Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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MldulgU liiids the Work Of tbe1 Council
Oiilj Partially Completed.
Tlio Kiiiployiimnt of n Hecrelnry tn
tlio llfiaril of Health Authoi-
l/.ecl ItoinovlilK thu
.SitatutS. ( |
The rOuncll was duo for onu of those Urn-
noino sessions last nl ht and carried out Its
obligation with such marked success Hint Uio
inh1iiiht ) hour forjod nn adjournment before
lialf of the InisincHs hoforo Uio mooting was
disposed of. The voluble members simply
talked themselves out nnd dofented n motion
to adjourn until tomorrow nlftlit.
The city treasurer reported the soJo to S.
A. K'ran & Co. of Chicago of tW.riOO district
paving bonds mid f ! , . " 'X ' ) curbing bonds nt
tlfX ) , 7U The wile was uppi ovi d.
.1 K , Klley & , Co. wanted the council to
postpone the nwuiMlng of the contracts for
paving and olhrr public works for alleged
IrreKuI.iritles In the nctloi. of the board of
public- works In the nwunlliig of the con
tracts , The complainants stittcd that they had
lild on Omaha ami Lpuisvillo brick ami with
drew their bid nt the suggestion of the boardto
siinend It They then returned their bid and
the board refused to juvcpt it. The matter referred to the committee on paving ,
i-url'lng and guttering ni'd tlie ell v attorney.
This committee pv.inilued tno complaint and
reported nftulnnt It for the reason tliat the bid
i-efeni'd towns informal and defective anil
failed to comply with the written specifica
tions made a ii.irtof the proposal ; the bid
was voluntarily withdrawn , with the por-
inlel > Ioii , not by thu order , of the el.nlrman of
of the board of public works ,
iind was away from Jho build
ing , The lopovf , of thn committee
was adopted and the bids and bonds of the
bidders approved.
The city attorney reported trpou the light
of the niunell to open .tones street from
Twentieth street west , holding that there
was no question wht.tever about , the council's
nutlior'ly t < i open thu street If tlicrowas need
for It for the public frood.
'Che vrllllfin for the oponiuj'of thn street
\vns rcfu cd by the council.
The eitv atloiney reported that the title of
( lie donors of the \Vc.t Leurcnworth street
park was good. 'i'1 | ( < ivport wvs ; adopted and
the city attorney Instructed to take the
neeevary steps to place the park In the pos-
BCS.sioi , of the p.iri : roin"ii3sioiii :
Ooit 1'e , ml .Master Pulaski's report < -nsac-
cepted mid his bill for diowning ' " , ! > dogs wiw
ordeicd i .i..l. The city comptroller rccom-
inoul.d ihat l'ie urdlnnneo bealncuited to af
ford a TII'.III- ( if cheeking the potim' ' master's
claim. Tin'ii'ioimnemlatinn was referred to
the cr 11 ml ' on police. .
Tl.n IM | iliV'ieiun repot Jed cl/.ity t'.vo
dcatl)1" ) ai.d 'H-liirllis for the tr.on'li ' ol April.
Ton of ti e , 'ea'hs were caused by dliihlheria.
Ti * 3 uii.iObl of Plumbing Inspector Di.-nnis.
for a C'ljo of I u > plan anil bpucillcnliuns for
the plumbing < f thn nw city ball va' . re-
ferml to the c'l.innlllte on public pi'opwty
ami Innlfiiiij.- ?
The i iiiin > 'i"i < iition of the p.avir crmmission-
ers rciue.itin1. Hit- council to accept the G'n'd- '
well , i'i 1 Ticinis p.irk propo-iitior.s wi-1 ; rj-
Jenid to the city i.ttorncv.
A letter Hum S. II. II. Clark , first vice
pros dent of the Min.iuri Pmillc , was re
ceived , .imiQiiiiohig that a check would he
sent to rity Tie.isurcr Kush for $ ll. > l.iO ( In
p.iymcnt of Missouri Pacific taxes for 1S7S
mid IV. ! .
A protest ng.iinst the paving of Lociist
street from Hhcrinan a\enuo to the railroad
tracks referred to the committee on pav
ing nndguttoi ing.
The request of J. K. noyd for a modification
of the ordinance relating to the construction
of theaters , eliminating some objectionable
features , was referred to the committee on
public property and buildings. An ordinance
was afterwards reported by the committee
limiting the amendments requested.
The npp'-.iiscrs on opening Twenty-second
street , through llarbach's addition to Paul
street , reported the award of1,000 to J. A. The report was adopted. Thcap-
praibcrs also reported having awarded l , r > 0
for changing the grade of Franklin street
from Twenty-seventh to Thirtieth. This re-
report went to the committee on streets and
A resolution locating a police and fire alarm
box at Thirteenth and Vinton streets was ic-
ferreil to the tire and police commission.
The registrars for the special election
were jeach allowed $ ' } u day for three days'
work , and the Judges and clerks each ( n diiy
fsr two days' work. An exception was at
tempted for the benellt of the roigistrars of
the new First distiict of the Second ward ,
who hud to cony the list of votes from the
old registry books. Mr. Alorearty's resolu
tion to pay these registrars U5 cents an hour
each for eighty-live hours' work was referred
to the committee on Judiciary. A further ex
ception was made in this case of the officers
of election of the Second district of the First
ward who were stricken from the list on ac
count of their fulluio to report tlie result of
the election.
The contractor on the grading of South
{ Seventeenth street was oidered to suspend
work pending thu consideration of u propo
sition to be presented to the council by the
B. & M. and Union Paeilie-railwaycompaiiies
relative to certain improvements to bo made.
