Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Btarta Out in a Bad Humor , But
Brightens Dp ,
U'cl Wcnihor Unfavorable fur Ont8
No ClmiiKo In Cattle Money
Opens Atlth a Hnoy *
nut I
o , .Iiino3-t to TUP.
] Tlio tnurkut wii * n ronrlnK llB )
oiio iinln ( today. It oiicnrd u llttlo In tlio
dumps on free scllliiK < > " butter prospects In
tlio northwest nml ruins which wuro tlmuly.
Thuro WHS some hesitation umoiiB buyers
earl v also , niul tills permitted tlio bears tinrt
Noalpern uliosold for Hie down turns to make
lower prices the first hnlf hour. When July
whral touched W/io the bull manipulators
cauiu to tlio rescue and supported thu miirkot ,
It did not laud holdliiKiip very lout ? The
KMitliwist was more bullish than the nortli-
wt t as bonrlHh. Local houses
iiRiiln had free buylnit orders fiom
Ht Irfinli I'lircUncrs also lu > ( tun tuk-
Init client on 1'iibles , About tlio nnmu time
Mltclu'll turnid to bulling llio , mnrkol.
llutchlbson ui-ted us If on both sides of the
market for a tlnir. but It was round later hu
WIK : KellliiK .Inly tbroiiuh Ills brokers and buy-
Inp feuplvmher mid deferred futures. Itiit
( stiiuiitvil that be sold a half million bushels
for .Inly. holdltiK tlio market to buy other
liiontbs I.atfr ho heuiimu openly iiiiuyirof
nil futiirei. and this iiivia blj ( upturn to the
market at II o'clock and iwiln at 1 o'clock.
l.ocan t Co. and Adams , \ , H.imuulseru ertd-
Ited wltli hiiylni ; foi ' t I.dins and Dunbiim .t
I'o and utfii r blc uimmlsslun houses took
wheat freely at tlmiM. Tlio news
ffiim Missouri anil Kims. is was of a
r-ensatliuial character and helped buying.
L.ttpt MX erpool cables went 'id higher. On
the xvbolu tlie sentiment became veiy bullish
ainl remained MI up to I o'clock. The cable
aiMces sayln that a drouth was feaieil In
Jtnssla was the Into bull Item. June wheat
wiisniioti'd ntlCunml' i < tc , July hold at W. " o
ti > ! ' , e tol(2'e ( to'Klc toU2'jc tofri'de liiltt'ii * to
Ole to ftl'ic to ( U'nO to Olc before 1 o'clock.
Anciist sold ntr. ( 4u totr.'u toOD c ; September
nt ( rJSe tolU > i ( > toUPit' ; Dteeinher lit U.l'4c ' to
112 , e toltl5c. The market held tip broad and
HtioiiR to tbeclose. .1 line or casli wheat was
not In demand , but the defeircd months
rl sed at about the top llures ( lei the day.
Julv Ktoppeil at U4'c and eased olT to Ulli at
thuVlosc June cfo-id at ! r./tc. AiiKiist at
( U9 i'i Septuinber at tll'io ' and Uccembui at
There was a ( Irm corn market all day. This
surprised the n ulai tradeis Then' was goyd
bujliiKby the AiiKlo-Amerlc.iii pacMiiK com
pany ami oilier iiiotlilon pit houses ' 1 here
were outside orders to buy. The local tr.ulo
felt bearish except those who bought on the
wit weather. ( lop icpoils weie none too rosy
and no doubt ( taxe much of the strength. On
the other hand the receipts were lar e. ' 1 ho
net Ion of the maiketwas : June .11' c to .lie ,
July .lie to .tl'.M-H'tC. ' AiiKiist .IIJ.c toJI1 , ®
itl c , fciptemliei .H',11 to.CPio.
'I he tiado In oats advanced prices very
materially today without hinln imv
( tiecial news. The Idea prevails that
the manipulation , which was .stinted In
May. will becanled out In Juno 01 possibly
July This makes sborts easily seated on any
Bhow of sttctiKth. Then too wet weather was
( nnsldi led as unfavorable for an already
baekw ird crop KiiK.iKements by the lake
wi it > oxer onKH ( ) bushels , and this may have
In en known to MIHIO l'i lees weio as follows :
Jnm ai' ' e to27l e. Inly a > V ! to 27c cloiln tit
2 ( > 7.e August touched J.1c and closed at 24'tc
nml September sold at 2lc to 2liic , ulosliiK at
Slocks of provisions were larger than gen-
ct.illj uxpeeted , and this proxtd a bearish In-
lliienen In hog pioducts loda v. Then , too , hogs
( Minn In very ficely , and the pilces at the
4 I .uds were lower. I , aid sold olT to
"i77'a for July and libs to tLlJ fiiTi II. Mess
pork was oil tu 11250 curly and again up to
tu.,13 for July. _
ClllC.Kitt lll't : STUCK ,
Cmctno , Juno a [ Special Telegram to Tun
line 1 UAnt.i : The market undeiwcnt little
oi no change. Nice handy steers sold strong
to a snaiie nigner , os ] > cciaiiy during me eat ly
morning bom's. Dig heavy steers wore slow ,
with pilces weak to a shade lower fiom the
Htart to the llnlsh , Exporters weio
literally out of the market , The Kast-
man's company were not opciatlng to any
Kieat extent , licnco big cattle wcru not b.ilu.i-
blc The receipts of Texans were estimated
at 2,000 , but no such number had arthed at a
late hour. The demand was fair and the prices
Mcady. llutchers1 slock was also In fair de
mand , the stnckur and feeder trade moving
along at the finmei pilces. C'holco to uttia
hi uotl HCIt.10 , ) ; medium to good stteis , 1 ! 5U to
1/.00 Ibs , JUIK&4 71) ) ; I.2IK ) to 1..L10 Ibs , Jl.'IO(3.4.f)0 ( ;
( IV ) to 1,21)0 ) Ibs , JIWXTftl.lO ; stockeisand feeders ,
J-MMi.l ( M ; ciiws , bulls and mixed , fl.MKO. ! 75 ;
Imlk , * -25TU.10 ; slop fed steers , it .IIK&4.70 ;
Texas cattle corn fed steers , $ . ) .10l.25 ; giass-
ers steers $ J50rt.l4 ( ) .
Hods Thu irarkot opened steady with
nhlpiiers and buyers of assorted Htock
buying rather fiecly , but bnyeis for
puckers beld oir until mgeiit ordeis
woio disposed of , and.then "lianuneifd" prlcts
down to tbeli Hatlsfaction , thegcneial market
i losing 'ViMOe lower. Tlio packets bid only
{ IHKT&.I.M tar good mixeda similar quality
helling early at IMIK ) to t.l.U.1. Milpjicis p ilil
f.l'.K ' ) toM 00 , and one or two car loulsof fancy
heav > hold at it W and tl 03 ; light suits bold
at W.M to iJ.U3.
Nr.xv YORK , Juno 3. [ Special Telegram to
TIIK IlKKl STOCKS-ConsldoiliiK the doxvn-
xiaid tendonoy of the stock markotat thoeloso
yesterday , the buoyant ft ollng at the opening
XXIIH une\ieeled | by tlio street , As a result tlio
trains at the Htart xxero ii to y per eont over
last night. The \oluiiu ) of business xxas good ,
Interest In the market acaln centcied In the
trustsand afexvof the leading shares shoxxed
fexiiilshness. and lapld nnd uldu lluctuatlons
In tliosoMoeUs soon dexeloped a xxoaUncss In
the Kcinuial list , I hlc.iKo lias , utter upunliii ;
up "ipercint at Vi4 , diopped iiuleUly lo4Vt ,
and afler a full lecoxory leaded a/uln to 4Si { ,
only to rally atraln riioSiiKur trust , on tlio other
hand , opened doxxii l'i poi cent at 71' , , and
fin liter ill ell mil lo7fl'j , leeoxered to71' , and
droppul iiKaln Io70' . . but i.illliil iiiruln. In
regular Itlehmond ,1 West 1'olnl and I.acka-
XMinnaxxeio ispei'lally xxoak.elosltiK at 1U and
] 'n ) iei cent tespeetlxely , but xxhllo llieilinxn-
xxard moxemenl xvas general the lost of the
list lost only fiaetlonal amounts , Atchlson
leadliiK xvllli 1.0 The jronorul list leeoxoied
uliout all Its losses and the .Missouri I'aelllo
nnd Oregon Transcontinental xxoro promliient
for their NlioiiKth , but the trusts iiKiiln de
cline 1 and at It o'clock xxorn at about the loxx-
est prices , llesldn I tin trusts Richmond .V West
1'olnt. Atchlson , Missouri I'uclllc , I.oiilsxlllo .V
Nashville , l.acUaxxanna and b't I'aul xvero
especially active. In the MieooodliiB hour
there XNTIIS a return of sticnulh and at noon
the prices xxcio aKtiln materially adxani'cd.
