I 0 THE OMAHA DAILY B&E , FRIDAY , JUNE 20 , 1800. THE OMAHA UEB. CO t ; N GI IA 1.31 U F F S. 01 ! H it ; NO. 12 I'KAIttj ' STHKKT. fit'llvrtod ly cnrrlcr In any part of tlioflty. II. W.TII/TON' MANAUKK. TKI.KI'IIONKS ! nt-piKM * Own' . No. U NIGHT li : now. No. ' < . MIXOIl M N. V I' Co. Council IIIuflfe T.mnbor Co. . roal. Two dnitilw uudHvng were lined . * 10.IO cneli In iiolk'C court tcntcixluy morning , Ono drunk \uis dtselmrgr.'d. A maiThi P lU'cii'o was iMvted yesterday to J Mrlvln Klnohiii't of I own Falls inul Uraclu A. MuralmH of this city. I'nltj ( Julld meets In rcpilursessnn , Friday nftornonn nt ! J o'clock , with Miss Swan , cornorof 1'lcrto und fStutaiiuui streets. Im portant tmsintM.s. .1 Htilllvnn yesterday received tlio sad In- trlllRflict'ol Ilii death of Ills ulster , Mrs. Julia riilftifl lit Axpcii. Culo. The deceased foimcrly rrsldcil In HIM city. A concert will bo plvon tills evening nt tlio A M. K. ihurch on Williams street. There 'Is a debt of & ( which the cotiKrefmtion de- Mrcs to wlpo cut before the August confer- IMICOSO timt tlioy can have the stnieturo de dicated , niul tin y are trying by this means to mho tin necessary money. II. II , Curtis is endeavoring to dlpest n tnck which he nwallo'ved yesterday morning. Ho was assist IIIK In pulthitf l > tlio dceora- tlons for the ( 'radtiatlnj ; exereites at the opera house wiicn the sharp pointed tnck slipped down Ills throat. A medical exam- Iniitlon failed to bring the unwelcome intruder to the surface. County Attorney Organ Is satisfied that Ruin Davis , now under ai rest for carving Al .Smith , is the guilty parly , but states that almost the entire colon d population of the city Is trying to get him out of It bv claiming that it is some ono else. Davin will shortly have a hearing on n charge of assault will ) Intent to commit murder. Oiound has been broken for the extension of the gas plant ul' the Council I'.lulTs tua and electric light company , and next Monday Contractor Weaver will begin the ircctlon of the buildings for the new water gas plant. The machinery hr.s all been purchased and will be hero from I'ittslnirg by tlio time the building is ready to receive it. These who attended the union frospei mootIng - Ing at the I'resbytorlnn church last evening were greatly delighted with the beautiful sor- inoii by Hi-v. Dr. Culllss , on the sympathy mid Iiitc'ivcsMloi of .lesus , our great high priest , accompanied , as It was , too. by the Hwui't gospel singing of Mr. I . C. Sargent. The bible ivadingn are also very interesting and prolltable. They arc held each 'after noon. There will bo another bible reading this afternoon at ! ! ; and preaching again this evening at s. .MOXIiV AM ) COMKOUT. IjadlcH , Have tlio Ono and Procure tin * Oilier at OK ; Itimton Store. Today and tomorrow will present oppor tunities for the Indies who have delayed liuy- Ing their parasols. Tlfey will bo enabled to procure the latest novelties ntu great reduc tion from ei.i ly season prices. The ladies of Count il HlnfTs never saw u liner line of both umbrellas and parasols than is now displaved at the Itoston Store. Look at those prices and qualities , whltli will prevail today and tomorrow : 'JO-inch gloria silk ? 1.10 , former price l.fiO. ' . ' ( Much gloria bilk Sl.'JO and $ l.-l. % former jirlei ? l.iiU and Si. ir,0'I-lnch ( Vienna gloria- . ' ; worth & " , . The handles are in mitui .il ebony and bamboo crooks , oxidUed silver , etc. We havf just received IfiO samples from a New York manufacturer which wo have inarKcd 5y.r > 0 , J.'l and Sl,7i. ! The same goods are Jobbed fioiu &J hi Si. Every ono furnished with silk covers. pur guaranteed silk umbrellas range in price from SMit ) to & ) . " . " > , They are each marked ' -Dostou Store" and are warranted for one year. See our line of misses' and children's from Sic to.l , all the latest novelties. Ladies' fancy parasols at greatly reduced prices. If you have an umbrella that is worn than ou prize highly or is too good to throw away , wo can recover it for you as good as new in one minute. HUSTON STOKE , Fotheringlmm. Whitelaw & Co. . Council BinITs. j 1'KIlSOX.l f I'.lll.HSilA I'llN. Misses Henrietta and LI//lo Donahoy are visiting friends in Chicago. lion , 1C. C. Gibbs , mayor of Villlsca , was a delegate to the republican judicial conven tion. tion.Mrs. Mrs. William Baldwin , who resides at the corner of Ninth street and Eighteenth ave nue , has returned from a week's visit in Kan- ens City. Marshal Templeton returned Inst evening from Lincoln , wlioio he was called as a wit ness in the Weber-Woods burglary ease. The case was continued until next term. If you wish to negotiate a loan on chattel or real cstato security , at lowest rates , see E. II. Sheafo it Co. , brokers , Broadway and Mala street , lip-stairs. S. B Wadsworlli & Co. , 'JOT Pearl street , loanmonoy for Lombard Investment company. ( live \VytilI tinSlip. . Thcodoro Brown and William Kopert , two members of the chain gang , went out as usual to work on the streets yesterday morning , but they came back in a rather unusual man ner. The gang was put to work on Upper Broadway , hut it began to rain and they were taken into a shed out of the wet. Brown and Uopert quietly "made a sneak" when the attention of Oftleer Wyutt was turned the other way , and although chained together they skipped for the Bluffs at a double quick. The olllccr could not then leave his other charges , but ho soon procured a horse and Etartcd in pursuit. He tracked the fugitives through the mud and finally discovered them hiding behind rome bushes. Hopert was in clined to resist capture and picked up a stone with which to assault the ollieer , when the lat ter clubbed him over the head. That took the starch out of him and tlio two were then marched back to lull , being compelled to hold up their hands all the way. The procession attracted considerable