8 THE OMAHA DAILY7 BEE , SUNDA/Y , APBIL 13. 1890.-TWENTY PACKS. 11,1 V lMHOS. : . Hp-celii ! .Yolloc. On Monday wo Hhnll offer the largest nnil brut aworled ) < tt ( < 'lc of wash dre.-H gcxdn lii Oiniiliu at prices to mil-prise the IndloH of tills city. American smtocns at 80 per yard. 'Kxtru wldo American pnUctiH 12'c. All our Imported wilei n- < . nil thu high flrnt rtaxH novelties anil high toned designs wol-lh from 35o to lOe , on Monday only 25c per yard. Fast black fntoen at 15e , lOe , 25c and 35c per yurd. Cn liinoro ombres are going fast. Kxlrn bargains In ginghams ( irons ginp'hnn.H , apron chocked ging- liam , heavy uhli'ting ginghnm , Hlriped and checked seersucker , all go on Monday at 5o a yard. liny- ilon'n in the place where your money goon farthest. MO pieces of line dreM ging- ghams at 7'o a yard. Kxlra grade of nomoHlic ginghamH , Hie and lOe. Xophyr gingham , 12Je. and 15e a yard. Now hlvlo of outing flannel , lOc , I2k and lee u yard. 5,000 yards of lawn cheeked while di-curt goods , I5o and 18c , worth 25c.Kl Inches wldo lace Htriped npron lawiirt , 25c a yard.10 inches wldo limn ntitrhud India llhon only 'J5e u yard. 10 different BizcH of polka dot in Swiss at Ii3c , 35e and -lOo a yard. Indian dimity reduced to 2So u yard. Mulls in all colorn. also tarltons , whlio our stock of India linens , Victoria lawns and lawn muslin is well nHsorled. Just received our now stock of linun lawns ; will bn of fered on ale on Monday at 20c and 25o a yard ; in light grounds wo display a handsome line of patterns and colorings , nNo in black and white and navy blue , and n nieo line of plain blacks. None of these will bo duplicated this season. Makevotir selection now before they are all picked over. Special prices on butch- urn linen at 20c , 25o , 30c and 35e per yard. Apron checked linen 2-1 Inch , 27 inch and 30 Inchon wldo. Furnilnro linen , htalr linen and grey dress linen in great variety. Ilayden HI-OH. bold all their low priced cluilllcH last week at 2je per yard. Now this week wo shall clear out all the line challles and begin on Monday to oiler our entire lot , choice of 200 styled to t-elect from all our S challles , worth from 8c to 1 do per yard. All go at fie per yard and in order to give each a banco wo shall sell only one dress pat tern to each customer. Shirting prints , 3Je per yard. Indigo blue prints , 5o per yard. Saline prints , 5o per yard. Cot ton llanncl , oc per yard. Lonsdnlo cam bric , lOo per yard. Iluydon'.s prices on sheetings , muslins and domestics are the lowest In Omaha or monev cheerfully refunded , Wo buy and nell llicso goods in larger quant ities than any hnnso in this city. Can therefore well all'ord to give you bolter bargains in this line. White bed spreads lc ! ) , .Vic , 08e , 75c , S8c , OSc , $1.00 , $1.1 ! ) , $1.2. " ) , $ l.i > 0 and up to $10 a piece. Have you seen the all linen buck towels at lOc eachV Have you noticed Ihohein- hlichcd towels at 2'o ouch ? They are bargains you find only at Iluydcn's.Vo uliall also cut down the prices of table linens this week. It will pay you to investigate. On Monday we place on halo another lot of wall paper , some en tirely now styles. You don't find any better in the city. MILU'NKRY SALT-1 This department is daily receiving the latest creations in line millinery. This department claims to .show tfio latest novelties while they are now and attractive. Nothing but a largo trade can make this possible ; that is 'why wo hell at such reasonable prices. Omaha is moro metropolitan than ninny old citi/.ens imagine , and people begin to reali'/o the advantages that competition has brought to them , In fact , competition makes a city. It is an incentive to "get a move"on it. It is a Hign of life. Visit the millinery depart ment and you can see for yourself. Startling values in wraps , shawls and miilH. Silk fringe black cashinero shawls at $2.50 , $3 , $3.50 up to $5 , $7.50 and $10 , worth $5 to $17. Ladies' wash skirts , in black stripes and ligures at 50e , 75o and $1. Shirred yoke circulars in stripped and plain colors , your choice , at $1.50. Ladies' nccordian plaited capes , black and colors , at $1.75 , worth $0.50. In- snnts' long and short cloaks at $1.50 , $2.00 , $2.2o , up to $10. InmioiiM ) line ladies jot wraps just re ceived , over 200 styles at astonishing cash values. Ladies' wide wale and corkscrew juck- otn , all tailor made , at $3 , $1 , $5 , $0 and $7. Street jackets and house jerseys at HiH'cial low prices1 Splendid line silk lined street jackets. Gigantic sale on wall paper , now styles in endless variety. Drown blanks ' 3Jc roll , worth 7c ; white blanks 4jc roll , worth DC. Visit our lace curtain and carpet sale Monday. HAYDEN BROS. .lay Oniilil'h Imtcst Investment. The iiiTlviil of Juy Gould In tills city on Sat urday night has boon previously noted , and Ills stop-over in this city during Saturday night and Sunday was provocative of little comment. Yesterday afternoon , in company with 15. W Andrews of tlio Anmsus Pass mad and Colonel .1 M. Kddy of the intornatlonal , the railway niaiiuate of Wall street was driven about over the city. His well known antipa thy fur reHi-ti | ) > rs kept local