The bears played linn points In the stock mai-
Kol today. Tlie tiust idiares xxoro used as far
iiH posslblo to dopioss prices and xvhllo thus
held doxui the piofesslonal sliort Nelleis
coxered a Kreat line of shorts. Later
In the day the nexxs became moro faxorablo to
bulls and prices lobounded xxlth Kioat force.
SiiKarand ChlciiKO Utis led the recoxeiy , the
former reialiiliiK from l7 ! to ? ' at the close and
latter to W > at the close , Kallroad slocks
moxeilup briskly. Noithein I'aelllo common
xx as tin M to Mli. profoirod Hi to.s'4' , , Atchlson
l'i to Is' , , HurllnKton , Nortlnxeslorn .t Hock
Island less amounts , ht. I'aul 1 i to 78li , MIs-
, fciniil I'aelllo neaily 2 points to 71' , , Union 1'a-
cMlle 1'i loMl't ' and other lines almost as much.
MlMir K'Klihitluu seems assuied this week.
'Ihe total sales x\ero 2iU,000 slimes.
U ho followrliiK wuro the closiiiiiiiotatlona | :
Juno a. I. lip , m. cliiso Wheat
Btoaily i i-Hsli. trHoi July lvl"4o.
Corii-riim , cash , Jt'iu ; Juno , ai.,4Wlo ; ;
Oats-Knsy ; cash , L'7' 0i July , W'io.
Hyobli aily atUo.
llailoy Wi-aK.
I'riuio riniotliy rirnii J1.4I1.I5.
I'liix-btvailyi 11.13.
Wlil uy-JI W.
I'urk-Quloti cash , fH.I21 { ! Jiily.iiS5. :
l.anl-nuili cash , Wb7S ! : July , M.aT'ja
I'lour Stcnilj i uiioliiuiKi'il , IOJM.SO ; short clear ,
IMViuC.t.70i short ribs , W O.33.10.
liittur btuaily ; creamery , 10iJI3oi clulry , 7 ®
ci'so-K.isyi full . -
cro.-un choildars , 7H I
Hutu , b4ii > Vi Vouug Amurlvas , 7 > AS
llliles Stonily i liulit k'rocu Halted , SU&Roi
> altvU bulls , Joj crcvu suited vult,0. ' * Ui dry
flint , CM > , "O : dry xiltcil lililcn , Cc : dry calf ,
Vjjf < ilciicoiis \ ,
TulIo-T Stp.iily ; packoil , 4'iia ' 40 ! No , 2 ,
'ici ' cako. 4vS.
KBgIulf ; frc < ) h , ll aUc.
KccclntM. Shlpm't * .
I'loiu . 11.000 11,000
Wlii-at . 4' .000 iWw )
Corn . Tl.VtXX ) 1M.OOO
Oatl . KXOOO 4040X )
I.tVFiii'oou .Timo 3Vhcnt Market steady ,
cloiniinil tioor ; holder * ofTur sparingly. ,
C'orh .Market nti-iuly ; ilctnaiid fair ! noxv
inlxt'il wustorn.lsGil pur contiil.
Nr.xv VOIIK. Juno n - Wheat Ilecclpts , 11,500
uusliuls ; export" . l.V < ,000 bushels ! Bpnt linn ;
No. 2 reel , Itt'ft')3' ( ' C In clt-Vutor ! U7 'ia < J71 < c ; OflUQ.Hs'U' t o b ; options flrtn ; No , . ' roil ,
JllllC. Clo4lnKUlVJC. (
( 'urn liecelpts , 1.1.000 bushels : exports ,
132.2UO liushi'ls ; gput llrni ! No 3 , 40Jio In fli > -
valur ; llVi l'.Vnlluati unnraileil mixed. .T. ) ' , ®
4J'L'i ( options , nrmcr ; .Inno uloslni ; at 40 Sc.
( ; ats-lji > eelpts , aw.OOU bushels ; exports ,
r,2.VOO biHhelsj spot stiMidyi No. S white. 'Hffl
: r > l > ! mixed XTustcni , : a.'l' > 'ic ' ! xvhltc xxestein ,
IlKtHH/jo ; options llrnier : Juno olo-dn ? ; c."i.
t'olTt'i ! Options clo td barely uti-ady ) nnil
40 points down. ! Hales , Xi.'M IIUKS , Juno. tlT/JO ;
July. 110 ! Kftl.05 ) ; spot Klonoinliml ; fair
goi'S , tJO 00.
HtiRar ItnxT , firm : muscovado , Kl test 4Scs
rVntrlfiiffals , 00 lest.ii'Sc ' ; rellned , llrmerj cut
loaf , 0 I'l-lli ; crnslicd n l-lll.
I'otroleiim Weaker ; Unllcil closed at Sc.
r. Ks Hie uly.
I'ork Sti'iuly. , ,
I.iinl Depressed loxvcrj cash , 10.20' July
closing nl to.24. , _ , . .
llutler Hteailys xvostern dairy , CffilOc ;
cn'iiniury , nftMi'i Klgln. I4iail'5c.
CliPcsu Wunkj xveslorn , tiWi'ic , , Juno 3. Wheat Receipts
IDJ ears ; slilpnients , : cars ; cash market diilr
loxv ( jrndes anil xvlnter xxheat loxxer. Closltm :
No. 1 hard , .liini' . M , e ! . Inly , DOi1 , on track , wo ;
No 1 northern , June , bx > 4o ; July , ! 0o ; on track ,
Mi'ii'l No'nortliein , June , 85o ; July , b"c ; on
traek , hV Mic.
KANSAS C'ITV , Juno 'I Wheat I.oxxor ; No 2
haul , cash. K.V ; June , SI' , < ab.o ! ; No. L' red , cash ,
fcv ; Jiini1 , S7'4e bid.
I'nrn HlKlicr ; No. 2 , casli , 2S'4e. '
HOatsLunei ; No. 2 , cash , Juno 'JC'jc. '
CINCINNATI , Juno 3. Wheat Wcakci ! No. 2
red , Die.
t'orn Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 'll'jo.
Oats -.Steady ; No. 2 mixed. 2
U hlsky-il.00.
hr. Louis. Juno 1. Wlio-it Closed higher ;
ea-h , IU'4i- ' ; July , W ) ' . ' ) ( ) J C.
Oais IllKlier ; i-nsli. 27'c ; July , 27c.
I'ork ( Julet afli-'iHXiI22. ) .
Laril Soinlnal at i > M.
\\hlsky 1.0 | < i.
Iliittoi-Qulet ; oreamoiy , lOOllcj dairy , fra
MH-XTAI-KKK Juno 3. Wheat-Quiet ! No. 2
spring , cash. sW'il'.e.
Corn-Ditll ; No II , Illc.
Oats-No. 2 xxhlto , 2So.
I'roxlslons ' Knsy ; park , $13.25.
Itye Loxxoii No 1 , U'ic. '
Dai ley Kasy ; Xo 2. 17'iC. '
' /J ftTOCIC ,
ClllCAOO. Juno 3-Catllo-U-eelpts. B.OOO ;
mtirki't steady to oasj ; bi'oxes sl.bOOiOO ;
sli i rs $ I > ( W > t.O ; Mocki'is and feeders. 2 40 ®
,170 ; c-oxxs , ImllH and mixed , il.oJ < ifr'J.7j ; To\is :
bti-urs. 50 ® S5 , , ,
HOKS Keeeljils. 27.001 ; market slow , closing
lower ; niKtd. $ .I.7V34 00 ; ho.ivy , ll.7j1 0. > ;
ll ht , f 1 Wxai 00 ; skips. $ .I.Uxa.Uj3. WI
blieep-Iti-ri'lpts , 1,200 ; market stendy ; shorn
nallxi-s. ? I7.V3. > .75 ; xxestoin , tl.OJToO ; Texans ,
M..0 < a4.70 ; lambs , J500SIJ.r > 0.
ST. l.oiriJuno . -Cattlo Uoeclpts. 4VX ) ;
iniirki'l higher ; fair to fanoy natlxo steers ,
Mno TiriUi btockors and feedeis J 1.00 ® . ! 90.
llojs Heeelpts , , 'ifi03 ; shltiiiicnis. - ; nnr-
ket fimer ; hc.ixy , { JbOi ; fet'i ' ; packing' , J.1G5 ©
475 ; lUhl , f.l.7t ai.bO.
KANSAS C'ITV , Juno 3. Cattle Hccclptt.
r.,00 ( ; shipments 2.MO ; maiKut sttotiA hlshei ;
stei-is lltofil H3 : coxxs , ? 1.73.JUl ; hloelcers and
fi'i'di'is , f 1 2.V3.I.75.
llorfICuuelpts , IL J ; shipments. none ;
miiUet steaily and loxxci ; all grades , SJ bO
Q ! .7.- .
bioux CITX. .Tuno.J Caltlc Hcei'lpts , 1 000 ;
shipments , , ' ! . ' ) ) ; market sli'.uly ; fat S'IMTS ,
JlViftl'tO ; slot keis anil feeders , $ -.2V5l.K"i ;
common to fanoj cinxs , tl.'KXT ? I'JO ; eanners and
bulls. JI ( XHfc [ > 'HI ' ; xi-alealxes , $ 'Wi l.l 7" >
lIo's-Keeilpts > .lhOJ ; maiket sloady at JJ OSJi
< 2.C7j. ! !