attention as it Hied back to the Jail. Tim gasoline steve is moro dange.rous than the unloaded gun. Save lifo ami propertv by using the C. B. Uas and Electric Light Co.'s gos stovo. * Tlio ConiiiiiMitMMitoiil K The graduating exercises of tlio Council Bluffs high school class of 'DO were held last evening al Dohany's. 11 was the twentieth annual commencement and the exercises were far moiv pleasing and interesting than those which preceded them. This was owing , per haps , to a radical change in the programme , which was a decided innovation. Instead of the stereotyped essays and orations to which nn indulgent audlenco 1ms been wont to listen for hours , last evening's prou'rammeconsistcd mainly of Instrumental music ami an address by Key. Dr. Duryca of Omaha. Tlio Strvk- on-Blaas-last club rendered two very line selections , and Miss Laura A. Couch gave 'a piano solo , Two choruses by the members of the school , with the introductory remarks by Mr. Keliooutgen , chairman of Hio teachers' committee , and the presentation of diplomas by Superintendent McNiiughton , completed the programme. The house was literally i mcken , and It was almost an IIUIHJSSI- b lllty to tsccu.ro oven standing room. The stage was beautifully decorated with cut ( lowers , foliage plants and the llnral tributes presented to the graduates. In the rear cen ter of the stage was a largo lloral arch bearing the Inscription "Many I'.Uhs , " and under- ncath was very exiirecsUely wrought out the remainder ol the class motto , "Ono Onto. " Mr. Sehocntgcn'B remarks were very brief but were directly to the point , lr. ) Duryen spoke for nearly nn hour , but was listened to with the closest attention. To at tempt to reproduce a part of his remarks would only be to do an Injustice to the whole. At the close the class presented him with u inagnlllcent basket of ( lowers. The exorcises throughout were most Inter esting and impressive. liny Gillette ft Freeman's , i'S 1'o.irl stroot. Choice residence projx. > rty Co.ntrally located pr eulo by K. II. Stu-alo & Co. ALL ABOUT COUNCIL BLUFFS , The Republican Judicial Convention Nomi * tirites Deeraer , Thorncll and Smith. ANOTHER CASE OF BABY KIDNAPPING. The Harbors' War IH Only Just Tlie Chain GunMnlcei n Hrcnlc A KuoHtor'j ) Umi.stial Ithlu dcncral and IViHoiml. The republican judicial convention of the Ninth judicial district of Iowa met yesterday afternoon at' ' o'elook In the north court room of the county court house. In the absence of Chairman I ) . O. Stuart of the Judicial central committee H. C. Watklus of Mills county , at the request of the committee , called the con vention to order. Judge Stockton of Page county was elected temporary chairman and Shirley Gilllland of Mills county temporary secretary. On motion the following committee on cre dentials , comprising ono delegate from each county In the district , was then appointed : Audubou , W. H. Green : Cass , Julian Phelps ; Ficmont , W. H. Koberts ; Mills , W. M. Kvans ; Montgomery , (5. ( M. Cline ; Page , William Anderson ; Pottawattamie , A. S. Hazelton ; Shelby , U. M. Pomeroy. The following were appointed as n commit tee on organization : Audubon , F. K. Springer ; Cuss , F. J. Macomber ; Fremont , Dr. Sanborn ; Mill * . II. C. Watklus : Mont gomery , Goodman Kink ; Page , James Me- ( 'abo ; Pottawattamie , Frank Shinn ; Shelby , John Higgins. The committee on credentials reported the names of delegates entitled to a seat in the convention and recommended that each county should be allowed to cast the vote of absent delegates. The report was received and concurred in. The commit toe on permanent organization reported in favor of making the temporary organization iwrmanent , which was done. On motion of I. N. Flickinger of Pottawat- ' tamio county the clerk was instructed to call the roll of counties to present the names of candidates. All the counties passed with the exception of Fremont , Montgomery and 1'ot- tawattamie , which presented the names of lion. A. B. Thonfrll , Hon. H. K. Dcemer and Walter I. Smith respectively. On motion ot C. M. Harl of Pottawattamie these tbreo gentlemen were declared the nominees of the convention for the ollico of district judge by acclamation. The names of the following gentlemen were presented us members of the judicial central committee : Audubon , W. 1C. Green ; Fre mont , A. V. Penn ; Mills , Shirley Giliilaud ; Montgomery , J. M. Juiikin ; Page , II. E. Par- cello ; Pottawuttamie , C. G. Saunders ; Shelby , Cyras Beard. This concluded the business proper of the convention and loud calls were made for the nominees. W. I. Smith was the first to re spond. Ho thanked the convention for the honor conferred upon him and gave a brief review of lliojc who had previously filled the position of judge in this district. Ho promised - is-ed to do his duty if elected. Judge Thonicll then ciimo forward in re sponse to repeated calls , and said that one of the lawyers in the back part of the court room had told him that he had been talking during tne past four veal's when they didn't want him to , but that now ho must talk when he itidn't waul to. Ho said that the situation reminded him of the school boy who was asked by the teacher to sped whoopingeough. It was a puzzler for the boy , and he finally exclaimed , ' 'See ' here , teacher , that ain't fair. I had my spell last vintct' . ' It seemed to him that ho "had his. spell last winter. ' ' Ho declared that ho was a republican and liked the principles of that party , but ho was of the opinion that the con vention would boiievo him when ho stated that if re-elected to the district bench ho would discharge bis duties as during tlio past four years in a manner free from any political preferences or prejudices. Ho thanked the convention for the faith they had manifested in him. Judge Dcemer was then called for , but Chairman Stockton stated that