Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1890, Image 1

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McMillin. OlaSms That the Sugar Trust Ben
efits by the Bill.
The Ifoiifo Passes a Hill Allowing Her
$5O a Month The Committee
on Appropriation Votes
ivitli the Democrats.
'WASHINGTON , M y 9. In the house this
morning Mr. Hilt of Illinois called up tha
bill granting a pension of f 1,000 a year to
Mrs. Delia T. S. Parncll , daughter of Ad
miral Charles Stewart , with an amendment
reducing the pension to $ .10 n month. After
some opposition the amendment was agreed
to mid the bill as amended passed.
The scnato bill Increasing to $75 per month
the pension to the widow of Brigadier Gen
eral Ayrcs was passed.
The house then went Into committee of the
whole ( Mr. Paysdn of Illinois in the chair )
on the tariff bill.
Mr. Fitch of Now York spoke against the
bill.Mr. . Gear of Iowa a member of the commlt-
tco on ways and means , said the old proverb ,
"scratch n Russian nnd you will find a Tar
tar , " might bo applied to the democrats , for
If the flimsy pretences were scratched off a
democrat a f rco trader ho would bo found.
In 1883 the pcoplo had rendercu their verdict.
k Ho favored protection for nny article that was
produced in this country. If tha United
States could produce sugar In RUfflcicnt quan
tity to supply domestic wants lie would foster
it by fair protection , but ho believed that was
Impossible. Ho was convinced that the
United States must look to other countries
for her sugar. Ho continued that thu sugar
schedule of the bill would bo n blow , at tbo
sugar trust.
Mr. McMillin inquired how It was that the
sugar trust securities had had such a phe
nomenal rise recently.
Mr. Gear suggested that the pending bill
gave the refiners a protection of only -1-10
of a cent , while the Mills bill gave them 1
cent ,
Mr. McMillin replied that the pending bill
gavo.thom free raw material. It was evident
from the rise in sugar trust securities that the
trust was not to bo hurt by this bill.
Mr. Gear , continuing , expressed his oppo
sition to any trust or combine formed to en
hance the price of the necessaries of life. The
time had como for the American congress to
end the sugar combine by passing the
pending bill. This bill gave the pcoplo
cheap raw sugar and cheap refined sugar
nnd destroyed , root and branch , the greatest
combine known to the country a combine
which might bo called the American devil
fish which had been devouring thosubstanco
of the people for almost a century.
Mr. Crisp did not believe that to the manu
facturer protection had been a beneficial sys
tem. As to the laborers In manufacturing
establishments , as to the fanners throughout
the laud he felt sure the system had been
Injurious. The system drove out competi
tion. It diminished the number of pro
ducers of n given article and increased the
case and facility with which they could com
bine to elevate the prices. Tha majority of
the ways and means committee , said Mr.
Crisp , continuing , was pledged to the princi
ple of. protection nnd offered n sop to the
fanner. It said to the furmov that it would
' 'Sut'a'protctiivoButy on his products when
the truth" was * that It would do him
_ .uo good. The way to benefit the
farmer was to give him free salt ,
frco cotton tics and to reduce the necessaries
of llfo. The gentlemen on the other bldo
claimed they were recording the verdict of
the people. It was generally believed that
the protected industries had put together a
great campaign fund by which they bought
men In "blocks of live" to vdto to carry out
their Ideas.
Mr. Payne of New York remarked that n
gentleman from Texas ( Mr. Mills ) had said
no knew how the republicans carried elec
tions , and a gentleman from Tennessee ( Mc
Millin ) had intimated that the postmaster
general had contributed money. Ho ( Payne )
noticed that Mr McMillin did not say any
thing about his presidential cnndldato and
his cabinet officers who stepped up to the
captain's office nnd settled , in violation of the
civil bervico law. ( Applause nnd laughter. )
Of course that money was not. to buy votes.
Mr. Payne then proceeded to argue In iup-
port of the bill.
Mr. AVheclcr of Alabama spoke against the
S. iblll and the committee rose and the house
'took a'rcccss.
' WASHINGTON , May 9. In the scnato today
_ tlio annual appropriation bill was taken up ,
'tho question being on the amendment offered
yesterday by Mr. Sherman increasing the
nuiubpr of pension agents ( salary $1,000) ) from
eighteen to twenty. It was agreed to yeas ,
2'J ; nays , 19 , A strict party veto except that
of Mr. Payne. Messrs. Ingulls , Allison ,
Phnnb and Teller voted no. The bill having
been reported buck from the committee of the
whole to thu scnato the question of the
amendment came up again for action.
Mr. Cockrell said ho was humiliated by the
fact that the committee on appropriations ,
headed by the distinguished senator from
Iowa ( Allison ) , had just boon ridden over
rough Htiod by the republican majority. There
was no reason whatever for the two olilces
except for the benefit of spoilsmen.
Mr. Sherman suggested that Mr. Cockrell
was making n very great affair out of a small
mutter , and argued for the increase , saying
the pension olllco at Columbus , O. , was so
crowded now by the increase , in pensioners
it was absolutely necessary. Ho ( Sherman )
very seldom disputed with the committee on
appropriations , but when a now question
came up the committee ought nqt to feel of
fended that Its work hud been Inquired into.
Mr. Cockrell referred to the rumor that
there was a warm and lively contest over the
Ohio pension agency ; that a friend of nn ox-
j > resient ( had been selected over the choice ot
another distinguished citizen ( meaning Shor-
mnn ) , and that the senator who was so griev
ously disappointed that ho was patiently
- awaiting thu creation of these two now of-
llccs ,
Mr. Sherman said nil this showed that Mr.
Cockrell had boon looking into small details
about local matters , which hud no moro con
nection with the amendment than the man in
the moon.
Mr. Allison said ho felt ngrloved that the
majority voted to Increase the agencies. It
shows that the majority hud not examined
the question with euro.
Mr. Paddock said thcro were localities
worse oft ns regards the necessity for an in-
creusq of agencies than Ohio. Ho spoke of
the needs of Nebraska. Kansas and other
western states and said that If thcro was any
action it should bo n readjustment mid con-
Eolldatlou of some of thu smaller agencies.
