Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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Drllvcrnl liy carrier In nny pnrl of the City.
PR OFFIGT. No. 49 ,
N. Y. 1 . Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
The Itoynl Arcanum has a social entertain
ment this evening In Its parlors , Bcno block.
Justice Sehnr/ married au Omaha couple
yesterday , William Kturk nnd Bcttio I'ul-
inskl.Hcv , T. F. Thlekstun yesterday performed
the ceremony that united for llfo A. II.
Hmlth nnd Miss Susan Atklriv both of this
Judge Mcflco assessed a couple of prohi
bition fines yesterday morning und ordered
one : vng out of town.
Tliij old time friends who assisted In caring
for my brother at his funeral will plcaso re-
cclvu my heartfelt thanks.
C , L. IltMiniiniUXDT.
W O. Rose of the Baldwin hose company ,
nnd Miss Nora Wicks weio married last
evening nt the residence of the bride's
mother on smith First street , Kcv. T. J ,
Mnukny ofllclatlng.
Joe Nelson nnd II. Dye were arrested by
Marshal Tomplcton ycstcidny for permitting
the existence of a nuisance. They were cov
ering over a vault on Nortn Main street nnd
thn adjoining property owners objected to It
ns a menace to the health of the residents of
that locality.
Manager Uol'any has closed the opera
lionso for the purpose of making bomo exten
sive i'pairs. ( The entire Interior Is to Ijp
renovated and brightened and the fcccncry
retouched , The house will bo closed about
two weeks and will then bo opened nt the
comnu'iiceincnt of thosummer season.
Miles Mitchell \vus arrested yesterday on
comnlnlnt of his brother nnd booked for dis
turbing tlio peace. The two young men got
Into a iiuarrel over a woman und a light fol
lowed , in which Miles cumo out on top. The
defeated brother then decided to have re-
venco In the couils and the filing of the Information
mation followed.
During the boom a .syndicate of citizens ne
gotiated for the purchase of what is known as
the Crlttenden property. Afterward Mr.
Crittcndcn sought to force the syndicate to
comply with what ho deemed a contract for
the purchase of the uropuity. The syndicate
won in tlio lower court , nmf yestcrdaj * a tele
gram was received stating that tlio supreme
court had aflirmed the decision.
The Council UlulTs Carpet company's
special .sale of all kinds of goods still contin
ues. Now it the time to suvo money in the
purchase of all kinds of carpets , curtains and
upholstery goods.
IJuy AVnll I'npcr
GUI rtte & Freeman's , 23 Pearl streot.
Schmidt's gallery refurnished , and new in
struments. For HO days , fcl.OO cabinets for
JU.50. Elegant finish warranted. 3'20 Main.
Dr II S. West , porcelain crown anil brfdgo
\voik , No. 12 Pearl.
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 6-7 Broadway.
If vou wish to sell your property call on the
Judd & Wells Co. , C. B. Juild president , 000
Broadway. , f.lit.lill.iVHS.
Mrs. C. P. Knilslmok has gone to Ncw-
nrk , 111. , fora two weeks' visit at her old
liome. ,
County Auditor Ilendricks nnd wife arc
bomo from a shoit trip to Chicago.
Mrs. O. M. Brown has gene to Cambridge ,
O. , to attend tlio funeral of her brother-in-
law , Dr. Huge.
B. C. Stoddard of Chicago , representing
the Fire Extinguisher company , is in the city
trying to sell the lire committee of the city
council u chcmienl engine. He oiTeis to send
ono hero on trial , but the offer has not yet
Teen accepted.
Dr , and Mrs. Philbrook nnd her sister of
Dunlap nro In the city , the doctor having
been in attendance nt the dental convention
in Omaha , while his wife ami her sister have
been visiting friends in the two cities.
Several members of W. W. Wallace's fam
ily are sick , nnd ye-tcrday afternoon the
youngest child , a boy , was repotted ns being
In n dying condition. The deepest sympathy
Is felt for the household in its terrible trou
ble. Mr. Wallace has for several days given
up business entirely , devoting himself to the
borne , joining the ot tiers in brave light against
filrkne&H ami death. It Is hoped that there
will bo no fatal results.
Fml llonghmd left hist evening for Chi
Hon. Luther O. Green , editor of the Wood-
stack Standard and Inspector of finance for
the state of Vermont , is hero on tin annual
tour of inspection for certain savings banks
nnd investment , companies of his state. Ho
Is the guest of J. W. Squire.
Mrs. L. M. Clark , accompanied by her
niece , Miss Nellie Dohany , loft last evening
for her home in Colorado. Miss Dohany will
visit Denver , Manltou and other points of in
terest before returning.
Key II. B. Uestarick and wife leave San
Diego , Cal. , next Monday for Now York.
They will leave that city JunoU for a four
months' trip In England and Franco , and on
their return will visit in this city. Mrs.
Hcstarlek was formerly well known hem as
Miss May Baker.
Andrew Knstner has been promoted to the
position of cashier in the ollleo of the
liutllngton. recently vacated by O. S. Hurt-
letu Charles Mott will fill the vacancy thus
created In tlio car accountant's ollleo.
Dr Holyokoof Pacific Junction was in the
city iestciday ,
J , U. Bixby , steam ncating , sanitary engi
neer , UCI Llfu building , Omaha : JilCJ Merriam
block , Council Bluffs.
