Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1890, Image 1

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Shall the Commercial and Industrial Prosperity -
perity of the State be Sacrificed to a
Delusive Sentimentalism ?
Stnto Bonkcr ? , Merchnnts and Manufacturers Organize
for Mutual Protection Against the Prohibitory Amendment
to the Constitution , in Order to avert the Blight that
Always Follows In the Wake ofProhibition. .
We , the Undersigned Business Men of the State
\ Of Nebraska , In view of the results apparent
| l , from the attempts heretofore made to enforce
' $ prohibition in neighboring States , believing
that prohibition is not a true aid to temper
ance , do assert as a business proposition that
the incorporation of a prohibitory amendment
into the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
will be inimical to the best interests and
material welfare of the people of the State'by
retarding its development , depressing real
estate values , producing a disastrous stagna
tion of commerce and stoppage of immigration -
tion ;
Therefore , for our mutual protection and the
maintenance of our trade interests , we do hereby
organize ourselves into an association to bee
! known as the State Business Men's and
. / Bankers' Association , with headquarters at
Lincoln , Neb. , and auxiliary branches in the
cities , towns and villages throughout the State.
And we do hereby advise and urge our
friends to work and vote against said prohibitory
amendment at the election to be held Novem
ber 4 , 1890 :
First National bank by F. II. Davis , cashier.
Meiehants' National bank , by Frank Mur-
: ihy , piesident.
Ovlllliim Ci. Maul , vice piesident Commer-
ul Nationul bank . .
Commercial National bank , by Alfied Mil-
laid cashier.
Nationul Bank of Commoico , by J. N.
Coinlsh , mx-slilent
United States National bank , M. T. Bar
low , citshier.
Clti/cns'bank.bvAV G Templclon , cashier.
Union National bank , by Chiules E. Ford ,
E L Bleibower , cash'r Nat bk of Com'co.
Geoigo E. Bailter , V. P. > Bank of Coiu'co.
A P Hopkins , Pies. Com Nat'l bunk.
Omaha havings bunk , b } L. M. Bennett ,
Amer'n Suv's bank , by A. A' Powell , eh'r
American Loan it Tiust Co. , by OM. . Car
ter , president.
II W Vales.
Omaha it Gianl Refining and Smelting Co. ,
by Guv C. Button , preside-ill.
A. U Wyman , ex-lreasuror U. b.
J. H. Miflard.
Sloaif , Johnson it Co , wholesale giocers.
Blake , Biiuo it Co , wholesale ) clings.
D. M. Steele it Co , wholesale grocers.
Chui le-s A. Coo it Co , wholesale bools and
Mecgan it Hauling , wholesale brokers and
MeCoul , Brady it Co . wholesale gioccrs.
Richardson Ding company
Bends Omaha Bug Co , mfgrs bigs
Max Moor it Co , wholesale Jewelers.
Allen Bros , vv holesalo giocors.
Leo , Cluiko , Amliccscii Hiudwaro compa-
11 } . w holesalo hai dw aro.
Kirkcmlall , Jones it Co , wholesale boots
mid shoes
Gate City Hut Co. , wholesale hats , cups
and gloves
Gilmore it Ruhl , wholesale clothing.
"ra .urovv it Logan , wholesale hats and caps.
Joseph Giuncau Cracker company.
Max Meyer : Co , wholesale cigars and no
Aincilcan Hand Sewed Shoo Co.
The Baum lion Co , iron and steel.
Schneider it Loomls , wholesale notions
M. E Smith it Co , wholesale diy goods.
Pe.veho Bros , wholesale commission
AVc-delns it Co , wholesale leaf tobacco
Farivll it Co , rc-llners and Jobbers of 8 } r-
ups and molasses.
Milton Rogeis it Sons , wholesale hpuso
Satnul Burns , wholesale quc-enswaro.
D M. Welt } , Well } itGti } , w hole-sale sad-
Coutant it Squires , w holesalo coal.
A J. Poppleton , clt } attorney
L. A. Garner , supt Ameile-an Expicss Co.
E. M Morse-man , supt. Pacltle Expicss Co.
Goodman Ding Co ,
J. D. Huiiisou.
F. C Aver.
A , P. 12ly.
John H. finite.
The Omaha t } jto foundy by II. J , Picketing.
Rcus Printing Co. (
McClurg Cracker Co.
Fixdv. . Grav , wholesale lumberman.
Cnino Co. , wholesale steam and water sup
plies , by H. T Lallv , manager ,
Omaha lubber company.
C Husso it Co. , wholesale fnilts.
C V Gallagher , contraclor.
A'oogulo it Dinning , wholesale confectlon-
eisN. . B Falconer , wholesale and retail diy
olldate-il coffco compan }
Mover it Kaapke , vvholi-salo
Hv itni Kec'd
Thomas L Klmball
Phil Stlmnie-l wholesale bc-cds
Buikulow Ilivs. , wholesale uuut.
C. D Woodwoith it Co , whols'c contract's
Ilenrv it Coatsvvmth Co , whols'e lumber
J. J Johnson it Co , w hols'o coal and lime.
S P. Morse .t Co , retail diy goods.
Nebiaska Fuel company.
C B Havens it Co , whole-bale coal.
AVilliam A Pa\ton.
Paxton it Gallagher , wholesale grocers.
Paxton itA'ieillng , iron woiks.
Booth Pitching Co , by T A Fiy , manag'r.
M. H Bliss , wholesale ciueenswaio.
J.M. Eclvvaids.
Jeff Bedfoid , w holesalo coal.
Fowler Elevator Co , b } C W. Fowler.
Joseph Barker , capitalist.
James K Bo.vcl , capitalist.
John Rush , clt.v tioasuror , Omaha.
ChuichillPnmp Co
H Bnindenbuig it Co. , wholesale leather.
I Oboi folder it Co. , w hole-sale millinery.
Kopp , Drelbus it Co , wholesale confee'eis
G. W. Holdiege.genetal manager B &M.
AV V Morse it Co. vv hols'o buots A , shues
Consolidated Tank Line Po.