Mr. Gorman said that in tbo interest of the
coldicrs congress might bankrupt the govern
ment and probably would , for in fifteen years
there would bo moro spent for pensions than
it hud cost to put down the rebellion , lu
view of all this economv should bo practiced
In the administration of the pension otllco ut
Finally the discussion closed nnd Mr , Sher
man's amendment was agreed to by J to 21.
Mr. Payne voted with the republicans and
Messrs. Allison , Ingidls and Plumb with the
democrats. Mr. Teller did not vote. The
bill then passed and the military academy bill
was taken up and passed.
Thu army appropriation bill was then taken
up. Among the amendments agreed to was n
luxrugruph appropriating t'.OO.OUO for build
ings ut military posts for libraries , gymna-
tin ins and canteens.
Mr. Hulo moved an amendment that no
alcoholic liquor , beer or wine bhould bo bolder
or supplied to diluted men in any such build
Mr. Cockrell moved to amend the amend
ment by striking out beer aud wluu. No
quorum voted and the senate adjourned ,
leaving Messrs. Halo and Cockrcll's amend
ment pending ,
The Settlement With the Striking
Illinois MImrn.
CHICAOO , May 9. [ Special Telegram ot
Tnr. BKK.j It appears that the tcm | > orary
settlement with the striking miners in the
Illinois coal fields Is but the deceptive calm
that often precedes a furious storm.
It applies only to the soft coal fields In
northern Illinois , where about li,000 ! were
idle. Following the fruitless conferences between -
tween the miners and operators held lost
week came the private consultation of yester
day nt which an understanding wui reached
which may not last moro than three months
and tvhlcli Is certain to bo broken by the
miners themselves if not by the employers In
a very short timo.
The terms are simply that the men shall rc-
sumo work at the old terms of 7-l , cents n
n ton ns a basis and that the operators of the
northern Illinois district will raise the price
to corresitond with any that may be ob
tained from the southern Illinois district.
The committee loft the city this morning
for Coal city , whcro this evening they will
address the miners of that place , explaining
to them the situation. The miners will bo
told by these gentlemen that the spring is u
bad tlmo to Inaugurate n strike ; that during
the summer thcro Is but llttlo demand for
coal and that the operators would by such
strike sufTcr much loss than the miners. In
proof of this the disastrous strike and lockout
of last spring will bo pointed out. Then the
speakers will outline their policy , which will
include u strike of all the miners in the state
of Illinois in the early fall. . ,
The miners in the northern district of the
state are well organized , and would obtain an
increase of wages at present were It not
for the miners of the southern district , who
are working for all sorts of wages , much
below their brethren In the Braidwood and
Strcator districts. The committee will divide
itself In four parts and proceed to maho a
tour of all the mines in the southern part of
the state on n mission of organl/atlon. When
all the miners join the union , which the com
mittee says can bo done easily In sixty days ,
they will make a demand on their employers
for uniform wages , an tight hour day and nn
increase of pay , and should their demands bo
refused , and the present expectations are
that they will be , the minors in both the
southern and northern districts of the state
will bo called out and will bo kept out until
the demands of an approaching winter com
pels the operators to yield. Such is the pro
gramme arranged by the miners' committee.
The Situation Strained.
PANA , 111. , May 9. [ Special Telegram to
Tun BEE. ] Notwithstanding the advices
from Chicago that the miners' union will
order all the strikes off , the situation hero is
strained. Yesterday all the union men work
ing at both shafts of the Pana coal company
and at the Springsido mine struck for a raise
of < ayt cents a ton. No union miners have ,
Worked nt the Pcuwoll shaft for two weeks
nnd very llttlo coal has left that mine. The
Pana company ran its machines , but yester
day some of the striking miners attempted to
prevent other men from going to work. Ono
man named Weddell was surrounded and his
dinner pail taken from him. His father came
to liis assistance , and handing him a revolver
told him to shoot , the first man who molested
him. At the Pen well mine tbo strongest
fight against the now men has been made ,
nnd many were willing but afraid to go to
work. Yesterday the outlook became so
serious-that a largo special police foi'co was
sworn in. nnd the mayor issued n proclama
tion fovbidflipg the collection of crowds nnd
interference with these who desire to work.
.A dispatch from Ccntralia says the
miners at the Odin and Sandovul mines went
out yesterday nnd trouble is feared at the
former'place. . 'Tho Ccntrallh mine is'tlid only *
ono InUio county at work. The men thcro
are paid about 10 cents moro than the union
scale and have no grievance.
Sending l'or Canadians.
CHICAGO , May 9. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : BIE. ] It appears that the carpenters
grievances will not down. Word has been
received nt the headquarters of the late
striking carpenters that the old bosses have
arranged to bring in a largo number of car
penters from Canada and other points nnd to
place them at work on whatever terms they
can bo secured , regardless of the host of Idle
union men in the city. To meet this emer
gency the carpenters this morning ordered a
complete reorganization of their strike com
mittee , reducing its membership from six to
three. The committee proceeded nt once to
engage 2oO of the most trusty men among the
idle union men recently on a strike , and to
dispatch them on picket duty at various
points in and around the city. These men
uro to receive carpenters' wages and to re
port daily to the committee. Thoyaro to talto
cognizance of all fresh arrivals of carpenters
IB the city and to pcrsuudo such not to
BO to work for the old bosses , but
Co join ono of the unions in this city
nnd receive assistance from the carpenters'
council until they can find work hero
or elsewhere as union men.
Ono of the carpenters' committee today
said : "Tho carpenters' strike is off so far as
the now bosses are concerned nnd it | is off to
all who dcsiro to sign the arbitration settle
ment contract , but toward these who employ
non-union men In tills city it is on stronger
than over with all that a strike implies. Wo
want peace , but will war to the knife with
these who don't accept peace on the terms
fixed by three judges of unimpeachable
character. Wo will increase our picket guard
from -50 to 1,000 men if need bo mid wo have
the men and money toman our lines. "
Importing Carpenters.