Parasols , children's par.isols , 2"cir < c , 7flc.
$1.111 ; silk gloria , U3o ; fast black sateen gold
nt , O'Jc ' , SHe and ? l.ll > . Our guaranteed silk ,
for iino year , run in prices from $2.75 , W.25
und l.7. > .
\ \ o are solo agents In Council B ilTs for the
patent detachable parasol cover ; parasols re
covered in two minutes.
Bargains in wash goods. Another case
challles for ! lo. Onr So figured beige cloth
for4lc. French sateens in blacks , figures
nnd solid colors , for lllo ; former price. 2. > e.
Ono case of u regular 12 > fc dress gingham
for So.
White goods bargains. Checked and Inco
etriped white goods , Ic. Striped Iilfltn mulls
( corded ) , also new effect in open work cords ,
nt 1340. Our line of lOo white goods in
checks , stripes and plain , are usually sold for
l&o. Apron width white goods , with open
nnd hemstitched bottlers , l2Uc , ISc , 17o and
2.r.c. AH the now effects in wlilto goods , In
cluding Spring Tide chock , corded Swisses ,
otemlne stripes , at Itle , 2. > o and ! Klc.
Don't fall to see ourcmbroldereikSwIss and
cambric flouncing for misses and ladies. Ask
to sco bargains , marked fiuo , 5bc , O'Je ' , 7uc ,
Me , * 1 , $1.35 uml $1.50 11 yard.
FOTIIMII.MUIAM , Wnrrr.i.AW &Co. ,
Council Bin Its.
Good paper hnngorsnt Croekwell's.
A good hose reel free with every 100 feet of
nose purchased at Blxby's.
The Vagrant Gamblers.
The police are after some of the ex-gam
blers who still hung around town , although
the gambling house * are closed. It is qulto
noticeable that things don't "come their
* way" as much as formerly , nnd they are get
ting n little shabby In their attlro. Their
general appearance indicates that times nro
not us prosperous ns they used to be , nnd the
term vag seems to apply with moro force
than formerly , although under the strict In
terpretation of the law they have never been
anything olso. Jlorutoforo they have always
that "clerks'1 in the
pleaded they wcro em
ploy of the various gambling house proprie
tors , but now that dodge won't work , nnd
they are absolutely without visible means of
support , and the police uro on their trail.
Three- arrests have boon made thus far W.
II. Uobb , "Doe" Mlddioton and Ed Mnher.
Tlio cases of all tlnvo were called yesterday ,
but the defendants wcro not ready for trial
and wcro grunted continuances. They could
not furulsu bauds auil wcro locked up aguiu.
It Is n noticeable fact that "friends" with
long pocketbooks are not ns plentiful as they
wcro xvlicn the gambling houses wcro In full
blast , nnd there was no one to go their ball.
It begins to look ns though the Bluffs would
nt last bo ridded of the few do/rn of these
objectionable characters , as Chief Cary gives
It out that they must cither go to Jail or got
out of town ,
II you want the best Wall paper go to J. D.
For dinner or board apply to Mrs. Kemp ,
523 Sixth avc.
Scott-house , Council Bluffs ; $1 n day.
A Motor Director's Views.
"Will the motor company make nny ex
tensions or build nny new lines this year ! "
was the question asked Hon. Gcorgo F.
Wright , secretary of the electric motor com
pany , yesterday afternoon.
"No , " was the reply , "I don't think wo
will. There Is moro or less work to bo done ,
nnd it includes the laying of some new track ,
but It will all bo in the nature of repairs.
The Broadway line above the Methodist
church will have to bo rciald , ns the flat rails
that wcro In use when the old horse cars
were running wcro not taken up when the
change to an electric road was made , and
have remained there ever since. They are
not heavy enough to stand the motors , and
will have to bj taken up und replaced with
girder rails this summer. The T rails on
Fifth avenue nro a little out of shape nnd will
also have to be fixed up. The improvements
on that line , however , will bo temporary , as
it Is not a jjormancnt line. It was built to
connect with the transfer , nnd will bo com
paratively useless after that is abandoned for
the now union depot. When that happens ,
wo will tnko up the track on Twenty-first
street , but will continue to operate the line
on Fiftn avenue , which will bo extended
noithwest across the bottoms to the east
end of the bridge , nnd will help
settle up that part of the city.
Wo will run into the new union depot , nnd
will build a line down Ninth avenue for that
purpose. If we ever cross the Union Pacific
bridge this is tlio time that would be extended
for that purpose. "
"Is there nny probability that such a line
will bo bulU ? "
"Well , I think that if it ever does happen ,
the line will belong to our company. This
new company that Judge James was trying
to organi/c some time ago to build a line over
tlio Union Pacific bridge and reduce the faro
to 5 cents hasn't amounted to anything so
far , and wo have no fear of their currying
out their intention. Judge James hasn't
much money to put into anything of that
kind , nnd wo don't expect to see the Omaha
street railway company go ahead with the
scheme , even If they are behind him. as has
been asset ted. Wo have u direct line between
the two cities , and they would have a round
about ono. If they wcro to build it and re
duce the fnie. wo would of course have to do
the same. They couldn't expect to get over
half of the travel , and that would not bo a
paying Investment for them. If the travel
was divided up between two companies nt a
5 cent fine it wouldn't pay either of them ,
so wo don't believe any other com
pany will make nny such move.
