Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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No ndvcrllflcniontfl will t > o taken for
UICHO.column * niter 12'IOp. : in.
Terms CnHh In mlvnnco.
Advertisements under tills lioail 10 crnts per
line for tlin first Insert Ion. Tccnls for eachsub-
rqtirnt Insertion , nnd I1..V > per linn per month.
tin ndvortlHorncnU taken for loss than 25 centJ
Jor first Insertion. Tliny mint nm consecu
tively hnd muni bo paid In ADVANCE. All
djcrt scmcnts must bo handed In before 12.B :
o'clock p. m.t and under noolreumatancci will
tbny bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In thrso column ! * mid
having tlmlr answers addressed In earn of Tit H
HKR will please BBk for a check toonablo them
to gc.ttholr letters , nil none will bo delivered
except on presentation of check. All unsworn
to lulvcrtliemcnta should bo enclosed In onro-
All ndvortlBompntn In tlirso column * republished
published In l > oth morning and oronlnK edi
tions nt Tnn IIKK , the circulation of which OK-
KrpRutim tnoro thnn 10.000 pnpnrs dally , and
lves the advertiser * the benefit , not only of
the city circulation of TIIH DKR , but also of
Counrfl Illufrs , Lincoln and otlior cltlc and
towns tlironghotit this section of the country.
Advertising for these columns will bo taken
on the above conditions , nt the following bus-
ness Louo > who 11 ro authorized totako special
notices , nt the same rules as can be baa at the
tOof Twenty-sixth nnil N streets , Nebraska
Eavlngs bunk building.
JOHN W.DELL , Pharmacist , KMBouth Tenth
fit rout.
OHASE&EODY , Stationers and'Printers ,
11.1 , South ICthstreot.
s.H. . FAIINSWOUTII. rimril aolit , 2115 ,
. Cumlng street ,
WJ. HUGHES , Pharmacist ; G24 North
Jfllh street.
/3EO.W. I'AHK , I'harmacUt , K18 Lcaron-
VJ worth Street.
_ _ _ _ _
TTUGHES'I1lIAKMAOV,24lh. nnd Tarnnm
WANTKD-Sltuatlon In any kind of oflico
work by a young man oxiinrlenced as
bookkeeper nnd asst. cashier In bank. Ad-
dres.s lli : , llec. , 181 13 *
TJOS1TION In private family by experienced
JL yoiinir man. Will furnish good reference.
Address II. O. . lice. ' Uia-14 *
WANTED Situations foreood Rlrls. I have
lots on hand now. Mrs. UicHU.JlC/ ; . 15th.
ISO 111 *
WANTED Situation by reliable young
man. Address H 2 , lleo. 18 ! ; 14 *
D YOIIIIB Irishman well acquaint *
it ed with Rroeory delivery business , L-ood
wnires ; also 11) farm hands ; Mrs. Uresa. : H4 ! S
15th. 201 111 *
W ANTKD-A tlrst-elass | ob blacksmith at
Illalr , Nob. Address N. Hump. 188 It
$ ( ) to u month nan bo muclo work
Ingforim. Persons preferred who can fur
nish a horse and glvo their whole tlmo to the
business. Spnro monionts may bo profitably
emploved also. A few vacancies In towns and
cities H. F. Johnson & Co. , 1009 Main St. , Richmond
mend Va.
WANTED Harbor for Saturday and Sun
day. Wages $5. 801 South Tenth.
211-11 *
rpEACIIKRS and students everywhere for
JL luoratlvo employment during vacation ;
full Information free ; exceptional terms. Ad
dress Field Pub. Co. , Omaha , Nob. 180 15 *
"V\7"ANTKD A youiie man as night clerk at
Omaha club. References required. En
quire of Chas. L. Saiinders , scc'y , 220 S. 17th st.
. 170 13
T/VTANTED--A / man and wife without chlld-
V i ren. wlfo must bo a good cook and man to
thoroughly understand farm work and horses.
Address G 07. Iteo olllco 121 17
ANTE D-2 colored barbers at Sll S. 13thst.
170 13 *
WANTED Good bread baker at the Star
bakery , Thirteenth and Vine streets ,
Lincoln , Neb. 214-1G
W ANTED Scene painters. None but first
class need apply. For Information ad
dress It. Carlcton , Ited Oak , Iowa. 212-20
OTONE"MASONS wanted at Norfolk nnd
kJUeatrlce. Good wages paid. M.T , Murphy.
A HOY ! Grand expense-maker for canvassers
Every body buys ! W.II.Prluo.DavidICIty.Nob
W' ANTED Salesmen to sell goods by sam
ple to merchants ; salary paid to good
men ; samples furnished ; permanent situation.
> Model .Manufacturing Co. , South llend. Ind.
800-15 *
_ _
WANTED Men to travel for our Canadian
nurhcrles. Stone * WellingtoiiiMadlsoii.Wls
fllWO good men for clerical work. MO inonTii.
-I Call or address with roforoncu R.5.VRamgo )
bldg , eor. 15th and Harnoy. _ 18 1 15 *
A GENTS JJOoutllt on 30 days' tlmo. 4150.00
profit In 4 weeks or no pay. Add. , with
mp : Jarvls& Company , Itaulno , Wls.
T\rANTED 1,000 men for railroad work In
Tt Wyoming , Dakota , Utah and Nevada ;
wages Jl.75 to * 2f > 0 ! steady work. Albright's
Labor Agmicy , Ii20 Farnam Kt. 814Jy4
\\7"ANTED , Salesmen at $75 per niontli nal-
ary and expenses to soil a line of silver-
plated ware , watches , etc. , by sample only ;
horse and team furnished free , write at once
for full particulars and sample caxo of goods
free. Standard Silverware Co. , Huston , Mass.
' 504
WANTED Energetic men nnd women for a
genteel business naylng'tV ) weekly profit
easier than WO monthly otherwise ; experience
unnecessary ; permanent position and exclu
sive territory assured ; ( .1 samples free : Inves
tigate our money-making business. Address
with stamp. Merrill Manufacturing Co. . D 53 ,
Chicago , 111. 8811.1 yin *
AVAXTm ) FKMAI.IK 11101.1' .
'W'ANTKD Girl , Scandinavian , for general
housework , good wages paid , liotl N.20th. _
" 17 ANTED-Girl for general housework , two
W lu family. 1112 S.iothi.t. 191
Lady agents can muko | 3 to W a day at
A homo Milling an article of true merit to
ladles. Send two stamps , 4 cents , to pay mist-
ngo for frer sample. Mayllowor Medical Com
pany. 85 East LIIKO street , Chicago. 209-14 *
1\7"ANTED Compntcntglrl for second work ;
also llnt-class kltchon girl. Call ut 413
Now York Llfu building at 5 p. m. 201 10
TfVANTEI A good second girl. Mr . M. T.
Vl Patrick , n. w. eor. 2Kb and Lake , kllU
\\r A NTED Housokoopor.Qorman preferred ;
' T young lady for olorleal work. 0 hrs. iv day ,
wages J7 a weok.llrst class roferoueo.s required ;
10 waltre-s-es ; eooks for prlvato families $5 ;
n .QfHour'M families t25eooks ; for boarding houses ;
laiilM'iiiuldh. nui-Mi girls and a lot of good turn *
My planes. MIH. llruga. illlij S 15th. 2 < X113 *
GOOD girl for general house work ; must
have best of recommendations ; good wages.
J\lrs \ , D. O. MoEwan , 1111 S. 20th bt. 199 15 *
vfuitSK girl about 10 youni , to mind child ,
J-S 817 H llith. 171-13 *
f\7" . \NTED--Glrl for general housework. 2003
IT Wool worth uvo. 1513 *
t\rANTED-Yoiing girl to assist In light
Tl housekeeping , Imiuire 1135 Georgia uvo.
