THE O3IAHA DAILY BEE , SATURDAY , APRIL 10 , 1890. D THE CONTRACT IS SIGNED. IGlwiakee aad Bosk Itkad to Use the Union PadSc Bridge. OOlfDUCTOES HAVE A COMPLAHTT. Ko More Xctr IU > nd Thin Year A .MotiMcr Order by Uic Union I'a- clfle A Delegation Troiii the Cltjof IlA tlti . . CiMe aad Mffler ooadodod their with Uakm Pacific offlcials asd left for CJikagij in their prSrat * cars. cars.wspotiatloas nsaltod. it is under- tbe 4ra < 8 of an aerwsHaU which glre UKItek Island and Mihraukw : en- imxf to OflMha tirooch tbe Union Pacific liridw. Whatever dse has b-ea decidcxl ajtm b&s be o kept a profound se cret , except thitwhenever the Rock LMand peu ready to close tbe pap l wi-fln this citja d Lincoln. oonrnx-tanc its rams li B aoa tbe Denver s.rsusn , it will hare tle ae of tbe Union Pacific track to a jurist liejvttd Omaha's ivet ra limit ! . . No intima tion has loft given as to xvhco this | jropo-d cut-off wlli be con trurf d. Knrimwr Perkins is now encacfd in tnakiag Murers. He has t&ked off two or tare * nmus. Tb est taprirtant feature , however , of tlife foUre deal lies in the fact that these two Iowa lines hare finally oowdoded firraneruocnt wherub.r they anil within the next two months conmeBce ninninc all tbesr trains .solid across tbe Union Pacific bridce law Omaha. If the Milwaukee has any in- tisttoa ef MkuiK an ouUet beyond this joint , no murusUon of list fart oonld b ratbered from anything said or done by Mr. Miller dnrinr his tbroe days" sojoora here. Ou tb < other band , a leadinc representa tive of tbe road says that tbe latter -will not attwnpt to baild any nerr line in Nebraska while freicht matters are so unMrttiod. What TIIK BEE ha * already printed exdn- riveJy about the Joint use of tbe new tracV be tween Osiaha and Lincoln by tbe Rock Island and Union Pacific ; also , with refertncetotbe former reaching Beatrice from Licooln over tbe JlejMabJioai ) Valley has lyien confirmed. That the Milwaukee should have entered an aHiance of t.hte kind is considered a sur- prif-e by a preat many j oplc. It bas baen rtaierally scppoMjd and. apjiarenUv EJ > TH prod pround , lhat it vras Ivbind tbe Nebraska Central bridge scheme and would eventually come into Omaha independent of the Union Pataflc. For tbi reason , its determination to CTCKS tbe bridpe of the bitter and run its trains into the union depot is oonsidenid as a grevit victory for the Union Pacific. lna intich ai the contracts catered into be- twt-en tie several roads mnstyet be approved by the board of directors of each corporation lie terms are withheld from tbe iiubhc. The V. P. Conductor * . The commitU'e of condnrtors having grievances demanding adjustment conferred with Vice President Holoomb and General Manaz-er Diekenson at Union Pacific head quarters yesterday. The matter under consideration has special reference to throe things increase of wages , le ; mileage and snore train crews. The men ask that their running time l etwt n Omaha and North Platte. b ? reduced from fi..VO to 5..VO miles , per month for each man. and secondly that their salaries advanced from i 120 io 5125 end * l.'Vlj * > r month. 1 f the * . * " projKKition * are acoed d to it will require the addition of four more crews and a much erester Increaw ? in the warts , Salcnes are bastxi on the nnmlt-r of miies run Estimated , therefore , uj on that ba is , a roduUon of J.dCU railcs to tbe jam and en increase of pay would IKS equivalent to it least t-S mt > n p2r man than each now nweives. Tlie ofcciali claim that this is hardly justi fied. They contend thai the Union Pacific is giving its employes t-etter treatment and more pay than ray other road ia the country. PrMetitcondiirttH-s. c t 3 cents a mile. They average not less than ? 125 a month and have plenty of time for n t. Thej , however , are not finding fault. > "o New I oail ThlVear. . The people of Pierre S. D. , who have zreat hojes that the Milwaukee wfll soon build an extension of the northwestern syi-tem from Chamberlain to their town are very anxious conceraiap the matter The time of President Miller was f-o taVea Tjp yesterday that he would not be spoken teen on the subject- However , a prominent repre- tenative of the corporation said he knew the compunv would not build any new road in the weit this year. New Kqnipmcnt * Tbe Union Pacific company has piven orders for the construction of new rolling stock amounting in the aggregate to several thousand dollars. Besides ICO locomotives the requisition calls for 1,00 new box cars , 4M stock cars , ( BO coal cars , 4TiO furniture cars , CKM frait cars , 00 caKiO'-es. C nevv chair and C new bacrFare cars. The orders are dis- tnbated among half a dozen eastern works , K > a s to