NLXV YOIIK , Juno 3. IS peel il Telegram to
Tin. Ili-K. ] The folloxxln , ; are the mlnliio' btook
quotations : _
llniniwkk Ton . . ( U Ontario 400
Cnlciliinlii II 11 . . . 1"0 Oplilr 400
DfiilxxuuilT . . . . IV ) Ckclilontnl ItXK )
Itiiiuool.ikc < i > 0 I'lyniimtli 7W
llornSllvcr . . . ; .liO I'liiLiiU ArU 1(105 (
Tuesdny , Juno 3.
rstlmated receipts of cattlo. 3,200 , com pireil
with lV yo-terdav and ' 1 8.8 Tuesday of last
xxteU. The maiket opened xery hloxx xvlln the
fi'xv sales iii'idu at about sleaily prices. Tlio
Itu e receipts xxlth adxlcesof moro comlnp ,
uuiMMl bii ) ITS toloxxer theli bids , and at mid
day scniCL'ly any trading XMIS bolnB done , xvl th
in fees from a slitulo to fly lowor. Heax'y
Iieex'es and all the piiorei Krailes of ooxvs de
clined .vnjltle. The best grades of toxvs and
line , hiindy llttlo steeis opened uliout ste.uly
but closed xxeak ami loxxoi. Tlio lommon
( ir.ulesof eoxxs fell awny oir. bloeUers and
fiedeiH x\oiii sloxx and loxxer. Hulls sympi-
tliledxlth thoKenoial mtiiket , keeping close
to cows. Calxos lemalned unehaiigLil.
nstlmntccl receipts of ho s 0000 , compared
xvlth 4S'ii ' ) yesterday and 4 o. " > 3 Tuesday of last
xx-ui'k. The marKi't opened sloxv xvlth a few
loans chanulm : hands at about steaily prices.
The xxeaU feeling ; then took eontrol of the mai
ket and buxeis Ih'LMii iilloiIiiK * l I" ) . This drop
si-lleih xxould not aei'odi ) to and the market be
came Hat with nearly ono hundred loads In
Hist hands , Notliiirxvhatoxii xxas done till
In theafleinoon. When all but thirty loads
xxeri' sold at illrfXiiKiJ1 ! . KaiiKiiof price , J.I 4Y (
37 ( > , llnhtt.l4V3lij ( ; mixed , WOJ4J.70 ; heavy ,
I'rcviillliifj I'rlucH.
The folloxvhiK Is a table of prices paid In
this market for the Krudo of stock mentioned ;
1'rimo steers. 110) ) lo KiilllbH . . .MM Slum
liood steers. 12.V ) to HVI IDs 1.70 & \ 40
( iooilsteors. 1050tollJ ) ft * 305 ( Tol.HO
Common , 1000 to ir.Jtbs 325 iit.1.70
Common canneis SiJ.OO
Otdlnnry to falreoxx'S 1 ( iO < f < , . ' .35
I'alrto K'ood eims 1' ' ) < MG5
( iood tochokocoxxs 275
Choleo to fanuy voxrs 2' ) " >
I'all to Kooil bulls 1.75 f rj fl.- )
Choleo lo fane ) bulls 2..VJ ft.l Vi
I.l hthloi'keis and feeders. . . . 25) ) OT.1.25
Teedei-s. 050 tel looms 2.'H ' ( TCI 70
1'alr to choice llcht IIORS 3 II
Pair to eliolco heaxy IIOKS 305 < ai.75 :
Tall to choleo mixed liims 3.GO .I70
Coiupnratlvu Tables.
Tim following table shows the ran o In
prices on ho's dining this anI last xveolc :
of I'rlccH.
The following table shows tlio r.ino
prices pulil for hop- ; . :
Pair tocliulcu llKht lin s . M 41
Pnlrto vholcu hiMivy lie i . , . . J M
I'alr tocliulcu nilYcu hu s . J CO
SIlbKl' .
I'rlino fat slioop . 5 39
( ioiMl flit slicup . , . 4M
Coininuii to iiicilluni slioup . y UO
Uiijlieit nail Ij-jxvost Siili-H of
Toiliiy , Vostonliiy.
lllpliust . M 75 lIlKhC'.t . M 75
L < nxe > t . 'J 43 Lotxoat . U CO
Htoolc Houelpts.
Ollk-lul yestonl.iv. INtlin.iteil Today.
Onttlu . . 4H c.irs , l.liO O.ittlo . TT vars l.ROO
llo-js. . . . Wcius , 5lilO lloijs . M ours 5,10
bin ep. . . . lear , l.'O Slit-up . . . 1 carUS \
the nurnbur nf oittlo Imi by
buyers un tuilay'd uitirkut.
Pxslft & Coinpnny 89
Thu O. II Iltuiiiiionil ACe . . 1J4
Thu Arinniir-Uiiilahy 1' Co 1J4M Uolhvlitlil 143
llc'ukur & Dcgi'ii 1
I.uliiniiiiii , t Tr.iuoriiinii 40
Uthur lluyors . 7 00
lions , -
Arinour-Cuiliihy PiioUlnyOa
Omnlm I'aiklnitC'o ,770
Hwlft.VCo 740
Tlio (5 II lluiniiiuiiii Co ' "O
J 1' . Si ul res , t Co
Avcrnuo Cost of Hit. .
The folio\\lii- iblo lxcs thoiivoraio cost
IIU runs anil notli IIORS ami cattln lower.
II. Ii. Lloyd of Illation brought In : i of
A. Tiuosd.ilo of Itriulshaw niarlcetcil a car
Tlio Hunk of Hartley hail a of hoja ou
the market.
A. T. Nlohols hail acarof hogs on the mar-
Kft from Lltuliflolil.
Matthew llalonil hail four cats of cattle on
mii List from Coitland.
J. It. Vulleryvas up from I'lattsinoitth xvl th
ae.irof ho s.
N. K Itotllon of Noith Loiip xxua on the mar
ket \xlth txxo oars of ho s.
I1. M. Wolf or , ii ileilor , biought In
llxo cars of cattle from Kmllcott.
The r.irmers' Co-Ouiati\o | association of
Cellar HI u IIS bent In a car of hogs.
0. II. Parmuluu & Co , c\teiislxo shippers of
Cellar Creek , sent up a car of hogs.
ruller , Smith A rullor , thoxxoll known Scilb-
nei slilppuis , maikoted a ear of ho s ,
r W. H.TerxxllIlKer. the xxell known Dwlght
shipper , hail .i ear of hogs on the market.
I ) . O. Kohl ) , a roKiilnr p.itron of this market ,
brought In txvo cars of hogs from Rmllcott.
George 1' . , the vcteian shipper of
Dunlap , la. , had two cars of cattle on themur-
I' . I'hlers. a promlnont ilcalor of Mlmlcn , Ta. ,
xvasoxer with a car of c.ittlo and txxo of hogs.
A , Ulllor of Dlllc't among the prominent ,
stoiilcmi'u hero. Ilo m.iikuteil u ear each of
hogs anil cattle.
1'ri'slilontJ. A. Anko ami Vlco President M.
H. Mitiphy lieln absent no meeting
of the Itx-o stock oxeli.iugo.
O. W , Wyant of the xvoll known Slhor City ,
la. , Hun of I'all & Wyant xvas over \xlth time
uais of eattlu and one of hogs ,
OJl.llI.l ir//O//.SM/fi MAKKETS.
Tisii Per Ib : Tiesli xvhlto anil tiout , 10llc ;
pllio , IKiilOu ; plcketul , lOu ; salmon , 15e.
lltiibx , 1'hirs.NII TM.oxUrion Miltul
hides , iy < ; dry halted hides. 4' ' ? { .lJ4c ; dry
Hint hides , 8w ; u.ilf hides , 4' : @ < ie. Damaged
hldts''c less. Sheen pelts , gieun. each ; We ©
11,21 ; sheep pelts , dry. per lli , O lle ; t.illoxv ,
No. l.l's.i'ie ' ; No. 2 , J14 < a.Tjo ; grease , white ,
: } fC4o ; yellow , 2'
\NS-llanil picked navy , 1l.fiOi3l.7.5 ; hand
picked n.ix'y , medium , < l."ilXil. ( . ( ) ; hand picked
country , it.KXQll.OO ; good clean , il.'J.Val.lU.
Al'l'l.K llUTTKH 1'or Hi , l/a'ie.