15113 *
" 1,17 ANTED Good girl for general housiuvork ,
V > 715 N. 23d st. 157 14 *
ANTED-Shlrt makers at the Omaha
.shirt factory. 1311 Farnam st. 13.1 13
* \ArANTKl > Good girl for conoral housework
2011 St. Murys ave. 137-13
) A girl for house work. 17l5Ca-tsat
ANTED-A ( 'ood nuiso girl. 11KI Douglas
131 13
ATANTKD Girl for gnnorai housework at
V > St , Durnttbas' rectory , KM North 19th.
1)97 )
WANTED-lst und 2d Rlrls In prlvato fami
ly ; beat of wages paid. 721S 1'Jth st. . cor
tier oi Leavenworth nt Mrx. J , L. HrandeU.
"V\rANTED Tnroo oxperloncuu tuning room
JjHlrUttttho Warkor hotel. .MS
HRS. K. U. Sansomc. OU B. ICth. fashionable
Urtv > siuuklug. llailey syaleiu taught.
fsljyl ?
"l NtiAUK.MK.NTS toaonrokhTiiukniK In finiil-
J-iJ lies solicited. MUi Sturdy , tx'SS. 23th avo.
T\KESSM A KINO-SIS North 17th. BatNfao-
JL/tlon gnnrnntecd. IW H *
MYKA McOlniils1 IreSFnimklnn par'ors .T23
Capitol avo. I uio nnd tench the 1'toich
tailor syntoiHi.H | l'i
FOR RENT--Hotel 24th & Droadwny Council
ntuifs. "A1 * *
POIl < KFiNT- iilcodesirable K-roomed
house , located ntSiOS. 19th st. l.VI It *
TJ1OH HENT .Vroom now house , city water ,
JU burn If wanted. llt'SN. 10th t. 178 15 *
POK KENT Kc.sldeneiHi In nil parts of city.
List too largo to publish. Globu LOJIH &
T71O11 HKNT At niodurnto rent , the three-
JU storv and basement brick building situated
nt No. lllo Douglas ntrcot , suitable for manu
facturing , wholesale or warehouse purixisi's ,
also ono Htoru and basement No. 107 a. liltli St.
Apply to Cliiis. Ktiufiimnn , 1302 Douglas st.
"ir > OR HUNT Miio-room mid funiTttiro
JU for nlo , finest location In the city and an
excellent placn to rent rooms. 114 . 25th st. (
or apply at i : > ! 5 Douglas at , 191 15 *
"I7\OU \ HUNT Almut Juno 1 , these olegnnt
JU stone residences on Georgia ave. , H. 29th st.
hot. Mason and Pacificists. See owner for long
tlnm lease , 11. II. Henderson , room 400.Pax-
ton blk. 671
M "ODERN house , ntno rooms , bath , hot iind
_ .cold water , furnace and Ka , on Dodge St. ,
{ 40 per month. Fred J. Dorthwick , 213 S. llth.
& 72
TT1OH HUNT 2 fine pressed brick houses , east
JLA fronts on OeorKla live. , just north of I.eav-
enworth st. 0 rooms , bath , furnace , sewer con
nections , all conveniences ; will rout to re
sponsible pnriles for KQ. M. A. Upton Co. ,
1 lllh and I'ariinm. 7JO
T71OU KENT Small house W per month. J
JL1 Wilkinson , 018 1'axton blk. 1)18
T71OH ItKNT House , JO rooms , all modern
JJ Improvements ; largo yard , * ) . " > per month.
Commission to agents. IJc.xtor li. Thomas.
W)7 )
TF VOU wish to rent n house or store one II.
J.K. Cole , Continental block. 503
3 ROOM house , well and cistern , good loca
tion. IiiqillroUTll Douglas Bt , UG7
TT1OH HENT Two of tha finest residence flats
JL nn Houth 10th Htrcet , with all modern con-1
vpiilenees. hot nnd cold water , oloso to llrown-
ell hall. First class surroundings. Apply to
Ohas , Kaiifinaiin. r.Kti DoiiRlas st. KB
TT1OU KENT Modern Improved houses , con-
Jt ; venlont to new union depot and wholesale
district ; good locality. Apply 1111 ! S. 10th st.
"TTIOR RENT .Dwelling , 0 rooms , stable , nnd
-L ? all requirements for a first-class homo ;
south front ; H508 Capitol avenue ; rental very
low. Innulro at 1C01 Farnam st. KM
a 1-ROOM Hat with steam heat. Kith Bt. near
Jones. Thomas F. Hall , 311 Paxtoo block.
FOR RENT for the summer Well furnished
soven-roomhousowlthplano$35 per month ,
Location deslrahln. Reference requires. En
quire , Netherton Hull , 221 S. 15th St. , 2d lloor.
_ _
JIJIOR KENT ID-room brick house , with mod-
X1 orn conveniences , No. 811 S. 20th st. Apply
at No. 827 S. SUth St. 675
"I71OR KENT 7-room house with barn ; nom-
JL' Inal rent to good parly. O. F. Harrison , 1)11 )
N. Y. Life. 111
_ _ _
FOR KENT 10 room house , 2107 Douglas.
Inquire 2111 Douglas. 810.
PINE residence , modern improvements , 2108
St. Mary's ave. . tKt per month. Inquire at
premises or at A. Heller's , 1114 Farnam. 150
/1OTTAOU of 3 rooms in roar of 1215 Chicago
\Jsl. , near Kltl city water , 81) ) . 81)0 ) 13 *
ELEGANT house in choicest part of city ,
south front , overlooking high .school
grounds , fourteen rooms , bath , laundry , steam
heat , barn and carriage house , etc. , etc. ; will
ho vacant Juno 1st. Thos. F. Hall , 311 1'axton
bloek. . f.'l
_ _
T710R RENT 2 new houses , fi and 7 rooms.
JU Popploton park , close to motor. Rent $12
and 815. City water. Stringer & I'enny ,
Douglas block. Ifith and Dodge. _ 782.
F INE 7-room dwelling with vard , Si" .
Also , 8-room dwelling with yard , $30.
n and 10- roe in dwellings. * .T > to $00.
Smcaton & Allen , 10094 * Farnam st.
153 Jy 13
RESIDENCES 25th and Harnoy. For prices
HOP Paul. 1000 Farnam. _ 17:1-30 :
T71OR RENT A bout. Juno 7 , 8-room house 33d
JL1 and Ciimlng sts. $35 par month. C. F ,
Harrison. 1)11 ) N. Y. Life. 481)
" \7"OUR opportunity to. seeiiro the lease and
J- furniture of one of the Ihipst homes In
Omaha , furniture all now , location near high
school , rent low. Will take half Its value ; M bal , time. Address , E 43 , Uco. 211
H OUSES. stores and flats ; all now , E. A.
Loavenworth , room 14 , Darker blk. 880J13
TTIORHENT Very nicoT-room houses ; special
JU terms made. Apply to Fletcher Young ,
Ambler I'laco. 2iH
FOR RENT T room houso. good repair , nice
yard , cistern watiir , rent 822. Apply to 1409
South 7th uvo , or to Jno. W. Doll , druggist , 10th
S HIT of furnished rooms-housokeeplng. : 1st
L lloor , 2020 St. Mary's nvu. 202 13 *
IjlOR RENT Nleoly furnished rooms , with
-U or without board at 2013 llarnoy st. 190 19 *
"VTEWLY furnished rooms , single or on suite ,
-L" with or without Ijourd. 1003 Howard. 3d lloor
107 1C *
TjlOR KENT TO boarding eluli.slx members ,
Ju all of second lloor , three .sleeping rooms ,
bath room and front drawing room ; breakfast
at 7 a.m. , dinner U:30p. : m ; terms for club ,
I1SO per month ; references required. Inquire
at 2214 Wlrt. . nt. 175 II
"lOOOM and board for two , also day board.
JlXSatisfactlon assured. 1919 Dodge st.
T71OR. RENT I or 2 pleasant rooms with
JL1 board , prlvato family. 2015 Douglas.
