TIII : CITY. " \VIlllnm WnllbrlilKO wns anvnted last Might , ehiirirutl with HtcnlliiK ncoat from KH OIKI Miller , nt JiMO Capitol iivcnuo , H. C1. Jiic'tfer'a rtMldonco at 202. ! Half- Howard uticotVIIH laniaj'etl to the ex tent of $20 by firu yesterday. The blny.a originated from u lighted cigar left lying on the window sill near iv laeo curtain , This availing the Saratoga Ly ceum asbouiatlon will give Ha last ball for this Mention at Lyuuum hall. The damcnsektion of the Omaha turnverein - veroin will glvo a calico ball at Gor- mania hall next Wednesday ovonlng. The funeral of Miss Hannah Sweeney took place nt her Into homo , lir ) Capitol nvenue , atllii. in. , and was attended by u largo number of friends * . The in terment took place at St. Mary's ceme tery. tery.A Sixteenth Htreet motor going north collided with a cable car at Sixteenth nnd Dodge BtreelM yesterday morning. The motorman could not hold his car and the cable car wan not stopped. The only damage done was to mimnh eomo glass in the eablo car and frighten the paa- feengors. The property owners south of the Tenth Htrcct viaduct who will bo as- Bcwed for uencllls to pay the damages occa.sioned by tliat Htructuro will meet at Mot/ hall on South Tenth btreot this evening to discuss the mutter. There is a feeling that Home of the property own ers , espcdally those who were taxed for the Eleventh htreet viaduct , are rated too high in the proposed assessment of benefits. An application for a writ of habeas corpus waH'liled yesterday by the attor ney for O'Hrien and Few , the men ar rested for implication in a robbery at Pacific Junction , on the gound that the authorities hero had no authority to ar rest the men. As M > OII as it bccamo known that this had been done , Captain Mobtyn Hied a charge of "restating an olllcor" against the men and they will bo hold on this until the Iowa authorities arrive. I'KItSOX.t It J'.t AM tf-IKt 1118. II. H. Nicholson of Lincoln is tit the Mil- lard. , . .T.j. . MuDouough of Old is stopping at the Casey. Mrs. A. T. Ayrcs of Crclghton is at Uio Casoy. M. Mflrdock of Kc.mioy i3 a guest at the Piixton. AV C. Hoover ol Ultic 11111 is registered at tlio Casoy. E. II. Illnsliiiw ofr'ulrlmry is stopping at the Ciisoy. J. U. lil.tclfburn of Arlington is a guest at tlio Casey. AV. S , Giirfocr ot Lincoln is registered nt the 1'axton. J. II. AV. Hawkins of Lincoln Is stopping at the Murray. C. M. Wherry of Xottli 1'latto is registered ut tlio Casey. Mrs. M. H. IIopowcll oC Tclcainah is a guest at tlio Mill.inl. Tit. E. Hunter of Kearney was at the Paxton - ton yesterday. Clnis Srliulntroldt and wife of Grand Island arc at tlio Pax ton. E , T Stuples and wife of Arlington are leg istcrcd nt the Casey. Fnink Sharp of Battle Creek is among the arrivals nt the Mlllnrd. John W. Holt , W. E. Dan hu'ton , J. V. Hlncliimiu and A. Miiiulrk of Falls City were nt the MuiTny ycstonluy. Mis. Edward ICnlm has returned from Bradford , P.i. , wliuro she has heen visltinjr the \iast \ live months and also receiving medi cal treatment. A. .T. Highy of LlnrAln , representing the Btuto Laborer , is in the city. Ho has looked over the labor Held in this city and gives it as his opinion that tlicio will bo no labor strike in Omaha this spring. Mr. G. S. Myer&on of St. Louis was in the city ycstoulay and called at TUB Bin : onioo. Ho was n few years , ago n partner of Air. Bheoley in the pork pat-King business In Omaha. Ills business now is that of live stock cgmmibsioii merchant. o Iov. C. Van Oostcnbrupgcrof Lyons , Ilev. II. M. L. IJnidcn of UVkumah , Mr. W. G. Waite of Lyons , Hov. .1. O Spencer of Craig , nnd E. W. uiinUiii of Chicago , who have been attending the piesbytery atl'apilllon.wcro in the city yesterday and visited Tin : BIE building. M Ucls , tlio well known theatrical man- njier of Bradford , Pa. , and proprietor of the "Oil Ucglon Theatrical Circuit , " is visiting friends in the city. Jt is n yc.ir shico Mr. Hcis visited Omuhn for the lirst timu. Ho expects to remain hero for sovcr.il weeks to recuperate , having had an attack of la grippe last January , from the effects of which ho has never fully recoveied. Air. Keis has many acquaintances in Omaha who will endeavor to make his stay a pleasant one , A XXO VXCK3IEXTS. The amusing comedy , "A Pair of Kids , " will bo the attraction at the Grand on Sun day nnd Monday evening , when our nmut > e- mcnt lovers will have nn opportunity of laughing as they never Imighod before. The character of the old countryman , " .Tiles Button , " which Ezra Kendall has inndo familiar to theatergoers throughout the country , Isonoof the most mil th-provoklng pieces of acting seen in Into years of Ameri can comedy. Ho Is as iiroslstibly funny as bo is thoroughly original , and If there is ( my laugh In an mitlionro