Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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Drllvrird by carrier In nny part nf tlio City.
Ilt" ( < ixr s Ori'iri ; , No. 1.1.
NKHIT KlilTOIt. No. St.
.711X0 It JIKST10X ,
N V. I' . Co.
Council IuffH ) Lumber Co. , coal.
A milliter of the little folk * Joined in n very
pleasant Kiwtor party nt the residence of Mr.
J. W Squlro Hiiturdiiy cvoiiliitf.
The mulprUikltiK Ilnn of Field it Kstcp
litrt iKM'ii ' dissolved , Mr. Field retiring. Mr.
F-stcp will do Ijtislnoss nt tlio same stmiil on
Noun Main HI reel.
All Clinutanqnn readers an ! retjncsted to
meet tonight at TiltOattho rcsldeneo of.I. h.
! Inr1 < iiL > . ! i , No. 7W First nvciiuo. Huslno.s
of Importance requires the attomlanco of all
Special conclave of Ivmihoo commnndcry ,
No. 17. ICnl hts Templar , Monday ovonliiL' .
for wet klu the order of the templo. All
nojoumliif. Sir Knights mti invited to bo
present. Hy order of the K. C.
Several of the open snintner cars wcro
added to tlio main line electric motor trains
yesterday and tin1 weather was so mild Unit
pnxM'tiKcrs found them inoro comfortable
than the closed caw and BIIVU pi-.ietieal ov-
Idenee of their profoi-Ptico.
WicUham Brothers hoptn malting brick on
.Saturday iind lire now turning out IT.IHK ) u
day Tl'in Hi-si kiln will contain lf.0,000 . brick
iinil will be Ilird early next week. It is staled
that this is earlier than brickmakitijr has
been eoinmeiiced hero in nny previous year.
A runaway , that was e.xceedhiKly lively
while It lusted , nccnrrod on Willow avenue
yesterday morning. The fi lightened nnlinal
left the street in front of II. A. Hallonuor's
iTsiilinco , mid dashed into the yard , wed 'intf
the tiuiwy between the house and a tree. The
vehicle wus b.idly wrecked and the harness
was torn to pieces , but the horvo wiia secured
before airy further damapo was dune.
I" J. Hnyden. eilltor. anil U. N. Whilllcsoy.
city edltor'of the Cllobe , will -step down ami
out of their present positions next Saturday
ni'ht. ( Mr. K. .1. Clancy will assume the
duties of iiiainiflnir editor. Mr. Clancy Is by
no means a sti-aniicr to the citizens of the
Iluffs ) , and has many warm frlcntl.-t hero who
will be plail to know of his return. Mr.
Whittlesoy's successor lias not yet been
Mr. Charles lieno entertained the members
of the Young Married Folks' High Five club
Saturday evening. A splendid supper was
served and relished by the guesta of their
bachelor friend. The guests wen' > Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Hendricks , Mr. and Mrs. Kd C'ogley ,
Mr and Mrs. II. Francis , Mr. and Mrs. .loo
Vf. Smith , Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Williams ,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Groiiewejr , Miss Francis ,
Miss Clam Mover and Miss Thurbor of Cres-
ton. The evening passed of pleasantly and
everybody had a royal good time.
Yesterday's balmy caused quite a
stream of travel to How towards Fairmount
park. Thei-o seemed to bo u very general de
sire to see how the park had wintered and the
inspection was apparently satisfactory. The
park is gelling quite green and it will bo but
n few weeks until it will bo u source of great ,
attraction. As soon as the season fairly opens
the motor trains on the Fairmount park line
will run to the southern terminus of the park ,
to accommodate all who wish to visit the
spot At present the cars arc running to the
switch at the east end of the park cut.
The gasoline steve is inoru dangerous than
the. unloaded gun. Save lifo and property by
using the C. 11. ( Jas and Electric Light C'o.'s
gas stove.
Tlio Lenders
of tine watches and Juivelry In the city , and
the place to buy the best goods at the. 'lowest
prices , is the establishment without rivals ,
the most reliable linn of
C. B. J.ICQLT.MIN it Co.
Drs. Woodbury have removed their dental
olllco to 101 Pearl street , up stall's.
Choice residence property centrally located
forsalo by E. II. Sheiifo & Co.
J. C. Illxliy , steam heatlngw sanitary engi
neer , ! llt ! Lifo building , Omaha ; 'JIM Merrhim
block , Council Bluffs.
The Ijouiil nyiiiiinstH.
The Young Men's Christian association is
preparing for n full house at its entertain
ment next Friday evening. He.servod seats
will bo on sale at the opera house drug sloro
Monday morning , and there will bo u great
demand , judging from the following pro
gramme :
Music . Orchestra
'I alileaii.v . Oynimisliim at. Work
Indian Club Drill. . . . . . Ulrl'n Class
I'hino Accompaniment.
Duet Klule and Comet . I' , and P. lladollet
Dumb-hell Drill . Hoys' Class
OieheMia Accompaniment.
Parallel lla r.s . Juniors
Jliii'i . Mrs. Kvans and .Mrs. Sherman
Dumb-hull Drill . lunlui.s and Juniors
I'MT ( II.
PoloI'lnte . L.W.Tulleys
Indian Club Swinging. . Graded Class
Oi i chest i a ccomimnintMi.
Music . Orpheus quartette
1'aralb'l liars. Scnlorsand Yoliuitarv Kxerclses
Hole I'luli- . 1'iank Itadoltut
Ilorl/onlal liar , llnis ! and Tumbling .
, . All ( 'lasses
bolo- Cornet . Willie Murphy
- , . - ,
The Manhattan sporllng headers , -IIS B-
way. _
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. , 'JOT 1'oarl street ,
loan money for Lombard Iiivostineiitcoimiany.
- .B-
K. A Spooner has removed his shoo store
to No. Ill Main street. Mo has an elegantly
Jilted up place and a splendid stock of goods
ready to meet his friends and all other people
who want good goods and low prices.
lr U.S. West , porcelain crown and bridge
work , No. 1'J 1'carl.
- -
A Coal ol' Paint Needed.
