THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , APKIL 23 , 1890. SPEG1RL NOTICES , OMAHA. Kei ml vert IseiiienlH will lie taken I'or columns nl'ter l"iO ! p. in. TITIIIM rnnli In nilvnncp. Advert l ( > mcnts under this head 10 cents l 'r line forlho Hist liiKortlon. 7ccntsforeach oli- wniti'iit Hi rrtlon , nniUIJW pcrllnnjiermonth. No ndv crtlsc mrnts ttikrn for lesstlian'.TM'eiits forllrst insertion. They nnin run COIHCCII- lively and most IIP paid iTAln'A'NCE- All ! dvi-i tlM > im'iitit iiuisl lie litindcil In before K-M o'clock p tit mid under noelrcunntnnros will tlmy ljc > lukcn or discontinued by telephone. I'nrtlcs advertising In these columns and having their nnswiirs addrt" ed In earn of TUB HKI : will plpii'c iifilc for a check locnnlitu thrin to get tlii-lr letter * , as nnno will bo delivered nxcepton presentation of ehpck. All nilsvviiM to ml vt i mement.s should bo enclosed In envo- All ndvprtlfcprnpnii In thrso columns am published In both morning und evening edi tions of TIIK llnr. tlio circulation of which ag gregates more than SO.MX ) impers dally , and ( fives llio advertiser * the hcncllt. tint only of thpi'ltv circulation of TIIK HRK. but also of Council HhifK Lincoln and oilier cities and towns tlitoughont thlsKcotlon of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for tlicso columns win IIP taken nn the above conditions , at ( he. following bus- ness 1 onicH Mho urn authorized to lake special notif < , at the b.unu rates as can be had at the lf.iiln olllcc. . . - . - . - _ - Qor iT.ViAiFOiTANcn 7 > rKiciirnpr : : IJof Twenty-nlxlh and N streets , Nebraska Havlnss bank liiilldlnir. ' street. 0 HAs7"C : lTTDV ) , Htatloners and rrlnturs , 113 , South IRlh street. " ' WOKTII. 1'haimaclst , 2115 , . Coining stieot. .1. HI'llHES , riiuunaclsl , CSI North - lt ( ! list reel. < r.O. W. I'Altlt , i'harmaclst , 17IS Leaven- * worth Slleet. _ 1 f iollisrrl'HAKMACY : , 21th. and rarnam SITUATIONS WANTKI ) . \rol'\ ( } lady stenograplier would like sltu- .1 allen In olllce when ) work Is light. Expe rience main object. Addiess C 45 , The lien. ' * \\rANTED-Sltiiatlon by a lellable. steady > young man.eolorcMl. n porter or janitor. Goodclly reference. Address O X > , Hee olllce. "V\7"ANTED Ity an export accountant , a sot of books that will loiulru II or I hours labor IHTday. Address t/'f > 0 , Hee. 7Ji-au * SITUATION wanted liy n buy 17ye.ns old , . cantalic good careof liorscmiml do dellvot- tng.giocery preferred. Address C 51 llee. ? l -22 * " \VANTED-Hy middle aged man position as i ' elelli or bookkeeper In bank or wholesale house. Hefer to Moicminls bank , t'tlea. IScb. Addiess box 402 , t'tlea. Neb. W 24 WAXTIOD .11 AMIIK : \\rAvni-Aconts : ) to sell the Lincoln clothes dryer : best tiling out : agents are making f-'O to JlIM tier week. Address "Tho , ! ! ! ! ! ! ) ! ! clothes Dryer Co. , " Nos. 5I-'VI Dear- ' boin st. , Chicago , 111. OIJJ-21 * XXrANTIU ) Man as aKont of our patent > hafes ; hl/e 2h\18\l8 Inches ; KK letall ; all fl7is IIH low ; new styles , new patterns , new lock , new factory : not governed by safe | > ol ; every safe warranted : larc elianee ; perma nent business ; our terms and catalogue will convince von agents clear $100 to > 00 per month.Vrltoforeeluslvo tonltory. Alplno U. Clncliuiall. O. tlll-l'l ANTKD-lsl-ela's exiieilenccd shoo salesmen utThul'iilr. S0122 \A7ANTED-lty May 1st a biMikkeenor In a IT wholesale liouso. Jlnst fuinlsh A. 1 ref erences , state ago and salary expected. Ad diess C 47 , llee. 7II ! ' "ANTED Young man for olllee work In Denver. Address C .11 , Ileo olllce. 707-12 " \\7ANTID I'lrst class solicitor and oigati- ' T l/er ; ( ) iicieinilnted : ( | with Insiiiaiiuo busl- m'ss pieferied ; lefeiences required. II. W. Hinder. Council lllulls , la. 741 0 WANTED W ) men for now.riillrna < l work in Wyoming ; ship Wednesday ; free fare. Albright's Labor Agency , JliO I'arnam st.7fi8i3 7fi8-i3 "TTTANTED At once , ono llrst-class coat > makitr. C. L. Helling , Madison , Nob. " * - 1 AISTI ; ! ) llcprosentatlves In every town . . In Nub. to-solicit stock for Investment and loan company , oiganlrcd In KSII ; almoslifl.OOO.- ( WOiilieady paid to members. Good Induce ments lo active agents. Address K. L. Chase , Oramnslnnd. Neb. 71g-2l * " \\rANXED Live men as salesmen and colt - t lectors In Western Neliiaska. Experi ence not necCHsary. The Singer Revving .Ma chine Co. , Grand Island , Neb. ( JS5-mll > * " \\rANTED Halesmen on salary or commls- > l slon to handle tlio new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil. The greatest selling nov- fliy ever piodnced. Erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper. 200 to MO percent piofit. Onoagent's sales amounted ( o fcaoiiihlx days ; nnotherfM In two bouts.Vo want one energetic general agent foreach state mid terillory. famplo by mall Il'i els. I'or tii ins nnd fiill particulars address the Alonroo llraser Mfg Co. . LftCrosse , WIs. no VTJ * "V TANTED A good man cook. Iniiilro | at > > Elks' eliil ) . Continental block..r > S.i rilAILOLS wanted Two good coalmakcrs 1. wanted at once. L. Xernhelmer , Mct/'ook , Nob. fi7'J 3l ! " \ \ ANTED Canvassers at Singer sewing maclilno olllce. 1518 Douglas st. LV'.l-m'J ' : \\T A NT ED-Itcllablo local and 'traveling ' salesmen ; positions permanent ; special Inducements now ; fast selling specialties. Don't delay ; salary from stait. Ill-own Bios. , niilser ) men. Chicago. III. 174-2U' ' \ \ ' ANTlJl-Ag ) en ts Jlaglo CI t , ' every smoker buys ; lights In wind or tain ; lasts a lifetime : samples llio , two for 25c , do/en } l by mall , stamps taken. Stayner .V Co. . I'rovldtMioo. It. I. _ 77i-n3l ; _ " \ \ rANTEDnlaboiors for I'aclllc coast extension - > > tension of U. 1' . In Nevada and I'tah. Good wages and steady wtuk. Albilght's La bor Agencv. Hi.1) ) I'm mini si. _ XKt "IX ANTED-Salcsmon at $75 per month sal- ' ' my and expenses tosell a line of sllxor- jilated ware , watelies , etc. . by sample only ; dulse and team furnished fieo ; wrlto at once foi full paillenlars and sample case of goods lice. Standard Sllveiwaro Co. , lloston , Mass. IVIS WANTKD KK AV \ - ' - girl lii "uteieii ! l pur wtek. New York hotel. Mil-2l. ) \Y'\N'l'iD-LadT : "ook. t , ; plain hewing ' I L-trl. cook for family of 2 , .tsetvants kept ; laiimlivs.s for Oxford ; dishwasher for Color ado. Ughls for olllcciV families , $ . ( ) ; pantry Rlils. laiindiesses. 2nd cooks , kitchen girls , M-tiib glils , and 100 for general hoiiseuotk. Jiis. itiega.nnys. ; ifltii , 7L > ! _ _ " \\rANTED A girl for general housework ; ' ' must bo a good cook. Apply at aHS CapItol - Itol ave. 71K-2.1 " \\TANTiD : Housekeeper In the country : ' vvoiiiiin logo In country , private family , child no objection ; 4 wall losses forlho west ; chambermaids , Jl ; 1st and 2nd girls , same place ; cook , ; pastry cook , J.lO : owanl UH ) Kills In and out of the city , NVhlto'.s olllco. 11 ! ) N. loth .st. TM-sa * ( Mil. wanted for general housowutk. 102is. ; ISIhst. 