170 10 *
_ _ _ _
NICELY furnished front rooms for rent , W
and up. 808S.2lMtst. _ 130 13 *
TTtOR KENT To gentlemen , nicely furnished
JL' Koutlieiibt front room with alcove and bay
window ; all modern conveniences ; board It du-
slrudi-noar Park uvo. motor. No.TJ2 ( Georgia
ave. ( S. aith at , ) _ 134.13 *
fTlOlt RENTr-1 furnUhed and 4 unfurnished
JU rooms. Rent reasonable. Inqulro at 1122
N. Iflth t.t. . up ihtalm. _ 121 15 *
"VTEATLY furnished front room , with board ;
* J- > all modern Improvements. 2010 California.
110-lli *
T710R RENT A nicely furnished front room
JL' with ak'ovo. No. 1711 Dodgu ht. HiQ-ia *
rpo young ladles who have no homo In this
JL city , OHM furnish neat rooms and board In
respeutablo prlvato family at reasonable
rates. Apply ut2515Caldwell , 1 block from ear.
12.S 15 *
0 OOL , jileasant rooms , 313J ! N. 15th , Hat "J , "
with lirst-cluss board , for gentleman.
375-J a *
OR RENT Pleasant furnished room with
all conveniences , 212 S. 25th st. 882
OU . RENT Two furnished front rooms ,
with buy-window , modern conveniences , f ! )
and ft per month , with or without board. 2218
Leavenworth st. 812
"TO KENT-Furnlbhcd rooms. l'l Capitol nv
JU 817Jy4 *
FOR RENT Now furnished rooms In New
Terrace , with or without board , at reason
able rates , 212811arney bt. _ 310
T7TOR RENT FurnUhed rooms. 1009 Douglas ,
0 } 5711
KENT Nleoly furnished room , all
modern conveniences , 2 blocks from P. O. ,
018 S 17th st. f > 77
TOU KENT A largo and nicely furnMi'od '
JU room fronting ou Capitol avi-nut' . east of
thu hluh Prlvato family. Vultablu for
two or Ih rue gentlemen. Address G , 51 , lleo ,
fT OR RENT Furnished rooma ; gas , bath and
JU hteanij 1519 Howard. STti
CJT. GLAIR Eiuopeiinhotal , eornur 13th and
Spoclal ratua by week or month. 570
VflCELY furnlHhed front rooms with alcove
Jto lot. Inqulro saa St , Mary's aveniio.
TpOR KENT-A .largo front room. furnUhcd ,
JU In ono of the tlni-st resilience * In the city ,
721 H. mth st. , 'corner Loavunworth. oil
FOll l
K UlSFTlRNtsTlEU rooms , nice yard. (531 ( So.
tvlithbt. , between -Jackson and Leiivcnortli. .
ItM 10 *
TJUMt RENT-a unfurnished rooras,20s N.J3th.
TTKR KENT i unturnUhed rooms to family
JL' without chlldron ; modurn Improvements
1704 Webster bt. Prlco I5. . > * >
O YElt hardware store 1021 Howard nt.
UNFURNISHED rooms for houRokroplun i't
greatly reductnl prices. Choupo-st runt In
he city , Hulls Hontlus Agency , 21US mil it.
219-J1U *
FINKoflleo at .small flgurt's on Rrwihd floor ,
In Iloyd'H opera linnso. Inqillro Of Ameri
can Furl Co. . 215 S. 13th Ht. I'-M
CORNER llnsement 24th and Lo.avonworth
st. ! oed place for baroor shop. t5 jmr
month. lfit-25 *
1J1OK KENT-Desk room on ISIIi nl..nnar Far-
JU nnni xt ; ground lloor. Address , u , D. fiin , N.
151 13 *
OFFICES In Wlthnell block , 15th and llarney
streets , $8 per month and upward ; all mod
cm Improvements. Cull and sco them.
"ITIOK KENT-Snmll storu room. 3. South
JL' Tenth. Four doors from depot. Suitable
for fruit orelgar store. Apply ticket otllco ,
W7SoutnlOth. 820.
STOKES at 71)7. ) 70t ) . 711 S IGth. 22x01 each , largo
show windows , steam heat furnished. Thus ;
F. Hull. : tll Paxton block. fxsl
"I71OR RENT-Tho 4-story brick building , with
JU or without power , formerly occupied by the
lleo Publishing Co. . 610 Fnrnam st. The buildIng -
Ing has a fireproof cement basement , complete
steam heating flxtures , waturou all the Iloors ,
gas , oto. Apply at the olllco of Thu Dee. 015.
A DARKER shop In the Ruwo hotel base
ment with four bath tubs , two chairs ,
waterworks , with fixtures complete. For par
ticulars address Win. Kuwe , Fremont Neb.
203-15 *
T7IOK KENT A Moro In a brick building
JL' cheap , suitable to any kind of business. In-
qtl 10 Ht3 N. 18th St. E. Potorson. 1U 13 *
FOll 1U3NT l'ASriJlJ.13.
WANTED Horses to pasture nt JS.60 a
mouth on farm near Irvlngton ; horses
called for nnd delivered. W. R. Homan , Room
0. Frenzor block. 6M3
J. IKEY , rental agent , 200 N. Y. :
TIT OHTON'S rental agency , 517 Puxton block
TT E. COLE , rental agent , Continental , blk.
f > 0o
OLD Drownoll Hall for sale. One of the ,
largest frame buildings , IGth and Jones
sts. , 4 stories , very sound , to bo moved or torn'
down ; will receive bids to Juno 25th. Addresser
or sco AV. F. Lorouzcu , ( SO South IBth st.
153 19 *
WANTED To know the whereabouts of
Wnu.T. Mcrldlth , by his parents of Mo-
borly. MOT his last letter was written at Chicago
cage July 10 , 1890. M. F. Morldlth. 207-10 *
M IAD STONE I have a genuine mad stone.
L L. Itcnbow , 1232 no. 20s t SCl-Jy 4
LADIES , It will pay you to call and Investi
gate our Lightning Waist Fitter ; price J5 ;
cutting done to order. 317Ki N. 15th st. 870-13 *
BOAKD1NG and rooms. 1318 Jackson.
83014 *
. _ . .
WANTED Good commercial paper. Ne
braska Mortgage Loan Co. , 511) 1'axton blk.
B& M. Park lots : gond numbers and low-
cst price. G Ul , lice olllee. 100 13 *
rriUTlNITUUE , housoholdgoodsuto. Highest
JU cash price. 317 S 13th. UT3
WANTED Second-huna lurnlturo of ail
kinds at the highest price , TIG H llith st.
0.13 J14 *
PAUASOLS and umbrellas covered and re
paired. It. lialor , 1515 Douglas ; basement.
53i (
UMIlU101.fiAS repaired , lawn mowers sharp
ened , key llttlNj ; and locksmlthlnt ; at
llellln's gun shop , 111) ) N. liith st. 2 U Jll )
MASSAGE and maRnetlo treatment , 1113 Pa
cific. half block from motor lino. filO-15 *
MASSAGE treatment , electro , thermal , mort-
leated baths.sualp &halrtreatmcntmanl-
cure & chiropodist , Mi-s. K. M. Post , 413 ri. 10th.
MISS U. FORSTEU , midwife and M. D. for
children and female diseases , 1431 Saundcrs
st. . In second story. 201-J-21 * , .
EN. CLINGMAN , oxelnslvo pension attor-
noy , U ID & 21. Kronzer block , Omaha ; also
Cincinnati & Washington. Stamp for circular.
r > 87
mRAOKAGE storage at lowest rates , W. M.
JL Itushmaii , 1311 Leavenworth. 688
/1OLD storage. David Cole , 815-817 Howard.
C TOKAGE-Dranch & Co. , 121lIIowaru.
TTIURNITOUR storage , separate comoart-
JL1 ineiit-s. S15-817 Howard. 257
rpRAOKAGE storage , David Cole , 815-817
JL Howard. 257
LOST Small bay ninro : 2'whlto hind foot ,
K brand on sldo head. Fred Peters. 3 blocks
north 1) . and D. institute. 200 15 *
LOST .Tuuo 11 , n heavy oxydlzod silver ,
Ilextblo link bracelet , marked either
"Jon" or "Jauk" on clasp. Finder will bo
suitably rewarded by leaving at 014 S. firth
ave. 142-14 *
TT1OR SALE A full platiorm sprlni ; , leather
JL' topcarrlagoalmostnov , and ono Columbus
make biiKK ) ' ; also one sut double harness for
$35. Apply at 2215 Webster st. 10H
H ORSES J50 und up. H. E. Cole.
