Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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E. R03EWATEU. . Editor.
Dally nnd Sunday , One Vcar . II" M
Hlx months . fi W
Three month * . . . ' - " >
Hiinilny Hen , One Vnar . "W
Weekly Ik-c , One Vnnr . 1 25
Oniulin. Tlio lire Ilulldlmr.
H. Otiinlm. Corniir N ami with Ptreott.
Council Ilium * , 1 ! I'eurl Street.
riilciiiM > onieo.ni7Clmmli T f Commerce.
it , 513 Fourteenth street.
CORHl l'ONIiNOK. ) :
All eommiiiilctttlon' rjilatlne to news and
rilltorliil matter should Uo addressed to the
lillorlil ; ( : Department.
All hiisliicHt leltm-M and remlttanre.s should
lie dililri'iM'd to The Hen I'lilillslilnf Company ,
Oimibii. Drafts , checks itml iMHtonU'n.unleM
lo lie miioli ) payable to the order of tlio ( Join-
The lice Publishing Company , Proprietors.
The Ilee Il'Mlnn , Furnnm and Seventeenth SU.
Stale of Jfohrimkii. lRa
Comity of Douelas. f1 '
Gconrn It. T/.ichuck , secretary of The Ilco
riilill.-lilnc rninimiiy. does solemnly swonr
Hint tlmmilunlulruiilntlnnnr Till ! DAlf.r Hr.B
for tlio wuclc ending Jlay 10. IbOO , was ns fol-
If ) WM *
JJumlny.Mnyl . 22.PW
Moniluy , MnyB . 1 ! ' . . M
Tuexdiiy. MiiyO . ' 1. ;
WMliiP ilny. May 7 . 1 . SI
y. Mtty 8
1'ililny. ftnvli : . HI.WI
Butiirduv. Atny IU . 'M.OM
Avcrago. . a ,071i
Pwnrn to liefore mo nnd kiibstirlbod to In my
pri'ceiieo this 10th day of May , A _ . I ) . ISffl ) .
Notary Public.
Elate of Nchrnikn , I
counlv of Doiislns | B '
Oeorjjo 1 > . IVKehnuk , bchiR duly jiworn , rtc
rc Kayo that lie Is weeruturv of Tlio
) < e < 3 I'ubll.sliliiK Cninpany , that tlio nctual
nvcinco dally olruulntlon of THE DAII.V
UKK for tlio month of May , IKS ) , IWJO
eoplcs ; fur June , ISfin , Ift.RoM copies ; for
Julv , ISfin , IK.7 ) iMi | > lcsi for AtlRiist , 1M > ' . , I8.mi
eoples ; for "epluinliur , Jf-K ) , JH.TIO copies ; for
October. Jt-Mt , lH.I/)7uoplis ) ! ; for November. 1SW ) ,
.i ; for December , IS120.0IH ! copies ;
for January , 1S ; ) , l ! > , .r > .V > e < tploH ; for I''ehruary ,
3H > 0 , lll.TlII r'oplcs ; for Miircli , 1SOO , L'O.gfj copies ;
fur April , 180 ! , KVttl coplos.
CIOIIRI : : : II. TzariiucK.
Fwom InlicfnruniG nnil subserllied In my
rirosi'iici ) this M diiy of May , A.I ) . . 1K .
ISral.l N. I' . KKII. , Notary 1'ubllc.
R-paRe paper . U. S. 1 cent roreljjuE cents
12-pifre : jiajier . " 1 cent " Scents
] 0-ji Ke pajx'r " "cents -cents
2i-pau ! ; paper " -ct'iits It cents
jiur " " rents ! cents
Tan corkiiiff of the army canteen , as
prepiiivd by the senate , is a pleeo of
justly li' irilation. It will serve to revive
llio doinoralixing joints around army
poslH , wlilch were driven out of exist
ence by the cnnlcon.
Iw view of the throatcned corner in
silver , llio ilisoovory of iv new vein in
northern Nebraska is of national impor
tance. Who knows but that the canyons
yens of the Minnocadusa will yet solve
the monetary problem.
Tinlueliiratioii : ( of a Kansas court that
men cannot bo coerced into giving testi
mony in liquor cases will .seriously reduce
the profits of the KWOH and do-
toetlvi's. ITorotoforo u good nose and
an indifferent eonsoienco were worth a
Xortuuu down in Kansas.
Elands alone as a bright example of
western independence on the tariff bill.
While all other western members
skulked in the cloak rooms or deliber
ately ignored the demands of their con
stituency , ho stood out in strong ro-
Ijef for western interests against eastern
trusts and combines.
Tan arrest of twenty-live moonshiners
In Kentucky'just as the senatorial cam
paign is al its height will have a de
pressing effect on the bourbon patriots
at i'Yankfort ' , unless the legitimate dis
tillers promptly increase their capacity.
A blue grass campaign without the
usual quantity of mountain dew is as
desolate and lifeless as llio alkali plains
nt noontide.
Tnu Tammany braves of Chicago are
Out on a wild hunt for the scalps of the
recreant chiefs. Unliku their brethren
in Omaha , they did not cajole the public
with the pretense that they would purify
tlio local political atmosphere and pre
vent the use oT money in elections. On
the contrary , they wont to work lo raise
more than six hundred dollars , and When
the wampum reached a tempting roll ,
the treasurer placed four thousand whore
it would most bonolit hi msolf. The Chicago
cage braves should journey to Omaha
find seeiiro a few valuable pointers from
the iniiuaeulato Twenty-oighters. '
pays his respects to the
fanners in a letter in which ho endorses
the principles of the alliance and pleads
for reform. Kven at thin late' day , it is
intorohting to note the deference shown
the farmers by the ox-presidont. They
Binote htm with such unanimity two
Jjxira ago that ho has not forgotten the
force of the blow. In vle\v of recent
events , however , the ox-president cannot
o.xpeot the public to accept the letter as
genuine. It should bo followed by an
attested cerlillcato , "not necessarily for
publication , but as a guaranty of good
luith. "
Tun olnuials charged with the duty of
enforcing the law against importing con
tract labor and the Chinese exclusion
net are almost helpless through lack of
moans to carry on the work- . With Iho
exception ot a few seaboard cities , there
is noHyxtematie effort to check tlio iin- .
portation of undesirable immigrants.
