( J THE OMATIA DAILY BJ < ; 0 , SATURDAY , MAY 3 , 1890. SOUTH OMAHA DAILY EVENTS , Ho Change in the Situation Regarding Unli censed Saloons. ALL OF THUM RUNNING WIDE OPEN. An Knuler VccllnR Now Tlmt tlio 3'liri-ntoncil Htrlke Pulled to Mute- rlall/.e.-1'ollc'i : Dutnll I'or Mny Not UN unit I Thcrowas nochaiiKO In Urn snloon sltua- lion yesterday. All thojilaces were miming OA usualiilthougli , no licenses have been granted. Bnt two places that contemplated goliiK Into business for tlio present year arc closed. Ono of these Is Frank Havlek , who has taken no Btcps to .secure n llccnso pending the result of the nnnuxiitlon election. Huvlok had u disastrous existence \Valioo once In run ning up against the Slocumb liuv and wants no more lines In his. The other Is D. LI. Mo- GiiL'ki'ii , who Intends to inn a liar In connec tion with his hotel on Q .street , hut will not ot > cn It for business until his license has been granted. Twenty-one .saloonkeepers have paid the city treasurer the WHO miulicd for saloon licenses , hut the other tlility-nino arc holding back In hopes of holng allowed to pay the llrstijuartorly Installment only. The llccnso coimnlttrn It mini at work ( joliitf over the ap plications without llmlliiK any that aroslnned iiy the required thirty i-esidont freeholders. The saloon men nio now reuli/liif , ' the folly of allowing anybody and everybody to slffn their applications through the medium of some rustler who only necks signers to the extent of getting the required thirty without refer- unco to property qualifications. Many of the saloonmon now admit that Sunday closing Is Inevitable and even the most ardent autl-auuevaUoriisN say that It must come. Mayor Slo.ino Is being oritlcl/ed in sonic. < ju art era for his InilltTcrciico in the mutter of allowing new saloons to openly run without the semblance of authority from the city or tate to do business. Mommy night's meeting of the i.-lty council promises to bo a hot ono. Tlio Strike Thai Never Came. Couliary to the wishes of some South Omaha pcoplo tbc packing house and block yards employes wcro all on duty yester day as usual and the chances of iv strike have gene glimmering at least for the present. The action of the stock yards and packing houses men In Chicago has set at rest any doubts as to the actions of tlio South Omaha men. Here there was never any delinlte talk of a strike and all the talk of It emanated front people who had no authority whatever to talk for the men. There Is an easier feeling today among business men although there wits at no time any cause for uneasiness. There will bo no strike In South Omaha. Police Del nil for May. Marshal Maloncy and his men will preserve - servo the public peace in this manner during May : Day Force MosoRedmond , jailer ; Thomas Loonoy , First and Second wards ; Thomas Brcnnan , Third ward ; Joseph Humncl , Albright - bright ; 0.1J. Tnhbs , L street viaduct. Night Force Patrick McMahon , captain ; TJ. D. O. Anderson , Jailer ; Michael llanscn , from Twenty-seventh to Twenty-fifth , from .T back to Q streets : Martin Spoettler , Twcnty-nrtli to Twentieth streets , from , T back to Q ; William Hughes and John Vallon , Third ward ; Thomas Montague , L street viaduct. The Schools During : April. Superintendent Munroe has prepared the following report of South Omaha schools during - ing April : _ Hoys. Gills. Total number onioned since Fcp- tomlier tt l"s number tians- fofred BM MS Total number transfericd' blneo September 1. , 114 Average .number hulonKbiK dur ing inijiitli flfiS Avuiago dally attendance Illll : c. 4 4b7 Whole number of tardiness 107 b7 Whole number neither tardy nor absent 121 112 Whole number of vhllois 58 In iTudfjo KIIK'N | Court. Three prisoners wcro disposed of in the police court. Everybody Is so interested In the saloon situation and the annexation light that they have no tlmo to Indulge in in fractions of the law. II. L. Wood , an Omaha printer , was drunk and disorderly , but was allowed to go in peace and sin no more. Mllce Hooligan was drunk , but was dismissed. Morgan D.ivitt , a vagrant , was ordered out of town and ho went Ins tauter. Kaok With n Hrlilo. Pete Brcnnan returned to South Omaha yesterday and received the congratula tions'of his numerous friends. On Wednes day morning ho was married to Miss Kate McCambrldgc of Chicago in the Church of the Nativity by llov. Father Cartin. Mr. and Mi-s , Brennan will bo at homo to their South Omaha friends as soon as they get settled. City NotCH and Personals. Mrs. Cteorgo II. Browilr has returned from Mlndcn. i Mrs. A. W. Babcock Is back from a visit to Beatrice. W. Phillips has returned homo from Toron to , Canada. W. C. Miller has left on a trip to Chicago and Lansing , III. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Kinney will spend the summer In Denver. C. C. Scott of Murray , la. , Is In the city visiting T. B. Scott. John A. Nelson and wlfo have returned from a long stay in Boston. Stock Inspector. Howard killed thirteen lump-Jawed e.utlo at the yards during April. E. Wili-ox of Wahoo and 0. .1. Nondoll of Marquctto were. . South Omaha visitors ves- tcnlay. The South Omaha will play the Omaha let ter carriers' nlnu on Sunday. A line game is promised. Dr. Armstrong ol Beatrice spent Thursday In South Omaha , the guest of his undo , Dr. Glasgow. llov. D. W. Moreartty , pastorof St. Agnes' church , will bo homo from his western trip by Sunday. Chief Engineer Thomas Whittlesoy of the Hammond house has returned with his wife from Hammond , III. The Adamant wall plaster company have commenced tearing down their factory preparatory - paratory to removing the plant to Omah'i. ' Mrs. Ellen Kelly , mother of Councilman