Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Bank clearings yesterday , < ? 9IO,
Dnvo Kaufman fluccocded In Bccuring
bondrimcn ycstc-rdny and was released
from the county jail.
Sam Small , the evangelist , was in
town Monday and registered at tlio
I'nxton. Uo cuid that ho did not think
tlio prohibition amendment would carry
in Nebraska.
The joint committees from the Grand
Army of tlio Republic posts of the city
nnd from the camps of Iho Sons of Vot-
ontnfl will meet at the Millard hotel this
evening to complete arrangements for
properly observing Decoration day.
Mr , BwnnHon , proprietor of the Clifton
house , was acquitted of the charge of
grand larceny. Ho was accused of open
ing a letter addressed to a boarder and
appropriating $200. The evidence
showed that ho had authority to do so
from the complaining witness.
A man , niimo unknown , hut supposed
to bo Burke , is dving at the county jail.
Ho was locked up May ! ) suffering the
horrors of delirium tremens and has
continued to grow worse. IIo is about
fiixty years old , of slender build and is
ligh't complexioned.
All the committees which have been
appointed by the Ancient Order of
United Workmen lodges in this city to
inako arrangements for the lilting ob
servance of Doeorat ion day in conjunc
tion with the Grand Army of the Repub
lic , by decorivting the graves of deceased
members , will meet Thursday night at
the Ancient Order of United Workmen
hall in the Barker block to make full
- Organising'
Swedish CariitMilci-n '
Of the ( )0 ) Swedish carpenters in tlio city ,
1M ) met at Green's hull last night and partici
pated in n rousing meeting , tlio object of
which was for the purpose of organising a
union. Speeches were male by W. D. Mus-
bcr of the Central labor union , .T. H. bnydcr
of Cat-pouters' union No. 71 , and II. .T. Hl'by ( ,
after which nearly all of these present signed
nn application to tlio Knights of Labor ask
ing /or / admission into that organization.
For rliomnnttain , lumbaRO , ncuralf'iacnimp
nnd colic there Is no remedy biincrior to the
genuine Jr. Thomas' Kclcctric Oil.
Nebrawkii Johlicrfl.
The Jobbers of this city held n rousing
meeting In the board of trade rooms yesterday
afternoon to arrange for the entertainment of
the Nebraska state business men's ' associa
tion on Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday
of next week. It was decided to tfivo the dele-
pates n drive about the citvoa Thursday af
ternoon and a banquet Thursday evening.
The committee of arrangements , consisting of
Messrs. liemiwu , Louis Holnirod , Mnclcod ,
JIussov nnd Hodecn , was instructed to call
on tho'jobburs and bollcit funds for the enter
A I'lcnsin ; ? Sense
of health and strength renewed and of case
nnil comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs ,
as it nets in harmony with nature effectually
cleanses the system when costive or bilious.
For sale in 5'Jc unit 51 bottles byall Urug/tsts.
South Ofilen Stockyards.
The organisation of the South Ogdcn
stockyards anil land company was completed
in this city yesterday. The capital stock is
$ lr > 00,0X ( ) , equally divided between Omaha
nnd Ogden. The company proposes to build
packing houses , hotel anil exchange buildings
unil extensive yards. Among the subscribers
to the stock ave George W. K. Dorsoy ,
"William A. Paxton , John A. McShunc , James
K. Boyd and S' D. ilerccr. C. K. Muync ,
now of Ogdcn , has been active in promoting
the enterprise. As may bo seen from the
nbovc , several of these Interested In the
Ogilon schema are heavy stockholders in the
South Omaha yards.
The perfamo of violets , the purity of the
lily , the glow of the rose ami the flush of Hebe
combine in Po zoni's wondrous Powder.
Tramps In a School House.