A L Strangtt Co , steam and water blip-
Isaac E Cougdon , attorney at law.
John A King it Co , w holcsalo gtoceis.
Bates it Co , wholesale commission.
G J Hunt.
U S Wind Engine and Pump company ,
steam and water supplies
P Rocco , Bio it Co , wholesale finits ,
Dr Geoigo L'Miller , Omaha pane commis
James M Woolw01 th , attoi noy at law.
r B Kennaid , Kennaid Glass .t Paint Co.
T S Cliukson , leal estate and loans.
Thomas H Mortal.
Kllpatiick-Koch di } goods eompnny.
llowoy it Stone furniture company.
Chaiies Shlveilek it Co , wholesale fuinl-
Montgomery it Jeffrey , attoineys at law.
Adam Sayder , wholesale meats.
S R Johnson , capitalist.
St. A D Bulcombc , chairman boaid of pub
lic woiks.
Hulbeit it Blum , wholesale coal ,
M L Roedet it Bio , iiibiuam-e.
Browning. King it Co , clothing.
Eilicli it Laugstadier , wholesale cigars and
Gecn-go P Bemls , capitalist.
H W Cremer , caiillalist.
George Hovn , photogiapher and photo-
graphio supplies
Robcit L Gaillehs. capitalist.
J J llroun , capitalist.
C E Yost , genc-ral manager Neb. Tel. Co.
John F Coad , capitalist.
Millei it Guiidei-son , Phu-nlx foundry and
machine comimny , by Donald Robeitson.
FnuikD Muli ? _
R 12 Ga } loul.
Charles C George.
How ell it MiSlmno.
Potter it George.
Bcnvman , Williams it Cross.
WillH Cadv.
William J Ixiei-stead.
Roheit Purvis , wholesale commission.
J Brandies X Sons , The Fair.
J. Bambeiger.
J T. KInsler , w holesala druggist.
James Casey , Au-ado hotel.
John C Droxcl ,
C. A. W McLaughlln.
M. O Maul.
Devvoy it Stone ftunlturo company ,
Simon Trosstler , wholesale cigars.
Mcllugh it Mockber , wholesale coiniula-
David Brown , grocer.
A. Kiddc'l , vv hukteale produce.
M. H. Grots.
Ackciman Brothers it Heliitzo.
AV F Cotncll , manager Great Western
1 } IK ) foundry
Kifbchbraun it Sons , wholesale com mis
Cruno elevatoi company , by W C Hod
man , manager
South Omaha National hank.
K. A. Cudahy , vleo president and general
manager Arnwur-Cudahy packing company.
TlioG. II Hammond company , by H. II.
Mcilny , manager.
James A'llcs , Jr.
AVrlght ft Baldwin , clothiers.
Chaiies Singer , dry Roods.
C. A. Meleher , chugs ,
AVilliam Denytz , cigars.
I U. H. Sobatltcr , clgius.
.7. Cohen , merchant tnllor
Mnnlyn Sowshl , clothier ,
II. Huymiin , clothier.
S Levy , wooer.
Brlggs it Dare , hardwar-
Theodore Vob , niercliunt tnllor.
JiU'oh Jaskalck , manufacturer clears.
II Robert , Jeweler.
H. B Mcucfcc , hiiielwaro.
Akafer Carey.
Ilnice it Caipentcr , express.
K. Diamond , clothier.
I' . H Toner , saddlery and harness.
Crlll , Brown & Denny , llvo stock commis
sion ,
I'nddock St Gosney , live stock commission.
Miulc Chlttomlon , live stock cominlsslori ,
T C. Shelly , live stock commission.
Gcoigo liutUu it Fiwior , llvo stock com-
Halm & Rcdlngton , live stock commission.
Martin Brothers , llvo stock commission.
Al Powell , llvo stock commission.
AVuggoner , Biulo } & Co , llvo stock com
Spelts , Hitchcock & Co , live stock com
J. D Perrlno , llvo stock commission.
Palrnur , Blum-haid it Co. , llvu stock com
Wood Brothers , live stock commission.
Gc-orgoS Hum ii , H\o stock commission.
William Dally & Co. , llvo stock commis
I'.irkhnrst , Hopper ft Parker , llvo stock
Bjers , Bi others & Co , live stock commis
First National , by S. C. Smith , cash
Beatiico National bank , by D. Cook , cash-
Oorman National bank , W. A. Wolfe , cash
C G. Dorsey , president city council.
.1. G Wlelo , lumber merchant.
GuoigcV Hinkle , teal estate.
Thomas Yule , nbstiacts and loans.
L K. Walker , member of council.
ICilp illicit Bios , it Collins , general railway
conti actors.
Beuti ice street i ail way compiny , By.T. D.
Kilpitiick , ptpsldcnt
I. N McConnell , ical estate.
Jacob Klein , di.v goods and clothing.
Charles Mosehel , capitalist.
Emil Sang , wholesale and ictall gioccr.
M S. Wolbaeh , dry goods and clotlninj.
Salmon & Rainoy , dtuggists.
J 1 ? Beck , hainess and saddlery ;
K ] Rodoiiek , merchant and stock lalscr.
G S Cole , aicliiUct and builder.
S E Spencer , real estate.
Bcatiito real estate and tiust company , M.
M Bininbachj ptosidont.
South Beatuccbtteot jailway company , by
S E. Spencer , seeretaiy.
F S Maulove , ilrj goods.
B P. Taj lor , photographer.
Charles 11 Baker , loan broker.
M A Met 10 , Dally Express.
Nebiaska farm and impioveincnt company ,
by J D. Kilpatiick , piesident.
Express publishing company , by Kilpatiick
Bi others.
Beatilco canning company , by II. W.
Paikei , piesident.
Charles M Uigg , postmaster.
A. W. Bradt , city treasurer.
James Kldston , ix al estate.
John Ellis , banker.
' A\.F King , banker.
