Y 14 , 1890. PHARMACISTS IN COUNCIL ! The HoaltS Ecstorcra of Nebraska Meet to Discuss Important Question ; . WELCOMED BY MAYOB OU8HINQ , Byn ( > | itffl or President Goodwin's An nual Address The Prohibitory Ijnvr mill Sunday Closing Members in Attendance. The session of the State Pharmaceutical &SHocutIonoi ! cncd at Washington hall at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon with about ono hundred nnd twenty-five inernbzrs in attend ance. It was called to order by C. F. Goodman , president of tbo association. C. J. Dau bach , the energetic secretary of the associa tion , was on hand and filled his position with bis usual ability ; The Itev. W. A. Line Invoked the divine lilessing upon the gathering and prayed that no misfortune befall the members while they were absent from their families. President Goodman introduced Mayor Gush ing , who remarked that it was a wist- pre caution to bo prayed for before his si > cech. He said ho knew very little about medicine , as he "always took his straight. " Following these introductory remarks , the mayor spoke us lollows : 'It affords me pleasure as the representa tive nnd chief magistrate of the city of Oma- La , the metropolis of the Missouri valley , to welcome you to our city. You have done wisely to s > ele ct this place for your conven tion n"In selecting Omaha as a place of mecU ing you have performed a duty not only to Omaha , your commercial metropolis , but in yourselves as well , for Just in propor- 1 ion as the center is recognized and developed is it of iK'nellt to the region tributary , not only as a place in which to sell and buy , but as a soim-e of new methods and ideas which are first put to the test here. And I trust tlMit our Omaha druggists are so alive io their own and the community's interests that you will find the newest nnd best methods , as well as the iiewc.st nnd best supplies. "Chemistry , the science with which you deal , it the basis of all science and all discov ery. The very life wo live depends upon chemical change , the very air wo breathe , the water wo drink , nnd the food we eat. are compounds , the nature of which chemistry only iittt unfold to us. In Ihis day of rapid progress it is safe to say that the science of chemistrv is in the van. Indeed , chemistry goes before and "blazes the way , " so to speak It is an ever widening and deepening ecienre "Turning to your especial work asdruggist- chcmisLs. for you cannot bo competent as druggists without a fair knowledge of chem istry , one is at first confronted with your prent responsibility. You hold the lives of the people in your hands. What a stimulus is this to sobriety , to honesty nud to carefulness. It is well that the state has provided laws to limit your numbers to those who c.m demonstrate their fitness and trustworthiness. "I am informed that your gathering is to bo not only for the discussion of subjects perti nent to your calling , but asprt of exposition in minaturc. "The late Paris exposition was said to bo ' one not merely of things , but of ideas illus- trntod by things. This great example is one worthy to be followed nnd 1 trust and believe that it will so characterize your meeting that you may each return to your homes not only better supplied with the articles which your customers need , but equipped with the new est nnd most progressive ideas of vour pro fession nnd the subjects discussed at this meeting will result in a mutual benefit to each of jou and thereby to your patrons. "Again allow me to bid you welcome and briefly state that the freedom of the city is at your service. " dent Goodman gist in Xehra . . . . Mayor Cd'-hin 's welifomo ju a very s > hort fl > eoch. Ho said : fA "I desire to return the mayor thanks for his cordial welcome to Omnha. Thcrois no class of husine.s men ivho hiivo so few hours off duty us druggists. I don't supiwse there- a man here who avcrapes less than sixteen or eighteen hours perduy. His very pleasant , therefore , for us-to have n few days of recrea tion , nnd it is doubly pleasant to have such n hearty welcome accorded us. " At the conclusion of Mr. Reed's remarks Secretary Daubach said that ho had been re quested to present to the association , on behalf - half of Mr. Itecd , a handsome puvel some- thiiif ; which the association had never owned. It was to be the property of the association and l > o handed down from president to