Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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Kir nilxri ll < MiiciitHvlll hr taken for
those rolutmiH nflpr liliJtO p. in.
Terms CHMI | In nilvnnun.
Advert l-cmi'iits under this head 10 rents pr
line fortbi' first Insertion , Teentuforeach unli-
v critient | Ii vcrtlon , flndfI.TiOp < % rIlne permonth.
No ndvi-rtlsemi'iits taken for lessthati 25eents
for llrst liiMirtlon. They must run eonsecu-
lively and must bo palil In ADVANCK. All
he handed In before 1S : :
nV'luck p. m- and under noelrenmntiinces will
they be taken or illscontlnuijil by telephone.
I'artles ml vertlslnu In these columns nnd
havlntr their answers addressed In eare of ! HK
] | IK : will plenni ; nsk for n cheek toenablf them
to Kt their letter * , at none will be delivered
except mi presentation of check. All answers
to ntlvertlspineiits should bo enclosed in enve
lope *
All ailvertlsements In these columns nro
published In both morning and evnnlm ; edi
tion * of Till ! IIKK , the circulation of which nn-
Rri'Kates morn than 2nOK ) papers dally , and
gives the advertisers thn benefit , not only of
the ell v circulation of Tun UKK. but also of
elritlnrfK , Lincoln and other cities and
throughout this section of the country.
AdvcrtlRlng forthese columns win lie taken
on the above conditions at the following bus-
ness 1 ouses who urn authorized to take special
notices , at the same rates as can be had at thu
ir nln ofllce.
Dnf Twenty-sixth and N streets. Nebraska
Savings bunk ' building _ _
. 'L , l'httrinaclstfUl ( > oiithTcnth
O _ sti eel. _ _
CHASE A. EDDY , Slatlonera and I'rlnlcrs ,
1 1.1. South 16t hst _ reel. _ .
SII. I'AltNSWOUTH. I'haimaclit , 2115 ,
Cunilng street , _ _ _ _ _ _
\\T .1. IirOIinS , rharmucM , 024 North
. Idllihlieot.
KO.V. . I'Alilt. I'harmaclsl , 171S Leaven-
woilh Stieet.
Y.II amstl1IIA : UMACY'.8ltli. and rarnani
AYOI'NG man who Is a competent stenog
rapher and bookkeeper wants employment
immediately. Address C 31 , care lice.
_ _ r < io-i !
\\7ANTED-Sltnatlon by n Rood reliable.
IT stead'young man as porter or Janitor.
Ooqd city reference. Address C 35 , Itee ofllce.
74.-23 ! *
" \roi'NC3 lady stenographer would llko sllu-
> ulIon In olllco where work Is light. Expe
rience main object. Addiess C 45 , The lice.
071I-22. *
"irjXI'KltlKNCKlJ traveling salcsmanriargo
-liJ acrioalntnm-e ; vliolesaln groceries or
specialties. Address C 49. llceofllce. 7IW-21 *
\\fANTEI- ) Hy a middle-aged man a position
* of trust In business house or hotel , day
ornlght ; good penman ; reliable ; no objections
to leaving the city ; city icferonce. Address C
: ± Kee. ! V2J !
\\rANTED-lty middle aged man position as
) olerk or bookkeeper In hank or wholesale
lions * ' . IJefcr to Merchants hank , 1'tlca. Neb.
Ailllios's bo.4U2 , Utlea. Neb. 24 *
XVAXTHI ) . J 11 K
-\\r.\\TKD-Tailor for country town ; nice ,
ii Ho.m coloied bov. Jl" > ; man and wife ,
cooks , tv ) . Mrs. llicgii..lM'j ' ' S. l.ltji. 5-.l-I1 * _
" \\rANT.D ! Agents toeanxass everv city In
ii the iiuintry for the Automatic Hank
Punch : exclnslxcterilloryglxen and a liberal
commission paid , enabling an energetic and
Intelligent business man to net mote than an
average s-ilarv. Addiess The Automatic
Hank Punch Hey a I Insnranco
Itulldiiig. Chicago , III. (112-10 ( *
" \\TlA\TrKD At once III ( list-class onion or
' non-union stone cutlers. Address C'hldes-
Ur X Uai i as. Daxlil City. Xeb. _ raVl'i ' *
"f\TANTKI-Onp llrst-el.-iss pinning mill
ii hand at ( nice. Address to LeMars Mfg.
Co. LeMars. la. . " > sl HI *
TrANTED1'lve lent and awning makers.
' 703 S. IGth st. , Omaha Tent and Axvnlng
Co. r.-iT-iii
* V\T/\NTED--ood ( ! organ salesman forioun-
* i try town In Iowa , salary and commis
sion , work stead v , wages tip top to a rustler ,
( { all or address27ir > Sanndcis st , between Wlrt
and tipcncor , Omaha , on Monday. 21st.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
BOYS wanted to work In shoe factory. V. V.
Moiso .1 Co. , llth and Douglas. T4I-21
\rANTEI ) An active man for each section
T ? hiiltn'v I7. > to JIOO , to locally represent a
Miceessfnl N. V. eoniiiany , Incoiporated , to
supply dry goods , clothing , shoes , jewelry ,
etc. . to consumers at eo-t. Also a lady of
tilft.xalarv Wo. to en mil mcmbeis (80,00,1 ( now
enrolled , JlOO.IHiO paid in. ) References ex
changed. Kmplie Co-Operatlvo association
tll lated ) look box lilO. N. Y.
" \\TANTii : > Agents to sell the Lincoln
' elothesdrver ; best thing out : agents are
mnkliiR W ) to SUW per week. Address "Tho
Lincoln Clothcn Dryer Co. , " Nos. SI-.l. ! Dear
born t. , Chicago. 111. _ Cii-2l : *
"lANTKI ) Hv Mny 1st a Imokkeener In a
wholesnlu lioiiso. Must fninl-h A.lief-
oiences. State go and salary o\peeted. Ad
diess C 47. Ilee. 7ii :
" _ _
\ , \ . \ A .sl'Miographcr ; none hut llrst
' ' class need apply. Aullman , Miller. Co. ,
Council lllttlli. . 712-21
\ \\T ANTKH rirst class solicitor and organ-
i i/.er : one acquainted xvllh Insurance busi
ness jiieferrcd : refciences reiiuliecl. II. W.
Hinder , Council Illulls , iu. 741-20
WA NT EITi enTige t Ic solicitor to re i ) riT-
seiit us In Iowa. Addles-001 N. Y. Life.
building. *
\\rANTKD Live men us salesmen and col-
M lectors In Western Nebraska. Expeil-
eneo not necessary. The singer Sewing Ma
chine Co. , ( Jrand Island. Neb. ( M-inlli *
\\EANTKO-A" Jobber , one Unit has had 3or
'i 4 yean'experience. Address "Plumber , "
box C. 42 Hco olllce. stating xvheru iast cm-
ploveo mid xvagcsoxpected. OKI 21 *
\TANTED Salesmen on-salary or commls-
ii slon tohandlo the nuw patenl chemical
Ink erasing pencil. The grealest selling nov
elty overproduced. Erases ink thoroughly in
iwo seconds ; no abrasion of paper. 200 lo fiOO
per cent pioliu One agent's sales amounted to
too li | .six days ; another .2 in two hours. We
xvn nt one energetic general agent for each si ate
and territory. Sample by mall , ' ! " > els. I'or
terms itml full particulars addict the Monroe
lii'asnr Mfg Co. . LaCrosse. WIs. O'.KV 2 : . "
"IX AXI'ED good man cook. Inqulie at
> > J'.lks' eliili. Cmilineiilii bhHiJv. fis.- , * _
rpAH.OI.rf xsaiitedTxxn gtM > d coatmakers
> xvauted ut onee. /.ernheliner. . McCook ,
Nob. ! i7l ! 2.ICZ ]
UTA Canvassers at Mnger se
in " _ i st , . 2sO-i _
V\ > ANTll-Ttel7aTii ! ! ] oc"af aml triixonni ;
ii ftlilcsmcn ; positions permanent ; special
IndilctMiieiilij now ; fast selling speelaltles.
Don't delay : i > alaiy from start. Ilionn llttis. ,
liniserj men , Clilcago. 111. _ 174-20 *
\ \ rA.STKIgenFs Maple llRnr llglfter ,
ii every siiioktir bujs ; lights In wind or
ruin ; lusl's a llfetlmu : samples 15e , two for2jc ,
diuen it by .mall , stamps taken. Stavnur &
Co. . I'rovldencc. 11. " I. _ ip--1-
\\rANTED-Mxria"boreis for 1'acltie coast e\-
tension of 1" . 1' . H.It , In Nevada and Utah.
( neil wages and steady work. Albright's Lu-
lioi Agencx. 1120 Parnam sU _ K * ) _
"VAVP1.U Salesmen at { 7S permonth sal-
> i n ry and expenses to sell a line of sllx'or-
lilated ware , wiitehcs. etc. , by sample only ;
horse mill team furnished free ; write at once
for full paillculars and sample ease of goods
frc- , Standard Silverware Co. , Huston. Mass.
( Vis
\VA.\TKD IIKL1 * .
W ANTTTl ) t'lrst class eoiiv | and dhilhgroom
girl , besl ofxu e.s paid , HIS 17th si.
