Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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nilvrrtlscnionln will l > o taken for
llic o cdliitntiH nftor JUiiJO p. in.
- ( "null In nilvnnrc.
. Advertisements under thlnhondlO ccnUpor
fine fortho Ilrst Insertion , 'contsforenohsub-
Icqui'iit Insertion , nndll.riii per line per month ,
KondrcrtlsRinents taken for IMS than 25 rents
tor Ilrst Insortlon. They must run ronsecu-
llvrly und must bo paid In ADVANCE. All
idvrrt scnicnts mufti lx > handed In before 12:30 :
'clock p. m. , ami under noclrrumslnncoswlll
Ihey bn tnkfn or discontinued by tolephono.
Turtles advertising In thcso rolumns nnd
> nTlnc their nnswcrnddro. . iprt In cnroofTii *
Br.R will plenno nsk for n cheek topnnbln them
lo get their letters , ns noun willbndellvorpd
4onpt on indentation of check. All hniweri
yt ndvurtlsoiueuU should ho unclosed In envd-
ndrrrtlsrrnrntu \ \ In thrs columns nro
luhllshed In both morning nnd oTonlntt edi
tions of TIIK llnr. the rlrculntlon of which ng-
trrgnle * moro than 0.000 papers dally , ami
rites thn ndvprtli'ern-tlio lienoflt , not only of
( he city elrculntlon of TIIK IIKK , but also of
Council lllnlTs , Lincoln und other cities nnd
towns throughout this Hcutlou of the country.
Advcrtlilng for thnso columns will bo taken
n the iibovo conditions. t thn following bui-
aoas I ouses who are iiuthorl/ed to take special
notice ? , at the .same rates as can be hud at the
main olllco ,
of Twenty-sixth and N streets , Nebraska
Pavings bank building. _
"JOHN W.IIELL , I'hurmuelst , 820 South Tenth
U street.
OHAHE&EDDV , Stntlonors and I'rltitors ,
lii. : South Jflth street.
. TAUNSWOKTH. Pharmacist , 2115 ,
t ng btroet ,
. HL'OHES. 1'hurmuclst , C21 North
Ifith street.
Eo. W. 1'AICH , Pharmacist , 1718 Lcavcn-
worlh Street.
TUOIIEb * PIIAK.MAOV , 21th. and Farnain
\\7"ANTED lly a. young liidy , n position an
ii copvNtorfor general olllco work. Ad-
Ircss Hit Vine street , Council Ilull's. ! 7K1-1I
rANTED Situation as drug clerk ; lx
yeai-s' oxierlenco. W. U.Tyler , Dead
d , H. D. . 78H-II. . *
IVTANTED-Sltuatlon by n reliable , steady
T young mancolored , asporteror Janitor ;
rood city references. Add toss 035 , lleo olllco.
7-15 *
IXTANTED-Sltutitloii by an ox-pcrlonecd
VV ( ierinan barkeeper. Apply Julius Schlup ,
BI9 WubstopHt. bW ! 10 *
' man of excellent character and
y'OPNO dcslies u position as assistant book
keeper , collector , or Ilrst class olllco work of
my Mud. Koforencos from the leading busi
ness men of the city. Addicss , E. 7 , care Hcq.
\V A .VI' lOl ) 31AIM I1K111' .
VWANTED-A first class cook for country
V iesldenco. good wages paid. Inquire S. h ,
cor 21th and Ho\uud. MX !
V\7"ANTKD Man As agent for our patent
safes ; ( dxo 28.x 18x18 Inches ; $35 letall ; ull
sizes us low ; now styles , new patterns , now
lock , now factory ; not governed by safe pool ;
every safe warranted ; rare chuncoj pennu-
nonl business ; our terms and catalogue will
toinlwo you agents clear * . ' ! 0i ) to J500 per
iionth.vrlto for exclusive territory. A1 pi no
lafo Co. , Cincinnati , O. 8711-11 *
VY ANTED nncrKctli' men and women for u
iri'iiU'cl business payluRWO weekly piollt
easier than $ < fl monthly otherwise ; oxporlenco
liuiii-iM'ssary ; perinanent position and nxclu-
ilvo teiillory assuicd : . ' 1 samples fruu ; lnve.s-
Uealeoiir moncy-mtildiiK business. Address
with stamp. Merrill Jlanufacturlns ; Co. , II K ) ,
Bhleaso , 111. S8.-lJyii : *
INTKUS Wanted Kour painters wanted
ut onou. NOIHS hut n.xporlcnced men nerd
ipply. At-lllL'tith bt. , South Oinaliii. 871-15
GENEKAL Agents muko from KI.OOO to $5,000
per year ; cunvasseis fiom J4 to 110 per day
lolling the Taylor adjustable shoe. Every lady
Is u possible customer ; permanent business ;
sxoluslvo territory assigned. Address with
/ it limpConsolidated adjustable SliooCo..Sulcm.
/ blliss. OU3-21 *
§ 11'LKNDjn.e.htwico for.alU-o ungmun as
genorul ngCrnt on the ioa < ow to make
. . siiney und how not to lose lt"-ioost rapid hell
ing book of the day ; $75 icqulred. Cull and In
vest Igale. 725 N. Y. Llfo building. 850 14
AGENTS Every whole ; best nnd cheapest
whlto enameled letters ; Bulury und ex
penses paid competent men ; send bttimps.
licllefoiitalno M'f'g Co. . Cincinnati , O. 1)00-15 ) *
WANTED- once , two busheliiion. Apply
to the Continental Clothing house.
' .02-15
rpWO good agents wanton"at once , urtlolo
J- sells at bight , just out ; good chance for
right piutle.s. A to 10 n. in. Thuisduy ut 1314
Davcnportst. Kuw "i ork Manager. 80311 *
\\7A TED 000 men for new rrllroad work In
TT Dakota and W > omlng. Hood wuges ,
steady work and frcn faro. Allbrlght'A labor
agency liaojb'urnain bt. 809
WANTED 2 jiattern makers , steady work.
Apply I'hcnlx foundry und ninohlno coni-
pany. t'lnekuoy st , and licit Line Hy.
774-14 *
W ANTED At once , young man with bomo
knowledge of dry goods , 1MO N. 24th.b .
b ! > I 14 *
S'ANDSTONE ' cutters wanted ; 10 Ilrst ohiHS
union men , wages JI.M ) , night hours , ono
year's job'no strike ; apply Mcltao& Munro
Boathiith ami Dearborn , ( scuttle , Wush. 8SI-15 *
ANTED-WO men for Utiih und NoYudur
wigcs | 2.00tor..5Q per duy , Albright's
lii > .lior Agency , H'J ) l-'urnuin. 474
\\TANTED Salesmen ut $75 per month sal-
> nry-and Dxpimses tosell line of sllvor-
nltitcd wuro , watches , olo. , by bumplo only ;
horse and team furnished free ; urlto at once
for full pnrtluulnrs and sample case of goods
free. Standard rJHvonvaro Co. , Iloston , Muss.
1 ! > I
T\7"ANTED Live men as salesmen and colT -
T T leotor-i In Western Nebrusku. Exporl-
enoo not necessary. Thn Slngor Sewing Mti-
chliioCo. OrnniI "slan ' . Neb. ( VS5-nillr >
lj 8 , 220 N. ICth , f mm S to 0
HJ7 1U *
' A > ' \NTED-A good nursq girl , ago 14or _ 1
yours. F. H. ' illmon , 501 S. 20th. 871
\\T-ANTKlV-Gli for cook und laundiessgoo ( .
> > w'agos to competiint girl , southwest corner
Und and California sts. MX ! 15 *
\ \ AS"TED A iiursn girl , good wages to the
right party. Inqulio ut S. E. corner 25th
did Jones.
TED A girl for general housework
InquliqatUeo. 11. WukoIIcld's , lir.'SK. Illst
' 877 11 *
\V 'd ' saleslady. Address
\\itli reference , Omuhul' . O.
WANTED-Slttmtlons in privuto families
for 2 llrst-elu ! , ! . cooks , Mrs llrega , U14fi S
IMh. SQ4-14 *
V ANTED A goixl cook and laundress In
IT family where second girl Is kept ; o.xtru
hilgo wages paid. Apply T24 S. 19th bt. , corner
jf Letivenworth , 811
OAl'AllLE house niiihl-also u laundry
A glrl. Mrs. Henry W. Vutos , aist tind Dav-
eiiportsts. b24-18
\\rANTED-Glrl for general housouork , 2022
TT I'hinuiiiHt. 00
V\T < V > 'TED-Glrl , Ameiloau preferred , llrst-
TT t'liiKicook und luunditiss. Must come
well recommended. Wages JS per week. Mrs ,
Wm. Idiudan , l OH.28th Bt. Kit )
GlItL from 14 to in for light houynvork. Cull
uflorUiUO p.m. ut loW Ucorgla ue ,
Kljl 14 *
\\"ANTED A Ilrst clnsn cook for country
itwlilelico. giHxl y ug spald. Inquire S. K
' and llauard.
cor-'Hh Wl
GOOD kitchen girl wanlwl by MM. ICen-
A nard N-Ecor , llHh ami Dodge st. 852-15
f 11KL Tor general houlowork. KJ2iTl7tli. .
