Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA DAILY Bills , FKTDAY , MAY 30 , 1800.
So ndvcTtlHcinonM will bo taken Ibr
tltcNO columns nftce 12UO : p. m.
H C ( ili In ndvnnco.
Advrrtlsnmrntu under thlshcnd 10 contu per
Jlno forlho firm Iheertlon , 7ccntsforcach ub-
nrqurnt Insertion , nndlLVl pcrllnn pcnnonth.
No pd prtl * < > mpntH taken for lest than 2 > cent
Jor lltst Insertion. Tlu-r mint run rnnscqu-
tlvcly nml must be paid In AOVANCIi All
niUert cniuntsmitst bo handed In buforol2no :
o'clock p. m. , and Untlur no lrflunistnncos will
limy ln taken or discontinued by telephony
I'artlcn adTBrtlsIni ? In thrso columns and
liavlne their answers nddrrsird In earn of Inn
JO K will plcnao ask for a chock tonnnblp thoin
to Ret thnlr iPtlrm , nil none wlllb dollvnrod
except on presentation of check. All answers
to advortUcmcnla should bo enclosed In enve
lopes. ,
All ndVrrtUPincntii In thcso columns are
puhilftlitdln bolh miirnlnK nnd ovonlnK cdl-
tloimofTllR HUK , the rlrculallonof whlohnn-
Krritnti'i moro than So.ooa papers dally , and
Klven the advcrllsurs the benefit , not only of
thncltr olnnilntlnnor TUB UK * , but alao of
Council lllnffs , Mncoln nnd ether cities and
towns throuRhoiit this section of the country.
Advertising for thrso columns will ho taken
on thr nho\e conditions , at thofollowInK bus-
tiPM I oturs wlio are nutliorl/ed to take special
notlrrs. ut the same rales as can bo had at the
tr.itln ollli'o ,
l " 6V'l'l"OICornnr
Oof Tuunty-sltUi nnd N streets , Nebraska
bank linlldlnir.
b , rhannacUt.bJO South Tenth
, Slatlonors and 1'rlntors ,
1 I.I. HoilthlGth street.
. FAKNSWOKTII. PharnaplBt , 2115 ,
Sll. ilmini ; street.
WJ. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 021 North
. ICtli street.
KO W PA Kit , Pharmacist ) 1718 Leaven-
worth Street.
OUCHES' PHARMACY. 2llh. and Farnam
WANTED Position by a young man to
cleik In astoro ; speaks German , Bohemi
an and English fluently. No Objection to work
in a country store. Address G U , Uce. _ n
< \ . JANTED Munition lu dry goods orgro-
I eorj store : 0 years experience ; Rood ref
orm ice _ 7J 0 . _ i < i hs _ t i r > H 21' ' *
\\TANTED- Man to drlv o coal wiigon.ono nc-
l ( lunlnted vvllli tbecltv ; married man pre-
fcind Enunlio 1I9N. Kith si. Oil-"I )
APinsiCfAN latelv giaduated from the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Cnirida w Ishes to net as associate or asslslant
to oldui practitioner Address II. 11. lox ! 740
Onuilia fc'l-ii :
A VOt'MJ lady who e\iects ] to remove to
J ( ) miiha soon deslies position In an ollleo ;
wi Hi's ii good plain hand and e in use the t > pn-
uiltri ; best of refcrmires , Addiess t' CJ. , fllO
Up lllhht . nvnnsxllliInd. . Kiii 81) ) *
3VA.NTijn 3iAi7i m3ijp. _
rptfTrdTnflsiiiun wlmTciTr pidy F"Af
Jl A. Co , auhltects , lite bulldlnn' , Omaha.
( g.1"- ! !
" \\rAN I I IT \ thniouglilv expi'rleneedsnles-
it man foi grocer ) dipirtment In aKcmial
men h indlsc stole at U\auslon. Wyo. Address
O 12 cue of Hi < olllce , st itlng expellence ,
lefeu m t s and nalnrj ri'ini red. Hi I.
* \ \ AN'I 1 D Atonce.Tli-sl class white barber.
> T wte idy lob to right man. must ho tcmner-
ntc and tollable. Addiess , O O. rieteber ,
Hebiim. Neb _
° \\'ANTI D Two gentlemen nnd one lady lo
li VMiik for us lu elty and countrj ; will pay
Mg commission or Address. Fnlon
Publlshlm : t o , Columbus. Neb. OM 2" ) *
"V\rAN I'ED-I'lve liaruissmal.ois ou light
Vl harness. Minks Ittos. batldlery Co.
031 , ' 10
W /AN I'ED A jouiigmau with knowledge of
di > goods. Addu&s ut Onto G 11 , Hee.
ANTED A man to work around houso.
_ Imiuliu at 4218 Nicolas Walnut Illll.riU 81 ! *
. KSMITII wanted at once , a man that
' understands horse sluicing anil plow work ,
none but a good workman need apply. Cia en
Hit is. . Lveter. Neb. fu'ii .10 *
" \ \ 'ANTED Man as iieent for our patent
i safes ; sl/e2 xlS\IS inches. f.f > retail. All
fdrcsaslnn. New styles , now patterns , now
lot It new factory. Not uoverned by safoH | > ol ,
Evorv s ifo wairanted. Kmc chnmo. Peimn-
jienlliuslness. Our terms and calaloguo will
convince vou iieunts clear $ .100 to ifMH ) per
month. Wilto foroxcluslvolorillory Alpine
baftiJTo . Cincinnati , O f/10-lli' *
W A N'T ED A compelent nlglit clerk torn
hold out of city , Must bo competent
man ; Htate salary ; prefer a single man , Ad
diess E'j8. ( cart ) lieu olllee. 378
[ ' Agents Do you value tine work ,
iiceiiralo likeness , prompt service , low
inlce-.i' Then deal u I th the largest copying
lioii-o In the country , bhepnrds , 290 Wiinish
ave t hliMSO 412-'ll * _
'ANl'LD Energollo men and women fora
Kontool business pay lug too weekly iiiollt
easier than } < > 0 monthly otherwise ; experience
iinnecosiry ; permanent position and exclu-
Hlve teiiltoiy nssiircd ; f I samples fieu : Inves
tigate our money-making business. Address
wllliHt.imp. Mcirill Manufnclurliig Co. II OJ ,
Chle igo. 111. s8ljyu *
" \ \ ' WO men for now rrllroatl v oik In
f T Dakota and Wvomtng. Good * vvnges ,
fsleady u oik nnd frco fare. Allbrlghl's labor
geue > 1120 Fin n.iin st , Wi9
I ANTEl ) OOi ) men for Utah and Nevada ;
wages if..OO to if.'i ) per day , Albright's
ibor Agency. 1120 Farnam. 474
" "WANTED-Salesmen at J"i per month
II aiy and expenses lo soli a line of silver-
plated vvnio , watches , etc. , by wnnplo only ;
horse nnd team furnished frco ; vvrlto at once
for full iiarllculars and sample case of Roods
free. Standard Silverware Co. , Boston , Mass ,
\\7ANTED Girl for general housework ;
I * mustbu neat anil obliging. JlCS ( Jhlc.'iKost
MO 30 *
" \\TANTED-Olrl for general house woikTTwo
I I In family : gootl w.iues. C. E. Keller. 4.IU
Walniil avo.aluut Hill. O.- ) ! '
" 1\CANTED , 2 ladles , I boy , to keep nooks ,
II Juno "id ; good situation , lull today ,
Koom tUU , New Yont Life building. OTii , w *
" \A7ANTED--lioodliub elotheslioneis Model
11 Steiim Liiumliy , 1110 ami 1112 Dodire si.
0 7 29
TVJl li F. An ovperlenced nuiso giil wanted ,
JL > vllh iifnem.ea. Jlrs. Clement Chase. b09
Paik ave. 000-iO : *
A\'AM'EI-A gixid clrl at SIJO Cumin , : st. ,
II betwieuSlth nndS.tth sts. 01.129 *
" \ \ r AN 1'F.D Drt' nppieutli'o
girl. Miss Mlnnleks , 1JI Leaven oith bt.
A\ ANTri"Glrl ) , t o In family , good wages
to i Uht person. A pply , 111. S 10th st.
" \\7 AN I'EDGood girl for general house-
it wink lefeienco uqutied , b22 S 2lthst.
Mrs I , on Is Hellur. MQ29 *
( * MIL fiirgeneial housowoik,24ITt Harnev ,
I 4U8 . > *
\\rAN I'ED I'li-st tliiss iFTri for general
ii house\\ork in small family , must bo good
eook and laundress , good wages , Mrs Geo. C.
- ' 121 S S h M. 4Ts-a > *
\\'A\rrD-A eonipetent Kill for ceueral
11 hoiuewoik in family of three , 211 NiSJth
uvo 4(8 (
A 'ANTED - t ompetuut girl for general
> housework ; 2 lofnmlly.