that gentle man was disabled and unable to be present. Mr. Gillikmd then insisted that Judge Carson should bo heard , as ho was about to retire , and tell the convention why ho liad refused to bo a candidate for another term. The judge responded , and .said ho had known the three nominees for many years and knew them all to be upright , hardworking , conscientious gentlemen. Ho was pleased to see them nominated by the convention , and hoped that their choice would bo ratified al the polls. As for himself , ho thought that his duty te himself and his family was para mount to any obligation to the people. His hei.lth had been failing lor over a year , nnd he felt that on that account ho must decline to be a fandld.ito for another term. A motion to adjourn was then made and carried. After the convention adjourned the newly elected members of the central committee met in the judge's room and selectetl C. G. Saunders of this county us chairman. The convention was ono of the most har monious over held in the district ; in fact , as a prominent democratic spectator remarked : ' There was no use in holding it , only just to go through the necessary form. " The nominations arc very satisfactory in tlio city , mid several of the delegates who were heard to express an opinion declared that they knew they would be just as satis factory in outside counties , and in fact all over the district. Judges Doomer and Thornell are both very popular by reason of their records on the bench , and Mr. Smith , who is booked as Judge CHI-SOU'S successor , is a very popular young man and is sure of a hearty .support. S.dd one of the delegates : "Tho democrats will probably single out ono of the three , whom they will try to defeat. They can't beat them all , and will undoubtedly concen trate their energies. They won't tackle Judge Dcemer , as he has n very strong hold and is Intensely popular , especially with the young men all over the district. Judge Thornell will offer a moro promising opening for them , and 1 expect to see them muku their light on him , but it wou'l do them a bit of good. Judge Dcemer will get democratic votes botli hero in tlio city and among the farmers , as ho is ono of the most thoroughly concien- tious men ever on the bench. It wouldn't defer for them to try to beat Smith. They mlghl try the 'kid dodge' and claim that he was too young , but that very thing would cell up votes for him. Wo have an example right in this district. Judge Dcemer was under thirty when elected and ho has made an ex cellent man on the bench. The same Is true of Judge Kiivamiugh of DCS Molncs , I tell you It Is getting to bo very popular to put young men on the bench , and it has worked first rate so far. Wo will elect nil three of the nominees. " "That was a flue looking body of men , " de clared u leading democratic attorney , re ferring to the convention. "Thero were moro lawyers than I expected to see , for the bar all over the district was well represented. I wouldn't mind getting a nomination myself from such a lot of men , for they sized up a great deal better than tbo usual convention. " If vou wish to sell your property call on the Judd & Wells Co. , C. B. Juud president , GOO Broadway. Alton's Now Map of Commit lllulIVi. Just Issued , I' xil feel In size , with every addition to dato. Price $15. Address C. K. Allen , rooms 2 : < o and - ' : ! ( ) , Mcrrinm block , Council Bluffs. The Manhattan sporting headq'rsUS B- way. _ Tried For Kidnapping. The colored population held a lovco ycstor- d'iy ' afternoon In Justice Scliurz' court room. The case that called out such a largo proportion tion of the colored population was that of the State vs. Mrs. McDonald , the defendant be ing charged with kidnapping. It seems that .McDonald and his wife have had moro or less trouble , and the result of it is this case. The testimony Introduced showed that McDonald's sister , Mrs , Clav , was uiiablo locaro for her baby , and left It with the McDonalds , with the understanding that It was to remain there as long as the husband and wile lived together. When In ternal dts.MMitlons wrecked the jtt'aeo of the McDonald family , the troubles of the Clay Infant began. Mrs. McDonald took the chilli to Omaha , and her husband caused her ar- ix'st on the charge above mentioned. The woman came b.ick without a requisition , and owing to the fact that the prosecuting wit- \vas uot ready for trial the prisoner was sent to the county Jail. After hearing all of the evidence yesterday afternoon , the justice found himself as much In the dark at over regarding the true state of affairs , ami de clared that ho would have to take a little time to think It over. The coso Is now held under advisement. J. O. Tlpton , real estate , 5' . ' " Broadway. J. C. Blxhy , steam nc.iting , sanitary cugl- nrer.OW Life building , Omnlm ) 20J Mcrrlum block , Council Blutfs. AVar Among the Harbors. Fritz Bernhardl opine } that the Sunday closing war has only Just begun. Ho pro poses to appeal the case which Judge McGee recently decided against htm , and ho hits a very strong backing among the citizens who think that Sunday closing Is a nuisance. They want an opportunity to have their chins polished on Sunday morning whenever the occasion demands It , and they hold that It Is almost If not quite a necessity. He proposes to open Sunday mornings , and the barbers' union give It out that they will have him arrested again if ho docs. Both sides want the matter finally settled one way or the other , the only question being which way. A good hose reel free with every 100 feet of hose purchased nt Bixby's , Dr. H. S. West , porcelain crown and brldgo work , No. 12 Pearl. Tom Simigo'n ItuoHtcr. Engineer Tom Savage , who runs on the Northwestern limited , would scorn to raid a chicken coop , or under ordinary circum stances appropriate anything that did not belong to him , bul he