Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Bishop O'Connor's E-jmains Laid to Eeat
with Imposing Ceremonies.
I'riiuc4lon of Cloi'sy l ) tlio Tomb ,
' .ritusci In Attendancenml Oilier
Pent tires ol' tlio Ttfumor *
able Oliscttien. ( |
Yesterday morning the vigils of the guard
nt tlio tlor of IMsltop O'Connor cnmo to n
cloiu nt mi cnrly hour. Tlio church w w
cleared of worshippers nuil the committee on
reception placed In chiirpo to maUu rtrtMnjfa-
incnt for the grand , nml solemn closing of
the obsequies ,
Almost olmuHnnoously friend * of the tic-
consoil and members of every parish In the
city undo their nppcnrnnco nt the cnttnnuo
nnd Bought admission , but without iivull.
The doors up to n certain hour were to bo
closed to all , nave thoio who cmno provided
with speetnl tickets of admission. The rule
win rigidly enforced. Sonio people wcro dis
appointed , but the majority saw the necessity
of thu injunction nnd uncomplainingly waited
without tlio doors until thu scats spot-hilly
reserved Imd been illlod , when Kent-nil nil-
inlsslon was allowed to till Urn could
The clar y mut in the Reboot of the parish ,
wli'-ro th ( > y vested in black cassock * , * aur-
pllced mid muck bcrcltni ,
Tim llshbM ) ] assembled in the pniwhltil
resilience when ) they attired tlicmtelves.Hoino
In purple cassocks and capes , and others In
black with the edges trimmed with u cord of
At 0 o'clock the priests filed from the
school through the throiip In front of the to the cathedral. The people made
way for them and the line walked with
bowed heads and eyes bent upon their
brovlitrics into the body of the church.
In front of the place reserved for laymen ,
the clei'Ky found scats. Immediately In front
of tliem stood a dais , upon whiel'i rented a
catafalque draped in black , on either side of
which stood tlireo lar o lighted tapers.
Upon the catafalque the casket was M > in
clined , and though lojoiul thu sight of
people on tlio llocr , tlio remains were dis
tinctly vlslllu ) to people in the gallery.
Under the leadership of Hcv. K KuesIiiR
of AVest Point , whoso excellent singiiiK wns
greatly appreciated , the .solemn ofllco J'or the
dead was chanted , all the clergy taking part
in tl'o uiToctivc service.
At thu conclusion of the ofllco the clergy
lllcd from the auditorium past the remains of
the div nscdtho while casting a tender glance
.it tlieh orstwlulo spiritual superior. They
then walked tbrough the sanctuary KCIIU-
Jlectlng us they passed the tabernacle nnd
disappeared through the south vestry.
They then passed through tlio purochial
resldenco omcrgiiig fiom the main entrance ,
e.ich iR-aring an unllghted waxen taper.
They walked in twos , e.ich as before referred
to. conning his breviary.
Thin i imo , however , the left of the line was
followed by the array of visiting prelates.
Some of tlio latter were young , others
very old and feeble. This was especially no-
ttee.iblu in the case of the venerable Arch
bishop ICenriclc , who , with his eighty-four
years , bowed form and gray hairs , brought
up the end of the procession. Ho was ac
companied by an iron-gray-halrcd man , full
features , evincing considerable strength of
clmr.iot T. Tins was Vlenr General Brady of
Ht.IjOiiis , who , it is said , is one of the clergy
men who has been considered by Homo as a
possible successor to IJIrhop O'Connor.
Within the cathedral the clergy took the
seats they had previously occupied ,
while the bishops wcro escorted
to the oratories nnd seats which
hud been grouped for them around
the catafalque. Two of them occu
pied prominent scuts in the sanctuary.
Tlieso wcro Archbishop Kcuriek who occu
pied the arcliiopiscopal throne immediately
opposite that used by Hisliop O'Connor ' in
life. The throne of the latter was > tcuantless
nnd draped with crope.
The other who appeared prominently was
Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul , who occu
pied n seat on the south side of the sanctuary.
ills Iron gray hair , regular and determined
features attracting considerable attention.
When priests and prelates had taken their
seats , Archbishop Kynn o Philadelphia , the
old-timo friend of the deceased , anil perhaps
the most eloquent pulpit orator In the coun
try , attired in a black copu with silver trim
ming , lace surplice , black soutane and white
milro entered tlio sanctuary from the south
vestry , to act os celebrant of the mass. Ho
was attended by the following clergvmcn :
Assistant priest , Very Hov. l \ Choka ;
deacon of tlio mass , Kov. William Kel-
lo > ; subdeacoii of the mass , Hev. .1.
.lennclto : deacon of honor , liov. l'\
Fitzgerald ; suhdeacon of honor , Kov.
V. Pacillcua ; bookbcaror , Hov. F. Barrett ;
candle bearer , Uov. F. Brophy ; censer bear
er , Kov. F. O'Toolo ' ; holy water and boat
bearer , Uov. F. Wallace ; acolytes , Kev. F.
Glauber and Hov. F. Behoof ; masters of
ceremonies , Hov. F. Carroll and Hov. F.
The celebrant and principal attendants approached
preached the foot of the altar , and simul
taneously the organ , under the direction of
Mr. John Sehenlc , and thu choir Intoned the
llrst bars of tno Gregorian requiem , and the
muss had formally begun.
Shortly bofor the epistle , the clergy lighted
their tapers , mid at the same time about 100
extra candles upon the altar wcro also
The seeno at this moment , especially from
the gallery , was most affecting. The altar of
cold white innrblo glistened beneath the rays
of the lighted tnicrs | while parti-colored light
streamed through the beautiful stained-glass
window behind. In the midst of
1 this radiance , which was not unminglcd with
clouds of aromatic Incense from swing
ing thurlfers , wore disposed the sombre-
clad celebrant and ministers , their vesture
contrasting strongly with the purple capes ,
bcrottas and rich luce surplices , gold neck
chain ! ) and pectoral crosses of the bishops. In
the middle of the picture , and slightly with
out the sanctuary rail , lay the bishop's re
mains , surrounded by nion of the same titular
rank in the church. Contrasting
with purple of these was the
white lace of the priests , and this
In turn with the black of the pall bearers who
nat immediately behind the clergy. Every
Head was bent In prayer , except these of the
invite ; ! friends , to many of whom the cere
monies and the spectacle was as strange as it
was. elaborate nnd Inspiring.
The sombre decorations of the church
which covered wall and in greater part the
windows also , and which have heretofore
been described In these columns , fnddcd
greatly to the solemnity of the spectacle
which will long remain In the mumory of
tlioao who beheld it.
Archbishop Hyan acted as celebrant nt the
voqtiPst of tlio deceased and In his singing
5as noticed almost the same sweetness of
( roleo which characterized him In parly llfo.
This sweetness was tinged with a plaintive
cadcnco which betrayed the feeling of per
sonal luronvcmoiit which the great orator
sustained in the decease of his friend.