E. W. Clancy , druggist.
Scott Hi others , fuinlturc.
S. K. Davis it Co , grain.
Dentsch Btothers , clothing.
James G Sadd , stock lalser and owner of
' Counsellor. "
P. J Me- } ers , stock raiser.
Beatiico staich company , by , E. J. Rod
erick , piesident
Wairen Cole , banker
Samuel Bhoens , capitalist.
Toid Lewis , capitalist ,
W. H Duflett , Piesident Beatiico Buck
comp my
S W Wadsn01 th , Jeweler.
Authur Dole , secietary and manager of the
Beatiico Caning company.
W. P U'jett , cattle dealer.
N. N Bitimbach , real estate ,
G H. Johnson , incicliant.
Smith Bios , Loan and Trust Co , by J. E.
Smith piesident.
Olier Ton nsciid , clothing ,
Saunders it Shoimaii , loal estate.
Samuel 12 Rigir , eiiuggNt.
Woodwind Bios , loan biokers.
Scott Bios , it Cook , leal estate.
E C AVebster , licasurc-f Nebraska Loan
it Ti list company.
A. Yeiwol , eashic'rE\chai5goNalionalbank.
J M. l-'eignson , cashier Citv National bank.
II. Bostwick , piesident AVestem Loan it
Investment company
M A. City National bank
C II Deittich , piesidentGeunan Nat. bank.
M L DIsmoro , piosidcnt Bciaul of Ttaclo.
G. II Pratt , vice piesident First National
Win Kerr , piesident Adams County bank.
O CJ Smith , cashier Adams County bank.
Oliver it Boston , lumber dealers.
11 C Haveil.v , city eleik.
J. D Mines , city tieasuier.
Ar. B Tumble , vv holesalo grocers.
Hasting Groceiy company , by G , E.
Lingovin , piesident
Hastings Diy Pressed Biiek company , by
M L Elsmore , senetary and tieasuier.
Hastings Business Men's Protective asso
ciaton , b } H A Fler , piesident.
Bulger Alexander HauUvaro company , by
M L. Alexander , se-e'i'otaiy and treasurer.
Pussy it Wilkln , general insuninco agents.
Oswald Oliver , diicctor KU-st Kiitt4nal
bank and Nehiaska Loan and Tiust company.
C H Dietiich , vice piesident Union Life
Insuianco compiny
F. J. Benedict it Co , grocers.
J II Ilanoy it Co , w holesalo harness.
A J. Nolan , giocer
Meuitt it Ciceth , editors Dally Nobraskan.
Alias Lumber company , by R A. Barr. ,
Jacob Thomas , meichant lallor.
Poveko Bmthers company , commission.
J. W Davis , meichant.
Entcrpiiso Building association , by O.
Oliver , sevretaiy.
Ga/cttc-Joutnal Publishing company , S. P.
Rounds , Jr , piopiietor
BecUnian it Kimpp , butchei's ,
J Bovco , news dealer
W til Vasllno , member clly c-ouuell.
J. C. Idc-sou , books and .stationery.
Falk it Bloom , clothiers.
Plcla-ns \ , Hannii , diy goods and carpets.
Barnes Brothers , clolhinir.
Dallas it Fitton , Imidu.uo.
J James , giocciies.
H. L EcUvauls , coal and tco.
( iinnivau it Son , grocoiies ,
F. 12. Wilkinson , lunch rooms.
Hastings Iron woiUs , by William Motlt/ .
L. O. IClnno } it Co , wholesale confec
12 W ThPiimr , grocer.
John Fceiioy it Son , maibloancl gianlto.
Cramer it Hohrur , abstiaeters and loans ,
HI ley Bros , loan brokers ,
C. N. Dietz , lumber , per M. L. Elsraorc' ,
Ballard it Rider , butchers.
Renuer Pi luting House , Reuiier Bros.
Jacob Fisher , bakory.
S. C Dllley , ladies' furnishings.
J E. Bruce , cjuccnsw aro.
AV. M. Low man , real estate , *
Fred Doiner , h.uldleiy.
M. Reed , funiituro
Charles Camoion , dry goods.
AVolbnich it Biuh , diy goocU and clothing.
II A Fler\Co , dry goods unit caipcU.
Muitiulii Hro * . hardware.
Chailch II Kipp , grocer
LeoiKild Huliu iV. Bro , furmtuic.
C il Paul , icmit > tivamiixr
MeTaggart it MiKecthan , eigara and lo-
& Browu , publislicw.
S. M. Thompson , Howard & , Worth , Jewel
ers. ,
H. C. Hanicn , farm machinery.
E. S. Fowler , loan bwkur.
Burges it Co. , harware.
L. H. Guernsey , Jeweler. . .
George A. Kent , boot * ami slices.
A. Junna , dry goods , _ _
J. J. Hoeppner , grocer.
Kant it Kliidersiiac'her , butchers.
A. C. Lambert , bakery.
J. D. Rlloy , lnsurance
O. C. Hum , Jeweler. *
Mark Low , clothier.
AV. T. Shackclford , ftroccr.
Snycler it Brewer , cigar manufacturers.
T. C. Hunt & Co. . druggists.
Alison , it Pratt , plumbers.
William M. Lovvnian , vice president Ger
man National bank.
Hastings Electric Light and Power com
piny , by George B. Johnson.
A. H. Farrons , druggist.
J. J. Conoughy , agent Bt & M.
S N AVolbach , president First National
bank. <
Grand Island banking company , by G. B.
Bell , cashier.
Citbens' National bank , by Henry A. Koo-
nlg , president. - !
Giand Island street railway company , by A.
H. Baker president. >
United SUile-s industrial Company , by O. R.
Thompson , secretary.
Oxnard Beet sugar company , C. Kennedy
Hamilton , Jr , secretary.
Bankof Commcicc , by.J. D Moore , cash
ier , .i
Grand Island creamery company , by. J. H.
Withers , tic-usurer. .
