Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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XA 1. 1:1 HA < sn.i rns.
.T H , Hcr-bc of Unroln Is nt tlio Casey.
\V P. Sioltof Gnmil Isluml Isnt the Mil-
Inn ) ,
I * H. Kent of Orleans Is stopping at the
S .1 Loucrgnn of Broken Bow it at the
Kobert ( Iambic of Kearney Is rctflstctcd nt
tlio I'nxton.
K. Wllgon ninl wlfo of Lincoln nro guests nt
the Mlllard.
Thoinat Miirtoy of Weeping Water h stop
ping nt tlio Murray.
I ) K. Suitniul S. X. Kohn of Norfolk nrc
stopping nt the Murray.
CO r.uiui nml 12. Sparks of Valentino arc
registered nt the Millard.
L George H. Sherwood nnil Winters
of Kearney nro guests nt the I'axton.
Mr. nnil Mrs. 12. Dickinson nnil Mrs. John
Frani'ls were leglstored at this Coiltes house
In Kansas City on Saturday.
Manager Minor of the Grand had his first
bcnellt lust night , with "A Soap Hubble"
company ns the attraction. Financially II
was mi excellent suwt'ss. Koino of the sing
ing nnil danelng seemed to please the mull-
cuco mid win applause , but , very Ilttlo can ho
said in praise of tlio performance. Mr. Miner
must either have boon unfortunate or badly
deceived in his selection for such mi occasion.
Slightly I'romadire.
A lepoit has been published In n local paper
to the effect that Mr. D. II. Mercer has been
nppointcd assistant United States district nt-
torncy upon recommendation of Mr. Baker ,
tlio district attorney. Upon inquiry this
statement is found to'bo pri'inature. Isosuch
appointment has ns yet been made.
The Oratorio , "JoNcpli In Homln o. "
The oratorio , "Joseph in Bondage , " will bo
Riven nt the First Methodist church , Frid.iy
evening , under the direction of 1'iof. Kat/ .
The cntettalnmcnt will be given by the young
IKoilo ! of the congregation for tlio purpose of
raising funds for the new church being built
for this congregation.
Onialiii KliiKlu TaChili. .
The Omaha Single Tax club had a very en
thusiastic meeting yesterday. Mr. William
Beckett was the principal speaker and pave ,
as nn object leson , n history of the Helfen-
htein case , tracing the matter from I'M ! ) down
to data The club will publish Air. Beckett's
exposition of this famous coso in pamphlet
form for lUstiibtilion.
13 r. J. AV. AIcMenamcy , the energetic
founder nnil malinger of the Omaha Alcdtcal
Institute , is lying dangerously ill at the new
Institute corner of Ninth mid llnrnoy stieets.
Ho has been hick for about a week , the at
tack having hud its origin in the amount of
ovci woik done by the doctor durlngtlio moving
from the old place , coiner of Thlitccnth and
Dodgebtiui'ls. . Thu attack him Inttoily dc-
vclojiert into plciiro-pncuimmia. The doctor's
condition is ciitical , thoiifili it cannot bo told
whether or not it will result fatally.
Hnturdny ICvenliift'H Council
A special meeting of the council was .held
Saturday evening to listen to what the
delegation from the south side league had to
say. Joseph Kedmond and Air. Donovan ad
dressed the council asking for a division of
the grading and paving bonds , stating that
the south side was badly In need of improve
ments , and charging that that part of the city
had been neglected in previous years. The
matter was talked over and action doferied
until the next regular meeting of the council.
The residents of Hamilton street will bo
given n bearing next Saturday evening on
the subject of grading thntstieet.
Funeral ol'.IaiiicH
The funeral of James Swlggett , the pi inter
who died so suddenly at a Farnam street
lodging house , took plueo today under the di
rection of Typographical Union No. UK ) . Kov.
Mr. Merrill dellveied n touching address and
made an impressive prayer at the undertak
er's. Six of the deceased's brother printers
- Messrs. Wlllanl , 1'ickering , Lawienec ,
Ma\well , Fleming and ( Jill -acted as pall
bearers and in the long procession which fol
lowed the body to the grave weio over a hun-
dicd members of the union with the banners
of the orsaiiuiitlnn. Jim Swiggett is the eec-
nnd occupant of the printers' lot at Foicst
Omaha AVheel Clul ) in
The Omaha wheel club's club house is in
mourning in memory of W. B. Dabnoy of the
Urn. of A. II. 1'eriigo & Co. , and an esteemed
member of the club. Air. Dabnoy came to
Omaha In February lost from Cleveland , O. ,
to engage in bnsineas with Air. Perrigo , mid
was highly thought of by the club , who feel
the loss seriously. The funeral was attended
by the club In a body , Mr. Dabnoy was a
prominent Odd Fellow , and the servfves wcio
conducted under the auspices of that order.
Air and Airs. Dabnoy , parents of the de
ceased , loft yestei day on the 1:15 : train with
the remains , which will bo intoned at his
liomo iu Clevelahd , O.
Van Houten's Cocoa Delicious , mndo In
stantly. _ '
A Call I'oiAid. .
Dr. Duryca of the First Congregational
qliuivlt made an appeal yesterday to his con
gregation for aid in behalf of the "hailed-
out" settler * of Klmball and Choycnno coun
ties , this .stato. The doctor said that ho had
received sulllckmt evidence to warrant his
Htntcmcnt that aid was sorely needed and
needed at once. Ho called upon members of
Ids congiogntiim to solid cast-off wearing
apparel and other useful ni tides to tlio
( . 'larke-Aiidresou hardwaie stoic , on Ilnrney
htieet , whence they will bo shipped to the
destitute settlers In tlio westein counties.