' - *
" \\rANTEn-An experienced sale * lady , one
i' wltli city icfeiencoonly. Addiess box KB ,
" \\r.\NTED-(7iXd girl for general houso-
i > work ; good \uiges. InnuirefilO S. 22d.
fitiU 111 *
"V\rANTED-Txvo girls fur llrsi and second
i > xvork. Kefereiices rciiulr < > il. : Call at > 43
La fax el te a vvnuu ( formerly I'aul st. ) Mr-s J.
II. Dumont , CM
\\rANTED Ladh"and young men to recelx-e
ii lii .t nictloni. and keep hook * . J.ll. Smith ,
room tilO. .Noxv York Life building. ( H2 21 *
/ I lltl.VanledA ginxl gill in small fat. illy ,
V liniti I runt L'1''l Dmlitost. _ 473
irAXTED-OIrl * for general housowoik ut
.eorgluaxc. ivii :
Vi rANTKD-Two energetic ludy bolleltors.
Addiesotmi N. Y. Llfo bulldlni' ' 7U2-21 *
\\rANTED-A girl In small family. Oerman |
, oi wedti preferred. SCI Pulk uxenue.
" \\7ANTED-An exporieneed lady jkiolc-
_ r i keeH-r. | Address U'l" Howard st. IJ8I-21
1'011 R 1JXT..H O U S KS .
Y nMtUN'r-A5.mimhoii > e
JL1 Iminlrw at LV14 Churles st. (114 ( 32 *
KKNT-fa ) per month , to first-class
yearly tenant , the IInest 5-room brlok
nonso with overv conx'enlenep t bo found In
the cltv. located on Luke and Erskin meet * I
{ t 2lthund i th : 10th t. motor within half ]
bliK'U gr mw cari , by the door , rwl can ono ,
MIM k J , L. Hfee. 4111 lleehiilliliiig. CT-IU *
OU UKXT 17.M IKHigTM I0room.\vl ii 11
la1 ivitttten-eg ) N H Vi'j'le , 11are I Ik.
t > -J I * 1
IftOIl HENT ElcKitnt new 8-rootn hou c ,
22nd and California ; nil modern convcn-
Ipnrcsj tV ) per month. A. C. Wakely , N Y , Llfo
bid * . 6.W-2.- ,
KENT House ) ten nMims. all miMlern
Improvements ; large yard , J40 JMT month.
Dexter L. Thomas , J10
iH U KF..N Iroom I collage on motor line.
Wl DouglM. IU4
8HOOMllouso. . city water , bath , Ran , motor ,
* JILK. ) _ _ Colo. IIrL
1710H ICKXTn > oru houses modern 1m-
Jprovcments. . Apply IIS X.-'Oth street.
] 7UIt HUNT r.lejfant 0-roftm lioiise , all modern -
. ern eouvenldiices , SOU Si .Mary's ax e. TL'l 'Jt
inoU ; KENT-S-room colliiKC , KM H. ttM.
J : T3I-2I *
liPOIt Itr.NT Houses and stores ; property
J- eared for. taxes paid. Midland Uiiaranteo
& Trust Co. . ir.U rarnam st. Abstracts. KV )
ri HX room house , all convenlemJcs.rainre.Kl.VS
1 "liftman ave. , JIO. Hutchlnsou A. Wead ,
1.VI4 Dontnas : tel.J.V..i. j ! L _
" ( jlOit KENT To ID-room modern hnuscs , all
- . conveniences. 1'aved stieels , cable cars.
Five minutes' wnlk of nostofllee. Heferenccs
requited. Nathan Shclton. lOIi I'lirnam ft.
' ffl
171OK KENT-FIx room lint with modern con-
J-1 vcnlences t 2119 I'arnam st. Totter Si
. , southwest cor. lllth and 1'arnam.
( t KOO.U brick boarding house , two blocks
frnm I1. U. , ? 'iO ; furniture , IBB : tax ) cash and
balance f- > per month ; ! ! l-nHini hotel near I * .
I' depot : rent , < 77j fuinllure on time. Also IB-
room Hat near court house ; lent. M per
monies pi Ice of furniture. Jsivi. t'o-operatlv. )
Land and Lot Co.jr. N. ItHh st , usJ-'JI
rilO KENT -A six and a ten room house , all
JL modern conveniences In iiacli. new ; located
on iKlh st. . between California and Cass , rent
reasonable. Imiulru OOti 1'Irst Nat'I bank
bill Id Ing. 1X1
J 0 loom house1 , all modern conveniences ; best
J location In City ; cheap to desirable tenant.
II. n. Colo. ? ls-:2 :
UEN'T il-rooni cottace ; furniture for
sale. Kent il" ' per month. HG1 Uonclas.
M t
"I710K lKNT-l > wclllliKon Capitol avenue. U
- * rooms. : ind nil modern convenience' . In
cluding laundiy and largo btablc. I ) . .T.
O'Donahoe , 1001 Varnam st. 5sl
"HWl : ItEiNT-Cottage , 441 H Slth avc.
MODKUN house , nlno rooms , bath , hot and
cold water , furnace and gas , on Dodgest. ,
WO per month. Tied J. llorthwlck , 213South 14th
"IjlINE ten room house , all moilern Improvc-
-I ? incuts furnished ; live blocks from liostof-
fice ; references icnttlrcd. Inquire-1711) ) Daven
port st. 375-25 *
"IjlOU ItENT In convenient locations , suites
Jof 2 , y and 4 rooms , arranged for housekeep
ing , also largo and small houses. Prices rea
sonable. Hulls itcntlng agency , l.Vifi I'arnam.
ttVi-iiU *
A NICE cottage of 5roomr ( > Virginia ave.
Apylyon thu prcmlsus. 421 *
" 1J1OR KENT A 4 slory brick 1. rill , ik with all
JL1 modern Improvciiii-aLs-No. 115 S. ath. In-
cnilre'oj .Induo Andcrfion. . ' f 42-U-J
TjlOK KKXT I nint-mom hrlck Irtinscs. All
-L1 modctn eourenloneeA - ' > ' . ! 3 to tiki ? St. Mary's
ti\c. Iniinlioiit Collateral bank , 1112 S Ifith .st.
; , &vj _
I7KI { KENT-.Thni" beautiful rc lilonoes with
J barn'- , east fronts on ( Jeoniia iixenne , I'ar-
nam and Chlais'O stsmodmn Improvements.
ICIchaid C. I'ntterMin , ! J7 N. V. LIfo. 5T.V 1
171OU Ui : > "T About Juno 1. the o clcsant
-I stoneienlileuoc4 on Ooorjrln avenue. S Lllth
st. , bct'ween Mnson and I'lii-lllc s | . Sec owner
for IOIIK time lease. Hfll. llenduison. room 41.K ) ,
I'axton blk. 4s5
OKI" Cnpltol ave , seven rociin cottace. with
' ' "I"1'0 ' at'J51sC'nKiiv. | _ at-'I !
FOIt l'nXT--10-Voom house , elo o to motor
and cable ; OMiry convenience. 70s N mth.
. *
FOK KENT Neat 4-ioom cottage , 1 mile n.
xv. 1) . C. Pattcison.N. Y. Life. SOU
171OK KENT 10-iooin bilek house , xvitli mod-
1 cm conveniences , No. Ml s L'Otb st. Apyly
at No. H27 S 20th st. j2l !
TJ10K KENT Several snort houses In eoocl lo-
-T cation ; * ' . ' : , and The O. V Davis
Company'i.vij i'atna'm. 511-21
G AUDKN" faim to lent. T. Miuray.
ft)4 )
V YOU wish to lent a honsu or store .see
II. E. Cole , Continental block. KM
: -IfOO.M flat , with steam heat , IGth st. , near
Jones. Tiios. T. Hall , ail I'axton
in ?
FOK KENT To one or two Mnsle Rcnth-inen ,
a room having Minth exposiiie , in a new
cottage on Capital avc. Addiess C L'O , Ilee.
FOK KENT K\tri : largo suite of rooms ,
handsomely furnished , suitable for man
and wife. No. lie X. ItUh st , KS 2i
_ _ _ _
7ANTED Tenants for a desirable fnr-
nlshed fiont room. LU" > S. L'lth st. .X ) 24
SOUTH fiont fuinlshed room , 2)12 ) Dodge.
IH' ) 111'
T71HONT loom and bed loom all modern con-
JL1 venlciiLes and 2 beautiful front looms , -frj
N. l.Mllsl. 517-1 ! ) '
NY kind of furnished or i.nfninl&hcil rooms.
L317H S. lOlh st. Wo hax ( till rooms. flTOmlli *
FCK KENT I'urnlshed riMinis , 1SI4 Daven
port. Ml-21 *
171UKN1SIIED rooms w Ith boaid tit TO1) ) N. 19th
J-1 si. , tn I'aul block. - 7,14 22 *
Fl'KNISIlKM tiontioom for jcnt , 1104 S. 17th
st. . S. W eor. .lackson. 7TSI-2L1 *
MKS. CHUKOHILL has handsomely fur
nished rooms , Mimic or en suite ; one
suite arranged for is gentlemen ; also board.
411 N. 101 list. 721-L'U *
"VTICELY furnished room xvlth board ; also
i-x day boarders , 2101 Leavenworth st.
O CONNECTING parlors on Ilrst floor , together -
> gether or separate. 1707 Dodge st. finil-21
T71L'KN1SHED mill nnfiiinlshed looms xxlt
-L1 good board at : r.4 S.on t h 2Jt h st. 711 27 *
SOUTH front furnished room , 2412 Dodge.