George Bolenbnck , ngent , Consolidated
tank line company. S
Geoigo Bolenback , ' proprietor , Opera
house. t (
Grand Island cigar manufacturing company ,
] > er H. Abraham. &
Grand Island grocer company , per F. O. S.
Grand Island Improvement company , per J.
D. Moore , vice piesident.
Second National bank , by II. J. Palmer
president. - '
Council it Osborn , wholesale fruits.
Franlln Sweet , Reg. U. S L. C.
AViley Blethers , clothing.
Louis A'elt , grocer.
George H. Mosher , hardware.
James Founcr , butcticr.
Robett Frohberg , merchant tailor.
John Hayclon , general merchandise.
John Alexander , met chant tailor.
Honty A'ietegg , soda water manufactming.
F. C Phillips , contractor and plumber.
Ross it Btiningcr , teal estate ,
AV. H. Piatt , mayor.--
Homy Schlotfeldt , councilman Third waul.
R R Hoith , city attorneyi
Geoigo Rootenbach , councilman Second
ward. i '
William Geddcs , president- council , Second
waul " 1 ,
J. H. Mullin , police Judgp- ,
C. AV. Biininger , eltyclerK.
E L Eno , Palmer hoilso.
John Riss , giocer.
C. Stoltenbeig , harness merchant.
William Kuika , tailor ,
Huper it Lunge , hardware.
AVest < t Schlotfeldt , real cs.tato brokers.
Chiules AVasmer , rcaivst ito ,
G Heintz , agricultu 'al implenients.
Chiules A. AVcebe , dry gpods.
Henry D. Boydcm , druguist.
N H. Cohn , cigar inanuuuiturcr.
J. H. Waldion , pumps aicrwindmills. )
A. A. Abbott , attoiney.
Ge-oige H. Andrew , capitalist.
Tucker it Brown , druggists.
George A. Moresteekor ; secretary board of
education. < * ,
Bion Cole , editor Times ,
S. P. Mobloy.jnnuBKcr Independent.
J. H. Mullin , stationer , J
Olnoy Meyer , Jeweler. ! ,1
George D.'Hct/el hiilawnio. " * > * - v * "
M. L. Dolau , grocer.
D. Bioehlleld , auction house.
S. N. AVolbach , dry goods.
Thutnmel & Piatt , i eat estate.
\Vlthers it Kolls , dry goods.
Albeit Ge.velr , druirgibt.
Gtand Island compiny , by Rich Goerlng ,
m inac'cr.
Woolstenholm it Stcinc , clothiers.
Room it Co , grocers.
Ileniy Ma.ver , Mucr music emporium.
Meichunts'Tiatibfer line , H. A. Baitliiig ,
H C. Held , Jeweler.
J. H Miehelson , Jeweler.
Chatles Speetnian , stationer.
H. F. Estcs , nianager expicss company.
H } Schlotfeldt , cigar in mufuetuior.
Hoith it Ran , attoinos.
N. B. Falconer , Mitchell & Thomas , dry
D. AV. Smith , B and L. manager.
R H. McAllister , hardware.
A. C. Ledeiman , haidware.
D. Rankin , mumifactmer ,
F. S. Ha.vaul , diuggist. \
J. H. Yuncl , giocer
Chai les F. Rollins , miller.
Al McAllister , lively.
H L MoMouns , agent Union Pacific and
St Joseph it Grand Island.
Geoigo Bolenback , wall paper , paints and
A. Bluiik , miller.
Eisner Hccscb , giocer.
Boston Store , diy gcmds.
John Walllchs , fmulture.
Chatles A. Peterson , miller.
N. AVatts it Co , meat market.
F F Fedder , grocer.
Fied Nobel , bakeiy.
Heniy Stiatman , implement dealer.
Fied Heddo , Independent.
Chiules Kloss , Donipjian brickworks.
Giand Island Light and Fuel company , by
Hey ward C ! Leavitt , president.
F G. Loekvvood , pioptlqtor Woikman.
Geoigo 12 Minn , eontiactor and builder.
I' . James , Nebiusha State Medical and Sur
gical Institute
Chailos L HIIU\ , groceries
C L Hovvell , eIgars and confectionery.
Hooper it Son , non f minders aim ma
Heniy Glade it Co , , Grand Island roller
Benjamin Berry , contractor.
Adam Wlndolphe , stock dealer.
Hehnko Do Lohmnnn , contractor and
A B Hnuison , meichant tailor.
Schmidt it Kirsehke , biick manufacturers.
R. Sehlrk , attoiney etc.
Charles Giic-nthur , contractor and builder.
Fied Wlggers , agiirultuial implement
W. R. McAllister , money loancr.
T A. Rathavvay , real estatu agent.
Fred Stohr , butcher and c'UUlu dealer.
D A Finch , dentist '
J R Moeller , photoKi.iphcr.
AV B Thompson , agent ) l. , t M. railroad.
A Egger , ix-ul estate
Geoigo Loan , Jr , water commissioner.
George P Dean , city marshal
George W Clark , street commissioner.
James L Koutkc , councilman First waul.
Chaiies Rlef , councilman Third waul.
AV. V Holmbeiger , loaiis mid Insurance .
John Allen , clot ktlistilet couit.
Henr } Allen , deputy clerk tllstilct court.
Chin les Rief , president boaid of education.
Hugh McNuy , deputy slujrilf.
A. C. Maer , eleik m county treasurer's
David AcUeiinun , county rjerk.
Edvviu-d C. HookenberBer , county treus-
William Cornelius , deputy county treasurer
C AV. II Cushlnir , CisllIJ1' ( | Citizens' bank.
Daw son it Pearee , n > | lllnors.
H H Vanaemann , proprietor Hotel Riloy.
Joseph V. Wec-kbach it Son , dry goods ,
AVcckbach .t Co , Broccrle.s. _
J. R Denson , resUuiunt.
A. Clark , grocer *
Petersen it Lai-son , grocers.
i-'rcd Gees , proprfelcirCity \ .
Ed 'hrelkold , rustaurantkcoper.
