Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMASA DAILY BE1 r MODAY. JUNE 13 , 1890.
Ko ndvortlsonicntfl will bo taken for
tlirflocoliinum jtftor 12UOp. m.
Torinn Cn li In ndvniico.
Advertliipinents under this bond 10 cents par
line for the flpit Insertion , 7"ecnts for each sub
sequent Insertion , nnd MM perllne permoiith.
No advertisements tnken for lout than 25ccnls
for first Insertion. They muit run consecu
tively nnd must bo paid In ADVANCE. All
dvert Rcmcnts muni bo handed In before 12 : :
o'clock p. in. , nnd under not'lreumstnnces will
thry be taken or discontinued by telephone.
I'nrtlen nilvorthlnit In these columns nnd
bnvlmrlhnlr answers nddre8cd IncnroofTliB
Dm will plo.iRnnnk for u cheek to nimble thorn
to got tholr letters , nit nonn will bo delivered
Mcenton presontallon of check. All answers
to HMvortUomonU should bo enclosed In onro-
All advertisements In thesn columns ftro
publbihed In tiolh morning and evnnlnn cdl-
llons of TUB IlKK. the clrculnllon of which nir-
( rcgntcs morotbnn lO.WX ) p.ipoM dally , and
elvei the advertisers thn benefit , not only of
flip city circulation of Tim llfcr , but also of
Council muffs , Lincoln and other cities nnd
towns throughout this section of the country
Advertising for thf so columns will IMS tftken
on thf above conditions , nt thn following bus-
ncs 1 oust1.- , who uro authorized to t ka npoolnl
notices , nt the snuia rates us can be hud ut the
main ofllco.
iiolOlTrOSmTAmUNlJiliypl O Corner
SJof Twenty-Hlxth and N streets , Nebraska
JuvlngN bankbitlldlne.
JOHN W.UELL , l'hormacl tajoaoutliTenth
OHAHEftEDnV , Btatlouora and Prlntors ,
11.1 , South JCthstreot.
S H. FAHNSWOKTII. I'harn acist , 2115 ,
OumlnK street ,
J. IIUOHES , Pharmacist , G21 North
IBth Htroet.
3KO. W. I'AICfi , Pharmacist , Ilia Loaven-
worth StrcQt ,
S'I'HAHMAOVfWth. and Tarnam
\\7ANTEI ) A pofiltlon by on experienced
TT ( 'lothliiKH.ilcsMinn , either In or ont the
city. Address. O 70 , Itoe ollleo. 100-iS *
WA NTED Ily n young lady a situation as
booKKtM'peror nsslstiiMt ; uan Klvo thobest
of rt-fcti'iicivi and will accent modorutn salary
AddlfHS 8. M. , No. Kit 8. 2Hth St. DOT. 12
\ , \ rANTI.IAetlo ) young man to iitanago
TI olllce at Unenln ; salary $ IKX ) porjoar ;
must furnish best luforcncrs and J3" > 0 cash
capital. ItuomX \ chamber of commerce Initld-
Inir. IW2-1I'
\\rANTED Young man to sleep In store ,
T > u\or > thing fuinlshed. Good rcferoiipes
rpiiilred. | Addioss G. 71 , Heo. Id-la1
W ANTr.IV-Exporlonced trlmmur and card
writer atKlonehlU's. 100-12
" \\rANTED In a rallioad olllce , statement
TT elii | | . .mil hooUKooper , both must Ira good
pcti'ni n. Address , Htntlnir o.xperlence nnd
refi-renecs , O IW , Heo. 1II8-12 *
\\TAN rr.ll--A man and wife without chihl-
T i enIfp must be u Kood cook and man to
thiiioiiidily undeist.ind farm work and hoi sea.
Addieis ( i Ii7. Hie ollloe. 1-1 IT
STONEMASONS wanted at Norfolk and
llcatrlcu. Good wages paid. M.T. Mnrphy.
rjOKTISA IT agents ! Do you value line work ,
aceuiate likeness , prompt service , low
pileesi1 Then deal with the liugest copying
nouso In the country , Shepards , 2M ! Wabash
h-agii. U35-lg *
A1IOV ! Gland expcnse-niaUerforcanviLssprs
E\urybody buysiW.H.l'rluo.DavldClty.Neb
85TJy6 *
\\rANTED-Salesmen to sell goods by sample -
' plo to meichants : salary paid to good
men ; Hamplesfurnished ; permanent situation.
Model Manufacturing Co. , south Bend , Ind.
N0-lfl ! *
W : ANTED Men to travel for our Canadian
nuisoiics. btonu&WellingtonMadison.Wls
AtJr.N'lWU outfit on U ) days' time. . .
piollt In 4 weeks or no pay. Add. , with
s itamp : Jui > U & . Company , Itauluo , Wls.
VyANTED 1,111x1 men for railroad work in
V > Wvomlng , Dakota , Utah and Nevada ;
wages fl 75 to J-.50 ; steady work. Alhrlght's
labor Agency. 1120 1'arnam st. 814Ty4
" \\rANTED Salesmen at $75 per month sal-
i ury and expenses to sell a line of silver-
plated ware , watches , etc. , by sample only ;
Iioiso and team furnished free , write at oncu
for full particulars and sample cuso of goods
ftec. Stand.iid sllverwaio Co. , lloaton , Muss.
" \\f ANTED Energetic men and woman for n
TT ccntccl business pay Ing W ) weekly prollt
easier than JIM monthly otherwise ; oxperlunco
\innecessary ; permanent position and oxolu-
Hlvo territory assured ; H samples fruo ; Inves
tigate our money-making business. Address
Mllhstamn. Merrill Manufacturing Co. . H 63 ,
Chicago. III. 8MJyl3
KSE glil about 10 juais , to mind child.
I7 SJIHh. 174-13 *
ANTED-Immedlately , fii-st-clast skirt
or waist hands. Mis. Sclplo , 1020 Jackson
Htjejit _ 171 12 *
AV TANTED-Voung girl to assist In light
' housekeeping. Inqulro 1135 Georgia avo.
151 13'
17 AN'rri ) CiOod girl foruoncral housework ,
> 713 Sid st. 157 I4 >
mnUers nt the Omaha
1314 rurimni st. i : 13
. ) CJoodRlrl forKonoialhousuwork
! ! t.ll St. Marysave. I.t7-ii :
WANTED'-An onorgutlo lady , toaohor nio-
fened , to tia\el. Nocanvasslngi Salary
110 jiur month anil e\penses. Kufuiuncos. ( Jail
Koom 2ti. Chamber of C'ommfive. ta 12 *
T\7"ANTnn A good Rlrl to do ponurul hoiiso-
T T work anil enol.lm In family of two , Mrs.
Hopewell , 414 North tfitb st. , ii | > .stalis. I'JI ) .
'ANTCD A Kill for housework. ITl.'iC'assst
iaii in
r ANTr.l- ) Kood iiniso lfl. 1UJI Dou Iaa
1J1 1,1
7 ASTKII filrl for general Housework ut
tt. ll.muibus' toulory , 5il North 10th.
\\rANTED-lst and 2d gills In private faml-
> > 1 } i best of wnirck paid. 721 S tilth Ht. . cor
nur ( > [ Lcavcnwoi th st Mrs. J. L. Hrandols.
ED ' 1 nrpo experlonciHt iimmt ; room
ut the llurUur hotel. UM
. . 17ih : S
tlim guaranteed. Slilci II *
ENGAGEMENTS to do mess making lu fami
lies solicited. MUs- Sturdy , Ki S , 25th live.
\ ] VKA MpGIniils' Irussmnklng par'oM 323
J."l t'ajiltol avo. 1 ino and teach the 1'ro ich
tailor system. 100)lf ) >
UKNT Corner bouse , No. 201.1 Leavon-
worth , u rooms , butb , BUS und fiirnuve , all
oompUito , uixiduid mid stublo In rejir. It. K.
tjtowo , tu X. Y.Mte. 1M 13 *
17VMl HiNT-Hotol : lth Jt llromlwiiy Oouncll
JLA HlnllH. 14S-14'
HUNT A nleo desirable S-roomed
ise. looated ut SIP H. lath st. 1M U *
1 , KKNT for the summer Well furnished
J. > ONUII iiKmhiiusowthpanott3 | | : per month.
I.oeullnii ( leslrnlile. Iteforenvt ) ri'iiulreil. Un-
quire , Nulhcrton Mull , & 'l ti. 15th at. , ' 'd Hour.
"T/1OK KENT-Kertidunees In nil imrtHof cltv.
