8 THE OMAHA DAIL5T BIDE , FKIDAY , JUJSTE0 , 1890. THE CITY. Bnnk clearings yesterday $001,272.80. f'olloctor of CiiHtomH Aluxnndur pussed 6,000 Iliiviina elKiirfl through tlio custom liouso yofltordivy morning consigned to Dillon & Co. No permits wore loaned by the build ing iitHpuctor yuHtorday. Al | hands woi'o unmiged in moving Into the now ofllco In tlio court house. The Goodrich Hull association yester day brought suit In Justice Anderson's court to oust a tenant , R W. Howard. Tbo plalntllT claims that Howard not only refuses to pay , but.also falls to va cate. cate.Tho The National Invcfltmontcompanv with an authorised capital of $100,000 has filed articles of Incorporation. It will purrhiiHo municipal securities and build water and piirf works. Joseph S. and Joseph B. Woodruff and .Edward C , Wentworth are tbo Ineorporators. Six members of the Woman's Chris tian Temperance association mot yester day afternoon in the parlors of tbo Young Men's Christian association building for tbo purpose of holding tbo regular monthly meeting , but owing to tbo small attendance , Httlo or no busi ness was transacted. Luwronco Spalding and Miss Lizzie- Porter wore married at the Park avcnuo TniU'd Presbyterian church last night , Nov. John A. Henderson ofllcluting. After the marriage ceremony bad been performed , a few Intimate friends ten dered tbo young couple a reception at tbo residence of tbo groom's paranls at 020 South Thirtieth street. TIlO Host IlCHIlIt. Every Inprudlcnt employed in producing JIood's'Knrsitiwi-llla is strictly pure , uiul tstho 1/cst / of Its kind It is possible to buy. All the roots and herbs nro carefully selected , pot-son- nlly examined , and only the best retained. So that from the time of purchase until Hood's Bnrsnpnrllla Is prepared , everything is care fully watched with a view to attaining the best result. Why don't 3-011 try ill Meeting oPClorkH Culled. The clerks of the city will hold a meeting at Gate City hall Sunday afternoon , at which they will elect the olllcers for the ensuing term , hear the report of tlio committee on or- panwition and elect delegates to the Central Labor union. The union now has u member ship of WJO. A pure and Kcllablo Medicine. A com pound fluid extract of roots , leaves , barks and berries is llurdock lllooil Hitters. They euro all diseases of the blood , liver and kid neys. 1'iillny ol' { expatriation. Henry Jordan was arrested Wednesday nl ht wi'ha ' rnvolvcr la his pocket. IIu got the usual floso , $20 and costs. .Toe McGregor and Tom Donclly flaishca a thirty-day term at the county jail. They were Uiltcn directly from the Jail to .ludtfo Jlelsloy , who ( javo them thirty-days more find suspended sentence loiij ; enough for an olllccr to escort them to the bridge. These ore the first victims under Judge Hclsley's new expatriation policy. Adolf Lallo/ , carriage nianufactiirer , 119 Carroll Street , HulTalo , N. Y. , states : I was troubled with nmisca of the stomach , sick hcndachp ahd general debility. Burdock Ulood Bitters cured mo. 1-jiiKor to Slurry. Peter ICasinussen was arrested yesterday while trying to sell a gold watch and ring In a Tenth street pawn shop. After being taken to the station ho explained that the jewelry was given him to sell by his sweet heart , Henrietta Uasnitissen , to whom ho was to have been married this afternoon. The girl corroborated his story and Peter was released. Ho had lost his position and wanted to raise money to carry out the matrimonial programme as it Im'd been ar ranged. _ For Earache , Toothache , Sere Throat , Swelled Neck , and the results of cold and in flammation , use Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil the great pain destroyer. St. Paul ( Jlvo.s Up the Ghost. As the fates have decreed the llrst baseball collapse falls to the lot of the Western asso ciation , St. Paul being tlio club to succumb. The ilisDiimliiuMit took place Wednesday ovcn- IngatSionx City , and the majority of the play ers rumu down to Omaha yesterday morning. This may bo an opportunitv for Omaha to strengthen her team. Mcekin Would certainly bo an acquisition , and Cal JJroiighton would bo a godsend behind the bat Just what effect St. Paul's retirement will have on the smooth sailing of the asso ciation yet remains to bo seen. Entitled to tlio Hent. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy , so every family should have , a't once , a bottle of the best family remedy , Syrup of Figs , to demise the system when rostlvo or bilious. For sale in 50o and .Jl.UO bottles by all leading druggists. A Slu'lner'H llmlgo. A young man giving the name of Henry Kcichsteiger was arrested Wednesday night wliilo trying to sell a pawn ticket for fi on Tenth street. The ticket called fora tlno Mystic Shrine badge set with diamonds , at Urodky's pawn shop. When ( iticstioncd by the chief , Reichsteiger claimed that ho had come from St. Louis about ten days ago in company with two companions whom ho knows as Con Cillespio and "Sleepy , " and that all of them wore "hashors. " The pin , he says , he found at "Wyandotte , Kan. , on the railway tracks. Ho pawned It for Si because that was all ho could get on it. The badge Is a very line ono anil may be worth from SIM ) to ? 