About u month ago the Union Pacific folks
made us a proposition to run a line across
their bridge , and also take the Union nvenuo
line from Broadway to the tiansfcr. Wo
wcro willing to do it if they would give us a
line to South Omaha. They were favorably
inclined , as they wanted to discontinue their
suburban service , and wanted us to take it
off their hands. Mutters went along this
way until the Boston folks c.une out nnd they
looked the ground over carefully , but thought
that they couldn't furnish a South Omaha
line , as their trackage facilities were rather
crowded , and would bo even moro so now
that tlio Keck Island and Milwaukee have
closed contr.icts with them to cross the bridge
nnd run into South Omaha over their tracks.
That the end of It nnd the matter has
been allowed to drop. If wo could get to
South Omaha we would perhaps build such a
line over the Union Pacific wagon bridge ,
but unless wo could go there it would be use
less to cross the bridge , ns there is nothing to
go'for and the line would not pay ; still , as I
said before , if u line is built I think our com
pany will build it. "
"What is the present prospect for a rc-
duccd fnrol"
"Tho company has not considered the mat
ter at any meeting lately , but personally I am
in favor of putting on a reduced r.ito for
workingmcn , or a commutation ticket. Per
haps the latter would bo the. better plan.
Then we could sell fifty tickets for $1 , which
would be a 0-cent fare. The tickets ought to
bo good for ono month. That would take any
one across the river twice a tiny on every
working day of the month , and it would bo
the same as the reduced r.ite now in effect ,
which takes a passenger to the bridge nnd
then lets him walk across for a cent. The
trains have to go over the bridge and they
might as well carry the passenger right
through ns to make him walk. I would have
the ticket good for nny member of a man's
family , for wo would get pay for the rides
nnd ho ought to have the benefit of the ticket.
It might bo difficult to keen track of all the
members of his family , and it might bo neces
sary to restrict the tickets to the individual ,
which is what some of the roads do. I am
that much nearer tin advocate of a fi-ccnt
faro than I was a' while ago. 1 believe it
would pay the company and would bo a good
thing for the city. "
Desirable dwellings , located in all
parts of tlio city , for rent by E. n.
Slieafo & Co. , Broadway and Main
The gasoline stove is more dangerous than
the unloaded gun. Save llfo and property by
using the C. B ; Gas and Electric Light Co.'s
gas stovo.
Wo want you to list your i-ontal
property with us and wo will sccuro yon
good , reliable tenants. Rents collected
and special attention jjivun to euro of
property. K. II. Sheaf o it Co , , Broad
way and Main St. , up stairs.
AIT Allen Not
Alf Y. Allen , who 1ms for some time been
manager of the Council Bluffs ollleo of the
Republican , recently resigned that position
to go onto the road in the intcrcstof the same
paper. Ho was nt Silver City yesterday col
lecting subscriptions ? when hjs attention was
called trftho morning paper , which contained
n n&Uco to the public that ho was no longer
in the employ of the Hepubllcan and asking
for any information that any ono might pos
sess concerning his business transactions ot
the past ten days. Allen wiis paralyzed. Ho
Immediately telegraphed to the main office
stating that ho would bo In nt once , and tak
ing the first train ho arrived in Council Bluffs
about noon. Ho said that ho had no Idea
what had led to such a publication. Ho in
dignantly protested against the Insinuation
that there was unj thing wrong with his ac
counts. He had hurried In to face the mat
ter and demand an explanation. Ho reported
only Saturday last In person , and this week
hna as usual made daily reports nnd romlt-
tanccs , so no could not imagine nny just cause
for such a publication.
! t-H
Cully's letting down prices on notions this
week. 13 do * , agate buttons Ik3 cards safety
pins r > c , 3 boxes mourning pins -Ic , 1 pa plus
Ic , 1 pa brass pins ! to , 1 pa best gilt odgcu
pins , r > c , 1 pa good needles Ic , 1 needle book
lOc , worth S5o , It cards hooks and eyes Sc , 8
pu hair pins fie , embroidered dresses 1.00 and
fci.W ) . worth ? I.OO and f 1.50. Something now
in bile hcnrlttttu flush wash goods 2. > u yd , ask
to see It. Fine line dark challles at fie , Uc and
1H ( : yd. A now stock prints , ginghams and
other wash goods just received. The
prices are right. Wo want your trade. India
linen and victoria lawns Bo , 7c , Sc , tic , lOo and
r."yO that nro of excellent values. Curtain
scrim 5c , 7c , 8c , and lOo. Curtain lace ISoyd ,
worth 2.ic. White lace bonnets uii'l caps fpr
the babies in gteut variety. Como and sco us.
C. O. Cully ,
1)23 ) Broadway.
The rXcm-Hlou to Mniunvn.
The excursion to Mamuvn tendered the
visiting delegates to the grand lodge Of the
Ancient Order United Workmen last evening
was n very enjoyable affair. The excursion
ists filled the six care which Manager Heed of
thoMauawu motor line sent up for them. The
visitors marched from ttio Ogdcu to the
Broadway depot headed by Dalby'a band.
The rldo to tlio lake --was u pleas
ant one , the time being just before
dark , when u line view of the
adjacent country was to bg had.
