Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Notwithstanding Predictions to the Oou-
traryr Wheat Was Lively ,
JYniof Manipulation Gives tlic OnlH
Cnm' < l n Hlli'i'ln Up All
of Slock Kuli ;
Knlfly Heavy.
f'lMr.\no , . Juno ( . . [ Special ToleKram toTllR
HIK. : ] Thru ! was a musing wheat market
inO'itof tliodny mid It was not OMO sided
cither. The quiet mm ket for u 'lay ' or two
jmst tfavc in. iny the Impression that an caslur
nmrkctand lowur prices must follow. The
beats were the first to try to take. advantage
t ilili sentiment iintl on tlio cutl ) and Itoor
this morning they sold hoavlly , with the ono
oi.icr-tof uroiiUIni ? thn inarkut. With the ox-
cillcnt weather lioro , with the lower cables
and other hoar Inllucni-cs thuy managed to
open tlio prices lower and further depress them
fur a time. Mill the Hist price of July \vas02o ,
only " c lower , and thu bottom flgtiru wus'M.'io ,
en ' 41' under la t nl ht. This ended the de
cline. Under the luntl of I.oiruu ft Co. and
other cointiilssloii houses the crowd very
'tuli-lily absorbed all thu wheat oHeied under
O.'e for July. The Inglls ropoits on llcoand
Wlirht to wlimt In eastern India and storms
In the north canned n doellnn of
leu to twelve points In Kansas , Conditions
fin MIC month , according to I be stale report
in. . 'I I lie belief that llulchliisim was hruaklriK
the pile e In buy on , ir.'ive the malKel iiKood up
luin July , fiom liPie , went about noon to
lr : e re.ieied tolce. . wont a second tlinn to
I" : c. ulth little lenetlon mi to I o'clock. Juno
wheat was quoted at tM'ju anil tll'ic. ' August
M'ld nt ji | 4e mid Ir 'jc , Hojileinher al OlJi'e tind
1" " " , < , Ili-ceriilier at ( ! ' ; - mill llPc up to Ihu
h.iiui' limir. The leeelpfM ncio weie inoileiMlo
n nil i he ex poll cleaianees wens hut id.lKW luisli-
i Is fn n New Vorl > anil practically nothing
fio'n other ports. Tlio I'r leo Ciiriunl estlmatui
liy niiiti s wa'i wlri'd to a few IIOIIM-S hut uon-
t , lined nnthmx new. That anlliorlty makes
the total i nip 275WO.OW hu hcla of winter
wh > it anil l.WWO.Oj ) huslielsot sprlns ; wheat.
ili' r itithnrlllcs pre > .eiit ll urcs to show that
lie e untry can not. oven with the
icstnt conditions mid chances , jmi-
tla-o a clop of over 4lW'iu.OiH ( ) )
lin 'ii'ls. ' Wheat hold llrm at the ch S" al a
In i le under the host prlccH and not m.itorhflly
t'hiiiiucd fix. in the ( 'lost ) yeslerdav. The last
iirln s weie : .hino 02'fii1 ' , .Inly Irt'io , August
fc'M' ' , Sepleinhet lW e , DecoinhcrlCPio.
The corn inaikot xiiriulsud trade aKaln to
day. Thciewasnot a veiy showy buying In
the pit by local IDIIM'-I. and no oulsldo husl-
lil'is of iniporlanco. There was no noun of a
hpeelal bullish character , and yet the maikcl
v , as reinarliahly stioni ; all day , and prlcesiid-
MUICI (1 ( on a very mysterious absorption of
till ollerln'- .
Theoats trade s ° t another stlirlns up to
day. It was not manipulation exactly , hut
four of It later , that did the IIIISIKM | . The
export demand Is | io : > d. The crop news from
the southwestern states was to the ellect
tliul the Holds In man } ' sections have
it been abandoned. This was followed
by buying onion fiom M. l.ouls
and this Is tilin Mailed trade to buy-
lim. some to cover and others for the chanuo
of an upliiin. .lunn void 27'ic to2 < " , c. closing
as'iic ' ; .lulyar'at * to'J7'ictothe ' chiio ; August
21 tfii ' " f closing ' - ' . " ' ; Scptombor ai'io to
VlVcO toai'.o In 25u to the clo o.
A faith actUe business was leported In the
maikotfoi hog pioduel.-- , and the feeling was
hie. idler. "Hunts" were qulto liberal pur-
cha'-ois toilax. though they confined tholrop-
eiallons to laid and short rib sides. The
ti adlng was chlolly In contracts for July and
t-'eiilembei. with quite a good business In
tiansfeiring ahead. The prices iiilotl higher
fur all leading articles and the maiket closed
comparatively steady al about the outside
Ik'ines. The demand onslilpnliu account \stts
falily act he In the way of Illllng smull oidcLs ,
and the olleilnus weio moderate. A few
ouloi.weiep-o\lded forat the previous prices.
r///CM l'K STitL'K.
Onii'too. Juno f . [ SpiH-lal Tulorini to TitR
HIK : 1- tf viTiii : The demand Is fair and prices
uiosteadyto stn ig on hteer btook. yet It
Bhotild bo romombuiod that big heavy steers
aio l c lower than Monday. While theiohas
'been little or no change In light , handy stock ,
theie were about ! ) , OUU TOMIIIS on the niur'ii ' > t ,
and all grades i tiled steady. Xatlvo butchers'
Block anil canning stock also sold at
steady pilce.s. The stocker and feeder
trade piesented no now featuro. Choice
to extra beeves. $4.N5.00 ) ; medium to
good steers 1,1150 to I .MX ) Ihs. , Jl.4l ( ®
1.70 ; I.'JIH ) to l , : 0 II ) " , , SI.OOCW.GO !
Ka to 1.L1IO Ibs. . J,1.2.V7Jl.t0 ! ; Hlockeisand feeders ,
| ' . ' . ' .INI ( . ( Hi ; cows , hulls and mixed , jl.4IMta.25 ;
bulk , ja-iVi' . ' ! ) ; slop fed steers , fl.Otttil.UO ;
Tasfed , tMMI.grasseri \ ; , tl.WWSi.
lions Thomatket Is active and a strong
nickel lower than at the close yesterday. The
gloat bulk of sales of good to best mixed
i an ed between ta.ii ( and fi.Tll ; a few sold a
nickel lower and a few a nlukel higher. Light
curls cold at 1.55 to ? -l.,0.
. \ .
Nnw Youic , Juno 5. fHpoelal ; to
Tin : Bur. . ! STOCKS-Tho early stock market
today was not marked by any unusual pio-
ceedlng. The developments In the market
Iito yesterday gave rise to a feeling of omit Ion.
I'eiluipsfor this reason It was very ijulot at
opening and the llrst prices weio quite
egular as compared with last night's llg-
in 's , but the changes were In all eases for
small fractions , except In Sugar Uellnerles ,
which weio up I par cent at TO'i. ' A drooping
lendoiiuy was shown In tlio regular list at llrst
but the maiket soon developed a strong tone ,
ivhlch was accompanied by moro active
trading , and the entire market responded
with fractional advances , while a
few specialties recorded larger gains.
The activity was all In Hugar
Ktllnerles , Atchlson.Dioi'on Transcontinental ,
Richmond & West I'olnl , l < , iko Shore and St.
Paul , and among the stocks of thoieular
active list ( Jiegon Tianscontlnental was the
n.ost piomlnont for strength , touching W , a
vain of ' pcir cent from Its opening llgiues.
rtngar Itellnerles , after a slight decllno. ad
vanced to 7ra.i , a ilso of l'i. ' while Tennosioo
C'oul rose I' , to 55'J and Colorado I'oal l'B to
W. The strength became more genuial In the
miccocdliighoiir.and prlccH Impioved through
out the list. Chicago ( MIS rose to M and the
tingar Trust to 7s'j , or thico points over the
i-loso yestenlay. The Vanderbllts1 shales
weie higher , with Canada Southern at
1'iO't and .Michigan Cential at 101' ' .
Vlllaid properties were stiong and higher.
Itock Island , after touchinglKPt I lie llrst hour ,
rose toOHi. Union I'aclllc touched r.71 ; . but
lost > , befoie 12 o'clock. Coal stocks weie llrm
nd higher. The stock market held up well to
Ciuc.uio. .hino 5. 1:13 : p , in. ulo-ju Wheat
Kat > y i i-ash , Ol' ' Oi July ItjijfcU-1' * ! . * ,
Corn Slnaily : cash , ! ct ioi July 'IIIJc.