People living in the vicinity of the Forbes
school , in North Omaha , have been much
Disturbed recently by the antics of tramps ,
who have bicn in the habit of turning Iho
school building Into a lodging house. Early
Tuesday morning a number of these gentry
who WPIO btonpliifr there for the night over-
tun oil the bchool house stove , and .su great a
racket illil they make la oxtiiigu'ishing the
JIre that ensued that the neighbors wore
aroused nnd the mounted patrol was sum
moned by telephone. The tramps escaped ,
however , before the arrival of the ofllecrs.
Tlio Trans-Missouri.
Tno Trans-Missouri passenger association
Is holding an important meeting in this city.
Chairman AV.V. . Fiuloy and representatives
from every Hue interested are hero. Among
them may bo mentioned John Sebastian , gen
eral passenger agent of the Hock Island , Chicago
cage ; S. l'IJoyil. . assistant general passenger
ngeat of the liock Island , Topcka ; George
Nichols of the Santa ITe , Topeka ;
.T. E. Loi-kwooil , of the Fort Scott & Gull ,
Kansas City : I < \ AV. Prlngle , J. P. Noursc ,
"W .1. Hui'kanan , John Francis nnil John \V.
Scott. They nro holding tliolr sessions in
rooms at the Paxton hotel. J. P. Noursc , is
secretary of the association. While these
men declare that they have nothing but regu
lar routine business under consideration it la
well understood that an-cffovt will bo made
to prevent a spread of the eoniliig rate war
over trans-Missouri territory. They hope to
lieep up a strong barrier against reduced rates
Kolug beyond the river. Whether it can be
done successfully or not is the question.
AVIicn on the High Sons ,
On the rail , on a steamboat , aboard a fishing
Miuiek , or yacht ing on the coast , HostetU-r's
Stomnulu Hitters will bo foiiml a reliable
means of averting anil relieving ailments tc
which travelers , mariners ami emigrants arc
peculiarly subject. Sea captains , ship doc
tors , voyagers or bojourners in the tropics ,
nnd till about to encounter imarclimatea , an
mmccusUmied or dangerous ellmato , should
not neglect to avail themselves of this safe ,
guard of well uscortiiinnl ami long-trieil
merit , Constipation , bllliousaess , malaria :
fever , Indigestion , rheumatism anil affections
of the bladder ami kidneys are among tin
ailments which it onuljeates , and it may be
resorted to not only with conlklcnco In it ;
remedial enleacy , but also in its perfect free
ilom Irom cvi'ry objectionable ingredient ,
elnco it is dot ivcd from the purest ami mosl
salutary source. Jt counti'raeta the effects ol
unwholesome food anil water.
Mnrringo { licenses.
Licenses were issued to the following par
tics by Juilgo Shields yetenlay :
Niunoinul resident. Ago
( Charles' IL liccd , Omnlm . . .U :
I Harriet J. Ogburn , Oninha 31
i Fnmk Tohln , South Omaha S
II j Mary I Hukey , South Omaha 21
I'Anson K. Morris , St. Paul , Minn
\ Clara Hoeder , Omaha " 'i
( Andrew Thompson , Omaha 2 :
j Ueglnu Jensen , Omaha 1
( Martin Kroeger. Oiaaha ! ) :
( Sophia Gruiabciiloss , Omaha S :
An Absoliitn Curf.
la only put up in largo two-ouneo tin boxed
and is an absolute euro for all sores , burns . . . . . .
" -
wounds , chapped haiul.s audaUhklncruptiona
Will positively . euro all kinds of piles. Asl
JQl * tllO V IVI VI 1141 * .J * * * ! * *
MENT. Sold by Goodman Uiaig company u
IS cents per box -by mall HO coals
Mr. Frank McKco , manager of "The Gou
ilollei-s" opera company , says that ultliouKl
I sit ess lithe northwest | ms been had ] o
other opcrntlo attractions , the business o
The dondoliow" exceeded aituUoi ! > a
The company is very large , and the ojwii
hero with a feivnt amount"
will bo pivsentcd
Hiwelnl scenery. It will hold forth at Hovil
own houseon Monday , Tuesday urn I
iic ilav of next wci-lc , pn-sentini , ' Uilbort J
Hunivun's Itttcbt opera ht all thrco iwrfoi
innnccs. , _
UaUor'B I'uro Coil MvcrOH.