NEW YOIIK , May 9. There nro twelve car
penters on the steamer Macadam , which ) ar
rived from Rotterdam yesterday. They nro
consigned to Chicago and it is said nro to take
the places of striker * . Theyi uro being con
sidered by the collector.
New York Miner * Strike.
EI.MIIIA , N. Y. , May 9. The miners at An
trim struck last night , and with a thousand
men already out at the Arnot nnd Morris run
make about throe thousand men on r. strike in
the sonil-bitumlnous coal fields. The cause
of the trouble is the refusal of the company to
pay 5 to 10 per cent advance in wages.
Hour KXOCHH Claims.
Kan , , May 9. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] A largo meeting of
laborers was held this evening in the council
chamber. Resolutions were passed requestIng -
Ing the Kansas delegation In congress to secure -
cure the payment of the old eight-hour excess
claims of laborers. Thcso claims are for labor
Sorformed In excess of eight hours per day
urlng the war on government work.
llloody Chinese Illot.
Los ASGKI.ES , Cal. , May 9. Two warring
factions of Chinatown came together lust
night nnd a riot resulted , during which forty
shots were fired by both sides. Ono China
man was killed , ono seriously Injured , and a
white bystander shot In the leg , The police
quelled the riot aud arrested 100 Chiuamcu.
South Dakota Farmers' Alliance.
HnioN- . D. , May 9. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE , ] The executive * committee of
the South Dakota farmers' alliance today
voted to hold their annual convention hero
Juno 'J. Six hundred delegates aud as many
visitors will bo hero ,
Itnln Helps SoiKh Dakota Crops.
YAXKTON- . D , , May 9 , [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKK. ] Heavy and continuous
rain hero lust night and today , and general
throughout South Dakota , and the crop pros
pects uro bplundld ,
Itcnorlor Choatc'ti .Sentence Aillrmcd.
AI.UAXV , N. Y. , May 9. The court of ap
peals has affirmed the judgment of thu lower
courts sentencing Dllworth Choute , the Now
York reporter , to imprisonment for contempt
of court In connection with the Flack case.
The Ex-Spaaker of the House \7.11 be Sena
tor Beck's ' Successor ,
Examination or the Omaha Postoflluo
Site Papers Completed Postal
Telegraph Hill The Irri
gation Fight.
613 FouitTKRXTit SrnGBr , >
WASHINGTON. D. C. , May 9. )
A member of the Kentucky delegation
stated to your correspondent this evening that
tho.nnnouncemcnt of cx-Spsakcr Carlisle 03 a
cnndldato for the senate to succeed the late
Senator Beck was positive proof that Mr.
Carlisle will bo selected. Ho said that just
before the cx-spsaker left Washington on the
funeral train for Lexington ho stated to his
friends that ho would not bo n cadldato for
the vacant scnntorahlp unless ho had positive
proof that ho would bo elected , as ho did not
want to enter the contest with the result In
doubt. The belief in Washington is that Mr.
Carlisle will bo selected by the caucus when
it meets the first of next week and that there
will bo but ono or two ballots.
An interesting debate was precipltatea In
the semite this afternoon by nn amendment
offered by Senator Halo to the army appro
priation bill providing that no intoxicating
litiuors should bo sold to enlisted men nt any
army canteens or in any building nt any army
post. This was a blow at the canteen sys
tem which was promptly resented by Senator
Cbckrell , who defended the army canteen ns
a great Improvement upon the old post trader
system and read various extracts from letters
.written by army ofllccrs showing the benefi
cent effects of the canteen system since its
inauguration. Senator Paddock advocated
the amendment on the ground that the gov
ernment should not engage in the saloon bus
iness and asserted that a number of army
ofllccrs protested against being forced to be
come bartenders against their wishes. After
speeches by Senators Butler , Blair and Call
a vote was taken on an amendment offered by
Senator Call , excepting beer and light wines
from Hie provisions of the Halo amendment.
The vote disclosing the absence of a quorum ,
the senate adjourned with the amendment
The acting supervising architect of the
treasury today informed Senator Manderson
in a formal letter , dated yesterday , that the
examination of the papers relating to the
Omaha public building site was completed ,
and that the vouchers necessary for the basis
of the remittance of the aggregate amount of
the awards wore prepared in the office of the
supervising architect on the 2nd Instant , and
that the cose is now in the ofllco of the first
comptroller for final examination ; that the
examination will probably bo completed
today , at which time the draft for the amount
will bo forwarded to the court with instruc
tions to the United States attorney.
At the ollleo of the supervising architect
late this afternoon THE Bin : correspondent
was informed that the final statement would
bo made tomorrow. The llgures relating to
the dollcits have been given lu these dis
THE rosTAi , TELEGn.trn.
The postal telegraph or Wannmaker bill is
pending in the house committee and Is found
to be a very difficult question to solve. The
committee has given the subject considerable
attention and has not reached , nn agreement.
The bill to reorganize the railway mall ser
vice of the country and classify its clerics lias
not been finally acted on In coihmittec , but
there seems to bo a disposition among the
members togivo it a favorable report. The
bill llxes definitely the salaries of postal
clerks aud carries with it an additional ap
propriation of $ aOO,000 or 100,000 and for this
reason the committee is slower than it other
wise would be in giving its approval , but de
spite this increase in the expenditure of the
government the members of the committee
have about come to the conclusion that the
interests of the service demand the changes
proposed and will probably give the bill u
favorable report.
The Interstate commerce committee of the
senate will give n hearing to all who dcsiro to
appear before It on Wednesday next in re
gard to the proposed amendment to the inter
state commerce law providing that all com
mon carriers by railroads shall use automatic
couplers upon their cars. Quito a list of
prominent railroads have already signified
their intention of being present at the meet
ing. Tills will probably bo the last opportu
nity given the public to bo heard on this sub
ject before the committee makes its report to
the senate.
With the presentation of the majority and
minority report on the question of irrigation
the fight that has waged for years between
Senator Plumb and Major Powell , supcrin- .
tendent of the geological survey , has beeeu
renewed and brought into prominence.