presi dent. The pavel wns n very handsome ono of osupo orniifro wood , with n silver band around it , on which were cnjjruved the letters , JC. S. P. A President Goodman then read his annual address to tuo association. It contained many mutters concerning the routine busi ness of the body und also contained several .suppestions. The following- extracts Iroin the address on the important mailers contained : "Not the least among tl o motives that lirlus us together in these annual meetings , is the anticipated pleasure of renewing old friendships und forming now ones , and while 1 extend to you all a cordial greeting on this our ninth annual convention , I trust that each tind every member in attendance will do lu > . part to help make this the most pleasant , interesting nnd instructive session of the No- brusltu Stuto Pharmaceutical association wo have had since our organization. "According to the constitution , it is the duty of the president to present , nt the annual mooting , a report of the operations of this association , and to suggest such subjects as lie miij dx'in worthy of notice " Ttio president then suggested that the name "phurmaceuticnr' might lx > inoro prop- crly changed to "phunnacopolist , " moaning "ono who sells medicines , " as the main object of the druggist was to acquire couipetcnco instead of endeavoring to perfect himself in the profession. The fact that there are very few papers read ut the annual meetings of the associa tion also cumo in fora sunroof the president's attention. Ho said the members usuallj- gave wore time to having n good time instead of trying to increase their knowledge of the best way of conducting a pharmacy. The members should use every endeavor to bring the association up to the highest standard , nnd ulso to bring into the ranks every phar- jiiHcist in the state. The habit which some , physicians have , of prescribing all the new forms of drugs which are patented , nnd which are ujion thu market but a short time bo f ore they arc suc ceeded by others , was deprecated and drug- Tpists were advised to "go slow" on blocking up with these new preparations. The Sunday question was touched upon as follows -In the larger cities of this state the drug stores are open all duy Sunday , and I uoliuvo that if the druggists would cbinoto uti understanding about this mutter , it would bo far better to have them Oxin | only at stated times on Sunday , say two hours in the forenoon - noon and two hours in the afternoon , nnd then onr clerks would have BOIIIO time they could cull their own. The bulk of the Sun- da v trutlo is for cigars and sodu water , and believing thut Sunday was made for rest , 1 refer to this mutter here , with the hope that many of you will i-estrlct your bours o ( Sunday work. " T Another paragraph wrs as follows : "In November next a question of im ( I portance is to bo voted on in this slate , which must IKS of interest to every momborof thl * association that of prohibi tion of the liquor tranic and while there may IK ) differences of opinion on this suhloct , yet I believe the majority of this association ure for high licciu-c , for , judging from the re ports from the states of Iowa und Kansas , thu legitimate drug trade has suffered from the prohibitory law , andn } order that wo may bo consU'tent I would recommend that wo follow the exumplo of our Denver brethren by resolving 'That all druggists , members of this iissociutloa , shall not sell any liquors on / Sunday in any way , excepting on the pro- scriptVui of a rogulur practicing physician , ' nud if such a resolution is passed , I trust it will bo strictly lived up to by all the drug gists of the btate of Nebraska. Wo have now l.H'j registered pharmacists in good fntj tmr m the state " \ \ hen the reading of the president's ad dress TRU coneladcd it was refcrrrd to a com mittee i ontisMng'of Mcs rs. N A. Kahn , A J. Scykora and A. 11 , Hunt , for action upon the suggestions contained. Mr C F AVellerof the Ulchardion Drug company made a brief sixxx-h , In which ha assured those present that the national asso ciation , of which he was a member , was in hearty sympathy with the state association and depended upon it for keeping up an in terest in the wont. At the suggestion of the secretary n com mittee was appointed to prepare nnd forward telegram ; and communications to other state associations which might \to \ in