4 ? Lht too large to publish. 01 olio l.nun'A :
Trust company , ! U)7 ) S. lilth st. 571
1T1011 UKNT-My lesldonco , MIS Karnam st
Jull modern Iniprmenjont and very doslra-
blo. Itlohard O. Patlorson , X. V. Life. HM-lii
HKNT Hwelllnu' , U roiuiiD , Htatile , and
reiinlreinciit.s for u nmt-ulan * honioi
xoiilli fronit i.WH c'.ipltol avoiiiioi runtnl very
low Inqnlio at irai lnrimm ] t IU )
UUU.M lint w It'll steam heat , lilth m. nour
F. Hull , ail IVxtou block.
KENT--AI moderato rent , the thee
story and basement brlulc building altuated
ill No. 1110 Douglas street , suitable for manu
facturing , wholcsulo or warehouse purposes' ,
ulso one store ami basement No. 1U7 S. 13th st.
Apply toUhtis. Kuufmunu , 1J02 Douglas ut.
TrUK [ ) KENT About Juno I , tfioso elegunt
JL1 fctono rvsldcncua on Georgia avo. , S. 20th ut.
. / luit. Mason und 1'aclllo nu , BOO owner for tontf
- tbimleuso. U. U , llundurnou , room 40U , Pux
ton bUt. _ _ 574
MODEKN house , iilno nxims , biith. hot and
cold miter , furnace and gas , on Dodge St. ,
| 4i ) per mouth. I'red J. Horthwiok.Sias. llth.
_ _ * _ 5J _ _
IfOU KKNT 3HiiTprehMdbrlckhou.os ) , cult
JJ fninln on ( Icorglu uvc , just north of Leuv-
vnworth t ,0 rooms , bath , furnace , sewer con
nections. nil convunlciices ; will rent to re-
ntiblu purtlot fur M. M. A. Upton Co. ,
uud Ituruuw. 7iO
FOUURXT Smiillibmi'M W-por month ,
Wilklnnon. Olrt _ I'axton blk r
I7R TVK.VI llouik'i 10 rooniH , nil modern
Improvements ; lurjjo yard , Krt per inontl
CotnniUslon to ugcriU , Uoxtor I. . Thomas.
I V VOl' wish to rtnl n house or store sou H.
IK. Colu , Conlliiontnl hlix-k. ( KM
J KOOM himt-o , well mill cistern , Kood loca-
- > tlon. Inquire i711 ! DoiiRlus it , rt7 !
ITlOtt HK.NT Twoof Ilia Illicit rcllpiica ( iTiita
* -on Nmth I0th Hired , with till modern con-
vpiilvncu * . hot nnil colil vrntor. rloso to llrown-
( II hull. First class mirn > undlnif4. Apply lu
Chus Kant m mm , 1.TB DouKlassl Ktt
THOU KENT ID-room brick homo , with mod-
J- era ( .fmvrnlnnccs , No. 811 3. SOtU st. Apply
tit No. 8i7 H. SUtli.aU r , 3
TCTOtt KENT 7-rooni hoilso irltb barn ] ttom-
JL. Iniil runt to good party. 0 , P. Harrison , Oil
N * Y. Llfo , Ill
KENT 10 room botwc , aiU7 Douglas.
ittlro3111 | DoimlaA. 61U.
EOIl RENT Pleasant 7-room Imino , 202
Howard st. lniiilroSO | ± ! Howard , vn 12 *
IjlINE residence , modernimprovenipntH , 2103
JU Ht. Mary'n live. . td5 per month. Initilro | at
lircmlses oral A. Ilt'Ilui's , 1114 Karnatn. 1'fi
/ OTTAOE of II rooms in roar of 1215 Ohlcnuo
V-/SU "ear lllth , city water , U. 8UO 13 *
ELEGANT house In choicest part of city.
Mouth front , overlooking Iilgh school
prounns. fourtpL'ii rooms , hath , laundry.steatn
lieat , iKirn and carrhtiro house , etc1. , etc. ! will
ha vacant Jinto 1st. Thos. I' . Kali , Jill I'axton
block. K4
FOIt KENT 2 now houses , S nnd 7 rooms.
I'opphitnit park , close to motor. Kent i2 !
and $15. City water. Stringer & I'unny ,
Douglas block , 10th and Dodgo. 782.
FOIl HKNT About Juno 7 , 8-room house 3M
and Citmlng ftts , $ . ' 15 pur month. C. K ,
Harrison. 1)11 ) N. V. Life. 4S9
" \royiJopportunltytosPCurotho lease and
If urnltttro of oni ) of the finest homes In
Omaha , furnlturi ) nil now , location near high
school , rent low. Will take half Its value ; ii , bill. time. Address , E 4. ) , IJce. 211
IIOUSI-S. stores nnU tlnt.s ; nil miw , K. A.
Leavenworth. room 14 , Itarker hlk. 8afljii :
"T710IUIENT Very nlp 7-rooni houses ; special
-U terms made. Apply to Klotchur Voting ,
Ambler 1'lacc. 2U1
T710H KENT C room house , coed rtipair , niro
JLJ yard , clnturn Water , rent * J2. Apply to 1400
South 7th ii\o. or to J no. W. Hull , druggist , luth
TTIOK llKNT To hoardlni ; club.slx members ,
J3 all of .second lloor , tliruo sleeping rooms ,
bathroom and front ( I i awing room ; hrcakfant
at 7a.m. , dinner 0 : ; ) p. m ; terms fot-club ,
$1SO per month ; references required. Inqulro
at22I Wlrtst. 17514
> OOM and board for two , also day board.
LS.itU > factIon assured , 1U10 Dodge st.
l.KJ-16 *
" 1T1OK KENT 1 or 2 pleasant moms with
JU board , private family. 2015 Douglas.
170 10 *
NICELY furnished front rooms for rent , 18
and up. SOS S. 21st st. - 1TO la *
TT10U KENT To-Kentlomen , nicely furnished
J southeast front room with alcove and bay
window ; all modern conveniences ; board If de
sired ; near Park avo. motor. No-UW Georgia
m u. is. aitii st. ) iti : 1:1 : *
T710K KENT 1 furnished and 4 unfurnished
JL ? looms. Kent reasonable. Inquire at 1122
N. Kith St. . up stairs. 121 15 *
J'EATLY furnished front room , with hoaid ;
all modern Improvements. 2010 Callfoi nla.
110-10 *
FOK KENT A nicely furnished front loom
with alcove. No. 1711 Dodge st. 1MI-13 *
rpo youtiM1 ladies wlio have no homo lu this
-i-city , can furnish neat looms and board In
respectable private family ut reasonublo
rates. Apply ut2515Caldwull , 1 blockfiomear.
TT1OK KENT Cool , pleasant front room with
JD hoard. 001 S. 20th st. 000 12'
COOL , pleasant rooms. ai.HS N. l.ith , Hat "J , "
with first-class boaid , for gentleman.
U75-J 2.1 *
10U KENT I'lc.isiint furnlshod loom with
all conveniences , 212 S. arilh st. 882
TjlOK KENT Two furnished front rooms ,
Jj with bay-window , modern conveniences , J10
andJ4 per month , with or without boaid. 2213
LouvuiiHOrth st. 812
F I OK KENT-Ii'urnlahud looms. 17J1 Capitol uv
TJ1UK KENT Vluasant fuinlshed rooms at No
J3 514 So. 10th St. , Hat A. Her hlk. 7b7 12 *
FOK KENT Now furnished rooms In New
Terrace , with or without board , ut reason
able rates. 2128 llurney st. 3bO
T71OK KENT FuriiMiod rooms. 1COO Douglas ,
-t ? 570
FOK KENT Nicely furnished room , all
modurn conveniences , 2 blocks from P. O. ,
618 S 17th st. 577
TTIOK KENT A largo and nicely furnished
JL room fronting on Capitol avenue , east of
the high school. Private family. Suitable for
two or three guntlcmon. Addiess G , 04 , Heo.
FOK KENT Kurnlshed rooms ; gas ; bath and
steam ; 1510 Howtiid. 57S
S . OLAIlt European hotel , cornet 13th nnd
Dodge. Special lutes by week or month. 570
N IOELV furnished front rooms with alcove
to let. Inquire 2022 St. Mary's uvenne.
POK KENT A largo front room , furnished.
In one of the finest residences In the city ,
? J4 S. 10th St. , corner I/cuvonuorth. 811
TmOK KENT 3 unfurnished rooias.SOS N. lath.
JD 120
FOK KENT I unfurnished rooms to family
without children ; modern Improvements
1704 Webster st. Prlco SIS. "WO
O IVEK hardware store 1021 Howanl'st.
UNl'l/KNISIIED rooms for housekeeping at
gieatly reduced prices. Cheapest rent In
the city. Hulls Hcnllug Aguney , 21S S 15th ht.