A lesolution instructing the city attorney
to take steps , legal or pthorwise. to remove
the smmttors from the Intersection of Doug-
Jus and ICighth streets , was introduced. The
"squatters" referred to were Mrs. Itrudy and
lier imbecile daughter. Mr. Popplcton stated
that It would require at least two years to se
cure the ejectment of the squat
ters In the courts. JIo said the
police or the contr.ictors could remove the
bquattcis and let the litigation come after
wards , but it could not bo done legally.
"That is why I put 'or otherwise' in the
resolution , " said Mr.Vheler. .
"I don't think It fair to ask mo to take the
'otherwise' steps , " Mild Mr. Popplcton.
"That Is not in my line. "
The laugh that followed gave Mr. Wheeler
Ids cue. and ho moved thn reference of tlie
resolution to the commit tee on police "with
power to act. " The motion prevailed.
The tlnanco committee recommended the
employment of a clerk for the secretary of
tlio board of health , to keep vital statistics.
ut nn expense not exceeding $ ' . ' 0 a month ,
The roiiort was adopted.
The committee on grades and grading re
ported in favor of grading an entrance to
Prospect Hill cemetery from Parker street.
When the milk Inspection ordinance came
up Mr. Wheeler wanted it postponed for
amendment. Mr. ChalTco objected. As a
member of the board of health ho didn't like
the idea of having the council upset all of
the work of the board. The hoard , ho
claimed , had undertaken to Inaugurate
a reform in the milk inspection business and
needed the encouragement rather than the
ubu--o of the council.
Mr. Wheeler said the council had Just do-
elded to allow KO u mouth for a cleric for the
city physician , although ttio charter and the
ordinances relating to thu office made no pro
vision for such clerk or expenditure.
The ordinance was rcccmntittod.
H. O. Cole and A. li. Hunt were appointed
to assist the city clerk in canvassing the vote
cast at the special election of Thursday. May
8. The report of the canvassers showed tlio
following majorities on the various proposi
tions ; For paving bonds , 1'JKl ; for sewer
bonds , Iltd ; for engine house beads , 1W4 ;
for annexation of South Omaha.
This roitort was approved and the council
ndjourncd ,
Pears Soap Is the most elegant toilet adjunct
Hiillilinj. Penults ,
The following piinnlts were Issued by the'
building inspector yesterday :
A. 1' . TuUi'V. onu- ! > tory frame cottage ,
Oiltlon lltll $1,300
Guxt lliuiH'l , tbroe-htury hrluk Hat , Six
teenth ami Hickory hticctx 6,000
V. K. lurlln ) , oni'-Mory frume cottage ,
Twentieth iiml Custollar-ticuU POO
Fume. bX ( >
Onu minor pi'milt 73
Total. . (10.U73
Anolliei * OlllceiIn Trouble.
Mrs. Josephine Miller , who resides at Six
teenth and California streets , charges Ofllccr
Kohblns of the police force with an offense
which , if proven , will result In hU star being
turned in to the police commission. The
woman occupies a Hut , where aha lives with
her daughter , u girl thirteen years of age.
Bntlt mother and daughter claim that Mon-
daj night the oftlccr , so drunk that ho coftld
hardly climb the stairs , entered their rooms ,
and alter remarking upon the condition of
the weather , wanted to know If there was
nnVthln ? about the house to drink. Mrs.
Miller had novcr seen a policeman look * upon
the wine , no slid gave him a mixture of beer
and whisky , mid ho proceeded to get outside
of It , after which she says ho made indecent
proposal. ) to the child. This aroused-the Ire
of tlio mother , and with a stove poker she
claims to have driven the ofllccr from her
Kobbins denies the htorvcl.ilmlng : that ho
was never In the rooms , but notwithstanding
this , Mrs. Miller will ruiwrt tlio ease to Chief
Sc.ivey today ,
'Nru'antl Klrnunt
the ticket olllco of the C'hlwigo , Hook.
Island & Pacific Ky. . the "Gfcut Hock1
Island Kottlc , " 1001 ! , Sixteenth mid Km-
mini , Oiniilui.
JIo Close * Ills Temperance Itcvlvnl
Amid Great KittliiiHlnKin.
Last night , befiuoau audience which taxed
to the utmost the capacity of the CJrand opcm
house , Francis Murphy brought to a close lib )
season of ten nights of temperance reform.
Speeches wore made by n number of the re
formed ones , nnd vocal numbers were ren
dered by I'l-of. Smith , Mr nn.l Mrs. Foster
and Miss Vostcc of Crcston , In. , us also the
excellent chorus crganl/ed by Prof. Smith.
Mr. Mmphy , In closing , said Unit ho hail
never been treated with more generosity and
kindness In any city than he had been in
Omaha , and that he desired to thank the people
ple of this city for the oame from the fullness
of his heart.
S peak i in ; of saloon men. ho said that if the
people wanted to shut them up the best way
was to keep away from them- for each
ono to go homo und mind his
own business If nobody went near the
preacher that was the end of tlio sermon. If
nobody went near the saloon thut was the
end of the whisky business , lie was tired
of this talk of" legislating what was right.
The legislature was not God. They did not
say "Our Father which art In the legisla
ture. " No ; they said "Our Father which
art in heaven. " The legislature needed re
form us much as anything lie knew of. Ho
thought ho could .safely assert that the s.i-
loon men had lost f.OO since Francis Murphy
had eommei.ccd r.peakingr in Omaha. If
everyone who hud taken the blue ribbon
would go out and do likeu and keep away
from the saloons they \\ould drive out every
salooi. in no time.
Mr Murphy's remarks on this subject were
Icuilly npphiudcd. He eloped his remarks in
a waim ivqncht for nil those who had taken
Mic blue r'bbon to remain steadfast and keep
hi mind the gr\it work they had accom
plished In abandoning t'.o ' llq Jor habit.
Ifc then announced the formation of the
Omaha d'oipel tcmpe''anen union , the presi
dent of which appointed as Mr. C ! . A.
