THE OMAHA DAILY TUESDAY. JUNE 17 , 1890. SPEG1RL NOTICES , OMAHA. No nilvrrtlHcmciitfl will 1 > o taken foe tlirm ; column * nflor 12HO : p. m. TcrniH CnHh In ndvnnco. Advnrtl crr.rnt nnrtrr thin hr-adlo centper line for the first Insertion , "cents forench sub- riiiirnt liifirrtlon , nnd tl.Sfl per linn per month. NondvortlM > niCiitii ! taken forlr. .sthutt2ficcnta for first Insertion. They mutt run consecu tively nnd must bo paid In ADVANCE. All advert rctacntn must bo bunded In before 12 : ) o'clock p. in. , nnd unilcr no flrcumstnncrj will they bo taken or discontinued by telephone. Panic * advertising In thcso column" , and liavlng their answers addressed In care of TUB JIK * will plen o B k for u check tonnablo tlinm to et Uielr letters , ns none will be delivered rxcepton prpicntntlonof check. All answers to ndvcrtUemonU ihould bo enclosed In onvu- lopes. . All ndrcrtlicmcnt * In thr .ri columns nro pnbllflhed In both mornlnR and ornnlnK , o < H- tlonnofTllK llr.K , the circulation of which nn- grcKutos morn than ai.WX ) papers dally , nnd lvc the ndrcrtlsurn thn benefit , not only of thn city circulation of TllK HKK , but also of Council Illnffn , Lincoln and other cities nnd towim throiiKliout this section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for thenn column * will bo tnVon on thr nbove condition * , at thofollowlnR bus- DCKX I OIISCA who are authorized to take upeclnl notices , nt the saino rules aa can bu had ut the trmln oflleo. fJnt Twenty-sixth and N utrcets , Nebraska ( Javlngs bank bulldlnir. JOHN W.IIELL. PharmacistF20SouthTonth Htreut. CHASE &RDDY , Stationers and Printers , 1 III. South Kith street. S H. FAKNSWOKTII. Phariiaclut , Z115 , . Coming street , WJ. HUOHE9 , I'hnrmuolBt ' , C24 North .ictli street. JT1F.O. W. PA UK , Pharmacist , 1713 Loavon- VJ wortli Street. H UaiIK3'PHAKMACV.2lth. and Farnam KITUATIOXH WAXTjil ) . < J IT I" ATION by experienced book-keeper . . . anil . DnrcnmiUiil ; gilt edo ( references furnished. Addicx.s II 17 , lice. fY n young man who understands book- f J Jkccplngor iiny kind of clerical work ; can furnish best of references. Address H 19. lluo _ _ " 1 JOS IT ION wanted by competent bookkeeper , JL ten years' experience. Address II 15 llec ' 'st-io * " \ \ rANTED A man waiter In saloon at city hotel I0th , t llarney sts. _ ; ail-ls * SMART salesman wanted for Nebraska ; S1.TO per montl | to a hustler ; wholesale only wo mean It. Enclose stamp , , 707 Opera , Chicago. 2SM8 * D An active man for each section * 7j to SKX ) , to locally represent a successful N. Y. company. Incorporated , to supply dry goods , clothing , shoes , Jewelry , etc. . to runsninors at cost. Also a lady of tiicl. salary WO. to enroll members ( Muoo now enrolled , $100.1X10 paid In. ) References ex changed. Empire Co-Operative assoclat ( . rodIt well rated ) lock box ( ,10 , N. Y. "ll'ANTED Salesmen on salary orcommls- > ' slon to handle t ho new patent , chemical Ink erasing pencil. The greatest selling nov elty ever produced. Kruno Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper. MJOtnfXX : percent profit. Ono agent's sales amounted lofCi',1) ) In sl.xdnys ; iinothiir $12 In two hours. Wo want one energetic Kdierul a iMit , for each si ati-anil Icrrltorv. Samiilu by mall : IS cents. 1'or term- , and full purtlciilurs address , The Jlonroo Eraser M'f'g. Co. , La Croasu , WIs. Xtt-17 * "lATANTEn Man In pleasant business , exT - T T pcrlcnce nniicccssary.miist loan employer 8lf > 0to-'oo. Itcal estate &ecurlty , good wages. Address II III. The lice. 251-lir \ArANTKD- dgood canvassers , salary and TI com. paid ; rofercnco required ; 1.18 St. Jlury's ave. 2iil-17 \\r A N T KIA > man and wife withou tTei 11 I'd T i n < n , wife must bo u good cook and man to thoroughly understand farm work and horses. Address 11 07. llco ollleo 121 17 ( , 'ood bread baker at the .Star i bukory , Thlrteonth und Vine .streets , ilncoln. Neb. 21I-1B "IXv Scene painters. None but first v need apply ] _ For _ Information ud- dress U. t'urloton , lied Oalc , Iowa. STONKMASONS wanted at Norfollc and lleatilcu. Oood wages paid. SI. T. .Murphy. 118 A 1IOV ! Grand oxpensii-makerforcanvassers Everybody buya\V.H.PrlceDuvid ! C'lty.Neb 8SG Jy5 * IfANTKI ) Men to travel for our Canadian i nuiscrle.s. Stonu&WelllngtoiuMadlson.WIs T-,7 AiKNTS-fiV ) outfit on inrtlnys' tlmo. $150.00 prollt In 4 weeks or no pay. Add. , with Mump : Jurvt.i & , Company , Itaclne , WIs. RIB "VV/'ANTKI ) 1.IKK ) men for railroad work In Wyoming , Dakota , Utah and Nevada ; wages tl.7. > to K.flO ; steady work. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 1'arnam st , 8I4Jy4 " \\rANTKD-SuIesmen tit f''i per month salT - T ary and o.\ienses to sell a line of sllver- lihited ware , watches , etc , , by sample only ; liotse and team furnished free ; wrlto at once for full particulars and sample ease of goods frco. Standard Hllvcr\vuru Co. , lloston , .Muss. r ANTED Energetic men and women for a. uenleel business pay Ing ftW weekly profit easier tluin ( fiM monthly otherwise ; e.\nerienco unnecessary ; permanent position and oxolu- Blvii territory assured ; W samples fix-o ; Inves tigate our money-making business. Address with stamp. Merrill Manufacturing C'o. . It KJ , Chicago. III. 8S3yl3 | * WANTED Girl to do second work and help take of children , also to po away with employer tor summer. UCJ California st. : ! H8 in * "V\rANTEI > A good girl to do cooking and geneial houseworli In family of two. Mrs. llopi'woll , tit North 10th st. , up stairs. ! is "WANTKD-lilrl for light housework at 2.C.7 II llarney. Utf-17 \\rANTKD-A- waist and skirt hand. 151U l Douglas st. 207-10 * " liOOf ) glrTfor general lioiiMj-work ; must bu u good laundress ; good wages lo thu ' ' " . party. I'M N. 19th st. : tl2-18 \r ANTKIJ-A nurse 1U or H yours old vy am " \\rANTlvD Dtessmakors ; also l apprentlco li glrlatMUs Jllnnlck'u , ! ? ' ! Leavenwinth. 2JM IU * " \VANTED-Nursoglrl , ll'JO S. SUth. 222for - it encereiiulred. . 222 \XrANTKD-A uursu girl at 403 N 2ild st. I * 227- 10 \\T A NT'KD-2 servant BlrU. Apply COI .S7th. > Dr. Coll'man. 235 \\r , A NTKD-lMrl for general housework , two - * * _ L" family. 1113 S. llith st. I'JI ' VTANTRD Competent girl for .second work ; also llrst-eliiss kitchen girl. Cull ut 412 T ork Life building at 5 p. m. 201 111 \VANTUD -A good second girl. Mrs. M. T. T ( T PatrlcU. n. w. e r. 2ttluind Luke. 1U > \\7ANTK.D-Ulrlfor general housework at > I M. Hurmibus' rectory , Kl North lUlli. " \\rAN TKD Knergetleiudy'totravelTeaelurr T I preferred. No cunviisslng. Salary jso per mouth Cull ut room 20 , Chumbcr of coni- inoreo. 2si-ld * vV\rANTKI ) 1st and 2il irlrls In prlvatu fiiint- f > Jy ; best of wages paid. 724 S lUtli st. . cor ncrot Leavciiworth st Mrs , J. L. llruudels. 