Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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i FJutchinson'a Way of Taking Wheat Offer
ings Made Shorts Uneasy.
Ktorlorf Tend Co Aclvnnco the
1'i'leii c r Outs ProvifilonH Show
a rii-iiicr-Toiii : ( JOHHlp In
( In ; I'll.
CiiiCAfiO. Juno 19. [ Special Telegram to Tun
IlKK.l A ijulak turn In wheat yesterday nf tcr
n vc'ry ' hulllHli opening ninilo trailo In wheat
cautious today. The market wa9 In tlio dumps
only n fu\v nilniitc's early , iluo ton bearish
feollngcairlcd over fiom tlio curb last night.
Then Inllucnccs appeared to bo on the buying
Aide , The trncli ! was shoit to u greater or
extent to begin with , nnil buying was the
iiatnral nriler of the iluy. To ailil to the
natural strength Ilutchtnson wason tliobuylng
idde , and whlloho did not picss the market ,
ho frequently took offerings In a way that
made short * uneasy. HI. Louis also f > cnt buyIng -
Ing orders and Ciidnhy beeamo conspicuous as
ft buyer. Orrwasa fico Kollorof September
caily. I.utcry. V. White & Co. and others sold
out a lot of wheat at Me on .stop loss orders ,
supposed to bo for C. II Smith & Co. The bull
points wctu too much luln In Dakota , rust In
many purts of the northwcst. light yield In
Tennessee , harvest , export business reaching
l.M.MK ) bushels at Dnliith. and ti-n to tuolvo
boat loads reported at Now Vorlc. The bear
liolnlH weio weak cables , small export clour-
itnces , only 'Cj.OOO biisholH fiom three. Atlantlo
Iiorts , and the I'rlco Current ruvlow showing
morn favorable conditions In many states.
Trade was very actlvu early and at Intervals
nil day. The action of prices wen-quite free
und the advance up to 10 o'clock well sus
tained. The Action was : .Inly n. > to hVjc
toHiu loKi.'iC toNl'sC to " > ' ; o to Wn to H.V o tote
fifi'lO ! August Nk ! tof > 7e to I WlSic to BCJ : fc'eptcm-
Hio to hi'io to Wi'io to hT'Jc ; Deeemlier
bT'.jO to MO to b7ic to t KS'.o to Nic loMHc.
I ho prices * i cached In wheat at I o'clock
were not passed. There was MHIIO realizing
all around and price B yielded u trlMo , hut
closed with gains of ! i to 3i'c for the day as
follows ; JiinoKi'ie , July Ws < ilWc , August
fcO'.e , KeptemheraiUc und December KS'iu. '
1 hero was little news In coin. It was In part
a tailing on after wheat and very fair gains
were made. The closing pi Ices were slightly
under the best figures and generally about'to
over the closing yesterday. The principal
HilU | > orl of the market was Ilntchinson. Ho
bought freely ami was helped by shippers at
times. It was the same old story , pretty
general .selling cm the advance. Trices weie :
Juno 'MUe. nominal ; July i'l'.o to : i4J/c.
closing at ; ( ? , ; August : r > c to : .Ve to .T > 'ic :
tfoplembcriri.'io toIlCo to.'LViu ; October closed
ut iKUie and your corn Mild I1 jo under August.
Thu oats market was llrm and higher again
today , but wltli iitany down turn In prices at
the close. Uncertainty about the growing
crop , fresh stories about plant lleo In Iowa
ami lee much rain farther 1101 Hi , light receipts
and a continuation of the export demand , all
helped to advance price.- , . Tin- tall ; In the pit
iKthat mess , fiom being u bull manipulator
fdx weeks ago , has gone us far the oilier way
and Is the heavy short of the
market. As on former days the advance -
vance was most marked In later
months. July sold at SP'icand 2).ie ) , closing
at the top and V over last night : August
closed ' c higher at .T'Se ; September sold at
ttii.il1 and'JT'ie. closing af.'f.JaC for .seller ears ,
A ( Inner feeling marked the provision trade
today. One explanation Is that on the War
ren lalliiii-some houses oversold IntholrelVort
to break the market They are now getting
Btull back In expectation of hluhor prices.
1'rlees were llrmly held at ( hiyaids and were
li K'icrin the pit at the start for rllisand lard.
Mess pork was oil'at the opening to tl-J.MI for
July and sold at tU'.Tr. , and iceovered lo : ;
Jiinw pork sold at Jl'.li. ' , and closed at Jli.M ) .
llefoiu the close a conslduriiblu advance was
made In hud and ribs , .lulyjlanl , it.V.r.Sep ;
tember , 1(1,15. ( a gain of : > o to 7'Je ; .Inly rllis ,
fp.lU'i ; Seplemher , W.ICJ1 , u gain of Hie to 13'Jtr. '
( 'iidahy ' bought lard early. Klbs were upon
the recent support by Armour .t Co. Ilulch-
Inson .sold ribs on call and packers generally
anv.ustt II\'K ST at.
OIIICAOO. Juno 19. [ Special Tologrum to Till'
Hr.u.1--OATTM ; continues slow all
along the line from export trade down to local
wants. The average quality of native Mocfc
was good und useful , yet the demand was
limited , prices weak and In many Instances
lower. Native butchers' stock was In fair de
mand and steady , liecelpts of Texans , . ' 1,000 ,
Belling u shade.stronger than yesterday , whi-n
n de-line of lOc was reported. Business In the
nlocker and feeder line continues light on ac
count of few arrivals. Choice to extra
beeves W.)0l,80 ; medium to goo.l steers ,
itm : to ir > oo ibs , ji.avrai.40 ! 1,210 to iiso : ins.
f.UKW.S ) ; IfiO to I.'JO ; ) Ibs , J.Vai.flO ! .stoekers
and feedei's , K.4uOi.K : ! ) : cows , hulls and
mixed I.HKiM.ifi ! bulk , $ L'.avS .CO ; Texas grass
Bteers , WAvi'l.K ! ) . opened slow , with values
rather weak as compared with yesterday , the
in-line cause of such conditions being an exag
gerated icportof receipts , same falling 4,000 tc
6,000 below early estimates ; hence late sales
were lie higher than at thu opening , the gen
eral market eloslngsteadv at J.I.T5 tniM : ) for
inlxi'cl und ji.77i : ! to * 'l > .r > for ussorted heiivy ,
with light sorts ut KUtXtKLtu.
Nr.w Youic. Juno 1 ! ) . fHpoelal Tnlogram to
Tut : HKK.I STOCKS The end of the soiling
pressure In stooks Is not yet. 1'ollowlng the
Mivotti drop lu values during the last hour yes-
tetday , war was kept up by both longs and
jjjiorts , the action of the latter causing weak
holders to let go. The marKct had one virtue ,
lit the very start today-It was not dull. The
opening was extremely active , while llrst
eiders weio placed In the market , however ,
sum while a few of the leading shales made
fuitlier ilee Ints of largo fractions.
AtchlMin and Oregon Transcontinental
retired ut Spur font each. The general list
y eldei only flight y. In r.oulsvllle & Nash
ville , Missouri Il'aellhs and some others , small
iidvaiiees weio made. The decline was fol
lowed by a rally on which early looses were
the whole market was moiu aollvo than usual.
Prices again reacted toward the end of the
hour and at 11 o'clhck the market was
less animated and heavy. In the hour to
noon Sugar went , oir to 7ii ; , up to
77 and oiT to 7.V ' . Chicago Has hold up to.VI ,
while grangers and western stocks generally
showed Ilttlo recovery from the early decline
from > J tol'i ' percent , pultlnif Atehlson to4 ,
llnrllngton to lOPi , Norlhucstorn to lin- ; ,
Jtook Island toHl ! > . ( , St. Paul to 74 , Missouri I'a-
clllo toT1. and Union Paclllo to OIU , 1'rco
nelllng of blocks late yesterday and early to
day created n feeling of nervousness among
the shorts and the closing hours today
brought a very good rally on buying for ihfs
account. Chicago ( las had the host support
mm closed with a full point gain at.llS. sugar
morn I ban recovered the early loss. Strange
enough , the reaction In nearly all railroad
Blocks showing any activity wnsjust sutllclent
to leave prices when ) they were at the close
yesterdav. Northwestern was an exception ,
vI lib it loss of ' 4. St. Paul ? i , while Missouri
Paclllo was up ( } . The total sales were 1.W.711
* 1
snui ( ollowiim wore the cjosmg quotations !
lI.S. ri'kMil.r . r-m ; NoTTlieni l-ridricTrTrai'S
U.S. 4
coupoiu do pni furred 81U
II. H. mis rumiliir lui C. A N. W lOiijj
U. S 4Hf < coupon lai dn profi-rn-d lu
rm-ltlofaof "jl. 11:1 : N. Y. Cuntrul Wi'l
fi-iilrnl r.idilo : il I- . , i ) . * M . ; . ; ; ; zo4
C'lilniuo.Vlion..UI Hock Ulnnd | ) | t <
ClilciiKO , HIM Mutton 0. , M. , V St. I' im
A yiiliipy 105 In profurred ijsji
11. . I.V W lit St. I'aul.voni'itm. . . . : ii
IllliuilnContriil . .II3U ilo ptorvrrud lee
I. , II. AW Union I'aclllc. BIM
W. . St. U.ll 13 C
Jjiki-Sliorc. IIU doiroforrol | vtiK
' Wvitera Union bS
> ll on'rl 1'ni-illc. . ! ! 7ti
MO.NKV Easy at 4013 per cent.
tTtiii.iNii' ) : KxciiAM'u.-yiilet ! stcadyrsfxty-
day bills , H.sjij ; doniund , * l.b7.Ji.