V. K)7 ) 15 *
\\rANTEI-Olrl , ) for gencrul hpu&owork nt
> > liu : Ucorglu avo. CCW
WANT-feU A competent girl touo general
housework , goou waged. Apply tolls So.
S4th uw. , 583
WANTED A girl for ccnerul houieuork ,
( iermuu uroforred , 511 Turk uvo , JInt. D.
W. Vnn CotU 697
.A - - ' _ . i .
' I > lliS.S : lAKIXO.
J T\KS.T. rH7l'ATKIOK'SfUililonablodrt ! ss.
-TL tiiukliig pallors , perfect lit guaranteed ,
terms rvusonuble ; wo use L'.ri. tallorHVhtemof
cull us , HWChlcugObt. bSTSO *
" 1 AIMKt < , H0 tench the cclobratod"Worth's
J Jtu'liir ' hyktviu. Wo teuch how to cut. biiktu
und llnlsii garments , Cutting unil tilting , also
y at turn * to order. 1US11'uiuutu. itii-lS *
ENGAGEMENT ! * tododrrMtnnklnff In fatal
lies solicited. MUs Uturdr , 5'/5 IMensnnt st.
; F YOU Wish to rentd homo or Btoro sen II.
E. Cole. Continental block. 197
JT10J. KENT- Dwelling mi Oupltoi nveiiuo. 0
J- rooms , nnd nil modern conveniences. In
cluding laundry nnd largo stable. D. J.
O'Donahoi,1 , 1001 lamam Ht. 100
_ -TlDo5T Hut , with sniaiu"heutrfotlTsT. .
JJoneif. TIUw. F. Hull , HU I'atton block.
"TT1OK KENT Home ; ten nxmis. nil modern
J. linprovonifnt-i ; largo yurd , 140 par month.
Dexter L. Thomus. 7IH _
T710K KENT 10-room house , 2107 Douglns st.
-i- nil modern Improvement * . Inquire 2111
'tquglns. ' ' as *
'pWENTV-tworoom housn full of roomnrs
J nnd boat tiers , rent 875 ; furnlturn JHOO , * 200
di , balanroti'i pur month , sickness cutiso of
. .Hint so cheap , Co-Ouerutlvo Laml ff Lot
Co. , . " . - > N lltllHU bfA-U
f ! KOOM house Ic07 I/.nrd Bt.
ROUSES , stores nnd tints ; ,
Leuvenworth , room 11 , jjurkcr blk.
fjiOK KENT 10 room Hut , 1013 D'odgo bt. , all
L' modern Improvements , MO.
7 room liousi' , II18 Hurt SU , splendid location
' ' ' '
f > room hoitsu , Dupont place , city water. $12.
Ceo. J. Fox. room 52S 1'axtou blk. 4n :
KENT-TWO imuscs. PJO nnd $25 ; in min-
. . . 1'wulk from lleobulldhu ; . O. F. Davis
Co. 15ni Fnruum fit. - TO ! 11
JjlOK KENT Elcsnnt now 8-room house , all
J modem conveniences , bosl icsldonco local
ity , only & 10. llrenuan & Co. , Chamber of
Commerce. 710 1B _
fTlOK KENT-Now 0-rdom house , elegantly
J.1 llnlshcd with nil modern conveniences. Lo
cation on N. IHth.between California and Oass
Apply to Uoom MX ! 1'Irst Nnt'l bank bldg. KI5
rf EN room house , all convenlenees.raiigo.tirtf
JL Sherman avi ; . . JIO. llulchlnsou & \ \ < \id ,
lf > 24 Douglas ; tel. 1520. 210
EAST half of 2511 Davenport St. , .1 rooms , to
mull family. Inquire 2518 Capitol avc.
7H 17 *
eight room house , ono block from
JN motor , J10. Helby & Kecd , I'.t Board Trade.
( Ml
T7IOU KENT-2 llata In Llntou blk. cor.Mason
JL1 and lllth sts. , ( l rooms each , rent $27 per
month. Inqulro 017 iu block. John Hamlln.
710K KENT Elegant 0-room house all modern -
- ern conveniences , south and oust front. "Oil
St. Mary's avenue. WO III *
"IT1OK KENT Two 0 room houses. Kiirnace.
J.1 gas and bath. Hack yards sodded and
fenced separately. 10 minutes walk from post-
olllco and on motor Hue. BIO N. V. Llfo bldg ,
B9.1-15 *
JTIOK KENT I ! nine-room brick bouses. All
JL1 modern comonlcncca. 25.TJ to 25.'f7 Ht , Mary's
uvo. IiKiulro at Collatoi-al bank , 312 S Kith st.
FOK KENT--JIy resilience , 2513 I'arnam , all
modern Improvements anil very desirable ,
Itlchard 0. Patterson , ! W7 N. V. Llfo. 8IO-1U
"ITlOUU-room flat , with all modern conven-
- 1leiices , snltablo for light housekeeping ,
over 213 N. lUlhst. ( Jray , photog
rapher , same building. 6UO-1U
TjlOK KENT One 10-roommodern houso. all
J conveniences. Paved streets , cable ears ,
rive minutes'walk of postollleo. Keforeiicos
reijulred. Nathan Shclton. 1014 Karnam st.
FOK KENT Nlen 0-room cottage , 22nd and
California , f.Hl per month. A. O. Wake-Icy ,
f5 N. V. JJfo building. 07d
FOU KENT T o new 5 nnd 8 room houses ,
city water , full comer lot , nice neighbor
hood , close to motor ; $15 and $20. Stringer ft
Penny , loom 20 Douglas block , cor. Kith and
Dodge. ! ! >
IilOK KENT 6 room house , good repair , men
ytiid. cistern water , rent 122. Apply tc 1100
South 7th uvo. or to Juo. W. Hull , druggist. 10th
54" >
T71OK KENT Kcsldences In all parts of city.
J- List too largo too publish , Ulobo Loan A
TjMjsj company. : m7S. Ifilh si. 7t > 2
' . KENT -A Hat of six rooms. Enquire of
Mrs. C. Duggaii , 1KX ! S Uth Koom 5.
MODEKN house , nine rooms , bath , hot and
cold water , furnace , and gas , on Dodsest. ,
10 per mouth. Fred J. ilorthwlclc , SUSouth llth
TIIOU KENT About Juno 1 , those elegant
JL ? stone residences un tlt'orala iivonuo , S UUIIi
St. , butwoeu Muson and I'aelllobts. Hco owner
for long tlmu lease. II. H. Henderson , room 400 ,
1'nxton Ml ; . 485
"TI1OR KENT 10-room urlck house , with mod-
JJ orn conveniences , No. 811 8 " .mb at. Apyly
at No. ear s seth tt. a-J
"IT\OU \ KENT Largo nicely furnished south
JL'room ; geutlcmcn only ; tuhle limited to 12.
2015 Douglas. Bll 17
ROOMS fiuiil-jhed , with hoard , Jftii 1'arnani
8'G ' SO *
T\KSIUA11LE room with hoard In prh'ate
JL/famlly with , pleasant homo. Terms icu
pomihlo. 1W4-1B *
EOOMd elegantly furnished , slnglo or on
suite , with or without tumid ; no children.
'I'lio fchelton , 101 So. 25th st. Kofcrcnees.
685 20 *
FOIS KENT A suite of nicely furnished
front rooms , with hay window. Gentlemen
only. 022 S. 20th st. , near St. Miiry's avo.
R OOMS , board If desired. 028 3. 17th.
_ _ _ _ _
Very desirable furnished rooms
A DESIKA11LE furnished room.202S. 25thst.
1UKNlSHEDrooms.J3nndHO mo , 1418 Dodge
722-1G *
"I'JOOMS nnd hotuxl , cheapest place In the city
JLlfor good bouitl. 1110 S Kith bt. bKJ 18 *
T71OK KENT Vuinlshed front room , $1.25 per
J3 week. 1008 l-'nruum. 84815 *
1UKNISHED room. 2914 Vanillin. 724-10
furnished i-ooms , 2017 Leavenworth
st i oi > t. IVsO-14'-
T71OU KENT Inprlvutofumllybedioom with
-A-1 use of parlor and piano , $12. 1511 California
st. V.iO-15 *
T71OK KENT Elegantly furnished float
JU room , with bath und gas , 1JJ Davenport.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " OOP 15 *
LAUUK front room ; references ; 1812 Dodge.
Ki ,
" 1I1OK KENT Nicely furnished 0 room oot-
J-1 tngo , good location , liear motor line. Kef-
erences requlied. Welshans .t McCulloch ,
Exposition lildg. . 1422 Capitol live. KKi
ANLATLV furnished fiont room with hoard.
