THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. NINETEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , APEIL 15 , 1890. NUMBER 205. THE JiKAGLE CASE DECIDED , Judgment of the California Circuit Court , Affirmed. THE DEPUTY PERFORMED HIS DUTY. IcrrjN TakliiKOfTPronounced Imvv fill and Mandatory Under the Clr- otiiiiHlnuooM Ijiuiiiir and Dissent. WASHINGTON" , April 14. The Unltnl States fin pi cine court , in nn opinion by Jusllco Miller , today nOli'mcd the Judgment of the California circuit court in the cnso of Cun ningham , sticillT , plalntlfl In error , vs David Neagle. This case grows out of the shooting of .ludgo Terry nfc Lathrop , Gal , List August by Ncnglc In order to protect Justice Tlold , vvhom.Tcrry had assaulted. The decision is in Ncaglo's favor. After reviewing nil the facts bearing upon the homlcldo the opinion says that tlioy pro- Uuoo upon the eouit "conviction of a settled puipo < iooii the paat of Tciry mid his wife ninountlng to'n conspiracy to murder Field. " Justice Miller takes up the proposition ad- viinccd by Nenglo's counsel , that Justice Field , when nHacked was in the Immediate dls- cluige of his duty us n Judge mid that Ncaglo was charged with the duty , under the laws of the United States , to piotcct Field fiom violence. The law requiting Justices of the bupicmo oouit to go on" circuits is quoted ' /id the coutt says that in traveling to poiform this duty Justice Field was us much in the dlsch irgo of the duty imposed by the law as whllo sitting in the e-ouit uud ti } Ing cases. " The court does not suppose that any special net of congress exists which in cx-pioss tciins nulhoii/cs marshals or deputy in irshals to net as nboily guaid to Justices whllo on their clicults , but in its view of Vie constitution uny obligation fairly and propeily Inferable fiom that instiumunt or any duty of n nmr- fihtil to bodciived from the general sc opo of bis duties comes \\itliln the piovislons of tlio habeas coipus act diiecting the icleasoof persons who uro In custody for an act done "in pursuance of the laws of the United Stairs " "it would , " sus the opinion , "bo n pi eat icpionclt to thoHVstem of govcinment of the Unitrd States if theio is to be found -within tlio domain of its powers no nienns protecting Judges in the dischmgo of their duties fiom the nmllro and hatie < l of these upon whom their JudKinont may operate unfavoiably. If a person in the situation of Justice Field touhl hue no other guuicllan of ills personal s.ifety while engaged In the eonseientiousNlischnrgo of u disagiooablo duty than the fact that it ho \\as nnudeied his inuuloiers would bosubjcct to tlio laws of the state , and by thosohms \vould bo punished , the seemity would bo \eij insuniiient. Wo do not believe the gov ernment of tho-United States is thus inofll- eieut and that the constitution mid laws Inuo left ofllccrs of the goernincnt so defenseless und unprotected. " It is in the executive dop n tment tbit the touit ilmls the power of piotoction to exist iiiul in the language of theionstitulion dircet- ing that the piesidcnt "sh.ill take euro that the Inns bo faithfully executed" and piovid- ing him with the means to fulfill this obliga tion. "Is this duty , " asks the coutt , "lim- U ( d to the enforcement of the acts of congicss mid treaties , or does it include the lights , duties mid obligations growing out of tlio constitution and iclationsf" The coint answers tlia question by calling iiUcntiou to the fact that thcio is no law in Ibo United States utithoi Mug the government to protect u imtui.ilUed citi/cn of the United Suites who on visiting his native plate is aiiestcd and made to do milltaiy hei\ko , and then cites the case of Aim tin Mnosztu , an Austiian , wheio the gov eminent without any specillo author ! ! } from congiobs ( lemanded mid obtained ills release , Tlio icgulutionsof tholand olllco appointing timber agents and providing lor their pay ment , \\hlcli have been held valid by the supicmu eouit though theio is no positive provision in law for their payment , and the ] K > wer of Iho attoiney gem.nil siibtalncd by tlio supivmo couit to In ing suits to set aside patcntb obtained b } fiaud , though there is no Htututo on tliu subject , aio cited in suppoit of tills docttlnc. Continuing , tlio couit says It cannot doubt the power of the piosldcnt to take nioisuics for the piotectlon of n United States judge , who , while in the dibchaigo of his duty , is thieatcned with violence , and that the do- pal Uncut of Justleo Is the proper one to set In motion the nocossniy means of piotectlon mid that Ncagle had the proper autlioiity for tlio steps lie took foi the piotectlon and defense - fenso of Justice Field. "Thoio is"sastho opinion , "a peace of the United States , and ii United Stntes marshal in such a case stands In the same relation which u count } sheiilT does in maintaining tlio peace of a county , it being his duty to gutud the Judge and being present at a moment when prompt , nit ion was necessaiy , it was his duty , which ho had no llbeityto rofnso to porfoun , to take tlio steps which insulted in Terry's death. Tlio couit next takes up tlio contention that the question of tlio guilt of tlu * pusonor t'haigcdlth thotiimu of inuidcr Is u quos- tlon to ho detcunlned by the comts of Call- foinla , and that the United States couit had no power to take the pilsoncr and roleasohim without utiiul by u. juiy ueeoullug to the laws of California. Thocouit's lespoiibo to this contention is t\nt \ ) the express tcims of the luilioa.i luipus act directs such a course wheio the net is done In pursuance of tlio las of the United States anil that such has been shown to ha\o been the case hero Then ) \ \ as no occasion then for any fmther tiial in tlio state couits and the United States liu'iiit couit was as competent us any other tiibumil toasccitiiln whether the net was iwrfoi media pursuance of the laws of the United States mid under proper autlioiity ninl it was not at all necessary toempinela Jui ) for that puiposu .liihtUe Lumur. In Imlmlf of himself mid tlio chief Justice , do'lvorcd ' a vigorous dissent , The ground on w hich they dissent is tiiat In considei ing the liabeius coi pus act a w holly imidmlssablu const nut Ion is placed on the \\ord "law" as used in that statute , and that n whollv Inndiulsbublo npplleiithm was made of the clause "In custody in violation of tlio constitution of tlio United States. " "All ngroo , assuming the facts of tlio case to bo its shown bv the record , that the personal protection of Judge Field , as a pi ivato citizen , men to the death of Tciryas not only i ight but the duty of Ncaglo and of an v other ! > } st.imler. and wo maintain that for the ex- rivisoof that right or duty ho is answcrablo to the couits of the state of California , and to them atoms but wo deny that Neaglo had nnv dutv