Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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The Ecpublican Convention Should Bo
Warned to Nominate Only Honest Men ,
tlio PrcHcnt Stnto Hoard of
totlic ! Jtonr and
] ( cller IVoni Kxc H
ni'iiwni.t. Nob. , May Kl. [ Special to Tim
JJEK. ] Onrlleld county republicans hold the
following views on the coming anti-monopoly
conference :
U. B. Hall The conference should tnko
nctlOn to dismiss the present Inwrd of trans-
] Mirtatioii by n now deal. Men should l > o ptit
in the ofllees this fall who are more directly
in sympathy with the farmers and laboring
i.'lasses ,
( J. II. Jones Tills convention should tulco
Riich steps as will secure the nomination of
men In whom the people have .confidence.
I 'iivu the balance to the voters. People are
going to desert their parties this year unless
irood men tire nominated.
J. W. Todd I believe railroads should
liavo a fair and reasonable compensation for
their work , but do not Iwltcvn in going to ex
tremes , I imrtlly know what notion should
lx- taken by tins convention , but some notion
tthould bo taken by republicans to get the best
jiicn nominated for otllccs this fall. Some
demonstration Is necessary in order to secure
this end. I inn with Lcesoas longas ho stays
with the party. Whatever action is taken by
the convention should bo earnestly adhered
to by republican1 ! all over the state.
L. I ) . Freeman The republicans should
plvo the people some relief from excessive
freight rates , but I hardly know what action
this conference should tains. The regular ra-
imbllcan convention must nominate good
clean mm for office this full. I believe the
railroads should have Just and reasonable
compensation for the actual capital invested.
nml I am In favor of the present state board
of transportation enabling the people to have
dhoir complaints adjusted.
.Iiimc.s Burr Your question has a great
deal of latitude. The only thing that I can
Biy'5s : that whatever action Is' taken should
| l o wholly unselfish. The conference should
.not undertake to boom any particular candl-
' dates , but organize for the purpose of placing
.f.'ood men in nomination at the regular repub
lican convention. Wo must have men nomi
nated this full who uro real friends of the
fanners ou there will be u landslide.
V A Webster They ought to begin prac
ticing what they nro preaching. To advocate
principle , and vote for something just the
opposite when election day comes will never
party or the people.
WI : T POINT , Nob. , May 13. [ Special to
Q'lir Br.i : . Your correspondent bus inter
viewed Bomo of the loading republicans * of
ibis vicinity and the prevailing opinion seems
to I'D that something must be done to relieve
tin1 pi rssurc upon the laboring classes. No
united effort is being made in this county on
the part of the funnel's as yet , although re
ports are OMt that the democrats are trying
to organl/o alliances in strong republican pro-
( ,111' , ' tS.
Some of the leading republicans from this
r > and from other points in the coiyity will
H end the conference in Lincoln May
' Tlio feeling seems to bo on all
banns that the proxy system should
lu ; almllshcd , and if such a move should
bo made that the regular state convention
will make all needed reforms.
Mr. L urscn , cashier of the West Point Na
tional bank , said :
"Hold to the republican party principles
nail at the primaries all matters that should
W reformed cah bu attended to , The repub
lican party 1ms at all times manifested its
Willingness to work for the good of the people
as a whole.tAny Slide issues , like this pro *
] * osi d conference are calculated to hinder any
reformation desired , having a tendency to
divide the party. "
Mr. Strufer of the West Point National
' ' " 1 urn in favor of any measures that will
tiike the control of party affairs out of the
limit's ' of the railroads. The proxy systc'n
Mnmld bo abolished by till means. I think
the conference will have a bencilciul effect
itpmi both parties in the state. "
K. I1' . Kloke , president of the Nebraska
State bunk , says :
"I musatisiled that something must bo done
to keep the party harmonious , but nm not in
favor of any side issues. The honest demand
ill the alliance clement must bo mot by an
lionest effort on the wart of the party to sat
isfy that demand. The proxy system is as
* > injust , as unreasonable , and no true reform be inaugurated until thnt. system Is wiped
out mid tlio people taught that if they would
tin ; int'ling for themselves they must take as
much intorcbtin thouftalrsof polities us their
I'lu'inios do. "
J. L. Baker said : "I think the conference
irlll have a gotxl effect. An outline of work
ciiu bo madu mid thus relieve the statp con-
vcu ion of much needless' labor. The time to
siccouipllsh anv needed reform is before n
rrmvcntlon rather than after. The proxy sys-
Uein must go if anything is to bo done. "
Kimball 1C. Valentine , president of the
'Young Men's Republican club of West
J'oint. expressed himself as follows :
"If i correctly understand the object of the
meeting I am heartily in favor of the princi
ples and objects its callers hope to uchelve ,
Imt 1 very much doubt the wisdom of their
action in calling the meeting. The proper
iv uhition of railroads , the abolishment of
the proxy system and the general weeding
HUt of till undeslrablp characters from the re
publican party demand the attention ot its
Jvaders , hut 1 believe that the proper pla.'o
foraetoln Is within the party lines. I do not
believe In side shows ami that the proper
place lor any mid all action of this nature Is
\vitlun tlio body of our recogni/cd representa
tive , the state central committee. Let them
lormuhitu plans of action , devise ways and
menus tor placing the pnrtv on a higher mid
broader basis. Name thn itato of the couven-
ihm and you .will llml thnt the republicans of
the state of Nebraska will bo found ready to
llgh' for all interests dear to the people.
UlK'.v havp done It in the past without any
fcUlo shows and can do it again. "
Volk County.
' ' O < rir : > r.Neb. . , May in. [ Special to THE
Him.There Rooms to bo nn unwillingness
on Vho part of republicans in relation to the
conference of republicans at Lincoln May t0. !
This following views hero have boon ox-
II. T Butler says Take up the question of
transportation and let prohibition ulono ; ut-
end the caueusses ; nominate men in the in-
l erost of the people mid oppose bossism.
'JJ. 11. SAOUUCIH' your colors. The
principles of the republican party are true
iintl-UHinoKily | , ami If we mu true to our princi
ples \\o shall triumph every time , ' 'and n
govi'.nment for tlio people and by the people
will mil perish f mm the earth. "
. .JM , Butler 1M us take up the transpor
tation tiliostlim and all join the I'unncni' alll-
uuoi > and go iu to win.
C'aptnlu J. H.AinlorsonAntimonopoly re-
pulilu'.Tnism is n misnomer. The republican
ji.irty was formed and organized to overthrow
oppression ; it , therefore , fivm its history in
tbe. past , mid from the platform of political
lionor given on the battle Held of Gettysburg
l > \bttilnim Lincoln , its llrst and givutcst
le.ider , should always bo the organic guide of
thn republican party , viz "A government
of/by mill for the people , " and when venal ,
or corrupt men , organiz * to trespass ou the
< * < iiutltutlonul rights of the people it is not
lepubllcnn , and musj bo eliminated from the
iiuity and denounced by nil true republicans.