ho is sure to got It out of them. Kovoral of the old favoiitcs are in the cast , including the French comedian , Saionv , and Aliss Jcnnlo Dunn , tlio ouglnnl "Little Josephine" ot tlio famous Juvenile Pinafores. Will Lnwler Is nocr happier than when delighting the ladles. This time Air. Lawler Inis serttroil ? T > IX ) worth of Japanese souvenirs , which will bo given away bv ticket toiluv. Every lady who attends the Eden AIusco this afternoon and evening will receive a ticket. Mr Gcorgo B. Summts , advance represen tative of the Cora Tanner 'Fascination" company , is In the city. "Fascination" will bo the attraction at the Boyd on Thursday , Friday and Saturday of next week. Aliss Tanner will bo supported by Colonel William 12. Shui's Park theatre company of Brooklyn. Licenses weio Issued to the following paitlcs bv Juilgo Shields yesterday : Ntuno and residence. Ago. ( John A. Ahlstrom , Omaha . 2tl 1 Bertha Peterson , Omaha . 1K1 ( Grnsslona Giuseppe , Omalm . 20 I Antonlim Pace , Omalia . 10 Unclaimed. The remains of E. A. Duncan who died at St. Joseph's hospital four days ago , are still lying unclaimed at Hcafoy As Hcafoy'.s. Dim- I' ' can was an Irishman of about twenty-eight [ I ? or thirty. The body is that of a slender man , * ' the fnco is long and the featured clear cut , The nebO Inclines to tlio Itoman form and the thin mubtaeliu is reddish in color and .some- what flowing. The hair is dark , How to Snvo Time. Internal Hcvenuo Collector Peters requests that all iwrsoni applying for United States , rovcnuostamps of lisM write their nppllcatloiiif nnd have them sworn and subscribed to bo- fet ( ) apiK'.irlng at the revenue oftlco. An nvoraiw of UOO stamps uro being Issued dully , mid If the applications are not ready wlcn ) tlio persons making thorn call at the of- ilco , n vast amount of unnecessary labor Is entailed. * Amn/.oiilaiis ' .Clio llvo young women , Llzzlo McXcalAIny nnd Amilo Wells , May Guspar luid Llz/lo r.minous , urrostcd Wednesday night for light ing over a young man , were arraigned before Judge Hclsloy yesterday afternoon nnd all discharged except the Wells girls , who , it appeared , pwclpltutod the row. They were lined f.1.50 each , with costs additional , and not having the cash they were sent to Jail. Th.o others went away happy , accompanied by "the uiaii lu tUo case. " Till : MAUTYll I'lilJHIIMINT. Virtue * ) Will Ho Commemorated on Next Monday. On next Sunday nt Gcrrnnnlit hnll , Hnrapy brtwcrn Ktghtccntli nnd Nineteenth .streets , will Iw n prnml memorial nervlco commcnior- alive ot tlio life of Abrsitmin Lincoln , It will Iw by wny of celebration of the twenty * 11 fth anniversary of the death of the martyr president , which occurred on April IB. It will recall the lofty patriotism of the great Jeaderofthoicpublican putty , und moro es- pcclaltv tiling Into pnnnluciico tlio principles for which ho died. The moctlng will bo hold under the nuiplccs of the Turners. Hon. John B. Hawley of this city , who was n mem ber of Lincoln's cabinet ; Hon. J. W. Savage. K. Hoscwatcr , AI , V. Gannon nnd others will tnuka nddrrssss. The LIcdorkianz has accepted the Invita tion and will sing a grand wnrsong especially rehearsed for the occasion. Citl/ens generally are invited. _ _ _ _ _ _ N STKIIKT GUAIIK. Tlie CutH nnil Kills Whieli are Iteoclv- In Hd Incli Ailciitlon. The proposed Hamilton street grading scheme Is divided Into two parts. Tlio llrst begins at Twenty-fourth street and runs west to Lowe avenue. It stalls out Twenty-fourth nnd runs to Twenty-ninth with n llvo foot grade that makes a 1111 of live feet nt Twenty- fifth , a cut of eleven feet at Twenth-seventb , fouitecn feet nt Twenty-eighth , nnd seven teen at Twenty-ninth. Then it runs out to Thirtieth , nnd makes n nlno foot cut at Thirty-third , n llvo foot Illl ut Thirty-lifth , nnd n live foot cut at Thirty-sixth , ft then takes tiio present grade at Pleasant street nnd makes n straight line fiom Pleasant to Lowe avenue. The second part of the * si-homo goes west of Lowe avenue , makes n raise of two feet at Dcwoy .street , and no change at Institute boulevard , butstnrllng there makes a straight gi-ado to the west line of the city limits. This will Involve n loweiing of the grade at Dale sheet of ten feet , make n cut ntEuicka street of nineteen feet , a lill at Bird street of eleven feet , at Blal'kbird street of twelve feet , and comes o t tb the present established grade on Vista street. This Shakes the steepest grade on the street llvo fcot to I'vrrjr lOu between Twcnty-fouil hand Twenty-ninth ; and west of Lowe avenue it is n little over three und one-half feet. _ A jumciAij ojngsio.v. It Will i o Ar ueil hi Court anil May JSstnbllsli n I'ri'Ci'ilrnt. Fifteen days ngg Ed AIngco was convicted of assault nnd battery and sent to