Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Laying of tlio Maas'ivo Cornor-Stono of the
"V Now Oily Hall.
CcrcinonlcH Conducted by
tile Masonic Grand IMnstcr of Ne-
tirnnka and a Dcflcrlptlnn
of tlio Ucnutlfut Pile.
The grand lodge A. F. and A. M. mot nt
! 'Freemason's Imll , Slxtccntli nnd Ca ( > itol uvc-
nuoHliortly after 2 o'clock nnd was opened In
due form tjy Grand Master Mercer.
The line was then formed on Capitol avenue -
nuo and marched down Capitol avenue to
Fifteenth street , thence south to Douglas
street , llienco cast to Fourteenth street ,
thence south to Fnrnatn , west on Fnrnnm to
' Eighteenth street to the slto of tlio city hall.
First came the Musical union
4 band. Immediately hchlnd was Grand
Tiler Jacob King , carrying a drawn sword
nnd supported by two stewards with their
rods of oftlco.
Then came the members of the grand ledge
two abreast , each man wearing the tradi
tional whlto apron and a bltto bailee.
Following tncso came the Brand lodgn ofll-
cers In their order nnd Junior Warden David
son , hearing a vessel containing oil ; Senior
Warden Ilnul D. Slaughter , carrying u vessel
containing wine , nnd Deputy Grand Master
Itoburt H. French , bearing n vessel of com.
Last cnino Gmnd Master John .T Mercer of
Omaha. The line in charge of Grand
Master Owls A. Kent of Mlndcn.
As the line passed the comer of Sixteenth
nnd Faniuin. the members of the city council ,
Mayor dishing nnd ex-Mayors , A. J. I'opplo-
ton , B. R. U. Kennedy , Charles H. Urown , . ! .
II. MUlnrtl , Champion S. Chase , James E.
Doyd and William J. Hroatch Joined the pro
cession , which proceeded to the cntninco of
the enclosure about the city hall.
Hero the line was opened nnd reversed ,
those in the rear , passing through to the
front and lending the way to the platform
erected at the northeast comer of the en
closure , where the ceremony was to take
The Iron girders had linen laid with planks
by Contractor Coots and a largo number of
people were accommodated.
It had been threatening rain , but the cere
mony commenced ntII ! ) > p. in.
liiitn commenced to fall later and continued
almost through the ceremonies.
Mayor Cuslilns'H Address.
FiUTKiiNiTY : Wo arc assembled today to de
posit a block of enduring granite stone which
will , wo trust , uphold years after all present
( .hull bare departed , a fabric devoted to our
city's ' business.
"To its sealed recesses wo confide such
evidences of our city's present size and pros
perity as may servo to interest the busj pop
ulace of some future generation when thcso
Jlrni walls slrill have crumbled and the se
crets of this corner stone shall have been
brought to light.
"The pyramids and sphinx of the Nile toll
today an Kgyptian tale better than the ashes
of the gruat Alexandrian library. The ruins
of our ancient cities for instance , the Coliseum
of Homo , spcnk louder in the descriptive than
the scribes of that day. Therefore , it is alto
gether lilting that such memorials of our day
should ho entrusted to the strong guardian
ship of stono.
' 'Here and there , even nt this time , as our
hills are leveled , or our foundations laid , the
busy spade of the workman exhumes from
Its long forgotten grave Indian relics , some
domestic utensil or some weapon of wnrnpon
which wo gaze with absorbing interest iis
the solo histories of nations long vanished.
"In their rugged outlines wo may venture
to read something of their wars , their daily
pursuits mid their homes , whichbut for these
recovered implements of stone , would have
been u blank forever.
"To the people of some long-distant day , wo
offer n more legible story , and ono which , wo
believe , is moro in accord with the spirit of
the present ago. From this recess , hereafter ,
will be taken no weapon of death , no evidence
of b.u-barie wars , but tokens only of peace
and prosperity , which have hitherto blessed
this city , and which wo devoutly hope may
continue to bless It for ages yet to come.
"Upoiv the stone now to bo placed , will rise ,
wo hope , n structure which will bo an honor
to our elty and a satisfaction to its inhabit
ants. Witiiin its walls , wo trust , that no ig-
tioblu motive , no corrupt suggestion may over
llnd u place ; but that it may bo not only an
edifice for the transaction of the city's busi
ness affairs , but also a temple of integrity ,
Justice and patriotism. And inuy tno figure ,
which the architect has designed for its sum
mit , look down for many years upon a com
munity happy , united , prosperous , honest and
"To you , gentlemen of the Masonic fratern
ity , I now extend my most hearty thanks for
your Interest in the occasion and turn over
this block , to bo lilted lu its place by your
oklllful and experienced hands. "
The Ceremony.
The grand master addressed the assembly
n the purpose of the occasion , and concluded
s follows :
"Tho teachings of Freemasonry Inculcate ,
that in all our works , great or small , begun or
finished , wo should seek the aid of Almighty
tlod. It is our llrst duty , then , to invoke the
blessing of the greatArchitect of thounivorso
upon the work in which wo are about to en
cage. I therefore command the utmost si-
loncc , and call upon all to unlto with our
brother , the grand chaplain , in an address to
the tlmmo of grace. "
Kveryono in the assembly stood uncovered
whllo the grand chaplain , Uev. Jacob A.
Hood of Suhuylor , inado u short prayer , us
follows :
"Almighty God I who hath given us grace
at this time , with ono accord , to make our
common supplication unto Thee , and dost
promise that where two Or three are gathered
together in Ttiy name , Thou wilt grant their
request ; fulfill now , O Lord , tlio desires and
petitions of Thy servants , as may bo most ex
pedient for thorn ; granting us in this world ,
knowledge of Thy truth ; and In the world to
come , llfo everlasting. Amen. "
A deep and fervent ' 'So ' mete it bo" was the
response of the brethren , followed by a liyuiii
from the band.
k Turning to grand treasurer , Chris Hart-
, the grand master asked if it deposit had
fan prepared , in accordance with the eus-
ui , tomi placed within the cavity of the
stone , consisting of certain memorials of the
time , that In the lapse of ages , if the fury of
the elements or the slow hut certain ravages
of time should lay bavo the foundation , an en
during record might bo found by succeeding
genur.itlons to boar testimony to the energy ,
industry and culluro of our lime.
