Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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Dcllxrrrd liy currier In nny pint of thoC'lty
II | " < INI.SS OM'ICP. No. 13.
NIOIIT KfiiTim , No. X ) .
jnxon JI/\TJO\ .
N Y P C'o.
i 'ouiiell HluiTs Lumber Co. , coal.
Several of the leading hotels have agreed
willi the reception committee for the Oddfel
lows' celebration to each entertain free ono of
the visiting delegations.
Special communication niuff City lodge.
No , 71 , Ancient IVreo nnd Accented
Masons , this evening for work In the third
degree All Master Masonu In good standing
are Invited. Hy order of the W. M.
The | K > pular actress , Maggie Mitchell , sup
ported by a strong company , will bo the at
traction at Dohanv's this evening. The ad
vance sale of scats hns been very heavy and
the house will undoubtedly bo croxvdcd.
The second ball given by Dalhy's military
band last evening \xas fully as successful as
thu Initial one a year apo. There was a very
lai go attendance. The programme of dances
wits .somewhat lengthy , but was pleasantly
un-.inged and was greatly enjoyed.
The cltj jail xx'as empty last evening for the
first tlmo In several weeks. Oorgo Tollvcr ,
colored , was hauled In during the evening ,
together with a commodious Jag , but John
Dunn put up the necessary collateral for his
njipearamo this morning and ho was iclcased.
Henry Komeilleld , an account of whose ar
rest for insanity appeared In these columns
yesterday morning , was jesterday identified
by his brother , Amos Homeiileldof Dnnlap ,
mid taken away. A sister , Mrs. Hcthers of
this city , also called at the jail to sec him , and
was greatly dlstiesscd at his condition. Or
Halt .Utemled him and stated that ho was
not dangerously Insane , and advised that ho
bo tinned over to his fuends , as their caio
would be better for him than conllnement.
The anto-moitem specialist on the Republi
can yesterday morning dissected the Uoynl
Arcanum musiealo twenty-four honi * * in ad
vance of its rendition. The largo attendance ,
encores and elegant costumes \\eio dwelt
upon at ( 'rent length and the various partlel-
imnts xveto warmly commended for the pleasing -
ing and elllclent manner In which they rcn-
deieiltheir parts. It would have appeared
all right twenty-four hours later , but under
the circumstances the display of enterprise
looked just a little bit peculiar. '
Finest photo gallery In the west Sherra-
den's new place , III and ! . " > Main street.
Dr H S. West , porcelain crown and l"'ldgo
work , No , 13 Pearl.
Chamber .sets at Lund ISrothcrs' .
A Rood hosij reel free with every 100 feet of
lioso puichascd at llixby'.s.
rinso\.tt , i'.i I'/f.v.
II Slcero of Coojieistown , N. Y. , Is vis-
'his sister , Miss Stecro , who is organist
at.St Paul's. Mr. Stecro is also a cousin of
Mr B. K. Ajleswoith.
H. N Whltllcsey , city editor of the Globe ,
will toinonow tak'e icpoiloilal charge of the
Council HlulTs depaitinent of the Itepublican.
The Hostou store , Council Jtluffs , Is now
nhowlng the latest in beaded wraps , capes
nnd mantillas. Ask to see our capes and
wraps at * -l.i ! : . , W.-V. , * .IM ) , f l..n . , ) ' . ' . - and
W.Od rriii > latest fn cloth capes in blacks ,
tans , etc , at y.'J.'i and < . ! 00.
Special bargain ! ; In jersey coals at f2.2."i ,
$1.1)0 ) , SI.W ) , S-I.IKI , rl.7. . , * . - . . . ( ) and $ li.0 ( ) ,
actually woilh from 'J.l to ICI per cent inoie.
Our Jei-sey coats at J..l-'j aud $ : j.OO beat the
Shawls wo show a complete line of at
prices that are sure to suit almost aiijone , all
the latest style and best value in the market.
Second Moor
lioston store , FothcriiiKlmni , Whitelaxv &
Co , loaders anil promoters of low prices ,
Council Uluffs , la.
Hoard ol' Kquall/atlon.
The council meets nightly as a board of
eqnall/ation. Last evening sevend assess-
menls were adjusted , the only one of import
ance bcinK that of the Omaha & Council
IJluffs railway and bridge company , which
was raised from $ MiXK ( ) to $ li.T,0l ) ( ) ) . The mat
ter occasioned considerable discussion , and
the opinions were rather varied as to what
the amount should be. Alderman Wind
thought SMO.IMXI about the pioper liBiire , but
the assessment was llnnlly llxed at the sum
above stated.
Another case in which an unusual degree
of interest xx'as manifested was that of
George W. Lipe. whose assessment was
raised on the pieceding evening from fsfX ) to
$4IHKI. ( LIpe xx'ius picsent last evening with
his attorney , Oeorgo II. Ilexvltt , mid gave
notice that ho would llio a protest ngiinst the
i-aise The council has decided that parties
who have money must bo assessed for it , and
will cause several internal earthquakes ho
lme they have completed 'their labors us n
bo. ml of cquall/ation.
Have you any paper-covered book I Have
them bound neat aiul attractive by Murchouso
& Co. , I'carl street.
Cream pitchers at Lund llrothorV.
Water Work * $1(1.
AVithout doubt theiij me many persons now
building houses heie w ho wuatto use the city
water , but are unable to pay the usual pi ice
for Introducing the water into their premises.
.Appreciating this fact , the New York Plumb
ing company will locate a yard hydrant six
teen feet fiom the curb line , and connect the
name with water main , with everything com
plete and the water icady to use for$10. Cash
w 1th order. This oiler applies to unpaved
streets wheio mains are laid.
Paper hungers wanted at Gillette & Fieo-
inan's , 'JII 1 'call street , Council Hinds.
If you wish to sell your property call on the
Judtt A ; Wells Co. , C. H. .Imld president , WXJ
J C Hlxby , steam heating , sanitary engi
neer , HIM Life building , Omaha ; L'OJ Merriam
block , Council Uluffs.
Gymnasium Classes ,
The bicycle club to bo organl/ed tonight Is
only for members of the Junior and senior
class and others of the same ago \vho may do-
biro lo Join.