imposed uiwn him by the laws of the United States , growing out of the ofticial character of Judge Field. In shoit wo think there wus nothing , whatever , in tire fact of his ofllcial character in the transaction , mid therefore wo think the United States couits have In tlio present state of our legislation no Juiisdlction whatever in tno premises. " in conclusion the dissenting opinion holds that a murder Is not mi ofTonao against the United States except when committed at places \\hero the national govcinmcnt lias exclusive Jinisdlction. "His a well settled fact that such a crlmo must ho dcHucd by statute mid no such statute lias been pointed out The United States government is thus powoilcbs to tiy anil punish iijimui charged with murder. Wo HIM not prepared to unitm that it Is omnipotent to discharge from tiInland to give Inimunlty f linn all liability to uny trial nnj w hero unless un expnws statute of congress is produced commmulim ; bitch dischaigo. Wo are the less ivluctimt to coma to this conclusion bevmiho wo cannot permit ourseh on to doubt tlutlf tliouppcUuu had been Indicted and K * > ao to tihd before n Jury of his own coun- tijnien. God mid his country wouhl have Kivon him good dellvumnco. " Important Ioulnloii8i TOIITI AND , Ore , Apiil 14. Judgt' Dally , in the United States circuit couit today in UM cases of \Vashbuni & Moon manufactur ing company of Worcester , Mass. , mid Kl- wood of IJcKalb , 111. against Ktmpp , Duncll & Co , of Portland , Ore , agents for the St. Louis ft llraddock wiroeompunyof I'lttflburg den } Ing the motion for nn injunction and holding the ( Hidden patents Invalid. These decisions nflli in the decisions of Judge Tieat of St. Louis and Judge Slllras of Iowa. Cnrpoiilcrs Try to Slnit Up uitii Niin-lTiilon Mon. Cmcvtio , Apiil USpcchil [ Telegram to Tin : Bii.J : : Arcording to programme the master carpcntera belonging to the Builders' association have made nn attempt to stait up woik to ilnlsh the contracts on hand with non-union men. The movement was not gen eral , ns the number of non-union men on hand. was not very large. It Ls declared that if the master carpenters continue putting non-union men at woik n general strike of the midday- crs and masons will bo ordetcd , All Cinrioo , April IITho most impoitant move In the carpenters strike was made this moinlng when the matter was brought befoio Judge Prendcigost in the county couit , on the request of Andrew McNnlly that the couit proceed with woik on tlio new Hand McXally building on Adams sticct. The couit's connection with the matter comes through the icccnt fnlluio of the company which had the contract for the wood woik on the ' building. AVlien the assignee was appointed ho was Instiuctcd to continue ns an ofllccr of the coin ton all cxIsUng contracts , and thus the county couit , at the rtmo of tlio stilkc , occupied the same position as the other contractors. Judge I'lemlcgystsald ho could not foico men to woik mid did not wish to do so and would m ike no such endeavor. Ho jiibtructcd the assignee to comply with all the demands of tlio men mid give them -10 cents nn hour , eight hours a day mid full iccognition of the union , ruither than this ho would not go at lncoiir.t liiK the Strikers. CHICAGO , Apiil It. Adlspitchwas received at the cai pouters' hcadquaiters today fiom Piosident Oompers of the Ameilcan Fedcia- tion of Labor , congratulating them on the stand taken mid urging Ihmnojs. Poor Prospects of n Si'ltlrnipiit. Cninco , Apiil II- [ Special Telegram to Tin Hi i ] Today offers no hope of a settle ment of the stiiko. Both the biieklajcib' and the masons' unions lm\o slgtiHled their intention of suppoi ting the caijcnters , and they will letiiseto woik npoiibuildingswhcio non-union men me employed. All tlio other unions of the building trade aie expected to follow this example , so that building altera tions in Chicago will boci > limited until the stuKc is settled. Hacking tlic Boston Cnrpcntors. BOSTON , Mass , Apiil 11 The oigani/cis icpoited at the meeting of the cai pouters' distiiit council last night that cveiy trade or ganization in the state promises to llmincially suppoit the eaipenters In their eight and nine hour demands The union caipcnteis of the state number 0 , " > ( X ) , and thej aioiugcdby then le.idcrs to m.iko c\ny cffojt to secuio concessions without a stuke. 3Ijner Delegates at Coliinilius. CoiiMUL" , O , Apiil II A largo icpic- bcntatlon of miner delegates fiom the dif- iM'ent states intercsted has iirihed to attend the joint meeting of the minors ntiil opeiatoi-s tomoirow with a\iew to ic-esUiblish the in terstate agieement und lixingascalo of pi ices for the coming > car. The miners inumate tliat the sti Ikes will continue thloughout the dl&tiict unless n decision is icached. Ksnitt .ix it A\Ti-isiiKit. ruction Still DcVlorcn the Otliet'N llc.ulstionCourse. / . CIIICKCO , Apul 14 Bishop Ushei's confei- ence of the angelical chinch today adopted a icsolution setting foith the unfoitunato dis sensions in the chinch , and uuthoii/lng the tuistces of the Illinois conlcienco to take nil the necessaij steps to piovcnt any attempted alienation by the other faction of the piop- eitj of the Illinois confeienie , or such ical and peisonal estate as is under itb contiol , until the next bCbbion of the geneial coufer- encoof Ib91. Bisliop Kslier , speaking of the notice sent to the bhcftlcld uw'iiuu conference last week notifj ing the pre.icheis theio that if tlicj did not appear befoio the confeienco they wou'd not bo assigned , said that under the pio- \islons of thcMlisclpHno of the chinch those ministeis not haing appeared had forfeited all theii lights as ministers Ho advised the ministeis present whin they lotiiined to their congregations to ai t coiiboi vatU ely and not to begin nnj lawsuits. If any weio begun against them they should defend thcinsohcs ' Petitions weio recel'ed fiom llfty-live of the sescnty-two chinches in the conference iceognizlng the AVisi onsin sticet confeicnco mid asking that pieachers bo sent fiom that body. The Sheflleld luenuo coufeicnco has sent out an midross explaining its position. It cites the fact of Bishop I'slioi's suspension and that ho nevei theless insists on exciclslng his functions , disregarding' the piovibions of the discipline and the protests ot the confeicnco. It chaiges that a meeting of liijmcn the day bofoio the confcienco auanged for placing Kblicr in thochair , cto. Thoaddiess goes on to say that to avoid and ( tossibly i iotous demonstiatlons the tiiibtees of tlio Shellleld iivonuu chinch bellevo it their dutj to debar all poisons not minibtcrs in good standing Irom udmibsion. ? loio ItiitlliiiK Itrothron. Ciurvoo , Apiil UTho tioubles in the rii-st Baptist chinch of Jollet nio not yet set tled It will bo icmembcicd that Pastor AYhltnmn , w ho came there from Pi inco lid- wind's