THE OMAHA DAILY FRIDAY. JUNE 0 , 1890. 8PEC1RL NOTICES , OMAITA. No ntlvrrllm-iiicntfl will t > o Inkcn for tlioHO coliinitiH after 1JWIO p. m. Trrins Cnsli In nilvnnco. Advcrtlnrmentu under this bond 10 cent * p r lint fortlio first Insnrtlon , "cents forpaehimb- ftruuent liiM-rtlon , nnd 11.50 porllnn pcrmonlh , Nondvc-rtlscmenU taken fur IrMtiac23cenU ) Tor first Insertion. Thor muni run consecu tively nnd miiftt ho nnlil In ADVANCE. All advert ncnicntit must ho handed In before 12 : B o'clock p.m. , nnd under no Mreumstnnccs will they l , taken or discontinued hy telephone , I'nrtlen rtdverllslng In theao columns nnd liavlng their niiflwors addressed In care of Tun JIKK will pirn no nsk for a cheek tocnaulo thnm to K t their lettorn , n * noun wllllmdollvorcd except on presentation of check. All answers to udvcrtlacmcnts should bo enclosed In onvo- lopi't. All ndvortliemcnta In thcsn column * nro published In both tnornlnit nnd ovonlntt edi tions of TIIK IIPK. the circulation ot ' which ag > regales morn than HUOO pnpori dolly , anil BlreR the advertisers thn benefit , not only Of tuc cltv el rcn lut loa of TIIK Hrr , but also of Council IllurTu , Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout this section of the country. BRANCH OFFICEJr Advprtlslne for tlmso columns will bo taken on tin above conditions , at the following bus- ness I omieswhoaro authorised to take special notlci s , lit the sumo rates us can bo had at the rr.nln olllic. Oof Twenty-sixth and N streets , Nebraska having * bank building. _ TOHN W HEM , , I'harmaclst.BJOSouth Tenth * > BtrouU GIlAHII&nnny , Stationers nnd Printers , 11 1 , fcouth 18th strcut. SH. FAKNSWOKTH. 1'lioril aclst , 2115 , Cumlng ntrcet , WJ. HUailEH , Pharmacist , C24 North ICtli street. ini:6.W : 1'AKIt , I'httrmaelst , 1718 Leaven- 13 worth Street. ' 1'IIAK.MAOV. 14th. and 1'arnam SITUATIONS \VANTIOI ) . WaiiUd Hy u joungmaii23 V Jyoatsof ago. not fiald of work , on largo farm or stock ranch. Address I ? 37 , Hen. WANTED-.I'osltlon hy gentleman Rtenog- ill ographer ; best of references furnished ; 2 years e\tnirlenco. Address II , 711 E. 10th St. , Fremont , Neb IKO-3 * ' BY vouug man with 1 years' experience , In 'i Hist class meat marketer grocery Add - d i ess U .111 , llee. K17-5 * 1 > OSITIO.N wanted hy a lady stenographer and tj pcwritei , nxiieileme In cop ) Ing. etc. Shite vurges und ndiln ss llelle I'alhonn. Ivan- MIS City Mo . general dellveiy 7Vl-.r > t W ANTii ) 31A f j li II Klil' . \\rAN I'EI ) 4 good c irpiuiters at I'ark avo. , between Shirley st nnd Cielgliton nve , "Olheisneed not applj " K E J. 8ns-V irANTEII-Mun I > trii\nl for our ( \in.idlan nuiseiles. Hton iiVIs WAN Mib-contr.ictors for i.illroud gi ullii ! ; : fieo transposition Jlc- Doiiald , Pcnlleld .1 Co , riemont , Neb.81S11 81S-11 * d " \\/ANnD Oairl-igo tilmmers'JIS and * 18 ; wood woiker. ii ( > ; blacl.Hinlth ; 4 section men , man ami wife 01 , farm ; expel lenced man to drive a grader. 8 hoiscs , JJ3 , fiirm hand sirs iiiiy.i , : iii" , H. nth wn-s * AiRNT ( JV ) outfit on 110 days' time SlWOt pinllt In 1 weeUs or no n ly. Add . with Htamp .I.ii v Is ft Company , Kaeliie , \ \ Is. 018 "V\rANTri-A good , Htrong. Industi Ions boy to woik nioiind stoic , liuiuho PiEl I\ir- niim ht. 7n'i-ri \\rANTRD-1.0flO men for railroad work In > Wj omlng , Dakota , Utah and Ntnada ; wigesfl 7. > to fc'50 ; stoidy work. Alhilght's Laboi Agimc ) , ll-'O I'.un.ini ht. 811.1 } I WANTED-.Men at bt. Louis to shovel dry el ly. wages tl.W ( per da > . Apply to Hy- clr.iiillc I'if-s llilck Co , Kind's lllghwav and Pacllle Kond. 7 6 5 AA7"ANTRD A thoiough slenoginphoi ; good " ' salaiy to competent man Addiess by letlei. stating age. experience , reference und Miluiy expected. The Aiinoui-Cudaliy PackIng - Ing C'o , South Omaha. 777-5 job printing olllce In this city for V Js lie Mnteilnl nil ne , and books will show otllce doing line business on light expense. No bonus Hlg discount for cash 01 can Do had on easy teims. Add i uss U .U lice. TU9-T * D A man to take an olllcoand represent - ? resent a manufncturer ; J.V ) per week ; small capital lequlred. Addiess , with stamp , Maiiufaoluror , box 70 , West Acton , Mass 770-7 * \VANTRD-Halcsmen at S7" > per month sal- it my and expenses to sell a line of slUer- lilalcd ware , watches , etc , by sample only ; lioiso ami team fiiinlshul free , wtlto at ouco foi full p n t Ionian and sample case of goods fice blandaiil Hlhernare Co. , lloston , Jlass. W'AN PRD Rnergetlc men an < l women fora irentiel biislneis p lylngJOT weekly profit eisiei than $ < iO monthly otherwise ; experience unnecoss uy ; permanent position ami exclu sive territory assured ; * . ! simples free ; Inves tigate our money-making business. Addiovi ulthstamii. Jlorrlll Manufacturing Co , II 5.1 , Chleiiiro. 111. SSIlvll * \VAXTni ) jlltl , wanted , luIO Iard bt. SJ1-5 * "XArANTEl- ) first-class ladv cook , ono ' ' dining loom girl and second girl ; good wages. Call at IHS. 17th St. 8U-11 * TKD Olrl for general housework ; family of three ; vvngi s JAW ; no objection toeoloied. Imiulre 140ib. 27th st. 8U-r > * \ \ 7 A NTHD--10 first class experienced tulllln- I eiy salesladies , apply between 7 mill b p. m tonight at the lloston store. b'i ! 5 "JIKL foi housework , 21113 Ilarnev. J 770-5 * W ANTED-A flrst-chihS COOK at 22ai Cum lng si 780-0 * ITANTED-Threo experienced inning mom i glils at the Darker hotel. , M IV TANTEII Oood girl for general houso- ' WIIIK. Apply at III ) l rarnam st. soiim * CIlKljior general housework Inuulroof J .l \\Hklnson.tilS I'uMun blk. 123 \\rANTED Competent cook , Swcdlsh.whoro T > 2d girl Is kept. Applj at once , 1U.CIS. ,10th "V7l7"ANTRI-lst ) and 2tl cltlH In private fainl- T > ly. best of wages paid. 721 S 1'lth St. , cor nei ot Lcavennurth at Mrs. j. I , . UraiidcU. 177 DUKSSMAKING. ENtJAORMRNTbtodonrevs making In fami lies Milioltcd. MLss atiudy , & ! 3 b. 21th avu. _ .ls.VJ.4 * " ] \ | YKA JlcOlnnls' Iressmnklng pivi'oi-s ' .CM J ' t'apltolavu. I uie and teach the I'roioh talloi sjstem. KH1 ) | ( > KOU HKXT HOUSES. 1JIOU KLNT l > room cottage. No , StllS Parnam * - st ImiulreT J. Kogcrs,14th and runmmsts 7587 dill lo work In kitchen. Doran house , " h. Ibta st , 1 blk tj. court houso. S3 TjTIOK KENT I nlco now 7-rtKiu ) house , elty JL' water and bath ; near business cenler ; $18. Thompvm , h.Jcor : lutli and Douglas. 