At the offertory , the great vocal effort on
the part of the choir was made. It consisted
of u quartette sung by Messrs. Klnzle , Provo ,
Burkloy nnd Lumlmrd. The pieeo was ar
ranged for the occasion by Mr. John Schonk.
the organist. A moro tender and sweet and
yet moro tearfully solemn composition , It
would bo dinicult to Imagine. It was most
appropriate to the occasion , and was sung
with exquisite delicacy ami fooling. It was
mainly pianissimo , nnd MO delicate , so distinct
nnd so captivating the closing notes that
immy of them lingered in the car after the
Dinging hud ceased.
Allies lasted about an hour , the absence of
n sermon being most pronounced. There
wcro ground around the bier men eminent
for their hcholnrly attainments and noted for
tholr oloiiucneo. To them It would have boon
a merited honor ami a fraternal pleasure to
Imvo extolled the virtues of the deceased.
Such nn effort would have been appreciated
and Indeed had lioon desired by tno multi
tude. Hut the burning words of eulogy had
bcNi ostopped by one of the latest requests of
tlio deceased.
At the close of the mvss came the formal
nlisolutliin by four of the prclato . Each of
that.H ; attired in u largo funereal cope with
silver tri-nmlng with u white mitre upon his
Iti'uil , Kaeh encircled the casltod twice ,
bpriuklbiK It with holy water In the llrst und
inc. using It at the second round.
I'ach absolution required about 11 vo min
utes , thij ixMponsoa being iniulo in unison by
the attending clorgy.
Tlio llrst absolution was given by Arch-
bhhop Kcnrlek. the .second by Archbishop
Inland , the third by Illshop Fink nnd the
last by Archbishop Hyan.
The verac.i wcro Intoned by each prelate ,
the singing of both IJIshops Fink nnd Kyan
bilng most sweet and plaintive ,
The casket was then closed nnd tenderly
raised from the catafalque Dy the following
pall bearers representing thu several parishes
of this city :
Cathedral. Thomas Swift and Vincent
nttrkloy ; St. Mary Magdalen , Peter Karbich
nml.John Hiutmor ! Holy Family , Thomas II.
IJallov and John D. Fumy ; St. Cecilia , Wal
nut Hill. Charles F. Taggart and Jacob
Meyer ; Kt. John's collegiate , J. CJ. CJIlmoro
nnd Dr. J. T. Klnslcr ; St. Joseph's Charles
Trawlozlonnd Peter Bugger ; St. Wcnces-
laus , A. Korak nnd M. Vartcl ; St. Agnes ,
South Omaha , Dr. M. J. O'Hourko and James
Haley ; St. Peter's , J. A. Crelghton and John
O'lCecffo ; St. Patrick's , John Hush nnd
HIclmrd O'Kccffc. '
The jH'ople retired from thp cathedral , the
priests in twos moved down the south nlsle , fol
lowed by the bishops and after them was borne
the cos hot. Immediately preceding the re
mains was tlio vcnerablo archbishop of St ,
Ijoul.s , with his vicnr general , and attended
nlso by Hcv. A. .M. Colaueri of this city. The
old gentleman seemed deeply affected by the
spectacle , but gave no evidence of the fact
that he was the cynosure of every eye.
The procession moved from the church , the
bishops chanting from their breviaries aid
the priests responding. The line led around
Ninth to Haniey , thence to the alley In the
roar of the cathedral to the vaults. Tlieso
are situated In the crypt immediately beneath
the south vestry. There are ten of intmi with
openings of various designs , but all of the
Gothic order. Thi5so were erected some time
ago by Bishop O'Connor and one of thorn now
contains the remains of Hev. John C'urtls ,
who at ono time was vicar general of this
The vault selected for tlm remains of tlio
bishop Is on the second tier and
the second ono from the north.
Into this receptacle the casket
was rolled. After this had been done , Arch
bishop Hyan descended to the crypt and read
the last pr.iyori of the ritual and all was over.
A few sisters of the o"der of char
ity of tlio B. V. M. m-ro permitted
ta descend to the crypt where they spent a
few moments in silent prayer.
The clergy then returned to the pastoral
residence , anil some of them at this writing
have icturned to their homes.
Tlio slab which marks the bishop's vault
contains the following inscription.
; IIio JACKT :
: K.MUS. Ki'iscorus. OM.uin : ? . :
; Jtcouu.3 O'Co.vxoii. :
; NATUS is IIinnuviA. ;
: QUIT IN u.vo. ;
: it. I. P.
CU'rjjy lii Attendance ?
Among the clergy in attendance wcro the
following :
Aitciimsnora AXD manors.
Archbishop II. Kendrick of St. Louis ,
Archbishop P. J. Hyan of Philadelphia , Iro-
lund of St. Paul.
Bishops Hognn , Kansas City ; Mitred Ab
bott , Innocent Wolf , Atchison , Kan. ; Scan-
neil , Coiicordia , Kan. ; Marty , Sioux Falls ;
Fink , Lcavcnworth ; , Wichita ,
Kan. ; Bonacum , Lincoln ; Cotter , W'nona ;
Zurdetti , St. Cloud.
ritoM xnmusK\ .
Wolf , Grand Island : Eiuzig , Fremont ;
Itucsii-g , West Point ; Walsh , Norfolk ; Cassidy -
idy , O'Noll ; Brophy , Chadron ; Turk , S. J. ,
Cleans ; O'Hcllly , Albion ; Devos , Spaulding ;
Hayes , O'Connor ; Lee , York ; Cnrnoy , Platts-
mouth ; V/aldron , Sidney ; Conway , North
Platte ; English , Hastings ; Miller , St.Libory ;
Lynch , Wood Hiver ; Kuppenbcnder , Lincoln ;
Houscb. Suwnrd ; BaU , Crete ; Lj > aght , Jack
son ; O'Toolo ' , Now Castle ; Schoof , Helena ;
Gleason , Blair ; Hcaley , Broken Bow ;
Flood , Lexington ; Hynu , Columbus ;
Gleason , Blair ; Cusson , Nebrnskn City ;
Freeman , Wymoro ; Nolle , II umphroy ; M ugan ,
South ; Dolbovc , Hubbard ; Locker , Ilnrtin < -
ton ; Barry , Bancroft ; Jaekimowsc/ , Elba ;
Hovorkuy and Koutek , Abio ; Vraiick , Nor
folk ; Lauless , Auburn ; AleDonnld , Dawson ;
Walhicc/iivtnu ; BorWilbor , ; Bowfcka.Crcto ;
ruoM oiiiKii STATUS.
Hov. F. Hayes , Imogene , Iowa ; Kev.
Stephen Wall , udmiiiistrator of thodiocovjof
Pittsburg ; Hov. F. MeMenamy , Council
Bluffs ; Cumisky , Laramie , Wyo. ; Humbert ,
Eurling , Iowa ; itov. II. Mengwassor , Council
Bluffs ; Hev. W. Schmidt , Dos Moines : Hev.