In tvijaril to the tariff , I always was , and
wii now , in favor of protecting homo Indus-
tti i ! Imt I think cungnsM should IKISS a law
Kivingtlio pirsldcnt guanlcd power totuUo
yff liio duty ( partially or wholly ) on any
Kwlt or merelitindlfio on which a trust Is
/ . ri.ivj , wltencvor requested bo to do by n
rtrf f number of 'the governors of the states.
fv i , < t in l would roiorvo to the people the
nl i > n > lM\\\K \ \ \ tliiMiiHulvoo nguinst oor-
Itwr * * ! I'or liwUnco , if a tvvlnu trust
it-t > > I lului Ihu duty off t.vlno for ono
ytmtim IMHWH w uld liuva olioap twlno
) i t < f Ji tin tuiivUli'im not produced in
; , . . . , . < r > , tbu I y In .UlyilnjH would to
/ vii w ( i "ii'i'inr ( in i olTce or tea ,
' lull llu < m , uroi-pora
01 ojijiri' * ! nulura
citizens , the profcrnxl. right must
bo on the side of humanity , for n corporation
hns neither body to Imprison orsoultod-n.
It Is unrepubflcan for anyone to use the republican
publican party against the Interest of the
people , and any who have should bo debarred
from further trust or reward *
Patvnoo County Opinion * .
PAWNEE Crrr , Neb. , May 13. [ Special to
Tnr. BKH.Mr. ] . K. W. Bell , the leading null-
monoH | > Ustlc republican of Pawnee county ,
who has not very much faith In the Lincoln
convention , says that ho thinks that the re
publican party of this state is In a dilemma
and Is willing to do anything to get out ; thnt
something should bo done , but Is not prepared
to say just what.
.lolm Casey , n "straight" republican , says
that ho can not bo caught by any such n gag ;
that If a man Is n republican ho Is ono and
nothing else , and that ho plus his faith to the
O. O. P.
J. N. Unsslor , editor of the Republican , a
representative republican of this county , says
that hu Is n ( Inn liolluvisr in the principles
enunciated by Mr. Van Wyck. mid will In his
pajier support him through "thick and thin ; "
that ho Is heartily in sympathy with the
Farmers' ' alliance.
Prof. Wise said : "Tho question Is nn ex
ceedingly dlnlcult one us far as specific moos-
tires uro concerned , but the general princi
ples of right are always plain. I have been
watching the various organizations with some
Interest and do not believe wo nro on the
verge of political convulsion , and yet we are
not so far from the crater of political convul
sions but that unwise partisan measures may
precipitate dangerous missiles on the head of
the grand old pnrtv. I do not believe the
coming convention should truckle to any single
glo faction , even though that faction holds
the balance of power. The party platform
should bo broad , and Include fair and equal
legislation for railroads , farmers and nil
othero. If the ynrty will adopt n liberal
policy , move calmly nml put up good , honest
men , with clean records. 1 do not think there
will bo much danger. Such men ns Attorney
General should bo the choice of the
party. Put up such men without fear or
favor on cither hand and the old time major
ity will not bo found wanting. "
" \Vnyno County.
WAT.VE , Neb. , May 13. [ Special to THE
Bni : . ] Your correspondent has interviewed
a do/en or more of the leading republicans of
Wayne couuty in regard to the action that
should bo taken by the convention ut Lincoln
on May 'JO , but with the exception of Senator
J. R. Manning was not able to find any ono
who hud any particular Interest iu the con
vention or who had paid any attention to it.
Mr. Manning said : "If the anti-monopoly
convention adopts the broad platform of
universal good , rather than that of individual
or class advancement , I shall give it my
hearty support , but 1 tun not in favor of class
legislation or anything thnt will not bo for
best interests of the entire community. "
The other men were either non-committal
on the subject of the convention or expressed
themselves us entirely indifferent to the ac
tion It might talto ; though there was a gen
eral feeling that it will bo necessary for the
republican be free from cor
poration influence.All would bo emphatically
opposed to any third party movement. There
is almost no interest in this county , as yet ,
and there will apparently bo none until the
conventions have been held.
An Old I arnier's Ideas. Neb. , May IS. [ Special to THE
Bin : . ] W. II. Avery , ono of the oldest set
tlers in .lelTorson county and a good fanner ,
said : "If their purpose is to crush out
monopoly , they should commence on tlio Ar
mour packing house , us ono of the biggest
monoiiollcs in the west. Tlio farmers have
got themselves into the fix they arc iu now
by poor management. They buvi > lived be
yond their means. As soou us a railroad
olfers to conio into the country they will vote
bonds to the road , and then squeal because
they have to pay them. The major portion of
the farmers are head over heels in debt and
can't get out as long ns they keep llviug be
yond their nicihis. Thcro are only two po
litical parties the republicans and the demo
crats. All the others are only side itsuo ,
gotten up by dissatisfied politicians who think
they nro smart and going to do wondeis , but
, they generally come out at tholittle end of tl o
ribru. ' It puts ine ill mind'Of the greenback
party who wanted Uncle Sam to make them
wagon loads' of money so they would uol have
to workforit. "
Situation In Saline County.
FIIKMO.NT , Nob. , May 13. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] In speaking of the anti-monopoly con-
vcutlon to beheld ut Lincoln on the 20th inst. ,
Hon. George W. Deloug , who is a representa
tive farmer of Turkey Creek precinct , and
ono of the first settlers in the county , soys :
"Yes. , I will bo there. I want to set ) the in
side of it. It inny be a good thing or it maybe
bo a had ono. While 1 nm opposed to mo
nopolies. I am equally opposed to anything
that seasons of being manipulated by the
democracy or by any ninicx looking toward
breaking down thq republican party. Wo
formers do\yn our way read THE BEE. Wo
are opposed tfl leaving the old party , because
we are satisfied that she will nominate ami
elect good men to ofllce. The convention ut
Lincoln , if property managed , can do no
harm to the farmer , but great cure should bo
exercised lest it bo run into the camp of some
follow who hns moro personal Interest at
stake than ho has for the party. "
William Baker , a prominent farmer and
stock grower , says :
"I believe the
anti-monopoly republicans
should stick close to the old party. They
.should bo particularly careful to attend the
primaries and see that good honest men uro
chosen to 1111 our oQlces. Tlioro are plenty of
such men in the party , and if farmers will
attend to thcsio things'there will bo no neces
sity for running off after side shows. Wo
should nr.iku our platform broad enough , mid
by our. vote and our inllnouoo fill ourofllcos
with such men as will made side issues un
popular , 1 believe everything will work to
gether this fall to the good and glory of the
republican party , and to that end Ictus all
farmers , business men and everyone else
do what we can to obtain that result. "
New Yorlf'Bry Gnodfl.