jail for fif teen days. Under such circumstances , a fnun stands eoirnnlUcd until tlio costs are pa'id. It seems , however , that the judge forgot to make this last entry in the sentence. Bright young attorneys for the prisoner appeared before Judge IIopowcll demanding the ic- Icnso of thcit > client. They were informed that it would bo necessary to Illo a motion in the matter and argue it in duo form. The point promises to be an intcicsting one as it is thought lo be thu establishing of a prece dent. _ FUMjEKTOX MEX. They arc Mnlcins Preparations for the Mill Opening. Fullerton was finely represented in Omaha ycstei dayand every ono of her representatives wns lushing around the city making prepara tions for the nind opening on May 21 of thu line mill of Alartin , Potter As Co. , of that place. , A special train will bo run from this city nnd Lincoln on that day , carrying 200 guests , among whom will bo thu governor and staft and many of the leading professional and business men of the state. The mill .and im mense water power of the state will bo inspected , after which there will bo a grand banquet which will bo sup plied by nn Omaha caterer. The visiting representative * ai-o Chnuneey Willie , G. M. Carleton , Z. T. LeftwiekJudge Brady and J. W. Tanner of the Fnllciton Post. _ _ _ AVlmt it Costs Alust bo carefully considered by the great majority of people buying even necessities of life. Hood's ' Sarsapanlla commends itself with special foico to tlio great middle classes , because it combines posiiivo economy with gtent medicinal power. It is tlio only medicine - cine of which it unn bo truly said " 100 doses Ono Dollar , " and n bottle taken according to directions will average to last n month. Kendall Kcndal. Aloro than usual interest is manifested in the coming engagement of tuo American comedian K/.ra Kendall nt the Grand next Sunday evening from the fact that the young "prince of eccentrics" will follow the per formances of the English artists of the sumo name. AVliilo the entertainments differ widely in a dramatic sense , tlio merits of suc cess fiom a box ofllco standpoint will stand good comparison. E/.IM Kendall 1ms a cllentelle of laughter lovers who 1111 the tho- ateis where bo plays and bv their loud and hearty laughter vote him their popular choice in the fun making lino. Ho is ono ot the few In the extravagant pantomime farce line in this country who have always held to hluh prices of admission. Sarony , a French come dian , nicccnt importation of Air. Kendall's , is n clever acquisition to the company and the sweet singer , Little Jennie Dunn of "Havorly Juvenile Pinafore" fume , will bo seen hero for the first time in sover.il years. Her voice is a high sweet soprano and in the rendering of the popular , baltads wins many encores. Mr. IIlnielmiiKh's Property. Nathan Merriam , the surviving member of the ilrm of Ilhnobaugh & Alerriam , formerly of the Omaha elevator , bus returned from California , where ho attended the obsequies of bis deceased associate. Ho stales that Airs , llhnch unU and daugh- ter.Graee will remain in San .lo o until tlioy recover trom the immediate effect of their bereavement - reavemont , As to the , disposition of Air. Himcbnugh's nropo.it y , Mr. Mori lam -said that ho bad heard nothing. Airs. lllmcbauh had not decided before Mr. Alerriam left the coast what would bo done in the premises Neither did she In any manner say whether or not she had been appointed ndmiulstiatrlx of tlio estate. Alter Mif. Himobaugh shall have recovered from the shock she will probably uniko a short visit to old friends in this vicinity. Mr. Hlmebnugh'H InleroMs in this city i\eroqulto extensive , among them being a half ownership of the stock of the Omaha union grain company. A Necessity of Health. It Is a pilmo necessity of health that the action of the bowels should bo Kept regular. But tha way to overcome n temporary lit of constipation , or to remedy chronic costiveness is not to deluge tlio stomach und drench the bowels with purgatives of violent and painful action. Tlio happy medium between an Inop erative and violent cathaitio i ? Hosteller's stomach bitters , which nets just suftleiently upon the bowels to relax thum , without pain , ami which being a wholesome tonic , ns well ns aperient , has the effect of strengthening both them and the stomach , and promoting the well being of the \\holo luteuial economy. Thii removal of bllo from the blood , Increased activity ot tbollvor , usually dormant in cases of costivcncss , nnd sound digestion follows thousoof this bencJleontMnediclnc , ns thor ough and genial In Its effects as It is safe and pm\i In composition. Uhcunmtlsm , fever nnd ague , kidney troubles and debility are also remedied by It. Advertising Oumhn. Secretary Nason and others Interested