John N. Bnrko'H wife , arrived at her daugh ter's Dedslilo Thursday from Fanning , Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Corcoran of Fanning , Kan. , arc so favorably impressed with South Omaha that they will probably locate here. Frank Hershey will leave for Oregon soon , where ho will feed -JO.IKX ) tthecp. Ho will drive the animals to Nebraska when fattened. George Hunter , formcily In the oftlco of the Clerk of the Courts MOOIV.S , bus resigned and taken Sherm Cantlcld's place at the Union stock yards railroad onico. The new board of trustees of the Presby terian church Is comiwsed of C. T. Van Aken , N. H , Goodman , A. A , Munroe , Omar Stod- dnrd , Samuel 1' . Brlgham and J. C. Trenton. John Moss , the vutenm cattle buyer who has just Hovered his connection with the Hammond house , was prc&cntcd with a hand- Homo diamond pin Thursday by the members of the live stock exchange , AH Absolute The OUKUNAli ABIET1NE OINTMENT l only put up In largo two-ounce tin boxes , nml M an absolute euro for all .sores , burns. woundi , i-hapiK-d hands and all skin eruptions Wlll i wltlvi'ly rnni all klmls of piles. Ask for the CWKIINAL , AIUKTINE OINT- MENT Hold by ( loodman Drug company ut Ki touts I'or box by mall UO cents TTio lntot addition to the BrltlHh nnvy , tlio Victoria , IH bald to bo the Inrgwit war -vimMjl at jiroHont ready for Bftlvo fiorrleo. She mwt over N.COO.OCO , nnd ( cariJtw a orovv of TiSD olllcors and iwii anil n velvety softness 6f IhosKin h Invariably obtained by those whi v IVoui a Coiupkilou 1'owdur. , NOIITII VS I'liATTIJ COUNTY. A Cnsc of CoiiHldernblo Interest to Omalin Cltfr.eiiH. The state ujircnio court yesterday rcii' dered a decision In the case of North vs the county of Plattc , the original injunction being dissolved and dismissed. The opinion was delivered by Justice Maxwell. This case was ono In which n number ol Omaha woplo anil Omaha Institutions , par ticularly Crelghton college , wcro largely In terested. Hon. . ! . M. Woolworth , who repre sented ono of the defendants , the trustees of the Episcopal church , was asked for n full statement of the case. Mr. Woolworth stated the case as follows : "This case was a bill of equity brought by ono North , a taxpayer of Platte county , against the county onieers for an Injunction toicstraln them from collecting taxes to pay the Interest on thc.se bonds. This Injunction was asked for on the ground that the propo sition which had been submitted to the pcoplo was In the alternative , that is , the county were to bo authorized to Issue bonds to ono or the other of two railroad companies. "Tho holders of the bonds were not tnnilo parties to the suit , but the state held $ K > , U)0 ( ) of the bonds and applied to be made party de fendant , to defend and maintain the validity of the bonds. "Tho defense set up WAS that the state was a bona lido holder of the bonds , and If the plaintiff had any Just grounds for questioning the validity of the bands ho should have done so before tno bonds wcro Issued. "Tho testimony taken in the case was very voluminous , and the llr.st argument was had In November last. The court asked for a re- argument of the case , and this was had about two months ago. The decision of the court was that the bonds were voidable , and if any proper parti' had applied for an Injunction before the bonds hud been certified to by the state ofllclals and sold to bona lido holders , the Issue would have been void , but as North and the county authorities stood by and let the bonds ho sold to Innocent purchasers , they had waived all objections , and the bonds wcro therefore valid and must bo paid by the county. "Besides the holding of the state , Creigh- ton college holds fJir.OOO of the bonds , the estate of Mrs. Sarah E. Creighton holds SIL',000 , the trustees of the Episcopal church f5HK ( ) and a widow In Lincoln whose name I cannot recall , holds $10,000. Of the amount held by the state fc ) . " > ,000 belongs to the school fund. "The county authorities claimed they wcro not In synfpathv with Noith and took no action to help him defend his suit. "The llndlng of the supreme court is final as there is no appeal. " Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Svmp for Chil dren Teething icllovcs the child from pain. 25 cents a bottle. 1110 THIKSTKI ) FOIl COKE. Frank McCarthy I'liintu a Bullet In Clirls Shuw'H IJCK- "Give me a revolver d nquickfor there is going to he a murder tonight , and you will read all about it in the paper tomorrow morn ing. ' ' These were the words Frank McCarthy uttered as he rushed about the streets at 11 o'clock last night. There had been trouble. During the early evening McCarthy , who is a bartender at the Turf exchange on South Thirteenth street , and Chris Shaw , a bar tender at the Drum , on Farnain street , met and some hot words passed between them. A couple of hours later they again came to gether in Jack AVood's saloon , on Fifteenth street , and the quarrel was renewed. Mc Carthy ivas under the influence of liquor and was very abusive. During the quarrel he caught hold of Shaw , tore his clothes and dragged him about the room , until a/ ! last Shaw , becoming angry , struck McCarthy a strong blow in the face , knocking him down. It was when he arose and went out into the .street that he promised to do the murdering act. Ho visited the Merchants' saloon , where ho tried to borrow a revolver , telling the bar tender , Peter Boase , that ho was going to kill a man , but there he was unsuccessful. An hour later ho returned to Woods' saloon with a revolver in his hand , and with out saying a word walked up to where Shaw was standing and tired , the ball entering and lodging in the