The grand treasurer reported that such a
deposit had boon prepared and was in the
Basket before the grand master.
At HID request of the latter. Grand Secre
tary William U , llowon read aloud the list of
articles contained In the casket , as follows :
Folders of the board of trade showing the
principal industries , advantages and popula
tion of Omaha ; rules of the Omaha city
council ; collection of small coin minted in
1SIH ) , donated by Hyron Uocd ; proceedings
Mason's for 1SS7 , 18SS and 1SS9 , standing
mlttees of council , specimens of dentistry ,
business cards ; photographs of the high
school , Crelghton college , Sacred Heart acad
emy , thu Union Paeilloheadquarters ; photographs -
. graphs of ox-Mayor Ilroatch , ox-Councilmen
Ualloy and Couustnnn , Mayor dialling , City
Clerk Groves , Contractor Coots and son ,
William , City Treasurer Hush , Comp
troller Goodrich , Engineer Tlllson ,
Councllmen IHumor , OstliofT , Olson ,
Kospar , Wheeler , Davis , ChalTeo. Bcchel ,
Moivnrty , MeLoario , Cooper , O'Connor ,
Shrlver , Donnelley .Madsen , Ford Sander ,
Lowry. A copy of the OMAHA BBB , Juno 11' ' ,
IS'.H ' ) ; A copy of the annual Illustrated edition
of THIS OMAHA UEB , , January 1 , IbOO ; a copy
of the steel plato souvenir showing the frame
house lu which TUB UKB was foundedJuna 19 ,
1371 , and the building in which It Is now lo
cated , The souvenir wns used on the formal
opening of the now HKB building , Juno ID ,
UkS',1 ' ; the World-Herald , the Omaha HopiiblU
can , the Nubruskii Tribune , the Kxcelslor ,
the Mercury , and thu Pokrok Kunadu.
Addre-Hsing Mr. Hiirtman , the grand master
said : " ( tight worth } raua treasurer , you
will now dupoatt the cushat in the cavity be
neath the cornvrvstuno , and way the great
Architect of the universe , lu Ills wisdom ,
grant that ages on ages shall pass away cro It
again be seen by men. "
The box was then deposited In the cavity
mid the grand master Informed that his order
had been executed , Whllo this was being
done , the band rendered appropriate muilc.
Architect CharlesF.HIendorrt then delivered
to the grand master the working tools ,
namely , the trowel , square , level and plumb.
The grand master retained the trowel nnd
handed the square , level nnd plumb to the
deputy grand master , senior and Junior war
dens resnoetlvelysnylngns ho did so : "Itlght
worshipful brethren , you will receive the Im
plements of your ofilco. With your asslstanco
nnd that of the craft , I will now
Iiiy Iho cornerstone of this edifice , according
to the customs of" our fraternity. Brother
grand manual , you will direct the craftsmen
to furnish the cement , and prepare to lower
the stone. "
The grand master then spread the cement
on the stone , after which the latter was
slowly lowered about two feet , the band playIng -
Ing In tlio meantime. The stone was stopped
and the grand honors of the order given oneo
by nil the brethren. The stone was lowered
another two feet nnd the grand honors given
twice. The stone wns then lowered to Its
place nnd the grand honors given three tinles.
By direction of the grand master , Deputy
Grand Master It. K. French of Kearney then
applied the square to the corncra of the stone
and reported the work correct. Grand
Senior Waidcn Brad D. Slaughter of Fullerton -
ton then applied the level to the top of the
stone and reported the same , and Grand
Junior Warden Samuel 1J. Davidson of
Tccumsch applied the plumb with the same
Striking three times with his gavel upon
the stouo Grand Masler Mercer said : "This
stone has been tested by the proper imple
ments of Masonry. I find that the craftsmen
have skillfully and faithfully donotheir duty :
nnd I do declare the stone to bo well formed
and trusty , correctly proved and truly laid ,
accord I ng'to the rules of our ancient craft.
May the building bo conducted and completed
amid thu blessings of plenty , health and
peace. "
To which the brethren responded , "So mete
It bo. "
By direction of the grand master , Grand
Marshal Lewis A. Kent of Mindcn , then
handed to the deputy grand master , a vessel
containing corn , to tlio grand senior warden
ono containing wine and to the grand Junior
warden one containing oil.
Stepping to the stone tno deputy grand
mastcrscnttercd the e.orn upon It saying : "I
scatter this corn as an emblem of plentymny ;
the blessings of bounteous heaven bo show
ered upon us , ami upon all like patriotic and
Important undertakings , and inspire the
hearts of the people with virtue , wisdom and
gralltudo. "
"So mote it be , " was the response.
The grand senior warden advanced to
the stone nnd poured the wino upon
It , saying as ho did so : "I pour this wino as
an emblem of Joy and gladness. May the
great Huler of tlio universe bless and prosper
our national , state tind city governments ;
preserve the union of the states in hitrmony
and brotherly love , which shall endure
through all time. "
Again came the response , "So mote it be. "
Then the grand Junior warden poured the
oil upon the stone , saying : "I pour this oil
as an emblem of peace ; may its blessings
nbldo with us continually ; and may tlio
Grand Master of heaven and earth shelter
and protect the widow and orphan , and
vouchsafe to them , and to the bereaved , the
nlllicted and sorrowing everywhere , the en
joyment of every good and perfect , gift. "
Again tlio deep , "So mote it bo. "
Extending his arms , the grand master pro
nounced the following Invocation : "May
com , wino and oil , nnd all the necessaries of
life , abound among men throughout the
world. May the blessing of Almighty God
be upon till ; ; undertaking. May Ho protect
the workmen from every iicrident. May the
structure hero to bo erected bo planned with
wisdom , supported by strength and adorned
in boatity , and may it bo preserved to the last
ages , a monument to the energy unit liberality
of its founders. "
"So mete it bo , " came the response.