_ _ _ _ '
\ \ Afv I'ED-nrafaniTry'ortwo
T > fkll Park ave. 474
> > " \ \ rANTED--A cootl woman pistry eook ;
> BIIM ! wnges. New York Chop House No. 1.
_ _
\ \ AN ll.l > Diessiiiakur to cut and lit Ail-
d I Os G B. Hen. 4M SU
i I'l.D A little gill to take care of a
T i > ear-old baby In thu afternoonsIbl ? Cupl-
till ave 4\ >
" \ \ ANTED-A neat , Intelligent girl to tin
li housowt > rk Cull at 1720 Capitol ave. 374
\\fANTEI > Tlireo experienced timing room
> > trlrlsat th
\\7ANTED-A llrst-elass dn-sMnaker and
I f iiuallllcd to tal > o ehnl v of a business aud
vlllliiK to so toCiillforuia. Addrcsa EOl lleo.
ANTED 4 expenenciu dining room Klrls
. \ \ ' ) ) .
TKD-Oermiin girl , must bo good cook
washer nnd Irouur ; bring references. Ap-
ply jetween4u : : and 7M : p.m. ut 1021 Park avo.
> Mr . . J Grnul. SOS
AY IrANTED- and 2d girls In private fnml-
l > ; best of vvnues paid 721 h 1'Jth tit. , cur
nerot l.euvenworth st. Mrs , J L. Ilrundels.
GIHI-tor general housework. Inquire of J
\VIIUIiibon \ , U8 Paxtonblk. 128
DIUHSMkiG. : .
T7JNJ1AUI MhVr liiUoines.smil.iiigln fnml-
J-t 11 swllultud , Mi | stuiUy , ajji2Hh live.
MYRA McOInnls' Ire-ssmaklng pnr'orn 323
Capitol avo. luioand teach the K re ion
tailor nyalom.
T7IOH KF.NT IIottso ! ton rooms , all modnrn
X' Improvciuontsi largo yardi W3 per month. :
CoiutnlMslon to agents. Ucxtor L. ThomnH , .
JjlOK KENT Now 0-room house , Poppleton
Park , oasl front , 1 block from motor ; rent.
Ill ; city water. A beniltlful homo , Stritmer&
Penny , Douglas block , 16th and Dodge ! > Ci
NH-room house with all modern eonvcn-
A lonces. Apply at H.GH ! Bil , 04530 *
KENT 2 houses. : i rooms each , city and
cistern woter , 110 to small family. Kefer-
euco rctiulrcd. Cor. 15th and Paclllc , K. b.
Copson. _ 020-30 *
FOK KENT A funiUhcd house of 9 rooms.
A pply S05 N.a'il Bt. 0072
_ _
FfNE residence , modern Itnpravonipnts , 2103
St. Mary's avo. , i' Ti per month. Inquire nt
premises or at A. Heller's , 1114 Farnaiil. 1M
371LEOANT house lu choicest part of city.
i/sonth / front , overlooking high school
groumls. fourteen rooms , b.ith , Htindry.slcam
heat , barn anil carriage house , etc. , oto. : will
bo vacant Juno 1st. Thos. F. Hall , 311 Pnxtou
block. 021
T71OK KENT AlmutJunc7 , 8-room house Kid
JU ami Cumlng sts , to per month. C. F ,
lIurrlson.UH N.Y. LHn. 4SJ
171OK KENT--OU Farnam st. , nenrSiltli st. ,
JL1 furnished houso. Apply 1C01 Fnririni st.
jt SOO
11' YOU wish to rent a liouso or store see 11.
R. Cole. Continental block. l'J7
WOUK opportunity to secure Iho lease ami
furniture of ono of the Ilnest homos In
Omaha , furniture all now , location near high
school , rent low. Will take half Its value ; JJ
ensh. bal. limn. Address. 1.41 , lice. Sll
171OH KENT Nicely furnished C roomeot-
JL' tage , good location , near motor line. Hof-
erences irniilrcd. Welshnns & McCnlloch ,
ExiKMlllon bliltf. , 1423 Capitol live. f/O
1-KOOM Hat , with steam heat , 10th st. , near
8 Jones. ; Thos. F. Hall , 311 I'uxton block.
- cottage , furnlslmd complete. Motor -
tor 1 liloek. Apply at 1014 N 17th , near Lake ,
450 SU *
_ _
17IOK KKNT-My residence , 2.11.1 Farnam st. ,
i' modem Improvements and very desirable.
Klchaid C. PutlcrMUi , N. Y. Llfo biilldlni. .
Xti S9
"IjlOK KI.NT Two B room , now , cottages ,
JU modern convenience , except furnnco. Nice
lawn and hose turnlshed for Mirlnkllug | , 118.
Nub. Mtg. and Loan Co. . f 19 Paxtou bile. KM
HOUSES , slores and flats ; all new , E. A.
Leavenworlii. room 14 , Barker blk. bSOJI3
-I A-KOOM tenement houso. Slth nnd Douglas
JLUsts. G. A. Llndiiuest. 310 S. Kith st. 377-31 *
O KOOM house nnd lot , SI feet front , frA ) . only
) } : > ! ) eash and balance monthly on terms to
suit. I ) . D. bmcalon , IKWiFarnam st. 3U3-J5
TTlOK KENT 10 room lint. 1013 Dodge bt. , all
JL' modern Improvements , fix ) .
7 room house , 3418 Hurt st , , splendid location
and conveniences.
0 room house , Dupont place , city wnter , $12.
Gi'Q. .1 Fox , room 0-8 Piixlon blk. 4 M
T71OK KENT 2 new 10-room houses with all
JL' conveniences , most desirable location. Eu-
ijtllieal N.\\.eoi. 21st and bt. Marj's ave.
FOIt KENT Very nleuT-ioom houses ; special
terms made. Apply to Flulchci } oiiug.
"T710K KENT 2 flats In Liiiton blk. cor. Mason
JL1 nnd 11th sts , fi rooms e tuli. rent } J7 per
month. liHitihe U17 In block. John Hiimllu.
"T71OK KENT 3 nine-room brick houses. All
Jt ? modern ( on\enlences , STtXI to 2. > f7 St. Marl's
avo. Imiulru at Collateral bank , 312 H Kith st.
_ _ _ _ ; .TO
TjlOK KENT One to-room modern house , all
JL'conveniences. Paved streets , eiblo cars.
Five minutes'walk of postofllin. Kufi'rcnuua
reiiuired. Nathan bholton , 1011 Farnam st.
G 1ENTLEMAN wishes room-mate , flrst-elass
Diablo bo.tid. 17J1 Davcnpoit st. J.'tl 30'
FOK KENT An 8-iooiu cottage with mod-
IMu Improvements on 21st ami bt. Maiy'8
u\o. Emiuiio at N. W. corner. 45S
FOK'KFNT Nice 0-room cottage , 2Snd nnd
Califoinla , $ . ! 0 per month. A C. Wal'oley ,
fi03 N. Y. Llfo bulldlnp. 078
FOK KENT 't room house. Kood repair , nice
yaid. cistern water , lent * J2. Apply to 1409
Soutli 7th live. 01 toJiio. W. Hell , druggist , 10th
POK KENT Kcsldenccs In all parts of city.
List lee larKO too publish. Globe Loan &
Trust company , 307 S. 16th st. 702
MODEKN house , nlno rooms , bath , hot and
cold water , furnnce und gas , on DodKost. ,
$ 10 per month. Fred J. Horlhwluk , 21JSouth 14th
" 1T1OK KENT A flat of six rooms. EuqufriTof
JU Mis. O. Duggan , 1102 fa 13th Koom C.
TT1OK KENT About Juno I , those elegant
JL' stone lesldeiices on Georgia avenue , S 29th
si. , between AInsou and Pnclllo sis. bee owner
for long tlmo lease. H. H. Heuduison , room 400 ,
Puxtou blk. 4Nt
" 171OK KENT 10-room brick house , with mtxl-
JL1 ern conveniences , No. bit b 20tb st. Apyly
at No. 827 & Will st. 321
M\V * . Churcldll has two very desirable looms
with board , walking dlslaucc from busl-
nehscenlei. 411 N 10th st. & . ! U-i *
1031 Dodge st. Suite of parlors just vacated
by Di. Gluck , loiout fuinished or unfur
nished M31 \ *
ITUONT ! bed loom for rout. 1IU Douglis.
JJ 5U31 _
TJ ANDSOMB rooms with first-class board ,
-I L modern conveniences , icfcrences. IbJIl Far
nam. 511.'II *
w ELL furnished rooms , 1814 Davenport.
51.130 *
JjftJK Kl.NT 2 front rooms , single or suite ,
JL'for gentlemen , all modern conveniences ;
brick residence cor. bt. Mary's avu and Stitli or
OJO S.iWth st. 015 Jl
"IjlOU KENT Two or three largo rooms , front
Jl1 and back parlor. 1720 Capital avo. filO
HA N DbOM ELY furnished i oomsvvltlTlioard' .