Transportation will bo piwided by the rail-
loads tree of cost , it is said.
Funeral of ZHrn.
The funeral of Airs. Alary lingers was held
ye.sterdiiy afternoon at Thomas L. KimbaU's
residence , on South Seventh street. Kov.
Dr Alann oftlclatcd and preached n short ,
touching sermon. Among other things ho
mild that any one who might Uuvo hud the
prlilego of chousing a time to live could not
tdiii'o the \\oild began have selected mi ago so
full of Interest and Incident as tlio nlnty-
three years deceased passed through. Sfio
paw this country , whoso progress is some
thing upon \\blcli wo all look in astonish
ment , grow from u htiuggllng nation to Its
pie-sent magnitude. She saw that curse to
the human race , slavery , wijicd out ,
and was the companion as well ius
filend of these who , during the dink
days , guided the destinies of the ship of
Airs , lingers was horn nt Newbury , Vt. ,
Decembex' 11 , ITtKl. being ono of the nlno
daughters , all of whom became gifted women
and devoted much ot their lives to the cause
of Christianity. Her maiden niinio was Fnr-
iimd. She married Judge Nathaniel P.
Kogurs of Concord , N. 11. , in 1SUI.
Theiy was a lurgo attendance of .sympathiz
ing friends. They tilled the death chamber
mid covered the casket with rich mid tender
llonil offei Ings , The pall-beaiers were Judge
Savage , Dr Alercer , Joseph Barker , William
\Valhico. P S Pel line. Hurry Deuel , U. S.
Stebblns mid William Clehuni.
The remains were laid to rest In Forest
Lawn cemetery.
Tlio llloHslnif ol % StroiiK Nerve *
Is recoverable , not by the use of mineral se-
datlve.s , but by n recourse to effectual tonic
treatment. Opiates and thu like should only
lx > used as uuxlllarlctt. and then as sparingly
ius possible. Vigorous nerven nro iiuvt | ones ,
mid the iiumt dhvi't way to ivuder them so Is
to rolnfoivo the vital energies. That bteillng
InvlKoraiit. IloMtettur's Stomach Bitters , will
\H \ * found nll-suftlciont for this purpose , since
It entirely removiH Impediments to thorough
digestion and itsMinllauon of the food , so that
the body in Insured its duo amount of nourish
ment , and consequently of stamina. Kheu-
matlc tendi ncles and ulTccUuus of the kidneys
nnilbhidilernivnl ocouneractetl ( by tlio Hit-
tein , which is Ix-sldcs a pleasant medicinal
Mlimiliuit , Inllnltely puivr thun the raw ex-
fltuntiofi'omiiuivehlch react injuriously
UlK > u the UCITUUS system.
1112V. FJIAXCIH 12. CIjAltlC.
Tlic Founder of a tJn-nt Society Ito-
cchcHit Ciii'lllnl MVluonu' .
Kcv. Francis B. Clark , the founder of the
Young People's Society of Christian I2n-
dcnvor , an-lved In Omaha Saturday evening
and was tendered n reception nt St. Mary's
nvcnuo Congregational t-hurch by the mem
tx'rs of that orgiinl/ntlon In Omaha. There
was n largo turnout of both old nnd young.
The nddm.ts of welcome was delivered by
Kcv. .J. M. Wilson of Cnstollar street PITS-
bytcrlan church , nnd Mr. Clark replied In his
ready and interesting manner.
At p. m. yesterday Mr. Clark mldresscd
n largo audience of young people- the First
Presbyterian church , the time being de
voted entirely to the answering of questions.
Among the main things ho urged was
nu cmlcuvor to secure earnest , wet king
Christians Instead of a largo membership of
half-hem ted professors of religion in
ciety. Ho also advocated loss quibbling on
little i > oliit.s. Ho believed every member
should ho n prohibitionist. Ho believed In
making the ronsei'ratlon us .solemn and Im
pressive us possible.
In the evening Mr. Clark addressed nn Im
mense audience at Uoyd's opera house. Unit
resort Ix-lugerowded Irom parquet to gallery.
A number of the leading ministers of the city
occupied seats on the stage.
Mr. Clarke spoke on his favorite theme , the
Young People's Society of Christian I2n-
dcnvor. giving some Idc.i of the work that is
being done by this vast in my of young pee
Mr. Clark Is n man possibly foity-flve , al
though he iip | > oarsconsiderably younger. Ho
Is of medium sl/e , of erect form and Is full of
nervous activity. His moustache nml bnni-
sldu whiskers iftc dark and In considerable
contrast with his palo face , lib once raven
locks ai-o touched hero and theio with the
silvery harbingers of old age. Uut In every
other way ho has the appearance of youth.
His ojes are keci but kindly and full of ex
Nine years ago Mr. Clark organised the
Y. P. S. C. 12. in his church nt Portland ,
Me. , never dreaming that the association
would sin cad beyond the limits of that city.
Today there arc 10,000 associations in the
United States alone , numbering in their
ranks 500,000 , members. In addition to this
there are societies In nearly all the English
speaking communities In the woild. .
In Omaha alone th'ero are l.iiUO members.
At present Mr. Clink is editor of the
Golden Kule. "
"Why doesn't ho take Hood's Sarsapa-
rillaf'l is the general inquiry of friends
when a person sutlers from any disease of
the blood.
Two Huston and u Motor Mixed Up
in n Fortunate Collision.