177 * \WANTK 'I nn > o exiierlenct'd inning nxnn girls ut thu HurUer hotel. ; S \ XTANTKI ) T wo good girls. ITZi Cupltol avo. V > 2 > U-17 * OKICSSAIAKINC. fllltS. It. O.b'ansome. Oil S. tilth , fashtoimblo J.lldrc niuUlii | { , llalluy system taught. IsTJyia _ _ * 1 JtNliAOlJM KXTS ui iioTiiess mukiniffn faml- Jli lies bollultcd. MUs sun dy , & 23 S. 2.Mh uvo. T\rVlA ! MfCilnnls' Ire.stmnkliiK Jiar'ors 3 J.ill'upllol uvo. 1 tuu und tuacli thu I'ro ioh tailor ttystein. lOUIlb . KKNT A nlco deslrublu IV-roomed house , louutud at 810 ! j. lUtli > t I5il 14 * rpHN-nmin'houso wlthlli astono's throw of A court house , full of boardew nnd roomers ; uoaril ull Jiuymon ; u bargain ut * * * > . Also 4- room house , runt IIS ; furniture , J2M ; or will rent fm nUlied , Co-Oocrutlvo Lund A Lot Co. , H N itith st 211 id f ) Kl'lii'iiws ' , inioO und one o nx'ins In- faxjulro of John L. Hill , cor. lath und V niton. 257-17 * Ft'RNtSHRF ) nniiic lOroomM modern con- vetilrtin n , I ash or man and wife will iHinrd with parties for runt. AddrciH II 12 lloo ofllrt' . 2.IH * * -ItOO.M flrsl cTn7boirrdiii'bTUM'i renU.VX ) ! I Income I.I.K'O ; thl.t U tin1 only line family hotel Hi the elty. I'alfnnd Invo tliciili' . Co- opuratlvu Lund und Lot Co. , 'J0f > N. 10th ht. 211 10 -I r , ItooM Hat near buttle of ( Icttysbnri. rent .1 } f 'ii full of roomers ; furniture fSxi : ! " . " > cash , balance monthly. 12 room flat , now , IM ; fnr- nlturecosttlUI ; been used 1 month , Party go- In away nnd will sell for WHi easy terms , ( 'n'onerallru Lund k Lot Co. , 20.1 N. 10th. 211 10 Ij-0lt KKNTUesldences In all purMof city , -t ? List too largo to publish. Ulobo Loan k Trust company. il07 S. Ifith st. r > 71 _ _ 'ijiornniNTAToonTiToiTso , 2018 cTiarPs st. JL1 Imiiiiro at 5UII Churle * HI. 2yj-l * KKNT A nicely furnlKliod IIOUHO In - - Kiuint/e Place to parties without ohlldron and ttlslng to board man and wife. Knqulru 2115 Kmmelt iivenuu. 27.VI7 * IlTllf)65Thoused llont. W ) . Furniture"JIHOO. . f.M ciiHli. ( ' < Mt $2,5 < X ) . Co-op. L. k L. Co. , 2irt N. 10th street. S31-M "IpOIl HKNT Attnodi'rnto rent , the three- JL story and I'lisement brick building 'limited at No. 1110 Dougla.s street , suitable for manu facturing , wholetalo or warehouse purposes alMjone stole and basement No. 1U7 H. lillh sU Apply to Chits. Kniifmunn , W2 Douglas st. irKlIt Itr.NT About Juno I. these elesant J. stone residences on Georgia nve. , H.2"Jth st. bet. Mason and Pacific sts. Hec owner for long time lease. II. H. Henderson , room 4UO , Paxton - ton blk. ! > l "iYfOIIKKN house , nine rooms , bath , hot and ill cold water , furnace and gas. on Dodge st. , i 10 per month. 1'rcd J. Horthwlck,2U1 S. llth. house of nlno rooms , nlleon- . w to party with good refer ences. IU Ho. 25th st. or I.1I3 Douglas st. , ' 110-lG' KKNT 1'iiriilslied for the summer , n J 7-room house , all Improvements. I block from motor. Call or uddiess It. 0. McCluio , Kl'l Park ave. alt "I71OII KKNT 2 flno pressed brick houses , cast -L' fronts on Georgia ave. , Just north of Leuv- enworth st , 0 rooms , bath , furnace.sewer con nections. all conveniences ; will rent to responsible sponsible- parties for $50. M. A. Upton Co. , IDlli und rarnam. 740 KNT-Pnmll house M per month. J Wllkinxon , CIS Puxlou blk. 013 KKNT House , 10 rooms , 'ull modern - Improvements ; large yard. * l" > per month. Commission to agents. Duxtor L. Thomas. & 07 T YOU wish to rout a house or store see H. : B. Cole , Continental blork. to" > FOlt KKNT Two of the finest residence. Hats on South 10th .street , with ull modern con veniences , hot and cold water , close to Itrown nil hull. I'l rat class surrounding f1iis. : ICaufmann. V.Vtt Douglas st. A NIC'E. convenient 5 room house 15'K ) S2lst st. between Center and Dorcas sts. 22U-ll > r " 171OU KENT Modern Improved houses , con- JL1 venlent to new union depot and whnlesalo district. ; good locality. Apply 1112 S. lotli st. ITIOIt ftEN'T Dwelling. rooms , .stable , and all reiiiilrements for a first-class home ; soulh front ; JiV)8 ) Capitol avenue ; icntal very low. Inquire a Jr 01 Karnam st. Cv'i'J S-UOOM Hat with steam ln'at. Ifith sr , near Jones. .Thomas IMIall , 311 1'axton block. ( TO 71OII KENT 10-rooni brick house , with modern - - orn conveniences , No. all S. 20th st. Apply at No 827 S. 20th st. 575 "ITlOlt KENT 7-room"wlth barn ; nom- JL1 Inal tent to good party. 0. L' . Harrison. Oil N. Y. Life. Ill FOlt IlKNT-10 room house , 2107 Doug Inquire 2111 Douglas. BUI. FINE residence , modern improvements , 2103 St. Mary's avc. . Jt > 5 per month. Inquire at promises or at A. Heller's , 1111 Knriium , 150 "I7IIN E 7-room dwelling with vurd , J2S. JL ! Also , H-rooin ihyelllng with yard , $ X > . 0 and 10-room dwellings , W > to W- Smcaton k A Hun , IGOOVi Farnam st. 152 .ly 12 lESIOENOEP-25th and llarney. For nrlcos J\.see _ I'aul. lI'iH ! ) raninin. l'l-iO : TTIOU ItENT Aboutjiino7 , 8-room house ICIiI J- and Ciimlng sts. J35 per month. C. I' * , Harrison. Ull N. Y. Life 4sy "VTOl'll opportunity to secnri ) the leuso and JL furniture of ono of the finest homes In Omaha , furniture all now , location near high school , rent low. Will take half Its value ; 'A cash , bill , tlmo , Address , K4.'l , lice. 211 TTlOIl ItENT Very nlcc7-room houses ; special JL terms made. Apply to I'letchcr Young , IlOIt ItENT B room house , good repair , nice yard , cistern water , rent * 22. Apply to ItOU South 7th live , or to Jno. W. Hell , drugg'ist , loth " FOR ltl'3NT---UOOMS SHIT of furnished rooms ; hoiihckeeplng. 1st lloor , 202KSt. Mary's avo. ; ioi-22 : * _ . II N. 10 st Kooms with board at Mr.s.I'nureh- IH'M. 2 J'21 * KOOMS for housekeeping , m S. 17th st. 21)0-17 ) IjlOH KENT To gentlemen , nicely furnished JL1 southeast front room with alcove and bay window ; all modern conveniences ; board If do- slrcd ; near Park avo. motor. No. (122 ( lieorgla uve. ( S. MHh st. ) 1UI 10 * O KOOMS for housekeeping to man and wife ; Ono children ; rent taken In board. 'II ! ) N. 17th. M111KEK largo rooms , complete for light JL hoiiMiUeopIng ; nlco yard ; two blocks fiom motor and cable cars. 101G N 22nd street. 2CO-18 * ril.WO nice rooms with gas and bath $7 and ill ) JL per month. (121 ( S. llith st. 2 ; > l-li ( * "ITIIIiSTclass accommodations forllor 4 gen- JL1 tlemen , all modern eonvenlejices ; gas , elegant - gant bath , hot und cold wuter , etc. 707 S. Kith. SIM-IB * FOll KENT Till September 1. a furnished parlor and bedroom. Cull between , r > and 7 p. in. , 2.oi : I'arnam. 2lVlii * ROOMS , with board If desired , lUOSCup. avo. 2IW27 * FOR ItENT Nicely furnished looms , with or without boaul at 20ii : llarney st. 100 lit * "Vfl'-WIA' furnlnhed rooms , single or eu suite , -L > with or wlthoiitboaid. low Howard. : iil lloor JU7 Hi * " 1JOOM and board for two , also day board. JAtJutisfuetlon assured. 