Mr. Murphy returns to his liomc in Pitts-
burg. . -
A .11VSK31KST8.
Eflle jSllater appeared hist night in the title
ol < : of Liiiura DonS romantic comedy dr.inm ,
"Kgypt , " a part better adapted in ninny re-
speiiti to her than almost anything else she
plays. It is a splendiit story , Jlllcd with
bright characters and plenty of good action.
The company gave an oven , satisfactory and
tliurouyhly enjoyable performance. Miss
rcilslcrcapilv.ilod her audience ; Mr.Vetoii
iiii Colonel Blueberry JJclIows , an American
prince , delighted everyone ; Orrin Johnson's
Angus Someniyko won unanimous admira
tion ; Miss Kmnia Untlorns ICatrlna Allyn
was veiy pleasing ; Miss Lucille La Verne
impcramniled Tote Tirrllna , u horsey young
woman , capitally and Joe Whcclock , Jr. did
tlie part of an Knglish snob most admirably ,
.lohn A. lOllslcr was seen in the character of
Pius Allyn , lCgpt's father , though ho had
very little to do. Throughout , It was an
artistic entcrta'inuent. Two or three times
Miss Ellbler was called before the curtain.
New Coaics House , Kan. City.
Absolutely lire proof. Finest and largest
hotel In Kansas City. Unexcelled in its ap
They Are failed Up at .1 Meeting of
TJ. S. Grant Post.
The members of U. S. Grant Post , No. 110 ,
G. A. U. , v.vve. in full force last night at Cen
tral Iniii , ' \ here , in company with the mem
bers of oihcr posts , the montlily open meeting
was held.
Thu audience a large one , many ladies
being yrc.scnl.
The meeting was railed to order by Major
Clarkscu , : ilcr ! which the "Old Army Bean"
was sung and chccra ! to the echo.
C. 10. Uurmister , m his inimitable style ,
entertained the audience by reading a paper ,
entitled "Tlio experience of the recruit who
went to the front. " Tlio paper took up the
life of an awkward young man who entered
thoaimy , fiesh from the farm , following
him through his eaieer from
the time ho passed into the hands of the drill
master until ho reached the front.
The address of the evening was delivered
by the IJev. Q. II. Shlnn , who said :
'I am glad to be a member or U. S. Grant
post. I am proud of the name , and again I
am proud of this post because the members
always tell stories , true stories , while the
members of other posts tell ttories that are
not true.
"I was a Virginia soldier , " said the
speaker , "and the first experience I had with
\ ankecs was when wo were In the Sheimn-
doah volley. Of course wo got acquainted ,
and what do you think those Yankees btolo
pigs and went to the owners ot the pigs to
bonow axes to chop up stolen rails
to build llres over which to cook the stolen
pigs ,
'In Virginia there were two sentiments , for
and against secession. Up in the mountains
there was a strong union sentiment , even if
the settlers were Ignorant. Yes , tlioy knew
enough to be true to the old union ling. Tlie
union army utilized thcho ignorant men as
spies , and 1 don't know what they would have
done without thorn , for they knew the ceun-
trv and were true to the grand old flag. "
To Illustrate this ho told pf an incident ,
how ono David Hart went to General McClel-
lan and informed him that with a small body
of men the whole confederate army en
camped upon Kich mountain could bo
captured. The inlornmtion was accepted nnd
following the leadership of Hurt , victory at
tended the enterprise.
" 1 was a private when I entered the ser
vice , " said Mr. Shlnn , but I rose nnd was
promoted to the otllco of corporal. "I can
provo tuts , lor 1 inwo the pictures at homo ,
and to see them will convince you of the
theory of evolution. When 1 look at these
pictures 1 am Inclined to believe in Darwin
"One day wo wore going from Strawslmrg
to Mai'tlnsburg for supplies , for our wagons
were empty and so were we. Wo tried to
buy , beg and borrow of the settlers along the
route , but wo could Bet nothing to eat be
cause wo worn the blue. Wo struck a scheme.
We had a rebel uniform on the wagon , so wo
slipped it on to ono of our men , and putting
this man m front of two bayonets , wo marched
the mun up to the houses along the
road , whore he told the story of his hunger
und sintering. This worked well , and before
night wo hud secured enough food to supply
the whole union army.
"There were some terrible crimes com
mitted in Virginia , There was a poor old
mini in the western part of the state. Ho
would not take the oath to vote with the
, , ° K nwl for this bo wns skinned alive.
1 his is only one case out of hundreds. The
county Jails and the prisons of the state wore
Illled with men whoso only crimes were thut
they would not bo true to secession.
, V ° , llul not liavo "Ult'u shivery In western
\ Irginla , but wo had enough , so I hated it ,
and thut wn.s why I took my musket and went
to the front to protect the grand old Hug that
hud been scoffed at and insulted by the rebels.
I was captured bj'tho rebels and east into a
prison cell , where I remained until the stars
and stripes waved over us , the guards were
pushed aside and ouco again wo breathed the
ulr of freedom. " ,
Major Chirkson said ho always thougHt the
Virginians were a bravo lot of fellows , but
after Iiniriug the remarks of Mr. Shiun ho
was thoroughly convinced.
Hov. Mrs. Andrews of the Woman's Uollt-f
covjis , who has twice been elected grand
chaplain of the order , spoke , saying ;
"I have something of the same feeling as If
I were culled out UMlflit to go to thu front.