At 5r0 : ! o'clock yesterday evening there
came near being a fatal accident on the motor
line Immediately In front of Croft's old road
house , just noith of the fair grounds. Air.
and AIis. Huns wcio In a top buggy and were
in the act of turning around headed for
Omaha , when the motor passed by. The
horse became frightened , mid , in whirling
mound , tluew the shaft of the buggy against
the ear. Both the motor and the buggy were
now going rapidly In opposite dlicelions and
tho'icsult was tcrriiic. Tlio buggy was
dashed backward and collided with two-
seated rig , in which wcio seated
: i man and woman. This conveyance
was also overturned mid smashed
up generally. Airs. Hans fell diiectly under
the bed of tllo qvei turned buggy , but stmngo
to say was not iiijmed in the least. Neither
was tlio woman in the double-seated vehicle ,
but all hands weio dumped out in a pile , The
horses were caught Ixilorc getting away , the
only damage being done to the carriages
which wete completely wrecked. All * . Hans
had n miraculous escape as she was tin-own
out immediately in front of the motor car.
Alotorinun G. W. Patton , who was in charge
of the car , deserves ei edit for the quick and
sensible action bo took when he saw the
horses wcio frightened. Ills car is No. UU
and was stopped almost Immediately at the
proper period of the collision. None of the
people who wcio in the accident wcio in
The woman who was in the two-seated car
riage sat on the fence while her man helped
untangle the harness and clear away the
The Burdock Plant is one of the best diure
tics or kidney regulators in tlio vegetable
world , and thu compound known as Burdock
Blood Bitters is unsurpassed in all diseases of
the kidneys , liver and Wood.
Fort Ijeiivcnwortli Military Notes.
General AlcCook has approved the findings
of the gaiiison court maitial.
It is thought that General Men lit will
leave finally for St. Louis about Alny 1. The
department effects nro being packed up and
overj thing points to a speedy removal.
Captain J. AI. J. Sanno and First Lieuten
ant George S. Young , Seventh infantry , and
Second Lieutenant B. L. Bnllaul , Tenth in-
fantrv , have been appointed to inquiie Into
the desertion of Private Charles Hoover ,
Light battery twenty-one , Second aitlllery.
Hoover is the man who shot an old German
in a drunken spree a few weeks ago. "
Captain . H. Coitusier assistant surgeon
at Fort Lewis , Col , is at Fort Leavenworth.
General Nelson Allies has many warm ad
mirers hero who hope that ho will bo the new
major general to succeed General George
Ciook. The appointment of General Allies
would undoubtedly meet with approval at
Foil Leavenworth.
Alajor Anson Alllls , Tenth cavalry , has
been granted a leuvo of absence lor ono
Second Lieutenant 1 { , L. Bullnrd has been
detailed to take charge of the department
rifle inngo at Fort Leavenworth.
Colonel K. Al. Hoyl , Inspector general of
the division of the AHssouri , who has been
hero inspecting the military prison , has left
fur his home In Chiuign.
Captain Philip Ueado hns been relieved
flinn duty as Inspector of small arms practice
at this phiie.
The bodies of 110 United States soldiers in
the cemetery at Fort Lyon , Col. , an abandoned
post , mo to bo exhumed , brought to Fort
Lea\enwoith and lelntcned In the national
cemeteiy at this post. T. K. Smith of Leaven
worth has been awarded the contract for the
exhumation , transput tat Ion and rebuiial of
the bodies.
Captain Clmiles F. Humphrey , assistant
quartermaster Dopaitmuit of the Platte , has
been ordered to duty on the construction of
buildings at Foit Omaha.
Nervous debility , poor memory , diflldenee ,
sexual weakness , piinplesciiied bv Dr. Allies' '
Nervine. Samples five at Kuhn & Co.'s 15th
and Douglas.
TllKTUltN Hir/.IItlC.
Urnwny YOIIIIK OerniaiiH lOxlilliItTlioir
Skill and Strength.
Yesterday was tho'day chosen by the Turn
ers of Nebraska for their lirst luvirk this
season , mid a lovelier day could not have been
llxed upon for uthlctio sports. In addition to
the actlvo Turnon. from the Jnhn turnvereln
and Omaha turnvereln of this city , the fol
lowing delegates \ \ ere also present :
Plattsmouth 1C. Hamn , John Kopp , John
Lutr , II. Stovers , Philip Thlerolf , H.
Schlelcher , Paul Wurl.
Lincoln 1 { . C. Nobis , George Viola , Her
man Alallenea le , G. H. Wolf , Henry Velth ,
Henry Velth , Jr. , Kobert Wolf , Jr. , Christ
Sommer , Nicholas KCKS.
Fremont Prof. Kosthin , IJobeit Horro ,
Fred Broltllug , Carl Frit/ , Tom Carmthors ,
John Looschen , George Uves.
The main object of the bezirk was for the
Turners to receive InsH-uctlons from 1'itjf.
Kummerow for the coming turnfest at Lin
Tlio convention was held at G rmanln hall
and the morning session was devoted to
learning a variety of fancy marches , devised
by Air. Kuinmorow. At the close a photo
graph was taken of the entlio assembly of
athletic young men , \\lio nro handsome and
erect of carriage , us well as brawnv. A
dinner was tendered to the \lsiting delegates ,
by the Omaha tiirnveieln at noon at ono of
the leading hotels.
At 1 : : ) p. m. the Tumors again gatheml
at * Germmila hall , thU to go through
all manner of porformam c $ on the horse ,
parallel and Imiinmtul bars K\crv , extra
ordinary feat of strength or skill was warmly
applauded by the spectalui's At ! l ! ! 0 p in
the Tumors ceased from their athletic per
formances prettj well fugged out and wcut
Into business session It was decide I to hold
the next beyltknt Fremont the second Sun-
dav In August.