pet them filled and deliveries made as t > CKn sis pDs&ible. Got Poor Rncourajremem. Throe or four leading : repre 'ntatives of the Hjstinps board of trade visited Omaha to Jurjo upDn President Cable of the Rock Wand the advantages he might pain by changing the course of his propo-ed cut-off aad go hv wav of Hastings from Lincoln to a oonnwtion wfth the IXinver line at Superior. Tlie-y saw Mr Cable and were grantttl an in terview with him , but , judging from what could I * ; learned regarding the msttar , be pave them very litlle I > enj- the Report. Tlte passenger departments of bath tbe "Union Pacific and Burlington roads deny a rei rt from Kansas City , which says they have given notice of a cut to f 3 in passenger Tate > from tbe Missour nver to Colorado corn- mtw points , the I unibcr Rate. Tbe Missouri Pacific company h&s given ww Uce that it will adopt the 10 cent lumber * r t , ordered to take effect April 22 by tbe .Chicago roads. _ Kiperience In the South. The experience of Mr R D "VVhitley. an in- C&emUl und jiromintsit nuten of Maftind&le , Nenb Carolina , will no dt > ubt be pi < rusod wiui latert t by people in all parts of tbe country. "Forears b * bas been subj a to ncUent at- tftcks of inflammatory rheomaUsoi , oa tbe fiivt of February be bad an attack , whiob wuk-d in one of bis kuc s and cause < d almott untxuiralde pain for two days. He obUucocI a bv tUe of CbaaberlKin's I'ain Balm fro W. M Hi'U .lo A Co. . mercbants at Me-kbnbarg ; Cm N C He wntus that it pave almost un- avimt rdief and gives Cbaail erlaln's Pain BO.X the highest pruise asd advists all pw- knut tn > ublt > d with like affliction- use it and Tom Jfurraj- Round Over. Millionaire Tom Murray was tnt 4 before CwuauKso er Anderson yesterday afternoon ou ttte rbarge of selling bxjuor without a lux-use A nuabdr of witaesses wen ? exam- i * who testified UiAt they bad fn qBeoUy lioncJi whiikey of Mr. Murray on Susdays. Hv kept Ute lHOor in a Ing aadJ-old it by tbe dftM. MOD wbo hsd bceti ewtiloved by Murray MM tbf.v bad ! * * Hdd wblsky u d the { My tor it was lakttt imt of tt * r waires. Tin ? | n ooer w is bncod over to tbe May tn of < be United State , -cwan and was ro- hi * own IIt > r ronl'i > Acid Ihophate. Dried the Oil. Mr * Paul Soauoer , wrbo lir * * st Taatii uwi 11. . mate B < MUT tatrnia ? tW bouse mooung Sbe was lifttilfct ififl ll yMMptlWE. fttfcl \ ) B i s iur u J ti - Mot < 4 , k-be n { ti ) J a i tutu h Io it rxpactiae to barn oS tb , C h ut r.junag Ibe Jurtuture , CC > t\vo > ( > l ami al uf thr C * 1 NOT A I'RECUDLXT , And McG ? and Hln Attorney * Keel Disappointed. Judge C"iarkj c WA * in th nty UK ) at bis mnrtro-Mi J t knp t * ph ywtorday to t B tbo e bright yottBs aVtw > eys f r Bd McGee that tielr clkatrinld lure to > t y in ) il until ti > CCKU in bi r e wrre paid. K rtb T ore tbe ludre Mrfd tb t it > r a < t sary for UM c rt to writ < eoUre wsiUor tt to * t tl t m of it refering to cots IB such a case. He wmatM all lawyers to UBdersUad tiat tb y could a t aaaoy bUn on M snail a point. Then bit bcmor pr ( > to give the yc < 98g attoraeys tbeUngk f The Kind of Annie Kefir , one of the shop lifter * rocenUy tw d ever ta the district cean , was cat from $7W to CM a&d she ex perts to set the nce * * ry socarity today. Tbe ) ry in D J. Sstoen vs A. B. FUmerty. a constable , fovsd for plaJntiS to tbe extent of ordering tbe goods returned aad giving him five cent * damage * . Jndpp ClarkM overruled the inntiotu f r aew trial * inb cas"s of Jan * * * Avhford. con victed of burglarizing the house of Jetty Reynolds , snd John Mnlcahey , ro ivfcu d of lan ay. Bath JKIXJOTS were tat rpd u > wren year * la the pesJtectiary at ban ! lab r and to pay the COM. * of proseiratios- G ? rre Fee and John O'Brirn. the two men who wen * arrested on Miswckm several d ys ago and have since b en identified a Ui aura w ho oomnutted a tmndary in PariSc Jnac- tktn. were takeo before Judge Clarksoo ye - terday by Chiel of Pohce Scavey oa a wnt of habeas cr > rpa Tbe prisoBers' ' attorneys arguvd that the zr < en were hrtd ( m a trump 5- up charge. In which there was no troth. It wat staU-d that the cora4iiit against them had not l een filw3 unto ! it was learned they had applied for a writ of habeas corpus The conn denied the application and the prisoners were taken back to Jail. The case of Charles W. Smith atrainst the Postal Telegraph company ha * oomeupon ap- pfaL Smith sues for ftAKI damage for the tailure of the company to tranMcit a mes sage. The Omaha Loan fc Tra .t company ha * commenced suit in foreclosure against H. K. Kilborn et al to iwover $ S.VU oo aot/ea se cured by mortgages on propsrty in Florence. County Court. Jovpb H. GaUaher and Eliza J. GaUaher have commenced suit aralnst EL H. Sheldea to rooever on a Judgment lor 335 ? 