1'Jll ' ) Dodge .st. 1,12-If , * " 1T1OK KENT 1 or 2 pleasant rooms with JL. ' board , private family. 2015 Douglas. 170 10 * "VTKATIiY furnished'front room , with Ixtard ; -l- > all modern Improvements. SOU ) California. 110-Hi * COOL , pleasant rooms , Illll'i ' N. l.'ith. Hat "J , " with first-class board , for gentleman. TTlOlt KENT Pleasant furnished room with JL,1 nil conveiilcnces. 212 d. 2,1th st , &J "ITIOU KENT Two furnished front rooms , JL1 with bay-window , modern conveniences , fie and } 4 per month , with or without board. 2218 I.eaveinvorth. st. 812 IjlOH KKN'lM > 'urnbhcd itmms. 17' ' -apltol I av IJOOM S.47 and } 10 ; ITIOK KEXT-Nlccly furnlshi'd rooms , July | . JJ 1722 Caiiltol ave. SNi-Sl * 171OK KENT New fnrnfsliod rooms In Now - Terrace , with or without board , ut reason able rates , S12S Ilurney st. IICU I710K KKNT furnished rooms. 1IWJ Douglas , V 670 "i/lOll KENT-Nlccly furnished room. Till .1. modern conveniences , 2 blocks from P. o. , j 17 th .st. f > 77 cNT-A Inrso und nicely furnished room fronting on Cnpllnl avenue , east of the hlKh school. Private family. Sultnblo for two or tluco gcntlomun. Address U , r > ) , llee. ICC ) . | .A jilt ) Itl'.NT l-'urnlshed rooms ; KIIS , bath and . sU-iim ; irdOHowuid. 57rt 'Dodge. ' Special rales by week or month. 571) ) MICKLV furnlxhVd front rooms with ulcovo Jto lot. . ' - Inquire. 2022 St. M.iry'a iivenue. Troll Itl-.M' A lurso front room , furnlshiMt , -1. ' In onu of the fluent residences in thu city , 724 S. lUtli Bt. , corner l.euvenworth. Kit . I10AUI ) AM ) UOOMH. ( OAKDINuQ ml rooms , HIS Jackson. ' 8 * ) H * VOll 1UCNT--UOOSI8 UNKUltNISIIl-il ) K UNl-'UKNISUKI ) rooms , nlco yard , ( til So. < 17th t. , Ijctwecn Jucktton and Leioenworth. Ifti li > * _ FOK I1KNT-I unfurnUhed rooms to family without children ; modern Improvcmiinta 1701 WeliBler it. I'rlcolU. fcU _ I I.KASATiT"unfurnibiied rooms for llulft J hoiiM-UeepIng , uowly uupcrcd und pulntud. .r iiowurd. WI is- JTIOKKI NT ' 3unfurnUlic(1 room-.SOSN nth , ; IC hardware ototo P J1 Howard's' . rp\VO or three tiowly papered , unfurnished JL rooms. city water. bulb ntul sewer , niirahlu line , chenp. 1122 No-MthHl ' U NTUIfNIHllKD greatly reduced price * . Cheapest tvtil In the city. Hutu Iteming Agency. 3H H i.Hli st. ' ' * " I-'Oll HUNT HTOUKH AM ) 1711NK nfllei' lit Mtinll llgures on ground lloor , JL1 in lloyd'ri opera house. Inijulro uf Ameri can I'lief Co. , ' 'IS S. l.'ith st. 1M basement Slth and Leuvenworth V-/st. : good ylaco for barber shopW P r month. 104-SS * FOK KKNT-Small Moro room , * , * > . South Tenth , r'our doors from deMt. | Sultuhto for fruit orclgur store. Apply ticket ollluo , 807 goiiin 10th. 820. UTOKF.3 lit TOO. 9 Kith , 2xfiO ! each , largo Oshow window * , steam hunt furnished. Thos V. Hull. : itl 1'iixton block. Ml ItKNT-Tho 4-story brick building , wither or without power , formerly occupied by the Hco Publishing Oo. , MU I'lirnain st. The build- In ; ; has a IIreproof cemcrt hu omcnt , complete steam heating It.xtnres. water on all thu Hours , gus , et . Apply at the olllno of The lice. 1U3. Foil HUNT L'AHl'UKK. WANTKD-Ilorse * to pnsturo nt W.M a month on farm near Irvlngton ; horses called for and delivered. W. It. Iloman. lloom li. It'rrnzur block. ftO JtKNTAIi AGKNCY. BJ. I KEY , rental agent , 200 N. Y. Life. . ? 00 ' MORTON'S rental agency , M7 Puxtou MS block H' E. COLE , rental agent , Continental blk , II' you want a position whom you can nmko $125 per month , address Union Publishing Co. , UolumlniH. Neb. liv't-lli * W1I. DAY , pliimblngnmlgus fitting , 2023 Turnum , formerly of the llnssey & Day Co. ; bus opened a plumbing , steam and pa * lilting establishment when ! he Is now ready to make estimates and do all kinds of jobbing at reasonable prices. UIvo him a call. Tele phone 1WO. ! 1.71-21 * , ) Hrownoll Hall for sale. One of the Oll largest framu buildings , lllth and Jones sts. , 4 stories , very sound , to bo moved or torn down ; will receive bids to Juno 2. ith. Addresser or see W. Loreiuuu ' , 020 bouth llJIIist. 1M 111 * WANTED To know the whereabouts of Win. J. Merldlth , by his parents of Mo- berly. Mo. , his last letter was written at Chicago cage July 10 , Ih'JO. M. V. Merldlth. 207-10 * PAD STONE I have a genuine mad stono. L i , I , . Itenbow , 12.12 no. 201 t KCl-jy t AVANTKU---TO HIT * . ATKAM and moving ovpres.s wagon. Call Augustus Itrown , St.Clalr hotel. Kith and Dodge. 2.VJ-17 * \\rANTKD Houses or .stores , clear of In IT ciimbrance , In other Nebraska or'Iowa towns for inciimbered Omaha real estate. Stringer k Penny , Douglas block , llith and Dodge. 201 _ _ " \\7"ANTKD Good commercial paper. Ne- l I urusku Jlortgago Loan Co. , SI ! ) 1'uxton blk , fisU , ITKK , household goods.etc. Highest 1 ca > h price. 1117 S Kith. JCl OUXS IlI-H'AIKS KTO. PARASOLS and nnibrellas covered and re paired. H. Haler , 1.M5 Douglas ; basement. USIItUKI < l/AS repaired , lawn mowers sharp ened , key flttlm ; and locksmlthlnu at Ilellln's Klin shop. Hi ) N. llith .st.'JO'J ' ,11'J LOUISK HRNNETT. from Chicago , the fa mous masseur and muxnelfc manipulator , I'arlors. 'ilfi N. Kith st. -"J'-IH * fASSAGK nnd mugnetlc treatment , HKtPu- Lclllc. half block from motor line. Mli-22 * OEMOVAI < Mrs. Dr. Day has fitted up ele- A'iBant ' bath rooms , No. HOrt Oodio st. . the ground lloor. and Is now prepared to give Hot HprliiK's baths with electricity. All .sufl'crin ; ? fiom rheumatism , la erlppe , paralysis or dropsy will do neil to cull upon her. 2l8jyKJ " ] \I ASSAUE tri'iitment. electro , thermalmed- J 'l Icated baths.scalp halrtreatment.manl- cure & chiropodist. Mrs. K. M. I'ost , 413 d. IDth. MISS I1. KUKSTKIt , tuldwlfo and M. 1) ) . for children and female diseases , U31Saundcrs .st. . In second story. 'JUI-J-ai * AKEyouKolns to take a vacation or a trip , if so don't KO until you buy one of lleyns umutmir photo outfits. 0 styles to nclcct from. 1414 DcxIiTu st. -M'l 1'KNSION AC UNO Y. EN. CMNGMAN , exclusive pension attor- ney , U I'J&IM. l > 'renzer block. Umaha ; a- > < > Cincinnati &WashIiiKton. Stamp for circular. " STOISAOK. rpUAUKAKE storage at lowest rates , W. M , JL Hiishman. lllli Leqvenworth. fas COL storage. David Cole , 813-817 Howard. STOUAGE llrunch fc Co. , I'M Howard. ( 3 "TTiIiltNITIiKK storage , seiiarato cointmrl- JL1 meiits. Hiri-S17 Howard. LW rpltAUKAUi : storage , David Cole , H15-817 X Howard. 2."i7 LOST High school class pin O. II. S. 1S90. Koturn to Itee ollice. CTl-IG * TOST A lady's gold watch and chain with -'her full name engraved on Insldo of cover. Kinder leave same at thlsollico and receive reward. Kvlc Williams , Tel. 1174 , Omaha. 