/n the evening occurred the social session
nnd the lady turners had made special prepar
ations for It , The musicians who occupied
the stngo were almost completely hidden be-
lllnd n beautiful hcdgo of oleanders , palm.s ,
geraniums and other ilowors and plants. Ev
ery arrangement hud been made for a pleasant
time and the dance was prolonged into the
morning hours.
Bohemian Turner * .
The Bohemian turners of Omaha gave n
most excellent exhibition nt Natlonalhall last
night. The auditorium was packed and the
programme btought foith refuted applause.
Prof. Perclval was In charge nnd enteitalned
his auditors through his pupils In a manner
that pleased everyone present. The horl-
Vontnl bar woik , the club swinging by the
young ladles and the alt around tumbling by
the Juvenile boys was simply Immense.
You cannot accomplish any workorbuslness
unless you feel well. If you feel used up-
tired out take Dr. J. II. AleLoan's Sursupa-
rilla. It will give you health , strength mid
vitality. . *
National Kncnmpment n. A. 1C.
Tlio following circular Just issued will In
terest G. A. H. men : *
Bosrov , Alass. , April 0. The committee on
accommodations nro desirous of extending
hospitalities to all visitors , and fully reall < ! o
that such a thing is difficult to accomplish.
To lessen these labors it has been thought best
to Issue the following circular !
1. Do you desire free quarters I
2. How ninny do you expect to bring ?
3. For how long do you wish to engage
quarters I
Alechanics building has been engaged for
the use of the members of the Grand Army
of the Hepuhllc. The committee will furnish
mattresses , but cannot piovido blankets.
A restaurant will bo established In the
building , so that all can purchase meals
at reasonable rates. *
Pai tics wishing hotel nccommoTlatlotis , or
accommodations in boarding * or lodging
houses , will be located to the best of our abil
ity. The prices of hotel accommodations
range from -J to ? "i per day , American plan ,
according to the class of hotel. Hooms at ho
tels on the European plan can bo obtained for
J-l and upward per day. Kooms at lodging
houses can be had for .10 cents to ? ! per day.
accoiding to location. Aleals can be obtained
at 25 cents and npwnrlpor meal.
Wo are making a thorough canvass of the
city , and It will be our earnest endeavor to ob
tain onlv llrst-classaccommodations.
It is tlio intention of the committee , if it
can bo avoided , not to establish a camp , as it
is believed that we shall bo able to quarter all ,
who would avail themselves of the privileges
of a camp under a roof.
Early applications will assure good accom
modations , and all applications from posts
should bo ofllcial.
Comrades wishing to arrange for a reunion
of the organization to which they belong will
kindly address the committee on reunions , .1.
Payson Biadloy , chairman , at these head
quarters. Youis in F. , C. and L.
IIuitiov lit Mr ,
Chairman Committee on Accommodations.
California Cat-lt-Cnre.
The only guaranteed cure for catarih , cold
In the head , hay fever , lose cold , entaiihal
kcafucss and sore eyes. Ucstoie the sense of
taste and unpleasant bieath , resulting from
catarrh. Easy and pleasant to sec. Follow
directions and a euro Is warranted by all
druggists. Send for circular toABIETINE
A1EDICAL COAIPANY , Oroville , Cal. Six
months' ticatment forl : sent by mail , $1.10.
Sold by Goodman Drug Co.
Mortuary *
Airs. Alaria E. Lingner , the grandmother of
John C. Drexel , died ycstciday morning at
the residence of Fred Drcxcl , Tenth and
Williams street. Airs. Lingner had attained
the advanced age of eighty-eight years , about
thirty-five of which had been spent in Omaha.
The remains will bo taken to Grulna , Neb. ,
this morning for interment.
Edward Gorman , a well known resident of
Omaha , died yesterday morning at his Into
residence , H-1 North Fifteenth street , aged
forty-one. Air. Gorman had been in the city
since the early days , and was one of the best
known men in the city. Ho was a member
of the police force about 187,1 and afterwards
became assistant city marshal. Of late years
ho has been in the employ of Storz & Ilcr ns
city agent. IIo was attacked b > the la grippe ,
which developed into pneumonia and alter-
wards into dropsy.
The funeral services will be held tomorrow
morning at S o'clock fiom St. I'liilomena's
Is Progress I vo l.uoliro
Progressive ouehro parties continue
to bo nil the nitfo in Bo-ton nml jieoplo
of most exemplary clnirttctcr huvo on-
k'njjcd with fjrentc t in the unino ,
Hlrniftflinf ; ardently to win the prixcs of
fered , say tlio Boston Aclvortihur. Prob
ably not ono of those exemplary people
has ever imagined for a moment that lie
or nlio was committing n crime in entfaK-
iifj in this enticing paine. But now
comes .Tudtfo Ryland of Alibsouri who , in
n charge to the grand jury recently , in
formed them that flaying progressive
euchre for prizes in a violation of tlio
law nnd punishable ns bueh. Our hii-
promo judicial court him been asked ,
'Can si woman bo n notary public ; " ' Tlio
next query from tlio question club may
bo , "Is playing progressive cuehro
gambling "
Its mperlor oioollenro proven In millions of homes
Tor more than iniuiuler of n centnr ) It Is used hy
Iho I'liltcd Mate * dotcrnmont llndoracd hy the
u'.ldi nf the ( I nUc'roltlca IIH tlio MlomiCHt ,
I'mest nndmo t Healthful. Or I'rlco'n Cream llak-
n render does not tontaln Ammonl.i , J.lmo or
Alum Sold onlv In cans
ruici : IIAKINO I'ownru co
Imported Millinery.