StookH ,
NKW YOIIK , ) . - [ $ | ) - ToloBraia to
THE lliK.l-Tliufiilluwln : uru tlio milling stock
iliuitittluns :
riilcilonln 1111 U6 Horn Silver. aiu
Ct.n. . Oil. A Va 413 Iron Silver 153
DciidHiiodT lii .N'ortli llcllitUlp 123
Del .Monle luu N Coiiiliionnt'altli. . . ' . ' 10
Kuri'kiil'ou 41U Ontnrlo 41UU
4iould A Curry 3VU Orcldenlul no
llulo A .Vorcroii. . . . 'M I'liirnU. Arli l.'U
lliuin'nliiki' luO fuller I'n-i-k liU ;
J'ltOnUCK .W.I ItKKTJi. , June 18.-1M1 p. m. close-Wheat
Hfiulv ; cash KVUo ; July , NlhiiMsii ) .
K'T" " . 01"1 * ' ! e ii. aJ' ' ci J ly.a4K-jiso.
Oiiis-Kiriiji i-uili. * foi July , JWe.
ltvtSU < > iiiy | ttt 4CK. .
1 riliiuTliiiotliyEuiy ttt IJ.3X
. tl.\a. \
\ VliUkyll.Ou ,
1'ork-VlriU ! caili , Il2.75i July , 112.0031100.
fnrilKlrni ! ernh , J.'i.RT'i ! .lulv. W.034.
Hour Hieady , uifhiinged ; denlcru askrd
f , \V.VJ."i fur li-ltents In barrels H'iV < U. , . ' >
for bjtkors , W..ytfl.M for straight , unit H.404&
4.00 forwlnter ,
I'rnvlslonsHhouhlorsti.OOW..IO ! short clcnr ,
. . . . .
llutti-r - CnscttluJ ! creamery , 10U'iot
airy. ! Hr.c. | : ;
! Aptlvot full crnani clicililars. 74O
7j-i ? YOIIIII ; A
Tallow-Stoailyj packed , 4idtUet ! No. S ,
Hucclpti. Sliltim'H.
Hour . iMXJ ) r..OOO
Whunl . IO.OOJ V-MHiO
corn . ; n.ooi iin.ooa
oats . IH.OOO
Nr.wVoiiK. Juno ifl.-Wheat-UecclpK Il.cno
Inisliiils : nxpnrl.i. * > , ODO uiMliulfl ; sjMt Irrt-KU- ,
lnri ; No. 9 rod. t Jic In elovutor : idXc nllont :
ni4icitc ! f oi > : options steady ; No. a iud ,
Juno cloilnx ut ( fJlio.
Corn UucelpH. 50.300 bitslipl1 * ; p.xports ,
0'J.V ! ) ) Inislii-N ; spot easy ; No. L' , 4lo In elevator ;
41 (1(41 ( 0 alloat ; unitradud inlxiMl , 4UQIIc ;
options llrmcr : JinncIo.tliiK uHO'io.
Uats Hccnlpts 1S7.2IW buslieli i exports ,
2.-.IUO liiisliulM ; spot eloped i-anyi No. S wlilti- ,
: r Qn4Ci mixed western. iWiiW-'BlJoi wlilto
wettern.aitiioo ; ojUluns Ilrmerj Juno oluslnit
at 'll c.
OolTeo Oitloniclo | cd steady and unchanged
to 1(1 ( points down. Sales : " 1'J.VJ IKIU'SJ June.
$ l"'J.Vftl < . : tf : July , $10.8.V3l0.9.j spot rlo nomi
nal at { .UM.
Alioiit sti'ady : western , 145ailio. ! ?
Pork Dull : mess. :
I.nnl I'lrmi.-rj western titcatn , M.l-i ! ; July
Hutter 1'lrni ; ElginIMSQICc ; western dairy ,
IO'it ! : crnamory , Sl.'i'ic.
Cheese Kasler : westurn , 7Q9o.
PT. r.ouis , .luno in. Closing : Wheat Higher ;
cnsli , bfl'ir : July , h'j.c.
Corn l-'lnn ; uash. iU''o : July , : e ? ( ? W3c.
Oats llljjher ; citsli , 'Mio ; July"a.1iu.
I'ork I'lrm : crash. ? II..W.
Lard Nominal at i'iM
rt'lilsky Steady at Jl.oO.
Iluitur Uni-liaimc-il ; dairy , IHSlScj cream-
cry , ll © c : KlKlu , IyJl7o. (
KANSAS CITV , Juno 19. Wheat T.owe-r ;
No. 'J hard , cash , Til J Jo : June , ? ! < : ; July , C'JI/ )
Corn-Kasler ; No. 2 , cash 2Syc ; June , 28o
Oats-About steady ; No. S , cash , 2Cio ! ; June ,
MINNKAPOMS. Juno 19. Wheat Itccclnts ,
87ours ; shipments , ICIearHi uood wheat active ,
txioroirurliiKHslow : and hard to move , l.lttlo
lower , dun to weak futures. Closing : No. 1
hard , June , 8lc ; July , 84'sc ; on triiukHUiM7o ;
No. 1 northern , June , Klu ; .Inly.Si'-ici on track ,
H.K1 ; No. ' 'northern , Juno and July blUc ; on
track , S 'c.
JIirWAtKin. : Juno 10. Wheat Quiet ; No2
spring , cash , KtQKJ e ; July , KJc ; No. 1 uorth-
ern , KHJ.
Corn I'lrm ; No.'I , We.
OatH-Hteady : No. 2 white , Me.
Kye-Steiidy : No. 1,4fic. !
llarlcy Kasli-r ; No. - ' , 475c. !
1'iovlslons I'lrm ; pork. $ li.P5.
CINCINNATI , Juno 13. Wheat Easier ; No. 2
red , Kxame.
Corn-Weaker ; No , 2 mixed. : i7'5'S5e. ' !
Oats Weaker ; No.2 mixed , : tOjC. !
Wlilsky * ! . ( .
IiiVKiii'Ociij. Juno 10. Wheat Easy ; demand
poor and holders oirer moderately : Cali
fornia No. 1 , 7 percental ; led wcbtern winter ,
Gs lid.
L.Corn Kasy ; demand fair ; new mixed west
ern , 3sGd percental.
CiiiCAno. Juno 1 ! ) . Cattle Hoec'lpti. 1f > , nOOj
market slow and lower : heoves J4.50I.SO :
steers , $ 'I..VJI.4U : stoekers and feeders , * L'.40
( i'i.l : > : ) ; cows , hulls and mixed , Jl.lUS-'I.IO ;
Texas steers , tSXtfMSn.
Ilits UcculptM , . " ,00t ) ; market steady , clns-
mixed and heavy , ; light.
ji.MKaf.'j : : ( ) : skips , J.'i.iou'l.r.u.
Sheep Uuculpts , I00 ( ) ( ! : market weak ; na
tives , jaMxa.Vr.ll ; westerns , $ aUOft,4.o. } ; Tux-ins ,
lambs. '
CITV , Juno 10. tlattlc Hecelpts ,
shipments , . ' 1,400 ; market steady ; steers ,
W..WC4.Xl ( ; cows , tl. i&3.ra ; htockers and feed-
eis , J.MMI.MI. :
llos-t Kecelpts , 11,000 ; shipments , 4,300 ;
market higher ; all grades , &U li < [ ij. " > .
ST. I ouis. Juno ll > . Cattle Uuculpts. .1,100 ;
shipments , ' ,800 ; market lower ; fair to fancy
native steers , } 2.7. > i0l.70 ; btoukurs and feeder.- , .
2.t ai.73. :
Hogs Uccolpti , Iii0.1 : shipments , IJ.'MD ; mar
ket steady ; heavy , * . ' 1.0."ifta.73ii ; paeklns , JJ.CO
ffii.70 : ; light , W.GU4W.70.
O.Y/.i/f.l ItVE STOCK.
Thnrsdav , Juno 19.
Estimated receipts of eattlo l.ico. : compared
with 2"JS yesterday and I.v to Thursday of
lust week. The lind weather and discouraging
advices from Chicago caused everything lu
the steer line to opim week and slow. Only a
few sales weio made early In the day. Steers
arn-'Oo to.'ITm lower than they were a week ago ,
while canner.s and t ho pool est grades of liuteh-
ITS' stnlV are from IlOo to 5o ( ) lower than It was
the llmt of the month. The hest grades of cows
ruled steady. Stockois and feeders remain
unchanged. _
Estimated recolpts of hois S.fiOO , compared
with R.sirt yesterday and J..tlS Thursday of
last week. The market opened slow and
steady , becnmo active and stronger , closing
active and . ' higher , with all sold. The range
was J.'UoCcll.ftf'/i. Light , * : i. ; Xiii.4 ( ) ; mixed , ti.i7'S ; :
( Ti-LIO ; heavy , * : i.47'J(8i.57'/i ( : , The average of
tlio prices | iald wnsf.l.4 * . compaied with $1.13
j'csteiday and W.r.lThijr-day ) of last week.
Estimated recolpts of sheep , VK > . Market
active and good muttons In den , and.
The followlni ; Is a talilo of prlrcs paid In
this market for the grade of stock mentioned :
I'rlmo steors. iiOO : to HMO Its . $4.4. > 6Tl4.3 ( !
( lcKd .steers , 12.VJ to 14 : > 0 Ibs . 4.kl : il.30
Hood steers , IO.V ) to ii)0 : ) IBs . a.nTi ( id. 10
t'ommon , 1UM to 1I3J DIM . : i..r.O
Common eanm-rs . 1.00
Ordinary to fair cows . l.fij good c-mvs . l..K ' )
tiood to choice cows . 2.73 < tftl.l5
I'holco to fanev cows . i'.in Ci-'lir.