2. " > 0. The stories told by the man to the pawnbrokers , the police officers and the chief are conflict ing and ho will bo held for investigation. The only railroad train out of Omaha run expressly for tbo accommodation of Omaha , Council lllnlVs , Dt's Motnes and Chicago business is the Rock Island vestibule limited , leaving Omaha athlo j ) . m. daily. Ticket ollleo 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnuni St. , Omaha. 31 ore liiul IjcKci-H. Deputy United States Marshal Jackson ar rested Winstcad Taylor at Atlanta , Neb. , Wednesday and brought him to Omaha , charged with sending obscene matter through the mails. Taylor is a young farmer and it Is claimed sent indecent proposals toonoFaniiio Hunloilorff at Holdrege. Ho claims that ho did nut write the letters and suociinens of his handwriting seem to bear him out. The let ters , walch are of the most obscene character , arc. written In a heavy firm hand , whllo Tay lor's handwriting is shaky and indicates that be is unused to handling a pen. It is also claimed that the woman was In the town but a few days and wont to Sunday school and church and whllo there Taylor saw her. The lettciM weiv luft with a woman at Holdroao , a friend of Fiinnlo's. Through coaches Pullman pnlneo fib > eporn , dining ears , free reclining chair- cars to Chicago and Intervening points via the great Koek island route. Tick et ollleo 1002. Sixteenth and Itanium. A smooth tongue and an elegant appearance were the attributes which seen rod , for J. M. Norton a position as traveling salesman with Schneider & Lonmis , the gouts' furnishing Jobbers at llll Howard street. Norton waste to travel In Iowa and WHS equipped \vitli a lot of samples , a iOO-mllo rail- i-oad ticket and fW for expenses. Ho was not very anxious to travel , however , mid after bidding good-byo to the firm took a room at the St. Clalr hotel and proceeded to have a high old time. The 25 soon disappeared and then the mUoaKO was sold. Ily yesterday the proceeds of the sulo had dwindled and the samples were In danger whoa the Jinn In BOlno Way learned of Ids cw.raiwdo and Ser geant Ornwby appeared at tlio young man ' 9 room and took him under his wing. HO will ] ij tried for embezzlement. IJy 1'hliiK I'lim'u Chlorlilos Freely tuuch slcUticss and trouble tuay bo prevented. .V AVOODMI3N. Promulgation of ( lie Sovereign Camp of ( he World. A convention held at the I'axton hotel from Tuesday to Thursday of this wcekiuloptcil con stitutions and promulgated the sovereign camp of tlio world , Modern Woodmen of America , and provided means for the organ izing ns soon as possible of twelve head campj. The object of the fraternity Is to combine while male persons of exemplary habits and good moral character between the ages of sixteen mid sixty Into a'social , secret , fraternal , benevolent and beneficiary order. To provide funds for their relief and to com fort the sick by neighborly mlnlstr.Ulons In times of sorrow and distress. To create a fund from which upon reasonable and satis factory proofs of the death of n member who has complied with all Its lawful requirements shall bo paid either $1,000 , $2,000 , or $1,000. To educate Its members socially , morally and intellectually and to promote true neigh borly regard and fraternal love. Delegates worn present from Colorado , Iowa , Illinois , and proxies from Minnesota , Kansas , Wisconsin , California , Massachu setts , Now Hampshire. Maine , Michigan , Ohio. Pennsylvania and Now York. J. C. Hoot , head consul and originator of the order of Modern Woodmen of America , which now has ovor40,0X ( ) memberswas pres ent by Invitation of the convention and de scribed the dlllli'ulties which had been overcome - como in creating and building up the splen did society now occupying ten states , which the new or international organization now being organized and created is to supplement and extend all over the United States and liritish possessions. F. A. Falkenbnrg , head consul of the pro posed Pacific jurisdiction , was also present. Ho Is one of the most successful organizers In America and has personally added several thousand members to the present organiza tion. tion.Governor Governor Huron It. Sherman of Iowa , At torney General Theodore II. Thomas of Col orado , Past Grand Chancellor L. J. Moss of Minnesota , Governor William Hoard of AVis- eonsin and other prominent gentlemen have been interested in the now organization and Its success would appear