Major Powell holds that the Plumb bill Is
in the Interest of speculators , large corpora
tions and cattle and land monopolists ; that it
coiillrms In the hands of the cattle companies
and other corporations all the reservoirs ,
canals and other Irrigation works which thev
may have estublisltcd and all the land which
they may have obtained without regard to
whether such irrigation arrangements nro
beneficial to the general public or not ; that It
provides that the irrigable lands shall bo
given to water companies who will thus bo
enabled to make serfs of the settlers of their
The Reagan , or as It will probably bo
called , the Powell bill , provides for the con
demnation of such irrigation establishments
wherever they have begun to rob
the. settlers of Irrigable lands and for
Mio division of the entire arid region
into irrigation districts to conform
to the (1 nil mi go basins - of the various rivers
and authorizes the pcoplo who may settle in
these districts to procure irrigation on their
own terms , It is qulto certain that tbo ques
tion , when it comes up in the senate , will
not assume a party character , for It Is said
that several prominent republican senators
will approve the irrigation project offered by
Major Powell. Major Powell bos just esti
mated that for 17,000,000 , In thosumof $1,000-
000 a year , ho can complete the entire irriga
tion survey of the country In seven years ,
THE Aiotr.
The formal order transferring Lieutenant
Colonel Charles M. Terrell , deputy paymas
ter general , from duty at Omaha for the de
partment of the Platte to San Antonio for
duty as cldef paymaster of the department of
Texas has been issued. Lieutenant Colonel
Thaddeus H. Stanton , deputy paymaster at
Chicago , will tuko Colonel Terrell's place at
Omaha aud the transfers will be made at the
direction and time to bo named by the pay
master general of the army.-
Other orders of transferaro : Major Charles
McClurc , from Helena to St. Paul ; Major
George W. Cundeo. from Helena to Chicago :
Major George W. Bnird , from tbo division of
the Atlantic to Helena ; Major Frauds S ,
Dodge , from the division of the Atlantic to
Wallayalla ; Major Charles H. Whlpplo ,
from thci department of the Platte to Now
York city ; Major William II. Comegys , from ,
the division of the Atlantic to Uhoyounu.
Kx-Congressman Fuller was on the floor of
tne house today listening to the tariff debute.
During the debate on the pension appropri
ation bill lu the senate yesterday and today
Senator Puddock took occasion to call the at
tention of the senate to the necessity for a re
organization of the pension agencies In order
that i > cnsloncrs having business with the at
torneys should bo afforded greater facilities
for the transaction of such business. Ho re
ferred specifically to the states of Nebraska
and Kansas and the country beyond and
north of Nebraska , noting the fact that there
was no agency at all-in the stnto of Nebraska
and none northwest until the Pacific
coast was reached. Ho stated that
the pensioners 1111 Nebraska - were
obliged to transact their business
with the DCS Molncs , la. , and Topckn , Kan. ,
agencies , the first ono , of which paid over
thirty thousand pensioners and the latter
forty thousand. Ho urged that , as there was
a larger percentage ot ex-soldiers In Kansas ,
Nebraska , North and South Dakota than
many other states of the union In proportion
to the aggregate population , there should bo
a general readjustment of the location of
agencies. After1 presenting statistics showIng -
Ing the number of pensioners paid by the
various agencies throughout the country ,
the scna'tor suggested that a number of the
New England agenclefc might bo consoli
dated in 'order to afford the facilities de
manded by the newer west , whcro the
greater soldier population Is , and that such
an adjustment could bo made , perhaps ,
without Increasing the number of agencies
or adding to the expenses of the govern
Senator Edmunds reappeared nt his com-
mlttco room from Virginia Beach , whcro ho
went a few days since juul was reported in a
serious condition ot health. The senator ex
pressed surprise when his colleagues con
gratulated him "upon his recovery" and said
that ho had not been ill at all and that his
health had been as good as usual , and that
the reports concerning his physical condition
were not only exaggerated , but without foun
dation. The senator intends to have n meet
ing of the committee 'on Judiciary on next
Monday for the purpose of considering the
court bill which reorganizes the district and
circuit courts , enlarges the system and cre
ates appellate courts out of circuit courts.
The bill recently passed the house and it is
believed it will pass the senate , although
there nro various views held by the leading
lawyers of the senate ns to just what shape
the measure should tnko before It becomes a
Iowa Golden , Delaware county , K. F.
Clarke , vice M. F. Shcrtard , resigned ; Strand ,
Adams county , A. 'Ihouipson , vice B. F.
Strand , resigned. ; >
Some criticism was indulged In around the
scnnto today because the chair recently oc
cupied by Senator JJcclc was covered with
heavy folds of crape. It was believed by
some of the senators .who occupy chairs hear
the one recently made vacant by the death of
the Kentuckian that the crape should bo re
moved immediately' after the funeral. In
quiry revealed the factjthat it is the custom
to n ot only keep the ling over the senate or
house at half most for' thirty days after the
death of n member of cither body , but to
keep crape upon the desk or chair made
vacant by death for a period of thirty days
unless n successor to the 'deceased ' is elected
before the expiration 'of that period.
Ex-Congressman E. K. Valentino of Ne
braska Is hero on business before the general
land olllco.
Secretary Noble assured Tnn BEE corre
spondent today that Surveyor General Sulli
van of South Dakota will bo re-appointed on
next Tuesday. Tho. delay in the reappointment
ment was duo to the absence from the city of
the secretary of the Interior. 'Mr. Sullivan
was appointed some time ago surveyor gen
eral of both Dakotos , but a law bus been
passed creating an oluco for each stato. _
L. M. Ilhecm of Omaha is in the city.
Penny S. HEATH.
Dr. Meyer aml IIiH Varied Villainies
in CUiuaKO.
CHICAGO , May 9. A' dispatch from Denver
tonight announces thOrirrcst of Dr. Moycr
and wife on ths request of the Chicago au
thorities. It is lcarne < tpjhero that Meyer is
wanted for extensive swindles. Ho has had
a sensational careerin Gnlgago. At ono tlmo
ho was accused of pois"d3ing a-patient , Henry
Geldemnn. n well-to-do citizen , the alleged
object being to secure Geldcman's money.
