mendation for a notice from the land commis sioner that land ofllccrs have been Instructed to make full nnd linal settlements to the gen eral land ofllcc monthly. This ruling is the outgrowth , it Is said , of the manner In which tlio accounts were recently kept by ono of the officers at Lincoln , Neb.PiniiiY PiniiiY S. HBATII. A fiEIUOVS VtlAlKiE. United States District Attorney Kwiiifj Accused ol'CoiiHplrucy. Cnrc.voo , Juno 'JO. ] Specinl Telegram to Tin : BKP. . ] United States District Attorney Ewing , a hold-pvor official of the Cleveland administration , vyill have a serious accusa tion to answer , ! ns Postolfico Inspector James Stuart charges irti with conspiracy to defeat the ends of justice- . Several months' ' ago the Inspector , after months of investigation , detected James V. Dovlne , the son of a prominent South Side merchant , stealing valuable packages from the mails in thO , Chicago postofllce. Dovine was held on heavy' bonds by Commissioner Iloyno and indicted by the grand jury. A petit jury in Judge Blodgctt.'s court found Devine guilty. It was the most important case the postal [ authorities have had for u long time. A few days } after conviction Devine was hurried before Judge Blodgett and ac cepted and paiij a flno of SJOO. "I can't seq through this inatter , " said Captain Stuart'trfdayj "we had enough evidence - denco to send ] , 'tllo dofcmlant'o ( the penitentiary ' tentiary for 'several''yeai s. Suddenly and without much warning ho was released with a paltry llnoAvhlch does not nearly cover the amount taken from the mails. Dovino was indicted under the United States statutes , which provides for imprisonment only from ono to live yenrs.at hard labor. I am thor- ougly sutislied that there is something wrong here. The United States attorney did not confer with the postal department before ho asked for a $300 line. We would have never consented to that disposition of the case. " United States , Attorney Ewlng , when asked about the matter , declined to make any statement. Dovine is tlio son of a prominent and wealthy democrat , who is a great friend of District Attorney Ewing. LOVISIA\A'H SEDVCEIIS. Iho Juarez People Outbidding the Old Ijottory People. Nr.w Oiti.n.vxs , La. , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to Tan Bui : . ] The complications in the lottery light arc daily increasing and the offer made by "Now York and English capitalists" to giVe moro for the charter to do business in this state than the Louisiana company proposes has still further mixed tilings. An investigation was set on foot today to find out who the men are who are rivals for the Louisiana company's ' business , and the result has sot everybody to talking. One tiling has been demonstrated and that is that the state will get an enormous revenue it the lottery is permitted to continue. The syndicate Is the Mexican International banking coiirpany , which has a concession from the Mexican government for the Grand Lottery of Juarez , with headquarters at the City of , lunro/fortnerly Paso del Norte , Mex ico. The tickets of the Grand Lottery of Juarez nro backed by General John S. Mosby and the El Paso National bank of Kl Paso , Tox. The company has not boon organized long , Its llrst drawing having taken pluco last April , but it is hard after the Louisiana com pany and will prove that it is a dangerous competitor. "If it is merely a question of money as to which company shall run the lottery business In Louisiana wo will show that wo have all the capital needed , " said Mr. Wells of Hich- mend , who made the proposition to the house on Ijohalf of "Now York and English capitalists , " agreeing to give 81,2r > 0,000 per annum to step into the Louisi ana lottery company's shoes , "Tho syndicate I represent means business and we shall get the franchise. Our offer raised the Louisiana company's bid $ g. ' 01000 per annum. If the Louisiana company . makes a bill of equal amount , wo will , off ' e'r * 1,1)00,000 , ) uud nro pre pared , In case Uitt'-I.oulsiaiui company comes to our tlgures/gi / > jiy the state $2,000,000 per . " . , annum. , - . UATOX Uouoi : . | ta. , Juno 20. The Now- gasa bill offering 5l,2r > 0,00 ( ) a year for lottery privileges has been Introduced in the house by Pipes. Shuttuck denounces the Newguss proposition ns u'TrilVo and classes it as an In fant born of u , .b/uckmalling / scheme. The Morris lottery bill was yesterday engrossed Ttnd passed to IU "third reading in tlio house , the vote being 0V tj > ill , and the lottery mem bers claim that Uio governor will vote the lotfUry moiusuror.aufl that its friends cannot sccuru the nocesbury two-thirds to puss it over the veto. ' > llrcnd Cast on the "Waters. CHICAGO , Junb 20 , [ Special Telegram to TUB BIIK.J Carl Gustnv Poch of Oakloy avenue , Chicago ttliw 0 soldier In the Frunco- Prusshm war.fU'nllo ho was on sentry duty at the fortress df 'Dijon ono of Garibaldi's men attempted to escape and Poch spared his life. The ( iarlbaldhin died a few "days ago and loft Poch an Income of iJWO a year. Ho will return to his old homo In Germany. To Welcome the Itlllomcn. HAMIIUUO , JuiiQ',0. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BKK. ] The Hamburg lUllo association lias nuulo extoiiHlvo preparations to welcome the American rlllomen who nro coming from Now York on the Hambung-Amerlcu'i line hteamer U'lclund , to tuko part In tlio Berlin festival. A contest lias been arranged to tuko place hero between live Now York riflemen and tlvo members o ( the Hamburg club for the challenge cup. Confirmed. SOFIA , Juno 20. Th sentences passed upon MaforPanltzu ami otuor conspirator * who wore found guilty of attempting to over throw the government have becu continued. HE DISOBEYED HIS ORDERS , An Engineer's Mistake Oatisj,1 ? a Bad Wreck at Beatrice , THE CARSON MURDER TRIAL FINISHED , County Veterans Meet null Kf- i'ect uii Organization lllg Ilrldgo Contract hot A Shoo Stoolc Attached. BnATiucn , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special Tolo- gramtoTiiK Hnn.l A disastrous wreck oc curred nt 7 o'clock this evening In the IJ. & M. yards. A special passenger tram , destined for Wyamoro and running wild , entered tho' city at a twenty-mllo rate , crashing Into the tender of the yard engine , which nt that mo ment wus backing toward the Incoming train. The tcnddr of the switch engine was driven Into the cab. completely demolishing both. The front end of the passenger engine was knocked Into splinters. The damage will reach several thousand dollars. The crews of both engines saved them selves by Jumping. The blame Is attached to the engineer of the passenger train , who dis obeyed orders in not having his train trader control after entering the city limits. Werner nntl Socrlst Were Friends. IlnimoM , Neb. , Juno 00. [ SpecialTelegram to THE Bun. ] The citizens of Hebron wore startled to receive news from Omaha that J. J. Werner of this city was there , held on a charge of oho attempted murder of L. O. Sccrlst. floth gentlemen nro weJl known hero and the closest friendship exists be tween them. Their attachment for each other Is ts great that they have been almost Inseparable companions , Mr , "Werner has resided In Hebron forever ten years and Is deputy county treasurer and n member -of the llrin of Werner Brother.- ! . Mr. Secrist is a carpenter , has resided hero for more than six years and for the past four years has ncen at work on the now Cen tral house , IIo is favorably known by the traveling public. Werner went to Omaha on Tuesday to at tend the Masonic grand lodge at the earnest nnd repeated request of Secrist. Both nro men who enjoy tlio esteem of the citizens of Hebron nnd no one hero believes for n mo ment that Jake Werner would attempt to in jure any man , much less his bosom friend , Lou Secrist. Public opinion bore is positive that the nlTalr wus an accident of some kind. Mr. Werner's wife and his biothcr , A. D. Wer ner , who is county treasurer , are prostrated liy the news. The other , brother , II. W. Werner , is now in Omaha. O'Neill O'NEILL , Neb. , .luno20. [ Special Telegram to THE Bm.l : O'Neill comes to the front with a big school building. The Catholic con gregation began today the erection of a-0,000 brick und stone convent school building. The money is all subscribed nud the work will bo pushed rapidly. Father Cassldy is entitled to great credit for his untiring efforts in se curing the school and the people of O'Neill ' are Jubilant over the prospects. The building will bo erected nnd rcadv for nso by November 1. This will give O'Neill Ijottcr school facilities than any town on the line of the Fremont , Elkhorn & . Missouri Val ley. ley.Tho depot material for the short line is hero and the erection of the building will bo begun at once. O'Neill will not cele brate this year till the .short line arrives , which will bo about July 15. Then she will give a "rouser. " St. John addressed a largo audience In the court house last night on the amendment. The prohibitionists held a county con vention yesterday and decided to place a county ticket in the field. A Hey l < 'carf'iilly