Wooij l-'lno unwiihhed , 1 KiJlOc ; mrdlum un-
xxashed , 1821o ; co.irito iiiiwuslicil. lbTj.-Me.
runs lleaxer , per II ) . W..V > t54 OJ : each. $ .1 00 ®
7.00 ; Otter , each. &IUO700 ; xxolf. each. 50sflo ;
coon , each , topoJu ; mink , each , ! lflXc ) ; musk'
tat , fall , 8 < ilLV ! ) ; muskrat , winter , lei l.le ;
Hkunk , 2.vaiOo ; badger , 40eiM1.00 ; deerskins ,
per Ib , 20.Wo ; deer skins , xvlnter , per Ib , 12 ®
OIUNOKS per box , Mediterranean sweets
M.OO ; IIH Angeles , $1.00 ; fancy Uu.uto baud- ,
lings , $1 50 ; llb'H.tOOO.
PljiBM'l'l.ES 1'or doz , U.SO ® , ' ! 00.
BTIUXVIIKIIIIII-.S Per ease , choice shipping
stock , * J.75J DO : good , ti 002.50.
CliiKit-Per bbl , lutlned , t .M ; half bill , M50 ;
Imi d elder , pure , per bbl , $ .100 ; orangu elder ,
half bbl , * 7.uo , peai elder , half bbl. t'oo.
CAI.UOIIMA OllLiutil.s 1'or 10 Ib bov , tl.50 ®
LKMONS I'orliox , Messina , fancy , } l.505.00 ;
strictly choleo , JI.2.V3I.50.
ItANA.N ts-l'er bunch. * 1.503.T 00.
llurriii : Creamery , faney lolls , print , Ifi ®
10c ; creamery , fancy , bolfd packed , Ij@l8o ( ;
cieamory , eliolco , Uffille ; dairy , fancy rolls
and prints , l.iQllo , dairy , fancy , solid packed ,
IKiOlJo ; dairy , choh-e , iKiOlue ; country roll ,
fanoy , b'io ; choice. & &v Infeilor , 24J5c.
KIIIH Ho per doi for utilctly frush ; stale
btock not saleable.
IIONI.S ( Quotations are for dfllx cry In Chicago
cage ) Dry InitVulo. per ton , f 10 ( X ) ® 18.00 ; dry
country , bleached , tlOOOItl.lOO ; dry country ,
damp and meatj. iM.OOU 10.00 ,
Vnu.TAiii.KS e v southern onions. i > or bbl ,
M 5CKit5 00 ; horseradish , pcrdoiulnU , $1.2.1 ; now
KoiitMorn potatoes , * .l 00 pur bbl.
JKI.I.HN JliQ.41) perlb.
DitKsshn VKAI < Choice medium , C7ej light ,
55)iO ) ; ho.ivy , 44i5o. ) Oil. OUTWVto.
UOCOAMUTS Per hundred , II 00 , Medium , pur bbl , M 50 ; small , M 50 ;
gherkliiK I7.DO ; 0. & . 11. ehow choxx , ijtb , * 3bJ ;
iilnts , tKO.
POTATIIKS Per bushel , fanoy , aoi5c ; ; fair to
BOixl. 20(2250. (
POUI.TUV Per dorcn , choice hens , M 254.00 ;
choice , mixed , H OOiM.3.1 ; roosters. jj.vxSs.7.1 :
spring ehlcUi'iis , * JOO for small ; U.21&2.50 for
medlunii * 400 forlargu ; llxo turkeys , pur Ib ,
VtnBTAiii.FH-Potatoes , per Ib ,
; cabbage , per Ib , J'i ' < a lo ; onions , jiurlb , 4c.
SUOAHS Cut loaf , 7Vic ; cut loaf cubes , 7e ;
standard , poxxdi'red , 7'io ; XXXX , potxdered ,
7Je ; Kranulated , stundurd.tiUo ; eoiifecttoiiurs
A. o > 4e ; xxhlte , extra , S4e ; extra C , ubruska ,
SSJe ; amber. 5\e. . . .
Cot ft fc lloasted Arbticklo s Arlosii , 25'io ;
Mel.aiiKblln'i , XXXX , 25 > , e ; Uerman..Vo ;
Dllxvorth. ai , oi Aliiromn , SJhci bulk , 25'ie.
k Green I'ancy old golden Itlo , 27o :
fancy old peaburry. 27v ; Itlo , choice to fancy ,
' 'l c ; Hlo , prime , ilUC ! Klo , xooil. 22Su ; MUI-
toi and common Itlo. lU&2Iu ; Mocha , UOo ; Java ,
Kenulne , O. ( i , guci Ju\u , t'ood Interior , 25o ;
African , 22Hc.
\III.NACEOUS OOODS Ilarleyn3io { ; farina ,
So ; peas , Jo ; oatmeal , 1 > 4 ; macuroiil , lOu ,
\ermtcolll , lOu ; rice , 4 < 20 > iuj safe and taplocu.
llmti beans , ik' .
ik'i' . W. , WJiOj W , WM J3c ,
lipnilllght , 13Vic ( ( > llijy > JW ! salnd oil , ftJOOO
O.Wperdo ? . I.liiiicd HiltvJOlo : boiled , GJo.
MBATI Smoked Imnn.MJ Ib nvi'mge , lOoi
imokcil hams. 20 to IS lb . 0 c ; unoked ham ,
12tol41bfl. 10'jc ; breakfast bacon , 8'io ' ! Imtu
nausiicp.SSe ; picnic ht\m ,7o ; dried borf haiM ,
fc'jo ; bocf toiiRtius , per iliv. , jooo ! dry salt
inran , ( XitOSo. , '
jiAHD-i'urulttru. tlcrcpfy d ; kettle.tlcrccs.
4C.CAN.NKD MBTS 1 Ib ittnch tomfuo. f2.7i ; 3 Ib
lunch toiiKitP.JI.T5 ! 1 Ib corned bi'of. tl.Mi 2 Ib
corned beef , 91 mi 1" oorjitxl beef , Mffli 14 Ib
corned heef , f 14.00 : 2 llr boneless nips' foot ,
. ' ,20 | 1II ) I2npll li brawn , ! l , ) ; 2 Ib KnglUh
broxxn , * 215j 0 11) Knffllih brnxvn , M.75 ; 1 Ib
clilnpod beef. J..oo ; 1 Ib compressed ham , $ | . ( M.
Koi'K Ilnsls Manilla rope. 15o ; * | iil rope ,
12'4c ! cotton rope , toe : nexx ; pi 0004 , n\c.
COTTON Txmn Illbb. Aery line , 8 or 4 ply ,
83c'i lino. SUci Daisy , IMt'fhmllo xxlok , 22c.
OilVF.s--Qnarts. per do JJ 75 ; pints , per doz ,
J2.25 ; bulk , per pal. We.
Vi.NrnAli 30 pr elder , lOo ; good , 12c ; xxlilto
wine. 15c : fancy fruit , 8c.
hTcm : I'Oi.tsii * . ' . .Wv.87 per pross.
llArts Am , , per 100 , tli.W ) ; l.oxxlston , per 100 ,
.MoiAiT * Ilbls , N. O. fanoy , per cnl.60S55ct
choice , 4Y&I70 ; pood.tVil-C.'c : ( ; Cuba bnklni ; , 23
Q'Mc ; black strap , SXtSSte.
WitAi'i'iNU I'Ai'rii-Stiaxv per Ib , lK32'io ! ' !
rair , 8'ic ' ; Manilla II. 6ftGo ; No 1,8c.
II * iis ITnlon Hiinnre , 'MM ! per cent off list.
SALT Dairy 2SO Ibs In bbl , ljulk , JJ.10 ; best
prade , W. 5s , * . ' .30 ; best prude. 100 , .i , W.40 ; bebt
pradc , IS , 10s $ . ' .20 ; rock s-ilt , crushed , tlM ) ;
common , bbl , 11.23.
HoAt' Castile , mottled , per Ib , OJJIOo ; do ,
W ' '
lliioo'xr -l'arlo'r , 5 tlo , ? T 00 ; 4 tlo. t.73i ! 2 tic ,
$2.i5 ; stables , $2 s.5 ; common. JI.3lXtiI.75.
