Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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Kit iMltrrllspiiiciiiK will tm taken for
tlifiiM-oliiiniiH nttcr liij.'JO p. in.
JYrnmPush In n < lrnncft.
AilvprllicniPtitM nmlrr tills head 10 centsp r
liiii' for HIP first Inicitlnn. "crntsforeach- -
riU | > iit Insertion , and O/iOporllne pertmmlh.
Noii'ltertlflvinents taken for Ic ) than SB cents
for first Insertion. Tht > y mutt run conseeu-
t Aclyand mutt bo paid In ADVANCE , All
( idvi'rtlscmentK must be handed In before 12:30 :
nYlook p. in. , and under noclreumstnnces will
tln'V hit tuki'ii or dl eontlriued by telephone.
Parties advertising In ihcsn columns and
Imvitia thi'lr answer * nddrr.ssod In earn of THIS
lift : will pi en so nh for n check toenablothem
to got thi'lr letter * , as iiono will be delivered
recent on piesentallon of cheek. All answers
10 iidvcrtlscrnentH shotild-bu
enclosed la enve
All nil vert lncmpnU In thepo columns nro
published In both tcornlnir and ovenlnir edi
tion * of TUB 11 HP , the circulation of which ng-
jregates more than 3)WO ) papers dally , and
lives tin1 advertisers the benefit , not only of
Jieeltv circulation of TUB 11 KB , but also of
Council Itluffs , Lincoln und other cities and
xiwns thnmuhout this section of the country.
Advertising for thn e columns will bo tnkeu
QII tin nl < ore condition" , nt the following bus-
IIPM 1 oil"C whonro authorised to tnke special
notices , at thu Bamo rates as can bo had at the
n a I n olllce.
I Jof Twenty-sixth and N streets , Nebraska
'link building.
fOUN.IIELL , Phtirmuolsti-2oS < > iith Tenth
rJ street.
1HASi : & EDDY. Stationers and
113. South IGth street.
H KARNSWORTII. I'harmuclslll.'i. .
Coming Hlrei't.
.T. IM'GIIES , Pharmacist , North
Ifitli street.
W. I'ARR , I'barmaclst , 1T18 Leaveu-
worth Stieel.
_ _ _
t J r oiIKS * I'HAilMAl'V.lMth. and I'nrnam
. Y 1'osltlon as clerk or bookkepper
liv young man fiomi-iiAt. S.xlarv no ob-
Jei-t. ( , ) lty refeicncos. Address II 7 , lleo.
\\rANTED-Pltuatlon by n reliable , hteady
* ' younginan. colored , us p < irter or Janitor ;
Kood cltj refeienccs. Addiess C' T > , leo ! _ iillluo.
\ \ rANTEISnlosmcn ) on salary or commls-
TI slim to bnndlo the Now Patent Chemloal
Ink Erasing Pencil. The greatest selling nov
elty ever produced. Erases Inic thoroughly In
two efiinds ; no abrasion of paper ; 200 to 500
ix'rifnt prollt. Onengeiit'sf-alesainouiited to
l < l'i.i In Mihiys ; another f.ti In two hours. We
Wdiil on ' energetlo general ngenl for each
mate and tcriltoiy. ' Saniple by mall .Scents.
l"ir terms and full particulars , address the
Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co. , LaCios = e , WIs.
WA NTEI ) A tlinnmglilv 'experienced '
roaoliinan. Apply at Hoggs if Hill , 1418
rrrnnm ; St. IM-IIO
\\r \T ( II and clock repairer wanted : n good
' st .nut ; shop , eloi'k cnsi's. Implements nnd
ii'1-e . 'iry otools for Hale ehenii. Knqulro of
ImUi l.evl , 28th St. , near N. South Omaha.
Sl l 20 *
\\rANTED An active man for each section
> tuiliiry * " > to tltm. to lix-ally repiesent a
( ni'iTssfiil N . V. comp.inv. Inr'iirporatod , to
lupply dry goods , clothing , --liocs. Jewelry ,
Me to coii'-umers at cost. Also a lady of
I ii I'irv III' , to eninll memli'-is ( Ml.WW now
Fulfilled , SllW.dOO paid In.I Reference * ex
changed. EniTiIro Co-Opi'ratUe association
fi icdit well rated ) lock box till ) . N. V.
\ \ \NTED-Agentsto cnnvnss every city In
tlie country for the Automatic Hank
I' ni > Ii i\cliislvo : territory given and n llb- commission paid , enabling an energetic.
j'nl nulllgcnt businessman to net moie than
in. iiK'i-iai' salary. Addiess the Automatlo
II ml , I'nnrh company , sit Koyal Insurance
lli.diliinr. Chicago. III. ! l25-2ii
\ \ rAVl'EOMan. . as agent of our patent
sl.o2hll * Inches , if , retail. All
' > n tiivv. New styli-s. ncv , ' ii.ittern.s , new
I'll ' U in factory. Not gi > MTned by safe pool.
iv -ifo ; warranted. Rate chance. IVr-
in.iiifiii business. Our ICMMS nnd cntxlogue
V. ill 'on Mire you agents * 'M > tof.VJO jicr
iiiniilli Write fori'tcluslvutoirllory. Alpine
ifc ( . . I'inclimiitl. ( . ) . _ ttSWB * _
A NTriI'list class volleltor
V\r - and ornn- ;
f t l/nr' imencqiialiitt-'il ulth Insiiriinco bu-,1-
iiof * ini'fi'nvd ; lefon-in'i's leiiulrcd. H. W.
ltjiulfl ouncll lllulls.Jn. _ 741-Jrt
" \\PAM'nt' A first-class blncKsmlth , capa-
TT Me of fiirglnu engine nork. Addicsstro-
iiiciul I tlrv. and Jfch. Co. , I'lcmont , Neb.NH20
_ _ NH-20
TNTEl ) - Experienced blaclishilth for
T > i iili'ind giadeis' camp. Apply at once.
-Ioiml ld , Pcnlicld it f'o. , I'lcmoiit , Neb.
AY rANTED-A peed shoit order cook
( inning st. KML'G *
A ' \N I'lDr.O ini'nlror f. P. n. K. In Wyom
} ing ; ship Sutninuy : free fate. Albright's
A\ VN 1 El ) AsslstTuit biMirUei'per and ITili
hik must be rapid nnd mviirntc. Ad-
tl i > s , lleuotllci * . bDi- ;
M \MKI-nuIiublo lirt'nl nnd traveling
salesmen ; positions p 'rmanent ; speclnt
In In cinciils noiv ; fast selling specialties.
Don'l dchiv ; salary from start , Brown Itros. ,
nur-cl \ iiien.CJjJcagoJlh 174-U *
AliOil ( ) tailor for coal , tpstnnd pants. Very
good pay for n good nnd stcndy man with
1C II IVtei > on. rrfend. Ni'b. ft < l2b *
\ \ \NTEl ) Tailors. S peed ooatmalceis Immediately -
mediately ; telegrniih or wiito to .1. D.
5ti I , , llii.itrici' , Neb. tC > ; i- *
\ \ \NTKU Live men nsiali'smi'ii and col-
> i Jci'im-s Western Ncbr.iskn. E.\peil-
cii''i > mil necessary. Tlie Singer i Sewing Ma-
flilno t'n. , ( irund Island. Neb. OO-ml)1 ! ) "
\\rANTr.D Arohltectural dmitglitsman ,
T good detail" mini. Imiulic Council 1 1 luffs
lllr lid ween 0 and 10 o'clock. Ma.\on & liour-
c ls. Archts. , looms (110 ( and fill N. V. Life ,
iitiilm. and rooms aid , 41' ' , Rl and 5' . ' , Jlerrlam
bin. U , t .iiim'lj llluns.ja. _ S91 _
\\rAN TKI ) < 'anvn.ris at singer
I iiui.'liiiio olllco. 1 Jib Douglas st.
V\rAN 1 r.D-A ents " Magic I'lglfr lighter ,
\iiysmoKcr buys ; lights in wind or
ram lasis a lifetime : samples uic , t wo for Kic ,
ilo/cn < l by mall , stamps taUeii. M.iyiicr
"o l'r. % filenoe. K.J. jr.l-nlM
M r . \ NTEOlalHircrs ) for t'eellc coast e\-
iiMisiua of U. 1' . H.I ! . In Nex.idaund Utah.
nn.jil w iges and sle.uly nnrlc. AlbriKht's Ln-
ioi \ ' . HJU I'nrnaiii .