In the proposed board of trade excursion to tlio south mid cast corners of America are out rustling for names ot these who want to tnko tlio trip. "The entire expense of tlio tour will boborno out of the pHvntn funds of these who po nnd not n penny , Air. Nason says , will go from the board of. trndo treasury. However , the trip is tn Iw strictly for the purpose of advertising Omaha In every man ner jtosslblo. It has not yet been dcllnltely settled whether the excursion will Iw made , It depending wholly on the number of names secured today. A Thieving Domestic. Maggie Sewers , n woman who has until re cently been employed us n domestic by N. O. Hi-own , n contractor , was arrested by Court Officer Keysor j csturday oa the cliargo of grand larceny. Wlill" In Hiwn'n employ shn Molt * n diamond fttmldcd pin , two gold rltiuM , n inco lied spread and luco pillow Miami. When first accutcd of the theft tlio woman denied It , but later on confessed every thing. All the property , valued lit llftO , was recovered. _ For burns , scalds , brultcs and nil pain nnd snnnicss of tlio llcsh , the grand household remedy Is Ur , Thomas' Eloctrlo Oil. Bo mire you get the genuine. KTItKirr HWHHPIXd. The TlioroiiKhllires whk'h nro to Itc- oeho Attention Al'tcc Dark. The following shows tlio .streets ordered swept by the board of public works , and the nights on which the work is to bo done : Monduy- Ninth direct , from Hamoy to the Union Pacific depot ; Tenth street , from Far- imin toCastolliir ; Eleventh street from Fur- nnm lo Williams ; Twelfth street , from Far- iiuin south ; Jackson street , from Seventh to Thhteenth ; Seventh street , from Jackson to Pierce ; P.iu'lfli } street , from Sixth to Thir teenth ; Pine struct , from Eighth to Tenth ; Sixth street , from Pacific to Pierce. Tuesday- Douglas , Dodge and , Capitol avenue , from Ninth to * Sixteenth ; Ninth street , from Dodge to llurney ; Tenth , Eleventh , Twelfth and Thirteenth streets , from Davcnpoit to Fnrnnur , Eighteenth street , from ( 'uinhig to Ohio. Wednesday Farimni and Hiriivy fetrwts. fiom Ninth to Sixteenth ; Howard street and St. .Mary's avenue , from Ninth to Twentieth ; Fourteenth struct , from Howard to Davenport ; Tlilrteecntli street , from Fnrnnm to Leavenworth. Thursday -Fifteenth street , from Howard to Webster ; Davenport street , from Ninth to Sixteenth ; Thlrteeutlr1 street , fiwii T.e'nven- worth toVinton ; WIlllams.sUect iomTenlh to Thirteenth. Friday Sixteenth street , from alley uoith of [ yard to Ohio ; Cuming sti-eot. from Sl-c- teenth to Twenty-sixth ; Twcety-foui'ih stivct , from Cuininir to Spauldlng. Sunday Sixteenth sticet. frojin alley north ofl/niil to viaduct ; Webster street , from Fourteenth to Sixteenth ; Farnam street , from Sixteenth to Thirtieth ; Li > | lvenworth strcot , Irom Seventh to Tentu Twenty- ulKhth street , froiu Fnrnam to fcavenwoith. Next week I hero will be an additional order Tor sweeping other stivets In compliance with several IP-solutions passed .it the last session of the city council , wlicn thosninu hall have been approved by the mayor nnd.in ofliiiai copy thereof i.s delh cred to the ihninnfin of the board of public works by the city clerk Other streets will bo added as the council nuij direct sis far as fho funds will permit. The accumulated tilth of tlio winter on the pavements mudo tlio Hist sweeping extremely laborious , mm moro time was consumed In cleaning the streets that time' than will bo requited subsequently. As a consequence the work on mio streets 1ms been delayed but will be attended to us suon as possible. IbThls What thn AVomen Want. Ilere't. news 1'ov every woman who goes ab'out with broken corset bones. There's a matciial that will neither break nor roll up , audit's guaranteed. A j car it. not too short a time to wear out that warranty 11 it does heie's your moiiuy vuthotit a word but it won't. Tlio material h Kubo And more. It's stitched in , double-stitched in , toji and bottom , and Hain't bo worked out viilh am nidinary wear. ThoKaho corset is nmio than a common blessing to the ncrago womnn. There's no \ \ earing out of corset lacor.s by the shai p edge of tlio eyelet ; there's nothing to iust , no e.\e- let visililo through a thin dress : never n brc.ikini ; of n corset luco ulth these loop eyelets. 