701-22- " \\rANTrii I'lrst-class Irlmmerln millinery 'i tlopiiitmcnt. Apply at llo > tou stoic. _ _ _ 771-22 * "V\rAM'ED-A German girl lu a famllTof ' four. Inquire IMS Webster st. 722 * \\TANTED-YoutiR lady to travel with a ' * elreus ; nice piHtllon ; previous experl- PIII e unnecessary. Cull on E. M. Andetson , - * ' N lytlisl. 170-23' " \\r ANTED 1'li-s.t class coou and dlnliiKioom girl , best of wages paid , Hid 17th st ; \\r ANTICD-Chambermald ; ono with nxperl- II enee , not afl.ild to wotk. No. 113 N. 01 h St. _ _ 75.-22 * " \\rANTiii--Two : girls for tlist ami second 1 work. Kefereneesr.-iiulred. Call nt 3013 Lifu : > eite a\cnuo ( formerly Tiiul st. ) Mrs , J. * II . , m G lit I. for Rcneril hou > owork 2IJ5 Harney. 7 t at * Gild. Wantcd-A goiMl girl In bmall family , Imiulto nt3til _ Dodge t. m " \\rANTKD-A Klrl In Miiul ! family. Genmm i orfrwedoprufarred. 5JJ t'urk avcnne. 701-22 DHKSS.-MAIUXG. in f. m- uvo. tn.7-mV B'.l-'s''M\ICINO-Atlioiiio ' ! or In fanTfiieT M'ss J IUy , 1IM N. loth st. GSt-wi" . . KOU UK.NT 110USK8. HUNT \ S-roimi house , WIS L'h.irh' * it Jmiuiro at SUH fhurluK iu Oil iti- Foil JtKNT-ripjjnnt now 8-room liouso , iUnd and California ; all modern 'ionvon- lenees ; J.V ) JHT month. A. C. Wnkely , N. V , Mfo bldit. ftW-a" . JOH HKNT lloii ; ten rooms , all modern Iniiirovenients ; largo yard , tlO tier month. Dexter I , . Thomas. Till QI10O.M llou e , city watort bath , gas , motor , Ofju. H. i : . Colo. 71S 'Ji I /V > 11 FlTNI' 7'room house ; modern 1m- JlirovcmenlA. . Apply 112 N. EOlh slreet. _ 1T1OK KENT-Elesant It-room house. Till mod- 1 ern conveniences , gill I HI Mary' * live. 724 27 * "T70K KENT-iTouios and Bloros ; property 4. cared for , taxes paid. Midland Guarantee AJTrusl Co. , mil rnrnam st j\bslracls. ft _ rpl'.N room house , all convcnhtnces.r.imro.UV ) J Hhermaii avi. , ill ) . HiitchliiMin i Wcad , IM I Douglas ; tel. I.V.'J. 210 ITtOIl KENT Two 10-rooni modern houses , all A conveniences. 1'aved streets , cable cars , l-'lvii minutes' walk of postolllce. Itcfercnces requited. Nathan yiiolton. lull I'arnam st. .107 ITIOH KENT-SIx mom Hat with modern eon- I venlenccs al 2lif ) I'atnam si. Cotter ft George Co. , southwest cor. Ibth and I'arnam. liTO--'l FOU KENT for Ihosnmmer months , G-room cottave , with all modern Improvements , near St. Mary's avenue. Inquire at Meyer & Itaapke , 1IO. > llarnoy. 7iil-2.'i rpo KENT- six and a ten room house , all JL modem conveniences In nurli. new ; located on 1Mb st , licl ween Callfoinla and Cass. rent reasonable. Inquire Dee , t'list Nat't bank bu Mdlng. > 1 0 room house , all modern eon venlenccs : best t location In city ; cheap lodesltablo tenant. H.E. Cole. 71H-2J "rii' UINT : ( i-r < Hni ) cottage. : nis c.i i si JL1 wi-ii' 'IjllVl' room cottasc , city water , etc. , al 1711 .JL1 N. lit h st . I mitilroh'rt S. lath st. 78S 171OH Kr.NT-At $ . ! ( ) per month. clcKanl 8 J- loom , new brick , on I.a ko nnd Hrskln sts. , bet. 'Jlth and -"ith. on motor and horse car I me. Kvcry convenience : house clean and ready lo lay carpels : finest In Omaha ; go and * eo them. .1. 1. lilce , lii : Ileo building. ft7il ! * _ TjlOU KI'NT Il-room coltngo ; fiirnitnro for JU sale. KcntSI.'i per month. tlUI Douglas , , ' ' r,07--'l FOIt ItHNT Kcsldences In all parts of city. 1 , 1st too large lee publish. Olobe Loan k Trust company , 007 P. ICth st. 'ilil _ Olil' ' Capitol ave , seven loom cottimo with -'bath. Imininj at a"il3 Cap. jiv. _ 7Sfl-'J5 "ITtOU HP-NT Duelling on ( Capitol iivenue. D 1- rooms , and all modern Liinvenlence.s. In- clndlng lanndrv and largo stable. D. .1. O'Donahou , 1C01 I'arnam .st. 5S1 ItlTNT CotlaKC , 411 S X'lth ave. "IjlOK ItHNT-O-room ' "inso In themostde- -l ? sliable residence po , J of the city. In quire at Meyer .t ItaapKC , 1105 Hartley st : 1 1) I'M ) "AIODKItN house , nine rooms , bath , hot and J'Icold water , fuinaee and gas , on Dodgost. , $10 per month. Fied J. llorlhwlck , SlUSoutl lltli Ij ten loom house , all modern Improve- J. ncuts , furnished ; 11 vo blocks from postof- flco ; lefeiences icinlicd. ( lmiliro | 171 ! ' f'.ivcn- poll st. _ U73-ii "I71OK Iir.NT In convenient locations , suites 13 ofJ , : i and 4 looms , at tanged foi housekeep ing , also large and small houses. 1'ilees IIM- sonablu. Itutts ICcnllng agency , Jjllrt r.irnani. INili-iiil * 1J1OK KENT 10-ioom house , 1721 Dodae : all J modem ImpiovcmcnU. ImiulreSam'l llnr- rils , 1.IIS r.vlnam. .sOU-'tt 1T1OU KENT 5-rooin now cottage. Iminlio 1401 N. . lath st. Ttm-'tl * _ "IjlOK KENT A 4 stoty bilek house- with all JJ modem linprovemenls , Nu. 113 S. llllli. ln- qnlle of Judge Andei-son. 512-23 IjlOll KENT Nicely furnished moms with .JU boaid. 2207 L-'uriiain st. Kefciunccs. 7411-27 * 'I71OK KENT II nine-room liilck houses. All . L' modem conveniences , axil to 2.137 Ht. Mary's ave. Iminiie at t'ollatetal bank , JI2h lllth st. KENT-Sovcn-room house , 1413 S. 7th FOK . , city and cistern water , good location. 772 2j FClIt KENT 'AlMiut. JIIIIH 1 , those elegant stone residences on Georgia avenue , S 20th st. , between Mason and I'aollicsts. See owner for long time lensir.-H. HHcndorson. . room 400 , Taxton blk. 4S5 "I710K ltENT--10-ioom house , close tii , motor JL1 and cable ; every convenience. 70S N tilth. MM 2.1 * " 171OK KENT 10-ioom brick house , with mod- JL ? ern convenlenucs , No. 611 ri 20tb st. Apyly at No. BS7 S 20th st. 'Jil 7JAKDEN fuini to rent. T. .Murray. GK K YOU wish to rent a house or store see II. E. Cole , Coutlncnlal block. ( M > 8KOOM ; flat , with steam heat. Kith t. , near Jones. Thos. I' . Hall , 311 1'a.xlon block. FOU HUNT IIOOMS FUKNISHKI ) . "I71OK KENT To ono or Iwoslngiogenlleincn , JL' a room having ninth o.xiiosuie , In a new cottage on Capital ave. Addiess C 20 , Hco. "iniUltNlSUED rooms at 1BI4 Davenport. 700 21 * -17IOK KRNT-Wlth bo.ird a furnished 1110 JL' suitable for two , all conveniences. 201 ! ) C ' " Ifornlast. . 7sl-2s ' " \\7"ANTEI ) Nicely fninlshed loom for ( inlet ' > young ladv and gentleman , lady desiring boa id also , no iinesttons asked ; will bopetma- nenl , things being deshable. Addiess C 51lice. VM 2:1 : * IflOK KENT E\tin largo suite of looms , hand.somcly fninlshed. suitable for man and wife. No. 118 N. 1 th st , C2s 2A fANTED Tenants for a desirable fur nished fiunl room , 205 S. 2llh st. 5SO 24 ANY klndof fuinlshedoruiifiiinlshed rooms. 317'i S. Illlh si. Wo have31 looms. r > 70mli ( * I7llKNl.-IIED ! looms with bo.iid at 7HN. ) . 10th JL1 st . In I'.tul block. 7.II-22 * ITlIIItNISIir.D fiont loom for rent , fOI S. 17th JL'St. . S W. cor. Jackson. 73-22 ; ! * MltS. CIM7KCIIILL has handsomely fur nished looms , single or en suite ; ono suite .manned fur 3 gentlemen ; also Ixiaid. Ill N. 101 list. 721-20 * and unfurnished rooms wltli good bo.iid n lit ! ) South 2iith st. 7H 27 * SOUTH fmnt fninlshed loom , 2112 Dodge. 015 "T OIt KENT-Tworoums.lllON IDtli sL.cIn'a ( ) . "VTICELY fuinlshcd loom with boaid : also J- > day Ixiaiders. 1S14 Dodge st. U23 22 * VTICK room , every convenience , 171' ) IMvun- > port. : < ! ) -2i ! IMvNT I'urnlshed rooms wllh or nllh- oul bo.iid. 11111 DonKlasst. u'SU 2i * rpo Iti.'NT neL'antly furnished looms wltli * Hist class table board ; lablo boaitl W | ir week , at lllh IJth st. Ulll STi * ITIOK UKNT I'nrnlshcd rooms ; gas , bath 1. and steam : 1519 Howard. US * UUNT-l'uinUhed looms , 1000 Uoticlns. ITlOIt KENT-l'leasant furnished looms with - * ' all conveniences. 