New YOIIK , May 13. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Br.E. ] There was u fair demand for
dry goods in the regular way today , with < a
linn market , but the attention of buyers was
chielly taken up with the trade sulo of flan
nels , which began today by order of Faulk
ner , Page & Co. , and which was largely
attended by bidders from all sections. The
snlo was looked to with special interest be
cause thu goods have heretofore been the
leaders In making prices for the season. The
results are not very different on the nvcrngo
from the sale of last Friday , but prices were
moro irregular. Some goods , such us plain
whites , sold close to lust year's figures , while
plain scarlet and socklngs sold very low in
homo Instances. Failles varied from 5 to 10
per cent decline. The results were not very
satisfactory to sellers , but prob.ibly a fair
expression of the condition of things was
reached by the trade , confidence In the most
de.slr.fblo go&ds being uftliincd. A great
many western houses were represented at
the bale , including uu Omaha linn.
Nebraska , lowu nml Dakota PntcntH.
W. 8inoTOXMay 13. [ Special Telegram to
Tnu BEK. ] Patents wore granted today as
follows : Jurcd Blukesleo , Story City , la. ,
carpet stretcher and lacker j W. J. Cunning
ham , Rapid CityS.D. , windmill ; W. P. Har-
rimun , Dos Moincs , la. , trolley arm "for
electric can > ; Jumcs Iliu.son , iJas
Moines , In. , drawlwr attachment for
railway caw ; Allen Johnston , Ottumwn , In. "
tuck marking attachment for sowing ma
chines ; S. R. Mace. , liquid hold
ing vessel. R. B Martin and K. II. Martin ,
assignors of ono-hulf to J. M , Funk and I' .
Knowles , Wobater ( Jity , In. . wall
covering composition ; William It. Kyer ,
Stcelo City , Neb. , water heading attachment
for drums and oven attachment for drums ,
and bucket for burning trash ; J , A. Ruun ,
Beacon , In. , cur coupling ; Q , 11. Schick , Bur
lington , In. , Immotng ; ! ! , T. Shepherd , Ben-
tousport , lai plant protector.
Delayed. ] ty Utuilh mid Desertion.
ftAXziiun. 'Muy ID. The Kmln Pusha ex
pedition , which wns dispatchcd'to the interior
of AfrUii in the interests of Germany , has
met with unforsccn dlfilcuftlcs. The expedi
tion has been grcuily Uoluved by the death of
n number of porUnv and oy the dcsortiou of
others. The total loss of porters by dcfttli
and desertion amounts to'oue-quurtur of thu
whole number engaged to accompany the c.\-
pi lilt ion.
It Is Considered at Longtli by tlio
Hoard nf Ijiluuatlotit
The board of education met In special ses
sion last night to consider the question of
submitting another bond proposition for the
Ksulng of school bonds. It was 830 ! o'clock
before a quorum was obtained.
The attorney of the board wns absent , and
the Judiciary committee reported that it had
considered the feasibility of holding the bond
election ut the time of thu usual school elec
tion , mid was of the opinion that the bond
election should not bo held nt thnt time. It
recommended that a special election bo held.
Mr. Poppleton , chairman of the committee ,
stated that the principal question which hud
been considered In arriving ut this conclusion
hud been that of whether womcif would have
thu right to vote ou the Iwud proposition.
Women were undoubtedly qualified to vote
at a regular school election , but a T-.ilr con
struction or the law would bo that It was not
proper for women to vote on the licnd ques
tion , but thu fact thnt there was doubt about
it had influenced the committee lu recom
mending that a special election bo held in
order that there might bo no question on the
Dr. Suvlllo raised the question whether the
consent to the issuance of the bonds curried
with It the right to spend the money , but Mr.
Poppleton stated that this had not been before -
fore the committee and they had no report to
Attorney Kstcllo appeared at this Juncture
nml was called on for an opinion ou the point
raised by Dr. Savlllo.
The uttornoy submitted a written opinion ,
which , utter u short introductlou , road us fol
lows :
"You can submit the questions of the issu
ance of bonds nl an election called for that
purpose , or at any regular election. You can
use money for the purchase of school sites and
the erection of school buildings , iu excess of
t\r ! > , UOO , during any calendar year , arising
from the sale of bonds or otherwise , only
when authorized by u vote of the electors of
the district nt any city , county or state elec
G'VAny city , county or state election , ns hero
used , docs not include an annual school elec
tion. " .
IIo advised the holding of n special cicctlon
for the reason that it would avoid the com
plications arising from holding the election on
the bond question by holding it ut the same
time as other elections.
Dr. Savlllo advocated the submission of a
boud proposition at once , as the matter had
been brought before the people and they
would bo prepared to vote on the question in
Mr. Wohrer insisted on knowing why the
school board should IMS compelled to hold two
elections in order to expend money when the
railroads could bo voted bonds and the moiioy
raised at once and sent out of the city , but
nobody" vouchsafed the , in formation.
Mr. Points brought up again the question
of whether women were allowed-to voto. IIo
thought that women would bo qualified to
vote on school bonds at a social election as
well as at the election of members of the
board , but ho was of the opinion that the
section of the law which conferred the right
of suffrage on women applied only to school
elections held in the country districts , and
did not apply to elections held in metropoli
tan cities , where all voters were required to
bo registered. They were not , therefore , eu-
titleit to vote cither on n bond proposition or
at an election of members of the school board
iu u city of the metropolitan class. On the
question of whether the absent to the issu
ance of bonds carriad with it the right to
spend the money , on which , the attorney and
the chairman of the judiciary committee dif
fered , Mr. Points thought it was n question
which was capable of Uyo constructions , but
ho was in favor of submitting the question at
once , and the question of spending tlio money
could be submitted at the next regular elec
Mr. Rccs said there was too much law about
the whole matter. If the board could get the
consent of the iicople to issue the bonds ho ,
for one , was willing to help spend it iu erecting
school buildings and take the chances on
being enjoined.
The question being on tlio report of the
judiciary committee , it was adopted unani
The board then went into committee of the
whole , with Mr. Points iu the chair , to con
sider the proposition to bo submitted to the
peoplo. r
Mr. Chris Hartmnn appeared before the
committee ou behalf of the Second ward. lie
said ho had been requested by pcoi-lo in the
vicinity of the Hartnum school , who had no
representative on the board , to appear before
the board and present their case. They were
very strongly opposed to the removal of the
school , and would use every effort to prevent
the board from carrying out its purpose of
selling the site. IIo said there wore
tibout 700 pupils in tliat district ,
and they needed a larger building
instead of being deprived of the one they
had. Mr. Hartman asked tha board to con
sider the advisability of giving this section a
larger ami better building.
Mr. Gustavo Andrecn also nskcd permis
sion to speak and asked the board to give the
Eeoplc of the Second ward a larger aud better
Arguments in favor of buying a sti-ip of
ground on one side of the present mtc of the
Hartmau school were made by Messrs. Co-
burn and Savello , and a motion to Incorporate
a clause to expend f 10 , < KK ) for the ground in
the bond proposition was carried.
Mr. Rccs moved to incorporate a proposi
tion to expend $54,000 , for nn oightcen-room
building ou the llurtman site. Carried.
The following clauses were voted upon and
carried :
For the purchase of n site in the vicinity of
Twenty-fourth and Lothrop streets ut $3,000.
For the purchase of a site in the vicinity of
Gibson , at $ --,500.