At the lake several of the party indulged In
boat riding , but the majority spent the hour
while there In the new p.ivlllion , where Ice
cream vas served and the band pave a con
cert. The return trip to the city WIB with
out Incident. The band escorted the party
back to the Ogden , when they dispersed.
Mayor Macrae , who engineered the affair , Is
to bo congratulated for the success attending
his efforts.
The Manhattan sporting headq'rs , 419 B-
Waterworks $ U ) . N. V. Plumbing Co.
Choice residence property centrally located
for sale by E. II. Sheafe & Co.
A MctliodiHt Convention.
A convention of the following charges of
the Council Bluffs district In the Interest of
the Frccdmcn's aid and southern educational
society will bo held at the Broadway .Meth
odist Episcopal church. First session nt 1 p.
m. today. Hcv. E. W. S. Hammond takes
Dr. Gray's place on the programme , which in
sures a rare treat , as Dr. Hammond Is ono of
the best colored orators of the south :
Council Bluffs : Broadway. Fifth Avenue
nnd Epworth , Trinity ; Council Bluffs circuit.
Missouri Valley , Missouri Valley circuit , Ma-
nllln , Defiance , Persia , Silver City. Shenan-
donn , Yorktown , Coin , Blnnehard , Neoln.
1:00 : Devotional service.
lf0 : ! "Is Christian Education n Necessity
to the Perpetuity of the Union ! " G. W.
Roderick , W. O. Allen.
jtiiioHas the Investment in the South for
Christian Education Pnidl" Dr. Gray.
: ttO : "What Will Wo do With the Negro ! "
M. U. Harncd , J. U. Wellborn.
4iO : : "What Will the Negro do With Ual"
M. A. Wright , L. B. Wlckersham.
8:00 : "Our Work in the South. " Dr.
Important to Horsemen : Largo line horse
nnd turf goods. Probstlo , C52B y , C. B.
S. B Wadsworth & Co , , 207 Pearl street ,
loanmoney for Lombard Investment company.
To the Public.
In regard to a notice that appeared in the
Omaha Hepubllcan of May 21 , stating that I
was no longer In their employ , I wish to say
that such is the case. 1 am not. But the
notice was so constructed ns to bo very un
complimentary to my character , and reflected
upon it in a very damaging manner , so much
so that I shall at once institute suit for dam
ages and light it to the end. Until this mat
ter is settled in the courts of justice , I ask
the public to withhold its judgment.
fiS' AI.F. Y. Ar.T.KX.
Through coaches Pullman palnco
sleepers , dining curs , free reclining1 chair
cars to Chicago und intervening1 points
via the great Hock Island route. Tick
et ollico 1002 , Sixteenth nnd Farnam.
Roynl Aruuntitu ICntortnliiincnt.
The following programme will bo given at
the Uoyal Arcanum entertainment tonight :
Ilnss SoIo-I KcarN'o Too S. II. Wadsworth
Indian Club Kxurclsu James Comity
fcol ! ° J H Tlio rorssPt-iiH'-Not Suppo
lb Tlio Da y Question
Jlcyer lloldcmiin , Jits. W. A. Wnkcflultl.
Duet Gcntlo HiTby Sluinbeis. Schlelslngor
Misses Mcrkel and I'oitvrilt'ltl. ,
liecitutlon i-lieildan'b Kldo
Mii. T. W. Lyon.
Song Ucrimin Lullaby
Ktl Cosley.
Solo Tell IlerT I.ovo Her s'o Dul'iiyo
Mrs. Warner and Miss Doia Glass.
Accompanists Miss Ainn I'ltttoison , MU. Hd
Uogloy ; iIK ! Mrs. Dert K\ans.
If you have no appetite for breakfii5ta , pint
of Cook's extra dry imperial champagne will
give you one immediately.
The now olllco.s of the great Rock Is
land route , 1G02 , Sixteenth and Farnam
street , Omaha , are the finest in the city.
Call and see them. Tickets to all points
east at lowest ratps.
How n Small Boy 1'asscd Through the
Enemies' Tjlncs.
For vindictiveness , stubbornness nnd
lack of any masterly inactivity , the war
between the states is discounted by tbo
war between tlio streets , says tho'Now
York Times. Ono was settled in four or
flvo years , but the other is perennial ,
and as Now York gets bigger and bigger
it spreads out over moro territory.
Every wideawake small boy in town
knows all about it. IIo doesn't need any
war maps to show him where the various
strongholds aro. If ho had maps they
would bo of little use to him , for before
ho could master them ho would bo pretty
feuro to stumble into the very midst of
the enemy and subsequently give his
family an opportunity for valuable prac
tice in first aid to the unjurod.
Strategy plays an important part in
the battles of the small boy , and among
other things ho learns how to pass
through 'tho enemy's country in safety
a very valuable bit of knowledge , too ,
when the family grocer or butcher hap
pens to have his establishment in a hos
tile district. A Times reporter a day or
two ago had a chance to see howtho
wily boy does this.
The reporter was walking up Univer
sity Place from Washington park , when
suddenly ho became aware that a boy
was trudging along by his side. The
youngster scorned to have como up
through the sidewalk probably ho hud
emerged from a convenient arcaway
but , at all events , there ho was , 11 bright
looking , well dressed , active boy , with a
small package under one arm. The
bundle gave proof positive that ho was
on some household errand. Only n
woman could have made such a curious
combination of too little wrapping paper
and too much string.