801) o * " 1710K KENT S'uven-room cottage JV- port ittreot Just west of High -chool $ ,1 pel mouth and eight-room hou&o with all n.odein convenlonces. Thlrty-tlrst und Cass. Kent * IO per monlh. llronuun A. Co. , C'hambor of Commerce. 717-7 * llibll fOIJfT Dwelling , t ) rooms , stable , and JL' all renulromcnls for a llrsi-uliis * homo ; Houlh front ; \ < w ) Cnpltol nvenno ; rental very low Inqulro at lull riirnani bt , ( W 8 KUO.\l mrtlvltTi steiun Tit-at. lUth hi. near Jones. Thomas r. Hall , 311 l'ii\tou block. TmoK Hr.NT-Itcsldcnceilnairpartsof olty. JL ? Ist | ttvi largo to puhll'h. Uloljo l.o.iu & Tiust compuny , .107 e. Hitli st , 671 'ij OK KENT Atxiiit Juno 1 , these elegant J. Btono rcaldences on Ueurgln ave. , 8.'JOth at. bet , Mason and 1'uelllo sts , MO owner for long time IIMMI , H. H. Henderson , room 400 , I'a.x- ttm blk S71 fllEN-KOO.M boaidliiK-luiiiso near postolllce -L rent $10 : furniture tvstfVX ) , will tukn fJOO , 175 cash halunco monthly Also ll-room brick boarding house , 2 blooUt , wont of nostotUce , full of riKiiiiers and boardirsj rent ronsonablo ; furnliuru In use Hi mouths , coat * 700i will Hike * * lU li ) eu li , balnnco monthly. Co-Ope rut I vu l < nml& Lot Co. , 3 < a N. lUth ! .f TT.-a j ° l'EUN ' house , nlno riMms , bnth. hot and WO pur munth'1'retlJ Horrfiwick"2lTslmiI ! ? ! _ _ , 573 W 'fN.1' ' ! A llut 'f ' B looms. Eniinlrtjof ' ills. O Dugjfuu , llWJd. lath , room o. 574 T71OH KENT Ilouio , 10 roomi. nil modern .1. Improvements ; lurRoynrd. tttpor month , Commission to ngants. Ucxtor li. Thomas W7 ! lvv | < di to rent ti house or store sen II. H.role. fontlnental liloek. fffi _ "IJ1OK KKNT tt-room house , all con * en lencef. JL1 Call II tl N. 17lh st. 7JH J710U ISHNT-lO-room brck houeowlth mod- JL ? rrn ooiivenlenccs , No. HH H. ' "Utli st. Apply lit No. H. ? 8.ath ) t. 575 _ _ pOTTAOK of 'IriKinminrcnrof 1215 Chli'a o V-'Ht. , near 1 1th , city water , fr ) . K(75 ( * TT1OK KI'.ST 2 flir > pressed hrlck housei , enst JL' fronts on Ocorsla avc. , just north of Ijcnv- en worth st , 0 rooms , hath , furnace , sew or con nections , nil conveniences ; will rent to ru- Mpnnfllhln pirtles for tuO. M. A. Upton Co. , lillh and Kariiiim. 740 _ "IjlOK KENT -Two of the llnest residence Mats JL' on. outh 10th street , with all modern con venience" " . hot and cold water , close lo Ilrown- ell hall. Klrst olawj surroundings. Apply to Chns Kuufmann , 1.P13 Iouilis st < > l.i T7iOK KENT llcnntlfiil residence , east front , JL1 barn , nil moilera Improvcmi'iits ; ( leorgla avo. Itlch'd 0.1'uttcrson , N. Y. Mfo btdtf. H01-10 171OK KKNT ( ! and S room houses Inquire. JL1 J. V. llarton , 2r,10 Unpltol live. 700-10 * OK KENT A flvo-room house , .VJO Charles Ht. It | lllront30lt CharU-sst. 7017 * FOK KHN T10room house , 21 1 Hurt st. 8-room house. 710 North 'JOth st. -room house , Hi)7 ) North 20th st r > -room house. 1517 North " 4th st. 0-riHim Hat. all conveiilenrcs. 2110 I'arnnm st. Totter ft Ocorgo Co. , Ifith and rarnam SIM. 7M-1) 171OK KENT rrom July 1 to October 1 , noat- JL'ly f mulshed 7-room cottiiRe. conveniently liKMted. In excellent neUhlxiihood , on horse ear and ono bloek from motors fin pel month ; lofeiences required. Address U ! ! 8 , lleo ollluo. Sifi-7 * FOK KKNT 10 room house , 2107 Douglas. Inquire'111 81U. PINT residence , modern Improvements , 2103 ht. Maiy's ave. . Hii per month. Inquire at pii'inUesoi at A , Heller's , 1114 rarnam. 15 < ; O KOOM cottage , fc. W. cor. 17th and Clark. ELHOANT house In choicest part of city , south front , overlooking high school grounds , fourteen rooms' , bnth , lailndry.steam heat , li irn and c.irrl.iKo house , etc. , etc. ; will ho vacant Juno 1st. Thos. I' . Hall , Jll l'a\tou block. 524 T71OK 11ENT-0 rooms and barn , 1100 P. 10th st. JL1 Prlco KO. 711-S * POK KENT About Juno 7 , 8-room house nnd and Ciimlng sts. $ .15 per month. C 1' , 11 arrlson. till N. Y. Life. 4SU OK KENT At 1811 Capitol avenue , a nlno room house , Including bathroom , ill In uooil repilr. Inquire at 515 N. Y. Life b'ld'g. \ \ . U. Doaue. 761 5 " \rotMt itppoitiinlty to sccmo tlio lease and I fuinltiiieof ono of the finest homes In Oniiili i , furniture nil new , location near hull school , lent low. Will take half Its value ; Yt cash , bal , time Addiess , E 11 , lice. 211 H OU SIX htoros and Hats ; all new , T. A. loivenwortli room 14 , llnrkorbile. SSliJI J HF. F. KRNT--2 now JO-room houses with ill - , most < kslr ibln location. Eu- qulr at rW. . tor. L'lst and bt.'a ae. . T71OUHKNT Veiy nlce7-room houses ; special J teuns made. Apply to rittchcr i oiinj , Amblir 1'l.icc. SfH "JjlOU KRNT 6 room house , coed ropur , nlco J yard , cistern water , rentliJ Apply to I Hi1) ) fcouth 7tli a\e. or to Jno. \ \ Hell , druggist , 10th FOH Itl NT IIOO3IS KOOMS , with boaid If duelled , 1008 Cap. 70110 ao. " | ] 1OU KRNT Two furnished fiont rooms , J wllli -windowmodern eomenlcnccs , JlO nndfl'pi'i month , wltli or without boaid 13 LeaveiiHtirlh st. 81J WIDOW lady without family would lIKe a few joungl idy boarders , with rcfeiciues , block fiom car line. Addles G 3J , llee. 810-11 * POU UP.NT-rurnlshed ivoins. ir.'J Capitol av 817JJ4 * rilO KRNT Suite of three furnished looms : -L family going away for the summer. 11157 rarnam. Hli-5 ( * KOOM facing south and boird , suitable for tuo , hoinu comftiits nsaiiicd , ousywilUto business center , 1910 Dodge st. T02 5 * T71OU KRNT Two nicely f mulshed rooms for Jv llglit housekeeping. Modern conveniences. 120U N. 17th st. 784-u * "TT1OK KRNT A pleasant furnished room , JL' modern conveniences. ' ilrarnam. . rarnam.75J5 75J-5 T71OK KENT I'leasant furnished roomsat No JU 511 bo. Kith st , Hat A. Her blk. 7b7 U * "VflCEIA' furnished looms single or en sitUo. JAH modern convoiiienccs. 323 N lr > th 7W-r ) > * T71IJKNIS1IRI ) rooms , light houseKcepIng , O.1 axilbt Marv'savc. 45.11) ) ' FOK KRNT Now furnished rooms In Now Terrace , with or without bo.ird , at ruason- nblo rntts. L'lJS Ilainey st. ! > < < U OK KRNT rurnlshcd looms. 1COD Doujl is , BTo FOK KENT Nicely furnished loom , all modern eonvenlonccs , 2 blocks fiom 1' . O , 1118 SI7th st. 577 FOK KENT Sevoial nicely furnished rooms single and double. Apply 1S10 Chicago st. FOK KRNT riirnlsliod rooms ; gas , bath and steam ; 1'ilQ Howard. 