Still Cutting the Prices in Every Department lThe goods must go. Great sale of White Goods Monday. Every yard offered is a great bargain. Don't miss this chance to secure a white dress cheap . Fine Carpets are going out at the lowest prices ever made on fine goods" . We keep no trash. Visit our Carpet Department next- week , sure , for genuine bargains. Domestics. Monday , we offer a terrific slaughter of French Satines. 90 pieces solid black French Satines , with Henrietta finish you can't buy them anywhere less than 400 , our price Mon day , to move a few pieces will be 2oc yard. These are gen uine and no humbug. 5o pieces fine Outing Flan nels , in fancy stripes at Sc yard , cheap at i5c. 2 cases 36 inch Bleached Muslin , better than Lonsdale , 13 yards for $1.00. 5 bales 36 inch Unbleached Muslin , such as EE and LL all go Monday , 20yards for $ i. c5 pieces American Satines , light and dark grounds , hand some figures , choice Monday , pc yard. 5o pieces Apron Check , and fancy Ginghams , 4 0 yard 25 pieces plain and fancy Stripe Seersuckers , 6 c yard , worth is c. i case French figured Per cales , loc yard ; worth i5c. A lot of silver gray standard prints , 30 yard. 5o pieces lace scrim at 5cyd. Big lot of fine white goods go Monday at 50 , S c and IDC yard. BENNISON BROS. SCOTTISH RITE IN THE D. S , Review of the Tour Jurisdictions Now in Oporatiou in Tim Country. A WARNING TO NEBRASKA MASONS. "Corneniilsin" Placed Where it Prop erly llclonss by the Grand MIXH- lur of the TMstriet of Colum bia ami Judge Gorman , ( Corninunloatcd. ] In 17i5 the Ancient Accepted Scottish rite ot Masonry was first instituted in Franco under the name of the "Uito of .Perfection , " 1 consisting of twenty-llvo degrees , correspond ing to the present thirty-two degrees. In 1701 Stephen Morin was commissioned deputy inspector general by the grand orient of Franco to spread the rite in the West Indies nnd America , but in 1700 on account of uuimvsonU- conduct Moriu's pitcnt was ro- voiced by the grand orient and another deputy by the name of Martin was appointed. In disregard of his removal Irom ofllco Morin constituted at Chailcston , S. C. , n lodpo of peifectlonhich ho was not legally author ized to do , and that body was therefore un ille gally constituted Scottish Hito body. In IsOl Mitchell , Daleho , Alexander , Auld nnd Do La Motta of this irregular lojgo of perfection , erected eight degrees inoro mak ing In nil thiity-thrce , and constituted them selves a "supremo council of America and French possessions. " In IbOy these members , learning of the Irregularity of their orguniz- aUon , refused to allow tholr names to bo used nnd from that date to IbCO , fifty-seven jours , but llttlo if anything wns heard of this illegal supreme council. In ISO ! the grand orient of Franco rcorg-au- lcd the rite of Pcrlection as known and con trolled by it slnco 15 , to conform to the 33 ° and foi warucd a copy of Its action to all regular ! } constituted und deputy Inspectors general , ono of whom was Illustrious Brother Joseph Ceruenu , then in the United States. T1IU I'MTU ) STV.TK3 JIIIISIMCTIOX. On OUobpr : > , 1S07 , the grand consistory of the "Ancient Accepted Scottish rite for the United States of America , their territories nnd di pendencies , " wus organized Jn New York city , by Illustrious Brother Joseph Cerneau by virtue of his patents emanating ; from the grand orient of France , being the regular commissioned deputy from that grand orient , and the United States jurisdiction Is therefore u perfect , regular uud legitimate Scottish rite body. The organization of the United States rite was duly conveyed to nil Masonic bodies , on December 7 , IsOS nnd the grand lodge in Now Yoik recoulcd the following in their records : "A communication from nn associ ations ! } ling itself n sovereign grand con sistory of the supreme degrees , announcing to this gnmd ledge In very respectful terms Its establishment in this city , on October "i , 1S07 , under patents regularly served from lawful authority , nnd disclaiming uny power inconsistent with the local supremacy of this grand ledge over Master Masons , was ivad nnd ordered to bo filed. " i The degrees im confered In 1807 by United Stated rite remain unchanged to the present day. day.Upon the election ot Brother Ccmeau ns sovereign grand commander , Ib07 and 1Mb , - bo gnvo notice to the supreme Masonic bodies in Kuropa nud the West Indies , transmitting copies of the patent under which Iho con sistory was formed , und received recognition which has never boon withdrawn. A copy of his authority was also transmitted to Charleston. S. O , it having been understood a council liud boon once formed ( hero nud might still bo in activity , but after regaled endeavors , nothing could bo heard from it. FronilbOT to l&OO , tUo United. SUta wu- Monday wo oiler clgrico of 200 French ostrich tips , any color you want , at lOc each , SOc bunch. This is n hummer. 