The grand master then returned to Architect
Beindorff the working tools , and announced
that the comer stone had been laid success
fully with the ancient ceremonies of the craft
and directed the grand marshal to announce
that fact.
Grand Marshal Kent , in a loud voice , said :
' 'In ' tlio name of the most worshipful grand
lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the
state of Nebraska , I now proclaim that the
corner-stono of the structure hero to bo
erected has this day been found true and
trusty , and laid according to the old customs ,
by the grand master of Masons. "
After music by tlio band Chaplain Hood
pronounced benediction , invoking thu divine
blessing upon the building and all employed
upon it.
A deep "So mete it bo" completed the cere
mony and the grand ledge returned to its
The Stone.
The block is of Warronslmrg , Mo. , sand
stone , of n dark gray color , -t feet 5 inches in
length , S feet 3 inches in width , and - feet il
inches in height. In the middle of the upper
surface is cut a hole 9x12x3 inches in dimen
sions , and In this cavity was placed the cop
per receptacles referred to , which was made
by Christ Spccht.
The north face of the block bears the fol
lowing inscription :
1 by tlir
A. . l'nnd A. M. .
Juno 10 , A. I/ . & & ) , A. I ) . 1300.
Urund Treas. ,
U.-.W.-.W. It. UOWKX ,
Urand Hoe. ,
M..W..JNO. J. AlKllCKIt ,
lirand Mastor.
The plans under which the city hall Is being
constructed wcro submitted to the council ,
with others by different architects , by Fowler
& Beindorff of this city. Thqy were accepted
by that body on May 10 of last year and upon
the 13th of the following September n con
tract was awarded John F. Coots for the cou-
slruclion of tlio foundation and walls of the
structure , to bo fulfilled by December : il. 1S90.
There have been some delays In the work ,
but the contractor Is confident oC being ablu
to fulfill the conditions of his agreement.
The contracts for the interior work , the til
ing , ornamental Ironwork , heating , plumbing
and plastering have not boon let as yet , but
will bo of necessity within a month , as it is
the intention to tluUli the building by August
1 , 1801.
The building as shown by the drawings of
the architects will bo a handsome nnd com
manding structure. The exteriors on Far-
mini and Eighteenth streets will bo finished
with granlto up to the second story sill-courso
and ubovo this , to the cornice , in red sund-
The tower , which will bo a most imposing
feature of Iho building , will bo at the corner
of Farnani nnd Eighteenth streets and will be
twouty-throo feet snuaro and will extend
ubovo the sky lines of thu roof a dlstanco of
clgJity-sovan feet.
Both entrances will bo ponderous arches of urchitccturo and passing
through tnoso n magnificent graven stulrcuso
twoivu feet wide , will bo reached. On either
sldo of this stairway , will bo fast miming
elevators. There will bo a court through the
center of the building forty-seven by thirty-
three feet , covered with udomoof plato gloss.
The Fitrnnm street entrance will bo thirty-
two feet in width , surrounded by n mass of
columns , the caps of which will bo carved
und Intertwined , forming a base for Iho
masslvo arch , with its elegantly carved bons-
solrs. Ovitr Ihls nivli there will bo a bal
cony , omlKjlllsned with curved gargoyles at
either end.
At the top of the tower will bo a wldo
uroh , OJM 01 oia of ha four sldos , dwo-
rated with wrought Iron siilndlo or grill
work. To each opmiini ; will bo a balcony
from which u commanding view of the sur
rounding country may bo obtained.
The clock dial will bo eight feet In diam
eter , supiwrted by an elaborate group of
columns , springing to an arch covering the
clock , The exposed portions of the root will
bo covered with u tiling , known us red
Spanish roll ,
The heating , lighting , water nnd sewerage
nrrangemunts will bo simply perfect.
The style followed throughout in the con
struction of tlio building will bo the Uomun-
csque , which admits of a great varlutv of
treatment and produces a richness of effect
very pleasing to the artistic eyo.
The coat of the structure complete will bo
S350.000. _
Ucumrked by It. C. Joiner of Allen P. O. ,
Hlllsdulo Co. , Mich. : Nothing gave my
rheumatism such quick relief us Dr. Thomas'
Eelectrlu Oil bolfevo It Infallible for rheu
matics. "
Tlio Question of AmcssliiR Unllrond *
At Their Full Valuation.
The following is the complete returns of
the assessed valuation of property In Douglas
county :
Heal. 1'cnonnl. Total.
litwnrd . tl.130.TW tXXjKKl
' 'nd ward . l.m.ViO lio.on ] .MIfil.1
3rd ward . ailS.'l'J : ' OVi.iVH Wl.T.ll
4th ward . 2.S87'r > 0 UlS.SOl : iVJrtlll
Oth ward. . . . . . . . . . l,8l U > ri 2-XO.VS SII,1V ( > )
Oth wanl . IKVI.GUJ WOM 1.K..WVS
7th Wiird . ] ,70n.lWS 87.OTJ 1,701,751
8th warn . 1.12UW.1 Jl.VJftJ 1.SP.710
Oth ward . I.WT.IW 77 , ! l I.OIUHH
South Omaha . SlJ,077 ( l.fBr ! > 7.1 l.SK.BM
Ohlcazo precinct. . 4H.20.1 127.M.1 Krt,8r > 0
nouRfttspruol'ct. . 2i.oso SH.IO.I 2rt ,0C. !
KlUiorn . JO.Rt.l ! , ( > " > Ill , USD
Florence . iK.fWJ SiKSU
.TnlTerson . XT.a J27.8.V ) irA.VU
Mlllaril . iLVM ) H0.110 1W.1W
McArdln . 43.SI.V 1 , OIO IH.\8.VJ
I'latto Valley . b"'M * rr.r > io miai i
Union . : oftii IM.OIA inortw
Waterloo . K.W 75iB : 1IS.4I.1
West Omaha . ; Cfc'.S'Jt IM1.177 \
Total . Kl.477.012 * .U2SrStM il.7lV.IM
Totals . „ . . $ VWJSM : * ,07VJW ! SaiTMIl
Increase over lait year . . . . 81S7.0S7
All wards In the city except three show nn
increase In valuation over last year. These
wherein a falling off has occurred are as
follows :
First ward , nllttloovcr . J100.000
Second Ward , about . ; t0.iWO
Sixth ward , nearly . 000,000
County Clerk O'Malley ' has received the
following :
Lt.vcor.K , Nob. , Juno 10. Mandamus pro
ceedings hiivo been commenced In the su
preme court asking that the stuto board bo
compelled to assess railroads at full value. A
decision is looked for about July 1.