511) ) s : 'tfth ' st. 031 S T. I'LAflt Kniopean hotel , cor. Ullh and Dod u. yiicolal ratca by neck or nuiiith. " 1T1OU IJKNT-Onn lar o front room with L1 boaid. llWCaintol ave. IM KOU UKNT-HOOSIH UM'UHMSIIUl ) IIKNT S tinfiirnlshed rooms , ono block fftom motor car , modern Improvements , Call'N ! hith. 700 HiNT-3or.'l : unfurnished room * , pk-iis- ant yaid , near car lines , too X aul st. F.JB .KKNT-JJ unfurnished looms. .Us N. 13th . tit. I'rtee JIO. tr.ll | j > OK HiNT : 4 unfurnished loom' to family , J without children ; modem imnrovuments. 1701VcbitcrM. . I'rlcojl.V KM roTTuioxr- "T\KSK room , attorney proforrcd. Hutchniion JLJ \ Wcad. IX'i Douglum lei. i.\29. 2KI 1707. 700 , 711 8. Itlth , sixta each , w windows , steam heat furnished. ' ll0fj'- Hall , atlfaxton block. en " 17IOK HKNT Itoom * nultublc for light nmnn- J. fncturlng , Includjm ; power und hgut. I ices I'rlntjmr Co. . llth and Howard sin. 73ti " TIflOU KENT-Tho 4. t i"ry brick bulltlim ? with -L or without power , formerly occupied by the Ileo Publishing Co. , IUi ) I'arnam kt. The building luu Uro proof cement basement , complete steam heutlng fixtures , water on all Die iluors , cai , etc. Apply at tuu oOico of The lice. 171OR KENT--,1-.slory brick building , IIIO JDouglnsil , , gullnblo for nholcsaloorwnrc- house puruosps. Also brick store 107 i > , Jllth nt. Inquire of Clins. Kaufman , UK Douglas HU KOU UKNT J B Al ! > for rout In rear of I'rost & Harris' car- Maze faclorv. K"i MIKCKMjiVNHOUS WANTS. ' - at 11.M n. inoiitli on farm near Irvlngton ; horses called for anil delivered. \ \ . U. lloinaii , Itooiu I ) , t'leiut'rblk. 470 _ \\r A NT KIllrt. ) . r lT Ntitislo Co. . l.ltli Y and Nicholas. T7S SS ANTKD-A Rlrl baoy for adoption. Ad- dressA ; . Hoc ofllcc. HO WANTRD-TO HUNT. WAN'rTD-To rent for smalt futility. . 'I or I futnlslicil rooms for IlgJit housekeeping ; . AddtnssCW , lleoottlcc.fc 77.--gi' \\7"ANTKO Two rooms with hoard for two i gentlemen , near South Omaha motor line , flood board Indispensable. Address It. , room Illl llarkor holol. 77T-Si ; * llHNTAIi AOIONOY. \\riJ IIAVi : a first class party whowlshcs to TT rent a furnished house of from seven to nine looms with modern conveniences. Must ho good icsldcncc pottlon of thu city , llurt- maii , V Knbbln * . N. V. lAta bldg. IM JM OUTOiN'S rental ugcnoy , 017 IVixton blk. 107 i : . COJ.i : , rental agenl , Conllnental blk. ( ; e ) "Vrnn I.KII'S laundry has removed to. 11.1 N. JL icili. 17S-mti * 'IJAKAHOI.S and iiiiihrollas covoied and re- JL palled. It. Italor , 15t. > Douglas ; basement. ( W ) HK. COM , icllablo die Insurance. . [ KO _ _ _ _ AK. KIIjtjY , notary public , Itoom II , Con- . tliiental block. i : _ 15K.MOVKI ) to IKS N. l th St. Hot Springs .IV baths. I havoopuned a suit of elegantly furnl-hed rooms with all the very latest 1m- piovemenls. I'lom uxlenslvo oxporleneo under supoi lor ad vantages I am prepared to give sclent llio bath.s ( chemical ) the .same as produced nt the Hot Spilngs. Hot air. moister or dry , Turkish , Itusslan or plunge. Wlllguar- anlco .satisfaction to thu most fastidious. Single bath or treatment per week or month. I'harges ica'-onablo. Special rates to lady clerKs for regular ablution. Mrs. Dr. Day , ICii N. Ifith St. , Hooms 1U2 ntulS. M.'milO TTlIuisnranco flcorgo J. Paul. IfiOU rtimiitii Jst. ? . , rentcsents reliable companies only. UtW AUCTION hales every Tuesday. Thursday and Salurdny morning at till Douglas st. Omaha Auction & titoiagu Co. Gl' ' ) rpo suit the convenlencelof clients engnged J during the day wo open evenings , 7 tostt : ; ) . II. K. Cole , room U Continental blk. KM rpINVOK1C. . rooting , guttering , ' .pouting , JL good work low prices , bavage , 1018 Cumlng KM-inti * HI'.COIiE , notary public and conveyiinecr. U' ! ' ) LOST. T OST Horse , black. 5 ycaisold. weight NM J Jibs. , left front leg ciooked. Kewaid paid. HUH N. 7S--'f > ' OM' Ualci spaniel pup. litu months old - * name. I.eo ; tag. 4L" : . Itctnrn lo 10I. > I'ar- iiani and gut $ . " > lowaid. t-OI-"l. IOsT Hold chain bracelet clasp with small diamond helling , either In Morse's dry goodsstoruor hetueen Jloiso'o stoic and I''tli ' and rainam sis. I'lndor jiluasc letiini to 1707 Cass st and get toward. T7tt' ' ! ' I" OST JIU in cash , between and J-J Tnenty-flfth avcnuo and the II. 1' , car bhops. Itcttiin lo the Hue olllco and receive icward. TtB--S * TKItSONAIj. IJlIUs-OiNAL My Mttlul rienilour letter JL received. I will 1)0 thoio May . " > th. Come Monday .sure. Wrllo mo lo Lincoln. Neb. . mo Windsor hotel. Ed , SO.Vi. : 'nKSONAL-Wuntert to hear from Ike. S. llosham ; was In Omaha a year ago. Any Infoimatlon about him will be thanlvfully rt > - culved liy II. K. Itosham , Ilccofllcc , at (1 ( o'clock 1 > . in. Wednesday. _ 7MI i.1 * SXOIIAGK. UinJNr)07K10th bL. stores i place for the summer. Kit mill leanest and best storage In the city at low rates at 1111 Douglas st. Omaha Auu- l IonSjora ge ( ' . _ _ ( i-40 rpllAC'KAOr slorago at lowest rates. W. M. -I Itushman , Kilt Lcavenworth. fi-ll AVANTKD TO KU\ ' . " \\TANTKn I'l-r ilture. carpets , household ? i goods foretibli. Wells' Auction & Sloragu Cji > 1Jtl7Jj.jilliLstJ : IVI I WANTED To buy a set of second hand tinner's tools. Addies- , stating price and condition. George Gray. Caie Itector .t Wil- hclmy I'o , 7.T.I- : . ' : ! "VVTANTKO To buy and move one or two ' houses near Mi.riha and Tncntietli. "O. ID. lice olllce. " 707-27 " \\7"ANTED , Oof(1 commercial iinper. NoT - > T braska Mortt njo Loan Co.,519 I'aMon blk. I > I4 NTEI ) Good sliort tlmo paper In small inouiils. 1' . 1.VX I'arnam st. 471 CASH for all kinds of household goods at 1IU Douglas st , Omaha Auction &Stoi ago Co. < Vt ° "V\rANTED To buy for spot cash , city or ' ' country , parts or whole stocks of dry and fancy goods , clolhlng , bools and shoes , milli nery , stationery , gentV furnishing goods , etc. Call on oraddtess.I. 1 , . Ilranduls & Sons , cor ner 13tli and Howard , Omaha. ( VO KOII H OIL and Mining Stocks I'uichasers wanted fora largo block of Wvomlng oil slock. Also for.seveial thousand snaies of Ilin stock of tlin " ( Jr. mil Canon Gold Mining I'laccr Com pany. "of Piemont county. Nebraska. Will soil for cash or evchango for nnencumburcd Hint estate. Addiess c ho. llec ollluo. Mti-'Jil * IJUJIt SALE- horse and buggy cheap for -L cash or Instalments. Address C II , lice. _ [ T7S 1IV1II SALE-My loadster , one of the hatid- JL' somest and most icllablu hoises In Ihoclly. Safe for ladles lo dilve. Oilers received for one week. Dan II. Wheeler , Jr. , Insurance , Douglas and Ifltli st.s. 7Vi FrilNITI'ltE Alimvt now forsalo on leims tosull puichaser. Cott.igo for rent. l.sSJ Oraeosl. . . ' , City. 7S.t-i'l ] ( lOlt SAI.E-Now Klmball niganand furnl- J-1 turo for uiiah , or will . tradefor horses. N , W. Cor. llth and Jackson 77.1 s.l * "I71OK SALE-A 10-horse power Now York X' safety upright engine In llrsl-cluis condi tion. IVstner's 1'ilntlns Olllce , 1307 Howard street , Omaha. CxVI-'i ) 3.1 E A VY wagon and coal bed , U ll'd Trade. 