5 pieces blaclr grosijrain silk , wo nnino 98c as price per yard , just to keep the thing boom- Children's Bonnets lOe Beaded Terrific slaughter. Our entire stock of beaded wraps , also beaded shoulder capes that formerly sold at 88 , $10 and S12. Choice Monday , at only $3.98 each. Imported 101 Challies Iu2t Another deep cut. Choice of SO I pieces line French challics , formerly sold at 17c , now go at 12ic yard. Good elegant patterns. Children's Bonnets Monday wo will offer choice of a lot of children's fine lace bonnets , at 50c , 75c and 93c each ; worth from SI to Si'50. BENNISON BROS promo council established over thirty Brand consistories mill n large number of subordi nate bodies of the rite , in New York , New Orleans , South Carolina , Connecticut. Massa chusetts , New Jersey , Now Hampshire and Wisconsin , and in lorolpn countries , at Brus sels , Belgium , Porto Kieo , Cumanu , Yareell- nn. La Guaym mid Port of Spain , The United States Jurisdiction has been in active operation with n continuance of its grand commanders from 1807 to this date , ex cept for a shoi t period during the nntl-Mu- sonic excitement when all Masonry wus for a short period inactive. In 1S11 Governor Do Witt Clinton of New York , was elected deputy gland commander , and in lyJ3 : sovereign coninmndcr , remaining In that position to the dnto of his death in 1823 , having been a member of the supreme council seventeen years. In 1514 the United States council organized and onlcured the first errand encampment of Knights Templars in the United States , for the state of New York. Since its organiza tion to the present time the United Stntcssu- prano council has enrolled in its ranks such prominent Masons us Do Witt Clinton , who was grand commander of the New York grand comimmdery of Knights Templar , and grand high priest ot the state of New York ; Brother Mulligan , deputy grand master of New York , who at the sixmo time wns minis ter to Greece from the United States ; Broth er Hofl man , grand muster of Now York for two terms ; Brother Coldcn , bcnlor grand warden of the grand lodge of Now York for thirteen years ; Brother Hicks , grand secre tary of the grand lodge of New York for six years ; Brother Bacit , grand master of North Carolina ; the Marqui-s do Lafayettewho was grand commander of the United States rite inlbrjl ; also grind masters of lodges in Now Hampshire , Cu.irecticut and New Jersey and hundreds of other prominent Masons through out the United States. The ginnd commander of this body is John .T. Gorman of Now York , a gentleman well known and holding high Masonic olllcc , being at the present time grand treasurer of the grand lodge of Now York , president of the Masonic hall association and president of the Masonic orphans' homo. Judge Gorman is also a member of the board of police , Justice of New York city , and recognized as n gen tleman nud u scholar und beloved by all who Uuow him. him.THE THE NOitTiinnx JURISDICTION. The supreme council of the so-called north ern Jurisdiction has been nn unlawful and an illegal boily since the first act of its existence - once , und during its many changes of char acter it has been , with only ono exception , when it consolidated in tbOlt with the United States Jurisdiction , tin unlawful organization and a usurper. To glvo in detail the many changes of the northern jurisdiction would talto up too much time and space , but a few of the changes will bo briefly noted. The northern juiisdictiun was first brought to light by Do la Motta on his own responsibil ity , May 1,1M I , in Now York city ( sovcu years after the United btcs Jurisdiction had organized ) , who invited Brothers Simpson and J. J. J ( not Gorges of the Cor- ncau rite ) to meet him , which they did and fanned n council of the 83 ° on the ubovo dato. The next meeting of this illegal coun cil was not held until thirty years afterward , on Juno 15 , IsH , and was only attended by J , J. J. Oiourgna and U. F. Fonda. Dining the thirty years only five 83 ° Masons were made , and not ono of the five , except Fonda , over took any active pail or interest In the work , well knowing that they had no legal founda tion to build upon , in September , ISM , an other mooting of this council was held , but only two 33 ° Masons ( Gourgas and Yatosi were present. Another meeting was calloafor October , but only the same two were present to answer to the roll , and n third call was made for November 13 , nt which meeting Gonrgas and Yates elevated Brothers Kay- mend , Baker and Moore of Boston to the-3 ! ! = . On December 0 nud ' . ' 7 of the same year. Gourgas and Yule * held another meeting of this council , no other persons being present except