But I feel that I hnvo been called upon too
suddenly , a little woman who loved to
spenk to the boys. I have Iwen before
the Cirand Army of the Hepubllc upon some
of the soul-stirring occasions , and I
thank God for it. I am now training a little
boy , nnd I Intend to teach him in such n way
that should necessity demand , ho may some
time bo called by the title by which 1 address
you tonight comrades ,
"You fought In a glorious cause , nnd In n
glorious way your comrade * testify to > ils
tonight. How I envy the mini who can go
before nn audience and tell such thrilling
tales , Do you not see the opportunity of
doing bravo work ! Where nro tlie iiillucnces
being brought to bear upon the youth to
teach them patriotism ) Kc.ho answers ,
where I
"Wo look to you , members of the Grand
Army ot the Hcpuhllc and Woman's
Kcllef corps , to teach this les
son , so that should the enemy
Invade our homes these boys will bo as ready
to do ami dnro as were yoaf my brothers ,
when the dark days of liOl threatened our
land. ,
"I had n father. Down In the state of Mis
souri ho was shot by ono of those dastardly
bushwhackers. How much prouder I would
have felt had lie fallen upon the Held of battle
than to have been shot down by one of those
"I never wns proud of Virginia until to
night , but Mr. Shlnn has made mo change my
mind. I had an uncle living there , nnd he
was a slave holder. I was born there , but my
parents moved mo away when [
was three years old. But notwithstand
ing the remarks of Mr. Shlnn , I
think Virginia is n good place In which to bo
born , but 1 still think it is a good state to get
nuny from. "
Mi's. Andrews closed her speech by paying
n glowing tribute to the old soldiers and the
work they Inwo accomplished in keeping the
poorund needy of the order.
Mi-H. Kpysor'H Address Itoforn the
AVe.stcrn Art AHPoolatlon.
At the regular monthly meeting of the
Western art association , held at Mr. Llnin-
gcr's gallery last night , Mrs. W. W. Keysor
of the high school delivered a most interestIng -
Ing nnd Instructive address on "Tho Litera
ture of Art. " Mrs. Keysor docs not read
papers but is bubbling over with her subject
and talks to her beard's In a conversational
style and In an cnlcrtalng way conveys sug
gestions for ninny nn hour's thought. Her
audience last night consisted of the leading
artists of the city and she succeeded In keep
ing them interested for about an hour.
She gave ilrst her estimate of the Import
ance of artists becoming acquainted with the
history of art , nnd then gave a list of the
authors who could best serve that purpose
through nil the eras from the ancient Grecian
period down to the present time. Introduc
tory to the mime of each author the speaker
gave n running talk of the time and works
produced during tlio different peiiods , and
emphasised the fact that the study of art
must bo a philosophical study , that the
characteristics of each school could be ac
counted for by the surroundings and circum
stances of time nud place.
A vote of thanks wns tendered ut the eon-
elusion of tlie address , after which the asso
ciation transacted its routine business.
Fred "Williams Dead.
Fred Williams , the Union Pacific switch
man who S'hot himself through the head Tues
day morninir , died at 1 o'clock this morning.
Four Loving Hearts Conic to Grief nt
Kansas City.
ICvxsisClTY , Mo , , May 1 ! ! . [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BBI : . ] Love's young dream
had a rude awakening in the outskirts of this
city today. It was tlio arrest of two eloping
couples from Ohlllieothe , Mo. , by n police
man of this city. About noon a rickety old
lumber wagon was jolting noisily along the
southwest boulevard. The horses were sorry
specimens of the equine species. Ono wns
blind of an cyo and ring-boned , while the
other was wheezing with the heaves and had
the string-halt. Seated on two rough Boards
which lay across the wagon-bed were two
handsome young couples. In the front scat ,
driving , was Thomas Pan- , thirty years old ,
and by his side a handsome blonde of fifteen ,
named Emma , Slogal , her pretty luce all but
hidden by a hideous sun bonnet. In the
back seat , oblivious of everything but each
other , sat John Smith , twenty years old ,
and Lou Grasscn , aged about eighteen.
The odd looking outfit , coupled with the
spoony actions of the people , attracted much
attention as they entered the city. Policeman
Perry was one of the observers , and , recog
nising them as the parties wanted on a tele
gram received trom Chillicothe a couple of
days ago , halted the party and questioned
them. They were the ones wanted. Their
arrest was ordered by the parents of the girls.
The elopement occurred last Wednesday , and
the time since then has been put in by the
voung people on u quasi honeymoon trip
through the country. The parents will arrive
in the morning. Tonight the young men are
locked up in a cell nt the police station , while
the girls are meditating on the folly of their
ways in n locked room at the house of the
Good Shepurd.
Van Iloutcn's Cocoa "Best nnd goes
furthest , t. "
After Tlireo Years.
DuuJTir , Minn. , May in. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Br.u.J. . S. Crawford , a Chi-
cnso official of the Delaware , Laokawanna &
Western railway , has had arrested In Port
Arthur Fred Nowberrio , the pirauiour of his
wife , who ran away from Chicago nearly
three years n 'O with all of Crawford's house
hold furniture and about ? IK)0 , ( ) of Crawford's
funds , whleh were obtained from a imnlc by
means of a forged check while Crawford was
away on a lontf business trip to the south
west. The deserted husband has hunted
everywhere for the guilty couple
and only learned of their where
abouts two weeks ago through a
railroad oiHeial , who veeogni/.ed the wife
nt I'ort Arthur and notified him. Ho passed
through hero hist week and was supposed to
be u detcctlvo In pursuit of nn cmbe/zllng
bank ollU'cr from Kentucky. The wife asked
forgiveness ami Crawford has signified his in
tention of forgetting the past as far as she Is
concerned , but ho has her paramour , Now-
berrie , on three charges forgery , adultery
nnd perjury. Tin ) examination of the pris
oner is now in progress and the result will bo
known when the nextsteamerurrlve.s. Now-
berrio Is said to bo a well-to-do dealer In sil
ver lands.
Poz/.onl's Complexion Powder produces a
soft and "beautiful skin ; it. combines every
element of beauty and purity.