Oats-Sti-adyi cash , 27Soi July,2i ! < aS74o. !
lty Stcaily at Mo.
llarloy KiiHy.
I'riino Tliiioiliy tlt { .
l-'lux Kniyi * 1.4a.
Vurk-Uiill ; cash. tIJ.ST'Si ' JulyIS.S7)j ) ; Sop-
ti-nilior. - lia.05.
larilStcailyi cash , J5.S"Hi July , t5.U7i ! ®
l-'lonr Stunilv.
.20i bhortcluar , > ,
lluttur rirni. crcaniL-ry. uaia oi tlulry.MS
I'hucsoStfiulyi ' ( nil i-roum oheiUlurH , 7' . ®
7V-J llutb , T'littfti. ' ) Yount ; AiaurU-us , bij
nltod liulU , S < n ( jrccti saltcil calf , fl' Oi'e : dry
Mint. fl'JTo ; dry niiltcd lilclv * , tic ; tlry unlf.
ifitfuft donront , 2)o ) each.
'fallowI'nilitiigtdi ' packed , 4'i'SIUiNo. ' ! . ! ,
35t > t cukn. 4\e.
l : is-W uki 'rush , UlS ISc. _ . , , .
KvcotnK Plilpm'ts.
Hour . ft.iiilj 4.Kfl (
Wheat . ai.WD 4.nto
Corn . rWUXO 50l.tinO !
Oat- " . . ) ! IJ7.0JO
MiN.NRAi-ot.ti , Juno S. Wheat Hccolpts
I'n i-iirs ; shlptiiiMits , II cars : inarkut , lilxli
( tradt-s iicllve , low itctirrnlly clow. Clos-
ln : No. I hard , June , KSr : July. c.i'iP. on
mirk , Wo ; ND. I iiortlinin , Jiinu , hfiii. , July ,
k'.flcnu ' \ I tuck , * ' > " : No. 2 northern , June ,
Sl'-i July , Ki' c : on track. SI'S.1. ' '
1C.VRAB I'ITV. Juni' . " > , Wheat Stt-adyi No. 2
haul , cash. K.V ; No. 2 rod. f < 7i. ' .
I'nrn Steady ; No. ' . ' , cash. li > .
O.ttsKutlcr ; No. ' , ' , ousli , 2 ' 5e.
I/tVKiti-oot , , Juno r > . Wheat MiivLot dull.
holders oircr nioilerately. Calfoinla No. I , 7s
I 'id per cental.
Com Murki't steady ; demand fair ; new
mixed western as Ud per cental.
Nr.w VOIIK , Juno l.-Wh".it-Kecclpt . MOO
tliilshels ; exports , a. * , , HI ) ) bushels ; spot dull and
stioiiKer : No. 2 rod , U3'4u ' i-levutor : U5u
alloat ; o.ts'ifcTi'ic ' t o b ; options llrm ; No. 2
red , June , closing atft5' c.
( 'orn lEucelpts , 7.I.V ) bushels ; exports ,
117,503 hnsliil4iit ; | , llrm ; No. 2. | ( % ' In
elevator ; liitl'J'JiMilhiat ; ungraded mixed , 40T4
M1 ! ' * ; oiitlons , slionxer ; June elosliiK ut ll' o.
O.tts Keeelpts , dr.noo bushels ; exports
72.00) ) bushels ; tpot stroiuei ; No. 2 white ,
HI'i'Wic ' ' ; mlved western , JMtl'ic ' ; white west-
cm , acitrje ; options llrmcr : Juno elostii'j : ci'i. ,
CotreoOptions closiMl steady and ! VJ20 (
points down. Sales : 'MM baits ; .him ; . HT.'Oft
1T.25 ; Jnlv. ilfi.Wl7.00 ! ; spot Klo steady ; fair
caiKoes , f-'O.O' ) .
Hn ar-Kiiw , ( Iriiicr : fair irdnlnir , 1 15-lCc ;
Ci-ntrlfiiKals , ini test , ( il-llc ) ! ; rellncd , oveisold ;
( | iiol.illons : iioinliiiit.
Petiole-mi United closed for July ut 6S5o. !
I > xcsI'.asy ; western
I'oikDull ; mess fia.7.Vfll.5.
Stronger ; we.sturn steam closing at
itiittnr I'rlnic , steady ; western dalry.C'SlOo ;
creamery. liTMIc ; KlKln , lie.
Chceio I'lrm ; wcsturn , 0J O7yc.
1,1 nSTOCK. .
CIIICAOO , Juno ! > . Cattle Ilo-vlpls. 15,003 :
maiket steady ; bee vesI.W1UO ) ; Mockers and
feeders , i25Di4.U1 ; steers , iNI.25S4.Wi COWH ,
bulls and inl.\cd , l.ll tl.25 ; Tuxubsteers , $ -.10
2 ,00,1 ; market active , lower ;
mixed. heavy. ja.lVya'I.W ; light , UCO
WI.75 ; skips. . . '
Hlieep-lt--elpls.5OiO ( ; shlptifiits. 1,001 ; mar
ket stu.idy ; natives , $ l.iwif5.75 ; westisru , JI.OO
Wi.'M ; Texans , ? .1.2" > ' ! J4.75j litinhs , $5.oa/a.7.00.
ST. IotJii4. Juno , -C'attlo Uecelpts , 2,830 ;
shlpmeiit.s , 2Wi ( ; market steady ; fallto fancy
native steer * , tUKJiW.OJ ; stockurs and feudeis ,
Ilo's-Uecelts. | n.Wl : shipments , | ,400 ; mar
ket lower : heavy , * l.0 > ® l.70 ; paoklng , i.'i. . " ) ®
507" : light , W."i7'i1tJ.C > .
KAN.SCITV , Juno fl. Cattle Itecelpts ,
2,701 ; Hlilpmeiits , aMM ; market steady ; steers ,
i.l.liOTt.1.70 ; cov.s , fl.7va'J.5'J ; stockers and fccd-
el-s. 2.2yi.75.
llo - - 'Keeelpts. 1VI03 ; shipments , 2WO : ;
mm lut lower ; all grades , ? I.5'VUI.25. '
Sioux CITV. Juno .1. Cattle-ltccclpts , 450 ;
shipments , 100 ; market lower : fat s'ecrs ,
il.sral.tlO ; HtouUuis and feedois. f.25'i5
a.S"ij common to fancy cows. > iJ.'l.20 :
eaniieih and bulls , $ I.OJ.00 ; veal calves , J..OO
IIon's -Heeclpt-i. C.S03 ; market unsteady and
lower .it ! .l.aoia.57 ! $ .
0.11A il. I J , 11K N TO CK.
Thur dav , June 5.
r.stlmated receipts of cattle. I.Mni. compared
with > ve-tenlav .uul 1.7sl Thnisihiy of
last wt-nk. Tlio in.trlcul opened very slow .mil If not loner on uverytnliirf except thu
few dt'slr.iblu Kr.ules of steers .mil cows.
Heavy export steers aio niuleete.l , e\poiters
doliii Illth ) and pilees tenilln lower. M lit
natty , llttlu. steers and llnu co.vs hold their
own and aiu the only grades of eattlo that
buyers seem to bu liDKlnj ? uftur. The poorer
1:1 tides of cows aio slow and lower. siouKers
nnd feeileis : ne slow and weak. Hulls
Hvmpathlzc with cows and calve i icmaln un-
ultan cd.
llo s.
Kstlinated rpcelpls of hois 4.500 , computed. .
with 7.27'J ycileidav and 5.M'5 Thur-diiy of
last week. The market opened slow
and 5 cents lower , soon became active ,
all uliiin lir , ' hands befotu mid-day ,
dosing active and llrm at the decline.
Itmuoof pik-es. * t.l3'iW.V. ; ll hl. f.l.4Vi..VI : ;
iitlM-d. * l.l7l'TOI.5'"i ; heavy. tl.5'ir6'l.V ' > . The
iiveniKo wus f t.5U , compared with W.5lai ye -
luiday and W.7,1 Thursday of last weuk
Prevailing I'rlues.