themselves. Between 1B < 5 and 18M this Illegal Northern council olovutod but two to the :13 : = ; between 1857 and lb ! U two inoro were elevated , making in all cloven ! K ! = > Masons slnco the duto of their Illegal organi zation in Ibl I. Sineo Us organization It has changed its character llvQtimos. Its present grand commander Is II. L , Palmer , who re ceived hU K3 = > in the United Stutes Jurisdic tion In 1M53 and dosertcd that Jurisdiction for the ono over which ho now presides , If hU elevation in the United States rite to the 83 = can bo considered us being given by an illegal body , how can ho now bo u legally constituted Ja Mason In the northern rltol That ques tion will : oou bo decided uv Uio courts of Summer Corsets , 50c. Monday get your summer Corsets nnd keep cool , only GOc each. The best in the hind at the prico. Silic sale next week. Lace Shoulder Capes , $5.50 Monday wo offer you choice of our en tire stock of ladies' silk lace Shoulder j Capes at $5,50 , which have sold all sea son at $10 and 312 ; Monday $5.50 each. Silk Armures , Now is ( ho time to buy a fine nobby silk at a very low price. We offer choice of 40 pieces black and colored Armurcs , all now patterns and all the now spring and summer shades , choice $1 yard , regular $1.50 quality. Night Gowns , 75c Great clearing sale of ladies' Night Gowns , about 28 dozen in the lot. worth $1 and $1.25 , Monday they go at 75c and 85c each. Baby Carriages $1.50. Satin Parasols , II Monday a lot of colored satin Parasols to close at SI each , worth 81.50 to 82. BENNISON BROS Ohio , and this unlawful northern rite placed where- belongs us a clandestine Scottish rite body without any recognition except from its foster mother , the Pike council of the southern Jurisdiction. Tin : ciii\i\L : : IUTK. This Jurisdiction , which has been and is now being use 1 as the betting maul by the southern and northern juiisdictious against Masons who tiro" members of the United States Jurisdiction in Ohio , Iowa and Nebras ka , should bo properly called by its proper name , i. o , "Tho Seymour-Pcck'hain-Gourgas body. " Like the northern Jurisdiction it has hud many changes to which it is needless to refer here , except to say that its sovereign grand commander. Brother Gourgas of Balti more , Md. , a short time since resigned his po sition and 1ms loft the rile to .struggle alone. To thoroughly explain this supposed Ccrneau Scottish i ito body mid not confound it with the United States rite , the following corre spondence between the grand master of the Distiict of Columbia and Judge Gorman will , to any enlightened Mason , make everything plain and easily understood : EDICT NO. 1. MASONIC TISWPI.K , WASiu.NnTO.v.JiilyC.'i , 1SSO. --Ofllco of the ( iruiid Muster 1'ree and Ac cepted JInsons of the District of Columbia.-- ] To the Master , Wardens and llrethron of l odReNo , : Whereas , The grand lodgeof Masons of the Dlstilut of Columbia , at : v Mated communication , lu'ld under date of January 11 , IS70 , pnsM'd the following resolu tion icpoiled from the committee on JiirKpiu- Uencci / . : "lteM > hed , IIv thi ) grand loil-ic of the DK- trlet of Columbia thit : , until tlie grand orient of 1'ianco annuls all 1th dcciecs , edicts anil icHiilutlous , icfosnl/lng Iho spurious giand council of the slate ot Louisiana , all .Masuuic Intercom si < lietncen that gland oilenl and this Kinnd lodge IIP and Is heicby dl-sjlvcd ; and nil rironmsons owing alluHhince to tills granil lodRoaio foi hidden to locolxe asKIt - oror hold -Masonlo liiteivunrio with nnv I'lecmasitis on Ing allegiance to said giantl oiii-iitof 1'iaiico 01 any body under Us Juris diction. " This e'ommttt"o consisted of Most Win thy Brother lienjumln II. 1'irnrli , Most Woithy lltother t'hnile.s r. Sttinslmry and Itltjht Woithy lliollior John Loekle. And. Whereas Competent mid lawful Mnsonlc In formation litulng readied mo that tin ) ors.m- I/utlon Known as the Goinas-Coincau Scottish rite has entered Into and holds fratoi mil lolu- tlons nlth the grand orient of 1'rancu and Masonic bo.lles under Its jurisdiction , and Is In communication with Masonic bodies that this grand lodgu has declared unlawful and forbidden Intrrconrsu with. Now , therefore , we , HarrisonDlngnian , Tnost wi rshlpfnl grand master of Masons In and for the Distiict of Columbia and Masonic jurisdic tion thuiounlo belonging bylituo of the powers and authorities In us vested , and In jierfoimalice of the duties of our ollicc , do hereby decline It Is not consistent with the duly of any brother under the uiand lodge of the lilstt Id of Columbia to heck or retain iiieinbotshlp inthch.ild ( ioicas-t'cincaii or- KunUatIon , and any brother of this jurisdic tion ( .ontlniilng his membership In any said liorxas-Cerne.'ui body after the reading of tills edict In the Masonlo