1 TOO l OU SALE A team of horses and harness , JL' cheap , cor. IJth and Vlnton ts. tail 22' 171OH SALE Handsome double yellow huad ipanotj line talker. 131S Douglas st.COI21 COI-21 * PIANO purutiiiBurs see that bargain In the piano at laij N liitli st. ( ! 0l- ! ' , ' | 'ALOON for sale , centprofOmalia. ( HI , Ileo. ttW-'JU * 171OK hALK 1'alr of mules , seven years old , .1. woJgh nine hutulred pimnds each. Also dray and harness. To bo seen ut ( Jeo. Can- Hold's stable , U. 9. Wind L'uglnu and I'umii Co. DIG JonesjiU _ fth.jl PAHTIKH looking for line driving or saddht hoives. would do well to cal ) on , 01 curres- ixind with T. J. riemlng , manaser W. II , Mll- latd'ti farm. Calhoun , Neb. Ho has for stile ( omo llmt-elass single driver * , earrlagu'tenim. and saddle horses , at lousonahlu prices. ' * J ! Q ALL and see thu great bargain In a piano , 'C0.1N ' lOthht , iy S4 * "lilOK HALH-Koda fountain cry chcnp. In- -t' iuiio oloy rmoison. oia S. iith. : ; 'io Ifl'llNlTUKK auction every Wednesday and i-aUirday. UIT a l.'llh Welk Uia FOlt SALE A 'ts-horso power I'orierpnglno In good condition , wolglit .1,100 jioundit , cy 1- InderlLxlii ! for particulars apply to The llee olllco. 7'JH _ _ tfUU tlrsl cla * piano tuning and repairing Jleavii i orders at A. Weber , Jr. , repair rooms. CiXSN. Kith street. _ " 1T10H HALK-iSomo CIMM | natchos nnd dla- JLinonds cheap. I' . Masters , room < , With- neil block. gg KKOItK biiylns a piano cx.unlne Uiu new scale lmball pluuo ul A HU IH1JU Douglas it 012 f 1 KO.K.OKMiKNIirCK. leaehor of thobanjn , VJ iron Howanl st Brd llo | > r , 21' ' ) AIUNKV TO IOAN. 'IT'ASTKltN money o floan on furniture. JUJhorses , jewelry , etc. , " ni 2 , 111 * I'n r num. _ LOANS-Oliyand fnt" > loan1 * , mortgage pa per bought. McCtigtio Investment Co. 0 IIOIOE .small loans wauled. U. 1' . llamsou , (111 ( N. Y. Life. - 170 GOM.Mi impiirnbonght. A. 1C. Ill toy , Itoom It C'oiitWnjnl block. _ i : "I T K. COLL' , iconagflut , Continental block. L OANS on Improved property at close tales. A. K. Ullcy , Hoom U , Continental block. i : _ 71IIATTEIi loans at lowest rates : removed V/ lo 517 and 010 I'axlon blk. J. 11. Kmlngcr. KO _ _ $0.000 lo loan on real cstalo security. liootul. , Marker block. fCi j Loan and Trust Co. . law farnain 0 'st. , Choice city loans at lowest rales. Ilir.KAlj real estate loans madu byV. . M Harris , room 20 , Krenzer block , opp. I * . O KH MONEY loaned at lowesi rates , lone tlmo Improved Omaha roftl estate , no "oxtas , no delay. Globe Loan & Trust Co. , 7t > l EYSTONC Mortgage Co.-Ioans of $10 to 11,000 ; jfet our rates before borrowing and save money ; loan on horses' furniture or any approved security , without publicity ; notes bought , for nnw loan , lenewal of old and low est rates. Call , U aw , Sheuly blk , 15th & llow- aid ( ,1s. CM M ONEY iolonn GeorguJ.l'aul.IUOvraniaiu UiB MONEY to loan on any security for short time at low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com pany , Itoom 400,1'axton block. ( ViS HEAI' EASTEIIN MONKY- C _ Philadelphia Mortgage nnd Trust Co. . always ready to loan and pay promptly ; 1st mortgages wanted. Ueo. W. L' . Coats , repre- senlatlve. 7 lloaid Trade. 4.1i FIIIHT mortgage loans at low rates and no delay. D. V. SholesCo.'lol'lrst Nail bank. ( i.V ) LOANS made on any available securlly Central Investment Co. . Itoom 25 , Cham ber of Commerce. 001 ONEY to loan by It. V. Masters in any amount from } IO to 410,000 for any time , from one to six months. I make loans on household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , houses , leases , etc. . In any amount at the lowest possible rate , with out publicity or removal of properly. My loai.s are so arranged that you can make a payment at anv time and reduce your In terest pro rata. You pay Interest only for the lime you use Die money. If you ewe a balance on your property I will take It up and carry It for yon , at the lowest rate conslstant with the risk. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. 11 K. Masters , Ituon 4 , Wlthnell block , l.'ith and llainev sts. ra $1.000.1100 to loan on Improved or unlnpioved city property. No delays. Itest rates. W. I'.iinam Smith , loom 1C , Continental block. U l-mll SECOND moitgagu loans. Second mortgages bought. Loans on vacant lots. Itecd & Selby , loom lit. Hoard Trade 4s QT il. TIIOMI'dOxT lomiw IHI and X-3 Omaha O.National bank , lia plenty of money to loan on Impiovcd clty'tn'Opeitv ' ; low rates ; no delay ; loans closed pii'Jrtplly. 4M1 1 * s HOUT time loans m/ido. / A. K. Itiloy , Itoom 11 Continental bloMv. KKI sN N ONEY loaned on i fniiutuie , hotses and wagons ; lates icasonable. ( Jlty Loan Co. . removed to 1022Sherniill ( Ave. ( Wi LOANS made on unlmtinned ical estate. A. K. Itlley , Koom Hi Contlncnlal blouk. . . JHO BKI'OKE nestillatlng'a loiin to lmpio\u your ical estate get ternis from The Odell InvestmentCo.'Ml ; N.Y. Life bldg , Thos d. Itoyd n < pri > si < ntatlre. ! WJ BUILDING loans made on Choice city iiioperty AI low ( * < t rates. Private funds lo loan ou In ick . . i , icahicnve iiul | ' business property upon \ cry fuvorablo I onim. Iflmbnll. Champ & Ilynn , 1205 Kainam St. fAV-mlS \\7ANTED-KlistolasslnsIdo loans. Lowest t rates. Call and sue us. Mutual Invest ment Co. . 1501 I'arnam. G57 H'AND Investment Co. , room 113. IteTe build ing , loan on chattels In amounts from $10 to $ IOHX1 ( ; lowest rates. Loans on household goods , hoises , personal property of all kinds and other articles of value without icmoval. I'aymcnls arranged Io Mop Interest. 110-m5 Ol'EItCENTicslden-o loans J3 , ( ) < )0 ) to $10,00,1. llulldlng loans at stieclal rates , The Investmcnt Co. . Hco building i JJB " 711 ONEY an , ( M or IX ) days on furniture , J.'l pianos , horses , houses , etc. J. .1. Wllkln- Mn , Qs | I'axlon blk. til ill BAbTEKN money to loan on city pioperty ; mortgage paper bought. 11. li.lioy , oip | I'O. 12(1 ( BUILDING Loans I ! to 7 nor cunt ; no nd- dlllonal charges ( or commission or attor ney's fees , \V.It. \ Molklo , Kliat Nat'l bank hldg. _ ( jliT _ _ M ONEY to loan. O. I' . IViIs Co. . roalest.Uo _ aiul loan agents. 