The boy's bicycle club will bo organized
next Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. All
boys having wheels or desiring to Join the
club nit ) rciiuiMteil to bo present , whether or
not members of the Young Men's Christian
The fat men's class , a novelty In its way ,
organUed for the purpose of giving light and
systematic exercise to men of excessive adi
pose tissue , will bo begun this evening at b'M :
o'clock and promises qnlto a membership. It
Is to bo hoped a large number of men will en
ter this class , as the sui > crinteniciit ! has devoted -
voted two evenings of each week to their
especial instruction.
Century , Harper , Srrllmcr , St. Nicholas
Youths' Companion and all magiulncs bound
neat and substantial by Morchouse & ( Jo. ,
Pearl street.
Special sale of Japanese water drop tea
eels , unique , new and beautiful , at Lund
Hrotbcrs' . Prices iSc , LHX ) and We.
Choice residence proi > erty centrally located
for sale by K. il. Sheafo Co.
of fine watches and Jewelry In the cltv , nnd
the place to buy the goods at the lowest
prices , is the establishment without rivals ,
the most reliable linn of
C. U. J.U'qi'CMix & Co.
Flower pots at Lund Hrothers1.
Tlio Krnlnry Contempt Cane.
The John Jay Fralnoy contempt ease was
nrgiicd before Judge Thoniell yesterday
afternoon. Hon. W. H. Ware appeared for
Kralnoy and W. I. Sinllli and A. W. Ask-
with for the plaintiff , The defendant has
been conllned In the county Jail for 151 days
for contempt of court tor fulling to comply
ivltk the order of the court directliig him to
turn over to W I. Smith , Adminis
trator , $ o.VX ) due the Fralney estate ,
from the ndnilnl tmtorshlp of which
John Jay had been removed.
Ills attorneys nruped that the contempt
should bo purged , ns Knilncy was financially
unable to i epny the money , and his sentence
virtually amounted to life Imprisonment.
The opiKtsIng counsel wanted a mortgage on
his homestead , but his attorneys argued that
this could not bo given , ns the projK'ity be
longed to his wife , and she would not consent
to the nropcnUlon oven lo save her Hego lord
from life .seclusion behind ptlson bars.
The hcarlng.of the case occupied sometime ,
but it was submitted Just before court ad
journed. .Ttidgo Thorite ! ! consulted with
Judge Uecincr with reference to the case , but
no decision was handed down last evening.
It Is understood that the matter will ) > o de
termined nnd the result announced nt thu
oponlng of couit this morning.
Till : KAMOUS.
Pi'lccH Let Down.
Granulated sugar IS pounds for $1 , extra O
15 pounds for- I , choice Ulo colTeo ( rousted )
per pound , liie ; good Klo coffee ( ground ) per
pound , 'JOc ; uneolorcd Japan tea ' 'Od jwr
pound , best rolled oats -lo a pound , good rk'e
re ; lcst ) baking poxvdor be ; good baiting
powder , 1-pound can , lOc ; Crnncil HluiTs to
matoes throe cans for 2. " > c , good corn three
cans for 'iSc : three pound can box
gloss starch , iJUe : best sulphur matches ,
per doz. , b'c ; best parlor mutches ,
' 'lie per do/ ! , boxes ; Lewis' lye ] Kr
box , 1'Jc , ! l-lb pail lard aiclb p.ill lard ifc ,
' . ' ( Mb pall fruit Jelly sic , 'JH-gall. pall No. t
syrup IK > , good Hour , V-lb ) sack , s'c ;
Xlinnesota Hour fl. .ID , bestcoun'ry ' butler Ific ,
fiesh conntrv eggs I lie.
200 Dioadwav , Opposite Ogden House.
The inusic.ili' i.'Iven last evening hy Fidel
ity council No. l.Vt , Uoyal Arcanum , at their
hall in HID lleno-Slingart block , was a very
enjoyable and suc-osfiil ; affair , and ti very
large number of the friends of the members
responded in person to the neat cards of in
vitation. It was strictly an Invitation atTair ,
the guests Ii 'ing the members , their families
and their personal fuends.
Ucv. T .1 Mackny delivered the opening
adoress In a very happy manner , and pleas
antly alluded to the mysterious happeiilngsof
their council hull and the unrestrained enter
prise of a certain paper in publishing them in
advance. Kd Coitley sang "Little Annie
Kooney" and was repeatedly encored , responding
spending with a couple of parodies on Harbara
! ritchle and Casablanca. A recitation by
Miss Sophie ( Jpi'iier and another in .signs by
Airs. D. W. MeDerintd were warmly ap
plauded. '
Tlio various musical members were very
much enjoyed and the participants worn
greeted with rounds of xvcll deserved ap
plause. An hour of social intercourse followed -
lowed the literary and musical programme.
These socials are to bo frequently icpeatcd
and will undoubtedly bo moro popular than
the Koyul Arcanum parties of two years ago.
If you don't wiml to bo hoodooed on wall
paper go to Nilcs" .
C. C. Galley has arianged a plcnsnnt sur
prise for the ladies during the next txvo
weeks. Ho will present some of them with a
beautiful oil painting Unit will be equal to the
woik of the best in lists. Particulars later.
You can select jour binding from samples
at Moichouso A : Co.
Dis. Woo.lbiiry have removed their dental
ofllfoto 101 I'carl sheet , up stairs.
They're On the 1'olioe Korcc Now.
Council UlulTs luis a detective- of the
genuine "Hy cops" you read about. Thib man
of dark , deep mysteries is as conversant with
the duties of ills new position as it Is possible
to become by diligently reading authentic ac
counts of the wonderful doings of "The Silent
Shadow , " "Old Sleuth , ' ' "Teddy , the News
boy Djtoctive , " "Nipper Ned , the Night
Hawk , " "Falcoubridge , thu Sphjuv , " and
his other successful predecessors True , he
can not tell a crook when ho sacs one , but
that is not his fault as llio crooks have not yet
made any friendly advances , and his natural
reserve 1ms prevented the forming of now ac
quaintances. However , ho hopns to get ac
quainted and will bo very grateful to such of
tlio criminals as will send in their cards dc-
sctibing thcniaclvcs and their favorite lines
of xx'oik.
Tills , of course , xvill all come later , but at
piesent the "Hy collar" Is perfecting his dis
guises. Although ho hns hold his new posi
tion but three da.v , ho has thus far appeared
in thiiteen dlfl'eiont costumes , including all
stages Irom iludo to cowboy and tramp.