Dr. Fit/maurico , Gominary of St. Charles ,
Philadelphia ; Hov. Daniel O'Connor , St.
Agatha's church , Philadelphia ; Hov , F. L.
Tobin , St. Mary's , Philadelphia ; Kov. J.
Cosgr.we , St. .Tames , W. K. Pittslmrg ; Hev.
Stephen Lyons , O.S. B.CrestonIa. , ; Hev. B.
Durham. O. S. B. Crcbton , la. ; Hov.-10. Phe-
lan , O. S. B. Lennox , la. ; Hev. P. J. Burke ,
Hod OakIa. ; Abbott Frowin ConradConcep-
tion , ICas. ; Hov. F. Dollard , Walnut , la. ;
Hov. F. Ilummcll. YanktonHcv. ; F. Graham
of Kansas City ; Hov F. Dalton , St. Joe ; Hov.
M. P. Dowling , S. J. president of Detroit
college ; Hev. James Dowling , S. J. , Kansas
City ; Hov. F. J. Nugent , Cheyenne , Wvo. ;
Hev. H. Hyun and Hev. P. O'Donnell , itan-
sas City.
miiiis , S. J. ; St. Mary Magdalen's , Hov. G.
J. Glauber , Hov. C. Briotkopf ; St. Patrick's ,
Hev. J. Jenncttc , Hov. M. J. Barrett ; St.
Peter's , Hov. W. St. Lawrence ; St. Wences-
laus. V. Hov. W. Choka ; St. Cecelia's , Hov.
F. Smith ; St. Joseph's hospital , Hev. J.
Daxacher ; Creighton college , Hov. T. S.
Fit/ircrnld , S. J. , Hov. J. L. Matherv , S. J. ,
Hov. J. F. KIgge , S. J. , Hov , W. T. itinsolln ,
S. J. , Hev. M. Bronsgcest. S. ; J. Kev. A.
Averbock , S. J. ; Kev. A. M. Colatiori nnd
Kuv. F. Aliorno.
There was a number of non-Catholics pres
ent , among whom wcro noticed the following
intimate personal friends of the deceased : E.
W. Nash , Dr. George L. Miller , Guy Barton ,
Dr. Mercer. J. M. Woolworth , C. W. Hamil
ton , Judge E. Wakoloy , Colonel Champion S.
Chase , W. J. Broateh aad George P. Bcmls.
Tlio obsequies wcro the most Impressive
over held in this city. They were outlined
by Kov. 1' . F. McCarthy , pastor of St. Philo-
mena's , assisted by Kev. F. Carroll. They
wore carried out without friction or miscal
culation , but they have kept the originator
busy for many hours past.
Only male voices took part in the musical
exercises as follows : Tenors , Messrs. IChule ,
Doyle , Hitt , Mullen and Provo. Bosses ,
Lumbard , Murphy , McCrcary , Paul , Bauinor ,
Willman and Burkloy.
.Tho ushers rendered admirable service and
were as follows : Messrs. F. J. McArdlo , K.
I' . Mulcahy , W. M. Mahor. C. F. U'njriwrt ,
James Taggart , W. H. O'Snaughnossy , W. J.
Clalr nnd Chailes Frunzor.
Sergeant Ormsby wns cnrly on hand with
n corps of stalwart iwllcomon who effectively
kept the throng without in both good order
and good spirits. The members wcro Officers
Fahey. Brady , Hayes , O'Gorman and Cook.
Among the visitors from abroad were P. J.
Hyncs of O'Connor. This gentleman Is ouo
of the widely known men in Central No-
b'-aska. ' Ho was ono of the very first to take
up a homo on the Catholic colony In Groely
county In thU state which was organized by
the bishop. Ho came ivs the representative
of the successful farmers of that
colony who have now capacious and comfort
able homes on the pramo. Frank Hoonoy
was another visitor f mm O'Connor and Max
Grim came from Spaulding , an adjoining
colony town to express the profound regret of
the people over the death of the founder of
their present homos.
Tint Ktmultml.
"I ivgard Hood's Karsnp.irilla as having
passed ubovo the gradoof what are commonly
called patent or proprietary mldlclnes , " said
a well known physician recently. "It Is fully
entitled to bo considered a standard medicine ,
"and has won this i > ojltlon by its undoubted
nun it and by the many romurkablo cures U
1ms effected. For nn altomtiva and tonio it
has never been equalled. "
A llatoh ol Fat Steers.
J. J. Mooiv , ono of the wealthy stock men
of Cedar county , arrived in the city yester
day with n train load of fat steers , which
were disposed of nt South Omaha. Next
Sunday morning Mr. Moore will depart for
Europe , where ho goes for the purpose of
purchasing ' . ' .W head of short-horns , which he
will put on his teu-thousand-ucro ranch near
HolurlJgo ,
Superintendent Ooot3 Files Ilia Report on
Ryan & Walsh's Big Claim ,
Tlio Claim Cut In Two Burglars Make
Several Visits , Heoure Valuable
Booty niul 10vado
the Police.
The .ong expected mid all important report
of Superintendent Coots , regarding the Html
estimate on the new county hospital building ,
was lllcd in the county commissioners' of
llco at i ! o'clock yesterday afternoon and is
n" follows :
OMUI.I , June.1) , 1890. To the Honor.iblo
Board of Commmtssloncrs for Douglas
County , Nob. , Gentlemen : In compliance
with your request , I herewith submit
n Html estimate showing the balance
duo Messrs Kynn fc Walsh , contractors
for the new hospital buildings. In nmking
out this estimate , your auditor Mr. Evans ,
has kindly produced all the papers on illc
needed nnd lias assisted mo in arriving at the
proper amounts etc.
Amount of Hyun , 'c Walsh's original
contract JISO.O'Kl.OO
Amount altowuil for eMras on con
tract 7.&K.ft ! !
Total amount of work done J
Amounts paid to Uyuti & WaNh :
On estimates for excavation , on con
tract 3 1..7X1.13
On estimator for work on contract. . . IK > , . " > SO.JI :
On estimates , account of uMnii , on
contract ,1U.W
Total paid on estimates ? 10lfi.i | | ; ,
Halniico t SJ.STl.Oi
I nKo llnd that Messr.s. Kyan & Walsh
have been paid for grading and excavating ,
tlio sum of $ li'vSt.ll ! ) , hut this work wns
done before any superintendent had been ap
pointed , and was not allowed on regular esti
mates. 1 have no means of ascertaining how
much , if any , of it should have been done
under the general contract , and for this rea
son I have not charged any of this amount us
paid , either on account of general contract eras
as extras. Kespectfully submitted. . ,
Oh , If I only had her complexion ! Why , it
is easily obtained. Use Poz/oni's Complexion
ss or County , City mill Police
Olllchils Go by Default ,
Three important committco meetings called
.for 10 o'clock ycstciday morning at the court
house went by default owing to tlio non-
attcndancoof these who should have been
There was the matter of providing a stone
pile to work prisoners , which was to bo set
tled nt the Coard of public works ofllce ,
but no mooting could bo held for
the reason stated , although Mr.