For the purchase of a site in the vicinity efFort
Fort Omaha , at 52,500.
For the purchase of a slto lu the vicinity of
Windsor Place , at$5KK ( ) .
For the purchase of n site in the vicinity of
Bedford Waco , at * . " > ,000 ,
For the purchase of a site in the vicinity of
Center school , at $3,500. ,
For the purchase of additional ground ad
jacent to thu Long school site nt a cost of
For the purpose of erecting school build
ings :
An eight room building on the Long school
site , at uu estimated cost of and not to exceed
$ . ,000.
A twelve room building on the Franklin
school slto , at 1111 estimated cost of , and not to
exceed ! 0,000.
A twelve room building on the WestOmnhu
school site , at an estimated cost of and not to
oxoeod ? yO,000.
A twelve-room building ou the Center
school site ou the corner of Eleventh and
Center streets , nt nn estimated cost of and
not to exceed SW.OOJ.
For the erection of an addition to the high
school building , ut an estimated cost of and
not to exceed $ rr > ,000.
For the purpose of increasing the building
contemplated on the Pnul site from n six
teen room to a twenty-four-room building ,
$ ! 3UOO.
It was decided to have the bonds dated
July 1 , 1SUO , uml the iiito of interest was
11.\ed at r > per rent , payable Rcmi-tinuuully ,
the bonds to IKS of thu denomination of $1,000 ,
to run for twenty years ,
The committee of thu whole then arose and
reported to the board.
Mr. Points moved to strike out the clause
providing for tlio erection of a building on the
Iluitmun site ut cost of (51,000 , on the
ground that thu new building was not needed
ut this time. Tao motion was lost.
Mr. Poppleton moved to strike out the
clause providing for $ iK)0 ( ) for Increasing the
size of the building contemplated on the Paul
slto , as the board had already been granted
money to erect this building , which money
had been spent for other purposes ' 11111 ! ho
thought the loss said about it the bettor.
This motion wns also lost.
The question being on the adoption of the
report of the committee of thu whole , It was
lost , Mr. Poppletou voting ugalust It ,
Wa.slho Child Killed ?
Late last night N. F. Violds , living at
Tenth and Dominion streets , reported to thu
coroner that whtlo his children were playing
In a vacant lot near his residence lost evening
they found a cracker box which , when
opened , was found to contain the body of tin
infnut three or four months old. Tlio'tip-
iHianinco of the child indicated that it had
been there several days. The coroner will
visit the place this morning with a view to
investigating the case. _
Fur Panning SpurloiiH Coin.
D. Wliito is la jail charged with passing
three bpurlou * coins upon Julius Smith , u
saloon limn ut Tenth and Howard streoU. {
IIo Gives-an Old.'tamo ' Exhibition of His
TMfllng Powers ,
j 1
t > vf
OnmhnVlns the Game l > y n Score of
Five to One The Oroat lllcy-
clo < Crtntcst Other
i n
Played. Won. Lost. Per Ot.
ncnvcr is 7 .nu
lies Molnes ID S .571) )
.Sioux City. . . , . , . , is 10 8 , r .vi
Milwaukee in 10 .KM
Minneapolis is 9 D .MO
8 10 . m
Oniiiha 18 n . : w
Kansas Olty U ) 10 .1173
Omaha n , DCS Molno.H 1.
DCS MOINKS , In. , . May 13. [ S [ > cclnl Tele
gram to 'far. BHB.J The Omaha team played
a good game today ana won it on its merits.
The day was cool nnd rather disagreeable ,
but the grounds were lu good condition , and
the fact that ladles nro admitted f reo to the
Omaha scries a compliment to the club-
called out a good attendance. Dad Clarke
was the pitcher for the visitors , nnd put up
nn excellent game as of yore. Clare nlso
pitched igootl garao for the locals , but hl.s
support was indifferent , and moro hits were
made on * ot him than really should have
l > cen. Both sides Hclded well , though the
visitors accepted the most chances. The
visilors also excelled In busorunning , getting
seven bases throuRh daring nppronrlntion.
The game started out well for the locals ,
Putton getting a single , Phelan advancing
him a base with a hitler abase , mid Flanagan
sending each of them forward on a sacrlllce.
But there they died , as Tralllcy fouled out to
Cleveland , -Fusselbnoh got his base on bulls
and Glare Hied to center. The Oinahus made
a poorer start , Cannvau being thrown out
from short to llrst , Willis Hying to
left , Kenrns getting n hit and
stealing second , and Andrews falling
to Jlnd the ball. The Oinahas scored in the
second inning on a hit and a steal by Walsh
and n single by Cleveland , who was doubled
up-with Urquahart after Mornn hud struck
out. In the third the visitors scored again
on a single ) by Clarke , followed by a single
nnd a steal by Caunvuu mid a siugloby Kearns
after "Willis had llled to left. Kearns pur
loined scctnid and went to third on Andrews'
sacrifice , but died there on Walsh's failure to
reach lirst. Two moro scores were'made by
Omaha in the iifth on a single by Andrews ,
a lifo to Walsh by Clare's error , u single by
Moi-.m and u sacrillco by Uiipuahurt , aided
by stolen bases by Andrews anil AVulsh. The
homo team-scored in the a life to
Brimblccom on Cleveland's error , a stolen
base , n sacrifice by Pfttton uud a hit by Phc-
lan. Tlio score ;
1IK.S illll.NKS.
11 II O A K U. II. o. A. E.
I'atton , rf ( ) 1 1 u OiCanaran. K..1 1 A 0 0
Des Jlolnos 0 00000010 1
Uniaha 0 1 M 0 0 'J 0 0 * 5
Kuns earned Unldha 4. Saerlflee bits-Pat-
ton , I'helan , rianntaii. ; ! Audiows , Urqnahart.
HUM'S stolen 1'ntton , Ililmblrconi , Keains 'J ,
Walsh ( Omaha ) ! ) , ( Unnvan , Andrews. Double
jiluys rlaniiagun tl ) Phelan. Kcunis to An
il runs , Keains tl ) Andrews to Walsh to Au
di uws. liases oft uMled halls On" Clark a.
Struek out Hy Olarb 0 , Olurk 3. Time of game
Ihour and ISnilnntus. Umpire Ulogg.
MlnncnppBN lit , Sioux City n.
Sioux CmIa. . May lit. [ Special Telegram
to THE BKI : . ] Following is the result of to
day's game :
Cllno ; rf 8 K-U .
Clonn.lf 0 0 2 0 0
IGipp l(31 1 3 S 3
Powell , Ib 1 1 7 0
llnnrnlian. ss.,1
( Icnlim. m 1 II S
Uuiillf Jq > 1 1 U
Hi-lbel , | 0 . ' 010
Crossley , c 1 1 U 2 ' 0
Totals 13 14 27 li &
Ttit.tln U 21 ill 4
11V INMNf.H.
siouxoity : i o oa4ooo o-o
Minneapolis . . . .0 8 0 0 2 0 0 a 0-13
Earned runs Sioux City 3. Minneapolis 7.