210-J10 *
TillNE 7-room dwelling with yard , $ . ' 5. Also ,
J-8-room dwelling with yard , * ! 0. 0 and 10-
nxin dwellings , U3 to too. bmeutou & Allen ,
IWW'4 Pnriiiini Ht. 152 Jy U
GOKNEK bahement 21th and Lea\enwoith
st. ; good place for barber shop , $5 per
month. 10I-2.V
TTIOK KENT Desk room on 15th St. , near 1'ar-
.L nain Ht ; giound floor. Address , G. It. 510 , N ,
V. Life llldg. 151 13 *
Ori'lCES In Wlthnell block. 15th and Hurney
struetK , fS tier month and upward ; all moil
em Improvements. Call und sue them.
l l JI5 *
"I71OK KENT Sniall store room. M. South
JL' Tenth. I'ourdooi's from depot. Suitable
for fruit orelgar store. Apply ticket olllce ,
HJ7 South 10th. 8JJ.
TOKES at 707.700 , 711 S IGth , 22x00each , largo
show windows , steam heat f mulshed , THM |
T. Hull , 311 Puxton block. Ml
1JAOK KENT-Tho 4-story brick building , with
ior without power , formerly occupied by the
Heo Publishing Co. . MU I'urnum st. The build
ing has a llrepioof cement basement , complete
Hteam heating II x tut on , water on ull the lh ) ri ,
gan , eto. Apply at the olltco of The Heo. U15.
Oil KEN'-A htoio In a brjok building
uhuup. suitable to any kind of business. In-
qu le 1115 N. Inth st. U Peterson. 101 13 *
WANTEU-Horses to pasture ut J2.50 u
month on farm near Irvlngton ; horsus
called for and delivered. \ \ . K. llomun , Koom
o , 1'rvnzur bliwk , 6 1
J J. IUUY , rental u uut , iOO N. V. Ufi ; .
jTrbU'ro.N'3 ruutul ugcney , 517 I'u.xton bliick
HE. COI.K , runtul uxent , Continental blk.
, . BIB
OLl > llrownoll Hall for sale * One of the
largest frame buildings , 10th and Jones
sts. , 4 storlenery bound , to bo moed or torn
down ; will receive bids to June 25th. Addruss
or Heo W.I' . Lorenieu , U20 bouth llitliHt.
158 10 *
_ _ _
MAI ) STONE I have u genuine mad stono.
LL. _ llunbow , 1232 no. 201 1 W3-Jy 4
LADIES , It will pay you to call and InvontT
gate our Lightning WaUt Fitter ; price tl ;
cuttin tlonu to order. 317K N. 15th at , B'll-lj *
itov u ixo .
B r
8S3 14 *
hundred dollars In cash , balance good
stock of cigar * . Address 1WJ Howard bU
llv-12 *
"TTIARM wuntPil Imurorcd. . farm. 100 ncrcs
JL.1 near railroad and Omaha. Adilrcs OKJ
Urn , stiltingjnloo and U'rms , 1UI 12
w ANTED -flood commercial nancr. No-
Drasku Mortgage Loan Oo.CllJI'axton blk.
ft M. I'lirkTota ; send numbers iindlow
estprleo. O 81. llee olllce. iptt 13 *
JKNITlMfK , household goodsetoIllnlicst
null price. . ' 117 3 l.llli. .TCI
VTANT KIl-Hocond-hund turnlturo of all
kinds at the highest price , 710 S. 10th * t-
nnd umbrellas covered nnd rc
paired. II. Iltilor , 1513 Douglas ; basomcnti
_ ( Wfl
UMIIUEIiI'AS repaired , lawn mowers sharp
ened , key Ilttlna and locksmlthlnK ut
lloflln's gun shop , llu N. 10th st , 20U Jld
'IVfASSAOE nnd innRiiotlc treatment , 1113 I'
IT Li' | do. half block front motor lino. 610-13 *
MASSAOH treattnent.olcctro , thermalined-
Icutcd b'lths.soulp ti bulrtreiitmentmani
cure & chiropodist. Mrs. H. M. I'o.iU 413 S. lUth.
IS3 U. FOHSTEH , midwife and M. D. for
chlldron nnd female diseases , 1131 HniinUcra
t. . In second story. gJl-J-8i *
BN.OMNOMAN. oxolnslve pension attor-
ney , U 1931. Prcnzer hlook , Umaha ; also
Cincinnati & Wushlngton. Htamp for circular.
{ < lft
' ' '
rpitA'd'KA'OEstoruKOnt : lowest rates , W.M.
JL llusliniiin , 1311 l.euvonworth. 688
/ 1OLI ) storugc. Uuvld Cole , 815-817 Howunl.
S TOUAOE llranch A : Co. , 1211 Howard.iva
K slorujje , boparato comnurt-
M1UAOKAUK "storugu , Uavld Cole , HI.VS17
J.JHoward. . )7
LOST ir.M Sunday , black cashmcro shawl ,
on 10th nuar Harncy or Uouylus. llotttrn
to lluo onico. r 147-1J *
I" OflT Juno 11 , n heavy orydlzed fcllvcr ,
J-J llcxlbla link bracolut , niarkod ullhcr
"Joo" or "Jack" on clasp. Finder will ho
suitably rqtwirdcd by leaving at Gil S. 2'Jtli '
avo. 2-H
IOST Largo black otirloy Newfoundland
* do ? , tag No.L'IIW. Llhcral reward for return
toHGU21)oilK > ' ! > ' oritotlco of whereabouts. No
140-12 *
FOIl SALH A full platlornt sprltm. leather
topoarrlagp.alniostnow , nndoiie Columbus
maku btiKKys aKoono butdoublu luirncss for
$ . . Aliply at . ' 15 Wchsli-r st. _ UK
1TOUSES * 50 and up. II. E. Colo.
- 120
TTUrTEKN upan work mules , long time lit 7
-t per cent Interest. Selby 13 Hoard Trade.
_ J HJ
1IAKT1ES looking for line driving or saddle
horses , would dovcll to call on , oreones-
liond with T. .1. Fleming , manager W. II. Mil-
hud'.s farm , Calhoun , Neb. lie has for sale
some first-class single drivers , carriage teams ,
and saddlei horses , at leasoiiahlo prices. 511J
TjlOK bALE rino famUv carriage horse
J- bound und gentle. Inqulio 014 N , 10th st ,
25. !
HOKSES-Llaht drivers , bargain. The late
lire has made-them cheap. 11. E. Cole.C'on-
tlnuntal block. KM
WANTED Lame south fiont room fur
nished or unfuruibhed , It must be large.
G ( U lice onice. 001-12'
\\rANTEIl-lly a small family , a pleasant
ii cottaseof six or seven rooms near or on
the pai lines. Will bo permanent. Addiess
O.'ll Heo. 770
ANTED To rent 2 to 3 iinfuinlshod
rooms for housekeeping , small family ,
near business center. Address G 18 , Hoe olllce.
I WANT moro houses to rent ; nforo demand
than houses. 1'arrotto Kentnl agency.
F"Oir"SALE I"urnTuire , rnrjiots and housc'-
hold goods of all kinds every Tuesday ,
Thursday and Satuiday morning at 1111 I'ur-
nam st. Cash paid for goods. Omaha Auction
and Storage Co. Henry Crolghton , auctioneer.
KOll S
TIHKEE chair barber shop with hath rooms ;
reason for selling , had health. Apply A.
L. Underlain ) , harber supply houso. 140-14 *
ITTOK SALE Cheap , one bcconu-hundliru
-L1 in oof safe. In good oidcr , 32 In. deeiv. l" > In.
wltle , 54 In. high. Inquire Crane Co. , flrJ and
ll.M Karnam st. hli ) 12
IXTV head No. l.Iersoy cows forsuloof best
strains , lly.sliiitn & Lockurt , Uud Oak. la.
1J5 17"
_ _
quality meats , lowest rates , at I'red
Koos1 meat market. 2222 Cumlng st. 7ttl 20
" 171OK hAI < K HH ) piano bo es , price * , ' . A.
-L losi | | > : IMit DoiiKla'i. 'Lj1 '
IjTO'll 'ilAIjR I'hciip."u coinrileto Met'orEiicy
-13 clopoedlu Itrlttunlcu. 70b H 18th .st.
BI2-I2 *
T71OK SALE Good square piano , $10 ; also
JL ; feather bed , cheap. InqutiolUOD Pfurco st.
( B8 13 *
3OOlholii fountain , In running order , for
less Until half cost. O. l'otor oii , 018 S. nth.
IC'K for sale In cailond lots. Address Mnl-
holland A. Co. , Council IllnlTH , la. 141-18
TriOKSALE Hotel h oinson second lloor ,
JL'5 rooms on llrst lloor. l-'uinlturu good.