Balcomo and Councilman Donnelly were
on hand. Commissioner Anderson was the
absentee. It was learned , however , that the
committee will probably recommend adver
tising for bids for the prisoner labor and letting
ting out the work of the jallbtids , somewhat
after the fashion of state prison contracts ,
tlio only difference being , perhaps , that the
contracts will bo for the work actually done
instead of for the liiuo of the prisoners as is
the case in most state prisons. The commit
tco anticipates , it was further learned , con
siderable dillleulty in getting n location
within reasonable distance from the county
jail for doing the work. The plan of adver
tising for bids will , it is thought , aid in
solving this diflieulty.
Another meeting which failed to connect
was that of the county commissioners as a
committee on constructioncalled for the third
unsuccessful time to consider that linal esti
mate on the new hospital. Billinm Turner
eamo In at a quarter after 10 , and after play
ing several games of craps on ths chairman's
desk and winning every game ho went away
to jubilate. His opponent was n backwoods
constituent. No sooner had Turner gone
than Anderson appeared and said that es Dick
O'Keofo had the papers "in the ease" within
his bosom pocket and had failed to show up
ho would take the responsibilitj- adjourn
ing the meeting to some other timo. County
Auditor Evann , who was expected to play
some sort of an unknown hand in the pro
ceedings , was seen and said :
"I think it was pretty well understood ,
though not dellnitely so , that the committee
on construction wouldn't ' meet until some
time in the afternoon. Coots told 'omhedidn't '
think ho could got any report until D or a
o'clock and probably later. "
"Just what is Mr. Coots expected to report
on ? " Mr. Evans was asked.
"That's n puzzler , perhaps. I don't see ,
however , that ho can report on anything else
but just as to whether Kyan & Walsh have
llnishcd their contract cleaned the hospital
work all up or not. "
The third mooting that failed to materialize
was the council board of equali/ation on the
Tenth street viaduct. Not n soul of thorn
was on hand.
Matters did not result any moro favorably
In the afternoon. The commissioners as
sembled , with the exception of Mr. O'Keeffe ' ,
and after waiting until nearly o'clock for the
chairman of the committco on construction
the board adjourned until Saturday at a
It was vaguely rumored that there was
method in Mr. O'Keeffo's continued absence ,
nnd that ho would like to have the board ac
cept the hospital without any ns-sistunco from
The couneilmon nlso failed to appear as a
board of equalization. Messrs. Shrlvcr ,
Blumer , Wheeler and Lo\vrjy \ were on hand ,
but the balance of the council wcro conspicu
ous by their absence.
Tlioy Convene at tlio 1'axton Hotel
This Alleriioon.
The Nebraska Honuuopathio Medical so-
cloty convened In this city yesterday after
noon. The meeting is being held at the Paxton
and about two hundred delegates are expected
to bo in attendance. Tlio society has mem
bers in all parts of the state and a largo num
ber In this city. Among tlio latter uro the
following physicians : W. A. Humphrey , C.
L. Hart , Mrs. II. B. Davies , Miss Emma J.
Davies , George II. Pursoll , E. S. Allen , J. U.
Bnmesdnlo , C. G. Sprague , D. A. Foote , W.
H. Hanchctt , K. W. Council , Mrs. Amelia
The officers of the association are A. L.
Maeombor of Norfolk , president ; W. II.
Hanchott , Omaha , llrst vlco president ; J. li.
Hawk , Grand Island , second vice prosdient ;
W. E. Buck , Mlmlen , secretary ; O. S. Wood ,
Omaha , treasurer.
The association convened nt the P.ixton
ut J p. m. today , and the afternoon session
will bo devoted to reports of the secretary
and treasurer , and the board of censors , as
well us the reports of mombuiM on prevailing
This evening will bo devoted to miscella
neous business and the addresj of the presi
The morning and evening sessions tomor
row will bo taken up by cHiiIcs and papjra on
various subjects.
Tomorrow night Prof. J. S. Mitchell M. D. ,
LL D. , of Chicago will lecture at the Young
Men's Christian association hull on "Medical
Progress. " This will bo followed by a ban
quet nt the Paxton , at which Mayor Cushiug
will deliver an address of welcome. .
The sessions on Friday will bo given over
to clinics nnd papers. In the morning Prof.
J B. S. King of Chicago will deliver an nd-
dross on "Personal Influence In Medicine. "
The session will close Friday afternoon.
Thu local commlttoo , consisting of Drs. W.
II. Ilanclielt , D. A. Footo , C. G. Spraguoand
C. F. Bruner , has made very complete ar
rangements for the entertainmunt of the
Prisoners Sentenced to the Peniten
tiary lor VarlouH OIVonncH.
Judge Clarkson proscribed long thinking
spells for tlireo mon yesterday morning.
John Lnubo , who preuenlod Sam Snyder ,
n Tenth street broker wltli thrco balls of lead
from the muzzle of a revolver , some time agr ,
wns given three ycaM to ponder over the fun
ho hnd. John took the potion with n smllo
that sqcmcd nn Infringement on Ncnl , the
murderer's copyright in that lino.
Charles WommorUdof , the penman
whom several Omaha merchants will
remember for n long time , was
the next to take his medicine. Before
the dose wns presented to him ho had re
marked to County Attorney Mnhonoy :
"Now , you'll please recommend that the
court don't give mo over n year , won't you I"
"Why should I , " said the attorney , "when
your offenses number more than onol"
"Well , 'cause you know this Is my llrst time
of offense. "
"See hero , Wommerhdorf. " continued the
county attorney , "do you tell us that this for
gery you have been convicted of hero In
Omaha is tlio 11 rat you wcro over guilty of I"
"Certainly ye , sir , on my honor , " replied
"Worn. "
"And you were never convicted of n crime
before In your life ! "
"Never , sir , never ! "
"Wommcrlsdorf you are n consttmnto liar ! "
said the attorney In his calm and dlgnltled
manner. "I know more about you than you
ever dreamed I knew. 1 have time to glvo
you but ono Instance of how well I know
your past life. You were convicted of for-
gcrv in Dubuqite , la. , and given six months
for'it ! "
The prisoner turned pile ns death Itself
nnd without n word stopped up to the bar and
heard himself sentenced to eighteen months
In the Nebraska twnllentliuy.
Midon Drake the Italian who carved up
his next door- neighbor in so nearly fatal a
manner was bcntcnced to ono year In tlio
pen.Jonas K. Harris has applied for a receiver
to delennlno the amount duo him on n mort
gage given by Sherman L. Clement , Winnie
E. Clement and Sunnier Clement to secure
payment on notes for ? l.71.1.