newsmen at a dis tance but lie expressed himself to his putty us much pleased with San Antonio. The drive took In the suburbs of the city , and u visit was also paid to San 1'edro springs , where the iluy's spot ting iiroifrmniiio was levlowed for u snort time. Mr. ( Jould isropro.sented us bavIiiK Krrat fulth in Texas as a state , aad \vhile in LuixHlo on Ills present tour , ho In vested quite heuvlly in real estate. He Is looking In K ml health , and few , from his uppeurance , would suspect him to bo the man that he is. In the uftornoon the ( Suuld party lett , viutlio Internatlon , for the north. San Antonio ( Tux. ) Kxprosn. Clioleener's Are the best in the city. Cabinets in all sixes. $ : i per dozen for a limited time. No extra charge for resittings. ] / > 0' > Douglas street , next to l-'alconer's. Open Sundays. Itd'oi-u HuyliiK A piano oxnmino the now scale Klm- ball piano. A. IIospo , 151J1 Douglas. The llnest selection of domestic and imported clgarn. A largo assortment of highest grade smoking tobacco. Lovers of tlio weed in any form can IIiul no bet ter place to gratify their taste than at "W , ( loodecko & Co. 'a HOI S loth , Barker block. _ _ _ _ Dr. Murphy , Mullen bloclc , 17th and Cuming. TelephoneS J. Seaman's wagons best and cheapest. M. I1. U. lOlkn. Meinhcn * of Omaha Lodge No. ! W are liorobv summoned to u upccial meeting at tho' lodge room , Sunday April III , at 1UO : i > , in. 'sharp , to attend the funeral of our Into brother , Philip A. AVarraek. \V. R HKfilKl , , 0. McCi.t'iti : , E.xalted Huler. Secretary. _ Important to Borrowers- 1 have plen- tv of cheap money thia month to Illl till the implications tor loans that I can go . Property must bo good and pretty well insi.lo , improved ' " ' " 'l'1 ' ' ' ' . . J. ( . } . tiASTON , 310 and 20 Omahu Nat'l Bunk. A. HoUlioimor Co. Fine watch reimirinff , 1413 Doujjlus St. THE BOSTON STORE , Special Drives All Ovtr the Store To morrow. Yon Have lloon to Hoc UH and Need No Coa\liiK Monday Will lie a Great Diiy Come and Hoc. A GRAND RALE OF KMBROIU- KRIES. All wldlhshemstitched , lucked , corded and drawn work and Vandyke" . Splendid line 27-inch and 45-inch skirtings. 27-inch hnmst itched 'lounelngs at 25e per yard , worth 40c. 45-inch hemstitched skirtings at 50c per yard , worth Toe. A great import sale of cambric em broidery. It goes at special prices : Jo per yard , worth 2Jc per yarl ; 2c } per yard , worth 5c ; 5c per yard , worth 10j ; 7jc per yard , worth 15c ; lOc per yard , worth 20c ; lee per yard'worth 25c. All very wide , heavily embroidered goods and are positive bargains. FOU THE MEN. Best quality men's white huindried shirts at 3Dc , worth 81.25 , These are very slightly soiled. . Finest quality men's preenlo shirts at 33c , high grtuio goods , but also slightly soiled , many worth regularly SI.50. Biglino men's 25c neckwear goes nt JOc , all nice , new goods. Night shirts neatly trimmed at 50c , worth $1.00. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Our millinery department , under the nmnngcmont of Miss Van Rlppcn , is rapidly becoming the leading millinery department of the city. Our priced and styles do it. \V o actually ioll you a trimmed hat at $1.50 that is worth In any millinery hou.-c in tlio city $2.75. We will make you a $3.50 hat thnl nny milliner in Iho'city would charge $0.50 for. Untrimmcd hats , 100 shapes , nt JOc , worth 2oc. Our 25o straw hats are worth 75c. Those elegant lace straw hats that milliners sell for $1.25 go at the Boston for 50c. Finest line of 25c wreaths and ( lowers shown. We charge nothing for trimming or making your luil. STYLISH WRAPS FOR SPRING. 500 spring wraps and jackets , all the latest styles at $3.50. These are equal to anything ever shown in Omaha at $0. Our beaded and jelled wraps from$1.25 to $7:50 : are marvels of cheapness. Wo bought the entire line of a New York importer at less than half price. Our shoulder capes , at from OSc to $3.50 , should bo seen to bo appreciated. Ladies' and misses' blouse waists at 3"c. 3"c.Silk Silk slriped waists with belts , now thing , at $1.1)8 ) , worth $2.75. Blouse suits ( shirt and waist ) at $1.50 , worth double. Accordeon pleated skirts and fancy striped waists at $1.50 per suit. Largo line of ladies * dresses at $4.50. These are a bargain. . EXTRA. Ladies' line white aprons at Oc , worth 2oc. 2oc.Our Our 25c line white mull- apron is well worth oOc. Largest line of infants'lace caps in the city from oe to $1.00 , all highest grade goods.Vo bought them cheap from a bankrupt manufacturer. THE BOSTON STORK , 114 S. 10th St. Metropolitan lee Co. This company has bought out the Omaha TcoCo s stock of ice and will serve nil the customers of the Omalia Ice Co. whoso contracts for ice they have assumed. They hope by promptness and quality of ice to hold all the old customers and gain new ones. Their ice is all cut from Cut-oil lake and is pure as crystal and solid as a rock. They will retain the name "Omaha Ice Co. " in addition to the name Metropolitan Ice Co. The telephone is 807 and their place of business is 310 South loth st. If you want pure ice and prompt service and full weight.call up telephone 897 , or call at 310 South