578 ST. OLA1K Ruropenn hotel , corner llth and Dodgo. bpoulal rates by week or month 57 ! ) pl.EASANT furnished fnmt room. All con- i \enlcnces. L-'il I'.irn.iiM Third floor. 4J7-7 * "VflOBIiY furnished front rooms with alco\o -Li to lot. Inquire .WJ bt ilary's avenue. OOOL , pleasant rooms , , ' 1114 N. 15th. IItit "J. " J75-J L'J * FOK KRNT A lar o front room , furnished , lu one of the llnest residences In the city , 724 S. lUth st. , cornel Lca\ennoi th. Ml FOK KRNT-1 furnished moms for housiv Keeping to man and wife. No chlldien. Kent taken In board. Jli ) N. 17th WJ 7 * ROOMS furnished with board , 2103 Douglas 720-7 * FO 1 1 UKN TKOOai S 3 ItOO.Mb for umall famllcs , 008 N. Uth. 7 ! " . ! 10 * "IT1OK KRNT I uufuinl hcd looms to family X' without children ; modern tmpiovcments. 1701 Webster ht. Price in. & .NO 171OK KRNT Two or thieo inige rooms , fiont U ami back p.ulor. 1720 Capital live. file O VRK haidwaio store 1(111 ( Howard st 513 NiTffKN ISH ED looms for iirnibukccpliu at greatl ) leduced prices Cheapest lunt In the city. Hulls Hunting Agency , 21Hb 15th st , 211I-J1D * KOU KKNT STOItUS ANO OKKIOKS Fc ItHNT iniill store room , W. bouth - Tc'nth. I'our ilnora from di'pot bultahlo for fruit orolitar storo. Apply ticket otllcu , WTSouin lUth. RStf W7S TOKES at 7U7.7l . 711 S Ihth. SixlMiMuh , Inr o show vvlnilows , steam lii'.it furnlshud , Thos Hall , Jll I'liMon hlook. tel I710K KKNT-Tlio l- tory hrlc-k hulldlntr , with -l orvvllhout imwuivfurmuily OL'uunli'd by the Hun I'ubllshliiK I'o , fill ! rarnam Bt. Thu hullil- liu has a llrcpioof icmt'iit hasumunt. compUtto Moiim hcallnx IIMums , vvatoron all thu Hoots , BUS , utc. Apply at the otHc'o of The Hen. U1V 003 OI 1'ICl.S In Wlthnull hlook , 13th und llarnoy tftrcvtn , ifti pur month nnd upward : all mou oru Improvumunts. Call and sue them. USI ] I5 * I-'Oll M.NT I VXTANTKl ) Horsou to pasture at IJJW n Tl month on farm near lrvlnitoni horses oalliul for and dollvorud. W. K. Homan , Koom j. I' rt'iuor liloclc. CKV | AG ' : N E j J. 1UEV , rental agent , 200 N. V. Life. T71OK KKNT lloususlnaU parts of city. The -L1 O. r , Harts company , IWi 1'uriiaui at. Ml OKTON'S ruutal usjcnoy , Slfl'aiTon hloc S 5 HE. ui.'unt , Continntal 6133 uIU. M Al ) > fiiNR ) HiYvV h gohutnu nind stono. , lt.fl no. 20 st. V1. . KOI'Oia > IIlRlu-st prices paid for Indlos" j nnd gc'ntlomt'n'fU'ast-otrc'lothlnK , ohuus. c. Send tiutlou to CIO1 , South 10th Ht.Till Till 10' ( SUNS uni'AiHs irro. I > AKA"OI.y nnd umbrellas covered nnd re paired. II. llator , 1515 Douglas ; bnsemvut , 53d rpINVOIUC , roofing , guttering , spouting , JL good work low prices , Hnvago , lOISCumlng TTJIIlKKMjA. ' ' rcmilrod , lawn mowpMilmrp- LJ oiii'il , key llltlna nnd locksmlthltu : at Hollln'HKiliiijhop. HON IlillMt. .VJ.II'.I ' M ASSAOi : and nriRticttc trc'iitmont , HI I I'll- clllc. hilf hlock from motor Him. Slii-b * ISS IM'OKSTnK. mldwlfoaild M. D. for children nnd female illst'asc'S , It 11 SiHimlers st. . Iu sueond story. aui-J-'JI * LO T- Silver plati-d door hell hotwonn 14th and Donnlns and inth and rnrnam. Kinder plcaso lu.ivo at Hlnmh uish ft Taylor's. 8"'i * OHT A ladles' pin. Gold onamolcd vltli * small dlumond In center. Koturu to-M" rarnam and ( ? c't roward. 807-0 PI5XSION ACnXOY. EN. CMNOMAN , oxcluslvo pension nttor- noy , K1D.VS1 , Tron/cr hlock , Omaha ; also Utnclnnatl & Washington , btamp forclrc'iilar. * rilKAOICAOE storage tit lowest rntosV. . M. JHiishman , 1111 l.c'livenworth. Cad / 1OLD storage. David Cole , 815-817 How aril. QTOKAOE-ltranch A. Co. , UHHowaid. " 17IUKN1TIJKE storage , separate comnirt- JL ; monts. 81VS17 Howard. 257 rn storage , laId ) Cole , 81V817 JL Howard. 2. " > 7 _ - cor. Chicago. JIis. O. Sattcrtbwltc. 8J8-7 * DAY bo.ud , 1713 Uodgo st. 774-1 ; * AVANTKI1 TO IJUX. WANTfiD Good commercial paior. No- tiraska Mortgage Loan Co. , C1U I'axton blk. _ _ _ 5.HI ) WANTKD A wall map rack. Omaha Itea ! Kstato.iud TiustCo. JO S. 17th st , lleo bulldliiK. 7UT WANTRD-Good short time-Diner In small amounts. 1' . 1" > UI rarnam st. WM ) WANTi : ! ) To buy for spot cash , "city or counti y , p u Is 01 whole slocks of dry and fancy ( roods , clothing , boots ami slices , mllll- iieij , stationery , gents' fiiuiKhlng goods , olc. C'.illonor addicss J L , llrandcls tc Sons , cor ner ! Ith and Howard , Omaha. 5'Jl ' ITIOKMTfllR. lieu < .eholdgoodbeto. Highest J1 cash price. 117 b 1,1th. .17.1 WAr TRI > Sccond-lfind turnltiiro of all kinds at the highest price , 710 b Kith st. IXIS JU" FOH SAIjK IIOUSKSAOONSKTC. . SALE A i-00 Simpson ph lelon for 1100 ; d C months. G. 0. Hobble , telephone. b8. ! WO. FOK SA LRPhieton , sldib ir buggy. 2-sent carriage , nil neatly lion ; also .1 horses ; cheap for cash or on easy pajments. U. r. Ke.itl , lU , " , ' Sherm in a % e. 815-11 * IJONV fors ile. Kind , gentle ; lady 01 child can handle It ; iitnci anything ; Is soiy ambitious. Good for light buggy or siddlc. Che ip Call and sec , B. R. corner IStli and M.indin'M ) ! ! su b.l. ! "ITHTTRRN spin work mules , long time at 7 J-1 pci cent interest , faclby M Hoard Trade. $50 will buy a nlco maic. II.R. Cole , Conti nental blk. 71)3 POK Sz\LR I'lno joung fanillj horse , suit able for lady to drive. 17W North 21st , back of Coliseum. 7055 * TDAKTIRS looking for line driving or saddle JL horses , would do well to dill on , oreorrcs- poml with T J Mll- lard's faun , Callioun , Nob. Ho lias for sale some first-class single diivers , cairligo tennis , and saddle hoiscs , ut reasonable pilces. 592 " 171OK bALR rim ) family carriage horse JL sound and gentle. Iniuiru514 ) N. IQth st , POK SALR A good gentle horse for $50. Ad dress C 14. lieo. ; i78 TjlOK SA LR for c ish or on time.spun of mules JL' price $140 , Koom U Hoard of Trade. 041 OKSRS-Llght driver * , b ir iln. The late Hie hns made them cheap. H. R. Cole.Con- Uncntal block. 5.J8 T71OK PAIiR i'oni horses , onoovprcss wagon. JL1 Cash or time Koom' ' . 1117 I'limam 5'l-ji ' ) ( ) TO 11KXT. " \\TANTRD-A furnished liouso with slto IT night looms. Centrally located. Addiess G .JO llee. 7M-7 \\rANTRD-Ity a small family , a pleasant II cottagoof six 01 seven looms ne ir 01 on the e ir lines , . Will be permanent. Address G 11 llee. 771) ) A \ / ANTRD I'lrst-class room and bo ird In li private family by gentleman and wife. Address G 29 , this olllco. 