to bo assured from its commencement. An effort is being made by some of the en terprising citi/.ens of Omaha to secure the lo cation of its principal olllccs in Omaha. Strong arguments and inducements have been sub mitted showing that this city is geographically the most central point in the United States for the principal offices to bo located , and the splendid facilities afforded tells its own story to the advantages of this city. DCS Moines has been also urged for headquarters and tlio matter is now in the hands of a committee with power to net. Tlio provisional oflicers elected are as follows : Sovereign consul. Hon. Joseph C. Koot , Lyons , la. ; sovereign adviser , Hon. L. J. Moss , West Superior , .Minn. ; sov ereign banker , F. F. House , Lincoln , Nob. ; sovereign clerk , Colonel H. W. Jewell. Man chester , la. ; sovereign escort , W. C. Ilomur- mtller , Toniah , Wis. ; sovereign watchman , It. T. Court , Springfield , 111. ; sovereign sentry , George G. Stiles , Topeka , Kan. ; sov ereign physician , W. O. Hodgcrs , Omaha , Neb. ; sovereign mani > rers , Governor Duron It. Sherman , Waterloo , la. ; General Theo dore II. Thomas , Denver , Col. ; Hoii. F. A. Falkenburg , Denver , Col. The convention w.'is harmonious , and an immense amount of hard work was accom plished. This new departure of the Modern Woodmen will create a decided sensation in fraternal and insurance circles , and its suc cess seems to bo assured by tlio earnest co-oi > - eration given to it by the organizers' associa tion , representing the most successful organ izers in the United States , as has been evi denced by the grand success of the Modern Woodmen In its present restricted Jurisdic tion. Never Give Up. If you suffer with asthma , bronchitis , or any other disease of the throat or lungs , nothing can surprise you more than the rapid Improvement that will follow the use of SANTA ADIK. If you are troubled with catarrh , and have tried other medicines , you will be unable to express your amazement at the marvelous and instantaneous curative powers of CALIFORNIA CAT-Il-CUllE. These remedies are not secret compounds , but natural productions of California. Solil at * ! a package ; three for f-.OO , and guaran teed by ( loodmau Drug Co. ANOTII13II GI30UGU FIt.VNCIS. A Solon \oliility Wlio i to Acquire tlie Heart of the City. "Havo those deeds all been put on record ? " "No , sir : we haven't had time to do it yet. " "You must have them on for mo by tomor row , sure , for let mo full you they moan a matter of * 10OOI,000 ) sodoa't fail to get them on record by tomorrow. " This bit of conversation was overheard In the county recorder'soflleo yesterday morning. The question was put by a man in tlio fif ties , with hair fast turning gray and whoso clothes spoke of good times years ago. The answers were given by Deputy Eng lish , who , as the talker of millions left the ollleo , said : "There's a mighty singular case that old man who was just speaking to inc. For sev eral weeks pa-t ho has rushed in hero every few days and asked mo Just such questions as ho did this timo. Ho claims to own 100 acres of land In the heart of Omaha , or that all the business blocks in OmaliU are situated on his laud. Ho says ho has been working for years to get them all deeded over to him , and that ho is Just completing tlio work. "Since the llrst of June , ho has told mo that ho has met with a very se rious disappointment. Prior to that , Herman Kouut/o had promised him faith fully that he would on June 1 , 181)0 ) , turn over his bank building , bank , etc. , to him and that ho might take possession on that day sure. When ho went around on the llrst , ho says Mr. Kotintzoputhim off with the excuse that ho hadn't hail time to finish getting up tlio transfer papers though ho suys ho as sured him that they would all bo ready on Julio lf > . He is certain that ho will have no difllculty in having the Paxton. New York life , the hoard of trade and Tin : fiiu : buildings turned over to him on a moment's notice. First , however , ho wants Mr. Konntzo to turn the bank over to him so that ho will have some place to put the rents that will flow la from those buildings. "Tlio old man's name is Heed , though I don't know hi'i initials. lie lives on South Thirteenth street and is tlio most sanely un balanced individual if you'll allow the use of tlio term that I over mot. As you noticed , ho doesn't act or talk in a way to attract any very extraordinary at tention to his mental balance. If you were unacquainted with Ills peculiar , olf-balanco hobby , you never would know but that ho was as shrewd and keen an old-tlmo business man as walks Iho street. I learn that Mr. KuunUo humor * him , and oven takes consid erable. Interest in his whim. The poor old fellow Is so earnest and sincere in his talk that ho utterly confuses oao as to his