TTUFTEEN span work mules , long tlmo at 7
JU per cent Interest. Selby 13 Hoard Trade.
, 802
TjiARTlES looking for flno driving or saddle
JL horses , would do well to call on , or corres
pond with T. J. Fleming , manager W. D. Mil-
lard's farm. Calhnun , Nob. Ho has for sale
sonio first-class single drivers , carriage teams ,
and saddle horses , at reasonable prices. f > 92
" 171OR SALE Finn family carriage horse
JU sound und gentle. Inquire 511 N. IGth st.
ORSES.-l.iKht drivers , bargain. The Into
lire has niadotheiuchoap. H. E. Cole.Con-
tlnenlalblouk. 528
"VVTANTED Ily a small family , a pleasant
it cottage of six or seven rooms near or on
the ear lines. Will bo permanent. Address
G 31 Deo. 779
" \\rANTED-To rent 2 to 3 unfurnished
t t rooms for liousekeoplng , small family ,
near business center. Address G 13 , Dee otllcc.
I WANT moro houses to rent ! more demand
than houses. Parrotto Rental agency.
POR SALE Furnlturo , carpets and houso-
liold goods of all kinds every Tuesday ,
Thursday and Saturday morning at 1111 Far
nam st. Cash paid for goods. Omaha Auction
and Storage Co. Henry Crelghton , auctioneer.
KOU KAMI : aiis.iKraj.\M < ; ous.
rplIltICK chair barber shop with bath rooms ;
Jl reason for sollliiK , bad hoaltli. Apply A.
L. Underlain ) , barber supply house. 149-11 *
SIXTY head No. 1 Jumoy cows forsulopf bi'at
strains , llyalmm & Loukurt , Ked Oak , la.
l0lt ! * .
EST quality meats , lowest r'atas , at'Fred
Roos1 meat market. 22JJ Cumins St. 781 ! M
TflOR SALE-100piano boxes , prleo f2. t\ .
JU HiMlie. 1513 Douglas. 80) ) a I
fTIOR SALE Good bijuaru piano , MQ } ai.-o
JU feather bed , cheap. Inculrol3aj ] 1'loivu bt.
B5S 13 *
GOODsodu fountain , lu running onlnr. for
less than half cost. O. Pftcrbou , qiS S.iiUi. _ :
OK for sale In uarload lots. Andres ? Mul-
[ holland & Co. , Council llluirs , la. 141-18
1T1OR SALE Hotel 8 rooms on second lloor ,
-U 5 I-OUIUH on first lloor. Furnlturo gmxl.
Nearest hotel to depot. Only two hotcUlij the
placo. l.lvo town , gnod business. Terms rea
sonable. Address , Mm. J. W. Moslor-Dodjre ,
Nub. 11.-1U ! *
FOR SALE A first class bakery , confei'tlon-
ory and restaurant. In ono of thu host ollles
of Nebraska , 4ouo Inhabitu'nU. Thu onlv us-
tabllslimcnt of the kind In the city. Good
cliuiico for the right kind of muu. Addrnss
Look Dox 130 , Crete , Nebraska , 141-1 }
, neap iorso ) Kivver so
JU boiler , good us now , with llttlnzscoiuplnuv
heater , mud-drum , plunge numpii , and No. 3
Knowlosi will sell for ouu-hult original cos ,
Jelf W. Uedfurd. IWl
ri'HE fttfnous Warrensliurg wlilto and hluo
JL sand slono will , .tnnd In any climate. Is llh >
and fnMl nroot and U fuiltahlo for all purx | > < ios
where stone l prefpraulr to other material. I
am prepared to furnish this stone on short no-
tlco In any quantity , roiiKh , sawed or dressed
ready for li c. Kor fflrthnr Information ad
dress Jacob \\ .
_ I D79 JyS *
TflOK9Al.B-Olicap.ft bnautlfnl fawn colored
JU grey bound. Enquire WIS. 19lh St. , corner
of LeaVeiiwoMli. 811
. iHWl watches and illu-
JU mends cheap. U. 1' . Masters , room I , Wlth-
nell block. _ _ r > 9l
AE. EWINGTON. teacher tii : piano , several
yours" experience ; -niijtliods easy and nat
ural. Studio , 120 N. ] 3tn , U 177 19 *
BEFORE buying a plnho examine the now
scale Klmball piano. A. Hospe,1513 Douglas
[ v.v >
EOi F.OELLENDEOIC.toaeherof the banjo ,
With Hospo. 1513 Douglas. 249
EO. J. PAUL. 1009 1'arnamst. Money to
loan on farms and city property. SCOT
T OANS City and farm loans , mortgage pn-
JUpor bousht. McOaguclnvestniontCo. UOJ
ONKY loaned at lowest rates , long tlmo on
Improved Omaha real estate , no "oxtras. "
no delay , OloboLoanft Trust Co. , 307 S 10th.
BUILDING loans , ( I to 7 per cent ; no addi
tional ohargM furconitiilsslon or attorney's
fees. W. 1J. Mclkle , First Nafl bank bldg .
txl )
MONEY : rafiO or POdayson furniture. plauoi ,
horses , houses , ote. J. J. Wilkinson , 013
Paxtoiiblk. 599
_ _ _ _
OHAT'FEL loans at lowest rales ; business
V/conUdontlat 510 Paxton blk. J. U. Emlngor.
LUTIIEK L. GUSHING , Iloston will
any amount : Omaha or Council DluIVs In
side property. Apply E. R. Trench , atlornuv
New York Life building. 125 15
/COMMERCIAL and general short time paper
v bought ; also regular live-year loans made
on Improved property. Gco. F , IJlust tc Co. ,
203 Kamgo bldg. _ fiOQ
QECOND mortgage loans. Second mortgages
Ohought. Loans on vacant lots. Itcod &
Sclby , room 13 , Hoard Trade. _ 007
T II1ERAI/ real estate loans niado by W. M.
JUHarrla , room 20 , Frenzer block , opp , P. O.
Mortgage Co. Loans of JlOto
JLVJI.OOO ; get our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought , for now loan , renewal of old and low
est rates , call R 20d , Shocly blk , 15th and
Howard sts. 003
"HURST mortgage loans at. low rates and no
J3 delay. D. V. Sholes Co , , 210 1st Natl bank.
G HATTEL HAH 1C. room 3 Wlthnell block.
6 PER CENT residence loans , 93,000 to J10.000.
Hulldlng loans at special rates. The Mead
Investment Co. , lice building. SOS
MONEY to loan onhorses , wagons , mines ,
household goods , planus , organs.dlamonds ,
at lowest rates. The llrst organized loan of-
ilco In the olty. Make loans from 30 to BC5 days ,
which can bo paid In part or whole at any
tlmo , thus lowering the principal and interest ,
Call and see us when you want money , We can
assist you promptly and to your advantage
without removal of property or publicity.
Money always on haml { iNo delay In making
loans. C. F. Reed ft Co , .319 S. 13th St. ; over
lllngham & Sons. , ' , . . ' , 0'J7
LOANS Money on halfd , low rates. Omaha
Real Estate & Trusti Co. , 220 S. 17th St. , IJeo
building. > . 005
MONEY to loan nn any security
for short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on poraonal.'jlroporty.