778-0 * W ANTRD To rent S to 3 unfurnlnhod rooms for housekeeping , small family , near business centei. Addiess G 18 , llee olllce. 701 I WANT mine houses to rent ; moro demand than houses. Parrotte Kontal agency. fiNl-ITO KOIl 8AM3 FU11X1TUKH ETC. FOK SALR-riirnltuio , cupetH and house hold goods of all kinds e\ery Tuesday , Thursday and b.ituiday morning al 1111 I'ar- n im st Cash paid foi goods Omaha Auction and Storage Co. Henry Crelghton , nuetlom 01 , ftai B RbT quality meats , lowest r ites , at Tied Koos' meat market , Sta Cumlng st. lol M FOK SALR-bomo good wate ; . . mends cheap. 11 V. Masters , loom 4 , With- nell block. 511 TfTIOK SALR A good barn , 20\2S , olieap. An- JL ? ply to bldnoy bmlth , 501 Tirst Natl bank bid , ; . bJO-7 "T71OK SALR Good square piano , HO ; also JL'feathoi bed , cheap. Inqulio IU5 Pleice st. l to ll * tOOl ) soda fountain , In running older , for I less than half cost. O. Peterson , dis s. l Itli. FOK SALR. cnc.ip 80-hor- power steo holler , good as now , with llttlius complete ; heater , imiil-di nm. plunge pumps , and No. .1 lumwles ; will sell fet ono-hulf oilglnal tos . JelTW. Hodford. ( Ml MILK deliveted In one gallon packages dally. Uiiurnntccd absolutely pine Jl.l Hum n liiilldlng. telephone r > , 201 "ITlOKSALR-C'hoip , a beautiful fawn colored JL' grey hound 1 Inquire 7I I b. lutli St. * corner of Lo ivuimortl. . _ 8H MUS I U A UT AM ) KAXi UA Qn7 BRI'OKR buying a piano exumlno tlio now scale Ivlmhall piano. A Hospoi5U Douglas . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WXi _ _ GRO T (1RLLRN11ROIC leachei of the banjo , with llospe. 151 1 Douglas. 21 ! ) 171IKST mortgiuo lonns at low rates nnd no J-1 delay. 1) , V. sholea Co , , 210 1st Natl bank. SOU MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules , household goods , pianos , orgaiisdlumonds , at lowest rates. The ( list organUed loanof- Ili'o In theeltj Make loam * fiom 30 to Iii5das , wlik'heiui lie piild In purl or whole at any time , thus lowering the principal and Interest Cull anil see us whunyuu vtuntmimoyoujin \ \ assist j on promptly and to > our advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money always on hand. Nodoluy In mnkhig loans. ( * . ! ' Kecd & Co. , JIO b. IJth at. : ever Hlngham St yons. ( V/7 1'EK CENT resjdonco lo.uih , Wooo to f 10,000 Ilulldlng loans at special nitcs. The Mend Investment Co. , lleo building. 504 _ OHATTRL loans at lowest rates ; huslnc&i coullduiitlui 510 L'axton blk. J. 1) . Kmlngcr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cue T OANS City and farm loans , mortgage 11.1- J-'per bQUKht. McOa uo Investment U > . OQ-J _ " \TpNLVloancd at lowestTatPs , luTitTtlmu on lniproved Omah.t real e tiite , nrt"'uJttras. " no delay , Gob | Loan . & Trust Co | 4 7 b IBth. _ _ _ _ OU5 OHATTRL HANK , room J NYlthnoll.blook , vdi-ia- BriLniXOloatK. iW 7 per cent ! no oildl- tlonal chnrucs forcoiumissioti or attorney's fees. W. U. Jlclkle , I'l ViU'l bunk bld . ON1JY - . , ! ) , her e . house" , eter J J. Wllklnion , 013 . L IHBUALrrnl e tn < lonnn made byW. J ! . Harris , room 20 , tiilfuer blook , otip. I' . O. COl . . . Mortgiw Co. i < r.i .mi/in. Loans of * IOti > Xvji.oDO ; get our ratq-s before borrowing and sn\o money ; loan on 'horscrf ' , fiirnlturo or any npprovetl security without jmhllolty ; notes bought , for now lo innjnownl otold nnd low est rates , cnll U ' "Os ? , , fjhoely blk , 15th nnd llownrdsla. , j'A j' UXt 3HOKT tlmo loins on vacant lots. Selhy k Heed , 1.1 , of tr.ule , 085 lOMMEKCIAli and general short time paper bought ; nlso regular live-year loans made on Improve ! ) property , ( Jco. K. lllust.t Co , 'All Kamgo bldg. CM ORCONI ) mortgage loans. Second mortgages Obought. Loans on vacant lots. Keod ft Sclby. room 13 , llo.ird Trado. 007 MONEY to loan on any security for short time tit low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The Henderson .Mnrtgago Investment Com pany , room 40o , Pitxton block. fins WANTRD-l'Irst class Inside loans. Lowest rates. Cull nnd see us. Mutual Invest- mcntCo. , 1504 rarnam. WJ BEl'OKE negotiating a loin to Improve your real estate get terms from Tim Odell Investment Co .101 N. Y. Life hldg. , Thos. S. lloyd , representative. BID RASTRKN MONEY CHEAP Mortgige and Trust Co. , always ready to loan and piy promptly ; llrst mortgages winitcd George \ \ P.Coates. lopro- senlatlvc , room 7 , Ho ird ' 11 ule. till 171ASTRKN money to loin on city property ; JL-iniortgagop.iporbought U. It. Irey.N.Y.Llfo OU LOANS made on any nvnllablo security. Central Investment Co , Koom S3 , Chamber of Commerce. 011 MONRY to loin on long or short time ; county warrants bought. Star Land St. Loan Co. , 1GOU4 rarnam Ht. IO ) j 23 MONRY to .loan In any amount from $10 to $10,000 for any time from one to slv months. Loans made on household goods , pianos. Horses , mules , wagons , houses , leases ) , etc. , In fact on any available security in any amount at tlio lowest possible rates without removal of property. Payments can bo made nt any time reducing both principal and interest You pay interest only for the time you use the money. If you owe a balance on your property 1 will take It up ana carry it for you. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. No removal. Lowest rates. 11.1' . Masters , Itoom 4 Wlthnell block , 13th und Ilarney bts. .0) 5 PRK cent money to loin on real estate se curity. Loins can be paid otT In Install ments. Jno.V. . Kobbins , aWN. Y. Life bldg. I OANS v\anted on productive Omah.i real estate J and 5 years' time , optional pay ments , favorable terms and rates. Klmball , Urtmp ft Kyan , 1000J1B IJO'i rnrnam st. CHATTEL loins , K. ID blk. . 13 ft Douglas ; business confidential. II. J. Hallj /10LLATRKAL bank. III. ' N ) Kith st , room 5 , Vy'Uhamber of Commute loins money oil commercial paper and all nillcles of value. Also on horses , cattle , fnrnltiiro and other chattel property without , at lowest rates of interest. All business strictly eontl- dential. Of.f J15 "A fONgY to loin , ft years on e isy terms on 00 J-'l-pertenton good ctmsei vatlve valuations , anywhere In the eltv limits of Omah i. at 41d bhtcley bldg.,15th and Howard sts. bam'lTato. IHM JIG MONRY to lonn on city property ; money on hind and no delajs. liatts , biultli ft Co. , lOtli and I' sts. U1H14 SII011TIIANU ANU TYl'KWJtlTING. "V\fANTRD Educated young ladles and genT - T T tlementto learn shorth ind.ind typewrit ing ; good s il.lrles ; students assisted to posi tions btandiid Shoith Hid lluslncss College. I'lank R. Hell , Instiuctor ( ) ll SECOND HAND-Calgiaphs , Hammond and Komlngtons. John1 II. ( rnes Co Letter Tiles and olllco sijocl ijtlis , K.ungo bldg. fill ! LEIL Clayton , clilrvojant and magnetio hc.iler , can by her wonderful will power giant any request. 