All modern Imimnuments. 2010 California
st. U.7J-1I *
GOMl'OKTA RLE furnished rooms. soniosifit >
able for light housekeeping. 001 N. 17th bt.
870-11 *
T7\OK \ KENT A largo front room , furnished ,
JL In ono of the finest residences lu thn city ,
721 S. 10th St. , corner Leavenworth. 814
PLEASANT rooms , newly furnished. J8 und
JMO.717So. lllth Hi. KT
TJ1OH KENT-Onu riirnlshed room with board
JL' on Park nvo. for two gentlemen. Addiess
D 43 Iteo olllce. Kw
'ITIOIt KENT Furnished rooms ; gus , hath
JU nml si earn ; lilt ) llp-.vanl. HM _
TT10H JIENT Furnished room- ) , low ) Dougfus ,
1TIOK KENT -I'leusunt fnrnislicd rooms with
JU all conveniences. 5IU S2iith st. U
1T10H KENT-Nlcoly furnished room , all
JL ? modern conveniences , 2 blocks fiom P. O. ,
018817th st , 101
IjlUKNTsilED rooms to lot , 2022 St. Mary's.
L' Ml
TTUIHNISHED and unfurnished rooms with
JU board , ulsoduy board , Mrs. M. .1. Shrlnur ,
JSI 8.20th si. 701-18 *
1013 Farnian.
1 I in25 *
TT1OK KENT Large hack room vhuap. 1120
. * . ' I'lirniim Mtreot. up stairs. fi83
ANY kind of furnished or unfurnished rooms
ill'it H. lOUi bt.Vu hayeUt rooms. KOmlO'
ST. CLA1H Eiinipoanhotol , pornor tilth and
Dodgo. Sjieclul talcs by week or mouth.
J OOMS 7,10,12,15-007 N. ISth st.
roitiiKXT-itooats , _ UXKUUMHUKU
9 OH 3 unfiiriilshwl front rooms , ull mcui.coa-
venlcnce-i. ( ill N IhtliBt. 8ia-H
TTKW KENT-Unfurnlslicd rooms In suits to
JU respectable purtlos only. 1703 Cumlnr st.
80618' '
F0 ItrNT 4 unfurntilivd rooms to family ,
without children ; moduru luiyrovt'ineuts.
1704 Wubsterst. TrlcoflS. COi
UNTUHNISIIEU rooms , 2542Capitol ave.
: 150-IU27 *
1/lOlt KKNT-Central locaUd hulldlng wltn
JU oiioluoll , 1' . . three 00 II. I'.Sd baud bollors
and thirty feet of line shaft , or will veil boilurs
aud khuftiiiK. L'uuulro 1012 Capitol a e. til-lO
SMALL ilorn for rent on Hth st near Far-
nam 5t , (20 mouth , InqtilM at 017 Llnton
blk.Johtt llnmlln. Bll
KNTA utoro room , 22xni ) font. In tlio
JL' best location In omiihu for line notions nnd
fancy dry good a. Address El ) , llco. ' DIP ID *
ESIKAIILK ofllcps in tie Crounso
corner Kith nnd Capitol nvc. , which has rn-
cpntlr been repulred anil redecorated , \\lnd-
ser , Kemp Jb Co. , LTtl N. Y. Llfo bldg. hSl 16 *
TOKKH nt 707 , .1)11,711 ) S Ifith , 22.0 pneh.lnrg' '
show windows , stenm heat furnished. Thos
1Hall. . : ' il IJ 'a x t on block. _ 5 l _
17ltIt K'EN'lvFtore room 22-xM on No. IN)7f7. )
JU Mnry's avc. Enquire IIII8 I'atnum. 87011
JjTOK KKNT-atoro 01S S.ll
BESIv room , nttornoy preferred. Hiitchlnson
A Wend. 1524 Douglas ! lol. I521 > , 2l'i '
T710K KENT The 4-story brick building with
J ? or without , power , formerly occupied by
thn llee Publishing Co. , 1)10 ) Farnum st. The
building has u dm proof cement basement ,
complete steam heating fixtures , water on all
the floors , gas , etc. Apply ut the oIUuo of The
lice. 015
FOR. JCKN1'- .
/"tOKNEK lot , CO by 150 , cornoi-Jilth ami O sts , ,
v > South Omaha , Is n first-class Uxvillon for
beer garden. . Inqulro.Mrs. A. Kullsh , 818 S. 19th.
413 J2
"filOU KENT Wo hnvefl'l acres udjolnltiKi on-
Json nnd 55 acres adjoining our Highland
1'ark addition that we will rent forsonnoii of
1UU nt u reasonable price. Omaha Heal Mtato
and Trust Co. 1501 raritanist. IC17
OASTIJUE for rent for horses , tame grass.
J- near HcllcMie. Inquire of 11. T. Clark. KM
T\7TNTEI-lfoi-seF fTpasturo at $3.M a
month on farm near Irvlngton : horses
called for anil ddilveied. W. U. lloman , IIiHini
( i. I'n'ii/orblk. 47li
V\rANTEI > : i furnished or unfurnished
l ' rooms for light housekeeping. Kcfeienei-s.
Address E 1U , llee olllce. H75 ! ( *
"VVT" ANTEDlly man and wife two rooms and
' > board In private family , willing topav for
homo comforts where thoto ai-o no other
boaidor.s , neighborhood Dodge and li'illi , ref
erences exchanged. Address E & llco oliico.
rpo KENT Uy man and wife , house bt Uvo
X to eight rooms , llrsl class In every respect.
Address , EL' , lice olllce. 71W 11 *
LIST your property with Larinou P. Pruyn.
2410 Guming street , for ciuluk results.
T71OK KENT.-Uousci In all parts of city. The
-t O. K. Davis company. l.Vtt I'arnam st. _ rjj _ _
MOUTON'S rental agency. 017 Paxton block.
HK. COLE , rental ugont , Continental blk
i r
\\7ANTED-To borrow $7. ( )0 ) on 4 houses
> > worth $15,000 In sums of 11,500 and W.liOli.
for3orf > years , at H percent. No loan com-
panics or agents. Uoom 'JO Douglas block. Ilith
and Dodge stiects. IHH
"IDAHAPOLS and umbrellas covureil and le-
-L palicd. li , Italor , 1515 Douglas ; basement.
C'JO '
rpIN vVUKIC , roollng , g\uterTng. \ spouting.
JL good work low prices. Savage , 10IS Cumins
07JI-J ? *
REMOVED tt ) Its N. inth st. Hot Springs
baths. 1 have opened a suit of elegantly
furnished rooms with all the very latest Im
provements. 1'rom extensive experience
undorMiporlor advantages 1 am prcpaicd to
glvo sclent Illc baths ( chemical ) I he same as
produced at the Hot Springs. Hot air. moist
ordry , Tuikisli. Russian or plunge. Wlllguar-
anteu satisfaction to the most fastidious.
Single bath or treatment per week or month.
Charges icasonable. Special lates to lady
elciksfor icgular ablution. Mr.s. Dr. Dav , ' ' ' . -
N. 16th st. , Itooms 11 , 1'Jind ii. : M mlC ,
M 7VSSAGE and magnet h7 freatment.Tl iST'ii
cllic. half block from mntor line. . " > l-Is ( ! *
DENTIriT.S E. K. Trlppe. graduate Indiana
dental college , llcst of work only. Crown
and bridge work a specialty. Koom IllContl-
uentul blk. Elevator 15th st , north of
Kkl m 2:1 :
T OST Two lhiek nnd white pups. oorlHlh
Jj-Jund Miami. Addtess.l. W. ICemp , 840-15 *
STKAYED Sunduy morning , hlack mare ,
with white star on foieheail , one ear hnio
from middle to tip ; has leather hnlter with
short fit rup attached. Finder l a\e at'HIM ' Vdar
bt. Kowurd. S57 15 *
LOST Liidy'a fur < ; npe. between F'aMon
building und I\ount7o Place. Unwind by
returning same to room 00) , I'uxton block.
IKll-IS _
] " OST 1'ocketbook ou Cuss bet. IMh und22(1.
containing $2i > .5 ( ) , hi east pin , impels and
visiting caids. Kewurd If leturneilto D. Chal
mers , auditor's olllco U. I' , headiiuarters.
851-15 *
PEKSONAL If you want your photo on
glass call at ISO S . Kith. Sits ill'
aO TOKAGE-llianch & Co. , 1211 Howaid.
O '
niKACICAOEstonige at lowest rates. W. JL
X Itushmaii. l.'lll Leavenworth. 2i > *
WANTED Purnltiuo. carpets , hoiisohold
goods for cash. Wells' Auction i Storage
Co..J17 S iitlibt. ; _ 2lH _
WANTED-Qood commercial Paper. Ne
braska Mortgugu Loan Co. , 51 ! ) 1'a.xtou l > lk.