The following Is u tablu of prices paid In
this maiket for the radu of r > luelc mentioned :
llllloste rs. l.'UJ tolUR ( ) > j . tlh5 © .ti5
liood steeis. r.'V ) to 1 IV ) tbs . a.70 © 1.40
( food steers , 10.V ) to ia ) ' ) Ibs . a.ft.1 ( r'
Common , IOW to 115J ltd . , ' 1.25 ( iAJ.70
t'oiiiinoii eaiiners . 1.00 ( ! , ' - . ' . IHI
Onllnary to fall-cows. . . . . . I.fiO f6'.a5
I'alr to ijood cows . I..O 5i2.V (
( loud to choice cows . 2.75 { ' 1.15
Cholcu to fancv cows . 2..r CiaiVi
r.'ilrtojjooil biills . 1.75 tMi"
Choice to funey bulls. , . 2..V ) ffl.55
Iil ht stoi-Uers and feeders . 2.5J (3 ( 1.25
Teedeis. ! I50 to tlWHjs . 2.1 * ) ( Tia 70
I'alr to choice liKlithon's . a.4 > fflJI.50
1'alr to eliolee heavy ho/s . a.r > 'j ® ; i. . " >
I'alr to cholcu mixed ho s . a.47'jiia.52j ( !
O.niu-itlvo : T.iblci.
The following table slmv , the ranso In
price's on lie s durliu this : ( n 1 last week :
Thu following talilu sluwi thu of
niloiM pilrt rnrli
l-'alr toi-holco llxlit hess . $1 4" ( Jt'l 59
1'nlrto cliolro linavy Inus . l 5T ftl 51
T.tlr toeholoo niKoiI Inns . a 47 2)'J ) 5'J !
SlIKtU * .
I'rliiiii fat Hhoap . ' . 3111 75
Hood fat shuuii . 4M Wi :
Common to medium shei ) | ) . U O'J ttl JJ
Avornjjo Cost ol' IIo s.
The f.llo\rltu t'llilo Klvijs tlia avjrio eDit
of hor-ioii tliu il itJ * m J it loin I , Inhi II 115 tlu
coitUi lay , us 1 up ) n s ilui rjporto I :
Ditto. I'rlco. O.tto. I'rlco.
May I J.I mil May L' . ft Ol {
May II II O7'i Miiy ft . 11 IU
.May (1 ( 'I IKSH May 7 . II IM'i
May 8 . II ua May B . a tiTli
May 111 . ; i ! Muy I'.1 . S Ul'j '
May May M . II
May 15 . ; IKC . C May Hi . II W ,
May 17 . a lil'i ' May 11) ) . It S7
May U'J . a M May : . ' ! . a ? t > M
May ra . a 754 May S'l . 71
May'JI May at . II GT'.i
MayLT . 1174 Muy 'JS . II 75'i '
. a 7i'4 : May : w . a 74
May at . a 7(1 ( Jum-S . a 70
.Iillioll . a IVI Juno 4 . a 54 ? .
Juno 5 . a r > o
SIH : | < < of HOJS.
Today. Vuiturcluy.
HlL'hcst . MM Highest . . .Jlfo
lowest . a 45 lowi"t . a W )
Stock ICuuolpts.
oniolnl vostonlav. K < tliualil Toiluv.
Oattlo . Ill ours. LMUI Cattlu. . .f-S uurs 1 > K )
llos . lllluars , 7ATU llo d . 7J cn-3 : l.bOO
1'rloo of IIo 4.
Showing the uvor.ifu prluo p.ild lo rls of
hoKson thudaysln llJ.itu I tu I34i , UU , lill iurl
IKK ) : .
Disposition of Stuuk ,
Showliu the nil n'ur of oittU ) biilit by
thuluulliij uuyuw on to lay's imirliot ,
The Arniour-Oiiilahy 1 * Co 1,051
Uiimhu I'auklii ! ; Co UV.'ill
Swift AC ( ; itnpiny atO
Thf U. II. Hammond Co.- . , XkS
lions ,
Hwlft&Co 47
Tin-i. ( II. Iliiinmoiul Co , aia
Tlio Anmiiir-Ciiilahv I'ackln'GJ 200
lli-iitim A : UniU'i-\Mioil KI.I
llvokvr & Ucui'ii g
l.olimiiiin & TnitiL-riiiaii . ' . , . 247
I'lovu , V VitiiHant . . . . is
Otlirr Iluycrs 7
WO 8 I
law 75
14.1) )
,01 3 75
710 2 73
IWtl 2 KS
3 .101 > ) 3 00
3..I.JO 2 00
a. vizi 3 oo
a .1110 a 10
i..iiID a 25
1..I250 330
12. . MS 3 40
84. . 710 350
: . S70 a 50
10. . 75' . ' 3 50
81. . 700 3 30
1. 070 1 75
II. . 73 ! ) I 75
1. . 020 800
2. . tfft 8703
I..1110 300
1 .1500 3 80
t. . I'M 3 20
SO. . ! * 3 30
IlUt.I.SANI ) IlKimiS.
Market Mention.
Hoss.lo lower.
Cattlu Mow and weak or lower.
31. suiit up a carof Uogs from Kustls.
W. I- . Wills bent In u car of hojjs from Mtull-
C. IViinlck of Klnoixl maiUeteil u car of
\V. II. Ki'iiiiNon tent In a c.irof eattlu fiom
UnrliiKiT , t Iloilgu maiKetcil lie s fiom
J. T. Anton caniu In from I'riigno with two
cats of lie s.
II. A. Hills was up fiom AtKiiison with u\o
cars of oattlo.
.1. r. Tali-man of Axtell had a car of hogs on
till ! Illill ItUt.
Fuller , Smith .t Fuller sent In a ear of cattle
fiom Surllmer.
II. Meyer hail a car 61 cuttle on the marUct
from Lincoln.
It. A. Trmploton of Tekamali mailietcd two
cars of frI..Y > lie s.
I'oo lili'Ualiaush of Jlalvern hud a car pf
IIOKSOII the market.
K. II. & M. Tollman had : i cur of hogs on the
market fiom l.uioy.
rihei'ji scarce and not larjo enough jecolpts tue demand.
II. Keutlii ! ; , the well kuortn 1'latto Center
shljiper , maiketed hogs.
tii'oi-Rp A. IVlton had a car each of cattle
ami hogs on the maiket.
Ciotic'h lliothers , extensive dealers of St.
Kdwauls , hcnt down u carof hogs.
KoslioiotiKh > t ( ir.iy , heavy dealers of llluo
PpiliiKs , sent In thieu cms or cattle.
( i. S. Uiiton , u piomlnent focilor of Union ,
n as on the market with a car of ho s ,
J. U. Finer , thuell knoun Falilli < ld shipper
muiketed four cars of cattle from Alma.
William Kamrath , a proiiiliicnt stockman
of Lindsay , had blcuis of cattle on the
llos ; uiohelllii ! ; now about ( Wo lower than nt
same time a year iiiso , and about $ l.751ouer
than .Itine , IbS-S. In Iss7 at this time they were
helling mound $4.00 , or o\er tl.OO higher than
Ocoigo II. CJieen , who Is well and favorahly
known and who has heen 111 for many months ,
Is ulilu to bootitaKaln. and with .1. J. Hunter
o ( Clik'iigo will I'Mgagu In thu live stuck com
mission business , and will bi'gln active work
the coming week. The memhers of the new
Him me well known to shlppeis thioiigliout
the west and need no further Introduction.
John 11. Wallwoik. also well known here , will
handle the hog dopailmcnt for the new Him.
FISH I'er Hi : Fresh white and trout , 10@llc :
pike , H0e ! : plckoiel , 10c ; salmon , I5e.
Ilinns , I'KI.TS AND TAI.I.OW tiu-eii halted
hides , 4Ji'3 ' 'io ; dry salted hide - . . 4'G. > Jie ; dry
Hint hides , So ; calf hides , . < Sti' ' 'tu. Dam aged
lluml picked navy , $ l.iftK1.75 ( ; hand
picked navy , medium , fl..VKul.liO ) ; hand picked
country. Jl.lOQJl.iW ; good clean , $1.25(31.40. (
Ai'i'l.K ItUTTUii-l'or Ib , 1X16 0.
Wool , Flno unwashed
, ITiSlOcs medium un
washed , I.s2lc ; unwashed , IWJtSJi * .
runs Heaver , per II ) . t2.A034.OJ ; each , JI1.00 ®
7.W ; otter , eaeh. f I.IK > tiT.N ) ; wolf. each. SJ&sOo ;
coon , each , 40'i/tTn. * ; mink , rach. IKVii.VIc ; mtisk-
tat , fall , bTl2u ; muskrat. wlnturi loii l.'ic ;
.skunk , 257ilOcbadger. ; . 40cUfl.X ( ) ; deerskins ,
per Ib , 204 We ; deer skins , winter , per Ib , 12 ®
OHAN'OES per bov , Mediterranean sweets
$5.0'J ; l.os Angeles. tl.Ojj fancy Uuaitu heed- ,
lings , $ ln > 0 ; Ho i | . W.IK ) .