CIKOAHi { tin. 40c perlb
UIICKCU.ATK 22J5c per Ib , German chicory ,
CAVVKDOOODS rrnlls , California standard
brands , 2'Ib ' , per do Apricots , $ l.bV3l,75 ;
apllcnls , iilo fiillt , t6tl ! ; Kallunw. $1 V ) ; black-
ben les , f.'M ) ! eherrles , blark , J.200..1.25 ; eher-
rles , xxhlln..2.Vif25J ; grapis su ; pears ,
llarllelt. J.U W.23' poaehes. x elloxx. J..livrt. 2. , ;
penehes , lemon ellnp.40 , plums , opt ; , JI O.Vtl
l.bO ; i linns , politon diop. fl S ) ; plums , pieen
papei. } I. ( Yi ! > l so ; peaches xvllh iills In , * 1 00 ;
cm rants. * . ' , . ) ; Boosobeitles. L''I5 ; qiilnoos ,
$ -10 ; iiispberrles , JJ.SO ; straxxheiiles , $ , ' .50 ;
peaehes. , l-lb e istein standards , JI S5 ; 3-lb pie ,
* l.10 ; 0-lb pie. W05 ; pallons pie , 5 > IOJ ; applis ,
hlpli standards J 75 ; J Ib poosebi riles , oooj
2 Ib straxxboirles. IKXHUV1 ; 2-lb raspboitles ,
JI.IX ) ; 1-11) hlueberiles,8i > i'iui ! ' , J-lbhl.ickberrles ,
( KVI,7."ie ( ; 2-lb sti.ixxbeillcs meseixed , JI Sj ) 2 Ib
lasphi'irlc" . pieserxed , } ! MI , 2-lbblaekbetrlcs ,
pieicixed. $1 20 ; pineapples ll.ihnma ehotiped ,
ti'fi ; 2-lh Itahnma plated. * . ' 7" > ; 2 Ib lialiama
sllcul , tJ.50 | 2-lb standaid , sliced , il 2.Vjl.VO ( :
I'lionlos 2-lb led , llaltlmiiic , boHitkic ; pours ,
2-lb , $1 > 0 ,
SAI.S.ODA UblB , 1'gcj grnnulatcd , 2c ; kegs ,
1 ' c.
hoi1'kps. ) . 00 Ibs to box , I'lSM'Scr
XVTS Almonds , 15ci lli.i/lls , I2c ; fllborlo ,
Ille ; pecans , lie ; walnuts , U' > , e : peanut cocks ,
8e ; roasted. I2e ; Tennessi i > peanuts , 8c.
Dituns ( llioceis ) Per Ib , boiaI.Vi cop-
Iieias , 2'ac ' ; bay letixes , Hr , glue , ICc ; cpsotn
suits , Uglatiber ; salts , Je , sulphur , 2' ' c ; liluo
xlttlol , Uc ; alum , 4c ; tatlailc acid , I-V ;
resin , 2c.
CIIII > K 1'ull cream twins , 12'ic ; full cie.uu
Ohio s\vlss. ides full cream Wisconsin Swiss ,
HIolOu ; full cieam litlek. I li ; full cieam llm-
bnigci bw Is-- , Lie ; fancy Sin xliojgati b.c ,10'jC.
V ) in Tomatoes lib c\tni , Sl.tW ; ,1
Ibstandaid xxestern brands COTt'He ; gallons ,
stilctlj standaid , iJ.OO. Corn 1 Inest groxxn ,
$1 10 ; glltdlged sugar corn xiry line , JI 50 ;
choleo 2 Ib sugar coin , $1 . ' 0 ; 2 lh extra xxestein
blanils , n.Vntl.10 ; 2 11) standiiril xvestein ,
In anils , 51KT5700. Miisliiooms 1II ) Trench , extra - "
tra line , 22't2.'c ; 1II ) riciuh line. 1KS22C ; I 11)
I'leneli , oiilln.iry , lii''Sl c. l'i is Tres. line per
e.in21e ; ileml-llne. per can Ific ; 2 Ib sifted ,
tltti ; 2 Ib early .liinc , $1 2 , tl. ; ll ; 2 Ib Maiiow ,
sttuidaid brands , J 1.10 ; 2 Ib soaked , 57c. Siting
be.ins J Ib high grade , Kifiigee , aic ; 2 Ib ( ! olden -
den wax beans , 75i'21b ; stiliu ; beans , 7Uc ;
Lima beans 2 Hi soaked , 7.V. Iloston bnkcil
beans-.1 11) I < e\xK tl.05 ; ( riiwn brand. $150.
hxxei-t pitatoes-llb Nexx Jusey , f I GO. I'uinp-
klnsIb. ( . JI 10. Oki i and tomatoes. $1.X ( )
ok i a. il.l/l ; siiccolash , $1 2il
I'ISH Codllbli , extia tiioi-'es , nexv , 5'ic. ,
ptand bjinlv. new , V ; sllxn , 2-lb blocks O'ic ;
snow xxliltc2 Hi bili'ks. nowsie ; Tin key cod ,
l.nge middle bricks , tic ; smm xxlilto elites ,
1J-1 ID boxes,7V. Iceland lial' , medium
scaled hot ring. 2V ; No. 1 scaled helling. 22e ;
domestic Holland hulling , .Vic ; Hamhiiig
spiced helling , tl 50 ; Itiisslan b.iidlncs. 75c :
Itusslaii saidlnes plalulie , ImportLd Ilnllaiid
herilng , eioxxn , Mcj ) do fancv mllKus ,
' Oe ; muekeiel. No. 1 shon- , half bbls. til 100 ;
bloatds. hulf bbN. ? ISt ; white IMi liilf bbls
KW ) ; tiout , half bbls. $ .1.50 ; f.imllj xxblte fish ,
f.lUO ; salmon , $ s ( ,0 ; l-ll ) mackerel iheiilng ) ,
tKKKQI.UI ; 1-lb linnan h.iililles , $1.71 ; 1-lb lnb-
steis , JJ ! Vft2.25 ; 1-lb Alaska salmon , Aleut ,
Jl.WI ; S-lboysteislOo/ ; 1-lb ox steis.r. o/ ,
$1 15 ; 2-lb select- o/ . * . ' 1 ; 1-lb clams , llttlo
necks , $1.21 ; 2-lb clams , little necks , $ . ' ) : i-lb
saidlnes. Imnoited. ) > ei tuse. 100s. $1.1 OftiL'O 00 :
'j-lb Impoilid boneless said I ness , 25c ; l4-Ib
saidlnes. Ameilcan. pel case , 100s , 1'iench
style , $4 VMM DO ; 'i-lb sardines , Aiiictlcan , put
ease , lutls. I rcneli stj le , $7.1X&80 ( ( ) ; U-lb sai
dlnes , muslaid. pur ease. 50s , JJ.75SI.OO ; Im
ported kex saidlnos , fl'lOO
DniH ) rttuns Ciiri-.lnts , noxv , C'58c ' ;
. casks. 1,100 Ibs , ttu& v' prunes , bbl. or
ag , 77'2c ; cltion puil , drums , 20 Ibs , 22c ;
lemon ptels , drums , 20c ; fard dates , boxes , 12
Ibs , l.'o ; apricots , cliolco ovapoiatul , 15c ; apil-
cots , jellj ctiied , 2.1 Ib boxes , lee ; aiirlcots ,
fancy , 25 Ib boxes. IGo : npjiles , choleo ex npor-
atcd , ll"c ; npptis prlmo noxv , lOc ; llgs. In ) or.
10 pel cent taie. 1 1'jc ' ; In sacks 7o ; Peislan
dales , 7c ; S.ilk Ii.ike apples. il'ioT bhickbiiiih'S
evapoiated , 50 Ib boxes , B' c ; cherries , pttttd ,
dry euii'd , I'le ; peaches , pand , fancy , ls20e ;
eliolco. lOo ; Suit Lake , Do ; pitted plums Cul. ,
1 Ib boxes , 8'0'sc ; raspbeiiles oxapoiated ,
N. V. , nitxx : ilo ; pi lines , It. t' . , 00-70 , 1012C ;
orangopeel , He ; i.ilslns , California , London
eronlWH ) , J.40 ; Cal loose muscatels , ctop isno ,
W.40 ; Vnlcnelas , I8s8 , 7e ; Viilenclas , new , Uo ;
Cnl. seeds , sUs. , 8c ; ( Jndurii , layer , now , lie ;
clilecl giapes , Oe ; prunelles , now , 14c.
Quinine , per 07 , P x. W. , 40c ; Ocrman,40c ; In
digo , pel Ib , Tlly ; Insect powder , 40c ; opium ,
f I'll ; morphine , pet oz , W 10 ; hops , iiei Ib , IlOe ;
glyceilno , 21c ; dextrine , I2c ; ciittlebono , J5c ;
eieam taitar , pine , , ! " ) ; commetclal , 18c ; cam
phor. , 'flc ; a in , caib , 14e ; blue vltiol , 7'5c ,
Acids LaiboIic,4Xii ( I. lccltrlc.4147itai ; ) : tan ic ,
atfi Me ; siilpbuilc. per Ib , ao. OIls-Hpcim ,
liOc ; tiiipcntlnc. Mle ; Tonka beans. * l.7.vai'X ) ;
balsam lulu , : Nit Ille ; calomel , U5fc.'l7i ' ) ; eanlhai-
iidles , J1.lfl@l.Ti ; cassia buds , 20J2o ; ehloio-
fnim. 5I@1.liergol. ; 475'c ; gum arable. 55 ®
tile ; glceilno. J225c ; lycopodlum , 4J310CJ
muicury , ble. _ _ _ _ _
Hi.nnc TIN Small pig. 2o per Ib ; btir , 30o
pei Ib.