003 & lOlh st. up-stalis. 7711-0 * DK. NANNIE V. WAKKRN , clairvoyant , medical and business medium. 1'emalo dis eases a specialty. 119 N. 10th st. , rooms 2 and J. 015 AKRIVALoMraoidlnary of Mis. Dr. Rddy , the dlbtinguished , world-famed and only real natural trance elalivoynnt and spirit medium In this country ; seventh daughtei of the seventh daughter , bom with \ell and giontost prophet le gift of second sight. While entianccd vull leveal every hidden invstery In life. Has long been pioiiounced in Riiroiio and America the gientost living wonder of tnu present age. L'ndt islands the science of the Peislun and Hindoo magic , " or ancient chirm woiking , and prepues Rgyptlan talis mans which will oveicomo your enemies , removes family tumbles , icstores lost anectlons , makes mnirlago with the one \ou love no fiiluru , removes evil In fluences bid habits , cuios witchery , ( Its , and all long standing and mysterious diseases ; will give correct Infoimatlon on law suits , sickness , death , dlvoice.ahciit ; friends ; eveijthlng ; never-falling advice to young men on m irilnge and how to choose a wife for happiness and what business best adapted for speedy i Iches block spotulatlon a specialty. Also gives Indispensthlu adviio to joung Indies on lov c , com tshlp and m irrlage , and If your lover Is true 01 fulsr , and gives plctuie of futuiu hush mil , with name , age and date of marilngc. Hours , Da m. to (1 ( p. m , utilct. N. li. I'or the benollt of those who .110 unable to call upon Mrs Dr. Rddy , she would lespcet- fully annoiinci ) that she giveperfectsitlsfac tion by letter. Yourentlie life will Iwwiltten In % and plain manner. Letters with stamps promptly answeied. Send for large Illustrated clieulai with special teims. Mrs. Di. Lddy , ffit N. 15th. 7117 0 * I5KO1' . ijoreo , the renowned pnreuologist , medium and p ilmlst.who has been publicly tented and challenges the world In revealing mystotlLS , disperses jealousy , evil Influ ences , gives full names of present or fntuio husband or wife , also tells your faults and qualities , trade business or profession to make a success , .li' Ninth 1'ith ' up stalls. Con- bultntlon $1. Satisfaction given 01 no pay. ALL ch illangors accepted Mis. Dr. Hill of Now York City can bo consulted at her parlors at , C2 North llth st. , on all affairs of life , being a celebrated busltuss elilivoyiint , astiologlst and pilmlst. who has a reputation tluoughout the world for acciimto and truth ful leadings of the p ist , pieseut and futuio through her wonderful K > ptlin magic mir ror ; icmoves all evil liillucnces ami family es- Iriiiu'emonts ; unites the sepirated ; causes speedy marriages ; brings success to the un successful and tell when to make prolltiblo In vestments ; consultation fiom tl to $ , ' ; also tells full name and shows picture of the one jou will muiry ; Mis , Hill has been consulted nv the most successful business men and Indies of New York , Iloston and Chicago. Hours strictly from 11 a m tos > . m r > , ll7 | * MADAME Deljlor , the massage amtmagnet- Ist , IH no old LOiisumptlvi ) cliiomo , Dut voung , hcalty and % li-viius. Parlors ovei Oil ) H. JJtfi. 51.1 jfe * IIUSINHSS OIIANOKS. rpo PKINl'RKS A bnig.iln in a pajlng -L newxpapci and Job olllco 'in eastern Ne- bi.iska town of 2,500 Inlmblt ints. Paitlculars , lirlco and terms to those who me in business and have a few hundreiUlollars cash to Invest. Address U a. > . caio lit o S25-7 * CIO AH store , IIist-classi Invoice about 11,000 ; iilho the best short > ) jder house In theclt ) . Pi Ice , $ . ' , . ' 00. doing an Inimcnso business. Co operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st | ! ' tas \ _ _ OK SALR or TradisvConfeetionery and Ice cream p irlor , good i ( 'atlon and buslnes , a good lay for the right rrirty. Addiess O2H , llee , 7H')5 ' ) > _ _ AT A bargain , first rlJus restaurant ; reason for ( -elllng death lifjfamlly | ; paying place ; mlttf at. _ fsj-a * IT OK KENT or sale i'i'flrst ' ' class creamery In . good ajrleiiltunil dlsti let Plenty of Oleum c. in lie hud. Address J. P. Kemdmw , blerllng , Neb. _ WJ-JJ1) ' 1T10K SALR or I'or Kent-Onoof the best llxed -L up hoaidlng houses In boulli Omaha , lu most desirable location Apply toll H. Kavtin , 27th st , nuur Exchange crossing , bouth Omahu. 114 Jill * bALE Half Interest in my retail griKtiry Uuslncss to it good rell iblo man , capable of managing thu hiime. 'I h only ex- clnsivo cash grocery liouso in Omaha. Es- abllshed 5 yuaw ago by lil , N. llrown , the 0. O. D . V2 North loth st. 7 WANTED Yuung man.strlctly sober , must have } JX ) , to take interest In biiBlnuss ; with no competition ; money lu It. Call room J , b07 How aril street. fe.u" pOMMISSION business for sale , fixtures , V.'horstMind wagon , will involcu to suit pur- chnsiriM.V ! ) 10 1500. rirst-cluis locution. Ad- .3) lleo. an 1J1OK HALR-Klne. erttiihlUlii'd cigar und news JU1 business. Host location iu thtr Hy Ad dress box O , COS postotlltfu , 480 0 rn room family hotel , elegantly furnlshetl 87 bo-ifilcrsof the host people In the elty. Kent W per month ; Incotno tl.'M to H.rtu ) . Price J.s.OOO ; carpets alone coit KI.WO ; has Ui bo scon to bo appreciated. Co-opcratlvo Land and Lot Co. gas No. ICtli < t. S0 < 5 KOU liXCHAXOR. OT In Lincoln , Neb. , for stock merchandise ddressVm. . Kowordluk , Hlukmuti , Neb , 1XJ.IJM KENTt'CKYJaclftotradn for land , lots or merchandise. Address G 31 , llceofllro. rnitlKrVneroi 3 miles from Council HlulTs JL to trade , vvnnted to buy u jersey cow. Ar nold i Wenstnnlev. 