George Leo , proprietor laundry
Ed htamm cigar munufai Hirer.
P J Hanson , ijrou r
Geoigo B LehaliL'tT ' , stationii } and no
J C. Pctcrscu , meat , market. '
George Sltzmann , proprietor Burlington
Hermann Spies , cigar mamifaoturer.
B. Elson , clothing merchant.
, B. A. McElwalii. Jeweler.
C. AV. Holmes , llveiyman.
Giovanni Schlagpaeasxc1 , c'onfecttoncr.
D. M. Jones , contractor and builder.
F. Herrmann , merchant.
Jonathan Halt it Co . meat market.
Frank Morgan , clothier.
S. it C. Ma } cr , clothiers.
Goring it Co , druggists.
George E Dovey. merchant.
J. M. Sehucllbasher , wagon manufacturer.
George PoNall , contrac'or.
II. M. Socnulcchscn , merchant.
Julius Pepporboip , cigar manufacturer.
Oliver it Kamge , meat m.ukct.
A. H. Snvder , pbaimaclst.
L B. Sklldman , druggist.
Robert Sherwood , boots ami shoes.
A. Cohen it Co , dry goods.
AVeldcmaun it Bi other , hardware.
J. P. Young , bookseller and stationer.
Bennett it Tutt , grocers.
J. I. HertiRch , fin nlturo dealer ,
F. McCouit , mei chant.
r. G Frie-Ko. ditlggUt.
O M Streight , liven man.
J. M. Johns , supeiinteiident gas company.
S M. Shunker , pumps and windmill * .
W H Pie-kens , contractor and builder.
William Neville , contractor and bridge
Joseph Stein , clothier.
T. I Hicks proprietor Pacific house.
J. Plexlange , funiituro dealer.
F S. White , mei chant.
J. AT. Ezmbcrger , Jr , baker.
Richey Brothers , lumber dealers.
Heniy Boeck.'uniituie.
Nebraska City National bank , by AV. t. .
Wilson , piesident.
Robot t Payne.
R F. McConms.
Paul Schmincko & Co. , miller and grain
S. II. Morrison , Jeweler.
Merchants' National bank , by II. AAT. Now-
cll. cishler , W A Cotton , piesident.
D. Maccaulg. capitalist.
Flunk P Ti eland , mayor , Nebraska City.
E Reiber , diy goods and gents' famishing
Jj. Wessel it Co , dry goocis and carpets.
Bilklov it Boiehors , city goods.
D P. Rolfe , lumber.
F L Fauna it Co , giocers.
Alex Calmelot , watchmaker.
R. Loiton , t Co , wholesale giocers.
Nalc Adams , Implements ,
L Enviut , banker.
J W. Butt , fiunltuie.
W. D Sloan , diuggist.
Nebraska City banking company , by A.
Heller , manager.
William Bishop , haulwaio.
Chicago packingand piovision company , by
P. Huenslcr
M. Dei uni , agent B. it M. railtoad com
Union stoc-kyaids company , Fred Heller ,
assistant sec-unary.
F W Rode-nbeek , merchant.
Fniehlich it Slieldencommission met chants.
Leidigh it McComas , commission mer
II. Ganovv it Biothcr , commission mer
E A Blown , Nebiaska City Picss.
C. M. llubner , editor Nebiaska City News
' C Chapman ,
F W Rodenbcck ,
II D Thiolc ,
C AV Hoge ,
City Joseph F. Welch ,
H H Kicsser ,
M. Bnumiraiten ,
Fiank L. Fauiieo.
William C. Lambreth & Brothers , dry
William Gllstoln & Co.i clothing.
John C. Watson , president Nebraska City
board of trade.
Nebiaska Staatz Xeitung , Jacob Bentlcr
Rudolph Noack , editor Nebraska City
Stiiat1 Xeitung.
Wilhclmy A : Oveiton , hardvvaie.
J A. Harr , merchant
II. H Fobs , mei chant.
K J Evving. cleik.
Ileniy Wehling , capitalist.
P Smith it Son , commission merchants.
Claude AVatson , phj sician.
Chiules U Swift , boots and shoes.
John II Puce , dry goods
M Tieinay , boots and shoes
Nelson Biotheis , boots and shoes.
M Pylo it Co , giocois.
John Hver , diy goods.
11 C Fiecman it Co , diuggists.
Moiton itStalToid , commission merchants
C. W. Seymour , United btatcs commis
Nebraska City water company , by J. S.
Kennedy manager.
Nebraska City electi io light company , by
J. S. Kennedy
F. II. limner , register of deeds.
Smith it Heiiber , giocois
M S Campbell , clerk dlsti let court.
H II X Homer , county tieasuter.
J. Polk Hill , deputy county tieasuicr.
H M Bojdston , real estate agent.
N P. Dakan , county commissioner.
Jas Corlin , county commissioner.
J. Steilmg Motion , capitalist.
C. II. Koiff , marshall.
Thos. I < 2 Thomson , real estato.
John Stelnhait , mei chant tailor.
l ied Fass. motchant. ,
Noilting it M\or , Haidvvarc.
C. N. Masters , fiunituio.
John. ! Felln , city eleik.
U. H Dickey , druggist.
A. Xeimnier , jeweler.
Godfiey I Blue-dot n , editor StaatsDcmo -
Dunn & Coleman , giocers.
0 O Korss , giocer.
12 Munn.
S Goldberg , clothing merchant.
II Baehloi , giocer.
Call Hot-ninger , insuianco agent.
H. Aiitil X Co , haulwaio.
L. M. Kcene , piesident riemcnt National
Henry Fulirman , capitalist.
C. H. Tonciay , vko piesident Nebraska
nun tgage and inv estmcnt companv. ,
Fiemont savings bank , by W. H. ITiiirison ,
J. 12 Sherwln , mayor.
Theo Huetto it Son , wholesale hardware.
W. C. Hindi & . Co , clry goods.
Haiilon it Gannonf ix-tall giocers.