session at the same time as the Nebraska bodv. The chair appointed Messrs. H..T. Clarke C. F. Weller ami James Forsyth as such committee. A committee on resolutions was appointed , consisting of Messrs. A. B. Hunt , Henry D. Boydcn and M. Parr. The meeting then adjourned to meet nt 10 a. m. today , nt which time the report of the state board of examiners will be uiado the special order. The members in attendance were provided with a neat pin , consisting of a spatula about thrco inches Jens with the letters "X , S. P. A. " on the handle , and "Omaha , 1K"0" " on the blade. The following members were registered as being In attendance : Charles M. Furren , Cedar Bluffs ; Ed W. Bcxtcn , Hastings ; A. B. Hunt , Xorth Bend ; A. Hubcndall , Madison ; Hobart Trush , Ash land ; C. E. Hopping , Beaver City .M. Jf. Eskcy , Bartiey : J. L. Davis , Stella ; D. Fink , Grant ; V. II. Cannon , Grant ; C. E. Ballard. Araua- hoe ; N. P. Johnson , \Vuhoo ; W. A. Harding , Oakland : H. T. Ferguson , Orleans ; C. W. Doty , Friend ; E. J. Seykora , South Omnha ; G. H. Iloush , Earilng. la. . F. V. KniestChar- ter Oak , la. ; George P. Emig , Taylor : F. A. AVebstcr , Burwell ; B. C. Ilubbell , Lincoln ; W. D. Holler , Blair ; James Ilecd , Xebraska City ; Henry D. Boydcn , Grand Island ; C. J. Daubach , Lincoln ; M. Parr , L. E. Peyton , James Forsytb , C. F. Goodman , Thomas F. Danahay , J. J. Seville , H. Sundstedt , L. C. Beobe , M. W. Kyersou. C. II. Sherman , George H. Leslie and D. W. Snxe of Omahn. The local committee of arrangements , con- fisting of Messrs. C. F. Goodman. J. C. Pen- fold , D. AV. Saxe , N. A. Ivubn , James Forsyth nnd Max Beeht , have arranged to have"the entire body attend at Boyd's opera house to night. Thursday afternoon will be devoted to n drive alxmt the city , to the fort ana to South Omaha. In the largo room adjacent to the ono in which the meetings of the association are held exhibits have been made of druggists' sun dries , etc. Theodore Hieksecker of New Yorlc , display of perfumes , toilet water and toilet articles ; Peter Van Schack & Sons of Chicago , dust proof sponge case nnd sponges ; the Dotissua French perfumery company of New Orleans , perfumes ; William Warner & Co. , of Phila delphia , druggist's specialties , cough lozen ges ; the Goodman Drug company , surgical and mathematical instruments ; Foote & Jenks of .Taclzson , Mich. , perfumes and toilet articles ; Huwley manufacturing company of Omaha , an exhibit of "unique curline ; " Armour-Cudahy company , extract of beef ; Peycke Brotliers , druggists' confections ; Omaha oil and paint company , stained glass ; Uedfield printing comp my , labels , curds , etc. The displays were nil well arranged in very attractive form , and were in charge of at tendants. To Nervous Debilitated Men. If you will send us your address we will send you Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt nnd Appliances on trial. They will quickly restore yon to vigor , manhood and health. Pamphlet free. VOLTAIC BELT Co. , Marshall , Mich. . _ _ _ _ _ THE COMBINE VICTORIOUS. P. W. Ilirkliatiier to be the Chairman of tlic Bonrd of Public Works. A gentleman whom a Bin reporter met in the court house yesterday , nnd who occu pies a position particularly favorable for knowing whereof he speaks , said with pecul iar emphasis : "The mayor has decided to appoint Birk- hnuser chairman ol the board of public works nnd Frank Morrissey garbage inspector. His decision is the result of n certain compromise effected , or rather dictated , by the solid twenty-eight. That's all I can tell you about the matter. " The reporter then headed for the mayor's oftlce. That gentleman confirmed the report , saying , however , that the nominations would not bo sent to the council for some time to come. Mr Birkhauser is n real estate agent and bos been in Omaha about five years. He came here from Falls City in Hichardson county , where ho hart resided Jor twelve or fifteen years previous. He is a drnt'gist by trade and before removing to Omaha was a grain dealer. He has always been an active politician. Ho started out in politics as n republican , became - came a rampont grcenbackcr , later on ho declared himself an independent. Then he blossomed out us an anti-monopolist and finally went clean over to the demo crats. He served two terms in the state legislature , and has always been n standing candidate