84 obtained in the district court of Grwne county , Iowa. Julia E. Cameron has brought suit acinst A L. Stranr company to nscover $4B.7j on a draft. George Alecs has instituU-d an action aralnvt G H. Mack to ivcover Jiol.TO oa &ev- eral note * Frost A : Harris have brourht suit acainst Ollivcr Macgard to recover 13. < u for ma terial and labor furnished. TbeKiuney tobor < w company ha instituted suit arainst GH. . M ack .V Co. for 1.39 on account. J. X. Weishans i Co obtained a Judrmeat against the Third Conjrrefratkraai church amountinr to f-JiV34 In the cas-e of Lars Jchn < oa against Xds O. Brown , judgment was rendered for plain- Ufl in the sum of Jffia.67 In the case of M. S' uer against the Ger man are insurance company , Judgment was piven for plaintiff in she oni of j"U. AS.CKNSIO.V. Also Exciting Parachute Drop of OOOO Vert. Tomorrow afternoon at half-past 2 o'clock. on Capitol avense between Thirteenth and Fifteenth streets , Prof E. E. Crai ? , tbe aeronaut , will ascend in a balloon to a heirht of < V < M3 feet , from wbwh hcdarbt he will make a parachute drop , descending to the earth in abaut one minute. At Topeka la > l Tut > day the aeronaut gave a most thrillius illus-tratioa of tbe nerve requirttd in such daring undertakers. Baldwin and Loon bad bath made failures at Topka , hence the anxiety of Crairrto be sucvv sfnl Fitly " fifuea" thousand i oopk > witnessed the imi mouse air ship inflate and the preparation * of tbe zwnonjut u > make the a < * vnsUai. Several of the citizens cauuo&ad the aeroncut that the -nMl was too stronc and endeavored to txavtJ him i-tetj jne Uie -ension. . but < is Crais bad snb-qient enjrarreinent > fill he coald not remain over and "said be mu t ro npttienor I not at all. He would not disapj int the | thousands of jH. . 'pW wtio came there to se i him fro up. He vcudetenninod to make an I attempt Men shook their heads and exi prtsstid grave apprehension for hi * * .afetv. j I | but rerardkss of all. is sc" > a as tbe ballo in ' was inflated be attoibod tbe poricbuu- , and i aft r a levc finishing ptvpjriUons sU id i < ead > | to start. The wind was blowing in pa3- . , w hich is tbe most dantremns for baUimninff As there was a lull in the broeie the clear voice of the aeronaut ranrout , and in * lcnv. 1 measurhd tones that could be heard for sfveral blin'-k ! . came tbe words : "Every bvdy | ready " A pau > e of a few s-oconds in whit h l the 15.CKI3 atwctator almost held their brtath. Then in a little louder taae the aeroujut shouted. "Let her po , every Kdy" ' The hoisting poles fell , tbe guy lines loudened and the imrnenM : air ship ro > e slcnvly for a few scond * , floating towai-d tbe stivet. Prof. Craig was getiiiip what aeronaut * call a "run- nine start" and rocs-t desiixxl by them. Tbe band was playing as the balk-on roM ; and the l excitement was intent Just as the balloon ! reached a height of about fifty feet from the [ ground a strong puff of wind carveiied H ' i down. Prof. Craig , who was sitting ujou the iron bar which is fastened to the cad of j the parachute , was thrown violently asram t I tbe floc-tric wires , turning a complete somer 1 sault over the wires. Instantly , realinnc that even thouch the wire pave way and allowed him to po five he could not jictvsibly olear tbe high buildinci directly across the street , lie "cut loo- * " and fell to the pavement , a di I , tance of about thirty fc-et. He was jwcki-d up nneon' aons and carried to an empty su > re where medical att idani-e restored bhn , Everyone suppo-ed htm dead and _ great was the surprise and Joy of tbe waiting throng when the'daring aeronaut came walkinc out to the carriage in waitine and with his man- airer drove to the bou4. The crowd cave three chtvrs for the aeronaut , sbowuic that they were thoronrhlj satiafiad tbat his inuai- tions were betlcr than unj of his prtjdtx.xs.Mjrs. Rayiier fbr Attorney General. SIHVET , Neb. , April 16. To tbe Editor of TncBtc : The western part of the state is alive to the political situation , and the citi- iens in tbe five western counties are earnest in the hope tbat this part of Nebraska may be atxwdfd some roooimitiem in the forma tion of the republican stst ticket this fall Through the columns of your valuable paper we are made daily familiar with tbe many complications arising in our state politics , and we firmly believe that the republican jiarty. throegh the wisdoni of its leader * , n ill override ana buffet tbe imndinc storm.Ye I have tome to the conclusion that tbe cam- I i paicn this fall will be a vt ry dangerous ODI for the bobby r der Our lw-t IIHW should I