loth street. Pure ice is us essential to health as pure water. Buy of tljo Metropolitan Ice Co. and you will be happy and healthy. Bliss' now mammoth millinery house , 1510 Douglas st. Three floors filled with latest novelties. Io nest ICates on Kni-th via tlio Itur- to all points east and west. Ticket office , 1223 Farimm streol. Depot , 10th and Mason streets. lloscrvoir Ice. Crystal Ice Co. 218 S. 15th St. ii Hill-vest l'\ui'.sloiis South 1 ! . via the Wabash Railroad. On April 22 and May 20 the Wabasli will sell round-trip tickets to points in Arkansas , Texas , Tennessee , Alabama , Georgia , Mississippi , Louisiana and Florida , at half fare , good for 30 days. Excursion train with reclining chair iihd I 'ulliuan bulVet sleeping cars will leave Omaha 4:15 : p. m. . Council Blufi's 5 p. in. on nbovo dates. For a copy of the South ern Homesteaders Guide or for rales and tickets to any point east or south call on or write. G. N. CLAYTON , Ticket Agent , 1502 Farimm , , _ Omaha , Neb. Seaman's carriages best and cheapesl. The now styles of children's goods for spring at Frederick it Co's. are simply beautiful. They have succeeded ingot- ting the most elegant colors and charm ing goods in that line over shown In the west. Every lady should examine them. , "Tho Vasstir , " the "Lord Fauntleroy , " the "Shirred " " " Steamer , Iho "Jockey , Iho " " and "Naval" "Military" caps , the "Turban" in all colors , are really in comparable. C. II. Frederick & Co. , 120 South Fifteenth street. 'H New Munlu Store , Ramge Bldg , 15th and llnrney sts. Bliss * new mammoth millinery house , 1510 Douglas st. Three lloors filled with latest novelties. The CJate City Ice Co , Telephone 1385. Olllco M03 Farnam. The Thcoophlcal society meets every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at room 205 Sheoloy block ; Wednesday and Sat urday evenings from 7 to D. The library Is open for the public. Notice. There will bo a special meeting of the Plasterers' Union Sunday , April 13th , at 3 p. m. , in Grccns hull on Howard be tween 15th and Kith. Ui'ouui : RoimiL-K , Pres't. Reservoir ice. Crystal Ice Co. , 218 S. loth street. 1'attl AutoKi-apli I'lano Is on exhibition in the jhow window at HO IHJ'S music store. THE BOSTON STORE , Rend Whnt Wo Offer You This Mcrniug for Monday , The llest of llargnliiH and Those Tnf.t \VIIITIiro\vall .Manner ofColii- | lion In Hie Hhndo K an Advertised. TIIK DRKSS GOODS. One cnso double fold cashmere , all now shades , jusl opened , go at Do per yard , worth 15c. Silk plushes , all colors , go at this sale for 'We , cheap at 75c. ' New stripped and'chocked suitings at 15e. regular 35c quality. 38 inch henrietta and serges at 18c , worth 35c. Double fold side band licnriettas at 12jc. worth 25. Fancy French Ihuinels , suitable for blouses , at 3Dc , worth Toe. Brilliantines and mohairs at 21c , would be cheap at 35c. New ; o henrietlas , all shades , go at this sale for IDc. 51-Inch black broadcloth suitable for capes go at T3c , worth $1.25. 50-inch nil wool French henrietta in all shades at ( We , regular SI. 10 quality. Our TDc silk warn henrietta is worth $ 1.35. This price Is for Monday only. 40-inch Knglish surges with fancy bor ders at ODc , worth $1. New camel's hair cloth goes nt035c yd. 40-inch French henrietta at 2Dc. Our Toe all wool serge goes at this sale for 40o. 42-inch fancy stripped black henrietta , new thing , at TDc. 50-ineh silk warp honrlelta atl , noth ing better , and worth $1.50. 40-inch black brilliantine mohair at 20c , regular 50c quality , Best quality summer silk at 39c , plain and striped. RATTLING BARGAINS FOR TIIK PEOPLE ON WASH GOODS. Stylish dress ginghams nl 5c per yard. Fine xephyr dicss ginghams at lOcper yard , worth 18c. Shirting prints at 31c per yard. They all sell it at 7c. Wide German blue calico at 10e per yard , worth loe. Splendid new spring challies at 4c per yard , worth Oic. Amoeskeg apron check ginghams at Cc , worth Sc. Bigest bargains in satines over shown. Sec them. Newest thing for this spring , debeiges at oc per yard , worth 8c. Big line of white goods at Oc per yard , worth lOc. .MORE SPECIAL BARGAINS IN OUR LINEN DEPARTMENT TITAN ANY HOUSE IN OMAHA HAS EVER SHOWN. 1(1 ( inch linen crash at 2c } per yard. Turkey red table damask at 20c per yard , worth 35c. Finest bleached damasks nt 'IDc , worth Ooc. Ooc.Our Our towels have no equal. See them. DID YOU EVER HEAR OF SUCH BARGAINS > 1,000 garments of ladies' muslin un derwear at 2c. ! ) This is a simple line that wo bought cheap. Not one garment in tills lot is worth less than $1.00. Chemise , skirts , gowns , corset covers , pants , nicely trimmed , high grade goods , all go at 2Dc. Big bargain. Giui/e summer corsets at 39c , worth ( ioc. English saline corsets in all colors tit SOe. THE BOSTON STORE , 114 S. 10th St. Gerimui Yeast Fair. To bo hold Wednesday , April 1C , 2 p. m. , at yeast factory , Twenty-eighth street and belt line. South Omaha , mo tor goes within ono block of factory. Everybody invited to come and look through the factory. All competitors will be allowed only ono entry of white bread made with Gorman yeast. Judges , W. S. Balduir and C. II. Reeder. l-'iii-nitiire. Carpels. Cluis. Shiverick & Co. , 1200 , 1208 and 1210 Farimm st. SIMOAKI.VG A 1MKGH. Master Will's Surprise nt the Idea of Speaking Naturally. Master Will had just come lo the time when his must give bis first declaration at school , and all the household was made to share in his excitement , says the ChjcngoTimes , lie had the great est dllllcully in choosing his piece , and in learning it after it was chosen. His father , who looks pretty carefully after his son's education , thought it would bo a good plan to have the piece rehearsed at home , and so asked the lad to sn it to him the other afternoon. " 1 can say it real easy , papa,1' Will confided to him , "but my hands kind of hang 'round in my way all the time , and the teacher won't let us put 'em in our Dockets ? " "What do the other boys do with their hands ? " his father asked. "Mako ges tures ? " "Oh , they most of thorn hang on to their trousers , but I forget and let go all the time , and then they get in my way. ' * His father laughed and told him that if ho would only let his hands alone they would probably take care of themselves. Then ho asked Will to go on with the piece. The boy began in so absurd a manner , jumbling his words together and putting his small voice down his throat as far as possible , that the father thought he was intentionally being funny. "But , my dear boy , " ho said , as soon as ho was convinced that the young orator tor was perfectly serious , "f cannot un- derstanu what you say. Why don't you speak naturally ? " Will stared at his father In surprise. "Why , papa , " ho said , "if you have to speak just naturally when you declaim I shouldn't have to learn how. I'd know that anyway. " Ilynuib in n Steeple. Several hundred residents of the fash ionable portion of West Philndelphla stood about llio Church of Our Saviour lust night , and wore trailed to a beauti ful service song , says the Philadelphia special lo Iho Now York World. The source of llio music was a mystery at first. The sweet notes which filled the air seemed lo lloat down from the clouds , but gradually it dawned uiiou the entranced listeners that tlio choir was a human one , nnd was sta tioned at the top of the church tower , 132 feet from the ground. No intima- llon had been given Unit such a pro gramme was to bo carried out , and many devout members of the audience listened to nwe-inlpiring imisio with bared heads. The choir consisted of nearly two- score male voices , and was composed of the young men forming llio guild con nected with Iho church. The hidden singers wore accompanied by a cornet , the harsh blnro of which was mellowed by the powful harmony of the grand old songs of praise. The hymn "Angels Rolled the Hock Away" was followed by ' "All Hall the Power of .lesiis' Name1 ' , "Chrlsl Iho Lord is Risen Today" and "ThoSlrifolsO.'or. " The custom is Known in England under Iho title "walls , " and thin is Iho first first tiino 11 has been observed in Ibis oily. i IIEY1IANDEICHES , Moutlay , April 14tb , at 10 O'clock in tlio Morning , Tliero Will bo on Special Sale tlic KnilH-oltlci-lrtt.DlHpinyco In Our Wlnilf\viut the "Marked They comprise ( t.lots , vl/ : 2c for embroideries that nre worth rcgu- hi i * lie and 7c. 'Ic for embroideries that are worth regu lar 8n to 10c. le for embroideries Hint are worth regu lar lOc to Lie. ( ic for embroideries that are worth regu lar Klu to 18e. 8e for embroideries that are worth 18 to 2oc. 10c for embroideries thataro worth regu lar 2oe tofi-V. Sale commences at 10 a. m. sharp and continues until o p. in. 1)0 ) YOU KNOW that $ ! . / > ( ) will buy a complete dress pattern of line doboiges In iilain and fancy "tylos'i' ' $2. )0 will buy a complete dress pattern of all wool striped novelty goods , in all colors ? 800 will buy a handsome black silk net 18 inches wide ? $1.2.3 will buy the finest black silk warp hcnrlelta cloth made , warranted not to slip nor to wear shinvV ! i"jc will buy high novelty brilllnnlino chnllics In beautiful designs. Tlio goods nro . ' 10 inches wldo and will wash and wear cxcellcntlv. Joe will buy pure Irisfi linen luindker- chiefs , lo inches square , hemstitched. 18csiine ( 18 inches square. . . 20c will buy Swiss mulct-vests in all colors worth JtOc. Lisle thread , ingrain , silk Unit and China silk underwear at astonishing low prices. 2.5C will buy line positively black hose worth 'We. These hose are equal to the ones sold fonnurly at . ' { oc. Lisle thread , ingrain and silk hosiery at bottom prices. Spun silk and plated ho-e below cost to close. 2fu ) will buy line black silk lace mitts. oOc line silk jei > oy mitts. OOe line silk Jersey mitts , extra long. 7/ie the very lineM made. oOc black silk jersey gloves. 7oc will buy a better silk jersey glove than has over been seen in Omaha. 