Voting for JIu < ! lnty and Ajinio Konncy
CINCINNATI , May I ! ) . A Frankfort , Ky. ,
special says tha vote for senator in the Kentucky - '
tucky legislature today was n farce , the members
for each other for " "
bers voting , "McCiinty ,
"Aniiio Hooney , ' * etc. , us the humor led them.
The object of this frivolity was to prevent an
election until the action of the caucus was
Ono oftlio tslNturiis Arrested.
PitH.uir.U'itiA , May. lit.11. . II. M. Sis tare ,
a member of the broker linn of Slstaro &
Sons , which recently failed , was arrested In
Now York today. Klchard Heekshor of this
city , on whoso warrant ho was arrested , says
ha has $112,000 worth of bonds which were
SteaniHhlp Arrivals.
At Movillo The Clrcusbian , from Now
At Hainburg-Tho British Prlnee , from
At 1'hlladelplita-Tho Britlsli ,
from Liverpool.
, Pa , , May 18. The attorneys
for the American lifu msuraiico company of
Philadelphia this ovniilin ; tiled an admission
with Judge tilmoiitou that thu company was
tdsolvent , and the court appointed a receiver.
A Million Dollar
Brrox KOUOK , La , , May til. Johnson Mor
ris has decided to double his offer for a lot
tery license and will itlvo this state gl.OW.OOO
iwr annum for the privilege of maintaining u
lottery. _
Dr. Blriioy.prnetlco limited to catarrh-
til diseases of nose und throat , iioo
Newman Will Hold n Confer-
cnuo Tho-i | ; In July.
Nr.w YOIIK , May 1X. mio Methodist Epis
copal church closed ty * * ) esslou today. Assign
ments for the fall conferences were made nnd
Bishop .Tiihn P. Nowninn was appointed to
visit Japan mid hohlu , conference thcro In
July. i
Regarding the proposed establishment of n
national university lit Washington resolutions
were adopted eommeidfng | the subject. The
icsolutions add : "it Is our judgment that an
endowment of nt least f'tKKi,000 and suitable
buildings In addditlon should bo procured before -
fore thu proposed university shall bo put In
operation. In vlow of the local
demand In nit parts of tlio country for the
urgent needs -alreadv existing institutions
wo must look elitclly for the proper endow
ment proposed for a national university to
our friends to whom Hod has entrusted largo
wealth , who may by gifts of tens of thou
sands , or even millions of dollaars , forward
this great mid noble enterprise. To such wo
earnestly commend the proposed university
and its object , pruving that ( ! od may open
their hearts to the magnificent opportunity
which Is ottered to them of doing what their
less favored brothers cannot do , of adding
their names to the roll of those who have been
able to do great things for their country and
their race. "
Martini Washington Association.
WASHINGTON' , May lit. The Ilrst meeting
of tlio dlrcctoM of tho' National Mrtvtha
Washington Memorial association was held
this afternoon in the green room of the white
houso. President Harrison , who Is president
ox-onieio , in calling tlio meeting to order
made n brief speech expressing tils hearty ap
proval of the work and his willingness to co
operate in every way ho could to
inako it a success. The president then gave
way to Chief JiMico Fuller , who presided
during the remainder of the meeting. The
widow of the late Chief Justice Waita was
elected viee president.
Mormon Missionaries Flogged.
Vnuxox , La. , May W. Two Mormon elders
hailing from Utah have been tramping
through Washington and Holmes counties
distributing their religious tracts. They had
proselyted to n considerable extent , and espe
cially among young unmarried females. A
party of eight women were secured to go
west. Abrain King had two daughters
in the party. King and his sou ,
with the neighbors , pursued the Mormons
and capturing them tied them to trees , nnd
after flogging them unmercifully , loosened
them and began IIring on them. The Mor
mons Kin into the swamps. They have not
been seen since and undoubtedly perished. Thu
young women were returned homo anil everyone
ono of them well switched , their parents
making each one-whip the other.
Kentucky Senatorial Caucus.
FIIAXKFOUT , Ky. , May 13. The senatorial
caucus has spent the time up to tnlunight
making speeches. Ex-Governor Proctor
Knott , Congressman MeCrcarv , ex-Speaker
Carlisle , Hon. S. T. Moore and Judge Lind
say have been placed in nomination. The
anti-Carlisle men have been pursuing dilatory
tactics all night and prospects are lor a pro
longed contest.
Ilioting in Hamburg.
HAMIIUIO , May-lit. Hioting was renewed
this evening. The mounted police with
naked swords cleared the streets. Many ar
rests were made. The strikers nt Germ de
stroyed nine pieces of finished goods and
warps and filly-seven looms. The manufac
turers' union oilers a hvrgo reward for the
discovery of the culprits.
Texas Prohibition Convention.
Font WOIITII , Tex. , May 13. The state
prohibition convention met today nnd nomi
nated a full state ticket. The full convention
is opposed to woman suffrage.
Annual Hibernian Convention.
HAKTFOIID , Conn. ) May 18. The annual
convention of the Hibernian p.rdcr began hero
today. Delegates from thirty-three states
and territories' and Canada and Ireland are
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 6S7 Broadway.
If you wish to sell your property call on the
Judd & Wells Co. , C. B. Judd president , 00(5 (
A Lie Nailed.
Our would-bo competitors , who croak for
trade , and are sitting around idle when the
People's Installment House is busy , circu
late to the public that we handle second hand
goods. Wo positively deny it , and it is u lie
made of whole cloth. Jealousy pets away
with their Judgment because wo do the bulk
of the business , so their statements should betaken
taken for what they are worth. Respectfully ,
Mandcl & Klein , Proprietors ,
No. 31M Broadway.
The Mayor nnd Slnrnlial of a Florida
Burg Terrorizing tlio People.