mental condition , and it Is this feature of his case which seems to bo the attraction which the man lias In Mr. Kountro's eyo. Ho can talk rationally enough regarding land values lit Omaha , anil a better posted man seldom enters this ofllco. Ho says that ho is a member of the German royalty , and gives names , dates , etc. , in a way which would seem very convincing , The case fs considered by many prominent busi ness men as exceedingly remarkable in many ' respects , and very much like that of Georg'o Francis Train. " _ _ _ _ The I'reventlvo of n Torrllilo Disease. No disorders , excepting the most deauly forms of lung disease , involve such a tre mendous destruction of organic tissue as those which fasten upon the kidneys. Such maladies , whoa they 'bocomo chronic and none are so liable to assume that phase - completely pletely wreck the system. To prevent this terrible disease , recourse should bo hud , upon the llrst manifestation of trouble , to Hostel lers Stomach Dittew , wnieh experlenco has proved to bo highly offeetivo a * a menus of Imparting tone ami regularity to the organs of urination , as well as to the liver , stomach uml bowels. Another bciu'liclnl result of this medicine , naturally consequent upon Its diuretic action. Is the elimination from the blood of Impurities which beget rheumatism , neuralgia , gout , dropsy , and other maladlos. Ily Increasing the activity of the kldnovs. It augments the dopuratlvo efficiency of thosq organs , which are most important outlets for escapeof such Impurities. VAMHlllVOOUT , AS t'UXSUH C1U13I ? , The MiulillW Confesses to HlB Having ( JoiiO Over tlio Applications. Julius Iluiiowsky , ono of the oldest resi dents In this city , tells a story which shows how Paul Vandervoot dabbled with the ap plications of citizens for the appointment as enumerators of the present census. Mri Ktldowsky says that n month before the enumerators were appointed ho tnada ap plication for the position of enumerator in the Tenth district and forwarded It to Mr. Cook at Lincoln. No answer was received. Hearing that Vandorvoort had something to do with the matter , Mr. lludowsky called upon him Informing him thatho served as enumerator In the census of 1870 and .and again In 18SO , and was competent to till the position. Ho Informed him also thatho had written Mr. Cook and had received no answer. "Well , your letter must have gene astray. " "Well , " said Mr. Itudowski , "It Is little to brag of by your department of the Omaha postofllco that a letter should go astray be tween this city and Lincoln , when I can send n letter In safety all over the country. Hut how do you know that my application must have gene astray I" "Well , because all the applications were shown to mo and I know that yours was not among them. " Mr. Itudowsky's discovery startled him , and satisfied him at the sumo time how It was that his application had boon so mysteriously done away with. The Only One. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway is tbo only line running solid vesttbulcd , electric- lighted and steam heated trains between Chicago , Council BlulTa and Omaha. Tbo berth reading lamp feature in the Pullman sleeping cars run on these lines is patented and cannot bo used by any other railway company. It is tbo great improvement of the ago. Try it and bo convinced. Sleeping cars Icavo tbo Union Pacific depot , Omaha , at 0 p. in. daily , arriving at Chicago at 0:30 : a. m. Passengers taking this train are not compelled to get out of tbo cars at Council Bluffs and waltr for tlio train to bo cleaned. Get tickets and sleeping car berths at Union ticket ollleo , 1601 Farnam st. F. A. NASH , Gen. Agt. J. EL PHKSTOX Pass Agt. Ilnckineii Protest. OMAHA , June5. To the Editor of TmBii : : : In justice to us and to the public whom we servo wo beg space in your valuable paper to answer an item In Tin : Dun in which Chief Seavcy says : "In wilting up the matters hereafter you will bo safe in substituting for burglars the words hashers and haekmen. There was a string of haekmen in front of Collins' store all night. " If a burglar exists among the haekmen he could not exist very long until ho became known to the police. Wo do not stand in with thieves. Wo regret that these crim inals are not caught. If Chief Seavoy knows of any haekmen to bo implicated , tlio latter should not bo allowed to drive a hack. That remark of Chief Seavoy branding us all as burglars and thieves is doing us grout injus tice and wrong. It is misleading and deceiv ing the public , because wo nro composed of honest , law-abiding and usiSful men. Wo challenge Chief Seavey to find one sin gle case whore wo have acted dishonestly. Wo object to being slandered , and hope that Chief Seavey may make a true statement of the faetsi ( Signed ) FOIITV HACKMCK. MUCH' Nerve null Ijiver Pilli. An important discovery. They act on the liver , stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speedily euro billiousness , bad ta tc , torpid liver , piles and 'constipation. Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. ! ! 0 doses for 25 cents. Samples free atKuhn &Co.'s 15th and Douglas. Kxtenslve The Milwaukee and Hock Island washouts at Mosquito creek , near Ncola , seven or eight miles east of Council DlulTs , are much more extensive and disastrous than at first re ported. Between the Bluffs and Neola both roads have been abandoned. It will probably bo several days bct'oro the track can bo re paired and cnablo trains to mil regularly again. "Wednesday a wide stretch of the creek valley was under about twelve feet of water. The water has receded now. but the Milwaukee bridge across the raging Mos quito is gone , and about ono mile of the track of each road has been swept away. The Hock Island is running its trains around r \ the Burlington from Avoca by way of Mal- vern , but the Milwaukee is in such position that it cannot apply to another line for such an accommodation. It has not had a train inner nor out sineo night before last. A largo force of men has been put to work on tlio break , but they are necessarily compelled to operate slowly. Notes 1'i-oin the Tornado. The B. & M. people estimate their loss in the Bradshaw cyclone at $1,500. Their depot , a small frame structure , was almost totally demolished , and twelve freight cars loaded with merchandise , wcro blown in every direc tion. H. A. Cufus , a real estate agent of Havenna , came throutrh the place Wednesday evening , anil says that ho saw a box car. stand ing on it-s end among wrecked houses several rods away from the track. K. 12. Cliupln , agent for the B. & M. , lived with his wife and three children in the depot. They were all more or leas injured , ono child so badly that it has siaco died. Division Superin tendent Begnall , who is on the ground , re ports to General Manager Holdrego that everything possible is being done for the un fortunate people. Supplies are coming in from all parts of the surrounding country. C. N. Deitz , of this city , has offered to con tribute a car load of lumber , and the road will transport it free of charge. The Nehrasku Central Reports are being clreuUtod that tlio Ne braska Central company proposes to do some work within the time specified in the charter and thus sceuro the b.n ) > Is and franchise voted by the county. Juno Ifi , ten days hence , Is tlio limit , Whether them is any founda tion for those reports cannot be learned. Mr. McShane is in the east and other members of the company who have been seen claim to know nothing about what is going on. It is intimated , though , that unless a contract can bo made with some road to use the bridae.tho latter will not bo erected. John Coykondall , chief clerk to Vice Presi dent Holcomhc , is confined to his homo with an attack of fever. The Union Pacific officials who gathered at Salt Lake hist Monday to meet President Adams are expected homo today. Chief Conductor Clark , Grand Secretary Daniels and the committee appointed to meet Vice President Holeombo and General Man ager Diekcnson returned to the city yesterday morning. They expect to present tholr grievances tomorrow. M. J. Groovy , traveling passenger agent of the Union Pacific , was rejoicing yesterday over .tlio birth of a girl baby. Next Sunday the Union Pacific will run an excursion train from Hanover mid Marys- villo to Topeka for the benefit of a largo i.um ber of Germans who urcgoing there to attend the state ttirnverein. II * tuporlur OKi'ullon i ) ( ito ; on In militant o ( hornet fnrmnrv thiui nqunrter g } n cuntury U u u o > l i > 7 thu L'nlU'il SlatoH ( ioTorniiM"it. iiiilnr : ( "l by the heailaof tlio urral unlrvrdll n , n tlio Striin < - < t , I'uri'sl urn ) JIo t llrnlthfnl I'r ' I'rlcu'i Crvum llak- IHK 1'uwilor ilo ' nut cuntuln uuiiuonla , lluiu or alum , bolil onlrlnrani. I'HU'M 1IAK1NO I'OWKKIl CO. . Ncvr York Clilcaxo. bun I'runclteo , Mt.LouU HIS IDBAJHMYOMKN , What a PromlnenMKngllsh Authsr Thinks of American Lndl < uA Comparison with with European CHrls. A well-known HiiKlUli author , who was re cently In the fulled ifltatos. was entertained by n gentleman nndilady of wealth , residing on I'lftli Avenue , NowvYork. In tlio course of the dinner the conversation turned upon American women , when the English gentle man said : "Nowhere In America do you find such com plexions and nowlioro such health as wo sco In tint faces and forin.vof KtiftlMi Klrls. I bavn noticed this In evorvrltv that I have visited. AmtTlrnn lmllc"i | inik ( Iml. wrnk , nuil fiutl'il. They lack color and they lack life. Existence seems a burden to tlicm , not a pleaxnre. You In America , do not notice It , because you are bore , whllo I can stu It very plainly. " Wo nmy say that this English author was prejudiced , was conrt'lted , was bitter , but wo cannot say that bo was wrong. American ladles are not MI stionj : , f'i ' healthy. MI bril liant , as they should be. Their complexions are not so clear nor their eyes MI bright as could bo dcslti'd. Ooiihllcsi the elinmte has somuthlng to do with this , but It Is unques tionably true that by proper care , and a Judi cious UNO of tlio Htrlil , mean * , tho.