2oc will buy children's embroidered mull caps. $1.W ( will buy a child's silk toque bonnet in till colors. Children's French caps a specialty. AKIi YOU AWAHH that wo are the leading house inol-Yencli underwear ? Wo have just received an entirely now line and will phii-c them on sale Mon day. ' AVebtill bell Jackets , Cape * , Ulstero , J erseys , dress waists , etc. , at remarkably iow > prices. NovollicH arrive-daily andayou can find in our store what you can'not find elsewhere - where UK Y.MAN & DKK'HKS , J..18 & 1,520 Fnl-nnm fet. The members- G'overt lodge , No. 11. are requested to meet nt- Free Masons' hall Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock , to at tend the funeral of Brother Frederick Matteson. V. P. Musselmnn , Master. Seaman's phaetons best and cheapest CHKAP TIIAVKLIXC ; IN lfUX1tY. . A System ol'Hnilroad I'linheiiseiJtate.s Thut JCN < rvc .Study. A novel system of railroad charges lias been ill operation in Hungary for a little moro than six months. The ex periment , though radical , has appar ently been successful. Passenger rates on a majority of the Hungarian roads are no longer based upon the cost of ser vice or upon what the tralllc will bear , or even upon the mileage. The rntos > nro regulated according to the " ' /.one sys tem. ' ' The State railroads of Hungary had been doing badly under the old sys tem the earnings 'fell from $1 , : > 0I ( a inilo in 1887 to $1,000 in 1888 , and the government felt that matters , could not be worse than they were. The /one system of charges is based upon the theory that there are two classes of passenger tralllc which can bo increased in volume the passengers traveling a short distance and those go ing a long distance. The former nro generally provided for on railroads by commutation rates , the latter have not received attention heretofore. A fur ther point advanced by the advocates of the /one system is that where the ears are not occupied to their full capacity an incrcas-o of tralllc necessitates only an infinitesimal increase of expense. The advocates of the system , therefore , propose three /ones 11 short /one , a long one , and a medium one. The Hun garian railroads extend the idea some what by issuing two classes of tickets , those forones and those for short distances. In the latter class were two tickets , one car rying the holder to the next station , and sold for " > cents , 7 } cents , and lo cents , for third , second , and first class , and another carrying the holder to the second station for Tit , Hand 20 cents for the three classes , respectively. These tickets are good between any two contiguous stations without regard to the actual distance and are solid in bulk at r > and 10 per cent discount. The /ones are fourteen in number , the circles being drawn about ten miles apart. The fourteen /onmineluding all distances of 1 10 miles nndi over. The rate for tlio first /one is very low less , than 7-10 of a cent a inilo for the lowest class and 1-0 cents for first-i'lass express and incrcubO moro than in pro portion to the aiutanco through the dif ferentones until the rate at the four teenth ranges from 1 cent to 2J cents per mile for the 1-lO.nnIle.s. Beyond this the rate again dccronees , owing to tlio fact that any additional distance IH not charged for. Thus a trip of several hun dred miles may. bo made for the same price as one of 140. The innovation-wont into effect Aug ust 1 of last year , and was introduced on the state lincsiihout one-half of the total mlleago of the country. Two pri vate companies have since adopted the /one system. During the first month of the now tariff the number of passengers carried on the state lines was increased 1)00,000 , and the passenger receipts \vero increased about & 100,000. From the report of tlio Austro-IIun- garian mlnlhtor of commerce It nppears that the passenger receipts of the Hun garian railways for I8W ) were .r)2l")2IOo ) llorings , nn increase of nearly 1,000,000 over t hose of Jb88 this In the fnco of a reduction of rates equal to moro than " > 0 per cent. The now svstom was In olTcct I during only live niontln > < f 1 80 , Thin ! extraordinary reduction and c.straordin- I ary increase luivo excited the nina/.e- mi-ut of the railway world , bmornl fur- ilgn railways have * sent n-prei-entathis to Hungary to examine into the rcsul'a of the change and report tu them. iiAvmimos. ; . Mown tlio Pi-Iocs. . No. lOllonriM.oO. Blue I ) flour * I.ltt. Davis * Golden Sheaf flour . * 1.3o. Pillsburry'rt best XXXX Hour $1.3,1. \Vo are agents for this Hour and wil . ell to the jobber or retailer for the Willie prices. \Vohavojust received n car of do mestic soap from DCS Moincs t-ouj works.Vo sell 8 bars for 2oc. Also a car of White l-'aglo soap from KnnwiH City.Vo sell 7 bars for 2"ic. This is the lk"t soap made by the hand of man for laundry work. ( food butter Sc , lUc , 12JC and lee ; creamery , 17c ; very best creamery but ter for IDc. Ycry best sugar cured hums , lie : bone less hum , lOc ; picnic hams , 7c. ! Mb pail lard , li'c. ' JJrlek cheese , 12jc ; full cream cheese , _ _ 2u-lb pall jelly , o-V ; UO-lb pnfl jelly , 7oc. 7oc.Best Best soda crackers , oc. Kvaperatcd apples , very choice. WHAT YOU CAN BUY IN HAY- DKN'S BASKMKNT FOR oc. Meat pounders , match cases , bottle of machine oil , graters , mincing knives , chopping bowl , set of tea spoons , 2 boxes of siioo polish , scrubbing brush , largo bottle of mucilage , largo bottle of ink , cuke turners , potntoo mashers , basting spoons , wooden nixing spoons , lemon squee/er.s , htrge bottle of the best