Two base nlth Mlnnchnii , llml.son , O'Day.
Homo runs Miller. liases on bulls Otf llur-
dlek 1 , Slubcl 1 , Mitchell : i. Strnuk out Uy
lluitllok S. Slebel 4 , Mlteliell 1. I.utt on liases-
Slonx CltyO. Minneapolis 'J. Time 1:33. : Um-
plro Hurdle.
Milwaukee 8 , Denver 1.
MII.WAUKKI : , Wls. , May IS. [ Special Tel
egram to TIIK BIK. ] Following Is the result
of today's ' game :
Milwaukee 0 s 1 S
Denver , . . .0 00100000 1
Earned runs Milwaukee 2. Two-base hits
Pool-man , While , liases stolen 1'oornum. Al
berts , Shoeh , Troudwnv S , Curtis , White.
Double plays GrIIHth. Wostlnlte , Morrlssoy.
Struck out-lly Urllllth . . by Mc.Naub 4.
I'assnd balls I.olibiwlc. Time 1 hour and M
minutes. Uniplio Hurst.
St. Paul 15 , KiuiKiiH City ii.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , May 13. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEB.I Following is the result
of today's game :
ST. i'AUl * KANSAS I'llV.
It n o A it U II I ) A K ft 1 U U W. Hoover , rf.O o 0 o
Alibuy , rf..U 0000 lliiniH. iu 1 1 1 0
Duly. If 4 S II 0 0 K.Snitlilf..l 1 ft I
Howes , IU..2 3400 Steams , tb . .0 a D 0
itiirks , s ; i : i 2i o N. bmltil.BS . . .U 1 2 U
l-hllllin. lib 1 3120 Cai punier. : ili..O 1 o 1
Cantlllon,2b..0 0 II : i I Mannlni : , 2b..O U 4 H
lirouRhton , U.I 2 10 0 1 C. Hoover , c.,0
Stains , p 2 J 0 0 1 liillison , v . . . II 0 1 1 0
Conurny , p 0 2 1 1 Q
Totals IS 13 27 7 a
a'otuli 2 U 27 14 U
St. Pnul . . , , , ,4 n i : i o o o .1 i in
Kansas Olty. . . . , . , . . ; o 1,0 i o o 0 0-3
Kuns oaniPd At ; tau.1 > Two-tiasn hits
Murphy ,'VHlmis. liases on bulls Oft
Mains 4 , OonvrnyuiiJ- by iillchur i Ilitrnb ,
Manilla ; ; , .ijtriioksoui lly Mains a , Conway S.
Umplro Ted Kotmwly ,
CniCAOo , May . 'V.-pTho American games nt
flochestor , Columbus and Toledo were post
poned on account rain.
w 10111 ; .
New York . ft 3 , 0 0 1 0 3 0 3 7
Boston . 'k'lK0 ' 000300 5 !
Hits Now YoHcJLi ; , Boston 0. Krrors
Now York 1 , Bostyn , .Batteries Welch and
Lnwbou and Shellinsse. | ' Umpires Powers
and McDcrmolt.
AT rilll.UlKl.l'IIU ,
Philadelphia. . . . ! I 1 4 0 ! l 0 1 -ll
Brooklyn . 0 'J 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 it
Hits-Philadelphia 15 , Brooklyn 111. Errors
Philadelphia- . Brooklyn ' . ' . Batteries
Cilcason uml Schrievcr , Ilughetj and Clarke.
Umpire Lynch. _
Cincinnati . 0 00000000-0
Pltt-sburg . 9 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 ' 4
Hits-Cincinnati 9 , Pittsburg I'J. Krrors
Cincinnati : i , PitUburg : i , ButterioH Dur-
yeu ami Kocnan , Schmidt and Bcrgor.
Umpire McQuaid ,
Chicago . i ! 0 0 'J 0 0 2 00
Cleveland .0 1 il 0 4 0 0 UIU
Hits -Chicago li , ClfYQluuii 10. l < rror *
Chicago 2. Cleveland 12. Batteries Sulll-
vim and Klttrodgo , Beatjn and /limner. Urn-
Now York . 'J 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 D0
Boston . t 0
Hits Now York 14 , Boston t ) . Errors-
New York 1 , Boston G. BatteriesCnmo
nml Kwlng , Daloy and Murphy. Umpires
GulTnoy and Barnes ,
AT rmi.uini.rnu.
Philadelphia. . . . ! ) 5
Brooklyn . 0 0 3 1 0 3 0 I * 7
HItn-Phllndelpliln 10 , Brooklyn 8. Errors
Philadelphia tl , Brooklyn 1 ! . Batteries-
Knell uml Mllllgun , Sowdcra and Cook.
Umpires Ferguson and Holdbert.
AT cnicAno.
Chicago . ( J 0 10
Buffalo . 0 0301000 ! !
Hits Chicago 17 , Buffalo 0. Errors
Chicago B , Buffalo 5. Batteries Baldwin
ami Furrcll , ICeofo and Mack. Umpires
Knight and Jonas.
Game called nt the end of the eighth In
ning to allow the teams to catch u train.
AT ui.ivii.Axo. : :
The Clcvcland-PIttsburg gnmo was post
poned ou account of raid.
TjltUIcn Park
LINDKNPuik , N. , J. , May 13. Summary
of today's races :
Halt mile Beatify won , Salisbury second ,
Defendant third. Time lU ! .
Four ? nnd a halt furlongs won ,
Tourist second , Interest ( colt ) third. Time
--,0'J. '
Seven-eighths of a mlle Martin Ilussell
won , St. James second , Prince Howard third.
Time 1 :2il : ! < .
Seven-eighths of a mile KoyalGnrtorwon ,
Monsoon second , Bojicmlan third. Time
1 : . ' ! ( ) ' 4' .
Mile uml one-sixteenth Admiral won. Lit
tle. Jim second , Maggie U. ( tllly ) third.
Time 1 : . - , ( ) ' 4.
Five-eighths of a milo -King Arthur won ,
Village Maid second , Little Barefoot third.
Timc-1 :03. :
T.oxltiKton Uaocs.
NKy. . , May lit. Summary of to
day's nicest
Mile and lifty yards Spectator won , Lied-
crkranz second , the others drawn. Time
i : * ; * ,
Four and one-half furlongs Beula B. won ,
Laura Allen second , Sly Lisbon thlul.
Time M.
One mile San Ardo won , Silver King second
end , Brookful third. Time 1 M4f }
Five-eighths of u milo Lady Washington
won , Grccnlcuf second , Brutus third. Time
1 : ( , ' , ' .
One mile English Lady won , Brandolette
second , Unite third. Time 1 : ti.
The Pi'Itifc-Iteiuliiifi llace.
There was a line crowd , including many
ladies , at the Coliseum last niuht to witness
the continuation of the Heading-Prince bicy
cle race. The attendance iff the afternoon
numbered probably HOD or more , but iu the
evening it was nearer 2,000. As on the open
iuif day , Prince compelled Ueudiug to do all
the pace-making , which in itself is a tacit ac
knowledgment of apprehension if not weak
ness. As the chances stand now , Hc.idiug
has the best of it. IIo is as hearty and strong
as an ox , and rode throughout the eight long ,
we.iry hours ut a gait that varied
but a few minutes to the mile.