Whetherho bought out a second hand cloth
ing store or has made some urrangcnients
with a pawnbroker , is a matter not yet deter
mined , tint ho has secured the costumes just
the same and not only that , but ho has xx-orn
them. A > hange every fexv hours soon used
up the list , and he had to scuro up something
new. Whatever else ho may bo ho is evi
dently an individual of icsourciM , as he next
appealed disguised behind a closed eye. It
was not violently closed by feieign foice , but
XXMS simply the result of a hoiiible squint.
liven under the most liivorablo circumstances
tlio embryo detective's beauty is not ot the
prize-winning variety , lint when topped off
by that paralj/lug squint , tlio effect is indeed
startling. It is supposed that the dlffeicnt
disguises were iilTeeled in eider to conceal
the Identity of tlio wearer , but if so it was a
sad blunder , as the effect was to draw atten
tion to the much disguised individual. That
squint , would dtnw nails out ot an oak hoard ,
and it must not bo imagin'-d that it could
pass unnoticed even on llioadway. In lacl ,
the detective has become ono of the features
ol the business portion of the city , and his
comings and goings are cageily watched for.
Sad lo relate , the aforesaid squint was as
short-lived as the clothes and with them it
was bung upon a rusty null in an obscure
corner of the wardiobu. It was succeeded
by another "disguise , " patterned of course
after the wonderful heroes ol dime novel
fame. The detective bought three pints of
hair dye , and when lie began his nocturnal
prowls Thursday night his thod , drooping ,
crushed tomato mustache was I airly bristling
with deep , deadly blackness. Small wonder
that ho did not knoxv himself In that tierce
disguise , or that he xx'as ufaid to trust him
self nlono with it. No more strange was it
that his chief failed to rrcognlro him and
gave orders to have him locked up as a vug.
There xvas no tumble , however , in rccognU-
Igg him on the street , and the street gamins
" " him . His
"gujed" unmercifully. colored
mustache is all right , but if reporls are true
bo ought to do away with the squint. His
stated that with both ojes open he could not
see a Hock of barns , and as tlieio
Is apparently good foundation for
this statement It is obviously poor
Judgment to purposely close one of his optics.
Ho evidences superlativegiccnncss icgarding
Ids work , and llio prospect of effective de
tective work ut his hands Is not flattering.
The fait is that many of the police appoint
ments liax'o been made without icgard to the
apparent Illness orunlltness of the appointee ,
and with n few exceptions the force now con
sists of us woithlcss a lot of sticks us is often
giouped together They have more the up-
IHMiiinco of a lot of dummies than of a police
force , and tramp up and down their beats as
if atlached by an invincible eablo to an engine
drum. If the cable lijippens to pull them
across the truck of a vug or drunk they man
age to run him In , but they have not the
slightest Idea how to deal willi genulnocrooks.
Stores und lestdcnccs tire btirgliui/ed under
their very noses , mid belated pedestrians are
lield up in the heart of the city , but the i > er-
petrators simply laugh at the helpless iiggro-
mtlon that masquerades under the name of
the Council Ulntis police force. There are
none who understand the situation better
than the crooks themselves , ami they are
Hocking In from till parts of the countrv.
Not only this , but outside towns aio'freelv
idvertislng the Hliiffs as the haven of thug's
mil blacklegs , and roundly condemning the
police system that allows the presence of
so many professional ci-ooks hero to run out
mil prey upon the citizens of neighboring
cities. It Is high time thai a stop was put to
his state of ulTulrs. With the iidvcnt of the
lew administration great things were prom-
scd , und in some respects they hax o been ful-
llled. Koform and retrenchment was the
nottoof the citizens , adopted in convention
uul carried through the campaign. The tw
ice force was lncrcat > od from twelve to
eighteen men as n measure of retrenchment ,
mil the reform part Is to bo found In the work
of the burglars , who In the post two weeks
uive torn the town wide open. Just for u
hiinge , perhaps U would be atlvU.iblo to up-
wlnt o fexv good men to places on the force ,
t would certainly produce more satisfactory
' , uud tlio uxyaiweut U worth trying ,
A Season of Extraordinary Speculation in
Nearly Every Branch of Trade ,
Operations Seriously Ilc-
tiirdud by ( lie IIlKlil-llotir .Striken
Tlio Glass Market Affected
Is'r.w Yonif , April 18. [ Special Telegram to
Till ! Ur.i-U. : ] O. Dim & Co.'s weekly re
view of trade says :
A season of extraordinary speculation has
set In. Grain , pork products , cotton , oil ant
sugar have advanced , the latter In splto o
the proposal to remove tlio entire duty , ntu
spruce lumber also , In spite of the rapidly In
creasing Interruption of building by clgh
hour strikes. The general average of prices
for commodities has advanced , ' * of I per con
in a week and 1.7 per cent In three weeks
Stocks have also been stronger , the reports o
trade which arc influenced rather by prices n
which goods am sold than by the volume o
business transacted are uniformly moro
At the sumo time there Is iv continued evidence
denco of mi actual increase over last year ii
the volume of business transacted. Wheat
was started upward by ix-ports of injury it
winter wheat states. At New York the sales
lui\obcen l'JIio.WO ( ) ( bushels , prob.ibly the
largest week's transaction on record. Con
has advanced "in svmp.ithy" t1 ! cents am
oats 1' ' ( cents. Oil lias advanced 4'tj cents
without known occasion Pork has risen $ -
per barrel.
There is not a corresponding improvement
in the Industrial condition. Wool has been
Jirmer at Hoston , without any change in prlc <
and very dull and Inactive at New Yoik am
Philadelphia. In the dry goods no Improve
ment is seen. Cotton manufacture docs not
thrive the better for the advance In the ma
terial , with goods unchanged in price and
print cloths only ; ) . : ) cents for ill s.
The boot and shoo industry is cleaily thriv
ing and leather and hides are both a shade
llrmcr and in more active demand. The
eight hour strikers in many cities have al
ready arrested all building operations and are
expected to extend so that the market foi
glass is ulrcndx ufTtvtcd unfavorably , and
also the demand for.stiuctural Iron. Instce !
rails largo oidcis are pending , and it is
thought they can bo placed at &K } . Bar Iron
is dull and impressed.
Substantially all the reports from other cit
ies give an encouraging record of the state ol
business. AtDoston improvement continues.
The retail dry goods trade is largo and causes
n better jobbing trade and domestic hides
are higher.