sperm oil , egg beaters , Hour dredges , llunnels , comb trays , largo wash basins , llro shovels , 2 pie tins , 2 cake cutters , hammock and clothesline books , i do/ , picture hooks , pclc tacUri , yellow bowlcs , curry combs , o'packugCK stove polish , gimlets , 6 mouse traps , meat forks , butter laddies , I doz cloth pins , largo traps , largo dustpans , 2 largo tin cups , scallop cnko tins , 2 line tumblers , Inrgo dippers , two small dip pers , garden trowles , knife and fork boxes , lamp chimneys , bird cage hooks. We received today a lot of goods from the B. it M. wreck , which were bought at lo cents on the $1 , consisting of spades , rakes , pitchforks , shovels , mow ers , etc. , not a scratch on them ; will sell as follows : All steel spading forks , extra farroled , IDc , worth $1.2" > ; finest spade made -UK1 , worth $1.2o ; all steel - tine short handle stable fork IDc , worth four times as much ; -1-tine hay fork lOo ; square top shovels , JOe ; round top shovels , -IDc ; wire tooth rake , 3c ! ) ; hay rake , -We ; all steel 12 tine rake , 20c ; all steel 12 tine rake , 2oc ; all steel hoe , 2oc ; 12-inch cut lawn mower , $0.7.5 ; M-inch cut lawn mower , $ ! ) .7o and 10-inch cut high grass lawn mower , $13. To ; these mowers sell at $12.2ol.oO ( ( and $22. We also received a lot of White Mountain ice cream freezers ; 2 qts. , $2.2 ! ! ; ! ! qts. , * 2. < H ) ; 4 qts. , : ! .2i ) ; ( i qts. , $1.18 ; 8 qts. , $ 3.13 ; also a lot of washing machines and wringers. The machines for $ I.Do and the wringers for $1.2o. Wooden barrel chiirh with dasher , 7oc ; a carpet sweeper , $1.2-3 ; the wonder of the age. I1AXDKN BROS. , Dry Goods and Wall Paper. j'H New Munl < : Store , liainge Bldg , 16th and TIarney sis. SHItPKXr 1VOKS1IU' . CM It is Traced in tlio l-'ulth of Al > - original Americans. From Prof. F. W. Putnam's illustrated article -TheSerpent Mound of Ohio , ' ' in the Century , is quoted the following : ' 'That such a work , so carefully designed , and constructed under such difficulties along this narrow ridge terminating in the high , rough cliff , was planned and built under some powerful influence , we can but beliove. And what other than a religious motive can be conceived V Have wo not hero the evidence of a former existence of that ancient faith , which , rising probably in the east , ages before historic time , held millions of people under its terrible sway ; and , spreading over Asia , Africa and Europe has not yet been wholly supplanted , in India and Africa , by later faiths ? "That the serpent was prominent in the religious faiths of the Americans is beyond question , and that , to a certain extent , in combination with phallic and solar worship , it extended from Central America to Peru and Mexico , , cannot be doubted , whatever its origin. Its exist ence in Yucatan is .shown , as in Cam bodia , by sculptures on the ruined build ings which can only bo properly desig nated as temples. We know from history and art that this form of worship existed in Mexico down to tlio time of tlio Span ish invasion and conquest , and that it still survives in the rite.s of the Xunis and Moquis , and probably other of the Pueblo tribes. "To this southwestern region , with its many Asiatic features of art and faith , wo nro constantly forced by our investi gations as wo look for the source of tlio builders of the older works of the Ohio valley. With these considerations in mind , and with the knowledge that struc tures similar to this in Ohio existed in the Old World , whore the serpent and other early faiths had their greatest de velopment , will it bo forcing the fact to argue unless nil religion : * symbolism is merely coincident , vague and meaning less , which seems an absurd position to hold that in the oval embankment , with its central pile of burnt stones , in combination with the serpent , wo have the three sym bols everywhere regarded in the old world as emblems of those primitive faiths ? Hero wo find the lingn-in-yoni of India , or the reciprocal principles of na ture guarded by the serpent ; or life , power , knowledge and eternity. More over , its position , east and west , indi cates the nourishing source of fertility tlio great sun-god whoso first rays fall upon the altar of stones in the center of the oval. So that here wo have associ ated the several symbols which in Asia would bo accepted without question as showing the place to bo a phnllo-solar shrine combined with the serpent faith. Its very position on the high cliff terminating , in tlio rough overhanging rocks , washed bv the spring torrents , and near the three fork's of the river , is to bo considered when comparisons are made. This combination of natural features probably could not bo found again In nny part of the great route along which the people must have journeyed from the Mexican gulf. Is this all to betaken taken as moro coincidcnco in the devel opment of a faith In America and in the old world ? There seems to bo too much hero to admit of such n theory ; and when other facts , in other lines , point In the same direction , it is playing false with our reason to bo too skeptical. Agreements , nay , identities , would then mean nothlngyln science , and compara tive studies would be useless , rnrguson , in his 'Tree mid Serpent Worship , ' mentions the existence of serpent worship on some of the Pacific islands , and refers to its possible transmission across the Pacific to America , and says if it proved 'that this worship Is in digenous In the now world , wo are thrown back on the doctrine that human nnture is alike everywhere , and that man In llko clrcumstnnces and with iv like degree of civilization does always the same things and elaborates the same beliefs. It may bo so , but I confess it nppears to mo that at present the pvi- deuce preponderates the other way' ( p. : t ! . When this careful author thus expressed - pressed his UOVXH In-wan not acquainted with the di tails now pointed out in the combinations of thu Ohiu shiinc. ' ' HA\ liIIUOS. : . Ihmn Hie Prices. SILIv SALK , To close the follow ! fig lines of silk wo will name prices less limn one-half their value. Brocade trimming silk 2Sc , usual price 0-3c. 03c.Surah Surah silk 3oc , former price OPc. China silk 3llc , reduced front 7oe. A choice morel silk , till similes , iV > c , worth * 1 2.3. A first cliiss gross grain silk , all colors , fully wnrranted , o"e , never fold less than $ -1. 1.3 These are thebes > tgoodsonthemarket. Short ends of black gross grains from y to 12 ids. , at ju"l one-half the regular price. This sale will include silks of every grade , Nit Inn in till colors , velvets , plushes mid velvolcena. Wo nro in earnest , and will positively make the deepest cut we Imve ever made to close ( ho full line. COI.OHKD DRKSS GOODS SPKOIAL SALK. 200 double fold twill cashmere til Sic to lee , 22c and 28c. Klegnnt line colored brllllnnlecns * , cheek and fancy stripe lOc , worth 3"c. . on men nriiiinnteeiis , an colors , tit eec , worth ooc. 38 inch Scotch plaids and stripes ! J8c , worth 7 < 3c. Special prices on black goods in cash mere , henriettns , drnp-dc-nlma and barber cloths. JKWKLHY DKPAHTMKNT. Colossal jewelry sale this week. 1100 pairs ladies' bi-sl rolled pinto patent lovoreuft buttons , oc pair , worth 2oo. 7oO lace pins with garnetl and brilliant sots , 3e each , worth Joe. 075 pairs solid gold front and roll pinto ear drops , latest designs , 2-3c , worth 7oc to $1. < 30. 450 genuine Bohemian gnrnott ear drop * In solid gold settings , 4c ! ) pair ; jewel er's price $2. Silver hair ornaments with rhino stone sets , only So each. Solid silver bracelets , IDc each. Fine rolled plate enameled lace pins with chain attached , lOc , regular price 2"c. > . Boys' line stem-wind watches , $2.2.3 , worth $ .3. Gents' F.lgin. Springfield or Wnltham watches , in dust-proof cases , $3.oO , worth $8. $8.G. G. M. Wheeler , in best filled hunting case : warranted twenty years , $1 ! ) . < ' > 0 ; Jeweler's pi-ice , $3.3. B. W. Kaymond or Applclon Tracy. In 11-kurat Bo.-s filled case , warranted twenty years , $2oO ! ) , jeweler's price , $ oO to $00. Lmlips' beautiful gold filled cases with Springfield , Klgin or Wnlthani move ments , $1.3 , worth $30. Gigantic sale of line wall paper , end less vnriotJU to select from. Not a single roll of last year's styles. Brown blanks , 3je , white blanks.He , worth DC. JIAYDKN HHOS. Dry ( roods and Carpets. Murphy fc Company's varnishes in cans are always sold under seal and label. Ask voni * dealer for them or address us at 300 South Fourth st. . St. Louis , Mo. \Vanted at the Boston store five ex perienced shoo salesmen and three ex perienced shoe salesladies. Bliss' new mammoth inillincrv house , 1510 Douglas st. Three floors filled witli latest novelties. $ .300,000 to loan , in large amounts , on choice inside city property. Anglo- American Mortgage & Trust company , Rnmge block , Omalia. A. P. Tukey , Life building. Homes IP. Clifton Hill for men of limited income. The Oliver Maggard Yan Co. moves household goods , pianos in padded vans ; takes up , renovates and relays carpets ; storage ; best of service guaranteed. Of fice with Max Meyer As Bro. Tel. lo.r > 0. Hosorvoir Ice. Crvstnl Ice Co. , 218 S. 1.3th St. Reservoir ice. Crystal Ice Co. , 21S S. loth street. IJoM-rvoli- . Crystal Ice Co. , 218 S. 1.3th St. ROT S. Bank , > 307 , Guitars , mandolins , banjos , icc. < )07 ) N. 10th. Ucservoir Ice. Crystal Ice Co. 218 S. 10th St. Seaman's buggies best and cheapest. Reservoir ice. Crytal Ice Co. , 218 S. loth street. _ The lOdliolin .V Akin'SlocIc is now on sale at 101 South Fifteenth street ( tlio old stand J. it consists of diamonds mends , watches , jewelry , silver and plated ware , optical goods , etc. This stock must bo sold , and will bo closed out at price- far below its value. 