Coupled with this thcro was gossip that
Meyer was playing the role of Lothario to
Geldcman's wife. Following the death of
her husband she married Meyer , but they
soon separated. The woman now under
arrest with Meyer is' understood to bo an
other wife , n daughter of C. G. Dressol , nn
aged gentleman , whoso llfo is alleged to have
been insured in the Germonia company of
Chicago for $5,000. , the fraud consisting in
presenting a bogus Drcsscl for examination.
Meyer was the cgnsultjng physician for the
Germania company , and since the unearthing
of the Drcssol fraud it Is asserted that a num
ber of other cases of a llku nature have come
to light. The Chicago police had a long hunt
for the doctor.
A Standard Oil Victory.
NEW YOJIK , May 9. In 18SO George Rico ,
nn oil refiner , well known by his long liti
gation against the Standard oil trust , pur
chased from T. II.'Mallaby a certificate of
five shares in the tnist : Ho asked the trust
to Issue a now certificate In his name that ho
should have all rights , privileges , etc. The
trust refused on the ground that lie secured
tin shares only to harrass.und ' annoy it Ho
brought suit and somo'timo ago a special
term of the supreme court rendered a decision
ordering the Standnrd'' to make the
transfer as requested. Today the general
term of the supreme court reversed this
order , holding that the transfer is at the dis
cretion of the trust.
A Gigantic Fire Insurance Trust.
NKW YOIIK , May 9. A gigantic local flro
Insurance combination is in process of forma
tion In this city. There are in the metropolis
in the neighborhood of 140 flro insurance coin-
panics carrying on business. Several times
during the last fifteen years combinations
have been formed to raise Insurance rates and
lower brokers' commissions , but they have
always collapsed. For some tlmo there has
boon quiet talk among .Insurance men of get
ting up another combination , but with strin
gent rules , which will make it impossible for
a collapse to occur. The present projected
organization is the result.
Opening of the Brooklyn Dry Dook.
NEW YOIIK , May 9 , The formal opening of
the now dry dock of thp Brooklyn navy yard
took place tills afternoon , A largo delega
tion from Washington and Baltimore was
present to witness the trial. It required an
hour to fill the dockJatid when the caisson
was removed to adihij , the passage of the
Monitor Puritan she was slowly pushed for
ward and flouted within , Tna caisson was
then replaced amd tho.'dock pumped dry. At
the conclusion of the ceremonies there was u
luncheon. Thfl cost of the dock to the gov
ernment Is $1,000.000. ,
The Silver Qiiontion Again.
WASIIIXOTO.V , May 0 , Another meeting of
the republican caucus was held today , ut
which the silver question' was again under
consideration. It is said the only proposition
discussed was ono to make notes to bo Issued
for the purchase of bullion full legal tender ,
the bullion redemption clause having been
abandoned by these who advocated It. While
the majority were in 'favor of making the
notes full legal tender , it vros decided to post
pone further action on the proposition until
another tlmo when there shall bo a fuller at
tendance. _
A Farmers' Alliance Candidate.
LEAVENWOIITII , Kan. , May 9 , [ Special Tel-
clegram tqTiir. BEE. ] Hon. Joseph Blcakloy ,
president of the Lcuvcnworth County Farm
ers' 'alliance , has formally announced himself
a candidate for congress in opposition of
Major E. N. Morrell. the present incumbent ,
Tills news has just leaked out. but is author
itative. Mr. Blcukloy is an influential and
widely known farmer , "
Activity in Hull road lluildlnf-
CHICAGO , May'9. The next number of the
Railway Ago will show In an article on railway
construction that over eleven hundred miles
have already been added to the track mllcago
of the United States in IbOO. There have
occn in all ninety-four new roads begun or
Incorporated since January 1 last. " The paper
prcdlcU that tbo construction of 1690 will ex
ceed that of 1&9 , when C\X > miles were built.
Norfolk's ' Mayor Eofuses to Sign the Now
Saloon Ordinanca.
An Unknown Mim Hun Over anil
Killed nt Uiinbiif Sixth District
W. C. T. U. Convention
Gone to the 1'cn.
Nourm.K-Ncb. , May 9. [ Special Tclegrmn
to Tin : DEE. ] That the saloon men of this
city arc tired tonight goes without saying ,
the reason thereof Is ns follows : At its meetIng -
Ing Wednesday evening the new council
amended the occupation tax ordinance passed
by the old. council , making It read 8100 In
stead of 5300 , carrying it by a majority vote ,
not having the necessary three-fourths to pass
It by a suspension of the rules. In order
that the saloons might open tis
soon as possible the council then
adjourned to meet lost night , when
the second reading of the ordinance was had ,
and the body then adjourned until 4 o'clock
sharp this afternoon for the third reading ,
that the ordinance might bo published In the
evening paper and thus become a law. Tills
was all dond"nccOrding to programme. Mayor
Gerccko Hotly refused to sign the ordinance
In its present form , and It Is presumed will
not until the ordinance reads for the original
amount. As it stands now the prospects for
the opening of the saloons nro no better than
one week ago. Charles Eblo was so anxious
to begin operations that ho opened his place
in full blast iust night , and notwithstanding
the advice of the officers , kept on selling all
day. The council today revoked his license ,
and ho will no doubt be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law.
Cnllnwny's Mill Machinery Arrives.
CAI.I.AWAY , Nob. , May 9. [ Special to THE
But : . ] The machinery for the now mill has
arrived. It cost 83,200 , and it will take a
month or six weeks to put It in place. Thanks
to the enterprise of the citizens , the work ,
which was begun in the fall , has boon pushed
through the winter and spring as fast ns the
weather would allow. The total cost of the
plant is about $1U,000. The race is about a
quarter of a milo long , the water being drawn
from the South Loup river. The river has
never been known to rise over three feet , and
ordinarily keeps n constant level. Our water
power , therefore , is not artificial , is steady of
pressure , and really ono of the very best in
Nebraska. The mill can turn out sovonty-
five barrels per day. The work is owned by
the Callaway milling company , nn organiza
tion composed entirely of liomo shareholders.
The enterprise is ono of the most substantial
improvements the town lias yet seen. The
country has been needing a mill badly , and
this one is nn excellent investment.