247 Itt * LOST Small bay mare ; a white hind feet , K brand on side head. Fred 1'cturs. : i blocks north I ) , and 1) ) . Institute. ' . ' 00 i ; > * FOUND. rpAICEN I'l' At the Murray farm , cltv , ono 1. while and red cow. Ounur please all. sol- tlo damage and Ret the cow. II'U-ls ' * FOK SAM1IOIISKS : WAGONS I-71'C. AlVl'f A'KIMK ! to the city. ! . ' S. 17th st. Sl'AN hoises worth > ; JtBO will buy them. Span mules , ' -iiunil. and good workers , i I ' . ' , " > . .Single drivers. 473. S > mu , a waiimi , a buggy and a phaeton ; having no HM for them I have cut thu price In two. K. L' . Williams , i.1 > : > N. Kith st. 241 10 " 1I1OU SAIiK A full platform spring , leather -1 ? topcarrlage.alinostnew , and one ( Jolumbns make buggy ; also one set double harness for * n. Apply at SJiri Webster .st. lus l.J ORSliS J5U and up. II. K. Colo. 120 "ITMl'TKKN span work mules , long time at' -L per cent Interest. Selby ij ; Hoard Trado. PA KT1ES looking for line driving or saddle horses , would do well to call on , or corres pond with T. J. I'lomlm ; , manager W. II. Mil- lard's farm , ( 'alhoiin , Neb , He- has fur sale MIIIIU llrst-elasshlnglo drivers , carriage teams , and saddle horses , ut reasonable prices. .V.rj "I71OK SAIiK Klne famllv carrlago hora JL. bound und gcutlo. ImjulroSlt N. lUtli st , { .I'lJUBHS Liielit drivers , bur aln. The Into l-llio has miiduthcmcliuui ) . HE. . Colo.Con- tlnental block. KS _ AVANTUD TO 1UCNT. WANTED Hy u young married couple , lilensant room with board In private fam ily , vicinity of Park or lieorgla uves. pre ferred. Address H 4 , lieu. SerA \\rA > TEI-Hy ft unmU family , u plousant ti cottage of Mor seven rooms near or on the car linos. Will bo permanent. Adilro.ii Li ; il lloo. 77U _ \\rANTKD-To rent a to 3 unfurnished rooms for housekeeping , small family , near business center. Address U is , llco olllcu. 701 _ I WANT moro houses to rent ; moro demand than huuscj. 1'arrotto Itulital agency. ' _ iiiiOiin : KOU SAljl' ; KUItNITUlttJ KTO. SAIK Fiiriiuuro. oarputs nut liouso- hold goods of all kinds every Tueaduy , Thursday nnd .Saturday morning at 1111 Par- niimst. Cash paid for gixxU , Omaha Auction und Storage Co. Henry Orclghton , uuutloneur. 80U "JJiOH SAI.i-All : the nonrly new furniture. - - curpett. , Ntelnwuy upright piano , etc , of residenct ; eurner 4Uh and llurlstrect v\Viilnut Hill ) , vUllhoHold ut u notion TutuJay utlp. ! m. , aa the prtmiMM , A. Uourdslcy , auctioneer - 11K8T ( luullty monj3Jpwcnt rutesTnt Kreil .1 > HOOH' nu'nt innrhoVei1 ! C'limltiR st. 781 2il ii will be olTerMl Ifor milo lit. S o'clock. Tuesday. Juno 17th , o'll0 ' corner of 41th and Hurt st * . Coma ami gel n Stolinray at n bur- gain. siii-ia * FOR SAIjK-Drnir strirU , flxtures nnd billhl- IIIR In n gixvl llvp rlrtlrmd town In western Iowa. Uood location .for 11 iihy.slelun with family. Oixxl reasons. for soiling givenArt - ( IreMlock box aci. UUIowa. . IBI-U 1710U SAIrf"A eood cow. ffcili , ImlMirccil JU Jersey and Holstnltit fni'iulro utlMU Charles. _ , iKM-ia * TJlOU SALE" cneuiH | l''horso power eo 1 boiler , good as nu l ( , vmh llttlius eompleto : heater , mud-drum , plunge immpi , anil No. : i nowloi ! will Sell for one-half original cosj eff W. Hertford. ( Ml " _ _ _ _ AicTfON" : IE Commencing Wednesday , Juno lSls'JOnt 10 u. in. , will sell ut uurllon , without reserve , u fliioalock of hair anil mlll- Incrgoods. The.-o gomls are fresh und Must In1 Hold , regardless of cost , at SJIS dinning street. Omaha. Nel ) . illiMS * _ _ ri llK famotm Warrensburg white and blue -L Hand Mono will stand In any climate , U llro and frost iinvof and Is suitable for all purpoMM where stone H preferable to other material. I am prepared to fuml-di this stone on short no tice In any quantity , rough , sawed or dressed ready for use. 1'or further Information nrt- drcssJucobl'lckul , Wiirrunsburg ( Quarries * , Mo. 07U Jya * SI XT V head No. 1 Jersey cows forsalc of best strains , llysham k I.ockurt , Hod Oak. la. 1:13 : 17 * FOK SALK-100 piano boxes , price K. A. llospe. l.1ii : Douglas. s r a 4 GOOD soda fountain , In running order , for less than half cost. O. Peterson , Ids S. l-'HIi. < lK for sale In carload lots. Address Mul- T holluni & Co. , Council lllutrs , la. 111-IS "ITIOK SAI/E Hotel 8 rooms on second floor , JL ? ft rnoms on first flour I'lirnlture good. Nearest hotel to depot. Only two hotels In the place. lvi | > town , good business. Terms rea sonable. Address , Mrs. J. W. Mo-dor , Dodge , Neh. lti-lti : * "Ij OH SAI..E Cheap , u beautiful fawn colored JLgroy hound. Kmjulrc ? JI S. llith St. , corner of fjoayi-iiwiirtl ! . HI I TjlOK SALE Some gHd watches and dlu- JL' inoncN cheap. U. r. Masters , room 4 , WIth nell block. ft'.U ' ART AND OHG AN for sale nearly now , cheap If sold soon. Address H 7 Kee olllco. y0-lG ; ! * A E. EWINOTON , teacher of piano , several years' experience ; methods easy and nat ural. Studio. 120 N. 15th st. 177 1'J ' * BEI'OKE buying a piano examine tno new scale ICImbull piano. A. Hospc,15Ui Douglas KKi G EO. ROELLENItEOIv.teachcr of the banjo , with Hifepo , ISU Douglas. 2I'J ' HIOXKY TO GEO. J. I'AIIL , 1IX > ! ) Karnumst. Money to loan on farmsjind city property. B'.IJ , i' OAN'S City and farm loans , mortgage pa- Jpcr bought. McCague Investment Co. 002 MONK Y loaned at lowest rates , long tlmo on Improved Omaha real estate , no "extras. " no delay , Glebe Loan & Tuist Co. , u07 ri Ililh , _ _ jj 005 to 7 per cent ; no addi tional charges forcommlsslon or attorney's fees. W. 11. Melklo , l'lnl Nat'l bank bhlg. 7\T ONEY 'HMM ortmdaysou fumiturc.plaiios. 1 I horses , hyu&cs , etc. .1. J. Wilkinson , U13 Pa.xtonblk. rU ! /CHATTEL loans at lowest rates ; business VA'onlldcntlal 51U 1'iikton blk. J. It. Emlngcr. , COO / 1OMMEHOIAL and general short tlmo paper Wbought ; also regular llve-yimr loans inadu on Improved property. Ueo. V. lllust & Co. , AW Itomgo bldg. i v ffiHi QEJONl ) mortgage loans. Second mortgages Obouijht. Loans onVacant lots. Iteed & Selby , room ta. Hoard /Trade. / f > )7 ) LIHEIIAL real estate loans made by W. M. Harris , room 20 , I'ronzer block , opp. 1' . O. liOl KEYSTONE .Mortgage Co. Loans of $10to fl.OOO ; pet our rates1 before borrowing and save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any approved security without publicity ; notes bought , for new loam renewal of old and low est ratus , , call It SDi , Shccly blk , ,15th and Howard sts , 0011 FlltST mortgazo loans at low rates and no delay. 1) . V. Sholcs Co , , 210 1st NuU bank. 5Xi ! CHATTEL HANK , room ! l Wlthnoll block. * ail-JID Gl'EIt CENT residence loans , $1,000 to J10.000. Itulldlng loans at special rates. The Mead Investment Co. , Dec building. 