Kalr to good bulls . 1.73 f62.V ( >
I'holco to fancy bulls . 2.fiJ tv.\A \ t
Light stookors and feeilers . 2.3) ) ( T''l.2. " >
Keeders. 1)30 ) to MOO IBs . 2.IKI ffii.a" : >
Kalr to cholco light hogs . a.M eiilo :
1'alr toeholco heavi' hogs . : i.47'4Tf.'i.f,74
i'alr to cholcu mixed hogs . XIJTliiW.W
Comparative Tables.
The following talilo shows the range In
prices on Moj.s ilitrlug this and last , wuok :
D.iys. ThUVook. . \Vcck.
Monday M 43 Ot.'l IV ) m
Tuesday : i 40 dt3 I'U ; i nu ci.-i 70
Wednesday s : ij ca a ? 3 M ( , VI ( i-i ! !
ThiiriMla ) ' 3 30 : i 50 ( .a 70
Friday 3 55 4j3 70
Saturday 3 u ai : m
Halite 01'Prluo.s.
The following table sliowi the range of
prices palrt for hogs :
l-'alr toeholco light hogs . HM SKI 40
Kulr to ohoico huuvy. . : . ; i 47'/iiti ' ( : 47V
I'alr to cholcu mlxuil . a 4' > ! iifi3 47i
SlllwUl- ,
I'rlmo fat sheep . s 10 © 5 .11
( lood fatsheup . 450 < T65 73
Common to medium shcup . a 00 i4l 23
Avornijo Cost or Ifo s.
The following tiblo : gives the average cost
of lie im thodatuf mantlonol , lncliiillir { tu !
costt ; ) lay , as btsnd : up'in ' salus ropartuil :
Juno2 . a 70 Juno II . 3 .IS
Jiinoa . act Junur.1 .
Juno 4 . a ni'i ' Juno 1:1 : . a ri'-
Juno 5 . a M Julio in . a Mr
Juno u . a ! m ; June i ? . a no
June 7 . a My Juno IS . a 43
Juno ! ) . . . . . . . . aftS Junul'J ' . 347
JUIIUIO..T . a 0:1 : _
Highest null ifOWUHt Sales of Ho s.
Todav. yesterday.
Highest . l 57 Hlchest . MM
Lowest . it 30 Lowest . . . .333
Htoulc Itecelpt.s.
OHlclal yostordav Estimated Todav.
rattlo. . . . 103 ears. J.eos Oattlu. . . . Wears. 1,300
Hogs. , .140cars , S.SIS llog.s . Wicars , fiWO
Sheep . 2 cars , 31 ! ) Shceu . 1 ear , 130
Horses. . . 2 cars , 47
Average Prluo of
Rhowlng the avorn/jo prtuo p ilcl for lo.vl * of
hogson thodaysliullodtoil In lajf.Ibii , 1 J utiU
Day. Juno'to Juno 'ty. Juno 'fd June ' 67
14 is'ao 14 75
13K S3 ] 4 71
K 631 4 10
17 Similar 4 17
18U & 35 4 ( A
) U 4 13
Disposition of Htook.
Showing the numlior of oattlt- , hogs and
fiheupbought ' by the loading buyers on to
day's nmrliot :
Swift .V Company , yA
Thot ! . 11 , Hammond Co nrj
The Armoiir-Ciidiihy Packing Co. 214 Hothschlld 73
llamllton > V Stephen ; > i
llentiniA : Undcrnood U )
NelsJIorrls a
llecker ft Deiran 2
l.obiiuinn A ; Traueriaanu lu
UUicrlluyun VI
no if.
The Armour-Ciidahy Packing Co . 3OM
Omaha Packing I'o . . . . Ml
Swift ftfo H)7 )
TliiKl. 11. Hammond Co .
J , P. Siiilri" | A CO
Olbbs ft Wlilto .
KeprosiMitatlvo Hales.
No , Av , , Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
1100 ii 2.- > 0. . 1022 M 70 M. . MM J.1M
o : : 701 a .y ! . . lU'Hl .1 83 2I..1Q3I : irv- .
31 ! . . h.s S7..WIS 3 b7J ! 4 or.
f. . SID ii w ) IH. . ii72 : in 4 10
H''I U..UIUT 3 ; u uvin-'f 4 13
OTO iico
PlllrriM ! AND KXI-OItT STKEIlfl.
2..i2ro 3 73 8. . i no a to 4 00
' 3 73 in..HIM 41 4 IS
so' 3 bO 20..1IUI 3 DO
. fee 2fO 2..1000 200 t..lttO ( nee
. mo 2 00 20..10I3 300 1..I21W 10
.llKKJ 2 IK ) fi. . IBM 3 W ) 12. . Old 10
-.I7.VJ 200 3. . 1140 .Ki : IS..IOK : 110
18. 1..1IIV ) i 75 17. . Dirt i to
225 76ii ! ; 2W 1..1&JO 325
100(1 ( nee 13. . ( in n 4 : 70. mi ar > o
: ! i : i to TO. . IHI : i 4.1 H. din I iV >
irtr : i : ) i. . no : i : i'i 20. bu.1 au
. b70 UU 1. . KiO ; i4U
l. . r > o n ft > 1. . DM 3 10 5. . 710 325
1. . 550 3GJ 1..1WO 330
8. . 207 3 00 2. . 2 < 3 3 00 2. . 205 350
10. . SCI 135 5. . fc94 1 73 3 . & 4G 1 73
2..1CIO 2 35 1..13IO 240
2..1500 325
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
M. . . .211 i CO.r .2XS W ) a 474
M. . . . ' . ' 07 TOO 111. . " * a 47-5
ra. . . Hi1"0 ' : i40 nt. . "ivr 4o a 47"
( i ! ) . . . : i ID ,2.H 21 K ) a 17 ! }
4:1. : . . ! 5n to : i4U & . . , MV5 W a 47'/
4. . . . .II750 ( : i -in ' ' 2K ( ) a 47" ,
IK ) . . . .2IM 120 : i 40 K > . . ,277 80 a
. r > 7 K ) : i 40 K. . ,2.V ) 3 47i !
70. . .2:11 : t-o : > 4U 75. . , 28 60 a 47' i
10. . II 4U CO. . ,2IW 80 a 474
75. . list. ice : > 40 Kl. . . Jti ! ) 120 3 47"
70. . .i.117 KO : i 42',5 CO. . ,2TIS 120 347i !
01. . .2. > l M ) : i 424 ra. . . , aa 21x3 3 47 ! ' ,
03. . .av > f-o 14:1. : .215 120 3 47i :
00. . .283 120 iVJ. . .271 JfiO a.v )
Kl. . , .211 1'JO m. . , ' . " .17 bO 3Ml !
CS. . .27(1 ( tO . .27 ! ) a so
C3. . .2.VI 40 r.1.1. . : i.V )
K } . . , . ! ! 07 120 r.5. . , aio a no
r.o. . , . 0 bO : i 4.- . M. . .am 40 fie
71. . , .215 4. ) : i i.-i (17. ( . .275 - a so
, V. . . , .277 W : i i.- 117. . .2f > 2 2:0 aso
04. . , .211 : i r 01. . ! 2UI ! a M
70. . , .2.V ) 100 a 4.'i . .ilirj 60 )
M. . , .1.VI ! a is Kl. . .2H1 ICO so
CO. . .247 a 4. i rw. , .B.V5 M 360
( IS. . .217 a 4 : . fii. , .278 tO ara
73. .228 : t 4r > r.u. . .2111) ) aw
04. . .2:18 : 40 a 4 : 01. . ,2t f-0 a M
iso : .224 100 a 4.i 4 ! ! . . .WK ! 120 aso
( .n. . .213 100 a i : > Kl. . ,2S8 IS ) 350
07. .213 200 a 4:1 ns. . .aU4 hO a sea
GO. .25 ! ) 280 a 45 M. . . : ! a sea
f > 2. . .240 80 a 4.1 ( M. . .217 a 50
on. .272 12J a 4.i f > 0. . .276 a M
rr . , .ar.l IliO a 4.-t Kl. . .255 fO 360
OS. . .224 40 a 4.- > OS. . .217 40 a sea
07. . .208 40 a 45 M. . .2.12 a so
73. , .215 210 a 45 41 . .215 aso
01.Kl. . 80 a 45 til. . .271 a no
Kl. .LT.1 bO a 45 CO. . .2.V1 40 a 60
07.Mi. . 80 a 17 ! } fi.- . . .2.V1 60 a 624
( Mi. SO a 47-i fi.a5. ! ! . . .IK ) a 524
57. . SO a 47' ' , a5. . a S2i !
02. . .272 100 a 47'i 48. . a : > s
K ) . . .200 UK ) a 47'a ! M. . , : i57 a 55
58. . .270 80 a 47 ! i Kl. . . : CB a 55
( VI. 20 ! ) 240 a 47'i 68. , .2f7 a 55
01. .217 120 a 4ii > ' , M. . a 57ii
Market 31untioii.
Cattle lower.
Hogs closed , " > c higher.
Henry Sluvers of Scrlbner liad In a car of
L. Spelts brought In four ears of cattle fiom
lames llalley came In from llcrtrand with u
car of hogs.
James Powcis had two cars of cattle In from
Noith Ilend.
O. W , Shuldon of Purclvnl , la. , brought over
a car of cattle.
, J. II. Haggard biought In two cars of cattle
from Trumbull.