Prince took the saddle in the after
noon in aecidedly bad form. Ho looked
pinched about the mouth , and was us pale
and morose as a dyspeptic. He complained
of being weak at tbe stomach , but thought
that if he could worry through the day with
out relinquishing any vantage to the soldier
he would yet be able to beat him out. He
got through all right , and it now remains
whether he can make his words good. He
begun to vound-to early in the Jignt in the
afternoon , and about ! ) o'clock was riding in
his vouted shape , fast and strong , but still
no faster or stronger than the
soldier. As an evidence of the
strong determination of the two men , it is but
necessary to state that neither ono essayed
anything that even reoombled a spurt.
Keadinfr was content with n lifteon and a
half mile clip and Prince had no inclination
to urge him to accelerate this. The crowd ,
however , was more or less enthusiastic , nua
the death-dike figures of the riders as they
whirled monotonously round mid round the
the dizzy ellipse wore frequently greeted
with encouraging applause. This made no
more impression on them , though , than the
sighing ot the spring winds without. They
were in no humor to respond to the
wishes of the spectators. Tneir eyes
were set upon the goal , which in
the shajio of ; i couple of thousand
sheckles glistened and gleamed far ahead of
them in the chicar oscuro of next Saturday
At the cjose last night the final spurt was
a spirited affair and aroused the wildest ap
plause. Prince rode hard , but could not pass
Kead lug and again the soldier crossed the
chalk-lino in Uie lead.
The musical programme by the barracks
band was u delightful one nnd many of the
numbers were vigorously encored.
Following is the ofllcial score :
Hour. Miles. Laps ,
rirsl . . . . . . - . in 4
Second . 15 ( i
Third . : . 15 r
I'omth . 14 7
Fifth. , . . . 14 0
Sixth . 14 7
Sovenlh . 14 1
Eighth . 15 1
Total . U'O 2
Urand lot 1 . 245 C
The Lincoln Gianls.
i-N' , Neb. , May 1.1. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BUG. ] The Lincoln Uiant.s won
their fourth victory toJuy by defeating the
state university team by a score of 7 to ! ) .
The Giants leave for Kearney tonight.
Manager Lewis thinks ho can win both
games there.
It Takes Another Turn in the Uniteil
States Court.
The celebrated Holfensteiu cases took an
other turn In the United States court yester
day afternoon by Upton M. Young , the at
torney lor Helfensteln , applying for u con
tinuance of all the easas until the November
term. Ac onipmying the application in
an aflldavit which sets out the
fact that the plaintiff cannot
safely go to trial without the testimony of
Thomas .1. Slaughter , who resides at Madi
son. N. J. The ufllduvit states that Slaughter
will swear that November 2) ) , 1857 , ho was a
member of the firm of Hclfcnstcln , Core &
Co. , nml that he , as the compmy and agent
of the llrni , caino to Omaha to collect n
note of fl.'OO which the linn held
against ono liobcrt Shields , Shields could
not pay , so suit was commenced and.I. II.
Wheeler , who was then deputy shcrin of
Douglas county , levied upon the tract of laud
now involved and sold it to satisfy the Judg
ment , Holfensteln binding it in to satisfy his
claim. The aflldavit lurthcr states that
Slaughter is now seventy years of age , that
Helfensteln is sovonty-tliice , mid ou account
of sicknc.iS , neither of them are able to bu in
nltcndnnco at this term of court.
Hoover Intliotcil.
The United States grand Jury yesterday
f mud an Indictment against Mart Hoover ,
who passed a $3 gold coin upon uu inmate of
a Ninth street house , nnd today the cnse
against thu soldiers who are charged with
eiImlmilly assaulting Low /.legler will bo
t-iken up.
Tlio , Cnso Pr.uillujilly Sotllcil.
The case of the Kit Carson vs the Harlem
cattle company is virtually settle * ! as fur us
thu courts are concerned. Yesterday Ho-
rclvcr K , IX Webster tiled his tlnnl ruijort ,
showing that ho had paid SUUSKI.OT of debts
of the company , nnd mill had fctr.1.'o Iu his
hands , subject to the order of the court.
. .
- * -
Postolllco llurglnr C'aptiireit.
OnvMWA , In , , Mny lit. [ Special Telegram
to The Br.B.J Postollloo Inspector Bixby ar
rived hero tonight with positive proof thut
Silas Young , who wus arrested here
lust week with over a thousand sumps con-
realad in his coat l"cvo. Is one of thu West
Burlington iwstofllco burglars. Young i pal
A.T TJ1K 1)10VI > OK MttllT.
The First Artillery Itotlo Through to
the Atlantic Count.
Monday nlghtatlt iWoVlock the First artil
lery rode Into Omaha from thp oPnellle coast
on Its way to Fort Hamilton to take the place
vacated by the Fifth which Is now on Its
wiiv to Golden ( Jato.
The train bearing It over the Union Pnclllo
consisted of a baggage car , the electors Pa-
rlso , Santa Barbara nnd Quito nml ten tourist
care.The command comprised the fol.jwlug of
fleers nnd 2TI enlisted men :
Colonel Loomis L. Lnngdon , Major John
ICgan. Captain E. Van A. , battery
A ; Captain J.W. Dillenlwck , light battery
K : Captain HIchard G. Shaw , 1 : Captain
Edmund K. Huvscll , D ; Captain Abner H.
Merrill , B : Gilbert P. Cotton. H ; Captain
Hubbcll , C ; Lieutenant.lohn T. Honey cult ,
commanding battery G ; Assistant Sergeant
Wood ; Adjutant H. L. Harris , Lieutenant
Albert Teed , acting quartermaster ; First
Lieutenants . P. Van Ness , U. 11. Patter
son , John Pops , Jr. , Henry M. Andrew. * ,
Franks. Hico , Clnirku J. Bailey ; Second
Lieutenants O. I. Struub , GcorgoV. . Burr ,
John L. Haydrn , A , Huuii , J. Skcrrett ,
At Ogtlen , light luttory K left , the train
nnd proceeded to Fort Douglas , nt Salt Lake.
It consisted Of tlilrtv-niiio enlisted men mid
three otlleers , Lieutenants Clermont L.
Best , Jr , T. C. Patterson amlC. T. Menoher ,
under command of Captain Allyn Cupron.
Accompanying the iv-xlment wen' the fol
lowing : Mrs. Colonel L , L. Lnngdon and
son , Mrs. Captain and the Missels
Andniss , Mrs. Bailey , Mis. Todd , Mrs.
Honeyciitt , Mrs. Hussell. Mrs. Patterson nnd
Mrs. Andrews.
Batteries N and L , commanded by Captain
Dovvling nml CanUiin MeMurray , remained
on the coast until the Fifth .shall have be
come thoroughly domesticated. They will
then , under tbu command of Major Haskin
proceed to the Atlantic const.