"If the now council wants to save the city
money , why don't they pulnt that bridge I"
inquired a .Main street business man yeslor
day , as ho pointed to the Indian creek "bridge
on that street. " 1 never drive across it with
out noticing how badly u coat of paint Is
needed. It is rusting badly , and if this Is al
lowed to continue it won't ho long until there
will boa call for a now bridge there. There
are .several iron bridges In the city that are in
the same llx. Paint will save them , but ,
without It they will go to ruin very fast. AH
the council meets tomorrow night , suppose
you touch them up about it. "
Important to Horsemen : Largo line horse
mid turf goods. 1'robstlo , ftM B y , U. B.
Vi'ry Low.
Without doubt there are many persons now
building houses hero who want (41 ( use the city
water , but are unable to pay the usual price
for introducing the water into their promises.
Appreciating this fact , the New York PlumbIng -
Ing company will locate a yard hydrant six
teen feet from the curb line , mid connect the
name with water main , with everything com
plete and the water ready to use forjlll. Cash
with order. This offer 'applies to unpavcd
streets where mains are laid.
J. 0. Tipton , real eslato , fW * Broadway.
Kleganl gold coaler pieces , full size , for 10
cents , fjrmer price $1. Tluvo band border
only 1 cent a yard at II. P. Niles , -100 Broad
' *
We want you lo llsi your rental property
with us and we will secure you good , reliable
tenants. Honts collected and special atten
tion given to onto of property. K. II. Shoafo
& Co. , Broadway and Main si. , up stall's.
Cliitiitniiiiu ( | ANKoiiilily NIXON.
Persons wishing tents should place order
for same without delay , as the ( hautauqua
will provide only such accommodallons upon ,
onler. Season ticket * aiv on sale , and lames
having the work In charge will call upon the
public , llmls are now being Issued for lots
en the Chautauqtm grounds. It Is very lie-
Kirahto that all i > crMms who wish should se
cure lots on the grounds without delay.
Many cottages are to Iweiwtfil and many Im
provements are contemplated. The pro
gramme Is so far along as to assure an excel
lent enlertalnment for July. Circulars can
be obtained upon application to J. K. I lark-
ness of Council muffs , la. I'm ties who Intro
iiletlgcd to take lots en the grounds will
bo prepared to settle and take deeds for same
upon application. The time Is new limited ,
and everyone who Intends to help should bo
ix'udy to assist willing ) ) ' and promptly.
Easter Flowers and Easter Bonnets Grace
the Various Churches.
The I'ollee ( Jot ATI or the DlHpciiHOi'H ttl
Contraband lliicl o and Land u
Trio In the Cooler Oca-
cm I Newt * NoteH.
Chief of Police Ciiry has decreed that the
orders of Iho mayor with reference to Sun
day closing shall be rigidly enforced , and the
Indications are that the saloon men will not
bo long in llndiug out that ho means It. He
does not propose to lake anybody's word for
It , but will depend upon his own eyes for
his knowledge. . It was staled
yesterday Unit everything was
closed up tighter than a drum.
Lust evening , however , the head of the force
took u notion Into his head to do a little in-
vesllgallng through the suburbs. The patrol
wagon was ordered out and the chief ac
companied by Captain Clough and Oftlecr
Martin started on a tour. The llrsl place
Visited was Iho saloon kept by John Myers ,
near the transfer. There was nothing to bo
seen from the Inside , not oven a my of light ,
to show that any business was being con
ducted within : In fact , It had the nppcaranco
of a vacant anil deserted house.
Hnlrance was effected , and when on Iho Inside ,
Iho place wore an entirely different aspect.
It was lighted up , and the proprietor was dis
pensing drinks to a thirsty crowd with a lib
eral hand. The customers all claimed to bo
from Omaha , and tided very promptly on the
chief's advice to start for homo Immediately.
Myers was hustled Into the patrol wagon ,
and the drive was continued.
The next place was John Crow's
Joint on Lower Broadway. Crow was
found out side on the watch , and
explained the presence of the crowd Inside by
slating that they lived there. He was not so
successful In furnishing information about
himself , and lie was bundled Into the wagon ,
wooden leg and all , to keep company with
Mr. Myers.
The Central house , a block below. Was next
honored with a call. The proprietor , S. E.
Nulling , was very much surprised at the
unexpected visit , and was so completely llus-
Ir.ilod that ho oven forgot to deposit his gun
behind the bar as Crow had done , and it was
later found on his person , to give rise to a
charge of carrying concealed weapons. The
trio were taken to the station and locked up.
They wore all very well "heeled , " showing
conclusively that Easter prollts are worth
looking after. Judge MoOeo will grant them
an interview this morning.
The chief proposes to follow up this plan ,
mid will satisfy himself whether or not it is
pnssiblO'for saloons to run in disobedience of
Attractions on Our Second Floor Tor
Monday and tlic Week.
300 pair sample corsets , including French
sateen , coutll , jeans and summer corsets ,
goods sold from ( i'.ic to $ l.ii."i , nil to go atlee ,
sixes from 1'J ' to "i in ecru , white , eremo and
In three lots lor Monday mid the week.
LOT 1 AT U.e. .
A full line of corset j-ovors , plain embroidered
and lace trimmed in all sizes , 'J. > c each.
Night gowns , full si/.e , nilllo trimmed , 2. " > c
Chemise and drawers , lace and embroid
ered , trimmed , -Tie each.
Misses' and ladies' " white skirts 2. > e each.
Children's and infant's white dresses , 5c
toSl.Oy , a bargain.
LOT ! ) AT SlOe.
Corset covers , V shape and square neck ,
a e.
Night gowns , trimmed with feather edge
braid and milled , it'Jc.
Chemise and drawers , embroidered and
tucked , U'Jo.
LOT 3 AT fiOe.
Corset covers , with full yoke of em
broidery and toi elion lace , fiOc.
Mother Hubbard night dresses , beautifully
trimmed , fiOe.
Chemise and drawers , trimmed with em
broidery and torchon lace and linishcd in
feather stiteh braid , We. )
All the above goods will compare with
goods sold at 7iie and SI.
Loaders and Promoters of Low Prices ,
Council Bluffs.