lleshy part of the right leg , just above the knee. A crowd soon gathered , but not soon enough to prevent McCarthy from being knocked down and terribly pounded about the faeo and head. About this time Officer Boyle arrived , placing McCarthy under arrest'nnd taking him to the central station , where his injuries were looked after by Dr. ( Japcn. Shaw was taken to his room in the Kedlck block , on Farnatn street , and a physician called. The bullet was removed and the wound , which is a painful , though not a dangerous one , was dressed. Prior to last night the two men had been the best ot friends , and the shooting undoubt edly came about from the fact that McCarthy was drunk and was looking for a row. IMerrr , .South Jlakota. A gentleman that has just returned from from the west says that of all growing towns in that now country , Pierre is making the most rapid progress. Hundicds of buildings are being erected , and among them some very line business blocks. Pioperty is moving briskly and but little trouble is experienced in securing returns on investments , which makes it a very good Held for speculation. llKYNOTjOS IDKNTIFIRD. Almost Positive Proof Tlmt Ho Shot \ouiiK Nlsn-l. The police are now positive that suspect James Reynolds , who has been in the city Jail for two days , Is oao of the parties to the shoot ing of young Nistcl. Yesterday afternoon ho made a partial con fesston to Chief Keavoy , saying that he was present when thn shot was llred , but claims the revolver was in the hands of his partner , whose niiino ho refuses to divulge. During the day I. W. Hull , an Insurance agent , with olllces in the Paxton blocic , called at the station and Identllled Reynolds. Mr. Hall was passing along the street the night of the shooting and was just opposite when the two thieves turned on Nistel. Ho got a good view of their faces , and as ho walked down the corridor of the Jail , when ho reached the cell in which Reynolds was lodged ho stopped and point ing to that man , said : "That Is the party. " The other man Is said to have lied to Coun cil Bluffs , where ho Is now being shadowed by the Omaha detectives , with a strong prob ability that ho will bo unvoted today. The condition of William Nistcl continued to improve until yesterday , but during the afternoon ho grow worse aim at midnight was very weak. The attending physician last night stated that ho still had hopes of the young man's re covery , hut tlm chances wcro most decidedly against it. As yet no attempt has been made to remove the bullet. Hank Suspends. ATLANTIC , N. J. , May u' . The Merchants' bank of this city suspended payment at' ' o'clock this afternoon on account of n run caused by the published reports that their branches located at Elmer , I'leasantvllle , Egg Harbor and Mulllcahlll had closed on account of the suspension of the Bank of America In Philadelphia. There Is an ex cited crowd about the hank. The depositors ure principally small business men , The capital of the bank paid In Is fVl.OCO. The deposits are estimated at f. ' t,000. ) Astonished at tlio Hcsult. My Httloglrl , aged seven years , was anilct- cd with a severe cough and cold. She could not sleep , but coughed almost Incessantly. I was Induced by a friend to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and was astonished ut the Immediate relliif It gave ami the euro It pro duced. 1 have tried many remedies. for coughs ami colds , but this U superior to any of them. Prof. J. M. Mehan , Capital City Commercial College , Ues Molucs , la. Moscn Fralcy Kettles. ST. Louis , Mo. , May ! } . MOSCJ Fraloy , the grain simulator , has compromised with his creditors at 1UO cents on the dollar. Thrcntoncil with Destruction. DMisxKAi-OLiu , May a.A dispatch from Dralucnl , Minn. , says llerco fovst llres , fanned by almost u hurricane , are sweeping down ou Gull River station ucur B.'atnerd. ! Ex-Governor Plllsbury's extensive- lumber mills nnd the town am threatened with do- Mructlon. The Inhabitants are fighting the i flro with desperation. Assistance will bo sent from Bnilncrd. Churches Iltirncil. BOSTON' , Mass. , May 2. The Baptist and Catholic churches and the Catholic par sonage here burned to the ground this morn- Ing. Tit O VllLK Jx KVll O I'K. Spanish Strikers Ulotlu A State of KI | > KO Proclalmeil. BAIICKI.OXA , May a. The strikers conducted themselves In n riotous manner throughout the day. They Impeded all kinds of business , stopping market carts nnd scattering and trampling upon their contents. The civil guard was continually engaged In attempting to disperse tlio rioters but failed to quell them , Finally a state of slego was declared. Late tonight the strikers llrcd n tool hut. The guard elmrged the mob and two strikers wcro injured. Another group attacked the printIng - Ing onico In which the proclamation was be ing printed. They put a stop to work and the authorities were obliged to got the printing done elsewhere under military protection. The ParlH halior DcinoiiHtratlon. PAIIIS , May 2. [ Special Cablegram to Tun BII : : . ] The Journal des Debats says that in connection with yesterday's labor demon stration It would ho a mistake to treat the celebrations as iilTatrs of no Importance , sec- ing that they showed that the workmen obeyed the word of command to mark the day In some form. The total number of persons arrested In Pails during the day and night was ! ! ( X ) . Of this number only 150 were de tained over night. Injuries were received by a number of persons during a row In the Place do la Concorde , consisting of light bruises. All the papers concur In congratu lating the government upon the success of Its precautions to prevent any disturbance , and