Assistant Secretary Tiohonor , In a letter
to the house committee on appropria
tions , calls attention to the fact that
\rliilo the law prohibits Iho landing of
convicts , lunatics , idiots and paupers
Who come by steamers , It is utlorly in-
sulllelent to meet the case of immigrants
of like character who may cnlor , the
country by land from contiguous ter
ritory. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THK removal of the Pine TUDgo agency
from Nebraska Ls again being ugitntod
in til Indian otHoo. So far as the In
to rests 6f the Indians aud the govern
ment are concerned , thu proposed change
would bo a damage instead of a benefit.
The abandonment of the agency bulld-
iuyft , schools and churches , and .tho
erection of now buildings at imothor
point , would involve a largo outlay of
government money. But the agitators
nro indifferent to the welfare of the In
dians as well as to the expense involved ,
as long as .they can secure government
asslslunco in boosting a run ! estate
speculation. That is thu solo object of
the agitutiuu.
Tlio sUto board of transportation lias
instructed its secretaries to comptto a
schedule of freight rates for Nebraska
railroads , based oil the actual cost of the
roads. Under these instructions the BCC-
rotnritis are to make their report at the
next regular session of the board
on JunoI. . The board has
also adopted resolutions inviting ship
pers and patrons of Iho railroads , as well
tw other citizens who feel aggrieved
over the present rates , lo appear before
Iho board'on the twenty-llrst of this
month with n formal presentation of
their complaints.
The manifest Intent of the board of
transportation is to revise existing
freight schedules and make such re
ductions as will still leave the roads a
fair margin on their investments. This
paper has never favored the creation of
a railroad commission or a stale
board of transportation , chiefly because
it never believed that such a board could
bo depended on by the people to prevent
discrimination and extortion by public
carriers. Wo always have advo
cated regulation by the leg
islature , and still prefer direct
legislation to supervision and regulation
by a board of commissioners. But wo
are always ready to commend any effort ,
by whomsoever made , that prom
ises to give the people of
Nebraska relief from excessive rates.
Whatever may bo the motive of thosUito
board In its proposed revision of sched
ules , a reduction of rates will bo ac
ceptable. Even the ton per cent
reduction on the corn rate made by
Iho railroad managers as a
sop lo the exasperated farmers has been
of some advantage , in spite of the pro-
SJotlons that a reduction of freights
would bring about a decline in the price
of corn. While the people tf the state at
largo have lost faith in the board of
transportation , by reason of its failure to
take decisive action , the promised re
vision and reduction of rates" cannot faille
lo meet with popular approval.
A Washington dispatch tothoChicago
Tribune says that pension legislation has
reached the point where the veterans
will have to take a sober second thought
and decide whether they want the de
pendent bill or no legislation at all. The
senate committee has been giving care
ful consideration to the limited service
measure which was passed by the liouso
as a substitute for the senate dependent
bill. In its original shape ,
with sixty-two years as the ago limit , it
was estimated that the house bill would
take Ihirty-nine million dollars a year.
The ago limit was reduced to sixty
years and one or two other modifications
made , which increased the estimate of
cost to fifty million dollars a year ; with
the possibility of its being double that
amount. In view of this the measure is
understood to have received little favor
in the senate committee , and
it is expected to present an
unfavorable report on the liouso bill and
insist on the senate measure. In that
event , unless the house recedes , there
will bo no pension legislation. The sen
ate republicans maintain that the de
pendent bill meets the pledges of the
party , and that it is all that can reason
ably bo asked of congress under present
conditions. A number of republicans in
the house take the same view.
Vitiwing the matter from a practical
standpoint it is obvious that the govern
ment cannot afford to assume additional
pension obligation , granting it will be
no larger than the lowest c.stimatu.which
the liouso service bill would impobc.
Even without any new pension legisla
tion'it is believed that there will be a
deficit for the next fiscal year unless
there is a material reduction in appro
priations now proposed , and as to a largo
part of these it is not probable they will
bo reduced. Careful estimates by re
publican members of congress pluco
the probable excess of expendi
tures over receipts for the next
llscal year at over seventy million dollars
lars , and in this is not included the addi
tion which it is estimated would bo made
to the demands upon the government by
Iho house service pension bill. With
that the deficit would very likely reach
not far from one hundred million dollars.
The almost uniform rule is tint I esti
mates of the cost of pension legislation
are too low , and there is no reason to
doubt Unit this is the case with the bill
passed by the house.
It will bo fortunate for Iho country if
the senate shall take a firm stand against
the action of the houi-e , and roluso to
permit the pension attorneys and the
three months men to dictate a policy that
would bankrupt the treasury. There is
no objection to the dependent pension
bill passed by the senate. It is u just
measure , and whatever addition to tlio
pension disbursements of the government
it may involve will bo cheerfully borne
by the people. But the service pension
bill of the house is not demanded by any
consideration of justice to the old sol
diers and would create a burden which
the government cannot at "this lime
wisely or safely assume.
Mr. Robert P. Porter , superintendent
of the eleventh census , is determined
Unit the work to bo done under him
shall bo honestly performed. There
could bo no better assurance of this than
the order just issued by him to all super
visors of the .census regarding the state
ment that certain city councils and
boards of trade had appropriated sums
of money to aid their supervisors in
Iho enumeration of the population.