for something. Since his advent to Omaha he has been identified with the Vnndervoort-Broatch Tammany combine and through his partner , Council- mrn Bluincr , ho has worked Mayor Cushing for everything in sight. He has almost inva riably Iwen appointed as an appraiser when ever there was any grading done. Although he has no claims upon the democracy of Omaha and docs not possess any of the quali fications requisite for the supervision of pub lic works , he has pushed himielf to the front through his allies of the Twenty-eight club lor the biggest thing in his gift. By getting him appointed the combine feels assured of a man willing to do nnj thing pollUcally and otherwise that may subserve the ends of the plotters. Another object in view is to get him out of the way of Chaffeo in the Seventh ward this fulL As wo said before , Birk- hnuscr is a standing candidate , and wns talking of running for the council from the Seventh ward next fall although his partner is already in the council. Now ho will be in position to turn m with the con tractors to help Chnffoe. It is all the same whether a man is u republican cr a democrat , so long us ho trains with Broatch and his twenty-eight FLYING SWITCH TO ETERNITY Made With Bnicidal Intent Yesterday Morn ing by Fred Williams. NO CAUSE ASSIGNED FOE THE DEED. Ho Bids Wife nrul Baby an * AfTcc- tlonatc Goodbye and Then Speeds a Ilullct Into Ills Disturbed Brnln. Fred Williams , night switchman at the Union Pacific yards , attempted suicide at 8:15 : yesterday morning at his house ntKiphtli and Center streets. Ho drove homo after his night's work , as usual , shortly before S o'clock , and , tyinp his horse In the yard , carried a cake of ice from the cart to an ice-chest In the kitchen. His wife , who was busy preparing breakfast , nojl ticed something wrong and said : "AVby , Fred , what Is the matter with you ! You have been drlnkhig. " "You're richt , Jennie , I have , and I have taken two or three glasses more than I can stand. " Then , picking up his HtUe crippled baby girl who was playing about the room in her be kissed her kissed night-dress , Rood-bye , his wife and stepped into the bedroom ad joining. The nest instant the wife was startled by the report of a pistol and sprang into the room to find her husband iying across the bed , his face and clothes covered with blood from a ghastly wound in the forehead , made with a smoking revolver which was still grasped in bis right hand. The screams of the distracted woman at- i acted the attention of the neighbors , who Hocked to the scene of the shooting. In a few minutes the police and , Inter , Dr. Galbraith , the Union Pacific physician , were on hand. Nothing could be dnnc to save the unfortun ate man's life. The wound was fatal and oulv relief from pain could bo afforded. The 44-calibro bullet bad sent a large sec tion of the skull crashing into the brain and forever ended the troubles of this world for Fred Williams. The doctor said that AVilliams' death was only a question of a few hours and thut be would never regain consciousness. No one can advance a plausible theory for the deed. Williams is spoken of by his neighbors and man } ' friends and acquaintances as a steady worker , a good husband and one doing com paratively well in the world. He hai been living with his father , wife nnd child In a comfortable rented house , and had no debts pressing him. but was addicted to the Occa sional u e of liquor. - His wife , who is one of the Conley fninily who have been in the express business in Omaha for years , seems to bo crarud with grief , and walks thelloormoanlngandsobblng nnd uttering disjointed sentences like one de- nicmted. Williams is a man about thirty-throe years of age and has one child , a cripple , about four years old. Erysipelas nnd salt rheum was driven en tirely awuy from Mrs. J. C. Anderson , Pesh- tigo , Wis. , by Burdock Blood Bitters. No equal as a blood purifier. THE JOXKS a The Trial of the Alleged Murderers to Commence Today. Today the trial of E. D. Neal , alias J. D. ICaton , alias .T. D. Livingston , for the al leged murder of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jones on the Pinney farm on or about February 4 last , will commence in the district court. This will probably bo the most i-emarkablo murder trial in tne annals of the county. The state will be represented by County Attorney Mahoney - honey