Parisians upon their prudence. Made. M\iiitn , May'J. At Valencia many of the masters conceded the demands of the work men , but the strikers prevented the men from resuming work. The railway goods porters and dockmcn became riotous , but were sup pressed by the cavalry. Troops are now guar.ling the threatened factories and other establishments. Similar disturbances oc curred at Saragossa and Alicante. At Dublin. Drm.i.v , May 2. The railway strikers will probably resume work on Monday , Arch bishop Walsh having accepted the modified terms of the railway directors. "Work Itcsiiiucd. LONDON , May 'J. The strikers have re sumed work throughout the country , .Nine Thousand Men Dismissed. HAMIIUIIO , May . Nine thousand men have been dismissed for being absent from work yesterday. Attacked a Factory. PAIIIS , May 2. The Roubaix strike Is ex tending to the adjacent communes. At Croix the strikers attacked Holden's factory , intending to plunder it. The troops dispersed them after n struggle. Gladstone Writes a Letter. LONDON" . May 2. Gladstone has written a letter in which he exhorts the working classes to consider closely their present situation. He says : "Tlicro may come a time when labor will prove too strong for capital and may use its strength unjustly , but capital will surely hold Its own. In conclusion , he expresses the wish to see labor and art allied with a view to alleviating and adorning the life of man. * * - \ At Kansas City. KAXSCITV , May 2. The packing house employes formed an association tonight jwd will begin to agitate for the eight-hour day. No decisive action will bo taken until the Chicago packing house men make a move. A few coopers in Swift's packing house went out today. Happy at St. Louts. ST. Louis , Mo. , May 2. The success of the labor par-ado yesterday has been the source of much roloicing among the workingmen to day and in several cases demands for con cessions of hours and wages will bo made next week. * Iteaohcd an Agreement. Tmtuu IIiUTi : , Ind , , May 1. The Indiana operators and bituminous mind's tonight reached an agreement on the wage schedule. The price is to bo 70 cents a ton the j ear round. TIIK FlitK llKCOltn. A "Wisconsin Town In Banger of lining Destroyed. MixNKU'OMB , Minn. , May 2. Rico Luke. Ban-on county , Wisconsin , is being swept by fire. The Chlppowa Falls flro department has gone to aid the town. The McCalln Trial. Nr.w YOKK , May 2. In the McCalla court martial today Commander McCalln com menced his testimony by saying that he de sired to assume all the responsibility for all acts on board the Enterprise during her cruise , whether ho was present or not. The crew was an avcraeo one , he said , ( Mi per cent. being aliens. Witness gave an outline of the cruise. At muny ports the facilities for desertion wcro excellent. Witness as sumed all responsibility for tying Fitzgerald to a Jacob's ladder and for the punishment inflicted on Walker and Henning. Witness said the Ironing of the men at Rouen was absolutely necessary. The chaining of the men there and at the Villa Francho was for safe keeping and not for punishment. Mc Calla then repented the story of how , when the ship was at Antwerp , ho had como on deck and found it deserted and the subse quent suspension of the ofllccr of the deck and the men of the watch. jUadanio Devcro Found Guilty. Toi.nno , O. , May- . The trial ofMadamo Dcvere , the clairvoyant , on the charge of forgery and uttering forged paper , ended this evening in a verdict of guilty on both counts. She and Joseph Lamb , for years a trusted employe of the United States express com pany hero and a man of high standing , wcro arrested some time ago for forging notes to the amount of something like $ J5,000 , having been negotiated by Lamb at various banks hero to which the signature of Richard Brown , a wealthy Iron master of Youngstown - town , O. , was forged. The case against Lamb is still pending , Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething softens the gums and allays all pain. 25 cents a bottle. A WK Heat KHtate , Deal. Sr. l a-i , Minn. , May 3. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BiiK.J Ono of the greatest real estate transactions over recorded In the north west was concluded this afternoon at Winni peg. The Manitoba & Northwestern railway company has disposed of Its entire land grant of ' . ' , " 0 ,000 acres to an English company known as the Manitoba & Northwestern cor poration at ? . ' per aero. The land will bo divided into small farms and efforts will bo made to settle every ucro with Britishers and Euro peans. The company will advance $ . * > ( X ) to every settler to assist him in starting opera tions. Grant oil an Injunction. CINCINNATI , May 2.In the United States circuit courl Judge Saijo granted the Eagle cultivator manufacturing company of Daven port , In. , an Injunction restrain ing P. P. Most & Co. of Sprlnglleld , O. , after the close of the spring trade from manufacturing or selling u spring cultivator containing Inventions covered by what are known as the Wright patents , which have been In litigation for several years. The Death Itoll. BiiUMii.9 : , May 2. Setter Ortega , the Mex ican minister to Belgium , died today. PAIIID , May 2. General Uresloy died to day. Portugal "Willing tu Aihltrntv. LONDON , May a.