IKpla < < d in the front rack and dema OfTucs 1 and thj st rs rviegatfid to the rear. Of tbe latter class of individuals Nebraska bas more l Uuui her quota. ThrAr blatant ! T- aocvs are now b ard in c-very quar ter of the state , and though tbe major portion of tbeoi bave b-tvn tn ii and found wmiting. yet they will i-erM in their < iem ud' for julitic&l ptWenaent. aotwith- stauduiz tbe fact that clouds seem to be form ing ou tbe ivfittblican uaraoa. Our cioruer of tbe state will roll up a larrer repuWxiKjj majority than ever l > efore. The preJimmarA work must be weU doe * , sod cbica&try and deception a\-oidf > d. In fuli ivooguitkia of tius , therefore , our j ifJe bave ckxided to ask tbat tbe claims of Hiy- nw. our choice for attorney general. K' cuii- Ki4ert > i He U Uie choice of tbe peotil * in the five vest ra co atM > > , and his claims are ours. ID prafreutiug him to tbe jwpl-e as uu aspirant to tbe ofike of atlarnT ptmeral we believe that b * bn Ue requiidte l < - r.l ability to l jrfonn tbc duties of bl o lce with booar to tbe KUt aad binifrrtf Agidutt Uu we batieve uoof will contend. He iHvds no in- triKluoUoo to tbe r x > ple. A referetii t/o bis k > gi AaUve record will suSoe. His n > conl is cksrn tad s } > aU s < a d sbaws DO vitality or corruption. NoUUap CMA iw MM apainit him xc f t that be may be is the way of &otn oOitafellow. . Tbe w * t is thus g her dauD , b - litn't * th t titn U sonrf cst t d-.v in the reqwt t tbat Uj" 1 < vuid T d. We hav U od d the couoi-il of tins piny ev r unce tb < unnuuxaUcw f tbe stale , and w feel Ui.t we ar * euuUad to'Je For Uronchlal. A thmatlc and Pul- inonarj- Complaint * , "Bruwn" * Brocc-bUl Tnvb1 * bv * rso rtaib e coraure Ue > Sold eely ia boxei. I SOUTH OMAHA DAILY EVENTS Majar Sleu : Issaes tin AnaezaUea Proobmatieo , THE ITIOHOLSOH CASE DISMISSED Comment on the Failure of Cltj- Clerk McGulrc to A 'uinc the Duties of the Office Cltj- Notes and Personals. Mayor Sloane has dkapp9tat 4 those who rxpeeJod nad ho K-3 h ? would refuse to ls e his { proclamation for the .pc il dertton on tbe annexation qtx > t > otL Tbe procla mation appeared last night ia the Stockman and will thus be published twenty days before the day of efettioo. as requiitd by the ordi nance , Tbe call for the _ etec-Uoa Is sim ilar to tbe eec Issued by Mayor Cashing of Omaha in almost every repoet. The plan for casting vt te * in tbe four ward * sire the sat& ? as dually designated. The First warn will vow * t Jerry Dee's ImiWinr. tm Tweot.T-nfth str t , near JC : Sroobd ward at JutUce 'lyvy'i oJ3o . oo Twenty-sixth street , near N ; Third ward at Kllkars place oo Wet Q street , and the Fourth ward at the Exchange bull dins : Tbe unsexation campaign S noxv fairly com menced and the excitement will be iaten * i from DOW until Mav the dav of tie ek < c- Uoa. ' The Nc Citj Clerk , Considerable ccmimefit is biter caused by tbe nerlevt of the rooently-ekvU-d city clerk. Thomas E. Mi < 3uire to as .gaje the duties of tbe ofik-e. At last Monday nirht's council meeting McGulre took the ewth of oJSce and it was suppa-ed tluit he would take bold at once , but he bas s far failwi to do so. Me- Guire is repc > rt i to bave said tbat if he was sure of secnrinc his oltl position at the pack- inc bouse back asuia. he would let the citv clerk's place , to which be bas Wrti t4eot L po without filling it. JlcUuire-'s rt-rUaoate of elertion was is--nd to him on April Ten days thereafter be ' was requin-d to quabfy and'tertaiaiy to a- sume the ofbcx'or acttirdiae tn the c-harter it wfll b-j dcdanid vacant. "If it means any thing it means tbat McGuirc is tbe onlj leral city derk on and after today. Had to I > ifcini x the Ca'C. The NichoU-ons have Kvn at it airain. The u'-ual chanres of murdenius aanlls. fear of life etc . have IHHSI made in tbe jolioe court , the officers have l > ewn put to a crvat deal of trouble. subim-Jias have beseu issue-d , Cemntr Attomej Maboneyhos been called away from his work in Omaha to attend the trials , at tbe last moment the complainants , fail to apiwar. the chcstnutty story of "no pixisotinins wit- nesses" iv retold and the old trouble iniker is set at liberty arain. " Thur-caj"altcrneon tbe preliminary hcar- I ing of ( Jeorce Nic'hulMan on the charge of IH- I sault vrith intent to kill \va . to wvur Hi- i daughter. Mr- Mary Brnbaker. filed tbe com plaint. Instead of app nnsr and funjshin. : . I tbe CTJdeTJtx1 to I-OUVKI she took the ntotor | I train for Oniaba at the UIDC the trial was 'n j be called and did not return until 4 W lit ib { I afterao'jn. In ucr arms ? be cairK-d tbe t-i bi j ! montbs < > 5d baby her attorney so la u iihly Moke of brinsnng mt 3 ti. , court for the p-jrr > j.e