0 THE OMAHA DAILY SATURDAY , APRIL 1800. TUB OMAHA BEE. OOUNCIIi BLxUFFS. oi-TicBi NO. 12 rnAitr , STHKKT. Tlcllvnrrd tiy carrier In any part of the City , II. W.TILTON MAXAUKU , TKLLTIIONnS : Ilt'flivr.o.s Orririi. No. 13. NIOMT KIIITOII , No. ' 1. 311Xtttt JfKXTJOX. s y. P. Co. Water onleo op'ii toniplit. Council HuifTn LnmlxM' Co. , coll. Tlio voniif ? ladles of St. Paul's clinrrli will filvo u party In the Ko.vnl Arcanum hull Mon day vvfiilnir , April 7. Everybody Invited. ' of 1'ytlilas. The I'nlforiii rank. Knights cnvo u very pleasant party nt their hull Thursday evening. ' Tlie riuto of Hlalo vs Ollvor , for conspiracy , was called in .histloo IJarnoU's court yester day nftcinoon , hut was nj'aln continued. The telephone company is putting up itfl now ( Jleinvood line , anil Is using u copiei | wire , which will Insure more satisfactory ser vice. It , Is reported that the grand jury of the district , court indicted the defendants In thn Duck Hollow rape cases on the testimony ol the llttlo girl , Hattie IJanthcr , alone. ' Thomas Oflleor , I ) . C. Hloomer , L , . W. Tu 1- ley nnd N. P , DodKo aiito net as the Judges nt the frowning of the Queen of Fame , which occurs at the Masonic temple next Tuesday evening. C'hnrlrs ( Iregory and Charles Gregory , Jr. , have formed a co-partnership In the black- mnitli business , and the linn will bo known as riii'gory& Hon. Unsim-ss will bu carried on at the old stand. The Pottawattainio County Fmlt Growers' ' nnd Gardeners' association will hold llicit regular monthly meeting this afternoon at'J O'clock , at the county court house. A full attendance tendance- desired. Omaha tribe , Improved Order of lied Men , will be Instituted tills evening at 1C. of P. hall , northwestern corner of Fourteenth and Douglaa streets. Take motor not later than 7 p. in. H. L. Williams , ( , ' . S. Tin- case against , the Lainson brothers for fraudulently conveying property has been dismissed , tlie defendants having settled the claim of the prosecuting witness. In the district court yesterday morning .sev eral liquor cases were disposed of by being dismissed or continued. K M. ShuboTt will erect a two-story brick building ot the comer of Twenty-fourth street and Hroadway. The upper story will be lilted up for entertainments. Cieorgc CJerspacker and John Sullivan re turned homo last evening from Olenwood , where they waived examination on u charge of grand larceny , and were held to the grand jury. They furnished bonds and wcro re leased. "A Soap Bubble" will bo the attraction nt Dohany's this evening. The company has been here for the past ten days , relltting their scenery nnd wardrobes , which were de- htroyed by lire at the Fail-Hold opera house about two weeks ago. Neally Davis , the chambermaid at the Ores- ton house , who was arrested on complaint of Mary Nicoll for stealing a dress , was dis charged by Justice llarnt'tt , the prosecuting witness falling to put in an appearance. City Attorney Stewart states that ho will institute suit ut the next term of the superior court to i cower the money drawn by ex- Mayor M. R Ilohner , ox-Alderman Waterman and Bellinger and Alderman Knepher as members of the board of equalization. . A special car containing several of the Mil waukee ufltciaU came in last evening. Among the number were Superintendent Goode- cnough , who l.as Just succeeded Superintend ent Campbell , Train Master Bunker , Master Mechanic Manchester , Chief Kngineer I.arr and P. II. Plumb , foreman of the shops at Marion. The German Schuctzcn Vercin will give a ball Monday evening at Hughe's hall. do/en will be distributed Twenty-live / painted eggs tributed among the gentlemen. Tickets ad mitting gentleman and ladies fit ) cents. Price reduced on account of hard times. Arrange ments have been made for a very enjoyable time , and everybody Is Invited. The electric light company denies thai their wire crossed that of the American district telegraph , hut that the contrary Is the case. They also state that their machinery was promptly slnit down as soon as the trouble oc curred , as is always the case in such In stances , as they are unwilling to take the chances of keeping the wires charged when they pro Tossed with others. James R. Vaughn died at 5:20 : o'clock yes terday morning at the residence of