- The United States minis ter has received n reply Jrom the Portuguese government on the Delagoa Bay railroad question Portugal'lice-opts arbitration , but proposes that an Imrttrttal nation shall llrst deeldo whether the r/uitter / Is a proiwr case for arbitration , amf.irdec-Idea nftlrmatlvcly the mime nation shall ilccldo the terms of set tlement. ! j , The Weather Koi'ex-ast. l-'of Omaha and vU-inlty : Pair weather , fol lowed by light i-aln. ' For Nebraska : .Ooncrally. fair , cooler weather ; westerly winds. For South Dakota : Fair , cooler weather ; northwesterly" winds. . , l-'or Iowa : SoiiihVycstorly , shifting to cooler northwesterly winds nnd occasional ruins - - UniloiilitoiTiy a Ijcper. nosTov , May ' . ' . It Is now settled beyond dispute that the Swedish woman who came over In the Cephalonla and was detained at Ualloupos Island Is badly aniioted with Ion- rousy. She will bo sent back to her homo in Samaria next week. Rnthi'lo DcllrloiiH. CiL'Tiiiiii : , I. T. , May 2. The news that the President siKiied the Oklahoma bill reached hero this evening. The town was soon ablaze with llres. The shotgun brigade volunteers paraded the streets discharging their pieces and cheering. The Ileil Ulvcr Very IIlKh. TiAiiKxArk. ; . , May ! > . The Hed river rose sis Inches last night and is now higher than ever before known. Many plantations were Hooded and all the trains north on the Iron Mountain road have been abandoned. Ask for Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Cham pagne cocktail when you need a "bracer. " It lills the bill to a T. Uiinelllsh Surgeons. KANSAS CITV , May 2. The national Asso ciation of Railway Surgeons have adopted resolutions favorlmr the enactment by con gress of a law requiring the use of automatic couplers and brakes on freight cars. 1'OWIill l.vl'OV China IH the Land AVlicro the Iteggnr is King. In the course of a reccnf article the Chinese Times of Tion-Tsin remarks that tlio practical power of poverty is perhaps greater in Uliina than anywhere else ; the beggar there Is king , it is a distinct force in politics , and of this there have been muny examples in re cent time1 ? . The greatest of all the statesmen of tlio lust thirty years , nnd the ono who is the least known , owing to his early death , was Hu Linyi , viceroy of the IIu Kuang during the time of the Taiping rebellion. Jt was ho who thought out and organized the scheme for the suppression of that rebellion , for which his lieutenants , Tseng Kwo-fun and his brother , Tso Tbitng-tang , Peng Yulin and Li Hung Chang reaped the glory. Ho was distinguished by his poverty , as was T.scng Kwo-fnn himself , Peng Yulin and Tso. These men wielded immense influence over the counsels of the state , chiefly on account of their"poverty , which in a Chinese olllcial is a test of probity , an In fluence which owes much of its strength BO the attachment of the people to every man who comes unspotted through the bovero temptations of Chinese ollicial life. Everything may bo forgiven in China to a poor ollieial. The greatest blunders of Tso Tsung-tang were con doned and no cccent'rieity of policy or brusqucrio of deportment was able per manently to diminibh his influence. The greatest living example , however , is the redoubtable Viceroy Chang Chintung , who owes much to the vacuous condition of his purse. "N"p doubt he is by nature courageous , but his courage derives its daily sustenance from the consciousness that ho has nothing to fear. No treach erous subordinate or blackmailing censor ser can find a hole in his armor of proof , and ho holds his head erect and ( lofiant , triumphing oven over his own mistakes and shortcomings. "Who but ho would have dared to al low confusion in the finances of his government , and then to coolly usk the board of revenue to puss his accounts on blocV Only his poverty and purity coul'd have so emboldened him. To such an olllcial reforms are possible , bocaubo ho has not a host of hungry clansmen to provide for out of the public resources , nor any personal interests of his own or his subordinates to conserve. The court docs not conceal its irritation at the ways of the imperious little man , but it does not say very much , for the country is with him. Ho may proceed from ono audacious failure to another and may spend the btato's money virtually as ho pleiibes , but ho will go very far indeed before ho will seriously compromise his Itis position in the country. IIo delles fortune with the genial levity of ono who is not in her debt and he has no future favors to bespeak ; ho is a veritable power in the state , resting on the three fold basis of liis pen , his patriotism and iiis poverty ; but the greatest of these is . " poverty. _ _ Strength or the Oynter and Limpet. It seems that though the oyster is ono of the most tremendously powerful crea tures known for its weight it isn't so ttrong by a good deal as the common impot , and the Venus vorrucosa , n Med iterranean cockleshell , beats the limpet. A distinguished naturalist Brighton , Lawrence Hamilton , who sots tlio Venus verriicosa's strength at 2,071 times its weight , says : "At Folkestone , ! ) ' means of nccurato appliances , I found that the 'oininou seashore limpet , which without ts shell weighed a fraction le&n than talf nn ounce , required , when pulled ac cording to its piano of adhesion a force exceeding sixty-two pounds to remove it 'rom its grip upon the local rock , or up ward of 1,981 times its own dead weight. Taking the atmospheric pressure at 14.7 lounds to the square inch , this would iccount for ! ! .r .28 pounds , or little moro him half the power exorcised in the air jy this sea-snail , which , acting mien minorsed objects in the water , woulu , of coiifbO , have pulled a much greater weight than that of sixty-two pounds. The force required to open an oyster ap- > earn to bo Iailjl ) , , times the weight of ho sholless creature. A I'olircd plumlwr thus gives a poini n the Sanitary Engineer for the relief of householders ' ' " before : "Just retiring it night pour inio the clogged pipe enough liqid