WANTED Lot stoic shelving. Kniinlru.
lillSl'iiiiiam. 870 II
/ 1ASII ] > ald for second hand liooks at the
V-Mntlquarlun book stoie , 1U3 Kuruiim st.
" \\TANTED To buy for hjMit cash , oily or
T > country. ] ) aits or whole stoeics of dry and
fancy goods , clothing , hoots and shoes , millin
ery , stationery , gents' furnishing goods , oto.
Call on or address J. L. HrandcUvSons , corner -
ner llllh and Howard. Omaha. 211. '
" \\7 ANTED Good shott time paper in small
TT amounts. 1' , 15011'ainam st. 471
"ITIOK SALE An elegant buggy or carriage
-I ? horse , very stylish , line driver , und ufruld
of nothing ; any lady can drive him ; tonetlitir
with u full platform spring , leather lop car
riage , almost new , and one Columbus make
huggy. Also ono bet doublu harness for $35.
Apply nt 2215 Webster t. b2U
"TJIXI'KESS team wagon and harness , goiitlo
-IU horbo and phaeton cheap , Koom lil , Itoaitl
Trade. _ _ _ Tjt _
171011 SALEOood family horse , buggy and
JU haruesb cheap. MoyerV livery stuole , 171S
Cass. S > 2 Ki *
77IOK SALE 5 year old mule ut 1703 Ciimlngst
J3 giJQ lb
_ _ _ _ _ _
T71OK SALE A ImiHUomo .side-bar buggy ,
JL1 New York best make , used ono summur
only. Inquire room til , United States hank.
tnii )
HEAYV wagon uad coal bud , IU H'd Trade
_ TpjJ _
"OAKTIES looking lor line driving orsaddle /
JU horses , would do well to cull on , or coru % -
iKHiil with T. J. Klemlng. jimuagor W. II. Mil-
lard's farm. Calhoun. Neb. Ho has for tsalu
bomo HrHt-elass slnglo drivers , carrlagu teams ,
und saddle horsus , ut reasonable prices. LU2
linoit SALE A liorso and buggy elieap for
-U cash -Instiilnicnla. . A 0 dress U 14 , lieu.
! ]
_ _ _ _
HOUSES Spun maies , span horses , span
mules , two slnglo drivers , good llfo. hut
lady can drive ; nlco phaeton , two buggies and
one wagon. CotOperutlvo Land & Lot Co. 205
NllUh t. _ bf > S ; lt
"HUMl SALE { -eaniun's buggies best and
J-.1 cheapest.
Seaman's phaetons best and cheapest.
Heaman's wagons best und cheapest.
Heumau'B currlujes best und cheapest.
Omaha's largest variety. _ 850-m-Zl
1T1OU SALE I'umlly horse , hurnoss und
JU bugijy. H. lllcby lllow Sprlugs Distillery
, U70-15 *
"ITIOH BALE Ono lurgo horse mid huggy und
JU two lumber wugoaa , at 2113 Grant. 001 16 *
TTlOIt BALE rour horses , onooxprcss wagon.
JU Uush or tlino. Uoom a. 1417 rarnum. 6JI-2Q *
FOK SALE Furulturo , carpets nnd honso-
hold goodx of all kinds overr TiiMduy ,
Thursday and Saturday morning at 1114 Doug
las st. t'asU paid for goods. Omaha Auction
aud Storage Co. Henry CrelKhton , uuctloneur.
OHAmS-Wohavo bought all tlmehftlrsla
thu Coliseum building mid will .sell thorn in
lots of f-0 and upwards. Omuha Auction it
. nil UouslM st 815 li
lURNlTrllK auction cry Woduesnny nntl
Hiuurdny. 317 SI nth. IplK
ONEixxIa fountain coin pleto : nl o 1 billiard
tabli- . for t-mlo nt 'ijl/irsiiln , both nearly
now. Addrosi Lock Her ( ; ) , Ewlng , Nob.
f)0,00hliiihelsnirrorii.a4id ( u o of crlln nnd
money until Octbbcr. X , llrndghuw , Net ) .
' _ _ _ _ _ _ J _ ; _ 870 lfl °
B'EST iiunlltr moats , "Swusi ratci , nt V'red
HiMisMnont markj-'t.jiaj jJmiiliig gt. 075-15
"ITIOll SALlvl'resh inlTk cowa ut Jester's
1 ? yard. 25th and IturtutJ _ 8Ki 14 *
rfn'i rwKiriTrts f"7
JL 1 callgraiih $00. , t ,
1 callgraph WO.
1 eullgraph * , ' 15. '
1 Hammond &V ) .
Cl Konilngton tW. C3
John 11. Cornea Co. . Kamgo building.
rjO. TMASTEKH-l'ostolllco nut fit for Halo
- very low ; lock und call boxes and drawers.
J. E. Duncan , A"1' _ Iown. KA 10 *
cFe7ip , n iH-iiutlTiil
gioy hound. EtKiulie ,21 S. loth St. , corner
of Iiciivuiiwiirtli , 814
TOVE wood for sale. T. .Murray.
IilOK MALE Some good watches nml din-
JU mondsclioap. H. F. Masteis , room 4 , With-
neil block. 211
K ENAUY sultai-s at S Il.iuk 607 N Kith.
IWS-1S _
iJOKTKAlT Agents ! Do y m value line work
accurate likeness , prompt service , low
prices ? Then deal with the latgest copying
house In the country , Miopards , 2W Wahash
me. , Clilcairo , . 757-17 *
HEKOKE buying a piano c.xamlno the new
scale Klmball plauo at A. Hospe. 151U
Douglas st. 22
GEO. r.fiELLENIlECK.te.icherof the banjo ,
1600 Howard st. : M lloor. 2l'i
FIIfT mortgage loans nt low rates nnd no
delay. D. V. SholesCo. , 2iu First Null
_ ( BU
. . . > T mortgage loans. \ cry lowest rates.
C. .1. f'liswell. Kill N. V. Life. 42I-J2
" \rONlfY to loan ou horses , wagons , mules.
1 * I household goods , plano-.orguns. diamonds ,
ut lowest rules , The first orgtinlredloun olllco
In the city. loans from M lo : < 05 days ,
which onii IIP paid In pait or whole at any
time , thus lotto-ring the principal nnd Interest.
Cull and see ns when you want money. Wocau
assist you promptly and to your udvantago
without luiniivtil of property or publicity.
Money always on hand. No delay In making ?
loans. O. I''Koed & Co. , 3i'J S. Uth St. ; over
lllngliain ft Nins. ' "A
T O LOAN K' . ( W to f.l.OuO ; slate security. Ad-
dresi EH , pure of Hoe. tCi-S
MONEY to loan ou nny available securities
lliislnessstilctly uonfidoiitlnl. M. .1. Hall ,
room 111 Continental block , Fifteenth and
Douglas Ht toots. Tt'l-
Ol'EK CENT icsldenco loans , 13.00(1 ( to UIO.OOO.
Ituildlng loans at special lates. The .Mead
Investment Co..Jlooniilldlii ! : 235
MONEY 'W.OO or ! days on fui nitiiro.planos ,
horses , houses , etu. J. J. WllUln-on , 013
I'uxtonhlk. _ 'JIS'i
CHATTEL loans at lowe l intolomoved ; to
517 mid 511 ! 1'iiMon blk. .1 H. Einlngor. 219
L1HEKAL leal estate lo.ins made by W. M
Harris , room 20 , Ficiircr block , opp. I' . O.
3OANS I'lty and farm lo-ins. iiioit ii c iia-
JperhotlKht. McCabu Iinostiiienl O ) . il
EV.STOXP 5lortBiK'lt'i ! > . l.o.tns of * ll ( to
K jl.OOd ; Kt'l our ralestlMifoie honowliu ; and
save money ; loan on IHMX'I , fnrnttiii1 * ' or any
appiined M'cnrlty without uulillrlly ; notes
boiiRht. for IK'W loan , rqnejMil of old ami low
est itin1- . Call , K aw , .fcliecly bli : , 13th and
Howai-djjl- . _ j J _ as ; _
SHOUT time loans onvm-int' lots. Selbv .t
. Itoed. iilonilifjj : ( ll . _ _ _ .Vsi _
Bl'IMHNCi loans. 0 t T : tier eentl noaddl-
tlonaU'haries forcmmtiKslonoratlorney'b
feus. W. It. MolUle , I'li'sf , Kat'I hank hhlir.
l- 2tt :
MONHV loaned at lownst nites lonfjtlmi'on
Improved Oimiha roiil'rit ite , no "oAtas , "
no delay. UIolic Loan i''JTn ' ' ist : Co. , ! ! 07 S. Ifith.
flOMMEKCI AL and genotal short time paper
hoiiKht ; iilwi ic 'nlar ( lie year loans made
on Improved piopeity. Ueo. F. Illusi & C'o. ,
Jill Hamije hlik' . _ j. _ UTa
BUILOINU loans maflo tin
( Jholi'o i.'ity piopcrty
i At lomvt , rsites - ,
n't ' I'rlvatt' f iintls to M "
loan on In Ick
ivsldeneq and
business property
upon very favoramo
Klmball , Champ & Ryan ,
_ _ _ aVmlfl _
SECONH nioi-ttta e loan1- . Second juortja es
hotiRht , Loans on vacant lots. Iteed k
t-ulby. i oem _ IX Hoa rd Trade. _ -"JT
MONEY" to loan hv U.K. Master.In any
ainouiit from W to f 10,000 for tiny time ,
from ono tovU month- . .