of ir aUTir j I sympathy for the woman. Licking a Tvit- 1 ness to swear to the t horce * made in th * i-oni- i plaint the ocmuty attorney bid to dt aiss the I t a-e. i This afternoon Mrs. Brubaker's < j 1 hearins occurs on tbe cbarcx ? of a murdeixvus I 1 a.sult on her father. On Tuesday of last | | week she shot the parent in the limb , fortu- j I au-ly only canting a ficsh wound. The shoot- i in c occurred on TwentT-fcturth uud L I ' in full view of the travelers on the fare. If tbe NichulMm outfit'invists on j mi. tbe ; olin > force lalxar and trouble they J should c-ertainiy b- ; com | j i to funiish Jbe ) evidence n fsiary t : euabk * theotdcvn > to , put an end to tbear frcvjuent and dis graceful \ family brawls. j > Jad ' Hi- Wife Mail. J. P. ThompDn run * , tbe Cleveland b use i on Twenty-sixtli. Mrs. Tbomp-on baJ ff > r a rcest Thur-day afteruwa Mis * Ioa D na- hue. On returuing from a buggy nde Thim | - , s-on finding R < i a in the houM ? heljod her out ' without cvreaxmy. He thinks Rasa is not I roper comtiany for his wife. Tbe way Mr * Thomp-nii made thine-- hum for a \ while was a caution. She weiit to tbe pjlie'O | court and % vaatod her lie e toiiS am , Uid. , Tbe p > l > ce ix-fu-t < J to interfere as did ax > Judge King i-hc returned to her home madder - i der than anel ben but minusber friendKcisa.I I Cily Note * ami Personal * * . , Mr. and Mr- . Jackson Lainberson of Hunt- | incton. Pa. , are visiting their sou , William t Edward Walhvork of Chicago is visiting j his brother John Wall work. E. E. Lymar will so > n leave for Anaconda , , Mont. , where he will encagr ? in tbe dras bu = - j inc-.s. ' Letter Carrier Martin is oa his annual va- cation. J. J. Skinner , enronts to Orfen , Uuh. is the gues-t of AN. . MilUpiugh. Mi-- Mary SjuuMm ! : . assistant principal | at the hiph s < bool , is quite ill. ( Mrf J Bryant of Chetopx Kan. , and Mr Leslie ShepirJ of Chicago. 111. , are t iit- I ing their eon-art's Mu Anna anJ Mertoa Francis of this city. i P T McGrath. cittle bayer for the Armour < 3dahy par-king company , is > piid- inr a four wc < ek * " vacation at the Hcil Spring * . Arkansas. Mis C Cjrlov stenorrapher at the Swift p-n-taug company' * oftjc , has poae on an eastern vai-atian trip | Pete Boyle , be of pugilistic fame. U back j from Chicago. , Pete Bmin-in has left on another trip to hi oJd Town of Lake soene . Mr * . Chn > ue , of Stuart , Ia. . is visiting her daughter and soa-in-law , Mr. and Mr * i Joseph W Sii > e , Q and Txventy-third stt\vts ( The EmarKn clab will bold an important businej. * moetiup next Tuesday ciiht. One of Ascsor Fleming's ass WBU was i driven fnm the house of Mrs. Gorman in the Third ward Thursday by th * irate ' females. With the R.Mtance of a vicious cur I and a kettle of bailing water the women cari i ned the day. l Tbe funeral of Thoins.s Halpin wHl tocur ' on Sunday afterntn i at 2 o'ckck. Service * i will t > ebeld at St. Agochunfa. . The At- ci it Order < if Uiiiu < d Workmen will atwnd. I Mr Ilalprn huvins been a n iiber of the i order. John Cavanaurh U a lose prisoner at the j tolioe station. He was anv > ud ytoJ xlsy . by Officer Maul-acne for druak ; ne s aad in- I drioent exposure of his IHJT OIJ- ! Mayor s-kune has nxivod his office into i Hunt's Week imd will occupv roams joiaUv , \vith Eli HDcmd. . The mayor ictfods to go into tbe real - estate tate aod loan business | D. F. Gannon of the Swift clerical force , has changtv ) bis abiding j > kuv from Omaha U > South Omaha and will reside b reaft r with I W E. Newton on North Tweety-seventh ' street- I Tlie Only One. j ' The Cbicapo , Milwaukee & St. Paul is tba only line running solid I " , electric lifrhtod aad i-t sam , lie 1 < ? d train * Iwtwoen Chii gt > , Council i Blu and Omaha. , The l-orth rwadinp lamp Jestnre in tha ! Pullman tleepinfr cars- run on thewj lines , ia patented and cannot ba xi > txl by any , other railway company. It is the great improvement of the affts. Try ix aad be Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific cej.ot. Omaha , at 6 p. m. dailv , arriving at Chicuffo at 9:30 a. ro. Pasnsers takingthib train are not compelled to et out ol the cars at Council Bluflr aad wait { or the train to t > e cleaned. Get ; ticket and tJtvplnt : car li rtba at Uaioo 1 ticket ofOee , 1591 rVmm ft. \ P. A. XASH. Ga. Afft. [ J. E. PHESTOX Pass Agt. , Dr Birney , pracUiv liaiild ah diK3 u ! nuve and throat. NKDUASKVS COIIN SUPPLY. rnt rrlcwii with Farmers and Stock Shippers on ihc Subject. Ererr dir a IKVB ttieber of fnrs : r > sad stock shipper * reach South Omaha trtta stoek from all pslnts InbsUry to Omaha. Tb r are In tech trtth lie stock and grain marked or prices im Uw localities