1505 I'ainam si. liiH _ MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules , household goods , planosoigan , dlamonds , at lowest uiuis. The llrsl oiganlzed loan olllco In the city. Slakes loans from 30 to ! U5 ! duvs , which can lie paid In part or whole at any time , thus lowering the prlnolpaland Interest. Call and see us when you want money Wo can assist yon piomptly and to your advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money always on ( land. No delay In making loans. C. P. Keed & Co. , 311) ) S Utli st. ; over Hlnglrim & Sons. OHO ' SHOIITI I " \\7ANTED- Educated young ladles anil gen- > > tlcmcii to lea in shorthand and O pc- wiltlng ; good salaries ; students assisted to positions. Standard hoithaml Hiiilncss Col lege , frank I' . Hell. Insiriielor. hfll "IJIlOf. Lcne ; , the iciiowned phrenologist , JL medium and p.ilml-t.who lias been publicly testi'd and challenges the world In leveallng myslcilis , dispeises jealousy , evil Inllii- ences , gives full names of piesent or fntiiie husband or wife , also ti > ls | your faults and qualities , trade , business or piofesslon to make a success. Ki'sldenee 11' ' ) N. llth st. Con sultation $1. Satisfaction given or no pay. 71)Viu2l ) MK ? . Dr. Eddy" , llio distinguished trance clairvoyant , laic of Huston. While entranced - tranced will reveal every hidden mystery of llfo. I'rcp.ues Egyptian talisman which will oveicomo your enemies , lemove family trou bles , restoie lost alfcetlons , unites the separat ed , helps in all tumble , etc. fee tl ami up- wan Is N. 11. Perfect satisfaction guaran teed by mall. Send slampfor Illustrated cata logue. Mrs. Dr. Did v. .tls N 151 h si. , Omaha. See Sunday paper foi jloclal announcement. in. fi7fi-SI + _ ADAM DEL/.IEIt fjrym Chicago , the young but celebrated manage ami nmgiictlsl. I'ailo rs over IIIO South Tltti street. CH , ) . ' . ' ) ' JJ1OKTUNE Teller Mrs. . Lonornmn can bo J1 consulted on all alfalts of life. Satisfac tion guaiantecd. Nu. nlBN. 15th st. 4J2-a2i ; % " " ' D ! NANNu : V. AVrtJunN. claiivoyan medical and bnsluysj medium , female diseases a specialty. ityfluth si , rooms 2 .t 3. MIDLAND GuaranJi'Vl'ft Trust Co. , N.Y.LIfo bldg , complctu ubililicls fninished and titles toieal vstatu examined , purfocted and Kunriinleed. t . o l "IJ10K SALE-A 2-chali barber shop. In good Jlocation. . Address C * rllee. 74ij-'fl" HliSl.NI. . Mjpp iitiuili ) Bowing to declining health uf the ai'tUe paiiuer , an estab lished and groulng lugltlmalo business In Dmaha Is now olfeicd for sale. The business leqnlres but little i-apltal. and with energy and management can be laigely Increased. Anyone meaning business can iiddross C r > ' ) , llccoMUo. hO.1-SI * 1T1OK SALE Lumber and coal yanK Thteo -L yards at good potntu on the f. , j ; . , v M. Y. K. It. In Wyoming ; will sell together or sepa rately. I or further partloulats addiess .1. E. UiiKg. Douglas. Wyo , TID-iti * ( A LOON men attention : for Sale-Saloon k Jcor. llth nnd Dodgoi ono of the bobt paying saloons In city ; halihfautory reasons for sell- Ing. Doty A llarsl. _ 7IXV27 * 17IOU SALE-On account of tbc > di.ath of my -I1 parlnur , Mr. Terry , I have decided to re tire from thu livery biiKlnoss , and I theiefore offer forsalo all unr fine livery block , Including lior.cs , carriages , ht-ursp * . Imgiili- * and har ness. 1'artUs \ i-l IHK tine drlilng lioiurs or anything In < iur lire mil ii ui-u toc.ill und c < an..rin the Ituriiu in utlin 1 This Mock ini.btl'isuKut > Mtiy | nit lUnry A. of Ilumuii i luriy m A HOOD pnylnjj commission business ecu- trallyliM-nto for nalo ehesn. Oood run- for soiling. Address , C2tl , lice Office. . MO 22 * _ _ _ SALOiN Men attention , first class liar r i MI m out ill , cost Mwn. can bo Ixittght for less than h Its original cost. Inquire at 11. Trostler. 1105 I'uriiam < t. _ flM-St * " lll'AlTfor ea li ! store building , snialF stoc groceries , lunch countes ; close to depot. Kitqulro of C.lleyntcr , Norfolk. Neb. _ _ _ _ r.rr-mio * _ 17IOK SALE-A splendid paying iiillllnery JL and ilri'ssmiikInK establishment ; gooil lo- _ ) , Coli' lMO Howanl si. 711 "I71OirsALITho lease , f until uro and llx- JL' lures of the llradley house at Teeumseh , Nj-ii. _ ivm ai _ "lilOUSALE-Half Interest In Orst class resl- JL' aiirant In Lincoln. Address II , A. , Omaha Hep. Lincoln. Neb. 017 17IOK SALE-Or will exchange , about . JL stock of general merchandise for clear real estate and cash. Address llox 154 , Tliurman. Iowa. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ KU-fi _ 'IjlO'U ItHNT Checliered livery barn on Isth .1 st. . S of Hartley. Cull or address iS'el ) . Mortgage Loan Co. . ftH ) I'a.xton blk. CM " ' " 'A NOl. braska lands partly luider cultivation. In good localities. N. II. Apple , room 10 , Ware blocjj. _ _ ITK 25 ' 'I7IOH E.CHANJII.2S ) ae.elear land. W.IOO' ; JL1 wantmiUe. oreloarclly property , lllseley , SJienamloah. la. _ ? J--1-L * 1TIOK EXClfANGE-A line lot , .11x133 feel , JL1 right on grade ; elegant location ; ono mlle from postotllco ; loom for two houses. Will exchange for clearer lightly encumbered Iowa farm. Addiess C I" , llee. _ ii5-24 : 171OK EXCHANGE Hotel of 05 rooms In one JL1 of the best towns In Nebraska. Elegantly furnished tliioughout. A splendid chance for llio right party. 1'arl cash , balance clear real estate or time. II. E. Cole , room 0 , Contlncnlal block. 7IS--J2 I WILL triido a good clear lol In So. Omaha for piano or hor&u ami buggy. Address C 4 Ileo lllcc. ' 1T1OK EXCIIANOE-Stockof dry good and no- J ? lions. JL.'fOOwant 'i cash , balance clear properly. Itlseley. Sln'naiido.ih. la. 455-22 * l OK EXCHANGE 2 lots In South Omaha or .V 1 lot near Vlnton st. , for horses or mules. Itoom 13. Hoard Trade C73 IV you have anything to exchange call on or addtess H. E. Cole. K. li. Contlnenlal block. Olllee open evenings 7 to SW. ; G.'ii ) 171OK KXCllANBK Clioleo" Improved Ne- 4. braska farms. Will assume light Incum- brnnco. If you have anything to offer ail- dressorcall on Geo. .1. Sternsdorf , room 317- 31S first National bank building. Telephone 401 , 07. KOI I SAMS mCAIj IJSTATlj. " \JO\V Is the tlmo to stay by Omaha real J-x o.state. Take earn of back payments on Improved or unlniprov ed properly and gel your money of A. K. Itlley i II , Continental block. $25 cash and $12 per month , for 4-room house , lot .riOxI27.'i ; very cheap. Also houseof 4 rooms , $15 cash nmffS tier month ; very easy terms , at low cst pi Ices. Lot us show you the houes.V. . J. I'aul , 1GOU Karnam. _ _ HAltJAIN ( > -"ri-ioom house. .1 doors west of > thst onChailcs , lot I0.\127. I'rlce , Jl.OOO ; { lixi cash 0-room house , full lot. 1 block from licit Line blidge on Il.imilton st. I'llce , ,00l ) ; $1,000 cash or tiade. Nice home In "linker I'lace , " house 20x30\2l , lot III4 ( ) , only ifl'i ) cash , balance of i'JM ' easy ; will tiade for horse. liKinlieof owner. E. G. Merrill , ono block north of Walnut Hill schooL _ 7iU-2s" _ " 171OU SALE -Or trade , nice residence lot. l'x ' ) JL l.i , ' , 1'i nloeks S. K. of SOtli and Vlnton , south front , city water , on grade : for sale or Hade foi good family hoise ami buggy und phaeton , tl.2.V ) , enciimbianco JIOO ; C 21. lice olhcc. _ Tsl-'s * _ /1O11 SALE (1-iooni ( Hat ; all looms lentcd ; a 117 ti lllh. kl7--- ! _ "AV rAL'GH & Wcstei Held , real cstato.S Omaha \V 07I " 171OU SALE A line Improved property. Wxlxfl J. feet of ground , with .1-story brick and stone buildings , i ented at if-'J70 per year to good ten ants. well leased and best property In the city of Maqtiokcla , la. , to ti.ide , clear , for good Omaha impioved or unimproved pioperty. Good chance for some one to get good Invest ment for iion-produetlvo property. D. v bholes Co. , 2ii : I'lrst'l ba itk. _ 070 A SMALL payment down and tl. ) per month will buy a 4-room house and lot on Ifith. two blocks from motor ; llrst-elass chance to acquire a home on easy terms. Apply lo II. 13. Cote. Continental block. _ Kg LINCOLN place and Cartilage lols , pitco { 1,000 , if50 down , balance * I5 monthly. AV. L. Sclb.v. Itoom ii. : bo.tjd of trade. 