1 make , loanon houichold Roods , pianos ,
organs , horse- . , mules , houses , leases , olo. . In
any amount at the lowest po slhln rate , with
out publicity 01 removal of properly.
My loans are so airanged that you can make
a jmynient at any time and reduce your In
terest pro lata. ion pay lntoie-t only for Iho
tlmuyoti USD the monev. If you owe a htiliinen
on your properly I will t'iko It up and cany It
for you , at the lowest rate consistent with the
Money always on hand. Nodelav. No pub
licity. Lowo-,1 rates. U. K. Master-- ,
lloom i , Wlthncll hlU , . 15th and llainov.sts.
'ONKV to loan on any security
for short time at low
rates. Lowest ratoi
on personal pioporty.
The Henderson Mortmieo Investment Com-
pany. Koom 4iK ) , l'a\ttijj Jihwk. _ i."l
\\7"AXTiU-rirt : : -class Insldo loans. Lowest
T > rntus. Call and sen us. Mutual
iiu'iit Co. . 150 Piirnani. _ 'JUl
BKl'duE Hi-sot hit Ins a loan to impro\o your
real estate et ( onus from
The Odell Investment Co. . 1101 N.Y. LIfi ) hldR ,
Thos. S. lioyd , icpresenliitlvu. ttfJ
ASTFiUN inoiiuy to loan on city piopeity :
mortatiKo paper hoitsht. Il.ll.Iruy.opp. I'.o.
v > Philadelphia MOMBIIKO nu < l Trust Co. .
always ready to loan nnd pay promptly : 1st
mortcah'es wanted. CUoisoV. . I'.i'oatos.rejiiu-
scntatlvo , 7 Hoard " " Ti.idi _ % _ _ _ _ 'JJi > _
L CANSliiado ) "oirTiny uvtilliiblu eciiiTty.
Cential Investment Co. , Koom > , Cham
ber of Commerce. .ti
\\T"AXTKI ) IMiictili-il young ladles and BIMI-
tlemen to learn shorthand and typewrit
ing ; Kood salaries ; students assisted to posi
tions. Standard Shorthand Iliislacss Collogu ,
1'ianU K. Hell , Instructor. ' 17
PKOR Lnreti , the renowned phrenologist ,
mcdluin and palmist , who has heen imhllcly
tested nnd cnallennes the world In rovoallnn
mysteries , disperses Jealousy , ovll Inllu-
eiices , plves full iitimus of present or futuiii
hushiind or wife , also tolls your faults and
iiualltle.s , trade huslmisS or profession to
make iiHiiccoss. TJu.ildcnce ll'J N. Hlhst. Con-
btiltutlon $1. Satisfaction ( 'lven or no pay.
ALL challausnrstu'tH'lJlcd-Mw. Dr. Hill of
New Vork City r.iri he consulted at her
parlors at Xti Noith lArh'.bt. , on all alliilrs of
lift1 , hclns a culobrateil'imilness ' flalrxoyaiit ,
ustrologlst and pulmlsT hohas n imputation
ihrouKliout the world toriiceiirato anil truth
ful readliiKs of Iho puM , present and future
through her wnndcififlJKgyptlau miiglc mlr-
lor ; leiiwes all evil liymiences and family 01-
Irangoments ; nultos ' { hi * separated ; eiulsos
speedy mairmses ; billigp success to Iho un
successful und tell when to make piolllnhlc lu-
voslmcnts- ; consultation from } 1 lo i4- ' ; also
tolls full name und shows plctmo of llio ono
you will marry ; Mrs. Itlulhas heeu consiilteil
by thomnstHUcccs9ful.b.ttlnussnicnand hidlus
of Now Vorlf , lto- > toiund | Chicago. Honra
strictly fiom 11 n , in , tq > ) . in
AKKlVALoMraoidl jHy of Mrs. Dr. Eddy ,
the distinguished , wmld-funied und only
real natural trnnco jAjrvoynnt nml bplrft
medium in this count/ ] ' ' ; ' seventh duughterof
the seventh duuglitiiK'I1)oni with veil und
greatest pmphotlo glftof.Kocond night. Whllo
entranced will rcllovo ! 'iry hidden mystoiy
In llfo. Has lung beeni ] ifnunnced In Luropn
and America the greatest living wonder of
the present age. I'lidoiSfuuds thosclcncoof
the "I'erslan und Hindoo magic , " or ancient
clmriu working , nnd prepares Egyptian tull-
inuus which will overcome your uaemlcs ,
removes family troubles , reatoioa | o t
unectlons. makes muiilugn with the
ono you Jove no fulluro lomovcs
evil liilluencos , bud liublts , cures witchery ,
fits , und ull long standing und inyMerloua
diseases ; will glvo correct Information on law
suits , sickness , deuth. divorce , absent friends ;
everything ; never fulling udvUo to young
men on marl logo nnd how to choose n wlfo for
happiness , nnd what bu-slnpss best abaptcd for
hpoedy rlchcH. Ktock Hiwculullon aspoclulty.
Also gives IndUpenslblo ndvlco to young
ladles on lo\t , courUhlp nnd luurrlugo , und If
your lover Is triioorfaUc , nnd gives picture of
future husband , with name , uge unddutoof
marriage , lloiira , 0 u , in. toH p. m. btrlct. Hu -
duysOu. m. toBp. m. N. H' For the benefit
of those wlioaio utinblo to cull upon Mrs. Dr.
Eddy , she would icspcctfully upnouuuc that
the gives perfect gutMuctloa Uy letter , Your
entlrn life will ba written la acletir and nlulu
manner. Lottery with utainpg promptly au-
vtcred , Scud for luigu llliihtrutcd elj-QUlir
with speplul lermi. Mrs. Or Eddy , 31B N. IMJ. (
-rv NANN1H V. WAKUEN , olnlrvoynut ,
4- iiodlcnl nnd huslnc-vi tnodlilin , I'rnmlodls-
a Kpcolalty , 11D N. Ifith St. , rooms U nd 3 ,
MADAMEDoblrr , the irn nje tind mngnpt-
1st , Is no old fuiiMiniptlvu chrotno , but
young , healty and vigorous. 1'iirlors ever 610
S. 13th. 6ia 10 *
EOH HALE Stook of hnrdwnro. Invoicing
( IO,0 < X ) ; good location ; established trade ;
good reasons for foiling ! terms Illn'ral , In-
qiilti ) Coburn A Franklin , 510N.Y. Llfo.Omahu.
tr > i-iu25 *
SOME ono can got u Imrenn on a first-class
country IIPW.S und Jobotllco , olthcr for casher
or good wiper , I'otter oyllndor press , steam
ixiwiT. Will trade for Omaha property or tin-
ineumbcred farm land. K. 0. Price , Uruflon ,
Nob. 1HKI-15 *
WANTED A young ninn with a small nap-
Ital who can take up the routine of an
oHlcp In nn established business in the oily ;
money can bo put In gradually. Address EO ,
lleo olllco. 827-15 *
OiTIJAN" sleek dry goods , olothlnuTfor rolil
ostuto nnd money. Hox2iO Fr.uikfort , Inil.
POK SALE-llnrbor shop2103 UumliiCHt.
810-15 *
'I710K 8 A LE I will sell ohrnp for cash n good ,
JU first-class stock of groceries with good
business , stock ln\olclmr ulioui $ . ' 1,500. Ad
dress U.Vanattti , loxl)77,1'lattsmonth. ) ) Nob.
8111-21 *
IF YOU have fctu orJIfX ) und want to make
$2,000 clear , call lit 2S27 E st. , South Omuhu.
6.VS-15 *
"I/IOK SALE A baignln , furniture nnd bnsl-
.1 ness of n : j-room ) hotel In Llncoli. ; doing u
prolltabln business ; reason for Milling , falling
health. M. W. Folsom. Lincoln. Nob. TIM
ID 10 IIA \lX-If taken soon. For sale ,
I > lho furniture of the lluwlcy hotel. North
IMnltt' , Nob. Siys !