-o things can bo overcome. Any lady who feels tired , de spondent or weak can icadlly overcome these troubles by a proper use of a little pure whis key taken In water. Hear In mind , however , Unit It should bo the best whiskey , as any thing ulso Is Inlnrlmi's , and also remember that the best physicians anil chemists In America unhesitatingly deelato that Duffy'H Pure Malt has no ecjnal. The elfeet of this whiskey Is to build up tlio system , to Improve the complexion and give brightness and vigor In tlio place of weakness and languor. It Is being used by tlio leading ladles In the land , and Its popularity proves Its value. A Written Guarantee to CURE EVERY CASE or MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro Ja timimnrnt nrnl not a , imtvlilnx tii. | i , I. < M trrntdl lit c > cai Kk'o Jin * o net ci * * ecn a * > tnptuiu * tinro. ] ly UcHCHIilniT ram fully wo cnn trent 3 on liy nmll. nTid echo tli dim * MKiiitfetiniunlco tuvuioor trfuml nit money. Tlioso Mho prcftrtocoiuolicru for ( rcntmrnt call do to nlnl NT ) viiljiay rallroail fnro both \\nj3nmlJiottl Mils vlillo lirii'irwofnlltoi'iin.1. Wo i hnllillito tlio Will lit fnrix r otlmtoiirMAOIO HUM- Kl'V ill nut rnrc. WHto for full imillciitara onilKct tin i' hli'i.c ? . Wi-know that \ou nio * krptk'nl , jllJ > tly to t"o , n.i tlio liui't riulnrnt | ' | . | Iilll.1 llllVC IIOMT III Ml a ! o lo ( rivciuoioUif.il tfiii' ju.rnryii.llir. Ill mir t\\o \ jc..i - tir.u-llrp Mltll tills } IA < ,10 ItmniY It lion ln-i r. mort diRlciilt lo oi r- C"in. I ho pri'judlfi-B ng.ilii' t all.o-i'JlI Ui > cilll < K. Hut liiK.ir onrftroiitf rnarnnUo yo-.i iliolilil nut Ji-ltvtii to try tills li'lnrily. You lake no tti.imo of. ] o iti jour > " ni'.vWo . i-irantio to anUa yotng nearly around C1 t j , „ Unf ; ( ) f f.)0.iCO. ; , ) It th * ' * ( ? pi-iftvtly Mife to nil vlio will try the tuMtincnt * 11' rtto- fmc yui liaM Li-i-a putting up nnd p.1 vlnT out > > ur mmtoy fur illflVifiit tii'uttm-ntn , nml ill * though y < iti nio not jctc.ncdiio one l.-n pitd bflclijm.rii.onr.v. Do t tot. AMI-IO nny JIHMO mmu-y until jou tiyus. Old rlnonlc , itetiM | 'atiil fares enu < l in 30 to Oi ) dayrf. ] n\L'4ltfatu ! our llunn- Hal ttindlntr , our icfutatlon ns biitlni1men. . Wnlo us for li.i\f rii ml vo ! Jim * fiu ; n 1'cr- ' inK > Ioti to icfir to them. It costs you only jior-t.io ( to ilo Ihi3 ; It vill rave jcu aoiM of FufTrrln ; ? from mental ilmin , nnd If JOH nro niuiifeil ivlint in.iy jimr oirspiiiitf f\ittvt thro.iK" jotir lutfH- ijt-ncc T If yournymptoi unreu ntlnoat ( nricoiH imttli- IM In mouttit ihiMiiu.itifin lit I' uu'iian.l Joints , Inlrfnll- l ( f ottf : eiujitions on uny p. i t of the * totly , ii't Jlntf of pt iKTiililcprc lon , ] iltu tn hi nd or Loin * * , j < u lnno no time to waste. Ilioovlioa.ceon > tantly tftlJnffiiM r ciry ; mul iiutiifh fix ulil iliontinr.o It. C'onMuiit 11:0 : of thcho tlniyj v ill t i.-'uly brltif ? Forc ! in the t-nd. l > cn't fail to v.'iUu * .All f < M tn politic-nee tt nt rrucd ! In phiin CMivi'lop 'S. Wo laritc tlie mo't licl'l Implication.nnd V 111 < lo nil In our pu'ver to nld y.m in It. Addicts , COOIC JtEMEDY CO. , Ontatttit Xcbnt/ . . \VK AI. O I'HKI'AIll- : MAGIC REMEDY For Nervous Debility i .and Lost Manhood A spooily nnd permanent cure. Thousands nf I'lf-us cured wltliout a Inlliue. f 1 luicl ( ' , Lui.M'.t. $1 fiirus iiiltil uaecs : 16 curs * obstinate ni ' . COOK UKMKHY CO. . Omaha , Neb. 13th and "Dodge Streets. HE. J , js. fficGBEW , THE PECIALBST. The Ooctor l uneurpnsscd in th ( ! trnilincnt of nil form' of 1'ilvale Diseases. No treatment hascviT been inure mccoeful itnil none lias had stronscr endorse- incut. A cunus uaranteid in ilio ierynrft cafes In froinjl to 5 days wltliout tlio loss of an hour's time. Tli'i evlio ha\o heen under Ills liealment for Sitrletureor illtllcnlly In relieving the bladder , pronnunrc it n moet wnniler- fill Miceesn. A Cdiunletucnroln a few days \\ldioiit ' - ' ' -I or IOSH if time. Andnllwe/ik- IH > 8 of tllO gcxunlorgiuiH timidity or nervoiiFiiesf , In tlielr worst forms nnd mot tlreadtil reanltH arc iih ohitelv cmed. WiiSffS ? * * Andiill FIIMAI.n SES cured liibtriimvntB. \\oiiilrtful reUKdy"lIOUUS ! for laclus 'KIIII 8 to 4 ONLY. nml all Diseases of the Skin , Jlhiod , IK it. l.ner. Kid- inH and Itl.uhhr cured. C nfed in 33 to . ' 0 days. The iii'itt r ; ( I , . ' . .ifinml ( ffeet- n > tiintineiit litioun to the