ledge of which ho may Im a member , icmlois himself liable to suspension from all the rights and pilvilcgus of Masonry for continued dl-obedence | or the resolution of the giand lodRoof datu ot Jan uary II , 1S70 , iibou ) elted. As woiloalho prohibit any of the lodges of this jurisdiction giantlng the use of tholr place of mooting for the practice of the uald OorKUS-Cerneau rite , or from holding any communication In any loom or looms occupied by any body known as the Oorgas-t'crnoau rite of bcottlsh Masonry- Anil ivu do fiirthoifdlroot all masters of lodccs under our authority not to admit an a vibltor to thnlr hxlKuJ anv poison claiming to ho a Tire und Accepted Mason who Is a mem ber of any body nf the bald OorKas-Corneuu rito. either In this or any other Masonic Juris diction , and to include In the iccoxnUed and Imperative test to ho adinlnlstciod to persons examined as visitors to tholrlodges , the state ment by such vlsllorn that ho Is not a member of any body ucknuuli-dKluj ; allegiance tu the katil iiorr'us-Cerneiiu rile , mid whoso members 1110 hi'iuby refused auinlssloii lulu any lodies of True and Accepted Masons within the Uls- tilcl of Columbia , the simu belnp In strict ac cordance with the rasolutlons of this grand lodge , heretofore cited. As obedience und loyalty toil illy constituted anthurltv Is ono of the great ehaiaetoilstlcs of the brethren of this Jurisdiction. 1 shall expect prompt action on thu p.irt of any anil all briibienof thu lodges of ihU dbtrici af fected by this edict. Seerotarliviof Itxlcos nrodlreoteil to pronipt- ly notify Un > 1C. W. grand ttiurutary of iho ( Into this edict nnd uccoinpnnylng Cupy of deeUlon were road In their lodges. Ciixcn nniloriMir hand and , at the city of Washington , District of Columbia , the Mthday of VIul\A. , A. 1. . & 5 * > 'J. llAitmsoN DI.SOUA.N , tirand Master. NKIT YOIIK. Auifust 5 , IBS' ) . [ Office of the Grand Commander , No.-1 , West t'oiirtcentu street. ) Most Worshipful Harrison Dlimnmn. grnnd master of Mukons , District of Coluniblu Worshipful unU UcurUrothor. lhavo Monday and all next wool : wo will olTcr choice of all our fancy llpurod Cltina silk , formerly sold at 7flc and $1 ; choice GUcyard. Boys' Knee Pants 28c. Monday 10,000 hand-made linen tidies 10 different patterns , choice of lot lOc each. Lace Scrim Se Yard. Monday wo place on sale 300 fancy drapery scarfs s > otne worth as high as 85c and $1 ; choice of lot 2-5c each. 7 Brilliantines / 10 pieces line quality silk finish 10-in black brilliantines , worth $1.25 ; re duced to 75c yard. 1000 pieces silk ribbons IOG yd Straw Monday wo otter as a flyer 16 rolls of China straw matting , at the ridiculous low price of J2c yard. BENNISON BROS received your printed edict. No. 1 , of July 23th , l sy. for which I thank yon. 1 aNo thank you for the honest , fratoinal and Masonic manner with which you lieat the subject. " Von put the saddle on the rlht ; horse. " Sonic of Iho iiiiid : masjeis. particularly Kentucky and Pennsylvania , who Imiu Issued edicts based thu ' on tVymtmi-1'eckham-Cnir- fialltlcs , Inno so wiliten them that by Inilillcatlon thesupieme connell Ancient and Arcepled rite , of which I am the eland eom- niundor , has been Ingeniousniadi1 ! to appear as connected with that spin Ions body by the iinspailng use of the Icini "Ceineau ilte , " We are not the' Ueincau lite , " so called und advertised. Wo nro the supreme council Ancient and Accepted ilte for the United States of Amer ica , their terrlloties and dopendonclcs , with power nnd authority emanating fiom thu gland orients of Paris and loideiiu\ ! 17(11 ( , IhiouKh Mcphen Moiln , Antolne. Mathluu , DnpoteU losfph Cerneau , DeWItt C'llnton. I.diuund H. Hays , Hopkins Thompson , and their successors In ollice. I am vor > much pleased to know that you lm\e Issued this edict In the forin you ha\e , and for several other reasons , tow It : 1. The grand orient of I1 lanee , since 1870 , has been \cry pioneily declared clandestine by e\ory gland InilKeof rreeiuasonsln the United Stales of Anieilca. S. I'\ery Master Mason must and docs agieo that he will not sit In a clandestine lodge "f rreeniasons , nor will ho hold Masmiio inter- eotirso with a clandestine made .Mason. If he does so ho \ lolates hlsaxici ment as a Mason , and consequently Is liable 10 reprimand , sus pension , or o\pulsloii after a fair anil Impai- tlal tilal and eou\b-tlon. ! l. Kadi and uiciy Mnstci Al.i onln thoPev- niour-l'eekhani-CJoisas body is lepresented and In fiatcrniilcoiicspnudcnccwlih the clan destine gmil 01 lent ot I'r me . llii-cnuh Alpha ( ) . Miinrii , their duly nceiedlleil lepie-cnta- tlve. neai that giand orient. In \ Inlatlon of his agreement as a Muster M.ISOII ; and his inoiii- bei.sblp In said PccUiam-lnu .is body should at once and In writing be discontinued , as llieiecan be no qneitlon as to j our const Itu- tlonalilu'ht to Issue edict So , 1. of .Inly , ItW. I. A I ic'cnia-on nuilit not to object to any act of a grand muster in a grand lodse when ln < or It docs no ) e.