'IjlOll KENT-Saloon. building and fixtures :
Jgood location. Call on oruddress J. Stun-
ton. l > etoishiirgLNob. tilB-lfl *
"TJ1OK SALI > A coniplolo livery stork , eon
JL prising horses , harness , pntrlugoi , ] ) hao-
tons.eto , , nil In first-class condition ; location
In heart of business eonler. good trade estab
lished ; price and terms reasonahlo Address ,
titouce , Lock llo.\37 < , lleatrlco Neb ,
OMETI11NG now In the drug llno-Watiled.
u partner wllh SI.OOO or f 1.500 to take half
Interest lu a drug business , newly st'irted and
having u promising outlook. Address X. Y./ . ,
Leigh , Neb. 8S1 15 *
rnOTKADE I hnvo some nlco lots In South
-L Omuhu nenrlv clrur , and some Insldo
Omnhu i > ioperty. To tiudo for cuttle. Steers
profered. ( ilt ) N. Y. Llfo. 892-15 *
T71OK SALE A good3-chulr harbor shop with
JL1 good clgurtindo ; will stand strict Investi
gation ; In good town of 3,000 population. Ad-
dioss E 15 cam llee olllce. 8U 1C *
"TjlOK SALU The lease , furniture nnd good
JU will of the host hotoliEiuopeanplan ) lu the
city of Tiicoma , Wash , Contains 40 rooms ,
handsomely furnished , ! ! years lease , finest
locution lueltv , being at junction of 'l.strcpt
cur lines a ml directly opposite the now theatre ;
clears WOO per month. For price and terms , ml-
die-s P. I ) . Connor , Mgr. , Hotel Hoslwlcl. . Tn-
eoinu. Wash. 813 JS _
\\rANTEI-l'artnor ) with about $15i ) . AmT -
T t pu > security , good profits. Koom 3 n-w
cor. l3lluinilHurnoy. _ Wdl-15 *
CI1EA1' for cash , stock of groceries doing
cash business , . Cheap tent. 271'J ' Hutdetto.
TTlOIt SALE A chop house , doing good busl-
JL lies- . , for sale eheap for easli ( jooil rea-ons
for selling. Apply to owner at $10 S. lUtb t.
OlirAI' forcnsh : ntore bulldlnz. small stock
KiiK'eiles. lunch countes ; close to depot
Enciiilrc of lIleymer. ! . Norfolk. Neb.
ITH/It SALE Half Interest In nrt class re t-
Jatirant In Lincoln. Address 11. A. , Umaha
Hue. Lincoln. Nel ) . W7
171(11 : SALE On account of the. death of my
JL' paitner , Jlr. Teriy , 1 have decided to ic-
tIre fnun tlie lively business , and I theieforo
oiler foi sale all our line livery stockIncludlni ;
horses. raiHiiKt's. hearses , luiKnlcs and har
ness. 1'aitlcs wlslilns line driving hoises or
anything in our linn will do well to call and
examine the bargains olTcred. This stock
must lie closed out by May 13th. Henry A.
Hotutin. of Hoiuan & Terrv. t . * >
rpo TUADE-Good loun lots In Koaincy.
JL Neb. , : i Hour mill In Kansas , two sections
land near Hreeiv , Colo. , for land , sood.s and
other pioport } . J. E. bhlniiian , Kearney , Neb.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 * ' 11 !
rpo EXritANGIfiirdry giNids , lumlwun * or
* pnncnil mcichamllse. two youilB Shlro
statllons.ind one tioltins ; broil stallion. Ad-
diess hiivini. Oiund Island. Nob. hsO-17 *
\\r.\NTEI ) rnincumbcrod laud or vacant
TT lots In exchanso for 1 or 4 nice houses In
oed iii'lKhlMiihiKHl , close to motor , or will sell
same at low prices and easy terms. Take this
opportunity of owning your home and savins
rent. Strlnjer& I'cnny , Douglas block , cor.
llitli and Dodge. B40
T7IOH E.VCHANGE-recrtinlll In largo.srow-
-L' ing town , doing good huslnoss ; largo Hour
mill , full roller ptocess : splendid rental prop
erty , will pay in pen-cut : some choice blooded
horses awl cattle. Uonnu & I'urrotto , ix ) m 17 ,
lloiml Trade. "H ! !
TWILL trade a gno < l clear lot In So. Omaha
f < r piano or liopio and buggy. Address O 4
lice onice. IMS
, _ _ _ - _ _ . _ _ --j---j _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - . - _ * . - _ . - _ - _ . - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - , _ - _ _ _ -
1" INUOLN I'lace and Garthaso lots , prloo
Jtl.ilOO , Wl down , balance J15 monthly.
AV. li. Sol by. ltoomii : , Imard of tKiili _ > . _ S40 _
"ITIOIt SALE or exchaliRC A beautiful ii-ioom
L1 cottage and full lot In north part of city , 1
block from paved .street , it blocks from motcr ,
owner leaving city. 1'ilco. HI ,500. Star Land &
LoanCo.IGni _ _ ) ' ij' riiaiiijt . _ bur 14
Flllt SALE Improved farm of 4SO ncriM , can
bo divided Into a farms , watered by two
streams plenty of Ilrst class buy land , "houses.
barns , etc. , situated In C'liriiiiifng Co. , Noli. , 4li
miles fiom , W < > st Point , county scat , and 4j !
miles from llcemor This is u great baiguln.
fall or addies.s bhcrman I ) . Ganfleld. Hth and
I'lUiiam til. , city , S03 17 *
"A rCTIONSaloiit nortli door of tlio court
xVliouso Sat in dayMayl7atlOo'elock. Colt agu
ami lot .vi vine ( lot ' . ' 0 , blook 14 , Hauscom Place ) ,
nearcor. Poppleton avouuu and UStli street.
Toimsone-tluid i-iish , balaneo one , two und
thieo years. L. I. Curtis , Guardian.
_ [ _ 733-17 *
I/1OK HALE , ( K acres best farming lands In
J-1 Nehiahku and W\1W ) ) feet on South lllth hi. .
at agiealbacrlllco. Inqiiho U1S South lllth U
If eo. li. Pctorsou. owner. " _ Wl"ml7 _
At > MALLpayme"ntdownaud tlAjior month
will buy a l-room house and lot on Kith , a
blocks fiom motor ; lirst-class chance to ac-
iiulio a homo ou easy telins. Apply toll 11
Colo. Cmitlneiilal idock. _ 1 7
, T-HOOM cottages. $ lr > 'JO each , ? 100 cash down.
'Jlnlancefir. purmoutli. T.IOS. ! ' . Hull. Ull
PaJ [ m block. " " _ "Ml
TJ1OH S"A"fTThoso : elegant south front lots
J'on lllondost. bet. "llh and i.7th sis. , near
motor , etc. . etc. , cheap ; flW ) cash , bal , long
time and U per cent. Goo. J. Paul , 11X19 Fain am
t. 4U5
FOUSALE A Hno new fl-room cottage near
electrlo car line on N. Wth st. Will take as
part of cash payment a gootl horse or horse
and phaotoii. P. I'M I'ariiarn si. _ 877
L ol S A LE--Tho following eholeo bnraglua :
Elegant building lot , KitlX' , cor. U5th and
Karnam , fl7..ViO.
H-ioom house , lot 30x155 , Mth bt. , near St.
Mary's uvo. , cheap , KM" .
.Vioom cottage , lot U3xll. > , Davenport , near
Sill h st. , tWO" .
G. L. Green. Itoom 'JO , llarkor block. TiCT
1/tOll KALE Very cheap , no trade , farm of
J ? f > ri.7l ) acres , sec. fl. IS , N. 8 W. . Hamilton
county , Nel ) . , "miles from AInrqiintto ; hmatl
house , Mable , IlOO acres of pasture fenced , liv
ing water : pilco only $10 per acre , * . " > , I'17.GO.
Tei ms W.UIIO cash , balance li per cent Intt'tost.
I' . K. AtUliisowiiur , railroad building , Denver ,
Col. I'll
SlXTV-li1 ! V E acres s. w. of p. < > . , suitable for
plalllngor gaidcnliig. for sale at u bargain.
1' . K. Darflng. 4:1 : llarker blk. L'll
W AUCill &
"IJ1OR SALE III Ick warehouse , 2 stories und
JU busemcnt , 100\l fl. with lot iw\152 ft. ; to
double track on soutli20th nnd 1'leiee sts. Ad-
dtcss U.sKump & llulnes , Omaha , Nub.