and the defendant by Messrs. Gurley and listelle. This is perhaps the second case In the his tory of this county in which it is sought to lind the perpetrator of a killing which was unquestionably committed in cold blood nnd with premeditation. The crime is the more heinous because the victims were old and helpless. The trial will continue probably ten days. Henry Scboenhals , foreman Henry Krugs Pncking Co. , St. Joseph , Mo. , uses Dr. Thomas' ElectricOil withhismeuforbprams , cuts , bruises , chapped hands , etc. It Is the best. _ United States Court and Jury. The United States grand jury convened yes terday morning with but seventeen of the jneinDcrs present. Attorney Baker addressed them in a very able manner ami was listened to by the large number of lawyers present with great interest. There will be about forty cases presented to them. Many of the old cases were dismissed by ex-United States Attorney Pritchett be fore his retirement. The prisoners now before the grand Jury are : J. B. Miller , lor stealing registered letters ; J. J. Truman of Genoa , embezzle ment ; John Conroy and Frank Mallory , attempt to rob a government warehouse ; Mark Houber , attempting to pass counter feit money ; Gather , Coates and Kress , for the seduction of Laura Zeipler. There are a number of other offenders who have not yet been apprehended , but the authorities expect to get them in a few days. The case of Gandy vs Anderson was com menced , the plaintiff's attorney objecting to certain ntlidavits taken before u notary in Denver us to the genuineness of the s igiia- tures on the Gandy notes in contr oversy. Reduced Rates East , via. the Great Ttock Island Route. Tick ets Kld ) u.t the now ofllco , 1G02 , Sixteenth nnd Furnain sts. , Omaha. HEALTH AND BEAUTY I ts a great Health restorer ana promotes beauty by removing blotches , pimples , erup tions , and all such troubles. B. S. 9. is not one of the old potash , mercury and sarsaparilla mixtures flooding the country. It contains no mineral at all but is made to build up broken health , instead of tearing it down. "We will send our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseaooa and book of advice free to all who will write for it. TEE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO , , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Go * II : i * r TOSSED ANOTHER KAN'S WIFE. "You scoundrel , " rolled rouncr Jacob Qrcon At bis good neighbor. JJrown , You Kissed my wife upon tbo street , I oug-ht to knock you down. " "That's wbero rpu'rq wronr ; , " rood Brown replied , ' . In accents mud nnd muck : "I hissed her : that I've not denied , Out I kissed her on the check and I did It bocauw she looked so hand wrapper nnd faithfully earriod out fet some the very picture of beauty and many years. It Is a positive tpccifu ; for health. What is the secret of it J" leucorrhea , painful menstruation , unnatural "Well , " replied Green , "since you ask suppressions , prolapsus , or falling of the It , I will tell you ; she uses Dr. Pierce's Fa womb , weak bock , nntevcrsion , retrover- vorite Prescription. I accept your apology. Eion. bearing-down sensations , chronic congestion " Good night" gestion , inflammation and ulceration of the An unhealthy woman is rarely , if over , womb. beautiful The peculiar diseases to which As a regulator and promoter of functional so many of the sex ore subject , are prolific action , nt that critical jwricxl of change causes of pale , sallow faces , blotched with from girlhood to womanhood , "Favorite unsightly pimples , dull , lustreless eyes nnd Prescription" is a perfectly safe remedial emaciated forms. Women so afflicted , agent ; nnd can produce only good results. can be permanently cured by using Dr. It is equally valuable when token for those Piorce's Favorite Prescription ; and with derangements incident to that later and the restoration of health comes that beauty critical period , known as "Tho Change of which , combined with good qualities of head and heart , makes women angel * of lovliness. A Book of 100 pages , on "Woman and " Fnvorito Prescription " is the only medi Her Diseaius , their Nature , nnd How to cine for women , sold bf druggists , under a Cure them " sent sealed , in plain envelope , positive guarantee from the manufactur on receipt of ten cents , in stamps. ers , that it will give satisfaction in even- Address , WOKLD'S