The nondorson Mortgage Investment Com-
pany. room 400,1'axton block. COii
ANTED First clas-9 Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and seta Us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. . 1531 Farnam. j 00 ! )
TJEFORE iiogotlatlng' loan to Improve
JOyour real estate got tcrms from
The Odoll Investment Co. , : H N. Y. Life bldg. ,
Thos. S. lioyd , representative. 010
\J Plilladelphla Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
alwaysirondy to loan.andi pay 'promptly ; first
mortgages wanted GcowVP , Coates. repre
sentative , room 7 , Board.Trado. CH
TT1ASTERN money to loan on city property ;
Jirfmortsago paper bought. II. B. IreyNY.Llfo
MONEY to loan on Ions 'or short time ;
county warrants bought. Star Land &
Loan Co. . 1C09M Farnam st. C2UJ28
CJIIORT tlmo loans on vacant lots. Sulby &
CjRced. 13 , board of trade , SST
MONEY to loan In any amount from * 10 to
$10,000 for any tlmo from ono to six months.
Loans made on household goods , pianos
horses , niulos , wagons , houses , leases , oto. , In
fact on any available security In any amount
at the lowest possible rates without removal
Paynuints'oan bo made at any tlmo reducing
botlt-prlnclpal and Interest. You pay Interest
only for the tlmo you use the money. If you
ewe a balance on your property 1 will take It
up and carry It for you.
Money always on hand. No dolay. No pub
licity. No removal. Lowest rates.
11. F. Masters.
Room 4 Wlthnell block , 15th and Harnoy SU.
5 PER cent money to loan on real estate se
curity. Loans can bo paid off In Install
ments. Jiio. W. Robblns , 209N. Y. Life bldg.
; t33
LOANS wanted on productive Omaha real
estate. 3 and 5 yeans' time , optional pay
ments , favorublo terms and ruLun.
Klmball , Champ A Ilyan ,
1000J15 J2U5Farnamst.
/1HATTEL loans. It. 19 Continental blk. . 15 &
/Douglas ; business confidential , M. J. Hallj
COLLATERAL bank , 312 So. 18th St. , room 5 ,
Chamber of Commerce , loans money on
commercial papur and all articles of value.
Also on horses , cattle , furniture and other
chattel property without removal , at lowest
rates of InturcsL All business strictly confi
dential. 057 J15
MONEY to loan. 5 years on busy tunns on ( X )
per cent on good conservative valuations ,
unywhcro In the city limits of Omaha , at 410
Kheoloy bldg.,15th and Howard sts. Sam'lTato.
MONEY to loan on city property ; money on
hand and no delays. Dates , bmlth & Co. ,
10th anil Farnam sts. IHJ-JI4
WANTED Educated young ladles and gen
tlemen ! to learn Rhorthaiid and typewrit
ing ; good salaries ; students assisted to posi
tions. Standard Shorthand Duslness College.
Frank E. Doll , Instructor. 014
SECOND HAND-Calegraiihs , Hammond and
Roiulngton.s. John It. ( V > rnus Co. Letter
Files and olllco specialties , Ramgo bldg , 510
ARRIVAL extraordinary of Mrs. Dr. Eddy.
the distinguished , world-famed and only
real natural trance clujrvoyant and spirit
medium In this country ; boveuth daughter of
Uio seventh daughloi ) .Uorn with veil and
greatest prophetic gift or ceoml sight. While
entranced will reveal ( Wry hidden mystery
In life. Has long been ' ( iritliouiiL-ed In huroiio
and Anu-rlua the greatustullvlng wonder of the
present age , DnderstaiMsjtho .sulenuo of the
"Persian and Hindoo | | | > Kk % . " or nnolont
elmrm working , and pruuures Egyptian talis
mans which will ovorfxmig your enemies ,
removes family troubles , restores lost
affections , muko.s mal'rlago ' with the ono
you love no falluru , IIICIUOVLM evil lu
ll uencos , bad haliUfyrjj euros witchery ,
Ills , and all long stanuliri ; and mysterious
disease * ; will glvocorrt l"fnforniatlon on law
suits , sickness , death , oUvurce/absent friends ;
everything ; iiovur-falljnfli utlvlco to young
men on murrlago and luiw to choose a .WHO for
happiness and what. liuSJiR'.Si liurit adapted for
speedy riches. Stock sivriulatlon a specialty.
Also gives JmllnptiiislAtV-i adviuo to younir
ladles on love , courlshll * aid marriage , and If
your lover Is trtio or falouinnd gives picture of
future husband , with V.MIIO , ago and date of
murrhtgo. Hours , 9 a. JJlo | U p. m , , Ntilut.
IN. D. For tlui benefit on\os \ who are unable
to call upon Mrs. Dr. Kdily , she would re.ipeut-
fully announce that she glvr.s pcrfnctsatlsfac.
tlon by letter. Your entire life will bo written
In \ clear and plain manner. Letters with
stamps promptly answered. Send for largo
Illustrated ulruular with special terms. Mrs.
Dr. Eddy , 321 N. 15th. 737 13 *
LEIL Clayton , clairvoyant and magnetic
lieuler , can by her wonderful will power
grant any request. Ladle * Me. and gentlemen
(1.00 ; Satisfaction guaranteed or money ru-
f unued. 60J S. 10th st. up stairs. 1M-I3 *
PROF , Ivuroo , thu ruiinwnoi ] pnronologist ,
medium and pulmUt.Who has been publicly
tpst d und uhalluiiKo.stho world In rovoallns
myuturlu.s , dUper e. jealousy , ovll liillu-
elicit * , elves full numcaof present or future
husband or wfo | , also tells your faults and
qualities , trade business or profession to
make a succesi , U22 North 11th up stairs. Con
sultation it. Satisfaction tflvuuoMio pay.
MADA DItt ER.7imsVo7lst , U ackowl. '
edged by all competitors the queen of
mtiHsaguand magnotlsnT. Parlors over G1US.
Hours 0 to a ; Sundays 10 to U strict ,
avojly" *
TlfADAM DE VEItE. Ihoyoungest , clalrvoy *
J-tl. ant and natural tnagnotlo hcalor in the
tfnttt'd StRies ! will # pread Iwforo you n panorama
rama of events pant , present nnd future ;
cures dheuaes by her nmaiietlo powori SO
eotitM nnd iipwimK 3i7'i N. lMi ! st. 7.VIJ *
D ItTNANNIE VrWATtiiKNT * ' cloirvoynnt
medical nnd business medium. Fomnlodls-
eaaes a specialty. Ill ) N. lath st. , rooms 2 and 3.
"T71OR RENT or sale A first class creamery tn
JgiHMl agricultural district. Plenty ot cream
can bo had. Address J. P. Ronshuw. Sterling ,
Nob. GIJ-129 *
"T710R TALE Drue sUvk ! nn old established
JU and well located ; will Involco MOUO to\MO ( :
part caslibalance on tlmo or Omaha city prop
erty. The Mead Investment Co.Uco building.
T71OR SALE Ono wliaro Nebraska telcphono
-L stook , l > y J. C. Klluer , 700 Warren avenue ,
Chicago , 111. 103-15 *
lj > ( ) K SALE A Atoclcot drugs , store llxture.s ,
JL' and a line soda fountain , located In a prosperous -
porous county scat lu Nebraska. Everything
it of the best. The town U n It. R. division
station and the It. It. shops are localud thuro ,
For full particulars call or address H. II. Hen
derson , room 400 , Paxton block , Oiuuha , Neb ,
TflOR SALE Drug stork , fixtures and build-
JU Ini ; lu it Rood llvo railroad town In western
Iowa. Uood hicatlon for n physician with
family. Good reasons far selling givenAd -
druM look box gel. Uto. Iowa. 101-14
TJIOKSALE A half or cntlro Interest. In a
JL' prosperous hardware and grocery business.
Dox tttl , York. Nub. 107-10
OUTOAJOKES1 Salo-Notleo Ishoroby given
that I will soil at public auction to the
highest blddur for cash the fiivnlturo and fix
tures and remaining portion of the stook of
cigars , tobacco , pipes , ute. , of G. II. Mack & Co ,
1308 Faniam st. Sale to commence at 3 o'clock
11. in. Thursday , Juno 10 , 1KOO , and continue
from day to day until all of said property Is dis
posed of. In tin ) moan tlmo any portion of the
Htock can ho purchased at prlvutosalo at prices
to suit. Win. Coburn. Agent for Mortgagees ,
Omaha. Neb. . Junu 7,1800. 002 Is
TTlUKNlTtMlE business for sale. Stock ? 1500.