has jusl acquired pos session of a rooster in a somewhat remarka ble manner. He was pulling Iho limited westward Wednesday morning , mid whizzed through the town of Woodbine at n rate of forty-live or fifty miles on hour. It so hap pens that the rooster with whom this r.tory has to deal was accustomed to crowing in Woodbine every morning , and on Wednesday stalked over to the depot to aeo the limited go through. It took a position In the middle of the track , and did not discover that the lo cation was an unfavorable one until the train was almost upon it , when it tried to fly out of the way , but was unsuccessful and was dashed * against the boiler head. Savage - ago supposed that the bird was killed ami left besldo Ihe track. The train did not stop until it reached Mis souri Valley , and then pulled out again for the Bluffs. Tbo surprise of the engineer can bo imagined when ho went around the front of his engine after reaching this city to find the venturesome bird roosting Jusl back of the pilot and hanging on with teeth mid toenails - nails after its ride of thirty-five miles. It was apparently uninjured. Savage boxed it up and took it back to Boone with him. It goes without say ing that ho claims the rooster as his private property. Ho counts everything grain that comes to his hrjpper. and while as above stated ho would not rob a hen roost , ho deems everything legal plunder that is caught on the fly. It is dollars to dimes that a Woodbine constable could not get that bird with a writ of replevin. Desirable dwellings located in all parts of the city , for rant by E. H. Shea to & Co. , Broadway and Main st. up stairs. Waterworks ? 10. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing be tween C. L. Gillette and W. E. Freeman , under the linn name of.Gillctto & Freeman , is this day dissolved. C. L. Gillette will col lect all bills and assume all obligations of the 11 nil and continue the business at 28 Pearl street. C. L. GII.I.CTTI : , W. E. FKUUMAN. The Federal Kleclioii Hill. WASHINGTON' , Juno 19. The chairman of the committee on the election of president , vice president and representatives today sub mitted the report of the committee on the federal election bill drafted in pursuance of tlio instructions of the caucus. On the qucs- 'sion as to the power of congress to enact such cgislation the report declared it was absolute and complete under the constitution. As to the expediency and need of such measure the report says in part : The committee deem it sufficient to say hero that they believe that fraud , violence and corruption exist to such a degree nnd popular confidence has been so largely shaken in regard to elections in many congressional districts that they have as little doubt of the expediency of such a measure as this which they propose as they have of the full and absolute power of congress to enact legislation of this Xind wnencver circum stances seem , as they do now , imperatively to demand. * The now offices of the ffrcsit Hock. Is land route , IGOiJ , Sixteenth nnd Fimuun street , Omuhii , sire tho. llnest in the city. Call and sco Uiom. Tickets to all points ut lowest rates National Ijll'e Underwriters BovroN , Mass. , Juno 19. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BII : : . ] The National Lifo under writers' association closed its deliberation at Boston by a complimentary banquet , ono of the most complete over given in Boston. Ed ward Everett Hale , William E. Barrett , ex- Governor Long , lion. John Wymnn of Rhode Island , Mayor Chirk , Insurance Com missioner Merrill , and other brilliant orators delivered speeches which were grand in pur pose and patriotic sentiments. The Nobrasua delegation was particularly honored and feted. A. B. Hoedcr was selected ono of the v'f- presidents and E. B. Hall was chosen oi ! the executive committeo. The next na tional convention will bo held hi Detroit In Juno 1SU1. Headache , neuralgia , dizziness , nervous ness , spasms , sleeplessness , cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Samples frco nt Kuhu & Co.'s , 15th and Douglas. Maine. Itepiililloans. MoNTi'Ri.inn , Vt. , Juno 19. The republican state convention was called to order at 1 1 o'clock this morning. Hen , James T. Martin of Brattloboro presided. After the appoint ment of a resolutions committee Carroll S. Paige was nominated for governor ; II. A. Fletcher , lieutenant governor ; state treas urer , H. F. Field ; secretary of state. C. W. Brownell. The platform endorsed the pres ent administration and urged congress to so modify the interstate commerce law as to give full effect to the police regulations of every state in regard to the control of Intoxi cating liquors or any other article injurious to public health. Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Samples free at ICutin < & Co.'s , Ulth ami Douglas. Four ImdicH Iniirod , I > y I/iglitnlng. BAXCOH , Mo. , Juno 19. Severe thunder storms prevailed at several points in this \l * clnlty today , and much damage was done to property. In this city the house of Captain Pierce was struck by lightning and four ladles seriously hurt. At Newport a school house was struck and badly shattered , the scholars all escaping with slight injuries from falling plaster and timber. A free and easy expectoration is produced by a few doses of Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Whio Lung Balm In all cases of hoarseness , sore throat or dllUculty of breathing. A NiuartiKiia Canal .Meeting. Dr.Nvnn , Colo. , Juno 19. The third an nual meeting of the Nicaragua canal con struction company ami the first annual meet ing of the Nicaragua mall , steam navigation and draining company wc.ro hold hero today. The report of the construction company Mioivc.l that the work was progressing satis factorily. _ _ The Choliirii Scourge In Spain. MAIIIIID , Juno H' ' . The governmtnt cholera commission Is convinced that1 the cholera provident In Valencia Is of the Asiatic typo , lint it is localized and decreasing. Dispatches from Malagia say there HIM ' moro cases of yel low fever thero. The co'mmlsslon reports eighty cases of cholera , of which foity were serious. _ - , , .01 Tickets at lowest niti'S nnd superior accoiniiiodntlons vlu the great Hock Is land route- Ticket oUlce , lliOU Six teenth uud Furnuiu btnjots , Oiuuhti , FATAL IIEAW3ND COLLISION Tbo Pay Train of , thc Kntras Oity Road Crashes Into n freight , * ONE KILLED AND FOUR INJURED. Criislicd to Death Jloth Mnglnes Tnlosuopcd Nolo ) ly oil tlic Krclitlit Train Ko- ccl Knn. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tun DEI : . ] The pay train nnd n regular freight came together In n hcnd-cnd collision nt Kushvlllo switch , nbout three miles east of here on the Kansas City , St. Joe & Council UltilTs railroad this morning nt 0:12 : , resulting' In the death of L.V. . Yocum , the engineer of the pay train , and the Injury of the conductor , roadmastcr , nsslstnnt road- master nnd porter. Your correspondent vis ited the scene of the necldcntand interviewed the train men. Engineer J. F. Cole of the freight train says ho had run through from St. Joe. without n stop nnd had come to almost n stop preparatory to bnclting in on the switch to get out of tlio wav of the regular north bound passenger trufti , II was on time nnd had no knowledge of the coming of the pay train until ho saw It dashing iirounil n sllirht curve. Yocum evidently imagined that the freight train was on the switch out of the way , as ho made no effort to stop until he had nearly reached tlio switch. Cole nnd his ilroman jumped , as did George Cooler , the llrcman on the pay train , nnd Charles Montague , another ilrctnnn who was on hoard. Hut Yocum stuck to his post and went down in the wreck , and when taken out his body and head were scalded to u pulp and one leg was off. off.The The two engines telescoped and the tender of the freight engine was driven Into n ear of twenty-four horses just behind It , killing eighteen of them outright. The pay car es caped damage. The Injured : . Pritcliard , conductor of the pay train , bruised about the shoulders. Joseph linywunl , roadmastcr , serious In juries in the back. Dan Bartlett , the assistant roadmastcr , ribs broken. The colored porter , head hurt. Mr. Merriam , the paymaster , escaped In jury. Nobody on the freight train received u scratch. Yocum has n family at some place in the cast. The coroner of Buchanan county will hold an Inquest. Goim ; TO Mivuoi'E. \ Humor That the German Govern ment. IN Ordering It. Nr.w YOIIK , Juno 19. A local paper says : The recent shipment of $2,25 1,000 , in gold to Germany , STftO.OOO of which went on the steamship Columbia this morning , has been followed by the circulation hi banking circles of several disquieting rumors , ono reaching government ofllcials to the effecl that the Shipments are on direct orders from the Ger man chancellor. One of the leading bankers hero said : "The , recent advance in exchange in Berlin and the low rate of sterling exchange in Germany nvoso from the policy of extending German export business and at the same time placing such restrictions on imports as to practically prohibit them. The reason for this policy is that the German government is hoarding gold , and no matter what excuse a banker acting as its agent may make it is well under stood that where the order comes from there is where the uold goes to. " It is estimated' that $10,000,000 will betaken taken by Hcidclbaeh , Ickelheimer & Co. on present orders from this city , and English bankers said today that Sterling exchange and exchange on Purls was Just at the gold shipping point , and any .further advance in rates would bring out largo export orders. Tlio worst feature of the situation is the fact that the gold bars in the assay ofllce , which two years ago amounted to J'JD.OOO.OOO , have decreased to S.'i2'iH)1000. ( ) If they should be all absorbed a drain on double eagles in the sub-treasury will follow and the banks will lose part of their specie holdings. The opinion on Wall street is freely expressed that the law allowing the withdrawal of gold bars for cxjiqrt should bo amended and the treasury officials should insist upon paying all checks in coin. This would limit tbo shipment of gold to a small figure , for it wf uldtako a wide difference in exchange for shippers to realize a profit in shipping coin. Gold burs are of known fineness and are charged for accord ingly. On the other hand gold coin often falls 1 per cent below the standard of fineness and in addition there is always a loss by abrasion. o Now Coii'es House , Knn. City. Absolutely flro proof. Finest and largest hotel In Kansas City. Unexcelled hi Its ap pointments. Stanley ICnclorM's Snllilniry LONDON- , Juno 10. Henry M. Stanley was presented with an address nt Berwick today. In reply ho spoke in the most enthusiastic terms of the wisdom of Lord Salisbury as shown hi the settlement of African affairs with Germany. By the agreement between the two countries f > 00 square miles of terri tory were added to the British possessions in A f rica. Stanley , In reciving the freedom of New castle , repeated his laudations of Salisbury. Dwelling with enthusiasm upon the pros pects in Africa , ho said ho wife confident that if ho could muster all the chiefs of the region Unit England had acquired they would acquiesce - quiesco in the opinion that the date of the agreement would bo a red letter day in the African calendar. Ho was sure that a grand feast day would be held throughout the interior of Africa. In conclusion ho declared that Pomba , If put on the market , would fetch ten times as much as Heligoland , to say nothing of Zanzibar. IG02. Sixteenth and Furnnm streets Is the now Hook Island ttckot ollico. Tickets - ots to all