) in'v. st. _ K6) ) _
\ \ ' \N 1'ElSalesmen ) at $75 per month sal-
' in \ and expenses to M-ll a linn of sllvor-
p ) i toil waiv. watches , etc. . by sample only ;
! n"-r uiid team furiilshed free ; wilto nt once
Fin ' ' 'i1 particulars unit uiiiplt ! CUM * of goods
lr < TiiuUml silverware Co. , lli > iton. Mass ,
\ \\TKO
W. \NTiD : A ilrst-elass waist maker ; 1420
. t upttol nxenne.
\VANTr.D Immediately , a comiictcnt se < i-
> end itlrl. wnges I.I . ' 41 per wi-cl , , icfcicnces
eunlivd. Apply ut M i'.Viitrlck'i , 241 b and
Itliko sI. Hi-J-211 *'ln.t cliis.s wnist nnd sUrt
T ? hiniils on line du-ssnmUng. Cume ] iro-
tured foi wurU. M. I' . Maginn , IU23 Dodge M.
144-21) '
\v Hum ucll Hall.
l/AMIKD-l'omiieli'iit ' girl for general
' IHJIIM'UOI k nt luC > ln'nnnn ave. 11:1 :
\\rANTKD - A good CL > OK | nt Iliownoli ;
\ \ r VNTED-tiiil fin general housework. IfiO *
I'unglasbtici't. U I
U'TA\TKI--A ' ttr t class dipssnuiki'ii must
understand lltting nml dinplns ; only llrst
! l.i-i need apply. Adduss Koom 11 , Latta
JliM-l , . S. llth st. . Lincoln. ej > j. lU-28
lrANTKI--O ) ( ) d glrlforgcnerul housework ,
kinult family. Fuuuiiul22i fo. L'Jth st.
! \\rANTED A girl about thlrtcmi or fourteen -
* ' teen yenrsold to assist In liking euro of
, 'j illdix'ii. Mts. ' & itilor. 2004 st. Mnry'u ave.
nrAM'KD--Two-glrls for first and second
woiU. Kl'fureni'Ch It-quired. Call at 3(512 (
' ! j' < f. yeltiMivenuoiformcuy I'aul t. ) Sirs , J.
II Diimimt. 1J.VS
> j\UEMENTS tod.77lrt'.snu klng Infain-
IIU-4. illss fcturdv. S25 S. 25th avu , I > s7-m5 *
-At houio orln families ,
Kay. HMN. icthst. tni-iu'.1 *
elslern ; 844 South 21st at i 120 OTO-2h *
Jpult KUNT-0-room cottasc. 3512 Cnss .
* 7 iiiM : ) Hnvt olty wutfr ; neirr lOtli st depot ;
fc'V , H. E , t.kle. 12J-2U (
HPM - House-i and stores ; property
' uivil for , tuxtMi paid. Midland Guatanteo
t lrust Ci > . , lull luruaui tt. Abstract * , ( ixi
Kh.N -i-room cottaBe , 827 SoutfT ' ( l. a
TVDIt IIENT May 1st , ono of my eight-room
- bou i' , No. VTTJl Jnekwin strenchei by
three lines of Mrvet cars , every convenience ;
J3S if leased for 1 year. Dan \VhcoIer.Jr , ln
surance , Douglns nnd 151 Ii xts. H'.i'.i
* " " "
"lo"K"TtTTST-liou ej ten nMims. all modern
Imprineiiienti : larso yard , JIO per inontli.
Dexter L. Thomas. 710
'I71OK KENT Twolo-roommodernhou e . all
-L conveniences. I'aved strcotx , eablc car * .
Hvomlnutf-V walk of postollleo. KefercnCcs
required. Nathan Slielton. 1G14 Farnam ft.
EN room hou e , nil conv < * nlencesrnniel3.H
Sherman ave. , JIO. Hntchlnson & Wend ,
cMU. ! ! 4C.
I71OK ItEXT T-room botiso ; modern Im-
JL1 procniciits. . Apply JU ! N. Ciitli street.
0 HOOM house and barn for 4 horses with
law front and back yards rent of all $ . " > ;
imiliutii.iHOOon lime. Tlio furniture eost
ll.OK ) , and was ilxed a few months. This Is lo-
ualed In llrst-ulass neighborhood , and Is ono
mining the IK-SI places In Omaha for drlvato
family or rt'utlngrooMrt. The looms are all oc
cupied. Co-opeiatlve Laud und Lot Co. . Silt N.
JUth st. fill 'M
"IT10U ItKNT Kiiriilslipd cottage , flvo rooms ;
JL1 near llnnscom park ; will rent until Sept.
1st. Address D.5 , lleeolllcp. I''J-L'J
I 5 ItOOM flat within three blocksof 1' . ( ) . , rent
J fit ) , prlpnof furnlturi ) t V ) ; part cash , bal-
ancd toault , All modern conveniences. Also
u 10- room hotisi ) In llrst ela-.s local Ion with nice
varo , rent ITS , fiirnlttinjjsix ) . Terms reasona-
be. | Co-operatlvoLand and Lot Co. . Bn5 N.
Kith t. 13 > ! ' ! M
_ _
TIIO KENT A six and a ten room house , all
-I modern conveniences In onch , now ; located
on IHth st. . between Oallfornla and ( 'ass , rent
ieaoiinble. . Inuulro MD. l-'Irst Nat'l bank
ImJIjlbig. _ ft-CI _
10-room hoti'O , all conveniences , on ear line ,
few blocks from 1 > . O. , ilo , very cheap. U.
K. Colo.
FIVKroom cottage , city water , etc. , ut 1T14
N. 18th St. Inquire KM S. 18th st. ;
FOK KENT Kesldences In all parts of city.
List too large too publish. Olobo Loan &
Trust company , 307 S. IGth st. 7i2 (
O < il3 Capitol avc , f-even room cottage with
bath. Inquire at il3 Cap , av. uLS !
OR Ri.VT : Dwelling on Capitol avenue , 0
rooms , nnd all modern conveniences , in
cluding laundrv and largo stable. D. J.
O'Donahoe. 1001 l-'arnam st. 5SI
Tjibll KENT A Hat of slv nMims. Enquire of
JU Mrs. ( J. Duggau , 110S S IDth Room 5.
NV >
MODERN house , nine rooms , bath , hot nnd
cold water , furnace nnd gas , on Dodge U ,
HO per mouth. I'red J. Uorthwlek , 13South llth
"filOR RENT It-room cottage ; furniture for
JL ? sale. Rent 115 per month. MWl Douglas.
FOR RENT Nine room housedetachcd with
barn and modern ImprovementsSIM Doug
las st. OS8-3 *
FOR RENT In convenient/ locutions , suites
of'A 3 nnd 4 rooms , arranged for housekeep
ing , also large and .small houses. Prices rea
sonable. Uutts Renting ascncy , 1500 1'arnam.
UGG-ni4 *
T711NE ten room house , all modem linprove-
JL1 iiicntM , furnished ; flvu blocks from poitof-
tlco ; > required. Inquire 1719 Ii\cn- ;
port st. 3T5-IU12 *
TT1OR RENT 3 nine-room brick houses. All
J-1 modern conveniences , 2.VCI to liW St. SInry'a
rtve. Inqulieut Collateral bank , 312 K K'.th b
r > r i >
OKOOM house , hot nnd cold wntcr , bath , gas ,
10 minutes walk of post ofllce ; rent reason
able. Inqulio7ll Douglas st. OI'J
FOK HENT-Cheap , if taken quicka choice
detached U-ioom liouse ; nil modern conven
iences ; shade trees , otc. IiKiuilo 2520 Cap. a\e.
OS ) 2
POK KENT 0-roomed cottage In good loca
tion , east front and In good repair. , Tnmc&
Stockdalc. mom 4. Fienzur block. ' .Ml
FOK KENT About .luno I , those elegant
stone residences on Georgia avenue , S Slth
st. , between Mason nnd Pacific sts. See owner
for long time lense. 11. H. Henderson , room 100 ,
1'nxton blk. 4S5
T71OK KENT-10-rooln brick house , with mod-
JL1 ern conveniences , No. 811 8 2Utb st , Apyly
nt No. 827 S 20th St. 32t
GAKDEN farm to lent. T. Murray. H
V YOU wish to rent a house or stole see
II. E. Cole , Continental block. KJU
J-HOOM flat , with steam heat , inth St. , near
> Jones. Thos. P. Hall , ail I'axton block.
'I JiOOMS 7 , 10 , 12,15-07TrSfirsU "
i > Kl YATE family with pleasant home desire
two boarders : choice room ; references ex
changed. 2130 Hnrnoy st. 142 2l * _
rpWO unfurnished rooms , alcove and closets.