Nr.w OIII.KAXS , May 18. A Jacksonville ,
Flu. , special says news has been received
from Cedar Keys , Flo. , to the effect that
the mayor and marshal of that city have been
running tlio town for several days. Citizens
have been threatened with pistols , ladies in
sulted , a United States collector forced to
keep inside doors and ono man whipped by u
negro , who did the Job under the persuasion
of u loaded revolver in the hands of Mayor
Cottrell. Many citizens have loft the place
and bloodshed is expected.
Creed Kevihlon Carried.
Nr.w YOIIK , May 13. The Independent
this week publishes the returns from nil but
five presbyteries of the Presbyterian church
showing that it : ! ) voted forrovision , (19 ( against
revision nfid ti declined to voto. Most oPtho
presbyteries not hoard from are foreign.
According to the footings of the votes In detail -
tail for each ministry 2W ! ) : ministers and
ciders voted against and ! IJ.'II , ! ministers and
elders voted for rovlsidli. Many of the
southern presbyteries , composed chiefly of
negroes , voted solidly against revision , as did
also the presbyteries of California.
The Loyal Legion.
Dr.s Moi.Niis , lu. , May 18 , [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BKI : . ] The regular nieotingjof
the Iowa commandary of the Loyal Legion
was field hero tonight. A military paper was
rend by Captain Longley of Tipton , followed
by n banquet nnd the election of officers for
the ensuing year as follows : Commander ,
Major Hoyt ShermanJuniorvico commander ,
Charles Is. Putnam ; recorder. Captain V. 1 * .
Twombloy ; registrar,1' ' Captain Edward L.
Marsh : treasurer , William D. Luc-ay ; chan
cellor. F. S. Whiting ; chaplain , Kov. A. L.
Dr. H. S. West , porcfcluin crown anil bridge
work , No. 12 Pearl. "
The gasoline steve W'moro dangerous than
the unloaded gun. Save llfo and property by
using the C. B. Gas uild ElectrloLight Co.'s
gas stovo.
The People's Installment house Is a now
firm to the publio. Tht-irstoek Is brand now.
Tjioy carry the lurgastJBtoek of furniture , cur-
pets , Moves , erockf-fj' , glassware , mo. , for
cash or on easy payments. Glvo them u call.
3''U Broadway. ;
Finest photo guliei-jMn the west Sherra-
den's now place , III ami15 Main street.
Scott house , Council Bluffs ; $1 a day.
11 vou want the best Wall paper go to J. D.
CrockweU's ,
Wo want you to list your rental property
with us'and wo will seeuro you good , reliable
tenant * . Hents collected nnd np-vlal atten
tion given to euro of property. E. H. Shcafo
. Co. , Broadway and Main st. , up stairs.
S. B Wadsworth & Co , , &tt Pearl street ,
loan money for Lombard Investment company.
Important to liomcmcn : Largo line howe
and turf goods. Probstlo , 6.V ! B y , C. B.
Wo ntupp-'d on their toes , but who cares ?
The People's Installment house will furnish
your house from top to bottom with the very
latest designs and ntyk > n of house furnishniK
goods at rrusoiiublo prices , for cash or on
weekly or monthly payments. 8'.M Broadway
DHiss : coons SAM : .
At tlie Boston Htoie , Council Itlnfr- . .
Wo will place on our counters for Mondnv
and thl week bargains In dress goods such
as never can bo ngiiln duplicated at such
prices ,
AT 12'V ' A YARD.
lO'lnch haw line stripe , In mlxtutes only ,
former iirlco 2Sc.
! ! il-lnch pin head cheeked .suiting , former
prlco Hie.
liiHix'h sidt ) band , In Illuminated mixtures
former price 23c.
Mi-Inch beige stripes , in all colors , former
price ITe.
'iil-lueh English enshmcrc.s.formerprleo 1.V
Also odds and ends that sold a.s high as Me ,
all to go at 12V ll yard.
At Hc ) a yard.
All our mohair hrlllhintlncs that sold from
Me to iClc in a full line of solid colors and
At21H ? nynrd.
All wool suiting 'M In. wide , In stripes ,
philds , In silk ami wool , also iilalns , all to go
at UUc. Tim above goods sold from 8'Jc to t > e
At IHlo a Yard.
Wo have put all our 450 , oUc nml TiSe goods
In at : ) fl ( ; Including n full range of colored
fihrllltantlucs on solid colors , mixtures mid
black ; also our all wool black and colored
serge and citshmcro. We have also adJed to
the list 15 pieces of ilSjlneh black and white
brllllanteciis In check , have Hue stripes and
broken stripes , all at il'.V. '
Council Bluffs ,
Fotherlnglnim , Whlteltiw & Co. ,
Loaders and Promoters of Low Prices.
At Lowest Prices.
Our dress goods sale Is a great success.
Gold dollars for DO cents are bound to draw
the crowd. The sale on dress goods will con
tinue the rest of this week.
Letting down prices on gents' underwear.
Bnlbriggiin shirts , 'MeVie , .Tic and Ma. Lisle'
thread shirts nnd drawers , 7. ° > i : each. Fine
tennis flannel shirts , 40c , Ma , 7 c , up to $ . ' .60
Just received nlco line of neckwear at
prices that can't bo beaten.
Unmundriod shirts , IHa , r > 0c , 7iC and 93c ;
all bargains.
Sox , fie , 8'i'e , Ifie nnd 2c ; nlco goods for
the money.
Just received a big slock trunks and valises
at prices that will surprise you. Come in mid
look them over. No trouble to show goods.
! W3 Broadway , Council Bluffs.C.
C. C. CI-M.Y.
The young ladies of the Episcopal church
will give asocial in the H. A. hall Tuesday
evening , May „ ' ( ) . Admission , Including sup
per , ' 'o cents.