/"tOTTAOi : homes In most any addition fly
v 'sale ut from J 1,000 up , on easy monthor
pavincuts. F. K , Darling , il Ilnrker _ block. 2K
| j1OK SALE-Oroxchango fofdrugsund reul
1' estate. &M.OOO book btock. _ _ lhflls. _ . 2m
inoil SALE-One-third cusli und bnlnuco on
-U time , Now four-room cottKge on ( Junior
street , between 4th und 5th utruetu. Will toke
(1,250 for hoiibc. lot 40xlUU fcot , ull the furnl-
I u in und u good cow , ns owner has arranged U )
leu\o Omahu right away. A beautiful llltla
homo on high ground , looking over the river ,
'i mild from U. I' , depot , blilngur & I'ciiny ,
Dougluii block , 10th und Dodgo. 7eO
A OOOD 0-room house und Niuull lot juit
/V outbldo of thi ) mlle limit In the north\toit
part of the city , Shlnn'ii add. . ll , : ) . UoUeth ,
Johnson .V LovL'reu , room u , Chamber of Com
merce. 742-14
Wiflmto miii'XeVllent slock raneh In tha
eubtoin portion of Nebraska o ( 440 UOOM ,
with good mibstuntlul tmlldlugs and. Impiovo-
mi'iits , at a big buiguln , only M.UOO , und 2W
head of hit-era und o ) liorsi- * und muloi und
ImpU'inents. oronn he old fi ( lurutt ) } , ISo bel
ter ohancu forsafu Invj'.stnu.'nt , ColselU Jolm-
LuvuriiU , room 1) ) , Chamber of cuuiinerco ,
TOH WALKAn clesnnt resldoneo la finest
J- ' part of the cltjr ! splendid building lots ;
houses nnd lots on monthly payment * , euiy
tornis ; 10,000 ncres line western lands , nil cure-
fully Polpctrd , nontp of It linpruvod , Donmi fc
1'nrrutto. room I" , Hoard Trado. MW-Jtl
MUSTbosold iTltlitn loilays , owner moving
out of city , new modern , well built 11-
rooni house , near motor line , nt less than cost.
Small payment down , balance long time , easy
payments. Nathan Shulton , lilll Furnnm st.
- A northwest corner lot ,
with 7-room house nourlhonlley. The oust
front adapted for business imrposes. This Is u
big bargain and must bo sold cheap within the
uu.U 00 days , -Inquire of J. MIcliul.UBS rithst.
_ _
$ 2OdO Imy.s new 5 room cottaito , lot 'ClillJTilTh
ana Jones. Eusy terms. D. O. I'ultnrson ,
MS N. Y. Life. 628
Nollco to Odiitraolort.
Bids will ho received for building n school
house In District No. Fifty-two (52) ( ) , Jefferson
1'roclnct , Douglas County , Nehrnska , on May
twenty-lint i3lst ) , 1 * ' . up to fi nr (4) ( ) o'clock p ,
m. 1'liins und speelfhmtlons can ba seen ut
Samuel IVe'.s houvo , In said district. Klght re-
nerved to reject tiny or ull bids. Contractors
required to glvo bonds , lly order of committee -
too , SAMUEL FEE , Chairman.
UltKllOt *
_ _ _ _ _ _
Thn annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Fienumt. Elkliorn & MKsourl Valley rail-
mart company will be held at the olllco of the
company In Omaha , Nebraska , on Friday , May
2:1 : , IWPO , ut 2 o'clock p.m. , for the election o'f
directors und for the transact urn of such other
business ns may he iiresoulcd.
Dated Muy 10 , HIM.
n-OdlStm J. 11. KEDFIELD , Secretary.
Notice l
Messrs. Fuller , llnko nnd Cltl/cns' hank of
Fullerton , Neb , , will receive M'lilcd bids until
0o'clock p. m. . Mny III , 1M ) > . for Iho envtlon of
u hrlek block 75.\bl. ( two stories and basement.
The right to reject uuy nnd ull bids Is ro
se r veil.
1'lansnnd specifications can bo soon nt fltl-
7ons' Irink , May ll.dlOt *
Jos.RMcaeATH ,
sulTorlng from olTocts
WEMS of Lost Manhood ,
Youthful Errors. Tmpotenoy
and Diseases of Men can bo
cnroil permanently anil iirlvntoly by our Sexunl Spo-
clilo. Scut liy mull for II. Iloolc nuiit Mcnhxl ) for
rtnnip. llcncun Medical Company , 157 Wnslunetoa
struct , Iluitoii , Jlnm.
YNBTIU'MEN'W placed ojf rccorJ au lu "
X ycsterdav :
J I'lloyd , sherlfT , to Charles Lund , lot
Ifi , blk I.Pullman Place ( deed ) . $ 110
O Eltarkcrand wlfoto H M O Wotners-
ley. lot 0 , bll. I. Orchard III1I , wd . 050
Ell/abothCalllghcraud husband to Wil
liam ( lasllu , .Jr. , lota , Grlllln & Smith's
mid , w < l . 1
It II Dunham am ) husband to.T WDalby ,
lot It. blki4 : , Konnt7o I'lace. w d . 7,500
M A Dngdalo to IA lllanchard , lots 13
and II , blk 10 , Klilnn'sadd , w d . 15,000
OH audEO llallou to Christina Colbert ,
lot 17. blk 4 , EM-rott Place , wd . 500
Julia Oates and husband to ( Jeorge and
JI Sancliezri" , lot 0 , Vun Ittiicn Plticc ,
wd . 1,000
J K Harrison to C A Illrney , lot 4 , bll ; 5 ,
Ilanscom I'lace. w d . 7.500
W L Luut to ( J E Whitney , lot 2 , blk 10.
Saunders & Himcbuugh's Highland
Park.wd . 800
Wylle Ma i tin toT N Walleis , s > > , ' lots In
sill ) of nw se 2-15-13 , w il . 1,500
Jacob Now and wife to < N Hicks , lot 44
and o 'i ' lot 15 , Claik Place , wd . 4,500
Omaha leal estate and trust company to
W L I. unt , lot 2 , blk ID. Saunders &
lllmebaugh's Highland Park , wd . 400
L S Keed and wife to N P Tell , lot 12 , blk
f > . Alamo Plaza , w d . 2,400
D V Slioles and wife to I S Luchmund ,
lot 17. blk2 , Ilanscom Place , wd . 12,500
O N Hicks and wife to Catherine Neil ,
lots 1 to 10 , 12 iiml W , blk tl , Westlawu
park , w < l . 0,750 ' / o V'a
lot 14 , 1)11 ; li. Ivouutro tc I filth's add ,
and ' : lot 15 , blk C , llorbach's hub , qcil 100
W L Heard and wife to W D Vest , lot'.i ,
blk K , Sauudci-b & lllmebaugh's add ,
wd . 550
Will of Presley Sauudcrs and certlllcato
topiobato .
Kichurd Paul to W K Paul , no lot C , bile
n , Louc's add , o e d . . . . 1
W K Paul and wife to Klchanl Paul , s /
lute , blk ( , Lowe's add , q e d . 1
T H Taylor and wife to L fa Kecd.u < A lot
5. blk MX ) . Omaha , wd . 23,000
G II Leslie and wife to L S Kecd , a tf lot
5. blk 1UO , Omaha , w d . 15,000
L S Kecd and wife to H D Kecd. lots 2. 3 ,
0. Hand 10. blk Land lots 0 and 10 , blk
4. Alamo Pla/a , w d . 11,000
G W Loomls. administrator , to M d Sor-
euson , lot : I3 , Oak Hill , deed . 300
T W Hlaokbiiin und wife to Sadlo Ingle ,
und Y of lot 4 , block 4 , Hitchcock's 1st
add , w d . 150
Twonty-flvclransfors . $104,20J
Permit * .
Tlio following permits were Issued by the
building inspector yesterday :
L. Johnson , one-story fraino cottage ,
Kugglesand Peiry Htrcots . i 800
E. D. Evans , ono and one-half story
fraino dwelling , Twenty-eighth und
Hickory streets . 1,500
A Llndberg , ono and one-half story
frame dwelling , Eck and Erlka streets , 1,500
C. 1) . Hutchlnson , one-story cottage ,
Tenth ami Homer streets . COO
Seven minor penults . 1,275
Total . . . . . . 0,073
Tickets nt lowest rates nnd superior
accommodations vitv the great Rock Is
land route. Ticket oliico , 1G02 Six
teenth und Furnnm streets , Omaha.
The IVHtofTlce Fight.
The delegation that visited Congressman
Connell Tuesday to deinuud Postmaster
Cockrell's removal roturcd evidently well
pleased with the result of their visit , but as
mum its could bo in regard to the promises
made. If it is true , as reported , that the
packers propose licrcafterto do their business
with the Omaha postofllee , there will bo a
big hole made in the receipts ot the South
Oniulia station. It will then drop buck into
nn iusignitlcaut position instc.ul of ranking
us the third postollleo in the state.
All About Annexation. _
M. Batellu Is n market gardener nnd was
dead set ngalnst annexation , John Tirak
wanted the municipalities Joined. After the
election Tiznk' anger at Batolhi for being
fcmist him led him to do rush things. Hu
broko.down all the fences around Bntclla's
garden patch and destroyed the Brewing
green groceries above ground , root ana
branch. Butolla had Tizak utrostod , nnd
Justice Levy will adjudicate the matter. The
parties live ia Albright's Annex.