New house , now fuinlture , good location ,
prlv ate family. Addiess , G 8 , Heo Olllce.
0 < X ) 29 *
PLEASANT and nleolv f mulshed looms with
bo ird In private family ; lufeiouces. 2207
liuiiam. Mi.'l *
KF.NT Pleasant fuinlshed loomswlth
lillcouvt 220 N. itfth st. 4'M ' .11 *
ATICLLY fuiulshed fiont loom , I'.WI ' Pnriuim.
IJILEASAN f front room furnished , private
fimll ) . 2l2ii llarnoy st. TT-L" ! '
Ft D looms foi lent wllli bonnl. 1910
Capllolave. 4H7-.KJ
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I/UHC KENT-Niwly fimilshoil rooms In now
1- house , with board. All modern conven-
Ieni.cs. 110 N. SJtli'd door north of Dotl e.
IjUfKNlSIIED moms with bath , nKosomo for
1- light liouse-kceplng , No.t < OI N.lTth st.
490 2-1 *
"PLEASANTfuinlshed fiont room. AU con-
JL venlences. ' "jil : Faruiim , Tlilrtl floor.
4. 7 .11 *
iJirilNISHKI ) rooms by tlio night or month ,
JU l.YJOa. Mill. Uuniilllglinm blk. iru' " ! '
iril'ltMblinDiooin ! prlvalofamily. 2il : ! ) Far-
JL' n un. 4 U-uii *
P "t'UNISlTElTmoms.fSaudllO , ' „ block froia
motor , 717 ! ? . lUlh st. 4.V !
ll'KNIbllKD rooms , light housekeeping.
202(1 ( bt. .Maiy'snvo. 4X1 J *
TTi'lIiiYluruNhed room lu nlco cottage. M
per month at 40U \ \ Illlaim st. 4JJ
rit'ELY furnished front monis with aleovo
i to lot. Imiutie 2022 St. Mary's avenue.
GOOL , pleasant rooms , J1.1i ! N. ISlli. Hat "J. "
373-J 2 < 1 *
It KEN ! ' Now furnished rooms lirNuw
einee , with or without board , at ro.isou-
lates. 212H Hariiey st. 3ul
li UKN'l Furnislied looms , 1701 t'up.liToT
| 3TJ-.M'
BE.slKAHDE furnished rooms with board ,
'lUbVOIhst. 348-30 *
> J ICELY furnished rooms , 2017 I.euvcnwnrtli.
lAUGE front rocuu ; roferenccs ; 1313 Dotlgo.
t OH KENT A lurgo front room. furnlshcTr
-L' In ono of thotlnest residences In the city ,
724 S. 19th st. . comer Leavcnworth nil
KENT FurnUhed rooms , 1003 DouKlaZ
1T10K RENT-Pleasant furuishoil rooms with
JL1 all conveniences. Sl'lSSiith st , 201
TjToii KE4\"T-NTcely furnbdiod room , all
JL1 miMlorn conveniences- blocks from P. O , ,
C18 h 17th m. 101
IflOK KENTI'urnlshea roomi ; gas , bath
A. ' and steam ; i.ili ) llowura 109
ST. CLA1H Kunipoau hotel , corner UJth and
DC duo. bpcclul rutos by week or month
tUNTI'KNISIiEI ) rooms , all convenience * ,
C.TI 8.17th ave , bet. Jackson A I.oav onwortli.
IMS 4 *
O VEH hardware store 1IU1 Howard st.
UNFURNISHED moms for rent , lnn.ulroof
U. M. Jlohr , 7tO N. loth st. K. C , anHloor.
STORE for rent , cor. Ski and Loavcnworth
sts. ; suitable for grocery or Imkoiy : rent
moderate. Apply at S303 , next door 4iJ4-31 *
ROOMS lower story , good locution. Near to
3 business , to month. Mend luvt. Co. , Itc bldg.
O UNFURNISHED rooms with clly waler ,
) lOPi Davenport SU 'MC-'iO *
TTNrUHNIblini ) rooms forhousckeopliiK at
U greatly reduced prices. Cheapest rent In
the city. Ilutts Jloutlii Agency , 1818 S 11th st.
I/1UK KKNT 4 unfurnished rooms to family ,
JL1 without children ; modern Improromonts.
Websti-rst l'rleoilr. l . - .
Oshow windows , steam heat furnished , Thos
F. Hall , till Paxtoit block. SOJ
FF1CE3 lu Wllhncll block , 15th and tlnrncy
streets , } , s per month and upward ; nil mod
crn Improvements. Call and see them.TO .
TO ! Jlii *
_ _ _
KENT Store CIS S. 10th st
TTtOirunNt-TlioY-slory brick btilldliiif wltTi
J or without power , formerly occupied by
the Iteo Publishing Co , DIG Farnam st. The
bulldlnghas a lire proof cement basement.
complete steam heating II Mil res , water on all
the floors , gas , oto. Apply ut the oillco of The
lice. t)15 )
" "
O : ( , )
South Umaha , Is a llrst-cltiss locution for
becrgaiden. Inaulro.MrS. A Kallsli , SH S. 19th.
_ I _ 41.1 ja _
TflOH UiNT--\Ve : ha\eUl acres adjolnlim Iten-
Json and K > acres adjoining our Highland
I'ark addition that wo Milt rent for season of
Is'JOat a reasonable prlco. Omaha Heal Cstato
and Trust Co. I.ri01 1 iirnain st. iC7 !
J for stock. J.OOO acres In tame grass , ror
address I'latlo Valley Kaiieh , Val-
jy , Nob. , or E. Ileutou , rretnont. Neb.
ico-a *
_ _
WANTKD Horses to pasture nt $2.r > 0 a
month on farm near Irvlngton ; horses
called for nnd delivered. W. U. Human , Room
0. KruiiTor blk. 470
J71OK.KiNT--Housosln : all parts of city. The
JO. . r. Davis company. 150. ) I'anuini st. C1
MOHTON'S rental agency , 017 I'uxton block.
JtX >
Hi ) COLE , icutal agent , Continent tlj
DHlNKJ'lios-rerrone , the palatable nerve ,
bloo < l nnd brain tonic , at Kinsley's phar
macy , lOtli and Fariiam his. , and ISO. I'aritam
st. rlios-Korronu free froji 0 to 0 p m. on
Thuisdav. May SI ) , ' 1W. SSit 29
Al'n\V moro joung indies can bu accommo
dated at tlio Young Woman1 ! . Homo. 109 S.
17lli. Hefeienees requlied. fiI8-i ; *
"V TICH single driver , for gentleman or lady ;
JL > good work toiini , span of nice males and
bp.inof mules , all itooil and prices reii'-onable.
Co-Oporatl\u Land & . Lot Co , .1)5 N. 10th st.
DKINK IMios-I'enoiio , tlio palatable nerve ,
blood and br.iln tonic , at Klnsler's pit ir-
maev , ICth and Tarnnm His , and 1 107 Fariiam
st. I'lios-rerrone free from U to 0 p. m. on
Tliuisday. May 29. 'DO. S20 Si )
GUNS uia AiKs irrc.
PARASOLS and umbrellas covered and rn-
palied. H. Haler , 1513 Douglas ; basement.
] 1,90
rpIN WORK , roofing , glittering , spouting ,
JL good work low pi Ices , faavage , 1918 Cumlug
_ _
UMIIUHLLAH lepalred , lawn mowers sharp
ened , Key flttliiK and locksmlthtng ut
llellln's gun ! .liop , ll'.l N. llith St. 209 J19
M ASPAGK and magnetic treatment , Ilia J'a-
elllc. half block from motor line. S10-1 *
T\flh& U.I 0Kb rCU , midwife and M. D. for
-I'J children and feiuulo diseases , 1431 bnundcrs
bt. . In second story. S'll-J-'l ' *
IOST Pocketbook on Mtmdny p.m. Reward
Jwlll bo paid on leaving the same with
Chief Clerk Hulell , Mlllard holol. OJs-30 *
CJATl'UDAY a packagewllh material for
kJdiapcs , both linen and bolting , ono dresser
scarf finished , Retuiu to 1522 Douglas st.
4bO-20 *
LOST A black vnliso containing mllkree-
enl and paporsof no value to llndei. A rn-
waid will bo paid for Its icturii to 111 ! Drown
building. S. L. coinui 10th and Doughibst. Tel
ephone 1123. 370
" | j N. CLING-MAI ? , exclusive pension "attof-
JLLI. ney. rooms 19 ami 21 , Fronzer block ,
Omaha : also Cincinnati and Washington , beud
stamp for circular. 14J
C 1OLD stor.igo. David Cole , 815-817 Howard.
S'LOKAGE-llrauch & Co. , l.'UHoward.U28
"ITIUKNITUKE storage , sepaiate comuart-
JU ineiits. 815-817 Howard. > 57
TI'fttACKAGE storage , David Cole , bn-b7 !