Gas Schiage , books and btatloneiy.
C. H Stoi m , contractor.
S. I'ratom .t Co , grocery.
Fit * ! W. Vaughan , lawi er.
J. W Love , lands. , loans and llvo stock.
Jay Hov nolds
C Chustianbtn , grocer. '
John Hause-r , books and stationery.
John Thlelen , liarness.
W. G Sovenmce , agent Fie.-uont , Elkhoin
& MlssouiI Valley road , _
K C Blake-sen , Jeweler.
Gamble it Smith , livery.
H A Pratt , Jeweler.
J. 12. Fiick , attorney at law.
George F Wolz , bakeiy and restaurant.
Fiemont continuous kiln company , by E.
Si lunlimn , vice piosidcnt.
Wai chouse and factory company , by E. N.
Morse , tnofcicknt.
N W Smails , editor and publisher of the
Fiemont Herald.
W. M Jones , general agent Sandwich
inanufiu luring company.
John Heiman , general merchandise.
M H. Mlnnean , furniture and undertak
Charles II. Winshlp , Btocmiiait.
J. B. Hkkox , broker.
Dodge talloilnif company.
Marshall mothers , vvholckalo Jewelry and
Stamy it Lcnsch , cioekory.
Singer manufacturing compiny , by V. C.
Wright , agent
J2. F. Gray , attorney.
John Bant , provident Ficmont carriage
manufacturing company.
Fiemont foundr.v and machine company.
C W Hvatt cditol Flail
W Do L Fueman , insuramo agent.
L J Abbott M D
1 llolliiibtik utturne }
\V Uavj abstnutor.
UalUulT , leu Jeali. .
J. Goldycabcr it BrcgooJs \ and cloth
Ing. f
D C. Pettlt , confecti\ \ $
Patrick Hcekev , talloii
Glebe Cornlco WoiHv Charles T.
Durkee. S2
HcMiry Burman , shoetnay
GeotgeM. Osbornetet \ surgeon.
GeorgoJ Diurott , propil Vtar livery.
James J. Slney , blacksmll *
John D Mailtev , blaeksiiu
Pilsbuiy , VeaMo it Co . ha ,
Fremont gas and electi u- lit > mpiny , by
C. Chrlstenson , vice president ami manager.
Morse it Human.
Fremont Ice company.
W. C. Tlllson cashier , ICearnoy Nat'l bank.
Low Hobettson , piesldout , Fanners' bank.
J. A Bovd , c'ashier , Fanners' bank.
John J. llaitlctt , piesident ICearnoy Na
tional bank.
V , Q. Kobeitson , president PlrstNat'l ' bank.
Hess Gamble , president UiilTalo County Na
tional hank
A 'T. Gaml'lc , cashier Buffalo County Na
tional bank.
Augusttn Frank , second president Hand-
cock Land and Investment company.
John. J Osborne , seeretaiy Kearney opera
house company.
B. II. Goodell , president Farmers * and
Merchants bank at l lm Cieek.
Ir.i Johnson , manager Kcatncy Horse and
Land company.
McU'jilf Cnicker company.
H Coddlngton it Sons , wholesale proccrs.
U. L Downing , president Ke.irney Milling
and Elevator company.
M. 13 Hunter , piosldent ICcainey stone
works and in mager ICeaineV buck company.
L N. Movviy , seeieUiry Midland laud com
1 ° . H. Tilcrest , harness and carilagcs.
C. B. Finch , chy goods.
Olney .t Higgins , hatters.
F. J Carpenter Co , dry goods.
T. C Phillips , plmnber.
Ciocker , Fineh it Co , clothiers.
J. D Hawthoino , jeweler.
J. It , Hollliigsworth it Co , crockery.
Hubbell Bios . haidvvaie.
J. F. Daniels , jeweler.
N II Johnson , ginoer.
F N. Decker , gtocer. „
A * . 12 Willson , giocer.
Bosion One Puce Clothing house.
AV'aiien Piatt , attotney at law.
Fiist National bank , by T. C. Pattetson ,
vice president.
T. .1 Foley , dry goods and gi occnes.
A D. Baekworth , ptesictent Noith Platte
National bank
William Grady , general merchandise.
M Ohei-bt , county commissioner.
Frank 12. Bullaul , Union Pacitic railway.
Gcoige G McKay , dry goods.
II C Uennie , diy gools.
Thomas C Patterson , estate and loans.
Louis D Thoelecke. watchmaker.
H Otten , boots and shoes.
W L McGee , teal estate.
Leslie Wells , ical estate.
11 S Keith , hardware and furniture.
Klenk it Gatwaid , butc he-is.
Samuel Goo/ee , assistant cashier Noith
Platte National bank.
C F lie-in , men hunt tailor
Adolph Peterson , shoes.
12 Hoffineister , photogiapher.
John Miller , contractor.
1-2 W S Piatt , Jeweler.
J. F. Kcndiiek , maiket.
Buicc E Smith , stockman.
P. B. Cummings , manager telephone.
K. N. Morse , president Fiemont street
lailway companj. ,
E. Scuurman , president Gciman American
O. D Harris , implements.
Button , t Clapp , cigar manufacturers.
Martin Nelson ,
AVilliam Iluwo , hotel.
Bieitcnfeld it Mauicr , cigar manufactur-
cts.R. . II. Sterner , cigar muiufacturcr.
O Fiedeiiekson , i-estauiaut.
W C Clinician , baker.
William J. Wad/ , lunch counter.
John Knechtel , geneiiil meiehandisc.
K. I' . Montcith , F E it M. V. lunch coun
W G. Mercer , blacksmith.
A. Hoik , cigar inanufactuirr.
James Muiiay , Hour and Iced.
Nesblt it Rogers , haichxiuo.
Gtady it Egaii , gcneial merchandise.
C L Wood.
William H Mullanc , publisher Current.
David A Baker , sheiiff Lincoln county.
C. F Iddings , lumber , coal and grain.
Notth Plnttowatci\\otks , byJamcs Wilson ,
S W Van Donin , councilman.