5.15 1'axtoii blk. 751-5 I71OK EXOHANOl : CJood 330 ncro farm Jti X1 Hnrlan county , well stocked , for Omaha residence ; feed mill In Inrgo growing town , this stiittn some pedigreed cnttlo nnd thor- oughbretl horses. Doano ft t'arrotte , nniiu 17 , Hoard Trade. tlH-Jd rno EXCIIAVOEMy resldenco nt York , JL Neb. , consisting of n H-rtM > m brick house nud I'i acres of ground , : t blocks from the pub lic siiuaro for Improved propcctvln Omnlm , Chicago , or Denver , or an Improved farm , Omaha property preferred. York has n pop- ulitlonof over S.iiOO , with thrco ft M. , C. ft N W nnd 1C. C. ft O. . and Is n thriv ing prosperous place. MM Knto Harrison , York. Neb 795 T71AKM and city property for sale or ox- JL1 change for any kind of merchandise or chattcKhorscs ami cattle ; would particularly like to tr ido for steers. Willis Cad well , Itrokcn How. Neb. KiUJ'-M * "T71OK E.VCHNOEOood farms , elty proper- Jty ami wild lands In Neb.and Iowa forgood gen'l m'd'so ; property clear , title perfect. Ad dress Lock Ilo1'remonl ' , Nob. DOS TWILL tixido a good clear lot In So. Omalri for piano or horse and buggy. Address O I lice ofllco : W FOH SAM2ItKAfj KSTATIJ. " ! VfE\\ opera house on Harnoy st. Next will -L > be new hotel and business blocks Ilcst grade on llnrney from Uth to 20th street of nny eist ami west business street In the city. \\eh.ivetwolotshetwienl7thand lUth that wucan sell at price that Is sum to make ] > ui- chaser big money. We also have pioperty In the vicinity of now opera liouso that will double In value In next live years. M. A. Upton Co. , solo agents. 8.G-0. TTIOK SALE PilcclCOO , one quarter cash. JL1 New I room cottage and lot. 417 Center sticet , half mlle from IT. P depot. I'lno loca tion. This must be sold , as owner Is leaving for old country , btrlnger & Penny , Douglas block , 10th and Dodgo. 7b. . "TT1OK SALE or Rxchnnge Hiislncss corner JL ? on p ivud st Lot iu Walnut Hill , lloautlfiil resldenco site In west patt of elty , It ! foot square , enst front , clear , pait trade nn tills. Inquire 722 N. Y. Life bulhllng. 738 < ! * FOK SALR On monthly piyments. will Imlld you a tie it four , live or si\ room house on corner lot in Wise ft Parmalee's addition to sultpuichasor. Oco. J. Paul , 1000 rarnam st. CM T710KSALR A duo new ri-room cottage near JL1 electric car line on N 27th st. Will take as part of cash p lyinent a good horse or horse and nhacton. P. 1504 Tainani st. 500 1J1OK SALRrurnlshed Hat of 7 rooms at No JL1 nil bo. idtlist. . Hat A , Her blk. Terms ica- son ihle. 7d7 12 * 6TTAGR homes In most any addition for sale at fiom $1,000 up. on easy monthly p ly- mciits. 1' . K. 1) ) tiling , 41 Itarker block. Oil ) A SMALL payment down and $15 per month will buy a 4-ioom house nnd lot on Kith. 2 blocks fiom motor ; llrst-class chance to ae- qulie a home on easy teims. Apply to H R. Cole , Continental block. TiU'i PT-KOOM cottages , ? lriflO eich. $100 cash down , Jb.llanco fl" > per month. Thos. 1' . Hall , Jll Pa\tou block. f > sl \\7 AICE up and buy a home on monthly p ly- TT meiits. Choice of seven dlirerent houses , south fronts on r.irnam st , Rmy convenience , including fiiinace and gas. Plius can he seen al my olllco. Call lu. i ) . V. Sholes Co , 211 ibt National bank. &I5 T INCOLN Plaeo nnd Carthage lots , price XJfl.OOO. ! f.r > 0 down , b ilanco * n monthly. W. L. feelby , loom 11 , board of tiade. 017 FOK SALR Very cheap , no trade , faun of 511 7ti acres , we. r > , U , N. ( I W. , Hamilton county , Neh , 2 miles from Maniuetto ; small house , stable , .MJ acicsof pistuie fenced , liv ing water ; pilco only $10 per acre , $5H7.0d. Teims. $2.200 cish , bal inco fi per cent Interest , I' . 1C. Atkins , ovvner.rallioadoullding , Denver , Colo. t > 18 _ -ryALTGH&.Westernoldreal estate , S.Omiha. FOK SALR $200 cash buys a fine house and full lot in linker Place ; only one bloek from Clifton Hill , with oncumbr ince of ID'xi , p u able $ . ' quarterly. Inmilro of R G. Mei rill. Walnut avo. . Walnut Hill. _ 707-U * ASPROIAL bargain for a few days lu a splendid residence pioperty ; close in. 10,000 act cs line western lauds , all carefully selected , some of It Improved. Tine business ptopcrty on Douglas st. Very low prlco for cash. Doane & Pan otto , room 17 , Hoard of Trade. 011-0 O KOOM house and lot , 21 feet front , $ HOO.only ? $ . " ) ( ) cash and balance monthly on terms to sui r. D. D bmo.iton , lltfl' Taunim st. : fVJ' FOK SALR A homo on monthly payments. AnlcoS-room house , $25 jior month , Ji.OOO , llrst jiaj inont as arranged. A pretty cottage , 5 looms finished , upstairs for as m.inymoie. lotr > 0\lJO , $ . ' ,010 , $ r > per month , sm ill payment down. A bimllui cottngc. lot lOflxbO , JJ.200 , $15 pe . peNu A. Kuhn , druggist , 15th and Douglas. KVI JJO FOK SALR or Trade-My rcsldoncn on So. 2th ! ) St. , near Park school , liouso of seven rooms with bath room , water closet , hot and cold water , all In good repair ; will sell foreash very cheap or will take vacant lot on West li'ainam st. as pirt payment. I'or particulars addrcssE 20m o . 1 FOK HAIjE llrlcU warehouse , 2 stories and basement , 100x1)0 ) ft. with lot 100x15. ! ft. ; to double tiack on soutliSUlh and 1'loreo sts. Ad dress Oskamp A. Halnos , Omaha , Nob. 053 'VTEW 8-room house , near motor line ; wilj -L > soil cheap and on small monthly payments. Cull quick It you want a bargain. J. J. Wllklu- hon. ( il8 I'nxton blk. 12U T71OK bALR Quick , business lot. Improved , JL1 only r , hlocks from courthouse , Jl'i ) per foot. J. mini. H18b. llth st. WOM "IJ1OK SALR 8,003 acies best farming land In JL1 Nclunska at u gient Hicrllke. Imiulru 018 bouth IJth st. (3co. H. Peterson , ownci. _ 171 t IH 'Jo KcndnrB nnd C.ittlo Alun. On and after the Sflth lust , wo will have for silo font tlious'ind or moro good , high grade , one , two and three year old Utah feeders that wo ean fuinlsh at the Union btouk Yards , Hoiith Omaha ; or If dcslied. we can in range to snll these cattle at Ninth Platte or Hastings , Neb. Parties wanting anything In this line , will please correspond with us Gi'o. UUUKK& KitA/ , bouth Omaha.Nob. Notice. The York flutter and Cheese Co. will sell thelrpioperty at York , Neb. , at auetlon. to the highest bidder , for cash , on the 17th day of June , at 2'w : p. m. This pioperty H anew and well equipped butter and cheese factory. containing separator and eveiythlng neidcd fora fit st-class plant , and Is a nuo ch.inco for any peison orcompany In this business. Said sale to take place at the factory at York , Nob. Hy order of Hoard of Directors. jfd2Ult 1' . A. lllli\M i.i , , Secretary. Attention , ContrnotnrH. Illds anted at once on foundation for opera house , at Kearney , Neb. SI/o ; of building 7" * ) feet ; live htorleu high. Plans and specifications roidy. Come at once 01 mldtnss KKAIINKV Oi-hitA HOUSK Co. . JOdSt Kearney , Neb To XoOrnslfiv Oattlo FoedcrH. Wo will have for silo In transit nt North Pintle. Neb , on Monday and Tuesday , Juno B and U , about 1,500 head of one , two and thrue- j ear-old I'tah feeding stcors Wo will dellv er those cattle ntany point on the main line of the Union Par I Ilo railroad between North Platte and Omaha and glvo the IHIJOI n tate of f 10 per oar to Omaha when fattened lluy- ers wishing to take advantage of this i.ito .nust meet those cattle ut North Platte and make purchases there Ol.OIIOK III UIU ; & . 