Inasmuch as the law of 18SU provides that
the county board may hold n session lasting
thirty days from the first Tuesday after the
second Monday In Juno , which would give
till July 0 to make the levy , I would respect
fully suggest that the levy bo postponed until
that datb , and In case no decision la reached
nt that time , assessment of railroads und tcl-
cgranh will be in your hands.
You can readily see that if the present as-
sostjient was sent out nnd the court should Is
sue the mandamus , it would necessitate the
recall of the assessment and bo a great annoy
ance to every county In the state.
Trusting that this will meet your approval ,
I am very truly yours , T. II. BISTO.V ,
Auditor of Public Accounts.
Everybody Knows
That at this season the blood Is filled with im
purities , the accumulation of months of uloso
confinement in poorly ventilated stores , work
shops and tenements. All these Impurities
and every trace of scrofula , salt rheum , or
other disease , may be expelled by taking
Hood's SarsaJKirilla. the best blood purifier
over produced. It is the only medicine of
which " 100 doses ono dollar" is true.
The Cnrtor White Lead Works Arising
From Their Ashe.s.
Mr. Carter , president of tlio Carter white
lead works , notified the lumbermen of Omaha
that he has decided to rebuild the company's
works immediately and to send him bids for
the lumber by i > o'clocic yesterday afternoon.
The announcement was a surprise to the
lumber dealers of the city. .Surprise , not at
the announcement that Mr. Carter had de
cided upon rebuilding , but that he wns going
to do it with HO great u rusU ?
It was also learned that the lumber must
bo hauled to the site of the old works within
ten days.
The now works will bo upon a greatly en
larged scale r.nd will provide for double the
capacity of the old ones.
A great force of men is now working day
and night clearing away the ruins , while the
contracts for machinery , etc. , uro being lot
by telegraph. _
Mrs. M. Schacnberg Beaver Dam , Wis. ,
writes : "Wo have used Dr. Thomas' Eclt-c-
tric Gil in our family for coughs , colds , croup
and rheumatism. It cures every time. "
They Have WorUoU Many Iiitorostlnjj
Tilings in the I'ulillcSchools. .
The public school art exhibit In Tin : Bin :
building was the great drawing card yester
day , and again last night the line spacious
rooms wherein is displayed the handiwork of
the young hopefuls of Omaha , were thronged
with a mass of happy children , admiring
parents , proud teachers and enthusiastic
friends. Every visitor went , away feeling
that the children of this city have indeed u
brilliant prospect before them.
The stately and reserved banker of Capitol
Hill elbowed the dust-stained coat of the
man in humbler walks of life. They were all
there for the purpsso of pointing n linger of
pride at the work of their heirs und were
utnnzcd at what they saw.
As the days go by the exhibit attracts more
attention , until every teacher and every pupil
has become Imbued with the idea that it must
bo u success , and with this ono object in view
are putting forth every effort to Impress the
public with the importance of the work that
has been accomplished.
The Mason school exhibit in room
receives its share of attention. On ( the west
wall of this room there uro hundreds of urti-
cles. ranging from elaborate free-hand draw
ing by the pupils of the Eightn grade to the
little folded papers of the infant class.
Hundreds of thcso are worthy of special
mention. A brush by Louisa Festner , a
piano by Guy Penfold , a refrigerator by
Henry Fruolmuff , and a violin , realing
the music "Home Sweet Home "
against , , , by
Lovell Dunn , nro most noticeable.
Above this exhibit stands a clock , perfect
In every p.irt , numbering the hours as accu
rately us the most high-priced chrouninctorof
Iho skilled workman. The f ramo of this ar
ticle , its wheels , and In fact everything , with
the exception of the dial , wero.mado bv
Henry Itaapko , his only tools being a scroll
saw and an ordinary pocket-knife.
The hUtory of the national ling , nn essay
by Carrie Johnson , u colored girl thirteen
years of ago , i.s a lovely production and ono
of the best on exhibition.
There nro many other essays , all of which
show the effects of careful study und the
pains-taking efforts of the respcctivu authors.
Among these ono will llud , illustrated ,
"Spring , " by Allno KUh ? "Tho Change * of
the Season , " by HnttiuJ'iiuUon ! "Thu Story
of Koine1 ' by Nclllo "Clare ; "The United
Stntes Sanitary CwilmHslou , " br Wllllo
Dravdcn ; "Tho Bombardment of Fort M-v
Henry , " by Jcsslo Walker ; "Tho Arrange
ment of Hocks , " bv Arthur Johnson , nnd
"Tho Solar System-i > } -Ednn Donahue.
Bertha Denning , a , Ut4lo girl eight years of
ngc , In n neat , clear , busincss-Uku hand , has
placed on exhibition "what " purports to be a
communication Ux Tn BII : : descriptive of a
trip from Omaha toStj ( Paul and return.
The composition is cxcmlent nnd U admired
by all who have been fortunate enough to
have perused Us pagcsr"
The work of the miplls who nro known ns
beginners finds n place , nnd upon the walls It
Is Known ni busy work , consisting of hits of
colored paper cut Into fanciful shapes and
fastened upon whltocardboard , producing a
very pleasing effect. This Is not the only
work these pupils known ns the babies hnvo
performed. They hav'o been supplied with
soft clay , nnd out of It they have molded pigs ,
horses , cubes , balls nnd many other articles ,
each pupil In the class having something up-
on exhibition , as nn example or exhibition of
the work performed.
Upon turning around ono's attention U at
tracted to n beautiful inotlo nbovo Ihe door , a
largo sheet of cardboard , upon which , made
of cut and folded papers , ho may read the
word "Lnho. " This Informs you that you
are standing In front of the Lake school ex
hibit , which for neatness , taste and arrange
ment Is uuexcelled.