Mr. Porter saw in this a purpose
to IiilluL'iieo the census tnkora
to swell their returns , or to put it more
plainly , to make fraudulent reports of
population , and ho accordingly notified
thu supervisors that such contributions
must not bo received by them. Ho very
properly says lhat if Ihls sort of. thing
were tolerated by the bureau It would
have a tendency to bring the whole cen
sus Into disrepute , and ho declares
that the eleventh census must
nnd shall bo above suspicion.
"To tolerate any action , " says the
superintendent , "on the part of
municipalities , associations , organiza
tions or individuals , no matter how pow
erful they may bo , which 1ms for Its pur
pose Iho debauching , or which would
oven throw the slightest tulut upon the
truthfulness of the returns , would , in my
opinion- nothing short of a crtmo
against tlio people of the United States. "
This position of the superintendent of
census has been approved by the secre
tary of the Interior.
When Mr. Porter was appointed to
superintend thoconsts ) there was a great
deal of unfavorable comment applying
not only lo his qualifications but to his
Integrity. It was Urged that because ho
was an earnest advocate of the policy of
protection he would disturb and porverl
facts In the interest.of that policy , while
It was questioned whether ho possessed
the capacity , having had no experience
in work of this nature , to discharge satis
factorily the dllllciilt task. As to Iho
latter all doubts have been removed by
Ihe very thorough manner in which the
organization for the work has boon
effected and every detail pro
vided for. It Is admitted that never be
fore has the census work boon arranged
upon a more practical basis , with every
provision made for promptly and clll-
clcntly carrying out the requirements
of the law. It Is true that the eleventh
census will not take so wide a range as
wa # lvcn to the ninth and tenth. Ex
perience had shown that it was desir
able to reduce the number of subjects
to -investigated and lo give
greater attention to those of most
direct interest to the people , so
that the value of the facts
obtained would not bo lost by a delay of
years in giving them to the public. The
last census was especially overburdened
by a mass of matter that became worth
less , or nearly so , because it was not
available for years after it was obtained.
In providing for the eleventh census the
late S. S. Cox , who framed the bill , in
cluded only those subjects of leading im
portance , and while congress enlarged
somewhat the invesligation ho
proposed , it will still bo
considerably reduced from that
of the last census. But making
every allowance for this difference , Mr.
Porter has shown superior qualifications
for the practical requirements of the
work , and there is every reason to ex
pect that the country will bo in posses
sion of the information obtained in one-
third of the time occupied in publishing
the returns of previous censuses. It is
also highly probable that the eleventh
ccnsuc. will bo the most thorough and ac
curate taken since Iho foundation of the
government , and that it will in all re
spects l > o an honest and trustworthy
presentation of the condition of the coun
try. Mr. Porter has thus far shown
that ho is the right man in the right
place. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TnKKEnro a great many very absurd
conclusions drawn from the supreme
court decision in the "original package"
case. It is assumed by some to bo ii most
serious impairment of the sovereignly of
the states , when it is absolutely nothing
of the kind , there being really no now
principle announced. But the most
ridiculous deduction from the decision is
that under it the sale of obscene publica
tions and olweeno literature cannot
bo prohibited by a Bluto. This
would be tlo ) case if it could be shown
that such publications are legitimate
articles of commerce , but no one will
contend for a moment .that they are/
The intelligent judgment of the country
will not be swayed from its approval of
the decision , the soundness of which becomes -
comes clearer the more 'carefully it is
studied , by such absurd efforts to bring
it into discredit by a perversion of ils
meaning. _
fj objections and technicalities
should not bo permitted to delay the
trial of the issue raised by the Helfon-
steins. Scores of property owners are
involved , and it is of the utmost import
ance that the St. Louis claim jumpers bo
compelled to establish their pretended
rights at once. Delays work an injustice
to the homo builders who have invested
their means in the property. They are
ready for the issue and the courts should
ignore petty objections and compel the
mercenary title cloudors to proceed with
the trial or quash Iho complaint.
Tail scheming combine in the coun
cil should not be permitted todictatotho
man who will have practical charge of
public works for the ensuing three years.
The interest of the taxpayers demands a
man with sulllcicnt backbone to enforce
the contracts of the city to the- letter and
give property owners an uoncst equiva-
lant for their assessments.
Tar : interests of properly owners on
slreets to bo graded this year demand
that the council expedite action on the
grading ordinances. Many building im
provements depend on the early comple
tion of the grades , and the council
should do' ils part in pushing the work.
As USUAL , prohibition in the Dakotas
has increased business in the Internal
revenue olllco in Omaha. The bootleggers
gers and "speak easios" are making
their peace with Uncle Sam before be
ginning active operations.
Fou the first four months of the year
the Union Pacillo cleared nine hundred
thousands dollars more than for the same
period hjst year. The figures Indicate
that the volume of western busjness Is
sloiulily Increasing.
Tan halo of the Millard hotel lot goes
to show that Omaha property possesses
unequalled attractions for the eonserva-
live Investor.
Ox WITH public works in all depart
ments. Every branch ought lo bo in ac-
Uvo operation within IKO weeks.
Silent About Oiinn'H Favorite.
Jliiffalo Comiiteicliil.
The domocrutlo press of the state are dis
creetly silent concerning the New York Sun's
nomination of David H. Hill us the democrat lo
presidential candidate In 139.2.
Jltutnn ( Vloli ; ,
Rmln Pasha , after being rescued at so much
duiiffor.und expense , U now cruel enough to
Inform his captors that "ho could not assent
to Stanley's desire to exhibit him in Kuropo
llko a rare animal. " What base ingratitude !
A. Decision that Decides ,
KiinMi Qttu 'flint.
The llrst case of liquor selling In Iowa that
has entered court since the "original pack-
U O" decision was dismissed yesterday by the
Judge , tlio prosucullni ; uttoruoy assenting.
Except tu some Kansas newspaper onlcea
there soenw to Iw a Rcncntl Iwllof that n supreme
premo court decision Is good law.
Only Dudes nnd Dmllnca.