his sister. Mrs. B. Moore , at Oil Pierce street , aged U'J years , 10 months and M days. His disease was consumption. The deceased was the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Viiugli , of Manson , Calliouji county , la. He stopped in this city a short time ago on his way to Denver , to visit his sister and became so ill while here that ho was unable to pro ceed further , and yesterday morning he died. The remains will ho taken to the home of his parents for Interment. The kidnapping case against , T. Lyons , the particulars of which appeared in yesterday's lJii : : , will bo heard before Judge McGco lids morning. The case was to have been tiled yesterday afternoon , but the defendant stated that one of his most important wit nesses was not in town , and that ho was not ready to go to trial without him. In the meantime , pending the result of the trial , the child is in the custody of the court , and is being cared for by the Sayleu family on Benton - ton street , where it was left by the father Thursday evening. * S. 11. Wadsworth & Co. , SO * Pearl street , loan mone for Lombard Investment company. E. A. Spoonor has removed his shoo store to No. ill Main street. Helms an elegantly fitted up place and a splendid stock of good's ready to meet his friends nnd all other people who want good goods ami low prices. Finest photo gallery In the west Shorra- iloif s new place , -III and -15 Main street. . Duncan is Dropped. Wilson Duncan has been dropped out of the First Presbyterian church and his name stricken from the roll of membership. The history of the case was given In yesterday's lii ) : : . The charges preferred were as fol lows ! J. That the defendant disclaimed the aton- ii ; J jiower of Christ. ' . ' . That ho denied the Inspiration of the bible. II. That ho did not bellovo In regenerative or onico work of the Holy Spirit. There was .some dilTcrencoof opinion among the members of the board of Inquiry , but they finally agreed It best that the naino bhonld bo stricken out. Wo want you to list your rental property with us and wo will secure yon good , reliable tenants , llents collected and special atten tion given to care of property. K. 11. Sheafo fi. Co. , Broadway and Main st. , up stairs. J. C ! . Tipton , real estate , 5''r Broadway. J'KlfSOXA I , i'A It.77 It.I i'HS. William T. Lalng has resigned his position at the First National bank and left yesterday for Montana to Join an engineering party in the Yellowstone park. His place In the bank will bo Illleil bv John Keating. , CSisn-go H. Nlciill , who has been In the em ploy of the Western Union at Salt Lalto lor several months , returned to the IMulTs last evening. Miss Clara Flammant , who has been at tending school In the Bluffs , was called to her homo In MIncola by the illness of her mother. Mrs. W. O. Thorpe of St. Paul , Minn. , nnd Ml.ss ? u > ra Fielder of Kldon , la. , uro in the city , guests of Miss Belle Price. . William T. Mix is a guest of S. B. Wads- worth. Mr. Mix is Irom Dnbuquo nnd is looking up a location for business. Jerome Porterllcld , now of Fremont , Nob. , was about his old haunts yesterday morning , , Jlxlug up his tax affairs. U.S. Jackson of Iowa City is visiting T. C. Jackson and family. Mrs. M. F. Uohrer and daughter nre visitIng - Ing at Avalon , Mo. Mrs. Dr. Jennings has returned froma visit to Kcoknk. I Blcderman returned from * Chicago yes terday morning. Klcgant gold center pieces , full size , for 10 cents , foj-mer price $1. Three band border only 1 cent a yard ut II. P. Niles , 400 Broad way. Important to Horsemen : Largo line horse and turf b'oods. Probstle , 53' ' B y , C. U. WHAT'S ' NEW IX THE BLUFFS , State Oasus Dismissed for Want of Proper Prosecution. BLOOK PAVIM AND HORSE SHOES. The Dnj-'B Grist In Police Court Dun- OIIII'H NIUIII ; Dropped From ( lie . Hull A Deserved Decree of Dlvoroc. The cases of State vs. Maher and Illtehlo were called before Justice Schurz yesterday afternoon , but none of the witnesses for the prosecution showed up , nnd the defendants were discharged. There seemed to bo a gen eral misunderstanding , hut nobody knows Just whcro the blame lies. The squire states that he had continued the case from day to day , and the parties for the prosecution had never appeared. The defendants were there