Island , was found guilty bj lib old congicgiitlon some tlmo ago on charges of untiulhfulness and improper conduct. The Jollet congregation last week considered the matter and the pastor was vindicated by a \oto of II * to 71) ) . A tiemendous low was civutcil In tlio church und today tlneo of the deacons who weio ousted came to Chicago to consult pastois lieioils to the iiilvlsibllitv of calling u council of ministers to try vhlt- mun. Kntnlly Gored lij n Cow. XiIIK , N. J. , Apiil 11. Mrs Peter Mon- iighan mid Herman Hciniichs wci-o fatuity gored by a cow at South Grange , N. J. , last night. They approached tlio animal's calf , when the cow broke the chain by which she was fastened , knocked both of them down and then attacked them w Ith her horns and hoofs. * i Steamship Yi rivals. At London-Sighted. The Kusslan Piiiicc , from Philadelphia. At Baltimore The Bairowmoro , from Liverpool At Southampton The Elbe , from New Yoik At Now Voik The Servfa , from Liver pool. The AVoallior Forecast. For Omaha and vicinity : rair , followed by rain. For Nebraska and South Dakota : Talr , dealing in the western ixntlon of South Dakota , winmer , southeily winds. For Iowa. Fair , warmer , southci ly w iuds. Afiiaud DukoAricbird. Bfcu VIII.3T , Apiil II , The Tlelgraful of Jnssy states the Grand Duke Constantine lias been arrested at St. Petersburg for IteLu- conncctod with the vtnuluUonaiy propa ganda. Two l.alioicru Drowned. SrITTI.C , Wtish , April U. Muit Manson and Slg Johnson , Swedes , were drowneil while unloading a baigo ucat hcio liftcinccn. UNANIMOUS FOR lift , Ft'RXAS , Nebraska's ' Delegation Names Him ns a World's Fair Commissioner. POOR PICKING IN DORSEY'S ' DISTRICT. Sforo Unpiolliiilih * PostolTlcei Than In Any Other In the United States An Interview With Groff. WASHINOTOV Bimr.VuTiir. Ovum Bcr , ) 51M FounirFATii STUUPT , , > AViam.sOTOv. D. C. , April 14. | The members of the Nebraska delegation have unanimously agreed to recommend lion R. W. Furnas of Brownsville , Neb. , for ap pointment to tlio position of commissioner- at-hngo for the woild's fair , and ns soon as the woi id's fair bill passes the senate the delegation will wait upon the picsldcnt mid urge the appointment. The ex-govirnoi's filends have endorsed him in veiystrong tcuns and believe ho will bo appointed. Tlio bill , which lias passed the house and is ex pected to pass the senate this week , pro vides for the appointment of eight commls- sioncrs-nt-laigc. roon PICKING. The statements made the other day in these dispatches giving the number of postoftlccs In Mr Dorscy's dlstiict mid the numoerof changes under this ndmlnlstiatlon appeal's to havostincd up the republicans in that dts- tiict to a considerable extent , and smpilso Is expicsscd that moio changes have not been made. Tlio leason that more changes have not occuned is that the majoi itj of the ofllecs moundesiiable , as they cany neither sahny or incidental amounts. There mo moic un profitable postofllccs in Mr. Dorscy's di-tiiet than in any othci in the United States it is said at the postoillco clciiai tment. } cveiy ofllco which is desirable to anybody capable of filling it has been changed under the pres ent administration It is probably not gen- cially known , but it is novelthclbss n fact , that not moio than one-third of the poslofllees in the United States are sought by political aspirants , because the > are unprofitable Duiing the past six months thousands of letters hav o been iccelv ed at the postoillco de- paitment from postmasteis begging to be ic- Icased , but no one capable of Illling and wil ling to accept them can bo found , consequently quently a gieat man } postmasteis arc being retained. AVIXTHIVIFVV WITH RHOir. I banded Land Commissioner OiotTn copy of an Oinaha nuwspacr ] ) today mentioning his iinmoin connection with thogoveuioi'bhip of Nebraska mid ttie sue ccssoishlp to Senator Paddock. The paiagiaph also suggested that the way to the govcuioiship mul the Unltc-l States senate seemed to oo e'le.n if Judge CJioff would take up Lincoln. After leading the btatemcntb caie- fullv JudgoCiiolT said : "I am not insensible to tlio compliment which my fitends in Nebraska mo pij ing mo by connecting in } name vv ith cither of these gieat ofltces , but I could not suffer my iiiimo to bo Used in connection with the scn.itors.hlp so long as Senator Pad dock dcsiicd to hold tlio position , nor would I want my iiaino used for ttio governorship wliilo Goveuior Thaor is befoio the people. They mo among m } wannest and most stead fast personal fi tends and 1 hope to see them remain in public life as loutr us thev wish. I am n citi/cn of Omaha and intend to be so long as I um u citizen of Nebi.isku and I could not think of taking up my rcbidcnco in Lin coln or any other p.n.t of the state for polltl- c al purposes I have recelv cd no intimation of any general expiossion involv ing my iinmo for the governorship except in the Omaha ncvvspapeis. Senator Paddock has never spoken to me about the senutoiahip nor have any of bib fiiendb. " itvxnvi i's ni'VTii. Thcio will bo a linger attendance on the pait of men in public life at the funeral of ex- Speaker Randall on Tliursihi } than has prob ably over been seen at the funeral of anv con gressman Aiiangoments mo being pcilcctcd w ith a v lew to the attendance of ev cr.v bcna- tor and icpicscntntive in the ut } , and special tiains mo to cany to Philadelphia the men in jnlbllc life w ho w ish to bo piesent ill the in- tciment. Both houses adjourned today immediately lifter the reading of the Jouinals out of 10- spect for the dead statesman and tlio caucus ol the republican members of the house which was to have been held this evening was post poned on account of the death. . It is likely that theio will bo no session of congrdbs ou Thuibday. Mr. Rumlallwas moio of a national charac ter than any demon at in congress because ho was consideied a piesidentlal quantitv. The obseivatlon made by Representative Mills of Texas that hail It not been for the cxtiemo Un in protection views of Mr. Randall ho would long biuco have been the demociutie nominee for the picsidency is endorsed by the leading democrats in Washington. Mr. Randall was always able to hold the twelve or llftecn demociats together in the house who opposed the radical free tiiulo position of the majority of the demociats , und theio is considerable speculation now ns to whether tiny ofloit will bo made to keep the protective wing of the domocintlo p.nty in the house together. Thcio is now no leader for them to follow mid for the piesent at K'.ist the democrats in the house may bo 10- gaidcd us solidl } for lice trade. rilKCllTIOX VltV Ml VSLIII.9. The committee on tlio investigation of the soigc'.int-at-aim's ofllco will soon begin the founiilutionof a set of lilies to govern that onle-e. It is piobablo that the1 } will adopt