Besides these about sixty other member ? of
the command rainnincd behind. They may
be able to Hud places In thu Fifth or will bo
compelled to take their chances in some other
Tlio regiment met the Fifth near North
Platte , and spent about ilvo minutes in hand
shaking with its members.
The command left San Francisco on the
Sth lust , and has been since on the road. Last
night it was seventeeu hours behind , nnd this
fact tended to irritate some of the traveler , . .
All the ofllccrs men mid their fiimlllo-s were
iu excellent health and showed in their build
and appearance the beneficial effects of the
glorious cllniule of California.
At the depot in this city the regiment was
met by Colonel K. D. WebsterCapUin Hum
phrey , Captain Simpson , Lieutemuit Web
ster. I company , of the Second ; Lieutenant
ChriKiuan , I. ami Lieutenant Brookmuller , A.
Colonel Webster surprised his daughtcr.Mrs.
Lieutenant Honovcutt , ami two grand
children , who did not expect to meet him
here. The other young gentlemen found n
number of West Point comrades , all of
whom jumped on" the , train before it IMIIIO tea
a stand , nud with exel.iinations of pleasure
ruMied into thu anus of their waiting friends.
Colonel Wisbster'h brother. Captnin J. T.
\Vebstor , was at the time of hiideath , in ISMi ,
a member of thei iist.
The train remained in the depot but a few
moments and then pulled out for the Bluffs.
As it was crossing tlio bridge the ladles
looked in the darkness in vain for the Mis
souri rolling rapidly. One of them , bright
and pretty rosebud , remarked with evident
disappointment :
"O my , that's been the ease all the way
across. Whenever we got , to any place \\"e
want to see its dark mid we myht "as well be
blind. "
Col. Lnngdon , who in conimaml , is a
pleasant , cental and courtly sol-lie - . He bus
regular feature * , ruddy countenance anil steel
gray hair. Ho said that be was glnd to make
the change and that the ride across the cuuu-
try was u recreation. The.\ had nut dine un
Held duty since the legliuent went to the
coast , in 'Si ! ; In fact , beyond garrison duty
hail done nothing more than utt nd a couple
of reunions.
At Cheyenne they had been serenaded by
the band of the Seventeenth infantry , and
been met by Col. II. U. Ml/enci1 and a number
of his oftlcors.
At Sidney Colonel Henry "VV. Morrow met
them with the band of the Twonty-llrst in
fantry and gave them a grand serennde.
The olllcers nnd men were us line a looking
body of men as could be found in any regi
ment in the country , while every one of the
ladies. , even those advanced in j ears , were
really beautiful.
The band consisted of twelve pieces and
was under the direction of Sergeant Boyle.
It was I o'clock yesterday morning when
men and baggage were transferred to
tbe Kock Island at Council BlulTs. The
transfer was effected under the direction of
Mr. K. 10. Palmer , city passenger agent of
the Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific. The
regiment had been accompanied from Kear
ney by Mr. J. L. Dobevohe of tlio same load.
At the liour mentioned , the train started for
Chicago , where it has long since arrived.
The regiment will reach Foil Hamilton , N.
Y. . tomorrow night. %
The Flr t artillery was orgaui/ed as a light
artillery April I'J , IMW.mid rcorguni/cd us the'
First regiment ot artillery'- 2I. It
did service in the war of ISl'J , the Florida
war , the Mexican war , took part inskirmlshes
In Texas and'-llgured in not less than fifty
battles iu the late war. It has n record of
which both oBlcers and men are deservedly
An Kxpert Sanitary Kn ineor Kny.s ( he
lllvcr it * this Place liuH. .
"So finns Omaha is concerned , " said An
drew Kosewnter , "the garbage question
needs no further investigation than it has al
ready had. After spending a day at St.
Louis I showed in my report as city engineer
for 1SSO , that pier boats and bridges weiy not
only the cheapest but most effective solution
that wo could devise for disposing of our sur
plus offal.
"I rccommfiided the buildln ? of two piers
and two boats ut the foe t of Jones and Chi-
eago streets , having the boats anchored at a
specific distance fronrshore so ns to be con
stantly in the river current. My rceiininen-
datton was carried out at u cost of c > 3l ( i" > and
the llrst summer it worked admirably
nnd wns a wonderful improvement on
the old dump landing which was
both useless and a great nuisance. Since' '
then I don't know whether Hie system has
been kept up or not. My unile.sUuidlng is
that for want of proper cau > at least one of
tbe boat.s was allowed to gn to ruin. Howov-
J.T , 1 still adhere to that us the best plan for
us to have. .
"Somebody has been , I" notice , trying to
make it appear thntthere isa government law
against dumping refuse mutter into our riv
ers. If that is so it has never Ik-en enloiced
uml there Is no plnnslblo reason now why we
should entertain any feats that U over will
he. All cities f.-om Onuha to Now Orleans
Kt.Joo , Atchlson , l.oau'iiuorth , WyiindotU' ,
Kansas City , St. Louis and Memphis USD the
river as n natural sewerape forcmrying off
their garbage nnd the government hns nt no
time Interfered with them. Wo cannot rea
sonably suppose that it would step In nt this
Into da'y ana undertake to prevent Omaha do
ing likewise.
"With the vast volume of water that goes
down the river It is the simplest , easiest way
we can Invent for getting rid of our slops and
wastes. That Ishat rivers- are for. Inland
cities , of course , must ivwt to cremntories ,
concerns for the liielnei-jtion of garbage.
"All those ilne spun theinle.s about Impure
water and unhealthy atmosphere are tlio
merest absurdities. There is no possible
chance of being subjected to either of these
conditions. The current here is swill enough
to carry everything uwuy , nnd the witter can
not possibly bo affected below u distance of
live or six miles The Missouri river is con
ceded to bo the-purest water we have. A
largo city even twclxu unit's nlongt ho stream
could use U safely , St. Louts uses It In pref
erence to any oilier , notwithstanding the fact
that all the towns botuwu here and there
empty their sewers mid enrlMge Into the
" 1 full to sen wherein jmy sclenlllle discus
sion Is needed on thH subjivt , and cer
tainly It bus been investigated .sulllritmUy.
.Uy vlou.s are well known uml tliey nre based
on personal asuninatlous ) into the system * In
use elsewhere.
"If piers and lionts nro not ndeijnato to the
demand ll would ho very little additional i-tc-
psnso to maintain n biiuill tug nnd tow the
gurb'.igu down stream a mile or two. That is
the maunur In which they do It at St. Louis , "
* i
Tlio Painters' L'nloiiH ,
Unions ' ' . ' and 109 of the brotherhood of
pamt'H'3 antt decorators ini-l hist in ht in
u hat i ) Lulled -open uieolnifj , ' at Hvhroeder'b
Peculiar In combination , proportion n.til
preparation of liiKrodlcnts , Hood's B.trsapa-
rlll.t possesses tlio curntlvo vnluoof tlio best
known reme BJJJ , , ' "M ° ' " 10
vegetable riOOQ S kingdom.