8H ! MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mines , household goods , pianos , organs.dlamomls , at lowest rates. The IIrat organised loan of- flco In the city. Make loans from . ' ( J to 'K5 ! days , which can ho paid In part or whole at any time , thus lowering I lie principal and Interest. Hull and see us when you want money. We can assist you promptly and to your advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money always on hand. No delay In making loans. C. I'M teed & Co. , 1119 S. 12th St. ; over HIiiL'ham .t Sons. 507 LOANS Money on hand , low rates. Omaha Heal Estate & Trust Co. , 220 S. 17th st. , Hco building. { ) . > MONEY to loan on any security for short tlmo at low rates. Lowest rates on pnrsonnl property. The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com pany , room 400. I'axlon block. OPS \\7ANTED I'Mrst class insldo loans. Lowest i i rates. Call and sue us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , | S04 1'arnam. ( WO BEI'OKE negotiating a loan to Improve your real estate got terms from The Odoll Investment Co. , ; I01 N , Y. Life bldg. , Thus. S. lloyd , roprescntatlvo. UIO 01IEA1' EASTEltN MONEY- I'hlludolphlo. Mortgage and Trust Co. , always ready to loan and pay promptly ; first mortgages wanted Georgn W. I' . Coates , ropru- sentatlve. room 7. Hoard Trado. Ml EASTKKN iiionoy to loan on city property ; mortgage paper uought. H. H. Irey.N , Y .Life MONEY to loan on Ions or short tlmo ; county warrants bought. Star Land Si Loan Co. . IfiOO' ' , , Karnam st. C2i ) J ' 'S SHOUT time loans on vacant lots. Selhy& Iteed. Inboard of trade. fiSS MONTTY to loan in any amount from $10 to if 10,000 for any time from one to six months. Loans made on household goods , pianos , noises , mules , wagons , houses , leases , etc. . In fact on any available security In any amount at the lowest possible rates without removal of property. Payments can be made at any tlmo reducing both principal and Interest.ou pay Interest only for the time you use the money. If you owe a balance on your property I will take It up ami carry H for you. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. 'No removal. Lowest rates. H. tMusters. . Itoom 4 WIthnell block , 15th and llarney His. K PER cent money to loan on real estate so. 'J entity. Loans can bo paid off In Install ments. Jno. W. Itobblns , SOON. Y. Llfo bldg. : c3 ! LoANri wanted on productlvo Omaha real estate. U and > yeur.V. time , optional pay ments , fuvoruble term- ! and rates. KlmTiMt , Champ k Kyau , ICOOJtO : . 120u " C'HATTEL loans , It. IU Contlnenful blk. , 1.1 k Douglas ; business confidential. M.J. llullj MONEVTtnoan , S years on easy turms on IK ) per cent on good eoilsurratlvu valuations , nnywhuro In tlio city llniiu of Omaha , at HO Sheuloy bldg.,13lh and Howard t > ts. Sam'lTatu. IW Jl SHOIlTlfAXI ) AND ! TVPH W UITINQ. \\rANTKU KdueatyliJ'iiuni : ladles and BHII- i tluimmt to learn northaiid and typowrlt- IliK ! Kooil salaries ; stiuhjuts assisted to posi tions. Standard Shorthand lluslnuss UolloKO. Kruiik K. Hull , Instruftlfr. till QRCUM ) IIAND-Ciitultrlipliii , Hammond and Oltemlnutiins. John , .11) ) Corner Co. Luttur rilu.s und oil Ice spculalljes , HaniKO bid ; ; . Sid 3DHUK. Lerec , the rmiownud pnronnlogist , - medium und palmistwho has been publicly tested and challenges thu world In rovuallng mysteries , disperses jealousy , uvll Influ ences , gives full namesof present or futura husband or wife , also tolls your faults und qualities , trade business or profession to inaku u success , ' ' - Ninth 10th up stulrs. Con sultation it. Satisfaction given or no pur. 2U4-J-21 * Kh.DK.KDD Vims returned. Thnronowned clairvoyant Is the hoviinth daughter of thu seventh daughter , Ixirn with veil and grout proiihotle gift of second sight. Whlluun tranced will ruveal to her patroijsovery hidden mystery In llfo. Has lung boon pronounced In Kuropu und America tlio greatest living wonder of tno present uge. Understands thu scluuco of the "Persian und Hindoo magic. " or unulent churni working , and prepares Egyptian talis mans which will ovurcoinu your unumluH , remove- , family troubliw , restores lost ulfcctlons , niakiH murrluga with the onn you lovu no fullnrn. Itomovoa evil In- ftiiencos , lind habits , cures wltchury , Ills , and all lung blandlnc and myntorlons ( IhieaHes l-'ei' it. ti und W ; houru 0 u. in. to ti p. in. , Ktrlct Send stamp for illustrated clrcutur "l Nuilh Ktli.u Always ut home. MADAM DFtiXIEH nmRnntlHt N nckowl- ixlucd by nil competitors tlio niieon of iiiiis < ; mn and innKiintlMiu. I'nrlors over ( JIOA IlouMUtoS ; tiiiiuliiyH li ) toi. ; trlct , DIt. NA NNIK VV.U5KN. . clalrvoyan t nutllcul and bimlnrss medium. Female dls- ousos u Dpoolulty. 11U N. lUtli at , , rooms 'J and H. CI3 ItUHINUHS CHANOKS. 0 GOOD openings. Hesi paying chop house In the city , feedlna WO dally. ja&M. l.uncli counter In saloon.V ) . 21 room hotel la South Omaha for fiVW. I'luar ' store In linn locution , Invoice il.ono. Saloon In the heart of tlio city , J\mM. Itestaui-ant In Rood location. fl.dOO ; also restaurant. $100. ioo cream parlor and bakery. Kcstuurant , IxiardhiK house and rooming house near court house. All In peed nlmpo and rtiiniln . Co-opcrullvo Laud k l.ot Oo. , 2i N. inth st. 211 m "IjIDlt .SAI.K Klrst-elnsst saloon In jrami town - 1In New Mexico , ilnltiK Rood lutslnes.s : i fur- nUlietl rooms In conne-ullon , about pay rent. Address H IS Omaha Ueo. . ' 110 21 * Et.KllANT first class hoardlm * house and family hotel , 7.1 rooms , all occupied , and nearly IOJ hoarder * . Itent. f. " > l per month ; In come , Ji.oito monthly. Uo-Opcratlve I < . k It. C'o. , 2d. > N. 10th st. 211 111 "TjlOK KENT or Mule A llrst class creamery in J-1 good agricultural district. Plenty of cream ran bo hud. Address J. 1 * . Itcnshavr , Sterling , Neb. CUM'-XI' 17l6ltTAI.K--Iruu'stock ! nn old esrabllshed .L1 and well located ; will Invoice * touo to JSAWOj part cash.balance on t line or Omaha city prop erty. The Mead Investment Co.lice building. " 171(11 ( ! SALE A stock of drum , store fixtures. JL mill a line oili ; fountain , located In a pros perous county seat In Nebraska. Everyhlin ! ; I < of the best. The town U a U. It. division t > tatIon and the H. K. shops arc located thero. I'or full purtlciilars call or address II. H. Hen derson , room 400 , 1'axton block , Omaha , Neb. I III SALOON' for icnt or trade , centreof Omaha , very cheap. Address U 0 , Hoe. SMIO * FOR SAI.K-Clgar , confectionary and fruit stand , with 11 vo rooms -M6 South l-'lli - ! . ' -'l-U'O' Flit ( SAM'-A half or entli-o Interest In n prosperous hardware and grocery business. Ho.x .V.W , York. Neb. Iti'-lli i M "oitl'lJAllEEH' Sale-Notice Ishereby given that I wllUell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the furniture ami fix tures and remalnlns ; portion of the stock of dinars , tobacco , pipes , etc. , of O. H. Mack . 