123 Noi-tli 15th Street.
SrwOPo f ° r II terlaIliilnoM.riji. Neuralgia , Wako- IHpritxloii , hiiflenluupt the liralti. rv
lUlUiik In ln anlly anil leailln * to u > l ryil oy ami
death 1'rcmaiuru Old Agv. llmrenniw. l.o sol ronrr
In either tsi.lnioluntary louwfi l operinatarrnai
tail tsl by over-i'iturtloil oC lh brain , &ulr.aljtiFe ur
u rliijiilir'nciv 1 uhboxconUliHC"- *
1110 raruum Sticot , OuiuhaNeb. .
TSNntnro's effort tooxpel foreign mib.
* stances f mini the bronchial passages.
Frequently , thbl ; causes inllammntlon
nnd the need ol hit anodyne. No other
expectorant on nnodyno is equal to
Aycr's Clicrryrl'oetornl. It
Nature in ojcutlng the mucus , allays
Irritation , inducua repose , nnd is the
most popular of. All cough cures.
"Of the manyprcparntlons , before the
public for thoicnro of eolds , coughs ,
bronchitis , andlUlndred diseases , there
Is none , wlthlnltho raugo of my experi
ence , so reliable n.s Aycr's Cherry IVc-
toral. For years I was silbjoet to colds ,
followed by terrible coughs. About four
ye.irs ago , when so nlllictcd , I WHS nil-
vised to try Aycr's Cherry I'ectornl nnd
lo lay nil other remedies nside. I did
HO , and within a week was well of my
cold nnd cough. Since then I hnvo
always kept this preparation in the
house , nnd feel comparatively secure. "
Mrs. L. L. Drown , DenmarkMiss. .
"A few years ngo I took n severe cold
which affected my lungs. I had n tct-
rlblo cough , and passed night after
night without sleep. The doctois gave
mo nn. I tried Ayer's Cherry 1'oeto-al ,
widen relieved my lungs , Induced sleep ,
nnd afforded the rest necessary for the
recovery of my strength. Hy the con
tinual use of the I'cc.toral , n permanent
euro was effected. " HoiacoFalrbiother ,
Itocklngham , Vt.
Iyer's ' Olierry Pectoral ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
SolJ by nil DruesUln. 1'rlcc $1 ; nix bottlcc , jD.
1408'1'AiiNAM STIIIIT : : , OMMIA. XKU.
( Opposite I'axton Hotel. )
Sunilajs , 10 n in to
Sicclnllvt9 | In Clironlc , Xenous , Skin nml Illooil
; ' ( "oiisiiltntlnn nt ollloo or by mnll free Mcdl-
elni'ii-c'iit tiy in.ill or ' press , tcctui'l ) iiaiki'il , fiec
fronioli-cmitlim. Uuanintcua luciiic ? < julckl > , iiCi'-
] y mid iivrmnnt'titly.
Yorvnuc nnUrlifw Ppeinuitoiilui'n.Seinl-
AC1011S ) ' . -
, ( ) , . : [ ; , : -
sloni. I'lDHltal ilcciij , nrMnK from liNllMTi'tloii , ev-
< i'ps or ImlnlianciproilurliiK Kli'i'plei iii"- > < . ilu | > nn-
( li'ncy. i > lUi ! > leN an tliufitcc , n\erlon lo MOtlcty. i * iMIy
illM'ouniKCd , Lit k of collitaice , dull , inillt for xtuily
or InmliK'iH , ntid llmli lift * burden S-ifoly. iierm.i-
nontl ) mill iirhntelj rurul. Conoull Hrs. Hutu .V
llftts , Uih Knrniiui street. Oiimhii , Nub
Blood and Skin Diseases. jMiJ1 , ! ,
tPirllilu In Iti results , completely rrmlioutrd nltliimt
thcnld of mercury bcrofula , t'r > lpelat * , ft'vei poro- * ,
lilotrlipx , ulcuri , imlna In the nml bones , H ) plill-
lllr Kiru throat , puiuth nml toniiui1 , oilarrli , etc. ,
periQanently cured where otlicra hnru fulled.
I,7idiimr 1 - - and IlladderConiiiIiilnts
KKlllCy , LI limiy | .rlfui | , , , miileult. too
frequent liurnlim or blood ) mine , urlnu hlKh ctilorcil
or nlth milky sediment on itandliiK , we.ik back. c " -
orrlitva , Kleet. cj tltls , etc. 1'romptly and Bafely
cured riiarKCi reasonable.
Cu ro. i o-
inoral ( ouiiileto without rnttlup , rniistlr or illlKttlorr
Cures ulTdtod at huino l ; > [ i.illontsJtliout a mo-
mi'Mt'ft p iln oriniiioyanct' .
Young Men and Middle- Aged Men.
A ITK'1 friM ? The awful Hllei-ts of
/V OU1X.U LLK1. . .
duly \L. | ( > , which Iiilnss
orcanlc weaknp" . deatrojIiiK both mlnil nnd body ,
HIi nil ItH dreadful Ills , | > erm.inentl ) cured. who have im-
iiuijcd themsehcs by Im
proper IndtilK'onces and iiolltar ) habltK.rhltliriiln
lioth body and mind , iinllttliiB them for buslneHt ,
ttucly or mnrrlni ! ( ) .
M\nilll-l .Ml.v , or tlio < > o entering on that happy
llle , auaro of phMtal debility , quickly ii' . ltted.