DISPENSAHV MEDICAL case , or money will be refunded. This ASSOCIATION , No. 003 iluin Street , Buffalo , guarantee has been printed on the bottle- Purely Vegetable and Perfectly Harmless. t. Take. One Tlnr , Sn yc ' S lcSTfe ! Billon. Headache , Coii lpntlou , maisestloii. Kllloas Attacks , and aU derangements of tha stomach and bowels. Sa cents , by J ' ' Has achieved its success blood purifier and blood by its actual merits. Be maker in every sense of ing" composed of all the the word , as thousands best and most expensive who have used it are blood purifying ingred daily testifying. It clears ients known to medical- the complexion , and science ; it is truly just makes a dried , wrinkled what the name implies , face look full and clear If your drnggist does not keep it accept no substitute , hut order direct from Beggs Mfg. Co. , 195-197 Michigan St. , Chicago , 111. and they will forward , express prepaid , one hottle for $1 or six for So. For the cure of BllDlSOnnKIlS OK Till ! STOMACH. I.IVKH BOWELS. KIDSEVS ItLAnnRK NKK vors niSKAsns IIKADACHK CWTSTII'ATIIDN CO TIVKNK S OOMI'LAIVTS IMXTLIAH TO FK SIAI.K.-i. I'Al.NSIN THU HACK IUAi.l.\G ) J'KKUNCiS jn'f IVDK.KSTIO.V HII.UOl'S.NKS" ! FKVKH INriiAMMATlON Ol TUB IIOW ! ! ! < & > I'lLUS nnd ult dermiKenients of the Internal Viscera. HADWAV'i I'll hbarf a nira for this complaint They tone up the interim ] sucrvttoni to healthy ac tion , restore gtrcncth to the. stomach and euaule U to perform Its functions J-r.cc . so Per box bold by .11 d , UK * . * . KADWAY & CO. . New York. -ron- livsrnrpu , Itll.lUUKNKSfl , ' KlUNhJV KDKJVTAHV C'O- . . . . . Lt'NO Dl.sKABKR , iMITUH IllrflOll. ILB.R. & CO. . PllOPIIIKTOItS AXD SOLE SlANUrACTUltCIlS , OMAHA. NEB. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH A.T 13O3 Farnom Stroot. HARRY P. DEUEL City Paaaoneer and Ticket Agent , "SYPHILIS Can be cured in 20 to 00 days by tha use of thu Magic rorjaleonly djr tbe Cook Keinedy Co of Omaba. Nebraska. Write to u tor HIB names and address of patients who have l > en curort nnd from nliom e hare pvrnilMlon tu reler syphilis Is a dlneuic that lin > always imRU'd tlin nklll of the tnunt eminent pby- tlilans. und until the discovery of tlu < Cook Heim-dy CVii. "MALIC HKMKW. " not ono In fifty liter Jmr- Inz tbe disease has been cured. We cuarantee to cure aiir case that can be produced. Those who have taken mercury , potash , h. 8 s , luciu iillcrnas or other advertised remedies. itb only temporary benefits can now be permanently cured by the use of the "MAGIC HKMUDY" of tbe Cook Remedy Co. , Omaha , Neb. Ilewaro of Imitations. It U absolutely Impossible for any other person or company to hare our formula or nny rnmedy like It In effect and runull. The Cook Urmpdf Co. hu * been trcatliiK pntlents for Jour yearn and have nlwayt plren perfect satisfac tion. They arc financially responsible , Imrlut1 a cup- lulof OTrrlAU.UUO. making their cuarantee need We solicit the most obstlnatu m et these who huva tried every known remedy and lojt all hope of recov ery Correspond with us and let us put you In poses- slon of evidence thut convinces the most skeptical. Mark what we say r * In tbn eiul you MPHT Use our "MAGIC 11KMKUV" txjfore you can bo permanently cured It Is tbo most heroic blood purifier ever known. Write for particulars. All letters oonttden * Hal. V no itirn you are cettlne the " Cook Kemedy Go's. Jluglc Hem- edy. Nose others are ccmilne Tartles olalmlnz to b * tents for us are tiuimstors arid frauds I'ull partl- cnbirs free Address all voniinunlcutlons to THE COOK REMEDY CO. , Rooms 39 and-40 St. Clalr Hotel Illock , CoruorUtU autl Dodge fcu > . , Umubu. Nebru&ka. T" tn > Tel f.T the Konthill Nurserle o lanado. WvpuylMfi lltu n iniiith ana < irprnsm la tmeul * . to tcu our L naduu grown i - , \VU MAX MEYER & BRO , , Diamond Merchant. ? * , Importers and Manu- fhcturlncjJmvolors. . OOItXlSH 1GTH AND 1-AHXAM ST9OMAHA. . Read our "Special Bill of Fara" for thU vree'-c. We will o3 r both "Ilara" and "Well Done1' novelties lu every department nt lowest price * . Dlmmmd Flupor Hlnes from 99 up Id i ? ' 0t ) . Dlninontl Lnio Plus from $ .1.00 up to $1000.00. Diamond Knr Uinirs from $10.00 up to ,500.00. Diamond Studs ; Diamond Scarf J'lns ; Diamond Collar Rut Ions ; Diamond mend CiilT Mutton * ; Diamond llnir 1'lny ; Diamond I.ockeU ; Diamond Itnirrlrts. Louse Diamond * mounted to order nt sliort notice. tVATCHllS Law assortment Flni > Solid ( 'old Stem Winding Wntchei from $15.00 up to $500.00. ( 'old Filled Watches , $15.00 and upward. All kinds Silver and Nickel Watches , from the Cheapest to the Ile t. See our w $0.00 Watch. Solid ( 'old Watch Chain ! ) from $7.50 up. Finest Itolled I'lnte Chains only $2.50 , worth $5.00. 