Nearest hotel to depot. Only two hotels in the
place. Live town , good business. Terms rea
sonable. Address , Mrs , . J W. Moslur. Dodae ,
Neb. . 14.I-1C *
"I71OK hALE A lltst class bakery , confootlon-
JJ ury and restaurant , tu one of the be.stcltlCH
of NebiusKu , 1,000 Inhabitants. The onlv es
tablishment of the kind In the city. Good
chance for the right kind of man. Address
Lock llox 13(1 ( , Crete , Nebraska. 111-15
famous Warronslmrg white nnd blue
sand stone will Mimd In any climate , Is flro
and fiost moot and Is suitable for allpui poses
wheie stone Is pioferahle toother material , 1
am piepared to fuinlsh this stone on sliott no
tice In any quantity , rough , sawed or dtesscd
ready for Use. I'or further Information ad-
diess Jacob Plekel.WurronsburglQuarrlchl.Mo.
1)70 Jyfi *
I\\CfR \ \ hALE. oneap Wl-horso power Hteti
1 holler , good as new. with fittings complete ;
hunter , mud-ilium , plunge pumps , and No , 3
Knowles ; will hull for one-half oilgltial cos.
Joir W. lledford. Mt
POK SALE Cheap , a bountiful fawn colored
greyhound. Enquire7.HS. 10th St. , corner
of LeavenwortK. 814
'iriuTTSALESomo Kood watches nnd JhT-
J. mends cheap. H. K. Masters , loom 4 , Wlth-
null block. fi H
.scale Klmball piano. A. HospuU13 Douglas
G KO. r.GELLENIIEOK.toacher of the banjo ,
with lluspe , 15U Douglas. 21' ' )
Bl O ' N [ K IV TO 1.0 AN. _
L TlATrLT T biyi1 ! w
loan on farms and elty property. tJ5
f OANS City and farm loans , mortgage pu-
J-Jpor hought. McCtigue Investment Co. ddi
MONI'.Y loaned at lowest rates , long time on
Impioved Omaha icul estate , no ' 'extras. "
no delay , GloboLoan& Trust Co. , 307 S Hit ii.
_ _ _ _ C05 _
BUILDING loans , U to 7 per cunt ; no addi
tional charges forcommlsslon or attorney's
fees. W. H. Mulklo , I'lihtNufl bank bldg. .
T\I ONEV ao.WorlWdayson furnituret. ,
I'Lhorses , houses , utJ. J. J. Wilkinson , Old
Puxlonblk. two
LIliEKALrealestato loans madubyW. M.
Harris , room 20,1'renzer block , opp. P. 0.
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co.-Loaus of tlOto
11,000 ! get our ratc.s before borrowing and
save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought , for now loan , renewal of old und low
est rates , call K 2Ud , tJhculy blk , 15th und
Howard ats. C03
ITUKSTmoitgugo loans ut low rates and no
JL' delay. D. V. bholes' Co , , 210 1st Null bank.
0 HATTEL HANIC. room 3 Wlthnull
UPEKCENT rcsldenco loans , * .iouo to Jlo.OOO.
llnlldlng louiu nt special rates. The Mead
liuestment Co. , llco building. fXH
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mutes ,
household goods , pianos , organu.dlainoiuK
at lowest rates. The first orgunlred loan of
fice In the city. Make loans from.'W tolfll ilnyti ,
which can lie paid In part or whole ut any
time , thus lowering the principal und Interest ,
Cull und eo us when you want money. We can
iisslst you promptly -and to your advantage
without removal of property or publicity.
Money ulwayrt on bund. No delay lu making
limns , t' IHi'i'U ' & Co. , 310 B. UtH tt , . over
HhiKliam A. bon , UK
JoSNs Jlonc-y on hand , Tow rates. Omuha
JKeul Estutu & Trust Co. , ! t S , lltb HI. Heo
bulldlutf. W5
/ 1IIATTEL loans nt VVrest rales ; business
Wcoulldcntlni 510 Paxiuu oik. J , H. Emlimcr.
. L. dtTsTnVty.'Ii-Hiton will
JJnny nmottntt OmnniOiir t'onncll IlhitMn-
ldo proi irtr. Apply r' . K , I'roneh , nttorney
Now York Llfo ImjhUji . _ _ ir. 15 _ _ _
/1OMMEKCIAL nnd RWV/al short time pnpnr
wbought ; also regular 'flve-year loans miido
on IniproTod property. JiOeo. F. Hltist A Co. ,
20.1 Kamgo bldg , - , , COO
OECONH niortgnge loahH. Second uio.rtgages
Ohotight. IAJ.IUS oniicant lots. Heed A
Selby. room 13. llounl Tf Mo. CU7
TVTONEY to loan on nn > ' 'tecurlty
111. for nhort.eljuo at tow
rates. Lowest rate *
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortfcngo Investment Com
pany , room 400 , Pnxtlm block. OM
WANTED-l'Irst clnInsldo loan * . Lowctt
rates. Call and sco ua. Mutual Invest
ment Co. . 1504 t'urnnm. COD
BEl'OKE tiPROtbiting u loan to improve
your real estate get terms from
The Odell Investment Co. , 301 N. Y. Llfo bldg. ,
The * . S. Itoyd. reiire.sentatlve. nio
CHEAP Mortgage nnd Trust Co. .
nlwnys rendy to loan and p-iy promptly ; first
mortgngcs wanted C5ixrgo W. P. Coutes. reiiro-
senlatlve , room 7. Hoard Trade. OU
money to loan on city property ;
mortgage paper uought. II. II. Ircy.N.Y.Llfo
MONEY to loan on long or short time ;
county wnrruntfl bought. Slur Lnntl &
Lonn Co. , 1COOVJ Turnum Bt. rat J 23
SHOUT time loins on vacant lots , fcelbyi
Itccil. 13. [ ward otJrailo. RC
to oan In nny amount from $ Fo to
MONEY for nny time from one toslx months.
Loans made on household go < Kls , plaiion ,
horses , mulce , wagons , houses leases , etc. , In
facton any nvallablo security In any amount
at the lowest possible rates without removal
of property. , ,
Payments can bo made nt any time reducing
both principal and Interest. You pay Interest
only for the time you use the money. If you
owe n balance on your property 1 will take It
ii ] ) ana carry It for you.
.Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. No removal. Lowest rates.
H. 1' . Musters ,
Koom 4 Wlthnell block , 15th and HarneySti. _
, PEK cent inonoy to loan on real estate se
5 curity. Loans can bo paid off In Install *
monts. Jno. W. Kobblus , 20' ' > N. Y. Llfo bldg.
Eo.VNlTwunlod on productive Oinnha renl
estate. U und ff yours' Unto , optional pay
ments , fuvorublo terms and rates.
Ulmbnll , Champ k Ryan ,
1000J1G 12X ( > l''urnuin st.
/CHATTEL loans. K. (0 ( Continental blk. . 15
V Douglus ; business confidential. M.J. Hall. ,
OOLLATEKAL bank. 312 ho. Kith st , room 5 ,
Chamber of Commerce , loans money on
commercial paper nnd all articles of value.
Also on horses , cattlo. furniture and other
chattel property without removal , at lowest
rates of Interest. All business strictly confi
dential. 057 Jlf
MONEY to loan , ft years on easy terms on 09
percent on good conservative valuations ,
anywheie In the city limits of Omaha , at 410
bheeley bldg.,15th and Howard sts. Sam'lTato.
MONEY to loan on city property ; money on
hand and no delays. Itatus , Smith & Co. ,
ICIh and r.miam sts. UI5-J11
ANTED Educated young ladles and gen-
tlement to learn shorthand and typewi It-
Ing ; good salaries ; students assisted to posi
tions. Mundard Shorthand Huslness College.
I'm ale E. lleUJjisti uotor. _ 01 1 _
SECOND HAND Culegraplis , Hammond and
rJHcmlngtoiis. John H. Comes Co. Letter
I'lles and olllco specialties , Kuinge bldg. 510
the distinguished , world-fumed und only
real natural trance clairvoyant nnd .spirit
medium In this country ; seventh daughter of
the .seventh daughter , born with veil and
greatest ptonhetlc gift , of second sight. While
entranced will loveul eveiy hidden mystery
In life. Has long been pronounced In I.tirone
and Aincilua the greatest living wonder of the
present age. Understands the science of the
"Persian and Hindoo magic. " or ancient
charm working , and prepares Egyptian talis
mans which will overcome your enemies ,
removes family troubles , restores lost
alTcctlons , muUos murriago with the one
you love no failure , removes ovll In
fluences , bud hahltK. cuies witchery ,
fits , and all long MtumUng and mysteilous
diseases ; will glvocoriwt Information on law
Milts , sickness , death , | lyoreo.nbscnt friends ;
everything ; nover-fulling advice to young
men on marriage and how to choose a wife for
happiness and what business host adapted for
.speedy riches , block sppculatlon a specialty.