Max Einstein , clothing.
Noith Platte Lumber company , lumber and
G T Field , ical estate and loans.
AVilliam Neville , lawyer.
II. S Boil , teal estate and loans.
C. P 1)1 ) ik , city tieasuier.
J. W Bixlor , city attoinov.
L A Stevens , editor of the Tribune.
T Nlc-hol is , councilman.
P II Sullivan , boaid of education.
H M Weber , clothing.
F. II Langley , tihi sician and druggist.
J. F. Sc-hm il/iled , cigar mannfactuior.
f. Hc'iinan , contiaetor and builder.
W. C Bo ue , boaul of education.
John K Ottenstoin , real estate.
C. M Duncan , M. D.
George Naunlan , Justice peace and council
William Blown , iv-al estate and loans ,
V. D Now ell , stock and hay dealer.
C S ClintonJeweler.
M C Keith , stock giovvcr
C. E Osgood , county tieasuior and stock
John Keith , stock lalspr.
John Bratt , stock gio\\er.
John Il.iwlev , Justice peace.
Joseph Heishin' , faun impl
Ileniy .lost , saddleiy irid h
C A Sherman , tmiau.ue.
W. W Birge , lumber
J. Q 'ihucUer , diuggist.
A F Stioit/ , druggist
J. C Feignson , age-lit Union Paclfle.
K 111 u-kenburg , bin ness and h.tddlciy ,
A. P Cailson. meichimt tailor.
Victor Van Goitgiocor. .
Geotgo T Snellini , ' , county Judge.
H. P. Law.
Joseph Wlttunn.
AV. C. Wittnmn.
Henry Wlttnun.
N. S. Hanvood.-
L. Mov er it Co.
O. W. Mosher.
AV. II Haller ,
MeQiiatilo , t Wiseman.
r. H. Miitthiesen.
H B. Taylor
Humlicds of business men throughout the
state aio enrolling in the ranks of antl-pio-
hlbltlon orguni/atlon , and their names ulll
bo placed on the nieiubui-sililp icooidoftho
II AVanlecl It on llc-cionl.
s Juno 'JO [ Special Cablegram to
Tin : Bi r ] In a letter to the SU-ele , M. do
oricho R i } H tlio object of his Intel pollution o f
the gov eminent In the chamber of deputies
legaidlngtho cjst.iljllshinent of a Biltlsh protectorate -
In accordance with the
tectorato Anglo-Ger
man agKcinent Is to place on t\ie \ oHIcial 10
cords the existence of the Anglo-Pi cnch con
vention w Ith guarantc es of the Indepe-ridcneo
of the sultan /aii/iiiar. . When this Is done
ho ays iho gov eminent must consider the
A AVliolcJAlo IMuiilc-rrr
Qi i m c , Juno 20 Fied Dubols was hangc-ci
in the Jaihard hero this morning The
crime fui vvhii ) ho buffucd vvus the murder
in IVLiiuaij of his wife , two tluldiin
and inutile i lu Invv ivhom Uc < Inutad to picLett
lu a luuist Uiutui uaiiucrvitUunaxu ,
Lolaml , the Ohicngo Hotel Mnn , Mnkcs Some
Startling Disclosures.
A CilKnnllu Conspiracy Ai-Mug IViini
an Attempt ID Siunii'o a Suit-
alilc Shu IVir the \Voi-lil'M
I'a If.
CIIICMOO , Juno ' . ' 0 [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Ui.i : . I The Chicago Post this evening
publishes four columns under the following
sensational headlines :
"To Steal Millions ; " "A Bold Conspiracy
in Connection With the World's Pair , "
"ScMni ; the Lalio Front , " "Who are the
People Engaged In Engineoiing the Plot ! "
"Somo Startling Disclosures , " "A Hound
Million OlTeicd as a bilbo to One Man - War
ren Leland's Sensational Revelations "
The Post says : "A bi ibe of $1,000,000 w as
once offoivd mo to cease my warfare in be
half of the preservation of the Lake Front
park and j et there are those who believe that
I am lighting a phantom and \\lio ildicule the
Idea of there , being a steal on foot "
Waiien Leland , the mlllloimlro hotel man ,
whoso effoit-s to have the law regaullng the
Lake Piont pule obojed have made him uell
known , made tills rental k to a ivpoiter for
the Post in the rotunda of his l otc-l this
"A steal , " ho echoed , his eyes flashing In
dignantly at the mcmoiy of the Insult olTcied
him and his voice rising In sympathy ultli
his feelings , "A steal. Why , sir , theio has
been a steal on foot beside which the aggre
gated opoiatlons of the notations Tweed ling
pale into insignificance H was ono.vonr ago
that the blibo was offered me If the steal
was of such gigantic propottlons then , befoio
the pioposltion to extend tljo patk 1KK ( ) feet
Into the lake was made , of what si/e do joti
think it is now I It is oxer double or In
figures ocr $ 00XKKl ( ) ( ) ) .
"Who Is back of the steal ? Is It the Illinois
Centtal railtoad or the city council i 1 do not.
know Pet haps itisonopethap < 'itlstlioe > ther
peihtiDS it is both A stietehof the Imagina
tion ma > enable one to believe that it is
neither ; but as such a steal could not bo ac
complished without the consent of the city
council , and as the Illinois Centtal lailiond
is commciuallj more gieatly Intel usted in.
the disposition of propel ty than anjono else ,
the belief that neither Is Inteiested can bo
but of short life , and the woild's fair dlioe-
tors in dealing with the Illinois Cential should
oKCiciso tlto gieatest cute- , lost thov fall into
atiap Fora tiap Is , 1 tiuly belle\e , being
set for them
"ThN sudden geneiosity on the pait of the
Illinois Cential gives it a voiy suspicions
look The stock of the corporation is held
pnnclpall } in Holland and England , and
what do stockholders in those countaies cat o
for our w orld's fair I Moreover , what should
pi empt the Illinois Cential to favor holding
tlio fair on the Lake Fiontwhen by holding it
in Jaikson puk its teceipts fiom passenger
ttalllo would ho quadtupledl Why , Indeed ,
unless it has designs on the LakoFiont. The
idea of the diiectois of the fair calling on the
Illinois Cential , and especially going cloun to
New Yoik to do It , is w long , all w long.