1'llA/IKH , TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT' EXCHANGE- FOR SALE- JOS.P.MEOEATH , OR MEM ONLY ! - . . .TOODi oer l nd MEBVOUB DEBltlTV , WetkimiorBodyandHlBd , KStcii Uul H , H > UB1 TMMo w& 'iJWivjSya ib.tUI.I. HOIK I. d.i Mllfr lnm i to DltUi .o4 I'.r.l Coutrlu. IfriU Ui . C MrtfUi _ : , y > U Uoq d prMf. oi.luj l..iHdlfr . Uiiiu CRIB MEDICAL CO. , OUrrALOiN. Y. TIIK UHAIiTY a TNSTKU.AIKNTd placed * on record durfnjT JL ytvstordiiv : Omnlm nnd 1'loroneo lonn nud trust coiupiiuy to VO I.nntrr. lot H , till ; l , lots 11 nnd U blk 100. 1'loronco. w d . . ) l Nathan I.iuanis ami wlfo to .Tamos I'nnicruti , lot 31 , blk I , Hoffman Ter ra ce , w d jjo Mary tlundcrson nnd husband to Atisust Wnllonberger , lot S , blk 41. 1'lorence , wd . . . jo ; W 1C Wlldrlng nnd wife to John Soli roe- tier , lot 14 , blk 1. Sheridan I'liice , w d . 1.S50 II A Snow to LUIIe Mnvert , lot 21) ) , blk 2 , Cotncr Ac Archer's add , w d . . . GOO Union stool ; j arils company to H 1) Ulb- ney. lots 0 and 10 , blk 4 , second ndd to PNmthOmnhtt , v d 1,200 J T lo ) > d , Bherlir.toJ 11 Mlllard , trustee , n 4 of < < m feet , lots R nnd 0 , blk 10 , I'.itflok'u second ndd , deetl COO Nels Iari < im to Units 1.arson , lot ill , Oak Hlllndd.wd . . MO Alfred Olson to Samuel Ivaiifmnn , lots 17 and is , blk 13 , West Albright mid , wd . 2,000 J li" lloyd. sheriff , lo W 0 Matthosou , lot 5 , blkl ) . riillnmiirinct'.deed 110 JS.Matthews and wlfo to I' B Morrell. lots 2.1 und 21. blk 111 ! , Dundee I'lacc , wd S.750 N A Kuhn and wlfoMn KV Johnson , lot II. hlk' ' , Crelghton Hehrhts , w d. . . 750 W SI Harris and wife lo M I' Keys , Ion 11 nnd 1. , blk 1) ) , Bedford Place , w d . . 1,000 1'eter Minister to John Minister , s li ne 1- 11-10. w d . . 2fi50 CO Hansel nnd wlfo to Clark Unpeii , vv 2:1 : ft lot II. Hansel's suli. w d . 6,000 Martin Cnhn nnd wlfo to Clurles Wns- mer , undivided 'i Interest In p ut lot.s 2 and .1 , blk 33 , \ \ vat Omaha , w d 5,000 Sixteen transfer ? } 21.310 RHILWRYTIMEGRRD Umnhn | Depot llltli nnil Mn Oiimlm Jur depot , loili nnd Mnrcy S ° ti I biunlm Icnves MISSOUIU 1'ACIPir I Arrives _ 110 | > ot 15tli nnrt Wubntur Ht < | Omnlm 10 H/n ni StT ouls A K C' KxTmv < TTll p in 1)11 ) ji nil bt Ionls .VJC C l.xproan [ li a ) u in UNION IVVCHi'lU-SUIIUUIIAN THA NS Thnno tnilns nmo xtop nt Htli , ITtli , JOth nnil 21th stri'OtH , Hiiininlt nnil favldgo Crossing.VorklMK - uien's trains ilo not run huinlnv. Irfjnvea IC'IllCStiO A.NOUTHWiSTKIlN : I Arrives Trim 11 fur I Union Depot , Inn lull lllnllH I'fraii i for T)40 ) a ml ITT Chlcniiu nxpreiiT . . . . I ( ill ) plii ndOpni . VuHtllmlo l.linllutl . < ) 10 n in 1000 p Ji . , Hiistom Hyor . 200 pin _ 800 I' niL . Atlantic Mnll _ | 7 ) nm _ * "Li'avui | CliniAlorMrL A" STn CUr I Arrlvus 'Irnimfiir | I'nliin Diniot. Cinnu'll 11 lmr [ Trn nnf er 1) ) W n in ChkaKO Mull ( oxtept Hululny ) II U ) p 111 ChlcnKO liiruii ! | 10 00 p m riilcuo Kjprnii IT Trnnier | Union Depot. Council Ulnff 1007 i , in I Cltr Dtiy llxprctiri lU25p ml KIUIKIIH City Nl r nves | 'uMAIfAASr lUlH. ) Trnmferl Union DepulCouncll _ lIluirH , 6 It ) p in I St I.iiuTi ( TniumTlall. 'Irimsferl UiitonIepot _ , Council llliiHa. 041) n in . ChlcitKii i : priiHn . . . 10U ) p m . . ChltHKO HviireHH , 7 JO ji iu t ri'ston Irfjonl t 11 < \ i I'A ( I Trunsferl Union Dupot , Ciiuiull llluirrt 7 45 n ni Sioux City ALOoiniiioiliitton b .10 p 111 St I'll ill KvpnsH 1I1SSOU1U 1'ACIHU UU1IUK1IAM That Waterloo Itallrooin. The approachiiif , ' seventy-fifth nnnl- vorsury of the buttle of Waterloo will ouco moro rovlvo the intoruHt awiilconoil two yours u o by Sir William Friibor in the upper Btory of thu now doHortod hrowory in the Kuo do lu Jiliiiii'hlhsorio , I3russola , which was bcjond u doubt the scone of the duclifss of Hleliniond'H his toric "rovolry by night , " buys the Lon don World. The room is vorylur o , hut the routfh bourns supported by u , inw of six wooden pillar * in thu center IMH be easily touched by the liund. The rubbish hud been eloiued uwiiy , and one eun clourly 800 the traces of the temporary nassaffo by which the duchess ronneelo'd her improvihcd ballroom with her druw- liiffroom In the houbo , now occupied by tho-SiMiiri hospitiilieres in tlio Uuo des C'onores. M. Viuigindoriichtor , who suc- eoedod Sihinon , the coach IniiUlor ut No. 10 , Is dead , and next month tlio building la to bo brought to the hummer , the upset - sot price being 102,000 francs. J lib widow , acomoly Flomluh matron , such as.Incquos Tordaous would luivo loved to' niilnt , Is Inconsolable , for over Hinco Sir William L-'rasor's discovery aho has boon honored with many visitor * and and has Ktnrtud in autograph album. She fondly hopes , lie ballroom will find a purchaser among the duchess of Richmond's compatriots. Tic'Unts ut lowest rules und miperloi1 iccommod itiuns via thn greut Huck Is land route. TltMtjt olllco , KiO'J biv teonth and i'Vrnaui utrotts , Oirmlui. nu ICHPT A A Dootor'd Olinstly Uollo Vlslteil I/ ) tlio Kntlior or the Demi. "Rvory family IH supposed to have n flkoloton in ito closet , " remarked Dr. Wheeler of Wichita , Kan , , to u party of friends roccnlly , says the I'hlladolphliv Telegraph. "I hud one In my closet until this \\eek , when t shipped it to the Michigan state university. 