Also gives IndlHpensllilo advice to young
ladles on love , courtship and marriage , and If
your lover Is true or false , und gives picture of
future husband , with name , age and date of
marriage. Hours , Ua. m. to ii p. m. , stilct.
N. H. For the bunuflt of those who are unable
to call upon Mrs. Dr. Eddy , she would respect
fully announce that she gives porfectsatlsfac-
tlon by loiter. Your entire llfo will be written
In i clear and plain manner. Lutters with
stamps promptly answeied. Send for largo
Illustrated circular with bpeclul terms. Mrs.
Dr. Eddy. 324 N. 15th. _ 737 13 *
LEIL Clayton , clairvoyant -nud magnetic
healer , can by her wonduiful will power
giiint nny icquust. Ladles Wle and gentlemen
$1.00 ; Satisfaction guaranteed or money ro-
funded. 5U8 b. llitb st. up stairs. 150-13 *
HRNANNIE V. WAKKEN , clairvoyant
JL/medlcal and business medium. Koniule dis
eases u specialty. 110 N. loth st. , rooms 2 and 3.
MADAM HE VEKE. the youngest clairvoy
ant and natuial magnetic healer in the
United States ; will spioad hufore you a pano-
luma of events past , pioscnt an < l future ;
cures diseases by her magnetic power ; 50
cunts and upwaids. 317'/4 N. 15th st. b75-13 *
MADAM DEL/,1 EK. magnotlst , Is uckowl-
edgcd by all compctltois the queen of
mabsuge and magnetism. 1'arlois over 010 S.
latli. Hours 0 to H ; Sundays 10 to : ) strict-
D50Jly7 *
PKOK. l.ureo. the runowncd jxironologist ,
medium nnd palmistwho has been publicly
tested and challenges the world In revealing
mysteries , disperses Jealousy , evil Influ
ences , gives ! ull names of present or future
husband or wife , also tells your faults nnd
qualities , trade business or profession to
makouSUPCOS. 322Noith IGth up.stalls. Con
sultation tl. Satisfaction given or no pay.
20I-J-21 *
" 171OKSALE Ding stock , llxtuichand bulld-
JL Ing In u good Ihe talltoad town In western
Iowa. Good location for u physician with
family. Good reasons for selling givenAd -
dioss-lock box 2.C1. IT to. Iowa. 101-11
POK SALE A half or entlie Interest In u
piospoious linidwuro and grocery business.
llox Ml. York. Neb. 1 ( > 7-M
POK SALE One share Nubiaska telephone
stock , by J. C. Kllner , 700 Wurien u\enue ,
Clicago _ , 111. 1B2-15 *
MOKTOAGEES' Sale NoticeIhherehy gl\eu
that I will sell at jUihllc auction to the
highest bidder for cash the futnltiire and fix
tures nnd remnlnlng portion of the stock of
olgurs , tobacco , pipes , etiof G. H. Maok &Co ,
law 1'arnam ht. halo to commence at a o'clock
p.m. Thursday , June 10 , JWJO. and continue
u om day to day until all of said property h > dis
posed of. In tliu mean time any poitlon of the
stock can be puiuhascdut prlvutusaleatprlces
to.sult. Wm. Cobuin. Agent for Moitgagves ,
Omaha. Neb. , June 7. 1K . IKI2 18
I71OK SALE KeciT stoiiriu good location , wl
JL1 sell at Invoice. AlhUcss , G. 40 , Hue.
" ua 12 *
/1OM.M1SSION buslu'fss , , for halo , fixtures ,
V-Miorho and wagon , wlll'lmolfo to nult pur-
chatter $ .150 to * 500. nVSl-oluss location. Ad-
di-ess G 30 llee. ' - ' 831
"I71OKSALE Uinln. liiiii' und lumber yards.
JU Address , R J. HaliTlflittlo Creek. Neb.
' T 003 20 *
" 1710K KENT or nabA Jji telahscieamory in
- * ' good agricultural ijtvulet. Plenty of cream
run be hucl. AddicssJ.'P. ' Kenslmw , Sterling ,
Neb. 'I ' OL'-JSU *
filOKTALE--IrugMimk ) ; an old established
J-1 und well located ; wmln\olcu toiVl
part cashbalance on tlniQ or Omaha city prop
erty. The Mead luviHlfmint Co.lice building.
" 17UK SALE A htoolMif rugs , htore llxtures ,
JL' and u fine Koda foinllafn , loci
peroim county seat in viebraska ,
Iof the best. The tilWn Is u I
Htutlon and HIP K. It. hhilfa urn
I'or full pnrtlculurn call or address H. II. lien.
t1itt.mironttt , JIKV , Puxton block , Omuha , Vnh. .
TTIOK SALE rino established olgurand news
J.1 bUHlnoss. llest loo-itlon In the city. Ad
dress box O , CS2 pojtolllco. 4Ml
171 OK SALE Cigar ttloro and pool room.
X1 uhuup. llest lucutlou. Imiulro at 1211 Purk
avo. lltt 12 *
YflGKSA'LEor Tor Itunt Ontiot the best IlKcd
X' up boarding housui In South Omaha , In
mostdoslrablo locutkm. Apply to H. H. K&von ,
27lh ht. , ncur Exchange crossing , South Omaha.
112 JIG *
7J10K HALE-llalf Interest In my retail
-L' grocery butdncti-i to u good rolluulo man ,
capable of munagliiK the same. The only ex
clusive cash grocery house In Omuha. Us-
tahllshcd 5 yeurs ago by Ed. N. llrown , the U.
O. J ) , 622 North Idth Ht. 745
\V , HAT have you for 45 iiuurtorx of land'
TT bouses and lots , also imntgugcVMuy
asaumu. V , J. Pa U1,10VJ Taruuw 17J-JD
T71OK EXCIIANOE-tMonr land In Iowa nnd
JL' Nebraska tooxclmnao for Omaha or SoutU
Omaha vnmnt lotst will n * umo nmull iMtoiitn-
brnncu , M.S. Sturttcon , Koom 13 , Hoard of
Trade. 17.
HOKSEd wanted In OTclmnge. for $ .1.000 gen >
cral morcliitndUo. western unbroken pre
ferred. Address box 01 , Crolghton , Kiinx Co. ,
Nob. _ Itu-lt *
CLEAN stock of Kcncrnl morchuhdlso , well
assorted , want real estate und cash , llox
70 , Frankfort. Ind. _ bOJ 1.1 *
T.OT In Lincoln. Nob. , forstopkmerclmndlso
JLJAdclrussWm , Kowurdtnk , Hlukman , Neb.
rilO EXOHANGE-Lnnd In the James Hirer
Jl vnlley for horses or merchandise. Parroll
Atwood. Aberdeen. South Dakota. I4V15 *
" 1IIAKM nnd city property for sale or ex-
JL * change for any kind of merchandise-or
plmttulsjiorses ami cattle ; would particularly
like to trade for steers. Willis Cad well , lltokuu
How.Noli. f > vj J ss *
1I10K EXCHANGE Good farms , city propor-
JL1 tv and wild lands la Nub. nnd town for good
gon'l m'd'se ; property clour , title perfect. Ad
dress Loeklloxitt.Tremont.Nob. OM
TWILL trade n good cleur lot In So. Omaha
for plnno or horse ami buggy. Address I ) 4
Heo oillce. > 5
W\NTEI-About 100x100 ft or norcr close
Inside : part trade , cash and time or cash
and time. II 1 , Hue olllce. K3-30
17ESlDENOEH-25th and llnrnoy. Tor pi Ices
I Wo Paul. 1000 I'urnam. 173-30
" WANT to isPll now4-room house , cellar ,
fence , sidewalks , trees , elty water , lot : ilx
103. N. W. Cor. 20lh nnd Snlilor. lloyd'n addi
tion , 1st house west of Miller A : Gundorson's
sash and door factory , for,200 | not , payments
easy. Sam'l Hums , 1318 1'arnaiu , 1501.1
TJ10K3ALE ( I room house and barn , 10\30.
JL ? S. C. cor2'd and Locust sts. S. O. Dennett , a
110-15 *
FOK SALE A dainty cottage of 0 largo
rooms. panlryelosuts , Morcroom and lingo
bathroom , with water ulosut , east front. In
Hanscom Place. A bargain , on easy terms.
J. H. Evuiis , ao * . N. V. Life. 168-11
WILL soil you n new 5 or 7-room house In
good location at actual cost , for 8100 cash
and monthly payments. Stringer & Penny ,
Douglas blk. IGth und Dodge. KsJ
FOK .SALE Nleo 7 room house icady to
move into with full lot , J-Y-U ) , $200 cash. 0.
