THJfl QJVIAIIA DAII jY UEE , FKIDAY , JUNE G , 1800. Til 10 DAILY BBJi E , ROSEWATER , Editor. ITIIMSHKI ) KVKUY A1OHN1NC or Jlnlly nml Hii'iduy , OIIQ Yt'iir 110 I HI * month * Til TliiiTtiitililb" 21 Hiiwlny llor. t m > Vi-nr Wcokiy Ili't > , Onu ttinr i : OITJUM.J rjiriAlin.Tlir * lice Ililllillnu. H Minttbn. Corner N rind Mill Hlroat" , ( < nn II IHulK ! ' - ' I'cnrl Sltc , . | . < lilciik'iitlllli'e , HI * Obiiiiibcrnf CotnfinTCi * . Now Vork.ltoonixl I , Iliniil r > Trllinriu Iliilldln ; WiiNlilnxlon , 31.1 ronrti'i'iilli htroiil , AM rotmiiunli'atliiin ri'lutlnif to nnvr * nn Mlllnrliil I Hitler should I'U nddri'isc'd to ti ) I.dlturlnl Di'pnrlmriit. iir.HiNr.Hrf Mrrmts. All biiliii" Ic'tliTt ami ri'inlttnnri'fi about lie ntlilrr " nl in Tim Hen I'nIilNliliiz ( 'omp-uij ( luiiilin llniftn. chiTki mid | MHI.JI'II | | | uriloi to ln > Hindu payable to HID uidur uf thu Com liniiy. Tlic Bcc Publishing Company , Proprietors TinHi P Ifldlri' ' . I'nnmrii nritl Sevcnti'iifilli fit- HWOIlV HTATKMKM1 Ol' UIItUIJI < ATIo : Mnli ft IS'itlirnikll. I. . , . * ' IViunly nf mip. , , . rtiorcc II. T/Hi'liui-k , HOiT.Mnry of Tim He I'uiil lilntf Ciiiiiii.-inv. doc * coli'iiinly Unit Hieni'liialelrfMiliitlotiof TIIK HAIM UK fin ilin wcuk .May ill , IM , was in fol town Kiiiiilnv. 'I iti-ifliiy , Mmr',7 Wr.din-wliiy. Muy M I ii H ndii v. Mmi H' ' . 17" . MnyiB. . . jli/.l HuliiiiJuv. Mny at 1Xj ! ) -O. I : s. to rfnro mo and Rubti'rlbed to In in ; . . A. I ) . IH'K ) . I r. si m ti ibis ! ) ht day of Mny. iwiii. ) N. i' . ri'.ir , . ' hotiity I'ubllc. Hlnlf'of NobrmUn , ) „ Cniuilv of Itoniclni f " ' f.inicc 11. T/ii'liiirk , bi'lnjf dnlv NiYoni , dp tirsiiMind imyH tliat tin H wcrplnry of Tin I'ubllHliliiK Company , Ilinl llio ( m > ni'i'duju Hi dilation of Tin ; lUlM'lHT fn tl r in. mill of .Mini' , IWi'lMIS IH.ViSi-oiilcsi fo Julv If1" ' , JSTHi'oploi ! for AiiciiHf , INIH.Ci ) rr.pli , f l Si iiti'inliiT , IW ( ! ) . 1H.7IO enpli'S ! fn O. liilii-i. ihVi , If.MITc'opli's ; f r Novrinlii'r , IWI lll..i | ' ropli's ; fol DiiPi'lilbur. I WO , aid 10 copies f.n .Piiniiiiv , llUWiriipIcf ' , for I'tibrtwry nMi , 1'i.TOI i-opli'i ; for March , IM ( ) . Sn.ftl.l copies fni AprlJ.lh'O ' , .1)WI ) copies ; for M.iy IMM , iW.lN OronnK U. T/RcntiCK. Swnin InliPforn inn mill mibwilbuil In inj IJH i iii-u tlilrf.ilHt d.iy of Mn > . A. I ) . . I W. 1-iMl.l N. I' . I'lill. . Notary I'ubllc. SINMI.I : coi'Y VOSTAW : HATCH. * -P"P''pippr . I * . H. I cniit 1'orulK'i S cprilf 1 ? p iX" jmjiiT . " 1 rent " t ! rent ) I'l-piixn ' jrijii'f . ' ! ! runli " ! ! cuiib - papi-r " ' 'Ici'tiU- c juprr 4 < 'PHt > /i AAi'i'UM. . roit : 'I'lic follov/liiy tulcyniiii WIIB rcuulved lu-t nielli : Yniii. , N'ol ) , Juno n.-To tlio Killtor of Tin : Ji ! i \Vo , tlio tfonor.ll aid ami suliritinKcoin inittc for llio ci'i'lonc siilTi'i'i-fs of ItiMilshnw , isi'li , lioroliy appoint yon nn asrunt lo receive oiiitiihuUoiiH for the aid of sneli sufferers and i < 'jnesl that yon adopt miuh pi. in as yon in.iy hee proiior to ralso such ainonntn of nionoy as j on < nn for tlicso Htfielfon people ntnl kindly hend ttiosainpto N. M. KtTKiisoa , f.islilisr No- br.uslca Nntlonnl bank , York , who Is treiistaei yf thu roller nnd aid .society. \V. 1C. WII.MAMS Mayor City of York , EDWAIID Iti'ins , ( 'onnty .Indue , N. P. Il'Mir.AN , County ' 1'ieasnrcr. Tin : UIK : cliccrfully rdspoiiiN to tiio mil finfolief of HID cltiyi'iis of York county , wlio Iiuvo been ovort-ikoa by nn iipiiiilllntr eiilimilly. It invokoH jironipt iiiul llbornl Hid from uvury limn mill woiuiin bciirt tbrobs in K\niitiy | ! ! with llto HtricK-un sulTururu lit coH in any ninount Hcnt , to this olllco will bo lU'lcnowkMltfcd thrnii h our columiiH from day to iluy. I'tirlius who tli'Hir < > to forward tholr inom-y directly to the i-iihof coininlttuo ut York will doiibtloHs I'uuutvuuulcnowludfriiiuiits from HH olllci'is. Tin : HII : : PubliHhlii coinpany will bund its own litst with Ilftv dollniu ] ! i : kind to thu unumurntor. Ilia road la n rocky ono. Tin : iirmy cnntodu will coiilinuu bnsl- IIUHH at tlio old Htnnd. HotH n lively | ) iico for thu re publican Hiatus of tlio union. ANOTHIIU coiigrofesloiml Heat Hccurcd by houlbitrn hiillot lox fruud 'has buun awarded itH rightful ( iwiior. Tin : ropubliean party of Nebraska leudH tlio opposition In culling the Htato conviiiitlon and will continuo in tlio luad till Novoinbor. Tin * : loltory horponthasiiotbeon killed in North Dakota. Tlio laninnlalionHovor thu defeat of the moaniiro Indicate that the boodle element will bring It to the fiont ncain and will not seruplo to do- baui'b thu Htatu to carry It through. id.AliiV monlal vaunlty blooms in n new npot. Having talkud to death liin cdnc-atlonal Hcliemo , ho pro- jiOhi-H to coinpetu witfi two per contStan- ford by establirthlng fodural emiiloymont tlifoughoiit the country. Tine bureau of animal lnduntry reports IhatdiHoased hoof Is bolng palinocl elTon the Now Yorkui-H for the healthy artlolo. The alleged discovery la important. It IndUaleri that llio occupanlH of the bureau occasionally attenit ] to render homo wervlco for their "HOVUII dollars a day and expenses. " KTiir.dtiterinlnatlon of Attornoy-Gon- oral to retire to prlvato llfo vlll bo received with slncuro rogrut by the people of the statu whom ho has served faithfully and well. Although Ills olTorts to glvo llio produeors roliuf from corpor ate exactions have not luum HH successful as ho deslrod , lie baa nvulo a record of IKjrsislont struggling for the right. The people , who have slgnalixoil tholr approclatlon of his tldollty by giving him three terms IIB attonioygenoral , have not misplaced tholr conlldenco. Tin : llimnetal situation wliows no ma- torlal uhango. Money Is plentiful and tmnkurfl report colloctlons easy. HatoB uro Ih'iu at eight per cout'for prlmo mercantile - cantilo paper , and oxehango la In fair mipply. ( ioneral trade continues to show fair activity and