JL < Uood It. 1C. town ; no competition. ! ' , II.
Ijamb , Uedar Kitiikla , Nob. 07-17 *
/COMMISSION business for sale , fixtures ,
VVhorso and wagon , will Involco to suit pur
chaser i'-i'-n to KM. First-class location. Ad
dress G as ) lice. 831
TTlOIlSAIjE Ornln , coal and lumber yards.
J3 Address , I' . J. Halo , Uattlo Orcck. Nub.
IKI3 iM *
TTIOll SALE Kino established cigar and news
-L ? business. Host location In the cltv. Ad
dress box O , CSa postolllcu. 480
POH PALE or For Rent Onoof the best fixed
up boarding houses In South Omaha , In
most desirable location. Apply to II. II. Kavon ,
'J7th st. , near Exchange crossing , South Omaha.
J 112 JIB *
_ _
T710K SALE Unit Interest In my retail
J- ' grocery business to a good reliable man ,
capable of managing tlw same. The only x-
cluslvo cash grocery house In Omaha. Es
tablished 5 years ago by Kd. N. Ill-own , the O.
O. D. , 52J North 10th st. 715
T\/HAT / Imvo you for -15 quarters of land
' ' houses and lots , also mortgages ? May
assume. W. J. 1'a u 1 , Woo Favnam. IW-'JO
OK EXCHANtSE Clwir land In Iowa and
Nebraska to uxchiingo for Omaha or South
Omaha vueant lots ; will assume small enuum-
brancu. .M. S. Sturgeou , Kooiu 13. liuarcl of
Trade. 17 : !
HORSES wanted In exchange for $ .1.000 gen
eral murflhamll.iu. western unbroken pre
ferred. Address box 04 , Grulghloti , ICnox Co. ,
Nob. l ( > : i-ll
CLEAN stock of general merchandise , well
assorted , waul real estate and cash. Ilex
70 , Frankfort' hid. 89) ) 13 *
LOT In Lincoln. Neb. , for stock merchandise
Address Wm. Itowordlnk , lllukman , Neb.
rilOHXOIIANGE-I.andln the James River
JL valley for horsesor iiioruhandlbo. Oarroll
Alwood , Aberdeen , South Dakota. 14.1-15 *
FARM and city property for sale or ox-
change for any kind of merchandise or
chattelshorses and cattle : would particularly
like to trade for stuurs. Willis Gudwoll , HroUun
HowNolK _ _ 559 J 3S *
FOHEXOHANOE Good farms , city propor-
ty and wild lands In Nob. and Iowa for good
g n'l rn'd'so : property clear , tltlo perfect. Ad
dress Look Hex IB. Fremont , Neb. 90S
I WILL trade a good clear lot In So. Omaha
for nluno or horsu und buggy. Address O 4
Iloo otllcu , : 5
FOS SALE TulmaRO says to the young man ,
"Do not go In debt for anything except a
homo. " Ho might IMVO added , "buy emi with
in your moans. " To any ono who would take
this ad vice , 1 offer a very oholco full lot for
J.Vi" ) . good neighborhood , with school , church
and street car privileges. A complete and olu-
gant llttlo hbmo can be secured with * 1,000 to
il.MO. Only a small amount of cash required.
O. F. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. 18 !
iPIOK SALE HO acres unimproved land In
Wiiyiio county , two miles from Randolph.
Also W ) acres In Cedar county. Address E. M.
Towlor , .158 Washington boulevard , Chicago.
10-14 *
WANTED About 100x100 ft or more , close ,
Inside ; part trade , cash and tlmo or cash
and time. 11 1 , HcooOlco. 173-30
171011 SALE-Lots 15 and N. 15 Ifi. block 4 ,
JL' 1'lalnvluw , $3,000. Addrois box 05 , Coliim-
bus. Nub. ! 'OB-17'
I WANT to soil now4-room house , collar ,
fonco. sldowalks , trees , city water , lot Xlx
108 , N. W. Cor. Mtli and Sahlor. lloyd's addi
tion , 1st houao west of Miller & Gundersoii's
sash and door factory , for 81 , 00 not , payments
easy. Ham'l Itiirns , 1318 Farnam. IJJ 13
FOR SALE room house and barn , HIxIIO.
S. K. cor M und Locust sts. H. O. Dennett , a
14(1-15 ( *
FOR SALE A dainty cottage of 0 largo
rooms , pantry , cloiuts , storeroom und largo
bathroom , with water closet , east front , in
llanseom 1'Iaeo. A bargain , on easy terms.
J. 11. Evans , : iOj , N. V. Life. . IflS-ll
" \\7'ILL sell you u nowff nrT-room house In
> > good location at actual cost , for $100 cash
and monthly payments , Stringer & I'enny.
Douglas blk. Ifith uml Dodge. MS
3J10R SALE Nlco 7 room house ready to
-1 move Into with full lot , fc',20000 cash. O.
F. Harrison. Oil N , Y. Life. 13'J
_ _
& estate , S.Omaha.
JF YOU have anything to sell or exchange ,
callatOim'axton block. 815
OIC SALE Corner 23th and Howard. 101 ft ,
KOiith front by O'J ft. on paved st. On
grade ; worth 4150.00 per ft. ; for onu week nt
$110.00. Hamilton liivs. , bulldors , 411 Ho. ISth.
Tel. 1171) ) . UIJ-15
OR SALE- Lot 82 foot front on Virginia
iivo. , oar line , near Loavenworth st. , with
cottages , will neil ono house and half of lot
separate , easy terms , John T. Uull , 311 S. Kith.
183 10 *
_ _
1" INCOLN I'laco and Carthage lots , prlco
JIl.OOO , iVI down , bulanc'o 413 monthly.
\v , L , eiiljiy , room li ) , board of trade. 017
F OTrSALE A homo on monthly payments.
A nloo B-room house , * 'J5 jiuriiiontli , * > ,0 ,
first payment as arranged. A pretty cottage ,
ft rooms llnlshed , upstairs for as many more.
lot Mixl-U ? vooo , ili pur month , small payment
down. A similar cottage , lot lOOxrtO , W.Soo , 815
per month. Will build ou vacant lots to null ,
Norman A. Kuhn , druggist , 15th anil Douglas.
_ _ _ _ liM J'M
"TjlURSALE line now 5-r < Mm ) cotiago near
J. olcctrlc car line on N.S7th HI. Will take as
part of cash payment a good horao or liorsu
ujidjihaetmi. _ 1' . IfrU I'arnam Ml. _ filf )
OUTTAtJE homes In most any addition for
nalo at from jl.ooj up , on easy monthly pay-
iionKF. | _ 1C. Darling , j.'l Harker bloek. ( ill.
A SMALL payment down andfl5pnr month
will buy a 4-room hoiiho and lot on Kith , 2
blocks from motor ; Ilist-elai-i chance to no-
quire n home ; ou easy terms. Apply to H. E.
Colo. Continental block. _ _ fiftl
K-ROOM cottages , il.W uach. * HK ) cash down ,
Jbalanco JI5 per month. Thus. F. Hall. Ull
I'axtou uloulc. Ml
\\T A 1C E up and buy homo . on monthly pay-
> > inonts. C'holco of oven dllfoiont houses ,
Kouth frontsoii Farnam st , Every convenience ,
Including f urnaco and gas. Plant can bo mien
at my olllcu. Cull In. I ) . V. tiholoa Co. , ' 'ii : 1st
National bank. _ > -n
" [ JfiolfKALE or TradeMy residence on So.
JL' lllth St. , near I'arU school , house nf seven
looms with bath room , water cloiot. liot and
cold water , all In good repair ; will soil foroush
very cheap or will take vacant lot on West
Furnam HI. as part payment. For purtloulur-
ad drust KM ! Hou ullleii. 1)13 )
FOR SALT' Rrlck warehouse , ! ! ntorloX and
bawmont , 100x00 ft , with lot lOOxUU ft. ; to
doublu truck on southSOth and rlorco all. Ad-
drosa OaUaiup A : llaluus , Omahu , Nub ,
_ Kft _
N'EW 8-room house , near motor llno ; wiT [
soil cheap uiidonmnall monthly payments.