I' . Harrison. Oil N Y. Life. U2
"VyAUGll & Westorflold.rcul estate , S.Omuhu.
IK YOU huvo anything toselloroxuliango ,
call at CIS Paxton block 815
TjlUK .sAJjK Corner ISth and llowaid , IU4 f t.
JL1 south front by G2 ft. on paved st , . On
grade ; worth $150.110 per ft. ; forono week at
JIIO.w. Hamilton Hro * . , builders , 414 So. 18th.
Tul. I17D. M'J-15
L INL'OLN I'lnco ami Carthage lots , prlco
n.nw. ioO d < > \ \ n , halanoo { 15 monthly.
W. L. Sol by , room 1 ! > . bpanl of tr.nle. 017
Ij1OK SALU A homo on monthly paymunts.
JP A nlco 8-room house , ? 2j purmuntli , it,0)D.
first payment as arranged. A pretty cottage ,
5 rooms finished , upstairs for as many more.
lot TiOxlSO , $ . ' ,000 , If 15 pur mouth , small payment
down. A similar cottage. lot 100x80 , te.aW , $15
per month. Will build on vacant lots to suit.
Norman A. Kiilin , diugglst , 15th and Douglas.
_ 051 JTO
1/1UK SALE A line new fi-room cottage near
-L1 oleuttlc car Hue on N.27th ht. Will take as
part of cash p'lyincnt a good horse or horse
and tjhaeUm. I' , I.MJt l-'uriiitiii st. _ fi'M '
IJ OKSALI : Kurnlshud llatof 7 lonmsiit No ,
X1 514 So. inth St. . Hut A , Her blk. Terms rea-
soiiitlile. 707 12 *
nomes In most any addition for
sale at fromJI.lUMup. on easy monthly pay-
ments. V. K. Darling. 4.1 Hut ker block , lilil
A SMALL imymcnt down nnd $15 pur month
will buy : i4-room hoiiso nnd lot on IGth , 2
hloclvs from motor ; llrit-elnsi chnnuo to an-
Itilit1 a liomc on easy terms , Apply to II II.
Cole. Continental hlook. _ M
K-KOOM cottages , SI.WKl eaeh. Sioieash down ,
' -'balance 115 per month. Thus. r. Hall. 'Ill
I'axton blook. _ _ _ f > SI
WAKlIup and buy a homo on monthly pay
ments. Choice of bcven dllTutunt liousos ,
south fronts on 1'iminm si , Kveiy conciilence ,
Ini'ludlng furnace and cas. I'lnns can bo seen
at my ollleo. Call in. D. V. Hholes Co. , 21.1 Iht
National hank. _ 8'K
TTIOir SALE or Truili' My residence on bo.
J 2.Hli st. , no'ir I'nrk school , liotisi ) of seven
rooms ullh bath room , water closet , hot and
cold wator. all In good rupalt ; will sell forcash
very uheap or will take vacant lot on West
Karnam Kt. as part payment. .Tor particulars
address E 30 Itc-o ollleo. _ ii :
I1OU bALH llriek warehouse , 2 stories and
hiiseniont , lOJxDO ft. with lot 100x152 ft. ; to
double track on south 20th and I'lorco sts. Ad
dress Oskamp & Haines , Omaha , Nob.
NEW fi-room house , near motor line ; wtl [
soli cheap and on.small monthly pavments.
fall quick If you want a batgulii. J. J. Wllklu-
soii. 018 I'axton blk. _ 120
"fjlOIl SALE Quick , tmslness lot. Improved ,
X1 only 5 blocks from court hotiso , ? 15) ) per
foot. X Mlchal. IJBH. IgtjiHt. _ 045)14 )
Ij'OK SALE A.OOU acres best farming land In
JP Nehnthka at a great sacrlllce. Inquire
018 South lath st. Geo. 11. 1'olerson , owner.
_ 171 1 18
Notice to Archtrots. )
Notice Is hoicby given that the board of
pottnty commissioners of JiMTorson County ,
NoluasUii , wllloxamlno plans of all who may
deslie to submit the same , forcourt house and
jail tolio built for said county , on block No
25 , known as the publicor court housy hijuaro
In ralrbttry the county seat of suld county.
Said oouit iiottso to ho built of stone nnd pics-
scd btluk , and built with four ontianuos , and
for the accommodation of the following
county olllcurs , to wit : Treasurer , county
ulurk , clerk of dlstilut court , county judge ,
recorder of deeds , sheilir , county attorney ,
county supoilntendant ofsuhools ; with vaults
foreach of the following numeil olllcors ; Treas
urer , county clerk , clerk of district eouit ,
county Judge and recorderof deeds. Also stor-
agu vnult In biisonieiit for iccordor of deeds.
In addition totho above , thoreshallhoacourt
loom for district court In second Htory and
jail built In basement , together with other
rooms for convenience of county olllcors.
Said building not to cost toexceud I ho snmo of
752,000 , exclusive of plans , Huporlnlendlng of
construction , heating , ventilating , cells for
jail and fuinltuio. All nlans for said court
house and jail will bo examined by the board
of commlsbloneib , at the ulurk'sofllco lu Kalr-
bury. Nub. , on the 10th , llth and 12th days of
July next.
HyoiJerof the Hoard of County Commis
Dated at ITulrlmry , Nob. . Juno 7th , 1800.
J 10 d tf County Olurlc.
'Jo I'"codnrH nnd Uattln Alan.
On and after the 20th lust. , wo will 1mvo for
sale four thousand or more good , high grade ,
one , two and thieu year old Utah feeders , that
wo can furnish ut the I'nlun Sleek Vatds ,
Sontli Omaha ; or If desired , uoean aiiangn to
sell these cattle at Noith 1'lattu or Hastings ,
Parties wanting anyt. .ng In this line , will
please correspond with us.
UKO , ItuitKii I'llA/.IKitSouth Omaha.Nub.
ToVhoni It May Concern :
The County C'ommlsslonois will sit us n
Hoard of icjuull/.utlon : , commencing at I )
o'clouk u. m. , .lime 8th , 1800 , und continue In
session from day to day UK lequlred by luw ,
until wink bo completed.
JI2d7t 1' . O'MAU.r.v , Olork. . _
1'ulillo Niitluo.
Public notice Is hereby given that the Hoard
of bohool Trustees of hchool District No. 1 of
the County of Mvcotwator , und Tcirltoryof
Wyoming , will hell to the highest bidder for
euhh the bondsof s.ild dlsti let to the umoiintof
f.lMNM , at the olllce of the 1'lrst Nutlonul Hank
of Kock Springs , Wyoming , In the. county of
Hweotwator. and Territory of Wyoming , on
the 1st day of July , A , 1) , Ib'JO. Hulil Ixmils will
be Issued In denomlnutlonxof 8300 o.ii'h ,
Ing Interest ut the rate of 7 per cent pen an
num , payable sunil-annually , and said liomls
Hhall run for ten years with the privilege on
the part of said trustees to icdecm thobumo
ut the end of live yearn.
Ohulrmuu Suhool Trust ens.
] | 2dat KoekSpilngs. Wyo.
mil I < s Cunboourod In SO to CO days
I11L.1J iiy use of | | IU marvelous M.ulo
Itciuoilr. t'lDDUOfurnrnun It will not euro I'AU-
TIV lo > tet tlio ui'iuilnu roniuiljr Wrltu or tnll on
K C. Juiilirn. .1)12 Iliirnoy htruut , Oiimlm Ni'bnuku.
Opens Vtli month , ! ih | , MO Thirty minutes from
Unmet Ht Ktiitloii. I'lilln , Umli'r euro of Krlemts.
nil I culluuluto cniirnu for lioth noxoii luAillnn to
Dlaaslcul , I'.iiKlm't'rliiif , hclvntlllo nnil I.lturnry du-
Kn'cs Jfcaltliful locution lutumlvu uruuiMj ,
ImlUllnas iiuuliliio nhuiia Inbnnilurlu3 nuil lltira-
Jlua l-Or full paJllcunr | iulilrni
WM II Al'l'l.KlON I'll I ) , ACtlnB President.
It la thn Menus or Postponing thq
Oliitnilster Murder Trlnl ,
DTn Iho vest inx-Uct of Coroner HnrrlRnn
thcru nro stipruned to bo Jingling nt the pros-
cnt tlmo the twenty llttlo bullets tnkon from
thobniln of WlllliimUliroiiUtor , the peddler
whom Tony Frank , mi Italian , Is supposed to
linvo numlotxvl on Sunday owning , AUuxh UO ,
of this your.