\ceed the pouer ghen them by the constitution and ancient landmaiKs of riecmasoniy , which uio deailj dullncd and well understood. Again thanking ynn for the manly , honor able , fintotnal and Masonic manner In which you place your \ery propel edict before the Masonic woild , 1 am , wltn gicat lespoutyours truly , coniteonsly and fiateinally , Jon.vJ. lion.MAN , a : ) = , tuaiid Commander. TUB BOUTIiniiX JllllSIIIfTIOV. This council of Scottish rite Masonry was founded in IbOO by Albeit Pike , who claims it to bo n continuation of the council consti tuted In 1S01 by John Mitchell and Frederick Daleho. To Masonio readers it will appear very strongo that Pilto should endeavor to resurrect n dead body without lint providing proper means to impart nnd sustain a legal llfo after resurrection from a Masonic death of fifty-spven years. The question would naturally arise , what did 1'iko have to guide him In this resurrection and where did ho ob tain his authority as a ill * Mason to oven re organize and what records did ho possess. Pike himself admits in the records of the Southern council "Unit there nro no previous records of any transactions to publish be tween IbOl and IbOO , " nor can ho today show uny minutes of-any session held from May 1SOI to the session held in Charleston , S. C . except what has been termed a session held In New Orleans In 1WT where Pike wuq niado a 'fit ° Mason by Claude Samory , who recelcd his U3 < = In the United States Juris diction previous to liisdescitlon to the south ern rite ; nor can Bro. Pllio inform the mom- con of his rite whcro and when ho was elected their grand commander : oven his great Masonic friend , Uro. Albert 0. MaeUoy , does not give any information on this subject in hU Masonic eneyclopn-dla. but Pilto could If ho so desired Inform thorn how ho procured the four rituals with which ho opened the Charleston council. The question is pften asked slnco this Scottish rite war was brought before the public "Who is this would-be Masonic auto crat , Albert Pike | " From what can bo learned , Albert Pike was born under the shadow of Hunker Hill , turned traitor to the Hag of his country , bccuiuo a rebel general and leader of n band of confederate Indians , who , nt the battle ot Pe.i Hldgo sculped and mutilated the bodies of the union army. Albert Pike wus pardoned by Andiexv John son and is now a resident of AViishingtou , living In full view of the statno of the god dess of liboity whom ho , as a traitor to his country , endeavored to drag down and trail in the dust as ho did the union Hag. and from which this regenerated rebel now sends out his Mnsonlc inundates ngalnst all who do not yell for Pike or Palmer. Ol'TOslTION TO TUB UNITED aTATES IIITB. The opposltjou by the southern and north- Monday , preat reduction in Baby Carriages. Wo are crowded and must got rid of some of them at once. Buy thorn now and save monoy. Wo can soil you a nice Baby Carriage at $1.60. A line Willow Baby Carriage , with parasol , at tfi.50. See our Baby Carriages , upholstered in silk plush , at $7.50b.6 ( ) , $10 and S1U , worth 3-5 to 50 per cent more. Baby Cloaks , Monday , great bargains in Infants' Long. Cashtncro Cloaks , in cream and tans , only $1.89 each ; cheat ) at $3.00. Bed Spreads , Monday wo will offer 1 case fine White Bed Spreads , full si/o and a very superior quality , at USc each. Beats 'em all. India Linens , 50 pieces White India Li , a good j ono t 5c yard. Also on same counter other lots at 81c and lOo yard. Simply can't bo beat at the prices. Great Sale White Goods Monday. BENNISON BROS cm Jutisdictions to theUnited States Scottish rite was for some time carried on under the plea of irregularity of organization , but the legality of this jurisdiction having been established , Pike and Palmer .have changed their tactics to "territory , " and nro now making the light on "lirst occupancy. " If this ploii can stand legally it cannot bo under stood how the northern'juiisdietion can for one moment make sueh a claim , when that rite openly violated suih a plea by orfani/ing in Now York city in 1M | , when the United States was in full operation and had been for seven years previous. If thn Masons of the empire state sustain and fraternize with the United States jurisdiction and elect its grand commander to the position of grand treasurer of the grand lodge of Xew York , also to other high Masonic ofnVcs , such cvidenco must bo sufficient to proclaim the legality nnd good standing of the United States rite , and any claim , by any jurisdiction , for solo occu pancy in any state or territory , must be consid