every day , and ho could do nothing but dis miss the case. He stated that ho notified Deputy Marshal White to have the witnesses on hand yesterday afternoon at ! i o'clock , but the witnesses declared that they had received no Information about the matter. They knew that the case was set foryestcrday afternoon , ami they were standing around the city building waiting for the case to be called wlien the attorney for the defense announced that the case had been dismissed. It was simply a continuation of the difficulty that has been experienced ever since the case was begun : The case against Maher was crippled at the time of the first hearing , when the only competent witness was allowed to pet away. The case against Kitchle. however , lor carry ing concealed weapons , could have been pros ecuted without dilllculty. County Attorney Organ was notified to he present , but refused to give any time to the matter , as his attend ance before the grand Jury was necessary. As slated several days ago , there is no head to the criminal prosecutions in the police and Justice courts , and for this reason the appoint ment of n deputy city and county attorney was urged. Under the existini ; state of affairs Justice is frequently defeated , and there Is seemingly no way of preventing It in any other manner than that suggested. Very Low. Without doubt there are many persons now building houses hero who want to use the city water , but nro unable to pay the usual price for Introducing the water into their premises. Appreciating this fact , the New York Plumb ing company will locate a yard hydrant six teen feet from the curb line , and connect the same with water main , with cvcrything.com- plcte and the water ready to use forlli. Cash with order. This otter applies to unpaved streets whcro mains are laid. Another Church Dedication. This has been n year of great church buildIng - Ing in. Council Bluffs. The Baptists are among those in the lead in such enterprises. They have Just completed a very neat little chapel on Twenty-ninth street and Avenue C , and arrangements r.ro made for dedicating It Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The pro gramme consists of invocation by Ilev. E. N. Harris , reading of scriptures by Uev. William Aitchison , pr.iycr by Uev. T. F. Thiekstun , address , "The Gospel and Free Government , " by Uev. William M. Haigh , D. D. , of Chicago cage ; address , "Tho Gospel and the Modern City , " by Uev. II. C. Woods , D. D. , of Lin coln , Neb. ; brief addresses by Uev. A. AV. Lamar ol Omaha , Uev. II. A. Ueiehenb.iek and Ilev. Stephen Phclps , D. D. , of Council Bin ITs. Uev. Mr. Lalnar's subject will be "Power of the Church in the Community. " At : ! $0 In the evening there will be preach ing by Hev. Dr. Haigh. The Sunday school will be organized at 3 o'clock p. m.'April K ) . Several desirable dwellings vi'ith modern improvements for rent in vicinity of the Presbyterian church. 12. II. Sheafo & Co. , rental agents. Drs. Woodbury have removed their dental odlce to 101 Pearl street , up stairs. Dr. II. S. West , porcelain crown and bridge work , Xo. lii Pearl. Tlie Decree Granted. Judge Decmer yesterday granted n divorce to Louise Polcct , who told some hard stories about W. D. Potcet , the man who swore to protect and cherish her for life. She said that they were married in 1STO. About six years ago the husband began to neglect Mrs. Pcteetand became indolent nnd lazy. Ho went away from home and she had to provide for the wants of the family. Then Air. Po tcet bethought himself of a new way to make a living and demanded that his wife support him by the sale of her virtue. This she re fused to do and Mr. Potcet became very angry and said he would kill her. Ho also threat ened to set tire to her house and to do divers other things. He became so violent that ho was finally sent to the insane asylum at Clarinda - inda nnd Mrs. Poteet took advantage of his enforced absence to sue for a divorce. The court , after hearing the testimony yesterday , concluded that Mrs. Poteet's idea was a good one , nnd accordingly granted her petition. Choice residence property centrally located for sale by E. II. Sheafo & Co. Easter bargains for this week at the Bos ton Store : Lace bordered and colored hemstitched handkerchiefs , 10 and