merchants report coun try collections as fully uptolhoiivorago , and Bomo house * say ruinlttancca were holdom moro liberal at this suason. The Hugui' market is oxcltod , and an advance of llvo-elgliths of a cent per pound on Ijmnulatod has boon marked up within the woolt , with pronpocts that higher flgurou will bo reached , The butter market Is thoroughly dumoralhod and quotations arc the lowest niiulo for many yonrd. City trade is good , but collec tions In the city are uluvr. T1IH HTATU roAMV.VT/U.V In rcsponso it ) the very general c ] ( mand for an early convention the rupul llt-an Btnl comnilttco lias dlrcctod It chairman to IBHIIO a cull for n stat convention at Lincoln on Wednesday July i . This will enable county committee to glvo from thirty to forty ihiys' n < tlco lo the rank and tile of thu part for holding tliulr CIUKUISOprlntar , ( tcutiona and county convention' That will afford ample tlmo for the farn crs who rluttiro to make their iitlluonc felt In the nomination of the state tlcko to take an acllvu part in the prollmlnar work of the campaign. If they fall t avail themhclvcH of llio privilege an deliberately slny away from the cat ciifcitanil jirlmarics tlio rosponuibilil. for the HhortcomlngH of tlio Hlntu con vent Ion will bo with thorn. Tlio slalfe coinmilleo has abolished th obnoxious ufoxy Hyutoin which has in th P'ist boon tno source of corruption ant miHrcprcHcntation. It now remains fo republicans who desire to redeem th parly from corporate contVol and jiluc its machinery in the hands of men wliosi solr > aim shall bo to maintain the .su promaey of ropubliean principles to pu their shouljforri to the wln ol and res tor the party to popular confidoncu. TIII : I.A ii' wni , in : As was oxpoctcd , tbrj census lakers Ii portions of the country hnvo found tboi laslc a very dilll'iult one , and a few ol thfiii liavo found it also dangerous Tlio census bureau has boon advised o vlolcnco being mod in cases to' ward enumerators , and thcro doubtlcs i hnvo boon many liifllancos of this kind nol yet reported at Wimhlngton , while the refusals lo answer queslion- are already very numerous. Thus far llio people of the west appear to have shown very much more respuct for tin law and the men employed in executing it than have the people of the call , This 1:4 : explained by the fact that a great ni'iny eastern newspapers liuva porslHtontly given llio people thp ill judged advice not to answer certain rjuestloaiH , on the grouud that congress had no right to ask for such information , while on the oilier hand Iho loading western newspapers have counseled Iho poole ] against disregarding the law and urged that the representa tives of the government In thi.s work be given courteous and roipcclful treat ment. The constant tirades of certain p'islorn journals against the law , and their appeal to the proplc to resent its donninds , have had the and in- cvltablu olYuct , and the taking of the census in home curirtird has bet-omo a dangerous tusk , while the dilllculties at- ti-nding it have Iwen gro'itly increased. This in a sort of disloyalty which every good cili/on must condemn. It is the intention of thu superintend ent of the census to enforce tlio law , and it is announced that proceedings will bo instil uled at once against all porons who Jin vo rendered thumsulvcs liable to proscciitfon. Obviously this is the piopcr courao to pursue. It may im- | ) Oit ) a hereuli-an task upon the United Stales marshals and courts , but , if the law is allowed to bo violated with im punity the work of taking the cen sus may as well bo aban doned , for if it were once understood that tlio law would not be enforced the number of pursoiib dispoioil to disregard it would rapidly increase. There is really not a very general popular in terest in the work , ( t is doubtless true that 11 majority of the people look upon it as an altogether unnecensary and im pertinent proceeding , and could they b > > assured of hafety against punishment would refuse to have anything to do with it. it is to bo Vogrolled that this is so , because In order to obtain as nearly as possible an accurate and I rust worthy censuti the authorities must have the willing co-operation of Iho pee ple. Hut the fact that this hostile feel ing exists must bo recogni/.od , Indeed , Is rccogni/od , by the penal provision of tlio law , and the only way to deal with it Is hy a linn enforcement of the law , with the least possible delay. An example should promptly bo made of persons ivho refuse to answer questions , mil such as abuse or ill treat jiiumerators wbilo in the dis charge of their duty should bo sum marily dealt with. The census law went through the same coin-no as all other aws , with the advantage over most of Lliom of receiving the nearly unanimous vole of both branches of congress. It irovldes for an absolutely necessary work , so far as the enumeration of the [ lopulallon is conuerned. AH to some of Is demands , there may not bo count it u- .lonal authority for making them , but .his Is a question which cannot be deter- nlned by Tom , Dick and Harry , and mill it can be passed upon by the proper a-lhunal the plain duty of Iho census uilhorllios Is lo enforce the law and iromptly bring to punishment all who violate It. run IIINNHI > IX CAX.U , I'linjisrr. The action of the lioune of roprosonta- tvos in refusing to strikeout of the river UK ! harbor bill tlio appropriation of half i million dollars for beginning the con- itrucllon of a canal lo connect tlio Illinois mil Mississippi rivers , is a departure in Ivor and harbor legislation which may lot receive Iho approval of the suiiato. L'hero Is a const Itutional question In- , -olvod as to whether congress has .ho . authority to appropriate the inbllo money for the construction of mnals. This question was very fully llscussed in the house , and allhough llio icllon of that body must bo regarded an in expression of opinion Unit tliero Is