Cori'i'ii Planished holler M/cs , IW4e nor 11) ) ;
cold rolled , 2'k' ' per llr sheathing , 2Sc per Ib ;
bills and lints. ' "kpur Ui.
( ! \I.\\M/MI hill LT Ino.v DKc't 50-10 per
cent , i > at. plan. lion , Nos. 21 ( 27 , A , 104 ! ; H.
Itooi , I. 0. , 14\20 , 11. , $5.15 ; I.
X. , $7.25.
Sin IT : Inov No. 20 , $ .I.Ur j No. 27. $ .1.75.
f-oi.iu.H I44tllc.
TlM'r\li-I.C. , 10x14 , 233,57.25 ; I. X. , 10x11 ,
225. J'l ' no.
TIN Pi.XTi-Coke : , 10x11. 221 , W 25.
Sn.f i , N ui.llasc , K.J5.
S i I.M , Wnil N 4H.S llase , K.K5.
Winu-Jap. baib , flliO ; galx' . . $1.15.
Dry GooilH.
IIiuvv Ilttow.s COTTONS Atlantic A , 7'io ;
Atlantic H,7c ; Allantlol ) , O34o ; Atlantlo P ,
flc ; Auiora C , 4lic ; ( luck's Head , CJ e : Cabot
W , ti'c ; Darlington , u'fe : Tarmei's No. I , 7a.
4'e ; llooslei I.I. I'-jo ; Iiiilliiu lluiicl1 ; Law-
iL'neu lAi , 5'iOi Henrietta I.L , 6yc.
I'lMS lliioxx'.s COTIONS Atlanllo LL , Oc ; Au
rora It , 0 > , o ; Auiiira It , 6Vcj Atlas O N II , 7'c ;
cheese cloth , 4o ; Clifton II' , n ie ; Peppoiell U ,
u'ao ; Ltingdon ( > H , DC.
lit. i\riit.n Cor ) NS Ilorkoley oambrlc No.
tfl. lo ) ; llest \ ( 't , ( { e ; llulterclotb XX. 4'io ;
Cahol , 7'.o ; Dwlght Anchoi , Uc ; Ellerlon W.
H. , 7'4o ' : I'lrstCall. ' Hu ; Trult of the Loom ,
83io ; HIHSempei Idem , 8c ; Housokeepur.S' e ;
King I'hllliiuambtlu , lOu ; l.aiigdou U. II. , O'Jc ' ;
Lonsdale , tiUc ; Lonsdalo ciimliilc , lOo ; Noxv
York mllis , Ilo ; O.ik I tixvn , 7u ,
Net Popporell. 41 In , lOij ; Poppeiull , B 4 , Ihc ;
Peppuioll , 0-4 , 20e ; Peimrell | , 10-4 , 22c ; Utlca ,
Htn , 15o ; Utlca. 5.S In. J7'ic ; I'tlca , 78 In,2lc ;
I'tluii. ' SO In , Sbo ; Ulleh , ( Kiln , SSiie. Illcached
Net Potiperoll , 4J In. I0o ; Potipurull , 40 In , Ilo ;
Peppeiell , 0-1 , 14'u ; I'i'ppcroll , 8-4 , 20e ; Pep-
perell , 0-1 , 22o ; Pupporoll , 10-4 , 21 ; Utlca , 8-1 ,
2k ; Utlca. 0-1. Sue ; Utlca , 10MHo. .
( ItNOHAxis Amoskpag , O' o : Amoskeag ,
dioss , 8'ie ; Hates , ll e ; Warwick , dicss , 7" u ;
Lancaster , O'ID ; Glunaliu , O'iohlttonton ; ,
dress , 8'H'-
PUINT.S IndlRO Illuc 'Not Martha Wash
ington , tie ; Ameilean , bUc ; Ainold , O'ic : Ar
nold II , long elolb. Wo ; Stlfel A. 12c ; llcrrl-
mack Ti. lOe ; ( .old Leaf , 8vtc ; Hamilton , 5'ic ;
Allen Pinks , bVii'i Alien Chambiay , Gc ; Glou
cester , ft'ie.
rnnolos mdyslono . , fl'io ' ; Steel
Itlxer , iki ; Hamapo , 4'4o ' ; St. Legcr , 5'Jo. Shirt-
Ings Martha Washington , 4'/ic ; Mcrrlmtiek ,
44o. Turkey lOils rountaln , O'Jo ' ; Q
7c .
WllA s Net. Thistle , 7Mc ; Icd ! Cross , 7c.
CiMiihi > ( UMUlilL'nCrown , 4'4e ; Ited Slur ,
4'i > ! lolled Cloxcr , Suiblatcr , Co ; lilb'li colors ,
lo extra.
GIIAHII Slovens' It , 10-ln , 5'4oPtoxnns' ' ; I ) , 18-
in , lk > ; Stoxuns' AIU-lni 7e ; Stuxens' P , Ih-ln ,
a4o ; Sloxens' M. Ib-ln. h'ir ' ; htovuni' N. 20-In.
8'o ; Sloxens' NN , 22-ln. ) ' , ; btoieus1 bllT , 20-
In. ll'io ; bleached , lo extra.
DK.MMS Net. Amoskeag , 0-oz , 10'iui York ,
camlet , r.V ; Kxistutt , standard , 12'iu ' , Hay
maker's , 7Vo ; Old Vork , XX , 10'ic ' ; Laxxrcnce ,
220 , l.l'je ' ; Lawrence , 0-oz , 15' ' , e ; fancy htilpes
and cheeks I Hi'1
CoTTO.NAliKh Vork Nankin , in > 'tc : KxuiettS-
oz. IHc , Lutxlston. 10-oi , 22'tu ; Uuil.liigiiuiii'H ,
Ho ; Cotkscruxv cashmere. 22' ' to.
An Old Timer's n\ii'rk'nco. |
W. W. Moore of the Grand oponv
house , Dos Moines , in an early hottlor in
that part of Iowa , anil hay hail a great
deal of experience in hit * time. Ilo tmys'
"At vuriouH tiniPH I huvo had acute at-
taulcB of bilious colic and Uolont pains in
tlio BtonuiL'h , and found nothing that
ptivo me feliof like Chainborluin's ( 'olio ' ,
C holoni and DiatThoea Ruinedy. D\ury
pecbon , " ho says , "should hiuo'u bottle.
For aalo by ull drugfisti.
rrolilliltlonsstfl Will HesloKC the t < nw
Makers JIIUP 1-t.
On Juno T-Ttfiero wlllljo a joint con
gressional hearing before tlio senate
oominittco on the alcoholic liquor traf
fic , on the joint resolution for imtlonul
constitutional prohibition. This mutter
htiH been pending In every congress
slnco the Forty-fourth nearly fourteen
years without reaching1 iv vote in either
body. It was favorably reported by the
senate committee In the Forty-ninth nml
Fiftieth congress , and a minority
report in its favor was returned
by the house committee to which it
was referred to In the Fiftieth congress.
The committees , at the joint hearing' ,
are to bo addressed by members of the
"national prohibitory amendment com
mittee for congressional work. " This
committee consists of the general olll-
cors of the several national prohibition
societies of the Unifed States , the general
otlleors of the national executive com
mittee of the prohibition party , and the
National Woman's Christian Temper-
unco union , Superintendent of legisla
tion and petitions. The national prohl-
tlon societies , beside the Woman's
Christian Temperance union , include the
National Tcmporiinoo bocioty , right
worthy grand lodge Independent Order
of Good Templars , National Dhlsion
of Sons of Temperance of North
America , High T nt Independ
ent Order of Itcchnbitos of
North America , supreme council Temp
lars of Honor and Temperance , supreme
council Itoyal Templars of Temperance ,
National Inter-Collegiate Prohibition
association , National Prohibition Press
association , National Gorman-American
Prohibition league , and the recently or
ganised non-partibiin National Woman's
Christian Temperance union. The ap
pearance of this committee at the hear
ing in Juno is in furtherance of tlio
S'plitn of canvass" contained in the na
tional prohibitory amendment Guide of
which Ada AI. JJitlcnbondcr , the na
tional Woman's Christian Temperance
union superintendent of legislation and
petitions is the author. This
manual was Issued last November.
It is non-partisan. Tlio canvassing
under itill \ bo non-partisan. Hon.
Henry W. Blair , author of the amend
ment , \\lio introduced it in the Forty-
fourth congress and in every congress
since , upon reading the manual wrote
Airs , liiltciihcndor : "I luivo just com
pleted the examination of your Natinnal
Prohibitory Guide. I think it just per
fect and deblro warmlv to congratulate
you upon the success of your really great
work. Much in little , it is like the book
of tactics by which volunteer armies
learn to light great wars like disciplined
veterans. This book has lonfj been
needed in order to properly organi/o and
unify the temperance work which bears
upon national legislation , and I feel sure
that wo hall boon see the best results
fiom its uo by tlioorkcr& and among
the people at largo. "
The motto of California means , I have
found it. Only in that land of sunshine ,
ixhoie the orange , lemon , olive , lit ; and Ki-apo
bloom and upon , and attain their lushest
perfection in inid-n inter , are the hcibs and
BUIU found that are used in that ploabttij , '
icmeily for till tluont and lung tioubles.