At Philadelphia there ib especial activity in
drugs and chemicals and the past week was
the best fora long lime in groceries.
Chicago reports the usual great increase in
the movement of KIMIII and dressed beef , lake
shipments of grain being double those of last
year and dry goods .sales fullv equal to last
, x ear's , while clothing tails behind but is fairly
satisfactory. Collections tnero are generally
St. Louis also notes iinpiovement , f.dily
prompt collections and expect itiom of a good
spring trade.
At neatly nil other western points simil.u
favorable ieports are made and St. Paul notes
that icient rains help farmers and' seeding K
going on rapidly. It is espoelully uotewbi thy
that there is no serious monetary pressure
an.xhcro. . . iMone.x is quiet and easy at Boston ,
easier at Philadelphia andsteadv with plenti
ful supplies nl Chicago , St. Louts , Milwaukee
and Omaha , Cleveland and Detroit only ro-
poiting some closeness.
Espoits of products in March npps-ir to
have increased lully 5 per cent over last year
and probably exceeded imports by iKKlKH , ( , ( ) ,
but thtib far in April exports' have fallen
about 1 ! ) per rent below last year's at New
York , while impoits show an incicjsc of 1'3J
per cent. The business failures occunng
throughout the country during the past seven
dajs number 11 as compared with'JO ! ) last
week. For the corresponding week of last
year the ligures wore 'Jill.
S. U AVadsworth & Co.1)7 ) Peail street ,
loan money for Lombard Investment company.
Important to Horsemen : Large line horse
and turf goods. Probslle , 55' . ' H j , C. B.
1 f you want the host Wall paper go to J. D.
The Manhattan spoiling heudq'rs , US B-
JV/FJ'.S' .
Disastrous I-'irc at Mount Ayr.
MOUNT AMI , la. , April lt > . [ Special Tele
gram to TIM : UniJ-This place was visited
by another destructive lire last night Ten
buildings were destroyed. Three othcra
weto damaged and the loss is estimated at
$ > 0KU ( Tlio prinelpil losses are Wall
Brothers , grocery and buildiu 's , t'r > 0v ) , Insured -
sured rorl)0t ! ) ; Thomas Lewis , restaurant
and bakery , loss f..lKM ) , insured for . 1OUO , ;
II. It. Esppey , grocery , loss NlOOD , , insured
for tf..O'M ' ) ; Alleyn Brothers , b ink , two build
ings , fully insured ; I. C. Tuttle , lestaurant
and two buildings ; Charles Chance , loss
* I , < M < ) , insured for ? VJ. ) Windlo's three-
story brick baildlng fell in , injuring three
men , though not fatally. ,1. II Thorn IMITJ
ol St. .loo was cut on the forehead , William
Shriver injured In the back and Hum- l ppy
injured in the leg.
riluto Medical Soulely.
Drs Moixin , la. , April ls.S [ , > jcUl Tele
gram to Tin : URIInteivst : ] In the meeting
of the state medical society fell off to lay ,
many of the doctors Irivlng left last nlnht. A
number of papeis xvero re id In the depart
ments of materla medic.t and nervous dis
eases. The new president of the soclty , Dr.
Middleton of Davenport , was inst died in of-
llco and made a short .speech. Dr. Skinner of
Cedar Hapids , the treasurer , repot ted that
the society had a balance ol . ? , ' , ! W1.1 1 on hand.
lr Kos.i Upson of Marshalltown was elected
delegate to the American pharm iceutie il so
ciety at Washington , 1) . C. A Her the trans
action of routine business the society ad
journed to meet at Waterloo next year.
A Daring
Dis MoisrIn. . , April is. [ Special Tcle-
Riiini to Tin : Hii-Tlie : : ) most daring burg
lary knoxvn hero for yetus was committed
last night at the oftleo of White , Murphy &
Pickering , millers. The rear of the buildiijg
is occupied by Mr. Oorgo Keelerand family.
Ho was awakened by a burglar In the room ,
who covered him with tovelver , wlillo two
p.ds came in and proceeded in a leismelv
manniu'toopen the safe lu the fiont olllco.
After that was done the throe burglai-n met in
the bedroom and divided the monuy , about
? H5 , compelling Keller to ei-axvl under the bed
clothes while it was being douo. They were
In the hotiM ) about half an hour , but lie dared
not make u noise and they escaped with their
A Chicory Knulory.
MX ON ClT > , la , April 18. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : BII : . | Arningements Imvobeen
fully perfected for a compiny from Germany
to establish a chicory establishment lioiv.
Ground has been purchased for building pur
poses and machinery will commence to arrive
next week. It will bo the only factory to
manufacture this grade of chicory In 'tho
United States. Farmers are Jubilant and are
now contracting for tlio sale of chicory by
the ton.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A Diminutive Italiy.
FOHT DODCII : , In , April 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bin : . ] One and one-half pounds
is the weight of a diminutive baby girl just
Ixani to Mr. and Mrs. L. Grllllii , of Algona.
The child's head Is as largo as a Hinall orange ,
and covered with hair. She Is Just ten Inches
long from head to foot and resembles a doll In
general appearance. The baby Is healthy und
the doctors any she \ \ 111 live.
Kuloldo at I'orcHt City.
FoitKST Cmla. . , April 18.- [ Special Tele.
gram to Tun Dei : JAuulo J Peterson , about
thlrty-tlvo jeurs old , a domestio In the
family of Dr , rj. Perkins , bunged herself In
the barn last evening The body was not
discovered till this inornlng. No cause for
the suicide is know ! ) . ' ; , ,
A IMiysluInu Indicted I'oiAlurdrr. .
DAVKNPOIIT , In. , , Airil ( 13. [ Special Tel-
egmm to Tin : Bci-Dr. : ] .1. A. Held was In
dicted by the grand , Jury today for murder
In the second degree ' Ho Is charged with
performing an abortion on n young woman
who afterwards diedt It Is alleged , from the
effects of the operation.
A Coal Pnliico Company.
Orn-MWA , la. , April IS. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Br.iTHoeoal : ] palace organ ! *
ration was completed today with $ J. > ,000 cap
ital stock. Work will bo commenced at once.
Several desirable dwellings with irodcni
Improvements for rent In vicinity of tl.e
Presbyterian church. 13. II. Sheafo & Co. ,
rental agents.