A. W. Clarke brought In two cars of cattle
from Papllllon.
J. V. Pullman of Axtcll was among these
that marketed hogs.
L. Oittru , an everyday shipper , sent In hogs
from Newman's Grove.
Swan Se I'arrell of Cheyenne , Wyo. , mar
keted two cars of cattle.
W. II. Itusscll of Herman put In an appear
ance with two cars of hogs.
A..I. Hiowderof Itoono was at the yards
looking after a car of hogs.
Charles Kurer , the regular Falrfiold shipper ,
came In with a car of cattle.
P. Ottonsof North Ilend was at the yards
looking after two cars of cattle.
U. C. llolderman , a regular shipper , brought
In a car of cattle from Trumbull.
OeWItt was represented on the market by A.
Cox. who was heio wlOi two cars of cattle.
Mr. Mills of the llrm of Mills & Koberts ,
Angus , was hero and disposed of a car of hogs.
The receipts of hogs for the llrst three days
of this week number 2. " > , ! fi ! > head agiilnst25.fll
head on June 11-13 , lbi > S , the largest half week's
receipts In the history of the yards up to this
time. Values aio the lowest now In years
with the exception of one day In December
It-f-U , when the average cost was reduced to
$ . ' 1.411. If the receipts the remainder of this
week are proportionally largo to the past
three days the count will greatly exceed that
of any week since the yards opened ,
0.71,1/1.1 WIIOLKHALK 3I.lltK.KTH.
FISH Per Hi : Fie-m white and trout. KKftlle ;
pike , ' .iOIOc ; pickerel , luc ; salmon , 15c ; bass ,
124e : halibut , lie : lobsters , 12'ic.
limns. PII.TS : ANII-TAI.I.OW Orecn salted
hides. 5'ac ; dry saltedlhldes. 4"ffi- > lie ; dry Hint
hides , G4 © & ' ! I'alf hides , 4'/4't574i.1. ' Damaged
hides 2c less. Sheep polls , green , each , 5Ucf4 (
$1.2,1 ; sheeii jielts , dry , per Ib , ( Vftiic ; tallow , A
No. 1 , 44o ! No. 1 , .PjaiJie ; No. 2 , aji < Mc ! ;
grease , white. 3'i@le ' ; yellow. 24irik : > .
HKASS Hand picked navy. JI.WKtil.7. > ; hand
jilcked navy , medium. $1.5l&1.GO ; hand picked
counlry , JI.4l@l.CO ) : good clean , S1.251.4U.
At'i'i.H HiiTriMtPcrlb , c/gsc.
WODI. Kino unwashed , ll@lCc ; modluin , un
washed , l < i,2lc ; unwashed , IKBi'Oe.
l''uns ' Hu.iver , per Ib , } -.5Wi4. ! < iO ; each. ! fa.OO ®
7,00 ; otter , each. .flOi7.UO ; wolf , each , SO&Hk < ;
coon , each , lO'Sr.-j ' . ; mink , each , 'SO ® Me ; muskrat -
rat , fall. 8l i2c ; iniiskrat , winter , lOSljc ;
skunk , 25ailu ! ! badger , 40e&l.0 ( ) ; deer skins.
porlu , at&Xu ) ) ; deer skins , winter , per Ib , 12
41.22L1.WATKIIMIU.ONS Per 100 , ? : ifl.OOaJO.OO.
OANTAI.OUPK Per dozen. JD.WKSO.oo.
TOMATOKS Per 4 basket crate , $ . ' ,501.00.
OitAsnr.s Per box. Mediterranean sweets ,
$4.75 ; I.os Angeles. J4.00 ; fancy Dual to seed
lings. $1.60 ; Ilodl. 80.00.
LKMOXS Per box , Messina , fancy , $ . * ) .005.50 ;
strictly choice , &I.75U3.UO ; extra fancy lemons ,
J .6oa7.00.
' b
stock. K.SO ® : .i)0 ) ; good. W.t)0S.5J. )
ItAKi'iiKiuiiKS-Ucd. J2.004i2.5U per 21 pt ease :
black , J.l.iyjffit.00 per 24 ijt ease.
iis : JI.O'J&4.60or24qtcase. | )
UonsKliKliniKS Two bushel stand , 1.1.00.
CilKliltlKS Two bushel btanil , J1.005.00.
CiiiBii-Pf r bbl , rellned. J.l.oo ; half bbl , $ .1.2.1 ;
hard elder , puio , per bbl , ifS.K ( ) ; orange cider ,
half bbl , 17.00 ; pear elder , half bbl , J7.UJ.
UAMFOUMA CHEHIIIKS Per 10-lb box , $1.00 ®
' '
A'IMUCOTS 20 Ib crates , J2.50.
PKACIIIIS Arkansas , tin , box , f 1.5031.73.
PlN BAITMM Per doz.5 ! l'I.OO.
CIIKKSK Fancy Y. A. , full cream , 114ej full
cream twins , 10'f'i choice full cream twins ,
IViJIUo ; skims , C4ic ; Swiss domestic , l.VB17c ;
HUTTBII Creamery , fam-y mils , pilnt , 17 ®
ISc ; creamery , faney , solfil packed , l.V&l'i * ;
. . cautery , choice , loffil''c ; dairy , faney roils
anil prints , i2Q > iic : ; dairy , fancy , solid packed ,
lu@lOo ; dairy , choice , OiJlOe ; country toll ,
fancy , SCHfc ; choice , 76HInferior. ; . SfflSc.
Kims lie per dozen for strictly fresh ; stale
stock not saleable.
HONKS denotations are for delivery In Chi
cago. ) Dry bullalo. per ton. jiu.ouftlti.00 ; dry
country , bloacheil , ( lO.oofti3.UO ; dry country ,
dump and meaty , JWKX310.00.
JKMJKS ; ivilc peril ) .
DIIKSSKD VKAi.-Choleo medium , G < Q.7o ; light ,
&C3ioj ! heavy , 4 ® . " > o.
lil.N'SKKUOll. OltlKle.
COCOA.NUTSI'or hundred , fi.on.
I'lTKi.KS Medium , per bbl. J.VSO : Pmall.Jil.M ;
gherkins , (7.90 ; C. and II. chow chow , cits , i.vb5 :
pints , M..M.
I'OUI.THV I'ordon'n ' , choice hens , HMi
c-holcc , mixed , ( . ' . .VKii.'I.UO ; i-oosiers , ( J.WiiS.75
spring chlrkensW.OO for binalll (2.251450 for
medium ; tX5o l.W for largo ; llvu turkeys , pur
MKATS I'ackorh' prlceh-Hmoked hams 10 11)
average , ltc ) ; smoked hams , 30 to 22 Ibs , IK1 ;
binoKi'il hums. 12 to 14 His , 10'tc ' ; extra heavy
hums,21 ti > 25Ib.s average , b'lc ; Nklnncd slic
ing , Id to 2i ) Ibs average. 10o ; California hams ,
7 > 4c ; breakfast bacon , * > : ; hum sausage , Mic :
plcnlu hams , 74c ; dried beef hams , Mc ; beef
tongues , per doW.)0 ) ; dry salt meatH ,
mess pork , pet bbl. , il'J.7.1 ; extra me.s1 * beef ,
f.l.M ; sausage , per Ib. bologna , 4v ; star , 4'ic ;
ver , 44c ; bluo.l , 4'e ; head cheese , 4'iL1Add
Jicporlli for lots [ ess tlian V > Ibs. Pig pork ,
bomiIesK..per bbl , fa.1i ; half bbl. J7.2J : ouar-
ter bbl. f.l 75 ; kits. Jl.1.1 ; nigs hooks , half Vbls ,
> 1.75i iuarter | bills. f'M ; elgbth bids. H.CO ;
kits. 15 Ibs. * | . 1.1 ; , , lis feet , huif bbls. J2.75 ;
iinarter bbh , J1.4U ; eishtli Ubls , bOc ; Kits , , 15
Ibs each , C5o
IliiKsstii HKIUsicers. . 5io ( tutXK ) Ibs average ,
uutlvc , CV C v , bttti-3 , IUO lo CiOO Iba ,
imtlvo. fifi'.CHc ; cow * nml hclfcr,4oo to 600 Ibs ,
uvera : e. ri'ii- .
CANNHII MFTCorned lif'rf 1 lh. ? | ? i ;
corned beef,2 In. ? ! 10 ! lunch Jiintiuc , I Ib , | -.ivo ;
lunch totuito. 2 Ib , $1.7,1 ; lua\vi , I Ib , ? ! - ;
brawn , 3 Ib , t-.OO ; ox toiign . l' Ib. $ .1.00 ; ox
tongue * . S Ib , ( > .W5 chipped ixivf/'t Ib. } | -1 :
chipped beef , 1 II ) , t..lo : mast bwf , | \ \ > , roiiiul
cant , JI.20 ! ro.nt beef 2 Ib. rotimi cans. t.oi : : ;
poitod ham , < i Ib , round can .Mc ; potted ham.