no lonslltutlonal objection to legislation of liln character , il must bo confessed that , ho arguments against government canal iiilldliig as having no constitutional varranl are very cogent. Tlio producers of the woat are ntorostud in this project , which , f carried out , would altord thorn anther - ) thor outlet for their products and exert in Important inlluonuu upon transporta- , lou rates. It is not a newly conceived irojoct. For a number of years It has ogularly miido Us appearance In con- ; roH8 , and during this tlmo It has ro- olvod extended and hearty ondorsomont. L'ho coiumlttoo on mllwiiyd and canals of , ho house reported In favor of It In 187-1 , laying that it would bonollt directly and novltably the btatos of Iowa , WlBconaln md Mluuoaotu , and indirectly affect all the HlatiM Ijliirf wntof th so , whos railroad llius would bring product.'doui to lw HhliK'd ) | by Iho rlvor and canal The same cotnmlttoo of the Forly-olght ] and forty-ninth congres os * maile favorn bio roHirtH upon the project. The legIslature Islaturo of Iowa him repeatedly pawci resolution.s apiirovlng the projec and requesting the reproocntatlvc of tlio Htato In congress to ui port It. Other states have done tin same , and the propjaud improvomen ha been indorsed by numerous water way conventions , by the national bean of trade , by a largo nnmbor of com mcrctal organl/.allon.s , and other bodic' entlllod to respectful consideration. I Is fairly claimed on behalf of this pro ject that it has received moro Indorse mentH than any other waterway on tin continent of America , and tin arguments showing the grea advantages that would result from It an voluminous and convincing. It canno ho doubted that the nroposnd canal , Ii opening up a continuous short w.ilui way from the Mississippi river to tin Atlantic ocean , would be a most Import ant f.iclor in the transportation of tin country , greatly to the advantage o the producers of the west. And tin cost of Its construction , It is estimated would not exceed six million dollars. The only serious objection t < bo urged against the projec Is the constilutlonal one , and it must b < confessed there appears lobo Hululmitia' . ground for this. The constitution Is plaii enough in the aulhorily it gives congress gross to provide for Iho improvement ol the rivers nnd harbors of the country bul it 13 questionable whether congress can appropriatu the public money for the construction of artificial waterways , ovei though Ihey would t-orvo a national ad vantage. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIIK Honato has decided to investigate the management of Iho llsh commission- or'd olllco. From what has boon stated regarding tlio practices in tlio olllco , which is not responsible to any depart- muni of the government , there would seem to bo most substantial reasons fora searching inquiry. Tlio most soriou' fact reported is that the ofllco is a veritable nest of nepotism , members of tlio family of one of the commissioners employed drawing collectively In "salaries thirty- one thousand dollars a year , while an other commissioner and members of his- family draw moro than half tli.U amount. Doubtless the work Is prop erly performed , but nepotism in the public horvico IH an olTense which cannot be excused by the character of the her- vice rendered , however high , and it has been carried to an unprecedented extent in the ollico of the fish commissioners. There has been no charge that the service - vice has not been honestly managed , but it makes a largo demand annually upon the national treasury , and under the eir- oun'islances it is entirely proper that congress .should make the proposed in- vesligalion. Sui'iuiNTi.viiNT : : : COOTS' final report on the now hospital furnishes another costly chapter to the history of that mon umental job. Urlolly the report shows that tlio original contract price was one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun dred and clghty-Jivo dollars. To this was added seventy-eight hundred dollars worth of extras. Tlio county has already paid out ono hundred and four thousand six hundred and fourteen dollars , leav ing an apparent balance of Iwon- ty-thrco thousand two hundred and Boventy-ono dollars duo the contractors. The report touches gingerly on Iho nolorous grading job , by which the contractors secured nineteen thousand two hundred and eighty-one dollars for work which could have been done at a profit for one-third of the hum. Hut the total lack of business methods in the county boftYd enabled the contractors to rape the treasury at the Inception of the job and lleeco Iho taxpayers , prac tically destroying all evidence of their trickery. Instead of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars , tliu roolcory will cost tlio people at least one hundred and forty-seven thousand dollars. And for this vast sum tlio county has secured a wretchedly constructed building that will remain a monumental disgrace to the county. TIIK opinion of Attorney General Miller on the scope and oll'eot of the ir rigation act of 1SH3 is of great impor tance to the arid region of the west. The act is declared lo bo a sweeping reservation of all arid lands susceptible of cultivation by irrigation. Its object was "to prevent entry , sultlomentor sale of all that part of the arid region of tlio public lands of the United Htalos which uould bo improved by general systems of irrigation , and of all land which might thereafter bo designated or selected by the United States surveys iw sites for reservoirs , canals or ditches of such systems. " J'ho oll'ect of this construction will bo to withdraw from entry or sale ill arid lands until congress acts on one : > r more of the pending Irrigation bills , : modllles the act of 18SS. Wlillo the withdrawal of these lands will tem porarily chock prlvato investment in irrigation o inals , It wlllovontually prove lenellclal to the country. It will