077 FOIl SALE-Or trade , I'latto valley laneh , : i miles wc-,1 of Valley station , on V. I' . K'y. , containing over 1,100 nctes ; set with hi lie grass , clover and rod lop , divided Into 2. " > llelds and paddoclis , largo barns , jiaddoeks , cattle and hog barns and shciK , line icldenco boarding hoii-e. maclilno shop , carriage house , , lee house , tint ) gloves , and splendid half mile track. This is thu best Improved ranch In the country. O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 l-'urnuin st. _ _ _ MHi-iuT QALTLAKECITY-A few of the choicest O lots at the pilco on the maikot. 1'ilco .Ki Iol7."i ; teims one-fourth cash , balance to. suit. Look this up ; they won't last long. II. E. Cole , loom 0. Continental block. _ 718-22 171 Oil SALE A line new 5-room cottage near 1 eleclt 10 ear line on N. 27th st. Will take as part of c.ish pavment a good horse or horse and phaeton. V. I.'i04 I'ainam st. _ S77 /"tOTTAGE homes In most any addition for W sale at ftoni 1 1.000 up. on easy monthly payments. 1' . K. D.nllng 4i : llarkor block. IK ) "iriOKSALE UHlby l.V ) ft. cor. IIQth and Wcb- JL slersts. ; also a numburof good lots , $ " > 0 and (100 flown and monthlv payments for balance. N. 11. Apple , room 10. Waio blouk. OJ. 25 * $1,4. > 0 buys neat 4-ioom cottage , small lot , 1U miles n-w 1' . O. D. O. Patterson 518 N. Y. Ljfe. _ ; _ ft ! & $200 cash , balance W.IH per montn , will buy an elegant fi-iooin house with full corner lot. A bargain ; $2,201) ) . Gco. J. I'aul , looa I'ainam st. _ _ Ml rpWO choice lots on small cash payment , ball - -l ance second mortgage to responsible par ties who will build. H. E. Cole , Continental blk. undSiOt XiMth. M.I _ ITIOIt SALE and Exchange I have qulto a JL1 number of bargains Call and see. N It. Apple , room 10. Ware lloclc. _ UI2 2" > * $ 2.K/o ( buys new S room cottage , lot icixl.U.ilth aim .lone- , . Easy terms. D. C. 1'alleison , K N. Y LIfo. _ _ _ _ _ _ f'-s IjTIVK room collages. $1,500 each. ilOO casli down , balance $15 pet month. Thos. I' Hall , U 11 1'a xton block. _ OJ7 _ . ! SALE Or c.xchango for dings and ic-il estate. ; UOUOO book stin.'k. _ Ilex ft IS _ 0711 J 1ST your piopcity with H. J 0 'JO /T GOOD n house nnd lot north of / I\/ J/ IF ioom lit 114--V Kllll ll'ii ( t't I II V t A Cnmlng , on 5th ave. ; easy terms , $ tnoo 10 foot fiont on Cumlng. west of 2sth , at $100 SIXTY-l'I YE acies s. w. of p. o , suitable for platting or gardening , for sale at a bargain. K. 1C. Darting. 4.'l Itarkcr blk , 811 INSIDE lol with It. K. trackage at a bargain Call on us nnd Investigate. AUo propcily for sale In all the stibuibs , Colselh , Johnson A Lovgi en. 075-M $ : iriO cash , balance to suit , bnvs 10 room house ; all modem conveniences , H E. Coh . 718-22 _ "I7IOK SALE One piece of Improved business JL' iiroperty that will pay l.Fipercent. Howard L. Ajl Co. . lotji iunjIJji mUls. ) 1HOK ItENT-'Wo have 01 aeiesadjoining Iten- fen and ro acies ndlolnliV' our Highland I'll i k addition that we will rent for season , if Initial a reasonable uilco. Omaha Heal Estate nn ( | Tiust Co , , 1501 I'arnam si. _ _ ( il' ' > IiU > It SALE C-rooin IIOIIBO , ea l front ; eity .1 and ehtcin uatei ; n w pail of city. James Mocl.dale. room t , t'rener bll > . 0s ! Tj'ioKBALE-H.oiKl acres best farming lands In -I ? Nebiaska and MX l.V ) fool on South l.tth st , at a gioat sacrifice. Inquire 018 South Kith st. (5co. ( i. l otcrson. owu r. r/i'imlT "IJlOIt SALE Ycry cheap , no Irade , farm of J1 M'l.7it acres , see. ft , 12 , N ( i W , Hamilton county , Nob. ; S miles from Marunotto , small house , st.'tble. ! ! QO acres of pasture fenced , liv ing water , iirlco 'lily * lo per acre , f\7.Vi. | ] ( Tirmsf..2iXcush ) , lialaiieeti per cent Inttirestf 1' . K. AtMiii owner , tallroau building , Denver Col. ( i75 _ _ AIM.NT. little homo. 2sth st. near Wool won h , full lot , easl front. 7 rooms and bath , very little cash required. P. K. Darling , 43 llarkor block. | m JjTOll ALK-Or exchiinijo for unimpniied Omaha property , good 33 ncrti farm In Iowa' , with 11 Vu stock , Implcmenls , etc ( i.iod ir/J-tiero farm In Ciimlug county , Nelisasku Implovud South Omaha pioperty , pajlnglO | icr cent. _ AddiesitH _ 47.Jle ) . tfil-inli * ti\IK | Thubouiillfiil rosldonce. No 820 ( ieorgln avenue , with full lot , fl-room boiisa ilroh and oak llnlah flown stairs , oak sldf- ) oaid. litbralory , 4 mantels , soup stone tnbi In aundry , cistern and city water , gnu and m > wer connect loin , gas fixtures , huiiso handsomiily Iccnratcd , good furnace and e and every Nisslblo convenience This pinperty Is i ID ir if Inciimhrancc , and owner can give any terms osult Notr.'ido Any ono wUhtiu ; to pur- chnw fftn cull at No c > u ( U'orgia uvo ami lie Bhnwn th'-iir iieriy .ir > . .i'l ' ut my "fll und liu driven " "ut to KCO It D V bliules Co. sole uceut , 2U I'lrsl National buuk. 078 pKOt'OSALS for Indian Snpiilles nnd Tram- J portal Ion - Department ot the Interior , Olllce of Indian Affairs , Washington. April 15 , fU- ) Sealed proposal * . Indorsed " 1'roposals for Iteef , ( bid * for Hoof iniMt bu submitted In separate envelopes ) , llacon , Klour , Clothing or Trnii'iiorlatlon , etc. . " ( IIH the case may bu ) . and directed to the Commissioner of Indian AtTalrs , Yo . rfliind G7 U'oo ( ( r tlntt , AVir 1'oik. will bo received until I p. m. of TVfwMiA Mity i , l.w , for furnishing for the Indian nervlce i about IXM.nX ) pounds Itiicon , ; iliKWi ) pounds lleef on the hoof , | , ODOooo pounds net llcef , 270n ) pounds Deans. GURU pounds Making I'onder. r > < UX)0 pounds Com , 4s.ooO pounds ColTee. S.MXr ) x ) pounds flour. W.OOO pounds feed. 155.000 pounds Hard llrei : < lrk'itx jionnds Hominy , an.iXH ) pounds I. aiil.TW ) barrels Mess I'ork , 17 , < YM ) pounds Oatmeal , 4VtH)0 ) ) pounds Oats. l-.l pounds Klet < . I'.IXV ' pounds Tea , : HO.OOO pounds Salt. 2SO.WO pounds Soap , U20.000 Sugar , and 70.000 pounds Wheat. Also , Illankcts , Woolen nnd Cotton OooiK ( consisting In part of Ticking , 1 . ' 1,000 yards ; Standard Calico , UKi.ooO yards ; Drilling. U.OOO yanls ; Duck , flee from all .siring , Sooo yards ; Denims. I5mx ) yards ; ( IltiKham , ; c . ( xK ) yards ; Kentucky Jeans , 11,000 vards ; Cheviot , 17,000 Hardware. Medical Supplies. School llmiks , * c. . and a long list of miscellaneous articles , mien ns Harness , Plows , Kakes , forks.c. . . and for aboulXii ) Wagons required for the set vice , to bo delivered at Chicago. Kansas City anil Sioux City. Also for such Wagons as may bo required , adapted to theellmate of the I'aclllc Coast , with California brakes , delivered at San f railclseo. Also transportation for sueli of the articles , goods and supplies that mav not be contracted for lo be delivered at the Agencies , inns MUST in : M.vtmot'T ON no VKIIXMKNT lit. VNKS Schedules show Ing the Iclnds and quantities of sulislstencesiipnllcstequlred foreach Agen cy and School , and the kinds and quantities Ingress gross of all other goods and articles , together with blank proposals , conditions to be ob served by hlddcis , tlmo and plaeeof delivery , terms of contract and payment , transpotla tlon routes , and all other necessary Instruc tions will be furnished