Master Sunday.
Yesterday was one of the quietest Sundays
that the Bluffs has known for a long itme.
The streets , however , were far from.present
ing a deserted appearance , as there were far
more pedestrians and buggies in sight than is
usual , but everything was orderly and there
was no disturbance to mar the beauty of the
day. The weather was far too pleasant for
anyone to remain indoors , and there was a
general outpouring in all parts of the city.
There seemed to bo a universal desire to move
aboul , and the crowds that thronged the
motor trains wore only a small proportion of
those who were out lo enjoy Iho day.
The mayor's order wllh reference lo Iho
closing of billiard halls and card rooms was
rigidly enforced. There were , as usual , u
number who wore anxious lo llnd "a game , "
but their search was not generally successful.
There wore a few games of "crib" in private
rooms in tlio hotels , but publio playing did
not prosper. A few of the old time sports
began to collect earlv In the day in one of Iho
recently closed gambling rooms , but Iho po
lice caught on and Iho scheme miscarried. It
was satisfactorily demonstrated that the Sun
day closing law can bo enforced without dlfll-
eulty If there Is any disposition to do so.
There was more or less kicking because
Manawa had not "opened" for the scasdii ,
and there was a general demand to know
whether or no trains were running to Iho
lake. AVhen it was known that thov wore
noland Manager Heed's reason was given ,
much satisfaction was expressed by those
who desire to see the lake prosper , but the
ruundors howled.
H < COIIIS that Manager Heed is determined
to give Manawa a better name lids year than
it has over had heretofore , and for this reason
ho insists Unit they must start out right.
Said he : "If 1 start the Ir.dns now , before
wo have taken any slops lo regulalo our now
town , it will hurt the lake lor the entire
season. These fellows who are shut out of
the saloons here in the city would go to the
lake for a time , and they would have it. Tlio
better element would say at once. 'Well , if
that is tlio way they are going to run things ,
I will stay nway. ' and the lake would suffer
for Iho whole summer , oven If a radical
change was made later. For this reason I am
waiting until we get everything arranged. "
Several desirable dwellings with modern
Improvements for rent in vicinity of the
Presbyterian church. 13. II. Shcafo .t Co. ,
rental agents.
Finest photo gallery In the west Sherra-
den'b new place , il ; and -Ifi Main street.
Tlio Day In tlio ClittrchcH.
The phenomenally beautiful wreaths yes
terday and the unusually Interesting pro
grammes prepared for the observance of
Easter Sunday left no excuse for church
goers to remain at home. The consequence
was that every church In the cily was
crowded at all the various services. A
greater Interest than usual was generally
munifesled in the observance of the Easter
services , and there was not a church in the
city whobo altar was not decorated with
flowers and where a programme of unusal In
terest was not prepared.
One of the most Important events of the
day was the dedication of the Twentv-ninth
street Baptlsi church , which occurred al U p.
in. 'I he building Is a very' handsome lllllo
edlllco fronting on Twenty-ninth street and
Avenue II. and has been built to supply the
necessity for more churches In the new portions
tions of the city between Council Bluffs and
Omaha , which are MJ rapidly setlling up. It
makes the Sixth Baptist church la Iho cltv.
It is largely the result of the labors of Dr.
CVoley , pastor of the First Baptist church ,
who Marled the enterprise last Septemlier.
The Jlrst contribution towards It eamefroniT
J. Kvuus , who gave the lot with the provision
that the building .should not cost less thin
( I.Oui ) . The next came from the Aim-Heat
Home Mission society of the church , whlcl
agreed to giro the Html iWH ) provided Iho
building ithould cost $ l-Hi. ( With this en
rouragement Dr. Cooley ami n number of the
other Baptists of the city went to work , i > m
tip to the present time have extended or con-
Iraeted to expend $ l50 , ( ! , and Iho building Is
only finished In Iho rough , with In-own walls
and common chairs for neats. Of this amount
only * iOO remained to bo rained yesterday.
The church has a seating capacity of between
'J.VI and : tOO , and when finished will bo a credit
to the 'organization and city , livery neat was
occupied when the dedicator } " exercises
began. Behind the pulpit were seated Kov.
W. M. M. Halgh , O.I ) . , of Chicago. Kov. II.
C. Woods. D.D. , of Lincoln , Neb. , Kev.
Lamar of Omaha , and the pastors of the olhci
Baptist churches In Council Bluffs. Kev. E.
N. Harri * of the Bethany Baptist church de
livered the Invocation , followed by Kev. Will-
lam Atlchlson , who road an appropriate se
lection from Iho scriptures. After
a prayer by Kev. T. P. Thlckstun of Iho
Herein ! Bapllst church came the addresses
which constllutcd Iho largest part of the pro
gram. Dr. Haigh spoke upon the subject of
Iho "Gospel and Kn-o ( iovernmenti" Dr.
Woods upon the "Gospel and Iho Modern
City ; " Kev. Lamar on "Tho Power of the
Church In the Community. " Shorter ad
dresses were made by Kev. Koichonlmch of
the Scandinavian Baptist church , and Kev.
Klordim. state missionary. To htm was as
signed the duly of appealing to Iho congrega
tion to lift the remaining SSXI indebtedness ,
which ho did so effectively that the amount
was raised in a few moment ! * . The church
was then formally dedicated. No regular
pastor has yet been assigned to the charge.
but the pulpit will bo regularly .supplied until
this is done. Kev. Klordan preached the llrst
sermon last nlghl-
The Easter services In the First Muthodlst
church were very beautiful. The Interior
was handsomely trimmed with flowers and
foliage , plants , Easter lilies and white and
red roses predominating. All the pews and
the uUlet wore lillod before the services
began , and many were turned away. The pro
gram consisted of a responsive service by U o
Sunday school , as the dale fell upon Iho reg
ular children's missionary day of Iho church.