1- modern conveniences , 113 S241 list. hOO-20'
IjlOK UENT 3 rooms In a flat b-w corner 10th
J and LeaM'iiWoith sts. NVi-2li *
t > LKASANT rooms , single nnd en suite , with
board , IftM fhlcago st. 154 tull *
AHOE front roomnllmodernconveniences.
71OH ItENT-5 rooms with city water , 1314 N.
IDtli .St. 810 Su *
T1CEIA" fuinlshed room with board : also
> day boardc-rs. 1M4 Dodge st. S49 LV *
M S. CHUKCHILL lias handsomely fur
nished looms , single or en suite ; ono
sultn nrrnnged for 3 gentlemen ; also hoard.
411 N. llUb st. 721-20 *
"VTICE room , o\cry convenience , 171 ! ) Daven-
Joort. . S0fl-2il *
JUTUNISUEDrooin with board ill pleasant
1 ? location ; IMS. JUth. ll-J-Ss *
"VTICELY furnished rooms,2017 Lcnvenworth.
i > W4-1 *
OIS KE.VT-Two nicely furnlslied front
looms w 1th all modern convenlcncles. L'103
I'arnam st iiTD
JOOJ1 with closet , SIO S. 22d st.
O KOOMS lioiisokcciilng , 2020S.U Jlury's nve.
3 * Ml- , " . ) *
1T1OK KENT AH new nml tnstllyVurnlslicd
JL1 i-ooms nt 3I7S N. 15th st. UI5
T OK KENT 5 unfurnished rooms with city
JL1 water. 1311 N. 10th st. Kli- ( | ) *
ITIOK ItENT--W.lth boiiid , pleasant fiont
JL' room , hiiltnblo for two gentlemen. 2015
Douglns. SW-2S *
UKNISHED rooms. 1013 Fnrmnn.n
03lm25 *
| 7 > OK KENT 2 nicely furnished largo rooms ,
JU prlvnte family-J2I llarney. MSilO *
"iTENT Furnished rooms , 220 N lOtli st.
FOH KENT A nice front mom , suitable for
one ortuo gentlemen , with all modern con
veniences. Cor. St. Mniy and 20th or IKI ) South
20th , brick lesldenco. 117-oO
Fou KENT Furnished room 1S14 Dnvcnporl.
"I71OK KENT Nicely furnished siiltenf r < ioms ;
JL' all modem conveniences ; private family ,
near I'ark ae. . motor. 022 S. 2uth st. D57 2S *
F U KENTCoinfoitably furnlslied mom in
- piUafc fnmlly. 2J01 Farnam st. OaU-W
FOK ItEN T Nicely furnished front room
with HIM class lioard , biiltablo for two gen
tlemen or man nnd wife , modern conveniences
private family , elegant lawn , rlghtlu center of
city. Addri's- 71 ' | Ieo otllce. 024 1 *
IIUW KENTithlMiard a furnished room
J biiltahk- for two , ull coincnlunces. 2010 Cal
ifornia st. 7M-28 *
HANI ) > lMKLY furnished rooms for rent at
the Mielton. 101 S. 25th st. M3 UJ *
ANY kind of furnished or unfurnished rooms.
: tl7it S. 10th st. We haveat looms. f > 70mlO *
"I71OK KENT Double parlor on llrst lloor.
X1 ffil N 20th st. b74 30 *
17IOK HENT-rurnlshed rooms ; gas , bath
JL/jnnd sU'nm l.Mil Howard. 3s7
"IfOK KENT-rurutshed room * , 100U Douglas.
iriOK KENT I'lensunt furnished rooms with
-U ulloiivenlence.s.51U 2ijth8t. O.C1
K KfiXT-A nicely furnlshiHl back parlor ,
sullnhlo for two , with board ; * 5 per week
each ; a * iuth24thMt. 15I-2H *
1 021 DoilgestnetSecond story front corner
rixim. handsomely furnished , ut very mod
erate rntes to permanent parties , 14i-20 *
S T. OLA1K Eui-opean hotel , cor. Kith and
Dodgu. Special rates by week or month.
( CW
ITIOK KENT 4 unfurnished rooms to family ,
L without children ; moderu iuiprovt'iiiunti.
1701Vob.tcr t. '
iUM UEST-gtoro Cias. 10th st.
' MO
i F8 I KKXT-3 unfurnished rooms. N N.
13th V 1'rlcomi. CO
D iyiv room. attorney preferred. Hutehlnson
& Wcad. 1531 Douglas tel. 1829. ' . ' 10
4-story brleUstorage building with truckage.
I'nvert street In front. No grade. Chcnp
to good ji.irty. II. K. Colo. 120 a )
ffOl7 KEVr 23dnml Leutvnwnrtii "at * , "
V corner store ! Rood locution for bakery or
grocery ; nNo llvo room lint In name building.
Apply to Jnincs Montomory ( , 603 H. 24th nt.
1)00-1 ) *
I71OK KENT Oooil bnsement on Fifteenth
JL' Mrcct , gin , water anil steam hcnU Apply
312 .S Fifteenth st. Wt
TOKESnt7o7 , TOO , Til S. ICtb , SKxGO each ,
Inrgoshow window * , stenm hunt furnished ,
Tlini. T. Hull. 3llPiiXtnii _ Mock. KIT
ipIMMNT ; : KoomssiiltabIe for light nianu-
JL fncturlng. Including power mill heat. Kccs
Printing Co. . llth and HonitrUsla. "r ;
"iJiolMt ILT ThlT Mory briekTjujTdTng with
J. . or without power , formerly occupied by
the lleo Publishing Co. . 010 Fariiam Rt. The
building ban n fin ; proof cement basement ,
comnleto steam heating fixtures , vrntorun nil
the floors gas , Apply ut the odlcu of The
Heo , 1)15 )
'IjiOK KE.vr-i-story ; brick- building , 1110
JL : Douglas St. . sultablo for wbult'siih1 or ware
house purpose * . AIsO brick More 107 H. 1,1th st ,
Inuulic of Clius , Kaufman , 1302 Douglas st.
f > K iTiTNT tUMK
; i carriage" , nml sleeping looms , on 20th st.
near. St Mary's ave. Apply . ' 1128.15 fat. IBI
LTATSnnd bonnets bleached and pressed nt
Mis. J. H Shields. 311W , Ohio. NH-L1) ) '
B ARM for rent In rear of frost & Harris1 oir-
rlncu fnctorv. 18.'i
IDAfeTPRE for rent for her cs. tnmegrass.
neir llelleviie , Inqulio of H. T. Clark. ! < ! S
\\rANTED-Hoi cs to pasture nt KM a
month on fiiim near Irvlngton ; hor.scs
called for nnd d.2ll\ered. . It , lloman , Room
0.1'renzcr bIk. 4TO
AVrANTrl-Dlrt. E. E. oNauglo Co. . I3th
anXNicholas. 778 28
W ANTED A girl baby for adoption. Ad
dress ; A 30 , lice Otllce. 149
T\TAN'TED ROOM-lty lady sewing by day ,
I V between Cass and Hurt , 20th and 27th.
Address D 0 , Ilee. 141-2S *
"YTTANTED To rent 8-room house , must beT
T ? eloso to business portion of the olty. Ad
dress lock box 39T , South Omaha. 1X14
IK you have houses or btorcs to rent call on
l'riiyii,2410Cumlng st. 001 a *
WE HAVK u rtrst class paity who wishes to
lentn furnished house of from seven to
nine looms with modern coincidences. Must
bo good icsldence portion of the elty. llart-
iniin & Kobblns. N. V. Life bldg. 281
old'ON'S rental agency , 01T l'.ixton blk.
LIST youi property with Lnrmon P. Piuyn ;
ho can help you out ; 2410 Cumlng st.
HE. COLE , rental agent , Continental blk.
. KCl
I > AKASOLS nml umbrullns covered and re
paired. 11. lialor , 1515 Uouglns ; basement.
. uw
TEE LEE'S laundry bus removed to 31.7 N' .
Ifitln 178-mli *
"TfKEE AJlro-proof safe _ wjth combination
JU lock , Send htnmp nnd addie-sforpartlo-
ulars. Union Supply Co. , 28 Rh or St. . Chicago.
8.80m a I *
" 1T1OR Ladles Only I will .send any lady a viil-
JL' inible secret that cost mo 95 and n rubber
shield Mr.'tOc. Mrs. J. A. Kinsman & Co. , I ft ! W.
Jnckson St. . Chicago , 111.
H E. COLE , reliable tire Insuiancc ,
A.K. . HI LEY , notary public , Itoom 11 , Con
. tinental block. . KfJ
KKMOVEI ) to : tli N. 10th st. Hot Pprlngs
baths. 1 linvu opened ujsuit of elegantly
furnished rooms with nil the very latest Im
provements. 1'rom extensive experience
under superior ndvnntngcs I um prepared to
give scientific hathi ( chemical ) the same its
produced at the Hot Springs. Hot nlr , moist
ordry , TurkUli , Kusslnn or plunge. Wlllgunr-
nntee satisfaction to the most fastidious.