'Thodealer takes the. lisle in selling the Knbocoisct. He buys ami sells under Ibis guarantee : "Itfornny rcnson whatever the corset is unsatisfactory to the wearer , It may lie ic- turned to us through the dealer , and the money paid will bo checrfullj refunded with out question. No matter \\liat condition it may be in. piovided it husn't been worn over- thieo vcelts ; and if the ICabe with which tlio corset is bpned over breaks , \ \ u \ \ ill ijs cheer fully i-cfund the money. Cnic vi.o Cou ir CoMi'VNK Clostjd. Tlio Nebraska clocliio company at l.V.'l Farnam street of which A. II. Xenner wns manager has assigned. The Pumpcllcj stor age comp.mv , who held t\vo moitguges aggre gating & ! , ! ( ) , has taken charge of the prop- city. > Airs. Whihlow's Koothiutr Syrup for chil- dicn teclhhig rmes wind colic , dlniihiua , etc. 25 tents a buttle. From the advertisement in another column it will bo.ecu Unit the American air ship s\n- dicato propose to jlvo an exhibition Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock on Capitol avenue , be tween Thiitconth and Fitteenth streets. Unit will bo lice to evoi.t body. Piof. H. I' . \ \ r.iy wilt ascend o\cr a mile in a sixtv-tive foot balleon , and will drop to the ground in a par achute in sixty -ccomls. It promises to draw thousands of people to the scene. Notice to Pastors. Tan Bic is about to change Us. church di rectory for the season. The director ; is put in small typo and stereotyped , and cannot be changed , when once set , duiiiif. Urn-season. Pastors uro requested to send in their an nouncement ! ? at their earliest convenience. H superior cxiellenco proven In millions of llorncs fnriiniru limn nqiiuiU'riif n contui ) It In ii i t liy tlui I'nltiMl btuliM ( iiviirnmuiit t-iiulniaca liy Uio liciitU ot tluj limit Unlvi'Mllli" . ns tlio hliiiiiii ! t , I'ure t niulMKirt llonUliful. lr ) 1'ilcu'n rri'nm IHk- Inu 1'uwilcr ilimi nut contain Ammonia , l.lmo 01 Alum. Sola onlv In cuni 1'ltlOK IIAKI.NU t'ONN'Iinil CO. NUNVV01IK. ClllC.ino. h\NlllAMlSCl ( , fcl I Of IS. SPECIAL TEN DAY Dinner Set Sale AT PERKINS , GATCH & LAUMAN'S 1 5 1 4 Farnam St. , Paxton Bldg i6th& Farnam-sts 1)0 ) ! < otd leduucU from IIS to 111.73. 'JO iuts tediieed from ti ! to JH. l.argo line now sots f ! . " > . furiaur prlco CO. Wo Mill oiler t-vury Dinner. Uaino and I'mft Sot In oar stock , Inolmllin : line llavlland Huts without restrvu , at spuolul prlew. * , It * . On * or inflf * it * holt * lit | rice * f til C. V , iL.dlrtctriiut 1. U. f t rcr' * o- , 211 W * M JUon St. Cfci < ( u. | ] lo ntw rfctt 'I ' 111MM ; ( IN A dlASS. It Dopft Not Hor-m ti/tm Vtiry Murh Init It 1 Often KiuniKh .no ha the Ucclnnlut ; Hf Death. DM jon ftrrlKililfmliMiif ittliiVliiit tmti-r m > 10 Hie llulit olid nollif bnn nnnrli | ' ! > lr nlti it It < * "Hli lltllu I'nit1ic ! nfiiinllfrt U InuVi'il irrfcillf rlcnr unit | nilr nlion joii punrrrt II mil , liilt "i llt n lock * Inn nllli mitinnl \ri'oinlili mnltcr Do jnn Inimnit * Inc It mil be lmnllijIt ! llo jnii nnmlrf nlir. In n lit- tfo nlillp , jinir niiiilh'la : ' trii tml , > i' r iipi'dlln li poor nnil jou foci n nrrnl ill'8U > l ltli tlio wnrlit ? llul If nnlrr Is xi Impure ) nlint Miull i * iloT llnlllt ? Xu , Hint innr kill tlio ts-rnif , but itoi- < mil romiuu tin-in. A fur tii'ttiTnnj l tit tin' IHIIP wlil'ktj1 with It. 1 Inlii'M | > h.nldinn In AinorlrnuilirMlntliiilr \ | tlcilnrc thin nnnr. tint niiill'pnrtlil i-irrfiillrl""I'lO ' ' It nni t dp ri'lii ; nlit'krr. for IIIIIHIIO lil kcr l norfo tliim liiipuic nli > r. * Doctor ! " , rhcnil'lii , n-liMitl'lK unit tirofc . nri , nrc nuir fiillf nitrvcil that no nlilski-r iiM'il In Anivrlrn to- ilnjIt > rlirmlrnlly purcor fne friuii tittrl oil , n Duffy's 1'iiro Mult It lins iiup"fiillr nlllitlixwl thn rniTilly of nil ollii'r whMili" , lliu pri'Jitillcc of ncftk- mlnilvil nnil tlu > tilKnlr ) of nntjon inlniliit 1'i'opU' . NVh } ' llconii'c It lia proitiiopit ri-sult" , H' lotrit lionltli. iirolinmcil llf - , imnkonul HIP licKlni ; fnciil- llei nnit rutintprnitcil thu crll cITi-i'li of poisonous wntrr. Inili-pil , U ! , n imio , mcillclniil will-key. Ho not , however , nlioir anjuii rrii | > iilous ilcttlor to Ini- I'O'O upon JTIIII lij lU'ilnrlni ; IIP hiii mine toiiioillon of hlonn Hint It "Ju > t ni KIIUI ! , ' or conic bottloit irhlikpj- Hint li "mncli ln-ttcr. " It I * ( litMrry popii- l.ullrnf Dnffj'i I'nrc Mult Hint Ini rniifoit tho'Ciin- north ) limit Hunt lu yomg Inlo the market. " CALIFORNIA TUP I.AXI ) OP DISCOVERIES. Scn < Tjor circular. AH IN C CUf E 'CATARRH r nvit 1 r- / - Santa : Abie : , and : Cat : R . - Cure 1'iirsnlu by'Uoudiimii l'iu C'o TE fDAVS' E1XCUR.SION TO - GfefflTPHNQOGH and Return From Chicago and Return $40. ' Messrs. Raymond &Whitconib i AN ill 1 i'ron illy con tut t an incursion nf Uio Kn l j rii.itlnm'oy.i Lnml ( Oiupnny to riiiitt'inooj : * ! Tonn . | Al > .1 1 'XI to ntliMiil tliosuln at iltv nnil ip-lilcnii' , lutMif ihlsioiupnii ) M.o l > i innl B Ti.iliuoiuio | eil i soleU \rittbnliMl I'ulliunn uirs ipniloi iPuplHK i nnil illnliiK ) Ipr et I llrlibnre ili'pnl. llo lon Mni i .itiii > la > Miiv .1. ; it 1 p in . nrritliu nt 1'liiitfinooi.M i Motiftn" .M't ) ' > n in. All Ir.uiHjmrtntlon nnil 1U- Ini ; pxpenMi' of OAuu'r loulsti iluiln thii trip mnl v\\\\K \ \ \ \ In