in substance the iiiles that aio now in fouo in the senate coveting the aim's of- lleo. The committee , of which Mr Adams of Chi 'ago is < hall man , is now waiting a satls- iactoiy foim of bond fiom the picscnt bcr- gcant .it-aims , who is now in Iowa , and us boon as It ib icceived w ill adopt a set of i ales Tills Is the outgrow th of the bllcott defalca tion und it is found necessaiy to pioncily sc- cuio the govcinmcnt as the couits linvo ic- cently decided that the goveinment is icspon- siblo for mi } defalcations that may occur in the sergcant-nt-aim's ofllce. uun MVV. The abandonment of Foil Siclnov , Neb , and Foil Biidger , Wyo. , has been clclinitcly decided upon , us w 111 bo been from tlio follow ing paiagraph in the Ai my und Navy Join mil : Thoseciotiiry of war has approved tlio ice- oinmunclatlons fiom Iho coianmudliiK Keneral for Iho v > lthdra\val ot I lit ) t loops fiom the fol low Ing points us soon as Um diiimrtmimttiian- can picpaio snltablo aecominoilatlons iMsovvhuiP * t'oitb.Mefilnnis.Shinny , "i Thomas , Verde anil I.lttlo Itoclc barracks. Knqulry nt the war depaitmcnt makes it seem piobablo that the two companies of the Seventeenth ut Tint Bildgervvlll bo sent to Foit Rubsell and the hcadquaiters and com panies of Uio Twenty-first , now at Sidney , w ill bo sent to Foit MclCinnoy. Misci.ii.vsrot.3. Senator Ingalls has gone to Atchi on , ICan. Ho will bo iibbcnt about two wcekb. The president's only callers this moinlug weio Attoinoy General Miller and bcnutor Spooner. S. Carson Mllchell , late of Temple lodge , No. 10 , A P. mid A M. of Gulden Glove , In , died nt Prov idenco hospital on Saturda } night of consumption At Uio icquost of Grand Master Sample , Naval lodge' , No. 0 , took charge of the remains and the funcial took place from Hotclei's undci taking Cbtub- lishnient , I'tghllcth sticet , cast , this after noon The inteiment w.tb In the grand lodge lot in Congressional cemoteiy. Instuictfons were Issued today by the com- inisbioncr of the general lundotllco to Gcorgo Dash of Pocntollo. Samuel J. Piitebard of Silver City and Walter P. Ramsej of Ross- ford , Idaho , to pt occed ut once to the town- slto of Pocutello and nppiiilso and place a Valuation upon each lot mid paivol of land of the sumo ami also upon the Improvements found thereon with a view to dlsjioslng of tlio sama us provided for by the lifth t > ection of the net of congress approved September 1 , lbs ( at public imction , The sale's w 111 llkcl } occur In Au ut The nimomtmcut of Mrs. J , Harding to bo I postmistress nt London , Ncmnha county , vice J. Hill-ding , deceased , was t < > < hiy iinnounccd. A. M. Sloeuin wnSjappOlnlcd pastmastcr rt Bcrton , Miner county , vice J. linger , sus pended. A petition signed bj a lot tit citizens in th v Icinlty of Chadron. l\cb , has Ixxjti received , sustaining the apiwlntnvnt of Colonel Will iam CJockl ns superintendent of the census In that district. Thos endorsement proves the charges against Colonel Gockl to bo false and malicious. ' 1'x-Congi-cssman Fuller of Iowa is hero cir culating among his friends. Senator PettigTcw today mndo n favouiblo report upon , his bill donating a section of land on the Wnhpoton and Slsseton Indian resoivu- tlon in Sout hDakotu and buildings thereon for a permanent ciicnmpmcnl of the militia ot that stale. Dr. J. J. Evans of Ncrdon hits been np- jwintcel a member of the pension examining board at Springfield , Neb. Representative Dorsoy was nt tlio capital toelay , having recovered from his recent Ill ness , and found several hundred letters on his Uible. The Nebraska .delegation did not get to gether this nftenioon , fcs was arranged , to agree upon the appointment of four laud olllcers at Alliance and Broken Bow , owing to u conference by the senatorial silver com mittee , of which Senator Munderson is a member. It is understood that the delegation will ngrcoupon the four nanu's which weio mentioned In these dispatches to Tin : Bu ! : the other day. Captain R. O. Phillips of Lincoln left to night for Philadelphia to attend the twenty- llfth anniversary of the mecthu' of the Loal legion of the United States. Major J. W. Paddock of Omaha is icgis- tered In Philadelphia tonight , wheio ho is at tending the legion as a delegate from the state of Nolnasku , Judge John Rcoso ot Broken Bow is ex pected hero tomorrow1 , Judge Reese is u prominent mid probably successful candidate for u Biokcu Bow land ofllce. I'Liinr S. Humi. > vi u. vni : Formation ol * Wcttctii Associated KallunjB hy No Means Assured. CIIICVGO , Apiil 14 , [ Special Telegram to Tin , IU.P. ] The icorgnnlyatien meeting of tlio Interstate Commerce Hallway association convenes again tomoirow moining. It is known in ndvanco Hint the Mibsouii Paclllo will refuse to Join In tlio movement and that tempoiaiily , at least , the attempt to foim the Western Associated idilvvas from tlio re mains of the Inlci state teommei co association will be a failino. In audition to the refusal of Iho Missouii Paciilc'Tneither the Noithein Pacific , St. LouisSau Fran cisco , nor Kansas City , Foit Scott & Memphis have Lsbovvn any intci- cst in the matter. S No satisfactory association can be formed in the west and soiithw est vv Ithout all these lines , mid for the noithwest it is still doubtiful If thoNoithcui Pucifle will cam to have.thc Wisconsin Cen tral Join. Suck promiucnt railroad men as Vice President McMullin of the Alton , Gen eral Manager St. John qf the Rock Island mid Assistant General Manager Tucker of the St. Paul voiced the opinions of all Chic.igo lullioael men when hi answer to questions they agieid peifcctly on the follow ing points : "Thero will bo no uclvnuccin iiites which will be pei nument until a strong association is foimcd to enfoico the Tales. There is no present piospeet.of the founationof any association , lot alone a strong one. The ub- senc o ot any of the strong hues fiom mi asso ciation would destroy its cffectlv cncss. ' The membership of eveiy wcstein line in the ter- litory c'onteinplated is iecessaiy for the form ation of any association Stronger than the In terstate Commeiei * lUcilvvoy association. It is impossible to secure-Hills full membership in nn association strpngjenougk to amount to mi } thing. The main vcuson for the whole trouble is hostile legislation. Not n line in low a is making moncjvar. has anyhbpo of making monov under tborpresent bunlcnsomo legislation. The same trouble applies in u less ilegreo in almost every w Cbtoni state. This situation cannot last foi ever , .but the only hcSpoof icliof Is in legislatures treating tlio ro ids in a business , way and allowing theni to make i.Ues wulch will guarantee fair i-i'tuins to the ow nci-s. In the present chaotic state of affairs in the west cveiy e'meigcncy rate Is considered a paIng i.ito iimlevciy attempt to go back to n , pa } lug basis is met