Kobert T. Neal who not gulllty to the
charge of forgery a few duys ago was brought
before Judge Clarkson tills afternoon nnd
plead guilty. Ho xvas then sentenced to
eighteen months in the penitentiary , sentence
to date from May 1.
District Court.
John Sheridan brought suit for $10,000
damages against the Armour-Cudahy pack
ing company. The suit Is an outcome of the
explosion of the boiler at the packing house
of the defendant company on February ' . ' 2 ,
whereby the plaintiff represents that ho was
so badly scalded and bruised as , to bo unable
to work.
Louis A. Goldsmith , tlio ex-garbago mas
ter , has sued the Omaha and Grant sm"ltin
comnnnv for $ .VCi. Ho represents that he
had "a barn on the river bank containing n
sleigh , harness , etc. , of the valueof $ .V > 5 ,
which was totally destroyed by a lira built
by the smelting company's employe. ! and
carelessly allowed to spread.
Mrs. Martha Samlaud has commenced suit
against Otto Lang for $ . 1,01x1 damages
for defamation of character. The petition
charges Long with having made certain de
famatory statements regarding her chastity
both before and after her marriage , the state
ments having been made to the husband of
the plaintiff. She alleges that it was with
great diflieulty she persuaded lierlriisbandnot
to institute proceedings for divorce on no-
count of statements referred to , and she also
alleges that she has suffered great pain both
of body and miud by reason of thooeeurreneo.
Louis Steiger , an eleven-year-old boy , by
his next friend , his father , has sued Dr. J. B.
Kalph for S.'i.lHX ) damages for malpractice.
The boy's leg was broken and was set by Dr.
Kalph. It is alleged that the operation was
performed In such a way as to leave the boy
permanently lame.
Mrs. Annie L. Cook appeared before Judge
Wakeley yesterday ns plaintiff in a suit
against Henry Cook , who has bccomp famous ,
in a way , by bis supposed connection with
the Millard hotel suicide. The suit was to
quiet the title to three lots in Greenwood ad
dition to tlds city. It was stated upon the
witness stand by Mrs. Cook that bhe hud
bought the lots with her own money and had
made the payments on thorn. Cook persuaded
her to let him take the deed and have it re
corded , but instead of doing tlis lie had an
other deed made , conveying the property to
himself , and then recorded this last deed. Ho
admitted this altcrwards to his wife when
aho went to see him in Oklahoma , but said ho
was afmill to eomo to Omaha to straighten
matto-3 out as ho nfraidof being arrested
and sent to the penitentiary. Judge Wakoloy
ordered tlio title to bu vested in the wife.
The jury in the of Hichard Hall , who
was tried on tlio charge of shooting nt Detective -
toctivo Savage , returned a verdict of not
guilty and Hall was discharged.
County Court.
Adolph Stofkon obtained a judgment in
the county court against the Stockholders'
manufacturing stove repair company in Feb
ruary last in the sum of $ )53.75. ) Henry A.
Kostcrs was ono of the stockholders and nn
execution against him was returned ursatis-
fled. Kostcrs afterwards made a statement
under oath that ho was not indebted to tlio
repair company and had no control of any of
its property. Siofkon now alleges that Kos-
tor.s is indebted to the repair company and
asks Judgment against him in the sum of
ft ) ! .5u.
W. T. Seaman has sued David L. Carpen
ter and wife for S'JOIl..H ) on a note.
Norman II. Brown has commenced suit
against Charles C. Blazer and Frank Barnard
to recover S.'i..ri on u note.
The Homo insurance company secured n
judgment against Johanna Johatison for
? r."j.ii. ;
In the ease of Wallace ct al against D. A.
Lynn judgment was rendered for the plaintiff
in the sum of c0t.ii. ! ; : ;
Anna Wilcuts recovered n judgment of
$7 < ) ri.lH against Amos Phillips.
The Bishop Jfc Wheeler loan company re
covered n judgment of S170.81 against A. W.
Nason ot al.
{ S a blood disease. Until tuo poison 13
expelled from the system , there can
be no euro for this loathsome ami
dangerous malady. Therefore , the only
effective treatment is n thorough course
of Ayer's Snrsapnrllln the best of nil
blood purifiers. The sooner you begin
tlio bettor ; delay is dangeioim.
" I was troubled with catarrh for over
two years. I tried various remedies ,
nml wns treated by n number of physi
cians , but received no benefit until I
began to take Ayor's Sarsaparllln. A
few bottles of this medicine cured mo of
this troublesome complaint and com
pletely restored my health. " Jesse M.
IJoggs , Holmau's 51111s , N. C.
" "When Ayor's Sarsaparilla was roc-
ommimdcd to mo for catarrh , I was In
clined to doubt Its efficacy. Having
tried so many rnmedio.s , with little ben
efit , I bad no faith that anything would
euro mo. I became emaciated from loan
of nppotlto nnd impaliud digestion. I
bad nearly lost the oi'Mse of smell , and
my system was badly deranged. I was
nbont discouraged , when n friend urged
mo to try Ayor's Sarsaparilla , and referred -
forrod mo to porsyiifi whom It had cured
of catarrh. After taking half n dozen
liottlos of this medicine , I am convinced
that the only sure way of treating this
obstinate disease is through the blood. "
Charles II. Maloney , 113 lUver St. ,
Lowell , Mass.
arsaparilla ,
Dr. . C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass ,
i'rlco $1 ; ilx botllca , $ J. Worth $5 a bcttla.
Boyd's Opera House Block.
Do not bo Imposed on by ony of the nnmcroos
Imitations , eubstltalcg , etc. , hlch are lloollns
the world. There la ouly ono Snlfl'a Bjxxlflc ,
nnd there Is nothing lllo It , Our remedy con
tains no Jlcrcnry , Pobuh , Arsenic , or nny pois
onous f ubstnneo xvtmtcrcr. 1 1 builds up the gen *
cral ticAlth from the flr t dose , and ban never
foiled to cradicalo contagious Mood poison ami
ito effects from the ryttiTa. Ito euro to get the
cualDc. Scud your addrcra for oar Treatise on
Jlkxxl and Skin Dlscaac * , which nil ) bo niaU-xl
free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO . AtNrtn. < K
Symptoms of Torpid Liver.
T cni of nppptlto nml nnnvntttio
nto nxtlvc , litit homi'Mmr ' * nllrrti.ito
l nv > iii > Y or dlurrlurti : piiln In tint hold , uc-
roniiiui1ml | Avltli uditll , lirnvy Kcnxntlnn la
the liitrk iinrt ; ] ialn In tint right cldoiui I un
der hliiiiildcr lilnilot rulliii'Hx nftor riitlti ) * ,
vltha ( IMiirllnntlnn orxi-rllon of lindy or
inlnil ; Irritability rf t < 'iiiHT. ImvKplrltM loss
of lin'lilory , M Illi il li'i'lli. ; ; ot lmvllignriici't-
cilacpino duty ! general Mcarlnr nml debili
ty. It'tlirno unrih\tiiur ! > tiMbi'iMleil.Horlotu
< llwn rs 111 Mum bn < lo\ eloped , .No better
reirtedyriu beuied Hum Tut f- < Till * . Axln-
Klc < l < > lU-odili'i'SHIirH u rliunuu of fi cling
HI often to a'ltunlsh tl | < > Niitrurur.