Santa Abie , thoiillurof i-ouphs , astlima and
consumption , the Goodman Drug Co has
been appointed agent for this valuable C'ali-
foinia icmi'dv , and sells it under n gu.irantoo
at ? 1 a bottle. Three for ? -.50. !
Tij Califoinia Cut-r.cui e , the only guaran
tee ciuo for cutiirili. SI , by mail , § 1.10.
Kclltur Griulj and Ills Mother.
The love which Mr. Gr.uly always boio
bis mother was one of his chief eharac-
teribties. liven after ho had grown lo
bo a journalist of such renown , bringing
iilion himself the unceasing labors of an
editor and a public man , ho would al
ways lind time to write her frequent letters -
tors , tolling her of his .successes , and
asking her cguidanco in many of bib
greatest undertakings , says a writer in
the New England Mnga/ino. To his
mother ho paid beautiful tribute of oratory
tory in all of his great speeches ; and
whenever ho upoko of her in those
speeches whether in the open streets of
a Texas town , or amid the revelry of a
New England banquet hall ho always
lo\\ered-his voice , and spoke softly the
noble sentiments that spontaneously
arose in his heart. In facial outlines
Mr. Griuly was the living picture of his
mother , and from her ho inherited his
bweot temper and gentle manner. The
mother now resides in a co/ty little cottage -
tago in Athens , on Barber street , with
her daughter , Misb MattioGraily. Their
homo , though ono of bereavement at
present , is yet ono of comfort , peace and
and happiness. They have always pre
ferred to live quietly in Athens , the
city of their early associations.
Miles' Nerve and Uvor PUN.
An important discovery. They act on the
liver , stomach and bowels through tlio
neives. A now principle. They speedily
euro billiousness , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles and constitution. Splendid for men ,
women and children. Smallest , mildest ,
suiest. yo doses lor i.1) ! cents Samples fieo
nt Kulin & Co.'s 15th and Douglas.
Tlio Practical Kxlinctlou of Smallpox.
About . ' 10,000 children are vaccinated
annually by the physicians of tlio board
of ho.ilth In Now York City. Adults who
request it are also vaccinated. The
operation is performed upon from 80,000
to 00,000 porbpns every year , writes Dr.
Cyrus Edbon in the Forum. The vacci
nating corps of the health dopnrtmont
was organi/ed in 1871. The testilt of its
work was not apnnront until 1870. The
deaths from smallpox previous to 1870
averaged r > 8..r > 7 per 100,000 poryo.irjftinco
1870 they have averaged 8.B8 per 100,000
per year , and this average is being
yearly reduced. During the pastsixteon
months wo have had only txx o cases of the
disease in Now York City. Ono of these
cases occurred in the most thickly popu
lated part of the city , where the number
of inhabitants per aero is greater than
on any other spot in the world ; yet en
well was the neighborhood protected
that not 11 single case occurred among-
tlio many that wore exposed.
In Holland , Mich . C. J. Docsbury pub
lishes the News , and in Its tolurnns stiongly
ici'omineiuls Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil lor
coughs , colds , soio tluoat , catauh and
The Knrly OCOIIIWIIOJM'Tillable ! Imiid.
In view ol tlio rapid reduction in the
rate of increase , and tlio constantly di
minishing quantity of unoccupied arable
hind to draw from , an addition of 10bSO- ,
000 acres of cultivated land Booms to bo
nuito as much as can bo expected in this
clccado , writes C. Wood Davis in the
Forum. During the remainder of this
century , the annual increubo in consump
tion will necessitate average yearly ad
ditions of 17,000,000 acres lo farm areas ,
of which more than one-third must bo
land actually producing staple crops.
With but 100,000,000 arable acres to draw
from , of which a considerable part is al
ready included in farms , there would ap
pear to bo llttli ) dllllulty in determining
the maximum time that will clapso before -
fore the exhaustion of the material from
which now farms can bo carved in num
bers bullicient to meet the requirements
of the incrouslng population , and after
which consumption mint , : w in Europe ,
bo met from the pioducts of a gixcn and
uni'.xpandlng JUCii biipplomcntud by an
importation of food.
fits , spasms , St Vltu's clam e. nervousness
ami hyhtorla. uro soon < uml bj Or MiK s'
Nervine Fico aamDlws at UuUu \ Cu , ISlu
and Dougla * .
"T > HVC I „ _ _ . . , iQ I Arrive *
Omnlm I I Hipot unhand Mmnn ttrocn I Oitiab * .
rfij P m f ( U a m
I' 15 n m Riprcm 00 p m
P IS p in Chlrnco K prci"9. PV5 n m
B 60 p in Chicago i HOi a mID
1 , 1T08 jit UKr.lNllTON & MO lltVKKrArrffo
Omaha. Dfppt IQtli nnd Xlmon Htrtli _ Jjyu1llI1'li.
ID IS n ni Denver 4 0.1 p in
lUlft n in Denver Kxnrrtd (1.15 p m
6 10 p in DflnvorNliiht l : iirp V W R m
JM5 n m Lincoln Local VW \ < in
If CT.8P3 JVTf < Vifrl u
Onmliix , I IK'pot IQIIi unit Maun ultoplt , Dunlin.
P3Sani ] Kiinnai I'ltjr I > ny Uxpnoi ) p m
PCS p niK | C NlgUt K ( i vln t ) I' Tfixn ft 45 a tn
1-l'ltTBI XrrlfcT"
Onmlm Depot lOlh MiJ Mircjr < ( rcct" Omalm.
V 60 p in Ovprlnml Hfor 9 10 p m
T.'IO p ni .1'npltic Expn' i. 7 IS a m
ID M n m . . . . .Denver Kxpre * s. 405 p m
4 IS p m flrnml I'lniul 1'xp ( picppt Sun 12 IS p m
AO In in ' Knnima Clljr Kiprt'ss. .j . IZJSjx m
l-tmes 1 TMtIiAl707lT Arrftri"
Oiuntm [ IT 1' ilcpot. _ _ lOlh unit .Mnrc Oiuali _
D I i p m Nlxlit lit pro WXi ( a ui
PIS n in Atliiullc Kxpri'n ti : < 0 p in
4 IS p m VcMlbtilo l.lmlttwt IOCS am
Lrnvps ArrlvcJT
Oninli _ IT r. iloiMil , lOHi and Miirer bt Ouinlia.