b } a storm of abuse and chaiges of extoition against Iho i oids. Rates have been giad- ually low ci cil in the west and uio now lower than the } hav o ever been. " General Manager Chappell explained today that the Alton hail refused to bign the agiee ment for an advance in vvcstcin ratcb for tlio reason Unit the present rates vvc'ie being manipulated on nil sides and until mi associa tion could bo foimcd stiong enough to keep the loads in line an } odv.inco in i.ites would bo used simply ns an additional means of cut ting secretly. It will bo rcmPinbprcih that the Atchison and Rock Island hnvo refused to pie rate with connecting lines on business between the Misbouii liver and Chicago. In addition to this the Atchison todiiy soi veil notice on the Missouii Pai Hie , Alton nud Aynb.i-sli that business oiighiathigwest of tljo Missouri and des tined for bt. Louis ( to which point tlio Atchi son lias no line ) it wouhl demand cither mi incicuscd pcicentago division or full local rates fiom the point of oiigin to the Missouii , Beginning tomoiiovv , local i.ites will bo L hinged and the St. Louis lines must pay heio or como to tlio Atchlson's terms of nor- ccntagc. This is a new ihcbiind mid will stir up n amount of ill-feeling bofoio it. is settled. A Denial. ST. Lout" , Mo. , April 14. Piesidcnt Mnekeyof the Mackoy lallioad s.vstem , who nrilved hoio lost night , emphatically denied the minois to tlio effect that the "Big Fom" people arc llgiiilug on thonbsoiptiou of the Muekey s } stem. There uio no such negotia tions going on , ho said , and nothing ot the kind had cv er been considered. A Hi ok 'iiKI cement. Pun vm.i WIM , April 1 1 Some tlmo ago nn ngicement was made botwcin the Reading mid the Pennsylvania loads , by which , Incon- sideiatlon of the Pennsylvania not antagoniz ing tlio Reading , the latter was to supply tlio Pennsylvania with 1,000,000 , , tons of nnthia- cite trafllo aniiuiilly for ten ycai-s. Only IXXK)0 ) ( ) tons hayo been supplied The Penns } Ivnnia clidms damages ami has appointed Chairman "Walkvr of the Interstate Railway association as arbitrator. TlioRead- ing was asked to appoint ono but ro- fiibcd , and today tiled a bill in equity to compel Uio Pennslvuna's ! surrender of the agwjoient. 'i'hu Rondlng people claim that tlio Pennsylvania has per- slbtently violated the terms and splilt of the ngiecmcnt whenever itvvaw to its Interest to do bo. The Peuns ) h'uiiiii denies tills and sii } s it was only by icnspn of help extended by the Peniislvimiu tluit the suppoit of banking houses w as obtained for the Reading reorganization. Swallowed hy tlio Union I'aclllc. ST. Pvu , Minn. , April 14. A Taconm , Wash , special says the Vac-omit ft Lalto City lallioad has been secured by the Union Pa- cille. As it stands the Hue Is woith several millions mid Its completion to Olinpia will make it of Immense value. Chuibscn Plead Not Guilty. Niv YOIIK , April K Kv-I'icalileiit Clnas- scn , the wrecker of the Sixtli National , Lenox Hill and Kqultablo banks , this morn ing nnsweiecl the grand Jury's Indictment in tlio United States circuit couit. Ho pleaded not guilty. ' Madrid ( Jan , Works Muuiii ) , Am 11 14. riro broke out in the Much id gas works this evening and Is blazing llcrcely. Immciibo crowds were attracted to thoscenound gi'cat consternation prevails. The consequences will probably bodbostrous. I let r to Three * Million. IIuiTioni ) , Conn , April 14 Uinest Leon Dickinson , u freshman of Trinity college , bus rccclvcil news ot his accession to u foi tune of ihixmsu the death of his undo In i REMEMBERED WITH RESPECT , The Death of Mr. Randall Oasts a Gloom Over Congressmen , BOTH HOUSES ADJOURN IN HIS HONOR. Ciiniiilltees Api > oliieil I'roni Iaoh Jloily to Attend tlio I'uneral IMiimh's Hilt to InutoiiRo tlio W \MIINOTOV , April 1 1. An nlr of sadness pi cv ailed In the house when the speaker called the body to order. Draped in black and oiimmcntcd witli n handsome floral de sign , the seat long occupied by Mr Hmidall recalled to the members the fact that their old colleague had passed away forever. A erujon poittait of tlio speaker hung in the lobby was also tastefully draped with emblems of mourning. In his prnj cr the chaplain made n touching allusion to tlio dead congicssmmi , and when ho had concluded Mr O'Neill of Pennsjlvanla said : "f liso to untioui co the death of my colleague , the Hon. Samuel J. Randall , who died jesteiday moinlng. This unnouccmont is exceedingly painful to mo. Ho and I have been intimate , fa miliar filends Ho stalled in llfo at twenty- one years of ago n full man in every respect , Intellcctuall } and politically , and us one who had the element of .supremo leiideishlp , which In his later j ears was complete in tlio estima tion of his state mid countiy. " Mr. O'Neill then off o ted the follow ing icso- lutions. , That the house has henrd with cleei ) icgiul .mil niiifonnd somnvof the death of lion , saniuel ,1 , Kamlall. lain icpicscntiitlM ) f loin tlio state of IViins } U.uii.i. Kesolvecl , That a eommltteoof nlnemcialieis of t lie house , with such mcmlictsnf the senate us ma } ho selected , attend the funeral of thu llCl'C'.ltOll. He-ohc-d. That the house do now adjourn. The icsolutions wore unanimously adopted and tlio Micakoi appointed the follow ing com mittee ; Mobsis. O'Neill , Cmlislo , Hauucr , Cannon , Foiney , Sptingcr. Reilly and Mc- Kinloi . The house then adjquincd , Senate. WA mxfiTON % Apiil II In the senate today Mr Plumb introduced n bill for the disposi tion of ceituin funds In the treasury mid asked if it could bo read , as ho debited , to call tb ; attention to the lluanco committee to it. It provides that the money icquiied to bo de posited for the redemption of national bank ciiculation bo canicd into the trc.ismy and lieatciltis funds available for the icdiictlon of the public debt and lor the einient ex penses of the govcinmcnt ; that all the funds held for the paj mentof the matured debt and mul inlcucbt duo mid unpaid be Mini- l.nlv tieatcd mid hereafter that no funds av.iiluhlo ubovo the bum of $10,000,000 bo ict.iined in the tieasuiy. This is not to bo constmcd , however , us peima- nently diminishing the lund of ? 