Pccutlnr In It * BtrctiRtli nml economy , Ilood'd
Sarsnparllla Is tlio only medicine of \ \ lilcli can
truly bo said , " Ono lliiiHlrcd Doses One Dot-
tar. " Peculiar In Its merits , Hood's
SarKiparllU accomplishes curc.i Mtlicrto tin
liiiown , O nndhai
- f o i r0 KI 1 1
tlio title ot "Tho blood purifier ever
dlscomed. " Peculiar In Its "good naino
at lioinc , " tlicro I * moro of Jlood's S.irs. -
jiarllla sold In i.owell than of nil olbcr
blood purifiers. Peculiar In Its phenomenal
rcco'rd of Qrt/- ill . , Mies abroad
/ - i
no other li GCL1I I 31 preparation
e cr attained so r.ipldly nor held 50
steadfastly tlio confUloiico of alt classes
ot people. Peculiar In tlio brain-work which
it represents , Hood's Sars.iparlll.i combines -
bines nil tlio XtumlcJfio which modern
research "i- B lf " medical
sclenre lias a O BIS6IT developed ,
with many years practical experience In
preparing medicines. lie MHO to get only
Hood's Sarsaparilla
, f l ; Uforf . Prppanutonlr
bjO. I. ! /Ca.ApolliraiilaI/wrell ; , M .
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
hull , on Cuming street. This meeting was Cm-
.this iiiii-pnso of Interesting non-union men in
orgitul/ed Inbornnd to further acquaintance
ship. The hall was decorated with tlio ban
ners of both unions. I'liton No. 101) ) is mi
organi/atiou of German painters ami doeoni-
tors , who were ouLln full force.
Treasurer .lames Brophv vas in the chair ,
Mini In n clover Hpoocli tola tlio nssemblv tin *
obj'-ct of the meeting. It was , hu said , for
tlio purpose of In inging good workmen to
gether for mutual improvement nml butttsr
( . . N. Willard. president of the Contra !
Labor union , mid u member of the Tvpo-
graphical union , urged non-union moil to Join
organised labor and derive the boiiollts at
W. B. Musser , the vico-prosldcnt of the Labor union , spoke in the sumo
btiiiin , as did Mr. McCoy , Krtitor KIgley of
tlio State I.alxm'L1 of Lincoln , nnd Uoorgo , I.
Kloffnorof the Knlghtw of Labor.
The meeting brought out u great deal .if .
good feeling , and resulted In a number of
good -workmen joining the organization
Tin ; Hashers' Strike.
Five "hashers " house walli -
, as chop i-s aits
oalled , doffed their wliito aprons yesi. ( i
nftornoon in New York cliop house N. , their demand lor J9 u week and hn.ii .1 .
was not granted.
S. K. Hopewell , the propriotoi' , said : "Tlio
boys came to my lie.idwniter this morning
and told mo that they would strike if we
would not give them fit a week.Vo have
been paying thorn fS and board , \\hieh
amounts to about fll.11) ) , n great deul moiv
than they could o.irn in any other business
They were nearly all 'kids , ' anyhow , anil not
used to the work. They tried to inaugurate.
r. general strike among the waiters in both
houses , but I llrcd thorn mid will have no
trouble in getting others to lill their places
'Hashers' in-emigratory , and there uro plenty
of them in town UioMn'j Tor a job. After the
arrest of the 'haulier' in the basement of ono
of the shoe stores in Omaha a short time ago
the gang have avoided the town , but the > are
coming luck again. "
One of the strikers was met outside the
door. JIu was u bright looking young felhw .
and during his conversation with the reporter
stated that ho bad been In nearly every city
in tbu union. "Tlio hasher , " lie said , "travels
all over tbe country. I worked hero for three
yiMis at one time mid h\v been in neatly
every city in the country si nro then. This
place of Ilopewell'.s is the. hardest house in
the country to work for. They work "you
from 7 o'clock in the morning 1111111 7 o'clock
ut night every other day , and you have to
clean up into the bargain. The waiters nt
the Hoard SjfVJ'iJflil restaurant are getting f'.t '
a week , n * s j3f ! | < aitrvs "at r. the other
houses are i ' % jrtf.ied to get the Same pay. "
From talk > J T waiters in tbe other honsT-i
the prospect Si a general strike among the
hashers" is probable , as they arc all looking
to an increase in pay.
About seventy-live waiters were assembled
in front of the Xew York chop house lust
evening watching developments , but a police
man was called and dispersed then ; with this
exception of u few who sat on the railings and
leaned against the telegraph poles and dis
cussed the outcome of the matter.
ri : n s o A''i /i j'ir s.
Mr. and Mi's. A. J. Cushman of St. Paul
are visiting friends iu the city.
E. A. Stevens of Grand Island is in the
city in the interest of the Nebraska state
Sunday school convention to bo held at Hast
ings on Juno 1 , 5 and IS.
Deputy Surveyor of Customs Duniont of
St. Joe , Mo. , is in the city visiting bin
Chief Clerk Cramer of the railway mall
service left'or St Joseph last night to loulp
after business connected with his department.
lieutenant Colonel Moso O'Brien leaves
for Vucoma today , where ho will institute a
camp of the Sous of Veterans.
C. O. LltUelleld. ono of the most prominent
traveling men of the IJjicilli ! coast , arrived in
Omaha yesterday and registered ut the Millard -
lard , lie represents Hirschlor & Co. , whole-
snlo wine ami liquor merchants. Sun Francisco -
cisco , and has a host of old friends iu this
Mr. Albert Cornish of Lincoln Is in the city
visiting his parents.
Mis Nellie Hosoivater , daughter of Mr.
10. Kosewuter , returned yesterday mom New
York , where slm has just completed three
years' study at Cooper's Institute.
C. A. Patterson of Norfolk is stopping at
Frank E. Helvey ot Nebraska City Is regis
tered at the Millard.
II. W. Hlgby of Whituey is n guest at the
CieorRO E. Shipman of Palmer is ut the
E. li. Holt and wife of Lincoln nro guests
nt the Millard.
It. L. Adams of Tokamuh Is at the Casey.
P. W. Barber of Grand Island Is stopping
nt thoCiuey.
L. M. I-callo of Ewiug Is registered at the
II.B. Maxwell of Stromsburgisntoppingiit
the Casey.
' -Benjamin Heller and C. II. Bonn ot Ne
braska City nro guests ut the Murray.
( leoraeB. Luno of Lincoln is nt the Mur
T. F. Memmlnger of Mudlson Is rcglstcrct )
nt the Murray.
John II. Cunningham of Lincoln is regis
tered nt the Paxton.
E. P. ICe gun of Lincoln Is atthoTaxton
Frank 1' . Ireland of Nebraska City is ui tba
AV. U. Pomfrct of Lincoln Is a gueat at I ho
Absolutely Pure.
A orrnin Lul.niK powder. tlt. !
of IcavL'iiui''BtriMi lu-U , B. Uovenimcnt lt -
itort Aus I" . W .