Tutt's Niitrurur.Pills
Cure Bilious
Prlco , 25c. Oilico , 39 & 41 Park Place , I.1. Y.
_ _ _ ixtn.iMu UKM-
/ > iKIIV. . An nnriill-
IIIK euro for Sum-
InilVpikm"M ,
Hpprnmtorrhroa ,
Impotuncy , nnd
till ill-nmsi'i that
follow nn n no-
quenco of polf-
Atm o ; us IjOM
' " .mm . SlSltud'p ;
I'aln In the Ilnck , Dimness of VlMon , I'remntnroOld
AKP. nnd innny otlior ill oi"i'H ; IIiit : load to Insniilty or
uuiMimpllon nnd n prctimtttro crnvn.
C3 < "Knll pnrtlmlnr In our piinplct , which wodn-
plrolo i < ciiil tree liy mall loovuryono. JTr 'l'ho Speci
fic medlclno Is cold nt ? 1 per pai-kmc , or ! T p.-wkii e <
for 15. or will ho sent frou by mail on the receipt uf
the money , hy mldiox lnit
110 FAHNASI STiir.frr. - - O.MMM. Nnii ,
On recount of cotinti'rfplM , wo have mloptoo
_ . tIlowVntppur the only ccmtlno.
"ny n IlinrntiKh knowledge ! of the nntural laws
which govern the opurntlons of ill c tlon anil nutri
tion , anil by u careful application of the llnu | ir pur-
llcs of ell ( .elected Oocon , Mr llppt liiwprov Weil our
brcakfnit tables with it rk'ltc'itely flavored liuvuraco
which may have ns man ) heavy doctors' bills. It lj
liy the Judicious use of mull articles of diet that a
constitution may buKraduall ) bnllt up until etronj
uniniKli to rcKlft every teliilencv to Ulsc-iso. Hun
dreds of subtle maladies are llo.itln nroimtus readr
to attack \vhere\er theio U a ucnk point. We ni'iy
escape many n iatalhhaft liy keeping ourselves well
fortlllod with iniro blood an 1 a properly nourblieil
frame. " Civil Service Ca/elto.
.Made pimply with bolllnt. water or mllU. Sold only
In half pound tins , by inutcrs , labeled thill :
JAMES EPPS & CO. , " ' "
The Purest nnd Best Drink In the World.
Appetizlzlng , Delicious , Sparkling und
the Best Blood Punfler and Tonic.
4 1'iiclcngo [ liquid ! " " > < - ' , niokus 5 gallons.
EVERY BOTTLE Guaranteed.
No Troublo. Easily Made. Try It
Ask your Druggist or Grocer for It nnd take
no othur. r-eo that you got 111 ItllS' .
Blade hy 0. E. HIKK9.1'lilladolplila , 1'cnn.
insnmio > sort
fK Of III- - . . -ij - CS'At rUKUjCJCJIrtlSby
_ . . ItDMCY , Mule for Ihii uperICe r"r-
polo , Cure ol ( ] rnrrttlT0 \ > c&IDrk * Rlrlng frrrrl ; . Mild , Nnnlh *
In ? . I'xnllMiionb Currf li &r Rlpctrleity thrnuEh nil WKAK
I'iKlB. nil.irlllglhc tollKALTIInndVlCOltOISSTItL.-iUTlt.
Hf.-lrlc ( urrcnl Fell In.linllj , or un forftlt I .ikXI In caib.
IEI T .nil HuitFa.orT | Cuwl | tf 96. and up. \t oral mex t'er *
naapnllr rurvl In thpe moDtln. Sculpil ramrlilet ITPC.
TIII2 1'lUUItn ' ( ) . "
Tlio figure 0 In our ilntos.nlll mnlcft i\ Ions § tT-
No man or woman now living will ever ( Into
Jocumcnt without using tlia fHjuto 0. It itnmlj
In the third place In 1SVO , whore It will rcmAln ten
yean and then move up to tocoiul plaoo In 1WO ,
whcro It will rc t for ono hurMrcil ycr r9.
There I another " 9" w hloh tuu nlso coma U ) Mny.
It Is unlike the figure 0 In our dates In the respect
thnt It has nlreaJy moved up to first place , where
U will permanently remain. It It called the "Xo.
8" Hlch Arm Wheeler A Wilson Sowlnr ; Machine * .
The "Xo. 0" wn endorsed for first pl.ico hy th
experts of lluropo nt Iho 1'arli Kxjiosltlon of 18SV ) ,
whcro , after n severe contest with the leading ma-
clilim of the world , U wn9 nwnrded the only
Grand 1'rl/o given lo family tewing machine * , nil
other * on exhibit having received lower mvanli
Df gold medals , clo. The French Oovc'rnmont
nbo recognized Itseupcrlorlty by thodecoratlonot
Mr. Nnthank-lWIicclcr , I'resldcntof the company ,
with the Cross of the Legion of Honor.
Tbo "Ko. 0" U not nn old mnchlno Improved
upon , but 13 nn entirely now inachlno , nnd tlm
Grand 1'rlM ct Pnrls was awarded II us the iranil' ;
cstiidvancolu lowinc machluo ttiechnnUm of lha
npo. These who buy It can rest assured , lUer *
fore , of luvlUB the very latest and beU.
185 .ami 187 WuliiiHh Avo. , Chicago ,
P. 1 ? . FLOmiAN & CO ,
221) ) North Kith Htt-oct.
T > cry iinrtleiilnr hoiisckonper wants nlco
llm'ii , ilio iiiiiktaiul will have It.
Wo tire pi-opari'd to sunil samples to tlio
laillos of Omaha , from which they can mul.o
Wo deal tiM'liislvoly In T > ! nons , niul carry
only tlm uholccst liupni'latlimi illirct from
tlio nmtmfactiiror. Yoiisavolhomlililli ) pi-ollt.
I'uirliiisors Imvo tlio liunullt of HKMAnir.n-vof
KDoils nml tlio ! < > " < " < t prlcps eoiiilsti'iit with
high quality.VrIto us for lufoi-matlon.
The fifth Avenue I.Inpii Stoic ,
S8S Fifth Avenue , - New York
o for TIvpt"rIi ( , P7zInwIMt ! , ; "t'nraRln ! , Wnl-c-
. Mental Ifcprcssion , Huitcninir oC Iho Ittahi , r < -
nultfnir In Irv-anltynutl luiitlnw to tuluMjr tlvcnv and
dcith. Prcmicuro Ol. ! ARC * , liarrennes * LnMiirl i.Mr
In either FOX. lnvoliiMtary hob * ' 3 , an < l HpcnnatoiiLa ? i
cAUHod t > v o\ur-cxtrlio-\ the lirnln , * ilf-cImHo or
ovcr-lnJiil pnco. IJai-h br x contaln onomuntL' * tioat-
mont. Jlftltox , or elx ! * > r S > , tent t v mallprt > pil < t.