li' ! ' < f cents , now for 5 cents. A lot embroidered hemstitched handker chiefs , from 12) ) ; to 10 cents , this week for 10 cents. The latest novelty A complete line of black Pougeo nnd China silk handkerchiefs , bargains marked fiS , li'.i , Ki cents , and $1.1 ! ) . Kid Gloves Cull and get our prices , lower than ever. We carry a full line of the genuine Foster gloves , black and colors , In dressed and undressed. Special prices $1 , Sl.t5l.r ! > 0 and $1.75. All the above goods guaranteed. CorsetsWe call your attention to the now line of summer corsets iiU-IS and JiS cents. A guaranteed corset forliO cents worth # 1. Ribbons Five thousand yards of No. r > and 7 ribbons , in colors only , to go at 'J cents a yard , worth 7 ami 10 cents. We show all the latest novelties in Scotch clan tartan and n choice line of plaids. Two hundred boxes niching In Vandyke , Dhvctoiiv , in white , cream and tints ; special this week , 1U cents a yard. Some of the above goods sold at W , 50 and 75 cents. BOSTON STO11E. Council Bluffs. Police A box full of boo/ers was turned loose upon Judge McGco ye tcrday moralng. Oscar Hill , ex-city dog catcher , and George Alby could not agree with the officer who arrested them , as to the degree of their intoxication , and their cases were continued. J. Moran was let oil with f 10.50. M. J. Learner wanted to go homo and look after his spring planting and the court dis charged him. MiUo Kelly showed very plainly that Coun cil Bluffs whisky was rather rich for an A vocu man and paid $13 and costs for his ex perience. Paddy Hopkins was on hand charged with his bi-monthly assault on Mrs. Paddy Hopkins - kins , and his case was continued. xcToN UOUTU. Homo Seeker * The Burlington route , C. , B. .t Q. II. H , , will sell from principal stations on Its line on Tuesdays , April : . ' and May 'M , homo seekers' excursion tickets at half rates to points in the farming regions of the west , southwest and northwest. For tickets and further Informa tion concerning these excursions call on vour nearest C. , B. & ( J. ticket agent , or address P. S. EnstU , general passenger and ticket agent , Chicago , 111. Itlook PavliijTlliml on hiioew. "Didn't know that this block paving was harder on horse shoes than granlto paving , did you I" queried n well known horscshocr yesterday. "Well , It Is , nnd the only way that I can explain it is that the horses are continually slipping and sliding on it , nnd In this way grind oil the metal faster than they do ou the harder granite , ou which they get u more secure footing. A set of shoes don't la.it over n month on horses that are mod every day say on what wo call common work. They used to wear four times as long before the streets were paved , but it is very seldom now that we reset nny shoes for this class of work. There U no question but that the stone pav ing Is harder on the horses , but it isn't on the shoes. Wo can't tell much about this brick paving yet , as it is comparatively now , nnd there Isn't very much of It in the city. An other thing , there Is no way of telling , as there Is between the blocks nnd the stones , You sec , we had the stone for n while , nnd wo had n chance to notice It. Then wo had the blocks , nnd of course the bulk of the light work Is transferred from the stone to the block nnd this gives us a chance to watch that , but there uro none who pick out the brick paved streets on which to do their driv ing , nnd so wo have to guess as to how that will work. " The line display of baby carriages at the "Corner Book Store' ' attracts the attention of the ladies. Stop and sec them. J. C. Blxby , steam heating , sanitary engi neer , Oil ! Life building , Omaha ; SOS Mcrrlam block , Council Bluffs. The. Itutchci'H In Session. The butchers of the city met last evening at the market of Pace & Schmld , on Lower Broadway , nnd passed resolutions touching their business nnd methods to be followed. Among other things they discussed the ad visability of opening for a time Sunday morn ings , nnd about closing early on certain even ings in the week during the summer. They declared against giving nny one credit who was owing an account nt another market. The meeting was well attended and every thing passed olT harmoniously. For sale , on account of sickness. J. Dickey's general