We wnnt you to list your rental property
with us and wo will secure you good , reliable
tenants. Rents collected and special atten
tion given to euro of property. K. II. Slicafo
& Co. , Broadway nnd Main s't. , up stairs.
Good paper hangers at Crockwcll's.
HOIHP Suggestions \Vltli ItcRard to tlic
I3 liurt UccCTrndf.
The roiiiiii'kublo growth of our export
trtulo in enttlo hns boon the subject of
extended eointuont In these I'ohiiuns ,
HiiyH tlio lU'uetlers' Cnxuttv. It hns boon
clearly demonstrated that therein lie.s n
way of oscnpo for the hnra&sed raltlu
feeder from the oluU'hes of the klnys of
paokltiytown , if only soiuo Moses would
tu'iso who piw esse.s tlio tibillty and ile-
terniiniitlon to so order alTaifd as to oncn
the doors of Kiiropeau norlM to the tinro-
slrlctcd eiitrnneo of our cattle even as ho
of biblical history did iiniku a dry path
through the waters of the Rj.l SJIL Tlio
ttislt of thib modern Moses is a compara
tively easy one. Ho his but to set in
motion the miehiii"ry : which will elVoe-
lually wipe out the l.isl vmtlyo of con-
tn loiib disease amen oar cattle stocks
if indeed there bj any ronriiiiliijf aiid
Ioml stteli aid asvill readily Hii jrest it
self to those n rieultui'i.sts In Brilain
who are exerting every ell'ort to becuro
the free entry of our " .store.i" in ordsr
that they ni'iy have at reasonable cost
and in tnillle'u'iit abundanoo the "nri-
I'liint'b" for eoiivoi'tiiifr into bjef the pro-
duets of their farms and tit the mimutimo
increasiiifr the fertility of tlieiilamK
That our "feeder > " are wanted by IJril-
ish farmers and that our cheap beef is
demanded by British workin men does
not admit of a moment's doubt. That
properly directed efforts on the part of
our authorities would prove an ' 'open
sosnmo' ' to these markets is scarcely less
in dispute. is , Iio\vever , ono ni'ii'l'od fea
ture in connection with our export trade
which has not ive-'ived the attention it
deserves , nor ha * ils importance as a fac
tor in the modiilc.itjon of existing meth
ods of transportation bcciiMillicioiitiy ap
preciated in some quarters. Wo refer
to the lo-.s . of bulloi'ks in the holds of
trans-Atlantic Hlior- . According to a
London contomp'irary , during the year
ISSrf no less than , ( ! ( ! ( aniill'ils worn
thrown ovorlioi rl ( tn transit from Can
ada and the Unit"d Stat 1171) ) landed
dead and ! injured as to ncvessilate
ininu'diatoblaujjhUii' 11)1011 ) landing , mak
ing a total loss of . ' ( , ! )1S ) head in the
course of a year's himentJvjaving | )
out of considei'ati < in the buma.ic side of
the question - whicheems at least as
proper a subject of inquiry on the part
of agents of ! umni6 : 'joeiolioj as tlio de
horning of cattle tilts total ( it l ( ) s ! ! ] ) -
pciilb so ] ) owcrfull.from . a bare conunor-
cial standpoint as'To ino-v than suggest
a change- meihods in the future in om-
meat-carrying trade with the nations be
yond the sea. Whim in addition compu
tation is mad" of tin- coal in freight and
Oiip-room of the otlal or -products
of the animal a change' in the
methods of transportation is more than
sugg-'sled. Kvery humane and econ
omic consideration point- , unerringly to
the export of our beef in refrigerated
'tuvasso'- , . To this end it must i-onie.
Tlio dilliculty in the way of I lie adoption
of this system lies i'liieil.\ in the imper-
feet ninthod of refrigeration ; but tins is
being overcome nnd lliero is no longer
ivason to doubt Hint bo fore many . \ears \
have elapsed the great bulk of our ex
port trade in beef will go forward in I ho
refrigerated holds of ocean steamers.
.lust when Ibis consummation will bo
achieved the ( la'/.otte dovi not pretend
to say. Il is enough for tlio present testate
state that il is fairly in sight.
Hut until there is a revival in homo-
breeding , Brilish farmers will continue-
to demand American stoivs , and the
transportation of mich , if UK- ports worn
opjn , would not be attended by so great
casualty as Unit roxvalod by the ship
ment ot finished fattened bulloclSo
long , Ih'irofoi'o us th > p int co-iditions
obtain higli priced beef in Iti'ltain turl
on the I'ontineiH and cheap sloe ! ; caltlo
in America- will Ihero bo an impoi'lun-
alc demand frnmcuttlonun on bolli sides
foi1 the unrestricted entry of healthy
American stoi'K-er.-i to Hritish ports.
llandllnt * and PJiintiii Trees ,
There is no bjltov tlni'j than the pres
ent for plant ing mcHl trees. The ground
in foi' the m Ht jiirt , Hi nvjd oat and tives
a I'o dormant so that they transplant
Thorn is no way holler than to dig the
tree , leaving on the rooti all tlio earth
Unit will adinvi ! , and then a ) once plant
ing in good soil. Out this plan is not al
ways practical and often liven must be
shipped long distance.- . . Any good
nurseryman who lno\vs his business
l roporly can pack trce.s so that I hey will
no safely for hundreds of miles. When
trees are recoiscd which have boon
shipped long distances they should bo nt
meo unpacked and tlio roots entirely
covered with moist earth. Should the
mrk scorn shriveled the trees should bo
entirely covered .with earth until it 1m-
onies freshenedi ways the Nebraska
i''armer. Most frnijt trees as xvell as or-
iiiinontal nhould bo planted a little
leeper than they originally stood , it
Iocs not follow tlVaJ , if it is bolter to plant
Icoper , the deeper .they are planted the
K'tlor. ' I'lanllng too deep Is as bad as
ilanting too bhullow and should l.u
ivolded. '
The tops should bo cut back some
isually , and this is absolutely iid'os ary
n handling largtt'TOH. } | Tlioy niiiHt haso
the tops shorleneili in pronortion as llio
oots have boon dn" In digging.