The service consequently was conducted al
most wholly by the children and Ihe bright
Easter morn , the Easter lillles and happy
faces and childish voices blended harmon
iously. Bertio Khoads recited "The Last
Command of Our Saviour ; Belle Woods
"Easter Morning" and Mamie Mulholland
and Matio Pile recited in unison a poem on-
tilled "His Dominion from Sea lo Sea. " This
was followed by a "Flower , Star and Gem
Song" Nellie by Easaney , Nellie Jones , May
Davis and Grade Carson. Kalph Smith and
Lottie Newton recited appropriate selections.
The anthcms-and songs by Iho school wore
very impressive.
The day was observed properly at St.
Peter's Cathode church. The altar was pro-
furselv decorated with flowers. The full
Catholic ritual was observed. The solo sing
ing of Mrs. Dillon was one of Iho pleasant
St. Paul's Episcopal church , as usual on
Easter Sunday , was given a summery , bowery
appearance. The chancel was lllled .with
flowers/ The altar was beautified by lilies
and smilax. The font was almost hidden
with blooming fuchsias. The pulpit was
graced with roses and other flowers and the
lectern WLS : graced by ferns and blossoms.
The memorial windows were also adorned by
banks of blooming plants. This church was
the most elaborately decorated one in the
city. Many attendants at other places of
wo'rship dropped into St. Paul's during the
day to admire the floral adornments. The
services wow in keeping with the day. In
the morning there was the communion scr-
vice and an appropriate sermon by Kov Mr.
Maekoy. The attendance was very large ,
every pew being occupied , and a demand for
extra sittings. In the afternoon there was a
children's service.
At tne Congregational church the floral
decorations were very pleasing. Outside of
the pulpit was an arch of green , bearing tlio
words in golden letters , "Ho is Kison. " In
the center of the arch was a cross of ferns and
Easter lilies were prominent in the whole de
sign. On tlio opposite side of the pulpit was
a cross , with the name I'.Icsus , " in letlcrs of
gold. Besides these two large designs , were
numerous plants in bloom , vines , cut flowers
in beautiful vases , ete. Kev. Mr. Crofts
preached one of Ids best sermons , in which
ho showed that Christ's resurrection re
vealed Iho grace and mercy of God , and Iho
immortality which awaits nil who trust in
Him. The Orpheus quartet rendered excel
lent music. In tlio evening there was a very
Interesting concert service in which a num
ber of the young folks took part.
There was a throng at St. Francis Xavier's
church at both ! ) and 10 o'clock mass , which
was celebrated by Kov. Father MeMenamy.
The choir provided special music , which was
finely rendered. The altar was profusely
decorated with cut dowel's and polled plants.
All of the cluirch societies , including the
Ancient Order of Hibernians , Catholic
Knights , St. Monica society , both sodalities
and other organizations , were present in a
body and attended communion.
At the First Baptist church the pulpit was
almost obscured behind a bank of ioliago and
potted plants lllled the edlllco with fragrance.
The regular choir rendered Easter music. The
sermon was preached by Kov. Dr. Hough of
A beautiful floral display was made at the
First Presbyterian churcli , the Easter lilies
being particularly flue. The church was
crowded , the aisles being filled with ohairs to
accommodate those who could not secure
places elsewhere. The music was in charge
of Mrs. Sherman and Mrs. Ward ; Lieutenant
Palmer gave a line tenor solo. The services
were very Interesting.
An Absolute Cure.
is onlv put up ill largo two-ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute euro for all sores , burns.
wounds , chapped hands andallskln eruptions )
Will positively euro all kinds of piles. Ask
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
li.7 cents per box by mail ISO cents.
TlioAVntcrs ol'tlic Iteaiitll'nl Minnesota
Lake Constantly Receding.
Unless .somothiii } , ' in ilono promptly the
bemity of the ruinous Lnko Minnoloulti
will bo lost for at least boverul HOUMOUS ,
wnyrt a St. Paul special to tlio Chicago
Hernlil. Among the 112,000 hikes that
sparkle llko diamonds ) in the emerald
settiii { , ' of Minnesota herbage Minne-
tonka Is the loveliest , and its fame has
gene abroad over the country. Its
chores are peopled in the summer
season by tourisls from the east and
south to ; the number of thousands.
Thirty-two hotels dot its sinuous 'shore
line , seven of which will each accomo-
duto100 guests. The heavily wooded
shtires tire ornamented by hundreds of
vlllns ant ] In the heated months St. 1'aul
ind Minneapolis people pour out by
thousands to enjoy the lake
MinnetonUa is about eighteen miles
long , with an average width of four
miles , but the arms , bays and in-
lols are yo numerous that the
shore line spreads out over a
length of 180 miles. The
lake is drained by a creek , whioh , after
lumbling over Iho noetic Minnehnha
rails. below Minneapolis , pours into the
the Mississippi near Fort Snelllng. The
cause of the sudden alarm Is in the steady
I'ect'.ssion of the waters of the lake. Dur
ing the summer of 18K1) ) the shrinkage
wns four feet , and oven the past winter
showed .1 further loss of eighteen inches.
The county and park commissioners
ire nonplussed , 'Jttr , after damming
iho outlet , the water still receded
mil left the dam high and dry. The
only possible explanation is that the dry
seasons of Ihe pasl have loft the sandy
soil in the condition of a snongo , and the
waters of the Minnotonka will be ab
sorbed until the normal condition is
reached. A new dam will bo constructed
M > as to retain as much , of the spring
rain and thaw as possibly This dam
nay bring a damage suit at Mlniietonka
Mills and it will reduce Mlnnohaha Falls
to a mere thread of water.
Newspaper ProurosH In
The now annual edition of the News-
mpor 1'ix'BS Directory exhibits the most
mcouniglng progress In the newspaper
vorld , says the London Dally NOWH.
There are , now 2Uil ; newspapers pub
lished in the United Kingdom , as
agaliibt 'V > 1 published in 181(1 ( , when the
Directory blurted on ita useful career.
Bradleii ; films Garri Business WIDE
David , David
Bradley Bradley
&Co. &Co.
Council Co ncil
Hlnffs. Hluffs.
Are making such low v/ill save you money. No
prices and favorable dealer in vehicles should
terms that our com buy until he has Brad-
petitors make the ley's catalogue , prices
above assertion. and terms.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
I nrKcit Stock nnd Lowest I'i Ices. Dealers , send for Catalogue.