lliiitliiniioKii Indmlcil In llu > t 41. nml Hit- ( onip.ui ) will-inrc ii'l ' I'tlurl In innko the trip ihnr- innliy ! cnjuMililc lo nt ] piitlclp.inli The Mill'i i.rilii1 Kn4t < 1ialttuii > oi'iil.niiiteoiupnii's proi > ert > I1 * n iiiU'ilhy Its uli'.olnlo luiU pMisaMlt\ ] o tlio KIOW Ih i > I I tic 111111 iMiti'i pi hi UK nnil iu < eis- nl cllj of Ihp wliolii South , llenr ) A. I'UIPJII , l > i ] . , iic" > lil < 'iU ot Hid 'I himili-j.in-lliiMim IPM : irli i 0111- imyii > i > I'.isi riiattanooc.i lins Krp.itur niUmi- iii'H | : i : i till lei u limn 01 ilt > Ihmi Iho < ! of liattanooftn ll-i'lf It vtlll lx > n piiMpoiim * tcinn. It I'linot -.toppoil. . It In * yiit lo ( nun1 " J- nil In turui.it Ion it ml proxpoiti.duiMU'iH I. . U Ku - foll. bpfii't.irj of the East Chattanooga Land Company , 00 Summer fit , , Bistor. , Mi.s. , or any ot it oflicois or directors , ns lollows : I'ri'slilrnt. A A. MD'M II. vin'-pii'-idi'iit j ' inn \ v.t I ) . / i .1 .1N Alt\M , 10 ! Kast KlKhtli slieel , K i 'Iclin. j , 1. H liriM t r.ur nl > o\o. A. A. Mou iu : , I\IIII.MM' " ' . .1 -finiNN M I ) . Miinilipilci , X H. I ; II III s-i 1 1. llostnn , Mi : t. .M. Ill III M I , Min. Ma-K. ( i. 11 IIIUI.Ual.l on ! .Me. .1 , " AMIIIISN , I. Mm. M'ISS. I.I I ill1 1 : ADAM- I in , MuttMrpct , lloston , .Muss. U. linn Its \v. I.MIM , Mail .1 T. . \MI-OV I hitlinoi > i'.iT < Min. Tot InitheriouMMikMiLool lliopilblle .Mi'8.r . 1tn > - liioiul \N'hllonilM > IU futnlhh lull Information rn lo tin1 IM niHlini. aNo ptoiptii lit * * of the iinnpatn , iit'n < l > Nptllir i. mnl lotrhi * Mil > * .Lilptloii ! > for Its -mi k nl Hiolr olliio.ii NVa hln-loii ) , ! . , ln-"n ! ! ; J6iillio.iil ii } Nun York 111o'llli .Ninth H . I'hll.t- ili'lplila. Ill -iipi-rlor M , I luM lnmt , uiul 1UI south Claik M. . I liliauo. COUGHS Sors Throat , Tin' bij-'bi t inrillcul iintlioillk'S of tbt < Win 111 inr-i'i Iho nnil II'ruiiiiiicnil tlio SODEN MINERALPASTIL.LK3. fof dhousos nf tlio Tliitmt , riifst unit Lnnnnil ; albii foi 0011- 1 Hnil tinicstiltvof Ibi'lSODKN MIM.K\h WATiit" : AM ) l'AM'llil l- > urn > fiy witN- fiR'Kiiy In Sibui'uio I'lniiynvltls us wull > . In fliiuiiri-futniiliatnimlllfimiif tlii ; iniiici nil IIU'-IIKI- " MOHKAI' It. I IIOWN. M. I . . 1'iof. of haiynxoloi-'l at Clili-ago I'Dllcllnli * . At till iliuf. ' 1-.ts at M ami M ) i-onts u bo\ . Phamplets Gratia on Application. SODEX MINERAL SP1UXCSCO , , LlJIlfED 1.1 I I.DMl--Tlir.r.T. Nl W VOHK AN HOCXD 'RESTORED. "SAN'ATIVO , " tbo nik'i fill Simnlth 'ily , In nolclullh u Wrlttriiliinirau- ti'o t tint ; nil Nni\- , Weak MiMnory , I.oe of llraln l'uuTllciul. $ * & s7yi7jiiVi'wiLofjtuw , Before & After Use ; kini Manhood , J v fiiil Bfe. " ( ' * Laiiltudc , Fhuius-ai > truu Ill1a"c { ; _ , , ot Ilia Generative Or- ( til draluv and toil of power umn.ln either ecxcttimctlby oyer-cxenl n , yontb- Fill luaiier tluni , or Iho cictjMve use of tnuaecji , opium , or .tlmnlatiU , which ullimBtcly lend o Iiinrmlty. Ruuinmiitlnn ami Iiuaiilty , rnt mi In coii\culcnt farm to curry In thu vent pocket. I'rlco $1 puckase , or c r > r 85. With every 85 onlyr wo J-UBRitT'lfcii ' tiaiirtiHlrf to euraur rtfuiul Ilif iitunril. heril by mall to auy ijdrf . Clr- cnUrhcc. Slentlou tlil liapcr.AiUief * CO. " ' iU'Bt A CHEMICAt MADRID 'f.1,1 ? ff ' * ' VAWCfirnViVllAl lu'w"1 Kiilm A ' " . ( or ISth & IfciunlaHMnrU , J. A ntkr A Cu. , Cur t3lli & l > ouKl ttrccli , ana A. I ) . Foster A Co. , ( uumll llluH * . iu . TO WEAK ByiEN BurTeritu ; from Uia ritecuuf jouthfulerron , carl/ ikcajr , natilnttnrakurM , lost nmuliooj. i to. , I III trim a % alualilu IrrollMi ( waleill i-ouulnluK full rarllcitmr * fur Ixmi * iiirv. I'llKK ut tlmrtr. A irlfliillcl medical ork : thouM Iw rruit liy i-vtry mall who U tiervinti * anil UfhllllatfMl. Adilrw. 1'rof. i' . c. \VLlili.Tlooau , C'ouu. WE APOLOGIZE To the many of our patrons who could nut get wailed nn in our Morn l * l Saturday , wo have a largo force ; of extra salesmen the rush has been HO real that itva \ imptmxilil to w.iit on all customers. We arc thankful to those who showed indulgence , nnd we are nro .hoy find themselves well repaid for the time they spent in waiting , We Khali haves a largni' force of sales men next Saturday , and will he prepared for bigger crowd * , Wo will al o lie prepared with new bargains. Some of the lots advertised last week are completely sold out but wo fire opening every clay new invoices and every day we have ; some now.and freHlrattrarlion * , Our this week's special is the grandest olTerever made in the line of ready mad ( clothing. . * We place on sale about 500 very fine Cassimere and Cheviot Suits , all Hacks , each of them worth at least $15.00 ; at the unprecedented low price of jg.oo. The material in these suits is the product of one of the best mills