points east at lowest rates. Complaints About CCIIHIIH Taking. Niw : YOIIK , Juno 10. Dispatches from Albany , Buffalo , Kochcster and other points tell of dissatisfaction with the work of the government census takers , the complaint coming from all places that the census so far is decidedly Incomplete , many districts not enumerated , etc. At Albany it is proposed to order an enumeration by the city at once for comparison with the government work. ST. Lous , Mo. , Juno 10. From figures fur nished by the census supervisor by permis sion of Superintcmliint Porter It is estimated thai the government census will place St. Louis' population at t.'HI.OOO. Complaints of careless work and districts not visited by enumerators are pouring in on the news papers , and It is probable that an effort will bo made to have a local count unless the govern ment work Is carried on to a fuller extent. ArchlilshoitVulHli LONDON , Juno 10. Several Parncllllcs and a number of government members were absent from the house of commons tonight. It is stated that Archbishop Walsh has written a letter to the Fr0oinan's Journal severely' lecturing the absentee Parnellltes who saved the government from-dcfcat. Ho says that. unless thov can gl\iO \ i satisfactory explana tion for their alisem-o ho will find it hard to further trust In the Irish party. SlOIltllHllIpITlvillH. . At Philadelphia The Switzerland , from Antwerp. At Now Yorlt The Wyoming , from Liver pool ; the Wacslaml and the Illinois , from Antwerp. At London Sighted : The Aller , fiom New York , At Quecnstowii The Wisconsin , from Now York. Heard Itonoiiiinatr'iK FAVKTTI : , Mo. , Juno 10. Hon. John Heard was reiiominated for congress by acclamation yesterday by the democrats of the Sixth con- gronMunul district. Undo I ol > Sold. Cuii'Aiio , Juno 1'J. The probthlo favorite in the American Derby , Sum Bryant's cult , Uuclo Bob , son of Lulso Blackburn , was pur- SEASON AST W.EW Wl.THLW..HM ) . .IUfci < i. iippilBll Hns opened , nnd the Clncstnncl ONLxY FIRST ? GLxASS PLRAS' In the west Is now being visited dnlly nnd nightly by the best p Splendid fishing , bathing nnd banting. Motor trains run ever' connection with Omaha nnd Council Bluffs Electric Motor line. ' A BIG LOT OF YELLOW AND XAXSAMOJIOXD SWEET POTATO' PLANTS CABBAGES AND OTHER VEGETABLE PLANTS , FRUITS , ETC. J. R. M'PHRRSON , 1281 Hast Pierce Street - - Council Bluffs la , Jpj MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. WHY PAY HIGH PRICES - ) KOH ( - - FURNITURE - : - When you can set the best thorn In made In every line ut price * that will u > t InuUnnit you There Is no tastu nor pur-.o that wo eaunot suit. You want to beautify your | IDIIL , don't , you Then tiomo In and sec how elegantly and i-hunply you can iicooiupllsli It. PEOPLE'S INSTALLMENT HOUSE , MAN'DEIj & KI-EIX , JKO Ilroiidwuy , Uoiinell llliiirn , lowa.C3 C. A. BEEBE & COM PANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FURNITURE. I nrpcst Stoek and Lowest 1'rlcos. Dealers , send for Catalogue. No3. 205 and 201 Broadway , ami HOI nnd SOU IMoi-co Sti-cot , Council BlulTs. chnscd today ny Ocorgo Ilnnkins of Chieago , the price belli } ; ! ? 15,000 , fc',000 additional to bo added provided the animal wins the dorhy Saturday. On trial today Uuelo Bob did u mile unit a quarter inii. : : . Ho Must and AVII1 Have Oorn. Auot > TA , da. , June lit. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bui : . ] Judge II. D. IX Turiirgs , who made a speech iu Wnynesboro in favor of Congressman , B rncs , has challenged E. E. Watson , a congressional aspirant , to light a duel for severe language used by the latter in last Sunday's Constitution in reply to Turiggs' speech. Watson says he is no duelist , but will de fend himself. Watson lives in Thompson , but is now hero. Judge Turiggs lives in this city. Indiana Farmers in I'oliticw. IXDUXAi'oi.ie , Ind. , June 10. Two hundred farmers from different organizations in the state met today and organized u state league for political purposes. The platform favors free coinage , the Butterworth anti-option government loans on the Stanford plan , popu lar election of senators , and denounces the liquor traflle. Duel Iletwccn Cousins. COI.U.MIIIA , S. C. , Juno 1 ! ) . A sensational duel occurred this evening on tlio street be tween Dr. Kay of Congaree , and Justice Weston of this city. Both men are cousins mid young. They quarreled over a family matter , whipped out revolvers and began shooting. Both were severely hurt. Itlcw Out the Gas. Henry Bctian , a traveling man from Kansas City , stopped nt the Merchants' hotel last night. Ho occupied room 92 , and instead of turning out the gas as a wise man should have done , with one huge breath ho extinguished tlio flame. The night clerk in making the rounds , detected the odorof escaping gas , and forcing open the door , led the Kansas City man dou n stairs and out into the open air , thus saving his life. Floctwooil Park Knee * . Fi.r.r.TWoon PAHK , N. Y. , Juno 10. Sum mary of today's races : S : i'l class Abbio V won , Eastern Boy second end , Clapton third. Best time 'J:1. : ' ! ! ' . : ! it : class Quartermaster won , Hoynl second end , Issequeng third. Best time li:1. : ! . * Fatally Shotl > y His Wife. Guiixsiima , Pa. , Juno 10. Dr. Hammer , n prominent dentist , was fatally shot by his wife lust night after a trivial quarrel. The woman is but twenty years of ago nnd a daughter of ono of the most prominent citi zens in the country. The cause of the trouble was jealousy. One Itesoued , Two Drowned. SANTA CuuCal. . , Juno 10. A man who was rescued from nn overturned boat last night near hero said ho left San Francisco Tuesday night with three companions. He and two others attempted to go ashore hi a small boat. The boat capsized and his two companions drowned. Kimlmll'H Trial Closes. Tucsox , Ariz. , Juno 10 , [ Special Telegram to Tun