Nos. 20o anil 1207 Bi-oailway , anil iiOl mill 200 Pierce Sti-cut. , Council Bluffs , In.
Planing Mill , Sash and Door Factory ,
Corner Feconil nvrmir anil Tlilrtccntli street , Council IHulTs , In. M'o are thoroughly
equipped to do all kinds of work.
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
Special attention given to odd M/osjPtnlr Work , and Interior 1'lnisli of all kinds niado to
order on short iiotlvu. Kstlnintos Klveii on all kinds of work to contractor and liulliler.
Of this liu-gcr numbci1 , 18-3 nrc dully
nuwHpiipci'H , nyaiiibt fourteun in 18-iti.
Thuso nrc llio most reninrkublo llyuros
of the entire tabulation , and they alone
would entitle us to say tlinttho n'bolition
of the stamp duty and the repeal of tlio
paper duties have fully answered the ex
pectations of their promoters. In all
the long catalogue of Mr. Glad
stone's brilliant reforms there is
none of more momentous consequence
than the repeal of the jwper duties. And
there is none perhaps which gave him
greater trouble. His enemies were often
those of his own household. Lord Pttl-
meraton had no enthusiasm whatever
for the measure , and Lord John lUiss-ell
was lukewarm. On the other hand Mr.
Gladstone owed much to the enlightened
support of at least one conservative , Sir
Edward Uulwer Lytton. For a long
time in this great undertaking men had
to walk by Iho inner light , for they
could not find sullleient guidance in the
party principles , and many walked very
much awry. All sorts of dreadful consequences
quences were predicted .of the reform ,
and one in particular , that it would Hood
the country with literature as nasty as it
was cheap. It bus not had precisely
that effect , for in the former quality we
have nothing to compare with some
papers of the period anterior to the abe
lition of the duties.
116 Wan an Old "nones" J
Lew Benedict , the veteran burnt cork
artist who has rattled the bones in a
number of minstrel organi/ations for
nearly u quarter of a century , and who
is now pursuing his profession with
George "Wilson's company , was seated at
a table in Henblin's after the perform
ance Thursday night , lunching with half
a dozen of his companions , says tile New
Haven Register. Over their salad and
Licer the minstrels began to talk of old
times , but their conversation did not in
terest a party of Yale seniors at an ad
joining table until Benedict happened to
remark :
" 1 first became n bones man about
twentv-two years ago , and I'll never for
get what a time I had of it. It had al
ways been the ambition of my life , and
when I finally got there you can't im
agine how happy I felt. ' '
The words attracted the attention of
the Yale men , and after a moment's con ;
versation , one of them approached Bene
dict and said :
"Excuse me , but did I hear you say
you were a Bones man ? ' '
"Yes , sir , " was the reply. " 1 have
leen ) a bones man for the past twenty-
two years. "
Tim Yale man then did something
which Benedict could not fathom , and
as the minstrel sat in silent astonish
ment the senior continued :
"J guess there must bo some mistake.
You don't belong lo Bones.1
"Don't belong to bones ! What in the
world are you driving at , if I may ask
the question. "
'Nothing , only I made a mistake , that
was all , and the senior returned to his
seat. But the mystery could not go
without explanation , and a few moments
ifterwards Hie minstrel and the Yale
nan agreed to compare notes. Then the
Yale man found out that Benedict had
jcen a bones man in a minstrel show for
, wenty-two years , and Benedict leiirned.
hat the Yale man had been initiated
nto the Bones last , luno. Both oxplcn-
itions seemed to give mutual satisfac-
ion , and- during the rest of the evening
lie minstrels and the students but
iroinul the same table.
Hoi- Holly Ciiiurilcil liy CntH.
Kind neighbors entering the apart-
nonts of Mrs , Louisa Baker , on Bank
street , tonight behold a sorrowful spee-
aclo , says a Norfolk , Vtt. , dispatch to
ho Cincinnati Kniruiror. Upon the bed
ay the dead body of the lady , guarded
> y eight ferocious' cats , which made it
exceedingly dangoi'oiis to venture near ,
t was evident Unit-she had died of star-
iitlon. Mrs. Baker- was a hidv of good
iimily and of many aecoinplMimonls.
She came from Prince Kihvnrds county
omo time ago. Her husband lost
ils position JII.TO and left the
city. Since then nothing has been heard
if him. In the meanwhile his wife
tved a secluded life , and though abso-
utoly without mqans refused to accept
ho assistance which her neighbors of-
ered. A colored woman who lives
learest to her had her fears aroused and
ommunlcated thorn to a minister , who
iccoinpnnittd her to the house , It was
n this way the discovery was made. The
oem was found to bo scrupulously neat
mil clean , and some very line old bllver-
vare was found in good condition. The
> nly food the room contained , however ,
van one eyg.
oil HKNT Thrco unfuriilblivil rooms. SfO
> dlllh l.xth bt ,
" \\rANTKD Men to hell the complete school
ii ( 'hurts. Sulitry ( ircommisKlon llhiral and
pltmiptly paid. Mnall expeiiM't rornutllt. Ad-
dtchhorcnlltm I1H. . Smith , 6IU UiouUay. .
Council Ulna's , lu ,
"T71OH PALE At a bargain : Ono douhlc sa\v
J- and sllccr ; one vcneor machlno with RPIII'-
InRcomplcto , all now. sultaulo forhaslict fac
tory. Inquire at Snydor's commission house ,
iM'oarl bUNiuiuMl IllilTs.
AHA I JO A I N My resIdeTfcc. a 5-room house ,
pant ry , hKh : room , closets , city water , etc. ;
IntdtixlLI ) ; Mahin , coal and wood house ; hear
ing fruit ; line locution ; one-third down , hal-
ancc t o _ s 1 1 1 1 . N. O. War d. 4II5 llroaihyay.
171OU KENT llawlicyu lollor Hour nnd feed
Jmills. . Swan & Walker , Council IllnlVs , la.
FJH PA l.K N'cwS-room house with mod
em Iniprovenienls. larso ifrovn lot , In 1st
class nelRlihorhood. This Is a liurcnln , $ 'I.VIO.