M'llli eirli oriliM * for tlboii - * . will ecntl pur > ht-scr
piiaran * u tr > mfuml mom v If Clio fetitrnrnt laiU to
tur < ( .llfi * ' " - ' " ' "it" ' ( ii lV )
1110 Fnriiam Street , Oiualin , Nub.
ffcrlnj from the enrol * of yonUifiil orrore , f arljr
decay , unsilru wrnkiuit , lost manhood , < tc. , lit III
Bend n valimlilo tn-atlso ( si-nli'ili contalnliiK lull
liartlfiilan for homo curt * . I'ltKK of chnrKi ? . A
uplomlhl mi-Ulcal work : f-houlil 1 ! road by ( ivory
mnu who li norvniM nml ilrdllltatpd. AilrtrosH ,
T. LI'OWliJCIl.Hiooiltin.C'onu. .
taan > " > hi the Umieti rttaifs. Also , 1'nbj
fei * , Uicrlo , Sifrlifi im.l'ClIrl * ' Tricy -
JM , One ( < r more t whnl * lo prir * rnt
C , O , P. Jdfff frmri I < (1 ( Spfnrrr' * T > < v
| tnry , W1W. Mril nn M , Ctnragn. f.1 to
410 wmil. S"nd to. > Tamp fm new rat * *
lojJC. Thft Urc 3l fi' > t tlis world.
Rich. Digestible. Stimulating. Nourishing.
Having a peculiarly delicious flavor a food and drink
combined at a half cent a cup and fit for a prince.
O3TVAN HOUTEN'S COCOA ( "oiico tried , alu-nyi IIPCI ! " ) wni Invented nnil
patented niul Uinuilo Id IColluiid. It Is acknowlodRcd liy tlia mnit umlncnt doctors
and analysts that hy the > i > ucl l ( reittmiint VAN llourr.N's CoccM ha ? undorcotio , tlm
oliiblllty of thu Ue li-ririnlnz ti ! > ii < tltiiuul > t liicrc uil flfty pui * cunt. ,
\vhilo the \vholo of the llbroi are Hoftouod and roudorud inora patatablo and dlcostihlo.
"Vrcost tale In tlio world. " Ask for VAN lIoim.N'u mul tiiku no utlicr. CT
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
rorlnetrpitmentofallCnilONIOANDflnnOir'AI. DISKARKfl. Drn'ps , Apptlnnetn for I rforraltles , nnfl
iiunej. II ot FA'llltloi , Appr.r.itui mil KoTOrtloj for successful tronm-nt of or rr tirmol ill u-iio ru-
( jctiln.Murtlcnl or Surgical 'JroMinonl. NiNK/l'V IIOUMU Knit I'A'ril'.N'ia. Ixurdnnd atlomianco. HnU
AtiomTodiitloni t. Wrltu for olrrulari on Ueformltlin and llrnrn , Trunoi. C'hib Kr t , Ciirraturos of
ttpltio , l'lle , Tuiuorg , Cnncor , Catnrrb , llronhl'ln ' , Inh Ution , lit * trlclljr , t'ara jruls , I.plla-ny , Klilnur.
Jlmlclr. ) i : > a , Knr KMnnnd HIi oil , nnl allSurulcul Ororallons , lil3iASi.S : OK XVDtlKK n .pocUliy. llooii
of l > lioaBi > o ( Wom.-n I- roc.Vo Imyo loti'ly uJUn.t n 1 ylru III I epirtinintf ir WniLon du InsConllno uaat
( tttrlcilr I'riMilu ) Only loi.iblo ( MedonIintliiit | raiklnu nmiccmltr of 1'HIVATK lilHI'AHf'S.
All moot l lf iues uercii 'fully tioilai. Hrplil lili " U m rommel fro n the nuu : wt o.t mouirr-
NPW Ko iorHllv Ticiln'iii ) f r I.ouof VI 1 1'owcr. 1'iirt e > utinlilo to vlilt UK in y uo trua od atUunohy
corivipxin P'lie All f in uiuuleutli nio nllilentlnl. Hu.ilo no ur lii > trutut-nt > noiit liy mnll or on > ru < to-
ourely pai-bet nomnrkilo InitlrMeoantanUor raider Ono pi-r'onul lntir l vr profmni I. Call an 1 < > run It
on oriend htitorr of your c.ivonr.d KO will ( and In t > l tin wraiparuur llo. IK TO MfN 1'HHK , uuon I'rlvalo
SpKlaloN'e'vous IlUuuei , lupoiency , HjiihilU , IJIi-ulnu1 Vartoocole. with iuoillou | I it. Addron
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner Oth and HarnoySts. . Omnhn , Neb.
Etchings. Emerson.
Engravings. Hallct& Davis.
Artists' Supplies. Kimball.
Mouldings. Pianos & Organs ,
Frames. Sheet Music.
1013 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Pnssjjotn anil from Brlblnandi
natts ol Ctirope Montroal-LI i > rpool toutc , by I !
vr.ilcrs ot St. Lawrence , jhorlpit clnll. Uliior
llonton , to I'lnlnilolphin. Liverpool to nml fro
lliiUlmorc. Thirty ytonmerii.nttt ( \ oxcclnlo
Accominoilnllinis tins\it'a"cil | Weekly sailings
AMiAR A 4' . .ton ! Went Ajj'to.j
C.I. SullllCll , kl4n icr , 112 1,1k Unllo at. , ChlCRRO , lit
rnojt NI\V YOIUC itvnav Tiiuu itAY.
Cabin I'assngo $35 to $60. nccordlnd to location o (
stateroom. Excursion $05 to $93.
Blcoraifo tnnmt Irom iuro : | jnt Inmost Intes.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO. , General AgcnU.
G3 Broadway NEW YORK ,
.Tno. llli'iriMi. ( ioiu'ral WcMimir iutt
Iv.inilnlp'i ' Mn ot. I'liti-iijo. llarij I Mmct
Tlio.i ( anno.
Jlrtsr CLASO
* lh Inrfr : t * Vnte t nml 11 nc ' In ttio World *
CIHCASSIA. ,111110 ? i ITIIIIIIMA : jnno al.
ANnilWIA. .luno II i rrilS'I. IAJnnii23.
Now VorU , Quccnstowit niul 1Avoi'iwol.