( Known over -10 years. ) Also Ualcer
Emulsion for throat and lung
O. It.ltOTUACKim'S
The a in < M ! Jonrnnllst I-ald to Host at
Korost Ijawn.
The fnncral of O. H , Kotlmckcr took jilaco
yesterday monilng nt 0 o'clock ,
The remains lay In a hainhoino casket at
the undertaking rooms of Droxcl& Maul ,
where they wore viewed by members of the
press club and the frlemh in business and
professional circles whom the decease ! had
made in life. On the casket and grouped
about It lay the floral tributes. The offering
of the press club was n beautiful scroll of
white nnil yellow roses over which , llko n
gauze veil , hung delleatosprays of fern. The
edges of the scroll were of yellow roses and
orchids In Imitation of gold. Across the front
was the legend "Finis" over n pen of
lily of the valley nnd primroses.
The ) > aso was a beautiful spray of ptcrls
argyrca. K. J. and T , F. Brcnnun sent n
largo lloral design In roses , ferns mid gera
niums representing a hand holding a pen.
From the Kearney Enterprise came a pillow
of roses.
The honorary pall bearers were C. 13.
Yost , W. F. licchol , T. F. Urcnnan ,
Elmer Fnmk , T. J. MoOcath. F. E. Moorcs ,
A. E. Moynlhnn and F. H. Morrlssov , while
the pall 'bearers worn H. U. Pcattio , W. C.
Gregory , J. O. Crawford , H. L. Eaton , W.
Vaughn , Jr. , and Fred Nyo.
The members of tlio press club marched
two abreast after the hoarse , and can-hires
containing members of the council and pro
fessional and business friends followed to the
At the church the casket was opened and
the numerous lloral tributes ware placed
about and upon it.
A quartette , composed of Miss Dayliss.
Miss Lidilell , and Messrs. Walter Dale and
U. H. Young , sang the hymn "Abiilo With
Mo , " after which Ilev. Ilarsha read an ap-
iiropriato p.issngo from the Scriptures , and
followed It with a short and eloquent uiluross.
Ho spoke as follows :
The Scotch have nn old saving that "tho
night brings all hamo. " In the morning , the
boys go out to the Holds or to the fisheries or
to "tho factories ; the girls go out to the mills
or to the kitchens of the neighbors or to the
noisy burns running through the rocks of
the mountains to do the week's laundry work.
And all through the day they toil In their
widely separated places and spheres , casting
many a wistful thought to the eottago homo
where father and mother await their return.
And when the evening comes down upon the
hills hero they come back from their work
the boys from the lowlands , and the girls
from the highlands , and under the dear old
roof tree where the most of them were born
there are greetings and congratulations and
laughter and tears. The night brings all
But tills saying means more still to the
sturdy Scotchman of the hills. They often
use it to describe the home-coming after life's
separations anil wanderings and toils. This
will be at the evening of which our present
pain ful and wearisome career is the day.
People get widely separated in tlio struggles
of this llfo. They wander away from these
who were their dearest friends at the begin
ning of their course. They sometimes forget
the teaching of father and mother in the old
homo. They get into bad ways and follow
evil courses and are led into grievous sins ;
but wo believe that God's converting grace
follows most of them until the evening and
night brings them home. A mother's prayers
are stronger than the devil's wiles. The
gates of hell shall not prevail against the
sweet ialluenccs of the Sabbath
school. When evening draws on and
the shadows begin to fall , and the
doctor is called in to case the
throbbing of the temples from the fever and
strain of life , unil the poor overtaxed body
shivers at the Jlrst touch of the night of
death ; O , . then sweet memories of what was
long ago taught come as on wings of white
doves to comfort the shrinking soul anil woo
it to faith in the Christ who died for us all 1
I never saw a man die yet who was not think
ing of his mother. The love that gave us
lifo hovers over us when wo die.