Is t.nROil upon fact" , ( IrM , practical experience ; PPC-
onil , e\cry case IH CKpeclully studied , thus ftnrlliiK
alight ; third , medicines are prepared In our own In-
boritor > o artly to suit each c ise , thus cllcctliu ;
emus nlthont Injury ,
T"f-end I ! centu pocta o for celebrated works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Ilsca os. Thousands
cured. J3f"A friendly letter or call mo ) a\o jou
rntnre Hiillerlni ; and Hlinmu , and aihl colden jears tu
life. tr/.S'o letters answered unless uccoinpanled by
4 cents hi stamps. Address or call on
fuller Ilia management of the
Mexican International Banking Co. ,
"YuiceRsloMarlos , Intorpoiatuil hy the stnto of Chi
huahua , .Mexico , '
For Charitable Purposes.
will take placoln public nt the city of Jimrw ( foriu-
erl } I'HMI del .Nolle ) , .Me\Uo ,
WEDNESDAY , APRIL 23rd , 1800.
iniler the personal supervision of ( General.lonv S.
AHi''lland Mr ( 'AMIlo AlliilM.I.I.I.-J , HID foimeru of such promlneiuo In the United States
hilt his prcscmo alone. Is Millklcnt KUar.inteo to the
intilic that the dian Iti s vslll ho held \ \ Ith strict hon-
Mj and fairness to all , and the latter ( the supervl-
t > or of the .Mexlc.tli gorcrnmcnt ) U of equal staudln
mil IntcKrlt ) .
OM.V Tii'UBT" . OM.V fin.ncx ) TICKLH.
Whole TieU'tN , W. Half 'I'k'l.ct ! . , J. .
< iwtiterTU'Kots. } 1.
i.ihT or rum- : ; .
1 I'rlzoof (10UU ( Is fUOUI )
1 1'rUuof IOOCO Is luunj
1 I'rljeof 5ll / ( Is filmy
,1 I'll/esof lUIUe.ichaio ,1.000
IU I'rl/UHof a.Ufiiih are ' 'WIU
Ml'rlrcsof lUOeaih niu .MUM
( fl I'rliesof MJearhnre , & ( )
'SO 1'iUesor ,10 ( .Mill nru 7VJ )
1(10 ( I'rl/es of $ fill luoli nru f.'iOKI
M I'rlzes of . .Uoneliaro : il M
IU ) 1'rUesof ' 'Suncli nre ' . ' , . ' < UU
II Itni.s M , i'in/VM ,
; W TermlnalH to fiJUliO.I'rUo . of f.k ) each arc. . . ( II IN )
5W Terminals toIOOUOa'rl/oot tlO each are . . : > , ' . ' .
, 'JH I'rlies amount Inir to JISi'JTo
c Wo tlio underslitneil berchy ( crllf ) that Ilio llanco
Naclonal of Mexico , ! la ( . 'lilnuahnu has on deposit
from the Meilcnn Inu-rnallonal ll.inklnx Compaii ) ,
thomco sar > tunilftu Kiiaranteo lhepa > mentor all
the prUes drawn lil thediiMI I.IITTMIV of' Ji'Aitt/
Wo furthercerlirr'llliit ' no will upervlso all Iho
imimieincnts , und IniH'rson inunaxo and control all
thoOran1nisof thliilottery , anil that HIM kamuaro
( ondiictc'd u Ith honostj , fullness , and In Kood faith
townrd all I'.irtlcn
JOHN S MO'IIV , Commissioner
CA.Mll.O Allljfin.l.KH.
Supervisor for tholjoternment.
Ifnny tlckit drawlux.u prlio Is sent to the iindi-r-
slKiied , Us ( . \ulucmlll ho lollected and remltteil
to the owner therunfifrvunf chiuuo
President li : l'n Ci .Nullonnl Hank ii : I'aso , To\ . -
Korclnh rates , or any further Infornmtlnn. rlto
to the iindersltdied atnllni ; your address clearly , n Ith
Hale , count ) nticcl and nnmher More rapid in ill
lellvery lll do asmircd hy > our unclonliu an em el
ope hearliiK your lull uddress
MLXIIAS lNrEii.s.\iiosAi Il\sKiv ( < Co .
( II ) of Jnure < , iloilco
Fend remittances for tkkets hy ordinary letter ,
conlalnluK Moner Onler liunctt by all repress ( i > m-
nililcs New \urk Kxihn'tv \ II ink Iliult or I'oiitul
Note Address all rcKl tcrcil letters t
III , uf JuuieMc'Mro
The WcUl Kno\\rn
la unrurpamed ID the tri iiiincnlfall ( urins f I'm
\\IL lllSKAbhs and hlrlctiirui 11 cnru Kimr.inieed
liupotency I * a if Manhood nnd amhitinn Slerllir
or llarrc-nnesi twt lut-ly lurnl ' euil ' r liookn
The l.lfohmct , for Man urUMiian t-nihlOtenti
< itamp * < Nvrvoui t- male lli ci : i i cured ijuickly
uml iiermancnlljr TrcatiMent hy corri'ipondenco
ilmupi fur repl ) ( uninltatl'in fiOWio ti K.
Cur 1-iii and Juckiun ttrvctn , Uuiahi , .Nvl ) .
In our store lias contributed to make our display of sprinoooods superior to that of any previous si-a-
son. In each department we will offer every week durino-the'entire season some remarkable specials
whereby we expect to make our establishment the busiest place in town. In the men's suit deqartment
yon will find this week.
' 100 fine black corkscrew suits , sacks and 3 button cutaways ; regular price $12.50 ; will be sold this
week at $ S. The material in these suits is all worsted ; they arc lincihvith an excellent quality of farm-
crs ! satin , well made and very dressy.
In the boy's department we will continue the sqecial sale of the several lots of suits , which we start
ed last week. Our boy's dcpartmen never was so busy , and customers are delighted' with our stock and
the way they can buy boy's suits of us this season.