Whatovoiyou' lo ahvayn iilaiit all
your fruit fives In , straight ro\v . It al
ways seems as though I'rovldeuco gets
oven with the mtju'who plants ills trees
n crooked rown by causing them to
'j'ow rough aiid" hcrubby so that they
uld to the general melancholy olfecl ;
and do not lot your trees grow at their
nvn sweet wlU'foi' ten years and then
no at thsm with an ax and cross-cut
saw to ivdueo them to presentable con-
llllon. To cut oil'a limb six Inches in
liuinotor from a tree in much llko am-
) utatlng a limb. It may sometimes bo
icccHsary but should only bo resorted to
n extreme CIIHCH. * To roinovo hovoral
Hiich limbs oven from the largest and
icallhicst trco Is but to lay tlio founda-
lon of disease and death.
lit short treat your trees decently and
hey will burprlso you wllu their iihiintl-
int fruit , gnitofnl Hhado and general
K-auty and utility. _
Tlio I'l-operCarool1 Hog" .
Much trouble arisen with the sanitary
'omlltioiiH of Bwino bocauao of the
suuruucu of their owners lu rotfurd to
thoh' hnblff nnd nnttiro. Tlioro is too
corn In the west for the good of
the hop , nnd tno much pen in the east.
The skill of man can circumvent both of
these evil * , says u writer in tlio Now
York Tribune. I want to see tlio hog
nearer tlio front in American farming.
1 want to sco him moro generally the
right-hand factor , or partner , of the
eastern farmer , as lie Is of the western.
The benollts of swlno an aids in increas
ing fertilizing material are not appreci
ated. A lot of hogs kept during the
season in a clover Held and fed there ,
nnd lilted for market , will make that
Hold fertile for years. They may bo
employed as plow'mon and llllers of tlio
poll In eradicating quick grass , thistles ,
livcforover. and other weeds , and also
of grubs , in the orchards they are use
ful friends , in moro ways than ono. 1'lgs
will make good pork when running Tn
orchards where there is n good blto of
grass. When hogs can have all the pas
ture they will cat they will become lilted
for market with very little grain. Tlio
least amount of grain given to hogs run
ning in clover will make pork rap
idly. All kinds of vegetables , coupled
with grass and a llttlo bran ,
will make the best of 'pork. The man
who roars hogs extensively should pro
vide a supply of turnips or roots of some
kind for a partof the winter food. When
deprived of a meal or two hogs can bo
induced to cat common Hold turnips by
dusting thorn with u little meal of some
kind. Turnips are an excellent and
cheap food , their ratio of nutrition being
1 to 0.8. The pig-grower must learn to
utill/.o cheap foods , as they will make
just as good meat as tlio more costly
foods , like corn. Silngo can bo turned
to good account in wintering grown hogs
or pigs , with a rich , nitrogenous ration.
Jt should bo fed with bran or middlings
mixed with it , but not corn. The Mlago
is a carbonaceous food , espeially so
when it abounds in cars , and it needs to
bo balanced with nitrogenous elements ,
such as arc found in rye , wheat , bran
and linseed meal , llyo ground entire is
an excellent food when mixed with bran.
Harley is good , and superior to corn for
for sows or sows giving milk.
Tlio fanner must not attempt lo get
his hogs to an extreme weight , but
should kill thorn before I hey cost too
much. The meat will sell belter , and
there will bo moro margin between the
price received and the cosl of produe-
lion. This margin can bo made larger
usually willi less weight of carcass.
Iti'ooni Corn.
The first broom corn grown in the
United Stales is thought to have been
grown by Ucnjainin Kranklin. The
plant was soon widely cultivated and 1ms
Kept slep with Ihe weal ward march of
empire till Hie center of cultivation is
now in Ihe Mississippi valley and pass
ing westward to 1 ho Missouri , says llio
Western Stockman and Cultivator The
returns from broom corn culture are
about $ -10 per aero from good crops , but
may be a good deal le-s than that , The
requisite's for successful cultivation are a
good soil , such as will produce a good
crop ol corn or sorghum , a scraper for
rubbing' the seed oil , a drying shed and
a baling machine. The equipment is
not expensive if broom corn growing is
engaged iu as a permanent branch of
funning , but too expensive for experi
menting' . Tlio best varieties to grow are
the Tonm.s-oe , Missouri and Kansas ev
ergreens , and it requires about two
quarts of seed per acre. The same s.\s-
tcm of plantiugaiid cultivation required
for sorghum will bo suitable for
broom corn as the two plants are closely
related and have the same habits , and
clean , careful cultivation is as ncccssar.N
with ono as with the other. Hven hand
hoeing1 will pax if tlio weeds once gel a
The broom corn must bo harvested as
soon as the bloom begins to fall on" llio
seed , for if loft to ripen it xvill not snil
for over one-third as much sis grc'ii
brush brings. The brush ib "tabled"
before cutting , i. c. , two rows arc broken
across each oilier so as lo form a sort of
table about three feet high , the cull , r-
thcn pass along the rows and cut each
briiih till with a knife , leaving about
eight inches of stalk lo ( ho brush. ! \
good cutter w ill table and cut about on.-
half acre per day. The brush is laid on
flic titbles to euro , "whence it is hauled lethe
the scraper , seeded and placed on UK
racks in 'dry house to dry thoroughly bf-
forc baling.
The CO-H of growing broom corn is cs-
timalod at from > 112 to } " ( ) per acre , but
where the fiirmer docs his owa work and
has learned to handle the crop to llu
best advantage the .MO lo 10 per ac > o
realized from a crop compares favoro-bi
with any other fanning operations.
The C"o\v About lo CaUe.
We must now bc In to think about the
possibilities of milk fuvci' , sas , the Turin
Journal. If the cow is fat there is more
danger. In such a ca-o she -hould hi
fed lightly for at least two weeks hi fort
calving. If her udder becomes hard ,
and shows Mgns of inllammation , it i
best to milk her before the calf is born
and also lo care for th udder. Wo have
found that washing the udder with soap
suds , made as strong as po- ilile , will
allay inllannnatiou. The alkali in the
soap has a soothing and curative died
1 tubbing soft soap on the surface is good
If the cow is thin 'die must lie fed nour
ishing foods , and tit the same time th < \ \
should mil be heating or tending to in-
ll-immalion. Starchy foods have these
tendencies and should bo iiMiidcd. Mid
dlings will be sustaining and not so beat
ing as corn meal , rye or barleincut. % . A
bran mash fed warm Is food for the cow
to be fed a few days before and after
calving. The water for drink should be
wai'iiicil. Wo like a porlion of Ihu cow's
food to bo oil meal before and after the
calf is born. This has a loosening ollcct ,
and assists nature in all respect- , besides
bi'Ing vorv nourishing. We must learn
to appreciate the value of lin-ccd meal
moro as a food ami as an Important elo-
mcnl in ferlill/ing the soil.