" '
"u IX ix in' . . . Clildik'o llTPir" . . . . IVM p in
4 t ) p in . . \Vntlbiito I.linlttvl P M n m
0 IS p tn ( I-T or Hit ) Mnll lAr ct Mun ) 750 n m
1)30 p m S < 1ji m
TXJHVOJ ll'MCAUO , Mtur.V SI' lrAlUrArrifei )
Onmlii | U1' _ ilopot , lUth nml Mnrcjr st | Oniiihn
XtnTTKXCOpl ( Sunilnjr ) . . ( HIS p m
fiOO p ill riilcnuo Kxprf 9 . . . P4" > n in
Ji V ) ji in riilcmm l51'rp ! j. S'-O p in
OflAllA > V ST'lxiOf'C TArrtro
Oamhn. I V _ ili'piil , 10th nnil Mnrt'y Sin j Oninlia
: -0 | > in ! M UmN ( Tnnnnn Iliill il7. < 0 p in
OIVV * Arrives
JnmhnUT ) _ _ Mnrcyi _ ti ! Omnlin
7 IA iv nil . Sioux City I'nMot . IUOX p tn
_ St I'nul rjxiuiy J 10 01 n m
TA-IIVOI P " ! Antve
Oinaln | Depot l th nml WflnU' | Omnhn
t n p fn | _ SM'nul LlmlliMl
l.pitvo I "T , IJ , V MO I Arrival
Omnln _ | IH'pol IStlijimnVobitcr St < | Otn ilin
' .iiw"ii nf lll.ick HUH K pru99 . . ' , M p in
H(0 n in i Kxp ( l.'x t-uniliiy ) A JO p tn
MO ii in XVnlioo , V I.lni oln KIM n in
f > 10 p ni \urk .V Norfo lKx Sniuliif ) 1(1 ( JU n in
"Irf'nxus I l"srlOl .VO fArrlxuH
Oiniilui I Depot l.Mli anilX olisti'r Pt * I Otn ill i
8 10 a in Slmix I'll ) AiciiniliHulTtlon flOA p in
1 UO p in Slonx nijr Kxpri'is ( Kx Sun ) 1 0 p m
Jlr > p in . st I'niil l.lniltnl . . P i > n in
f. 15 ii in Jl miLOft l'nH < yiijprjlx ( ( ! Sun ) 8 l'i n in
l nvi'i I Slissoi'lll ' I'AI'IUC. I Arrlruj
Oniilm | _ Depot nth nnil WHnti'rSl | Omnlin
10 O n ml st l.ouls A K I' Kxpri' I I VI p in
'JlT > | M l inl , V K r ixpri' : | fi 10 n in
UNION 1'Ai iHr-31'iiuitiiAN 'iitv NS
Thc u trnliH iiloKip nt 1 Ith. Kth.Xltli nml ' 'till
streets. Suiniult unit Snvlil o Crovalnic. '
' tnilnt ilo nut run
l.ciivct"ClllCAC.O"S ) NOUTllWnviril.N I Arrlxv *
'IransfiTl IjiiUmJh pntl _ oiimU l ] nltH _ | Tiiinifcr
II II ) n m I.IO p in
5IA ) p in Vi-stlbiilu l.lmltuil ' . ) < U n ni
10 IK ) p ,11 ii : lorn 1 IJIT 'Ul p in
Ml ) p in Atlnntlc Mull 7 > < > n in
U'nvus ILIIIIAUU , Mil , A7 S l' I'AI17 } | Arrlvi'i
'Irnnirorl " 1 nk'ii DiMiot Conni'll l liilts Qrunofi-r
"ii 10 a in Uilcniiu Mnll d'xii-pt fcunil.iy ) 6 m p in
n iO p m CliliHKO nM'Hxt ' I' ' l' > " in
10U ) pju ( Jili iiriiKvpjc' 00 p in
LcTVin I K t'&l' JOH .Cf 11 FAi-rlM" ,
Trunntcrl Union nt'pot ronnilMlliilIs jlriinilcr
lin)7"ii ni ] .Kniioaii CiTy ln ) > Kipri'i-i j 6 Ct'p m
1025 p ni1 lvnn ni llty NlKht livprpi | 1)30 ) n in
"l.onvei 1 OAIAIIAT.V si1 I.OUIH. I Arnvi-r
TruiKferl Union lli'jiot. Count 11 Ululls Trnmfer
66JTp nif ' I IxiijlT I iiiion infi (12 ( 11 p m
"Icives ICHIfAI.O. TllJlir..V A ( Jl'IN't. V I Arrlvci"
Trnuslcrl Union Depot , I'oiinrll llliHTn. "I'miisfi r
"p 10 n nil 7. . I hlpiiRU K"xpri'i " . . Ii . ' 0 p in
10W p PI ChlCHM ) U < Iirc s U 40 a ni
J 30 p in | _ _ Creitiinj.icil II Aum ) _ _ _
. Arrf\i'V
Trnntferl Union De-put , L'lnincll llliiff rriiiisfcr
" 741 a m1 * bloux City Aecommoiliitlon 711 n m
LSI ) p nil bt. I'aul l. prcra V55 p in
13O2 Fnrrmm Stroot.
City Passenger and Tidkot Agent ,
Accounts of Hanks , Hunkers nnil Curporntluns
Our rncimiqs for roiliCT10NS nro p rcllcnt imil
wo ro-illncount for hnnkH whim bilanccH warran'It
Huston Is Uuncrru III ) , unil taluncvs wllli ua
from bank a ( not locutuil In oilier Iteicrxo Cities )
count ai a rciurvu.
\Vu ilraw our oirn cirlnnite on London nnil tlie
Puntlninl , ami maku cubic trunnfcra nml place money
by tulvgral U tliruugliout tlio Unllcil Htului unil Can
\Volmvo n market for prime nr t-cu ] s Investment
gcturltloa , anU Invlto propoinls from titntcn , Conn-
tlci nnil Cltlus when Unulni ; lionds
\ \ o ilo a Kuncral liauklnu builucn ! ! , unit Invite cor
, . & , Bankers ,
103-103 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
70 BtatuBtroat. UOOTOH.
Absolutely reliable , perfectly iafu , moHt po crfiil fi inalo
mriilrttorkticiYirn mvrrfuJIlAnox iKjulnalil .unvbux
lumctint , Aililrrw I JON liHUi ) fX ) . . Ii'jX ' l , J > V
tJulU lif OOOUUA.V DllUO Ct ) .
ll.piUI > l ,
. ( l h KIUI9U. ull
iiiui iull .VUU
National Bank
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O , - 07OOO
Offl r sod Dlrcctori Henry W TutM , rrmMenti
PrwtlB nitil , lc d'dililentt Jixmni XV BIXTM * ) VT/
T'Mono , Jobn3 Colllnn U. ( X Cuihlng ) J. H. Mf > .
r Ulckf. | . u s Uuihfli , ciuhlor.
Corner Itth nnd r rn m 8trr < U.
A Qpnornl Itnnlltn ni' lni Trnniiotea.
National Bank
Cnpltnl , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , / O.OOO
OOlcrrt ana Dlrcrtnn-R M Mnrnrnun , O Xt
Hitchcock , IniPiih ( inrnrnu , Jr , A Henry , K M ,
AndrnonVllllnm I ) . Mnui , Tloo-proililnnt. I * II ,
Wllllnms. A 1 * llopklnn. prrililriil A Mllllaril ,
CMlilcr ; K II llryunt , miHlnnl cmliliT
Omaha ManUfaotUrBrs , .
HootH anil
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
\scutsfor llntlon llnhtior Shoo Co 1103 1104 anil 1104
llnrni'y Blu'oliOmiilin Sch
- , . llrowerH. _
- - - - -
n- r-i- - - " " " " " " " " " ' " *
Lajlcr liecr llrcwcrs ,
1M1 Ncrth IPtli Street , Oinnlm Not )
Manufacturers of Calvanizcd Iron Cornloi
Window cnp' niul motnllo nkjrllulit" .liilm I't'cnotor ,
prnprliMiir IUSnii-1 1IU Hontli HHIi Ktrocl.
ArtlHtH * AInturlalH.
* 31. HO3PK , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
151.1 Douulna Street , Omnlm Neb
Coal , Coke , Ktc.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
8 1C Cor lull unit lotitln | Strcetx , Oiimlm Neb.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
Sll South 13th StroPt , Oiimlm NYb
Wholesale Cigars.
402 N irth Street "llolhil" U19
Dry UoodH nnd NotloiiB.
5T E. SMITII tiTco. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions.
Corner lltli nml Ihiwnnl Htrcoti.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
Gents' I'urnlahlnKOoodi Comer 11 Hi nnil lluruey
Btret'tn Onmln , Nf b
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
l-urnnni street , Omnlm , Nobriska.
Omnlm , hiuurimku.
Wholesale Grocers ,
13th nnrt I.onvenworth Strcot . Omnlm , Ncbrnaka ,
Immlier , Kto.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc.
Importcil nml Amorlenn I'urtlinil Corat-nt. Btat
BKCUlfor Mllwniikvo Hyilrnullo Ceuieut , anil
( julney VVUIIo hline.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wood carpets niul pinuct nonrlun ! ) lh niul Donglu
airi't'tM , Oiuahn , Nobraikiu
Lnmber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Corner Oth nnil DoiiKlna Btreetn , Omuha.
Mllllnory nud Notions.
I. O13EUFELDKR { c CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
203 , 210 unil 2U South llth ttreot.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1121 Itnrner street , Otimha
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axlourcnsc , etc , Omnlm A II ll'aliop , Mnimimr. ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry n nlco ilock of printing , wrapping nnd wrlllnfj.
paper. Hpctlnl aUvntlon Klvcn lo innl pnpor J
Htxfc-H , Kto. J
A. L. DEANE it CO. ,
Ucncrnl Acents for
Halls' ' Safes ,
SH and 323 South 10th SI , Oraah * .
Toyn , Kto.
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Albums ! Fancy Goods ,
Ilouie Kurnl lilniCooil , Chlidron'i CarrlagM ISjJ
larnnm street , Omaha , Neb
. . - - - - - Water , Supplier. - . - - . - . , . - . . . . . .
.T-JT-nJTJUi ii ii i- < |
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilallldar wind nillli 918 and 820 Jonas it , Omaha ,
(1 I' lion , Acting Manager.
Iron WnrkH.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work.
Knglnci , brain work , general foundry , machine unA
bluckimlth iTiirk omen nnd mirks , U i'
lly nnil 17lh itreet , Omaha .
Hanf'rs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Voulti , jail work , Iron Bhullori and lira oBtnpea.
O Andreon.prop'r Cor IllU nilJa < kion Hti
HaBli , Doora , Kto. i
M. A. DISI1ROW Ac CO , ,
Wbolnalu manufactureri of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch office , IJlli and Iinril itreeli Omaba , Kl k ,
Of South Omaha , Limited ,
Provisions and Stocks.
Basement First National Bank ,
OO3 South 13th Street , Omahn
Taxidermists j
" " 'V&Si'
ll or eifr ii &
ICUi uu b OmXfc 'V&Si'V