51K ) iip.\nt : Wnlrh Clmrnm and Lockets 50c ( up. 12 dozen Solid Sterling : Slher Itraeclcts from 5llc up. * One lot of Itolled 1'intc J'rnceirts , nssorlol patterns , sold formerly at $ 2.00 and $ ! t.OO. now 50e encli to cloc them out. 1,000 Flue Solid Gold Fiuirer Kin&i ' at $1.00. $1.50. $2.00 , $3.00 , 81.00. $5.00 and up to $10.00 , worih'$2.00 to $20.00. A beautiful line of ( lie celebrated " 1'a'hinn Diamonds" ( Imitation diamonds ) in Gold Settings , Studs , Scarf Pins , Lneo Tins , Knr Kings , etc. , from $1.00 upward. SPECIAL We offer fora few day ? onljr , until all arc sold about 100 Fine Steel Cnninp Sets , ! J pieces at ° n'r $2.09 , worth $5.01) ) . Call rarlr , as ( lieyl lnot \ \ last lone. Itarrnlm In Works , LampC , Slliorware , Umbrella ? , etc. iSiTI'enalrinp In all its various branches. Store for rent and fixtures for sale. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. For ! ho treatment of all OnnOXirAXDBCnOICAIi DlSEASrS , Brutes Appliance'for Deformities , unfl Truse . B'st lfc llttlri , Appnrntua and Ilp-nedles for fucpcasfnl treatment of ererr fcirm of dlnpnse requiring - quiring Metflcal or furdcnrireatrcent. MNKTY UOOMS KOK I'ATiKMTy , llrnrd nnJ nttomlmioe. ll t Aocmiuortntloni WMt AVrlla far circulars on Deformities nnd llmrcs , Truism , Club I'i'i't. Curvatures of SMno , riles Tumors. Cnncpr , C'nturrh , UruarhliK , Inli Infon , KeitrlcUjrarnijsls. . K | > lle > y , Kldncr , lllsflder. Kjc. Enr tklniiml llUod , an1 nil SurKlral Operation' DteJiAbKSOPro.MK > nupcljltr Hook of Oltp.ivs of Womrn I roe.e Imre laiHy nddert n l. > liu In I'npirlnn-nt f r Women miring Coutlnemont tStrletlj I'riva'fl ) . Only Hollnblc Medical Institute rniklrc n Bt'oclnlly ' of 1'JUVATK 1)131 AH.-CS. All mood IHsen o jucremfully tieitei. Stphlluio tflsin ri-motoJ fro-n tlio ffsUni < r t lout mo cary. New ItPstor.itlTu 'J teatmcnl for l/o of Vl'al 1'owcr Tnrt es unublo to \ t lt us may l > o tn'ii Pd nt huiue t > y coripsp.inrpme All con.rnunlcatli n c nndrnUal. Mfdlcluo or lustrumrnls cnt br nmil or exprir1 * so- ourely pacLol. no inarktf to Indlcaie c imonls or fonder. One pT'onnl IntTvtcw prrfprrK.1. full nnd r * mull utcraond history of > our ca o. nnd we will rene ! In plain wrapper our HOOK TO Ml'.S KKKK , upon IYIv t a eciAlor NorroUB Itl i > n. ej , Impoie'icy , BrlHII , Ulectand Vnrlcucde. with quoillun I it. Address Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner 9th and Harney Sts. , Omnha , Neb. Grand Lottery of Juarez. Under the Management of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concessionaries. INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF CHIHUAHUA , MEXICO , FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING Will take place in public at the CITY OF JCAKEZ ( formerly Paso del Norte ) , Mexico WEDNESDAY , MAY 21st , 189O. Under the personal supervlsfnnoi CEX. JOHN S. MOSIIY , ami MIl.CAMILO AKGl ELLE3. tlieforjiiorn Bontlutnan of such ) irninlm > m ! In the United Stains that hU presence ulorio U suiliclt'ut uuuratiUw to the public thut tlie drawings will be huld with btrlct honesty und filr- ness to all. und the latter ( the Supervisor of thu Aluxlcun Ou\ummL iiti la al cijuul btanilluif und integrity. CAPITAL PRIZE , $6OOOO. Only 6OOOO , Tickets ! Only 6OOOO , TicketsI WHOLE TICKETS. . $4 ; HALF TICKETS , $2 ; QUARTER TICKETS. . $1. LIST OF 1 Prize of Approximation Prizes. $60,000 $60,000 , , 100 Prizes of I . ' ! ) each t 5.0DJ 1 Prize of JO.OOO 10000 1(10 ( Prizes of ffl en h 8.UUJ I Prize of 5.1KM S.OOO . 100 Prizes of IS each 2.DUO 1.IKJO e&ch 11,0110 Terminal Prizes. 