in the country. The shades are dark and light gray , and a neat brown plaid. They are well trimmed with the best of I'armor Satin or Scribe lim ig. The cheapest suit in this lot would bringin any other establishment $15,00. We ofler them this week at 459.00. Our piles of Spring Overcoats are getting- low , ami in some of the finest lot ; ; the si/es are already badly broken up. These have been marked down , as we make it a point to sell these goods quick. If you want to secure a fine Spring Overcoat at a bargain , belter come this week amKscc'if we can fit you. FURNISHING GOODS Our spring selections in fancy flannel shirts are the most ex tensive and varied ever shown by any house in the city , we have a full assortment of the most elegant novelties of the present season , in all wool , silk and wool mixtures and all silk. On all these goods we quote the lowest prices. Fresh Lines of Shoes Every Week. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , "They always give you good uluc. " "I never fail to find Foine- thing that fits my boy. " "Such lovely kilt suits. " These are the pleasant things that we hear every day ! about our clothing. j * We invite your inspection of the Children's Suits of- fcrcdat $ 5.00. GRAM ) LOTTERY OP JUARHZ * " * * Vm1 < * r the innnntruiiieiiti'f tliti Mexican International Danlting Co. , < I'mr.-hloimrlt'i. InciirpuiataJ liy thu ftiilo uf ( .III Illinium , .Mcxlui , " For Cliaiitablo Purpose. - / GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING lll lnkt > place In imlilli' tit Ilioclt ) of Juai / Mtiii .rl ) I'liiitiU'l Nnilc ) , Mi'\lrn , WEDNESDAY , APRIL 83rd , 1800. miilcrtlio jior.-ninil siiu > rvl lim nr < ii'ni > inl Itiiik s MD liVnnil Mr. I'AMiio Ainiri 111 . thu inrmvr u Kt'lltlvlUJirorelll'll PlIllllllUJIKI' III UlU t tlltfll MattM Unit. Ills | iri > ( MH' ( > nlniio IK Hiiillrlunt Kuiiiiinliui 1,1 ilia jiulillc Hint Iliuilrnnlnxi will bo liuhl nllli < tritlinn imlliinil fnlrtii'rs tun ! ! , itn.l tlio lutli'i alii' ' MIIHMM ttirtit tlio Mi'vlfuu Kuxeiiuuvnt ) Is ut ciiit.il etiui'Im- mill lull-Kilty. CAPITAL , PRIZE , $ OOOOO. cn.onnTtiki.TH. OM.VWI.OOJTIC M n AVIiulttTluKtsth. W. Half TiuKot- . ' . Qimrtm Tlul.rts , Jl. MhT 01' I'lllXKb. i I'lizpnr fifluw is fiouo ] l.l'rl/i'iif IOUW In IOW ) I I'rlMHir SX ( < ) Is MID II 1'rl/oMif 1,000 cut It nro 'limo Id I'rl7f iif yimfutIt nru 'umi , 'JI I'll/us of llXJcnih mo CiUtjIj UK ) I'll/utof AQcnili ara 'il * > i 1'OCI I'rlzesuf .lOriulium ' , VJJ. AI'I'IIIIMMTIUV I'ltl/bi ) . IIU Prize * nf * fiOoaihiiri- f MXM ll l I'rl/t's of .Jlrntliure . .M n 1UU 1'rl/es uf 'ii'.niluiri- iMt rniMiv M. i'iu/1" . ! > W 'l'onnlniil lii f ) H ) 1'il/onl „ " ) fitch MIC ill'.K ) i'.i Termlnul3 to tlU.OOU I'rlfu ot tlU each mo S.lAiu 1,11111'rl'tiH nmniinlliiu to H''JUQ 4Vi" lhi lliulur lmiul livri'liy ii'MIfy thnt Ihn llini.i Nuclun il nf Minim , lit t'lilliiinliiiii hnn mi < li'pi. it triini tlio Mcxli'.itt Intt'riintliinnl linnklni ; ( nuiinn ) the iitct's'irj f mills Inciiiiriinlou tlit > pnnno u 't till tln > prUi'i ilrnTii In tluil.llAMi l.tirri lit oi Jinl / \VutttrthiM iMTtlf ) that > \u will nupcrvlit nil tlit niriuiucniciitn. innl In IHTHUI iiiannk'DiinilruiiticI all IhiMlniHlniii "I thlt J.ultur > uiul Unit Hii'lino nu iiinUiiiIt'll lilt htincaty , Inlniujs , nml Hit iuU I.I.MI tuniirtl till parties JOHN S MtMIIV ( . , iniin lunijr L'AMII.O A IK. I I.I.I IS Stiit'r | l iir fur tin" t. < Miuiirnt If nil ) ' ' Ikkrt ilr.tnlni : a prl'U li ' " ' 11 tliu uiiilivr flutit'il. lt fnin vnlilu will I'll iiilliHltM nnil luiuiltvil tu lliuunnvr theri'iif frtcnf ilinrut' IIIMIAU II IIIIIINMJV Pioltlciit KI'ltnii \ Nntlniinl Hunk I'.l 1'-uo Tct AUII.NTSAVn.l ) , I'nr dull rule j. or any furllicr Infurmntlnn uriln ti > lliuiiiulfiil iit'it > tatliiK jrutir ntltlri'iit ilvurl > n > i\\ \ \ Man * iiilinl ) , atrt'ft nnil niiililivr Muro inplil mail ilt'lhi'ry will wtti * itroil liy jour i'liiluaini ; ati vuvct u | > u iii'irliii ; yutir full uiMrt-m MlUlAN ISILII.nilS ( I. 1I\\MM , ClI fit ) ' Uf.llKHCI MC'JICO XOTH'B. PIII | reiiiltlniite fur ticket * , bjr nuliniirt Icllor. riilit.ilnliili Mniiiir Drill r Inut l liy all Ki.ri' | i t .m- . | i.inli > Ncir Vurk K > IIIIIIIIII. | Hank llrult ur 1'uttal .Nulo AililfOni till rrtUli'ri'il lullt'rs In M 1.1 KAN I.S CLIINATIuSAI IINMSO III , fit ) of Junri'i Muvii'o CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH ENNVROYAL PILLS. RCD CROSS DIAMOND BRAND. Hnfr , iu 1 > lni l.lllll. I liltt , i.k t tvr IMftmoril llr n < llDrca mtuuiq . lcit vlUt luv rtlMB. | 'lake uuotlter. 