soda lye to 1111 the 'trap' or ) cnt part of the pipp. Hu sure that no vator runs Into It until the next morn- ng. During the night the lye will con vert all tlio offal into soft soap , and the Irst current of water in tlio morning will vash It away and clear tlio pipe clean as tow. " i A pair of bantam' ' chickens wore sold it the London Cevhtnl Palace for $ oX ( ) , vhich was almost exactly twice their volght in gold. Tills is believed to oo ho highest prico.ov.or paid for a single iiilr of fowls since the days of extrava gant and luxurious Homo. It is Mild that the Thirteen club of York will still further test the HU- let'fltition which created it by purohttH- ng and moving Into the liouso at lit West Thlrtt'enth street , which Is for sale. * The directors of the Vatican library mil archives are to begin the publica- ion of a periodical which will contain selections from the rare and unpublished lociimonts in the library. During the last trip tlio Allan line btoamor Polynesian was obliged to UBO biigar for fuel , tlio oiipply of coal having given out. _ The Manhattan sporting heudq'w , 418 B- vay. She AVouldii't He Shaken. "You want to give tno the shake , do you I" The words were uttered In a very high key , and the tone was considerably higher. They could not fall to attract attention , and pedestrians on North First street stopped to see what was the matter. It was about 7 o'clock last evening. A young man named Lloyd Porgiiives , who is well known to the police , AVIIS endeavoring to get aw.iy from n notoilous prostitute , but she evidently was not disposed to have it that way. As the young man .started to run ho caught a stiff left-hander behind the car , and his new sin-Ing hat landed In the gutter. Ills head wns In ths hat when he. .struck the paving , and It was some time before ho man aged to regain his feet , which meandered toward Indian creek. The woman waited until ho again assumed n perpendicular atti tude , when she smashed him again right on the top of his proboscis. Ho succumbed as gracefully as possible under the circum stances , and again resumed a recumbent posi tion. As soon as ho could pull hltnsclt to gether ho shot up the alloy , north of I > road way , and the woman also skipped out the way. way.Tho parting shot had l > ccn too long delayed and Patrolman Ryan was on hand. IIu took possession of the female slugger and marched her to the station. Forgr.ives was not ar rested. The woman was charged with dis turbing the peace. She gave the name of Lottie Clark. It is stated that she Is For- grave's "woman , " and ho was prepirlng to make a change In that direction , which ex cited her ire , and she remonstrated as nrr- rated above. Good paper hangers at Crockwell's. If you want the best Wall paper go to J. D. Crockwell's. Important to Horsemen : Largo llnohorso and turf goods. Probstlc , 552 B-y , C. 1J. The IjcadvrH of line watches and Jewelry in the city , and the place to buy the best goods ot the lowest prices , is the establishment without rivals , the most reliable linn of C. B. JACQUIMIN' : & Co. Finest photo gallery in the west Shcrra- den's new place , 43 and 45 Main street. o The Now I'Mro Itulcs. The now rules governing the lire depart ment will take effect this morning. Ono that will bo particularly noticed by the public will bo the three taps of the big bell on the cen tral' lire house at 8 o'clock every morning , calling the men to early drill. Another tap will be sounded at noon and ono at 8 o'clock In the evening the same as heretofore. The men will have a drill three times a day , the principal ono being in the morning , when they will bo put through all kinds of work , including hitching and unhitching , reeling and unreeling hose , and making couplings. The now rules are very similar to those of the Kansas City department , from which they wore very largely copied. The three taps in the morning must not bo misunder stood as an alarm of lire , for it is simply the result of the daily test of the circuits by the electrician. _ Scott house , Council Bluffs ; $1 a day. Hereafter Lake Miumwa will bo run as n family resort. The picnic grounds will bo a place that may bo pointed to with pride by every citizen of Council Bluffs as the most pleasant place in the state at which to hold summer entertainments. The new and ele gant ptivillion , with a seating capacity of 2,000 persons , will be opened to the public for the first time Sunday , May 4. A free con cert by full band will bo given. Every fam ily in Council Bin Us and Omaha is Invited. Through tickets from Omaha to the lake will bo put on sale by the electric railway. Trains will bo run on the Lake Manawa railway every thirty minutes. Etigpno Appcrs > oii , late of New York , proprietor of pavilion. Two Rapid Damsels. A couple of the scarlet women of the town wcro arrested last evening by Oftlcer Kemp for fast driving. They wcro painting the central portion of the city in the most ail- proved style , and had for company a young man from Omaha , but the latter took advan tage of the opportunity to escape , and made iiimself very scarce when the ofllcer ap peared. The patrol wagon was called , and the pair were landed behind the bars. They RIIVO the names of Minnie Haggort.v and Mamie Lloyd. No accommodating "friend" appeared to secure their release , and they will await Judge McGeo's ple.isuro before re gaining their liberty. Dentil of MisH Ijlxzio Itrown. Miss Lizzie , daughter of George D. Brown , died at 9 o'clock last evening at the family residence , No. 807 South Eighth street , after tin illness of several months' duration. The deceased was ono of the most popular young ladles In the city and had a very wide cirelo of