! i Ib. lound eiins. $ l.a ) | duvlled ham , ' 4 Ib ,
round cans. C.Vi.deviled . 1mm , 4 Hi , round
ciins , 11.20 ; potted o.v lonani' . 'i Ib iviind ran" ,
C5c : potted ox tomme. 4 US roillid cans. $ ! . ! !
compreio'll ham , 1 I h. square cam. II.7S ; coni-
liri' i'il ham. 2 Ib. Minim- enns..T.i ; tripe. 2 Ib.
round IMIIO. $ l.v > ; mltu-ed itillop * , S Ib , lound
cans , 42.20 ; boneless pigs feet.B lu , square cans ,
' .t. * *
tiAiuiOtt.4 Hxtrnliird nlf , w , 4'o ; extra
No. I lard oil. 4ic : ; No. 1 lard oil , IHe ; No. 2
lard oil , tf.V ; pure noatsfoot oil , SJir ; gal.
cans , , Mo giS ; extra ta-alsfo-Jt oil , 43o ; No. 1
m-atsfootoll.av ! ; tallow oil ! 41)ij. )
S-cICKD Pins' ToxtH'iw Half buriels. Jll.OOi
rjnarter barrol-i , $1.7.1 1 eighth barrels , $ J.OJ ;
kit1' , IS Ibs each , J2.25.
TAt.i.ow A , No. 1 , 4Uc : strarlno , 0'e. '
I'IUKI.KII UKKV ToNiiuMIIalf barrels. ! , M |
quarter barrels $5.50 ; eighth barrels , fl.OO.
I.MD ( Tierces Kellned lard compound , 'iS'P !
pure leaf , tl'iis ; kettle , 7o. Add iio to ? > o per
Ib for smaller piickaire * .
I'K'KLKiiTiiii'B Half barrel * . J..OO ; rjuarlcr
barrels , $1.00 ; eighth barrels , OOo ; kits. 1,1 Ibs
each , , Vo. )
lIoxtivcoMtiTiiti-K-llalf barrels. $ .1.75 ; nuar-
ter barrel * , tt.10 ; eighth barrels , } i. 15. kits , 15
Ibs each , lMi .
POUK TONOUKS Uncooked Mild Cured--
Half barrels , 100 Ibs , J7.50J quarter barrels , 53
Ibs. $4.00.
SAUSADK CASISHS Cattle Tloroes and bar
rel * , middle ; per Ib , O'ic ; round. 3'ie ' ; bungs.
4e ; hog casings , ISc per Ib ; hog hung * , No. 1 ,
4o ! each ; round * , , tier "et 10J feet. 12Sio sot ;
middles , per set 57 feet , 30c set ; \\easnnds , le > s
than 1,000-pleee lots , 34Keacn : small Uladder-i ,
less than ; M ldolots. . IM' per doz ; largo blad
ders. less than SUUdolots , : iOo per doz.
Si'OMts Cut loaf , Se ; cut Ion f cubes , 7',5p ' ;
standard , powdered , 74e ! XXXX , powdered ,
h'4e ' : granulated , 7'6C ! confectioners' A , 7c ;
white , extra. 0,1 c ; extra C , Nebraska , Oc ;
amber.5t e.
I'AiiiNArnou.s OOODS llarlcy. 3'.ic ; farina ,
So ; pea * . lie ; oatmeal , P Oa'Jc ' ; mai-aronl. lOo ;
vei-tulcelll.lOc ; rlee,4US'l4c ; sagoand tapioca ,
( Ml 7u ; lima beans , Coj split peas , ; ) o ; spaglttl ,
Green Fancy old golden HIo , 2lc ;
fancy old peaberry , 2l4oj Klo. choice to fancy
23' . < e ; Ulo. prime , ale ; Ulo , pond. L-"ic ; Santo
and common Klo , l,2lc ! ; Moi'ha , 20c ; Java.
genuine t ) . t ) . , 2sc ; Java , good Interior. 25u ;
African. 224e.
COKKIIK Koasted Arbuekle's Aronla , 2S1 c ;
Mel.aughlln'o XXXX , 25c ? ; tierman. 2' > ' c ;
Ditworth , 2V'-io : Alaroma , 2.Ve , , ; Kcd Cioss ,
.M e ; Planter. 2c ( : Homo lllend , 215c ! ; Pine
Mocha. : i4oi O. tl. Java. ICIc.
CANNIII tJoons-Kriilts , Callfornln standard
brand * , 2'J-lb , iior doz Apricots. Jl.7il.s.1 ( ;
apricots , pie fruit. 81.50 ; gallon * . * I.M ) : black
llartlett , $2.10 2.2.1 ; peache.s , yellow , $2.11X1 2.2.1 ;
peaches , lemon cling , $2.40 ; plum * , egg , JUJ5 ®
1.SO ; plums , golden drop , $ l.Mi ; plnmi. green
gages , ; peaches with pits In. f I.UO ;
currants , $2.'IO ; gooseberries , J2.25 ; induces ,
$2.10 ; raspberries , $2.bO ; strawberries , $ : ; .50 ;
peache * . : i-Ili eastern standards. J1.S5 ; a-lb pie ,
$1.25 ; gallons , pic. i'.l.W apples , high standards ,
83.1.1 : 2-lb gooseberries UUe ; 2-lb strawberries ,
IKXJi'.K.1 ' ; 2-lb nispberrles , $1.K ( ) : v'-lb blueberries.
KuCii'JJe ' ; 2-lb blackberries , C.V > r.76e : S-lb straw
berries , preserved. Jl.hO ; 2-lb raspberries , pie-
served , 4INI ; 2-lb blackberries , preserved ,
$1.20 ; pineapples , llahama chopped , $2.00 ; 2-lb
llahama grated , JS.7.1 ; 2-lb llaha ma sliced ,
S2.K ) ; 2-lb standard , sliced , 8I.2,1' < / 1.50 ; cherries ,
2-lb led , Baltimore. h.Vjulo ? ; pears , 2-11) ) , .tl.llO.
VhOr.TAin.KS Tomatoes 3 Ib extra , $1.0 ! ) ; 3
Ib standard western brands. We ; gallons ,
strictly standard , J-V.K ) . Corn Finest gunvn ,
Jl.Cf ) ; gill edged sugar corn , very line , $1.60 ;
choice 2 Ib sugar corn. $1.10 ; 2 Ib extra western
brand. * . KWn'fl.OO ; 2 Ib standard western
brand * , C.V7.75C. Mushrooms I II ) French , ex
tra fine , 22''f.25e ; 1 Ib Flench , line. ISiTJ-J-'c ; 1 Ib
French , ordinary , ICftlhc. Peas Tros , llne.per
can , 25c : doml-llne. per can , Hie : a Ib sifted ,
f l.Xl ( ; 2 Ib early June. Jl.25l.i1 : ; 2 Ib Marrow
standard brands , $1.10 ; 2 Ib soaked , 57c. String
beans 2 Ib high grade. Hefngee , s : > e ; 2 Ib Uol-
den wax bean * . 70o ; 2 Ib sti Ing bean * , ( Xe. )
Iilma beans 2 Ib soaked , 7.V. Huston baked
beans 3 Ib Lewis , $ I.G5j Ciown brand. $1.50.
Sweet potatoe' ' 3 II ) Now.fersey. Jl.CO. Pump
kinsIb : ! , $1.10. Okra. mid tomatoes , $1.00 ;
okra , $1.00 : succolasb , Jl.i'O.
Diiir.n FnuiTS Cnrrnnt" . new , S'eCi'o ;
priini' * , casks , 1,300 lb * . 0U' ! : prune * , bbl or
bag. CJ.c { ; citron peel , drums. 20 Ibs. TJI- ; lemon
peel , drums , 2Jc ; apjiles , uhoico o\aporatcd ,
lOc ; Michigan , 'js , Oc ; Persian dates , 7e ; black
berries evaporated , 50-lb boxes , S'ic ; cherries ,
iillted , dry cured , 13c ; raspberries , evaporated ,
N. Y. , new , IlOc : prune * . It. C' . . OD-70 , KKTaiJijc ;
orgango pi'el. l..c ; raisins. < UallforaIa , London
crop INK ) , $2.35 ; California , loose muscatels ,
oiop 1MX ) , $2.110 ; Valenclas , thS , Cc ; Valeuclas ,
new , DC : California , seeds , Mts. s'i ' > .
FISH Codlish , extra ( ieorges. now , S'ic ;
grand bank , now , 44e ; sliver , 2-lb blocks , IKS ;
snow-white 2-lb bricks , now , 7 C ; Turkey cod ,
large middle brioks. h'ie ; snow-white , crates ,
12-5-lb boxes 7-1.o { ; incdliini sealed herrlug,2..c . :
No 1 scaled horj-lng , 20c ; domestic Holland
herring , 4Uc : Hamburg syiced berrlng Wo ;
Itusslan sardines ( iTiu ; ICusslan sardines , plain ,
5io : ; Imported Holland herring , crown brand ,
SOcjdofancymllkers-.liuoimaekei-el , No. 1 shot o ,
half bbls. 8la.-0bloiitcrs ; , half bbls , $ IS.KJwhlto ;
llsli , half bbls. $7.00 ; trout , half bbls , $5.5Ufam- ;
Ily white llsh , $ . ' 1.53 ; salmon , js.6a ; 1-lb mack-
t-rul ( herring ) $1,00 ; 1-lb linnan baddies , Jl.GO :
1-lb lobsters , $2.l6 > ii2.2S : 1-lb Alaska salmon ,
Aleut , $ I.352-H ; > oysterslO ozf 1.U5 ; 1-lb oysters ,
5 o/l. 15 ; 2-lb selects , I'ioz , $2.B : ; 1-lb clams.
little necks , $1.25 ; 2-lb clams , little necks ,
$1.75 : 4-lb sardines , Imported , per case , lODs
Sl.l.OOSWo.dO ; "j-lb Imported boneless sardines ,
key , 425.00 : ! .t-lb sardines , American , per case ,
100s , French style , $4.4044.1.03 ! 4-lb sardines ,
American , per case , KlOs , French style , $7.5(1 ( ®
8.00 ; 4-lb sardines , mustard , per ease , 50s ,
J3.7.V3I.OU ; imported key saidines , 513.CO.