I'INIHIM'I.KS I'er do/ , $2.53'I.OO.
STHAWiiKltliiKS I'er case , choice shipping
block , t..7.V't.'I.OO ( ; good , $2.00J.50.
UiiiKlt I'er bbl , rellned , $1.50 ; hilf ( hbl , f 1.50 ;
hard elder , pine , per bbl , J5.0tl ; orange older ,
half hbl , $7.H ) ; pear elder , half bbl. tt.UJ.'OltMA UllKHIUKS 1'Or 10 Ib bo$1,50 ®
II VVANAR 1'or bunch. JI.50JM.OO.
I'aney V. A. , ofull eroam , lie ; full
cream twins , lO'tc ; choice full eieam twins ,
IVSNJ ; Swiss , ilomestlc , ir > ffil7c ;
llmbutger , fancy , I2 < if Ilk- ; brick , I2 iic. ) : )
New southern onions , per hbl
$ I..VVTco.liO ; horsoradlsli. IK rdoplnt.s , $1.25 ; new
southern potatoes , iJ , , ; > & . ) .OJ per bbl. ; half
bbl.saoksl,50. *
I'OTATDKS Old , per bushel , choice. 20We. !
MUAIS Smoked liiims , 1U Ib average , lUe ;
smoked hams , 20 to 22 Ibs. | i'c ' ; smoked bams ,
12 to 14 Ibs , lO'Je ' ; breakfast bacon , bije ; ham
sausage , fc'ii'i picnic hams , 7e ; dried beef hams ,
Biie ; beef tongues , per def < UM ; dry bait
meats , ( Xttd'nci mess pork , per bbl. . .
I.IIMONSI'er box , .Messina , fanoy , JI.50.voO ;
strictly choice. $ l.2J < ai.50 ; evtia fancy lemons ,
ilimrii- Creamery , fiiney rolls , print , 17 ®
Ihc ; ereumery , faney. willil packed , 15ai7c ;
eieamery , eliolee , luQ > | 8ut dally , fiiney rolls
and prints , I2fullu ; dairy , . 'iincy , solid paeked ,
lOitlic ; ilalry. choice , iv&iuv ; country jell ,
fancy , NS'.w : choice , 7 < ijS.Sc ; Inferior , 2&.V.
Kuiis-lle per do for Mrletly fieshj stale
block not saleable' .
HONKS ( Qiioiatlons aie for delivery In Clil-
cago. ) Dry bulTalo. per Ion , llo.w is.ou : dry
country , bluaohi'd. lo.wtaii.tKj ; ) dry country ,
damp und meaty. { s.O'jftjo.oo.
JKI.MHS : i'tf 4e per Ib.
OIIEH.SHII VKAI. cliolct'iuLMlliiui , ( X27ci light ,
M li'i heavy. 44.V.
IINMIII : : UH OKiino.
-Per hundred. W.oo.
I'R-Ki.cs Medium , per bbl , } 5.50 : small , in 50 ;
gherkins. J7..V ) ; C. & II. chow chow , ills J5.S5 ;
pints , .
1'iiul.Tli Per do/en , chol.'e hens. ti.2.V3i.oo ; | ;
enoloe , mixed , t l.limif.'I.IlS ; roosters , * 2.50't2.7S ( :
nprlng chickens , J'.OO for smull ; $ J.25ti2.50 for
medium ; 14.00 for large ; live turkeys , per Ib ,
. . VrnKTAiiiKs--l'utatocs , per Ib ,
2ic ! ; cabbage , per Ib , 'I'lt&lc ' ; onions , iierlb , 4c.
Huntus-Cut loaf. Do ; eut loaf cubes. 7'kc ' ;
Manduril , tiowderi'd , 7aie ; XXXX , pondered ,
.He ; granululed , blandaid.O e ; cunfectloneri >
A , O'.o ; white , extra , S' c ; extra C , Nebraska ,
a e ; amber , ,1'ic.
I'orrBBUouMiul Ailmcklos Arlo > a , 25'iC !
Mc-LauKlilln'H \ \ \ \ . 25it , ( ieimun , 25\u ,
IMUorth. 25 , Alaronm ) , 23V > . hulk. 24 V
CimT.i : Green I'lincy uid iroldcn Hlo. 220 !
fancy old pcalerry.c244o , Hlo , cholco to fancy.
e.IUo , prime , 2U.4Ci Hlo , touil , 22hc ; ban-
tot ntrl common Uo.V ! \ < > 3lf Mi ) 'lin SPo > .Invn ,
penulni' . O O.2SC ! Juvn , sood/lnterlor. SSot
Afrlean , 22'ic. , '
I'\inx ( 'Kor ' noon Ilarleyj.lit ( > ; fnrlnn ,
fx' ; peas , ; io ; oattnenl. J U'i'-if. ' macaroni. lOe ;
vermleelll , ICes rice.K C'lci < axe ntid tnploca.
&a7e ; limn beiltis. fie 71
tll. Kcro ene P. W. lSc | W. W. . l.le
headlight. l.'Mte : ga'ollniI3jv ; lalad i > i ; < fU.t.GO
O.tOperdol.lnsred Itnw. ( lfi < ! boiled. Ck' .
I.\nt I'titolanl. tli'rci" , OV ; kcttletlerce .
' Nsr.n MKATS I Ib mncli tpuitue. N.7S ; 2 Hi
luiioh tongue. $1.75 ; I IbeormM beef. $ | . , Vt ) 2 Hi
corned beef , J2.05 : U It ) corned beef , IIJ.50 ; 14 II )
coriifd hecf. JII.OO ; 2 111 boneless nlits' feet ,
* J.20 ; I lliKngllsh brawn. } 1 * > ; .2 Ib Kngllsh
brown , 12.15 : 0 II ) KHzlMi titi\Mi. W.75 ; I II )
ehlnped beef. $2.00 ; 1 11) ) eompiiHscd ham. II. IB.
Horn llasls .Manilla rope. i.V ; sNal rope ,
IZ'ioi enlion lope. Idci new pmcess , + > , ii.
loTTUN' Twi.NKHIbbery tine. : i or 4 ply ,
SSo ; line. 20e ; DiiKv , Ifc ; cnndle wick , 22C.
t'l.ivustitinrt" , per do1TI.75 ; pints , per do/ ,
18.85 ; bulk , per gal. Mo.
ViNKH.ut 'Wgr. elder , lOc ; good , 12c ; whlto
wlue , 15c : fancy fruit , 8c.
STOVK POLISH $2.Kxa.V8r ( per gross.
per 100 , $ l7.tW ; Lewlston , per 100 ,
. Mofssr.ttllhls , N" . O. fancy , per pal.ntVQASci
chnlce. 4S ITc : good , : ) SVtV ; Cuba baking , 8S
C-'Vlc ; blaek strap , 8U@88c.
WliAi-t'iNii I'M'Kit-Mraw. ppr Ib , lO2o ! { ! { !
rag , : Pic ; Manilla II. ftdfle ; No. 1. 'c.
llAds t'nloii Siiuaro , UOiWn percent off list ,
i-AlT-l.ilrv 2.sO Ibs In bbl. bulk , $2.10 ; best
Rfiuli' , RO. : . | 2.'I ) ; best grade , Mo , : is , f..40 ; best
grade , 1" , 10s $2.20 ; rock salt , crushed , $1. 0 ;
common , bbl , $1.25.
Sovi'-l'astlle , mottled , per Ib , OftlOo ; do ,
white , per Ib. 14c.
llltiHiMS-Parlor , 5 tie , $1.00 ; 4 tie. $ , .75 ; 8 tie ,
12.85 ; stables , $2 > 5 ; common , $ I..V al,75. ;
r < coAclb tin. 400 porlb.