Mangled. Nonroi.K , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special Telo- Ecram to Tin : Bii.J : : An accident occurred at the Union Pacific depot this evening as the southbound freight wus switching across the yard. George , an eight-year-old son of Uich- urd Morgar , a Union Pacific car inspector , undertook to his subsequent sorrow to crawl through between the cars while they were not in motion. The train suddenly started and caught his : iody Just as ho hud nearly succeeded in get ting through safely. The wheels passed over ono leg , completely severing the foot and inkle , and but for the heroic effort of a boy companion , the accident would probably have resulted fatallv. ' Doctors were hastily summoned to attend the boy's injuries , and at lust accounts ho was is comfortublo ns could bo expected. No lilumo is attached to the railroad employes. Veterans Moot and Organize. ALMA , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special toTunBuK. ] At 2 o'clock yesterday uftcrnoon there as sembled at the Grand Army hall in this city i largo number of veterans of ' 01-J5 ( , who or ganized a County Veteran association by electing the following officers : C. P. Mun- vllle , president ; Samuel L. Roberts , secro- , ary , und A. A. Brown , treasurer. The following parties wore chosen as dele gates to the State Veteran association to bo icld at Lincoln Juno 2r > : Dr. S. Sadler , A. D. iledden , C. P. Manvlllo , John Gibson und Siimuel L. Uabcrts. It wus nn enthusiastic meeting of tno soldier boys. The Carson Murder Trial. BKATUICC , Nob. , Juno 20 , [ Special Tele gram to TUB BKU. ] The testimony in the "arson murder trial was concluded thtsniorn- ng. U , W. Sabin opened the argument for ho state and was followed by H. S , Bibb for ho defense. Mr. A. Hazlett for the defense and County VttornPy II. .1. Dobbs will conclude the argii- nents tomorrow , and the case will probably )0 ) given to the jury tomorrow night. It is bought a verdict of manslaughter will bo re turned. Gage County Vote-rails. BEATIIICK , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK Bun. ] An organization of the ctemn soldiers of Gage county was effected lore yesterday by the election of J , A. Smith irealdent and J. W. Ebersol secretary. L'wonty-two delegates wore elected to tbo mooting of the State Veterans' association at jlncoln Juno 23. A Big Contract Ijct. BIUTIIICH , Neb. , Juno -JO. [ Special Tele gram to THE BII : : . ] At a special meeting if the city council last night the contract for ho extension of the city water mains was lot to W. II , DufTett & Co. ot this city at * 'J,112. ' , Hack LIcoiiNC.M Hejjtilatecl. n BBATUIUK , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Spaehl Tele- Brain to TUB BKK.I The city council last tight passed an ordinance fixing the licenses for bucks and omnibuses at $15 per year and lr.iy.-i and freight wagons at $10 per year. I'ho owners of the vehicles are also required to t'lvo u bond of ? 200. Murderer Jotlnnou Surrnnilnr.4. Aunuit.v , Neb. , Juno 20. Charles Johnson , who shot and killed his brother-in-law , James Whiteman , last Monday , surrendered himself .0 the sheriff und Is now In jail here uwultlng ils preliminary hearing * It U said that John son bus acknowledged the commission of the crime. flonova GrmluntnM , GKXKVA , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele gram toTim llKu. ) AtthoGoncvuhtuh school exercises lust night , which were under the llroetlon of Prof. Chaplin , three young ladles gradnutod : Misses Douipstvr , Kmersou unU Uoullon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Shoo Stock Attached. KKiiiivsKvCiir , Neb , , Juno 20. [ Special fologrum to Tim Dun. ] An attachment was .oduy issued against the stock of shoos of William Tuomoy for 1700.70 In favor of a Bos on firm , which claims that the transfer of ,110 stock to Tuomoy from a former owner wus with fraudulent intent. Ilrldge Contract Ijot. SIIKI.TO.N , Neb. , Junu iiO. f.Spwlal Tele gram to TUB BUB. jTho j county board lul tlio contract today for bridge 2,100 feet long and ten feet wldo with three turn outs to bo built across the Platte river south of hero to Con tractor Ko.se. This will open up u lurgo new territory to Shellon. Ceremonies nt Nelson. X , Neb. , Juno ! 30. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKI : . ] The corner-stono of the court house was laid today. W. II. Morris , Judge of this district , deposited the county papers , list * of societies present , etc. , and corn , wlno nnd oil were poured on. Tlio pnx-esslon con sisted of the Superior and Nelson cornet bands , corps national guards , Sons of Voter- aim , uniformed rank Knights of Pythias , Koyal Arch Masons , master Masons , Odd fellows , Grand Army , Modern Woodmen nnd United Workmen. The governor and citizens then marched to the grovo. Fully three thousand people were presenfttnd nil were satisfied with tbo barbe cue. S. A. Searle , osq. , presided and Intro duced the speakers , Governor Thnycr , Judge Morris and others. It was the largest gath ering and the most successful ever held In Nelson. The weather was warm but bright. jlAMt\G. .loslah 1'otls mill Ills WHVllvcculcd at Klko , Nevada. EI.KO , Nov. , Juno SO. Klko has been In n state of excitement and people poured in to witnc.ss the execution of Josiah Potts and his wlfo Elizabeth for the murder of Mile.s Fuwcott in January , isss. Over sixteen women applied for permits to witness the execution , but the sheriff refused them. The conduct of Airs. Potts for the last flvo days was alter nately hysterical , crying , .screaming and swearing at her husband. Owing to the apprehension of trouble on die purl of Mrs. Potts , the officials kept the hour of execution secret. Yesterday morning Mrs. Potts at tempted suifido by gashing her wrists , but she was prevented from further Injuring herself by the vigilance of the death watch. The execution occurred at 10 : III this morning. After the reading of the death warrants Mrs. Potts earnestly ejaculated : "I am Inno cent , and God knows it , " amlhorhusbuud re iterated the remark. On the scaffold they bore themselves with a bravery unexpected by those in attendance. After tney were bound Potts made several endeavors to clasp the hand of bis wife without accomplishing it. Finally a touch on her wrist , caused her to turn her eyes toward his nnd n mute appeal of love caused their lips to meet for ono brief moment. They repeated their assertions of Innocence and whllo the clergyman was say ing "Put your trust In God , " the trap was sprung and all was soon over. . G OH Kit TO ItEA fir. An Old Colorado Settler Attacked by a Ferocious Hull. HOI.YOKR , Colo. , June 'JO. Special Tele gram to THE Bm : . } A sad and awful scone was witnessed eight miles cast of town today by the family of J. Wagner. Mr. Wagner was driving some calves near where a largo Holstein bull was lariated on the piiilrie , when the animal became infuriated , and breaking his fastenings , attacked the old man , who is about seventy years old , and gored and trampled him to death. Mrs. Wagner made several attempts to rescue her doomed husband , but was each time driven away by the ferocious beast , barely escaping with her life. After di iving the terror stricken wife away the mad brute would return to his bloody work , continuing to gore and trample his victim long after life was extinct. Tlio deceased was one of the first settlers In the valley , a well-to-do farmer , and has a large number of friends. Ills sad and fright ful death will bo mourned throughout this entire country. Iton'X AX M13lllAXK3IEX'r. Two Killed nnd Several Injured in a I ! . & O. Wreck. BALTIMOIII : , Md. , Juno 20. The New York express was wrecked at" o'clock this morn ing at Cliilds' station on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. Two sleepers were thrown down an embankment. The fireman was killed and Charles Ackciinin , chief engineer of the Statcn Island rapid transit road , so seriously injured that ho died before ho could bo carried to Philadelphia. Bishop. Kcune of the Catholic university nt Wash ington was cut about tlio head nnd body and badly bruised. lialph Ingalls , son of Sena tor Ingulls , was among the slightly Injured. Harry K. Kelly , son ot Congressman Kelly of Arkansas , was among those seriously in jured. 11 VItUIA ItS IXTEHMlVl'TElt. Police Swoop Down on a Gang at Work and Capture Ono , Woonuunv , N , J. , JuuoiM. Three burglars were surprised by the police early this morning wliilo breaking Into the post- oflico. They fled with the officers in hot pursuit und many shots were exchanged. After an exciting race and a fierce struggle ono of the burglars was cap tured. The burglars had about completed the Job and wore on the point of leaving with their booty. A SatiHl'actory Adjustment. \jQop\iriuhl \ \ ISDDIni Jama Uonlon Hewlett. ] Bitus-tKLS , Juno 'JO. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE Bun. ] The antislavery - slavery conference today yielded to the sug gestions nnd objections made by Minister Terrell on the part of the United States relative to the Congo tariff und decided to In corporate the measure iu separate nets to be signed only by thu parties signatory to the treaty of Berlin. The United States Is left to conduct Inde pendent negotiations with the Congo free state on that subject as pr request. Liberia Is to bo invited to adhere to the treaty. All diftlcultie.s that have arisen In the conference have now been disposed of and it is expected that it will finish its labors In a few days. The Sultan Alarmed. CoNSTAXTiNoi'i.i : , Juno iiO. [ Special Cable gram to Tim Bun. ] The leading ulomus and softus are agitating against thocoursoof the sultan in entertaining foreigners with ban quets and fetes nnd ignoring the intense misery in the country and the uufTcrlnga of the Moslems. At a meeting of the softas it was declared that the moment had arrived to restore the old regime ns alone conducive to the greatness and prosperity of the empire. The sultan is alarmed , and suspects that the movement was prompted by persons In his entourage. Slnco TucHduy the gates of thu YildU Kiosk have been closely guarded and ingress and egress have been prohibited. Several civic and military olllcials have been arrested. Trespassing Cattle. WASHINGTON- , Juno 'M. commissioner of Indian affairs' has received a telegram from thogoveniorof Oklahoma that trespassing cat tle from the Iowa Indian reservation are de stroying the crops of settlors. The olllciuls have notified the cattlemen occupying the grazlnu' lands of the lowus that if further damage to Oklahoma settlers is done by their cuttlo they will bo summarily removed from the Indian Territory. A World's Fair CHICAGO , Juno 20. Arrangements have been completed for a reception and banquette to the world's fair eommlislpnem by the citi zens of Chicago next Thursday evening. Be sides the national and sinks commlsHloiiora there have been invited the members of Presi dent Harrison's cabinet , Chlof JiiKtlco Fuller , Justice Harlun and Governor Flfcr. A Jtivoiiilii .Murderer , KKOKUK , la. , Juno ' . ' 0. A Gate City spocla from Blandinsvllle , III , says Otis Punning- ton , aged sixteen , finally shot Klmer Hamil ton , aged twenty , lust night bccuuso Hamil ton tied knott * In his clothing whllo Penning- ton was In swimming. Flooded Fields , LAMOUIH : , N. 1) . , Juno SO. Tuoro was a tremendous rainfall between this place und Fargo yostorday. Fields are Hooded , Detained on Simpleton. NBW YUIIK , Junu M. Six Italian nnd twenty Hungarian Immigrants wi < duUinud . ut ttio lurgo oillcu toiiuv on HUKJUCIOU that i I thuy wuru contract lubu Peculiar Peculiar In combination , proportion , mid preparation of Ingredients , Hood's B.irsnpa. rlll.i possesses the curntlvo value nt the best known tomeUr * J * llcs ) ot * ' " > vegetable riOOCl S kingdom. Peculiar In Its trrnith ; anil economy , Hood's J iS Hus. ; i > urllU Is tlio only inoillolno of \ \ lilch can truly bo said , "Ono Hundred Doses Ono Hol lar. " 1'eculbr In Its medicinal merits , Hood s Sarsnparllla nrcomplUhca cures hlthcrfb un known , O4. . and has the title of "The greatest blood purifier ever discovered. " Peculiar In Its "good name nt home , " there Is Inoro of Hood's Sats.i- p.-ullla sold Iu Lowell than ot nil other blood purifiers. Peculiar Iu Its phenomenal record of rj . .I J-K .ilos abroad no other IrtJ M II ell preparation ever attained so rapidly nor held 90 steadfastly the confidence of all ( -lassos ot people. Peculiar In the br.tln-work which It represents , Hood's HarsapnrllU com. bines all the knowledge which modern research-- . mudlc.il I + -kf | ftcleaco ha.i 1 U llocll developed , with many years practical experience In preparing medicines. llo sine to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold liy nil clniBBhts. fltflrfnrj ? ! . l'tOi.ircilonly | byt ! . I. HOOD.t CO. , AtH > llu'e.uluiLowell , M.uj , IOO Doses Ono Dollhr DUN'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK , Bettor Weather nnd Brighter Crop Pros- 1 jiectg Stimulate Trade. INCREASE IN VOLUME OF BUSINESS , nionoy Markets Work Kusily lOvpco- tallons Ilascd on Currency Kv- panslon Are a T.lttlo Less Confident. NBW YOIIK , Juno 20. - [ Special Telegram to Tun BnK. ] U. ( > . Dun & Co.'s Weekly Ucvlcw of trade says : Another week hai brought still better crop prospects , a con tinued increase Ih the volume of business , moro definite assurance of the passage of the tariff with its essential features unchanged therefore , and moro confidences in those in dustries which look for help from the measure. On the other hand , the passage of n free silver coinage iu the Semite has