SAI.SOKA Hbls. . l ? c ; granulated , 2o ; kegs ,
l ic.
SODA Pkgs. CO Ibs to box , S'jCJS'sc.
NUTS Almond * , ISc ; llra/.lls , lie ; filberts ,
Sc ! rousted , lie ; Tennessee peanuts , 74e. : Ilbls , N. O. fanuy , per gal,5.V257c ;
choice , 4V 47c ; goodi)0ac ) ) ; Oubu baking , 2lc ;
black strap , 20c.
WiiAi-i'iMi PAi'in : Straw , per Ib , l424o ! ;
rag , 34c ; Manilla H , r 4lVNo. ; . 1 , Sc.
H.uis Union Sqiiaro. , ' ! OS9.'t5c per cent olT list.
SALT Dalrv. 2X1 Ibs in bbl , bulk , $2.10 ; best
grade , 00 , 5s , fc.m : : best grade. 100 , 3s , W.40 ; best
grade , IN. 10s $ -.20 ; rock salt , crushed $1.M ) ;
common , bbl. $1.25.
SOAP Castile , mottled , per Ib , OQIOo ; do ,
white , per Ib , lie.
HIIOOMS Parlor , A tic , W.OO ; 4 tie , $2.75 ; 2 tie ,
$2.25 ; stables. J2.S3 ; coinmen. * 1.50i.75.
UOCOA 4-11) tin. 40o per 11) .
CIIOCONATU 224t3."io per Ib ; Gorman chlcory ,
red , 841- .
Itoi-i : IlasN Manlllii rope , 15c ; sisal rope ,
12i-r cotton rope , lOc ; new process , 84c.
COTTON TWINI : Hlbb , very line. 3 or 4 ply ,
22c ; line , 2lc ; daisy , IScjcamllo wick,22c.
OMVIJS Quarts , per doz , $1.00 ; pints , per doz ,
12.50 ; hulk , ner gal. H.V.
VINIIOAK 30 gr , elder , lOc ; good , 12o ; white
wine , I5u : fancy fruit. He.
KTOVI : POMHII $2.Kfi.h7 ( ) per gross.
llAds Am. , per 10U , J17.00 ; Lewl.ston , per 100 ,
Uii.s-Kerosenc-P. W. He W.
- - , ; W. , 13c ;
headllglit , 144e ; gasoline , lie ; salad oil. A 1 ,
J2ooau.OO per doz. Linseed Itaw , Olu ; boiled ,
Dry Gooil.s.
IlBAW HIIOWN COTTONS Allantlo A , 7'4o ;
Atlantic II , 7 < ! i Atlantic I ) . Olio ; Atlantic P ,
Oc ; Aurora 0,434'o ; Huck's Head , O'foj Oabot
W , O'.e ; Darlingtonn4o ? ; Farmers' No. I , 7 .
44e ; Hooslor LL , 5Hc ; Indian Head , 7ie ! ;
Lawrence IL , 5'io ; Henrietta LL , Bjjc.
FINK HnowN COTTONS Atlantic LL. , Co ; Au
rora II , fi'4o ; Aurora It. 0-ip ; Atlas ON II , 74e ;
cheese cloth , 4e ; Clinton FF.OJie ! Peppeioll It ,
Langdon ti 11 , Uc.
lii > vAcViH ; COTTONT Herkeley pambrlo No ,
CO , Do ; llest Vet. OUo : Hutteroloth XX , 44c ;
Cabot. 74o : First Call , O1 , o ; Fruit of the Loom ,
fc'ie ; Hill Semper Idem , bo ; Housekeeper , H'.io i
KhiK Philip eambrtp , 10u ; Langdon U.II , 040 !
Lonsdale , 8Jio ; Lonsdalo cambilc , lOo ; Now
York Mill * , Ho ; Oak l.iiwn.Tc.
Net-Pepiierell. 45-lu , 10t' ; Pepperell , 8-1 , ISc ;
Penpoiell , D-l , 2Je ; Pepporell , 10-1 , 22iUtlca ; ,
4H-ln , i.v ; Utlca , 6S-ln. 17io ! ; . Utlca , 7B-ln , 2lc ;
ITtlea.hO-ln , Wle ; I'llea. 00-ln , 2.S"e. Illeaeliod-
Net Popporell , 42-ln. lOe ; Pepporoll , 4l-ln. ( llo ;
Pepperell,0-4 , HV ; Pepnoroll , K-l , 20o ; Pep-
perell , 0-4 , 22c ; Pepperoll. .10-4 , 22c ; Utlca , 8-1 ,
24e : I'tloa , 0-4 , 2lV ; IHIca , 1(1-4. ( 2S4c.
Ui.NmiAjis Anioskeag. O.Ve : Amoskeag ,
dress , b'jc ; Hates. 04c ; .Warwick , dress , 7' ' e ;
Lancaster , CUc ; Glenalre , O. ' \Yhlttenton ; ,
PIIINTS Indigo blue Net-Martha Washing
ton , Oc : American. fiHiii Arnold , O'ii- ; Ar
nold II , long cloth. 20o ; Stlfol A , 12o : Merrl-
maek. ' , lite ; ( iold Leaf , bl.c ; Hamilton. S c ;
Allen Pinks , Olio ; Alleu'ltambray , Ou ; Liloii-
eestor 54c.
PIIIXTS I'anoles Kddystone , 040 ; Sleel
CcMiini ) > CAsiiiiiits : Crown , 41.ic : Hed Mar ,
4io ! ; rolled Clover , 5o ; Slater , tic ; high colors ,
Ic e\tra.
CIIASII Stevens' II , 10-In. 5VJe ; Stevens' D ,
Ife-lli , litStevens' ; A. Ill-Ill , 7oMcVens' ; I' , Ih-In ,
it'cStevens' ; SI , IMn. 8'ic : Stevens' N. 20-In ,
( ie ; Stevens' NN. 22-ln. tiiji-i Steven.1.1 HUT ,
-'J-ln. ll > te ; bleached , lu o\tra.
1 , Net. '
ns York Nankin , 10'jo : Kvorett ,
PoIk1 : l.ewliton. 10-oz,22'e : Worklnt'inau't. ,
lie : CorUsc'iuw cashmere,22'5c ' ,
cr.-am tin tar. pure. : tks u > inmeix-lal , IK1 ; cam-
| ihor , 47t-j am. carl. . Ik1 ; lilnu vllrlnl , 7'i' ' .
Ai'idn I'urliiilli1 , .iOCift'l" ; ilirh4.V"l7c ; t.r- :
turnt : ; < i.fn-
< i.fnhiilphiirlf ; per Ib , ; io HIU
fni-rni. II i ) ; turpi'iitmi1 , & ) ! ; Tuiiku beaiiH ,
K'.2.Vi,2.i.i : ; balsam lulu , , wcHUci valumi'l , iru ,
b'Vj camhiuaUlts. U.JV l.Jij caiila Luda , *
2e : clilort f rm. 4W.VAergot ! , I'tVrfrl cum
ar.Uile , . .VK.H' , , lyeerlne. ! X' < i > ci lycopodlnin ,
Ili.ocKTiN ? M\n ( pig , 2So per Ibs bar , a.o *
per Ib.
t'oprnu Plauliliril boiler sl/r . , c ic per Ibs
cold tolled. 2h ! > | ier lli : Hhcathlng , 2 > c per Ib ;
bills und Hats , ' . " ) c peril ) ,
UAi < v.\M7.Kti Sll : ir : litox Discount 30-10 per
cent , pat. plan , lion , No" . 24 and 27 , A , lOKic ; II ,
Ifoopiso-Chareoal , I , C. , llx5J , lli , .15i 1.
" ? IIEKT'I OV-NC ) Cil , W.CSj No. 27 , W.73.
f-OMiKII H'iM.V. '
TIN Piaxn-i. l' . , 10x11 , 203. jr.M : I. X , , 10x14 ,
225. * ' . ) . ( .
TIN I'LATE-Coko. 10V14 , 'S3 , $3.3 ,
STKKI. N ui. lia c > . * " ' . ' - ' " > .
STIEI. : Wiiu : N.ti.Itase. . tS.W.
WlllU-Jap. barb , HOO :
Atnorlcans in This Country.
There lias been a decided sensation created
nmong 1'ittsburg Iron and steel iiwiiufne urers
by tlio offer of a Uoliliim llrm to supply the
structural Iron necessary for the new court
house ut Minneapolis 2.1 per cent cheaper
tlmn it could be furnished by I'lttsbur ) ? man
ufacturers , says n PittsburK dispatch to the
Q lobe-Democrat , The contract is a larpo
one , $ . ' 100,000 being tlio estimated cost , and
has attracted tlio attention of many of the
largo structural irom manufacturers through-
the country. Of course the trend of opinion
among manufacturers hero Is that the llel-
glitn iron llrm can initko good its offer. The
present tariff is Insuftlcient , nml the reduc
tion on the mctul schedule of ' 4e per pound
for structural "beams and tiny channel Iron
proposed by the Mclvinley bill will result in
allowing the DelKlan manufacturers to curry
off most of the contracts for
structural iron , The manufacturers
seen refused to believe that the
offer hnd been made. At the
Uelglan consulate , however , the geniilne-
noiis of the offer was eonllrmed , und It was
further learned that the consul in Pittsbnrg
had been notified by the Hclgttm llrm of its
intentions. lie said that already Belgians
had secured contracts for structural iron nt
Houston and Austin , Tex. , and when the
offer was made for the Minneapolis court
house , he hud no doubt that the foreign man
ufacturers were prepared to make- good their
A. M. Dyers , the well-known iron and steel
manufacturer , said : "I think the offer is
too radical. If the Belgian llrm had offered
to supply the ircn say 5 or 0 per cent cheaper
than could bo done here , I should entertain
Ilttlo doubt that they could do It , but t"i ! per
cent difference is too much. It is possible
that the liclglun manufacturers may have
some means of evading the straight schedule
und liuvo the iron imported lit u lower
nito. "
A member of Carnegie , Phlpps & Co. , the
largest structural iron manufacturers of.