C'liiH-or.vriJ 8aifci5u per Ib ; Ucrman chicory ,
red , h'lC. '
UASNIMI GOODS Fruits , rnllfoinla standard
biands. 24-11) . per doz Aprleols. Sl.ij.VJ,1.75 ;
apilcots. pie fruit , $1.50 ; gallons. ? l.vj ; blaek-
beirles , $ ' .f,20 ; eheirles. hlaek. J220fe'J.8S ; eher-
i les , wiilte. } 2.2.Vir2.5) ; grapes , | ; pears ,
Hat Ill-It , $2.IOS2.25 ; penelies. vellnw , j.MlK'rr2.8S ;
peaches , lemon cling. $2.10 ; plums , egg , JI.I15 ®
i.SOj l linns , golden diop , tl.sii ; plums , giecu
gages , $ t.viJI.H ( ) ; peaches with nils In , $ I.Cc (
currants. .f2i : ( ) ; gooseberries , fc..Ti ; quinces ! ,
S..lti ; niNiibortlus , J2.SO ; si law hen les ,
Jljit'l ; I Vb"biui-beiTl'esf > 0Oyc ; 2 Ibbhickherriesi
( VVii75c ? ; 2-lb strawberries , on si.r\ed , fl.W ) ; 2-ll >
raspbeiiles. jnescrved. JIAO ; 2-lb blackberries ,
preserved. $1.20 ; plneaiples. It.ilmma ehomied ,
J2.1H ) ; 2-lb Ilahama giated , $27.'i ; 2-lb Hahama
sliced , J'J.511 ; 2-lb btanihud , sliced. tlSKitl.Ms
eheriles , 8-lb led , llaltlmore , b5QyJc ; pears ,
2-lb , $ l.iO. :
H.U.SODA Ubls , Pic ; granulated , 2ej kegs ,
SIIDAPkgs. . no Ibs to bofi' $ .
NUTS Almonds , I5c ; lira/Us , 12e ; fllhert" ,
iic : ; iiecans , lie ; walnuts , | ' . ' , ' : peanut cocks ,
te ; masted , I2c ; Tennessee peanuts , be.
Duuos-Grocers ) I'er Ib. boiaI2c ; cop
peras , 2'5o ; bay leaves , 14c ; glue , ICe ; epsom
.salts , le ; glaiiber salts. lie ; sulphur , 2'je ; blue
\llrlol , Uc ; alum , 4c ; taitarlc acid , 42u ;
resin , 2-- .
Viir.TAiiM' Tomatoes II Ib extra , JI.OO ; 3
Ibstandaul western bi.imls , GOWiiTie ; gallons ,
stilclly staiidatd , &J.1W. Corn I Inest giown ,
$1.50 ; glltedged sugar corn , very line , $1.50 ;
choice 8 II ) sugar corn , $1.20 ; 2 Hi extra western
brands , 5. > ( , $ l.-0 ( ; 8 Ib Mandaid westein ,
brands. 5 xij'Oc1. Mushiooms lib French , ex
tra line , 22 250 ! 1 Ib Fiench. line. lSff.22c ; lib
Fiench , ordlmny , ItiUlSc. Peas-Ties , line per
ean25e ; deml-llne. pur can. KJi-j 2 11) sifted
JLIO ; 21beaily .Inne , $ l.2.VT5l.i5 : ; 211) ) Murmur
standard brands , $1.10 ; 2 Ib soaked , 57e. String
beans-2 Ib hluli grade , Hefugee. HV ; 2 ID Golden
den wax beans TSet 2 Ib Miliiit beans , 7(1'- ( ;
Ijlma beans 2 II ) soaked , 7.VBoston baked
beans-'I Ib l.owls. JI.tK ; Crown brand , $1.50.
Sweet potatoes II11) ) New Jeisey. $ l.iO. ( Pump
kins 'I Ib , il.lfl. Okra and tomatoes. fl.OO
okrn , f ! . < ) ; succotash , $1.2) ) .
FISII C'odflsb , extia Ueor es , new , .rie ;
grand new , fie ; slher. 2-lb blocks , ( Pie ;
snow white 2-lb bi icks. now. M4c ; Turkey cod ,
large middle bricks Uc ; snow whlto crates ,
12-5 II ) boxes. 7Uc ; Iceland Jmlilmt.'H.- ' ; medium
scaled heirlng. 25e ; No. henlng , 22e ;
diunestle Holland herring. Me ; Hamburg
spiced helling , $1.50 ; Husslan ssitdlnes , 75c :
Itusslan saidines , plain , Me ; Impinted Holland
heirlng. eiown hiand.Nic ; do fancy mllkeis ,
We ; maekeiel , No. 1 plioie. half bills , Slll.dO ;
bloateis , half liliN. $1S.OO ; wjiltiiWi , half bills ,
J7.IW ; ttout. half bbls. $ j.50 , family white Ilsh ,
salmon , fs.(0 ( ; 1-lb mackerel ( herring ) ,
. 1.Ill ; l-lb llniian baddies , $1.75 ; l-lb lob
sters , $ ' . ' .l.va2.25 ; l-lh Ah-sKa salmon. Aleut ,
$ I.U > ; 2-lboystels. I0oJl.'Vi ; 1-lb oysters , 5 o/ .
$1.15 ; 2-lb selects , IL'OVJ.i5 : ; l-lh elnm , little
necks , $1.25 ; 2-lb clams , little necks. $2.00 ; 'i-lb
saidines , imported , per ease , uws , $ l5.lOfc20.W ( ( ;
's-lb Impoiled boneless sai ill ness , ysc ; 1-lb
saidines , American , per case , 100s , Fiencb
style , il.riO'it'i.dfllb ' ; ! sardines , Amcilcan. per
case , ions , 1 lench style , i7.WX8s.)0 ( ) ; 'j-lb sai-
dlncs. mustaid. [ ) er eae , 50s , $ 'l.754.00 ; Im-
poi led kev saidines. JKUK ) ,
DniKi ) FitriTS Cm rants , new , C'i@8c ;
pruiics , casks. 1UO ! ! Ibs , C..fsre ; pi lines , bbl , or
hag , 77'iC ; citron , drums , 20 Ihs , 22c ;
lemon jieels. drum1 : , 20c ; faitl dates , boxes , 12
Ihs , 12e : apricots , ehoiee evaporated , 15c ; apil-
eots , Jelly cured , 85 11) bo.xes , IBc ; apricots ,
fancy , ! i" > Ib boxes , niu : apples , choice evapor
ated , ll'.e ; apples , ] ) ilme now , lOc ; llgs. laj er.
10 per cent taie. l4c ! ! ' ; In sacks , 7e ; Peisian
dates , 7c ; s.ilk hake apples , 5'io ; hluckbeulcs
cvapoiated , 50 II ) boxes , S ir ; elieirles , pitted ,
diy cured , Kle : peaches , pared , fancy , iKg-'Oo ;
choice. Hie ; Halt Lake , Oc : pitted plums Cal. ,
1 II ) bo.xos , S'ffiO'jc ; laspherrles e\apoiated ,
N. V. , new.'lie ; prunes. 1J. ( ' . , 00-70 , I0'l 12'sc ' ;
oiange peel , 15e ; lalslns , Callfoinla , London
eioplhOO , $2JO ; Cal. loose muscatels , eiop IS'.H ) ,
$2.10 ; Valenelas , ISss , Te ; Valencias , now , lie ;
Cal. seeds , sks. , 8c ; Onduia , layer , new , lie ;
dried giapcs , 5c ; piunelles. now , lie.
Drugs' .
Quinine , peroP. . & \V. , 40c ; German , 40c ; In
digo , pi-rib , Tile ; Insect powder , lOc ; opium ,
$ .I.U5 ; moiphinc , tier o/ , $ .1.10 : hop * , per Ib , DOc ;
glyceilne , 81c ; dextrine , 12c ; cutllebone , ! 15c ;
eieam taitar , pun * . il5u ; commercial , 18c ; cam
phor , 5iu ! ; a m. eaih , tic ; bine vllrol , 7'iC ,
Acids -Carbolic , Iyg ( > tiocltrle,4.vai7e : ; ; tin tairlc ,
: t7ff l ! > e ; sulphuric , per 11) , lie. Oils-Sperm ,
( iOe ; turpentine. 50e ; Tonka beans , $1.75l. ! > 0 ;
balsam tolu. IlsJilOc ; caloiiiulU5i'i7u ; eanthar-
adlcs , $ l.iol.ri : : ; cassia buds , 20ft22c : ebloio-
form. 5K'f5.'lc ; ergot. 4752o ; gum arable , 5VQ )
05o ; glycerine. 283 5u ; lycopodlum , 42liic ;
meicury , Sic. _
BLOCK TIN Small pig , 28o per 11) ; bar , 'lOc
per Ib.