The vest pocket , the bullets nnd the coroner
started for St. Joseph , Mo. , on n short busi
ness trip three or four days ngo. Prior to
their ( lopaituiv , tlio county nttornoy neglected
to secure them , with 11 notice Hint their pres
ence would bo needed on Juno II , to Klvo
testimony nt the trial which comoj us a ivsttlt
of the bulletsboliiK founJ lu ChronUter's
The cnso was willed for trltil ng.iln.the third
time , yesterday mornluir.
County Attenicy Mnhonoy got up nud snld
ho was sorry to Inform the court that after
toloRraphliiR nil around the country ho hud
been unable to put himself lu communication
with Coroner Harrlgau , Ho luul learned ,
however , that the latter would , It was ex
pected , be homo tod.iy or tomorrow. With
out the coroner and the bullcUs ho felt n seri
ous objection oven to proceeding to linp.inel
the Jury , as that would ivqulro very llttlo
time , and when It was HnUhod ho wanted to
Introduce the llttlo chunks of lead.
Judge Clarkson urged In n mild way that
the work of selecting a Jury bo proceeded
Counsel for prisoner also urged that the
preliminary steps of the trial bo nlloxved to
proceed Immediately or that It bo postponed
a week or two.
Mr. Mahoney then explained , that ho would
gladly accept a lengthy postpontnont were it
not for the fact that there wore somg wit
nesses who had como from as far as St.
Louis , nnd that the expense of Betting them
hero was too great to bo Incurred moro thuu
The court then permitted n postponmcnt
until 2 o'clock.
The citso was commenced In the afternoon.
Very little interest was manifested , the
only parson present , aside from a few of the
habitues of the court , being Mrs. Hoed. In
whoso house Chronlster was killed , and her
The ompancllinp of the Jury was begun at
3 o'clock uud was not completed unVil 5:30. :
During tbjt _ time twenty-live men wore ex
The Jury as it stands is as follows : S.imuol
Uurncll , w. M. Foster , John Hensmnn , J , S.
Miller , John Haggcrty , J. K. Slmvllk , O. U.
Hutson , Charles K. Silsboo , F. P. Hllov ,
Samuel Magner , Pat Brennan and W. F.
The crlmo vlth which Tony Frank Is
charged is the murder of William Chronister ,
a peddler. The affair occurred on Sunday ,
March 1(0 ( , of this yelr : , at a point about six
miles south of Klkhoru station. Chronlstor
was sitting in the house of a Mrs. Heed after
nightfall , when a shot was lirod through the
window , hitting Chronister and killing him
nlmoht instantly. A chain of circumstantial
evidence pointed to Frank us the probable
murderer , anil ho was arrested and bound
over on the charge ot murder in the first de
gree.Mrs. . Kllzabeth Nix has applied for a ill-
vorco from August Frederick Nix on the
ground of drunkenness , extreme cruelty nnd
fallnry to support. The partica were mar
ried ut Frankfort-on-the-Muln in
- - - October ,
A verdict of SS33.30 for plaintiff was re
turned in the of John ll.irt against Ar-
mour-Cudahy packing company.
E , J. Uobeits pleaded guilty to forging the
linn name of P.ixtou & Gallagher , lie was
given ono year in the penitentiary.
Peter Nel on pleaded not guilty to the
charge of assault with intent to do great bodily
ily Injury and was remanded to await trial.
The cuso of S. Dunklo vs. L. Heller Is still
grinding away before Judge Wakely uud a
United Stilton Court.
The case of Allen vs the Stnto Bank of
Crete , on trial in the United States circuit
court , wont to the Jury at noon.
An order has been issued in the case of
Julia A. Mines vs Arthur A. Morse , by
Judge Dundy , ordering the defendant to show
cause why he shouldn't bo committed con
tempt. An fiijig 5 j had been issued re
straining the deft75 , - . from infringing up
on n patent of the p\3 Itilt nud the latter as
serts that the injunction has been violated.
August Stcpp was mudo a citizen of the
United States yesterday by Judge Dundy.
Case of Charles F. Macombor vs Western
Union telegraph company was dismissed.
In the case of Strawn & Ellsworth vs Lovl
Stone & Son plaintiff was awarded Judgment
In the sum of $10.14.
The business of the present term of the
United States court practically came to an
end yesterday , us the last Jury cn o was put
on for trial. The Judge will hold court dur
ing the balance of the wouk , hearing law
cases and motions but will probably adjourn
court Saturday evening.
The lust case for the Jury was that of
Klmendorff , Watto & Co. vs McAlecr Bros.
& Co. The plaintiffs arc commission brokers
in Chicago , while the defendants are grain
dealers in Lincoln , this state. During July ,
1SS5 , tuo defendants coneludod to do a llttlo
speculation in wheat , so they borrowed SS.500
from the Chicago men , with the understand
ing that ull grain purchased at Lincoln
should bo consigned to Elmondorff , Watte &
Co. , Iwbo would ehargo u commission of 1
cent per bushel on wlieot , 1 cent on corn.y
cents on barley , 1J < cents on outs and 1 cant
on llnx , with a portion of the proceeds ot the
sales to bo applied upon the debt. Tills
arrangement continued until July. 1878 ,
when the Lincoln men suddenly changed
brokers and went to another Chicago linn
with their business. Tha plaintiffs the
in the present suit claim that of thu
original amount , but 81,500 was overpaid ,
leaving a balance of S ,8f)0 ) due , which is
principal nnd interest , nnd for which amount
they tire now suing. The Jury was ompan-
neletl lust night und the taking of testimony
will begin this morning.
County Court.
rjupert S. Ervin has sued Frank Barnard
nnd C. L. Blazer for § 750 on n note.
John A. Horbuoh bus sued Ella Annis , A.
J. Aunis nnd L. 1' . Pruyn forS'JUO on a noto.
Darrow & Logan obtained a Judgment
against W. C. Hyiin for tUO-iW.
The case of Michael btoren against A. D.
Green and H. C Ilitt to recover jl 15 alleged
to have been deposited as security for bail
was decided in favor of the defendants , the
court holding that the evidence was Insulll-
clent to show that the money was deposited
only as security for bail.
An AIiKoiuto Cure.
Is only put up in largo two-ounce tin boxes ,
nnd Is an absolute euro for all sores , bums ,
wounds , chapped hands and all skin eruptions ,
Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask
MENT , Sold by Goodman Drug company ut
' > cents per box by mail UJ coats
U. O. T. H. Anniversary.
Bouth Omuha Ledge No. 53 , United Order
of Trcu Bund , will celebrate its second aniil-
vorsury by u grand picnic and dunce on Sun
day , Juno Uj , in Germania halt and gardens ,
Twenty-fourth and J streets. The Forosten'
band will furnish music , nnd nt 1 : ! ! U o'clock
will give a concert In the pavillion. Messrs.
Simon S. Homer , John I' . Thompson , John
Koscnaur , Uudolph HarU , Henry Martin ,
Joseph Probst , John Frey , Keinnart Star-
gurd , Einil ICiunaund Paul Buekhus uro the
general committee on arrangements. Omaha ,
Council Bluffs and Pluttsmouth lodges , U. O.
T. B , huvo accepted invitations and will be
In attendance.
1. O. O. T. Hoolnl.
South Omaha lei o No. 100 , Independent
Order of Good Templars , will give on open
lodge social and reception Monday evening ,
tholHth Misses Alice Griffith and Julia 1) .
Martin nnd Mr. N. 1C. Phillips are on the pro
gramme committee , and Mhso * Swiss L.
Klllott , Docla Cariwntcr und Julia B. Martin
and Messrs John C. Trouton and N. 1C. Phil
lips uro on the refreshment committee.
Ariiiour-Ciiiluliy Plonlo.
At a meeting of the employe.of the ham
sewers department In the Armour-Cuduhy
packing houses Messrs. John Winsoy ,
Theodore F ICInsolla , Nicholas Nlchohuti ,
James Hyun , Patrick Powers , MUtniPl
Connelly , John Carmody , Tiinoihy
I. Flu'lierty. ( William Buckley and
Peter McAllister wore appointed u general
commlltco on arrangements for the plcnlo al
Pluttsmouth , Sunday , Juno W.
Uunnwnj- .
Wednesday evening tl.o team of Cliarles
Kdgbcrt , who resided south of
Albright , while driven bv himself ,
were frightened iby the motor mid
threw that gentleman to the ground. The
wheels of thu wagon passed over one of his
legs causing n painful Injury. The fright
ened 'team Unified on u telegraph polo uud
completely wrecKcd the wagon.
Notes About tlio City.
The case of the proprietor * of the New Yorlt
cigar store against Blanche Du Hols , for
stealing clothing , was dismissed by Judge
An In fnnt ( ton of Mr , and Mrs. Edward Mc-
Gco Is sick with cholera Infantum.