.Wmiwpotl * TH/nWf ,
A scientist estimates that the human race
will disappear from the earth about the year
1000.Vhnt a funny world this will be then ,
with nothing but dudes and dudlncs left to
boss the uiiimulj around.
A rK ( Mi to Mit Incites.
. .
Slnco the ijtyait decision of the United
States supronuSeourt It won't bo necessary to
send so much llcrlg > r Into Mnluo for inechanU
not purposes as heretofore. It can go la orig
inal packages Jur original purposes.
An A. O. U. W. ledge Is to be organized nt
The Butler county Inll is n popular stopping
pluco for truing.
The Catholics of Uarncston have decided to
build a f'J.OOO church.
. Crops In the vloinitv of Tobias wcro badly
damaged by hall Monday.
Tlio residence of A. Ilcnnson near IJralnnrd
was destroyed by fire Sunday.
A barn nt Madison was struck by lightning
nnd entirely , destroyed Monday.
Wghtnlnp stnu-k'thc ncwMcthodlst church
at David City , but did little damage.
The FroifUcr county Sunday school conven
tion will meet nt Curtis May 'JJ and ! SJ.
The Fairfleld building and loan association
has Incorporated with n capital stock of $100- ,
The postmaster at Wilson , Colfax eountv.
has sent In his resignation and the oDlco will
probably bo abandoned.
Carl Carlson of Chadron died recently in
Chicago while undergoing nn operation for
the i-Qinoval of a cancer.
A company has been organized In Wilson
precinct , Col fax county , with a capital of
5,000 , to build a cheese factory.
Seventy sheep belonging to I. Pugh , a
fanner near Hebron , were bitten by u mad
( tog nnd twelve of them have since died of
Two Auburn women who had deserted
their families were captured with their para
mours nt Falls Citv and all wcro taken buck
to Kcinaha county' charge of nn ofllccr.
Says the Valparaiso Tribune : More corn
has been listed this spring than ever bcforein
the history of this locality. The reason is
that the corn crop suffered severely Inst year
from the ravages of cut worms , and listing Is
claimed as u prcvcntative because It puts the
seed deeper in the ground than can be done
with a planter.
The other day a Sioux Indian walked up and
down the street with a long- tailed coat on ,
gloves and gold headed cane , etc. , and put on
agony in great shape , says the Gordon Ko-
publicnn. We just laid up our silk plug , .
scrubbed the blacking off our shoes , took off
our necktie , gave him the Held and concluded
that wo wcr'j no longer in town. Wo did not
ask him whether ho would prefer being presi
dent of the United States or governor of Ne
braska , but wo suppose ho will bo around be
fore election. _
Iowa Items. .
The Congrcgationulists of Chapin are build
ing a new church.
A company islk'ing formed to build a $15 ,
000 hotel at Audulwm.
The Mitchell county creamery owners have
orguni/od a cotihtv association.
Four electric ligllt companies want to sup
ply Webster City with a plant.
Wilton will vote on May L'Ci on the question
of bonding the town for * ti,000 , for a system
of water works.
Calhoun countyillas sold $ .10,003 of drain
age bonds at a prdnjium of 8520. They draw
7 per cent intercut. .
The Illinois Central Is to erect a handsome
new depot at W.inthrop on the site of the one
recently destroyed ! bv lire.
The Davidson corner in Sioux City was sold
last week for 3T > , ( WO , the highest price ever
paid for realty ftf that eity.
The Iowa Spite ] Si > ortsincn's association
will hold a .fouiyday's shootiiig tournament at
Davenport , communQing Juno 10.
A stock conjpan.v.luisjo < jiirfonnel ( at Creston -
ton to erect nf lOo.ixW Hotelto bo named the
Hotel Potter , in honor of the late T. J. Pot
ter. . -
Dr. Do Pondloin , who was arrested at
Iowa City on a charge of libel preferred llev.
Father Enionds , forfeited his ball and has
gone to Chicago. '
Edwards , the man who bit Representative
Shipley's ear olT last fall , was tried at Guthrie -
rio Center the other day and found guilty of
assault and battery.
Joseph Hink , a laborer , while intoxicated.
made u desperate attempt to take his own life
nt Iowa City. Ho fired three shots from a
revolver into bis body , perforating both
lungs , but the doctors think ho may recover.
George | L. Moore , sentenced to Anamosa
for two years from Winneshick county for
seduction , and Clarke , the old man sentenced
to one year from Boone county for keeping a
house of prostitution , have been pardoned oy
Governor Boies. These are the first pardons
Issued by the governor.
The Two JJnkntas.
A dentist is badly needed at Miller.
Flandruu wants a waterworks system.
Yankton society people have been seized
with the Dclsarto craze.
The secret societies of Clark will unite in
building a hall for society purposes.
There are twoiity-fivo Sunday schools in
Charles Mix county with 1'JOO scholars.
The Moody county .alliances wHl form a
county organization utFlundrnii Juno 7.
None of the Yankton druggists have yet
made application for permits to handle liquor.
.fudge Williams ha * received his commis
sion as receiver of the land office at Yuukton ,
and will assume his duties next week.
So far this season the auditor of LaMouro
county has paid bounties on W.OOO gopher
tails , which at three cents per tail represents
the neat sum of &S40.
. Colonel Thompson of Bismarck lost a valu
able stallion some time ago , and after a
week's search found the animal imprisoned
in nn old well twelve feet deep. When
rescued the animal was found to bo unin
jured , but was suffering- terribly from hunger
and thirst.
According to the Napoleon Homestead
gopher hunting could bo made n very profit
able business in North Dakota. In some
counties bounties nro paid on tails , in others
oa cars , and In some of the "way back"
counties nothing less than legs will bo taken
us evidence of the sure death of the llttlo
pests. Thus in Logan county tails bring ! !
cents , while in Melntosh curs nvo quoted at 2
cents , Diekoy county gives up ff cents for four
logs , making nn aggregate of 8 cents in
bounties for one gopher. There is no neces
sity for a boy going without circus money In
North Dakota , jj jj.