10 Prizes of aw each 2.1XH ) 5S19 Terminals to tOOMfl Prlro of SJ9 each. tit.wa W 1'rlrcs of 100 eacli D.OUO Salt Terminals to f 10.0JO 1'rlze uf CIJ each 100 Prizes of X eiich i.UOO 2SO Prizes of 30 each f < M 1914 Prizes amounting to $125,970 We the iinflcrslcnea hereby certify thai the Ilauco If nnv ticket drawlnff a prlro Is sent to thu nndor- Naclcmal of Mrxlco ID Chihuahua lim on dt > po lt picned. Its fac valn will be collected uud remitted from the Merlcnn International lliinklnu ' to the owner thereof free of charou. the Decennary funds to jruarantec the pn > jnent of all Knn A nil IIIIIINSOX. thr prize * drnwn In the ( ti nd JxHtery of Juarez. President Y.I'ano \ .Nutlnnnl Hank. El Paso , Tex. Wefurthcf curiltj that we will Kuiierrlno nil the ar- AGENTS WANTED. ranjrumentu , and In pcnton manncu and control all rortlub rates , or nny other Information , wrlle to tlieclnwlnca of this JjOtlery , and that the amn are the underpinned. Btnttnr your addrcsH clesrlr , with conducted with honesty , fairness and In cued faith Huite , County , Struet mid Numbur. Morn rapid mill towards nil jinnies. delivery it 111 Ixmsjurod by your cDClonlne uu envel jinnies.S. . MOSBY. Commissioner. ope bearing your full address. CA.MILO AUOUEL.I.ES. MLXICAN IXTKIIXATIONAL , BANKI.VO Co. , Supervisor for the Government. City of Juarez , Mexloo. Fend remittances for tickets by ordlnnry letter , containing Money Order , - Issued by all Evpreis Companies , New York Exchange , ItunUDi-aftorrostui Note. Address all registered letters to - MELXICA.N INTlflR-NATIONALx BANKING CO. . OiLy ofJuarez. . Mexico , via El Paso.Tex. . NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. Rrwctflc for Ily t rla , Mizlnom , FH" , Nouralpia. Wak - Iuln < * a , Mental I > rpr Mlon , hofUrilnir uf the linUn. TV cajtlrttf In ( rw nlty ami Itadlntr to inU ry derar and death , rrcmJture Old ARe.ltarninnfitrf , Lotnuf rower Inrtther eiJnroluntB.ry Lo * * ) i , Mid Snrni .torrhxa CivaiMt Itr oter-exerlion ot lh br&lu * alf > abufc or oT0r-Uiduirr ( > nr . K cti box rent liuon ni ( > nlbtrrftU mnnt flal-oi , or Ui lor $1 , * nt tr mUl prcpsvia With f > Arb order for ix ! HJXC * . will Mttd j urch r Cru&rftUtca tu refuiid rauney If th * treat mrnl foils io cure Uuamntwxj fimi it ainlreunluft * nld uuJyby GOODMAN DUUG CO . 1110FurjuunSttxx't , Omaha- Neb , TO WEAK MEWT Buffcnne from the rnrcu of youthful -rrora , rarlr drcay.i axllnx wraknrm. lost iuauhoodrU.l will x-nd a Tkluable trratlM | sralt"li containing full particular * for homu cun. KIlKi : ot charge. A splendid medical work should l read by rvenr man vrho U nenrnns and rtrlilllutrd. Address. I'rof. I'.C. l'0\VlIiIt.Hoodu , tJoun. RESTORED. . of yuuthfui luiTudriKt. ifrnuitur * Ix-cay. hrrriiui lability , lxi awud. ite h.vuig tried In vala vvvry kuuwn rttt - fj , liu dlkOi rrnl K liojit * inrnui o [ sc-lf pure , which u will send ( SMlcd l KREK la Ills Mtow-iKifli vn. Aa6r * , i , n , llttVDi. J'.U. Uuj fxt > rw V-jit city. BABY ! PREE . . lu IbA llBUml * Ulr AtheT lUbf i&j | rk , fii < | U , fel ii i,4 UjrU Trtcro Iri Out i-r u > Mt at ml l.uli priro kri.l O lutfirmlri.il I. U a > r.r.r * . IM. ) at W M.duon ht Ckitwi. 1 u . I MT 4 fond te. iiioip ( ur n v MI 1 ( U. 7k * Uissl u.tor j 4J U.i wwlt. MANHOOD RESTORED. "SAXATIVO , " tb Wonderful Simnifb llcmeUy , It Hold with n Wrlltpn ( lunniii- u > to cure nil Nrrv , . Weak Memory , Ixx ' , . . . . . e. W kefuln i Before & After Use. Lo t Manhood. Nerv' . pnuu > er > i > lim truin ue. IHIIIICVI , l.nttltndn nil drain * and loti of power ol the OcucritlteOn cam , ID either nex , cauecd njr over-txtttlou , youth ful iudlhcretlont , or tbe eiccmlve use of tuuacco , opium , or etlmiilanta , which ultimately lead to luOnulty , Coueutnptlun and Intaulty. Put up In convenient form tu cairy lu the vei-t iiorket1'rica 1 a package , or G lor & . Wltb every $5 order MO Rtve airr < ( ( cu guarunttn Io cure or rrfutnl the i > iunry. bent by mall to any addrctt. Cir cular free. Mtntlou thin patx.'r. Addreis MADRID CHEMICAL CO. jTwich OfHc lor D 8. A 417 ] > < ' li'.rr , hln-rt , ( IlICACiO , ILL. rOU SALE IK OMAHA , M.1 ! . 11V Kuliti A Cu Cor l..lli and Douirlai Street * J A Kullcr A C < i . Cor llth A DouKlan directs and A I ) . Fottcr i Co. Couucil IlluU , Iowa CHICHCSTCR'B ENGLISH .PENNYROYAL PILLS. BCD Cnott DIAMOND BRAND , turt ti 4 lw * t talttM * I. 41e4. a tc il lur Illamitrd ilralid.lii rc4 UMtaiiM ' ribbon. 1 l.r . . lL.r. .rlk.l.t. ki.4 Ittllcf f.r H ONLVIr ) . . the rrnnrb irmmlr. act on th iue > iitruai : tynU-m mid euro uii | > re ftUtn from whatever < aT'ae i'rMu-Htt uieuBtruaii m 'ltio o i > lll Hinuttl t tin lak'-n dur > 11 < | > r . iiai > y Am I'll ! I i Jl'iyaiC i'r | i : hiK-- > - < - T t ar I j la Oeuuino ty bherma & ) > l-onnr 1. Dudirnat m-ar ! l Uiuaha I A M--tier houth Omaiia , M f Lull , I JUUL.I BluBl t.tui I jit * . ,