Owing to the lecture by Hov. Knm Small ,
Thursday- evening tlio 10th , the entertain
ment to 1)0 given bv South Omaha lodge No.
10W , Modern Wooilmen of America , has been
postponed till Thursday , the -Mth ,
Miss Zottn Northcutt , of St , Paris , O. , l-
the guoU of her cousins Mr. and Mr.t. Claud
L. Talbot.
Edward ICIng has gene to Mlhvaukco on n
Mrs. Mary Stuart , of Burlington , la. , Is
the guest of Mr. mm Mrs. George Woods.
Charles Hagerty of Lincoln , state secretary
of the Ancient Order of Hibernians , was the
guest of President Thomas Hoctorof division
No. 3.
An Infant daughter of Mr. nud Mrs , J. M
Toblai is sick.
Philip I. Boyton of the Union stock yards
force has returned from Chicago.
Mrs. WIcr , u'ifo of J. II. Wler of the Union
stock yards force , has arrived from Chicago.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlor have gone to housekeeping
on Twenty-seventh uud N streets.
llev. Isuio Houlgnto of Wymorc , formerly
of this city , U the guojt of Uov. Bolno A.
Mrs. Clara Snyder of Norfolk , Is the guest
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Cloud L. Talbot.
Frank Nleo was lined $ Jo , and lu default of
payment was committed to the county Jail by
Judge King for attempting to shoot Paul
The killing gang nt the Armour-Cudohy
packing houses will give a picnic al Surpy
Mills , Sunday , July 0.
The Armour-Cudahy Stars Sunday will
play ball with the Mtuzlers on the Brown
park grounds , Gumo will be called at il ! M >
o'clock. A $10 purse will make the came In
A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs , John C
Ironton. "
Mrs. John P. Evcrs has gone to Boulc
Colo. , for a month's visit in the mountains >
Mrs. Joseph Humpal and two chlldron eg
George Humpnl have gone to Atkinson t
spend a month visiting friends ,
Messrs. Frank II. Cauttle nnd Georg
Francisco of the Armour-Cudahy force , have
returned from Chicago.
Arthur W. Saxo is in St , Louis.
Luther Benson will lecture in the Method
ist Episcopal church Friday evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Anderson uro In Mur-
shalltown , la. , visiting rcluUvuH ,
Camp K. 1C. Wells , No. 7-J , Sons of Veter
ans , will meet In the Boomer olllce , No 'MM ,
N street , .Saturday evening. An invitation to
nil sons of soldiers or sailors of the United
States nriny is extended to attend , whether
members ol any camp or not.
Now CO.-UCH JIoiiHc , Kan. City.
Absolutely flro proof. Finest anil largest
hotel In Kansas City. Unexcelled in its up-
Tim Former Declining nnd tin ; Iji !
Very Low lu ICiiLjluml. ins
Twenty yours ngo you could linrt.
buy a farm in England at any price , t,10
never under SiiOO an aero , writes Id
Perkins in a London loiter. Now I SL
mnny farms for sale at $120 an acre. "
But no ono wants a farm in Kuijlmul.
No one can farm profitably here on S2CO
land anil compete witli $20 land in
Americn , with freights 20 cents per
hundred pounds from New York elty.
If the American farmer could once como
to Europe , and roall'/o how _ much bettor
ho is ofl than the Knglifah or German
fanner , ho would lift up his head and
rejoice at his prosperity. Ho would
complain no moro. u
Yes , tlioro is a great land doprosnion
in England.
"Many business men in Warwick
shire , " 'bald Mr. Perkins , a butchol
"nro going into bankruptcy. S'
the 'to lot , ' and 'for wile' on our housrj.
No business is paying. I sun riimiin. ) .
my own business now ut a loss , hoping
for good times again. "
I got this list ot wages from tho" la
borers themselves , and not from bosses
or newspapers. The house-maid at
Lonmlngton told mo her wugos were
$1.2o per week.
"And do all the girls in Leamington
work as cheap as thiaV" I asked.
"Yes , and many cheaper , " HIO ! said.
At Chester I wont among the railroad
employees of the Great Western rail
road. In answering to my question , an
English conductor , or train man , said :
"I got thirty dollars a month , the en
gineer gets from forty to sixty dollars a
innnlh , and the llreman gets twenty-
eight dollars a month. Wo all board
ourselves. " These wages uro doubled in
When I nuked a farm laborer at War
wick about liis wages ho wild :
"I do got fourteen shilling a woo'y ' j n3J
butcher's meat a Saturday , "which i.
that ho got $ ! ! .r > 0 a week and butiro.o .
himself , but on Saturday had fresh moat
given him.
Other wages in Warwk'kHhiro are a < 5
follows : The house puintor gets $7 20 it
week , the harness maker $7 , the black
smith $ U.CO , the general farm liand $11
per month , and general laborer y oontti
an hour and board themselves. Tim
printer who gets about -10 ecu to per tjioiu
sand in America gets 11 cunts huro
TNSTKUMENTd placed on record dutluj
JL yestorduv :
Christ Dnhrlng nnd wife to John 1'ralini
lot IIO , Hickory I'laco , w d t 5,001
S K llryant to R Kllndt , lots , blk 5 , 1'at
nek's mid , w d J,03 (
It Hchiodori trustee , to Thomas Collnpv .
lots 14,15 nnd 10 , blk 1(1 ( , Hi own purl , w "
u 500
Jiilin Iirahn und wife to Annu DulinuiA
i ilnt Ml , Hickory I'Jiico. w d 0,001
0 II Hammond tt Co lo ( J II Hammond ]
company , lot II , hlk 1(1 ( , .letters , nld i > /
Houtli Omaha , w d 4a (
J K Iliilier , trustee , to publli1 , pl.ti of .
r'siib of hit. ! > , l.aUevlew J > n
J U Chilstlaiisim and wife to M i-V e '
Mljiirson , Inl 7 , hlk 5 , ( 'lovi < idiili"id < l. wd 409
Theo Mol/uoi to Mary William * , n , n ft 'i
lot II ) . blk I , I'arle I'liu'e , w il 1,500
.MI Itlley and wlfutuT II Mlllnl. tin. ) , ! \
lots'J to 11 , 14 , 13 , 17 Io2 } , blU I.-II.MVI.I ' _
I'bice w d 8,000
A I'Tu key el til to I'otm , Jut -'I. y
lilU 14. fllfion Hill , wd . 1,809
Uicar.limner lo Norman West , tut I. blk y
.1 I'ialinhnv , wd . . UOQ
Miles & Tliiniipsiin lo N M Hiiinel , bit IU , J-
hlk 2 , Cotner.V Au'ln-i'H mid , w u 409
Anna Hlai'l , and hii-band to ! . It hher. A\\i
no id , lots s und n , blk I. Woo I s I'liu e , ' 1
wd. . 10COa
Ii'OCllllg el ill to Kate Inlieillut ( 1 , * '
blk ' . "i ) , lloiisnii , w d 600
Theo WlllliuiMiind wife lo.l II K'lurtH , .
lot 1H , blk - ' i , Hi'iiHon , w d COy
Ii ijehroeiler , it listen , lo A 11)1 n Ilmgiii 1.
Mm. hn iu. iiiu 12. itrown I'm i. M < r sea
Til In T II and M II ' ' > mt a'i
lot 7. bll. 7. hhliiii' * add , ( | < -I 3,030
A T I'liiii I i K A Ant'ion. ' , Wi , u < ret In i\
he IH-1.1.Mill Illi" . I'i'ii . . 1.009
IlotUH. ' . Hill lo Illluiil l.InU M , lul i'O , I
hll , II. Dm < ha Vi ! w u d fiOfl
II ( i Dei in s nnd wife to Mieim in I'lnl- * T-J
lips , lilt NVll < ill.i't | ll Hill ) . ii < l * I
C II Hiown and wife tu Nle' Melerue lull < < *
I.'in nil J. Ciiiiln's snli.d. . 2I,0J _
(1 K HarlitTund wife tu ( 'h.irlcH ll'mi'h , 'j
lot4. bilv I.Oieiiiril Hill , wd U9I
R I ! NinitfliMiiid lfn 10 Ailuliili M'iiiun , >
lots7 and H , hlk U , IlliUalu add N 1 ,
w d . . .
llniiie Insiiiaiii'cc'imp.inv tot' IMiniiMin ,
lols'i , 0 und 7 , blk I. Hbt i .voml I'.uU. ( |
C H .siiiiuan und hiisbind in t r < Nuugle ,
lots r > , Ii ami 7 , blk I. hhvrwood I'urk ,
w d
Twcnty-ftyo irunsfen