medical prnfeehlnn. Evrrv lrueot > l Ihr diteace re- imc < l fronijl ' blo d ; iieoinpletrciiro ftUArantp6J. ( 1'or "iiiau' or' uiiiniui" , i-bi'li IQc ( > tinit : > x ) . Trentmtnt by rorro- tpiirnii'iico Stain ] for uply. 1 N.i : I'on. HTM AND 1'iitNAii ST. ' Open limn 8 A. Jl. to 0 I' . M. 1 Eutranen on Fnrtium or Mth bt. , OMAHA. HER , MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO , " tlio "Wonderful yiinnlfh Itnnody , In cold with a TVrllten Oiiiirnn- ti > ) to emu nil Neiv , , Weak Memory , I.OBD O of llniln I'ower.llend- $ ucljc.VaUelnlni'i < r , Before & 'AfterUoLoilt Ml1"1' ' , Nctv- l'liuii > | { rn | > Tinl ( rum Dfu. oiit < nef , I.nBBitudc , ell drains nnd lu * of power nl tlio tiunvtiitivu Or caniilii cither eex , canned by over-exertion , youth- inl inUlbcreHo.if , or t)3cxcefcivo ! ) ueo of tonne co , opium , or vtiimilantivlilrli ultlmntelv lead lo Infirmity , Coui > iimitl ; < m and Ir.cunllVI'ul U | > 111 convenient form tn carry in tliu vest ] iuclet. ; I'rlco gi n pacUazu , or i > fur S3.VitU c\eiy JS order wo pne a irrltten ( jiinriinli'f lu ciirf or rrfitml Ilifl iniini'i/ . bent by mull to any aildieeu. C'u- culnr free. M-ntion thla ) inper. Adlre s MADRID CHEMICAL CO. Ilrai-ch OBIn. for U. 8. A 4i7 l > > u > ) > m Stint I Illl Al.O. II.L. foil ILK IX I'M ' Ml \ , M'-ll , H Y Kuhn , V Oo . C .r nib nml Imiil.t ) Strcm. . J. A .TilMIT \ I'd , fur. Ilth A li u lai directs , A. 1) K < 'iter , V I'u. Couue.ll llluDi , l < > wn. NERVE AND DRAIN TREATMENT. Bivcltlo for 'ly terl , Puilne" rts. I.'mjrMgln. ' . 'atc ( nine a , > Untnl It. prciftiuu Sdl'.cninjof iho luaiti , ru * lulilnit lu ia-.nny mij lfa < linu lo n.itciy ilc. nv _ i 1 Uutti. Picmjnire O.U Aui' . llari M > nn I uml l'o..tr Incillior mi , li.volunurr I.OIT , nii'l bpvrm l > . > i h t.\ cauif > t by ovKi-vxeriio * ut ihu b < ( Un. > ef-j lU'tT ' ttvut liidttiffonco. Kattl l > t rontain1 * oho lliunll ' * tret' nirnt it a IHU. tir IM ' 8 * . vnt t > v inui1 i > r. T ai < l. \Vtth < U orili-r for ai * , mil t-fnl r n tuicr f > i ' ) , il T v t : iho lit- . * ! r. i' iftita 1 1 . ( . . ' vU OOPPMAN' DUL'li CO. , 1110 Fariiam tttrcct , ( Jimthu , Ni-b. DAQVCARRIACES tDADI DELIVERED * ! ' itt inJ u > U wt'le * i i f < I. 0 * ft rtr * < > iwci si. ci.i'.r . lltmp f" t.fT rtl . a U. < wtiU. H .s Overstoclted" , but we arc determined to do the clothing business of this town , and our goods arp 1 marked to obtain that end in view , and because our price's are lower than others , don't let it ; prejudice you against the quality and workmanship of our goods. Depend upon us to sustain our reputation for honest and reliable clothing. We arc the originators of , and have been since we started , the leaders in popular prices , not only for clothing , but for all other goods which we handle. Our large business gives us ad vantages that arc not enjoyed by other dealers , and we assure you that we can always save you from 25 to 50 per cent by availing yourself of the popular prices at which we mark all our goods. During the ensuing week we shall offer some extraordinary bargains in our Undewcar De partment. We have closed from the manufacturers 25 cases of fine Summer Underwear at an enormous reduction from what the same goods cost us early in the season. That explains why we arc able to make slaughtering prices on them. Fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 35c ; regular price 65c. Fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 6oc ; regular price $1.00. Extra fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at Soc ; regular price $1.60. These goods are of an extra fine quality and handsome shades , and are worth fully the rcg * ular prices stated above. above.NECKWEAR. . Another immense purchase just made. We have bought the entire stock of Tccks made by one of the leading manufacturers in the country. There are about 500 dozen ; all this season's novelties , and we shall almost give them away. We have classified them into three grades : 350 , 45c and 65c. Remember , these arc all high grade goods , and the prices we quote represent just one-quarter of what such qualities would sell at regular retail prices. ; One of the season's ' choicest offerings in the Shoe Department is the following : Russet Low Shoes , excellent stoclc , solid leather throughout , at , $1.40. They are worth fully $2.50 ; and Russet High Cut Lace Shoes at $1.75 , positively worth $3.00. In Men's and Boys' Shoes you will not find anywhere such values as we are offering , and wo keep only shoes from reliable makers , such as we can recommend and as we can guarantee. - HPT } TTTVT7"O IKUlMUb. In our basement we offer as large a line of Trunks and Traveling Bags of all descriptions ag you can find in this city. Our prices for these goods will astonish you. Mail orders solicited. Samples of cloth with rules for measuring sent to any address. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets1 So long as "Men may come and Men may go , " it behooves us to help them to be well dressed. To this end we continue to-offer for their in spection an excellent assortment of Men's Clothing , including everything that is new nobby and durable. A full line of Men's trousers of first-class fit , make and material Make Your Selection Iiurly , DenifBr Lott6ry Denver , Colo. , Capital Prize $7,50.0 , TICKI3TH , 50 CI3XTS I3ACII. $26,370 , PAID HAC1I MONTH. BANK OF COMMERCE PAYS ALL PRIZES. Address 15. F , R1IODUS , DENVER , - COLORADO. Arrccti dbcliarcoa from tbo urinary orgaci to elllier > cx m 40 boura. It U jupcrlor to Copaiba , Culxtts tlont , end tree ttoa M ted imoll er H sANTAL-MIDY ' 'SH&f C3ii | > 'lci. Hfb b r the . nine li ' n-.at n 'un i f iin-ii in .1 , , , . i y im f ibf h. i . . lU'NiciiT IMXJiiO tt < r ii rme > i niii n. < iurs i I At 'J'luN i" net the VUUUIHU rvuiediau or cut ) un k. C JuJlu , an Uitinej tftictl , Ouiaua , NcUrutkiu Grand Lottery of Juarez. Under the Management of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concessionaries. INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF CHIHUAHUA , MEXICO , FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES \ GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING Will take iilaco In pnbllo at the CITY or JUAKEX ( formerly 1'uso ilol Norto ) . Mosloa WEDNESDAY , JUNE 25th , 1S9O. Undrr the personal supprvisfonol GEN. JOHN S. ) IOSBY , ami MK.OAMILO AKfilJBU.Kl. the former n gentleman of Hiich prominence In the United States that his prcsurieo iilono lj hulllck'nt ciiuranteu to the public that thu dnnvincs will bo hold with stHot honesty anil fair ness to rill , ami the latter ( the Supervisor of the Mexican Government ) la of uiju.il suudln ; and Integrity. CAPITAL PRIZE , $6OOOO. Only 6OOOO Tickets ! Only 6OOOO TicketsI .WHOLE TICKETS.1 . ; HALF TICKETS. . $2 ; QUARTER TICKETS. $1. $ 1 Prize of Approximation Prlzei. $60,000 $60,009 $ , , 100 I'rlzoi of t CO oarli J M ) I I'rlzeof 10.000 10,000 100 I'rUi-j of 30 ca.'h U.O'O 1 1'ilzoof ft.WD)0 ( ) 10J I'rlzoi of 2J each H.WJ Sl'rlzosof 1OUJ p ch 30JJ Terminal Prlzos. 10 1'rlrcjofJUO each 2l f.PS . TcrmlnaU to Ml.OiW I'rlzo of ra each HI.9V ) Ml'rlzesof 100 each 6.01X ) IfJO Tunulnalj to $ IOWJ 1'rlio of $10 each 5 , W HO I'rlzcsof H. each 5,000 ! W I'rlzes of to each " , iOJ 101-1 Prizes amounting to $125,07 Wo tlio nmlprMKnod liorrhy certify that the Ilnnco If nny ticket drawing n prlzo li sent to tlio uinlor- Nnrlonul of .Mexico In Clilliunliim lias on ilopoilt elsneij , t face vnlno will l > o rollcctoil auJ ruiulttoi fromtha .Mo.xkan International HanklnK ConiiMiiy. to the owner thuruoT free of churui1. Hie necessary fumls to guarantee tlie payment of all KlKIAIIll. HllONSO.V. tin ) prl/us ilrnwn In thn ( iiniul Lottery of Junrci. I'rcsldpnt Kl I'aso Nntlonul Hunk , HI r ? o. Tat We further certify that HO will super * l o nil tlio nr- AlillNTa WANTHUJ. rnnxcniciita , anil In person lunnnfo anil control all I-'or club ratn , or any other Information , write to tbDilMwlngiof this Lottery , nnU that tliosama are ttii'undoMltfncil. atntliiK y | > llr U'UroJK ' clearly , wllli fonductiHi with honesty , fnlrnmJ anil In nooil fnltli tilnte , Coimtj' , Street an.I . Number. Moro rapid in ill towanlnall parties.a. . delivery will lie assured l > y your oncloslun an enrol * a. MOBITV , Commissioner. opo bi'arlni ; your full fidilress. t'AMlM ) , MUXICA.N INTKH.VATIONAI. IlANKINd CO. . Sniiervlsor for the ( Jovurimont. ) Olty of Juarez , Moxluo. Kenil romlttaiiec-.s for tickets by onllnnry lottnr , containing Money Order , jS81IP , ] 1)y ) , , n i..vress ; , Coinuiinlos , Now York Exehango , Dank lraftor ) 1'ostaJ Note. . Address nil roKlhtereil lettets to MblXIOAN INTblRNA.TIONA.Tv HANKING GO. , City of TJuaroz. Mexico , via bll ljaso. Tox. MAX & BRO. Je\velers and Silversmiths , SlXTlCENTII AND PAKXAM STKKETS , OMAHA , NKB. V/o Invite pcirtloulnr attention to our larrje variety of arti cles appropriate Tor Wedding Presents nt POPULAR PRICES. Solid Sterling Silverware , single pieces or in sets , combinations , &o. , from $2 up to $500. Fine Quadruple Silver-pitted Ware , In no wand elegant designs , ombraolni ; nliout everything known to the trade In both Hat and hollow ware , so low m prioo that wo dare not name the Iluiiros. being only about HALF OUH FOUM- Ell PUICE3. Latnrs , Toilet Sots , Candelabra , Bronze Ornaments , Mirrors , besides the largest a u-jrtm nt of Clocks to bo found wust of Chicago , from $1 up to $2Ciu. Handbome Mantel CloeUs at $0 , $7.60 , $10 , $15 , oto. , with half-hour utnko attiic'hnunt , cathedral gen s , < Scc , Diamonds , Watches , and Rich Gold Jew elry at Greatly Reduced Prices. at Lowest Hates and All Work Fully Warranted.- ®