The free-hand drawings and sketches hang
upon the wall both to the right nnd left. To
the loft of these are neatly arranged the sev
eral copies of the Lake Courier , n bi-monthly
Journal , the editorial nnd local departments
of which are presided over by the pupils of
the eighth grade.
Ono of the features of this exhibit is the
architectural designs.
The pupils of tlio eighth grade have pre
pared the plans and specifications for n dwell
ing , estimating its cost , together with the
probable expense of furnishing , buying the
household furniture nnd thu provisions for
the llrst meal after setting up'ln housekeep
The history of the eleven great battles of
the rebellion has been carefully written by
the pupils nnd bound in book form , the title
page of each battle being illustrated wltn n
map , drawn with pen iiiul ink , showing the
exact location and thu surroundings. This
work evokes a great amount of
The work by Mrs. Carney's infant class oc
cupies n largo amount of space and besides
the first lessons In penmanship and drawing ,
the models in clay are of great interest to vis
itors , as especial attention bos been paid to
this work , which consists of bunches of violets
lets , pausies , birds' nests nnd vegetables ,
which look as fresh and natural as though
they had coino from the gardener's but yes
terday. These have all bu'en painted in their
natural colors and In every respect are origin
al und unique.
The exhibit will not close tilt Saturday
night and ought to attract the attention of
every taxpayer.- _
Never Give Up.
If you suffer with asthma , bronchitis , or
any other disease of the throat or lungs ,
nothing can surprise you more than the rapid
improvement that will follow the use. of
SANTA ABIE. If you are troubled with
catarrh , and have tried other medicines , you
will lo tumble to express your ama/ement at
the marvelous and instantaneous curative
Thcso remedies are not secret compounds ,
but natural productions of California. Sold
at SI u package ; three for & 3.50 , and guaran
teed by Goodman DiVg Co.
lie Still Has n Kocollectioii of lilt Rx-
poricnoe Horc.
A prominent citizen of Omaha met Father
Groenobaum in Chicago tao other day.
Father Groenebaum will ba remembered as
the founder of the German Catholic parish in
Omaha and was for jnnny yc.irs actively in
terested in church work among the German
Catholics of this city.
"I am now located at Evanston , " said
FntherGroeneb.ium , "and have a parish with
nearlv 00 families. No. I cannot sav that I
would want to return to Omaha. I have
many friends there , but I feel that I was out-
r.ipcously treated then' by the late Bishop
O'Connor. The Catholic * made mo sign
over the property on Douglas street ,
where the German Catholic church now
stands , for which I had been
slaving the better years of my life. But they
will find , if ever they want to transfer or dis
pose of that property that I shall have sotne-
| thing to say about it. I got General Cowin to
I insert a condition in the deed that the property -
erty shall revert to me ifevei - It is used for
| anything else than a church or a schoat. I
suppose that property has become quite val
uable , " continued Father Groenebaum , "and
in case they want to soil it anil build else
where I suppose they will want to sco mo. " '
"Aro you expecting to visit Omaha soon ! "
"No , 1 am not inclined to do that , for if I
did they would try to bulldoze me into sign
ing the property over to them uncondition
ally , and they cannot do it as long ns I remain
away. "
Spe c fill Itlcitgngc Iiivcstiirnlfon.
WASHINGTON , Jimo IS. To the Editor of
Tin ; Bun : The counties of Washington ,
Gage , Thayer , Hayes , Kimball and Brown , in
the state of Nebraska , have been selected for
the purpose of making a special Investigation
of real estate mortgage indebtedness. In
quiries will bo nddru33cd to the owners of
mortgaged real estate , and in some cases to
the holders of mortgagor , to ascertain the
amounts unpaid and tlio reasons for Incurring
the debts. The answers will bo strictly con
fidential , and iu no cuso will bo revealed to
any private person or public officer outsldo of
the census oilice , whoso employes nro all
sworn to preserve the secrecy of the informa
tion. It is hoped that the interest in the
mortpago question , which prevails every
where throughout this country , will onllst
the fo-opcration of every ono to whom these
requests are made. This investigation is
authorized by act of congress in response to
n general demand on the part of the pi.-oplo
that it shall bo made , und it now rests upon
the people to make some necessary contribu
tions to Its success. Very respectfully ,
Suporlnteuilent of Census.
Ask for Van Houten's Cocoa. Take no
Grand Lottery of Juarez ,
Under the Management of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concessionaries.
Will talio jdaco In publlo nt tlio CITY OlJUAUKZ ( formerly Pane del Norto ) , Mexico
, , .1S9O.
Cnclor the personal suporvisfnnol GEN. JOHN S. HOSUY , nnil MIt.OA.MILO AKQDRLLE3.
the fonmir rt gentleman of mich promlmmcn In the Unltod States that hU nrosaitQO alone la
Hiilllulunt Biiiu-niiluu to thu publlo Unit the ilmwlnsM will bu liulil with Htrlot houu-Jty unU fairness -
ness to ull , and tlio luttur ( the Supervisor of the Muxluuu aoreriimutiV of oijual stunuln ?
uuU lutugrlty.
Only 6OOOO TicketsI Only 6OO.OO Tickets !
1 Prize of $60,000 Approximation PrlzoT.
$60,000 $
, , 100 Prlia $ of I CO oacli
1 t'rliaof lo.uuo 10,001) ) Id ) l > rlio > of SO ouch
1 rrliecf 6,1X1) ) . . . , 6l ) 100 i'rltos of 2S oacli ,
ft 1'rliet of l.UU uct'tl ' , H.OM Terminal Prizes.