Let us hope that this was the cnso with
the brilliant man whoso death wo mourn
toiluy. IIo was born on Christmas day a little -
tlo more than thirty-three years ago , Ho
came of sturdy and consecrated Presbyterian
stock , of more- than ono ganeration's growth.
lie was one of the examples , of which the
world is full , that rare minds are of slow
growth. The faith , fervor , moderation anil
sclf-sucrillco of many who tollciland thought
in secret found fascinating vent in him. His
writings show that ho never quite got away
from tli6 hallowing influences of having been
bora of such religious love and on the day
which saw the birth of the Son of man. For
instance , his belief in the miracles is shown
in this stanza wfaich I find among his papers :
And sometimes , bo wo ueak or wl-o ,
Wo feel tliu splendid touch divine ,
Which eliainis the water of our lives
Into the icdder Hush ofvlno. .
Anil , as showing his trust In an overruling'
providence , I find this :
The sobbing of a new-born child ,
The rlnnlns of an old man's knell ,
Are but tlio Incidents of llfo ;
Tor God is thuiu and "all Is well. " , j
Or take this :
Hohlnd the laugh there Is a sob ,
Ilehlnd the thought thoio Is a soul ;
Wo walk In fractions and forgot
That Uod aloni ; can imtko the \\hole.
It is not for mo or for any man to judge
how far ho practiced these sentiments in his
dally lifo. Though ho was supremely care
less of the opinion of others , and so seemed to
spread out his faults that all might see them ,
bo was ever ready to acknowledge that they
clung to him. Men thought him fitful when
ho was only intonso. Men thought him cyn
ical when ho was only crying out passionately
against shams and hypocrisies. His .splendid
argument against Ingersollism has become a
classic. It has been stated that ho would not
sco a minister on his death bed ; but that , I
am assured , is a mistake. Ho desired to converse -
verso with ono , but when a friend started to
summon one ho did not feel equal to the cx-
tiou of an Interview and said ; "Not now. "
Let us trust that the sentiments which ho so
well put into verso were devoutly felt by him
as he ncarcd the dark rivur :
OWhlto Christ !
All Oay Tlilnu linns woio stretched across the
11 eo ,
All day the fioico sun smiled Its sneering
All day tlio moll turni'd bitter eyes on Thee ,
All day llfo budo Thy fulling hoart-throbs
wait ,
And then death came.
A * .pi > ur tliriHtt
And then tlio snddi'ii darkness which doth fall
On woury eyelids unit on whitening face ,
When the 1-0 Is ui'vor any thought at all
And llfu's lough iliyinuauto mulloncil by the
grace Of Its straiiso close.
O Wlilti'ChrNt ,
O centlo soul of Uod , O human Ono ;
Uuaven's puiuat poem ! Tender Ono and
trnu ; .
rotglvuiis all the black sins wo have done ;
l''urgto us , fur our tin-,1 doth llu In Vint ,
' In Yon tilonoj
All piiln-tlullled words ,
All broken spouch of mmur. all false thought ,
All snddi'ii turnings from thoold strung way ,
All uvll things our ovll hands have wronsht ,
All follies nnd all wrutli wo humbly pray ,
I'oinhous tliL-.ii !