1 don't want to see it again. "It happened like this : Mnnv years ago , when 1 began the practice of medi cine in a small Missouri town , thu Jesse James boys paid us n visit. They raided the bank and got away with $ (1,000 ( , bul firing was pretty general on both sldu-i. I had a revolvou , and during the general excitement I shot one of the robbers. Ho was dead when wo picked him up. "A finer specimen of physical manhooil I never have seen. The native * in the little Missouri village made no objection when I claimed the youth's skeleton an my prle. "Lust week , ono rainy night about U o'clock , a genuine old-fashioned fron tiersman came to my olllce. ] lo asked my name , then inquired if I had tv skele ton In my closet. Ilia faeo was bearded and sunburnt , but there was something about him that made me think of the young man I had killed many years be fore. I was alone In the oillco and E didn't like the color of the visitor's e.\o. However , I answered the question in the ufilrmati\o. " 'Lot mo KOO the skeleton ? ' s.ild my queer visitor. "It would scarcely do to refuse I walked to the rear of the oOIeevhero there was a small table out of sight of my visitor. I drew out from the desk u rcnolver , the bitmo ono that had ended. the cat cor tit the youthful bandit j ears before. Holding it in my hand I slopped to the closet , threw open the door , and remarked with as much coolness as I could command by foice of will : " 'There is the skeleton:1 : " 'Put up your revolver , ' remarked the stranger. H won t hurt you. li I nail wanted to shoot jou I would luuo killed you when I came Into the olllco. I huvo just been down in Oklahoma and am on my way back to Tennessee. I heard the story of your killing ono of the gang , and as near as I e.m make out it was my boy that was killed , lie ran awaj from home when only twelve joars old , and E never him 'after that. 1 don't hold any grudge against you. You did what was right , 1 suppose , Hut I thought E would take this chance to see what is left of the poor boy. ' "I then showed the stranger the skeleton ton , which was handsomely mountednnd described the r.iid its briefly und us gently us possibly. The old pioneer's only re- murk us he ga/eil upon all that was loft of his boy was : 'Well , he was u big fel low , wasn't he1' ; " TKIVO JVresmniCH liy Wire. Said u Maine tolegi.iph operator to ti reporter far thoLovuston Journal the other day : "You wouldn't think thut spoony lovers would resort lo such pub lic means of correspondence as the telegraph - graph for the transmission of their bvveot httlo messages of love and devotion , would jou:1 : They do , jiibt the same. "Very often u certain young man iu this place , if he does not rogulurlj 10- ceho u letter from the future Kouiee ot his joy and happiness , rushes here with a crestfallen countenance and lilob a mesb.igo like this : tfc _ _ _ " 'My dear , why did you not answer last letter:1 : Yours , devotedly , "Perhaps j-on don't believe such a. message us this was sent , but E would showbomoof them to you if it wasn't against the rules. "Wo fellows on the wire enjoyed qnito nn amusing incident not very long ago in which Sophia sort of gave uvv.ij John's brilliant bchemo of popping the question by wire. We biirmised thut this br.ico of follj''s victims hud been conducting a. cortespondenco for some time , which the artful John culminated with the follow ing disp.itoh , which wui evidently in tended to draw forth an answer to an entirely dilToront question : " 'SorniA : Did you receive mj' lottorl JOHN. ' "Sophia , in her ecstatic delight , evi- dontlj- understood the query in a dif ferent bonso fiom thut which tlio oidi- dinury leader of the epistle would , and with joy and exultation depicted in overj' lincuinent of her countenance , she proceeded to the telegrapher's bunctum ind left the following to ho forwarded to . the llowor of her ulTeotions : " 'JOHN : Yes. Howubout next Christ mas ? "Son I A. ' "This gave the thing dead uwuy and Tohn was much chagrined when ho re ceived it. It accomplished its purpose , nevertheless , and now the couple are soaring in the rapturous realms of bliss. " Oil , If I only had her complexion I Why , It is easily obtained. Use l'o/7oni's Complexion Powder. GIIIIH VN. Armor Again. Another content between armor and gun took plaeo on board the Nettle , tar get ship , ut Portsmouth j'oslerduy morn ing , in which ( says-the 'Tunes ) Messrs. Cammoll & Co. of Sliolllold moro than : nuintuined their hitrh prestige us munu- 'actururs of compound or steel faced ar mor plates for tlio protection of hliips of war. Tlio plato in this instance meas ured 8 feet by 0 foot und weighed IOJ .ant , Buys the St. James Cl.i/etto. Its , otal thickness of steel nid it on com bined WITH 10J inches , and us it WUH tired it by the six-inch brooch-louder with full charges at a close tango of thirty foot the result was supposed to repre sent , according to admiralty formula , what would bo Its behavior under the impact of heavy ordnance at long i'lingo. The plato was ut- Lacked with a couple of Pulisoi1 chilled shells and three hard stool Holt- 7er projectiles , each of the rounds hay ng \olooity of 12,000 foot. The anglen of tlio armor were llrst iiHsailed , and if tor it had been thus Uiotoughh tested a fifth round with u steel shot was di rected at the center. The chilled pro jectiles \\oro reduced to little moio than dust by collision with tlio steel face , while the Froncli projectiles sidorablj splintered , the heads ing embedded in the plate. At the fifth round , which was fired after the target iiad he.itcd and undergone boinu amount of degeneration in fibre , the piojeetllo touched the bucking. A few erucksworo [ iioduced , but it WIIH evident thut undoiJ tiio described test the ciew of the shii ) would luuo been protected against blioU fire , Dr. Hirneypiaotico limited to catarrh- ul dlbctibcs of nose und throat. Boo bldg. I'Yom ( lieTemple ol' Diana. The British museum bus now on ox- libition for the llrst time part of a pillar .hat has boon placed togolllur from , ho fragments of thn older temple ot Diunii at Kphosus. This was thu torn- lie which was burned down In the night m which Alexander the Great was born. [ t was built In the sixth century bofora Christ , and the giout interest of thn pillar exhibited is that it consists of lagmonls of thoseUof pillars which Jrtusiis , king of Lydiu , presented at the wilding of the temple. Thu btuo * still loui'H part of the inscription , "CrooBUS the king dcdtciiUd me" Hound thu Iruin of the pi I lur were figures curvoil in rinkstjlo , of which two , a. man and a , u vorj giulisquo cOuple , ullll