pro- rent monopolies of water rights and on- iblo congress to devise a broad and Iboral system of laws regulating the USD if mountain streams , tlio proper locution if reservoirs and delormlno Iho area .rilmtary lo eaoli stream. Such laws are ihseiillal to the permanent welfare of ho arid states and territories. Till : demonstrations of the Phitadol- ihla workingmen against the MclClnluy > ill are slgnlllcant. Coming from the ihluf city of a stale which lias prollled nore than any other from protection , i ml whoso Industries have long since Kinged from infancy to mammoth pro- torllons , they omphasi/o the fact that eduction rather than of tariff axes Is essential to continued proij > jr- 13' . Thu resolutions adopted demand roe raw m iterlals and such reductions w will cheapen Iho nuce&sarles of life , ixpand our foreign trade and secure itoadlur work for laboring men. Tin- ; calamity at HnuUhtiw Is the most urlous and lamentable in thu history of Nebraska , and the milTorora who sin- I'ivwl the death-dealing storm have a 'lalrn ' to thu ulncuro and bubstantial 8) mpathy of the people of Iho stale Governor Thuy.'r . wont to the scene o Iho disaster : Wednesday morning In order dor to asm-tub what Is required to b done for tiui relief of the people , an has l su ' rd ; | an appeal for aid There Is no reason why in over , community there should not b .started a iitoU'inonl for obtaining sul scriptlons of clothing , provisions tun money forthoHiwlslmwsulToror.s. Thet is hardlyapojMbility < > f making any mis take In a mailer of this kind , and no cit I/en of Nobnmka , wo venture to say , wil need lo Iw uak'cd moro than once to con tribute to the relief of the unfortunate jwoplo of the storm-swept town. OKKOON responded nobly to the desires sires of the republican party. The ox peeled off year Indifference failed to inn tcrlallxe and the stale rolled up majori ties equal to the presidential vote ol 188S. Congressman Herman's majorllj exceeds that of two years ago by ovet ono thousand votes. On the state lickol however , thu voters rebelled against an unpopular candidate for governor and elected tlio democratic nominee. Ol Iho whole ( hi- result is a cheerful cvl donee of republican ncttvily in thu north west. For an oil year Oregon has doiu splendidly. Tin : washouts and cave-Ins on pavoc streets , can-cd by the recent storms , wil make a serious haul oti Iho city Ireasurj for repairs. This Is tlio natural resiili of the haste which has usually charac leri/.cd public Improvements. Pave mentH have been laid on newly gradcc streets , over fresli fills before the earll was properly bottled , and over gas , .sowet and water trenches carelessly packed , Repeated warnings wore unheeded ant now the city will bo compelled to paj thousands of dollars for ropaii-s. TIIK annual report of tlio Rock Island railroad shows net earnings amounting to a fraction over five million dollar * and a substantial over the pre ceding year. A company which earns six per cent on inflated stock and bonded debt is inn fairly prosperous condition. But it should bo borne in mind , that the Koek Island does not maintain an ex tensive pqlitical department. Tnniti : was a big hen on about Birk- hauser in the postollico yesterday and there is a big hen on In the combine generally , but their threats "to fix Rosowtitor" will hardly inlimidale any body. Such threats have been made be fore and .some of them wore carried out by Curry when Yost was postmaster. Desparadoes had holler think twice be fore they report to violence. Tin : section of the city which the Tenth streol viaduct will benefit mosl kicks the loudest against paying a share of the damage lax. On Iho north side , which is assessed pretty liberally , no pro test has been worked up by the lawyers looking for a job. The attempt to shirk Iho tax and shoulder it on the city at largo is discreditable. N < w that the date of the htato con vention has been fixed , it behooves re publicans to participate actively in the primaries and elect delegates who will faithfully represent tholr wishes. Self- seekers and tricksters should bo forced to the rear , and tried and true men fao- Iccled as delegates. TIIK bargains and trades by which the Dodlin gang secured control of tlio coun cil promises to form a chapter of munic ipal roUonnesbsurp.issing the besl efforts of the Holly raiders ten years ago. Tin : Union Pacific has lately shown such a decided capacity for absorbing railroad junk that it would surprise no ono by swallowing the Contra ! Pacific. Tin : industrial activity of housebreak ers tends to confirm Iho suspicion that our amiable police is constitutionally op posed to physical or mental exertion. MoNOi'Oin.s are odious in any form. The attempt of the Seventh ward lo con trol the city offices should bo vigorously resisted and rebuked. SCI-IOIIH Oversight. .l//midi / ) > ol/i / < Tilliunf. Whoa the republicans talk of ( rctthi ( , ' the tariff bill through the hcnato by July they DVuHook the fuel that Senator Illalr proposes to dollvor ono of his speeches on it. Talc 4. Tlio scheme this suems to ho to kill oft the more prnimnunt colored men In Uiootrong ncKro counties and thus frighten ttie h.ilaaco so badly they will not attempt to vote. HcUvccii llyiium and MIllH. JSt houla ( llnlie-nunwmt. General Hunks enjoys the reputation of being the moat politu and coutlly man In L' The distinction of iwlnjr the fore most blackguard Is still an uadcchled ques tion between Hynuin anil Mills , A College JoiirnallNin Collapse. A'ew 1'nih ] \ ' ill Cornell's dim In journalism is BOlng to inspund piihliciitlon. After this .season it ivlll } ourn.ill/o no moio. The vc.ison given for lie almndonmont of the study IH that Hmln- ird Ci. Smith , who has boon nhaphiK the edl- .orlal destinies of the Coinelllans , will bo ( impelled to devote all his tlmo hereafter to > ratory and ulMntlon. Instead of training ' men In the beautiful art of expressing homselves