upon application to the Indian Olllco In Washington , or AIM. ( MtiM l67 l\'i \ i"ttrttiiit , Xne Ytnh ; the Commissaries of Subsistence , V. S. A. , at Cheyenne , Chicago. Leavenworth , Omaha. Saint Louis , Saint I'aul and San fianelseo ; the Postmasters at Slonx City , Iowa ; Yunkton. S. Dakota ; Arkansas City. Caldwcll , Topek.i and Wichita , Kansas , and Tucson , Arbona. The right Is icserved by the ( lovernment to reject any and all bids , or any pin t of any bid , and these pioposals are Invited under piovlso that appropilatlon shall bo made for the sup plies by Congress. t lllds will bo opened al the hour and day above slated , and bidders atu Invited to bo [ iieacnt at thu opening. CIIITIFIIII : : ciitn : < : * . All bids must bo accompanied bv certlflod checksor drafts mum sumo L'nlted Slates De pository or the I Irst National Hank of San 1'ranclsco , Cal. , for at least/ire per cent of the amount of the proposal. T. J. MOKOAN , ComnifMfnner. apt 19d25t-iii .Notice. nids will bo received by the state board of printing at the olllcc of the secretary of state at any time before April 25th at 2 o'clock p. m. , for printing and binding ono thousand copies of the it-port of the Imioau of labor and Imlustilal statistics for llio year of JsS'J and IsOO , of WIO pages each more or less Samples of work may he seen at the olliee of seciet.irv . of state. Klghl tcscrvcd to loiect ao > and all bids. HKN It COWIIIMIV. Seeietarv of Stale. Lincoln , Nebraska. April lllh. lit ) . a 12(1 ( lot TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT- EXCHANGE FOR SALE- Jos.RMuCtATH , ifi'J'&FARMAW ST * OMAHA.4- Can be cured In 20 to 00 days , by thu u&e ot thu For snleonly by tlio Ct.ok Kcinoity Co . of Oniiilio. Ncbniskn Write to us for lh nninpn mul nililruan of Cntlenta wlmhnvo tiocn curoil nnd troni whom mi nvo rurmlolmi to rc-tcr Shlll | | i Imi nlwnyi bnllli'il the xklll or the mii tonilnnnt | iliy- Flclmu. unit until the rtUcovcry of tliu Oiok llcineilr Co's "J1AOIC 11K.M1CDY , ' nut ono In till ) ovvr Imr- Inti thu tllsengn IIUH tioen cuieil > Vo Kimratitoo to euro nny cn o Hint cna bu iiroiluiuit. Tluixi who have taken niu'rcury , luitiiHli , S S S. aucui iillurniiN or other mtvortliort rufncitluit , with iinly toniimriiry licuelltft enn now bo ppriunnuntly cured b > ttio n.iu of the " .MAtJIC HH.MKHY ' ( if tilt ) Couk Uoniuity Co. , Unmlin. Nub. Uewaro of hiiltatlonM It Irt nbttnhitely hup < i < < ltiu ] for nny other pcr n ! ] or coinpnny to hu\u our formula or nny romi > dy llku It Inetlcvt nnd rcnult. Tliol'nok tteniudj Co. hut been trc.itlnt : patleaH tor four jenrs mid tmvo ab\iya : gtvon perfect nutt tau tlon Tbpy nrc Hiinnrlally rp imatlblo , hat IliK a oiip- Itnl of over 1200.000 , making their Kiiariintco coml Wo solicit tliu luiist otistlnatt ) canes- the o who hnvo trUut every kiuin n rcnicd } and toil nil hope ot rocor- cry. ( 'orrimpiinil with tin mul lot tm put yon ta po e < - Kliinof uvlilcncu that convliicm the nin t flki'i'Uc ' * ! . Mark wlinttn i.iy In thu end } oa MTST use our "MAtJlC IIKMK1IV" before you can bo permanently clued It Ix the ino-t hcrnlc blond purlller over known. Write for particulars. All letters confiden tial. " ° Bur ° y ° u rc getting the cook Iteniudy CoV. Muglu Kem- edy. None othcra nro genuine. Parties claiming to bo niicntd I'or us nro Impo'torn mul fruiuH. Full p.irtl- cuhirs freo. A < 1irei ) 9 all commiiiilcntlons to THH COOK RIiAUiDY CO. , Kooms : X > and 40 St Clalr Hotel lllock. Corner 13th and Dodge Sts.Omaha , Nebraska. BROOKS BROS , & GO , Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Wiilclics , Jewelry , Cullery Notions , Novelties , Albums , Coat-Collar Springs , Fancy ( foods , Ac. I.urgest assortment for KNIFE-BOARDS. AUCTIONEERS. SIREETMEN AND PEDDLERS , lllc variety of 5c , lee ami Me counter ' Our lame unit fully Illustrated inalU'if I'm1 iniltMlcrdnuly. ( Specially recommended 1)7 ) the Academy of B jStcUlcino uf 1'AUIH for tlio cure o ( | SCnOFULAKING'S-EVIL. CONSTITUTIONAL IWEAKNESS.CONSUMPTION ( IN ITS EAHLY SSTAQES ) ; POORNESS OF THE BLOOD , Band fur rvHulutlns It * periodic course. B None Kcmilnn unlcKH vixniMl "IlijiMeinn , 40 run I lionaparto , 1'oriit" HOLD IIY ALL R en Ham a vawaav yror LOBTorFAn-IKO MAMHOOD ; HOeninl aad NERVOUS UEDILIT it I' Weakneiiof Body end Mind , Effect * -Biinf p"-"rFittiittin01dcrYounir. IUIKII , neb . ninininiiroiiT ii.i. , , " II. , , „ e.i.'u.Jifi ' " ' ° ' ' ' ib'5i.'r i' riiil.i'IIIIHK TimiTntiT-u.n.'nc'lL i t\ \ ' On 11111(7 ( mm ( U eiiln ( ] rorrlfn t'ounlrlfi. tTrllf thtu. Wf rfpll' nook , irjiolloii end Vrocf. oilldi.ldirrro. -WITCH ERIE MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALO , H. Y. IUf < hnnrJ RESTORED. tuJrinnnnil UKUn.vKurirMm \ IfiUIIIIUUlj of joulhful Ini'riiclrm-u. ( Aii.lnif rrfniAtiiro Pf car. Nt'r ou * Pvlilllty , lx > f ( ManhixHl. Jin , li , vine trltnl In run c tr > kmni n i < < " * Uy. hat iff 'ovtrrl plninlo tiifAHS nf elf rure , vvlilcu lie will i nd iioAlpiliFltrK lolili * ri'llnw ruiforeifi. ddre iJ 11 HHKVE8. 1'.U. Hoi JW.Stn YorUCIty. TO WEAK nufTcrliiK from thn i'Hri-uc.1 joiilliful rrrorn , rarlr tlfc.ijf. wantlnit wi'nLni M. lu t umiilirxxt , i tc . I will fpiul a valuntilo trrnlim nnlcOi contalnlii ! ; f ull ; ' rtlrillnrt fur tinuiv rure I'lllU ; of rlinrci * A ploti J hi wnilt thoulil lit ) rca < l by crrrjr man who In Hfr m * nii < l irlillltni | | > il. X < l < lri'W , I'rof , 1' . C , IM\Vll'llniootlii , ( onn. DELIVERED nf im.mtl. . UniUnl M.I. . Al min Hiryrlti H.rctiri in > l ( , rl. Turye- Irt Ont or ln r * t Mliolr Al | r > r. .nt ( O H dir.ct I. II Up. i , rr i I le- | ti > l ) Ml H UiJiti.n M ( .hi. . ( ! In luU . Tht l l Uctitir lu ( I. * CHICHESTCn'O ENGLISH .PENNYROYAL PILLS. J RCD Cnoia DIAMOND DR ND , % Wj M fis IUP. nl tlviji ritlibl. I.uillri , aik Ui. . . , r if. | nti t > iu < rlbl ii T U oo otbrr. H ii < Ic. mpolur t'trtigului > i > 4 "llcllrf for . . . . . . . r _ . . . . / ' ( . ' . 'i. Hi t'lirra , 1'uurfi'i.iici uif/i / Itirr , iii..tcii rj\ , Work In the Minor * to lie Done Till * Spring. Ci' CITT , S. 1) . , April 01.- [ Special to Tin : HKH. ] Thnt Rival question , homo pro- durtlon of tin , b now ngilutlng the public ittluit of the country from 1'ortlnnd. Mo. to Portland , Oro. , iitul from the hiko.s to the gulf. American manufacturers will soon IK ) i hk > to Mipply the Atiiorii-au market with Aiuorli'tiu tin , dug out of Anierlc.ui mines by Americans. If people afar off inv interested In this great question surely the pooploof Oniiihii ought to bo , located us the ) an1 so close to this mineral tviilon. The noted tin nilno.s of Cornwall have boon a sotttvo of greater revenue to tlu-lr owner * than the richest cold mines. They huvo fur nished the world with more than three- fourths of her supply of tin , eoii'ico.ut'iitly they mv now down over ' . ' . ( HX ) feet Twin where the prospectors commenced thlity centuries ago. Tlninlcs to the untiring eneiyj of the IJIai'U IIllls iiwsiKVtnrs , a new ( . 