Ja which they Hve. A rep 1 T has been 6s4giH d te qvcstioa Ue torn as to tbe prices of prala , tbe staoant &f grain oo hind , and tbe aax Et of grMa beaac feet fo..rari _ < m5 lotalittes , M compared with but ytsar. Interview * on this sabject wiU apr r fnaia dav to d r D. B. Pahner ef S-wrd. Seward county , oo the B. .t M. . CbieJUM. &Nortiiwest < Ta aia AtchLan i Nebraska nilroads. thiato th is sot ose-third f tb corn crop now ia tbe baads ef producer * . Tbe price w isl : > t 29 cents a d in s e pUerw sear LtB < x > Ui SI I cent * . He tJilsks ti price is ac t qaite as birh a H wj.K t year Perhaps half of Ui o rn BOW ia tbe hands of producer * i * for ( John S. Brady of tbe fira of MtOerA , Brady & Co _ this city , on being sera by a j i BEE representative ati nt tbe supjriv ofcwni 1 in this state. saM : "We are not iiTtb ? grain bustoets and prrfvr not to b" qootod. tat having an order for a car of corn we l * e- I rrapbed to North Pfaitte. Schnyler and oSber > places and were unable to have tbe order l flllod. The auswer rweivi-d were to tbe ef fect that farmers were sot bnagiag is corn , ! i orders were in ahead , etc . aad vera wa * sll- ' ing at 2iVif.Sc T > er bnht-l ' Lafayette Higgias of Auburn. Nemabm county , oo the B. < fc M and Mtv-ouri Pwiftc I railroads , frtau-s that -nhere i& little grain in j j tbat secuoa for sale. Forty tbousand bushels I will cover all that will go out of Auburn. I 1 Nearly all the balance of tbe crop will l > e l nt-edod for feeding aad Mt-ding. Less than , one-third of last year s crop remain * in tbe i hands of the farmers. 1 have been trying to 1 bay corn at 30 ceats. bet could not ret much. Have had BO trooWe ia ctfttinc cars to ship * in ie early last winter The frfirht is 'JO cents to St. Louis aad I think ± i c-cnts to Chicatro Lat week I traveled two days trying to buy corn and c < nld get only ! . ( > / bushels on my tnp. " AV. W. Mabewy of Bruno. Butler county , on tbe Superior branch of tbe Frrnxmt , Elk- born & MutMwn VaUe\ road , says that be is ia the rraia lrj 4acs s and has an elevator. There is about one-third of the corn crop yet in tbat sectioa. Com is selliaj : at 1V cents. atxrot tbe same juice a- last rear. He saW "Wenenv have ao trnnblirtrtting e-ars fcr shipments , whfie in DMt > ml r we bad to pile tbe oora on tbe rrauud , not biin ? able to pet cars to ship more than half our purchases. Tbe freirhts tbi * year are M cents to Chkaun and 15 cents to St. Loni * . while last vear they \reee nspirtJvd.v 2 J c-cu'-s and 17nts. The people of oar Mx-tkrai of Butler county raise corn for .ale and no m t ft-ed mtich. " John \V. Court of Kent , Lonp cemnty. near . the B. i M. re id , writes thai -c-orn is li cents par bushel.1 BKliop O'Connor'Condition. . At 10 o'oleK-k last mcht there bad bn no material cbanre in Ibt. < i-iid.t on of Bishop O'Counor froia what a was tbrouirhu'jt the d3V , ' BETTER. THAN GOU ) . RE5TOBED HER HEALTH. Tor 25 VESTS I rzCert-4 f-03 bails , crrf pp'u cad other Uccid tCccUwj , tata ; drrjs Hit fprc = i c = tar ( . 'I < SIcr ! = u asdiire ? vOis- c t prjg lis zs * jcra-pstuc tiiit ! . Frieni * fciaied = : 13 trj & S. S. It ir = provoi ras Irzr tie rt rt , end ttrr tttot : sr-.rJ bcttesrt- Etarci ny biaitiasf tr I c Eld b 511 fcr L. iry c s , whi a u nov Errcsryvc JCETS. J s. 3. i : . LnnAt. Rra-hns Green , Ey. ie f" n ofi r-id Fr a Di ctsc TTEn ! tea SWU-T EPiTJlIC CO _ Atlanta. Gi 309 MISFITS. MISFITS. 309 And Uncalled for Garments , Bought from the 13O0 Leading Merchant Tailors 13Q0 Throughout the country , for sale at The Oridnal o Misfit Clothinq- Parlors , 1309 Farnam Street. 1309. All alterations free of charge to insureperfect fit AM U F.M I X T = - . It t DOT p i IL VAIS : _ . . ' rift and only appearance ia Ifl I * * Friday , , y / Mr.andMrs. Saturday APRIL l/ / , lo , 17.nd thtlrmrn London COTI puny Aur | under tbc direction of Daniel Mntlnrf i nf Pinf-r" . f l-The Ironmaster. " HJ'i'Su.TO. I "The Queen's Shillmic" I'rici"Kecr -d 5-Pats. Jl-Vi and } 1 03. Ad- iijoa fl ' and - -ale olrat Uir.V ( dop < .da.r morninir. ) ime One Week Only. \1-IZ \ J Two Headed I A A O , Baby. , Z Z N The Climax of ; E E E'Natures ' L L S j \Yonders 2 Great Stas e Shows. * One Dime Admit ? to All. j FE\IALE BEANS . , 11 ' r'f I' e-oi -af iuu < - : f wertul -nlc r ruv.i > t V j nn n ; , -rJt S : a Imz. j > 1- ij , .i.f l-ji unti ui Aim ' Ui ) Umc. < < cZam. XI > -J3 ' ! o o.JilJiv tiii u to iftnaba. I DELICIOUS , STRENGTHENING TO THE NERVES. h Tea and ccn'ee cheer but uo nut nourish They even leave an in unous effect upon the nervous system. Indeed there is no beverage like "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " It siimi.ktei and nourishes as none other , leaves no bad effects and is a flesh-former of the most approed type. JFJ-VA\ HOUTn\s'-OC'O Vpar tn S.llw T-CM-r > Tbr l rene mar tnfce II with pleasure rtnd ! if cak irllh irapHDllr Tbr cvrllla : rffcrl * of tea lleirdaad pr rrnK-d. Irllrl < . < t to lUcfii-tr " T. ; rei.l tale : In Ilir uurid. " ASK roil VAN IIOUTK.N-S AM ) TAKE \OOTR CK. M I I 'VE tt BOWT' - E" vrT = B1 AT > I > FU NEU i.v THJ : TJ1K Bi'NM. ? r lt-I > H lI'lLlJ - ore j i trr ) .t ttur .isi.i'iint 7 if u f u > tt > ? ntt-rr.a. t. Una'tlir r < -fi < irt i-trenrlb l" Oie M iiiimb finn rnnule n v j wf inu ii luncuiinK. nday' ' . 