In typo Mr. Smith will teach .horn U ) blow their horns In another wny. Cru/.y Money KolicmcH. flilwoo Trllmne. Congress Is ly f.Lo incarnation of wisdom , ml It ha.s too luijcji sense to ho nitiKht by any if Uie.M ) cheap mujioy bchcmcs. Seine of the nombers wouli | . plo for a good many pretty 'oollsh things to o\jllgo \ their constituents , hut hey dam not. KQ so far as to wieck ttio lininces uml brhiK nboiit that Kcnoral bnnk- nptey which would follow the colonial In- lutloa contemplated by the senator from 'ullfornlu and the i-epresentatlvo from North Jarollim. , Kpnrn Vftin Aril Kute r/tM'8 / ll' < /iliiifiiii. i / . Tlirco days after the tariff bill pissed the onso wltli ILs h > nonccat elumo nuking art reo , IHteon liuntlroil art students urnmlly opunotl tliolr association rooms In urls , with nn address from Mr. Whltolaw teld , our country's diplomatic roproMmtii- Ivo. Thorn wan present us an honored ( 'nost iuniino , the dUthiBulslioU Fivncli painter , nil It Is a comfort to know Unit these llftooa nmlrcd men and women could nhako hands rlth hllil uad not blush a thcj huvu douo etvtoforo. Those Ilftecn hundred students tiro- the beat | Kmlble nnnwor to Mr Puyso and hH purblind folio .vers who pr.itonlxn nrt MII luxury flfti < n Ituiulrot att dents nrd for the most part as poor ni .lob' ' turkey. They are learning the way to car n lIvhiR leamliiB nt the exponsO of France and they ask tlmt , when they return lioiw Inspiration may not bo taken out of Uicl work , nnd taste may not bo strangle by dohiR unto all Kuroix ) as nil Europe dot unto nobody. Urava ami oiv.islomily j-ovoi end senators , please make note of this den onstratlon in Paris , where 1 , . ' > 00 American cheered the action of the house. Whntovc you do with thereat of the MoKInley bill , Ic that f reo art luuso alotio I "ImmrtlH. " There Is universal objection to question I In the list of queries to bo propounded by Hi census taken , nnd many la\\jor * say nobod cmi bo compelled to answer It. The questlo Is : "Whether suffering from ncuto c chronlo disease. " The author of this an other searching interrogatories In the list 1 the secretary of tlio interior , nnd It is , pel hups , natural that his Investigations sboul bo of a somewhat interior character. HTA TJ : JOTTIXUH. Nebraska. Two cows wro billed by lightning durini the recent storm nt Mead. Tho.Fnne races of the Wllbcr cxposltlo association will take place on the lith , tlitl and lUth. There arc nineteen Infants of suitable ngi for adoption in the state industrial homo a Mllford. Seven students will graduate from tin Columbus high school next Monday , ono bov and six girh , . Mrs. Kov. "VV. C. Gault , n returned mission ary from Gaboon , wchtern Africa , is visiting friend' ) at Fremont. .1. W. Sti-atUij of Wahoo purchased S3 fi-et front on ono of the principal streets o ; Chicago the other day. The Anu'rlcan bank trust coinpany o Sioux City has located a branch at Lyons am will erect a In Ink building. The ( ! rand Island reunion committee lin : been organised with a capital of ? 10lUl , ) ) , nil Ube bo paid In on or bofoio October 1. 1' . M. CJrinstead has resigned assupcrln tendent of the Norfolk public schools and wil accept a similar position at Fremont. There will bo n general reunion of tin old settlers of Logan county at the residenci of ex-Shenlt J. B. Uonu , near Gaudy , .luno 10 The Young Men's Christian associatlot of Yoik lias erected a bath benne on tin banksof the creek for the exclusive use o , its member * . The assessed valuation of Plattsmonth citj for Ib'.W. ' exclusive of tlio Fifth ward , is $ ! > ri : , OVl ; and County Clerk Critchlleld estimate ; that it will bo an even million. 'J'ho North Nebraska conference ) camp meeting will opoa .July til at the Christian park and assembly grounds north of Fro- uioat and continuo for ton days. ' Miss Hyla M.Davis is' the Jlrst lady tt claim a bounty on a wolf scalp hi Grant county. She appeared at llyannts the otbei day with the scalp of a big gray wolf whicl she had killed and secured the reward. A Caster county Yankee contemplate' working a now deal to secure another shco ol Uncle Sim's domain. It is to obtain a divorce - vorco from his wife and allow her to live upon the land and after she makes llual proof they will bo reunited , I'rof. J. C. Coley of the agricultural college at Urookings . I ) . , suicided at Madison Wednesday by shooting himself in the head. Ho was on a visit to his p treats , who arc prominent residents of Madison. It Is bo- Moved that despondency from ill health led to the commission of tbo deed. lo'.vu HeniH. The Sioux City .Journal has decided to print a Monday morning paicr. * ) Work lias commenced on the power house for the Keokiik electric street railway Nine dogs that had been hittc-a by a rabid canine were kiPcd at Elliott the other day. Farmurs in the vicinity of Panlllna are complaining of the ravages of the cutworm. Washington is making great prop-u-ations for the state encampment of tlio Sons of Veterans. Fiod Hinklc. is under arrest at Fort Dodge charged with taking revenge on a neighbor ny cutting oil his cows' tails. The town of Jlubbard had n touch of the storm Wednesday afternoon. James Hof- fera's house ami barn were dc.stroved , and Owen lleukor'hhnuso and barn , VVitthuhun's two barns , C. Klsce's dwelling and Weather- lii's dwelling weio badly damaged. Catherine liopcr keeps a boarding honso at Farloy. Tluvo weeks ago tier nephew , Wil liam Shoup , and a young man named Cook arrived thuio In search of work. Mrs. Kopor found work for them and they boarded at her house. At the close of the Ilrst week they told her they liad received no wages and gave her their watches as security. At the end of the second week they secured tholr wages , stole their watches , all the niouoy she had , 5v-5 , and some other articles and lied to Chi cago. They weio followed by the sheriff , who arrested thutn and brought them back