The boy stuck close to his newly ap-
jjointcd "companion. If the reporter
slackened his pace , so did the youngster ;
if ho increased1 it , the boy was with him ;
if ho stopped to look in a shop window ,
the boy followed his example ; if ho edged
over toward 'tho curb , the boy wont with
In this fashion they traroled on block
after block. Two or three parties of
boys playing in the street scrutinized
the pair closely. They fcomed to have
a desire to get tit the boy , but apparently
they wore satisfied that an attack would
not bo politic under the circumstances.
By the time Tenth street was reached
tlio reporter began to wonder if his
small companion had decided to attach
himself to him permanently. A retinue
is not always desirable , and what was
worse , two or three other youngsters had
fallen into the procession , keeping
twenty or thirty foot in the rear , how-
over.Half way between Tenth and Eleventh
streets the following party stopped.
They scorned to have como to some di
viding line across which they had no
business to pass. ' There they stood ,
though , with very much the air an in-
dustrjous cat assumes when a mouse has
slipped into a hole just in time to avoid
contact with feline claws , As soon as
they halted the youth with the bundle
scorned to lose nil interest in their
At Eleventh street lie suddenly loft
the reporter's sldo. Ho van acro&s the
street at full spued , stopped nt the cor
ner , ami ; turning around to face the
other boys , made a gesture which was
so full of derision that his pursuers must
have felt disgusted with life for half an
hour. Then ho trudged blithely tiwuy
up the bide street. Evidently lie wan
on safe ground again and the fee had
been balked , lie had taken convoy
through the linen of the enemy , and had
escaped u hit of personal unpleasantnc&s
It pays a Now York small boy to have
u lony head.
Tickets at lowest rates and superior
iiccommodationH via the great Rock Is
land route. Ticket ollleo , 1G02 Six
teenth and Furnaiu streets , Omaha.
The Bee Meets Train on His Trip
Bound' the World.
OvntloiiH AloiiK hc Ijlne Character
istic SppeolHis Comprmlluin of
the Great Trfp Notes
nntl Incidents.
Tun Ben correspondent mctGcorgo Francis
Train In his great whirl nrounil the globb nt
BOOIIP , la. , nt 10 o'clock yesterday morning.
Ills train from Chicago was unavolilably delay
ed on account of Its uncommon heaviness , and
did not get Into Boone until the hour ubovo
mentioned , but should have arrived at 0:30 :
sharp. To facilitate matters anil make It pos
sible for Citizen Train's special car to pet
Into Omaha on time to make connection with
the Union Pacific- west , the train was split up
at Boone , Train's car and one baggage car
and diner being attached to an engine
and sent on ahead. At. Boone a goodly portion
tion of the populace hail assembled at the de
pot as early as 8.1)0. ) On the arrival of the
train , George Francis immediately appeared
on the platform and opened up In one of his
characteristic speeches. Ho was attired In a
brawn plaid suit , which has begun to show
the wear and stains of much rugged service ,
with a fiir/y red sash about his waist and a
red Turkish fez , with depending tassels ,
cocked jauntily over his gray head , slllt
shirt , with negligee scarf , and patent leather
pumps completed his picturesque costume.
Ho carried in one hand a double-decker Sepoy
hat , on the front of which was painted
"George Francis Train , Around the world , "
and in the other a colored lithograph of Ta-
"This Is mv party , " said Clti/cn Train.
"Here Is S. W. Wall of the Tucoma Ledger
and my secretary , ntid tills is Dan F. ICel-
logg. and this is'U'illlam A. Hey of the New
York Sun , and , by the way , they have a car
load of Suns attached , which will shed so
much light over this land when they once get
them distributed that tiicro will never nioro
be any chance for darkness to get in its work.
This beautiful painting I hold In my hand is
a picture of Tacomal Tacomul Tacomal And
Tacoina has a history. Twenty years ago I
located Taconia , ami'there wasn'taslgnof llfo
there but a crow , a black-tail deer and a
griz/ly bear. But today 1 A city teeming with
commercial and social'life a veritable me
tropolis , with its ; i5.000 or 40,000 souls. And
what place is this Boone , oh , yes , Uoono , not
Daniel , but Uoono plain. I was hero in ' 04
when arranging for running the Northern
Pacillc through Iowa. Will I ever forget it !
I guess not. Wasn't Colonel Silas Seymour ,
now of New York city , and myself , lost on
the prairie in a MIOW storm , while surveying
our line , for a whole day and a nighti well
I guess yes. And Boone , I know
Boone like a book. Didn't ! * sleep
hero in your old backwoods tavern
on the door , with a spittoon for a pillow , and
my feet roasting against n red hot stove ,
along with Oukcb Ames , Charles Lombard ,
Oliver Ames , Tom C. and John I.
Blair , all of whom have been gathered to
their fathers , but Blair and myself. That's
the way wo slept in Boone , with our feet
against an old cracked stove and our heads in
spittoons , and yet wo were so delighted
wo imagined we were in a proscenium box ,
fact ! But we haven't long to wait. This wo
know is the bigge-st and fastest round the
world train ever out of Chicago ; you sco
they nave to break her up to get on in time.