BKI : . ] The trial of Major Klmball , chief quartermaster , was closed today. The findings will bo forwarded to Washington and will not be made public until published by the president. _ _ Hovero Storm at Atchlson. A'ruiiibON , Kun. , Judo 10. The most severe rainstorm of the season prevailed hero for several hours this evening. Culverts and bridges were washed away , and the llrst stories of many buildings were Hooded. to HtrllceM. Nr.w YOIIK. Juno HI. The Order of Rail way Telegraphers tonight added to their by laws nn amendment providing for the expul sion from the order of any member using his influence to the end of encouraging strikes. Plumbers' National Convention , Dr.xvjiu , Colo. , Juno 10. The plumbers' national convention tonight elected as presi dent Robert Orllllth of Chicago. The next meeting will be held in Cincinnati. On Trinl I in- ST. LOUIH , iMo. , Juno 10. The trial of B. AI. Chambers for the murder of a well known attorney , Frank J. Bo wiiuiii , began at Iron- ton today. Governor Ferry of Washington has appointed Will \j. \ Visscher , editor of the Falrhi veii Herald and well known In Omaha , Assistant comintssary-gener.il on the governor's stall , with the milk of colonel. The editor thus comments : "Thero are those whothiak thw Is something suggestive in this , hut the governor hi not so uncharitable as UioKirVho would judge one's habits by the hue of his nose , Moreover , Napoleon always chose for his marshals men with largo noit.'s , and it' this held well hi this country the Herald editor would bo general of Hie army. 001) .MIMSTKitS Alii : SCAItCK. Thi ) Churolics Seek i'lium Nrnviiiliiru , and In It'ither Curious Fashion , "in I'hoosini , ' a minister tlio church uno to ( lictato terms'to tlm ininiMur , now it in the mlniiiti.T who dirtatos terms to the ohureh. " This WIIH tin ; way in whii'h a jironiiiii-iit truiU-t : of a MrooK- hil churcli uxpn-hs hi runsirtuin th it tlio timo-hunurud wuthod uf u eunyivi ; tion calling n minister to u pulpit and hearing what ho could say for himself was about done u\vay with , provided tlio minister i a lirsl-clasH prenchop , says the ls'o\v York Sun. This conclusion lias also been reached by the twelve church members comprising the trustees and prominent ullichils in t J Lafayeito Avenue Presbyterian church , formerly ministered to btlio Hc-v. Dr. Theodore L. Cuylop. UP. t'uylop resigned in April 'last , and since that time the church has been casting about for a lit- ting successor. ip. Cuyler continues to ' supply tlio puipit , but 'docs no pastoral work in the parish. Tlio means taken by tlio committee to learn of tlio talent ami general Illness of a preacher fop tlio Lafayette nveiiuu church partakes of the nature ( if detec tive work. "It must be confes > ed , ' ' said tlio trustee to tlio reporter , "tho reason for the change from tlio old method of bringing a minister before us to our hunting ono up lies in the fact that there are comparatively fovy A 1 mimslorn nowadays. Congregations gro\v in si/.c , grow enormously rich sometimes , but the number of good preachers does not grow proportionately. Yon can't got a minister of any prominence nowadays to submit to the old system where ho was called before tlio congregation and tested , lie knows he is on exhibition , ami ho feels it. It has been u system always abhored by ministers , and now that there is such a scarcity of good ministers , any ono ot thorn would lot us know in a way wo wouldn't forgot if we should summon him to go on exhibition for the benefit of people who happen to bo in church. on tlio morning ho preached. "This tendency in churches1 contin ued the church trustee , "exists not only in Presbyterian and Congregationil and other churches without bishops , but also in the Protestunt Kptseopul and Metho dist Episcopal churches and all others except the church of Home.Vhcn a minister finds a church ho likes it's pretty ilillieuU for tlio higher powers of the church to order him to a pasture whore tlio pickings are lean. "In the Lafayette avenue church wo have got the system of hunting up u minister down ton line point. Wo meet at ono of the committeemen's houses in the latter part of every week and sit be hind locked doors. Then we decide what churches each of us is to visit on the coining Sunday. On Kriday or Saturday wo scatter , if a cominittcoman has to go to Chicago , St. Louis op St. Paul he starts earlier in the week. No one knows when wo start. Our families do not know where wo are going wlu-n wo leave town. Oar .secrecy is maintained in order that no intnihtor may learn that wo are coming his way and prepare an extra line sermon for his Hock , ostensibly preaching to them but really talking for a big increase of salary. Ono of tlio tilings to bo avoided in , tlio former sys tem was the fact that tlio candidate put on an extra burst of speed and the con gregation didn't know how ho would turn out when ho got down to his regular gait. Tlio visitor to tlio church selected slips unporcoiveil into a scat in tlio rear of tlio auditorium , and itoea his ears ami eyes like a reporter. "Tlio committee , on returning to Brooklyn , meet and compare notes , and , on a very favorable report of a certain minister , several members , visit the church ami hear him. This Is as fur as wo have got. When wo are sure we can recommend a minihtcr to the church , a meeting of the members will be quietly called , and tlio chairman of the commit tee will sot forth tlio reasons for inviting a certain minister to become tlio pastor. An alHpmatlve vote of a majority will settle it , ami lie will be invited. Very likely ho will bo a very much surprised man when lie gets the invitation , for it will bo untrammelled in its nature us re gards any dictation by tlio olllcers of tlm church. This was tlio cour.