Thp ( VhMirntPil I Mnv ! HH
cm oi < HO.MI : | . .limnu.tii. > . .inly2 < ; iii.
i ntm oil limit I ti-i nn to ami from I IIP | irtiirli > al
rtriirolimth-Ui tit ri-iliii-i > < l , iiiuiln miulatm * tt > utiirij
li > i-ithi r Hiiirtuii"4im | | I'lvdi IIivtrMunty North 01
Woulh of 1 n'lnnil N | tM or tilln nltnr
nt loura rum-lit r tr Appl * to unj of out lot-ill
iiKi-nu , or to HENDERSON BROS. , CIllCQKOi
liOcal AtjiMilnlOtuahn ; Harry 1. Moorp , Chnrld
MnrosV. . F. Vnlll , 11. 1' . Duuul. CUIrun'M Uallk , Ult
. t'A
Open' Pth m intli. 1th , lsa ; 'I'hlrty mnulc froi
llroad SI. Station , 1'hlli. I'nder c.iri ! of 1 1 lendi
1'ull coll.'uoc ourse for tmth Htivei le'ulliiK | k > Unml
enl , Knului'iMlnt ; , Si'timllllu and Literary decree )
Ile.ilthful l < ration , extensive Krounrti , liu < ldliiK |
luiKhlno 9ho | > H , lnlioratorlo * . iind lllirarle.t , I or fin'i niliirn t
W.M Al'I'I.UTO.V , I'h.I ) . , ArtlnK President
Denver , Colo. ,
Capital Prize $7,500.
Address B. F , K1IODUS ,
.NVrvoiw lL-tilllly ,
Youthful Indlnrrctlona ,
I.oit Manhood.
B6 urOv/nPliyscianji / [
- 01-ny men , from tlio I'tTucta of yotithful
' Ini ; nidcnco , lifivn IminKlit about n ntnlu uf I
> utakiuiitMltiHthaa ndtirMl tlio tfwnuidl * JH < '
> tout mi much as to Imlucu almost mriy
J othtr dlnyjwo , niul too nnl caueo nf tlio ;
t trouldu ioarcelj'uver bcfnif nuiiM3cltHl ( tl'oy '
i ar diictorcvlfor evorytlilnjf hut the rfulit <
( ono. Notnlthbtamllntc the mnny valuahlu '
i ntniwllt'8 ti&t ! medical cclonou haiproilucod
J for the U'llcf of thtsclasi of ( inl lento , none
\ of the onllimry mtMlcH of tnntineitt iir rtrt '
f cure. Durln ourrxtonnlrocolletrunnilhoS'
i pltal nractlrowo have cxikoiltncutcfl with |
t nuj dJHCorertxl new and concentrator rrino- i
( died , Thu nceoiiitDtnyln prescription la of * |
( fertnl AA n rertnln nnu upenly cure , oa ;
hundrcdflof CGBPS in our practice liaro lnten '
Af routorwl to jMrfcot hrnUh br Its u o nftor !
, D all other rcmmlioBfnllfvl , I'urfcctly puroln * >
S irroaiuiitHinutttiuuguaiatliopreiiarutloaof !
this pixfcrlition. [ ;
* XZ Krytlirox > Ion COCA , 1 2 drachm ,
Jorubvhln.l 2 drarhm ,
Iletonlaj lUoicn , 1 Ji drachm ,
flclnomln. " - - ' - -
Kxt. Uptaiulra , . .
( llycorlntvi . Ulr.
llukuWi-illd. j
othcrcn KflnfftoUd. Inaomorast ft will ,
Ui nt ( wary fur the patlout to tnlo two 1 > HU ;
nt l cdtitno , making thu numberttmo auay. '
ThU roni ly In adniitwl t ierory condition of '
imrroiisdoUlity liihlivpakneaslnultherfler , |
MI 1 t poclnlly in thosu CAJOU rccultlne from <
imprudonpo. Tlio rvctipcrntlvo powrn of 1
llili n'itorattrnnrotruly artonlihlnff.findHa <
imo continued for iifchnrt ttnioclinucreu tlio !
taTuulddoblltritf ! d.nprviliwa condition to :
on of itnuwiid Hfo and vfjfop. i
AH wo fire con tatitly In rucclpt of lottem of J
inpiirr rcJntltH to tnh rrrncdy , wo would ;
ray to Unwiwho would prof or tu obtain It of <
ui. by rtmtttlnfc 1 ft > ermt'lr ttcalwl pnck- '
ntjo contalnlin ? 60 1-llU , cnrufully com *
IM > unild , will bo Pfiit by iclurn mall from ;
unrpilvfitu U ! oniiory , r wo vXt furnish fl
tHxcka ivvrlilrh will euro Juoit us orSS.
Addntus or call on %
How England Nodical Institute ,
31 Trt-mont How , Doilon , Ma > .
it. IMJ , hj V. II. !
Do You Know
That Dr. Simons Is ono of the innnt hi'li'.ntlfl
niul Hiu-i'iissfiil uliyKluluns In thu I'nltui
rit.itos , mid Unit ln > Is liii-ateil at coruor o
.luiii'.s anil Ulili HH. ! unil tionlH nil casux o
\M'K'VIIS ( ) II ) M TY frmn wlialovo
lM < lUUiJJljllAl \ \ 1 cuuso , Holontl
Ilo'illy ami Hiid'cssfiilly. Dr. KIniDiis ISUKJIOO
In all foiuali ) uoiiiplulntx , No pin HOI
iiK f nun any of tliosu dtstn > ssliu trouh
c'iiiu-i to lot uvuiyhoily kniiw It , ( ? < to 1)1 )
SliiiniiHwIni H a rn iiliirly ( Hlin'iit.-d plijtilolii ,
without thu sninbliuir-o nf itlii'lory | : nljon
him llo will illiiv-'oiiiHc your c-uso unit ttil
you plainly whuthuryoii t'liu bni-urt'il or not
( /'all on him a * thousands of othi-r.s liavoiloni1
( 'onto and bu liajijiy. Hiu-cuasfiil truntiiiunt lj
IK. ) SIMONS ; nH. \ . Ifilli HI. . Omaha. Noli.
9YP1IIF I"s " In 'JO to m tlayi
kj i i JllUK ) | iy USD of tlm iiiarvulons Mailu
llcinodr tMlUlfornciimi It will not i-uro. CAU-
TIWN li > ft thuKdiiuliio rtiaiodyVrno or call on
1' . C Juilyn , iiOl J llainoy Strout , Unmhu , .SuLirnoka.
Wnkr.cia of Body nnd Iliad , Elftctd
jflirrortcrKictneJlnOlilorYoutir ,
' ' ' ' '
'EnTRMTo OAL'coVrQUFi'At'o.'Nl'Yl
i > l or , aud houllli full ]
r ptorcd. .r t. r * . art rnUrKvil..trrni/ihflnoa
< llu't Trt.ilx MIIV li oo aud rralnd. It I'rU. : i.J l > .
JMiiu LUUitui I > 31I11'TB , 110 * 119 HIIIUu bt. , XX
AQOODH1CH , I.awyitr , Ul Dutirliorn Ml
Ohlo'iK" . tfJ yourv Buuuoifful praolloi
Ailrlcufrtto , nouuDliolty , bpui'lulf j
luuuy aiutuit.