JL Honaid. 2J7
rilKACKAGE storagp at lowest rates. W. M.
JL Hiislimaii. 1311 Leavonwortli. S07
\\7ANTED to buy A stocic of hard ware of
$4XxitotoOtWlngood ( location ami doing
a piolltablo bushiest , for which I will pay spot
eash. btalo nil p titlouliirs. Addies.-i F. M.
Hammond , Oolwelii. l'a > elte Co. . la. . ' { 42 29 *
ITH'KNITUKE , householdgoods.elo. Hlshest
JL' cash pilee J17b _ Utlu .171
ANTED .Second-hand furniture of all
kinds at llio highest pi Ice , 7IB S. 10th si.
IVW J14 *
YY ANTLI ) ( iood commerelal paper. No-
11 bi.iska Moitgagol.oanCo. , 010 Pax ton blk.
CASH paid for second hand books at the
Antiquarian bookstore , 14U Faiiian. st.
i4 ! d-ai *
\\J ANTED liood short tlmo paper in small
I i amounts. P. l.Vll I'liriiam si. 474
\\7 ANTEITo ) buy tor spot cnsli , oily or
II country parts or whole stoakH of dry and
fancy goods , clothing , boots and shoOf , millin
ery , stationery , gents' furnishing goods , etc.
Call ou or address J. L. Hiandels &Sons , cor
ner Mth and Howard , Omaha. 210
ltb. Iblh. 060 1
"II1OK SALE at a bargain , a good family horse
I-1 guarantied , a carriage , S seats , oMiinslon
top , a holsloln cow , line slock. T. J. Ilcaid ,
1410 Douglas si. 0.17-1
1 IVEUY for bale A compleurHveiy slin-k ,
J-'comprlslng bulldlngH , horses , harness , cui-
i luces , etc , all In llrst-vlnss eondltlou , best lo
cation In town , good I ratio already established ,
pi leo and terms reasonable. Address llox 195 ,
Gothenbuig , Nob. o.Vi 4 *
OKSELlKht drivers , bargain. The late
tire has made them cheap. H. E. Cole.Con-
tlHOiilnl block. sjj
1T10H SALE Imported Shetland slalllon , S
JL'years old last march , height , io inches ,
wefrhtaiO Ibs. , color bright bay , maim and tall
black nml heavy : u perfect pony. For prlco
and further particulars , address Phil Itdlgo-
w ay. Lenox , Iowa. 0542 *
TilOlTSA LTlliFtTuilo I team of bay hoTseTo
J. mid ; " ytars , bound and stylish tlrlvui-s ; 1
double seated cnnopv top surrey , good as new ;
1 buggy. 1 double and 1 single harness , barn 20
xSs8 , can to moved easily ; 1 Chase llros , up-
light piano , good as uuw. Apply room 003
First Nat , bank. 470-yj
TT1OK SALE Ono eniin jet black carilngn
JL' horses , 7 years old ; also ono carriage and
uno buggy A. U. Morse , Furnuui and lull sta.
45 1 frJ
17IOK SALE A full platform sprltiK , lo itlier
J. top carrlnge.ulmost now , nnd ono Columbus
make buggy : nUo ono set double harness for
fi\ and one single hnrncsi.llO. Apply ut 2215
\Vubater at. fsM
T71OKSALE A good , sound , stylish horse.
-L Prlco can bo luarnul and horse bcunat Leo
& Nlchol's barn 2sU7 Loavouworlh at. 3UI
T71OK HALE Four liorsos. ouooxpress wagon
JL' Cash or time. Koum 2. 1417 Farnam. 51)l-Jti'
lOAKTlKSIooklns for line driving or saddle
J. horses , would do well to cnll on , or corres
pond with T J Kleinliu , manager W II , Mll-
lurd'n farm , Ualhoun , Neb. Ho has for sulo
Homo Urjt-cluM xluijlo drivers , earrlagu teams ,
aud saddle horiiii , ut , ruasouublo priced. U
8ALE-1 Ino fniiiOy cnrrl.igo hnrso
sound nnd gontlo. Inqulro Ml N , 10th st ,
_ . _ 2-Kl
" *
UCT10N Saio All o"f tno flue Hvory oi
Uomati ft Tct'Stconjl tlni ? of Inn *
dun * , hqnrscs , fnmlw ticarrlagcs , curries ,
lop and open bugglos , horses , harn
esses. saddles and all other articles used
lu a first-class llveryw Sulo to commonoo
Wednevlny , Mnyss , nt I0n , „ . Kvcrvthlnir to
IMS sold to ihu hlgh.-st Uftlller. We will sell at
tirlvatOMiln until day Offcnle. HomauA-Torry ,
41.1 ami 41.-i S 1 1th , Oiiialj j. .Nib. ' . ' 17
SAf/E-A good gentTo horse for * * ) . AtH
driest' 14. lleo. , t7S
KOU HAIji-l''llMl'Ultl3 ) KTU.
pKIVATE SALE-HojiM-hold furiilTuro for
X salo. Ills Davenpor st. *
EOKSALIAH the furniture. cnrpeM , Acof
the 10-room house. No HUM Capitol ave , will
bo sold at auction Saturday afteruoon nt S
o'clock ; eomo early. 5.1130 *
TJIoirSATInnegant furidlnro of 10 room
4 IIOIKO. fplendld localloit for roomers. Ad-
dres * Efrllleo. 3.'vl- : )
"ITIOK SAlTRFurnlture , Carpets and liouso-
JD hold giwds of all kinds every Tuesday ,
Thursday and Saturday morning at 1111 Far
nam Ht. Cash paltl for goods Omaha Auction
and Storage Co. Henry Crelghton. auctioneer.
( M
SALE lee box suitable for meat mar-
kotorcommlsslou house. Inn.ulro71 ! > N.lCth.
KM 4
OAK of fresh cows , ehe-ip , at HedforU
A Place , near foundry. N. F. Russell.O.TO
O.TO 31 *
SALE Horse. lnrnr s nnd pheaton
FOR . Cor. 13th aud Pacllic , J. F. Siiiirmau.
OI9-.W *
VVELL trained trick and watch doss cheap
YV at 14. 11 low n rd st. 021-30 *
OR SATE AleaTu of nTuies. or will trade
for ono largo horse. Call , l.Ci S. Oth st.
41)7 ) S ! ) *
Twontysli iresf.Veacli ) , amounting
ing to JJ.OOO , Issued b > i.ito Cltv Abslrnet
company of Omaha , Nub. Pilco fciOO. Terms ,
10 percent olT for cash or b uiknblo papei nt
four months. Addiess Ho < ic'O , City. C22-30
soda fountain , lu running order , for
GOOD than halt cost. O Pctursou , OIBS nth.
I7WK SALE , cneap SO horse power steel
JL holler , good aa new , with llttlngs complete ;
healer , mud-drum , plunge pumps , and No. 3
Kuowles ; will sell for one-halt original cos j
Jeff W. Hedford. O.U
MILK , delivered In ono gallon packages
dally. Guaranteed absolutely puio. 3U
Ilrown building , lolephono 1328. SOI
T71OK SALE Cheap , a boiutlful fawn colored
JL'grey hound. Knijulre 7.M S. 19th St. , corner
of Lcavcnwortli. 844
SALE Some Rood walclies nnd dla-
mtmdschoap , U. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlth
ncll block. Sll
Bnroitr buylns a piano cxamino the now
scale Klmball piano ut A. Hospo , 15U
Douglas st. S12
KO. P GELLENnnOIC.teacher of thob injo ,
G 1COU Howard st. ltd lloor _ 249
inortRneo loans at low rates and no
FIKST . D. V. bholes Co , 210 First Natl bank.
IjlIKbT mortmigo loanh Very lowest rates.
JD C. J. Caswell. Mill N _ Vl LI f e. _ 4JI-12
TXTONEY to loan in any amount from JIO to
J-'Jl 110,000 for any tlmo fiom ono to six months.
Loans undo ou household goods , pianos ,
norses , mules , wagons , hoiisos , leases , etc. , In
fact on any uvullahlo security In any amount
at the lowest possible tales without removal
of property. i
Payments can bo made at anv time reducing
both prlnclp il and Interest. You pay interest
only for the time you use the 11101103If you
owe a balance on your proj > erty 1 will take It
up and carry It for yoii.
Money always on baud. No delay. No pub
licity. Noremo\al. Lowest iites.
It. F. Masters ,
Room 4 Wlthncll block , nth and Haruey Sta.
! ! 20
cent money lolo.tu on real estate se
curity. Loans can bu paid otf in Install
ments. Juo. W. Hobblns , SO'JN. ' V. Life bldg.
HATTEL loans at rWnced rates. Hand lu-
C \ estmcut Co , Kooui 44h Ueo bldg. J.J7 . *
T OANS wanted on productlvo Omaha leal
JLJcstato. 3 undo years' time , optional pay
ments , favorable terms and rates.