't ' Co , l.'M I'arntim st. Sale to eommeiico at 'I o'clock p. m. Thursday , Juno ID. Its'.X ' ) , and continuo from day today until all of said property Is dis posed of. In the mean time any portion of the stock can bo purchased at prlvatesalo at prices to suit. ' Win. Coburn , Agent for Mortgagees , Omaha. Neb. . June7. ISDO. TO IS TJUTKNffuUE business for salo. Stock JIWX ) . JL1 ( iood It. It. town ; no competition. I' . H. Lamb. Cedar Itaplds , Neb. a07-17 /COMMISSION imsluess for sjile. ttxtures , VVhoi-M ) mill wiison , will Invoice to suit , pur chaser Wl to SoOO. 1'lrst-class lucallon. Ad- Ci a llee. it'll " 171OII SALE Ciraln. coal and lumber yards. JU Address , T. J. Halo , llattlo Uieek. Neb. jioiJJ : * ITlOlt SAIiH Klnu e.stalillslied cigar and news J- business , llest location In tlie cltv. Ad dress box O. OS'- ) ) est tlict > . -ISU TTUlllSALEor I'or Hciit Oneof the best fixed JL up loinling ) : houses IP South Omalm. In mostdeslrablo loeiillon. Apply to It. II. Itaven , irrth s > t. , luatKxchango erossliu , South Omaha. 112 Jlli' " 171011 SAKE-HiiIf Intemst In my retail JL1 crocorr busliies.s to a good reliable man , capable of nianaglng tlio hame. The only ex clusive cash grocery house In Omaha. Es tablished r > years ago by lid. N. Itrown , the O. O. I ) . . WJ North Kith st. 7tr. I'-OU K.VCHAXCK. \\t HAT have you for l.'i quarters of land ' i hou.sos and lots , also mortgages ? May assume. W. J.-1'aill. l ( ) i ) Kiirnain. 17II-IM JTIOU EXOHANC1E Cluiir land In Iowa and JL1 Nebraska tooM'hunuo for Omaha or South Omaha vacant lots ; will assume small eiieum- brancu. M.S. Sturgeon , Itoom 111. lioaid of Trade. 173 LOT in Lincoln. Neb. , for stock merehundlau Addre.ssWm. Itowerdink , lllckman. Neb. OTIj : HOItSICS wanted In exchange for i'1,000 gon- - eral niyrfhandlsc. western unbroken pre ferred. Address box 111. Crulghlou , Knox ( Jo , , Nel ) . 1C1-U * T7IAKM and city property for sale or ox- JL- change for any kind of merchandise or chattelshorses ami cattle ; would particularly lllio to trade for steers. Willis Cadwell. llrokun How , Neb. BSOJiM * TTIOK EXCHANGE Good farms , city proper- J-1 ty and wild lands In Neb. and Iowa forjood gon'l m'd'.se ; pmpurly clear , tlllu purfoct. Ad dress Lock llo.x 05. Kremont. Nel > . UiH I WILL tradoa good clear lot In So. Omaha for piano or hoi-so and buggy. Address O 4 Hco office. -TO.- . KOll SAljU-HKiVIj KSTA.TE. HEItE are a few Of our bargains In aero pro- pcrtv. 10acres In West Omaha J 7.W10 II ) acres near Missouri Pacific belt. ijno. . . li.MO 10 iiurort nholco level truckage oil U.K. . . . 10,000 r > aeiVfc In West Omaha I.000 ! to acres close to city limits 18,000 7 acres only three miles from postollloo. . 7.r > 00 fiiicrus In liiiwiifleld , only JO.COU cash. . . . y,000 70ueros , linest tract around tlio city.wlll siibdivldi ) IntoXiOnlcii lots 'J3.0CO 10 aero tract only two blocks from licit line station. West Omaha 7,000 10 acres In West Omaha , near junction of ! ' . E. k M. V. It. It. , and M. I' . Hell line railway , splendidly adapted to platting , will Hiibdvloe into fifty nlco lots , thai with the rapid growth of the city , will.sell for WOO toJ.'iOJ each. There Is twelve to fifteen thousand dollais prolll , In this tract within the next three years. Call and get price- and terms. Can iiuoto special prices If sold at once. tico. N. Hicks , first , lloor N. Y. Llfo bldg. aO'.l-ll ' ( FOS SALE Talmago says to the young man , ' Do not go In debt for anything o.xcepta home. " Ho might have added , "buy one. with in your means. " To any ono who would take tills advice , I oll'er u very cholco full lot for J. ii > . good neighborhood. 'with school , church anil streetcar privileges. A complete and ele gant little home can bu secured with * 1,000 to 3l.r > oo , Only u small amount of cash required , C. I" . Harrison. 1)11 ) N. Y. Life. _ 1HO _ ITIOlt SALE Hilck warehouse , 2 stories and JL1 basuiiiunt , 100x00 ft. with lot 10axt52ft. ; to doubln track southLlllh and 1'lerco on sts , AU- ilrosb O.-ikamp , t Halnc.s , Omaha , N'ob , _ OT > 1 _ "V rW S-room house , near motor line ; will J- ' soil cheap and onsmall nionthly pavments. Call ( jiilnk If you want a bargain. .1. J. Wllkln- son.uis 1'axton blk. _ WJ _ _ "IjlO SALE H.OOU acres bess farming land In J Nebraska at u great sacrllico. Inquire South Kith st. CJeo. 11. I'clurson , owner. 171 j IS J" IN'i'OLN I I'luco and Carthage lots , price jl.OOO. i.'V ) down , balance { ! . * > monthly. _ \V. L. Selby , room 111 , board of trade. _ CI7 JTIOIt S A LE A home on moiifhTy"paymcntsT A nlco S-room house , t'i'i pcrmonlli , ji.0)3 ) , first payment as arranged. A pretty cottage. ! > looms finished , upstairs for as many more. lot r > o\U'0 , W.OOO , 115 per month , small payment down. A similar cottage , lot lOOxwi , fc.ioo. * 15 per month. Will build on vacant lots to suit. Norman A. Kului , druggist , 15th und Douglas. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ " jlo'lt SALE A tine new Ti-room eottugo near JL electric ear line on N.27th st. Will take as part of cash payment , n K'OOI ! Morse or horse and Dhaeton. _ I' . 1VI ) Barnaul st. _ line _ COTTAGE homes in most any addition for saluut fnim 11,000 up , on ea < y monthly pay ments. I' . K. Harllng. 4i : llarknr block. ( ilf ( A SMALL payment down and jl.'i pur month will buy u l-rooin hoiiie. and lot on Pith , 2 blocks from motor ; flrnl-'lasi clianci < to ac- iiilni | u home on easy terms. Apply to II. K. Cole , Continental block. _ fufi _ rr-KOOM cottages , $ lIiOi ) ouch. * 100 caslfdown , Miahince $1.1 per month. Thos. ! ' . Hall , ail I'axton blouk. Ml WA N'T ED- About lOOxlOT ft or more , oloso , Insldu ; part trade , cash und tlmo or cash and time. II 1 , lien olllco. lT.l-n : l OHSALK-Lots W mid N.'t III , hhmk I , JL I'lulnvlew , W.OOJ. Address box'A Colum bus , Neh. 2CKI-I7 * "T71O11 H.VLE or TriuJo My resldunco on So. -L' stlth St. , near Park scliool , house of hovon rooms with bath room , water closet , hot und cold water , nil In good repair ; will soil foroash very > or will take vacant lot on West Karnam si. as part payment. For particulars address EM lieu ollluo. tH : ) HAVELOCK 1 have for sale propinty at lluveloek. suburb of Lincoln ; location of central II. & M. bhops. A ho property at Hot- vurslty I'lucit and Imhoit'H addition to same. Address W. 11. Fli-her. Lincoln. Neb. iTTO-ia * "IJTIOII ' SALE Nice 7 room IIOIIHH ready to J' move Into with full lot , i. ' . ' W , tM ) U. I' . Hurrlson. Oil N. V. Life. ISJ il A Wustcrlluld.roalestate. S.Omaha. IF YOU havu anything tu sull or exchange , _ CJIL'iL"3 ' ' Paxtim bluck 845 l HK SALE -Lot 83 feet front on Virginia JL' uvu . ear line , nour L avt > nwi > riii st. with 2 oottugox. will bull onu IIMII- und Imif of lot nupurato , easy turiu * . Juhn T Ih-ll all H. Htu. VTU1 bo paid to my competent chemist who will Out ] , on&naljtlf , A p.irtlclo of Mercury , roUah. or other poisons tu Swift's Specific (3. ( 8. S. ) EATING SORE n , Tex. , Aug. S3 , 1J33. "Por olgb * tccn months I had an rating aero on my tongnj. I wns treated by llio best locil phjelcLans , but obtained no relief , tlio ooro firvuily : ( ! crowlat worse , I concluded finally ( a try 8. 