' "It is not their place to make the llrst ad
vance , but the place of thu Illinois Cential ,
What right his thcrallroadouth o Lake I 'i out
nnywayf None. Its chattel has alieady boon
violated by trio switching of cms and allow
ing them to remain on the tracks smith of
Randolph stieet. It ter can theiefoio bo
declined foifelted at any time.
"But I will light allot them and I ulll fight
all enctoachments on the Lake Fi out. I will
light any addition being made to it or any
buildings being put up on It so long as I have
a dollai of inv own and anj ciedlt , unless the
piopoity bo tin nod oxer to the South pule
commissioners and their light to it conliimcd
by the ( ouncil , the legislattuo and l > j con-
giess with the undoistanding that the ptop-
etty shall boused exclusively for paik pur
poses forever
" 1 fought h.ud to get the fair bete , but
hard as 1 fought it was nothing to what I will
light to pic\uit the gobbling up of the Lake
Fiont paik by the Illinois Cential i.iilioad.
What' ' Foi cignei s own our bieatblng placoi
I guess not I was ofleied a million to keep
m } hands oil , but I will spend a million and
hoi tow moio to keep foieign poachers , or any
po ichors fet that matter , olT , and the world's
lair diiectois must nco'to it that the paik bo
tinned overto the South park commissioners
befoie a pile Is diivon oruloidof diitis
"For the giound , once made and by the
Illinois Cential's ' assistance , that company
will have another oppoitunitj to take the
question of ownciship tgain in com tlicio ,
a long lodlouH fight will tesult , pending which
the paik will leinain uniinpioved. One liun-
( hi.'d millions would be liecly paid for the
Lake Frontpnk as itstands nowtho ilpaiian
lights Included , but when 1,000 feet moio
shall have been added to its width and the
whole built upon , it would bo In
creased in value not 100 per cent ,
but many hundred , and with such a
ihh feast In stoto for those who
secure it , is it to bo womlcicd at that ( Oiiupt
public ( illli ials aio willing to sell their t Hints
to havcj a seat at the table "
Several columns ate dovotcd to Mr Lc-
land's utterances and other ciicumstances
tending to bear him out , and the aitii ID hai
cte.ited a vei liable sensation throughout the
city Mr Leland Is a millionaire of unques
tioned honor and leputatlon and numberit
among his folhwots hovouil huudtcd other
h'ailing c itl/ens who are cquully deUirmined
that the Lake Fi out park shall not pass out of
iho city's contiol.
If , as icpoit sa\s , it has been ficlc' ( ted by
the w 01 Id's filr dli ei tors as the slto for the
coming exhibition , one of the gtoatcst legal
battles known to modern Juiisprudeiieo will
Inevitably ensue before it can be used for
that pui pose.
CiiiiHiilnr mill Dlploinntlu I1III.
WAHIIIVITOV , Juno "d. In the consular
and diplomatic : appropilatlon bill a numbei of
amendments are imulo as It p issed the house.
The missions to the Aigontino Hopiiblic and
the United States of Columbia aio raised
fiom $7r > oo to ? 10 , < KH > and the Danish mission
ftom fr > ,0K ( ) to * 7f > 00 The committee also in-
Kirporated In the bill the sugges HOIIH mndo
by Secietarj' Blano to enable tlio pre-ddent to
c-.iiry Intoc'tlect the m-ommondatluns of tbo
Pan-Amc'ilcan confeieiiLO Thoj aio fl'J.TW )
for the coinpensatlon of einplo\cs , miseolla-
neons expenses and the punting and distri
bution ol the pioc CM dings and tepoits of Iho
confeieuco , r > , iMH ) fur the compcnsution of
cominlssionc'i-s and the expenses of a c umuis-
slon to meet in Washingtcni in Januaiv , Ihti ) ,
to consider the establishment of an inluna-
tlonal iciln or c'dlns , XIXMJ | , ( fm the payment ,
of the hhuro of the L'nlim Pai llli in a pio-
llinliiTuv fiilivoj fur an
wav , t , lXil , ( ) foi the uiganl/atiun and cntab-
llHhlng of "Tlio Inlet national union of tepub-
llcs and for the piompt collection and distil-
Initlon of coimncic ial infoim itlon. " ami ? ! , -
( K for the compilation and putdUaliun in
English , Spanish and PHI tugeso of the uiii-
foiin numcnclatuiu of Imported and \puilei ]
at tlclea.
Ainciii | | ] litllon Hill.
WIIINC.TIIN , June ail -Tho postolllce ap-
propilatlon bill lepuited to the benate today
appropilatc < b $ < , ' , | illVi'ian | Inc-ieiueof $ ! 7lnoO
over the amount apiuiipilatod by tlio bill us It
passed the house Tluio Is an ineicMso of
t < MXll ) ( ) for the compensation of pOHtofllco
elc-iksand fl , ixx ) fur the iiansportatloa of
forcl/ii malls This last 1m rcusi ) in the a | > >
pioptiatlon Is Impoitant , an it will , If iiuoi *
JHiniled In the lavmaik a dcpiitnrc- tbo
jiostal iKilIc ) of the country A piovislun m
tin ! hill authoiiic-H tlio postmaster genual to
exM ( ml this fli IKXJ in towering OIK half of
thctoM of tiantpcirtati in iiiiuM | < nsatiun and
i XH | 1111 1 t.J i k i Ui l > < bi tmili\xl | Hi iriii rt-
Hi ) . ' Hi. maili in tiiinul MI xt < uluilitps bo *
tuiin the 1. u ud SliiU mi'l ' Mi' I
III lliu iiilcriiutunul pvMat uiiluu.