Gentlemen , I am smo that If ho could spea1 <
te you from the shadow land ho would say :
"Live for God and truth , for purity and
Christ , for the best Interests of the body ,
which Is the temple of the Holy Ghost , and
for the training of the soul , which was made
In the imago of Deity , hotter than I did. "
I am particularly desired by his mother ,
who weeps at the side of his mortal remain- !
today , to express to the pcoplo of Omalm , and
especially to the members of the elnl
of this city , her most cordial and tendei
thanks for nil the kindness shown to her well
beloved son In all his sorrows nnd slrkncss :
and to say to you that , much as she would like
to take Ins dear body to rest near her at hei
home , she leaves It hero as a precious legaej
to the free and prosperous west , which hi
loved so much , and whlrh In all Its push anil
turmoils and activities Is so llko bis own
teeming brain Itself.
At the conclusion of Mr. H.irsha's address
the ijunrtvtto sang another beautiful hymn ,
after which these In attendance were given
an opj > ortunlty of viowlng the remains ,
After nil had done so the mother and othei
relatives took a farewell look at the body
Their grlof was Intetiso and tilTocted all whc
witnessed It.
The casket was then closed and borne t <
the henrso.
At the cemetery the usual burlnl sorvlci
was read and all that remained of the brll
llant writer was consigned to earth.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Chll
divn Teething gives qulut helpful rest , i
cents a bottle. _
District Court.
The four Judges Issued nn appointment of i
member of the park commission to servo fo
llvo years , naming Mr. Alfred Millard fo
tuut position.
Thu suit Qf Dexter L , Tuoiuas pgalust tU
city was settled In favor of tlio plaintiff , tlio
Jury awarding lilin damages In the sum of
Charles Calkins hns applied for a divorce.
from Amanda H. Culldns on the ground of
cruelty. Ho alleges Unit they were married
April IP. 1W < , In Cameron , N. Y. , nnd that
Mrs , Catkins 1ms frequently assaulted him
with sticks of wood and dlvetB other articles
of bric-a-brac , nnil hns put rolson ami pow
dered glnss In his food. Ho b.'cnmo nfr.nd of
ills llfo nnd loft her nnd now prays to bo di
vorced forever.
Mrs. Theresa Bcrtroln seeks to bo divorced
From Thomas IJertrola. They woio married
in Italy in 1877 nnd In Jnnuhrv , 18S3 , the bus-
jaiul "deserted the wlfo and thwo children
nnd hns fallal to support them.
The Union bag and paper company bos
wrought suit ngalmt the Omaha chemical
works , Herman Kobfcld and Julius Hosen-
bcrg , to recover SliO.OO on account of goods
sold nnd delivered.
William IColbo hns commenced suit ngninst
.ho city for f,2"i0.70 , for damages sustained
> y having his properly flooded. Ho alleges
thnt the flooding was c.vised by a defective
sewer on Dorcas street , which caused the
water to back into his branch and flooded his
u'cmlscs , causing the dam ago spocltled.
Changoof llfo , backache , monthly irrcgu
nrities , hot flashes are cured by Dr. Miles'
Nervine. Free samples at Kuhu & Co. , 15th
mil Douglas.
Iti supprlor CTceilcnoe proven In millions of homes
'ormoro thnti n quarter of nrentury. It Is mod y
lie United Stntci Government. Knilrirxxl bf tl10
icndi or tliu llrent Universities ni the Strongest ,
'uro't md most Healthful. Dr. Price's Crenm IliiK-
nc I'owitcr ( loci not contain Ammonia , Llmo ui
Alum. Sold only In cnni.
rownnii co.
Till ? LAND OF
ni r AsUi-a. A" " - - - ' , < r ruuouv
Sen < H r circular- , 1 trUHlt3 g.a'
. . .
Santa : Abie : and - . Cat : R : Cure
I'orsalo by Ooodmau Drug Co ,
If a corset is perfect in
other respects and has the
usual metal eyelets , the laces
will break at the most annoy
ing times ; for the eyelets.cut
There is a better eyelet ;
made of loops of corset lace ;
soft eyelet we call it. It costs
no more , is neater , more such
as a woman would make for
herself , besides the conveni
ence of not wearing out or
cutting the laces.
The Ball and Kabo corsets
are eyeleted with it.