100,000 , < XX ) now licld for the redemption of trcasuiy notes. Ilosaid thci-o was less than (700,000 - 000 of cneulutiou for thoiisuof tlio ir , ( X)0,00 ) ( > , of people of the United States , probably not moio than $10 per capita. The sjstem of llmim'o that had been built up and main tained had biijjight about that lesult. It hail its incuts mid its great defects. One of its gieatcs defects was the coimnilsoiy hold ing in tlio treasury of a v cry large hum of money on IHo theory that it was needed and on the fm thcr theory that the sccietaiy of tha treasury was to bo thonibiter of questions. It had been slated In tho-publio punts Unit in pursuance of his policy of lontiolling the 11 nances of the country the secieUiry of the tieas uiy hud contiactcd. the ciniency duiing lY'bruaiy ov cr > 10,000,000. Ho ( Pliunb ) be lieved that the ictoiition of money in the ti-castnj and the assumption on the p irt of the sin etui v might have been at one time pi oner , but that it now constitutes u menace to the business of the countiy and ought to bo prohibited bj law A benator sitting near him had asked him foi what nominal puiposo SV.OOI,000 ) ) w lib held In the tieasuiy. Ho would toll him A 100,000,000 was held in assumed obedience to the law of 1SSJ , to pio- Milo for the icdcmptlon of tendeis tie.isili } notes bixty odd millions weie held for the ledcmption of national bank notes -of banks that had gene out of business or that weio ic- tiiiug a pottion of .their ciiculation Between ftj.OOO.OOO and i,000,000 was held for the redemption of such notes of the n i- tlonnl bonds ns liom tlmo to time came into the tie.ibuiy mid weio found to bo unlit for fin thcr cil i illation. About scv en million dollars lars was held foi the puiposo of the payment of coupons clue and not presented and of debt whicb had matuicd Irom time to time , but the ovidneo of which had not been pie- sented mid some of whiih probably never w ould bo presented. As to ctlio lemmmler , it was impossible to tell why it was held. The con fusion ot subjects and amounts was such that it w us impossible for any one to tell about It , hut the whole sum letaincd was about ยง -JV,000,000. ) Dining the hib't year neaily $100 000,000 of the national bank ciicu lation had been withdrawn. To meet that rod in lion thcio was u coinage of silv or f J- 000,000 monthly and coinage of gold , but e\peilemo showed that not only were theio two agencies needed , but was also needed paper money lo the maxi mum amount outstanding at any time. The business of the country was lan guishing. Nc'w cntcipiises weio withheld , old entei puses were stiuggling to keep on their feet Such u condition of tilings would continue until a ivmedy was attained , and that remc'd.v could only como bv legislation , because legislation , combined with executive action had hi oiiflit the country to wheio it now was. Cougiess would legislate somoof the-odujs on the silver question , but no ono know when and no one knew how. Whatov or was clone would ii'sult in a gicat addition to tlio money of tlio counti t , but this mcasuio of his would give mi addition at OIKO and the money could bo disbursed within sixty dnjs. Ho had von- tuicd thus publicly mid biielly to cull the matter to the attention of the nuance committee - mitteo and ho hoped it would icpoit on something Uko it ntlci Usiicxtmootim ; The bill was lofeucd to the ilnanco eoimnittco. A message from the house minounc Ing tlio death of Mr Randall and the appointment of u committee to attend his funeral was pio- sentod and lead. Mr Cameron moved con currence. Agiceil to mid Messis. Quay , Alli son , Daw cs , Voorhces and Eustis weio up- iwluted us tlio senate committee to attend the tmicral. As u fuithor of lespectto Mr. Kuml.iU'.s mcmoiy the senuto adjourned. A 1'rihiito liom I'rliMidN. WksmsfiTos , Apiil 1 1 A largely attended meeting of fiicndu of the late Samuel J. Randall was held this morning to takoappio- pilate action on his death. The veiiciahlo cx-iovcnior Cm tin of Pennsylvania was elected as chaltman of the meeting and J N. Cracroft of Ponnsjlvania and P. W. Riiodcs of New Yoih acted us scoretailcs. Governor GUI tin , who vv as u life-long filcnd of Mr. Runilnll , made n most feeling address In callIng - Ing thq assemblage to older and spoke of the deceased In tin ins of tlio tcnderest ondorsc- mcnt. A committee on resolutions was ap- polnteil and ioXitcil | a set of resolutions set ting forth the national loss in the death of Mr. Randall. Sxivhcs | eulogistic of Mr. Randall's high character , lo > nlty , ambition mid honest put IMSCS , pure and exalted man hood and Him , courageous devotion to convic tion. were nmdo b > Congressmen McCiccry of KentiuKv , Blount of Ctcorgla , and John Rogori of JCans.u , Commibbloncr Bragg of Alabama mid others There VMLS a stcud.v of callers at Iho Randall iv idcnco todav to expic'ss sj mpatliy with tlic hcic\ivcd family A largo number of tch'grains of eondufenco were received fiom well known IRTSOIIS The remains will Ixj taken fiom the houbo at 8 o'clock Thurs- il.ij moining to the ehuuli , wheio they can 1)0 viewed until' ) .0 , when the service Login At Luaai lr < Ui m.Uij the casket uill b opened mid nn oppoi limit v , * . the of the derail man to view tii ! - Jin . Tlio hohorary pall beurois v ( U'orco W. Chllds , A. J. breve ] , Cole * IPX IMe - Clmc , William McMullen. ex 'rnor An- dix'W C5. Cmtls , ChailCH A i Senator Gorman , ex-Congressman So\ \ Rcjiio sentntlvo IJIount , Senator Ban md Dal las Sanders. _ srri'KK tMiTi A citjutr. i'iis. ' : The Spirit of Coiu'c-mlon Charnuler- l/e s Tliclr I'loi'ccdliiKH. Wvsmx-QTox' , April U. - At the session of the house caucus .silver commlttco thcio was n general disposition to reach some kind of an agreement , and u spit It of concession characteiizod tlio cutlro pi-oceodiugs. The basis of the ngicomcnt will bo the Wiiulom bill ns it emerged from the house committee on coinage with the addition of a few provis ions Intended to meet the view * of tlio sllv or men. It will probably provide for the un limited purchase of bullion mined in the United States nt tlio m.uUct pilco , not to ex ceed $1 for. " 71 ' grains , and when that piico is reached there is to bo fuo coinage In the iilteinoon Sccietary Wliidom was present , but contented himself with the roltein- tlon of his well known views on the subject. Ho would not o his opposition to tlio plan to make troasmy notes Issued for tlio putchaso ufKiIvcrrc- dcemable in un > tiling else than silver bullion , but having carefully discussed this matter the conunUtco decided to Incoipoiato in the bill a prov Islon allow lug their redemption In bullion or coin at the option of tlio puuhascr. The republican scnatoiiul silver committee also held a meeting today The discussion at times was quite animated , but nspliit of com promise was shown Thieopiopositlonswcro agieed to- 1 That the secietarv of the tieasmv shall Imv IMXUOO ) ounces of sih cr bullion 'monthly ami issue notes In pav meat for the same , the notes to bn icdccnmblo in bullion or lawful inonev. J That the national banks bo allowed to issue notes to the full pai value of the bonds deposited to secmo their icdemptlon , which would add 10 per cent to the volume of the national bank cuiiencv. ! ' . That the * 100.X)0,0H ( ) ( ) iptulued in the tic.isiny for the icdcmptlon of trousuij notes bo put into cli dilation The committee -will meet the house com mittee tomorrow. ThoTriihtcos Hnlhc'r Tnrclj- . Ciiico , Apiil II. [ Special Telegiam to TmiBiiM. ] . B