ered nn open violation of the terms of equal rights and free country. The grand lodge of this state will meet in Omaha this month , and if its olllecrs nnd rep resentatives desire that peace and harmony prevail throughout the state , let them take warning and keep out of Scottish rite matters - tors and not fall into the error of the grand lodges of the states of Ohio and Iowa and force It. into the couits , but let the grand lodge keep down to its own jurisdiction , and its authority over ancient craft Masonrv. Let the grand lodge keep out of this Masonic light , nnd lot Siottish rite Masonrv take care of itself. The L'ui'ed States rite claims to bo nblo to datend itself against all othnr rites , and does not propose to call on any grand lodge , gnmd inastor or subordinate masters or lodges to coinu to Its assistance , as is now being dona by the southern aud northern jurisdictions. The Dcnth of n Gi-juiil MisU > r. A circular has been received from the grand secretary of Tennessee announcing the Mid den and unanticipated death of Most Worship ful Brother Benjamin Franklin Under , grand master of that state , after on illness of six days. A native of Virginia , where ho was born in ISM , Brother Haller moved in isr 3 to Memphis , wheioho married and resided until his demise , leaving a widow and an only child , a son. Upon the outbreak of the civil war ho entered the confederate service as n private , but rose to the rank of captain , which position ho held at the termination of thu stiug le. A kind , iiflablo und courteous gen tleman , Captain Haller , made a Mason In IMlIt , became conspicuous from his devotion to the craft and speedily succeeded In attain ment of the highest honors heitoned upon any Mason In Tennessee. After presiding over Ills lodge , chapter , council and command- cry , Urother Haller was elected presiding olllcer ever the grand lodge , the grand chap ter , the grand council , the high piicithood and the grand commandory of thu state , bring ono of the only four persons in this way honored by the Masons of Tennessee. At the annual communication of the grand lodge , held In January last , ho was unanimously elected grand master , having previously sorvedas junior nnd senior grand warden mid deputy grand master , nominated and clouted by acclamation. An Agrconlilo Surprise. The so-called "Cerneau " - war" was Inter spersed In the cailier portion of this month with a pleasant episode , says the New York Mercury , Illustrative ot the tenacity with which the proscribed Masons of the west not only adhere to their opinions , but openly declare - clare tholr revolutionary opposition to gnmd ledge domination In mutton beyond its Juris diction. It is well known that the grand lodges of Tennessee and of Ohio have severed amicable relations In consefjueiico of the grand musters of the latter state's , having re- fusca to receive a representative of the latter who had opposed Intervention of his grand ledge In the pending Scottish rite con troversy. In February hist a number of TcnnuKsco Masons applied to Colonel Frumbos , a well-Know u member of the supreme council of the United. States of America , to constitute them into bodies of that obodlcnco. Jud e John J. Gorman , as grand commander of that council , declined grunting of the dispensations until after opportunity hud been afforded for n calm and protracted Investigation into the ie itin.acv und regularity of the urjjiuiizatt'm of which ho a * iho cxecutAO head Tureo auutas Dress Patterns , Monday we offer choice of any fancy cotnhination Dress Pattern in wool fab rics in our store at S1U pattern , wortli from $16 up to $3-3. White Goods , Monday wo ofTor a lot of very fine Nainsook's in chucks , plaids and stripes , at 16c a yard , if sold in regular way would soil at 3oc yard. All Silk Ribbons lOc. Ladies' Vests , Monday only , one case ladies' jcrsoy ribbed vests , just for fun. Do each. Ladies' Fancy n Vests , Monday only , So doxcn ladies' fancy tripe vests go at 15c each , worth 25c. CARPETS ! When you want near-pot cheap and jood wo can lit you out at n very low ' ligurc. Wo aro'cutting the life out of Carpets. Curtains , Shades , Portiorcs , otc. We will not be undcrbold ; get our prices before you buy ; wo do all kinds of shade work on very short notice ; try us. us.BENNISON BENNISON BROS elapsed when the applicants reported them selves more than sutislied , whereupon dis pensations have been Issued constituting sixty of the most nromineiit citizcnts of Chattanooga , including two judges and live clergymen , into olllecrs and members of bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish rite , under the auspices of the veteran supreme council , presided over by JudgoJ. Gorman of this city. 1C. of I' . The ouleiul programme for the Knights of Pythias conclave nt Milwaukee