In" the hat deqartment we have opened and placed on sale today another shipment oKour now. justly /T
celebrated 95c fur Dcrbys , the latest spring : shades. Hundreds of our customers who haveS been waiting
for this "Special" will be pleased to hear this. Uhey wear no other hat now as they find them as o nl
as any hat they have been paying $2.50 for.
In the shoe deqartment we offer for this week , 20 cases fine dongola laccshocs. of an excellent
quality at $2.2S a pair. They arc easy and comfortable shoes and well adaptcn to spring wear. The arc
of just such quality as hat stores arc selling for $4.
At the neckwear counter you will find an elegant line'of silk tecks , in new spring shapes and
terns at 15c , the regular value for these is at least 50. ' ; J
Corner Doifqlas and Fourteenth Streets ,
We. aio now showlns ; our newline - , of
iK Clothlnjf. TheyXaiu moio comp
lete anil nlti'iotlM ) thin over huforo
piescn'ol. Men's ' liiliif ? Milts In both
i-.a-Ks and cutaways iiuulu fiom fabilos
soluotcd fiom thu best iimnufautuies
anil best of all , at pilot's within the
loach of o\eiyono.
Special ( Iciiaitniunt for boys and chll-
Can bo cured in 20 to 00 days by the
use of the
I'or * aloonly hy Iho Cook Itemed ) ro , of Omaha
.Nrhr.mKn Write to us for the names anil addrcs" ol
pnllentH wliulnuu heen cured and from whom ne
have iicrmlHfUm to refer hjphlllsls a illxeaxo that
haH nlwati hatlleil the Kklll of the most eminent ph ) -
vluluns , and until thodlicinery of the Cook llemed )
Ci.'n "MAIiiritKMCDW not nno In fifty uterlmv-
Irm Iho dltieaoo hto * heen cured.Vo Kiiaiantee to
litre any uiso llrit tan ho prodnied. 'J'jioso who
have taken meicur ) , potaxh , S H S. Minis allernaH
or other adverll ed remedies , with mil ) lempornr )
honelltx can now ho perm inently cured hy Iho use of
the ' MAI,1C ltiMllV : ! ) of the Cook Itcmcdy Co
Omaha , N'eh. llcn'aro of Imitations , It IH absolutely
Unpofislhle for any other person or ( ompan ) to haxe
our formula oraii ) lemeily like It Inellectand result
The Cook Itemed ) Co has heen trcallnu patients tor
four ) earti and hate nlwaJH plten perfect fatbfai
lion 'I he ) nro Iliuinil'illy respoiinlhle , liutlnic it ( an
Hal of ovei t.liHKJI ) , m iklnK their Kuaranlif Koode
Mdicll the most obsilrmto c.iNeit these who hate
tried over ) knonn reined ) and lust nil hope of H'U > I
cry Correspond with IIH ami let IIH put ) oii In | io es
ploitof etIdeiuo that ( ontlnces the mott hkepllcal
Mark what wo M > In Iho end ) ou MI'ST u o inn
"MAIilO lti\lllV" : : heforo ) ou ( an he penminentl )
cureil It Is the moht hcrolo hlood purlller etei
Known. Write tor iiartlcuLira. All letteri lonllden-
PAlITinV H ° R1ro | y ° u are coltlnc tin-
LU 1 lUi > ' ' '
( , 'ooU Itcnieily C'II'H. .MaBlo Ueia-
NOIKI others nro Konulno. Tartles clalmlnu to ho
niients for ua are Impontom and frauds I nil p.nll-
cuUm free Address nil tommnnliatloiii ! to
Ituuinslin and 4 ( > St. Clulr Hull 1 Illock ,
Cornet Mill null Doil u Ms , Omaha , Nu
Minhnnrl RESTORED.
lUlrinnniin lUMn.rKutKMn . \ ,
IVlUllllUUU ot vmlliful Imiiriiihnie
ptiMlnt/t rreniAluru lxcu > . Ntrtoim Pelimty , l ist
> lnnliiH l , Ao. h. vlnelrk'il In vnlni' > rr > knun rnn
dy haillMMn'ri-il rlnipliinu n rM < lf cunMhlih
linwIIUeiid if lnliKUKKtold rllo fiilfi-iirn.
Idilirw.J II lU.r.VM , TO. Il..l3.-Ai..Nnv VoikCliy
NPIlVul'S JIKII1I.ITV Voung Him Idle
dlo asril men iim rlii liuta r.mioi.n
onii , I.XOMIUUII Anur turf Ku rji
leeil 'irtiilir wale I lOiuainiMk'fulli. . .
tlcnlar fur hoina cure rutK OK nui.ui
i-ium n. i' . HK < I.I { | ( ,
Lock ! ) ? > iC. Detroit , Mich.
Wo must sell out the remainder of our retail btoclc without further il lny ,
as our wholesale business demands our entire time , attention aiul capital. Fer
the ne\t few days wo iirvito you to a feast of bargaiiib &uoh as you will never
again eiijoy. Wo are liable to rent store and hell our fixtures now any day , so
como at once before it is too late.
All our genuine Diamonds now go at importer's pricen and the monutincs
thrown in. $00,000 worth of Diamond's tu select from , prices ranging from
$13.50 up to $3,000 , for Kings , Pins , Ear-rings , kc.
Solid Gold Watcheb from $15 upward. Solid Silver Watches from $6 up.
Nickel Watches from $ L'.GO up.