You can get these corsets
and wear them two or three
weeks ; and , if you do netlike
like them , return them. The
makers pay the merchants to
sell them so.
CHICAGO COF.SET Co. , Chicago and Now York.
To euro nilionsness. Slclc Headache , Constipation.
Walarln. I.Ivor Complaints , tnka tliu eafo
ona certain remedy , SMITH'S
UsotlioBMAIJ.8I55R(40 ( llttlo beans to ( ho bot-
tlol , TliayurothQiiiiMtconvenient ; bull uUu C3.
rrtcoof ( 'llliet MID , 25 conu per buttle.
Maliera of "llilo buana. BU Louis , Slo.
Extract of Beef.
Makes the paicst , cheapest nnd boat Ileef Tea
meat flavoring stork Tor Soups.
Sauces anil Made Dishes.
Ono poundof Kulnictof Iloofoqimlto furljr pounils
t > t lUJil tojl , ur tlio yuluo of ubout t'.M. ,
Goiuilno only with
, ] iistiiS'\on LicWf'.s
slRrmturo ns shown
. IVcAct I'lu CtitlitwJ.'rc6u ( Smolcia of
" " " '
'vlo |
"The fashion wears out
more apparel than the man"
and every man likes to be ap
pareled In the fashion.
How to dothis and to do it
economically is the question.
Let us solve this question for
you by showing you our
clothing , and you will see that
you can have a stylish , well
made , good fitting suit at a
resonable price.
Is absoluteimre a fid
it { a soluble.
No Chemicalf
arc uvxl In It ! preparation. It hns tort
t\a tltrtt lima Ihl ilrenyth of Cocoa
mlitdwith Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
and ii'therefore far more economical ,
totting lett ( Aan ona tent a tup. ] t ! i
Oellcloua , nourishing , strengthening , KA
EILV ] ) lUF.6TF.l > , and admirably adapted
for inralldi & well ai persons In health *
Sold liy flrocors everywhere.
W. BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Mass.
Is unsurpassed In tlie trcntment of nil forms of Prlv-
nta Dlxrusoi , Stricture , IiOit Munliood , liu | > olcnoy ,
nuil nil Disorders of the Sexual nnd Uurlnury Organs.
Ills treatment
and n euro Is guaranteed In every case. These who
have been under his tieutmcnt for
pronounce It a most -wonderful SUCPCII. Stricture
or pain nnddllllcvltylnurlnutlne , permanently cured
u u few diiva without piln , cutting or loss oftlmo
Lost Manhood
And nil weakness of the denial organs , ttmldltyo
liisrviiusncii , III
their worst forms and moit dreadful results nro Ab
solutely and permanently cured by the Doctor , nnd
tlio patient Is boon completely restored to his usual
Kor , nmbltlon and energy.
Tenness and All
Female Diseases
positively cured without Instruments AT 1IO.MB ,
without any nnnojnnro or loss of Humor piiln.
Treatment I" easily mudo by each patient. Horn 3 for
ladles , from 2 to 4 only.
CATAIUUI , MUiu Dlsonsos null nil
Dif-onsoH ol * the Hliioil , llonrt , Mvor ,
ICiitnnyH and ItliiUdor nliiolutuly
Cured Ini0 to notnya. \ .
Almost twenty yonrx' expcrlojico In trontlrik tills
Ttreadful dlsoaix , nii ( thou iinili of perinaiicnt curi's
dwlnro the doctor' * tnmtnii'iit to bo the most r.iphl ,
ptifound eltectlvo. No matter nhat slngo of thu dis
ease , the doctor
Guarantees a Complete Cure ,
n his remedy kills the poison and removes every
Unco of It Irom tlio blood.
Send 10 cents ( stamps ) for the Doctor's book , Thu
I.lfo Secret , for "man" or "woman. "
Treatment by corroiiondonco. Htnmp for reply.