Sixth District W. C. T. U.
STUOSISHUUO , Neb. , May 9. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bun. ] The Sixth district con
vention of the Woman's Christian Temper
ance union , in session nt this place , is n very
successful meeting. Fifty-two delegates nro
In attendance , with eighteen unions reported.
The new olHccrs are : President , Mrs. Fcrgu-
sqn , York ; vice president , Mrs. Steele ,
Hampton ; recording secretary , Mrs. John
son , Stromsburg ; corresponding secretary ,
Mrs. Northrup. York ; treasurer , Mrs. But
ler , Osceoln. At the gold medal contest Eva
MeCuno won. the modal. Mrs. Woodward
gave a very interesting leoturo on Thursday
evening. Ono hundred and six dollars wore
pledged Mrs. Wopdwardfor the campaign ,
fund. The convention closed nt noon today
with good work accomplished.
BiuillCl by a Cyclone.
SHICKI.ET , Neb. , May 9. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bnn. ] Shortly after noon today
a small conical shaped cloud appeared just
west of town and rapidly gathered volume
until it had assumed vast proportions. It
was humping itself along at a 3:10 : gait dlr-
rectly on u line with the town , and men ,
women and children abandoned their houses ,
school was hurriedly dismissed and every
body sought the shelter of collars and caves.
Just before striking town the storm cloud
suddenly burst. Another aud much larger
and conical shaped cloud passed to the north
and swept every thing before it on the prairie.
The amount of damage done can not bo ascer
tained at this writing , but it must have been
To the Penitentiary mill Asylum.
KEARNEY , Neb. , May 9. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BEE. ] Sheriff Wilson escorted Will
iam Grifiln and David Burton to Lincoln
today. Grinin is the young man who forged
a note for $31 on H. D. Bcccroft of Elm
Crock several weeks ago. Ho was sentenced
to eighteen months at hard labor in the pen
itentiary. David Burton was taken to the insane -
sane asylum. Ho and his son were brought
hero yesterday by the authorities nt Armada.
The son was admitted to the county poor
PJko for North Nebraska "Waters.
FIIEMOXT , Neb. , May 9. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEE. ] Superintendent O'Brien of
the stnto fish hatcheries and Commissioner
B. E. B. Kennedy of Omaha passed through
Fremont today conveying by way of Lincoln
over a million wall-eyed pike to bo planted In
the streams of north Nebraska. This is the
largest shipment yet inado Into the north part
of the state.
A Slight DilTci-ciico In Kates.
NEHIIASKA Cm" , Neb. , May 9. [ Special
to Tin : BEE. ] A llttlo matter of freight rates
Is related by the manager of the Chicago packIng -
Ing and provision company of this city. The
company has a contract for furnishing meat
for the government , and a few days ago
shipped several carloads to Valentine , Nob. ,
distance of il2 ( ! miles , paying 88 cents per 100.
On the same day the company shipped several
carloads direct' to Liverpool , England , .at a
freight charge of 85 cents per 100.
A Sheriff Caneil.
Fni'.MONT , Neb , , May 9. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] The friends of Sheriff Mallon last
evening made his forty-fifth birthday the oc
casion to present him with a handsome gold-
headed ebony cano. This expression of
friendship was made the wore significant by
reason of Mr. Motion's recent vigorous
and effective prosecution of the criminal
classes of the city. It was a great surprise
to the sheriff.
SitHtnincd All the State's Allocations.
NEIHUSKA , Crrv , Nob. , May 9. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEK. ] The attorneys In the
distillery trust case today received Informa
tion from Lincoln that Hoforco Pound had
tiled a report sustaining every material alleg
ation made by the state. Nebraska City
pcoplo uro jubilant over the result.
An Unknown Man Killed.
NEIIIUHKA Cmr , Nob. , May 9. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEB. ] A man whoso name
Is unknown was run over and killed by a
Missouri Pacific passenger train this after
noon. The coroner loft for that place this
evening to hold an inquest.
Traveling Men's Itcce | > tlon.
IlmiMis , Neb. , May 'J , [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Br.c. ] The traveling men's reception
nt the Hotel Bostwlck tonight was a great
success. Over two hundred guests wore
NnukollH County DlMrlct Court.
NKi-so.s.Neb. , May 9. [ Special toTiieBKB ]
District court is In session and has a largo
amount of business on hand which Judge
Morris is disposing of with rapidity. There
are over ono hundred and fifty cases on the
docket and a number of lawyers from Hast
ings , Lincoln and other towns arc present ,
The moat notublo cases are these of Charles
Slovens , whoso trial for the murder o )
Charles Sherman Is set for next Tuesday , am
the Scropglns-McClelland case , which was
heard before n referee and which will bo car
ried to a higher court no matter what the de
cision hero may be.
Severe IlnllHtorni nt Pawnee City.
( PAW.VEE CITV , Nob. , May P. [ Special Tel
egram to TUB BEE. ] This afternoon about 8
o'clock this section was visited by n very
severe hall storm. It Is feared that what
fruit the frost left Is ruined. A great deal
of glass was broken from windows on the
north and west.
"Will nny a Temperance Tent.
BEATHICE , Neb. , May 9. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Bin : . The prohibition amend
ment league of this city secured $ iOO by sub
scription today to bo used In purchasing n
mammoth tent In which to hold temperance
meetings during the campaign.
Tit ivi , K TitAttKnrixjirxxKso T. i.
A Farmer Murders Ills Wife -ami
Child and Then Suicides.
CIIESTEH , Minn. , May 9. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] Constantine Schaefer , a
farmer of this township , murdered his wlfo
and child , n boy of six years , this morning nt
sunrise. The awful crlmo had apparently
been carefully arranged for , ns Sehaofcr had
purchased in the village within the past
three days two revolvers , n dirk knife , a
bottle of strychnine and n package of Hough
on Hats. Thcso terrible Instruments of
death ho concealed in n bureau and last night
went to bed as usual. This morning ho arose
earlier than was his wont , and after having
started u flro In the kitchen stove called his
wlfo and his hired man. The latter went at
once to the barn , but returned immediately to
the house on hearing the woman scream.