VHi'ELY furnished room with board ; also
-L > duy boaiilers. 1SI4 UodRO st. U23 22'
N'ICE room , oxery convenience , 1710 Davun-
_ _ iHrt
FOK KENT I'mnlshod rooms xvlth or with
out board : Idll DoiiglaKsl. : 'SO 2. > *
rilO 1MNT ElTgnnll.f furnished looniswllh
iirstclasstablo board ; luhlo bouidWper
week , ill 111 ? * 17th St. tOi 2T > *
Ij Olt KE.\T Furnished rooms ; gas , balli
andstoain _ ; Will lUmimK | K7
FOK KENT Tuinlshcd looms , 1COU Douglas.
1 t22 *
TppiTuKXT I'lcusunt furnished rooms w ftH
ST. CLA1K European hotel , cJr. fnth and
Dodge. Special rales by week or month.
F OK KENT Onn largo front room xvith
board. Wi Capitol ave. Kill
O KOO.MS In a lint , s. w. cor. IGlli and Leav-
Jenworlh sts. ( Al 21 *
1J1OK KEM'-i unfurnished rooms. 208 N.
J-1 13th si. I'rlco tlO. C.-'O
IjlOK KENT 1 unf in nlslied looms to family ,
L xvlthont chlidien ; modern Improxeiuents.
17W Webster st. 1'iieeJl.V (120 (
1-X > lt 1KN T-H TO' 11W A XI ) O ! ' KICIOS.
_ _
KFTTrooni. attoriiey prcferred , ifutclunson
i Wead. 1W4 Dmmlus ; tol. 1.V.U 240 _
STOKiSat7U7. : 7ll711 S. ifith , 22\GO each ,
large show nlnd > HS , steam heat furnished.
Thus. K. Hull. 311 I'uxlpn liloek. KI7
'IjlOK KENT Koomssultalilu for light manu-
-L' facturlng , Incinding power and neat. Hces
rlntlng Co . llth und llnuunl sts. 732
| jllU"HEST-Tho ) l-Htoiy brick building with
.L1 rir without power , foimerly oceuplcd by
tlio Ilee rnbllshlng Co. , U18 Kurnam st , The
building hus a ilro proof cement basement ,
complete Nluam heating fixtures , water on all
the floors , s s , ote. Apply ut the ollluo of The
lice. U15
I7OK * HENTlstory brluk building. IHO
i. Dotiglns st. , bultaule for wholesale or wnre-
IIOIIMI purposes. Also brick store 107 S. 13th si.
Inqulro of Clitis. Kaufman , 13U2 Uouslus st.
17ANTED-A barn tlmt will bold four or six
i horse ; ) . Co-operative Lund & Lot Co.
Cs'i-21 '
\\7EHAYEatlrstolasnparty who wishes to
11 rent n furnished hou of from Beven to
nlti rooms with modern conveiileiicer. . Must
bo sixxl roBldenco portion of thu ulty. Hurt-
man .v Itobblns. N. Y. Life bldg. ' ? '
- -
„ „
Tf OHTON'e usenfy. 517 I'axton blk. i
J.I r COLI , rental ugent Conlincutul blk
1. wj 4
"VEE LEE'S laundry has removed
18th , _ 17S-mO *
"WANTEDFly a practical miller and tnisl-
ii ness mall good location for Hour mill
where citizens xxlllelxc a bonus or take stock
Address C. T. Hoiieltnot , care Oiunlin Milling
Co. . Omaha. fCl 11 *
\\TANTED- Proposals Mr 1,200 yards dirt
2oO yards nodding. Lots 13 and IS Heed's
3d add. Apply.1421.27tli ! _ _ ! _ . .V.l-10 *
OAKASOLS and umbrellas covered and ie-
Jpnlicd. . II. Uulor , 1 , ' > 1. > Douglas ; basement.
XOAOKMENT3 todo dress making In fam-
ilies. Mis * stimlx.vr. . s. auh uvc. ti7-m : *
"V\rANTED-llorses to pastille at fi.M a
ii month on farm near Irvlngton ; horses
cnllcil for and dellveted. W. K. lloman , Koom
C. I'rcnzer blk. 470 _
\\rANTED--Asmali hall to accommodate W
ii men txtlec n month. Address , staling
terms. C 40 , Ilee. tiv > 21 *
IJ E. COLE , reliable fire Insurance.
AIx. KILEY. notary public , Hoom II , Con-
llnental block. is : )
REMOVED to ; ES N. inih st. Hot Springs
baths. I have opened a suit of elegantly
fuml-dicd rooms xvitli all the very latest lm >
provcments. I'rom extensivu experience
under superior adx-antapes 1 am prepared lo
give sclenllllc baths ( chemical ! the samp as
produced nt the Hot Springs. Hot nlr , moister
or dry. Turkish , Kusslun or pinnae , will guar
antee .satisfaction to the most fastidious.
Single bath or treatment per week or month.
Charges reasonable. Special rales to ludy
ehUs ! for regular ablution. Mrs. Dr. Day , 1122
? 1n' ' I' ' s t. . It 110 nis 11. 12 n n 111Q. MSmld
PlltE Insurance George J. Paul , IWO rarnani
st. . leprcsents rellabh' coinniiles ] only. WJ
" \f AP of Omaha , just out. showing every ad-
-11 dltlon within live miles of coiitt house ,
also street.s traveled by horse cars , and by
cable and ulecti Ie llne.s. Send - " > cents for one ,
postage stamps accepted.
Alexander Moore ,
Heal Estate , Loans and Exnlmnges.
Ml fcheelxIllock. . *
\\7ANTED-A girl baby for luloptlon. Address -
dress A W ! . lieu olllec. 14 ! )
Al'CTION sales every Tuesday. Thursday
and Saturday morning at 1114 Douglas st.
Omaha Auction A Storage Co. IMP
BA UN for tent In rear of I'Yoit il Harris' car
riage factory. It * . ' '
rpo sull the convenience nt clients engaged
J- during the day we open evenings , 7 toHyo. :
H. E. Cole , room il ConUnciilal blk. . li.i ! >
rplN WOKK. roollng. pu'lterlng. spoullng.
-L good work low prices. Sax-age , 131H filming
1 JAl'L PAl'LSEN , llorlsl nliTl landscape gar-
-L dener. sneeesMir to Ilcnrv Ehrenpfort. 1728
South llth St. . telephone. iil7. : All kinds of
bedding plants from .Vic to II.uO per rtoz. Cnt-
Hewers and lloral de lRns u specialty. The
most reasonable prices in town. The last 4
years huxe been employed by Mr. II. Ixountze ,
South IQt si. CIS 21 *
T\HEPSMAK'INO At iiomo or in families- .
-L/MIss J. Kay , ll.V N. ( i..l-m2 *
TT E.COLE , notary public and conveyancer.
TOST lletween I'lftecnth and Donslas st
Jand Hith and rarnani , mourning veil.
Flmler will leave at llt-c oilier. ml lit *
LOST $10 in cash , between Cumins and
Twenty-fifth avenue and the 1T. I' , car
"hops. Hotnrnlotho Ilee ollleu and rccel\e
loward. , TUH-2J *
TOST Gold bowed spectacles on Donclas
-t nt. . bet u eeii l.'ith and ICth .st- . . , or on least ,
car. I'lndcr please leuvo at Sa's drns
stoio and lecelvo reward. OIU-L'O *
pi biother-In-law is ordcicd
Jv KtlUny moinim. ( WO-1H *
STOItAOE at lowest i.ites. llranch fc Co. ,
- 1211 llowanlsL _ _ 'J-TJ a ' 1
SlU'lUN. MTS-inth st. , stores stores in dry
_ place foithosnimii _ _ r. _ 4i : * > nil3 _
rpllK cleanest and best storage in the city at
J- low rates at 1H4 Douglas st. Omnha Auc
tion .1 MorneeCo. _ _ WO _
AHL stiiraKO at lowest rates. W. M.
llnshman , iill : l.cavunwortb. Wl
WANTK1' I'll nil I n re. carpets , household
Koods for cash. Wells' Auction & StoraRu
Co. . ; n : K.jithst. : _ G
-iletaehed honso of K rooms
with ham. Midland Gnaranteeand Trust
Co. . IIJ l-'iirnaiii st. _ . ' a ) 10
GAHDKNiii& : Tiie undersigned wants t < i
linrcbaso a collection , snv 000 specimens
lai'Ki1 cactus plants. I'leaso notifv where they
can bo been. 11. 11. Gates , ltoU,4U N. V. I' . O.
_ 4l > t-lt ! _
\\TANTED-To In y and moru one or two
> > houses ncai M. r ha and Twentieth. "C.
40. Heo olheo. " 707-2T
\ \ / 'A.N'l'Klilnii d paper. .Nu-
> > bi abk.'t Mort age Loan Co.,519 I'axton hlk.
V/\7"ANTKI- > d short time paper in small
' nmonnts. 1' , l.VH 1'aiiiiim si. _ 474 _
CASH fof'all kinds of honscholTl Roods at nil
llonulasBt , Omaha Auutlon&StoiaKe Co.
_ C40
\\T A NT ED To buy for spot cash , city or
i > count rv , parts or wholtstocks of dry and
fancy Roods , clothliiR , boots und .shoes , milli
nery. stationery , jients' fuinlshlus Roods , etc.