Its my train and I paid for it. Good-bye ,
good-bye , tack up that photo of Tacoina so
ho who walks or runs can ieo iiy work , good
bye Boone , whence no round the world
traveler returns' ' Hey I" and amidst the up-
roarous laughter and hearty cheers of the
crowd the train shot away.
Train's Passafjo Through Oinalm.
When the transfer depot nt Council Bluffs
was reached Ti am'became a human mountain
of energy and noise. The transfer fiom the
Northwestern to the Union Pacific occupied
twenty minutes , and during it ho was here ,
there and everywhere on the platform.
A few of the Union Pacific oflieials , Gcorgo
P. Bcmis and THE Bun representative were
the only ones to greet him and wish him god
speed on the last trip of his long Journey ,
which took him over the great highway in
the building of which ho played a prominent
"Hello , Beinis ! " exclaimed Train , ns ho
recognised his nephew. "Excuse the paste
on my hands , for I am busily engaged in post
ing up the praises , of Tacoina. "
Ho was loudly denouncing the Inzlnuss of
the ciowd of depot hands imfl travelers ,
who were rendering him no assist
ance in pasting over the sldoof the Now York
Sun's special car with a lithographed view of
the Initial and termin il point ot his globe
trotting tour.
Between pasting and talking and running
up and down the platform ho ninubccftho
throng , many of whom were ignorant of the
identity of the pel-son who was absorbing
everybody's attention ,
"Didn't think 1 could do It.didyou.Bcmis ? "
ho would exclaln in one breath , and as
quickly launch oft into a rapid conversation
on his immense property , possesions , out of
which ho claims to liavo been robbed in
Omaha , then to a whispered expose of Jay
Gould's denunciation of Stan
plans , or to a
ley's claimed leliof or Kmln Pasha when , as
Train insists , Einlu Pasha relieved Stanley.
"What kind or demonology is pursuing mo
thntlhave been disappointed every time in my
plans for a hasty banquet to the press boys I"
ho said to Tini BII : : reporter. "Fooled in
Chicago , and hero I am again fooled in
Omaha. Only llvojiiinutes to stop In a city
where everybody knows mo. What pleasure
in eating for live minutes. "
When the train pulled out of Council Bluffs
Train got into his drawing room car and de
clared ho would not leave it when Omaha was
reached. Ho was noticeably piqued at tlio
indifferent icccptlon accorded him in Council
Bluffs. He declared that Oiifflm | owed him
more than ho owed Omaha , and that ho would
pass the place by without even consenting to
hco a single person.
Just ns the train was entering the depot the
front door of Jjis coach was locked. During
the five minutes the train stopped ho was ac
cessible to but few of hU old ft lends. During
the time ho never left his scut. Little more
than an ordinary , everyday crowd was on
the platform. Most of those who came to
see the disciple of Psycho and Tacoina went
away disappointed.
Train left 5,000 copies of the New York Sun
in care of Mr. Bcmis for distribution. The
long train pulled mil , the irrepressible George
Francis went with ft. and the Suns were the
only reminder of two fact Unit Omaha's orst-
whllo champion In two days would bo shout
ing the praises -Tucoma in the streets of
that prosperous city in fur-oft Washington.
Samples of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine
at ICnlin & Co.'s , ' Iflth and Douglas , cures
headache , nervousness , sleeplessness , neu
ralgia , Jits , etc. * '
"Swaps" ns Played by the WaHhingtou
" ' " * *
"I'll do
swaps with you.
She. was n iloliuloiw hMi school girl ;
ono of these ilomuro , nink-ehcokod bltH
of Immunity , b'o' ' ohiluinlily frank , bo
womanly clover ; ono of the queer tilings
in quaint gowiiH , big luus , hlgh-Rlioul-
dored capes , und long , wrinkled glovon ,
suys t ho Washington Post.
"Indeed I will , " continued the lovely
luid. "I'll do swaps with you , 'pon honor ,
too. "
"Swaps I Well , what on earth is , or
are , swaps ? "
" You don't know what swaps nro V"
and a shade of velvet pity cottoned the
maiden's bright eyes as Bho looked at
mammu'H friend.
'No , Elsie , dear. " And the worldly
wise woman bhihhed at her own igno-
"My , my , " cooed Elblo , "how funny.
Well , I'll toll you all about it. Now wo
that IB ; you and I inuko u bargain for
wans real , genuine bwapa nothing you
muuo yourself or naked for. Well , you
just kcop my swaps nil Btorod up , and I
do yours. Then , when you FCO mo , you
say , or I stiy , nuick , ' Got n swap for
you. ' Then wo both yell , just as quick
ns lightning'last RO ! ' Sco ? The ono
who pays 'lust go' llrst gets the swap. "
" 13ut what Is the swap , dcnrV" per
sisted the laity.
"Oh1" said the high school girl , shrug-
4ng her Hhouldors , ' 'swaps uro anything
good. "
"Anything good ? They're not to
cat ? " ventured the candidate for initia
"To cat1 shrieked Elsie , In n lone of
disgust , nnd she actually lot fall her bag
of UUTy , "To oat ? Well I should say
not , it'ri to licar tilings people say about
you ; compliments on your eyes , or hair ,
or your mind. Sco ? "
T fo lady was about to admit that she
was. atniliar with swaps , but
"When 'I'vo tor
you say : got a swap
you and then yell 'Last go' before the
other girl docs , nho has to glvo you ono
first , or you can just hold her back for
days nnd days and make her just wild.