10 1'rlioj of Ml racli , X.IM ) 699Terminals to < MOUU t'rlio of Ii3 oaoh ,
( / ) 1'rliojof IUO each S.IXtt VJJ ToruiluaU ti > I ID , AW 1'rlid of tig oacli , 6WJ
IUO I'rUfaof . { OrtCli 6.0UO
U ] 1'iliei of tO oacU -W 1014 Prlzoa amounting to $ Ii&iio70
Wo the unHorslKnoil hereby certify that the Banco If anr ticket drawing a prlia Is sent to the under-
Naclonal of Mexico In Chihuahua hu on deposit Unod , Its faca Taluo n 111 bii rolloctud itnd iQiutluvl
from the Mexican International Hanklnit Conipanjr , to the uwuor Uioronf fteo ot cuarico.
the nvemnar f unili to cuarantea Ihe im/niont of nil KUOAH II. Illll.\3.V ( ,
the prltos drawn In Iho Utaml 1-ottcrr of Juaroi. President Rl I'aio National Hank , Kl run. Tot
\Vefurthercortlfr that ve will iuiwrvl o all thaar * AQISHTB WANT1SD.
rnnsoniomj , and In person nianaun ami control all For club rates , or anr other Information , write to
IhailriwIniMof Itili Lottery , and that the amo ara the undcrnliined. itatlnK tour address clearlr , with
conducted with honesljr , fulrniMi and luvoodfalta rltato , Countr , Street and Number. Moro rai > ld uiall
towards all parties , delivery will bo assured by your enclosing an cmel-
OOU.N B. MOSHY. Commissioner. eye buarlnv your full addron.
Supervisor ( or the ( Jovoruiuont. Ulty ot Juuruz , Moxlca
JJOTTPIT7 Bond remittances for tickets by onllnnry letter , containing Money priler.
„ . . , , v--1 Mas nod by all Express Companies , New York Exchange , llanll Draft or L'ostil
Note. Addreis all rciclsturuil letters to
Olty -Juarez. . Mexico , vta EU Paso. Tex.
Fair white hands
Soft healthful skin.
'ARS'-The ' Great English Complexion SOAPf-Sod ! Everywhere. "
, ; a like SAPpQ0 should
3Vimke , every thing so bright ; , bub
'A needle clothes otherss.nd islfselj :
What folly it would bo to cut grass with a pair of scissorsl Yet pco-
plo do equally silly things every day. Modern progress has growii up
from the hooked sickle to the swinging scythe and thence to the lawu
mower. So don't use scissors !
But do you use SAPOLIO ? If you don't you are ns much behind the
n o as if you cut grass with a dinner knife. Once there were no soapg.
Tlion ono soap served all purposes. Now the sensible folks use ono soap
in the toilet , another in the tub , ono soap in the stables , and SAl'OLIO
for all scouring and houso-cloaniug.
Hclgnlngby rlghtaf unilniMioc. by right of Sim-It , by right of fupi'i-lorlty , nnd by popular
will lhi ; Kxultoil Kuli-rs of tliu AimisunuMit Ki'iilm.
Tlireo-Rlnq Glrcus.Two Mlcvat.acl Bt.afjo nnd. Flvo-
Go'nt.lnGnb Menagjorio. IN MIGHTY UNION WITH
Monster International Worlds' Fair ,
iioological lnsl.lL.uLe , Triple Glrous. Metropolitan Mu
seum and GrotiL Golden Menagerie.
Will Exhibit at Omaha , Friday , July 4th.
Council Bluffs , Saturday , July 6th.
Tlie Two Leading Shows of the Nation now Traveling and Exhibiting as One !
2. E3ig Menageries. 2. Big Elevated Stages.
2 I31q Circuses. 2 Big Hippodromes ,
i Big Muses. 2 Big l aracles ,
J ; 'Big liaiKvavj Kquipages.
The only SIiow In Amorleji having anything now toolTcr. Entirely reconstructed , vastly Im-
proveil. iri'iitly onhirK'tl. iinU ubsolutuly , undeniably ami Indisputably Iliu great amu.smiioiit
boom of Iho country. No hmlialri'il liullwliaolccrs oha.sliiK lazy , Ulty Indians around tbu ring
anil callrd a Wild \vo-U. no nurvu shocking : inil diuiKPrims shootlns miller our oanva.s , but a
clean , well conducted , bright , now anil popular exhibition of tlio hplcudurs uf tbu Orient and
tbu wonUort. of tlio Occident.
A Flock of Ostriches.
. .
l-'orly Ifort-os Kolnud and Hidden Ily Ono Man.
: = L - TLI E 11 1 UTIiJlTiAfE OlNOVELTY. .
'lye&w old , 24 Indies high , and weighing
but 90 pounds. REFINED.
TfFull Grown QiantLlvlng
That have giinod for Sails Brothers A most reinarltablo display of Japanese ,
, fame nnd fortune. Arabian und other Foreign AcrobatH and
THE STANDARD CIRCUS KXIIEBI- Athletes in a snriu \vondorfully
thrilling act ; , and luats.
Eminent , Costly and Unparallcd Menagerie. MARVELS IN AMERIUA.
The Whole Mammoth Show Presented at Once.
( Jlrcus Hippodrome , Monagoi-le , Museum. Avafry , AciiM-nin | | , Arabian ( 'arivanJaiiunu ; ! > u Vll-
IUKI. ' , Pageants and a world nt stnrtlln novt-ltlt-s und tlii-lllliiK fealurcs.
The Kinosh SI.root , Parade bivor Given in A-ine
Threes Porforrminoup nL Omaha , July 4.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
ror tlio treatment of nil CHRONIC AND Hl'liairAI , DISnASKS Drn'Bs , Appll nfe for n rormltl n , n
Truiioi , llatt FacllltlOi Apimratua and Uuuio.l.ei for nuccumful troatmtnt ( if uvi-rr form of illacaiore.
quiring Medical or HiirgloalTriiatroent. NINKTV IIOO.MS KUU 1'ATI K NTS IlonM encl nttmiilnnoa. lloal
Accouiiaoiliittoiif VVrltu torclroulun nn luciultlo ) * anil llmcoi. Trinio-i. ( hit ) t' t. Uutvnturo oi
Hplna , 1'IN's. Tuinoni , Cnnrrr. Cnturrli , IlroncliiliB , lulinlallon. Kli-ttncltjr 1'arnlriiU. KpllciorKlilnoy
Ulaililer , Kye , Knr. Skin unit llloml , ami all mirgloul uparntlona. DISK SKH OK WOMIIN n opodultr Hook
of DUoujio at Wvinon KroeV liavo lali-ly nUilu < l a I < rlng-ln Iicpirluionl for Wuninn diirlni ! Corillncnjcnl
( Strlctlr 1'rlmle ) . Onlr Itullnhln Slu.llciil InatitiUii nmklnic n upeciultr or I'lllVATK IMSKAHK .