. ) . ( ! . Tipton , ical estate , fi.'T Broadway.
11 u ion s.xi.i : .
One hundred tons of hay for sale In slack
nt , t-ake Manaxva. UHN MARKS.
Scott house , ' . ' , ' , 'Jl Main street , Council
DlulTs , newly famished. 1 a day ; meals Wo.
The gasoline stove is moio dangerous than
the unloaded gun. Save lile and prop.'rly by
using thoC. B. tins and Ulettrle Light Co.'s
b'as stove.
Don't fall to see the beautiful line of library
lamps at Lund Hi-others' , ' , ' , ' ) Main street.
All the llrst class race tracks employ a
lector by the year , or rather the season.
I'hny pay a liberal price , from 410 a day
.ipward . , and ox peel him to report for
Intv a half hour before tlui races begin ,
ind * to remain on hand till all the visitors
liiivo left.
Iceland Jluherinen now carry oil regu-
nrly as a means of smoothing the xvavcs
mil enabling thorn to continue at work
i ) xvcathor in which heretofore their
mats could not have lived.
Wlirn Holiy was sick , wo gave her Coslnrh ,
When wiw a Child , iho cried forCastorta ,
Whcu elie became Sll .i , ilio clung to Cantoris ,
When * hu bad CUUJrcu , klie guvo tlieui Cattorla ,
Vlolnlit Paint In Xrrk.
KrlcuiMilp , Win , Juno 14.18M.
My wife lind xlolent | > Mnt In her neck ,
which xx nsx cry sole nudklllT. PIioniriircu
allrclybyi-'I.JiicolnOII. JAM Ed BTOWK.
In Terrible rain.
Ames MTR. Co . ( 'hlrupcr , Mn , .tunc IS , IMS
From < i\cr Cxcttlon ext'ty Iionc XMIS mud *
ttlll nmlRotf ; In Icrrlliln ] > nln. 1 XMU cured
promptly 1 > > St. J t.fjn | Oil
J. U HCCKI.nV , ro > maitcr.
AT Iinvccms ANU Pr.urrs.
All xxhodeslio good cooking In their houses
should USD
A Might addition pl\e arrat it length anil
IhiMir to SonM. | Sauces IIIH ! Made Dlslicx.
One pound Is equal In fnil y poiuiils of lean
beef. 01 the xalne of aliont fi M.
( lennlnc only \\lth fnc-slinlle of J. von
blKV slKiiatuie In blue Ink > i < IPS * the label.
\\rANTii : ) lnTi.ult ! A clear farm In Ne-
hraska. a business lot In Omaha fur
clear or eneiiiiibeiiMl icslilencc hits 'I'lie .Imlil
& . \\Vlls company , bOU llioadxx.ij , C. It. .luilil ,
: i ) to Trade Houses and Iotsian -
' In ; ; In price fiimi MM ) tn MIXHI for unliii-
proxcd pmperty. The .Imld A. Wells coiiip.iny ,
MH ! Ilioadxxav. ' It . . .
( .hidd. pie * .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
1/1OU KKNT Itoom. finxSt ) . sullableTot xxooiN
- u 01 1. Inc or blacKsiiilili shop ; trims leason-
able. Imiulie on ptcniNis , lear of UICKOIX'S
hotsohoelnilsliop No I , ' ! S. Main st.
_ _ _ _ _ _
"IT1" " * l I " 111 send by iclnin mall to anv ad-
: * - ' ' ii splendid cabinet iihotoiaih | of
\ \ Illl.iin MoiL'iin. s.ild to lm\e been aliducted
and Ulled by Ma-mis mat Militant Tails in
IKM for publishing tliescciuts of .Masonry , K.
A. ( . 'ool.lTntlenx ood.lai _ _ _ _
\V \ NTT.Iioml ( ghl for gi-ncrnl bousc-
_ M work. J Iis.V. . II. Heed , : r.V > Scott. st.
I OU PA JnOn monthly payniunts or teims"
-L1 to suit by the .Imld & wolfs company :
7- room txto-stniy hoiisu. coi htli nve. and 10th
si. , lot , 15 by UK f cut , tno blocks fiom motor
10-room house Cth-a\e. block
on \ , onu fiom
motor line.
H-ioom bouse on IJncolii a\e. , t o blocks
from motor line.
L'4-ioom hoiiicson Noith Tih si. , ncariinst-
( i-room house , tuo stoiles. avc. A and 12lh st.
j-ioom ; stoiy and a b.ilf lionsc. axe. K , near
North Ttb s ( .
( i-iooia house , aKo l-ioom house on the
motoi line , lii-txtcen 201 li and ' . ' 1st ss ,
llousfs iiiiil lots In all parts of the city. Tlio
.1u < lfl&clls comp.iny , WW Hioadway , C' . II ,
Jlllld [ IK'S. _
I7IOK HA MAt : a bargain- One double * - \ \ \ -
A and sllcer ; onn xciii'iM inachliio Hltb ne.u-
Ing coniilcte | , all new. suitable foi basl.ct
toiy. Iminlie at Mixdoi'h conimlbbloii house ,
? J roiirlhl . ( 'onnciniluIN _ _ _
IfOH ii.NT-Ha : : K , > jo teller Hour litnl "food
1mllN. . .s\\jinjV Walker , t'onnrll Illiillla
"T71OKAI.i : NcwS-iooiii luuisu xxlth mod-
-L em linlirovcinents. large tjioxc lot , In 1st
class ni'lsliiiiu hood. This Is a bargain. il.Mjo.
Modem 2-tiry house on Mb sue. , $ . ' ,503 ,
Nexx ( i-ioom cottage , il.'iOO.
Nett I-MIOIII collage. fi.uiiO ,
Choice gaidenlng land close to the city In'i
or 10 acie lots , f impel acie , easy tetin- .
Lots In Kiddle's sub on monthly payments.
7 acies Inside aeto propuily at a liaigitln.
1 inu icsldciiee lot on llunton St. . iM.
Cliolee lots In Jlnllln's sno. at H)0 ) each.
Lot on Axe. I ) , neai ' tlist. , only KOU.