Tickets for the Little Yernon's concert ave
on sale nt H. Morgan's , 73J West Broadway ,
and at II. Pcthybridge's , ( W , " > Broadway.
Desirable dwellings , located in all parts of
the city , for rent by E. II. Shcafo At Co. ,
Broadway and Main street.
Choice residence property centrally located
for sale by E , II. Shcafo & Co.
.T. C. Bixby , steam Heating , sanitary engi
neer , 943 Life building , Omaha ; vU ! ( Mcrriuin
block , Council Bluffs.
The Manhattan sporting headers , -MS 13-
way. _
A good hose reel free wiUi every 100 feet of
hose purchased at Bixby's.
Tlio line of parlor suits at the Installment
House beats anything in the city. All goods
sold for cash or on easy payments. 3'J ( ) Broad
Schmidt's gallery refurnished , and now in
strumcnts. For 30 days only , .St.OO cabinets
for S'.oO. Elegant , finish wan-anted. 220
Main street.
The little Yernon brothers will give a
musical entertainment in tlie First Baptist
church Monday , May 10. Tickets , 23 cts. ;
children , loc.
Before furnishing your house this season
look at the chamber suits atM.mdul & Klein's ,
320 Broadway.
Heating stoves stored at reasonable rates
at our warehouse. Drop : is a line or call at
320 Broadway.
Waterworks ? 10. N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Good paper hangers at CrockweU's.
Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills.
An important discovery. Tbey act on tl.u
liver , stomach and bowels through the
nerves. A new principle. They speedily
cure billiousness , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles nnd constipation. Splendid for men ,
women and children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest. 30 doses for ! i > wnts. Samples free
iitKuhn & Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
Brazes Rivet * UKing1.
HOUSTON , Tex. , May 13. The Brazes river
Is rising rapidly again at Richmond and Co
lumbia nnd the railroad tracks are under
water. Two or three roads have been com
pelled to suspend operations.
not remedied in .season , is liable to
become habitual and chronic. Dras
tic purgatives , by weakening the bowels ,
confirm , rather than cure , the evil.
Aycr's Pills , being mild , effective , and
3trongthening In their action , nro gener
ally recommended by the faculty as the
best of aperients' .
"Having boon subject , for years , to
constipation , without being able to II ml
much relief , I at last tried Ayer's Tills.
I dcum It both a duty und u pleasure
to testify that I have derived great ben
efit from their use. For over two years
past I have taken ouii of thesu pills
every night before retiring. 1 would not
willingly bo without them. " G. AV.
Bowman , 20 East Main st. , Carlisle , 1'a.
" I have been taking Ayor's Pills and
using thorn in my family since 1857 , and
clK'urfully recotmnond them to all in
need of a aafo but effectual cathartic. "
John M. Boggs , Louisville , Ky.
" For oil-lit years T was aflllctcd with
constipation , which at last became so
bad that the doctors could do no iiioro
for mo. Then I began to take Aycr s
rills , and soon the bowels recovered
their natural and regular action , so that
now I am in oxcullunt health. " S. ti.
Loughbridge , Bryan , Texas.
" Having used Aycr's ' Tills , with good
results , I fully Indorse thmn for the pur
poses for which thity urn recommniidcd.
T. Connurs , M. D. , Centro Ilridgu , 1'a.
Ayer's Pills ,
rnirAnin BY
Dr. J. C. Ayer ti Co. , Lowell , Matt.
Bold by til Drmgliti auil Dtilcru lu Medicine.
IHOURENT-Nleo fiout IIMIIII , with board ,
i ? hiilltiblu for man and wife or two men.
Pcolt hoiiMii ! N. Malm UounulmulK
ANTKD-A L'ood liiiino for u Kill baby.
W Inquire atV. . 0. A. hospital. _ .
lOlt IlKNT Two KOO I niodurn houses. W.
J1V. . miner , 'AS I'earl ntn-ul.
WlOlt S A I.K-M y resldenc-o. . Willow a\n-
J * line , on south Hide of IliiylNs park ! heated
byhtcium , ll lited by oluclrlelvy and eontaln-
ln all modern Improveini-uis ! lot ino l > > .JJ
feet. Also will Mill or oxehaiiKO for linproycd
cltj proneity my farm of STO aeros , Inn miles
eaht 'of ' Council lllnirJN. . M. 1'usey , Counoll
Ilium * .
JwnKo'iiuiid'harncTs'i. ' . Inqulio ut WO .Main
t > t.
irioi ! IlKNT The More room , No. IS , fiontln1 , '
Jmi I'enrl HI. \V. c' . Jiiiiin-i.
OU S. or en aren ,
bouses , by J. H. Klce , litt Main bt. , Council
niiiirn ,
\\rANTii : > toTi.ulo .mil lotK rimx-
it IIIK In piU'o from J.KXJ to "M.iol for unliii-
pi ut cd propel ty. The .liidd > V Wclli coiuiiuny ,
UK ) llumdttiiy. C' . II. Judd. prc * .
' A Imiid-Uiilt hliuulilur uif , M. l 10 ,
Lual' S. Ulli st. Itcturu to lice.