20th OPERA HOUSE I Monday , | 21st Q RICHMOICDS I T < T ZJ.'DA1.L T [ "At IAM TRT * Meet oa IK THE FIELD. i 1V MEET5 EKDAL i Equal G.-ound. " THE PRINCE OF LAUGH MAKERS , EZRA i I | 1A PAIR of KIDS. ' Assist ed by c. r comedians iz. < 3 T IMLOSXS. jar n iia ifce peuve MIsiKNNItu IJUNN. The French Corrf r. GILBERT , Thf Sabtbury Trout-adjre "Fs-rante" THO3 \CK50K Just 482 Solid.Laughs in 3 Hours ' Beax this Score and Take the Belt Balloon j And 6,000 { PARACHUTE Ascension } . Foot ) LEAP. OMAHA , SUNDAY , APR. 2O , SfSO o'clock p.m FROM CAPITOL * Y NJ BETWEEN :3Tn : MD 15TH STREETS Prof. E. E. CRAIG THE DARING AERONAUT. WLL ASCEND IN A BALLOON TO THE HE'GHT ' Or Six THOJ5ASD FE T AT WH CH HE GHT HE W ( L Leap from the Balloon AND DESCEND. 0.OOO FEET IN SIXTY SECONDS , WiTH THE A 0 C F A PARACHUTE. COWING DOHA'S rtLAD F.RST. AMERICAN AIR SHIP SYNDICATE , Managers. The Exliibition is free to all. A Solid , Substantial Investment sound basis for quick and RETURNS , B nil OTprtLe rolled Stue &r Tanwment l neJtb a l > ooin nor a CrcaUL l > nl an M > 114. tubttuittal cruvth Uirourb ber natural ; w- lion and sdrintacef. Her Iron , coal and pociMn"a wjtb her rail nod water facilities. tKvBre Uie ootittntrnce 'if lier crt.wth . * ncb buMnw oen a Andrew Carnerie- rtta Ort-en. Boron Erlaaser Cbarle' A Dana Abraia . Hewitt Cliacaoey X. I tfw Henrr A Perear itre - ttanrotber linre eita nvt tierfh ur { * $ ol Oitl- tant-Kca. taa jirtslict lor ber a ra t f stare. l r ex- cieetliiic tint < * 1 any ttber | lDt fn Ibe wlK le > octb. Her | xi ; > slittk > n and burin" * * ha M tOCTen.- . ! ' ! ! in tbe ; > n Sour jejim tiiat a n eiT ertrn'ipn of be.- Ifrritarr lv iiicrrtabifc. > "or tbe reaflj and t ctnonj- tcul Olfiribntlon of ber niunufactcres it 1 > ensrntlkl Ibst Ibe new lerntory 'ball nuntlnue Ber water Ircmt oa tbe Tejme5 ee RJrer anil Ui ! mate * oertiln btr prowtb Into and t.Umnl ai o7itJoa of Ea't Cbatta- ! xitK > a. Tbe t.r.u ( arref of land r wned al thjKlat | by tbe Ka * > Clikttajj'Ktca lu > d C znuM tie 8hM rb d br tbe CU ttan'ti ira t'f the inture ana there ii > tl- wnvs > an&r ; ce deaund f or Dui-lnes * ) < t * and majjB- larturlnr Kitef oa U1 * rulttaide j ronenr wbirb tbe MrtujiaTiy 1 * DOW OereJopinc * Jf tbe M&KJ kbure * of tbe oympaa.r f vtoft nir valne H ( J ! 8. < i O fhare' are tbe hand * of trtistef for fracb flevelf > i > - retlmnkaad fhaifonlj nrcoSerei to l - at W9 i r iliare. and no n > "re * > oUd. tnbtan * tliil inTe taaent "ra * crer oSerofl nur more * oundlv t tia' d 7 rot ; iectt for u rki return j InTeMorui)4 mannfMnurer * deflricr to l' rae w ill rttt jTe j' d'jH icr and JcJ InlursiiLUtin on aj - | j'luatii. a to tbc 1 EAST CHATTANOOGA LAND CO t IE HUSSZU- . Secretary I i6 ? uinincr 6t . Sofft. * t * . ELECTRIC BELT - . - . uc. IB , ISS7 , Jw5 > ic = vrDJiiY30. ; ISS9. - - DE. OWXK'E r LECTIO- GA1VAJT1C BOUT BELT Ke TDU Dthilit ? , Cott7ruieu. BersU Ei kmmoz , MFaitJtf . r2TH : > Ol KB BIT * TOIL. ELECTRIC iKSOLES * . . Alspan El crric Tru B and Be-lt Combined. So.4 " . ; * ttf r f i r n.rc t Ju.1 C I" > DL. Zl < : wljtti. . I.e IKJ.I ton 1 11 | , uJ nU .C BIH r lm < Knlln ttf t j Jl ir M OVE5 EIXCTE.IC BELT fc APPLIAKCE CO. SO9 JJortn Brotiwaj- LOUIfl. JtO. S29 Brtmairir. BXW YeaS CTTlt. KERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. . f ul'iw * . Kentw Iprtmattu. . hoUcninc < if u r I.rtin. r * rultiu ? in lawiXJtjr aad Jftwinc' to xniwry df uil dr&tli rnm4Uj * O13 AC * " , Utrr * .rwiK UOK * ij Power Infcther * x. Icvolunttrj Lcuu-ri . unJ jH-rnit-iorrbar * t . .iM 3 InrrtaxprtlDn erf < b * lirtln , Milf-Ai/uM * or ci -4aduicrif i-acli t ox rcfftalzik cmr n tntl'k trci t- r * rt. | "J & itcix. m ui tpr Ii. rent tr mul prr aJd M lih rtwii ardnr fe-r tui I nitviJI iij pur * twr rt tr.iiiu t la Tfnnd R > UDT if tfc * trtu4m * a fialk iu care uakr xttA * iM.c * a * id r iuii * wia t/uy i / GOODMAN DRUG CO . 110 Tarnum Stmct , OiruuiaNeb. . EXGURSiON SOUTH. A r.trf ClinTice to TWt CHICAGO , LOUISVILLE : . NASHVILLE , CINCINNATTI. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN laid Uie KinlrOlli of Uie Am.y of tbe TecutM h Attrudmc Uic Ojx-Bits fralet u NORTH CHATTANOOGA. F08TUK S FOR INVESTORS IN THE REVIVING SOUTH. ExtraordlBarj- onJtato. . cw > d lor tLlrtJ * ) k tu Iratr ( ulrjrci A'H ) ' Ui 11X1 I r-ir uific tirrvluji nj-iilr H"l liter ibtn Aiiril 71 to ( ! SitKin fa p Acet.tN i > r < M A St JII U ApfnU i vaute < liL'fu-jac I > * M j. * fi aii i vwntba. ur T-J-AULSnV .t SPAKRR. liaukrrt. An I. ( inllr btrrrl. CLlca ' Pendf rattrrtjii. ! ) : Queer GtyTopHfgCo. BUGQTTOPS cr juj. XIM.S. u , ftaij EQRMEN ONLY : fflct LOST erf ITLIKO KJLSEOODi Mlfl&tDcrU u4 StSTOCS IJEIlIfTTj ! | | W.ika.utf twiykttKiti. rc u Lulu Errn-tcr Zxt uu iz O.i tu To r. p 4 HUOt fluty &Ml f C K l r .Urp GRAND LOTTERY OF JUAREZ it Of Uif Ut ul For CJiarltAble Parposes. GRANT ) MONTHLY DRAVTDfG IB tikp M&rrtn rubllrM ibt cdtjof Jufcrct Mnloa. , APRIL 23rd. 1SBO. | * n > on l Mo- a Xr AIH.I tu.rfUi lurmw tLit liiinM'Dtr nSttut Ik inQtRlrnt irmtr .titt f ti tb I'uMlc Uirt Uir art < f inc. til t * ! > rJ3 lli ulrlrt boa. rntr ana tuimt-t to all. ni Ujr Jiatr UIF cor of tbe Mnicia covcrcarult it of i-joil CAPITAL. PRIZE , S5O/OOO OM.I Ki.ftOTio.ET * . OTH ( VUKW TICK.CT * . W bole Ticket . H Half TicLets , ti Qunrt < T Tickets , JL UT or 1 frutnl 1 Iflirat JaWO 1 SITtrriof ] .WW each rr ID IVlrrmf iCU wli ure SUU W ITlreKif JUOekrbnre WfJ M each are. WIU IM each urr " .5JJ , 300 PrtM.f I iJinrhare . . li O } iio 1'nie * of j tMii art- . . . . t.nj ( 1IO ! rn M of St.rii JT . . . ZAU TIKMI AI. ritiir > K * Tnnln l l * Ml OKI I'rii" ol 123 * re ft ) H3 i'lj 7crminiili uUO.U'tJ ' J'rlrt vl 119 eac.b mis t-l"J 1 Wl Prtref naoatiUnr M > Utj f"B Tin < kao > > : i. la Cbibculiuii huh j an1t from Uie Mertr&.D XbUTtUiUdtii. ! B&riL uc the mop * w JcDd . u Uie t > rtre am D in Ujet.itAviilHiTTLH * i j AKLZ \\elunberrertllr ti l we vilj mjierr KF t nr &rrunieuie&tti slid ID i > er.i > u m&bi e un3 x.1 rt > tlje Cra UlJ : u ! tM * l au-rr stifl tlim Uic Mime ur < M aur1IU bone-Mr , lumen * no (3 ( In t > t a Sk.ih Uird UJ iHLTJet iHLTJetJOHN * Mo nv < " mtcl k oer CAIK > AJM.I KLLK- . SBitTrinur Jor U ir remnient If IHT tlrtM drun-mr > jirin- neoi u U > f onuer . ] tni < Tl ( It * Jhfe Tfclue will tie < Hilleto2 JLU A re ml U * 3 to Uie o oer thertx'f free ol rhurre KIX.AH B BUOVtOV rrfuJdest Kl HU-.O ftU'lnl I B .nk. El ! Tet AGENT ? A\A.NTU1 > r < r dali rn.U1 fif HTJT lurttr tot jrm&i in. r * to Uie Bude-kimed Mutlnc Tor aS"TK irnr ! U4 funti street uno nomiier M re r rtn m . i nrfull hflilrei * lv3tli.\J3IUN 4LBAM S.O ' 13 t IT v 1 JuiLrei Met ra. N < 'T1 < K retu ttttnreR lor urknt * Mrirfi nar * etter xii ; U 'i e t "O r 111.1111 lr a 1 riu ' * ni N w 1 rt lrt'bt nr * Kant l > nirt or tetw-r * w " * i BA ti fo iltr ( it Juarei. ! e ERRORS OF YOUTH. 5T7TEHTES FROM \rr oo. [ telillltr. 1 pntbfol IndUrretloni. .Manhood. Y&j men , front U * eJTwt * tif j-emthfcl Itiijirudvtm' , hhr * ItrourLt t.laut b nuti * of wtt : &tMB Una ItM ntdur * Uir r kj ry > - tfrm * 3 raDcfe a * to influw alm'wt rtrry trouble citrT * * n r t 4ti ? mrj > t'rt * 1. tiey O kre dnctoruJ for ntTTthinff tmt ttirUrht Q- rvd ) rf tht.1 mniictTHd tt Lu jiru3uw3 tut the rt&rf of U el * * * of jibUr it * . t > mit < . of Uifr orfliiitTT' ncOc > of trr.ttnK-.zit r3ft ! fc jtftfcl nructtP * v * li4Tf exic7lmt t4 3 vitb Clu. The fcsocunjitnjtiir1 prt K riptioa U of- ftrctl b K certain ana rprrdj cttrr. * rt rtjnrnil to tirrjurt br Jth IT Jt * tmr kTter , n-dU ' ttu prwiennioai. ; it Erythroijjcm CCTCIL. _ _ JrmtHtitiL. J-f firwhta. " " > i' c .irdraclim. pcmpw * . IL Wx. tbif 1 pm U S p. m , wi3 J > - to tmd. In sn fct tKt Umfi. RiLtiiir U * * immlr tLrtf- flit j : TliUrrni OrUttJi4iU du r'tJ7'coii4Jticmctf g \ tit j-roti * < l4iI UJT7 * .u3 weJoiew in euii ir Hex. g- -r rm J ? rtm of P : _ t lu O ph cfiirtlDDM f or Vkhort ttn > echajut tite n' firrr ) c coalition U > K iTHlry rtUUr * to uJi rtmnKly , we vtttifl D. " 3 fr7 ts tli * * * vjjo * * tnlfl ji * if tr to iitrtjiit Jt of { % - BI. rrnJttiwr p a * wurOy iwUhd tck' p : juranifd , * iu t * it I'.T nixirxi mtO frtm * v ourprtrfc-U IkiKinJory or vr * i2 f err JL ( p - Q''utTkart * . which wiU cur * n j tcj ft , lor $ t. V Afldrttie orcaJl < n KEW Ecgiani ! Medictl Institute , 21 Trrmont How. Dot Ion. Main. Ocnjjnrt.t. 1C , by r a Hnxra. NO RIBBON PtrmaDCDtAlignnitnt SPEED , Strength. Sold Onder a POSITIVE GUAR ANTEE. . GEO. H. SMITH & CO , Genf-al Apeou Nebraska safl Ijw - 31O S 16th St. , - - Omaha HATS. \\UNlIII . s Opera Hou e B CK K "JOSEPH GILLOTT'S" ' STEEL PENS. GCi-D ' "EOAi . PAF i LI- * - . ' 6S3 THE MOST PERFECT OF PEHS , TOfrWEAK , , O' & 7 Vbk .I a W * allil'H t * * * 3J.UJU r f. * ' T o , r KRI'U A . 'L U. L 1 i. ] " 7 C.l'O . ' '