has boon completed. The most attractive feature of the week's entertainment will bo the drill and parade of the uniform rank. The grand Held review Wednesday afternoon will bo the llucst military display since the war. The supreme lodge delegates will bo given n drive around the city Thursday afternoon nnd nn excursion on Lake Michigan \Vhltcllsh bay. On Thursday evening will bo given what Is Intended to l > c the greatest pyrotechnic dis play ever seen in the west. Ono of the pyres will bo n gigantic knight in full armor on horseback , bearing alolt n banner emblematic of the order. There will bo a lire portrait of Justus II. Kuthbono , the founder of the order. Among the other novelties will be a representation of Niagara Falls , 100 foot long nnd 50 feet high. On Tutyluy afternoon , July S , at 4 o'clock , the parade of thu uniform rank will start and will traverse a three mile line of march and pass under review by Supreme Chancellor Ward and Major General Carna- ban. Several states will send mounted di visions and there will bo altogether nearly two thousand men on horseback in the pro cession , in addition to the thousands on foot. Four pri.pcs nro offered to brass b mils. The lirst of $ ' ( ) . ) , is for bands of thirty-five or more pieces , and is op n to the world. Mil- wuukeo bands will be excluded from compe tition for the three pi izes of ? J')0 ) , S i > ) und ? 100 , which nro oflered without reference to the number of musicians. Juno Kith is the date sot apart by the supreme premo loilgo as n memorial day to be ob served by the order in decorating the graves of deceased brothers nnd in holding suitable services. In order to provide fcr all contin gencies the supreme ledge has flxoJ u limit within which these services may bo held. This limit is from Juno S to II inclusive. I. O. O. I- ' . At the semi-annual election of officers of the York ledge , No. itt , 1. O. O. P. , the fol lowing ofllcers ; were elected : J. 1 . Ingroy , N. f ! . ; A. J. Wilklns , V. ( . } . ; II. U. IJaker , re cording secretary ; O. fj. Lineh , treasurer , und II. E. 1 taker and .T. A. Johnson repre sentatives to tlio grand lodge to bo hold nt Heatrleo In September. Monday night Mvstic encampment. No. 81 , I. O. O. F. , of PiiiUsinuntli elected their ol- llcers for the coming tenn , beginning July 1 , as follows : Chief p.itilarch , Frank Itoyd ; senior warden , T. K. Williams ; junior ward en , P. U. Uatos ; high in-iust , John Corv ; troastror , U. C. Kerr ; scrtbo , C. A. Marshall ; trusU-os , L. C ! L'lrson , A. linger , It. Peter son. I ' < i. Larson was elected a representa tive to grand encampment. Allomanon lodge , No. b , elected the follow ing oflleers for the ensuing term : Louis Hor- roch , N. CJ.i Hobort .Vendt , V. Ci. ; Julius Knuhiun , iccordlng secrotnrv ; William Pfcifor , pernrinent secretary ; Henry liolln , treasurer. Kopruscntatlvo to grand lodge , U. Stri filer. n. or M. Ruth lodge , No. 1 , elected the following of ficers at Its mooting last Sutimlnv night : Mrs. J. W. Disbrow. N. a. ; Mrs. W. H. Wllei , V , ( S. ; Mrs. WilliamOslmrn , secro- tnry ; Mrs. lirnost Stuht , treasurer. SIXtll'1.1 ttlTWN. David Stoical , n colored man of Ilufiln , N. C. , died In twentj-fonr hours from the effect of n cnt bite recently. The ollvo tree live * to n great ago. Ono lately destroyed nt IJeuulleu hud n record of live ivnlurliu and was thirty-six fcot In cir cumference. In making soundlugs for the new railroad bridge at Astor. Fla , , the engineers struck an urtoslan How of sulphur water In mld-streum. It eomos from a depth of fifty feet and Is quite a curiiiiity A eat" of triple birth In tln hlsloiy of the fauiiij on.uin.-U ul Marsha. ! , Mu , to- BASEMENT BARGAINS SCREEN DOORS , ALL SIZES , 98C EACH. LAWN MOWERS , $4 50 , $6.50 AND $6,93. GIRLS' TRICYCLES , $4.50 AND $593 EACH BOYS'VELOCIPEDES , $1,75. $1.93 AND $2.93 , DOLL BUGGIES. 39C AND 95C EACH. BOYS' TOY CARTS , 15C EACH. BOYS' 4-WHEEL WAGONS , 25C EACH. 1,000 LARGE IRON AXLE WAGONS , 55C , BRASS BIRD CAGES , 75C EACH. 8-BALL CROQUET SETS , $1.35. PAPER PAILS , 19C EACH. WASH TUBS , 44C , 69C AND B5C EACH. GENUINE MEXICAN HAMMOCKS $1 AND $1.25 EACH. FOLDING IRONING BOARDS , $1 EACH. STEEL GARDEN RAKES. 18C AND 25C EACH. STEEL GARDEN HOES , 19C AND 23C EACH. STEEL SHOVELS AND SPADES , 59C. COPPER BOTTOM BOILERS , 59C. DECORATED SLOP PAILS , 39C. TWO BURNER GASOLINE STOVES , $4.93. SUPERIOR CLOTHES WRINGER , $1 50. NOVELTY CLOTHES WRINGER , $1.93. 1,000 PINTTIN CUPS. 1C EACH. TOILET PAPER , 5C ROLL. GILT PICTURE FRAMES , 93C. BAMBOO EASELS , 98C. SPRINKLERS , 19C , 25C AND 45C. ICE TONGS , 15C. 6 DOZEN CLOTHES PINS FOR 5C. WOOD LEMON SQUEEZERS , 4C. 2 QUART COVERED PAILS , 8C. LAWN HOSE , IOC FOOT , WARRANTED. LAWN FOUNTAINS , $1.98. SCRUB BRUSHES , 5C , IOC AND 15C. SCALLOPED CAKE TINS , 3C. HAND LAMPS , 15C , 19C AND 25C. LARGE HATCHETS. 