Now T-rooni cottaso on Ave. V , ncarUiikland
ave. , with line lot , W.SOO.
.Modern 2-story house on Sth ave. , tJ.MO ,
Now li- room cottajjc. 8 1 , GDI ) .
New 4-iooNi cottage. $1,000.
Choice paidcnliiK land close to the elty In5
or 1(1 ( acic lots. tlOO per acic , easy terms ,
Lots In Kiddle's siili. on monthly payment1 * .
7 acres insldu iiero proneity ut. a bargain.
I'Inc residence lot on llcnton St. . f.s.V ) .
Cholei ) lots In Mullln-'s suh. at * 'IOO each.
Lot on Ave. I ) , nearHth St. , only * 7UO.
Section of line land In Lincoln Co. , Neb , , to
trade for Council lilull's property.
Vacant lots In all parts of Iho city on easy
I'll.I mortKa c loan' ! .
W. C. Stacy & Son , Kooni 4 , Opera Itlock ,
Council HluIVs , lu.
FOU SAM-JIy : icsldencc. f 'l Wlllow"iivi
mie , on south side of Hayliss park ; heated
hy steam , lighted hy electricity and contain
ing all modern Improvements ; lot 100 hy LW )
feet. Also will sell or exchange for Improved
city pioperty my faim of'Til acics , ten miles
east nf Council BIulYs. N. M. I'n cy , Council
_ _ _
" \rn\V Improved real cstato to t rado for unlni-
i > proved Omaha orCouncIl Illull's properly.
C. II. Jiitld , CM > Hroadway.
ITIOH SAI-R or Itfiil-Gnnli'ii land , with
JL1 houses , hyJ. H. Klee , ll Main St. , Council
niuirs. _ [ _ [ _
"TT1OH SALE At u harKaln. uWO-acro ranch
A100 miles from Omaha ; In tlrht-rlass loca
tion and A No. t In every respect ; this bargain
will repay a close Investigation. I'or particu
lars call on or address J. 1) . Johnson , No. 10
1'earl hi. . Council Illiill's ,
"T' HAVE several houses and lots to trade for
J- Council Illull's orOmaha unimproved prop
erty. C. 11. Judd.iWU Itioadway.Counell lllulls.
HLUl'KS pninortr for sale ut
COUNCIL . The following ; , among the
most beautiful homes In the city , will he Mild
at Kieat bargains , on monthly payments , or
terms to suit ;
Three new K-room houses on Lincoln avenue
two blocks from elect tic motor line.
Two new -l-ioom houses four blocks from
electric motor line on North Seventh street.
One new fi-room house four blocks from
electric motor line on North Seventh street.
Thiec new . " > and li-room houses one block
from elect lie motor line , corner Avenue ; A and
Twelfth street.
llesldcs tlu > above I have houses and lots In
all pu : Is of the city.
Dun newfi-ioom house on Mill stieet.
C. It. Jtiilil. ( Broadway \ , Council Itluft's.
MI.ii''I'H. : IOWA.
TIIIM. Orrici'.it. > V. H. M. 1'usuv.
OFriCliR & 1'USIiY ,
Corner Main and Hroadwny ,
Council Bluffs , - lown.
Dealers In foreign and domestic n.xcliaiiKO.
Collections uiado and Interest , paid on tlmo
Factory and I'laning Mill.
llest eiinlpped , most ccntnilly located fac
tory In tno city. All modern latest piitliirn.
machinery ; operated hy skilled mcehanlcK ,
Hpeclnl attcnthin Klvcn to scroll unit h.ind
sawing , plunlnKand trlinniliii ; . " d'cnural con
tracts and estimates for houses and buildings
iDipcclalty. Corner Ninth Main and Myn.stu
.btrcutH , I'onnoll Illnll's. Tolephoni > .Vj.
The J. A. Murphy
1st Avenue and 21st , Street.
Sash , Doors and Blinds
Hand and Scroll SawingHoSiiwlni ; and
Planing. Suuimcnf all kinds. I'oreh ( ( rackets.
Kindling wood fJfiO per load dollvciml. Clean
sawdust by the hand ! i"c. . All work to bo
llibt-class. Telephone .
F.-M. ELLIS & CO. ,
Uoonis i : ) nnd 4K : Hen llulldliiK. Umaha ,
Noh. . and llooins .Ml and ' 'ID Mcrrlam Illouk ,
I'ouncil Illuirs , lit. Correspondence solicited.
J. D. KIIMUMISON , K. I. . KmriMKT ,
1'rcs. Vlco-1'rt-s.
ClIAS. U. llANNAN , Cashier.
Citizens' ' StatB Bank ,
PatU Up Capital . $160,000
Surplus . 36,000
Liability to Depositors . 336,000
IlIlllHTiiilrt I. A. Miller. I' . O. tileiison. K. I , .
SliiiKitrt. K. IHurt. . ,1. D. Kdmundsun , Chun.
U. llunnun. ' 1 ruiihiu t general liiuiUInK Inisl-
ncss , liirie t capltul and huiplns of any
lunik in Notthwuiturn luwu. Intel en uii tlmo
Opcrntuil miller n twenty jrnr's c-onlriict by llio
Mc.xlcnn liiterniitliiniil Improvi'iut'iit
Crniul .Monthly ilnmiiipi lielil In DIP Morcaqmi
I'nrlllnn la Hie Aliinioita I'urk. I'lly of .Mexico , unit
imhlirly rimilnctril l > y k-nvnnmenl iiDlrlnlHiippolnleil
Inr the purpose l > ) Iho secretary of Hie Interior anil
the Ticaaury.
BBiiBficiBncia Pilblica ,
Will l > < : held In the ITl'V III' MH.V1CO ,
MAY 5 , 189O ,
Which Is Hie CiiAxn SiMi-Ax.vr\i : , KXTIMOHIII.V-
Ilumlrei ! ami Twenty ThoiiMiml Dollara.
1'UH'E OK TK'KF/rs-AiiiiMlraii Monoy.fl ,
Wholes , Mi Halves , $4 ; Qnailers , Vi ; KlKlitli
Club Hales : J.Vuirlh of tlckeli fur IK ) .