8. 8 , , < uul was entirely enrol after netng n few bottlcj. Von IVITO tny dievrful pcrmlfulon to pabllth the shore ttfltcmcnt far tlio l > encflt of tlicso slnllarlj- nffllctnl" C. IV. McLsMunc , lIcmlcrson.Tcr. Trcntl.'Q on Illood and Skin PL'ciwnjmallcd frco. _ TI1K HWJFT SI'KrtyiC CO. . AlUntA. Oa. Not loo. Matter of Application of t'rank l < \ nctlam.iy for transfer. Notice Ishereby given that I'rank V. Hell- nmuy did IIIHIII the Mh day of .lime. A. D. IS'.M , file nls applleatlnii to the board of llro and JM > - lleo commissioners of Omaha , for permission to move his saloon from No. HUM Douglas St. to No. 101 iMiulh 12th St. . In thosamo ward. If there bo no objection , remonstrance or protest Hied within two weeks from Junelith , A. I ) . 1890 , said permission may be granted. V. V. llKU.AMAr , Applicant. To Whom It I Iny Conoirn : The County Commissioners will Hit ns Hoard of Kiiuallr.atlon , ommeiielng at o'clock a. m. , Juno 8th. ISM , and continue In session from day to d.iy us required by law , until work be completed. JI''d7t P. ( VMAr.i.KV. Clork. rilAICKN IJP-llluo and whlto eow about fi -L years old , f > miles west on military road and 1 mile north on Martin TlbUu's furm. Christ Muetgenborff. m ll)2f ) > J 21) ) 10 * M1AKKN tJP-ltay mare , little stlir. some -L wlro cuts , l.'ilniiuls liluh. 7 miles west of Omaha. John ' . . . , ' McArdle'.s farm. J2-0-U1-2.1-0 ! 'Jo FomlorH nnd Cattle Alan. On nnd after the 20th hist. , we will have for salu four thousand or more good , high grade , one , two and three your old Iftiih feeders , that wo can f mulsh at the Union Stock Yards , South Omaha ; or If desired , wo can arrange to sell these cuttle at North Pluttu or Hustings , Neb , Parties wanting anything In this line , will please correspond with us. UEO. liuiiKK k L'fiAKiKtt , South Onialin.Ncb , DenifBr Lotteri [ Denver , Colo. } Capital Prize $7,500. TICKETS , HO OKXTS IOAC1I. $26,3/0 PAID KACII MONTH. BANK OF COMMERCE PAYS ALL PRIZES. Address B. ! ' , RIIODUS , DENVER. - COLORADO. NO RIBBON Permanent Alignment SPEED , Strength. Sold Under Q POSITIVE GUAR ANTEE. GEO. H. SMITH & CO. , Agents Nebraska and Iowa. 81O S. 16th St. , - - Omaha "fll the I'INI.ESH AlilillOViUU ! \ Vil ) di.OTuns " I.INB : patent recently issued. It holds the clothes without pins : they do not freeze to It and cannot blow olf. Sample line sent by iiiall&Oo ; SU-foot line by mull J1.25. l > 'or circulars , price list and terms address The Pinless Clothes Line Co. , 17 Herman St. , Worcester , Mass. , rn /ifrfcvrjr"f''r uw AijUUMjJi flOeneral end HEK.VOUS DEBILIT Yj . 'IWtaincsBCf Body and Hind HCftcta T _ .11lnfPrrn..r > Tv . .f. . < nOljer , Young. llotHill , MebuniMIOOnftllrliMtortd. How In nl.riti > .Sj Jb.olulflr' DDfilllof II031E TnKlTMKVr-DMtlUj lo dir ! Df D tMtlfr from 60 & ! ! Rid foreign Connlrlri. Wrltt lh m. Peterlntli * Uook , iplanillon and proof * mllfd ( > eAlcdfr ) e * Udreu ERIE MEDICAL CO. . BUFFALO , N. Y. ( tuffrriiu ; from Uia rlli-cts of youthful iirrors , carlr decay , wnUng wpaknes. , loHt nuinlKHHl , ( < tc. , I wilt 0ond n vntimbln trcatlMi ( o nluil ) cuntAlnlnv full particulars for homo cure. I'llKH of cliarKu. A. tploniilil mi'dlcnl work : rhoulit Iw rt'ad liy every inun whfi la nervous and iloollltntcd. Audrosa , I'rof. I'.C. l'O\VIlCllItlooaii , Cojiu. t3ADI CARRIAGES DELIVERED HltC to any fluv In On UmtfO stu . iUo , Iiibj lumpen , Hifjclci , Sdfctln auJ Oirti' Trie- las. One ur mor atiol | ile I'ritt nt ( 0 , Ii. ilirYtrruin 1- ( J , Krrnrrr'i Kto- llory , 211V. . Mmlisnn St. t'htfigu. M to il K--nJif. suinp for n w c U > Tb * latent fjctitrj in the world * Early l > ny nadlbtt , * , ImpoUn- k/f i , . , nRr , nillioultli fully . f ! fitrfil. l'art8iinl.iritMl.ttireni.'ihuiioJ. lluujelifatu * sent free audscalfil. is TrlioaiuiUN. , 1IUA IISHHUmSI. . , \.r. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT- EXCHANGE' FOR SALE * JOS.P.MCGEATH , ST ; THIS TNSTIUTMKNT3 placed on record durlnz yosturduv : J H Hammond ntv' wlfn to Mrs F W Ilur- rull , lot IS , hlk 2CotncrAAichur'sudd , w d I 2,000 T W Ilii/tm and wlfn to T K Leo , K lots 117 and 111 , blk I. Ili'lggs Place , w d 7,500 C G Hunt to U II Hum. lot I , Pruyn'ssub in Puulscn'Kudd , w d 3,000 Nelliu Mcllrldnto L W Smith , hlk t and lots I to I , blk I , Wood's I'lure ' , wd B3OjO L W Smith and husband lo Annie Illnek. lot 1 , blk 1 and all blk 4. Wood's Placu , wd 20,000 Lars Hiiii-im and wife lo Andruw Sorensen - sen , e U lot , Hani's add , u c d 1 Frank Mmpliy to Andruw Surensen , lot , II. blk 2 , Al-instrnng'x2d uilil.q u d , 1 C W Hamilton , guaidlan to II M C'uld- well. und H of 72 > ixHliKJO ; trot li. lot 2 , Capitol add. < luud L Schroeder. Iruslee , lo James TuUuy , lot 5 , blk 12. llrown I'III-K. wd 00 Waldemnn HuMliaiis-en and wlfo tn O I'1 ' lla\ > n , lot 2 , blk U , firuniinurcy Park , w d KO F K Gould and wlfn lo J I' , Van filldur , lot 7 , Lindsay's add , w d 11,000 J K Van Glider and wlfo to Frank Ail- son , lot 7. Lindsay ' .s add , Wd C.OOO C It Shuw und wife to Frank Aiisim , lot 7. blk : i. Portland I'laee , iv d 2Wa Polcrl'.icluvll and wlfn to I ) F rilat.'i-el ul , w V ) , lots 11 und 12 , blk 11. " > , South Omuhu.wd IOW H ,1 1C HIT to public ih'dloatcs plot of ICair's snliill vision uflots lloC. blU U , ' ' ' 'arid L'lf tcou truiHfur.s Itiillilliit ; I'onnlls to ImlUlors wow Uitisd m fol low * by tlio suporlntciilciit ( of huildtniM you- torday . E. F. KlnRpr , four oni'-stnry f ramo cot tages , llagedom und Eighteenth slrui'tN. at iMM eauh . , . t 3 , 00 I' . A. Nash , two'Hlory addition and 10- tiAlrs. South Sovuniccnth uvonuu , near Jackson . . . 1,300 , ? . P. Mercer , throo-htnry lirli-k hotel , Twelfth , neur Howard . l.ROO Tliri'u iiiinur poinuu . Kluco perMili ugrctfiitluz . * > - ' . ' , ! } W ONK OV NAI'OIiKON'H MHV. How Ho Iioft Some of IIU l''lit ( rjr \\VHtcrn I'oiinHylvitttln. Writing of thoftottlomontot tlio north * wostorii iMU-l of IViin vlviuilu , ti I'itls- bum DLs patch contributor suys : The sober , ploiltlltid plonoora were now ntul then \vakod up by tlvo npnir- | ) ! aiu'o in tlii'ir iiihlst of people iiliont whom there wiis the Inlorcat of mystery or the ohsirtn of romiiiu'o. On a mlp In Land Ajont Gaslu'll's book , intorlitfod bt'twiHMt the nuMitloii of "tv panther nti'asiirlnjj cloven foot from Up to tip whti'h Ailniu Dotifr shot yoHloiimv. " ami nn itci'ount of Dtivhl rostlotlnvaftH on- traneo Into n don of wolvea back of bin pliu'o the full before , which ho 8ays In parenthesis ( was a far braver feat thnii thtit of "Old I'ut" ) , ho makeH brief ref- ereiu'o to it certain ( . 