Coi'i'nu Planished holler sl/es , IH'-c per Ib ;
cold rolled , 20o per ! b ; sheathing , 8 u per Ib ;
bills and Hats. 8c ! ) per Ib.
G\i.vANi/Ki ) KiiKtrr IIION Dlso't 50-10 pel-
cent , pat. plan , lion , Nos. 24 ( 27 , A , 10i ! ; II ,
' , I. 0. , 14\20 , 112 , J5.15 ; I.
X. , $7.25.
.SIIIKT : Iitos No. 20 , $ : ) . 5 ; No. 27. W.73.
Soi.iiiiit 14EI5C.
TlNPl.ATK-1. O. , 10.x II , 235 , $7.23 ; I. X. , 10x14 ,
225. $11.00.
TIN PlATK-Coke , IOx-14 , 225 , $ . ' 1.2J.
STHKf , NAILS llase , $5.25 ,
STKKI. WIHK NAII.S llase , M.Ki.
WlltE Jap. bail ) , $ l.i'J ( ; galv. , $1.15.
Dry flood H.
IlKAVV HllOW'N C'OTTONS AtltlUtlo A , " * * ( ,
Atlantic II , 7c ; Atlantin I ) , ( i e ; Atlantic P ,
Co ; Aurora C , P-Jo ; Hnck's Head , CJto : Cabot
W , li'je ' ; Darlington , ( Pie ; Farmer's No. 1 , ' .
4'e ' ; Hooslcr LL.A'ic ; Indian Head , 74Cj ! Law-
icnco LI5'4e ; Henrietta LL , 5 > , e.
FINI : IIIII\VN COTTONS Atlantic. LL , fie ; Au-
mra II , h 4e ; Auiora It , ( i'jc ; Atlas O N II , 7'e ' ;
cheese olotb , 4c ; Clifton FF , 5'ie ; Peppeiell It ,
U'ic ; Langdond Il.lto.
lli.K.M'ini : > COTTONS Itoikcluy cambrlo No.
Ifl , Do ; Host Yet , ( Hit1 ; Hutteicloth XX , 4'c ;
Cabot , 7'ic ; Dwiglit Anchor , Oe ; Kllerlon .
S. , 7'ie ; First Call. ( I'je ; Fiult of the Loom ,
M.IO ; Hill Semper Idem , sc ; Housekeeper , 8'4e ;
King Philip cambric , Hie ; Liingdon U. II. , ll'ic ' :
Lonsdalc. H4'c ; Lonsdalo cumin le , lOc ; New
Yoik mills , lie ; Oak Lawn , 7e.
Net -Pepperell. 42 In , lUcj Pupperell. 4(1 ( In , lie ;
Pepperell , (1-4 ( , 14'c ; I'eppcrell , 8-4 , 80o ; Pep-
lierell. li-l. 22c ; Peppeiell. 10-4 , 24 ; Utloii , 8-4 ,
2liFtlca ; , 0-1. 2lic ; Ftlcu , 10-4.28u. !
tiiNOii \ .MSAmoskeag. . O e ; Amoskciig ,
diess , h'ie ' ; Itates , ( ! 'ic ; Wiirwlck , diess , 7Hc ;
Luncastcr , ( i'ic ; ( Uenalro , 0'4c ; Whlttoiiton ,
diess , 8'ie. '
PIII.NTS Indigo Illne Nut Martha Wash
ington , lie ; Ameilcan , liV : ; Arnold , U > ke ; Ar
nold II. long cloth. IOe ; Stlfel A. 12e ; .tlenl-
maek % . lOo ; ( fold Leaf , 8'i ' < ? ; Hamilton , r 'ic ;
Allen Pinks , G tc ; Allen Olmmbray , Ce ; Glou
cester , S'ii1.
Pni.NT.s--Fancles--Kddystoiip , fi'c ; Htcel
Hl\ur , Co ; Hamaiio , 4'ic ; tit , Leger , 5'kC. Shirt-
Ings .Mm tliu Wiihhlniiloii , 4 > te ; Merrlmack ,
4Vju. Turkey Heds Fountain , U' ' e ; Garner ,
7c ; Oretleld. Hijo : Ilorlln , ll'ie.
WKIANS Net. Thistle , f'4o ; Hed Cross , 7c.
COI.OIIKII CAMlilltCH ( IntVn , 4'4c ; Hed Star ,
4'ic ; tolled Closer , -V ; Hhuur , Go ; high coloif ,
le extra. i
CIIAHIIStevens' II , IU-lij5'c | ; Slovens' D , 18-
in , lie ; SliiM-ns' A. hl-ln. 7cj. Slovens' P , IS-ln ,
V ; Stevens' M. Ih-ln. h'tji. Stevens' N. 20-ln ,
b'iu ; Stevens' N.N. 22-ln , O'io ' ; StovcnV SHT. 20-
ln. ll'ic ; bleaelied. le i-vtia.
DK.MMH Net. Amoskeag , OoId'Jc ' ; York ,
camlet , I2c ; Kverett , stiindiird. 1'J'jc ' ; llay-
maker'n , 7'ie ' ; ( lid Yoik , XX. lu'c ; L.iwrunce.
220. I'l'ti1 ' ; Lawienco , UoI5'ic ; fancy htrlpcs
and checks , ll'ic.
CorrONAliKH York Nankin , WJc : KverettS-
oIhe ; Lewlston , IKotll'ic ' ; Worklngmiin's ,
lie ; Co i k screw cashmeie , 22' 4c.
on tlio Itlco Crop ,
. Dan TulniUKO's Sons , In their bulle
tin of Juno ' . ' , speak of the growing rico urop
tw follows :
North Carolina The winter was unusually
favorable for preparation. Tlturu wna a
slight Incruabo of acreage at tide wutor sec
tions and home diminution In the uplands ,
und the crop Is In lint * shape for culture.
South Calcium -The crop Is nut in such
good condition as could bo wished , some sec
tions needing ruin , hut total acrvugo more
than for several years past uud outlook ; favor-
ublo Ut present for uu lucrcuiicd crop , all do-
l > ciHlliiR on the scnson from now till Imrvest.
Georgia Incre.uwl ni'rcngc reported ntul
outlook Rood for a fair crop.
Iotil tinn ; Too early to form tlcllnlto con
clusions as to the prospect In this stnto , but
npneanincei Indicate that an average crop
will bo made.
A 'Most TIirllllnnHulloon Trlii
ly a Trniie/.o ltnio. |
Grout cxolti'incnt was ciiusod at Croy-
don , noai * London , lin liuul , on a rooont
Siilurday ttfternoon , In connui'tirin with
the iiKi'enl of Prof. Illjjfjln.s , the para-
ohntlHt. The balloon was of the I'lipiuiltv
of li-.OOO oublo fcot , and wns fully
chargi'd by 6 oVlocUc. ] llpjl"9 { saHl the
dlroetion of the wind , whtt'h was north-
oust , would nocossltato lila traveling1 tv
considerable holfrht , but ho hoped to
return to the Held in about half nn hour.
When ho gnvo the Hlgnttl to the at
tendants to "let go , ' ' the balloon gradu
ally rose and appeared to go in the di
rection of Norwood. Upon reaehlng the
altitude of something like -1,000 feet , the
parachute became detached from the not
of the balloon , which was rising at a
great rate. It wns evident that bonio-
thing had gene wrong. The balloon
rapidly disappeared in the clouds.
When darkness sot in and no news hncl
been received of the parachutist , much
anxiety wa.s evinced as to his fnlo.
Shortly after S o'clock , however , all fear
was dispelled by the receipt of a tele
gram Btating 'that Iligglns hud landed
safely near Tollbridge. Iliggins re
turned to East Croydon by the 0:20 :
In an Interview Illggins staled that
ho had experienced the most wonderful
of nil his aerial voyages. When ho had
reached a height of1,000 feet ho began
to got into n strong current , and the
balloon twihted right round. The cur
rent then caught his parachute , causing
the wooden ring of it to catch him very
tightly under the nr is. The tent cord
which held the parachute then broke.