' Rehokali Social.
Tonight itho Daughters fof Kebckah
will glvo another of their enjoyable
socials at Masonic hull. Mrs. Claude Tulbott
will deliver the address of welcome. Mrs.
D. F. Buvless , Miss Flora Thompson , Mrs.
J. C. Graham. Miss Swiss Elliott , MIs Nel
lie linyles.s , Mks Mabel Silver mid Miss Julia
Martin will furnish numbers on the pro
gramme. Tlio dialogue , "Tho Phantom
Doughnuts- " will bo participated la by Mrs.
John Gorman , Mrs. William Anflorson , Mrs ,
J. U. Graham und Misses Mury Woolen , May
Carliu und Uavbura Heyjnan , The ledge do-
Hires everybody to attend the social ,
In 1'ollco Cli'oles.
Four colored men are hold at the polieo sta
tion for the Qmulm authorities. Their namctt
ore William Grocallold , Frank Hay , Ulchard
Parks and Uob Dcnton. They are suspected
of burglarising a house In Omaha.
James Husscll , whoso vagrancy was coa-
apluuousviis lined $7.50 and will board it out
at the county Jail. Hugh McNeurny , another
vagrant , was dismissed.
William Pomlro and James McGco , both of
whom were decidedly drunk , were assessed
to.50 each.
Notes and Personal * .
Michael Cuduhy of Chicago was in the city
Mrs. Kato Bell has returned from Mar-
shalltown , la. , and will nwldo lu South
Omaha hereafter.
W. C. Green of Cheyenne , Wyo. , jnld
South Omuha a visit yesterday.
II. E. Togg has returned from Wahoo.
Draper Smith has gone to IMbwty Center ,
Kim. , culled tlwo by the berlous Hiuoo * of
his son.
lifv D. Marquctto and wife are in Lincoln
attuaJlny a mot-Hug of Methodist mlnUtem.
The soldiers will meet ugula Saturday
ovenlnp tuid coniplcto iirningcmcuLs for Mir
morlnl day.
City Murahal DMiahno nnd wife of Crcs-
ton , In. , wore lu South Omaha Tuesday vlf
itlug Firoiuau Jim Doiinhne.
Frank Toblit ami Miss Mary Htekoy wora
nmrriwl yestenlay by Father Nugau at S t.
AKIUM church.
D. U McGurktn and John McMlllcn went
to Gtvtna yestonhty morning.
John Fl\a had Jaeob MuiiKlcaon arro.stod
Tuesday for assault nnd buttery Justlco
Levy IliiPtl Manglo-son W mid costs.
A .slight wreck occurn > d on the stockyards
trucks yesterday , fs'lpht lioforo last two
of the yard engines tried to pass on the same
track and wciu badly demolished ,
They I'rctVrTliolrKiipnileM , RittSoinu *
times I'at Their I i-leiuls.
Upon the whole , llfo nmnnjr the northern -
orn Australians could hardly bo do.sir-
able on any tonns , nnd on tholr own it
pooins not tu'coptablo. ways u writer in
Harper's Magazine. Tliolr folipion Is n
fear , tholf existence n series of escapes
from Htnrvntion and lumiteldo , tholr
morality a moro tribal obligation to tliu
most elementary fealties , their polity
nn ulthnation of t lie princlplo Unit mi h't
malvos ri/jlit / within tlio tribe as won us
without ; n despotism of the strong1 hand
tempered by etuitiiiif , ' . In the society of
thoKO children of natttro eertaln persons
skilled in devil-devil , astliey call the in
vocation of their supreme demon , and
curtain old ladies accomplished in ciitoi1-
ing lo their simiilo apiiotito fof human
lle.sii are the rulltifr inllueiiceH.
Tlioy are all cannibals , ns oportuulty ]
olTers ; nnd in default of .enemies to eat
they will bomelimcs eat their friends ;
they will even eat their childrenthough
this is exceptional. Otherwise they Uvo
mostly upon poisonous roots , which have
to 1w carefully prepared ; upon worms
and grubs ; upon snakes and lixards , utul
unon such birds and hctlsts aa they can
kill , though they are not good hunters
and are poorly weaiioued for tlio eliase.
Tlioy go nuked , aim almost houseless , ; a ,
shelter of boughs is their conception of
a house.
After four years among thorn , and the
bestowal of inestimable benefits in
tobacco , Mr. Lumhollz could not Hallor
himself that ho hud ovet succeeded in
appealing to any sentiment but fear in
them ; they did not kill 1dm because they
imagined him an adept in devil-devil ,
and because they wore afraid of the baby
of the gun , ns they called Ills revolver ;
but they would not huvo oaten him , because -
cause they had found that , upon
the whole , white men did not agree
with them. In snito of llioir fears
they had accesses of treachery in which
they longed no much to kill him that
it was nuvoi * safe to lot them get behind
him : and apparently no kindness could
win them loalTection. On such conditions
life began to bo for him at moments
the possession that it hcomed lo them ,
and ho experienced a deep despondency ,
mixed with indilTercnco , from which ho
had to pull hims-olf together with n strong'
olTort of the will at last , in order to
cape from the physical miiiMu of their
most miserable existence. They were
children with no lovable traits Hint ho
could discover , and cruel and filthy in
their ignorance.
In spite of their abominable customs
and their squalid conditions tlio life of
the open air and of the woods ami hills
is so wholesome that line physical typos
are not rare , and in this fact I hero might
bo some hope for the ruco if it met the
least justice in contact witli the whites.
But on the frontiers , bays Mr. Luniholt/ ,
'any savage discovered by the white
men runs the risk of being shot. Poison
was laid in the way of tlio blacks once
when I was in Qucenstown * * * A
squatter * * * shot nil the men on
liis run because they were cattle-killers ,
tlio women because "they gave birth to
cattle-killers and the children because
they would in time become cattle-kill-
ors. "
Cnllat 1OO2 ,
Sixteenth and Parnain , for railway tick
ets for tlio ' 'Great Kock Island Kouto. "
Its Owner RefiiHcs Many Klj OflVrH
forlllH Faithful Companion.
Pedestrians in Upjior Eroadway have
long1 been familiar with CJarrett Uoach ,
tlio blind match seller , and Nero , the
famous dog which daily leads him to tlio
corner where his vocation is plied. Nero
is a handbomp mixture of bull and
English mastiff , nnd is ono of the most
intelligent canines in tlio city. The
other evening while a Now York Sun re
porter was caressing the animal and
conversing with his master , a well-
dressed young man who had stopped a
moment to examine the dog , made a few
inquiries regarding him und followed
them with an oiler of 8100 for his pos
session. It was promptly refused by Mr.
Roach , who said the animal was in-
fruitful subject was introduced.
howovor. and the blind man plunged
into relations of previous offers ho had
received for tlio animal , among thorn
being one of $300 from Do Wolf lloppor ,
the actor. The most interesting inci
dent , howaver , was thus told by Mr.
Roach :
"One afternoon about a week ago a
young lady whom these about mo after
ward said Was very pretty and hand-
bomoly dressed stopped to look at Noro.
At lirst she scorned afraid to approach
him. Suddenly ho commenced to baric
and she wanted to know the reason. I
told her ho was asking for candy , and
she at once sent another young lady
who was with her for a supply. To
gether they fed it to the dog and from
their remarks they must have
enjoyed watching him as much as ho did
eating it. Then they wanted to know all
about him , and nfterl had told them the
manner in which ho cared for mo , the
ono who had Ilrst spoken offered me $ " 00
if I would part with him. Of course I
had lo refuse her , for ho's worlh moro
than his weight in gold ; but she waa
very persistent , and ilnulty raised her
olter to $000. I baid I couldn't let him
go at any price and after many expres
sions of regret at her inability to obtain
him she departed. "
While Mr. Roach was tolling his slory ,
many passers by stopped to pat tlio dog
nnd throw coins into tlio box which con
tains mutches offered for Bale.
Rolilxnl ) ) } ' u Corpse.
A gonlloman living in hie own housu
on llio Uoulovard Poreiro , Paris , has
just hud tin unpleasant adventuro. At
on early hour ono morning lie wad
awakened by the loud pealing of hill
doorbell , and on going to the gate ho
found to his horror u man hanging , as lie
thought , lo tlio bell wlro. Ho asued his
sorvunt lo give the iiliirm lo llio neigiH
bors , but as she wtur too frightened to
sally forth ho went instead , followed by1
his Irembling domestic. When ho returned
turned to the liouso after some delay ho
discovered that the man whom ho up
posed to bo dead hod taken advantage of
Ills absence to possess himself of all tlio
valuables which ho could conveniently
remove and had got clear away.
\Vhan Ilaliwo * tick , w gars her CaMorla ,
When the waa a CliIlJ , iho cried for CajtorU ,
When tUo L > ccam MUi , iho clung to CutorU ,
WU u * lto bad CtilUroti , tlio gave them