Call quick If you waul a bargain. J. J. wilkln-
SQII , tfl8 I'uyton blk _ U"J
" 17)011 SALE Quick , buslnest lot. Improved ,
JL only & btooks from court huu&u , ilAO pur
foot. J. Mlctml. l.'CWH. Mtlj HI. I IJJU
AI.n8,000 uorei Ijeit farming land In
Nebraska ut great HacrltlcuIiiqulru
018 Houth 13lu at. Quo , H. 1'uturnou , owner.
171 j Id
* *
Do not bfl Imposed on by any of tha nnmcrons
ImlUtionj , sutalltuU * , etc. , which are Hooding
the world. There it only ono Bwlft'a Specific ,
and there Is nothing llfco It , Onr remedy con
tains no Mercury , Potash , Aracnlc , or any pol -
onoua itibstanco whatever. It tmllili np the gen-
cral health from the fint doao , and has never
failed to eradicate contagion * blood jxitton onj
it * offccts from the nyetcm. Bo euro to get Uio
genuine. Send your oddrcoi for oar Treatise on
Wood and Skin Il vaM8 , which will bo roallftl
free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. . AtUtitn.fla.
Importer ! ! and Wholculo Dealer * la
Watches , Jcwclrr , Cutlery
Motions , Novelties , Albums ,
font-Collar Springs ,
Fancy ( Joml.s , > vc.
I.nrpcst n inrtment for
Dip variety of 8c , lOo nnil Mn counter
noils. Our Itimu anil Hilly Illustrated
oinic niAllciIrrre tn tlcnlitrfl only.
St. Louis , IVlo.
ST !
'J'o Ko odors nncl Oattlu Moil.
On and nftortlioSOth limt. , wo will have for
sale four thousand or more good , high grade ,
one , two and threu year old Utah feeders , that
wo can furnish at the Union Stock Yards ,
South Omaha : or If desired , wo can arraugo to
sell these cattle at North 1'latto or Hastings ,
Varttcs wanting anything In this line , will
plcaso correspond with us.
Ono. lluiuci ; & FitAziuil , South Omaha.iS'eb ,
Public Notice.
Public notleo Is lioreby given that the Hoard
of School Trustees of bchool District No. 4 of
the County of Hwootwaler , and Torrltoryof
Wyoming , will soil to the highest bidder for
cash the bonds of salil ( list rlct to the amount of
} 3 > ,000 , at the olllee of the First National llauk
of Rock Springs , Wyoming , In the county of
Hweot water , and Territory of Wyoming , on
the 1st day of July. A. I ) , 1WW. Said bonds will
bo Issued In denominations of $ . " > 00 each. bearIng -
Ing Interest at the rate of 7 per cent per an
num. payable Homl-annually , and said bonds
shall run for ten years with the privilege on
the part of said trustees to icducm the same
at the cud of II vo years.
Chairman School Trustee * .
J12d3t Rock Springs , Wyo.
To Whom It Mpy Concern :
The County Commissioners will sit as a
Hoard of Equalization , commencing at U
o'clock a. in. , Juno 8th , 1800 , and contlnuo In
session from day to day as ien.ulred by law ,
until work liu completed.
JlMTt _ 1' . O'MAt.r.KV , C'lork.
1 1 f P7 TT T / " Mlf\ Buffering from ofl'ccts
\Al \ V ( l\ A " " " ot I- < t Manhood ,
W LArir\ Youthful Errors. Impotoiioy
* * * * * * * x
and Diseases of Men can bo
cured pormnnontlT and prlvatnly by ourHuxunl Spo-
cltlc. Sent by mall for II. Hook Hunt ( sonluil ) fur
stump , liencuii Moillcal Company , 157 WnstuuKtoii
sYPTlII K Can bo cured In 20 to 00 clays
Oil llll > lo ) > y use of the marvelous Magic
Itemeity. J-'iOO.OO for n CIISB It will not euro. CAU
TION to Ket the Koaulnu roinuily. Wrlto or rail on
f. U. JoHlyn , 2012 Uurncy Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
KespoiiHOs to the Appcnl From the
Stricken Town More Needed.
THE Bun invokes prompt and liberal aid
from every innu mul woman \vhoso heart
throbs in sympathy with the stricken people
of Brmlshnw.
Kcmittnnccs in any amount sent to this of-
llco will bo aclcnovvledged throURh our col
umns from day to day.
The subscriptions so far received by Tun
Bun tire ns follows :
Don Publishing Co VA 00
Mo01oud.Sc Love , South Omaha 2T 00
A. Oajorl . . . . 100
Mendelssohn , Fisher & I.awrle n 00
S. N. ICohn , Sioux Ulty , la 1 00
Cash fiO
Charles Itlodgett , Julian , Neb 1 00
Iloo count Ing room : i r 0
RLMIS Printing Co. , Omaha 1000
R. O. Dunn > t Co. , Omaha Ill 40
J.T. Smith. Fremont 10 Of
Darrow & Logan , Omaha 'MOO
Mrs. E. T , Swoouo , Florunco , Ala 10 00
( Jnsh , fit )
AxtelM. E. Sunday school 0 0(1 (
Nebraska clothing company ( goods ) Gn 00
J.W.IIamlln. Omaha. . . 2 00
Morse HlulTs' contributions H W )
Cash by E , S. R. , Omaha f > 0 00
Total ! KBOHJ
Concert for the llradslmw Sufl'orerfl.
A concert is to Iw given at Boyd'.s opani
house , Thursday , Juno 19 , under the auspices
of the "T. K. " quartctto of Omaha , the
proceeds of which will bo fonvnrdwl to the
relief committee as soon as the tickets uau bo
sold , The expenses uro to bo mot by do
nation entirely ,
Tlio Concert.
The Musical Union orchestra mul brass
band numbering twenty-live pieces will fur
nish three line numbers for the "T. 1C. " quar
tette concert at lloyd's ' opera house , Juno 10 ,
in aid of the Biiulshaw HulTorera. Mr. Mar
tin Calm nnil Miss Henderson will bo the ue-
companists. The Apollo club will furnish
two numbers. Mrs. .1 , W. Cotton und Walter
Wllkinshavo consented to Hititf solos. The
Sutorius Mandolin club will play two num
Itol'iiHcd to Give Ilia Xaino.
A gentleman called ut Tim DISK oflico yes
terday rmd loft ? 50fortlio Urudsbaw relief
fund. Ho refused to allow his name to bo
published. _
A Contribution of Clothing.
N. B. Falconer and his employes yesterday
contributed n quantity of clothing , llnon and
dress goods for the relief of the Bradshnw
cyclone HufTuraro. The contribution was de
livered to the relief committee to bo for-
warded. _
Imdlcs Donate.
The ladles of the WinsJor I'luco benevolent
society yesterday donated $15 to Tun Bun's
Bradshaw relief fund.
From the Intornul Kevon no Oflluo.
A petition to raise funds to aid the Brad
shaw sufferers was circulated in the internal
revenue oftlco by Chief Deputy Dennis yes
terday afternoon and in u short time $11 hud
boon raised , all of which wu * subscribed by
the employes of the oflico.
From DiiWitt.
DnWirr , Neb. , Juno III. To the Editor of
TimBKis : Enclosed Hud $ i.f > 0 for the Brad-
shaw sufferers. S. I' . AJ 1:113. :
Fronton I'M Coiitrlhntlon.
FIIKMONT , NcD. , Juno 13. [ Special to Tin :
Biii. : ] The total amount of money raised In
Fremont for the relief of the Bradshaw suf
ferers to date Is ( ttlO.113 , which has been for
warded and for which a receipt was received
by Mayor Shorvin today.
Hampton HUH Done Ilor Shnrn.