to Farloy for trial. The Iowa Falls Cltbcn tells the following wolf story : Ueecutly Mr. Dillon went out in llio Held loan old straw stack for a load of straw. As one of his boys was pitching off the top starw ho called out suddenly to his Hither that ho hud found a hole and there was something allvo in it. Upon digging into the straw a wolf's nest with four young wolves thoiotn was found. Mr. Dillon took tbo wolvei home , then ono young wolf was taken back , securely tied to a stake driven near tbo nest and thrco traps were .so placed Dial Mrs. Wolf could not got to her nest and JlTspiing without passing over ono of the traps. Next morning they went out to bring the old wolf In , but she was not tlire , neither ivas the young wolf thcio , nor the .string nor -ho stake. The old varmint had goao around .o tlio back of tlio stack , tunneled a liolo ton 'cot or moro through it , pulled up the stake nid curried oil her baby. Tlio Two DakoliiH. Miner county farmers have organbed a : ounty alliance. A law uml order league lias boon orgaui/cd n Lawroiico county. Judge Wallin of the North Dakota supreme rourt is seriously III at his homo in Fargo. Fargo lias been selected as the hoailquar- ers of tbo North Dakota grand lodgoof Odd- 'ellows. The American State bank of Yuukton will icgln business July I With a capital stock of UIW.OOO. Jo.sopn Halley , ox-territorial treasurer , has iresented Sioux Fulls with u library of ilr , > 00 olnmes. Hon. N. M. Johnson has boon elected prosl- leat of the North Dakota Sunday School us- ociatioii. * A movement Is on foot to organl/o u district air association , to bo composed of thucoiin- iiss of Miner , Kingsbury , llrooklngs , Moody .IK ! Lake , with good prospects cf effecting an irganl/utiou ami holding a fair this fall. It s proposed to hold lairs alternately in the lunatics. A Valley Springs man has Invented a potato ilanter with which ono man can plant ton icros per day , using about eight bushels of tied to llio aero. It plows a furrow , drops in ho potatoes at regular intervals , covers them , nd rolls down the scod , at the sumo tlmo narking out the next row. It will also plant orn , hoans or any other kind of seed , either n rows or hills , at any depth or distance ipart. .I.A Frontiicr nnd Gcorgo Covertson met n the streets of Chamberlain the other day , ml although moro than twenty-llvo jcars mil elapsed slnco their last meeting , they ecognl/ed each other Instantly. Covurtsoa ml Froiitner weio comrades hi Llbby irisou , and the last tlmo they saw each other /as whoa the latter was carried out of Iho irison at the [ mint of death. Covortson was xchanged shortly afterward. Wind cave , situated nl/mit twclvo miles orth of Hot Springs , Is becoming milto an ttractlvii place for tourists. Tlio cave Is ono f the largiwt In the coinitry , and was ro- t'litly oxploivd for adistuncoof twelve mlleM. mpiiiveiiients are being nmdo for the iieconi- mdatlou of visitors , and It Is thought when ho oxUtonuo of Iho curiobity IXJCOIIIOH moro , -ldely known It will bo iw | > opular a place of iLcriwt iw the famous Mummotli cave of Ken- ucky. Itllllll \ V'VSIIINOT.Juno 5 ! SIN rial Telegram i Till. Hi K I ) , mis ( jf , red f I jSu ut | l ) . FROM THE CAPITAL The Oommencemont Exorcises of the Sta University Begin. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE MATTER ! Tlio Uoi-k Island's Proposition Too Ii tlelltiltc I'roKfoss of tlio Glucose Factory l'rt\cot | Uact Sugar Factory Ilomls. LIXCOLN , Neb. , Juno fi. [ Special to Tn 13ni.J ! The commencement exercises of tl state unlveMlty were begun last ovcnlug wit the aunnnl exhibition of the 1'allladian 9oelet la the university chapel. This evening the members of the Union sc ciety glvo their annual exhibition , nnd th Dellau and 1'hllodlcenn societies will folloi ivspectlvoly on Friday nnd Saturday ovei tugs.On On Sunday nt 8 p. m. tlio bnccalauronto at dress will bo given by lov. { F. S. Stein c Lincoln nt FunUe's opera house. The competitive drills of the endcts nro sc for Monday afternoon on the univcrsil campus , and the eonmcnccmcat concert I the university chapel on tlio evening of th Same dav. Tuesday at 10 n. in. class day exorcises wil bo held In the chapel. The remainder ol 111 day will bo devoted to the alumni reunion which will bo hold In the sumo place. . Froi II to 5 p. m. the studio reception will bo hel In rooms It ) and 41 , university hall. On Wednesdav morning , Juno II , th graduating exercises will bo h"ld at Funkc'i opera house. uint suovu rvrronr IIOXIH. Auditor Hcutoii received yesterday fo registration { It.bOO bonds of the city o Noligh , Aatclono county , issued for lie ) pur pose of aiding la tlio construction of a wnto power beet sugar factory. Tim bonds will b < hold by the auditor In order to glvo partl.i opposed to their registration an op [ > ortunt' ! U ) enjoin tliulr registry. There is some oil jcetiou to the bonds , but the auditor informei thoattoiil y geiieial that ho won satisfied Ii his own I. ud that the bonds were all righ and as t ! | | eutirprlsj ! wasjjno of internal hn piovomei.V he would sign them oven thougl ho would doubtless be enjoined from so doing TIII : iiuu. nsrvrn i\niA\aK. At the weekly meeting of tbo real estate cxciiango a icsolutlon was unanimously ndopteil giving as thosoiiKo of the moetluj that the city should not vote unv bonds b aid of the construction of the liock Islam into Lincoln until the union depot pixijoc was definitely settled. No assurance ha < been given that the road would bo built ii OHO year. Tbo general opinion seemed to bi that Lincoln was le.idy to vote SI 00 , ( WO for n union depot , but they wanted a moro delimit ! proposition fiom the HOCK Island. Tlio Morns Levels company of Sownnl sub mitted a proposition to loinovu their Works ti this city. Two-thirds of the stock of tin company is owned in Omaha and ono-thlrd in Scwurd. The propo-iilion was to have Lin coln pat ties buy thu Omaha