All IllooU lM pn oii ucc fullr ) tronteil. Hvphllitio pulina roiuuioil front tlio y tum wltlmnt mercurr
Now Iteitoratlvo Tri airuunt lot \-utn \ uf Vital ( 'uwor Turtle * unuMn tu vUlt us luuy bu trrnlcil at Uuroo b ;
corroipoailonco. All cuiLtn'.iiilcatloiu coniuiuntiul. Mudli'lna or Iriilrumonti vent by iiiull or ( itpru .
curoly | > acknl , nu uilirka tu ludlCJtu rontunU or aaudur. One immunal Inlurvlcw prurnrrKil. Cull anil roiiiult
ui or uml hlitorr ot ruur essa. anil ire will luml In phln wrnupur our 1IUOK TO MK.V VHKK , upon I'clvatg
Bj'oclal or Nurvuua DlJuaK-s , luiputum-x , Hypliills , U'.cot ' ana Varlcoci'lo , vrltli quuutlqii Hat. AtlUruas
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner Oth and Harnoy Sts. , Omaha , Nob.
Operated Htulor n twenty ye-or'n ccmtMfl by the
Mcilcun lutuniMlonul
CiMnd Monthlr rtrnwlnin hold In thu Mnrpxiuft
I'ltTllltm In Iho Alninwl.t Turk. City of Alustro , nd
publicly comluctoil ! > r utm'tminmt ufllclnlx nii > ulnu
nl for HIM purpose by tlioti crclarjr of tlio lutsrlur
I u Jlho Treasury.
will bo hold lu tbo C1TV 0\f \
JULY 1O , I80O.
$0.000 Tickets at II , KSO.OOO.
I'rlco of Tickets. Aincrloiui Monoy.
\\Miolaa $ ! : llnlvosSU : C3unrUH's91.
LIST OK rin/.Krt.
I Capital I'rlirt of WMW I' I
1 Cnpltnl Trim of 2IU 1 H
1 Cnpltnl 1'rUoof lOOilO Is lu.isx )
1 drum ! l'rl oof 2,000 It 5.1U )
3 I'rlips of II.IHO nro MHO
tl I'rlics of I'M nro
ai I'rlio * of ytU nru
IPM'rltcaof lUl are
.111) ) I'rlfd * of ) nru
6il I'rlivj of a ) nrc
ISO I'rlicsof { lUnpproxImntliiKloK'D.UOuprlia 0,000
ISO 1'rliea of Sfliipproxlniiitlnuto 2U.IMI prim 7f < M
130 I'rlios of lOupproxlumtlntf to IO.IW prlro UUU
Terminals ) of f.\ ) decided t > r ( 'jOUOJ prlio 15'A-M
a.--ni I'rlioi Amoiintliia to . . . . IIM..VO
All I'rlins 5iilil In the L'nltoil tJUitiu fully paid In
U. S. Currency.
ITSTon n.ttn HATKP , or inly other Information
ilpilri'il , wrlto li-Kllily In tlio iiiulorsU-in-tl , rla.irljr
Ktutlnu your rrslilunre , with ntntu , county , ntrtna nnil
nimilH'r. .Morn rnplil rrturn inill : ilullvcry 'till bo
Hs.iiirtMt by your unclosing un ouvclopo uu.irliiit your
lull ndilrcss.
ndilrcss.IMPORANT. .
Address , U. IJASSKTTI.
Or to OIIAS. II. MANTKIJ. & Co. , Boom 4il ) N. Y.
l.lfo IltilldliiK. Omaha , Net ) .
Ily orillnury lotlc-r , rniitnlnliiK JtONKY OltDKIl
i5iipl by nit KTDroit roiiipnntca. Now Vorli Kx *
chatiKO , Draft or I'ostul Noto.
si'Ki'iAi. KK"ATUUKS.
Ily tornia of contrnct the ciiiupnny iiinstilnpoHlt thn
mini of nil prlrca Inrlinlt-il lu the Mchrino I'l'lorn noll-
IniinylnKlo ticket , unit rooJlvo the lot oivliitf olllclal
purintt :
CKIITIFICATK I licri'liy certify tlmt thn Hank of
Lomlnn nnd Moxlci ) hn : on ilcposlt tlio m-it'sinry
fiindi to Kinirnntru Iho pnyincnl of nil prlzus ilr.iwii
by the l.uUTlu tie hi ItiMuMli-uncln 1'nhllni.
Ai-oi I.NAII CASTILLO , Intcrrnnor.
Fnrtlier , thoconipnny Is roiiiilrrtltiiiltilrllmtoHftjr-
v pu-ri-i-nt , oflliu vnlunof nil the tli-lti'tt lnprl i-3 -
n lark'Or portion thiiti la ulviMi hy niiy ether lotli-iy.
Klnnlly , tliunuiuliurnf tickets l llnilti'il to W.Udi- )
yWO lc < than nro aoUl by cithur lottfl luJ usliii ; the
si'icriAi , .
Thh la to certify that the Hank of Commcrco ,
Naalivtllo. Tonn. , will pny nil prlrr * In nhovo.
CHAS. II. Di'.NCA.v , Ciwhler.
A Wrlllon Guarantee lo
Our cuio H ponnancnt
nnd nut rt imtehttr tip.
C'tt rn IrrnlfNlilvoyt'.irsnKtj
Iiaru nc % cr nt'rn Fyniptum
filiu't * . Ily ( li-HcrlblnK < 'iuo
fully wo con tirot jou by
in ll , nn.l wo pl\o Ihorntiut
ftti-onx unrnnti'i ) to curu or
iffiiiul all money. Thowi
ha piTFiT lu r&mo here for
tivutment rnndano ntnl Mit
ivlll pay rallivutl fnro both
vajBnml hotel bllUH lilln
lii'io If uufnll to curtWo
Clmlli'liKU the AVorltl foru
cme. that our MAU1U ItKM.