SATURN , (26O8. ( )
Will make the -.ernoii ofl&Ottal tlie I i.lon Hiling l'irl % Council ItlulTi , Iowa fiom M.iiil 1st
ilhtd June 1st , when he will be returned to I'reniniit und his win thy emiipaiiloii
MAMBR1NO BASHAW , (1789 ( , )
will take his place from .limn 1st until AnyuM 1st Thcw l\vo 1110 the only stuillc.ns in MIR
est tliat are Ihestresof 2-M performers , " 'atom In a chest mil stallion. Hi luiniU high , nnd In
ordinary llv.sli \ \ 111 wnlgli liMO pounds , foaled ftu , br.-d liy Powell llto * . . SpilnKliKin. I'.i Ho
Is iiorfcetly oiind und \ IKOIOIIX. und a certain foal Better , I'urtlier comment Is unneoe-s.ny ,
1 crms-jlOO the heuson with the usual ret n in prlIlexes ; \urablv easli or bankable * panel In-
foio thn iiiiiro leu\es pienilxes. AIIHIIIK Satilin's Ket are Mel.end , iilll1. ; Consul. Ji'-J' , . llvmu
Hlieriuan. ' . ' : . and ninny others liettoi-tlian'.10. ( iood euro and pcifcc ) uecoininodiitlcin * for
stock. Visitors ulnuysMjlcoinuat the puilt I'mInoedliiK catalogue , etc. , wide to
JAS. G. SMITH & SON , Fi-emorU , Neb.
Houses nnd lots for sale in nil pnt'ts of the city.
1 have some fine residence lots on South First street nnd on
Franklin avenue for sale cheap.
45 Main StreCv % T
\ '
Carry the Finest Stock of Stnplet'Aid Fancy
- : - FURNITURE - :
When vou can get Iho best there ! . - > made In every line at prices that will not bankrupt you/ *
There is no taste nor puiso that we cannot snll. Von waul to buiinllfy your home , don't you
Then eomo In and sen how elecanlly and cheaply you can accomplish It.
MANDIU. & KLKI ? ; , TO ) Iliciadway , Council Illuffs. Iowa.
Wholesale nnd IloUiil Dealers in
arses ! Stock and Lowest Pi Ices , llealms , send for Catalogue.
Nos. 20o and Ii07 Broadway , nnd 201 nnd 20'J ' 1'iorco Street , Counull BhtlT.-i , In.
HA MI-Hotel propcity , J.W looms , cen
trally located. .Mis. Win. Noble , O S.
Kltshth iM. . C'oiincll Illull- .
to Trade A clear farm In Ne
braska , a eleiir liiiiiness lot In Omaha for oreneumborod icsldenc'd lots. Tliu.lmld
& Wells comiuny , UOtf llroadway , C II. Judd ,
HAMOn ) monthly payments or terms
to suit by tin ) Judd A. Wellh company :
7-ioom two-story hoii o , eoi Hthn\e. and 10th
si. , lil.V by IX ! fuel , tuo blocks fioii ) motor
lU-'room hoitso on Cth avo. , ono blouk fioin
miitoi lino. , ,
h-iooni house on Lincoln ave. , two blooKs
from motor line.
2 4-rooin homus on North 7th st. , near post-
fi-riHiiii house , two otorlo-t , ave. A nnd 1-1 li si.
G-rnoni story and a half hniihC , ave. II , iionr
North 7th st.
( i-ioom IIOIIIP , also 4-ionnt house on the
motor line , between "Oth and UM sis.
Houses und lots In all paitsof thu city rho
Judd& Wells company , UW liioadwuy , O. II.
Jndd , pies.
\ \ Tlluvc'Jt \ lotson und niljolnlmt I'uik uvn.
> > between Ihf U den honsii und I'lilinioiint
I'm If , on which IMS will build beautiful hornet
tu Milt thu puichasois. l/HI llio.idwuy , ( J. H.
Jndd , pro.s.
BOe3SIWK9naauUIUaUe7Ka * > MnJUVl | IMimmu tjn mmm *
Such ns Pimples , Blotches , Black
Hencls , Freckles , Superfluous
Hair Removed. Address ,
DR. W. L. C A PELL ,
B/iO Marcus Block , Broadway ,
F. M. ELLIS & CO. ,
It.Kiiils 4' and 4c : > Urn llnlldlm ; , Onyiha ,
Nub. , und Kooms ' . ' 44 and Vlli Mciiluni Illock
Counull lllull.s , lu. Coricuponduncu uollullud
) ANH (
Iluoiu li'iO llcrrliini Hloek , Council II I nil's , lu ,
HuumOld N. V. I.lfu UuildluL'i Oiuuhu , l.D.
The J. A. Murphy
1st A\omu > and -1st HI i cot.
Sash , Doors and Blinds
Hand and Scroll Sawing. Ilo-Sawlng nml
I'lanlm ; . Sawlnx nf all Muds. Poicli DrauKulB. i
K'lndlliiK wood * 2.'iii per load dcllviiind. Clean
bitwdust liy the liuriel > c. All \ > ork to tit
llrst-elass , Telephone. ! ttl.
SASH and
Factory and Planing Mill ,
Host rmilpped , most centrally located fac
tory In the city , All modern latest pattern
iimchlnory ; opnralcd by skilled meclianfcH.
Special attention ulvun to scroll and band
sawing , planing and tilmiiilng. ficnoral con
tracts and estimates for houses und Imlldliiei
ufiuoflalty. Corner North Main and Myn.t3
streets , Council lllulls. Tolephoim 'M ) ,
J. I ) . KlIMUNnMO.V , E. I , . !
1'res. Vlcu-riub.
CIIAH. It. HAXNAN , c'uhhlor.
Paid Up Capital $100,000
Surplus and Profita 60,00 }
Liability to Depositors 360,000
DIIIKCTOIIH I. A , Mlllor , P. O. tlluuson. I' , fr
Sluik'iut , K. K. Hurt , .1. D. IMinumlhon. Chun
K. Illinium. Traiisuet KUiinial liunklnK bil * ! "
lies * ) . liiirKest capital and anrjilns of any
bunk In .South\\L > Nt irn Iowa. .
,011 , Tlma
Tiios. Of riUKii. \V. II. M.
OI'l'ICIiR ' ' S 1'USEY ,
Cornur Main and Hroudwuy ,
Council Bluffs , - Jown.
DuulurH In furolun and duinustlu uxohuiiK < >
C'ollc-etlouii made uud Intuicst paid uu tiu