acquaintance. She had been a sufferer from cancer for some time , but lately was at- laekcd with lung trouble which resulted in lier death. For several days past her condi tion had boon very critical and her death was not unexpected. Arrangements for the funeral are not yet completed. The time of the services will bo announced Inter. The gasoline steve is moro dangerous than the unloaded gun. Save lifo and property by using the C. B. Gas and Electric Light Co.'s gas htovo. The Now York Racket store received yes terday another invoice ) of goods. Ladles and housekeepers , why pay the regular prices for the articles you want when you can get them at less than wholesale at the Hacket store , 'Ml I ) roadway. "Tho Land of Nod , " wiUi its llttlo sleepy heads , snrights and other fairy attractions will bo shown in all its beauty at the opera liouso Thursday evening , May a. J. G , Tipton , real estate , 6H7 Broadway. If you wish to sell your property call on the Judd& Wells Co. , C. B. Judd president , 000 Broadway. J. C. Bixhy , steam heating , sanitary engi neer , ! ) Ill Lifo building , Omaha ; iWJ Mori-lam block , Council Bluffs. Choice residence property centrally located for sale by E. H. Sheafo & Co. Dunn on tlio Warpath. John Dunn last evening tiled an Informa tion agalnstAiigiist _ Davidson for burglary , and liairiils man arrested. The arrest was the outgrowth of the case now pending In the justice court In which Davidson Is the com plainant and Dunn the dofendant. Dunn now announces that ho proposes to keep up his end in the game , and says ho has fifteen charges to prefer against Davidson. Two of them are for burglary , three for larceny , and the others on minor charges. IIo will lllo two moro Infermatloiis this morning IIo accuses Davidson of breaking open a cellar and stealing n keg of beer , and of also stealing a buggy belonging Ben Marks. IIo says hoSvIll push every oao of the cases , and thinks that by the time ho gets through , Davidson will be willing to let him alone , Water pitchers , water pitchers , beautiful designs mid elegant llnlsh , only 10 cents at Lund Bros. , L'3 Main at. Getting GiMiorouH null Willing to Dlvido I'rotltH. On Juno 1 the Mueller Muslo Co. will pre sent their natrons , who make puiehases dur ing tlui month of May , ono tine , o.ik llnhhud case Lyon it llealy organ worth tl&V Kvory parehaborol W.OO worth of gocds Is entitled to share. ono . . . . .1 . O A good hose reel free with every 100 feet of purchased at Blxby's , Ili-a. Wood bury have removed their dcntul onico to 101 1'earl street , up stall's. Several doslmblo dwellings with modern Improvement * for rent in vicinity of the I'lt-ihyterian church. K. H. Sheafo ft Co. , rental agents. _ W. J. Marble , who has been visiting hl parents , Mr and Mi's , W H , Marble , leltlast evening for St. Paul , Minn . where he Is put ting down wells fur the Waterworks com pany of that city , Gas Stoves for Cooking ! There Is no means In thn world foreoofclnKthat gives the splendid results that gas does. 1'ood ( looked by It retains more than-M nor cent moro of Its niitrltlvo propeitles than by atiy ill 11 ineanx. In addition iith.Hhnro U NO COAL , I NO WOOD I NO A3HK3 ! NO SMOKKt NO LABOIU NO DUST ! NO ODOU ! NODANOEtU And onlv a mateh for kind ling. The Couiu'll lUutM Has it I'.lectrlo Muht Co. have o\er ion different klniK suitable for all uso-4 In private families , hotels and re.staurants. AOVAdTAOIH 1. An Onon Uoa ter. ' . ' . I'ree Krom All Contact With lias , it , A Well Ventilated Oven 4 , No Coullm'il Vapov , 5. A Regular Diffused tO. A Orlller 1'ieo I'rom " ' T ! VUlot-plnto Killed with Patent Air anil ( Ins llnin- ers , arratlKeil for Holllir , ' , tJlewlnit and I'rylir- . 1,11 lot , call u nd see ihci tovos. C. B. GAS & ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. MPIHIUA.M BT-iOCK. A BIG LOT OF YELLOW AND XAXSAMOMOXD SWKKT POTATO PLANTS , CABBAGES AND OTHER VEGETABLE PLANTS , FRUITS , ETC. - - 1281 Hast Pierce Street - - Council Bluffs , la , MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. C. A. BEEBE & COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FURNITURE. I nrgest Stock nnd Lowest Pi Ices. Healers , send for Catalogue. Nos. 205 nnd 20" Broadway , uiul 20-1 ami 200 1'iorco Street , I'ounc.il Bluffs , I Notice. To the Boston store patrons. Having been asked by hundreds of our numerous customers why wo did not continue our ribbon sale all day , as they found it very inconvenient to attend in the morning , we will state for the bcneJlt of those above mentioned that we will continue our ribbon sale all day Saturday , in order to give the thousands that were unable to attend a chance to purchase ribbons at such prices as never were heard of in the his tory of the Bluffs. No. G ribbon , worth lOc , for"c. No. 7 ribbon , worth Ific , for 7c. No. 9 ribbon , woith L'Oe , for lOc. No. 12 riblipn , worth 23e , for i : > ie. No. 10 ribbon , worth 30c , for loo. The above como in gross grain satin edge and inoiro piquet edge , in black and colors. Boston store , Council Bluffs. Fotheringliam. Whltelaw & Co. , leaders and promoters of low prices. Desirable dwellings , located in all parts of the city , for rout by E. II. Sheafo & Co. , Broadway and Main street. loci Ice ! Ice ! The hluo ice wagons &ell pure Missouri river ice only no lake or slough Ice. All parties commencing to use Ice during the month of May will get the benefit of the present card prices for the .season of lislMJ. Those who commence later will not gut bone- lit of season prices as the price will probably advance. All orders cntrustcd'to our care will receive prompt attention , Mrl.HDU.AXD & CO. , Telephone No. 102. Oftleo No. 4 , Pearl