20C EACH. FLAT IRONS , 25C EACH. DECORATED CHAMBER SETS. $2 SET. HAND SAWS , 25C. BED ROOM MIRRORS , 25C AND39C. WALL PAPER AT HALF COST. BENNISON BROS. rcntly. A Jhio biooil mnro Iwlonglng to Wil liam Barnes of that city , dropl"'d tliroo colts They nro small , but all nro alive and doing nicely , being 'pcifcctly formed aud as lively as crickets. At Swnyrco the residents were catching fish out of the pools mndo by the previoul night's rain. Later when the water sunH into the ground sunllsh and shiners by the thousand strewed the ground. There Is no stream within four miles of Sway/ee , nn.l . the theory is that these lish were caught up by n whirlwind and deposited where they were found. A merchant nt Randolph , Ala. , declared Sunday night that ho would die suddenly at 1 o'clock on Monday nftei noon. On Monda\ morning ho selected a coffin , made his \\iil and the . At 4 o'clock- spent day in prayer. o'clockho seated himself in a rocking chair and in thieo minutes was dead. The doctors say death W its caused by heart disease. A shoo factory at New Canaan , Conn. , has just made n pair of shoos for a Chailotte , N C. , man. Tnoy nro the biggest ones ever mudo. The size is No. JW. Each shoo is twenty inches long and eight Inches \\idc. The man who is to wear them is a clergyman , ( I feet 10 inches tall , and weighs 110 pounds , nnd the countj in which he dwells is a roomy one. one.A A remarkable trout died recently near Kelso , Scotland. Its dead body wns found in a < ovcred well only a few feet in depth. The tradition is that some thirtv-two years a'jo this llsh wns taken from the Tweed , placed In the well , and lived there until its death. Its body was eleven inches In length nnd very much emaciated , weighing only six ounces. One of these monstrous freaks of nature which are occasionally met with was found by Frank demons , Jr. , of Ansoniu , Conn , while nl Milford recently. It is u dandelion stalk nearly us largo us a pumpkin vine , on which there are lour buds in onu compact w hole , n sort of double Siamese twin freak , ns it wore. An old ilnck hunter of Savannah says that a flight of ducks coming south on ono duv , if followo I by other flights in the sumo direc tion duvs or weeks afterward , will not varv to e.veood twenty-llvo feet from the path of the ducks which have preceded them , and they will alight In almost the exact sput where preceding flights have settled. Pain Cobb of Madison , Fla. , found n wild turkoy's nest with several eggs In it , which ho took out , unit Us ho wns not to bo at homo for several hours , wrapped them In his coat and laid it on the bank of n creek when ) ho was fls'iing. ' Ho was surprised .shortly after ward to hear the chiip of n young tin key. Ho investigated nnd found that ono of the eggs had given forth a turkey ; soon another lol- lowed and so on until ho had qnlto a brood in his coat. They were carried home , but all died in domesticating. A Waldo county farmer , on going to his hen house the other morning , saw OHO of Ins lavorilo hens lying on her buck , legs In the nir nnd mouth wldo open , with nil the up poarance of being dead. On examination 1m found half a clam shell stuck In her throat Ho took the hen Into the housu , got n pair of pincers , pulled out the shell , and the hen cnmo buck to llfo and laid an unusually big egg that day to show her gratitude. A ewe on Dr. A. L. Davis' farm near Findluy , O. , recently gave birth to a doublo- hcnded lamb. The lamb WILS born dead , but was perfectly formed in nil its parts. H hod Uvo heads and two necks , the nocks uniting at a point between the shoulders. Kacli neck hfid a spinal cord ami vertebra ) , the vertebra ; coming together in a fork like the branches of a tree. The spinal iord wns Injured below the Joint of union , probably causing the death. Hoth heads wejo perfect , of unlfoiiu sbc , nnd having eyes , cars und tongue. During dlvlno services on n recent Sumlnv n bear , which hud escaped from the stable of neighboring public house In which iU ouncr , a traveling showman , was locntcd , cntaml a ohnpol near Mortlako , KnKlmul. Women shrfoked and children cried and tlioro was a general rush for the door. The boar , round whoso ntvlc lisa thick chain , undo Its w y to the empty choir nulls , where ( I lay down. The minister , uhojo high and commodious pulpit had suddenly liucumo occuplixl by several - oral female mouther i of his congregation , X. was In thu midst of his discourse at the time - of the animal's uppcarnm'c and hud chosen for his. text the WOIMH , "Uo not afraid. " | I'ho sermon was brought to an abrupt tormina- tlon. The anxiety of pastor und jwoplo was sot at rest l.y the arrival of tboovwiorof the annual The be ir was got out of the chuixj , with case aud takcu back to Hi > Quarter * .