Kltubull , Champ & Ryan ,
1000J 10 _ 120" > Farnam si.
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules.
household goods , plauos.organs. diamonds ,
at lowest rates. Tlio tint organized loan olllco
lu the city. Makes loans from 30 lo 383 days ,
which can 1)0 paid In part or-wholo at any
time , thus lowering the principal and Interest.
Call anu sco us vvhyn > ou want money. Wo can
assist you promptly and to your advantage
without removal of property or publicity.
Money nlwnjs on blind. No delay In making
loans. C. F. Kecd 4. Co , 319 B. 13th St. ; over
Hlnghnm li Sous. S31
HATTEL ToansrK. 1'i ' Continental blk. , 4T *
VVDouglus ; business conlldcntlal. M.J. Hallj
< JJ7
/"lOLLATEKALbnuk. J12 bo llith 9t , room 5.
v Chamber cof Commetcc , loans money on
commercial paper and all uitlclos of value.
Also ou horses , cattle , furniture and other
chattel pioperty without removal , at lowest
rates of Interebt. AU business strictly confl-
dcnllal. Uj7 JI5
"Vl/ANTED Three ami six mouths H percent
paper. Addiess by lellor at his resilience ,
0. F. Harrison , 114 b. sSth st , 4BS 29
CHATTEL llAMv , room J Wltlincll block.
C _ _ _ _ _ su-ji9- :
MONEY to loan , ft ycurs on easy terms on l > 0
per cent on good conservatlv o valuations ,
nnywheio In Iho city limits of Omaha , at 4Hi
Bheoloy bldg.,15th and Howard sts. Sam'lTute.
PEK CENT rcsldenco loans , J.1,000 to J10.000.
HuIIdlng loans at special rules. The Mead
Investment Co. . Ueo liulldhur r >
TVfONEY 30,00 or 00 days ou furulture.pi.inos ,
1'lhorses. liouses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson , 013
Piixlon blk. 2M
loans at lowest rates ; removed to
CHATTEL PiiMou blk. J. H. Emlngor. S19
MONEY to loan on city propcity ; iioncy ou
hand and no delays. Hales , bmllh & Co. ,
inijijiml l'iirniiliists _ Ul'i-JII
renl estate loins nincto by W. M
Hauls , room 20 , Fiouer block , ojip. P. O.22i
22i )
LOANS City nnd farm lonns , mortgngn pa-
pcr bought McCqgue liiveslment Co. 221
\ ETIT'fONE'Moftg.rg'o Co. Loans of IO to
JLVi.oooj get our rates before borrowing and
save money , loan ou horses , furnlluro 01 any
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought , for new lo in , remiwal of old and low
est rates. Call , K 2US , bhculy hhc , 15th and
Howard sts. 223
SHOUT tlmo loans ou v acini lots , bolby 111
lieod. 1.1 board of trade. 5v ( > _
BUILDING loans , 0 to 7 nor cent ; no addi
tional charges for commission or attorney's
fees. W. H. Melkle , Fltst Nat'I bank bldv.
"A TONEY loaned at lowest rates long tlmo on
J-'l Improved Omaha real nstate , no "ext is , "
no delay. Glebe Loan & Trust Co. , 307 s. 10th.
OOMMEKUIAL and Kiyicral short time paper
bought ; alto regulac llvo year loans madu
on imprrved piopeily. . Ceo. F , Illust & Co. ,
SO. ) Kamgjhlt : _ ] _ _ , _ _ 072
SECOND mortgage Waits Second mortgages
bought. Loans ouM1y. Pint lots. Heed i
Bt'lby. room 13. lloinl frailo _ 227
MONEY to loan on am security
for short luiiout low
rates. LVesl rates
on personal property.
The Hcndni'-'m Mort o Invustmont Com-
pany. Koo-u II ) ' hUiok. _ 221 _
WANTED I'llt i law inside I > ins lAiwest
rates. Call nml see us. Mutual Invt-sl-
incut ColWl Fin mini - * _ 230
BlM'UKU negotlatlng 'niau toliiiprovo your
real estate got terms from
The Odoll Invostmunt , Co. . , ! 0l N.Y. Llfo bldg ,
Thos. S. lloytl. reprc-entSllvo. _ 221) )
Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co , ,
always ready to Ioaund pay promptly : 1st
mortgages wanted. Oonrio . P.Coalos.ronro-
seiijallvu , 7 Hoard Trnju. SJ >
"l VbrEUN money lo loan ou city prupui ty ;
JL mortgugo paper bought. H l.Iruyopj ! > P.O.
LOANS made ou any avallablo ocnrity.
IVutral InvcHtruont Co. . Koom 25 , Cham
ber of Commerce 220
B1101 tTII AX I > AX' ' ) TV P K W U iT IXG.
SECON1) H A ND-CitlVKrauhs , Hum oTidTimi
Itomlngtous John H. O.irnos Co Letter
Fllus and ollloo spool.iltlus , lEnnigu bldz. 040
"IVAN'TED EdUcatcd young ladles undgou-
IT tlemcn to Innrn shorthand and typewrit
ing ; good salaries , HtudonU assisted to posi
tions btundurd bhorlhund Uusluoss Collnnu ,
Frank E. Hull , Instruntor. 'in
JL medium and palmist.who has been publicly
testid and ohalleiiKis the world lu revealing
mysteries , dUperaua Jealousy , evil Inllu-
rncos , elves full numesof present or future
hushand or wlfo , also telU your fuuIU uud
quullth'.s , triule buslnevi or profession to
make u succca-i. JS" North ICth up stnlru , Cou-
sultutlon 11 Satlsfautlou given or no pay ,
LEIL Clayton , clairvoyant nnd nmgnotl
healer , can by her wonderful will pow
grant ny request. _ IBM Howanl. fttWar *
ALL elinllntiRcrs aoccptcd Mrs. Dr. II1II of
Now York City can bo consulted at her
parlors nt.TU North l.Mh st. , on nil alTnlrs of
life , bolng a celebrated business clairvoyant ,
list roloulit and palmist , who has a ropulutlon
thmughout the world for accurate and truth
ful rollings of thn past , present nnd future
through her wonderful Egyptian mnglo mir
ror ; removes nil nvll Influence ! ) and family e'-
trnntroments ; unites tlio separated ; causes
speedy nmmages ; brings success tt ) the un
successful and tell when to mikoprofltahlo In
vestments ; consultation from 81 to f2 ; also
tolls full name and shows picture of thu oito
you will marry i Mr * . III11 has bcou consulttxl
by the most successful tuisincssniouaud tallies
of Now York , Hostou and Chicago. Hours
strictly from 11 a. m. to 9 i. m Mli | *
MADAME Dclrlcr , the n < nssago and magnet-
Ist , Is no old consumptive ehrouni , nut
, hcatty and vigorous. Parlors ovorGlO
Soung . 61.1 JS *
OLAIKVOYANCIVWomcn's diseases clnlr-
voyaully diagnosed nnd .successfully ticat-
cdhymnguutlsm ; consultallon free ; Dr.I/ous-
dMiloCUl _ SJJth ' Ht. ' , SuIUior. _ Wi" ! _
medical and business medium. Female dis
eases a specialty. Ill ) N. 10th st. , rooms 2 and 3 ,
.sixn.sH on AXCKS.
_ _
"I71OK yALK Immedlatoly.butcher shop with
JL' SI tons of Ice and elegant fixtures ; dally
receipts Jir > to fJO ; rent fci per mo. ; reason for
soiling am alone In the business ; price RsO.
Address P. O. HoxCI , Akron , Col. 00130 * _
B AUIIKU shop for salo. SKMOniulitg.
BIO- bargain For silo very cheap , chop-
house and leo parlor doing good
business ; nice furniture from .1 rooms Enquire
121 N. llth st. . or cor. Douglas and 10th sts. , A.
Live ) ; good reason. 17t ) 1 *
HOTEL Men Attention-Will sell lo.iso and
furnlluro of hotel In Omaha , 07 rooms ;
great bargain ; easy terms ; will trade for
Omaliu real estate. Alex. Mooie , bhccly block.
473-20 *
FOR ' 'ALE ' Store , confectionery , fiults , to
bacco ; U10 Noilh lUlh stieut ; good location.
T71OR SALE Fine established cigar and news
JU business , llest location lu the city. Ad
dress box O , C S postolllco. -ISO 8
OU SAfvi : My hotel fin nlturo cheap. v
tul for rout. Joseph Fall , West 1'olnt. Neb
_ _ _ aw : w _
SALIl-An Old cstablisli ; drug bnsi-
nes4.onoof the best locations In the clty.not
prollts last \ ear 83,000. The ilcad ln\e.stniont
Co. , Ueo building. _ 407
POirSAfLTTon'or Kent Duo of the besttlxod
up boarding houses In South Omaha , In
most desirable location. Apply to II. II. Knvon ,
S7th st , near U.xchaugc crossing , South Omaha.