Call on or address J. L. Ilrandcls i Sons , cor
ner Kith , uul Howard , Omaha , 01. )
FOK SALE A horse and buggy cheap for
aifli or instalments. Address C 14 , Itee.
_ SALK 10OOOSt. Louis pressed brick by
Eincsl Stiiht , 1013 South llth st.
7IW-21 *
T71OH SALE Stvllsh , sound and gentle young
U driving hois < > and light three-iiuuiter top
buggy , liisl-elassoutlll ; lady can drlx-c. Ad
dress lh. ; . Iteo olliee. BS8-10 *
'IjlOK > A LIv-Two horses suit able for delivery
-L wapon , together with wagon and harness ,
also Imckboaid and harness. Inijulrt ! at i'al-
IK-O st allies. Ll-L
"II OK SALK Cheap. A good second hand
J- soda fountain. Enqulie lit Mo. 1'uulflc rail-
xviiy olllce. Illth and rarnani sts. 71. > 21 *
FOK SALE A 10-horse power Now York
safety upright englno In llrst-class condi
tion. Testner's I'rlntlng Ollice , 11107 How aid
stieut. Omaha. l iO-2ii
1AUNDKY Leaving town ; must sell at
-J once ; home , wagon , tools , etc. ; price J.'UXl ;
positively worth KK ) II. E. Colo. 71U-21
HEAVY wagon and coal bed , 13 ll'd Trade.
_ _
" ALOON for sale , centcrof Omaha. ( ' 41. Itee.
FOK SALE A team of horses and harness ,
cheap , northwcsl cor. 15th and Ylntrm sts.
_ UVi 22 *
" 1J1OK SALK My loadster , one of tlio hand-
JU Mimest and most reliable horses in the city.
Safe for ladles to drive. Offers received for
ono week. Dan II. Wheeler , Jr. , insurance ,
Dougliis and l.lllisis. _ ( lis-L'l
"I.I AIM ) HKlCK iaKUiOO sewer and hard bile ! ;
II for bale. Apply at brick jard , 22nd and
Hickory. H. N. Wllhnell. ( ill ) 21 * _
"I71OK SALE Handsome double yellow head
-L1 pairot ; line talker. 131S Douglas st.
1)04-21 *
IilANO jiurehiisefs'see that bargain In the
piano at aft N IGth st. duo l *
1JUK SALE 1'alr of mules , seven years old ,
-L xvelgh nine hundred pounds each. Also
dray and harness. To ho seen at ( ieo. Can-
tleld's stable. U. S. Wind Knglnu and 1'iimp Co.
01(1 ( Jones st.
_ _ _ 51H-2H
IAUTI KS looklng forlnu ) drixlng or .satldlo
horsi . would do well to call on , or corres
pond with T.J. 1'lcmlng , manager W. It. Mil-
lard's farm , Calhonn , Neb. Ho has for salu
some Hrst-class single drlx ers. cai rlago loams ,
and saddle horses , at reasonable prices. ' . : . '
CALL and gee the grcut bargain in a piano ,
fia-.jSjGlh st , _ utjsi *
Tfi OK SALE Nvta fountain very cheap. iTi-
-L' qulro Oluy I'titerson , U18 S. Itlth. 240
T71UKNITUKE auction every Wednesday and
_ M'elU. _
TjJiOlt SALE A icv-horso power 1'orier englno
Jin good condition , weight AIO > ) pounds , cyl-
Jnder 11x10 ; for particulars ujiply to The liuu
otUcc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . . . . f * _ _
olt first oluss piano tuning and repairing
leax'o ordurs ut A. Weber , Jr. , repair room ; , .
. _ . _ _ _ _
Jj Olt BALE Some good walchcN and dla-
J- mends cheap. II r. Musters , room 4Vlth -
null blook. C.VJ
LTuHE buying a pluiio'oxirmlno
sealo KliuUiill piano ut A. lloapa. 1313
Douglas 81 042
GEb.H.UKLLKNHKCK , teacher of the banjo ,
ICutl Howard st. 3rd Hour. 249
"IpASTKHX money to loan on furniture ,
lirfhorsos , Jewelry , etc. , room 2. Ill" 1'aniam.
- * _ * * iy-1 ,
fOANS City and farm loans , mortgage pa-
-L-/iivr bought. UvC'u.uu Invcitmcnt Co.
vrantcd. O. 1 * Harrison ,
Dll N V Life > ITU _
/ 30M.MEHC 1AL paper bought A. K. iftlejr ,
Vy Koom 11 Continental block. l . > .
H E. COLF. Icon agent , OonliiiciitTiT block"
. _ ( W _
JOA > rS on lmproxri'afpropeftv at close rate * .
J A. K. Ulley. UooifnU , Continental block.
CHATTEL loans nr towest rains ; removed
to517 ami 510Pylon Ulk. J. ll. Emlnger.
Un.oui ( ( o iimtroii ical esFaie security. HTiomi ?
yilarker block. " ft. . '
/1ENTUAL Loan ttni 'riHt Co. , uin l-nrnum
\Jst. choice city loans at lowesl rates.
_ _ _ _ . _ JL2 ! * ' " > '
11lfEKAI. reiTestjile ! loans made \ > f ' . M
J Harris , room 'JO , Trenzer block , opp. 1 * . O
, au > ( V > t
EYf-TONE.Mortgage Co. Loans of JIO to
Jl.unO ; get our rates before borrowing and
save money ; louli on horses1 furniture or any
approved security , without publicity : notes
bmight. for now loan , renewal of old and low
est rates. Call , ll'-Wi Shecly bile , 13th k How-
aril .HlS. ( I'lB
to loan George. ! . Paull& rarna m
to loan on any security
for short tlnio at low
rate * . Lowest rate- )
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com
pany , Itootn 4iW l'ixton ! block , _ fi.Vj _
V I'lilladelplila Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
always ready to loan and ii.iy promptly ; 1st
mort Raxes wanted. Ceo.v. ! . I' . Co.its. repre-
Hoard Tr.nle 4..7
"ITUHBT mortgage loans at low rates anil no
J ? delay. 1) . V. SholosCo. , 210 1'lrst Null bank.
_ _ _ _ ( VV ) _
1OANS nmde on any nxallahlo security
J Central Investment Co. . Koom 25 , Cham-
berof Commerce. _ _ _ Ml
\foSllY to loan by II. I' . Masters In any
.11 amount from } IO to 110,000 for any time ,
from ono to six months.
I make. loans on household goods. pianos ,
organs , horses , mules , houses , leases , etc. . In
any amount at the lowest possible rate , with
out publicity or lomoval of nrjperty.
My loat.s are so arranged that you can make.
a payment at anv time and reduce your In
terest pro ratn. You pay Interest only for the
tlmo you use tlio money. If you own a balance
on your property Iwlll take It up and carry It
for you , at the lowest rate consistent with the
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest lates. It. r. Masters ,
Keen 4 , Withnoll block , 15th and Hiirney sts.
* Old
.COO to loan on Hrst class , impiovcd Inside
property. Inquire of Stewart. Hotel
Derbv. " 722-21'
$1,000,000 to loan on Improved or unlnproxod
city property. Nodelajs. Ilest rates. W.
Kurnain Smith , room 10 , Continental block.
SECOND mortgage loans. Second moitgages
boiiKlil. Loans on vacant lot.s. Heed &
Selby. room Kl , Hoard Trade _ 4S2
S II. THOMPSON , rooms It'l and : e.'Omaha
Natlontil bank , has plenty of money to
loan on Improved olty property ; low rates ; no
delay ; loans closed promptly. 48S-J. ! *
CJIIOKT time loans made. A. K. Idlev , Koom
O 11 Continental block in :
MO 'EV loaned on furniture , horses and
xvugons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. .
remox ed to In. . ! Sherman Axe. ffil
L OANS made on unimproved real estate. A.
K. Ulley , Koom 11 , Continental block.
IS )
"I > EI"OKE negotiating ! ! loan to improxe your
J- > real estate get terms from '
The Odell Investment Co.,301 N.Y. LIfo bldgj
Thos. S. Itoyd representative. WJ
B UILDlNli loans made on
Cholci ) Otti prot'rly ] )
At lowest lates.
I'rlvalp-fUnds lo
rcsld * iie and
business property
ui > on xevc fuxoniblo
Klmball. Cump& | | Kyan ,
ILU'i 1'auiam M. ! VTml. . ' >
class Insidn loans. Lowest
rates. Call and sob us. Mutual Invest-
_ _ 0. > 7
HANI ) InvestmeiirCo. . room 44s , Itee bnild-
IIIR. loan on chattel- amounts from 110
to $10M ( > : lowest rates. Loans on household
Roods , horses , ] ) ersonil piopcrty of all kinds
and other aitlcles of'ivnlne wlihout removal.
rayineiits arranged t < slop Inteiesl. _ tlfl-ml
( 1'EKCENT residence loaiis W.OOH tofin.OW.
Ultuildlnj ; loans at special rate , The Jlead
Investment C'o. . Iteo. liulldlnR r * "
MONHV . ' ) , 00 ornIK ) days on furniture ,
pianos , horses , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkin
son. 01 ? I'axton blk. - ( ff
" 17 A STEKN money fo'loau on city property ;
Ji/mortgago pai > er bonglit. H. Il.Iroy , opp 1' O.