Anutlier I'ortlgn of tlio KnnsnH Pro
hibitory Imw Proves Defootlvo.
IjKAVKNWoirrn , ' ICiui. , May lit. Judge Cro-
zler of thls , tho. . First Judicial district of
Kansas , has 'deejared part of the state pro
hibitory law imcqjuitltutloiial. The decision
was rendered , iu , u case where
the assistant attorney general of
tlio atato for this county summoned
tlio street commissioner and others to glva in
formation under oath as to violations of the
prohibitory law. Tiftiy refused to give testi
mony and the attorney general had them
committed to jail for contempt. Habeas
corpus proceedings Ho secure their release
were begun be fo A Judge Crozler , who
handed down a long ) decision ordering their
discharge from cu kly and declaring uncon
stitutional the provisions of the law con
ferring power ui oh the attorney general to
summon persons to testify as to violations of
the law.
Flglit Cor Sweethearts.
ST. L.OUID , Mo. , May ID. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEB. ] It Is just learned that
four young boys who quarreled over girls lost
week fought out their trouble Sunday after
noon , Marquis of Queensbury rules. Clay
Coleman , aged sixteen , fought Uoy Herzog.
agud seventeen , and Claude Martin and
Harry Powell , aged fifteen each , battled.
The ruforeo was Huy DoBtuuHur , agud fifteen ,
and Bob Fitzray , aged six-torn , was the time
keeper. Coleiuun was knocked out in the
seventh round and ivusb.idly used up. Young
Powell was finished In the alxth and is now
confined to hts bed by reasoaof the pummeling -
ing ho ivcei ved. ; The uhyblcluus say ho was
Internally hurt ,
J , N , Shoemaker , a Lincoln Contractor , Steals
Silently Away.
A Decision In Favor of the Clllzons-
AKltatltiK the Nine Hour Ques
tion MIISCO ManaRer
ler Discharged.
LJXCOI.NNob. . , May in. [ Special to THR
HKI : , ] Last year .T. N. Shoomnkcrvliolmil
tlio contnict for building the new engine
liouso for the Insane asylum here , bought
' . 7,000 brick nt 510 t r thousand. After
KottiiiK his money for building the Structure
Shoemaker paid for only n portion of the
brick and gave John FltaBorald , the owner of
the Lincoln brick mid tllo works , an order on
the bonrd of public works for the rest. Ho
then loft for unknown parts , When Fitz
gerald presented the order to the board ho
discovered that there wasn't n dollar coming
to Shoemaker. Ho therefore commenced suit Thomas I'rico nnd the other bonds
men who went Shoemaker's security. The
ease wsis given u hearing by Judge Stewart
This afternoon the supreme court handed
down an opinion in the Eltmvood elevator
case , gruutfng the muiutamus prayed for by
the Klmwood citizens.
This is the case in which the Farmers' alliance -
lianco at Klmwood desired room on the Mis
souri Pacific railway's right-of-way for an
elevator. The railway company denied this
request. The caao was taken before the state
board of transportation for settlement , and
the board decided in favor of the alllancc'aiid
issued an order to the company to allow the
alllanco a place for the proposed elevator.
The company failed to obey this order and
Attorney General Lcoso applied to the supreme
premo court in. behalf of the board for a writ
of mandamus to compel the company to com
ply with the order of the board. The findings
of the board In brief were :
That the road has all its side tracks within
the limits of its right-of-way and depot
grounds nt said station : that the two eleva
tors at that point are insufllciunt to handle
the grain shpi ! > ed , and that the owners nnd
operators of the same have entered into a
combine to fix the price of grain nnd prevent
competition ; that the convenience of the people -
plo demands , the erection of another elevator
at that point ; that the road has permitted the
other two elevators to bo erected upon Its
grounds and has refused the same privilege
to the complainant , an unjust discrimination ;
that there is room upon the grtunds of the
company for another elevator.
This decision settles the question of the
power of the board of transportation over this
class of cases- , and establishes the rights of
l > eoplo to erect cluvators at the company's sta
tions and to bo accorded equal shipping facili
ties with all other persons.
The carpenters of the city held an enthusi
astic meeting at Union Labor hull last even
ing. There was a largo attendance , both of
union and non-union men , and the nine-hour
question was thoroughly and impartially dis
cussed. Mr. T. B. Uorun was chosen chair
man. Speeches were made by Mr. J. W.
Emesson , president of the local union , nnd
Messrs. Kent , Kerns , Mason and others. At
the close of the deliberation a unanimous vote
was taken favoring the adoption of the nine-
hour system without any forcible menus.
Several non-union men joined the union.
OP TIII : CITV couxcn. :
At the regular meeting of the city council
last evening the Standard street railway was
allowed to lay a track on P street from
Twelfth to tno cast line of Eleventh. South
Twelfth street was ordered to bo graded to a
width of not over forty-four fcnt between F
and II streets.
The street commissioner's report showed
S. " > > expended during the week for im
The report of the gas inspector showed
that an inferior quality of gas is being fur
nished , and the inspector and lighting com
mittee were instructed to take steps to see
that better gas is furnished and to prevent
the company from blowing the gas
through the jets at such a speed as to cause
a loss to consumers.
The pending labor ordinance favoring nine
hours for a day's ' work for all employes on
public works was referred by the judicary
committee to the city attorney.
The mayor was authorized to lease such
grounds as are necessary for the Itlce pump
ing station in East Lincoln.
A resolution was passed setting aside
$10,000 of the water fund for the purpose of
making extensions to the water mains.
A revised health ordinance was introduced.
This provides that all cases of smallpox ,
scarlet fovcr , diphtheria , erysipelas , cholera
and membranous croup must be reported by
physicians within six hours after the discov
ery of the same.