stock and remove the tactory hero. Twenty-seven thousand dollars is the amount desired. A committee will look into the matter. The glucose factory project was taken up and it is a foregone conclusion that it will be a go , the necessary block having been almost all subscribed. COO KB AND TIII ) CllS'sUf. "I SPO no rc.tsou , " says Census Supervisor Cooke , "why the people should bo unwilling to furnish the information .sought by the census , everything said in reply to the question1 : of the caumoiatort is regarded lib sacred and any enumerator divulging any in formation ganifi ! by him while in tho'per- foi miinco of his duties is subject to a line of $500. So you hoc that ample provision has been made lor the protection ot persons who do not wish to have made public certain things that are regarded as valuable Hums in the census. " Mr. Cooke .says that the host record yet made is 'M names in one day. The pooi'est record is only seven names in the .same time. CITlXl.ttl AND XOTiS. : The ladies of St. Theresa's parish will ccle- brato the completion of their lyceum hall on M street near Thirteenth with u reception and festival on Wednesday and Thursday evenings ef next week. W. J. Maxwell recovered Judgment in the district court today against Henry Knight for § , I'JJ7 , on a note. Maxwell is a llnaiicial agent from Omaha. The city of Lincoln has won for the fifth time this term of the district court The Jury in the case of Kadeu , who wanted $ JJ7 dam ages for Hooding his saloon , returned a ver dict tliis uf ternoon for the city. A little son of John 1' . Maule fell while at play tliis morning and bit almost a half inch from the end of his tonguo. At the meeting of the state board of trans portation yestoiday afternoon but little or nothing was done concerning maximum rates , as the railroad companies' liavo not yet tiled statements in compliance with tbo lesolntion adopted May 21. The hearing of the case of liarnuinof Columbus vs the Union 1'ueillo was set for hearing at U p. in. , Juno II. JCngineer Sales and his llroman. William Spitter. of the U. & M. Hycr , were both hurt In a collision in the U. & M. switching yards nt fi HO a. in. yesterday. The liremau had his leg broken above the auhu. ] John .f. Davis and William Uoslnger have secured an injunction against the city iri l Kdgar Wilson riistruihing thorn from running a ditch through blocks in Junction PIucu a I- dition from Fair lo Oak street. It will bo heard .luno 1 1. J. S , liarwlek asks Judgment for $2.000 cadi against the Union tire insurance company of California and the German-American of New York. Ho hud policies in these companies covering n stock ot cigars , etc , which were Icstroyed by lire January 1'J. The companies refuse to p.iy the damages Klovea hell's of Thomas Morrlssey ( de- . eased ) charge Louis 1'oska , George and 1'lioma.s W. Morrissey with being guilty of "raud uud collusion in having certain fraudu- enl claims against the estate of thodecea.setl dlov\od and the estate sold to pay the name. Juorgo owns the laud now , but Poska Ins a nortgago on It , and thcso conveyances mid nstrumeiits Iho plaintiff asks set osido on the ; roiinds that they nro frauduleiit. gMInerva K. Young asks for a divorce from lor husband , James J. , to whom bho has been luuriudfcixlc n yearn. She says that ho Is iddlctcd to t ie execsMvu use of intovlcutlni : I piers and when in that condition has abused lor badly , compelling her to sloop In the lollies press. One-Armed Men In the A crowd of ! i)0 ( ) lefl Cincinnnli shortly iftor 1 1 o'elock the other nljjht to wil- less Hie pri/.o light bjtwoon Bob Minor mil Sain H'l'/.or , two one-armed men of hlHtilty. The inoon was bright , and i.siilo from a bolitary candid there was 10 ether Illumination , bays a dispatch of he Cliicago Ilnrald , Ua/or had lout lin right arm at the elbow while Ml- lor's loft wan severed at tlio hamo placo. [ 'ho two iniin foughl six desperate 'onnds , Htriking with their llsls ti'id lunching each olher with the stumps of heir maimed arniB. They came up for ho wixth round In good order. K'l/.or .loni'o led. lie loft an oponing1 , Minor's banco to gel home had come , lie Haw t and pulled himself together for a great Ilort. Qnlek as a Ihibh his right tame .round with a torrllie hwing. lie caught la/.oron Iho jaw and foiled him like an i.x. AH ho came down with awful force IH head Htriick ono of the htakos and ho , -as stunned. Ho lay on hlrtbaok until ils neoonds jilckcd him up , and Minor ron. * Fast Hailing Orel. J ho Orol , a now tln-.scrow Hteamor iulll In HiiL'land for Iho "Uusslan Volun- cor l-'loot , " or merchant ships llablo to iillitary rorjulromonlH , IH among the HHtOHt whips ulloat. She in liW foot long iy18 feet beam , nnd with D.OOO horse iowor and natural draughl hho Hhows a peed of 1U ! and liO.So knotH with forced raugltt. lee From many tlilYeronl point.s COIIIOH Iho own that inuclilnoH for making Ice ha\o loon set up , and thai llieso artificial leu ompanlo8 are taking ordorH to Hiipjily , 0 in any quantity. Thus noci-HHlty nco moro protua iloelf lo bu tla < mulhur f IN TIIK 110TUNDA. Tom Cook , o'er whcno frusllo frame coasii * , honors are now clustering so hcavliy , rlqtt and ripe , shot In and out of Omalm yesterday. It scorns tlmt the enumerators In this city had gotten into some kind of ii ton pot tempest wrangle , wcro not dolmr their work just right , didn't umloMtand it anil were grinnb * Hug that the pay wa.4 about three BCOW an ten smaller tlinii the labor. And so JTIionJfis the slender came up to straighten them out. With the help of Dick llcrlln the straightening process was a success and the ctdlly twilight of last evening found Mr. Cook sprinting away from the Mlllard hotel to catch Ids train for Lincoln. 