112 Jib *
CHEAP for cash. stouK of groceries doing
cash business. Cheap rant. 71 ! ) llurdotto.
1'lielps Co. , Neb. , ami liorsos for general
nuMchandlsc. Address Lock llov J7 , Holdiege ,
Nob. TAS .10'
FAHM nnd city property for sale or ex-
ch.ingo for any kind of merchnndlsuor
olinttels.liorbes nnd cattle : would paitlmiliuly
llliu to trade foi btreis. Willis Cadwoil , llrokon
liow.Nob. _ 051) ) j 2s * _
mcf T.XUHAMii : Clean stock of d ry"goods
JL and clothln ? : wiint real estalo and some
cash. Addiess ItoUW , I'r inkfo\t , Ind. 4"-l *
DKtIO block fore\elianco for part cash and
need real estate. Address Lovk llox fi.1 ,
Nellgli. Nebi. 472-"Jt
ATIJ7\Di ; siglit-unseen I hive S clear lots
within 1'i ml. N. of P. U I wish to trailo
slKht-uii < seen for a farm. Address mo person
ally , U. K. Ucehtel , No. 1S02 Coiby at. , Omaliu ,
Nob. 471 L"
T71OU nXPHANOn-il.'IOJ dry goods and no-
JL ? tlons , JiVlc.isb. balance good property. Ho\
OSfi , bhenaiidonh. In. Ssl : w *
ljiOlfK3a'TfAMi-Good : farms , city pinper-
itv and wild lands In Neb. and Iowa for good
gon'l m'd'so : property clear , title peifcct. Ad-
dicss Lockllov T > , riemont , Neb. DOS
IjlOK KXCIIANUE- mill in Inrgo.grow-
X1 Ing town , doliu good business ; $ lo0X ; ( ) stock
of mdse one-third cash , balance good real
ostalo ; splundldrental propeity , will pay 10
percent ; some choice blooded horses and cat
tle. Doano & Parrotto , room 17 , Hoard Trado.
51Ji (
I WILL trade a good clear lot in ho. Omaha
for piano or horse and buggy. Address C 4
Itco ofllce. 305
I-'Oll SAhH-ltlJArj KSTATK.
FOR SALK One-fourth Interest in a now
town on the Chcjenno branch of It. & . M. , In
Lincoln county ; two stores and lumberyard
alre idy there ; good rallioad Improvements
Address Lyck llov .17 , Holdiege , Neb. 553 W
THOU SALK-Piko $1.100 , half cash , new 4
JL1 loom cottage. 417 Center ht , y mile from II
P. depot. btilngcr& Penny , Douglas block
Kith and Dodge. at !
I WILL sell lots , block 103 , on Dodge st.wlth-
In n half block of the slto of thu now post
olllco , for $20,000 ; * 5U ( ) cash and Intnmo In
payments to suit purchaser. This oiler Hlands
Rood for a llmtU'd tlmu only. Goo.V. . Donne ,
615 N. V. Life building. 5U 3 _
FOK SALK On monthly payments , will
build jou a neat foui. lUooi six room IIOUBC
on coiner lot In Wlso .V Parmaleo's addition to
suit purchaser. Ueo J. Paul , IGO'J 1'arn 1111 at.
WNKU moved to St. Louis ; olFers forsaloll
cornel property p lyinif over 10 per cent nt
a bargain. Price * 4OiK ) . lor easy terms cullen
on D. I ) . .Smeaton , 100UH Fnrnam st. ; itXl-J2
FOK bALIj or Trade My residence on So.
SOth st. , near I'ark .srhool , house of se % on
rooms vltli bathroom , water closet , hot and
cold water , all In good repair ; will sell for cash
M > ry cheap or will take vacant lot on West
I'm mini st. as part p.iymcut. For particulars
address USOlleo . .
FOKbALE A flue new 5-room cotl-ago near
clectilocar llnuon N. Silhst. Will take as
part of cash payment a good horse or horse
ami phaeton. P. 1504 Farnam st. 877
"I71OK bALE Hrlck warehouse , 2storlos and
JU basement , 100x90 ft. with lot 10Jxlr > 3 ft. ; to
double track ou southSOlh and Plnrcosls. Ad
diess Osknmp & llalnes , Omaha , Nub.
"VTKW 8-room house , near motor line ; wil [
J-i sell cheap aud onsmallmoutblv i > avments.
fall quid ; If you want u bargain. J. J , Wilkin
son. MB Paxton blk. 12-1
FOR bALE-Qtilck , business lot , Improved ,
only 0 blocks from court house , 9ITO per
foot. J. Mlehal. UBS , 13th st. _ _ Ji'iU ' !
1710K bALI. All elegant residence lu ilnest
part of the clly ; splendid building lots ;
houses ami lots ou monthly payments , easy
teims ; 10,100 acres line western lands , all care
fully selected , sonio of It Improved. DO.IIIO&
Pariotte. room 17 , Hoard Trado. O'H-IU
OOTTAiilThowes in most , any uddllloiTfly'
sale at from $1,000 up , on e isy monlhor
payments. F. 1C. Darling , 4J Harker block -Ml
LIST your property with Larmoii P. Piiiyn.
JHO Cumins street , for quick results.
4JJ2 ) *
TTIOKSALE-B-OOOaeres best farming land in
Jl Nebraska ut a great sacrifice. Inquire
CIS south Ulh st. Gco. H. Peterson , owner
FOR SALE0room coltago.lot 3.1x1 rt.Davoii
port , near 20lhst. , $ .1000.
G. L , Green. Koom 3 ! ) . Darker block. 005
A SMALL payment down nml JH poi mouth
will buy a l-ioom house and lot ou 10th ,
blocks from motor ; flr-tt-class chaneo to uc-
qulio a homo on easy terms. Apply loll 1C.
Ciije. Continental block 19 *
fXTY-riYEnoress. w of p o , suitable for
platting or gnrdenlug , for sale a * , a bargain
F. K. Darfluit. 4 1 Darker blk. SU
pr-HOOM cottnges , 8I.VX ) cnch , Jioil caslt ilown ,
t'lmlanco III per month. T.ios. F. Hall. 311
IINCOLN Place and Ourtnauo Ion , prlco
Jfl.oiW , f-Vldowu , Imlancoin monthly
_ \\L _ _ belby. KtHmH. Ixiard of li id3IO _
TJ OK SALE Very cheap , notiadc , farm of
Jl ? 5l'l70acios , MC 5 , 12 , N. (1 ( W. Hamilton
county , Nob. , Smiles from Marquolto ; small
house , stable , 300 acres of p.isluro fenced , liv
ing water , price only ! 10 per uciu417Qg ,
Terms IJ.20J cash , ImlnncoU percent Intoiost
F K. Alklns owner , rullioad building , Denver.
Col. 211
W TV UGH X Westorlield.ical ostnli > , & Omiiliiu
Jt > l-'eiiiliirti niul Uutilo Alou.
On and after the 26th lust , vso will have for
sale four thousand or moro good , hluh grade ,
one , two ami three yeai old ( 'tub feeders. Hi it
wo can furnish at tlio Union block Yards ,
boulh Omaha , 01 If desired , wo can nrranuo to
soil thesu cattle ut North 1'lutto ' or Hastings ,
Parties wautlujr anything In this llnu , will
please eorrespond with us.
CJt.o. lluttKK & I'll vzn.ii , South Omaha.Nob.
Notluo lo Contraotors.
Kids will bo rueulved for the erection of n
six-story and basement brown stonn ollloo
building , WxlOO , corner Fourth and Jackson
sticotH , Sioux City , Iowa Plans find spuulll-
cutlons nan bo setm nt the olllco of FUliur li
Hussell. architects , Sioux Clly. Iowa , after
May 21th. lllds vf 111 bo opened Tuesday , Juno
Jrd Certified chock In an amount of H.ono as an
ovldouee of good fulth , must aeeoiup my nil
proposlUuns 'I ho right reserved lo reject
any and all bids
Tov Tie 4k
epartment of the Pintle , Onmhn. Noli. ,
May SOIlii IsiO , Spalod proposal * , In triplicate ,
will bo received lioro niul nlnti by ouch Post
nDepot \ ( \ Quartermaster In this Department
until tvoo'elook i > . in.i eeutrnl t line , J11110211 ,
I * . * ) , nnd then opened for fnrnUhlnir hay mm
straw required in Department of tlio Flntto
during your commencing July 1st , ISM.
U. S. riHorviM right to roloot liny or all bids.
Proforeneo given to articles of domeitlo pro-
( liictlon , conditions of iiiillty | : iitul prlootlu-
eluding In tlio pried of foreign production tlio
duly thereon ) uolng etjual. All Infornmtlon
furnished nn application hero or to l'iwf niul
Depot Quartermasters. EnvclopescontnliiliiR
proposals tu bo marked "Proposals for
lit . "nnil addressed HI ludlontcd above.