HAMITON , Neb. , Juno i : ) . To the Editor of
TIIKBEK : SuoiiiK the noble Interest tukoii
by the good pcoplo of Nebraska , und espec
ially of Omuha , in behalf of the suflorurn of
our aflllctod neighbor , Brad huw , which was
destroyed by a eyclono Juno 3 , 13'K ) , and not
soolnj , ' ony mention made concerning help
given from this place , I foci constrained to
say that our doctors , I ) . B. Woodard and J.
B , Hashow , wuro the bocond on * the ground ,
not by the railroad , but by their own convey
ances , and without money or prlco did alt
they could to tilluvlatu this ( fullering , and tire
today treating at this place aomu of the
wouudod , Many of our citizens are also
working at Bradshuw fc'ratultoubly and have
boon since Uio Blonn , The people of Ihli
ttlnoo have sent in cash fSttt. I wrlto this to
let the world kuo\v them U such n place at
llainplon and wo have charitable people who
llvo hero.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ml
A 1'rninnt Hosponso.
OMAHA , Juno 13. To the Editor ofTni >
BRR ; In response to the call for shirts niul
overalls ncvdeil ntHtudshnw wo icnd you the
following goods to bo forwiirdetl to the suf
ferer * : Quo ikvon working shirts * , ono-lmlf
dozen overalls , one-half dozen jacKcUs , ono
dozen cotton sticks nnd ono one do/on hand
kerchiefs. 1'KOM.K'a Cl.OTIIINd Hot'SK ,
B. Arnstoiu , Proprietor.
The Pliior .
Tills Is the bijou saloon In the honrt of
the city , u few stoiis oil Blxtuonth street ,
In rciii'of I'lixlon
Frcttoh Antiitcnix iIonloiiH of Antoi'l *
un'H Art Cdlloctlonn.
[ CoviiriuM * , W tin James ( ! < > nl < m llctwctl.\ \
PAHIS , Juno 12. [ Now VorU Her.iUl Cublo
Siwclal to Tin : Bni : . ] Ono and a half niil-
llon francs in exact IlKums , 1M9VHX ) wow
realized by thosnlo of lUty-tluvo painting at
the Crablo colleotloii nt Scdelmoycr gallery
today , The auction room of that spadou *
establishment in Hue do la Rochefoucauld
was packed to its fullest capacity.
M. Chovnllcr with his Ivory hammer pre
sided over the destinies of the various lots of
the Parisian amateurs. There were prejont
almost to n man the English speaking contin
gent , comprising Mr. Hutchlnson , president
of the art museum of Chicago , Mr. Barney of
Now York and Mr. Moutofor.
Mr. Morris K. Jessup , trnsteo of the metro
politan museum of art , was prevented from
attending the sale In person nnd sent ln.4
ngcnt , as also did Mr. Ogden Ocelot , who teas
as much at homo nt an art sale as on the bos
scat of n four-ln-hnnd.
It is needless to say that the professional
clement was mustered at its strongest , and
not only the foremost dealers In Paris , but
representatives of all the big llrms of Lon
don , Berlin and Now York were present.
Among1 the Americans were Messrs ,
Savory , Jun II. Knoedler , C5. 1C. Armer ,
Hodges of Ilotclmrt & Co. , nnd Kcounntl ,
Mr. Christ. Delmonico's agent. The bnUlu
between American dollar and French fraud
was the feature of the salo. Many Pnria
dealers had received orders from the United
Sedclmeyer had no less than ten and tha
auctioneer had been cabled on the morning ol
the sale to a similar effect , yet the Amorlcau
dollar got severely worsted in the struggle ,
Scarcely ono of the gems of the collection
will , for the present ut least , cross the At
As M. Eiigpno Fischop , Charles Scdel
meyer's partner , expressed it to a Herald
correspondent : "French amateurs have taken
their courage in hand. They don't want tin
United States to get all the plums. Thoj
have already carried off u good many. "
Pozzont's complexion powder Is universally
known and everywhere esteemed as tlw only
powder that will improve the complexion ,
eradicate tun freckles , and all skin diseases.
Not on front liondon.
LONDOV , Juno IS. [ Spociul Cablegram tc
Tin : BII : : . ] The Standard asks whether tin
removal of Home Secretary Matthews is not
advlsanlo to secure continuity of control at
Scotland Yard.
The government contemplated fixing on
July 15 as the date on which to suspend thfl
discussion of bills. The opposition will
oppose the plan unless it is applied impar
tially to bills that have passed their second
readings. It is .stated that the unionists
would consent to n compromise bv which tha
discussion on the land purchase bill only
would be suspended.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup reduces in-
ilammation while children tire teething. i.3
cents per bottlo. _
The Czarewitoh will Tour.
ST. PjiTKiisnimn , Juno --Special [ Cable
gram to Tun Bisi : . ] The c/arewileh will
start on n tour of the world on August 1 , Ha
will return by way of the United States.
Dr. Birnoy.prnctico limited to cntirrh >
ul discuses of nose nnd throat. Hoe bldf. {
Twoiity-nlno HOI-NOH Cronuitcd.
ToiM'.iCA , Kan. , Juno 11) ) . In a lire last night
which destroyed a number of buildings her- ' ,
twenty-nine horses were burned to death.
The lo&s to property Is about $ . ' 10,000.
Highwaymen Kol > n I'oKtollIcc.
JOSHUA , Tex , , Juno 1 ! ) . Three highway.
men rode into town last night nnd robbed the
postofllco. They got three gold watches uuij
$ " 00 in money und then escaped ,
COUXC'ff , nTiVWli XK ll'li ,
Kcliur/'H Hwent UO.Y.
'Squire Schutv. laughs when asked about
that suit for ? 5,000 damages brought against
him and others for alleged conspiracy to
avado the laws of Nebraska concorniug the
exemption of laborers' wages. "I don't
know much about that suit except what I
read In yesterday's BIK. : I see that such u
suit has been started , but I haven't been
served with any notice , rind the fact is that it
don't amount to anything. Hero , you can sco
all there is to the affair right hero on my
docket. D. C. Tucker , who lives here , had
bought a note signed J. H. Coffnian , and in
this note was past due , ho commenced an no
tion to guimiishoo the wages of Coffnmii ,
who worked for the Union Pucllio.
The Union Pacific Hindu answer that them
was about $35 duo Cotfmnn. This man Tay
lor comes to the front , representing himself ;
as attorney for Coffman. Ho said ho could
not light the Justice of the claim , it being a
ntraight note , and so confessed judgment foe
! 0. Then Taylor Hied a jietition of Inter
ventionclaiming that ho had advanced monny
and rendered services for Coffman to the
amount of about fcl4,1 , and that Coffman hail
assigned to him tlio wages due , so that ho
was the ono who ought to have this money ,
instead of Tucker. I allowed Taylor most ot
his claim , the amount allowed being about
17. So you see If any man was to bo blamed
for getting Cotlman'.s wages by any squeeze
it was Taylor himself , ILS ho was
awarded nearly all the money ,
In fact , so fur as I know ,
Tucker has never received any of these wagon
In payment on the note , which Is admitted
by Taylor , Coffman's attorney , to bo n jusi
claim , ns ho confessed judgment. Thero'd
the whole business right there on the docket.
It's supremely ridiculous for this man Tnyloi ?
after getting about f 10 of Cnffman's wages by
this very suit to kick about the hull ami say
It was u conspiracy to deprive Coffmann of
the necessary money with which to buy bread ,
and all that , and to start a suit for K',0)J , ) dam
ages. "
SnysHho Mountain Homo ( Idaho ) Mail
"Thousands of head of sheep are being
shipped east over the Short Lino. Some ot
them are going cast direct to market , but the
greater number of thorn will bo unloaded lu
Wyoming und driven on through to feeding-
stations in Nebraska. A largo number of
stock curs are being sent west , from which
wo Infer that heavy shipments are to con *
tlnuu. "
Cordovn , Minn. , ffcpt. 22. 18S .
Buffered with rheumutUm fur inoro than
ten yt r and trot no relief tni I uted Ht.JaroU
Oil , which cured we. WJ1 , 11 , lIUUNUUit.
THE CHARLES A. VOGELEA CO. , Daltlmor , U4 ,