KUVvlll not euro. Wrltn
for full pnrtk'iiUrfl and Ret
thoevldrnco. Wuhnowlbut
you ale. bkcptlcal , Justly no
too , ns the imiKt eminent
phyvIclAiu have never been
able to Ktva inure ttuiii tern *
pornry lellef. In our tlvo
yeai-s * prnetlco with thh
been motft dlllletllt to over.
all M-c lU'd vpeellk- * . Hut
uiuler our Btrun Bimrnuteo
youi.tioutd nut ht' ltiito ti
try thu remedy. Yuu tnUo
no chunen ot lo.ilni ? ) utir
money. Wo RUfiiiuitfo in
angoing / marly around cal , tauklntf of $300.000.16
* ' ? Hlierfettly bftfoto all who
will try the tuvitiiient. Jlciulu-
fore you have boon putting up
und p > iyintf out 3 our money for
dlirt'iciit treatments , anil nl *
though you nro not 3 et CHI nt no
ono ) IIH : pnlil iMckjoiirmoncy ,
bo not \viisto any luoiu money
until you try us. Old chronic ,
dee ideated cnsfrt cured In 30 to
90 ( layit. luvcstJgatu our Ilnun-
clnl htniHllnjr , ouriuptttatfou U4
biiHltiena inrn. Wilto us for
named ami luMrt'cuoiof thoiiu wo
have cured who havi Klvt' jwr-
mifihlon tu refer to tht-nt. It
co-t you only postftfjo to U i
ttils ; It will niivo you u world of
miftorlncr from montnlMralu , nnd if you are rimrrl < > tt
wJmt nny jour utfrprlntf vulfvr tliruiiKh your ncult *
i cnec ! If viMiriyniptonHnroi.oiotliruiitniuf'ouspntc'h ( ) >
CM In mouth , ilieum.itIsm In hont't and jointri , lint r fall *
inn1 out , eruptions on any part of the botly , ffvllittf of
pen cm 11 lo invasion , palna In lieail or Iwinr- - * , you Imvu
not I mo town * UP. The ; < o-who are constantly takintrinrr *
cttry and potiuh iiliQuM dlsrontlnno It * Coimtant urn
of theMMlmgt ) will Bnicly hrlnporr ( * > i in the cn < I. l > on't
fall towilto. AH corrctpumlpnctifirnt toaitl ! In plain
i'iivL'loiR-t. Wo Inrltu the mutt rl ld Invojtl ntlon nnd
\viH.lmU In our power to aid you In it. Address ,
COOK HEMMDY CO. , Otnttfni , JTelnvttlttt.
For Nervous Debility
and Lost Manhood
. A apoeily nnil pnrnmnniit onrn. Thou-innibi of rnsoi
cured wllhiiut a lallurn. l and J-'i boxes , tl curu
uilht cnse : | o VIITOH ob.stln-ito I'IISUH.
COOK ItKlIKDV CO. , Omaha , Nob.
llttli nnd Streets.
"NAJS'ATIVO , " tbo
Wonderful 8imi
Ituhu-ily , IH Biildvllli
ii IVrlttitn nunrun-
too to euro ull Nt-rv-
oiu : IHCII ] CPBIICI | aa
\Vcnk Mt-inory , I.OBH
j of IlriiinPmvur.lIeml-
' aclje , W n k u f u I nc ,
Boforo""Affof Vo. L""t il "h" ii. Ncrv
l'l ) iimrii7licil | ( rum Life. OIIHIICPH , I.nHHllmlc.
all Urulua nnil lofD of power ol the Uuucrutlvu Or.
Kiiin.lii ultlivr HCX , ciuiKfilhy ovt-r-cxertlon , youUf
lul liiillscrctlonn , or tlmoxci : Hlvo IIBU of touncccL
opium , or ntlmnlunlH , which nltlmatcljr lend tp
Infirmity , Coiinumitlim ; nnd Iiifnnlty , Put up In
coiivunli'iit form to carry lu the vent pocla-t , I'rlcu
8l package , or fl for 85. With every 85 onli-r wo
Blvii a tcrttlen giitirtintea to ciirn or rrfmul
thu iiKjiicy. hiMit by mnll to any mlJri'nu. Clr-
culnr 1ft v. MKiitlou thU iuiicr. | Aililroc ?
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. UmnchOlllcofor U.8.A
4IT Ii-uihnrn Siri'i't. ( IIU'AliO , ILL.
KulinJtCo. . Cor liitliiindDiiiiKlns Hlrouti.
J.A. fullur&Co. , Oor 14tli A. l-iii l-ii Htroot
A.DFoatur i Co. Council Illulfi , limn.
Bpoclflo for Hyuf/rM , Dlzzirift f.KUa , I Miirrlfa'ftli ( ( >
lulnettfl , Mental lK > prt > s liiii , Koflenlntf of Iho Urtilutro <
> uUln tn Insanity ami luaitmif to inl&ory < Jwav ui 1
cltAth , Pli'in.iture Old AKflttirtmncBXt Pownr
Inclthor tqx , Involuntary LOB H * , nnd Hiwrmntorrliu'
cauivd hr ovtjr-vxoitio.\ Iho hialn , pulf-fduuo or
ovur-tmlultfenou. hath l > ox coittjiIrunnomonth'B treat
ment 9lulM > x , or nU for 91 rent Ity mallpri'p-kl < U
With rich oruor for nix hnx * 4 , vrlll nvml pun-hawr
pnarintHO In tufuiid monuy If ( Jio truatitipnt fattft ID
cu- u. y lr
1110 rurimin ijtrect , Oinuiiii , Nob.
Arrcstn dUchnrgoa from the urinary organ *
In cltlwr ecx m 40 liouru.
It I * tuporlor Copulln > , Culwb , or lnoo |
tloni , end free frum ull Lad nuicll or otlior
Inccjiimikncta ,
CapsuUi , wl'lcb ' t * r ( be n&ma In I
'sU r * without which HOD * art p nutnt. >