'oruvvull IIIIH been tllseo\cixHl new at our very doors with enough tin to supply tliu world for thoiievt thirty centuries. lint the man nbovo nil otliors who deserves the praise mul tlnuilci of the Black HUN luxHiieetors and In fact of the American people hi Is . .lamesVll on of Hiiruey I'enlc fame. It was he who fur nished capital for the erection of the Hrst test mill , which tinder the able luannpnueut of Myron Wlllslo of Knpld Cil.v , pi-oved to thosnthfiirtion of the host inlnlnu exports tu the world that there was enough of tin In the otv to Justify them In expending inllhous sinUiiih' sh.ift.s , run.ihiK lunnels. erecting hoisting works , uir coinpivssoi's , ninl nil tither machinery necessary lor the proper develop ment of mines. A railroad has heensitr- wjixl by the llnrncy I'oak through the tin district , which Is cxfKcteil to ho built soon for lite purpose of brliifjinu ; the otv to Custer and lllll ( Mty , wheiv liuijo pulverlztni ; and cont-oiitr.itIn plantB will ho eivctcd. The nillrouil survey ntnrts fiviu Hiiphl City , runs thivtiKh Hill I'ily IdCuster , aiiil In llio not distant fuluro Ihe IMIU ! will bo extended to Hot Springs. The lushest point of this road lies midway between I'nst IT and Hill C'lty nnd In the center of the tin district. Heavy car loads of ere start { HIT from the mines at nny point to the mills al Cuslcr and Hill City will , Instead of consuming , ho ahlo to Rcner.ito power , jHwiiled It is not wasted by the application of the brake , a nmehlno that Is too antiquated for use In this enlight ened age. IJntwhllo thorois tin In abund ance in the southern hills , and while It is certain to bo the leading industry. It will not bo the only industry. 'J'hero is gold hero It is well known that the llrst placer gold iu the hills were found near Custer . } The llrst quart/ veins in the lilll.s were staked hero also. Inexperienced men got possession of this pmpcrty and erected mills on the free milling process. This proved a failure , because - cause the ore is not ttvo-milling , but of , i class known among mining men as concentrating oni and requiring com nitrating in.ichhierv ' to make milling successful. Last summer K' H. Moss , of tlio Moss ongtuvlng company , Mew York , ciinm hero and purch.i.scd soiiio very valuable propeity nt the headof I'leasant - ley , four inile.s west of Cutter fit v. He h.n has .several mill tobt.s iniule which eon1m od him that that the ere rich enough to jus tify him in devt loping Ilioso mines nnd in the purchase of the most improved MHtoni of concentrating machinery , which will bo erected here this sprint ; . He hns also pur chased .some placer ground lower down tlio valley , very rich in cold , which most tin- donblodly has been crushed from the pild quart/ lodges that he is now pioparintr lo mill snccossfnlly. There is nolhim. needed here to make gold minim ; Micco.ssfnl hut men with capital and brains. The Moss enjrav- inn company of New York , which is the larg est of its kind in thewoihl , can snpplv the capital , nnd the brains can ecrtninl.v he fur nished by llio superintendent , U. U Moss In n fttture letter I will give description of tlio Moss mining'sKohl mill , the lliimo.v Pculc company's test tin mill nnd theOlendalo y'.s mill , which is now working sui > lOvpericiKM ) in tlio South. The experience of Mr. I { . I ) . Whltley , an In fluential nnd prominent cili/en of Miutindnlo , North C'aroliim , will no doubt bo perused witli interest by people in all parts of the country. For years ho has been subject to violent at tacks of inllamnmtory Ism , on the iirst of February ho had nn allude , which settled in one of ids Uncos and caused utmost unbearable pain for two daja. Ho obtained ( i bottle of Clmmhcrlain's 1'ain lialm from \V. M. Houston & Co. , merchants at Moclcliiibiii'K Citv. N. C. Hevritcs that it KUVO almost im mediate relief nnd gives Cliambcrlniirs I'.ilu IJalm tlio highest mid ndvi.scs all pcr- bon.s troubled with lilco ullliclions lottbu it and get rcllcl. A HtrniiKC JH.srovory Iiulc in a NO\T ] > lo.\l'in Oav < * . A party who lnuo hcc'iicxiilorittK1 tlio orator or Invti boils about twenty miles boullt of Allniquerqiioluivo rotut'ued.and vouch for tlio truthfuliic.s.1 of tliu stoi'v relutetl by .1. II. Healon and 1C. \\f. Lon don , bays llio Han Francisco C'lironielo. Theno two pontluinon hinted that on their way to Mulpais tlioy met n Mexi can who volunteered for n few dolhu'8 to { jo nnd nliowtliom what lie luiew nlxml tlio critter. As n fjenoral ithinjjH llio Mexicans uro superstitions and shun the vicinity of tlio lava beds , but this man agreed to go. Ho ] ) ilotud the Allmquor- ( jneaiiij to n cnvo on the hl < jhebt point , through the cracks in the lloor of which a warm vapor abcomled. Viewing tlio Kurroundlngh for u few seconds tlio men were stnrtled by n low , rumbling sound , like dibtnnt Uutndei' , and the lava beneath their foot trem bled , The Mexican lied Immediately to the open nl r , but before the gentlemen could realize it a portion of tlio bottom of the cave foil , aim t hey with it into intense dnrknoss. Neither wan injured , but the ground upon which tlioy fell soeinod to swny to nnd fro. Fortunately ono of the parly hurt n candle and Homo mntehcH , and after inmtmerablo at tempts to light it tlio ( 'audio wai madu to burn. When a light was obtained , n lake of water , lib black att pitch , lay at their feet , while the opposite Hhoro appeared to bo moving from right to left. It scorned that they had landed on n lloating island , or n huge mans of lava , which lind prob- nbli been eddying around in this strange whirlpool for centuries. The Mexican soon returned to the month of tin- cave , mil lowering lariats , by the aid of their liornes , pnlled tlio imprisoned explorers out of their bondage and to the snrfneo once more. Another party 1" being or- gani/cd nnd will visit the cratur. - - A IMmHin < 7 HCIIHO of hoaltli nnd strength roncwod nnd o' fiso and comfort follows the use of Sj rup of J' Ipi , as tt acts in harmony with nature clTie'imlly ' : -leanses the system when costive or bilious. For sale in Wc ) and $ t bottles by all drabh ts. Tlio Itosl Denllfrloo , A St. Louis dentist 8nyn there It ' wholesale destruction lurk'ing In the majority of dentifrices olTen-d for milo < [ 'old water nnd a hard hrush ought to lie ) in clcnnlng the ti-i'lh , lut If an added preparation is desirud , ] n-u- imrod clmllc is tlio best and Hlmplost ia llio world. The chnlk will whlton the teeth bettor than any dentifrice , and ia more cleansing. The Only Ono. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway -lu the only line running Holul \obtibnled , oleelrio lighted nnd steam heated trains between Chicago , Council Itlnll'H nnd Omaha. The berth reading lamp feature In llio Pullman sleeping cam run on these linofi is patented and cannot bo tibud by any other railway company , it is the grout Improvement of the ago. Try it nnd bo convinced. Sleeping cart * loiivo the Union Pnolflo depot , Omaha , nt 0 p. in. dulh , arriving nt Chicago at l'li ) : ) n. m. Pa.sMtngoni taking this train nro not compelled to got out of the card nt Council Bluff * and wait for the train to bo cleaned. ( Jot tit ketn and sleeping cur hortlm at ticket olllee , 1001 Fnrimm st. F. A NAhii , Gun. Agt , J. E. PUUSTON Puss Agt.