10. XAlUMslvu : , Agent. For three days onl.Hogors' tripplo plated knives and forks. $1.85 per sot. C. L. KiiH'Kso.v iV Co. , 212 North 10th , Ma-onic Block. Ant-lion of rimiitiiro at Itcsldcnoc. CT.O.S. 17tht.at 10 a. m. Monday. The contents of a line D-room house , good Brussels carpels , parlor suite , ox- enslon table , chairs , fine gnsolino stove , icdding , etc. Kvci'i thing must and will bo hold. Please come early. H.Viu.s : , Auctioneer. ThcOnlj One. Tlio Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul uiiway is the only line running solid vestibuled , electric lighted and steam icnted trains between Chicago , Council .Huffs and Oinnlni. The berth reading * lamp feature in the 'ullman sleeping cars run on these lines s patented and cannot be used by any > ther railway company. It is the great mprovement of the age. Try it and bo Sleeping cars leave the Union Paclllo depot , Omaha , at II p. m. daily , arriving it Chicago at 0:30 : a. m. 1'assongors liking this train are not compelled to get out of the cars at Council Bluffs and vnil for thu train to bo cleaned. Got Ickots and sleeping car berths at Union Icket olllco , 1501 Farimm st. F. A. N.\sii , Gen. Agt. J. K , 1'HUSTON' Pass. Agt. Five dinners $1. Tlnb'reBl. , l..OO ' Farn. Dr. BarnsdnH's specialties eye , car lose and throat , KXi-7 Piixlon blk. Your Choice Of four trains dull- , . Omaha lo Chicago , - Northwestern rail- on the Chicago \ vay. The afternoon limited solid vesti buled train direct from Omaha at 40 : ! every afternoon , arriving at Chicago at 8 o'clock Ihn next morning , canes u slcoper for Omaha patrons exclusively ; ins a dining car ccrUng supper ami breakfast and Includes In its equipment elegnnt frco parlor chair cars. J Ho night train at 0:20 : p.m. . "after buslnoBs hours , " arrives at Chicago at 1:20 : the next afternoon ; runs direct from the Union Paclllo depot , Omaha , and car ries new sleepers , chiilr cars , dining 'aih ' t ut.v . 'Illce. llol lt.ll imtlllK , Cuit-r. \ijent. l . IIAYMKV III50N. Iting Mono tlio Prices. COH.KTS. . Wo have purchased the enlju1 stock of corsets of nn ea-lcrn manufacturer the largest purchase have e\ci inado in this line , in all about one car load. \Vo have nNo purchnscd from an i-aft- ern bankrupt stock 200 do/on eni-srtu ail to bo put on sale Monday morning. In this stock , wfll bo found Dr. Warner's No. 333 coict at oDc. Warner's Sum-No 5Dc. All of H. A ; S. black corset worth $1.00 and * 2.00 to bo closed nt MV. Mvj- nntV cutaway short hip worth $ l.oO re duced It ) 75c. All the Mndame War ren's corset o in this lot go : it Toe. A Uour French woven corsets in this lot worth Jl.OO und $1,50 go at 5 ! > c. Horn is n big boniiu/a. About oOdo/en corsets worth 50c,75caml $1.00 your choice of this lot unlv2M ! pei- pair. All our $2.00 P. t' . cornets in thin . ? . . IIpSlKUY. 1 case of gents' superfine J hose , worth 2oc pair , to bo sold on Monday at I2'o nor pair , or doc per box of 0 pieces. Boys school hoseblack and graj , Sc per ' pair , \\orth 20c. PARASOLS. 100 24-iu silk parasols * 1.2-3. worth $2.00. Children's parasols lOc , worth 50c. I002i-lnch ( silk umbrella" , warranted to wear , only $3.00 , worth $5.00. VNDr'HWKAR. Ladles' jor.-oy ribbed vests only 7o each , worth 20c. All our 50c lisle vests reduced to 25c. W A L L P A P K K. W A L , M 'A P KI { . Wo are the originators of low prices. 1 frown blanks 3jo por'roll. White blanks-He per roll , LACK Ct'RTAINS AND CAHPKTS. The most aggressive sale o\er at tempted. Nottingham lace curtains at 3li ! , I7c and I13e per pair. Nottingham lace curtain's , scolloped avd taped all around at 75c , S7c. $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.35 , $1.50 and $2.00. l'osiii\ey | worth from 81.50 to $3.50. Immense line of real and imitation swiss lace curtain * at special price * . Cheiieille portieres at $1.50. $1.75 , $2.00 , $2.50 , $3.00 , $3.50 , $1.50 , $5.00. 40 pel- cent. IO.-M than elsewhere. Minettn spring roller shades com plete. Hie. Minettn spring roller shade- * , with fringe , 35e. Shades of all si/.es made to order. Gigantic carpet sale. Ingrain carpels at 25e , at 33c and I7c. Standard extra super carpets , 55c. liH1 , 7fc'c ami 75c : worth 75is to $1.25. . Snblinio st.\les in brutsels , Willoim , velvets and nio < [ tiot . Our carpel stock is absolutely and en tirely now. Not a single old \leto "workoff.1 UAYDKN HHOS. , Dry goods and carpets. The White Front Market , 714 North Sixteenth st. , William Hciimnnn , pro prietor , is ono of the llnest on the street , lie keeps : i full line of the best beef , million , pork and poultry that the mar ket n fiords and sclly it at the lowest liv ing price-i. Ho supplies all Ili-si-ela s houses. The l-'lks * club. Meier's eiifeS , Hotel F.Miiond. and lias the lineM family ] ) alronnge in the city. If you waul to be ser\cd with the choicest in the mar ket , and at the lowest prices pairohi/o the While Front Market , 711 North .Six teenth st. Reservoir ice. Crystal Ice Co. , 218 S. 15th street. I'iiniri Cheap at Meinberg's , Raiugo Bldg. TAILOR 14O9 Douglas. Spring Fabrics for MEN'S CLO'IIIK.S to order , Newest Patterns ; Out of the looms this spring. Quality soft and yielding. enough to drape gracefully. A glimpse is enough to set any man of taste a-longing to choose , not one , but several. Best of all the prices as little as $5 , as high as $15 for Trousers. Suits $20 to $50. Overcoats $15 to 5.15. There's no kink in the tailor ing art that we do not know about. ' Open evenings. No goods chnri/od. / 14O9 Douglus. STRICTURE ! Dissolved and Removed by Mcillciiic Only N ( ) IN THl'MI ' .N'l ST. . AUdroBH PHYSICIAN , lu \ - I'llO < ILII | > It I. ilCIUIUU I U.UU1I l < < V