1 Capital 1'ilzeol tlXi.tmo . Is )
I I'npltal 1'rlzeiit JU.IKXJ . It 4U.IKJO
1 t'npltal I'rl/enf IWINIU . I" .1MWI
1 liriiml I'rlreof . Is . ' . . !
' . ' I'rl/ei of 2.l iO . are < , I H
51'rl/esof 1.000 . are : > . ( .
201'rlzenuf a l . are 10i IO
RHJ Prices or 'M > . mu 2U.U I
SMI I'rlresof HO are JIH.IWI
WJ I'rlzcs of 40 tro 21 , 1W
l.'iO I'rl/cs of. 'lUiippro.\rnial'i. : ! lo jrjl.inil prl/e , t
IHI I'rl/c-s ( if lUliipiinixiiuurctii 4IJ.IHX ) prl/o , 15,000
IAD I'rl/osol CU appro.vlmatV to ai.mill pil/o , IIIK I
7'JU Terminals of SlU decided uy I'JO.OOO . pil/c , 3 ! , ' . M
2toi ! I'rl7c \iouiilliif ] to CW.l''U
All l'il "i void In tlic l.'nlteil M le.i lull ; jialil In
U. S. C'urrcnry.
tVrouri.i'ii ItATI'S. nr nny fnrllier Inrornintlnn
desliTil , write leullily to the muli-rxliiieil. cleiuly
ttlatlUKyour resilience , with state , etiunty. street ninl
number. More rapid return mall deliver ) will I'C. '
nssui-ed by > oiir enclu lnt ; nn envelope bearing your
full address.
Addicss , U. ItASSKTTf ,
CITV or Mexico ,
lly orillnnry letter , rontalnlni ! .MOXiv : OKlllIII
Issueil by all M.xpress Cninpanlcn. Now Vork K.\-
cliniiBe , Draft or I'ostal Note.
lly teniisoreontrai't the eonipaiiy must depoiill the
FIIIU of all prl/rs Included In the srlieuie belore sell-
IHKn ulnt'lo ticket , and iifel > o the tullonliiit olllclal
I'l'nnll :
C'lMUII'K'ATi-I : hereby certify thiit tlio llank of
London and Mexico has on the necessary
Hindi to cmirantee the payinent of all | irl < cs ilriitrn
by the l oluihi lie In llenellcencla I'nbllca.
Ai'oi.iNAit CAM II i.o. Intcrvenor.
Knither , the company Isreijulied todl-tilhutcllfty-
tl.v percent , of the value of all Ihe tickets In prl/es
n liuiicr poitlon than l ( riven by any other lottery
Finally , the number of tickets Is limited to MI.OOO
'M(1W ( less than me void l > y other lotteries r.sliiK the
tame scheme.
100 Per Cent Prof it
A YanKce City Under Soulliern Sun ,
Has now In operation mill under construc
tion , twelve iii-w nianiifaeliii-liiK Industries ,
uiunloylns ? neaily l.vxi hands and many more
under nc ( . > otlatliin. This means thtit ical cs-
tate and stoelis will double. ' In .six months.
Now Islhe time to Invest , us ] irh-es will ad-
vanco" . " > . rct'iit by Apill 15th. I'ar partlcu-
lars address the
Tallapoosa Land , Mining and ) IPg Co. ,
Tallnpoosn , Gn.
C. O. WALLANDIiK , Agent ,
27O2 Cuming St. , Omnlin , Neb.
Good Cooking
All v/hodcslic Kood cool'lnK In their houses
sliould usu
A MlKlit addlllon Klves cieal sticiiKth and
flavor to Soups Saiiei-siind Made Dishes.
Ono pound Is ciiml | to fin t.v pounds of lean
beef , or the value of ulimit t'.M.
licnulnciinly with fac-shnUn of .1. von I.lo-
In blue lull aeio s thn lahol.
Is iilmnliiU'liI intro mill
II Is kutiMc *
No ChemicaiA
/e nidi In its pnjiaratlon , II hai men
'inn Iftrf * t at * th * ttintytk tit C'urua
i > inl witti h'ttrvh , Airuurtxtt i r Susar ,
ml ft thro fun lar inure Cfonoinirtl ,
oKiiiy itit than tint ftnt a tup. It II
ktuitniM , iutiiii ) iiDj ! . lr < iitliiiilnK ] [ , I'A *
U Y I'M * ) hi i n , niitl iKtinlmlily mlaitfil [
r InwI.iUo. vtlici i > itiuni hi tua'.th.
Sold bydrorrr * cu-rjf lirrc
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass.
National Bank.
Omahn , - - -
Cnpitnl $ EOOOOO
Surplus 1OO.OOO
HKIt.MA.N KOUNT/.i : . I'retlilciil
JOHN A I IIKU.HTUN. Vko I'ictldciit
f. U. IIAMU I'ailner
W H .MKI.yl IKII A i > timtl miller
H I : tiATKH Aomtanl Ciuliil-r
Bufl'ty Utcuiit Vaulin lu Uuiviuvuk
* - * ovrit A Mii.uuNiisTiim"rr.t : ) ( )
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Inr ri.irnlctl | tir lln' I PK' ' liitiirp. f r nliirnMnnM
nn,1 fhnrlliittle | iurtn e nnil ( H frnnrlu * * * n < nileH
IMI 11 nf Hut prc'pnl Mule i iKlitutlMi. In istli , lij nn
i'ier lielmm > ! poimlnr v.-te
Its MAMMOTH DKAWINQS tnlto ] ilnio ?
Scini-Aniumlly ( Juno niul Docpmber ) anil its )
Orntul Slnjlo Number Drawings take plnco
In each of the ether ton months of the year ,
and nre all drawn in public , nt the Academy
of Music , Now Orleans , La.
For Intugrlty of Us Di'n\vltigs ,
and Prompt Pnymont of Prizes.