You see , its 'pon honor she can't make
'om up or ask anybody to do them on
purpose. The fun you got holding her
swap back would bo a heap improved if
you didn't feel so moan to wait so long
for other people to say nice things about
The child is father to the man nnd the
Washington high school girl is mother
to the society woman. The schoolgirl's
game of "swaps" is nothing more or loss
than the legitimate business of society ,
only the trade among the bohool girls is
dignified by perfect frankness and has
the advantage of such limitations and
restrictions ns " ( pen honor , " which ap
parently do not obtain in the conven
tional drawing room.
Po77onl's Complexion Powder produces a
soft and beautiful skin ; It combines every
clement of beauty and purity.
A Man Ofllelnlly Heart for Twenty
Yearn Sent to Jail. *
There has been an amusing case in ono
of the Paris police courts. A man rejoic
ing in the name of Carson Alary had
been found in nstato of intoxication , and
Lho judge , after reminding him that ho
had already been condemned forty-seven
times for the same offense , nslcuil what
lie had to say by way of excuse. Ho
drank to console 'himself , answered the
"For what ? " inquired the magistrate.
For his death , was the reply , uttered in
the most solemn manner. Hereupon the
judge warned Mary not to try any tricks
m the court , but ho gravely drowji doc
ument from his pocket and handed iti to
iho magistrate. It was u paper setting
'orth in due form that ho had been killed
: n fighting near Forbach in August,1870.
Requested to explain the extraordinary
ulventuro , Mary related that ho had
been severely wounded , examined and
left for dead , says the Now York Morn
ing Journal. The Prubbians , however ,
iftorward picked him up and tended
liim. When the war was over he ro-
utrned homo and the people told him.
unong other news , that "Cesar Mary
was dead. "
By no means , ho replied , as ho was
Lhoro in the Ilebh , butbomoof the neigh
bors argued that Mary must really have
? iven up the ghost , as his death hi id
aeon entered on the parish register.
Curious to abccrtain whether this was a
tact , ho examined the registerand found
his name inscribed thereinwith the date
of his death.
When ho came to Paris ho wrote homo
for the copy which ho had just had the
lionor of subiuitting to the judge. Mary
went on to remark that when si man had
been killed for his country ho might
well bo allowed to indulge in a glass now
and then , and ho wound up by bogging
jho court not to bo hard on a poor mor-
Lul who was dead.
There was more laughter which was
promptly hushed , and then Mary was
sentenced to eight days" impribonment.
1002. Sixteenth and Farnam btreots is
the now Rock Island ticket ofliee. Tick
ets to all points east at lowest rates.
When Baby was Kick , wo gave her Castorla ,
When shcwna Child , she cried for Cabtorln ,
When she bccninu Miss , slut clung to Cftstorla ,
When f > hu had Children , Uio t'avo them Castorla ,
or girfuljr.4 | UrUrtttJ
cur\E ran
AfllQINEMCfKn iLRjamtxcAU
Santa : Abie : and : Cat : R : Cure
For sale by Uoodmun Drug Co.
-ANI- )
Ifoom KX ) Morrltim Itlnck. Council lUiilfr , lu.
toomOlON. V lilfo Hiilldin , Omaha , Nub ,
ArrttU dbetiargei from tbo urinary organ *
In oltlicr toi m 48 hours.
It 1 euperlor to Copaiba , Cubeb , or Inloo-
tlont , and frco ( rum all bail iinoll or ouier
laoonTcnkocei ,
Cipiuli * . LlcU ttr ( he nune la
l t ttrt w It bout which Don * art ft
Both the method nnd results \vhcn
Byrtip of Figs is taken ; it is plcnsnnt
and refreshing to the taste , nnd nets
gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys ,
Liver nnd Bowels , demises the sys
tem cflcctually , dispels colds , head
aches nnd fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the tnsto nnd nc-
ccptnblo to the stomach , prompt in
its action nnd truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy nnd ngrecnhlo suhstnnccs , its
ninny excellent qualities commend it
to nil nnd liavo mndo it the inost
populnr remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for snlo in GOo
nnd $1 bottles by nil lending drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on Land will pro
cure it promptly for nny ono who
wishes to try it. Do not ncccpt any
WHY pay rent when yon cnn liny a hnnionn
the same teinis , and In cnsoof your death
at any time leave your family the homo clear
on the following terms :
A homo woith * IKK ( ) at $12 per month.
A homo \\ortli l..V 0 atlS per month.
A homo wortli fc.WX ) at $21 per month.
A homo worth $ .1,1100 at I.X ) pur month.
A liomoorth JJ. KX ) nt 118 pur month.
Other prleod homes on tlio same terms. The
nbovo monthly iiaymonts Inelndo principal
and Interest. 1'or full particulars cull on or
addresstliu.lmld& Wells Co. , COO llioadway ,
Council ItlulTs , la.
FOR RENT Modern cottage , 0 rooms , 915
Tlilid uvo. , Mrs.t M. Hherraden.
WANTED To trade my uroot-ry stock for a
house and lot In some jrood town Ad
dress ( liocer , 503 inst : litomlwuy , Council
HluIK In.