BlTILPING'Loans-H ! per cunt ; no ad
ditional charges for commission or attor
ney's fees. W.ll. Melklo , First Nat'I bank .bids.
MONEY to loan" ! O. T. Da vis Co. , lealestatu
and loan agents , nor > I'arnam st. ffi-t
MONEY to loan on horses , xvagons , mules ,
household goods , planos.organs.dlamonds ,
at lowest rates. The first organized loan ollleo
in the city. Makes loans from 30 to : i03 days ,
which can be paid In part or whole at any
time , thus loxverlng the principal and interest.
Call and see us when yon xvunt money. Wo can
assist you promptly and to your advantage
without lemoval of property or publicity.
Money alxxuvs on danu. Nodelav in making
loans" C. T. Heed & Co. , 3IU S. iSth St. ; over
Itlngham & Sons. WJ'I
\ \ TANTEDEdncaled young ladles and gcn-
ii tleuien to learn snoithand and type
writing ; good salaries ; students assisted to
positions. Standard HJiorthand lluslness Col
lege , 1'rank E. Hell. Instructor. MU
MKS. Dr. Eddy , the dihtliiRuished trance
clairvoyant , Into of Bo-ton. While en
tranced will icveal every hidden mystery of
life. Prepares Egyptian talisman which will
overcome your enemies , icmox-o family tion-
bles. restore lost iilTectlono , unites the separat
ed , helps In all trouble. , etc. Feu il and up-
xtanls. N , H. I'erfeot satisfaction guaran
teed by mail. Send stampfor illustrated cala-
IORIIC. Mrs. Dr. Eddy , airt N 15th St. , Omaha.
See. Sunday paper forspecial announcement.
fi7G-2it ;
TTIOKTI'NE Teller Mrs. i.moiman can bo
JL consulted on all affairs of life. Sallsfac-
tlon guaranlced. No. : ill ) N. i : > lb st. rc-a2i : *
D H. NANNIE \\AKKEN , clalrvoVant
medical and business medium , rcnmlu
diseases a specialty. 110 N. ICth st. looms 2 A. a.
bldg , complete nbstracts furnished nnd
titles to real eslale c.xamlned , perfected and
gnaianteed. < > T1
[ 200 will huv established meat market with
P iixtuies. Ice IHIX. etc. 11. E. Cole. 71H-21
I710K SALE-Wholesalo and ivtall elciir
-I luslness ) , trade well established ; for full
Infurmutjnn addri'ss C31Jti > n olllce. _ 0--'l"i ! _
"T71OK SALE A chop house , everything In
-L ( tooil repair , all lilted up new and a choice
location ; good room. Only HO per month , Call
at room tri.1 , N. Y , Life , und scu about it. C20 1 ! )
C Hi Alt and candy store , gocxl stand and lo-
eallun , iilmusl given away. GOU N. Ifilh st.
_ _ ) in (124 ( lit * _
SAY Do you wanl to buy out established dry
Rood * business ifci.WKD In growing lllack
Hills tonn. Wilte for lilfornvitlon to A 21illee.
i- -I * ; t.'i in *
_ _
A GOOD paying comiHlsslon business cen
trally locale for fcnlu cheap , ( iood ica-
SOIH for selling. Adiliins. C 20 , lice Ofllee.
51522 *
POK SALE On aciuiuit | of Hie dualh of my
partner , Mr. Terry , I hax e decided to re
tire from the livery business , and I therefoio
olfer for sale all our Uw lit cry slock.inoludlng
hoi > es. canlages. IIPJU , . buggies and har
ness. Paitles wishing , fine driving horses or
anything In our line TI | do well to call and
examine the burgalln ollered. This stock
must bo closed out l > X > May 15th. Henry A.
11oinan.jit lloman & 'l nx. tttt
ONE of the best nrjtauranls In the city. * 'WO , par ! caslp also a nice restaurant
for MX ) . * IWU will biiV'W.ilf Interebt In whole
sale fruit buslncsn , ImUudlng brick aiehoin.e ,
In line fiult countrjCoOpciallvit Land &
Lot Co. . 2X ( > XJlBtli st : ; ; ' tts2t
C HEAP fort-ash ; store building , small stock
gnK-erles. lunch conntes ; clo e to depol.
i.niiiiru | of C.W. lleymef , Norfolk. Neb.
. 7U7-HU9 *
IT OK SALE A splendid paying millinery
-i ami dressmaking establishment ; good lo
cation. Dux Id Cole. 1310 Howard si. 711
FOU SALE-The lease , furniture ami llx"-
tuifiof the Hradley house ut Tecumsuh ,
Neb. CIO 21 *
I71OK s'ALEood running UMianraiit clieup
-L und cigar sloiu , Imiulre 121 N lllh si.
622 21 *
"IjUWSALE-Hulf Interest in first class rel
-l. iiurant In Lincoln. Address II. A. , Omaha
lieu. Lincoln.LXyl ) . t > 47
TTIOK SALE Or x lll exclmnijo , about 11,000
-L stock of general merohandlsu for clear real
estate uud cu h. Addroa-i Ilo.v 1M , Thurmun.
Iowa. ' _ _ _ _ _ Kg-2- '
HA'LOOXMen ntlentlun , fr | l ciasJ bar
room on I III , coil t.'bOO , can ue bought for
lrs thun S its original cu i. Imiuue at 1) .
TiMatler 1105 raiitatu it. ! u2i *
1 TmOIt KENT Checkered livery barn on Islh
; JL .sU 8 of Hartley. Cull or address Neb.
_ _
T7ToinXcirAl > W 2TfiO acre tracti of Nc
J br.iska lands ) mrtly under eulttx-atlon. In
good localities , N. II. Apple , room 10urc.
SB Si *
0LEAK lot In Ilnrr Oak add to Omaha for
house and lot ; also 3 houses nnd lots In
northwest part of city to trade for vacant
property. Stock of furniture and good xrlll of
business. In gixxl locution In ell } , price f-'l.ixxi ,
will trade for house and lot centrally located ;
will assume smalt mortgage or pay difference
In cash. I'or other trades call on Co-operative
Land and Lot Co. , sal N inth st. wn-'ji
rpo THADE.-Clgiir More- and news stand.
X Keeps stationery nnd notion * . tf" N.Y. Life.
( a ) " '
* _ _
7SLEAN stock drv gixMts. clothing , Ixtot-s and
V/ hoes ; \rnnt real estate and cash , Hot IKI ,
1'rankfort. Ind. 47119 *
I710K SALE ortnde-A fliuMlrvliig teiu
JL fust and stylish , xvlth gi > o < l side spring top
buggy. U.K. Cole. 7I-21 ! )
1710K E\'ClTANnr.-I.L-si ae.clear land. KlOO :
JL1 want mdse. or clearclty property. Klscloy.
Shcnundoah la. *
, HII-2S-
_ _
TTTOlfEX CM \OE-A fliio "lot. rI\I.i5 feetT
J. righ * on grade ; elegant location ; ono mile
from iHi tolllcei room for two houses. Will
exchange for clearer lightly encumbered Ion u
farm. Address C4J. Ilee. UV21 *
77\OK TKADE'Igiwd horses , xragon and har-
-L1 ness for lot or bouse and lot this bide fair
gronniK between IRth and 21th sis , David
Cole. 1310 Howard st. 710-21
FOUEXClIANIli-Hotel : of ft' ) rooms in ono
of I he best towns In Ncbriska. Elegantly
furnished throughout. A splendid chance for
the rl-jht party. I'ait i.ish. balance clear real
estate or time. 11. E , Cole , room O.Contlnental
block. 71S-22
MADAM DEL/.IEK from Chicago , the young
but celebrated massage and niagnetlst.
Pallors over 010 South iith : street. lifi.l-21 * .
OnKOCEIMES 1 brlelix-nid and horse phae-
ilon. Hntehlnson & Wead , ! . ' > - ! Douglas. Id.
15L"J. 70S 21
TWILL trade a good clear lot in So. Omaha
for piano or horse and buggy. ' Address C 4
JJee olllce. : > ( Vi
TTUJITKXCIIA > OE-Mock of dry Rood and no-
JL tlons. 41.JMO xxunt U cash , balance clear
property. j tlselejSheiianiloali. . la. 4.\V22 *
TI OK EXCHANOE-2 lots In South Omaha or
ja 1 lot near Vlnton St. , for horses or mules.
Koom 13. Hoard Trade. ( i"t
IT von have anything to exchange can on or
address II. E. Cole. H. 0 , Continental blook.
Olllco open oveiihnisj toj > ; : i0. KM _
EOU EXCHANGE Choice Imnrovcd Ne-
hraska farina. Will assume light incnm-
hriiiico. If you. have anything to offer ad
dress or call on Ueo. .1. Stornsdorf , room III7-
Hls rirst National bank liulldlng. Telephone
464 , tiJ
FOIC SAIjK Itlg.\l < KSTATl-J.
"VTOW Is the time to stay by Omulia teal
. .Jestate. . Tnkccaie of back payments on
Improved or unimproved property and get your
.money of A , K. Klley , 11 , Continental block ,
$25'cash and J12 per month , for 4-room
house , lot mix 127. f 1.12.1 ; verv cheap. Also
house < jf. 4 rooms , * 15 cash mm j * tier month ;
xcry1 easy terms , at lowest prices. Let us show
you the houses. W. J. Paul. 1GOU rarnam.