Directly that happened ho' saw that
the parachute was hanging below him
fully inllalcd , and the pre.sMtro on him
was BO great that it was" impossible for
him to descend into the middle of the
town with anything like safety. Ho
thereupon opened his penknife with his
tooth and cut the parachute away. This
caused the balloon to shoot up 0,000.
fcot higher , and , on reaching that alti
tude , lie met another current , which
brought him bac-u , and ho saw nothing
until he pas-sod through tome sleet and
lie could honr , however , the sound of
trains. Ho was in this snowstorm for at
least ten minutes , and when he had
passed through it the him was binning
beautifully. Ho could see the sun
glistening on the water at Brighton.
Ho found the air getting very fahnrp and
keen ; icicles were hanging from his
mustache. For : i few minutes he was
quite deaf. Ho now teemed to bo de
scending , and he thought ho wns getting
near Hastings or Brighton.
He could btnell the sea. When ho was
2,000 foot from tlio earth ho prepared to
dotccnd by hanging one arm on to his
trapeze rope as if ho wore lining his
parachute. When his feet touched the
ground the balloon , which was in front
of him , drugged him for ten yards , and
then rebounded borne sixty feet in the
air , between two trees.
Two laborers , in response to his sig
nals , arrived ju&t as he came down a
second time , and held the balloon until
lie let out the gas. Iliggins bald that at
one time ho must hnvo boon live milch
above the earth. The balloon had-no
ebcapo valve.
People Send Cards ol'Sctiurn-
tlou Ijlkc Weildiiijj Invitations.
'The uiiiiounccmont fad has become a
greater rage than over , and it is no long
er conlinod to weddings , births , chris
tenings , anniversaries and the like , "
said iMr. Robert McKee , manager of
Bronfano's stationery department , to a
New York Proas reporter , "but people
actually seem to lie awake nigh Is to
think up schemes which they can 1mvu
engraved on enameled cards to fct-nd
around to their friends. They have taken
111 uiriiiiui H , UUUUIIIH iniyn nun .in unit
bert of thing for a long thno past , but
this is the very latest. "
With this ho handed a Inrpo square
card to the reporter , got up in very
much the sumo btylo as is adopted for
wedding invitations. The card read as
follows :
Mil. J. PIUI.IP MiCii.N
Announces his divorce from
Mus. J. > McCJiNX
( Nco Gladys ( Jilhooly ) ,
Saturday , April 111 , Ib'JO.
Judge Shoppard.
Grounds statutory.
The beauty and simplicity of this idea
nro so apparent as to make comment al
most suporlluous , but it may bo pointed
out that Mr. Philip McGinn , by this
simple expedient , warns tradesmen that
he is no longer legally responsible for
debts contracted by Mrs. J. Philip Mc
Ginn , neo Gladys Gilhooly. At the
biimo time ho bquares himself with the
young ladies already fortunate enough
to number themselves among his circle
of acquaintances , and nlbo beta himself
right with those to whom ho may in
future bo introduced. Attentions which
might not properly bo received from a
married mtih are often quite acceptable
from ono who is "eligible. " and by this
moans Mr. J. Philip McGinn prepares
hinjbolf to enter on a long or otherwise
career as n "mtibhoi1. " Of course there
are some people mean enough to say
that Mr. J. Philip McGinn was Inspired
by spite when ho added the little remark
In the right hand corner , which is cop
per plated In tt fine Italian script. But
evidently Mr. J. Philip McGinn feels
that as a court of justice has laid all the
blame on the partner of his joys and
borrows , as Mr. J. Philip McGinn Is
ready to bwcar , no part of it bhould bo
allowed to attach to aim , and HO ho ad
vertises that ho is "Innocent ! Innocent ! "
as Is Invariably remarked by the melo
dramatic hero when falsely accused.
When It comes to stylish divorces and
everything that to thorn pertains Chicago
cage , as Usual , occupies a position on
the band wagon.
FrioutlHol' the Hoorotary Say that llu
Will Not Ite u Candidate.
A Portland , Me. , special to the Now
York World bays :
James G. llluino keeps himself in
touch with Maine. Ho Is constantly in
communication with his friends hero
and when any of his trusted lluuU-nunLs
go to Washington Blaine talks to
thorn with greater confidence than anyone
ono olso. From these gentlemen I huve
learned Mr. BlalneV present fueling in
regard to the presidency. It may bo
hummed up thus :
Mr. Illaliio put the presidency behind
him once and for all in the Florence let
ter , though had the Chicago convention
persisted in forcing upon him the nomi
nation ho would have accoptcd with re
luctance. When Harrison wuh nominated
biorles Hew about that Mr. Blainu would
get llrst place in the cabinet and the
presidency in IM'U ' , Harrison to withdraw
In his favor , f have tiucct'cded in llnd-
Ing n man who saw uvury word
of tin- I'orivhpundiiicibotttein Pn-sidi-nt
Harrihun. tlu-n in InUinnnpotiH. and Mr
Bliuno in Augusta , in regard to the sec
retaryship of state. There wns , ho snld ,
absolutely nothing In or between the
lines thut Indicated any such understand
ing between the two "men. Blaine has
repeatedly said In private that ho has
been near enough to the olllce to learn Its
cares and responsibilities , Its wearing
hard work , Us tiny and night worry , antl
the little thanks one gets in the place.
Blaine may , therefore , bo given up as a
candidate for the presidency , his friends
say. It Is likely that In ISDl ! Blalno's per
sonal following will go to Harrlbon ,
A KlKlil Declared Off.
"I bog your pardon.1
"Well , why don't you look whore
you're going ? '
Two big athletic men stood facing each
other In front of the Equitable building
and the crowd gathered around them in
the hope of seeing a sot-to without hav
ing to plunk up an entrance fee , says the
New York Morning Journal.
The voice of the llrst speaker , while
deep and resonant , had a good nnturod
ring toil. That of the other man , though
high bred and well modulated , wtis
pitched in a key that showed that he did
not propose to bo run over without mak
ing it hot for the fellow who did the
"bunking. "
"I'll just teach you some manners , "
said he to the good-naturpd man , "that
is if you are not afraid to moot mo. "
For the time n Hush of anger
spread itself other the other man's face.
The crowd looked on with breathless in
terest , for by this time nearly every ono
except the angry man had recogni/cd
the well-known features of the king of
putrilists , John L. Sullivan.
With tv polite bow ho handed the other
a card.
"It will give mo great pleasure , " said
he , as the smile returned lo his face ,
"to meet you tit any time and place you
mtio select. "
Ono look at the piece of pasteboard
was enough to knock till thoughts of a
light out of the cross man's head , and as
soon as ho could push way through the
crowd ho jumped on n passing liorsc-
car and was soon out of sight.
"Who was the man who wanted to
lick Sullivan ? ' ' asked ono broker of
another , as the disappointed crowd
start od to disporho.
"Why. that's Kddio Martin , the Pitt-
burg oil broker , who is known as tin- best
gentleman amateur athlete in Pennsyl
vania. ' '
r Mi Oil Ab PATMTQ
13O2 Fnrnnni Strmt ,
City Pasaongor and Tiokofc Ayonb ,
Correspondence solicited.
, , a , Bankers ,
163-105 Dearborn Stroot. CHICAGO.
70 State Streat. BOSTON.
Operated timlr-r n twenty year's contract by tlio
Mexican International iHiiirovomuit
( iranri Monthly clr/i nines liulil In thn Mnrcsquo
Pavllliin In tlio Alamvila 1'aik , ( . 'Ity of Mexico , anil
publicly coiuluclcii by izovi-rnnifiit olliclala uppolnt-
eil for the purpose by tuc Secretary of llio luterlor
un J tbo Treasury.
will bo huld 111 llio CITV OK MK.X1CO ,
JULY 1O , 189O.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $60,000. TifUcti ntfi , $ ; eonoo.
I'llciof Tlokots , Anicrlc-aii Money ,
lUilvos tjii. CJnai-tora iI
irnpltal rrlreuf fWWij . | ,
1 Capital I'rl/oof ZO.iJdl ) . In
ICapllal 1-rlzoof lO.IXJU . u .