Solid Gold Chains from $7.50. Best Rolled Plato Chains from $2. Charms
and Locliets , $1 and upward. Solid Gold Kings , $1 and $2 ; worth $3 to $5. A
lot of Solid Steiling Silver Collar Buttons and Scarf Pins at 25c and 50c each ;
worth $1. Heavy Solid M-karat Gold Collar Buttons , woi th $2.50 to $5 each ,
now , choice for only $1. One lot assorted Cutr Buttons at OOc p.iir ; woith $1 to
$2. Solid Gold Spiial Back Studs , 50c and $1 each ; worth lour times , the
money. 1,000 fine Broaches and Lice Pins Irom 50c up.
Fine French btylo Mantel Clocks , 8-day , lia't-hour btriku , cathedral gongi ,
at $5 , $0.50 , $8 and $10 ; woith $10 to $20.
Elegant Silver Lamps , with silk umbrella shades , from $5 up.
Hundreds of other equally good bargains. Open Saturday evening until 0
o'clock ; Store for rent and fixtures for sale.
Corner Sixteenth and Fnrnnm Streets , - - Omnha , Neb.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
I'or tlio treatment of nil CHRONIC AN'l ) SUIKJICAIj DISKASKH llraciApp.ancns for deformlthM anil
Trusses llest rnilllllrs. AplMi.itusand Itemedles for snccesslul Tn'atment ot e\ery form of ill e.iso le- | or SiirKloilTreatmunt NMNKI'V ItdOMS I'Olt 1'ATIJN I'rt. llo.inl and Atti'mlanxllc't
Atcommod.itlons West Write for elieulnrson Duformltles and Ihaies. Trusses , Cluli Feet ( 'nmitureii ot
Spine , 1'lles , Tumors , ( an < er , Ciitarrh , llroncldtls , Inhalation , llh'rtrlclt ) l'aral > sls , Kpllepsy , Kldnc ) IIImN
der , llye'M \ hklii and lllood , nnd nil hurKlcal Operations DlSHASKh Ol WOMKN n specl.ilt ) Hook of
lllseases of Women Tree Wo liimi lately adileil 11 l.yliu-ln llt-p.irtment fur WOIIIIMI Durhm ( untinemcnt
( btrh'tly l'rl\ate ) ( Inly Itcllahlo Medical Instltnto Mtiklnisn Spoclalty cil'rillVATi : IlSiAM ) : >
All lllood DpicMses successfully treated b > phllltlc poison removed from llui sjstpm nllhout mercury.
New Iteslorathu tre.ilnii'iit for Loss ot Vital I'ower. Parties unalilo to visit us niaj ho treated at homo hr
correspondence All communications confidential. Medh Inoor Instinm Mils sent hy mall or expirssso *
curely pit ked. no marks to Indlcato < onlents or sender. Ono personal Interview prefened Call anil lonsnll
us or send history of > our case , and we n III send In pl.iln wrapper our 11ODK TO MILS' ritlJi : ; upon I'lltutu
Special or Nenons Disease" * , Impotent' ) , H > phlll * ( Jleet andVaucocele , with iiiestlon | list Addiesi
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner 0th and Harney Sts. , Omnhn , Neb.
Easter'Presentation Gifts ,
The demand for Enstei * Gifts is increasing every year * , nnd
to supply this growing trade in Omaha , wo have made ex
tra efforts to secure every novelty made in silver. Thou
sands of new articles for ladies and gentlemen.
Bed Rock Prices. Inspection Invited.
Douglas and lOth
| 0.8.RflYMONDjBWBl6P
. . , , Omaha , Nob.
Tin * oulv Mifn nnd piilnU-s inrtli'id of ov
11 Hi till ) : tec Hi and llic i-lily - IIH Ihuil uf nix it
IliK ! ( ( Ih ttithuut platu , iiinaliuiin' ckitii uutl
( Unable.
\'tn \ liiuiBiiikSt. dm ihn
_ AI U SI s IS , fl' N ' ! ' S.
gbycl'p ' Qpcra Houpc
Monday , TncsdayH'cdiicsilay , Apr. 7-8-9
IIIAT : MiAM'Hi'uui
In a MiiL-nllli cut I'rcilui lion of
iTwdflh Nio-hT"
Nine Exquisite Scenes.
Magnificent Cu tumcs.
Gut geous Fui nituro
Itegular j > ricci tseutu tu
Perfect Art Album containing 24
D "uW"l Photogrsphs refeienllng
j(1 lrj ( QoK , , , , ( uiturc , will la tent
on receipt a ! your addrtti.
CHASE & SANBORN , 130 Broad St , Boston.
Western Dept 00 Franklin St. , Chicago , HI.
iMfjOtnoral and NKUVOUb iJEDjllt Y |
j'lV/e.knei.or ' IJody and Mini ) , lftcti
lllof ErroncrKictun In OUcr Younf.
Ilvbuil. A I > U iMIOIIIiriillr I'tilorcil. l ll mi )
Hir Biibmnr ki.iiittnioii no
ifcitiuitir mriiiUi noaK innrjik > T-ii nion 19 < > r ,
n o Ittlll ; rmn tUDIilMftud ttrtttfa CuBBtiUi. ttrll * Ibfii *
UoeHptl' * Kook , eiiUnitloQ ftail preor * nllU4i ( kltiltfr
criiu from iho < n < i uor joullirul ( riom , < nrlr
ill cay ttOAtincuktii vi , h > Mt initnhtMKl , 1 14 < l jll
M nil u > luuhlo trratlu ) ( Miilcdi ( onlalnilix full
imrtitiilars fir homo tun ; I'lll'.K of ; > i A
ll itiidliliiiidicalw > rk tliouM l n iuJ I'/.V"1/ '
. . idddKMi
null ho I * MTV. .114 anil dcMIIUti ,