POK SALE A line new 5-room cottage near
electric car line on X. 27th st. Will take as
pal t of cash payment a good horsu Or hoiso
nudjihaeton. _ ) ' 1.M14 I'aj-n.'im si st
G homes in most any addition for
stle ; at fiom il.OCK ) up , on easy monthly
payments , 1' . K. Palling 411 Barker block. K. 'l
TJ OH PALE 3-rooin ho\i-.e. must bo moved fort
-t ? inipmxements. Homes built on easy pay
ments in all paits of the city. Good farm for
trade. I ) . .1. O'Donnlioe. IfiOl I'arnam st. y.V
I71OU SALIT-1 ( > 0 by l.V ) ft. cor. IWth and Web-
JL stersis. : also a number of good lots , $511 and
f 100down and monthly payments for balance.
N. H.Apple. iiHim IIVaie ) block. OX' 25 *
$1.4"'Jbnjs n 'at 4-room cottage , small lot lli
miles n-w P.O. I ) . C. Patterson 51S N. V.
Ljfc. 528
$2iXI ea li. balance $ s.xf per month , will buy an
elegant A-IOOIII house w Ith full corner lot. A
barg.iin ; $ . ' ,20U. Oeo. J. Paul. 1UOJ rurnani st.
rpWO choice lots on small cash payment , bal-
J-unco second moitgagc to responsible par
ties who will build. 11. X. Cole , Continental
lilk. and 2501 X 21th. TO. )
THOK SALE and Evchange I have quite a
-L niimner of bargains Call and see. N. H.
Apple , loom 10.Vuiu block. ( KG 25 *
$2,000 buys new.'i room cottage , lot ISJxl.'CIHth
Aim Jones. Easy terms. I ) . O. Patterson ,
516 N. Y. Life. _ 5IS _
FIVE room cottages , * i.r > no each. $100 cash
down , balance $15 per month. Tlios. I" . Hull ,
. ' 111 Paxton block. . KI7
POK SALE Or c\chango for drugs and real
estate. EOOiiO book stock. ov Bin. 676
FOU SALE Or Hade , nice residence lot ,
south front , city water , on grade ; for sain
or trade for good famllv horsa and buggy and
plvaetoa : l.-V ) , encumbrance HOO : address C
21. lice olllce. _ 4i'l ( ' 21 *
A" SMALL payment down and j5 ! per month
will buy a 4-room holism and lot on 16th ,
two blocks from motor ; first-class chance to
acquire a home on easy terms. Apply to 11. E.
Crtle. Continental block. li.til
LINCOLN place and Carthage lots , price
M.OOO. * M dow n , balance * 15 monthly.
W.J ; . Sclbv. Hooni ] ! 1. boa ; il of trade. C77 _
A "HAHUAIN Dodge and ttlth sU. , 1X\I4S ( )
feet , with 2 now 9-rix > m houses , t 5-room
cottage , cheap for customer with money , on
line of cable , rental $110 per month. Address
20.1 N. Y. Life. _ 21 a 1H *
rEP your eye on Ogalalla , Nob.
Poll SALK-Or "trade , Platte vnllerTonehTa
miles west of Valley station , on IT. P. H'y. ,
containing over 1,100 acres ; set with blue glass ,
clover nnd red top , dhldcd into 25 fields and
paddocks , large barns , paddocks , cattle and
hog barns and sheds , line residence boarding
house , machine shop , carriage house , otlicos ,
Ice house , tine gioves , and splendid h'alf mile
track. This is the best Impiovcd ranch In thu
country. O , V. Duvis Co. , 1505 Taruam st.
FO1 ! SALE-fi-room flat ; all rooms lented ; a
b.irgaln ; 417 S llth. 017-25 *
lot with U.K. trackage at a baiga In .
Callon usand Invcstlgati' . Also pinpcity
for sale In all the suburbs. Colscth , Johnson
.V Loxgren. U75-2.I
AOOOD 0 room house and lot noith of
{ 'inning , on 25tli ave. ; easy terms , i.1,000.
0 foot front on Cumlng , west of 28th , at JK I
iierfoot. ( i-room cottage near 19th. south of
$ ( iVi will buy IMi acres 2 miles soul beast of
Long Pine , 100 acres level , ( W rolling , no
bullniiigs. no enciitjibrancc ; actually woith
1 , | | < | . 4lonnd to sell. Come and see Itorau-
diess the lliown County Hank. 7110-20
ALT LAKH CITY A few of the choicest
lots at the price on the market. Price Wii
to 475r terms one-fourth cash , balance to suit.
Look this up ; they won't last long. U.K. Cole ,
loom G. Continental block. lib-Si
$ ; | 50 cash , balance to suit , buys 10 room
house ; all model n conveniences. II. E.
Cole. 71S-2J
IOKSALE We have ono of the nicest seven
room cottages and full lot. south front , on
Lake between 2.M and Saundom. only H.IK" ) ,
half cash. Cheapest property city , ( 'mm A
Hl-ihop , room 51 , Hoard of Trade. Ojil-2
W Kust front JI.075. Xewo-
loom house , both hot and cold walei ; cis
tern ; 31st hi. , north of II. Park , KiOO cash , bal
ance monthlv , & ! , : IDO. New cottuge. ' . do/ .
blocks from 2Uth and Leaxcnwuith , lot : ti\UV ;
easy terms. fJ.Ooo.
Konnt/e Place , full lot on 24th St. ; S-riK m
honso and bai n. Ww cash ; ( .2iu.
Elegant east front lot on .T > t h ave at $ l.suo
and will build house to suit on cash payment
of i.VKl , Ilutchluson & Wead , l.V. I Dougla . tel.
1521' . 70S'I
8 s ft business propel ty on Douglas st. at
JiYipor front foot ; a gioat snap , owned bv a
non-iesldenl who Is In a hurry toscll. IliiUh-
Inson & Weak , 1524 Douglas s > t. , tel. 152UV
& Webtorfle.Ul.roal ebtato.b Omaha
"ITIOK lALE A flue. Improved nropeity. ' "i\l20
-1 fed of ground , with il-hiory brick and stone
biiililln.'s. rented at f-.UTO per year to good tenants -
ants , well leasi-d and best property in theeltv
of Maqiioketu. la. , to trade , clear , for good
Omulia Improved or unlmproxcd propvily.
( itMHl ohanee forsnmo ono to get gix > u Invent-
niPiit for non-nnxluetlvn property. I ) . V.
bholes Co. , 8ia I'lrsl Nal'l bank. 07j (
SIXTY-FIVE acres .s. w. of p. o , ( .tillable for
plaiting or gaidenlng , foreulouta bargain.
1K" , Diirllns , 41 Marker blk. M.I
5-ioom bouho , : i doon * west of
2itli : t on Oharlos lot 40x127. Price , * 2OW ;
KM cash.
It-room liouso. full lot. 1 blook from licit Line
bridge on Hamilton t. Price , ii.BOO ; eusy
Nice homo In "Haker Place , " house 30xOxS4 : ! ,
lot 41xl4a , only i-VO cu h , balancuot t53 ! uusy ;
will trude forhorsws.
ln < iulreif owner. E. G. Merrill , one blouk
north of W.ilnnt Hill scli.xil 4i-21 ! *
r leT your property with II E Cole
0 % )
"I7UMI SiVljF One piece of Improved business
J. ' property that will pay Wverl-ent. llowtinl
L. k T l'o.J tlijiiiil IJo artists. 4sfl
AdOOD coltiiKO home , Corby. near HMh.only
$2 , ( ) , easy monthly piymcnt * . a bargain
1" K. Darling. 4 1 llarkcr block. tM 20
lIUMtsALE by iWfl.oor. iwtVandVeb
. -L Hler sis. , nlso a number of good lots fMand
f U > | down and monthlv payments for balance.
N. It , A pple twin 10. Ware block. 007-18 *
"ITlOIt 5ALE-flOOni worth guaranteed ! < 1 mort-
. * - iingc. two veart * percent paper. J. L. Ulcc
4 n 1 Ice bnllini uj . _ . _ KM-H *
dj tjfin buys 40x"l71t : with good .vroom house !
P well , cistern. Will sell 4iUI27'i for MOl Ap-
plyjm the tm'iiiUes.jH
nt aercsidjolnliig He-
son and f acres mljolnlng our Highland
Park addition that we will rent fer season of
isswnt u reasoimbleptloft. Omaha Heal Estatu
and Trust Co. . 1501 1 arnam st. inn
I71OH SI.l - > O-ptom house , east fiont ; city
.1 and cistern water : n w part of city , .lames
Stoel.dale. room 4. I'riiiuur blk. _ _ WW _
'IjlOUSALEMtti acres best farming lands in
JL1 Nebraska nniM\150 | feet onouth nth St. ,
at a great sacrifice Inquire Oil South l.'llh st.
Oeo. Ii. Peterson , owner. ' 41"1
iriOli SALE -Very cheap , no trade , farm of
-I-1 M'I.7J ( acres , sec. ft , 15 , N 0 W , Hamilton
county. Neb. ; 2 miles from Miiniuetle , small
house , stable , two acres of pasture fenced , 1U -
Ing water , price -nly * 10 per acre , $5,437. < V ) .