Section of line land In l.hh oln Co. , Xob. , to
ti.ide forl'ouneil lilulls ptopeity.
Vacant lots In all pails of the elty on easy
I'list mortKaco loans.
W. C MHOV . > c Son , Hoom 4 , Onor.a Illoclf ,
CouiU'll HI u Us. la.
_ _ _ _
l\7"l" llaxu'Jl lots on and adjoining I'.uk a\e.
' ' belneen tlio t ) < len boii-e and r.ilnnount ,
I ' .iik. onlileh ne ulll build lie.inilful bomes
to suit tlio puiehnscrs. OM Ilioaduay , C. II.
,1 mid , pies.
\\rANTI'l ) Alen to M U tin complete seboul
chntts. Pal. iry or eoniinls'lon llbt and
piomptli p.iul Siu.ill expenses foroutllt Atl-
iiies-r ) i.ill on I1 II. binlth , 510 Htoad ai ,
Council ItlitlK la.
IjlUlt Itl M' Tbiuc unfiirnKhed looms. i'JO ,
JL1 South HKth st I
i/iv SAI.K or llont- Harden Innd , wltfc
- housc < , by J. U , Illce. IW Main sf , , Council
11 luffs ,
l Oll SAI.TT-My residence. SM Willow nx'e-
J. ntic , un south side of IliiyllRs park , boated
byntenm , llKhti'd by nlectrlclty and eontalii-
IMK all mudcrn Improvcmunisi lot Uiliy ) ) AM
feet , Also xxIII soil or exeluinge for Improx-od
elty property my farm of f > M aeies , ten mllr *
enst of Council lliuns. N M , 1'tisoy , Counell
Electric Trusses , Belts ,
Chest Protectors , Etc.
A gents Wanted. DR. C. B JL'DD
Factory and Plan ing Mill.
licit eoiilppcil , most centrally located fac-
tmy In the elty. All modem latest iialtetn
maelilnciy ; opeiateil by skilled mechanics ,
t-pi-clal attention ulxcn lo scroll anil luiml
MI INK , phinliiK anil tilmmliiK. Ceneial eon-
tracts anil estimate * for houxcs nnd hnllillnei
Ubpeehilty. Corner North .Main anil Mjnsiu
slieets. Council lilulls. Telephone i.'MI.
- ; I ) . I'.IIMUMISOV , i : . I.snriiMiT7
I'1- ' .
- , , , Vlce-l'iis.
Cms. „ . HVNWNCashier. .
OK rot-Ncii ,
Paul Up Capital $160,000
Surplus and Profits 60,000
Liability to Depositors 1)60,000 )
DiiliMToiis-l A. Miller , P. O. ( llea-on. II. It
PlniKart , i : . U. Halt , .1. I ) . IMiniiiid-on. Ciis | :
H. Kantian. Tinnsaet geneta ! biinklni ; busl-
iiesM. J , i i > 4 | capital and hiitplus of any
bank In boulli\\estern Iowa.
3nt orosLcm Time Oopo-sll s.
The J. A. Murphy
1st A\enuc and L'Ist Street.
Sash , Doors and Blinds
Hand nnd Scroll Hitxx'lne. lo-Pax\lii ! ) ; and
IManliiK. tiiixxlnuor nil klniU , I'oreh lliaeKets.
KhullliiK xxood JJ..V ) ] K > r load dellxcied. Clean
s.'iudiist hy the barrel i" > e. All \\oik to b <
Uisl-class. Telephone > .
I'aelal blemishes , such as Pimples
lilotehes , IllneK Heads , I'lLcKles , Mipci-
lliions Hair remoxcd. Addiess
[ DR. W. L. CAPALL ,
[ G46 , Marcus B1U , Broadway
F. M.ELLIS & CO. ,
liooms 1'iO and 1C lice Building. Oin.thn ,
N'eh , and liooms ' 'It and -Mii .Menhim Illnck
Council lilulls , la. Coriespondcnco solicited
Tnos. Omci.ii. \V. II. M.
Ol'FlCER & I'USliY.
Coi ner Main and Itroadxx ay ,
Council Bluffs , - lown.
Dealers In foieltfii and domestic exch.niRG.
Collodions madu and intuiest paid on Uuio
SATURN , (26OS. ( )
Will maKe the season of IKOO at the I ulna Dilxlng Pin ! > . Council IHnfK Towa , fiom Maieh 1st
n lit 1 1 June 1st , xxlien he ulll bo i etui ned to 1 remont and Ids \\oitliy companion
MAMBRINO BASHAW , (1789 ( , )
will t.iKe his place fiom .lone I > 1 until August 1st These txxo are the only Miilllons In the
o i.i. o , . ,
JAS. G. SMITH J& SON , Fremont , Neb.
Council Bluffs Steam Dye Works.
1O1.3 I3roul\vitj. ; Nonr Norl.hAVOsI.oi'n Uopol- .
aeiul for Pnco Llbt and Cliculars. C. A. MACHAN & CO.
Planing Mill , Sash and Door Factory.
Cmiiei f-ecdiid ( ixeiiue and Thiiteenth hliett , Coniu-11 llluirs , In.Vo are tlioioiiuliljr
cjuliipcd to do .ill kinds of uoil ; .
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
Sni'i'lul attention Klxen to odd hl/es Stair Work , mid Inteilor I'lnlshof all Ujnilt , iniido (0
irdei on shoit autlue. i : llnialei ( 'lxen on all Kinds of work tiicontr.tetui and biillilni.
IIyar.iuliounil.SanHtir.v Rnuiiioor. Plans ,
LI. Simi'iiluntloiiH. SiiporvUion of 1'ubllo Worlc. Drown
llulldtng. Coiicil llltitTH. lown.
\T Qlin"7 Justice of the i'onco. Olllco over Ainorluiin Kxpros , No. 11
LN , O11UI/C iirovlwuy , Cojnuil DlulTii , lown.
( . > Q ; , . . , r. AtturnoyH at Law. Prnotlco in the Htuto and Fed-
OC DllUS , , nii courts. ICoom-i 7 nnd 8 Shujfarl-Duno llloulc ,
Counell HlulfB. lown.
Wholesale and Retail Doalora in
Stock and I'llcti. Dvuleru , send for
05 uud 07 liroiidwiiy , und 01 and 201) 1'iorco btreot , Council UlulTi , . la.