FOR KHNT Nleo ftont mom , with board ,
suitable for man : ind wlfi-nr two men.
Scott house. ! ii N. Main , Couneil.HUHTs.
on UHNT Two good modern houses. W.
JL1 W. lillgur , W 1'eail stieut.
FOR KHN'T Tlio stoio room , No. 18 , frontlnc
on IVatl st. W.C.James.
AVH M > voial beautiful modern hon o
that wo will trndofoi onuuinbuiutl vacun
lots In Omaha or Coitnull bluIfb. Thu Judd &
Wells Co. , Council ItlulKs , la.
FOU SAI.n or Kent-Garden land , with
houses , by J. U. Itlce , 10 , ' Main st. , Council
SAM-Ilotel ] pioixjiryTltt rooms , rcn-
F. M. ELLIS & CO. ,
Rooms 410 and 4'B Hco Hvilldliij : , Omalm ,
Neb. , and UoomsII and "IG Men lam Illock
Council lllutr.s , lu. Coiicspondenco solicited
Factory and Planing Mill.
Host equipped , most centrally loi'ntcdffto.
lory In the city. All modnrn , latest ttnttrrn
machinery ! operated by skilled mechanic/
Special attention given to s roll and banil
fiiwiiit ? . planing and trimming. Ornornl coriJ
tracts und estimates for houses and biiUdlnc * r
n specialty. Corner North Main and Mynsta
utructs. Council HlulTs. Telephone 2 9.
Tno3. Orricr.n. \V. II. M.
Ol'IMCBK ' & 1'USliY ,
Corner Main nnd Hrondwny ,
Council Bluffs , - lown.
Healers In foreign and domestic eNehaiiRo ,
Collcetlons made and Intoiust paid on tim
The J. A. Murphy *
1st AVCIIUO and 21st Street ,
Sash , Doors and Blinds
Ilnnil nnd Scroll Snwlni ; . no-PawIns and
rinnliig. Sawing of all kinds. 1'oioh Pru : keti.
Kindling wood FJ.fiO per dellven-d. I Icim
iiuulust by the baircl - " > c. All uork to ba
Uibt-elnss. Tulnphonu .
"VOUR I'ATUONAaC SOMCITKI ) . "'u.Niiso.v , i : . iVlco1'rt's.
. Vlco-1'rt's. HAN.NHN , Cashier.
or COUNCIL ui.urra.
Paid Up Capital . $100,000
Surplus and Protita . 60,000
Liability to Depositors . 300,000
DIIIKCTOIW 1. A. Miller , ! ' . O. Oloason , 12. ti
Phiittiirt , 13. H. Hart , .1. I ) . r.dmiinilson , I'liui
It. ifannan. Transact sonirnl banking bust- -
ness. I.nrsost capital and surplus of any
bank In Southwestern Iowa. j
IiiLorosl. on Time DoposlLs *
Such ns Pimples , Blotches , Blnck
Heads , Freckles , Superfluous
Hair Removed. Address ,
S46 Marcus Block , Brondvvny ,
OvcrC. 11. Jneqituinln & Co.'s .Toweliy toro
Electric Trusses , Belts ,
Chest.Reotoctors , Etc.
Agents Wanted. DR. C. B JUDD ,
Gas Stoves for Cooking !
There Is no menus In tlio
world foreookinjj thatglvoa
the Hplomlld ic'Milts thab
cas does. Teed cooKcd by
It retains nioie than " 0 per
cent moro of Its nnliltho
pmpcitlcs thiin bo any
other means. In addllloni
to this theie Is f
And only a match for kind-
lln . Tlio Council Illniri
( Jas & Illectrlo Unlit Co.
liuvo over 1UO dlllert'iit
kinds , Miltahlo for all IIM-V
) In prfvato families , hotels
1 ( iiml icstnnrnnts.
AlVA ) TAir.3 (
I. An Oiou Roaster.
S. 1'roo 1'iom All Contact
With OHH.
II. A Well Ventilated Oven
4 , No Cnnllni'd Vnpoi
B. A Regular Dlllmcd
( ! . A Gilllcr I'roo 1 rom
" %
7. A Hot-platoTilled with
Patent Air and Ons Hum
ors , arranged for Holllns.
Stoning and KryliiK-
I , illiH , uall and see thcs
vfl--TfAtr'-y '
T-T T irl'tnKinr * Hydraulic nnd Sanitary Knjrlnoor. Plans , Kstlmato *
11. Ull KlllUlll SpoollluatioiiB. Supervision of 1'ubllo Work , llrowq
_ Hulliliinr. Coucll niulTa. lown. _
NC . - , ] . . . . , . , . .luBttco of tlio i'oacu. OlTlco over American Express , No. f
. vj lllll/ , Uroadwiiy , Council Hluira , Iowa.
C > . ; , , , Attorneys nt Law. 1'raatlaa in Ilia Stuto nnd lA tN
IXOllllb orfti Courts. Uooms 7 and 8 Shujnrt-Hoiio UloiKi
Council IIlulTs , Iowa.
Jt >
Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers in
I nrgobt Stock and I.owrst 1'rlCfs. PoaU'rs , torn ! fur Ciitalosuo , .
N03. 203 and 207 Uroudwuy , tuid 201 und 200 I'lcrco Street , Council DlufTe , IfC