Mrs. Schaefer lav upon the floor of- the sit
ting room , the blood streaming from a terri
ble wound in her head. Shu did not speak ,
and died In a few minutes. A blood-stained
nxo leaned against the casing of the door.
Sclmcfcr had disappeared and n shrill cry
from a child told that ho was committing a
second murder. The hired man sprang up
the stairway and grappled with Schaefer , but
ho was too Into. The child's throat was cut
from car to car. Schnofer then threw off his
man , ran down stairs and seized a bottle of
strychnine , taking from It n heavy dose. Im
mediately afterwards ho took up n revolver
and blow out his brains. The cause of this
terrible tragedy is unknown. Schaefer was
an exceptionally prosperous farmer , a man of
n high degree of intelligence , and his rela
tions with his family and his neighbors were
believed to bo pleasant. For the past fort
night , however , ho had been suffering terri
bly from nn attack of neuralgia , and is be
lieved to have committed the triple tragedy
while temporarily Insane.
Alarmed at the 1'a.sto for I/earning
Displayed 1 > J" Prussian Jews.
Br.ui.ix , May 9. In the upper house of the
Prussian diet today a motion was adopted
that the government take measures to rem
edy the evils arising from the largo number
of Jewish pupils in the superior schools.
Count Pfcil , who made the motion , declared
the existing condition constituted social dan
ger. The minister of instruction said it was
impossible to exclude Jews from any educa
tional establishment. Such nn attempt
would force the nation into n position leading
to destruction instead of union.
Eiffel Tower Struck by Lightning.
[ Copi/rttilit iSOO bit Jama Ounloirt/cimstt.l
PAIIIS , May 9. [ Now York Herald Cable-
Special to THE BEI : . ] During an extraordi
nary storm which broke over Paris this
afternoon the Eiffel tower was struck no less
than six- times by lightning. Atnbouttwcnty- *
flvo minutes past six a dcnso columoof clouds
struck the lightning conductor. A Hash
came zigzag out of the clouds and
ran straight down the conductor. It
was visible all the way , leaving
n thin golden streak. At the same time a
thunder clap was heard as loud as the gun
which , during the exhibition , announced I )
o'clock in the evening. At (1:80 ( o'clock n
magnificent display of lightning issued from
the dark violet clouds and three flashes com
ing from opposite points joined at the top of
the lightning conductor. These , like the first ,
left a fine golden streak in their trail. At the
same tlmo was heard a heavy rattling of metal
as if the whole tower had been shaken by a
strong hand. At 0:84 : n new Hash of lightning ,
more magnificent than the preceding oncsdc- ,
velopcd , and formed two horizontal branches
of palo violet which , coming from' opposite
directions , joined over the conductor. Lastly ,
at 0:80 : , lightning struck the. tower in three
streaks , followed by a clap oven heavier than
the previous ones. The vast metal structure
vibrated for a long tlmo.
Sensation in the Italian Chamber.
[ CopurloM ISHO liu Juinoi Coition JlcnncU.1
ROME , May 9. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to THE BEI : . ] A great sensation
was created in the chamber today by Deputy
Imbrianl , who demanded a commission to in
vestigate the Kentucky charge that the
monopoly of supplying tobacco to Italy
was given to the Hatjcn Tocl company
bccauso its' agent in Homo , Adrianto
L'cmmis , was grand master of the Italian Free
masons and could use that organization in
politics for or against the government. Ho
Insisted In n bitter speech that the other firms
were ready to supply American tobacco at a
lower price , but were excluded from
competition by Lcmmis. Some contracts
Involving many millions of francs have
been controlled by the Masonic grand master.
Signor Imbrianl said ho would produce docu
mentary evidence to support his accusation.
The minister of finance consented to the pro-
po ed investigation and the chamber passed
Imbrianl's resolution.
French Artillerymen Injured.
[ CopyrtuM ] SOOl > ii Jninc doitlon llennctt. ' ]
NANOT , May 9. [ Now York Herald Cable
-Special to Tun BEE. f When the Sixth
battery , Eighth regiment of artillery , was
out this morning going through blank cart
ridge exercise moro tnnn a do/.cn men were
sent out to pick up cartridges which
had not been fired. All at once
a violent explosion was heard
followed by cries of pain , A rush was made
to the spot , and seven unfortuato soldiers were
found rolling about on the ground suffering
the most terrible torture , Their faces wcrd
charred and blackened by powder , their
beards burnt off and their clothing In shreds.
Three of them will probably lese their
eyesight. The wounded men were convoyed
to the military hospital , They there stated
that a cartridge had exploded just at the
moment they were going to pick it up , ana
this caused the explosion of several others.
"Washington Notes.
WASHINGTON' , May 9. Senator Spooncr to
day presented to the senate a petition from
the committee on cx-unlon , prisoners of war
living In Wisconsin protesting against the
passage of the Morrlll pension bill. They
also appeal to congress to extend the benefit
of the lawa granting bounties to these whoso
captivity extended boydnd the tlmo of their
enlistment , and Indemnify them for sullen-
Inns endured by reason of the government's
refusal to agree to an exchange of prisoners.
The president bus unproved the act pro
viding for the classification of worsted cloths
as woolens ,
Caldwell of Ohio today Introduced a bill to
prevent the desecration of the United States
iiag by printing on it advertisements , etc ,
junking such offense a misdemeanor punish
able by u Hue of (50 , Imprisonment for thhty
days or both.
General Western Passenger Agcnta Ready to
Elect a Chairman ,
Tlio Successful Man Will Have to Uo
Chosen Uimiilinoiinly Iako and
Hall IjIncH Inaugurate
n Itato Wai- .
CHICAGO , May 9. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Bni.j : The general passenger ngont-s of
the western lines nro now all ready to begin
thotask _ of electing a chairman for the newly
formed association and ndvaiulng rates to
the old basis. Tills work will bo begun to
morrow morning after one or two minor rules
nro considered. These prominently mentioned
for the chairmanship nro General Passenger
Agents Kustis of the Burlington and Wilson
of the Northwestern , Passenger Traffic
Manager White of the Atchlson , Chairman
Flnlcy of the Trans-Missouri association and
Secretary Thompson of the old \Vost.
crn States Passenger association. The
chairman must uo elected unani
mously , nnd thcro Is llttlo erne
no clmnco of the election of nny ot the above.