Oilloo Uns Dotibln ! , n trance , Kither
rrnin rnrnninior 1-ttli St. , Nurtliousc
> Corner
HeilBood 15 to S3 pqunrt j per the nclcntlflfl up
plication of h ibal rrniK-
'Ule ' taat act In harmony
with nature In rmo lnil
the cauto of tlu ,
nccuinulatloiior / (
f t , without In IL
health. R
- ,
vw. MW ezprrlinciit , but
nactual tclontlCa fact , demontraH-il beyond the < iw
. Ulie tnalcifit' '
ttoBofadoulit , I Invllolmmtlaation.
ofoli' ltycnurC5liiIioi.wettlnirlnumatljm.iiervoi. ( | )
klJiii-v , blond nud > kln dl.c'A as n mwclalty. hiiiTi !
UoKtiutfrui , . A > llrnM UlilliriiolUM > UniU | < run In u
Ura.Ur. 0T. . '
fi KrAeiiiHYorVi ° ecu ' ; ;
nnd for reiculmliis periodic * * " " * *
None iremiiue unlc ) irv " > l'.IJlifPV/nu'iM . ' .
Bonap rte. ! HOLUUX ALl.
"We offer today about six thousand Men's and Youths' fine suits at
fully one-half what you would have to pay for the same goods else-
where. "We promised something big in the way of a suit sale and you\ \
know we never do things by halves. Today and throughout the follow
ing week you can expect one dollar to do the work of two dollars with-j
out fear of disappointment. This is not a petty sale of a few styles foi >
the purpose of making a noise. Its a grand showing of entirely new and
this season's goods every garment macte for the finest retail trade.
The few samples in our windows give only a poor idea of the value of
these goods , the prices on them do not tell one-half how cheap they are
sold. You must go inside the store and examine the goods. Every coat is
finished open at the bottom , you can see what the quality is , examine
the linings , trimmings.and the general get up of the garments , see how
they fit , then you will have an idea what bargains you are getting.
It would be useless to enumerate any particular style or styles in this sale. As we said there
are about six thousand suits and one is as big a bargain as another. The prices range
from $4.90 for a good All Wool Cheviot Suit , up to $15.00 for tailor-made extra fine Fancy
Worsteds. There arc all styles , light and dark colors , sacks and frocks , also fine Corkscrew
Prince Alberts , silk faced , at § 9.50 for the coat and vest. t <
Don't ' hesitate to come inside if you see a big crowd on the first floor , we have a second and
third floor , all full of goods , and plenty of salesmen on each floor to wait on you.
MAIL ORDERS In order to give our outside patrons an opportunity to secure some , of
these- bargains , we have , of the larger lots in this sale , a limited quantity of samples.Yc \\ill
send them with rules for measuring , but cannot guarantee the filling of the order , as the goods
are likely to go fast. However , you can try.We send goods C. O. D. , with privilege of exam *
ining and. trying on. If they are not in every way satisfactory you need not take them.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets ,
We have a very elegant stock of New Styles in FANS , and
will "place them
On Exhibition Today.
Our store is packed with the choicest CORSETS. EMBROIDERIES.
of new styles in spring goous that are
manufactured. Our Corset D.opnrtmcnt is immense , Some now things in Hemstitched and
embracing all the most desirable makes Block Work Flouneings.
NECKWEAR. in both imported and domestic. Wo
' carry S different styles of the P. D. , DRAPERY NETS.
Wo'nro receiving daily beautiful now
and about 50 different styles in all.
styles in neclcwenr. The styles thia
Can give yon handsome Nets , in plalrj
year surpass all previous efforts , and SUMMER CORSETS. striped , from $1 up.
wo would bo pleased to show you these
goods oven if you do not want to pur- P. D. , $2.25 ; Thompson's , a most excellent
chaso. , cellent Corset , $1 ; and others as low as Ladies' Blouse Waists
Too and { iOu. The P. D. Jeanne d'Arc ,
Fancy Work acknowledged the best corse ; made for In Outing Flannels , with silu or wool
fleshy ladies , $5. stripes , in colors , SI to $2.