1'ro tlio sprint- lug was entered upon a copy of Tin : Hn : WIH thrust In his royal eensus-tukcrship's face and his attention called to the llrst page Item , In which Julius Uudowsky , ono of tlio oldcnt residents of Omtun , tolls how that Paul Vim- dorvoort Infornioil lilm tliat all tlio ai | ] ilci- llons for enumerators In this city were re ferred to or were passed through Ids ( Vim- dervoorl's ) hands. "Its a He , " was Mr. Cook's ( list e > j- clnnmtton , as he finished reading tbo lilt piece. Then bo became meditative for a mo ment , after which hu added , "Come to think about It I did iihow lUe.ipplIentlons to several Omaha men , because bow did I know any thing about who Was who In Omaha " "Well , then , to whom did you it-for tti"io 1011013 of applicants for positions as cmimcra- torsl" was asked. "Ob , I don't 'know yes I do remember some of tlio men. I showed 'cm to D.ivo Mercer , to Vandorvoort , and llio postmaster , Gallagher , I think. " "And they decided pretty much whom to select I" "I guess so what else could bo done ! Hut there , I'm In too big a hurry to catch mv tram to discuss this any further-it's nsm-t of a blamed if you do and blamed If you dun t business. I asked tboio for information whom I thought could give It , and I wasn't disappointed. " linn. Jack McColI of Lexington dinoil - at tbo Mlllard yesterday. He is en ro'i * > homo from Nw York and said Jf- didn't ' boar any tiling about llio spcial sesM ami stat-j central committee meeting un'il n fiotn llir. on the train coming'into tbo oitv yesterday , lie thought that tbe flriij * r thing for him to do under tbo circumstance- to refrain from any comment whatou-r Colouel .Jolin IJ. Fitduy , a capitalist nf PHLsburg , Pa. , who has owned tliou- siuid dollars worth of property in Ounibi oversinco I8i7 , is at tlio 1'arton. Heill put it few moro thousands in real astute hri > > today or tomorrow as tbo result of "the 1 > > ! < H of tilings. " His Omaha Investment here , h-i says , brought him better piollts than tboo be lias made in oilier cities of similar size. Colonel I' Ireland , tlio newly elected mayor of Nebraska City , was on tbo Pax ton s guest list yesterday. Hois very eiithusi.i , . lie over tlio success of tlio new saloon closing order which lias recently been put Into ofli 11 in ids homo city. The order corresponds with that in force in Omahu , where bo sajs the Nebraska City Idea was obtained from Mr. Ireland thinks that tlio busi ness men's aiitl-probibitiou movement , wb'cli ' Is meeting with such great success UluU is represented in Omaha by nearly all tlio principal bankers and wholesalers , is tlio trim solving of tbo question how to successfully meet and defeat tbo proposed amendment lie added that Nebraska City had given I tin movement an ulmobt unanimous endorse ment. Knock's OutS SFnvscisco , Cal. , .Tuno 5. Dan Haw kins and Fied Hogan , bantams , who fought n smenty-threo round thaw at the Golden ( J \j club Monday night , continued the light I. . \ iilirht. HuwJiins was knocked out in the \ lifteentli round. r J Tlio I o It AViiH Unit Dletl. John I'ryor , then a lad , lefl OmiiRlocUa , Washington county , thirty-nine years ago , bays a Clonus Falls , X. Y. , dispaU h to the New York Ilorald. Ho has lonj- been supposed to bo ( load. Now. th it ho is Htiil allvo has just reached his old friends there through his youngo-tt hon , lidward , u young bailer from Now Zea land. land.After After Pryor'n departure from boino It ivas reported that ho wont to ben. andT [ ailing from a mast was killed. The ro- porlwas trup us far as the fall WIIB con- jornod , but it was a dot * , and not Prvor , Lhat was killed by the fall. Ho foil on -lio animal , which died of ila injurie.s. A. few broken ribs and other minor in juries wcro the result to Pryor himself , mil from thobo ho recovered in iin / Auslralian hospital. lie married , Vfs ini'Ho and wont lo Now /calami. Tfioro lie acquired a largo projiort.v. Ills son Rdward , sailing for noston recently , was jhargort to vibit the falhor'rt old homo , aid did bo. Wanted Himself Adjudged Insane. Zachary Taylor , an old man , appeared > eforo Judge Ilowland of the circuit : onrt at Indianapolis the other du.\ , ibking that ho bo adjudged iiifcano mid uul sent to the asylum. Taylor was be- ere a lunacy cominiHsion once , and \\UH , ent to the asylum , from which hoMIH li.schargcd as incurable , nays a dispatt h o the Chicago llorald. Judge Ho\\ln defused ofused to consider Iho petition on 11m ffound that the instrumeiil was signed mil sworn lo by Taylor himself , and , iitving once been declared insane he unu lol roaponsiblo for costs. The petitioner s an old soldier and great nephew of * 're.sidont Xaeh Taylor. IIo rociived ! afcOO back pension , and , going to C ht- ago , bought a yacht thai sunk on itn trip. A largo pension is paid him , uul a guardian takes charge of Inn nonov. Eden A STAR ORGANZIATION , Mclntyre & Heaths- ! MINSTRELS. 'ho cst nilnitrcl nliow over ulvcn | n Oniiliu I' , ulara Iniiilnitnilii } . MW KUN1 NKWJOJvI - . l NbiW C.A.GBI Wntch for tliOKronl street imriulcf 3APT. CHITTENDEN " " j liu nurvlvoruf iiinny nrtllo nipuilltlnnn wllli hi * tdlluctldn of uurloB Iroui thu fru/un nuitli. One Dime Admits to All. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. iihiorlbod and Ciniirantoed Cnultul . f.MO.i'H ' aid In Capital . . . . : wwo ) ( IluyH nnd Hulls Htouka and boixU ; m oilad i oiniiiurulal paper ; rccelvi * nnd uxi'iuuij riiHtNi nets : u traiiHfur aKtmt and truntci' " ' orporntloim ) taken uburKo of proyorty , cul- uotb luxuti. _ _ _ _ _ DmahaLoan& Trust Co SAVINGS BANK. 3. E. Cor. 10th and Douglas Sts'x iild In Capital 50.o > i > . ulisnrllx'il nnd ( Jnaruntiwd Capital . . IW.txu ilublllty of HtouUlioiilois 'JW.O-JJ & 1'or Cunt InluroHt I'ald on Duposlts. s I'KANK.I. I.ANUK.Cinlilfr Olccrs. A U. Wymiin. proildoiit , J J llruno , il. a- piuildunl. W T. Wrnifin , Irnuturar Urcilura A. U. Wrinan , J II Mllliril , J J Bruirn Our < J lluttou , IiV. . Nmli , 'fbouiuf J Kluil ) n. linnilio II Ijiko IrftunkIn uny amount timdoonCity und I "riu 'roporty nnd mi CollatoriU Uocurlty. ut' '