Terms $2.2 ii cash , balancou per cent Intorestf
R 1C. Atkins owner , rallrono building , Denver
Col. _ _ _ _ _ IM. } _
A FINE little home , 2sth st.ncar Woolworth.
full lot. cant front. 7 rooms and bath , very
little cash icqulrcd. 1' . K. Darling. 4J Barker
block. 27s
171O1I SALE Or exciiange for unlmprined
-I Omaha properly , good i A aero farm In
Iowa , with lite stock. Implements , etc. ( < nod
ICO-acro farm In Cumlng county , Xcbsaskn.
lmpro\cd South Omaha proportv , paying 10
percent. Addressjl 47. lice. _ _
IJ OK f-ALE-Thebcairtifill residence. iNo7s20
1ISeorgla avenue , with full lot. ti-rnom house ,
lilrch and oak tlnlsh rtown stairs , oak side
board , labratory , 4 mantels. t oap stone tubs In
laundry , cistern and clly water , gas and sewer
connections , gas II \ lures , Imuso hamUomely
decorated , gooil fninacc and range and cteiy
possible convenience. This property Is clear
of Incumhrancc. and owner can give anv terms
tosnit. No trade. Any one wishing to pur
chase can call at No. ti20 Georgia au > . and bo
shown the property , or call at my olllce and be
drhen out to welt. I ) . Y. Sholes Co. . sole
agent. 213 i'lrst National bank. 1I7G
PHOPOA-re for Indian hiippITi
portatlon Department of the Interior ,
Olllce of Indian Affairs , Washington , Apilll. . ,
IcW. Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Proposals
for Heef , ( bids for Heef im if bo submitted in
separate envelopes ) , Itaoon. I'lour. Clothing or
Transportation , etc. , " ( as the casu may he ) ,
and directed to the Commissioner of Indian
Allalrs , AVu , 03ami G7 Wwtrlrr ttrtct , TVftr YoiK.
will lx > received until 1 p. in. of TiiosoM.1iij ) /
'X , 1KX > , for furnishing for the Indian service
ulMiut 000,000 pounds Bacon , iM.UQJ.OOO pounds
Heef on the hoof. 1,000,00(1 ( pounds net Heef.
270,000 pounds Heans. ( VI.POO pounds Haklng
Powder , MiO.OuO pounds Corn , 410.000 pounds
Coffee. S.ridO.OOO pounds I'lour. ,15.000 pounds
1'ced. 1.V > .000 pound.s lliird Hrcud , l > .1,000 t > oiinds
Hominy. ItO.OOO pounds Lard. 700 barrels Mess
Pork , 17,000 pounds Oatmeal , 4 , > 0,000 pounds
Oats. 12.-i.OUO pounds Hlce. 11.000 pounds Tea.
lUO.OOO pounds Salt. SsO.OOT pounds Soap , 1120,001)
Sugar , and 70.000 pounds Wheat.
Al o , lllankets , Woolen and Cotton Goods ,
( consisting In part of Ticking , J.'UHX ) yntds ;
Standai-U Calico..100.1100 3 arils ; Drilling. 14.01X1
vuids ; linek , free from all sizing , 2.S.OOO yaids ;
tlenlnis , 1.1,000 ynids : Gingham , ; IW,000 yuuls ;
Kentucky Jeans , n.000 xaids ; Cheviot. 17.000
yaids ; Hr ( rnSheetlng.2.iO.OOOyurds ; Hloaclicd
Sheeting. 2.1,000 ymds ; Hickory Shirt Inc. 1.1(100
yards ; Calico Shirting. 7.000 yards. Uinsey ,
J.OOO jardsi ; Clothing , Groceries , Notions ,
Hardware. Medical Supplies , school Hook * .
Ac. , and a long list of miscellaneous articles ,
such us Ihmic-s. Plows. Kakcs , I'otks.e. . . and
for aliiiut MX ) Wagons resulted for the service ,
to lie dellxered at Chicago. Kansas City nnd
-loux City. Also for Mich Wagons as may be
required , adapted lolhc-cllniutoof the I'aetllc
Coast , xrllh Callfoinlabrakesdeltxeredut Sun
Also tiansportatlon for such of the articles ,
goods and .supplies that max'not he contracted
for to be delheied at the Agencies
Schedules shoeing the klnds and quantities
of sii hslsleneesiipnllcs required for each Agen
cy and .school , and theklnds and quantities In
gioss of allother goods and articles , together
with blank proposals , conditions to bo oh-
serxed by bidders , time and place of delivery ,
terms of contract and paymcnl. transpoita-
tion routes , and ail other necessary Inslruc
tions xxlll ho furnished upon application to the
Indian Olllco In Washington , or Jx'ux. 3 anil 67
ll"i ) ( ci t-ticft. Tfew Yuil , ; iho Commissaries of
Subsistence , I' . S. A. , at Cheyenne. Chicago.
LeaxcnxMiith , Omaha , Saint Louis , .Saint I'aul
and Pan Krancisco ; the I'oslmasters at Sioux
City , loxvu ; Yunkton , S. Dakota ; Arkansas
Olty , Caldxvoll , Topeku and Wichita , Kansas ,
and Tucson , Ailzona.
The right Is reserved by the Government to
reject any und all bids , or any purl of any bid ,
and these proposals arc invited under nrox-lso
Hint appropriat ion shall be made for the sup
plies by Congress.
lllds will lie opened at the hour nnd day
above .slated , and bidders are invited to bo
present at tlio opening.
All bids must be accompanied by certified
checks or drafts upon some United states De
pository or the Hirst National Hank of San
l''ranelsco. Cal. fornt leasl fire porcentof the
amount of thu proposal.
T. J. MORGAN , Cammtsstoner.
Can be cured in , 20 to 00 days by tha
lisa of the
Kor alBonly hjr tlio CVok Itcnipily Co , of Omnln.
Netirnshn. Wrlto to us lor tlio nninci and ndilrt'ss of
iiatlenU wlmhavHbcou cuietl unct frnni vrhom ne
lmToi > orml lon to refer hyplillln In a dbei that
IIIIN nmayn bntllod the f < kltl ut the most eminent phy-
Mrlnni , nnd until tlu > illncoverr of tlio Conk ItDmccly
Co' * . "MAtilC HKMKIJ1 , " nut erie In lift/ over Imv-
Inji tlio dl'cato lia been curctl AVe Kuiiruntcu to
euro any CUHM that can l > o proitiiooit Tluisu who
liare taken mercury , initimli s > S nucm iillenns
nrotlivr aitvortlsnl ri'inisllcs. itli only t < 'ni | ir ry
lieni'titH ciin nuw l o iierniiini.ntly curtnl hy tliu IIHO of
Iho "MA < ; iC Hi.MiilV : of tliu Cook Uemwiy l'o. .
Omaha , Null , llcwuni ( iriiultalloni It l iibsrilutply
linpntBibln for nny otlicr per-tim or company lit have
nur formula or nil ) rcmuily llkn U Im-Itcct anil rcKiilt
Tlio Cook Heine.1) Co liai lici'ii tri'atliu imtlt'iilK for
four jenri ion ! line : iilways clrpn perfect eutMfac-
tion. They arc llnnnclHtly ri' ponslble , having n cnp-
Ital of ( iTurKULUUI making their Kimrantoc ( idiiitVo
solicit tlio mint olMtui.ili' canea Iliimu wliu have
IrU'd every knonn rcnit'ily nnd Itml nil liopo nf rociiv-
cry. ( kjrmtipdnd with us and let u * jmtyoutn POHPH-
hlonor eiiileni'i' that tuinUicoH Iho nuiot nktiptlnil.
Mark nhat we av In thii eml jnu Mfsr u o our
" .MAKir HKMHIH" " before ) oti ran bo jicrniatiuntly
cured. It IH tlio mo't heroic blood purlller over
knowD. Write for particulars. Alllctturii conllden-
rAIi'l'inV " ° SIre | you am getting the
VV U 1 1LM ( 'ook Ilcmcdy Co's. Maglo Kenn
Xnno others nro genuine 1'iirllon rlalmlnir to b <
iik'Ciits lor us aiu liupootnr unit fiaiula 1'ullpartl-
culam Jroe Adilrem nil couiinunlcnllun * tu
HOOIIIK I and 10 t. ( 'lair Hotel lllock.
Corner 13th and D. > dgu tits. . Omuha. Nebraska.
TheKabocorset thatbrings
a woman to perfect form if
she only laces it tight enough
' for it never stretches or
breaks its " bones " or rolls up
has soft eyelets that do not
cut the laces.
Soft eyelets are loops of
corset lace instead of metal
If the Kabo corset fails in
a year in any part but the
steels no way has yet been
invented to make unbreakable
steels you get your money
back from the store where
you "bought it.
You wear the Kabo corset
two or three weeks ; and , if
not satisfactory , take it back
and get your money again.
Cuioioo Conszr Co. , Chicago ana New York.
" " " " "
TATl' ! m"Vlu"Y" ' ! ' ' " " iis "dFiV *
1 A 1 Ii J.U I 1 UK I mh of each month
Capital ptize flMOrtoo Ticketluitto ;
Inhfi. to : tenths 41 Itcmll by New
York draft or li'ltt i AKCII ! waninl iv iy-
H lie re JIM.N riu..u , Vtit. Hex II.u' , to ai ,
t'mlcr the lunnnccmrnt of thu
Mexican International Banians Co. ,
t'onoe'ilomrlt" incorporaleit by tlio state of Oil-
- minima , .Mcih-o ,
For Charllablo Purposos.
will tnkppl.ico In publlaM tlio rlty of Juiroz ifiirni-
crly ) 'i ) n ilpl Notto > . Mptleo ,
WEDNESDAY , APUIL S3rd , 1800.
unilrrllio pormnul "Hicrrl | lou ut tlnncrul Joni , M.