Mr. Lawlor , the manager of the Eden
Musee , was tried in the police court yester
day on the charge of running n place of
amusement on the Sabbath day. Air. Lawler
admitted ho had done so , but declared that n
portion of every Sunday's receipts wcro
given to the poor of the city , and several wit
nesses corroborated this testimony. As the
Museo was therefore run partially for benev
olent purposes , Judge Houston did net believe -
lievo it wise to order it closed. Ho therefore
pronounced Mr. Lawler not guilty and re
leased him from custody.
A year ago it was supposed that Mr. C. C.
ICennoy , with his splendid drug store and
real estate , was worth s ? i,00 ( ) , but when San-
born S. Howes obtained a Judgment for $7fia
against him and the sheriff attempted to col
lect the same , it was discovered that ho was
ixmniless and all his supposed riches jvero
owned by his wife. On examining the rec
ords , Howes claims that ho has discovered
that Kenney has been guilty of fraud. Ho
claims that the defendant really owned all
this property at the time the Judgment against
him was obtained and that ho deeded it all
to his brother , Blitz F. ICennoy for u fictitious
0,000 ; that Blitz in turn deeded it to Airs.
Carrie II. Keimey , the wlfojjf C. C. Kennoy.
Howes de-clams that the whole transnetion
was n scheme to defraud hlmoutof the money
duo him. Ho therefore asks Judge Field to
declare the conveyance of the property null
and void and to order the sale of the proi > crty
to satisfy the Judgment held by Howes
against it.
J. Morrison nnd J. II. AIcMurtrlo both
claim the ownership of the same house , nnd
the result is a suit in the district court. Mor
risen says that ho bought the building and
the lot upon which it stands from Mr. Me-
Cluro. and shows p.ipers to prove the samo.-
But McMurtrio , who Is a well known real
estate dealer , also flourishes a dred to the
house , which ho got from Mrs. Klngmun ,
MrUluro's mother. McMurtrio seems to
have the inside track , as he has possession of
tlio place , uiul Morrison has caused to bo is
sued a writ of replevin to gain iwasussion.
Judge Chapman has the case under advise
The Jury who tried Milo Hodgkins and
Fnmk Trumbull for disturbing a religious
mooting nt Hoca by throwing boor kegs
through the window , brought In n verdict of
"guilty as accessory before the act. " The at
torneys for the prisoners claimed that this
was equivalent U > a discharge. The Judge ,
however , road thu Jury a lesson on English
expression and sent the Jury back into their
room to construct a more Intelligible verdict.
They afterwards returned with n verdict of
"guilty us charged hi the Indictment. " Sen
tence was reserved.
William Kutherford , who a few weeks ago
was sentenced to the iKJiiitcntlary for twelve
years for the crlmo of incendiarism , hai ap
pealed the case to the supreme court , and al
leges that the verdict is.not In accordance
with the testimony of the prosecuting wit-
IIUHM-.S. He also alleges errors in the pro-
ufdlngn of. the lower court. Thu house to
which ho is said to have sot tire was valued
A short tlmo since John U. Phillips of St.
Paul sued the Lincoln & Illuclt Hills railroad
company for ( laaiuguHinxTiihi toliliii thraiiKh
that c' rporutlon bulldliiK u track and cluvutor
uuar Ills m.Idcm-0 , and AVIH awarded ( -.Kdl
damage * . The attoniey for the ruilivad
thinks that amount too much , and hai up
It to the supreme court , the papers beIng
Ing llled tlm morning.
The proceedings of the supreme court todaj
wcro ns follows :
J. W. Cole , bsci. , of CiiUwrteon was nil
milled to i rnctlco. Cowl vs HomoCattlo
company. Defendant allowed to prosecute
appeal. Carry v Fremont. Submission va
catedwith leave to J. I ) . Kelt to Intervene
Chicago , Burlington & ( ilney railroad coin
panv vs Berry. Dismissed. Stuto ox rel the
S. li. Hitchcock company vs Coruutt , Con
tinued. , .
The following eases were nrgued and sub
milted : * Prior vs Hunter ; Tunbs VH Mcln-
to.Mi ; Olds Wagon works vs Benedict , on mo
tion ; Opponhelmer vs Marr , on motion.
Attornovs are notified that the foot of the
general docket will be called Tuesday , May
" ' 'rho ' tight over the county seat matter In
Keil Willow county has finally found lt way
Into the supreme court. Justin A.ilcox
acts as planitift and the stilt Is brought
against Henry Crabtreo , Isaiah Uennett and
SI 'ohen Italics , the county commissioners of
Ued Willow county.
TOO lllClt JL'Olt Til Kill JtLOOIt.
Army Officers' QnnrlerH Which Will
Cost n Fortune to Kin-nlsli.
CIIIOAOO , III. , May 13. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BnK. ] The Insatiable ambition of
the average Chicago congressman for ex
orbitant appropriations from the national
treasury for public Improvements , In order
that his fealty to the city's interests may bo
demonstrated , Is beginning to b'onr fruit.
"Army onlcors know pretty generally
when they are well off , " said Captain Penny ,
one of the senior officers stationed at Fort
Sheridan , today , "and Just now every ofllccr
In tlio garrison hero Is trusting to n kind
providence to got him away from this fort
before the new ofllcers' ' quarters are finished.
The government Is erecting a lot of residences
for the ofllccrs , " said ho , "on n scale i of
grandeur far beyond what they have born ac
customed to and In the nature of things far
bevond the requirements of the service. It
will take n whole year's pay to furnish one of
the new houses so that It will not look bare.
Then suppose that an ofllccr is willing to
spend n year's salary in that way. Just as
liable as not IIP will boordercd to New Mexico
or Wyoming at twenty-four hours' notice ,
and as the government only allows n captain
1.000 pounds of baggage ho must cither leave
a1 ! of his line things behind him or sell them
for whatever ho can got. The United States
ofllcers all gonceally agree that the quarters
assigned them tire so line that in order to
preserve the laws of symmetry and harmony
thov will have to spend too much money
fitting up these quarters. If they were llx-
tures it would bo altogether different , but ,
subject as they are to removal to a distant
part of the countrv , practically without no
tice , it will be a hardship if they are com
pelled to pav for the style , which their Uncle
Sam wants and which Chicago society na
turally expects.