AtleMeil a f < ilciir | ! > :
" \\e Oil heieby t-erliry that we i iiiervl | e Ilienr-
rmivenipiitK lur nil the iiiniilhl } ninl Pfinl-nnniinl
< lninlii > : if the hniiMmui suite l.nllciy I'oniimnr ,
, ami In IMT.VIII tn iuiie | niul cnntnil the ili-unlitf
| tlii < iiiii ! > lvi > K , nail Hint tinnme lire eoniliu-teil llli
litiiioly , falrmiiml m K..HI . fnllli tunnnl nil imr-
tle . iiml ncnntlmrle Hie i-iiniinny | to MM'IliUi-eill-
Unite ltli rnmlnillei ol our signatures iittnclieOl .
Its iiilrerllsenient ! ) . "
\\e. the unili'islumM l > : mk : iml hankers nil ) pav nit
pri/es drawn In the I " Slate Lotteries "bleu
may t > c picvntcd at our counter * .
I ! . \VALMSI.iv. : . PITS. Louisiana Nat. llank
I'llMtlil : LANAI'.V I'res. Slate Xnl'l lhnk. ,
A. IIAI.mVIN , I'irs. New Urlenns Nafl llank.
r\HL KOIIN. 1'ies. rnlon National Hani , .
Grand Monthly Drawing
At the Academy of Music , New Orleans ,
Tuesday , April IS , 1800.
, - SMO.UOO.
f'.M each : Halves $10 ; ijuar-
Touthx K1 ; Twentieths fl.
LIST or i'iti/is. :
MII/.I or ; m < iiu t.w.iifl
'lll/ IIP HHj.iniN n < j u
'iiixi- or .Muoiis unna
'lllHK I IK . ' . | .U ) I i'MM )
'lllX S OK ) are .illim
'lllXK S OK WWJ me
'ltl/K S IIP me ' . ' .MUI
1(0 ( 'lllX.K S 111' MM me out )
! ! 10 MIIKK S III' 3M nre UI.COO
MM 'lllXK S OK .XKI nre
110 I'rlres of J.Vldaio
ltd do : a laro
1X ( ) ilo liHOare
IW 1'rl/esof fKninre I'.W
' . ' . ' .i ilo UWare Wi.Mt )
U,1M ! I'll'cs aniountluu ; to $1,05-1,800
NiirK Ticketi drawlnK' Capital 1'rUes me nutc'U-
tttled to teimlnal piUes.
JT ? ron Iti i : < . or any further Information
de lred. wrlle Icclbly In the nnderslaneil. clearly
MnthiK ) our leHldonco , wllh state , county. Micct and
number. .More rapid return mall dell\er > will lo
n * iiieil lij } onrencloslnioii envelope bearing jour
AddleM. . A. DAIII'lllN.
New Oilcan" , La.
\Vashlnulon , D. C.
lly ordinary letter , contalnlm ; .Mo.\rv 011111.11. Is-
Miedbj nil espiesa eoaipauies , Xuiv Vtiik i\clianie ; ,
diall or postal note.
Artdress Hejlstereil Lutturs containing Cur
rency to .
New Oilcans. La.
It I'M i\nirii. : that tin-pay mtMit of pil/osls.ii'Aii.\s-- ;
Tl.l'l ) m I'OL'll NATION 11AS'I\S ( > I New Ol lean1 ,
and the tickets are stoned hy the pie-iileiu ol an in
stitution who * > e chfirteu-il iltrjils ale iccornl/cd In
the highest count ; ihcn-l'oie , bunaio ol all Imita
tion or anonvmous. schemiM.
DM : Dol.I.Alt Is ( he pilce of the sinallest pallor
fraction ot a tlcKot i . - [ ii : > nv rs In uny dia lni , ' .
Anythlnt ; In our name ouVri'tl for le s than a ilollai I *
/M / ROVtO O V-tlt'cTRYc BttT AND Su rYtSIRT ! )
01 HtlUMI < * " * 91UMCT , Hi'l ' for Ihlill.rrihr ( lif
pair , fnrr ol lirnrrillm Mrtlnni , illlnil Ifffl ; . HIM , H.x.lh-
f.iff. l' > nllnunu 1'urrynll nl V.\ftIrlfllT \ Ihruuth ill VkAK
I'AHTH. ri-ll.irlnillicmloliril.IIUnimillllllllHHIItlMIIII.
H flrlf lumut fell lo.Unlll , or wf furlfll * . - < ! In r ih.
IIKI.T ml tlutprii < urr rnu.ilrlr | HI. ! IIIK W r l . I tr
nno.nll ; I In Ihrfe moiill . hfnlnl i niblrl Hn-m
Oft'U.i * ll Hi..tHICA'0lll. !
Savings Bank ,
Curncr lull nnil I'm limn Streets , fliuiiibcr of Cum.
Cnpitnl Stock - - - $ /iOOGOO
Linbility of Stockhold's SOO.OOO
rivu pereenl ii.ilil nil iuiijsll | | < : limn iiiudp tin lent
fkliilu iiml perm.iinl it-lull ) . i ile , uumintii , kl iks
ninl biinrti | iuiflin < iiHl .i.iiu
JOHN I. MIM'.H. I'resMeiil.
SA.Ml.'i ; ! . I DTNHII. Vim I'rrilili-lil.
III\TI-II : : i. . THOMAS , Cu iiier.
IIII.Mtl ) HI' lllltl'.ITOUS
.liilin Ii. Tilllei. Siniiiiel Cuiiier. Amliew lli ; inviiler ,
\V A I. ( illilinii. liov AKIN hinilMli'm. .Niiriuiin A ,
Killni , I' . | . . | | > I > II. Ilitnonn , tiilm II. I\IIHK : ,
Miirrl Miirrlmm l < en i : ll.nknr , llt'ller I , . Tliuiima ,
Jniiien Tli ni | ' "iii'l"lii' ' Uiio'ii ' I' ' AlulurMiu ,
Ordrr * by 3lMlluinl Kiprtr * * will rri-rl * * * lrunii > fe
uiitl ( 'urrett Atlrntlu" .
" Si'ii1r0ul.aWOrN.v.fii.l6IStaleStChlcago ! )
01' AM , KIMIS ,
4'7 rium It Ctaiinnuli , O