Single bath or treatment per week or month.
C'harges reasonable. Special lutes to lady
clerks for regulur ablution. Mrs. Dr. Day , aw
N. IGth St. . Uooms 11.12 and 1 ! ! .
AUCTION sales every Tuesday , Thursday
and Saturday morning ut 1114 Douglas st.
Oiinihii Auction & Storage Co. , 040
rpo suit the convenlenec'of clients engaged
JL during the day \vo open evenings , 7tobl0. : !
H. K. Cole , room b Continental blk. KsU
rpIN Vt'OUK , rooting , guttering , spouting ,
-L good work low prices. Savage , IDlfi Ginning
HE.COliE , notary public und conveyancer.
< 7t ! )
STHA i'EI ) or Stolen Light hay mare , very
heavy with foal. Small strip of whiteon
light sldo of mv-o nnd three feet white. God-
dard , Klorcnce. Nob. l 9 2a *
1" OST-Demorest Gold Medal with owners
Jnameon. Koturn to 930 N 25th street or
Exposition block and gut toward. 005-26'
LOST Water spaniel pup , five months old
name , Leo : tag , 435. Hcturn to 1015 Fnr-
nnm nnd get $7 reward. W4-20. *
IOST Horse , blnck , 5 years old. weight SOO
Jibs. , left front leg crooked. Uuward paid.
Address 1918 N. Wtlist. 783-Ss *
JHONTISTS. Tilppe. gradtiatii Indiana
dental college. licit of nork only , t'mwn
nnd bridge work n specialty. Itoom l.'l ( . 'out I-
ncntnl blk. Elevator JStli st , north of Douglas.
_ SO ) m/.y _
_ _
SltUllIN , M" S inth fit. , stores stoves In dry
place for the summer. 4ui ) mm
rilHE cleanest and best storage In the elty at
X low rates at 1114 Douglas bt. Omaha Auo-
tlpn _ & Storage V ) . _ OKI
rnKACKAGn storage nt lowest rates. W. M.
JL llushman , Kill Lcavenworth. C41
W ANTED Furniture , carpets , household
goods for c h. Wells' Auction & btorago
\\YANTED 10 houses to move on lots. Will
IT paycush. Larmon P. Fmyti,2110 Cumlng.
" \\rANTED-Good commercial paper. No-
I T braska Mortgage Loan Co.,519 I'axton blk.
WANTED Good short time paper In small
amounts. P. 1504 I'nrnnin st. 474
/ 1ASH for nil kinds of household goods nt 1114
V Douglasst , Omaha Auction Jkhtorugo Co.
C40 _
T\7ANTEO A stock of hardware or drugs In
t > n NiMrn ) Ka or western Iowa town of from
1,000 to 2,500 Inhabitants. Address , giving full
particulars , D 2 , llco ollieo. txa a > *
\\7"ANTED To buy for spot cash , city or
T ' country , parts or whole slocks of dry nnd
fancy goods , clothing , boots And shoos , milli
nery , btntlonery , gents' furnishing poods , ete.
Call on or address J. L. Ilranduls & Sons , cor
ner 13th and Howard , Omaha. G45
171OK SALE-Chenp , 1 neariv- new VIcTorln
JL' carriage. Omaha Carriage Top Co , 214 N 15.
ln/J-l *
H AKI ) brluk ; UOd.OOO cheap. It. N. Withncll.
KIMHALL organ , four octave ; ROIV ! order ;
monthly or weekly payments , or 10 per
cent olt for cash. IMS S. llth M. 1000-2B *
"TJ1OK SALE Seaman's buggies best and
-L' cheapest.
Seaman's phaetons best and cheapest , t
Seuuian'B wagons best und chcHpcst.
Seamun't. cnrrlugi-s best und cheapest.
Omulia's largest variety. tvJO-m-S3
{ JTOVE wood for sale. T. Murray.
n na
UK SALI75.000 brick , very cheap. JelMv !
Kcdfold. 221 S. 14th t.t. &SU-3U
I7UK SALE A oar load of sound young
J. horse-i. Also so mo nlco eiuootli driving
teams. J. H , Wood , Otaaha burn , 14th und
Howard. 713-20 *
1T'OKSALE--T.hegtoro building 1414 Douglas
-L1 at. price 150. Van lleurvn , Uouglua & llth
sts. bl3U
OALOON forsul ? , center of Ouiuhu. J04l , llco.
T7IOH SALE Small grvrf ; stock : good bu < l-
JL1 IHSI ; bargain ; othcr , u , < ilnesj. Iftlrt N Clth.
878 SD *
I71OK HALK--A line civVilngo team.sound nnd
gentle , good single dU or ; , welght UM I'nch ,
Inquire at room 423 Kainge bulldlng , Tel. fll ,
_ il j i I , i * * * '
IjlOIt SALE A 10-horwrpower New York
JL1 safety upright enzliiftlu flrst-clnss condi
tion. IVstner's Prlrrtlus Oillec. 1307 Howard
Mrecl. Omaha ; „ " , , * CCO-IM
HEAYY.wngon nnd cml bed , 13 if'iFTrade.
fj ft _ 700
"ijlOH SALE Tlie llxtuiiiiof a one-chair bnr-
- . berHhoplna good to n ) good trnde.moder-
ntetcnl. Cause forwellmrttxtr / \ health. Nun *
need npply without money. Direct , A , Wheaton -
ton , Orleans. Neb. _ , t or.-ai *
SALOON for snle-nfontrnl location In
Omnhn JI.400 for nUv fc Hcttircs nnd license.
Some pnMi balnnco real estate orgood security
splendid ehanco must go at once , O.E.Mcagher ,
725 Now York LlfO Illlildlng. 843-ai.
"IJfOI ! SALE My rontMor , one of the liand-
Jsomest nnd most reliable horses In tlio city.
Safe for ladies to drive. Oilers received for
ono week. Dan H. Wheeler , Jr. , Insurance ,
Douglas and 15th Bin. 75 !
PAKTIES looking for flno driving or . . . .
horses , would do well to call on. or cones-
pond with T. , L I'lemliur. nlnnngcr W. II. MII-
Inrd's farm , Unlhoun , Nob. Ho has for sale
some first-class slnglo drivers , carriage teams ,
and saddle , horses , nt reasonable prices. 232
"I710R SALE Soda fountain very cheap. In-
JL1 quire Oley Peterson. 018 a. 13th. 240
TTlOlfSALlJ A hoi > e and buggy cheap for
JL ) cah or Installments. Address 0 H.Jleo.
17"OK SALE Ycrv cheap , complete furniture
JL1 for.Vioomeottnce nnd house for lent , lu-
qillro at 'JTtli and Shirley. UCI-2U *
FOK SALEor trudo A line team of highly
bred young niares , perfect mates , splendid
nnd safe drivers. Will take in part good sad
dle or driving horso. Call lit filj lliown block ,
Kith nnd Douglas. PJ9-20
TjlOK SALE A handsome side-bar buggy ,
JL1 Now York best mnke , used ono summer
only. Inqulro room 34 , United States bank.
1T1OK SALE A choice cnr load of mules nt
JHrown's livery barn , L'ltli st , near Caldwcll.
KTI-ml *
FOK SALE The lease nnd furniture of a
10-room Mat ; location the very best ; furnl-
turo neatly new ; house full of benders nnd
roomers ; n bargain. Wright & Lusburv , Ar-
llngton block. UB
MILK of the finest quality and guaranteed
absolutely fresh and pure , In iiiiantltlns
not less than one gallon per day. W. II. Millard -
lard , 313 Hi-own bldg , IGth and Douglas sts.
T7HJKN1TUICE auction every Wednesday and
JL ! Huturduy , 317813th. Wells. ( ! 43
"IjlOK SALE Some good watches and dla-
J- mends cheap. I ) 1. Musters , room 4 , WltU-
ncll block. Kja
BEFOKE buying n piano examine the now
scale Klmbnll piano nt A. Hospe. 1513
Douglas st C)2
G EO.F.OELLENltEOK. teacher of tlio banjo ,
1CO Howard st. 3rd lloor. 24U
EASTERN money to loan on furniture ,
horses , Jewelry , etc. , room 2 , 111" rarnam.
8S2 1112'
LOANS on Improved property at close rates ,
A. 1C. Rlley , Room II , Continental block.
0 MATTEL loanat lowest rates ; removed
toOlT nnd 516 Paxtyu blk. J. II. Euilnger.