Ills Friends Succeed in Suspending
tlie Opposition from tlio Cliuruli.
JOLIHT , 111. , May 1 ! ! . [ Special Telegram to
TUB BII : ; . ] The trouble over Pastor Whit
man caused another disgraceful scene in
the Baptist church last night. A meeting
was held , aud some of Whitman's opponents
brought up the old trouble by a resolution
reciting anew tlio charges against him and
demanding that they bo submitted to a com
mittee of ministers nnd laymen. The fact
was speedily developed , however , . much to
their discomfiture , that the number of Whit
man's adherents had been greatly enlarged
since the last meeting , and the resolutions
wore voted down with alarming rapidity.
This greatly displeased the minority nnd pan
demonium ensued. One of their number as
serted that the count of the votes - hail
not been straight and some of the majority
shouted , "Put him out. "
Hev. Mr Whitman ilnally secured order ,
and read from Churlottctown n letter contra
dicting some of the stories that hud been told
about him. Then the majority offered a pre
amble and resolution suspending from the
church some of the more active opponents of
the pastor. After a most unchristian , not to
say disgraceful , controversy , the resolutions
were adopted , whereupon two young ladies
arose and screamed that .hey wanted to bo
removed , too. The names of those who were
suspended are among the most prominent In
the church. It was the verdict of tlio major
ity that all opponents of Whitman must bo
suspended and that tlio scandal never lx )
alluded to again. The situation is most dis
couraging. Botli the opponents and adher
ents of Whitman include some of the best
families in the city , and each side insists the
other side is wrong. The prospects for a new
church are good.
lien Butler Thinks tlio Imprisoned
Meti Will Bo ItelcaBeil.
CHICAGO , May la. In a short time nn effort
will bo made to secure the release from the
penitentiary of the convicted anarchists ,
Fieldcn , Schwab and Ncebe , by an appli
cation to Judge Grcshum of the circuit
court for n writ of habeas corpus on
the ground that the prisoners are detained
without duo process of law. No less author
ity than Benjamin F. Butler savs that the
clfort will , almost beyond doubt , bo success
ful , his opinion being based on the expressions
of the United States supreme court in the pro
ceedings heretofore brought before that body.
General Butler is regularly retained as
associate counsel in the case. The anarchists'
lawyer says the writ of habeas corpus will bo
asked for on tlio ground that after the sen
tence of death was passed upon the con
demned men and Neebo was doomed
to spend fifteen years in the penitentiary ,
the case was upiwaled to the supreme
court , whore the finding of the lower court
with the sentence of death for Spies , Parsons ,
Lingg , Fischer , Engcl , Schwab nnd
l < "iellcn was afllnned. The prisoners
were not taken before the supreme
court to hear this afliniiiition
of their sentences and their lawyers wore not
oven notified to bo present. The elulni was
made that this was a breach of their constitu
tional rights , and that the constitution even
went so far as to say a sentence of death ren-
icrcd In the ubsenec , of the prisoners was not
due process of law.
It , Is Said ( ho PlHputo with
HiiH IJecn Settled.
New Yoiu ; , May lit. The Ottawa corre
spondent of the Herald telegraphs as follows :
The Buhring sea negotiation , I am credibly
n formed , has reached its tlnal stage , more
.cchnlcallUcs nnd practical details. While
t will be impossible to forma-
ate and publish the Intended Interna
tional convention for the regulation
of fur seal fishery In the north Pacific ocean
md the waters adjacent during the present
season , the American and British negotiators
lave agreed upon the mode by which neces
sary and proper regulations shall be framed ,
so that a full and satisfactory adjustment of
the controversy is assured.
l\\K \ \ Auction of
New YOIIK , May 1 ! ) . [ Special Telegram
to Till' BUB. ] Towiihond fc Moutuut , uuc-
loncers , today held a trade suloof flannel * by
oilier of Messrs. Lelund , Whitney & Co.
/H ( ) cases of damon , white and shaker Han-
ids and dowctt , Tim bidding was lively and
irlces fair. Among the buvcrs present were
ho W. B. Crimes ! dry goods company , Kan
sas City , Kilp-U'Ick , Koch it Co. , Omaha , and
C. W. & E. I'ditt-idge , Chicago.
nnkotiiXo. XT. W.
HUIION , S. I ) . , May lit. ( Special Telegram
to Tin : BIK. : ] The grand ledge of the North
nnd South Dakota A. O. U. W. , In session
hero today , was attended by 1UII dclogatiw.
representing sixty-seven lodges with a total
inuniberHhli ) uf over y.lKK ) . drum ! Master
lloutz of Blunt presided. It was voteil tonight -
night to hold the uext grand lydgo meeting In
Sulolilcd on Hut Train. .
KANSVS CITV , May lit.William K. Crane ,
u lawyer of Albuquerque , N. M. , oa his way
to Chicago this morning , Milcldi'd by shooting
himself while lalmrlng under a temporary lit
ot Inmmltv. He wan n member of tlio ( jrand
army of the Hi-pnbllc and leave * a wife uuj
two children In Maryland ,
On n Immlxomo poster hung In the nv n i J4
of the Paxtou hotel yesterday Is the ( .
of n Kocky mountain hunter. Hii < , H
with one foot on u bear recently IiliiiM iu , |
bleeding from the mouth. Doslilo tin-1 > . ,
Is thu body of a mountain lion shot hi %
the eyes. The left hand of the hunt
ports'his rifle with the bull of the plw i
Ing on the ground. His right Imud supiv . - > ,
n staff , from which floats the banner , , r
most gracious majesty , Hex If. of cu
Utah. Beneath Is an edict Issued by OM. . .
the king from the palace of the car
Mnrdi Gms , 1SSH ) , to nil his loyal subje.
this edict Hex announces the oslubh-
of a new departure , to bo known as tin ,
dom of the west , with the capital cit\ , i-
den , Utah. Tlio edict ilxcs July 1 to : . t
for n royal carnival.