-o pursued in getting Dr. Meredith of the Tompkins Avenue Congregational church , and the result proves its wibdom. You see , the byhtom gives Iho church a wider Held to grn/.o over in the Mime time than tlio old method. Dr. Cuylor's succobsor will probably not bo chosen until fall , " An AtolilHon Saloonlst Arrested , A'li'iiiKox , Kim. , Juno 10. [ Special to Tin : HBK.J Charles Cir.ihain win arrested yester day afternoon under the city ordinance for running a saloon. Ho gave ball uud is still selling. He will claim on the trial that his sales were all by the bottle and that the bottles tles were the original packages. He will admit th.it ho obtained his beer from Missouri by the cusoof twuntj-four bottles , but that as the bottles inv nojmrate nnd sealed they are the original p.iekageH. Heretofore liquor dcalcrc have admitted that a case of beer Is the original pai'lcagi' ' , and if the Ur.ilmm c < n > i < gott to the higher courts a new point will he decided. ( old I'm * Kurnpi' . NMV YHIIK , June I' ' . Spider V I' " today onlrivil jjulKXI iu gold fur uliiimieut to . MANAWA - * ' " 2Ss.y URR REXSOR/T oople In the TWIN CITIES. f OO minutes , making close Good order is maintained. W.A.GOEHRING PRACTICAL HORSE SIIOER. First Class work guaranteed In every respect. , 80 Fourth Street. Council Bluffs - - Iowa ' MAXON & BOURGEOIS , A.RGHITKGTS ) ANII ( SUljmilI NThlN DISN-TS. FINE INTERIOR DECORATIONS. Itooni Ii".0 Merrlam Illoolc , Council UliilK Iu ; ItoomClUN. V. l.lfo llullillns. Omiihii. Neb. The J. A. . . Murphy MANUFACTURING CO. , Ibt Avenue and 21st Street. Sash , Doors and Blinds Hand nnd Scroll Suvlin : ? . Ito-Snwliii : nnd I'lnnlng. Sawing of all kinds. I'oirh llnirkrH. KlmllliiK wood ji.M pur load delivered. Ch'iiu saudust by tlio barrel Uu. All \\uik to Ua . , ' - . tlrst-elass. Telephone 'J-JJ. "VOUK 1'ATKONAOi : SOLICITED. " Tnos. Omciu. : \V. II. M. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS , Corner Main and Itroadway , Council Bluffs , - I own. f Dealers In foreign and domestic i'.M'liuifiv : ; Collections made and Interest p.ud on thuu deposits. J.I ) . KlIMUNIHO.V , B. l . SlimiAIIT. 1'ies- . Viue-l'res. CIIAS. It. HAX.VAN , Cashier. CitizensStateBank or COUNCIL UI.UIT.-J. Paid Up Capital $100,000 Surplus ami Profits 60,000 Liability to Depositors 350,000 Iuii-roii4 ) : ( I. A. Sillier , lO. . Uleason. K li Phn iirl , K. K. Hart , .1. I ) . IMiniiinlson , ( Mi is K. llannan. Transact , gi'iioral Imiilclni ! busi ness , liargrst capital and surplus of any bank la Ponlliwestorn Iowa. InlorasLcm Time Deposits. THE LARGEST STOCK OF PICTURE : FRAMES A.ND MOULxOINGS Ever brought to the west are now on sale att our store. Thu lioods comprise the rutlro wholesale stock of M. Adler , and weir linimhb at .sheriff's halo ut Icis than " .1 per rent of * wholesale value.Vo will hell yon plrtnro frames cheaper than yon uan buy the nnlln- . - Klied iiiiitc'ilul for. The stock roinprlhitlio I bosl raduof KOOiNinadi * . Come and sn- . Mles& Wlutloy , 100 llradway. Council Muffs. F. M.ELLIS & CO. , Architects AND nimniNn sin Rooms 4il : and m Hen llulldhi ! . ' . Oinahn , Nob. , iiml lioonH "II and -III Merrlam Block , Council It I nil's , la. I'oi'iubnondenoo solk'ItudiL IS MAIN ST. LAUNDRY. * Shirts lOc. Collars io. ! Cull's If. Tudor- sldrls 8c > . Handkerchiefs ' 'u. So j lib Jii. Ladles' clot lies ehuap. SATISFACTION fUAKANTKii ! : > . JOHN SAN KEE. J. D. JACKSON , Guaranteed Dentistry ; Cold crown mul Iirlil o work , liicluilliiK nil HIH-M of plates.- ( Jiil I , Platinum , Aliimnluiu inul Ct'lluloltl * Ointuiir tilling anil continuum KUHI uuric ppfchil- wlion ilotlrcil In I'.vtrnctliig Ici'lh. Ollico Imurs , 8 to 13 n. HI. iniiliJ loll p. in. OHico room , ? J. ! .Men lam liluck , Council Hliitr * . SIGOVORKS The Only Exclusive Si : n Shop in the City. Stun and KraluliiK tair hton appli cation. D. A. BENEDICT , 410 Stnira Broadway - - Up MRS. GlLLl-TTli IK still at 14 Poai-1 Street , Mis. I'fellVer'.s Millinery Hole , with hur HAIR - GOODS. A portion of her splendid Ntoelt still remains unsold. ThlH Is llir last opportunity fur saci I lice bargains In Imfr h'ooils and ornaments. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL , BLUFFS. ITIOIt SAMor : Itmitr-Oardmi land , with X1 houses , liy J. It. Itluu. 1UJ Main St. , Cimn < .1 Illuirs. UfANTKITwo inier etlu younx nirn .u il women. Wa cs , W.M ) pur day.V1 & Mynstur s1 licet , Council Illullx. lIUSINKSri ChiuiiiuA paily wlilir > .i " ' " All Hlid H KiMid lnvi > liiiuiil and en.- ploymelit In a prollliibli ) bintlncis. lor | iur- tlunlais uddlVhS / Cam llc'e.Coiinnil Illnll'lit. . rpYI'KWmTINd ' nd Hiiiitliuirl l-'jl't ' 1. Itliiidns bus opened a t-'miiTal i/lll'-r l r hliorllnind and lynou rltliip' and Is ptepan > il to tuUu dictation nitlirr ut thu iilllui ) ur onl-i'io. Deiiiisltliinsiind lewal ciiprlim Klvunpt - i.tl attention. Itoum I. HI-DWII Inilldbr , ' . \ . \ MNTI2D Two i ? ' ) d uiirpunii'is. Applj to V > 1 lifn. I' ' ' . Smith. lid and HnmdMiiy XXTIIV pay ri-iii wndn you 11111 buy a him" " | i tin * naiiiu terms , and In CUSH of VIMII ili.iiu at any tlmu l iao yuur fumlly thu liunm i1'1 ' * * on the fiillowlint li-rins : A hiiiiiii worth ll.iKii ut fli pur month. A homo worth * I..VH ut 1U | ier iiiiinl i. A hniiiii worth f..iDJ ut J.'l pur muiith. A liomii worth M. ' at * H pur munih. A humit woiili f 1,0X1 utilS pur month. Othur prlucd binniNoii tlio h-iinii turmM. I > ubovo montbly piiymonts liiulililo lirin - . ' fifll purlluiilars ojill " ' r I'tir niul Intiiniit. ; ( ! * ( . * Wulls Co. . IM llr.Md-.vuy , Council ItliillH , la. , _ Ji(7iritl-\T ( ; -TwotfiMil modern hoiisus.V. . ' W. llllKur. W I'uutl Hlfi-ot. \iMlll KKNT Tlinitoiii room , No. IU , [ lonlinj I1 nn IVuil nt. \V. C. .In IIIHH. \ 1 rIC II \ VK Mivi'nil l > uiillful niolirii : Im-isu l > tbut v\t * will ir.uli'fur t'liiMinilinnid v.i'iu lots In Uniiilia oi-Ciiiini'll lilull'a. Tlio JuilU 31 Well * Co. , Cuuuull IIlulls , Iu.