Pittsburg , said : "The ruling price of beams
and clninn els today is $ . ' 1.10 per 100 pounds
and of angles § Mfl. I am convinced that the
Belgian llrm can not undersell thcso prices
prices 25 per cent. They charged 1.25 for
the iron which was furnished for the contract
nt Austin. Tex. , and since that time
wages and other items of cost have
advanced in the foreign market fully 17 per
cent. Under thes circumstances I hardly see
how they can compete for the Minneapolis
contract. If the llrm docs Import the struc
tural iron , however , it will undoubtedly be
a dangerous blow to American industries. "
When the reporter spoke of the offer to a
number of the delegates to the Amalgamated
Association of Iron and Steel-workers' con
vention , they were very greatly surprised.
Delegate Charles Killen , who is employed in
n structural mill : "Thero are three men in
the mill where I work who came from near
Alx-le-Bnins. They st ted that the wages
paid in the Belgian mills were nearly 3'J per
cent lower than these in Pittsburg , niul even
in the present time of alleged nigh wuges in
Belgium the advance is not within t ! . " > per
cent of the waves paid hero. Under such
circumstances I am not nt all surprised at Iho
offer made. Pile on the tariff , i say. "
James Nutt , trustee of the Amalgamated
association , bald : "If the Belgian iron llrm
is able to make such a sweeping cut and pay
the "present duty , what will it not bo nblo to
do when the senate gets through cutting the
Mclunk-y bill to pieces. It is certainly tin
astounding offer. However , after what the
Belgian mills did in Texas there can bo little
doubt that the llrm is prepared to do the con
tract. "
Burdock Blood Bitters taken after cathrg
will relieve any feeling of weight or over
fulness of the stomach. Sold everywhere.
Census KesiiltH.
The Philadelphia Press , whoso special
Washington correspondent has long been Mr.
Kobert I1. Porter , superintendent of the cen
sus , prints editorially the following : "Judg
ing from the result of the census in 1870 and
ISbO , it may safely bo predicted that the
enumeration now under way will bo full of
surprises and disappointment. Eastern cities
will be found to have grown more than was
lint. Pistj rn fitntps loss. Tim ? nlil.
die states und Ohio will begin to show the
shrinkage which the New England states ex
hibited in 1SSO , as New Jersey , New York.
Pennsylvania , Maryland and Ohio have had
a heavy western emigration in the last ten
years. Western cities will bo disappointed ,
with here and there an exception. This is the
result of almost every census. Western
states , particularly these west of the Missis
sippi , will surpass expectation. The south Is
an enigma , it is expecting a great increase.
It is doubtful if the seaboard shows such an
one. The rccion between the Appalachians
anil the Mississippi and Texas is certain to do
so. This is also tiiio of Texas. The four
leading cities of the country will bo Ne\v
York. Philadelphia , Chicago and Brooklyn ,
In ISbO Brooklyn was bigger than Chicago.
It will bo a bitter disappointment to Chicago
if It is now. Boston was the fifth city in 18 0
and St. Louis the sixth. St. Louis expects to
lead now , but the chances favor Bojton. The
grand aggregate will reach 117,000,000 if the
birth-rate has been as high since 18SO as from
1870 to 1880. If the population has only made
the average of advance for thirty years past
the total will be 05.000,000.
The only railroad train out of Oinnlin
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Bliilfs , DCS Moines and
Chicago business is the Rock Island
vestibule limited , leaving Omaha at 4:15 :
p. in. daily. Ticket oillco 1002 , Sixteenth
und Farnam St. , Omaha.
A Short CofTco Crop.
From the Ilio News , Just at hand , wo ob
tain the following coffee notes :
' 'Wo are convinced , " says the Dinrlo do
Conuncrcio on May , "that oven If the crop
( coffee ) bo abundant In the central and west
ern region and small in the north and on the
scuconsi ( of Kt. Paulo ) , the sales of coffco In
this state up to the end of the year will only
slightly exceed two million bags. "
Advices from Taubato ( St. Paulo ) on April
27 state that in the same manner as In tlio
neighboring municipalities of Cacapava , Pin-
damonhangaba , ti. .loso and others , the coffee
crop will bo very scanty. So short Is It , ttioy
say , that planters do not liojio that the ad
vanced price will bo an equivalent compensa
tion for the deficit in production as compared
with former your * , snys the Journal do Com-
merclo of May II. These districts are In the
northern pirrtof S. Paulo and are "feeders'1
of thu Klo , not the Santos market.
Hall' HutCH to Denver via lliirllngton
Juno 14 , l-r ) , 22 and 23 , tlio Burlington
will t-oll tlclcots to Denver at one faro for
the round trip , good for , ' ! 0 days , Tk-lcut
oillco 1223 Farnam struct , W , F. Valll ,
_ _
A Novel and Kxpi'nslvo .Method of Ail-
vertlHliiK Iteal Khtatc.
Commencing Monday. Juno ilUth , wo
will L'lvo away lilt ) choice lots to any ono
hondlii ; , ' us ttiuir full name and address
with 2c for I'uturi ) no ta u.
Thcso lots are 2ox 12- " ) foot and will bo
worth' $2-50 each in luns than three
The pro. oiit population of Salt Lake
City Is liO.OUO. In llvo years it will bo thu
largest city hotwuon ( 'hli-aijo and Wan
rYahfitfi'o. Wo im-iin business and if
you want a warranty dfi'd to u splendid
lot ( ii'iicl on your niiMir to tlio Salt IaKo
Vii-w addition eouijmny , bull LuKuCity ,
Provisions and Stocks.
Basement First National Dank ,
8OO South 10th Sti'cct , Omnhn
"Kenvi-s I 'OlIli-AUO. It. 1.51'AC.Mr'll1. ( Arrives
Uniittm. | IT. I1 , depot , luili nnil Mnrey Sis. | Unmlin.
O.l.'i p in NlKlit Kx lU.m n in
P.I. ) a in . .Atlnntlc Kipri- . . O.SO p in
4.1. ' ) p in .Vonitinlo Limited. IU.I5 n in
- inp - SIOUX CITV * I'ACIKIO. ' f ArrlvoT
_ ( ) mnliit. la. 1' . di-pot. iutliniiil _ M.troy Sl ! . I Omnlm.
7.IS n ml Skiiix city I'anxi-imt-r
6.1S p nil . " _ . . .St. 1'nnl Ktpri- " ] IIO.M n m
TAsavui | ' "SicTrX I'rVV.vl'AriPIOr I Arrlvtu
Unialm. I Ih-piit l.Ih nnd Wi-h'tor Ht . I Otn.ilia. > p in | SlJ'n'ul l.linlleil. . . . . . . . | li.'ii inn
gl-enveslrillrAliO A NtrtlTlUVKSTKUN. ] Arrive. *
Umnlm. 11 , ' . 1' . depot , lUtli mul Mnrcy M . I Oinalin.
.I'lili-.itfo MxpronA C.2II p m
. VootltMiU ) l.lmlti-d H..VJ n in
0.15 p in ( l.v. e.v. Hat ) Mull ( Ar. 01. .Menu T..V ) a in
. . .Kinti-rn Klyt-r 2.ji _ | ni
CllTl'AliU , 'Mll7. , A ST.TAli * | Arrivci
Oinalin. _ l7.l\ilcMituil _ _ | _ nnil Mnrc'y Si * . IQmalia.
I'.IS ' n in . .I'lilriiKiiMnllTi-xi-cpTStiiiilny ) . . I l' , u'i p m
O.IW p in l'lileiiio ixpro : i H.i : > n in
JOM p m c'lilruirn Kxpri' " . . . . Jj-w.p in
"i ; nvo $ r " DMTilA \ fff. I.DOlM. TAfrfvus"
Oinalin. | 1T. I' , depot , 10th and Mnrcy St . I Oiiialia.
i.'M "p m . . . .St. Ixiuh rnnniui M.tll ; r.m : p m
! . , K. A M ) . V Vh'V. ! . I Arrival
Onmtm. _ lhlintjtt'in-i 1 Wo'iitj _ SH. | l ) inn _
TMKVnln Illiu'k Hllh Ktpri- . r > . 'A ) p m
11.00 n in . . .HiKtln Kxp. ( Kv. Snmlny ) . . < .V.-I ) p m
6.10 p in . .Wnlioo A Lincoln Passi-nuer. . 10.W a in
A.10 p in . .Vorlc.V Norfolk l Hi. Snmlny ) . . lO.W n in
f.env V "f iZTM'lf. 1' M. A 0. [ AfrTvi'i
Oinnlm.J Dcput IMli mill Wi-lulor St . I CJmali.i.
8.10 ii in . . .Sluux I'lly Acconiiiiodatlon. . . IM ) . p in
l.l/l p m . .Sioux flty ( llv. Sun. ) . . IM p m
' ' , .U.'i p in . St. 1'nul LlmUcil ! ! . ' . ' . ) II 111
i.l.'i i > m .llaneoft 1'assenuor ( Bt. Siml. . ) B.4. ' n in
Umnlm. I Depot I.MIi nml Wi-lntur SH. | Onnhn.