\VM. II. HUGHES. Lieutenant Colonel niul
Deputy O.u < irtertuastor General , U. S. A. ,
Chief Quartermaster. iiiaV14tJIO- !
School liTTutl Proulaumtlim.
lly the direction of the bonnl of education
of the school ill-Uriel nf Onuilin , In the county
of Douglas , In tlio Htnto of Nebraska , not lee Is
lioroby given to the qualified olectorsof ttihl
school district , Unit special oloutUm Is bore-
bv e.illoil , to bo hcli ! S.itunlny. May .11. IS'W ' , itt
which snld election the follow lug Uuesllou and
proposition will bo submitted to a voluof the
electors of said school district , to-wlt :
Hhnll consent mill authority bo given to the
bo-ird of education of the school district of
Onrilia , In the county of Dout'lns , In tlio stain
nf Nobrnska. to Issue thu linnils of s ilil scliool
district In thtisumof two hundred and Ufty
thousand ( iiVl.OOO ) dollars.
Tlie x.ild bonds to no two hundred and fifty
In number , of the denomination of DUO thou-
Hiind ( J 1.0001 dollar * each , dated July I. m > .
and to bear Inlerest ut the ruto of 4 percent
periinnuin , Inleiost p.iyablo soml-anuually ,
thoprlni'lpul to become tint * In twenty ) run
from date nf said bonds ; nnd the principal and
Interest to bo payable at the Nebraska Flsenl
Agency , In the cuy of Now \ork , In the st.ilo
of New \ nrU.
Shall tlio proceeds arising from the silo of
sild bonds bo used for thupuiposoof putelias-
Im ; school sites and the oieetlon of ttobool
buildings within and foi the school dlitrlet of
Omaha. In the count } of Douglas. In the Ht.ito
of Nolraskn. as follows ;
Tor the puieh.ise of a site In the vicinity
of Twent v-fouith and Lothrop sticols ,
at . 19,000
For the purohiisoof u silo In the vlolnlly
of ( lihsoii. at . . . . . 2,500
Foi the pnrehaso of a silo In the v lelully
of Tort Om ilia , at . 8,300
Tor the putehaso of a Nlto In or
Windsor place , at 0,000
Tor the purcliaso of a slto In or near
Fodford place , at G.OOO
Tor the puichasoot additional ground
for tlio Center school site , corner of
Elovonlh and Center streets , at. . . 7,000
Tor the piuehaso of additional ground
for the Longwhool site , Twenty-sixth
nnd rr.iuklln Rtteels , at 4 , ! > 00
Fortho purchase t > 7 additional mound
for the 11 art man sohiHil situ , UlMuuulh
Htieot. Williams , at 10.000
For the purpose of creeling schooll bulld-
A building on the Long school site , lo
cated at Twenty-sixth and 1 rankllu
HtrcoN. nt an estimated cost of , . tJj.OOO
A building on the rr.niKllii school slto ,
located at Thirty-fifth and Franklin
streets , at an estimated eostnf 30,000
A building on \\cstOnmhasdiool
Hlte. located at Thlrty-nlnlliatid Jones
streotw , at an estimated cost of 30,000
A bulldliUMm llio Center school site , lo
cated at Eleventh mid Center streets ,
at an estimated cost of . . U.1,500
For an addition to the hIt'll school build
ing , loeated on Capitol Miuare , at an
estimated eostnf . 75,000
For adding to the Paul school building ,
to bo elected on T only-second street 20,000
Tlio above ptoposltlon hhall bo considered as
ono entire proposltjon.
Tlio v oto on said ptoposltlon shall bo "Yes"
AlVvotes "Yes" on s-ild proposition will bo
regaidod and consldoied nS autliot I/Ing the
Issuance of said bonds , and will also bo le-
garded and considered as autliorl/lng the expenditure -
pendituro of the money arising fiom the sale
of such bonds for thu puipo&es ttpeolllud In
this proclamation.
All \otes "No" Until bo nvarded and con
sidered as iKalnst tlio Issuance of said bonds.
And If a m ijorlty of all \otesenst at bald
election shall ha\o thereon "Yes , " then said
proposition shall Do declared adopted.
If a majority of x.ildnttrt shall have upon
them "No. " then b ild pioposltlon shall bo do-
The polls shall bo open on the day of said
election at 8 o'clock In the morning and HI ill
continue open until b o'clock p. m. of the same
'Tlio polllnp places of said election shall be
at the follow Inn named places In the school
dlsltlets of Cumin , In the county of Douglas ,
in the btate of Ncbi iska :
rirst polllns dlslilct at the Jackson srhool
biilldliiKon JacUson stiect , botwueu Twelfth
and Thirteenth streets.
hoeond polllnc district at Paelflo "school
Inilldhmon I'acillc street , between Ninth and
Tenth streets.
'Ihlid polling district at the Center school
building ou the corner of Uluvuath and Center
srcoNn WAnn.
1'lrst polllns district at the llnrtinin school
building on Mxtuonth street near Williams
fcecoml polling district at the t'astellar
school building at the coiner of Eighteenth
and Castcllar streets. . . . . ,
Third polling district at Ijl'J ' Loavenwotth
1'lrst polling district at tlio Dortgo school
building , coiner of Klovonlh and Dodge
feecond polling district at 103J Harnoy Htreot.
tOIIHTII Wlll > .
Flrht polling dlitilctat llio High school build
ing on Capitol squaii1.
Second polling dlsti let at the T < cavi > nwnrth
school buiUlIng , coiner of bo\entecnth and
Lea\cnworth Btieets.
rirru WAUII ,
Kirst polling dlstilel at the St. llainabas
schtMil building on Califoinla ntteut , bottsten
Ulghteeiuh and Nineteenth streets.
Second polling dNtilcl at the Iialio hchool
building , coiner Nineteenth and Hpruco
Plrst polling dhtrlet at the Long school
building , coiner of I'nuikllti and Twenty-
hlxth streets.
becond polling district at the Saratoga
school building , cornet of Twenty-fourth and
Commercial stioets.
Third polling district at the franklin school
building , torncr of Thirty-litth and FrunUlIn
First polling district at tlin I'ark school
building , corner of Twenty-ninth street and
Woolworth avoniio.
Cjfaecond pollln Ulstrlct at the Dnpont school
building on the corucr of Twenty-ninth and
Martha streets.
Minimi WAiti ) .
Tlrst polling dlstilct at the I/ard school
building , corner of Twentieth and 1/ard
Second polling dlstrli'tat the Webster scliool
building , coiner of Tucnlj-ulghth luenuo
anil Webster btii-'et.
I'lrst polling dlstilct at the r.irnnm hchool
bulldlngiit the corner of Twenty-ninth ax cnuo
and rarnam street
.Second polling district at the Walnut Hill
school building on Hamilton btteutnear IJ.ilu
Tills done and proolnlmcil by order of tlio
board of edudatlon of tlio school district of
Omaha , In the county of Douglas , In the state
of Nebraska , this 1'ltli ' dnj of May. A D , 1WO
In witness theieof , 1 hiivo heieiinto set my
hand and canned the seal of s ild si liool dls
tilel to bo alllxod this day and year last above
WllttOll I I lilOI > MAN.
1'ieslilenl Hoard of IMiiuatlon.
.1 II I'li-cn jiocrotary
Arrcsta dUcharRos from thu urinary onjnni
in cither eci in 40 bourn.
It li urlor ] to Copaiba , Cubcb. or lnoe- |
lions , and frco from oil Uul imoll or oUior
Inoonvcnlcaccj ,
Ckpiulct. wLlch L tr Ihe riamo In Ilitl
J lt Ti without vyhifhpqn ar p nuta i
IM : iinAi/rv M < vuuir. :
l'a plauod on lucoid dutliiiT
Alvln STiinders and wlfo to A ll ( n Cowlfs ,
lot u , blk II , Meyers , Itlchaidi & , Tll-
dou'sadd , wd . . 11,000
A Saunders et ol. trs to Allen Cowlis ,
lots 15 and HI , blk II , Omaha llulghtii ,
xv d. . . . . . . 1,000
J V Ooad and wlfo to lit man Itlclmid-
hon , lots J and t , blk U , llansconi I'laue ,
wd 7,500
J K Harris and ntfo to D K.Shannon , lots
Jl , 43 and lJ of lot X' , Stewart 1'laco.
wd . . . . 10,000
0 II Ito gs and wlfo to J l < lluavey , lot I ,
hlk 1. . I'arlc Torcst , w d . KO
ns Itood and wlfo to J A ( Jllllsplo , lots
y ! and W. hlk 4 , Albright's annex , w d . UOO
W I. Hllby , trtisteo. tu A M ICItuhon , lots
> , W , rf. M and M. blk : i , lots ao and 'Jl ,
blk ! > , W sllhi'H 1st add to South
Omaha , wd . II.MX )
Lyman Ulrhardson nnd wlfo to J 1 < *
L'ond , lota , blk II , Smith's mid , wd . I'l.QOO
John Itoth and wlfo to V J Nepolal , lot
1 , hlk " , l , " SaundtTS A. HlinubuiKh'H
add , w d .1
John Until and wlfo to V J Nopodnl , pi
lulO , blk 10 , Impiutuiutml us-.oul.aiun
Tdd w d 1
V J Nupoilul and wlfo to Aunik K 'th nt
lott , Ink ID , liuprovumeut astiuelalfou
add , * d. . . . t
V J Nupodal and wife to Annu HoUi lot
10 , hllc"J , " SixtiuduM A IllmobauRli'i
nod , w d , . , . . ,
UK Knlby In U T tally , lot It , MorAOinaii
Park , wd . . . 5cw
J allhas.Ieller and wlfo to J i > Kncllsh ,
lot 1.1. blk H , .letter's add to Amlli
Umithn , w d . , . . . { 100
P V Williams to W K ( Ireen. blk fi ,
Woods' Place ! lot 10. blk 8. MoUor-
mlek'x addi lot lit , blk C > . llniwu's Park !
lot 7 , blk t , Wools' PlrtOi' , ij o d.