merchandise stock , located on Broad way , Council Bluffs , will bo sold atadiscount for cash or trade for good unincumbercd city or Omaha property. Address Duquette iSi Co. , Council Bluffs. The Manhattan sporting hcadq'rs118 B- way. way.The The gasoline stove is more dangerous than the unloaded gun. Save life and property by using the C. B. Gas and Electric Light Co.'s gas stove. Tin : of line watches and jewelry In the city , and the place to buy the best goods nt the lowest prices , Is the establishment without rivals , the most reliable linn of U. B. JACQUI.MIN : & Co. A ItKAIj UUSSL\X UOIUlOi : . Came to I life In the Grave and Was Then Murdered. A very lurid light hns just been thrown upon the life and superstitioiiH of the Kusiiian poiissintry by the perpetration of a gruesome crime in the name of what they tuko to bo Christianity. A rich , popular farmer died wither Hudtlenly in the village of Soorofl'sky , says a St. Petersburg dispatch to the London Daily Telegraph. Ho had been peon in the enjoyment of excellent health on Thurs day1 , and was found dead in his bed on Friday morning. He WUH prayed "waked " after for and duly , which lie was carried to the grave , almost all the inhabitants of t lie village , inclusive of the priest , fol lowing him to the churchyard. Just as the body was being lowered , the lid , which had been fastened rather loosely with Wooden nails , began to rise up slowly and detach itself from the collin , to tlio indescribable horror of the friends and mourners of tlio deceased. Then the dead man was seen in his white shroud , stretching his arms up ward and sitting up. At this sight the gravediggers let go the cords and along with the bystanders lied in terror from the spot. The supposed corpse then arose scrambled out of the grave and , shiver ing from tlio cold , ( the mercury was two degrees below xero , i-'ahr. ) , made for the village' as fast as his feebleness allowed him. Hut the vil lagers had barred and bolted themselves in against the "wizard , " and no one made answer to the appeals ho made , witli chattering teeth , to be admitted ; and so , blue , breathless , tromblinif , he ran from hut to hut like a rat in ii burn ing room , seeking some escape from death.- At last fortune seemed to favor him , and he chanced on u hut , the innuito ot which was an old woman who had not been to tlio funeral , and , knowing noth ing of his resurrection , had left her door unbarred. Ho opened it and entered , and going up to the steve seemed as if ho would get inside it if ho could. Mean while the peasants gathered together , armed themselves with poles and stakes of aspemvood , the only otVeettial weapons in a light with a ' 'wizard , " and sur rounded the cabin. A few of those whoso superstition was modified by faith in the merits of modern improvements also took guns and pistols with them , and the door being opened the attack of these Chris tians against this "devil's ally" began. The miserable man , dazed by all that had happened that morning , and sull'er- ing from cold and hunger , was soon overpowered , and his neighbors , witli many pious ejaculations , transfixed him , though alive and unhurt , with holy aspen slakes to the ground in the court before tlio hut. When things had readied this point the priest , who had recovered somewhat from his terror , came upon the scene , with a half-de veloped idea that perhaps after all the alleged 'corpse had been plunged in a lethargic sleep and might recover and live as before. Hut ho found the unfortunate man pinned down to the earth with the aspen pales , witli no manner of doubt about his death. The police superintendent ( Stanpvoy ) who lived close by , then arrived and also saw the murdered man , and made inquiry into the manner of his death. The peasants had gone to their daily work , leaving the body , according to the requirements of the superstition pre vailing in Russia , until sundown , when they intended to draw out the slakes and throw the corp.