Mo nv unit Mr ItJltlo Aunt u.I.t.i , tl > former n
triMitliMiian of uiHi pniailtii'iiculn I Int'nlt.vt sinlot
Ihnl hn prmtMico nloun l mitllclcnt Bonmnlpn In Ilia
public Ihnl the itrnwliia * will bo livid with Uriel liutl-
rty and falrno to all. nnd the latter itlio tl | > rvl *
nor of thn Mini en n unternmeiH1 Ii of djual itandhif
uiul Inlcurlty
OM.V ro.uM TI 'KIT. : < . OM.V co.ixxi TICKI TJ.
Whole Tlekets , W. Half Tickets , t ;
Quarter Ticket H. * l
LIST ( IP I'ltlZKii.
1 ITIfCOf t . M
i rriHMir low IU.IM )
1 I'rlipof In Mm )
S I'llri'inif
10 l'rl/c of 2l cniiinn <
ta ItXlcnfh nre
IdO I'rlttMiif SOeach itro f > A > X )
! ! .V ) I'rltc4 of .10 o.ich lire
Ari'iioiMAnoriuzis. .
100 I'rltPt of JMleaclini-e . . $ S.OM
IHII'rln of ! ) tncli are , 3.XK ( )
11M l'rlu > uf 25 em h lire
t > W 1 vrmlnnl * tn J < yUU I'ttut of IVO enrli nre fit IW
t'.v Terminals lo (1U.UOO 1'riie of 110 enc-li me O.i . J
1.D1I lrl > p < nmoimllnif to
We HIM umU > rMKtiiMl lirrebjr i-ortlfy thnt tln > llimpo
Niiclonnl < tr .Mexico , -1111111111111.1 1m * on ilepo lt
Initn the Mcxlrnn Inlrnintlonnl llanKIni ; Coiiiininr
the nucc.i'inr ) ( iiniln to KII.IInnteo thu | > n > iuiMit of till
IheprlriMilp.iwn In tluMJIUM ) l-orrMiv or Ji , MIKZ
Wo further certify Hint no will upcrrl u nil tint
nrrnnuenienti * . niul In iH'rpoa innnnuii nml eontn ) ) nil
lltiMlmtrliiir * < if I'll ' * lAitlerr.ninttli.ll I ho sium'nni
rundnclmt wllli hunosl > . falrni' > s , nlnl In tti'Oil fnltli
tuwaiU all imrllt's.
JOHNS MO1IV romml loner
0AMI U > A IMS I Kl.hKd.
Sniwrvl'iir for tlio l.i'vernnient
If nnr tlrkct ilrnxliiK n print l < rent lotlitiimilttr
flKneil.lli Inco value will tin eolkwleil niul remllloit
to UiooittiL'r ttirrt-of frcflof chnmn.
1'rcslilpnt Kl I'n o Nntlonnl llnaL Kl I'.i o Tex .
Kor chili mips , or any furthi-r liiroriinitl < in wrlln
to tlio iinctcnilimcil. > t.tthii ; your ndilrosi rli'.irlr.wlth
ptnte. countr. ftireet niul luntibor Moro rnplil nmll
ilollvt-ry vf in | o uurt it by your uiiclo lntf an envoi-
uH ! bi-nrlng nnir full mtilrc" .
City of Junivn , Jlcxlco.
Bond remittance * for tlrketi liy ortlhmry li'ttor ,
rDiilalnlni ; Mnno ) Order , l siunt liy till K inCoin -
imnlei. New York Kxelinnen. Hunk Drnlt or Postal
Note. Address nil rrt laluroil lottcm to
Olty of Jiinrun. Mcxkxi.
lllds will lie rewlveil liy the state hoard of
Iirliilln at the olllce of the sperelarv of utalii
nt un > time liefoie April iiMIi at - o'clock p
in. , for jirlntln and hinillii ) ; one thonsanil
copies of the report of thn bureau of lahoi mid
Inoimlrlal statlstles for the year of 1M. ) and
If. * ) , ofMO pases each more or less. Samples
of woik may he t-een at the olllce of seviet.nv
of state. I'.lglil lesei ed to rolcct ant and all
bids. IlK.s.i : Cownmiv.
> ei'ret.i of St.iU'
Mncoln. Nebraska , April llth.
ol' Itlcli lon.
Probably one of the most tiyiiiR' tintl
at'duous position * : i mini can liolil , stijs
tlio new York Star , is to be confidential
aid and general iuitu < ; or for a inillion-
nifo whoso estate aniounts to $ .30,000.01(0 (
or more. 1 hud a chat ycbtcrdny wilh
Abnor Bartletl , a fjcnial , a.stuto old
gentleman , wlio probably knows more
about tbo viilno of tlio ostatcs of the
rich men of Now York tlinii any ether
man. Mr. Bartlett hats for many years
managed the landed properly of the late
.Fiicob Astor. Itviih Ir. Jtui'tlvlt the
richest man in America always consulted
when about to make a purchase , and it
was Mr. Bartlett that looked after the
hundreds of building's and acres of city
lots owned by Mr. Astor. In speaking
of tlio value of millionaires' estates , Mr.
Bartlett wild that the of
majority os > ti-
nmtes wore faimply ridiculous.
"Take the Stewart estate , for instance , "
wild he. "When an appraisement was
made on the city properly I was called
in. It had been estimated by tlio news
papers that the property was worth all
the way from $73,000,000 to $100,000,000.
I looke'd into the matter carefully and
put thu amount at $ iijK)0,000 ( ) and as it
afterward turned out 1vus correct in my
estimate. "
From heveral gentlemen who bavo
been in a position to estimate on Mr.
AstorV wealth in an intelligent mannir
it is believed that John Jacob Aslor left
$100,000,000 , which is inherited by las
son , William Waldorf.
IJvcry Meal Is a Trial
To the dyspeptic. Flatulence , hourtlwrn , op-
prossive'fullno'6 of the htomueh , are the in
evitable stn.uc.uce ; > of his of tuo knife and
fork. To say of him that lie gratilles the
cravings of appetite would be Kciiulnu satiio.
Ho only appeases them. Ji relief uttalnablof
Certainly , niul by tlio use of a pleasant in
ivellus thorough remedy , Hosteller's stoin.u-li
bitters. Will it euro immediately ? Certainly
apt it doe1 } not effect miracles But it does
pive prompt mid uHHx.-aUublo | relief , and will ,
If persisted in , produce an ullimtito cure Not
only does it impart relish to tlio food , but
promotes its conversion by the stomach into
rich , health nnd strtMiKtli-susUiliiinK blood
SupeiYiCiisiUvcnebs of the nerves , mental de
pression , and unquiet slumber , produced b.\
interruption of the digestive functions , are
also remedied by it. It is the tlnest pivvcnt
ive and curative of malarial disorders , and
relieves constipation , rheumatism , kidney
and bladder ailments , and liver complaint
. . .
IH riireniil ( f.v HclialileV
Dr. Starr of London adduces convinc
ing1 arguments to show that it is impos
sible to draw from tlio si/.i' or nhapi. of
the head any conclusions as to tin nu'ii-
tal capacity. Ho shown the absurdity of
judging1 of the brain mirfaeo b oitlior
the si/.e of tlio head or tlio extent of tlio
btiporlicial irregular Hiirfacelilci ) IH
co\ered by llu-bkull , wiUiotit taking into
consideration the number of folds or the
depth of tlio creases , and states that a
little brain with many deep foldu may
really , when hpread out , have a larger
f.urfaco than a large brain witli few shal
low folds. Tlio phrenologists are not
happy over Dr. Starr's btriclures.
The Only OIKS.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. I'aul
railway is tlio only line running solid
vestibuled , electric lighted and steam
heated trains between Chicago , ( oumil
Bluffs and Omaha.
Tlio berth reading lamp fcatun In the
Pullman sleeping cars run on tin-be lines
is patented and cannot bo used by any
other railway company. It io the great
improvement of tlio age. Try it and bo
Bleeping cars leave the Union Pacific
dujKt , Omaha , at 0 p. in. dail\ , arming
at Chicago at 00 : ! ! a. m. Passongord
taking tills train aru not compelled to
get out of the cars at Council Bluffs and
wait for the train to hu gleaned. Ciet
tickets and Bleeping car berths at Viilou
ticket olllce , 1501 Farnam st.
P. A. NASH , Gen. Ayt ,
J. K. I'lil'.STOK Pass Agt.
Thn Making ol' AVcoiInn Shoes.
The making of woi don shoes is quite a
business in Now York. Not only is
thuru a big demand for wooden aolud
shoes required by workers in cer
tain trades , but for the wooden
babots , such as are seen in pictures ot
lifo abroad , French and German women
are the principal buyers of wooden shoes.
Those- shoes cost about $1.25 ! a pair ,
They are mostly worn in the Eunt nldo
tenement districts.
Tim Kw. Win Stout. Wlnrton,0n > ctaten
After being Ineffectually treated by seventeen
cni doctors for ( .crofnln unit blt > od dls-
u- I vvacuml hy Jiurdock Itiood lllt