st. We want you to list your rental property with us and wo will secure you good , reliable tenants. licnts collected and special atten tion given to care of property. K. II. Slieafo & Co. , Broadway and Main St. , up stall's. Dr. H. S. West , porcelain crown ami bridge work , No. 12 Pearl. Water Works J Without doubt there are many parsons now building houses here who want to use the city water , but are unable to pay the usual prlco for introducing the water into their premises. Appreciating this fact , the New York Plumb ing company will locate a yard hydrant MX- teen feet from the curb line , and connect the same with water main , with everything com- plcto and the water ready to use for lll. Cash with order. This offer applies to unpaved streets where mains are laid. AV anted at once , six paper hangers and painters at II. P. Mies. ' Good wages ; per manent employment. S. B Wads worth & Co. , 207 Pearl street , loan money for Lombard Investment company. The P. B. O. ladies have prepared a charm- lug entertainment for May 8 at the opera house. SPECIAL" NOTICED COUNCIL BLUFFS. 17NJK KKNT-NIco front iooiii , villh boaiiT , J-1 suitable for man and wlfo or two men. Scott house , UM N. Mala , ( Jonnoil Ilium * . FORSAKE A largo npan of miilus , \ > | th \vugonand harness. Inquire ul ft''O .Main ht. ANTED T o men to work on farm nnd K'iudon. J. U.Murhcivm , I''Sl K. I'lcrcc. fjlOll SALE-Hotel property , - loonn. een- L1 ( rally located. .Mrs. Win. Noble , IS ) K rilBhth St. , Council \yANTintoTrado : A clear farm In Ne- 1 ' liriisUu , a clear business lot In Omaha for clear or unuiimhmpil icsldoncu lots , Tlio.'uild ' A. Wiilln company , COO liroadway , U. II. Juilil , p resilient. TI1OK HALR--My it-Mduni-u , f..YJ Willow iivu- -L line , on smith Bhloof llayllss park ; heated byxti-aia , llithtud by electricity and contaln- Inft all modern Improvements ; lot 1W ) by 'M3 feet. Also will neil or muhaiiKo for Impuncd city nropnrty my farm of Ji7U neius tun mlles east of Council lllull's. N. M. 1'usuy , Council llluffs. IjAOK SAI.K On monthly payments or lenm I- ' lo Milt by the Jnihl iV Wells company : 7-itiom two-story liouso. cor nth avu. and 10th M. , Int.VS by IIU feut , ttvo blocks from motor line. 10-room house on Ctli avu. , ono block from motor lino. h-room liouso on Lincoln avu. , tuo blocks from motor line. iM-iooin hoiisua on North Tth st. , noarpost- olllec. li-riHHii house , two Ktorles uvo. A and IJth Ht. fi-iooiu fctoiy and a half IIOIIDU , a\u. C , near North "Hi ht. , li-rooin house , also 4-room house on tlio motor line , between LUlli and I'lsl hts. Houses and lots In all pails of tlio ulty The Ju < hl& Wells company , COJ llioadway , C. II. Jndd , pics. \\fANTKIXoTrndo-llmisen and lots rangY - Y > ina In prlco from tmu to M.IXXI for inilin- pruviMl property. Thu Jmld fi Wells company , COtl Ilroadway , UJII Jiiilil , pres. "VVn' llavol ! ! lotson anil adjoining I'mij Uve. > T between tlio O den Jioiihu anil I'alrmonnt I'ark , on which wu will build beautiful liomei toMiUtliu puiuhasun. Mi llroadway , C. II. Jndd. pres. . lilOlt KKNT TuoKood modern houses , W. .1 ? W. llllKer , Si 1'earl street. ITUHt HAI.H or Kent Garden land , with I.1 bouses , by J. it. Itlcc , lUi Jluln bt. , Council iilntrs. | \\rANTKl ) Men to soil the complete hchool IT churls. Hahuy or commission liberal and promptly paid , hmall expenses for oiitllt. Ad- ilrcs.s or call on U. 11. bialth , MO Uroadwuy , Council lIlutlH U , The J. A. Murphy MANUFACTURING CO. , 1st A\cnno and 2l : > t Street. Sash , Doors and Blinds Hand and Peroll Patting. lle-Pawlns and . klniN. I'oieli llru ! . IManliii ; Saw line of all > cl Kindling wood ViM per load dellveied. < Ii an MI\\dusl by the barrel UTo. All \\oiU to bo tlist-class. Telephonu . "VOUIt PATKONAUE JsOJjKTPKU. " ( 27 MAIN STREET , ChcrO. It. JiR'iueialn & fo.'s , lu\\elrj . ( or < \ ( s - Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. Agents. Wanted. DR. C. H JIDD , OH , llltOADWAV , F. M. ELLIS & CO. , ARCHITECTS , AND IIUII.DINII MM'nillltTKN'IIKMN. Rooms 4' anilCr ; lion Iliilldlnu' , Omul .1 , Nob. , and Itooms "II and " 41 ! Menlaia I Hoik Council IHultb , la. Coiicypomlonuu billcilttl MAXON & BOURGEOIS , ARCMITLiO'rs SUPI3RI N'rfclN Dlil TT3. - . FINE INTERIOR DECORATIONS Hoom 2."iO Morrlani Illoek , Council IllalK la. Itoom Oil ) N. V. Life llnlldliiK , Omaha , Neb , < CHRIS BOSEN , SASH and DOOR Factory and Planing Mill. Best equipped , most eimtrallv located fn < * - lory In Inc. elty. All modern Illicit pultun machinery ; operated by skilled medium' ' " . Jipcelal attention given to hcnill and hand Miuliii ; , planing and Irlininlnt ; . Oenoial contracts - tracts and estimates for houses and hnililliiK * aHpuelalty. CornorNoilb Main and Myn > tu Htiect.s , L'oiinull HlulTs. Telephone 'Ml Kaclnl blemishes , such as I'lmpli lIUitclicK , Illack Heads , Tieoklcs , Hapi'i- lluous Hair removed. Add less DR. VL. . CAPELL , B4G , Marcus BIk , Bronclwny COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. J. I ) , KlIMUND.SO.V , n. 1. . Hlll'lHKTl I'res. Vk'o-l'H * . ( JiiAB. It. HAN.VA.V , Cahhler. CitizensStateBank of COUMII. ; Paid UP Capital $160,000 Surplus and Profits 60,000 Liability to Depositors 360,000 DlliKtioiw I. A Miller , P. O. ( llnason \ . ' Ii oiiiiKiirt , 13. K. Hart. J. I ) . IMninndsoii. I'liui It , llannan. Transact K"n < 'iul ' lianldiiK Oust- icss. ' l/aiijeht capital and Hiirplua of uuf > ank In Southwestern Iowa , InLorosLonTirno Dope lls. TIIOS. Omciai. V. II , M OFFICER & I'USliY , N BANKERS.vH Corner Main and llroadway , Council Bluffs , - lown. Dealcru In foreign and domestic tnehiini ; * Collection * inudo anil Intuicst paid on li"4 deposits.