-o Into the bog. Cases of this kind are of not infrequent occur rence in Hussia. The press is taking Hie mailer up , but is not sanguine of at- laining permanently satisfactory results , which cannot po.isibly bo achieved until a fair and impartial trial shall bo given to education. Permindo Their Neighbors to Try It. Dr. J. C. Anthony of Odell , Nob. , says : "Chamberlain's Cough Homedy gives good satisfaction and is a big seller. " Tlio reason It sells so well is that people who use it find It so much superior to any other medicine they have over used that they persuade their friends and neighbors to try It. No one troubled with a cough or cold can use It with out benefit. It does not suppress a coiiKh , but loosens and relieves it , entirely freeing the system from the effect of a cold , and leaving It in n natural and healthy condition. Hoots of Human Skin. In 1870 the linn of IlahrealioH/.Hroth- ors , boot and s-lioomakors of Now York city , made a pair of boots from human skin which thov sent to the centennial exhibition at Philadelphia , says the St. Louis Kopubllc. If wo remember rightly , they were never put on exhibition , which goes to show that * there was some humanity in the cen tennial olllcials if not in the makers of the ghastly foot gear. Afterwards they wore sent to I'rof. S. V. Halrd of the Smithsonian institution , who would not allow them shelf room , The skin from which the boots were made was taken from the breast , stomach and back of n man who had died suddenly and been taken to tv medical college. In general looks the bootawcro of a light brown color and somewhat heavier than If made from calf nkln. The dark color was caused by the tunnirn ; process. The leather was muijlj , more porous than either calf or Tin ; L'SIJ OF TIIH KYKS. A Iilst of HulcH to HcKiilato Thai Mat ter and Pijenprve this Sight. 1. Sit excel in yotii * chair when rend ing , and as erect when writing as possi ble. If you bond downward you not only gorge the eyes with blood , but the brain as well , and boUUHulTer , says Cassoll's Magnxlno. The suno rule should apply lo the itso of Ihc microscope. Get one that will enable you to look at things horizontally , not always vertically. 2. Ilavo a rending lamp for night use. N. I ) . In reading , tlio light should bo on the book or paper and the eyes in the shade. If you have no reading lamp , turn your back to the light and you may read without danger to to the eyes. 't. Hold the book at your focus ; if that begins to get fur awav , gel spectacles. 1. Avoid reading 'by the nickering light of the lire. 6. Avoid straining the eyes by reading in the gloaming. 0. Heading in bed is injurious as a rule. It must bo admltled , however , thai in eases of sleeplessness , when the mind is inclined to ramble over a thou sand thoughts a minute , reading s.eadies the thoughts and conduces to sleep. * T. Do not read much in a railway car riage. 1 , myself , always do , however , onljviiiii good light , and I invariably earrWft , good reading lamp to hook on behind me. Thousands of people would travel by night wither than by day if the companies could only see their way to the exclusive use of the electric light. 8. Authors should have black-ruled paper instead of blue , and should never strain the eyes by reading lee line types. ! ) . The bed-room blinds should bo red or gray , and the head of the bed should be toward the window. 10. Those ladies who not only writebul sow.should nottiltcmpt the black seam bv night. 11. When you como to an ago thai sug- gesls the wearing of glasses lot no false modesty prevent you from geltinga pair. If you have onlyono eye an eye-glass will do. Otherwise it is folly. 1'2. Go to the wisest and best optician you know of , and slate your wants and your ease plainly , and bo assured that you will be properly fitted. lit. llemembcr tlfat bad spectacles are most injurious to the eyes , and that good and well chosen ones are a decided lux ury. 1-1. Get a pair for reading with , and , if necessary , a long distance pair for use out of doors. An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL AB1ET1NE OINTMENT is only put up in large two-ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute cure for all sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands and all skin eruptions Will positively euro all kinds of piles , Ask for the OllIGINAL ABIETINE OINT- MBNT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at 5 cents per box by mall ISO cents. IMIKVKXTIN'G FLOODS. An Illinois Finn's Views on the Itch- ei'volr Stoi-tiKO System. The only thing that appears practical now is