/"CENTRAL Loan and .Trust Co. , 120. > I'arnam
v at. Choice city loans at lowest rates.
LlltEKAL real estntqjonns made byV. . *
Hairls , loom 20 , Viuiizur block , opp. P. O
MONEY loaned nt lowest rates , long tlmo on
Improved Omaha real estate , no "e\tns , "
no delay. Globe Loan & Trust Co. , 307 S. IGth.
LOANS City and farm loans , mortgage pa
per bought. McCuguu Investment Co.
( iTO
/1HOIOEsmall loans wilntcd. C. F. Harrison ,
Vjm N. Y. LHk 170
/"lOMMEKCIAn paper bought. A. K. illloy ,
\J Koom 11 Continental block. 13U
HE. COLli1 , Icuii agent. Continental block.
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of $10 to
$1,000 ; got our rate * before borrowing and
have inonev loan on horses' furniture or any
npprmed .security , without publicity ; notes
bought , for now loan , of old and low
est rates. Call , K 203 , Sheely blk , ISth & How
ard sts. ( V'O
MONEY on hand. Papers drawn and money
paid hero. Cholco loans wanted on Im
proved city property. Low rates nnd no
delays. S. It. Thompson , agent Hnmlllon Loan
and Trust Co. , 321 nnd 322 , Omaha National
bank. M9-30 *
"IT you wunt to make a loan or have anything
JLtosell or tiade sco Pruyn,2I10 Cumlng st.
Ml L'S *
MONEY to loan on any security
for short tlmo at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
The Hcndcison Mortgage Investment Com-
pany. Itoom 400. I'axton block. 058
Plilhidclphln Stortgago and Trust Co. ,
always ready to loan nnd ituy promptly ; 1st
inortgnges wanted. Geo. W. P. Coats , repru-
t-cntntl * . e. 7 Hoard Trade. 45i
mortgage loans at low rates and no
delay. I ) . V. SholosCo. , 2101'lrst Natl bank.
1OANS made on any avallnblo security
-t Central Investment Co. . Koom 5 , Cham
ber of Commerce. 001
\\7ANTEI-rVOOOnt8 per cent ; securlly , 1st
Ii mortgage on good new 7-room house nnd
full lot in good location worth JI.OOO ; lioom 2p ,
Douglas block , 10th and Dodge.
MONEY to loan by II. F. Masteis in any
amount from ilO to $10,000 for uny time ,
from ono to six months.
I mnke lo.ins on household goods , pbiuos ,
oignns , horses , mules , IIOUM , . leases , etc. . In
nny nmoilnt at the lowest possible rate , with
out publicity or removal of property ,
My loai.s arc so arranged Unit you can mnko
n payment ut nnv tlmo nnd reduce jour In
terest pro rutii. You pay Interest only for the
time you use the money. If you ewe n Imlanoo
on your property I will take It up and carry It
for you , nt thu lowest rate conslstunt with the
Money nlways on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest lates. H. F. Masti * . ,
Keen 4 , Wlthnell block. 15th and llarney sts.
_ _ _ pa
$1,000,000 to loan on Improved or nnlnprovcd
clly property. No delays. Host rntes. W.
Farnam bmlth , loom 10 , Continental block.
SECOND mortgage loans. Second moilgnges
iHiugUt. Loans on vacant lots , iteed &
Sclby. room 13 , Hoard Trade 4SJ
SHOKT time loans mado. A. K. Itilcy , Koom
11 Conttnontal blooU. iw :
MONEY loaned on furniture , hooes nnd
wugonsi mil's rensonablo. City Loan Co. .
removed to lirX'ShermalrAve. iWj
LOANS imicli' on unlnrpTovwl leal estnto. A.
K. lilley , Uoom 11 , Continental block.
_ . ? i _ ua _
BEl'OUE mvotlatlngalnan to improve your
real estate get terms from
The Odell Investment , CM.a01 N.Y , Life bldg ,
Thos. S. Itoyd roprcMmtuHvu. wa
BUlLDINli loans madi un
Cholco elty-pwixirty
At lowest rat s.
I'rl\ato funds to
loan OIL LuIeU
cii i
biiblncss Property
upon \ery'favornhlo
toruis ,
Klmball. Chamji * Hyan ,
_ laftKiirnrfnfHt. S3.V nl5 . . _
* A" % TANTEI ) I'lrstclasV Jnsldo loans , txiwest
V nites. CallnndBee its. Mutual Invesv-
nient Co. . l.'iQI I'arniun. } , , Col
AND lnve "tmeiitrCo.iProom4l' < . Hoobulld-
Ing , loan on chattels in amounts from $10
to Jlo.wil ; lonest rates. Ixians on liouschold
goods , hoi-ses , piirsonal proixirty of all Muds
and other articles of vliluu without icmovnl.
ruymcnts arranged to stop Interest * . 110-mS
EASTEHN money to loan on olty pmpurtv ;
mortKago paper bought. H. U.Iruy , opp I'O.
"I3UILDING LoHiis-fl to 7 per cent ; no ad-
JJilltloiuil charges for commission or uttor-
noy'b fees. W.I ) . Mclklc , 1'lrat Nat'l bank bldu.
" IONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , realostata
_ "i11 ° " " agents. 1505 I'arnum st. wa
MONEY to Foan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , ntanos.orgnna.dlamonds ,
at lowest rate , The first organized loan ofllce
In the city. Makes loans from X to 1X6 days ,
which can be paid In part or whole at nny
time , thus lovturlngthu principal nnd intercut ,
fall and see u when you wunt money. Woean
assist you promptly and to your advantage
without removal of property or publicity.
Money always on dand , Nodulay In inuklnx
loans , f K. Heed & Co. , 319 lulu bt . ovir
lllnghtm & Son * . Oft )
6 I'EIl OKNT residence loans Kl,00fl lo f 10,000.
llullilliift loanvntMiccInt rates , The Mead
Investment Co. . lleo building / tfA
TToJTK 7 ft ) or W ilay on furnlture
Jl'lplaniN , horses , houses , oto. J J Wllkln-
> on. ffl" I'attotnilk. _ _ tm
SHOUT ! I V.\j ) AX1 > _ T Yl'foy UITIXHJ
" \\rANTED Educated young Indies nnd gen-
I > tlemen to learn cnorthand and type-
wrltlnff : gixxl nlnrlc < : ( .liidcnLs insisted to
positions. Standard Slioilhnnd llnslncM Col
lege , Frank E. Hell. In tiuctor. Ml
M r. Eddyt Mmushcd trnnco
elnlrvoyant. Into of lloston. While en-
Iranecd will reveal every hidden mystery of
life , 1'iepuies Egyptian talisman which will
ereome your enemies , remove fnmlly trou
bles. restore lost affection' , tmlto * theseparnt-
ed , lielps In nil trouble , ete. 1'eo II nnd up
wards. N. II. Perfect satisfaction guarateed
by mall. > cnd stnmpforlllustrntcdcatalognc.
Mrs.Dr Dldy.JilS N l.Mli st. , Omaha. BBJ 1 * '
KS , DE SAU The gn-atest fortune teller
nml couimellor In the world has I ho power
of nny two mediums you ever met ; tells If
the ono you line I * true or false ; gives advice
of mnrrfago. divorce , IOVK , business specula
tion. etc. ; questions by mall promptly mi-
s\u.Tcd. I'nrlor.s s nnd P. .TiJ N IQfli st. ftn
IHor. Leree , the renowned phrenologist ,
medium nnd pnlmltUwho hn.s been publicly
tested nnd challenges the world In inventing
mysteries , disperses jealousy , ovll Inllu-
enccs , gl\es full names of present or fnturo
husband or wife , nlo tells your faults and
qualities , trnde. business or profession to
mime a success. Hcsldeni'e 110 N. lltb st. Con
sultation II. Satisfaction given or no pay.
7oiiiii *
MADAM Delr.ler from Chicago , the young
and refined massage and magnctlst ; llvo
operating rooms ; no waiting. 1'uilors ovur
U1US. 13th st. bS. ' 'S *
. V. VAKIJEN , elnlrvoynnt
-ncdlcal and bu lncss medium. Fcmalo
diseases a specialty. Ill ) N 10th st , rooms : ; A3.
bldg , complete abstracts furnished nnd
titles to real us tutu examined , perfected and
guaranteed. tiTl
ImOU HALE-Chop hoiTsb""nnd rcstuuraiit )
JU doing good business ; In a good location
Hcason , owner wishing to ictlro. CSood bargain
to right parties. Inquire at 810 South Tenth
street or room ! KJ New Yoik Life. 8H-30
rpWO new ll'ats , IKtS N. Ifith present full
JL of roomers nnd hoarders : will bu let wither
or without furniture. Inquire. 011 premises.