Two leading citir.ciiB of Ogden , W. II '
ve.r , n capitalist , nnd A. L. KichanNon
retaryof the chamber of commerce , , ,
wear the titles respectively of Burki
Lord High Chancellor , aud Montana , i , .
ccllor of Uio Uolls to His Majesty Hex 11
at the Paxton attending the meeting ot
general passenger agents of the Trai- \
souri association. From these gentl . > m ,
rotunda talker learned that the Hex orii
tlon of New Orleans , whoso fame h.u.
tended throughout the world , sent n com
tec Into the west to select a royal .
a view to making n separate kingdom of
west. This borlul , business nnd doimim
organization of New Orleans desired top ,
the royal colors-purple , green nnd goi.i
some beautiful city of the west amid the .
mantle scenes of the Hoeky mountains , r .
committee chosen to perform this linpoi ,
mission selected Ogden , 'Utah , sis the i . ,
kingdom of the west.
Great preparations are being made In . \
Orleans for this event , that will brin
gethcr the beauty nnd chivalry of the s > .
and the people of the west nt Ogden n '
the shadow of the Wosatch mountain , i
on the shores of tho.great salt lake.
There will arrive in Ogden July 1 the ,
train from New Orleans , bearing both ! , ' . \ '
and Hex II. , with their beautiful q
kings , own royal guaitls and other ua
tlnguished officials of the two royal ln > use
holds. This train will also have on Umrd '
the Louisiana rilles , Washington urtih , . n
nnd Major Wnlmslcy's battuliou of New i >
Hex II. will ascend the throne nt Op i <
amid pomp nnd splendor , and on-
the greatest social events of mml. . n
times \\ill have begun. The canm i
palace now being built nt Ogili-n
to be completed Jliue " 0 , will have a dam , i c
floor that will uccomiiioduto 1OU ( ) couple , IN i
seat 10,000 spectators. On July U the rm , , .
tournamcnt'wlll take place. This will be .u
exact reproduction of the famous tournnnKi.
in Ivnnhoe , with the difference that tli.
knights will tilt nt a ring instead of at eiii li
other. At night will follow the tournamei ,
hall in the carnival palace , when the victor
ions knight will crown the queen of the t-iui
numeut. July 'i will bo devoted to competitive
music aud drillsfollowed , [ by n military ball u
the evening. On July 4 , the natal day of tlit
nation , there will be u grand review of tin
military and presentation of prizes. At nl ht
the grand spectacular street p'orade , similar
to that of New Orleans , with many western
features added , will pour through the street-
of Ogden , and following this will come tin- '
jrand Ilex masked ball. The carnival wih
close on Saturday.
The Hex organization of the west will foe
permanent , with a carnival every year , i'
3gden. It is a secret organization , and at
the present time numbers ! > 00 men. An.
respectable gentleman in the west is > -
to membership. The Ugden people are ptv
taring to entertain 50,000 guests during the
carnival. The leading citizens will throw
open their homes to the visitor. * , and all Pul1
nan and tsarist cars arriving there will bt
sidetracked and tised us sleeping quarters
The two distinguished sen-ants of Uia m.i-
esty say tU. ' t everything now indicates that
; ho carnival will be a hugo success in every
respect , nnd that they have received po Hlv
assurances that many thousand visitors from
.ho south and cast will be present. The at
tendance from the Kocky mountain region
will undoubtedly bo enormous.
GrentKocU. Island I'outo.
1002 , Sixteenth and Farnnm is the new
ocation of tlio Chicago , Rock Island &
Pacilic Ry. ticket oflicos.
Ilovu & IIAVXCM , Managers.
Tuesday and Wednesday , May 13 and 14.
This Evening , at 8:1. :
To-morrow Afternoon. : it 2:1)0 : )
"Tl-ibl GOVERNESS. "
To-morrow KvcnliiR at 8:15 :
IM-lbl GHlNI&Slil 1JWAUI
Ago 31 yours , weight ai pounds , height
27 Inches.
In "Tho Brlgcmcls. "
) ue dluiu adiulU lonll. - Two xrcnt atucu
( Subscribed mid Guaranteed Uupltul. . . .J.VO.t' > i II
I'nld In Caultul . 3 . ' w ! '
Iluys nnd solln SOO ) < H ami boiuls ;
coiniiiuruliil impuri rnculvo.s unrt uxmiti-jj
trusts ; net * a * truusfur uxont anil tnihtun oi
isorimruLlons ; take * oharK" of properly ; col-
lecfd tuxes. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
OmahaL-oan& Trust Co
S. E. Cor. 10th nnd Douglas StH.
Paid In Capital . f SO.on
Siilisorlhoilitnd ( Iiiiirinilfcil Uupllul. . . . HO.ooi
Liability of bliiokliolUtirfc . IWJ.IXW , .
& J'or Cent Intiircst I'uld on I > IIMM | M. V
I-'KASK J. I.ANUE. Ciulilr-r. V
OniooriA. . I' . Wfmaii. prmliliml ; J. J. Ilronu , vlca
nruilclwnli W. T. WTIUIIII. Irauiurur.
Dlrtctori : A. V. W/IIIMI , 1. II. Mlllunl , J. J. llrrmn ,
UIIT C. llntlmi , K. W- Null , Tliumm J. UliaLalL ,
llviirtiu II. l-akti.
lionntilnany amount innilo on Oily and I arm
I'roporty. anil uu Colfutunil Uouurlty , ut Luw-
utt rutu * ourruub