r.iised some doubt whether the two house's 'may nut finally disagree. Expectations based'on cur rency expansion nro therefore 11 little liss conlfdont. But the money markets work easily every where and the continued exports of gold as yet cause neither disturbance nor apprehension. He-ports from nil parts of the country 'continue encouraging. Season able goods arc in belter demand with warm weather at Boston. Boots and shoes and leather sell freely nt firm prices. The sales of wool have been 2,000,001) ) pounds , with slight concessions to buyers , Dry goods are quiet and woolen goods particularly dull. Philadelphia has a very healthy trade in boots and shoes , with quite n retail "boom. " Chicago has receipts exceeding hist year in grain , meats , hides and wool and larger sales of dry goods. Tlio fall clothing trade opens well and the shoo trade Is excel lent and In general the prospect is good for more than the usual fall trade. St. Louis reports u trade of largo volume In nearly all lines with prospects improvinir. The Minneapolis lumber manufacture sur passes * previous seasons , though the flour de mand is weak , nnd St. Paul notes a better trade with a bright crop prospect. Milwau kee finds the best of crop weather , helping trade , and at Omaha business is active. A speedy bcttloment of the strikes nt Denver. ! * e.\i > ectcd , and business Is peed , but at troit strikes still curtail local trade and Wopl moves slowly. Pittsburg notes some sagging in the iron and steel market , and the window glass works have closed for the .season , but. flint glass is active. Other western and .southern reports are of the same general tenor. Better weather uud bright crop prospects stimulate trade in all directions and collections are good. Thn great industries nro waiting action in congress which is by many expected to give them new impetus. But iron Is fairly steady. The wool market shows some signs of reaction. The cotton manufacture waits the departure of artificial speculative prices for cotton. In all its departments the business in hides , leather and boots and shoes is active and promising , with butter prices maintained. Copper advances. Lead is quiet but stroifg , tin is weaker abroad and here , and there Is u stronger tone in the coal market with expec tation of mi advance in price July 1. The state of foreign trade is fair for tlio season. Exports of breadstuff's , provisions , cotton and netroleuin for May amounted to $30,412,871 or ft pur cent moro than last year. , nnd In spite of a great decrease in cotton * r uro oilier Items gaining. For the throe weeks of Juno exports from Now York show a do- crcaso compared with last year of 2.8 per cent nnd meanwhile , imports being temporarily swelled by a prospect of higher duties' , ex ceed lost year's by 20.0 per cent. Wheat has declined u quarter for the week with no change In corn uud with pork 2.1 cents [ ier barrel lower , The alleged market for cotfeo Is unchanged and oil is n shudn higher with butter and eggs , but sugar Imi declined ami eighth for raw and refined. The business failures occurring throughout the country during the past seven days imin bor 11)0 ) as compared with a total of 211 ! lust week. For thu corresponding week last year the figures wore 220. Nominations. WASHINTITOX , Juno20. The president today sent to the senate tno nominations of Thom.i. 1C. Milchrist to bo United States attorney fur the northern district of Illinois ; James A. Miner of-Michigan assocjato .Justice of the supreme court of Utah ; Simpson Chester , postmaster at Full-field , la. New Flro Alarm licit. HOLTOKK , Col. , Juuo 20.-lSpceiaJ to Tils Bin : . ] The Hnlyoko lire department has Ju--t put in position a 700-pound flro alarm bull connected by an electric alarm aystotn to various portions of the city. The hose team , composed of fifty members under tbo manage incut of Chief CJ.V. . ( Jurlund , is well equipped nnd trained to speedy and effective work. Acnlllod | ol'Mli'iMlim Frauds. CIIICAOO , June 20. The Jury In the , ease of Corcoran and Aldcrinaii-ulcct Jvleude , , were on trial for alleged wholcsulo elect um fruu.ls during the last election hm-e , thu iniirning returned a verdict acquitting tliu prisoners. _ Postal Telegraph Hill Postponed. WASHINGTON' , Juno 20. The IIOUKO commit tee on postolllccs and postroads has poslpim < 'I * further consideration of thn postal telegraph i , * bill until the iiuxt session of the huuso. > Absolutely Pure. A ir-vun of luiliir biiUum ixjwdor. of Ir.tvuriiiiK slioii'iiU U. H , Ouvuriiiiivut ( te > \ug n , law