TT1OH SALE Stock of hardware invoicing
-t ? fiO.OOiJ ; good location ; established tiado ;
good reasons for belling : terms liberal. In
quire Coburn & Franklin , 010 N.Y. Llfe.Omnha.
lOt-tnia *
_ _
ONE of the best saloons and ix > ol rooms In
the pit v ; rent reasonable ; everything com
plete ; receipts JM a day from saloon alone * .
Cigar store in ilrst class location , rent $75 per
month , will Invoice about fiJOOi sales from S700
to $1KK ( ) per month. Also n ivstaurnnt In cen
tral location , pi Ice two. Co-operative Land
and Ix > t Co. , 2t > : N. 10th st. 1IM-2S
" \\7LLscllchcaplf sold within the next ten
days , a tine lot on Lowe ave bet. Furiiam
and Leavenworth , Apply rooiuiXJ.Douglas blk.
Utij-20 *
T\TANTED A praetlenl plumber with some
money or n thiei ) or four thousand dollar
stock of plumbing goods to work In conjunction
with the Creston Water Woiks Co. Addicss .
U. Vaughun , Democrat olllce. 71-0 : ! *
FOIJ SALE Jleat market ; good location.
Address U 71 lice. M7-i' !
nd candy sforo must be sold ; In-
Wvoicesls)0 ) ; whatolfcis. GOU N. ICtli street.
M4--.B *
TTIOR SALE-Mcat market. Inqulro at 'ZUO
JL ! Cumlng st. Cash or tlmo. UiC-a *
A HA1JG A IN General stock of merchandise
for cash or good paper. J. E. Fhcstonc.
C.lbbon , Neb. t' 4 &
Ol KOOM hotel in good location , rent ? 77. pi Ice
'of ' furniture $1,000. Terms to suit , llarber
shop with buth rooms , ) irlce 51C < X ) ; S2TOeasli ,
balance easy. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. ,
205 N. 10th t-l. iai-23
rpEMI'EKANCE saloon and bllltaid hall In
JL llvo Nebraska town : good tradeoverything ;
fiistelass ; cheitp , as owner lias other business.
H. E. Cole. 83 ! ) LI )
" \\7ANTKD-To .sell n fruit stand on n. e.cor-
i T ner of Dodge and Kttli , or.somo trusty iior-
son. n lady piefern'd to run It. _ Dai 'M *
" \717ANTED-A buyer for a general stock of
T > merchandise Invoicing $11,000 Stock con-
slst.sof clothing , gents' furnishing goods , dry
goods , boots , shoes , groceries , etc. , etc. Lo
cated in n countiy town near Nebraska City.
Will sell at a bargain. Address Hex 514. No-
braknCJtyNeb. _ KW S ) _
I71OIJ SALE A splendid paying millinery
J- and dressmaking establishment ; good lo-
cntlon. David Cole. 1510 Howard at. 711
FIHST class hotel for sale , trailo or lent.
Other business the reason of disposal. Ad
dress L. Clutc , Arnpahoc , Nub. 04JI--JO *
" 171OK SALE A chop house , doing good bus- !
Jt ? ness , for sale cheap for cash good icasons
for selling. Apply to owner at 810 S. 10th St.
K > " > .
CHEAP for cash ; store building , small stock
groceries , lunch countes ; close to depot
Enqulieof C.W. Hcymor , Norfolk. Neb.
_ . _ 7717-ml9 *
FOU KENT- Checkered livery barn on Iflth
ht. , S of Hnrney Call or address Nub.
Mortgage Loan Co. . ! ilO t'axtoii blk. t/W _
OH SALE Half interest In first class rest
aurant In Lincoln. Addicts It. A. , Omnhn
lice , LlncoliK b , _ &I7 _
T71O11 SALE On account of the dcnth of my
J- ? partner , Mr. Terry , I have decided to re
tire from the livery business , nnd 1 therefore
offer for sale all our line livery stook.lneludlng
Horses , can ingcs , hearses , buggies and har
ness. 1'nrtlus ' wishing line driving horses or
anything In our line will do well to call arid
cxamlno the bargains offered. This stock
must bo closed out by May 15th. Henry A.
Unman , of Homan&Tcriy. G2. >
CHOICE farming lands for saloor exchange
for stock of goods or city properly. I'nlon
HanUIng company. Aberdeen. S. 1) . Ki2-Lii _
FOK EXCHANGE 1.280 ac. clear land , M.400 ;
wnntmdse orclearclty propuity. Klscley ,
Shi'nnloah.Ja. : _ BDI-'Ja- "
JT XOHANGE-IiOfl ncies good Nebraska fnim
-Jlancl for slock drv goods.bools and slioi ser
gents' furnishing. Aililiessloek box 4I.Cieigh-
ton. Neb _ BftVml * _ _
TWILL trade a good clear Jot in So. Omaha
for piano or horse nnd buggy. Address C i
Ilee olllce. | i
KXOHANGB$12,000 dry goods , bouls
nud shoos , third pnh and clear land , clear
land for merchnndlse. UIvo descriptions.
Lock box2C. stunrt , Neb. _ trjo-a *
T7IOI ! EXCHANGE 'J lots in Soutli Omatia or
J- 1 lot near Ylnton .St. , for horses or mules ,
Itoom ii. : lloanl Trnde _ _ G7a _
"V\7"ANTED To trade good Omaha property
T or farms for good woik horses ; also want
good Improved farm with stock complete for
Omnhn property ; wo hnvo u customer. Itoom
fta. N. Y. Llfu. _ iO 2rt _
3 F roil Inivo nnythlng to exchungecall on or
nudress H. E. Cole. ft. ( i. Continental block.
Olllce open evenings 7 to 8M. ; ( i'.l
" "
_ . . "EXCHANGE"'hoIeo lmnroved Ni
bruskn farms. Will assume light Incum-
brnnco. If you have anything to olfer ad
dress or cull on ( jeo. J. Sturniuorf , room ai-
First National bank building. Telephone
( oJi'casii ami aninll " "monthly payment will
T > buy nlco house on full lot In good location.
H. E. Colo. 12. : 2-1
A HOUSE of O rooms and lot , in u.\cul-
lent location , west. K.700
A lot in South Omaha , block 48 , at 1,009
A new house of four rooms , lot 33x104 and
other linpnncmcnts , north between
Saundersniidnotb , 1,250
Colgotb , Johnson & Lovgren ,
Hoom U , Chamber of Commerce.
Oil SALE Or trade , I'lntte vanev riim-n , 3
miles west of Valley station , on U. 1' , K'y. ,
C4intalnlng ovorl.lOO acres ; set with blue grass ,
eloiernuured top , divided Into 25 Held j nnd
paddocks * largo barns , paddocks , cattle and
hog barns and sheds , line resldenco boarding
bouse , machine shop , carriage house , olllccs ,
Ice house , flno groves , and bplcndld half mllu
track. This M the bust Improved ranch In thu
country. O. F. DuIs Co , , 1.W Farnum st.
ijlOK HALE Tim benutlful residence. No. h20
Ileurgln ( avenue , with full lot , U-room house ,
birch and oak Unlsh down stairs , oak sliln-
l > oard , labratory , 4 mantels , soap utono tubs In
Inundry , cistern und city water , ga and sewer
connections , gas fixtures , homo hnndriomrly
decorated , good furnace and ranso and every
IKKslblu convenleiice. Tills property I * clear
ol Incurabrnnco , nnd owner can give any terms
to suit. Notrndu. Any ono wishing to pur
chase cun call at No. e20 Georgia nvu. and IKI
shown tlio property , or call at my olllco and ! > o
driven out to eo It. I ) . V. Sholes Co. . KJU
agent. SU.FInt NaJlminUiank. _ UTtf _
c- ! > cash nnd 112 per month , far 4-room
P house , lot 00x127 , 11,125ery ; cheap. Also
houseof 4 rooms , J15 cash umlte JUT month :
very euby terms , at lowest prices. Let us ihow
you thu liuubcs. W. J I'uui , IOOJ Farnum
I HAVE n buyer for some lot * In Hedfonl
place or Orchnnl Hill. 1'ruyn , 24101'ltmthg.
t U M'
KO K WAI .1 : 1YK\ I , IiaTATTK. *
ipOUSALEorExchutire Some of the very
be t Fnrnntu nnd Dodge st. properly , choice
corners nnd bargains In ninny parts of the
nenrlnndt In omUirn Nebraska for Im
proved lots In western part of the city.
A well Improved farm of UK ) acres In south
ern Minnesota at half Ms vnlnr.