On Exhibition.
Wo place on exhibition ami for sale GLOVES.
for u few days an elegant lot of fancy We have all grades and styles in Knit 8-button lengths in Mosqucta-iiv nil
work. All of those goods not sold will Underwear , from a cotton with V-shapcd -
now shades , Sl.CS. A good Lace lili-va
in few tla.ys. nccic at 25c , to the llncst quality of all
bo returned east a .
for $ ICO. A full line of the ct-1. brutcd
silk ; all in either long or bliort sleeves ,
Steel and Shell Jouvin Gloves.
or Union Suits.
Wo now show a handsome line of We have the best goods in hosiery
stool and bholl ornaments. that are inado , and iho lowest prices ,
TEINTEINE. guaranteed. Can give you an AUrfO- . Very novel , new and beautiful things
I.UTKLY FAST ULACK lloso for 2.-5C ,
in this lino. French Caps , hand-madoj
Restorer and Benutlfier of the OK MONEY KKFUXDKU. Plcaso as low as BSu each.
look ever our Hosiery.
Complexion , CAPS/
Tolntoino may oo applied without French Underwear.
fear , as only the purest materials aroused ' For Misses and Young Ladies , in S. . > i h
used in m preparation. For infants' Wo are giving .cut prices on French
toilet ov the most delicate skin , and for convent-made Underwear for a few Plaids and in black , Imndsomo aiui Uo <
gentlemen's use , it is unsurpassed. No . coming $1 to $ U.OO.
lady need become wrinkled , sun burned dnys.
or freckled , If she will use Tomtomo. SUN UMBRELLAS. INFANTS' WEAR. -
At the end of ft day's shopping , calling
, the face will look as fresh as
or wlion party leaving homo , thus doing away Just received some choice and entire This line is very complete , crnbnx 'nff '
with the carrying of n powder cloth. H ly now styles in ) wnllosfrom2 : to $7.50 ; KVERYT1I1NG that Infants - . .uar.Vo
can not bo detected in the strongest also fcoino more of these oxldi/.cd can give you these goods in all gradea
light. Tctntoino lias boon used in Ku- handles at 81.M and Sl.-lC. A handsome of prices from the lowest to the Li-at.
vopo for the past . lifty Money years rofunuod with the if line of CAHRIACiB SHADES , Misses' Wo pay odpocial attention to tins de
greatest success. . Parasols , colored silk with satin stripe partment and carry the largest line ii )
not satihfiictory.
Tolntelno is for sale only by us. $1.35 and $1.75. the city.
MRS. J. BENSON , Fancy Dry Goods
18th Sreot ; 1st door South of Douglas Street.
B V IB * MM n rU * - M Wi UttU VI K&
,2 nr l aad HEKVOUS U DILITV
| W ; Uacucf Body amminj , Etftjta
ilofKrroriorEic iiei7n01JcrYounr
' ,
. MI001I fall ; llr.l.r.J. lit , I. . .l.'f . . Jl
e.r.ik..MK.niM > mujriiiiiK < u\sii'iUTa mrtllfol IIIIRK TKIUTU1T-U.o.ei. I. < > , .
Ilia Ililllr I" " 0 bl M 4 1 " ! touitrl.i. Hrlll ILii > .
U. . < rltil < * Ux > t. i > i4 u > 4 ni r < u > iii4it < > liirn ) < .
44 ! r 5RIE MEUICAL CO , , BUFrALO , N. Y.
GOLD MEDAL , PARIS Cxror > TioN , 1880.
M. O.
( Succonor to Dreicl A Muul.J "
and Embalmci ?
At the old stnptl 1407 Itanium at. Ordorslb
telouniph no ! ol i.'d and vromvlly
T lcuLouu to No , : i.