'olonel K mont and his wife , who appeared In Upper JelTor- yon In the earliest days , ihero Is no date to llio slip , but thn H menU ) must have arrived about 181(1. ( Tills Is thulr story IIR nearly as it can be recalled ; C'ol. Utfmout had ehar o of Napoleon'- * travolliif , ' chariot and bajj n o van a t Waterloo. When the battle was lost nnd the ( light was on , the emperor ox- pre.ssed thu hope that he ini ht flnd pas sage on an American ship. Kfjnumt saUl with the expectation of joining his ehlet In the United States , he , with the help of some soldiers , ot out of the van at tached to the carriage , sitrh boxes of plate , linen , etc. , as could bo hastily bvizcd , and barely escaping capture , made his way to the coast and nut on a schooner bound for Ameriea. Jlo did not know the emperor had bi-oit Inter cepted and put on board the Hellerophoti until he landed in New York , and as ho had not reeoivcd his pay , and the empe ror was then on bin way to St. Helena , ho concluded to make the goods supply his temporary necessities. lie waited in Now York until his wife arrived from l.tordeanx. lie sold some things before ho left the city , and with the rest he and Ills wife eamo into the woods. With the little money ho had ho engaged from the agent a small , partly improved farm up the Mahoning Crook , but know nothfng of labor. Some of the table linen in his possession , was of exquisite tlneness , and find the letter "N" surmounted bp the imperial crown embroidered on each piece. After Mme Kgmont bad can-fully picked out the embroidery she sold part of It to some appreciative housewives near the agency who had seen better ilnvs. An old lady , whoso daughter still has several napkins , said that the outlines of the Niind crown were plainly visible after several washings. Kgmont , as well as his wife , seemed always anx ious and on the alert. Their cabin was kept carefully closed and the contents of several chests were never displayed , but the use of several richly chased gold drinking cups , in the tender hospitality to t-ome neighbors who had been kind to them , led to the belief that the chi-.stH contained valuable pinto belonging to Napoleon. To the refined and scnsitivo I'Yonoh woman the wlldness and isola tion of their retreat became insupporta ble. She so soon pined for sunny 1raneo that the place was suddenly disposed of and with few leave-takings , the Kgnumta left .lelYerson and were never heard ol more. _ _ " 'Tis " that strange , passing strange , parents will let their children die with dipthoria when it is a noted fact that Dr. .loll'eris' preventive and euro never fails in any ease. Twenty-live years' trial has proven it. No physician re quired. Best referenced given. 1'riuo $3. Address box 057 , Omaha , Nob. Terrible Famine in Gnllcln. Terrible distress prevails in Gitlioiti owing to the failure of Inat year's crops , says a Vienna letter. There is a famine of food both for man and for beast , and the governor of the province has ap pealed to the authorities hero for a spe cial grant of 10,000,000 llorins for the pur pose of purchasing supplies for the starv ing people. More than ono hundred thousand horses have perished during the last few weeks from want of food. In the little district of Niako alone over twonty-jivo hundred have died. On a meadow just outside the town of Dumbrowa there are lying the bodies of100 horses which have starved to death. The other day a spec ulator from Pestli took advantage of tlio state of alTairs in Calicia to purchase a batch of 62 , " ! hnlf-starved horses at the incredibly cheap price of 80 krout/.ors , or about li ( cents apiece , and lfiOO moro were offered him at tlio same llgitro. It rend has vanished from the land , nnd the people are living almost exclusively on potatoes , and deem thomaelvos fortu nate when they can got oven them. The horned cattle have likewise all perished , and milk and butter are not to bo ob tained for love or money. Under the circumstances it is not nstonishing that tno inhabitants are leaving the country in shoals und are emigrating to the United Status. The Only Ono. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway Is the only ono running solid vcHtibnlod , electric lighted and steam heated trains bntweon Chicago , Council 15lull's and Omaha. The berth reading lamp feature in llio Pullman stooping cars run on llniiu is patented and cannot bo used by any other railway company. It is the great improvement of the ago. Try it and be convinced. Sleeing ] ) cars leave the Union Pacido depot , Omaha , tit 0 n. m. daily , arriving at Chicago at 0l : ! ! ( a. m. I'atasengora taking thin train are not compelled to get out of the cars at Council Bluffs and wait for the train to bo cloaiird Got tickets and sleeping our berth1 * ut lTnioij ticket otllce , 1601 Farnam st , . K. A. NASH , lion. Agt. .T. E. I'UKRTON , I'ass. AH i. . , Wealth ( Jroxvn I'iiHt. Wo Ah Woh was a youu"r < hlncRO swell homo years ago , bays IIMNoT York Sun , and was ono of the few fortunate ones who owned auveral thou- winds of American dollars , lie invostud a part of the money in a laundry niipply store on Molt street , and had Sl,7 > ) loft < Ho was afraid to intrust it to thr nanksi so ho wont to a rich Chinese JI'V-UT and told him ho wanted to sco nomc of hW bust jade bracelets. Ho bulutli'd the most valuable. "How much ? " ho asked. "Kight hundred dollars , " w.i.s ( ho ro * ply.Ho Ho beat the jeweler down und got it for $7oO. Mut there was yet anothov $1,000 loft. This Wo invested in gold and diamond hracolols , which ho were day and night on his loft wrint. Thn.i ho made his own left arm a navirigii bank , reserving the right as a faithful guard tolho institution on hih li-ft. Wo was happv , and doled out hh < > ic'n ln ! and birda % soup lo his > 'oimiivaicu with n briituihinllu every Suiid.i.v. Hixxjiilly , in sumo inybturiuuuiy , Wo bucainu hard up for ready i-di. After Uwaliii , ' upun hit ) bunk fur aoveral nighta ho finally coneltnlnd to draw on bis hank account t'i tlio uxtcnt of UIB judo braco- l -t , lint great was poor WO'H Hiirpriad v.'hun ho found that lie couldn't tafco it off. The ton years' extra avoirdupois hudtiU'ootuallyImprlHonod all his buiilt account butwuon the elbow and thtt wrist. To break the jade bnu--lft ' mortntl the IOJ.H of Hi.i whole vT-Vi. Tinothov jou'ulli ; , ! hricolcts are all l > , h : > al thu judf , and \Vo , allhnu ! ! isi aiti , , . is yo | I)0or. )