1 ( iranil I'rlzoof 2,0m ) . Ii s.urw
3 I'rltoi of tl.UJU . am iW.
C.l'rlzusof im . nro II.'XO
to I'rlrei iif 'M . are 4 000
100 l > Jliiof IUU . are Id.Wi'l
.1'Ul'rltaor t < 0 . are 17.IXXI
6SI I'rUumr .0 . are 11,00 ,
1M Prliosof fiOappioxlinat'B to MUrjO prlzo P.OOO
l.VJI'rUcM .if 60 aiiprin'uiatV ' to VUUIUprU.i , 7.W )
151 I'rlioof 4Uni > proiliilit'Kt i ID.OHO prlzo , I ) . ( id
\VJ Terminal * of fJO ilecliloit by UOUO prize. 1VJ-W
2270 1'rlfO ! . Amoniltlnn to
All I'rlziM nolil In tlio United States full ; palil In
U. S. Currency.
tTr"FOHn.lTli HATES , or any furtlu-r Information
ilcMrvil , rllii K-Kllily to the tinilurslKni-il , clearly
clatlnu your rcshlcnru , with t-tatu , coiinly , Hired anil
iiumKT. Moro rapid return mall ili-llvvry will lie
iibsuri'il by your unclosing an unvulupu boarlnu your
future , ,
u. ,
CITV or JlKxtco ,
Hy ordinary loiter , cnntalnlim MONKV ollliUlt
Inucil by nil Kxprc n Companies. .Now VoU Kx-
, Draft or 1'ostal Note.
Ity ti'rmn of Contract the company mint ilnposlt the
pnm ol allprt < e Ini'luilt-il In thu scheme bi-Ioro mill-
IIIK a ulnulu ticket , and recelvu thu folloMlnxotlk'lal
I'erinlt ' :
C'niTlFlcATB- 1 hereby certify that Iho Hank of
London and Muilco ban on ik-poilt the neci'Msary
fiindn 10 Kuaranlt'o ' tbu paynu-iit of all prUua Urtiirii
by Iho l.olerla do la llunclli'cncla I'ubllca.
Aroi.l.SAIi CAhrtll.i ) Ililervenor.
I'liitlic'r , the company l riiilruil | toitlntrlliiitnlllty-
llx percent uf the taluaof all Ihu IliVelj la | irUoj-
ulaiKi-r purtlon thin In Klven liy any other lottery.
rinally , the number iif tickets U limited lusumw -
20.UUJ lesa man nro nold by other lotterlu > unlntflho
fraiuu vchuuio.
II can bo fll eH In M i-up of iwlfrv ur IrM. r In ur-
tlrlc * u ( fiioJ , wubout t-io Unow.edto ol the patient
| [ uncdi r/ II U absolutely barcilrt * aiut will elite !
a parmnaanl aad ipurdy cure , whrihcr the cintci u
ainodcrjloilrinntr or u lcoholic reck. I'l > K\ Kit
FAII.H , it op r te o quirily ud with vuoh oer-
unity tlm tb > putlenl under o no luconTenlcnoe ,
and era he u uwaro. bli cumpleto reformation In
cnootfrd * tapaffe book of particuura free To be bed o (
KUI1H & , CO. , Joint LlouKln.,1. IHh st CumingHti.
/"Iride upplled by UL.AKU , IJHUUiJ tt CO , and
1'uii I.Aini.s DM vDr I.Pduo.1 rcrloillcal Tilli
thi > t rcnrh n-mi-ity net on tb menttrual y leni anil
runupprt'4 U n fr m wtiatuver cau v l'n > im < to
mfnitriiatiKii Tbi'iu | IU ibuuld nut ba taken dur
Inn prcuiiuui. > Am I'lillo Ui , > alty I'roiH Kj'en-
< cr llaylo In ( u-uulnu uy hlit < riuun \ Mel-/mien ,
IkidKOit ni'iir I' C Onmlm I A Mulchvr huulll
Ouiaua , il I' Kins , Cvuncil Ulutls I. , or a tut li.
National Bank
Cnpltnl , - $40OOOO
Surplus Jnn. 1st , ISOO , - 07.COO
Offlpern ml Itlrftlnn Henry \f TutM , prc M nt )
MwliJi , Itofd , Tip * ilrmldnnl : JmnolV HitTHf1t |
V-Mono , John H CollliKg It C Cudilnai J. M. It
r UlckiV. . It. H. HuuhtH , cashlt-r.
Corner 12th nnd Knrntim Slrcf Is.
A nrncrnl Hi W' n..4i > , n , TnnnactP x
National Ban' <
Cnpltnl , $4C JO
Surplus ,
OfTtfor * nnd nirprlorn-R. M Morjcmnn. U Xf.
llllclicnck. .Imoiili ( ) nriitiu , , tr , A lli'nrjr , 1C L
AnitcriiiH , Wllllinii It. Mniit. Tln.-proM.liMil K II ,
Wllllnm * . A. I' HnpVtiK. iiroslilcnt A Milliard ,
cnnlilcr ; t * II. llr > nnt , n l tiuit o.i liU-r
Wholesale Manufacturers of Hoots & Shoes
fur Mo-ton UtiMipr Sli"o To . lid' . ' . HOI unit 1109
llnrnc ; Sticcl diunlii Not'
" ' " *
STOHZ > < i if.KR ,
Laser lleer Brewers ,
1M1 Nulli fill Hlri-ot ( InmliB. N'oti
" " * "
Mannfaclurcrs of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Whulow rnpa antl nlotIlllp kxlllllt .lelin I'l'i
proprietor llOBnulli lutli tr < > pt
A. IIOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
IM.11'tniBliii Htri'pt. Oinnlin. Net )
Coal , Coke , ICtc.
Jobbers of Hani and Soft Coal.
8. 1 ! . Cur Illtli niut KoiiKl.u Street ! ) , Oliriliu Noli.
Shippers of .Coal and Colic ,
311 Smith l.Uh Street. Oninlin , Sub.
Wholesale Cigars.
< 02N Ir.lh Street "llollii1" 14TO.
Dry ( 'oodH and Notlonn.
M. E. SMITH &TcO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
Corner lllli .nut llowunl Streets
Importcis and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
Gents' ruinlolilnitCoiiila Corner lltli nail Huriiof
btruut * . ( liiMlin , Neb
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Fnrniini Street , Uinnh.1 , NobiasVa.
Onnilm , NC
Wholesale Grocers ,
13th anil I.cavrmvorth Streets , Oaiaha , Ncnrnskrt.
Immlicr , I3tu.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc.
Importoil nrnl Amorloiin Portland Ct-ment Stntt
intent for MIlHiiukoi ) llritrnulto Couiuut , unit
( jiiltu-y Wlillo l.liuo.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wood carpcta nnrt pnrqut-t MonrlnK. lli und Dougliu
Struots , Oni.ilm , Nebrmkn.
FlttTuvTTTHiiY ,
Lime Cement Etc. Etc.
Luniucr , , , . , .
Corner i'tli ' unit Dmiiilni Street * , Onmlm
Millinery and KotloiiN.
Importers and Jobbers in J
203 , 210 nnd 212 South llth wtreoU
Notions :
Wholesale Notions-and Furnishing Goods ,
1124 Ilurnoy ntn > et , Oinnliu.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle KrcMP , etc , Oninlin. A 11. ll ! lioi | , .Miumgi-r.
Paper. _ _ j
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry n nlco stock of printing , vrrniiplnir nnrt nrltlnd
imjicr. Hin-clnl nlteiilluii irlvou to cunt pnpcr. '
SatiJ.H , ICtc.
A. L. DEANE &c CO. ,
Uvncral Aiicnta for
Halls' Safes ,
Rl and 323 South 10th Ht. , ( ) nmt .
H. HARDY & CO. ,
Jobbt-u of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
House Kurnlxlilnit ( iooili , Clillilrcu'ii Cnrrlniei. 12CJ
1 nrimm utroet , Ouinhn , Nob.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilnlllilay wind mill ) . 'J18 anil 020 Jnna-i - > t. , Omaha.
( i 1' Hos . Acting MitnaKer
Iron WorkH ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
Knulncn , hrass work , Kcnornl founilry tnarhlna un4
blncksuillh work OHIco ami Horki , U 1 *
Ily ami Kill street , Omaha
Manf'rs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults , jnll work , Iron iliulUin and tire estape
( i. Anilreeii , pr"p'r Cor lull unit Jaoktoit bti
KiiNli , DoorH , I0to ,
M. A. DISUROW ic CO. ,
Wholcialo nmnufacturcru of
Sash , Doors , lllinds and
Urunch onico , I2tliond Itard itruoti , Oninlin , II t > ,
o ti O ITI nl gy
01 South Omaha , Limited ,
Provisions and Stocks.1
liasemcnt First National Hank ,
OO8 South 10th Street , Oinnha *
8l > tcliurni cm bo lent Al nfolr t
mull or nt inii bead Igr tvdcti.
ICUt SUtit , OKUlo ,