W 11 Oreun and wlfo tofV \ Wllll ims ,
lots II and 1' . ' . blk % Curt luge ; lots 5
and i % blk I , Woods' I'lacu ; lot U , blk „ > .
Iteed'H 4th add , q od . . . 1
1" II .lohiiHon , ttitsloi * . to K II Italckln ,
n feet of w M feet of o H lot 4 , Oklahoma - 1t
homa ; lot t , blk 0. Pr.ttt's sub. u e d t
KN Whitman and husband to V 3 Kra
mer , lots 17 and IS , blL 1 , Cre-slou add ,
wd . . 10,001
I'.T Kramer and wlfo to I , I. Nunu , lots
17 and H , blk t , Orestou add , w d 11.0M
Itertlia.euner to lMlla Mendelssohn.
Iot2 , blk 21'J't , Omalui. wd . . .
N A ICnhn , tiustee. to N A Kuhn. lot II ,
blk V ; lots t 7 amis , blk I ; lots t , U and
? ' . bile U , Ciolghtou lIcIghtH , w d 4roo
Mead Inxostiuent company to Ad.i
lo es , w'i lot'"j , lllekoiy Plncu , wd I.2.VJ
Tttcuty-lwo transfers t87.S07
Ilolsteronsi Conclusion of hate Supper
I'u ft y In Iiiiiiilon.
Society Is rightist tvt the latest diver-
slims In which Mrs. Langtry htis boon
figuring , says u London ouhlo to the
Now York Morning .Jtntriuil ,
Ono night lust week ti supper uarty
was given at the St. James theater , ut
which wore present Lord Lurgan and
other men about town.
At : t In the morning It was proposed
to run races round St. .1 tunes square.
The swells , with their coats olT , racing
intully round the otu'losure , with
Langtry and a couple of women wrapped
in fur coats looking on and shrieking
with laughter.
Charles Sudden , the actor , who eloped
with and married the Countess of
Dosart , ran a sack-racu with Krnost
La\vford , and they foil and rolled over
each other In the mud.
Hurdles wore fixed for a raeo of 100
yards between Mrs. Langtry and Hob
LJunehor , the lattoi' allowing the Lily
twenty yards start , but who , however ,
lost by two feet.
The party roturncd to the theatre ,
and after moro olminptigno everybody
started to Point t street , forming-a pro
cession of cabs at 0 in the morning.
The Only Ono.
The Chicago , Milwaukee ifc St. Paul
railway Is the only line running solid
vostibulod , electric 'lighted and steam
heated trains between Chicago , Council
Bluffs and Omaha.
The berth reading lamp feature In the
Pullman sleeping cars run on these lines
is patented aud cannot bo used by any
other railway company. It is the great
improvement of the ago. Try it and bo
Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific
depot , Omaha , at 0 p. in. dally , arriving
at Chicago at 0:30 : a , m. Passengers
taking this train are not compelled to
get out of the cars at Council Blulls and
wait for the train to bo cleaned. Got
tickets and sleeping car berths at Union
ticket olllco , 1501 b'armuu st.
F. A. NASH , Gen. Agt.
J. E. PKKSTON Pass Agt.
A Slirmvil Juwclcr.
A St. Louis jeweler outwitted his land
lord in a rather nniquo fashion. 1 to desired -
sired to move , but was compelled to p.ij
a full month's rent of $200 , because ho
had not given the required thirty dajs1
notice. Ho consul ted a lawyer , but was
assured that the claim was valid. "I
can use the store , can I not ? " he asked.
"Certainly , " said the lawyer. His slock
had nearly been moved to the now store ,
but the remaining occupant of the store ,
who was the landlord , was much sur
prised when the jeweler returned with ti
select assortment of four do/en cheap
alarm clocks. These the owner het to
suit himself and then wont out for a
walk. Then the alarm clocks began to
go ofl ono after the othor. The landlord
was almost frantic with the noise , and ho
hunted up the jeweler and tendered hint
his money in return , but the jeweler did
not want to bo out the prlco of the clocks ,
so ho dr.vvo a sharp bargain , accepted
$300 and moved out.
Protect tlic HvNtom I < 'roiu iMalnrln.
It Is possible to do this even in tlio inglons
of country where miasma is most rife , and
wlicio tho-periodic fovem which It causes
assume their inos > t fonuidnblo types. Thu
immense popiiliulty of llosUjttor's Stomach
Bitters Is vor.v largely uttiilmtublo to the fact
of its onlcauy as u remedy for chills uml
fever , bilious remittents , mid us a m-osorva
title of the various foims of uialatiul
In these poi lions of the west and soutli
wlicie complaints of this nattiro piovuil , and
in tlio tropics , It U particularly esteemed for
the protective tnllueiRO which it exerts ; anil
It has been very widely adopted us a substi
tute for tlio dangerous and compaiutivoly ineffective -
effective alkaloid , sulphata of quinine. Physi
cians have not boon among tlio lust to concede
its merits , and the emphatic professional in-
dor-ioinouts which It has received have added
to the teput-ttion It has obtained at homo and
A CurhiiiH
Tito most curious drawbridge in the
world is in St. Anno's bay , Island of
Curacoa. It is a pontoon bridge , and
ono of tlio pontoons is a steamer built in
Ciimdcn , Ale. It is a BCOW forty feet
long , twelve wide and seven drop. Tlioro
is a single shaft that runs clear through
the boat and has a hcrow propMilor on
ouch end. The shaft is turned by two
steam engines. When the thaw is to bo
opened tlio captain of tlio steam pontoon
casts oil the lines , gives a tool on the
whistle and sets tlio propellers a-wliirl-
ing , and thereupon half the bridge
swings around far enough to lot the com
ing bhip pans through. Thiui tlio wheel
is levoi'bud and the gap is closed.
The only railroad train out of Oinahti
run expressly for the accommodation oj
Omaha , Council IJlulTs , DCS Moines ana
Chicago business is tlio Hock Island
vcblibulo limited , leaving Omaha at 4la
p. in. daily. Ticket oillco 1U02 , SixteontU
and Farnam St. , Omaha.
Work ol' tlio Unman Heart.
The mathematical Head has recently
boon at work upon a Calculation of Hit )
work iwrformed by tlio human heart.
His calculations are curious and givotlm
work of tlio heart in miles and boats ,
It Is b.iscd upon thu presumption that
the heart beats 00 timtis each minute and
tlm us blood nine feet. Computed thusy
thu miUago of tlio bloud through thJ
body might bo taken as 207 yards poi/
minute , 7 miles per hour , 108 miles petf
day , 01i20mllob : per year , -J.S'JJVIOU
mil cb a lifetime of hovonty years.
IMIli-H' Nerve and Ijlvor I'llli.
An Important discovery. They act on lhf (
liver , stomach anil bowels through tbd
nmos A now niimlplo. They speedily
euro billlousncs-i , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles and constipation. Splendid for motif
women and children Hnmllost , mlldeiit ,
surest 10 ! doses for J5 cents Sample * frea
at Kuhn & Co 's irah and Uouh'lu3 /
Siul Story ol' Hit ) Hliorts.
Not long ngo Moses Short of
stock , N. J. , aged eighty-four , whlld
working In a sawmill , was throvrd
tfgalnst the saw and part of his hhouldarf
h.iwed off. Uocontly his daughter fell
from the huymow while hunting ogga
and broke her log. Then his wlfo foU
down collar and broke her arm and r4 <
colvod other serious Injuries. KlmuM
a few days ago , old Mr. Short wont HI
the haymow himself to hunt eggs , whan
ho foil'to the burn lloor and broke ljr < /
_ _
Hoaduihc , neurultfm , dizziness , nervousness /
ness , iii in i , nlriiiUM | < iiii * > fc , cur"U by
Mile * Noivine hauiiilci fr11' ut Kuu
Co s , IMu and I