* , will buy ivjulty In a C < MH ! M ) nerei ,
Clean lots In Ilnsilngo , Salt Lake City , Has-
sell ( Ncb.i and Tekaninh ( Nob. )
A well Improved pnipertv , rented for $ .1,000
per annum ; clear of Incuiiinrance.
; ur iO bend of euttlo with outfit und best range
III Montana.
The best homo In Omaha for $2. . " oO : onsy
termi. Stringer X 1'cnny , Douglns block , Kith
nitrt Dodge. _ HV <
1710KSALE A flno new .Vroom cottage near
JL eleetrlocnr Ilnoon N. 27thst , Will take as
part of cash pavmclit a good horse or
nud phaeton. 1' . l.WI Farnain st. 6
T INCOLN plaeo nnd Carthage lots , piioo
J ifl.WX ) . tM down , balance } I5 monthly.
W. L. Selby. Koom 13 , bond ; of tiado. 677 _
"I F you have n stock of merchandise to sell or
J trade , Lnrnum r. 1'ruyn , at 2)10 ) ruining
street , can find you n customer. l > 31 2S *
BAKGAINS Vrooin hou e , 'I floors west of
2Mb st on Charles , lot 40x12 ; . Trice , Jt.WO ;
f 100 cash.
tl-room house , full lot. 1 block frtim licit Linn
brldgo on Hamilton st. I'rlco , r..OOO ; Jl.lWO
cash or trndo.
Nlco home In "linker I'lnee. " house 2ix.rMx2 ) ,
Iot4l\140 , only UM cash , balance of flXX ) easy ;
will trade for horse.
Imiulreof owner. E. O. Merrill , one block
north of Walnut Hill school. TUVJ-s *
rpWO choice lots on small cash payment , bnl-
J- mice second mortgage to responsible par-
tics who will Dnllil. H. E. Cole , Continental
blk. mid 2VtN 21th. ml
$2.000 buys new 5 room cottage , lot 33x13 ? 31th
nml.lonoi. Easy terms. D. C. Patterson ,
513N. Y.LIfo. KM
1T1OK SALE Or trade , nlco residence lot , 40x
JL11.12,1 4 blocks S. E.of 20thnnd Vlnton , south
front , city wntor , on grade : for sale or trade
lor good family horse and buggy and phaeton ;
11,250 , encumbrance 4100 ; U 21 , Ui-o olllce.
7S4-2S *
"VTOW Is the time to stay by Omaha real
Jestate. . Take cnre of back payments on
improved otunlmprnveil propery ! and get your
money of A. K. Hlley , 11 , Continental block.
A SMALL payment down and Jl. < per month
will buy n 4-room house nnd lot on IGth ,
two blocks from motor ; ili-st-olass ehaiu'o to
aequlio n homo on easy terms , Apply to H. E.
Cole , Continental block. KO
AUoTllfc Wcsterlleld.rcal eslate.S Omaha
"I71OK SALE A fine Improved property , 70\I20
J- feet of ground , with 3-stoty brick and stone
buildings. rented at 12,970 per year to good 'l'- '
tints , well leased nnd best property In the elty
of Maquokottt , In. , to trade , clear , for good
Omnhn Improved or unimproved property.
Goodchnnco for some one to get good inve t-
tiieiit for ni > fi-produetl\o propeity. I ) . v
Sholes Co. , 213 First Nnt'l bank. 070
COTTAGE homes In most nny addition for
Ralo nt from JUKX ) up , on easy monthly
payments. F. K. Darling 43 IlnrUir block. G. 9
$ l,4.Vj buys ncat-Urnom < dilute , htnallot 1 U
miles n-w P. O. D. C. Putterson 51S N. Y.
Life. Ki
SIXTY-1'1 YE acres . w. of p. o , .suitable for
platting or gardening , for sale ntu bargain.
F. K. Darling , n Darker blk. ( J13
"I71OK KENT We have HI nores-adjolnlng Iten-
' - .son nnd r > 5 acres adjoining our Highland
Park addition that we will rent for season of
Is'.M ' nt a reasonable price. Omaha Kcal Estate
and Trust Co. . 1.104 Fnrnam st. ( ill )
FOK SALE C-room bouse , oust front ; city
nnd cistern want ; n w part of city. James
Stockdale , room 4. Fren/er blk. ! fJA
171OK SALE SOtM acres best farming lands in
JL1 Nebrnskn nnd MX 150 fcot on South 13th St. ,
nt n gri-nt sacrifice. Inqulro ( US South 13th st.
Geo. Ii. Peterson , owner. 51'2L'iT ' !
A FINE little home. ! > tn st.ncar Woolworth ,
full lot , fiont. 7 rixims and bath , Very
llttlo cash lequired. F. Iv. Darling , 43 Darker
bloc ! . . " L-7
FOK SALl'Or exchange for unimproved
Omaha property , good 320 aero farm in
Iowa , with llvo stock. Implements ejc. Good
KiO-acro farm in Cnmlng county , Nebraska.
Improvud .South Omaha property , paying 10
percent.Addrcssjll7Jlee. 101-inb *
iKSALE trade , farm of
54.J.76 acres , sec. n. 12 , N"G W , Hamilton
county. Neb. ; 2 miles from Miirquntto , small
houso. stable. 300 acres of pasture fenced , liv
ing water , pi Ion --illy $10 per acre , $5,41 . 'W. '
Terms $ . ! .200 cash , balance 0 jier cent Interosf"
F. 1C. Atkins owner , rallrone bulldlns , Dcnvi
Col , ( > 75
"TTHVE room cottngos. $ lMQ each , $100 cash
JL down , liuluiicu&l , > pir ) month , Thus. F Hall ,
311 Pjixtqn block. ( i.17
POK SALEOr cxchunge for drugs nnd real
estate. $20 000 book sin-It Do51i. . tiTO
1ST your propel ty with 11. E. Colo.
Notice ( if tlio Sittliii ; of the Citv CuiinJ
ell HH a JtoMrfl ciT Knuull/.nilon.
To the owners of lots nml lands abutting on
oradlacent to streets , alleys or avenues , sit
uated Invholo or In part within any of the
dlsti lets hcietnaf ter named :
You nnd eiich of you nro hereby notified that
the City Council will sit nsn Hoard of Equal
ization at the olllco of the City Clerk , nt the
Douglas County Court House , on Tliuiiday ,
the 1st day of May , ] 8'.W , from ! ) o'clock a. m. , teA
A o'clock p. in. , for the purpose of eiiuall/lng
tno proposed levy 01 special inxes ami us-esi-
nients anil concctlng any errors therein , and
of hearing nil complaints that the on nets of
the to bo taxed and assessed may
make , rinld special taxes nnd assessments
being levied accoidlng to law to covei the cost
and e.xpciHO of grndlng
Smith sticct fiom Iluiton to iTaucIs street.
Reed slioct fiom Iluiton to I'nrk stiecl.
1'iaucls street fiom.X'd a venue to Reed st.
Hiirton stiect ( itini il'Jd nwMiuo to Duvan st.
Paclllestieot fiom 2Hli ! nvenuo tollist st.
nnd to cover the half cost of gracing .Mercer
avenue fiom Lowe nvenuo to Vista stieet.
And It Is further icsolved , that tlio city
clerk give notice of such .sitting at least MY
days prior theieto in three dally papers of the
And bo It further rpsolvpil , that unless for
peed and sufficient cause It may ImothcrwNc
ordeied nnd determined that said co-t or part
eo'it be so ns-e > sed mo ratn , aecoidlng to foot
frontage , upon all the lots and real estate In
said districts leM'cctlvcly ' , or adjacent to 01
abutting the line of said impro\cmcnts , ac
cording to the usual beating back process ns
liciclofoio adopted nnd followed bysalilcoun
cil In the assessment of special ta.xes to cover
the cost of grading , towlt :
One-third of said pro r.ita cost , upon thn
one-sixth part of whole amount of ground ,
llrst abutting upon the struct line ulong bald
One-fifth pint of such pro rain eo-,1 upon the
second one-si\th part of whole amount of
ground adjoining thoicto.
Onn-slxtn pint of such nro ratn cost upon
the third one-sixth pail of whole amount of
giound nc.xt adjacent , nnd
Ono-thlrdof such pm nit a cost upon the ad
jacent or remaining onu-hitlt part of the
wholn of said ground.
You and en h of > ou are hereby notified to
appear before said luinid of equnll/.atlan at
the tlmo and place above fipcelfled to make
any complaint , .statement or objection you
may deslrn eonccinlngsald piopost-d levy and
assessment of special taxes.
.loii.v UIIOVKS. City f'lerk.
Omaha. April 21 , l w.