10. : ) n ml. , fsi. xinls A K. C. T.xpress. : . . . | 4.4'J ' p m
' U.15 _ . . . . ljiiiiJ _ A _ 1C. C' , Kxpre . . . . | im ; : u in
Those traliii also slop at IDtli , 17th , 'Mi\\ \ and Zttli
rtrt'ctf , ( jiimnilt unit SavlilKO I'rosslnir. 'Working
men's trains do not run Sunday.
l-eiivos ClllUAlitT. II. I. A l'ACII''IU. Arilri-s
Triiiisferj Union Dopni. Council Ulillla. Triinsfcr
NlKlit Kxproits I H.3S n m
Atlantic H.xpress 'i..Vi p m
5.00 p m Veslllinln . - . . . . . _ . . . [ . . " a m
lx > "rcniU7\li(7K"NoTini\VH ? ' | "f.HN.I Arrlvi-C
Traimfer | Union Iepnt. ) I'liuiu'11 llliilla , ITniinfur
1 > .4' ' ) u in C'lilcn 'd Kxpri ) ! * ( i ( J p m
r > .U ) p m Voitllinlo Limited VM u 111
IO.KI p , n Knxlurn t'lycr ZUO p 111
RIM ) | i in _ . . . .Atlinna Mall. . . . _ . . . _ . . . .M a in
JOT MinrTC ST. T'Aiji ;
Trnntfor Union Duiint. Council Illulltf.
u.w : n m -o .Mliff ( fxccpT5ui"ulty ) . . .
( J.MI p in .C'lilenKO UvpriMS 11.15 u in
lu\X ( ) pjn JUKI | im _
. . . "
Trnnifcrl Union llepijt. Ciniiu'll llliiITi 1 Transfer
101)7 11 in ] . . . .Kansas City Day K.x I , " > .4i : p in
UI.B ! iLiyl . jluuina City Nljjht JC | li.SU a in
I/o-ivcs I OMAHA .VH. I A"rrrr 9
Tiiiii-ifurl Union Depot , Cuunyll 'l'rn lister
f > .Hji ) m | _ „ . . . .St. Ix.iils . raiK.n . Bull JJ2.I6 | i in
Trnn ! cr llnlun Dupot , Cininrll Illultj. ITriiiisfer
.C'lilcaxo Kxprei.i I ( i..ll p in
.UilniKO Kxpn-ss 11.40 n in
. .rrc-ilnn Inieiil 11.50 n m
7.45 a in . .Slonx City Aci > iiiiinioilntlon. . . | U.i5 : a in
G.&O p 111 St. 1-iinl KxprfHs | 1155 p m
MISSOURI I'ACIH' ' . bU..uui > An
A' ! '
1302 Fnrnnm Stroot.
Ci y PnaBongor and Tlokot AgonN
It run lie cltvn In u cup uf talfw or Irit. tir In nr.
tlelv * of food , without the knowledge or tlio patient
If ueceiaary. It Ii absolutely liarmleml and will cflect
permaDont and upcedy cure , wuellur Ilio ptilt-nt la
aniodenitodrlakororaualaotioliowrcclt. ITNh\ : (
frAII.H. It operatoa no qulotly and with auch cer
tainty that tlio patlont undergoes no Inconvenience ,
and ore bo la aware , hla complolo reformation la
ettocteii. 48nac < it > ookotparliculararreo. To bo bad ol
KU1IN tt C0.,13tli Hi louKlaia , & Utli Xi C'uinlneUU.
' pllod by ULAKB. UHUOi ! If CO.7anil
N Ulll/q CO. . Oniali * .
UriiKuUt fur Illiunopd llrnii < liu rt-d uivt4iit4
Uii > . , natal llli bin * rlbl n , ' 1'iikr nu ulhrr.
: " " ! ; ' < ' ' 'P'l' " ' l tilem r ti l-llillffrur
' . .uillcln l.ii.r. If return wull. . .Vujvirr
JulchL-ifr Chl'Ui.C'aM JI4IkUU b M 1'all .l'a.
C V P H IF IQ ' ' " > ' " > " ' 'ii ' < i i'o i Vnla
* r I I I I-.IO
. - cliiynliy UMJ . .r thumar
M'llJUH Mliuli' Itl-nil'lly t.VU.OU fill II OIISO It Will
iii.t t-iiii. ( \l Tlu.S t.i HI * tlu Ki-iitilnu n-in-
c-dy. \\ritcori-iilliin ! ' i1. .lirtlyn , Wlii jlur-
nry Htti-it , Uniuliu , " ' '
. . . , ,
rfttnrtt ! . rtrtroftUrarrd , rart triilurtfvil , trriiyli ) n J , ,
IUu Tn.O. K'iiKreo uil f kU. in I'tli.
National Bank
Cupltnl , - - $400,003
Surplus Jnn. 1st , 180O , - O7.0OO
OfflM > r and Dlrcctori-Hcnrr . V l < > i. pr iM rilj
Mwua , llpml , vlcdilroililrnti .lurnoi W Himrni nj
T'Morif , John H. Colllnfi U. C. Uuililnci J , M , Mr
r lrlok | W. II. 8. lluulif i , ciulilor.
Conner ISIh ami F rn m Street ! .
A Ocncrnl llruiktnc Ilixlnow Tramactofl.
National Bank
Cnpitnl , - $4OOOOa
Surplus , - 4O.OOO
unit nircrlori-K. M. Mcrtcmnn , O. If ,
Illlrliciick , .linpih | Onrnmii , Jr. , A. Hour15. . M ,
Anilerion , Wllllnm ( I. Mittil , vlcp-i'roiilili-iiti U I ) ,
Wllllnm * . A. 1' . lloplilns , rrcililonti A. MlllUrd ,
cniliUTi K. II. llrymit , iml tnnt cnMilrr. _
Omaha Manufacturers ,
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
lecnli for Ilonton Utititior Plioo Co. . 1103 , 1101 ana 110 *
llnrnor Stri-ot , Oinnlin , Noli , _
Lager Ilcor Brewers ,
1M1 Nctlli IBth 8tl-i'l ! , Onmlin , Krt > .
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window cn | > ! > nnil niclnllcuhyllulitii. Jolin Kpprictor ,
proprietor. lOSan. ! IIUHuuth 10th ntrpoU
ArttHtH' ItlntcrlalH.
A. HO3PE , JrTi'
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
161.1 Douxlna Strt-ct , Oirnln , Ni'ti ,
Coal , Coke ,
Jobhers of Hard and Soft Coal.
B. K , Cor. llHh nntt Douglas Hlrcut.i , Oinnlin , Nob.
Shippers of Coal and Colic ,
iU South 13th Stri-i-t , Onmlin , Nob.
Wholesale Cigars.
4M N. Illlh Street. "Ilellol" 1'15.
Dry GooclH anil Notions.
M. E. SMITH tc CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
Corner minim ! Howard Street * .
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
Gcnu' Kuri > l lilrmiMHli Corner lltli and lluruoy
Htrec'lN , Omnhn , Neb.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farniuu Strt-ut , Omnbn , Ncbrask * .
Funiiiurc ,
Omnhn , Ncbnuuik
Wholesale Grocers ,
18th nnd I.ciivfnworth Streets , Oiimlm , Nobrn lc.- > .
r , Kto.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc.
Imported nnd Amorlcnn t'ortlniul Comont.
gontfor Mllwiiiikt'e. llydriiiillo Ccmuiit , und
gulucy WUllo Lime.
. LEE ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wood carpets nml iinmnut tluorlnx. Dili and Iougla4 )
iJlreetD , Ouinlin , Nebraska.
. QllEV ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Corner Vth nnd Douglnii Htreuti , Omnhn.
Millinery ami Nollonn.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
JUS , 210 nnd 213 Boutli 11th street.
Notions :
Wholesale Notions pd Furnishing Goods ,
1124 llnrncy struct. Onmlia.
( OIlH.
. . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . . .
--.n.-ii-l-l-.r.- - - - - -i - - * v. '
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ale nrcn e , elf. , Oinnlin. A. 11. 1I ! | | Q | ' , Mnnimcr. ;
I'll per. '
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
C rrB nice Block of printing , wrapping and writing
paper. Hpecliil nltentloii given to cnrd pnpcr.
i , Kto.
A. L. DEANE & CO. ,
General Afonta for
Halls' ' Safes ,
HI and 323 Houtli lUtli St. , Croat * .
TOJTH , Kto.
Jobber > of
Toys , Dolls , Albumsv Fancy Goods ,
Ilouie FurntihlnR Coodi , Children1 ! Carrlagti. 1M |
Knrnnru Btrcct , Oniahn , Nub.
AVut or
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Hnllldnr wind mills. 018 and WO Jonoi it. , Om h
U. K. lto , Acting Manager.
Iron WorkH.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worlf ,
Enulnca , brn " work , general foundry , machine und
blacksmith work Oillco nnd norki , U , 1 * .
lly. and lltli ilreot , Oinalia.
Manl'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults , jnll work , Iron liutlcrs and lira oncupoa ,
U. Andrauii .prop'r. Cor. lltli andJu > : k oii Hti.
Hawh , Docirfl , I'Hu.
Wholmalo manufactururi of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch oRlce , 12tli ami Itard itrceti , Omaha , } l t > .
jS o tJ th P.m. i ti 14
Of South Omaha , Limited.
clmiMii rtn bo f nt lafelr b *
mull or uivrom bcud lor i > ( lc * . bii N ,
ICtb BU * t , On/ttix
inauco UY CITIES ,
Correspondence elicited.
COMpANeBi | ET04
. . & , Bankers ,
103-108 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
30 8UU Street. B08TOU.