Newton of Omaha has wiitten to Thomas W Sennott , clcikof the prob.ito couit , inquhing what the tiustecsof the into Allen C. Lewis of New Yoik aio doing towaid c.nrj ing out Ills bequest for the establishment in Chicago of the Lewis insti tute and polj tcchnlc school. lr. Sennott hunted through thu files of old wills and finally discovered tlio will of Mr. Lewis , which leaves lots 1'i , ! ! , I , "i and ( t , In block Ijs , oiiginal town of Chicago , and * 00,000 for the constiuction and maintenance of the institution. Tlio pbllantioplst died in 1ST" and his will was admitted lo proof bj Count v Judge M R M Wallace November 1. lb7 The will was executed In l ! iM mid left n lingo amount of peisonal piopeit.v invested In luilroad , goveinment. Cook countj mid Chicago cage bonds mid pciH > onal bonds secured by moitgagc to JiimcbM. Aclis , Heui.v I" Lewis , Ills brother , and Hugh A. White ol I'viinston with instructions to establish a fieo piactical school for male and females wheie lectuics on mts , scieneo and natuial plittosophv should bp given and brunches not taught in the1 public schools should bo taught at night. Theio is also to bo a fieo muling loom. Mr. Lewis diicctcd that these plans -should ho put in execution by lt 5 or as soon as his per sonal estate , amounting to $ fcOO,000. was > ot- tled up , icquestiug that&iVI.OOO bo the cost of the buildnp ! , (30.000 to bo hixjut for books , mid the balance. fciOO/XW , bo hc'hl for the Institution's maintenance "Tills will was admitted thirteen jcii ! ago and everybody seams to have foigotteu about it , ' said Mr Scnuott. "I utidei-sUind that the- lund loft by Mr. Lewis now amounts to the requited $ -00,000 , but I also nuclei stand the tiustees have made no elToi t ainl aio taking no steps to commence tlio builulng. " Ni vv Yoiih , Apiil 11 The schedule of John F. Plummcr it Co , di } goods mei chant was Jllcd todaj in the coint ot common pleas. The liabilities aie stated at ss)00 , ( ) , nominal assets $1 , 041,000 , lutmil assets , SiHOO ! Ni.vv YORK , Apiil 14 - Silbeilioig & Seiig- man , ilbbon manufaeluieis , made mi assign ment today without picfeienco , llbllitics anil assets not given. NvsiivilliTcnn , Apul IIThe Mei- ehants' and Tinders' oxc ii.inge , II Lanier , Hugli McCiea , A. R Dtinean and Isaao Reese , made an assignment todav for the bonolit of its cieditois 'Iho liabilities are estimated at 100,000. The exchange hopes to pij in full The failino was i uuscd by the iccentiiso in wheat and poik and the fall In Tennessee coal anil Louibvillo iSs N.ibhvillo railway stocks. ATIVTCa ! , Apiil 1 1 Phehm & Co. , dcalcis In cotton and pioduio , failed today ; liabilities , $ r > 0,000 ; no assets TOIIOMO , Out. , Apiil II F C. Thajer & Co. , wholesale jewelers , mo in financial dlfll- cultles. Liabilities. fjO.000. assets , nominal ly , S5J.OOO. Khcd Into a Mliiistor's House. SioixCirv , la , Apiil II [ Special Tele gram to Tin I5i i , J Two icvolver shots weio lliedinto the lesidcneo of Rev J. W South well , pastor of the West Side Methodist chin cli , late last night , after the family had ictiicd to bed. Mr. Southwell has been nitivoln prosecuting saloonkeepers and Is a leader In the law and oidei league' , whit h is Iho b line oiganbullon with which Dr. Had dock was eoiiuo ted at the time of ills mur der Mr Southwell believes the shots weio Hied bj whisky men whom ho was piosecut- Changed UN Xiiine. CHICAGO , Apiil II The National linseed oil tiust , ns u tiust , has ceased to exist and in its place now bttinds the National linseed oil company , chin teied under the laws of Illi nois. It is the owner of foitynlno linseoil oil mills , foity elevators , langing In umuolty fiom 70,000 : bushels dimnwaid , mid a line of tank c.ns The capital block is * 1H,000,000 Thoolcl boaid of tlustecH have be en elc cted diiecturs , with Mr Fusion ot Mlssouii us pieslilent. _ _ A I'ankiiK * ' ol' lj iiiiinllc , MISM ATOI is , Minn , Apiil 14 A package containing thicomul onehull"pounds of il > na- mlto , sevciiil eaitiidges mid a tw cntlive - foot fuse vva.s found near thA state i of 01 ma- lory at St Cloud , Minn , mid it Is thought some ono intended to blow up the Institution ami hud loft it tlicio , pmhably bilng fiight- enid away ut the ciltical moment. r < inncl Dead In a Cieek , Mirenni.S 1) , Apiil II [ Spec lal Telo- gmm to Tun Bi v j Mrs Andiow Sihuster , wlfo of n German fanner living ten miles noithwcst of hoio , was found dead In n c rock today. She Is supposed to have suicided by ill-owning. Suspicions mo uioubcd against Schiibtor Ills vvifo was missing a week be fore Ito told any ono. The coroner is investi gating the case. ' Pim-Ainei Ic-iin Conl'ei eni-c- . WASIIISOTON , April -TliePan-Ameilciiu confeicnco today adoptee ) the icpoit of the commlttco on bunking and the supple montuty icportof the committee on uustoms icgula- tlons iccommondlng thu ce > tublli < hmcnt nf a cential union bureau of Infoimution and sta tistics conccinlng customs.- Shot Il > ConMalilcN , la , Apiil 11 [ Special Tele gram lo Tin : Di i JA J dl-patch fiom Cam bridge , btory count > , b.ijs that I'rioMe- A Ulster was shot nud Killed b ) Constable James A Me'Kc-o whllo iciistiuK tiuest this uftcinufin No paitkulais tyf the affair have bccV.oblulncd ! , A STARCH FACTORY BURNED , Oomplcto Destruction of the Works nt Obostorfiold , In , LOSS THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND. The Iowa Ui' | > io i'iitntl\p DNlilcts 1JIII Pimscd 1 > . \ llotli lloiiscior iho LcK lnluic 'I'ho Slatu Ajipiupi IntliniN. DBS MOISM , In , April 11. [ Special Telc- gmm to Tut. BKL ] ( 'ilbeifs llvc-sloiv starch factory at Chc-stcillclil , southeast of the clt.\ , was ilo twij cd b\ lire at noon todn\ . The flic stm ted In some hnvngs ! In the box fuctor.v , n wooden st i not uiv Just east of tlio big biick bulldlnpr , and quiikly spix'iul to thu boiler room , where it binned off the hobo anil effectuallj pieventcil any cffoit at stopping the flames No lif \ \ civ lost , as the w histlu blew and pa\e nil of the men mid womi nwho weio in the facton ample tlmo to get out. The loss on the building , nmehinorj mid con tents Is jnxib ihlyiodtHM , and the insurmuo was S-x'iKt.tKM ) The pr > i > eit > was it Is re potted , tinned ocr to the starch trust n few dnjs ago and permission was giMiib.N tlio insuiiiuce pi oplc , so that the instil am o holds good as against tlio companies 'Ihefiutoiy was in full blast and euipln\eil II a men and about as mum more women and ihildien The insuiance is pltuvil as fullous Commer cial Union , * riKHinoitiaii. ( ) . New * oih , $ ir.tXK ) , Pii\ldeiue , fr.VHI ; Now ink HIV , S < , IXK ) , I'liv Asioiiiiihm , $ ' . , ( XH ) , HamhuiK- Bi cmcniHX ( . ' ' "n I'liv , Ki.tHX ) , Ameiniin , Pennsjhaiila , VVHX > , Noiwlcli Union , * \HX ( ) , Rhode Island t'nileuvrlten * . " ) , ( ) ( X ) , National , $ , V > 00 , Tradei-1. > , IHX ) , Niagaia , t.VHHi , Pluonlx , New Vnik jTiOiKl , LKci pool , Lon don and ( ilobo < \ txi , I.ibeity , S > ,00i ) , Mulli gan Fire ami Mitune , V..IKXI' , Queen , ? , * . ( HX ) , Ktna , $ 'iXXI. ( Noitli Biltish mid Mercantile - cantile , $ , "iKHi. ( Noilhoui , S1.1MK ) , Men hunts' , New Ji'i-w. $ l , ' in ) , .sptliiKilold MWX ) , Con necticut 1'iiv * .M KI , I'lilifoinla , M.OWI , Sjn- dicate. l 'txi , len\i'i ) , J1..VX ) ; American , NowJei-e\ , f..WX ) . Anglo Nevada , t-.MKI , Califoniia , f..rwi. UeHteiu , Toronto , t.V'.uo , Cluniillan , $ JMK ) State , * } , 'M. Buffalo tier- man $ . ' "itHi , riioinun'I'mid , < X ) , I'nion , C.ilifoinia , f..MK ) Continental , fi.Wltl , I ill- yens , t.TiUO , Onent , i..MX ) , United States , jo/itio : Sun , ( aliroini.i , II.VKH ) . Milwmikeu Mecluinics , t..OOO. IawKe\c ! , * . . ' , ( HX ) , Ho\.il , jJ.dOO. Ptniih.inla I'ne , $ .VHKIma7on , ? . ' , ( X)0 ) NoithwPteiniitional , $ J.IXX ) , Jeisey City , * . ' , ( KMi , .New llamp-.hiio Flio , Si.WK ) ; Insurance Companbtate of Pciins\I\iinhit > 1WMViNtthctir ; , * lriOO. Meicant'li Fuo Mm me , M.iVU ) , Anuiiuin , $1,500 , ; total , f.Mi',1100 ' Tin * licul. Dis MOIM - , la , A pnl H. The senate this moiniiig pissinl the house school book bill by notc - ol .U to II The plan outlined by the bill is ill-hut puiihasoof text bookH , with optiomil lountx uulfoimitj Other house bills pi .sod weie To oniibie Institu tions foi the dc if and dumb to collect fiom parents or i nmniitt ! > Um i ail road of ] ) iipils to and fiom the institution ; to icgu- InU ! thomaiiuerof iliawing monej fiom tlio state tic-asm } , to apiiropimloltXX ) to assist dischnged cuiiMit- lead honest lives , to abolish the Iowa weather .seivico and ic- oig.mi/e the same , to piotei t mi employer in claims for wageTlio fol'iiwlng ' appiopiia- tion bills weie pi-swl l.ins' refoim sc-hool , I'ldora , tJti.sTiO , hospital lortholnsane , Mount Pluasiint , Jli'.ll'Oi ' Jiii ptUil for the invatie. Claiindal iUOi. ( Iulpiti\ement of ciipitol giounds , flXIKIt ( ) ) , B4Miuliet Home , $ liIKii ) Thosenato this afternoon passed the follow ing senate bills To hide iso the Ruhnlis of chaplains in tin ; penitential ics to IOIM ) a jenr ; to amend theemle in lohitlim to the ib- suancu of bonds b > iituiitii's , also tin house bill to extind to i itii-s of siiond class .nidi- tioiiul powei in thi iniistiiutloii of M'WCIS House nppinptiatliin bills weio passed us fol lows. AfJiiuiltmal tiilleue fiO.lKX ) , mllego for the blind * rttxni. hoipitul for the iiisiinc1. IndependoiK c * . iiKHI , feeble mliulta clnldieii , tll.fMHi , sohlu is1 home , i-ifi- - U'i ( ) ; state tiinisitv M."i)00 ( ) ; state nnr- in , il si hoot , ? V. MHI 01 plums' home 4 lil.UOO , gills' imlustiiiil sTh'Hil ' , isl' 'i , AuamosH penitential v , Ms SMI , institution 101 thi deaf and dumb , * 'iirii ! , I'oit Madison j'niilen tiaij , s > 'iTM ( ( , indii-trialhnuui fin adult blind , K)0IHX ) senate" bill for lish i ommi'-sion , S.ll)0 , ( ) ) 'J he hnii-i ? bill appoitloning tin state into leiiiesintatue illstili Is wits tiiUen up undei busi > nbioii of tin * nilcs and pusstd A Joint losolulion cilliiij ? for the submission of an amendment to the otn'.ulutloii to prohibit the munufaetuiv and saltf of intoxicating liquors was taken up and ordoiod eiigus ed. This oning the' se-imto passed house bills as follows To le-wdi/e tin1 establishment of mi olc < ti ie light pi ml at What Che < r , la , to legall/ii tlie establishment of an elcctue light plant ut Kookuk , In , t < ) le-gall/o the acts of UaUa , la , tit legali1 the. acts of the council of Casey , also ol Dypillle , la ; to IcgalUo the ai Is ol the Independent school distiii t of I'e'd Oak , Minion lounty ; also seiuiUi bills to le/ali/o the ai ts of the town council nf SnmKuplilsnml WlmtChee'r , In , A gicat deal ot tlmuwas spent dis cussing tlio Clutch bill to pi event outside coiibtnble- , from enfoicing the pro hibitory law in cities and it was lost on on- grohsment. 'L'ho house miti-tuist hill was taken up II ptohlhlli all ( ombmatioiiH for keeping up pile-os In any ( oinmiullty , any Jlim , coij ) ratlon or individual i n- teiing into MU li lomblnatlon to lx > Iirosecuteil eitliei 1)V Iho uttoinev p < m ial , countj attoinov 01 other attoiney , ami sueh mosecutoi gita per ctnt of all the Hues levied. 1'eiMnis imjinif goods liom any person bt'Ioiiirlnu : tu a tiust or combination mo not li iblc fur the pajnient for such goods 'J'he penalties pieseiilinl aio \oiy sc-veio ' 1 he discus-ion of thin VVUH cat i led on till r ; ' . ' " ' , ulii u the bill p.insul anil the hemito adjoin iieil The house nils mm nliiK passed the senate hill to extend the pnv 1 1 ot dtios of beiond class and to extind tlipiwor of bo.nds of supervisors An attempt was made to Ininj ? up the 1101 mill sihool tilll , but itwasdetcatcd 'I ho icmalndoi of. the bcnslon was IJJM Mt in considering the slate phuimacy bill At the aftcinoon se-slun the Ilrst thlng done was the passage of the phai m u v bill , Both thu democrat- tlio republicans of the house held < au < n-es this noon ou icpic sentativo distill t billIn nelthei caiiitis win dellnltoiu tlon laki n , but on the demo ( tatlo side tlieiY * wiis a disposition to uceipt tlio lepublhan meusuie. The lepu'seiitatlvo ilLstilits bill emnni Hgain In the house im i-etvintiilnratii n and wim passed by n v ote of HO to 1. It Is n lepuolican measuie , imd'lhouRh soini1 of the opposition wore against it , tlu-j aid It must be p.e-Mil or mi extia session VMiulil bo neeessaij Tlib romalndei of thu afteinoon was ( > p < nt on the gcnuial uppiopilatUm bill It v. us passed without amendment , tliDUj-'h stiong ntti mptH weio made to ehungi * it Tlio bill nppiopil- atoslIIWJ | tojun thi C'lienil ( > AKM.CS of tlio next biennial in I mil This evening tin hous pj , sed ( ho following - ing senate- billTupiuvido for the i.iiniig of u constitutional convention ; to uii | < iiiatn | ) flXX ( ) foi a llbuny also the hou o bill to pio- ido for pi intuit , ' slate i p uts. Alleged MUHII vi i IDS , April II [ SpcMal to I'm ; BIT | - A dispatch fiom Vlstillu , Cu 1/01111.1 , Sutmda.v lubt the uucstofl Italics Marx and . .lameRl < o , iliaigcd vxiMi IKIIJ ; implleated In the minder of Hcni > Johns six j CM' ' "go In Huiiliiiiounty , la , into to\ his lii\liir ( binki n up u conn'i ' i gang of which tl.weiu mumben I'lici pitsonors urilved hen > thlb m lining uml weio Jnl-ed ( in J ul 'limy wcu > t.iHen to 1'ldoi a tonight turn ml and there is icncw l intoicht in tlii- intei ions minder nf Julius , thocilmlnal CIIIIHUof the notorious Kiiins- liaiger ginifr , ui cl the thiil'ing ' incuts ol that iliuk iHnlod in Hiir'liii ' louiili bhhtui ) tvill no doubt bo ivtivid The Ddilh Itoll. LC.MM Apii. 11 Matthew Horns bci of pauiumi i < l iui U i ' * Julvvu > , is ilud