'J'oxiis Overrun by
Texas fnriaut's lntvo bison aliiio 't ruinctl
by the duirclntioiis ] of rath. To got rid
of them n novel expedient has cuiuo into
uso. Tl'o farmer linda u bun-ow in whioh
from lifty to a Inindrcd rntb i-esido.
Kvery exit HIIVO ono is oarofullystopped. .
At thib ono IB placed u common iron tun
kottlo. OpKsiio | the Hpout is bored u
liolo in which ib iiiHorted u jiiero of KHH
jlpo ) , whiuli ia run into the onaninjr
loading to tlio burrow. A ilro U then
built in the kettle und u couple of hu.ul-
fuls of biilphnr thrown on the coals.
TJio ton being closed , the fumes tire
driven into the burrow by a hand bel
lows , the noz'/.lo of which ib inserted in
the top pipe. Somu of these burrown
are fifty yards in length ; the fumes go
througit all its ] ) UHbagott , and in llvo
minutes every young and old rodent is
dead ,
SrmiB ono has figured that there are in
Denver , Colo. , thtrty-ono millionaires
whoso aggregate wealth is 3 > 10V)00,000 ) ,
nnd thirtj-llvo Homi-mUlionulrob
wealth aggregateb $17olHJWHJ. m-ii ing
In all $ OIOOU,000 owned by buiy-m * m.-n
A Curious ntnl New Htory Front *
Montront Man.
An echo of the shot IIfed by \Yllkos
Booth in ford's Theatre \\iiMhltitrtun ,
twcnly-llvo yearn ago by which Abra
ham Lincoln rcccivod his mortal wound ,
was hoard in Dolrolt , twvs a Detroit dis
patch to the New York Times. ThouwH
Cnmsy , a typltytl Irl hmnn of sixty yenrd
or moro , stood in front of tlio opera ,
house this * aftcrnoon Intently studying
the show bills that bore the rmmo of
Edwin Hooth , wlfo is playing an engage-
incut hore. He asked a man standing
near him if Kdwin lioolh was any i-o-
latlon to J. Wilkes Httoth. llelng as
sured that ho was , Mr. Cat ov repaired
to the hotel lo tell Mr. Uootli the fol-
towing remarkable story , now repeated
for the llrst time :
Jn Juno , ISO" ) , while Mr. Casey was an
auctioneer in Quebec , a schooner called
the lamina loaded at Montreal with oil
for Nassau. In the cargo \vero seven
largo tanks marked "J.V. . B. , Nassau ,
to bo called for. " The K'hooner passed
Quclwc , but a short distance below that
city a storm struck her and she was
wrecked. The crow and olllcors wcro
never scon , but the derelict was nicked
up by some Quebec sailors , who claimed
salvage. The goods recovered were put
into the admiralty court to be sold , and
Thomas Casey was the auctioneer to
whom the sale was intrutod , Ho
opened the seven trunks and found them
ill led with rich velvet suits , jeweled dag
gers , armors , helmets , plumes , and
various other theatrical acce .aories. Old
letters bearing the address " ,1. Wilkea
Hooth , " and hundreds of tickets with
the initials "J. W. 13. " were also found.
The goods wore much damaged by
water. For tome of them there wtta no
call , and Mr. Casey kept them. The
sailors realized SHOO , and $ : iH ( ) waa de
posited to the credit of , T. Wilkcs Hooth
or his hoirs. Mr. Casey had never heard
of .T. Wilkes lioolh. Away down in
Quebec ho took but little interest In the
ali'airs that were then Interesting the
American mind , and he nmdo no effort
to find the owner , who , ho then sup
posed , was drowned on the Emma , nor
liad ho any interest in inquiring for
Booth's rola'tives. In the lapse of timu
the affair escaped his memory and ho
did not think of it again until today.
Casey's endeavor to see Edwin liooth
was futile. Ho was.not in his room and
no reply was deigned to a note in which
the writer intimated that ho might bo
able to impart some information of in
terest about J. Wilkes Hooth. A subse
quent , interview with Mr. Arthur Chnso , *
Mr. .Booth's manager , was equally fruit
less , Mr. Chase informing Casey that
the % great tragedian would tolerate-
allusion to or converoations about his
brother from any source whatever.
The fact that the trunks wore con
signed to Nassau leads to I ho belief that
J. Wilkes Hooth oyidently hoped to es
cape to the Bahama islands and there
resume his profession , believing , no
doubt , that his offense would bo consid
ered a political ono and that ho would
bo safe in a foreign country.
Casey is a resident of Montreal who
happens to bo visiting this city.
The Only One.
The Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paul
railway is tha only line running solid
vestibuled , electric lighted and steam
heated trains between Chicago , Council
Hluffs and Omaha.
The berth reading lamp feature in the
Pullman sleeping cars run on these Hues
is patented and cannot be used by any
other railway company. It is the great
improvement of the age. Try it and bo
Sleeping wire leave the Union Pacific
depot , Omaha , at ( > p. m. daily , arriving
af Chicago at 0:30 : a. m. Passengers
taking this train arc not , compelled to
get out of the cars at Council BluITs and
wait for the train to bo cleaned. Got
tickets and sleeping car berths at Union
ticket ottlce , 1001 Farnam st.
F. A. NASH , Gen. Agt.
J. E. PUKSTON- Pass Agt.
A CnrloiiH old Itiblc.
Rev. in Father A. A. Lambg , the his
torian , has permitted a Piltsburg Dis
patch reporter to examine some rare old
books which his private library at Wil-
lunsburg contains. Ono of these vol
umes was made before the art of print
ing was invented. It contains about AGO
pages of written matter , bound in wood
and remaining in an excellent state of
preservation. The language is Latin
and it was written between the vears
Mli1 } and 1 1,10. Father Lambing , however -
over , possesses ti much liner miocimcn of
decorative work of those old-timo monks
in a hugo bible , which ho thinks is the
oldest cop } ' of the Scriptures in the
United States. It is a folio in sine , con
taining about 000 pages of heavy parch
ment ( sheep ) , and bears a marked re
semblance to the first bibles printed by
Gutenberg , when he invented printing.
The bibles printed at firrft by Gutenberg
fin llf > 0 and M55) ) are described aa
"quarto in bb.o , double columns , the ini
tial letters of the chapters being exe
cuted with the pen in colors. "
Father Lambmg'H Bible was printed
in 1 178 , and is therefore ono of the earli
est specimens of printing. The letters
are large gothic style , anil the hand Il
luminated work is simply beautiful. The
gilt painting after this lapse of time is
as clean and pretty and bright as though
put only yesterday , Chomibtry today Is
said to possess no materials which will
maintain n red color any length of time.
and hero in this Bible the nourishes ami
initial loiters in red have withstood the
ravages of time for moro than ' 100 years
and are still brilliant. The monks had
same secret in the mixture of their
paints. They boenmo adopts at the il
luminating art.
The text of the book is In the Latin
vulgate , excopti that the Acts of the
Apostle are put after SI , Paul's Kplntlo
to the Ifobiows. There are many con
tractions in the printing which are hard
lo make out , oven to Latin and Biblical
students. The cover is of manlo wood ,
covered on the outside with nog akin ,
over which nourishes and fancy stamp
work have been omlxwsod. The corners
of tlio cover are protected by solid brass
castings. Another of these metal orna
ments has been fastened to the middle of
the back , and the fragments of brasu
clasps are still hanging to the Hiblo In
those days durability was aimed at in
the binding far moro than It Is now.
Burdock lUood Hitlers taken uflor c-nllntf
will jvllexo any feeling of weight or o\or ful >
of the stoaKich. Hold ever wtiuru.
ItclifH < > ! ' Napoleon I ,
I'rinco Victor Napoleon lias just coma
into poi-.ession of a number of intoroat-
ing relics of the first Napoleon , They
comprise the red velvet robe which the
first consul were on great occasions , no
tably during the To Uoum mmg at Notre
Daino in honor of the conrordat , the
saddle and holslor used by tl n emperor
at AusterliU ; Ihocashmoro glrdlo worn
by Napoleon at the buttle of the Pyra
mids ; a cane chair from St. Tlolona , the
cup , teapot , saucer and candlestick used
in the Ixjil-chnmbor of the dying oxllo.its
well as the uhcot and pillow qf nil
deathbed ; the handkerchief ho used in
his lust niomonlH to wino his fuco , and
the case of malhomalicul Instruments ho
always carried.
A I'leaslnn HOIIHO
of health and Hlren th renewed und of enso
wnl comfort , follows llm use of .Syrup of Kips.
UH it acts in hurmonj with nuturo ciTc tinuly
cli-niisoH ( he ut ' u lien uwttvo or hllioui
I- ' > r . .iliIn 'i"i . . , , ituiUoa b > ull