4 . l.ipi , H ( uucv\ui \ m"lltllrrSor r M < n Ufl.r , Ir return wfell. . \ m. f tit ' ' "TIME IS MONEY. " We muiit soil out tlio rpmnlmler ot our rnt.nll ntoolt without fttrthnr tl l.iv , IIB our wholesale 1mMn < m Jt'inands our ontirn time , att mtloii oiitl capital. Kor thonoxt few days wolnritH you to n feast of hargnlim mirh a * * you will t evvr ngain enjoy. Wo are IljOjbi to rent store anil boll our fixtures now any U .y , s como at once foaforo it is too latt . A 11 ouv genuine Diamonds now GO at itnpoirtur'n prlcns and thu thrown in. $60,000 worth of Diamonds to heloct irom , prices ritnjlng ; Iroin $2.00 up to $3,000 , for Kings , Pins , Exr-rings , fee. Solid Gold Watches fiom $15 upward. Solid Sllvor Watches from $6 up. Nickel Watches from $2.00 up. Solid Gold Chains from $7.60. Best Rollfd Plato Chains from $ ! ? , Charms and Lochots , $1 and upward. Solid Gold Rings , $1 nnil $2 ; worth $3 to $ f. A lot of Solid Sterling Silver Collar Buttons and Scarf Pins at 26o and f)0o 'ach worth $1. Heavy Solid M-It.irat Gold Collar Buttons , wet th $2.50 to $5 ach now , choice for only $1. Ono lot assorted Gulf Buttons nt OOo pair ; worth ? ! to $ : ; , Solid Gold Spiral Back Studs , 50c and $1 uach ; worth four timt the money. 1,000 fine Broaches and Lice Pins from OOc up. Fine French style Mantel Clocks , 8-day , half-hour strike , cathedr.il p , ng > j , at $ C , $0.00 , $8 and $10 ; worth $10 to $20. Elegant Silver Lamps , with silk umbrella shades , from $5 up. Hundreds of other equally good b.ug.iins. Open Saturday evening until 0 o'clock * . Store for rent and nxturea for snlo. MAX MEXYELR. & BRO. , Corner Sixteenth and Farnnm Streets , - - Omaha , Neb. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. Torino trontMiciitofallHIIlON'ir ANM ) SUUI.t'\r. DISIUSIM llntPei. Ai | | ) turoi for U. .irinltlcs nna 'J'ttispus HiMt r.icllltli'1. APII trains anil Humi'tllci fur inofij-iHfnl 'rrcttniPnt ill every form i i IHLMIO | rit * qnlrltiK Mc'llctil or MirKlrnlTnuitiuont NINKl'V IIDOMrt Kill I'ATIIN'IS llDtnl nml Atli iilnniu ll At tiiuiinoil.ttliniH \VrUnriirrlriMilir3iiiiliufoiinltlosanil lli.ttuii , TrtiHio" . t'lnli IV" I. I iirvntniuH of Btiliu * . I'ilcH Tumors , t'nm i r tatirrli llrniu'hltlii , Inlial ttluii. nicctrlrlt ) , rata Mi , nplli'pn ) Uliltic1) , lll.ul- ik'i KJI liar , Mtln anil Ulnii.l nnil all 'inrultal ( ) ptralliim lISi\aiS ) : : UK WtlMK.N a npi i Inity llg.it uf DI-CMIM. i t WIIIIIIMI I'li-e Wi > Irtvu lately uiilm | | a l.liu-ln Dnpiirtinont fur Wniiion Dui'lnu ' onlliiiimotit ( Mrlctb Irlialt' ) ( ) nl > Ili'll tliln Mcilliaf In tltuto Mtiklim it Speulnlly tt I'ltlVATI ) DISK \ < < il All Hi ti 1 Dlicaiea sntt t"nnlly ! tro.itdl S ) ! ! ) ! ) ) ! ! iinNnn roniuicil truui thu Hnluin ujt'int ' nit'rciiry. New He If riillMitiuainipiit liir I.IIIH uf Vital I'lintT 1'itrtlot iinnlilt ) tliU us in tj In ) tiutlol at liuiiiti liy Moilli Ino InitrniiiDiits nent liy in til 'i oxprciis n * t.orit" < | H n lonL't1 All oiiinniniilo itionu cunllili'iitlnl ur cttriil > ] iLkt'il , nn ninrki til inillcalu cnntcnt nr ficnilor Ono porinnal Inti'rvleiv prnferroil ( "i ! l nnil i omjUll IIIDTM' il hHtury nf yiinr i"t c. nnil wo nlll so nl in plain wr.tlipur nnr MUDK TO .Mi.S' : ntlil ; i p. in 1'rlvitta . itnilVarkoi'i'lo null iiii" < tl' t Hit An IDJI K'l'ciil | ' ; t Ni'i vims IISoa-03. Iiiiiiulcncy .Silillls | tilcut | Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner Oth nncl Hnrnoy Sts. , Onitih \ , Nob. Etchings. Emerson. Engravings. Hnllct & Dils. . Artists' Supplies. Kimbull. Mouldings. Plnnos & Ojnns. . Frames. Sheet 1510 Douglas Street , Omahn , Ncbfnsko. A Ptrfeet Art Album containing 24 Beautiful Photographs representing Te > and Coffee culture , will be itnt on receipt of your address , CHASE & SANUORN , 136 BroidSI , , Boston , Wetttrn Dept. 80 Franklin St. , CMcigo , III , RESTORED. IViQllllUUU ofjoilllirill liillirtlilrlir * , rau-liii : l'mii tui | if r. f > r ou Iirlilmy , | 4 1 klunhuj 1 , Ac. ho IMU Irln.t limlnei cry kuutt n runt- 4rhafUiHui'cre < l fti > liiir > l nif n ot i lr. HIP , wrltlcu he will i ml ' .f.ln.ll HIKK lo I.I. li How iuir < rttm. & < tJrco. ; . 11.1ILKYEJ , I'.y , IJOJ XHt .New V lk Cltr , Arrests dUchsrKm from tlio urlnat r orf an * I In eltlicr ect in 4B lioura. It la turlor | t/i C'oimlUi , CuUti , lnco. ] . tlnna , ami frco froa ell bail tmcll c ottior I lncouvt.nl < .nci , ' " " SANTAL-MIDY"ffafi ; CApiulei , whKUUar lh name In LUt [ _ u t ri vlttiout whlftt nfttio art gtnutn JOSEPH GJLLOTT'S ' STEEL PERiS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSiTir . 1880 THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS , Tlii\\rcillKnown In uinnirpniiicil In Iho I mil mm I uf m \AtK IIIHIAMH nnil HirlitnruH urn InifirittMicy IAI * * ut .Manhoinl at > i | Ainu or lliirruniit'ii ubmiluti'ly cull J M 'Iho l.lfupccrBl fur Man iir inilA Huuiin. Nfrvnii Kumitlo IMitintft unil | iuruiununtly 'Ireutinutit by t ! tttini for nipiy ( 'uitiuiintiui riuo Cor UtU uin4 Jn.kioa ttreeti , Oiuahu ,