The passenger men cannot combine on any
limn well known to them. The choice la
moro likely to fall on n first-class eastern pas
senger man or one from the Pacific coast.
The sub-committee of general managers
today tried to lilt upon some feasible plan for
the organization of mi association to take the
place of the Interstate Commerce Hallway as-
soclution , but made no headway further than
to agree that there must bo a division of traffic
to accomplish the result. The live stock traf
fic being mentioned , the St. Paul showed by
averages that the reduced rate hud made no
difference in Its percentages. The figures
from January 1 uro as follows : Alton , H.O ;
Burlington , U1.8 ; St. Paul , ! . 'J ' ; Hock Island ,
O.I ) ; Santa Fo , O.'S ; Kansas City , l.U ; Wu-
basli , 5.S ; Missouri Pacific , 1.
Imko aud Hall Iilnc < 4 Reduce Kate * .
CHICAGO , May 9. [ Special Telegram Jo
Tin : BKE.I The hike niuWall lines from Chicago
cage inaugurated a war on rates today which
will compel the all-rail lines either to rcduco
rates or to entirely abandon the carrying of
flour , provisions , lard , oil cake and other
commodities classified with the last three-
articles. The 20-cont rate on oil cake was re
duced to 15 cents , the all-rail rate being -0
cents. On flour the reduction was to 17W
cents from 20 cents , the all-rail rate being L'.r
cents. On provisions , liird , etc. , the ' . ' .Vccnt
rate was reduced to W ) cents , the all-rail rate
being ! ! 0 cents. In all cases the rates quoted
are from Chicago to New York , the rales to
Boston beluga trifle higher and these to
Philadelphia , Baltimore , etc. , lower. The
rail lines have us yet tulccn no action to meet
these reductions , and it is doubtful If they
will , as n sufficient reduction would cut too
deeply Into local rates. The cause of the re
duction by the lake and rail lines is said to bo
secret cutting by competitors
A Now Trunk Ijlno.
PiTTSBuno , Pa. , May 9. ' [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bin : . ] It was stated in an evening
paper today that u secret conference of promi
nent railroad men was held here today forv ;
the purpose of establishing a new trunk ,
line reaching from Chicago to New York. It
is proposed to connect..a new line now in
contemplation between Ncwcastlo and Will-
lams'port , with the Philadelphia & Heading ,
for an eastern outlet , and with the PittsVdrg
& Western , Pittsburg , Akron & Western
nnd the Chicago & Atlantic between Chii'iico
and Pittsburg. It is claimed that the route is
nt least 100 miles shorter than the shortest
route at present and that thcro is no doubt of
the consummation of the scheme.
A PaHscMiK'1 Itato Cut.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , May 9 , The Burlington
this morning posted u SI passenger rate from
Kansas City to St. Louis. Later the
named the same figure and this afternoon the
Alton and Missouri Pacific followed.
Ho DouhtH a Speedy Settlement of'
"Western Itnte Trouble ) * .
NEW Yomc , May 9. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : BEK. ] Mr. Jay Gould , in conversation
today , expressed some doubts about the
speedy settlement of the western rate troubles.
Ho regards the Union Puclflc-Nortnwcstcrn.
contract as the chief obstacle ,
but also expressed that that ul-
linnco will bo maintained and that' ,
it will be necessary to take It into account.ns.
permanent , at least for a considerable time.
The solution which looks most feasible to
him Is to take all the roads west of Chicago
nnd to some leading competitive points in ,
Colorado , Nebraska and Kansas into an ar- .
rangomcnt similar in effect to the
trunk line pool , by which all
roads which did not get thcip
Just proportion of through business
should bo granted differential rates , which
upon experiment should bo readjusted from
tlmo to time until they did get their proportion
tion of tha through business. But , while ex
pressing these somewhat doubtful views of
the speedy settlement of the troubles In regard
to through freights. Mr. Gould said the
local business of all the roads-and that part
of it not subject to competition was so largo
and Increasing so rapidly that the road3
might almost throw away the through freight
business for the sake of harmony and to pre
vent the disturbance of their other business , '
which Is the best for many years. Though
non-committal , Mr. Gould's talk gives the im
pression that ho expects higher prices toi
stocks. _
Thirteen Bodies Already Found In the
UTICA , N. Y. , May 9. The number of
bodies found In the ruins of the poor hou'bo
at Preston , Chcnungo county , already num
bers thirteen. The impression is growing
that the loss fur exceeds the first estimate ,
In the building were many aged men ami
women , sotno of whom hud not left their bcdu
for months nnd others who from wcukncim
were Incapublo of finding their way out ot
the building In the midst of the confusion
nnd excitement which prevailed. It is be-
.lleved a number of these perished and tills
belief IH strengthened by the discovery of a
body this forenoon ut Homo dlKlnnco from the
department occupied by the Imbeciles ,
There uro several feet of ashes nnd debris ,
in the cellar and the probabilities are that )
When they uro removed a number of bodies
will bo found. It Is also believed Home of
the bodies uro so completely Incinerated that
uo trace of thorn will over bo found.
The following uro known to have bcnn
burned beside those mentioned in the previ
ous dlspatcccsi
Man' Vosburg , Otsclio ' , Iloxio Mallorv and
Julia Hunt Norwich.
One Insane woman was captured near Ply
mouth some twelve miles distant last nluht.
Shu Wits half clad and was bewailing thu Ios4
of her homo. One of the Inmates wo * scared.
Into her senses by the IIro and escaped from
the burning room by a window , reached tin }
roof and crawled along the ddgo and roused
the keeper's ' wlfo from slumber , thus saving
her llfo.
The Weather Forouaflt ,
For Omaha nnd vicinity i Fuirweuthor. i
For Nebraska : Colder , cloudy weather and
ruin ; northerly winds ,
For lowas Much colder , cloudy and raluj
high northwesterly winds.
For South Dakota : Threatening \vcatbur
and rain , colder ; northerly winds. '