to hold the waters in creeks , arti ficial ponds , old canals , inlets , etc. , by small dams at the north , and among the hills and mountains both inn-til and south , where oveij the small streams feed the rivers , thereby keeping the springs nlivo and evaporation where it is needed , writes ii Cairo , III. , corre spondent of the Cleveland Lender. This can bo done at very little expense by the farmers in the winter time , thereby securing ono or two plates on each farm where they can water their stock , etc. , without driving long distances , as many do , all over the coun try. Many people erect small dams and keep lish for the markets , doing a nice business ; and otliern irrigate strawber ries anil other fruits , vegetables , etc. The quality of the water will be much better when the springs are alive , and a more regular flow to the rivers will be secured all the season. The rivers will have more water in them in the summer time' , and of a better quality. Steam boats will bo able to continue their trips in llio summer time as they used to do twenty-liyo or thirty years ago , thereby saving much annoyance and losses by interrupted navigation which wo now have lo submit to. Any ono can see from the color of the Ohio and Miss issippi rivers and the rich deposits made upon the lower southern lands that the highlands are sending their best soil Snlo the rivers by the present system of drainage , and injuring tlio farmer on the lower lands by driving him from his home , frequently without warning. I understand there are over three hun dred tile factories in Illinois , Indiana and Ohio. If the present system of tiling is continued , where tlio tiling empties small dams might bo made to check the How of water. Again , by pending the water into the river too quickly , many of the mills nnd factories on the banlc are submerged , business suspended , and crops ruined all along the rivers. Wilh regard to rain. Many people think that the clouiK bring the rain from other places ; that they are water ing carts , holding so much water , when , in fact , wo only get the rain from con densation of the clouds immediately above us. What wo call a rain cloud is only a cold strata of air passing through the vapor , changing it into rain drops. Wo got rain only when the at mosphere is mitlleiontly dump to nllow Iho condensation by the cold waves pass ing through the vapor. Therefore the water is needed for evaporation to tlio clouds among the highlands , and rain may bo had where it is needed in the summer and fall seasons. Among farm ers north Iho greatest competition scorns to bo to see who can get tlio rain water olT their farms the quickest. If 1 could drew a I rue picture of a real Ohio and Mississippi river flood , with ho.UHcs , barns , logs , lumber , rails , olc. , floating n the rushing 1'lvorn passing our towns , and thousands \ > f families homeless , 1 feel sure some Ht ps would bo taken to Keep the water in'the ' highlands where it can do some goo'd. The general gov ernment or Iho logislaluro would confer a great benefit upon the farmers , mill- men and many others , and save the lands of the higher altitudes all over tlio coun try from waste and becoming arid and worthless by adopting some measures to avoid this great .rushing of the water and soil into the rivers. Mr. J. H. Strahb.n well known German citizen of Fort Mddlson , la. , was terribly afflicted with inflammatory rheumatism when Mr. J. F. Salmon , a prominent druggist there advised him to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Ono bottle of It euscd him. Tills case was a very severe one. I lo buffered u great deal and now wants others similarly afflicted to know what cured him. 60 cent bottles for sale by all druggists. Italli'oail ( engineers' Kai-n. Wlllium Vim Hokolin , nn engineer , wild to a reporter for the Chicago Trib une : "I have lieiu'd a good tlenl iibout rnllrontl engineers being color-blind. Sometimes , us you may Know , an en gineer's eyes become BO nlTcctcd that lie imaginoa no sees things on the track. 15ut illtl you over liear of ail engineer whoso eiira tlceolveil him ? I hiive. An engineer In always expecting to lienr the sound of a whlhtlo. Ho llbtcns bo much fur this sountl that , nfterjcars at the throttle. , ho will hear tht-bound of which I ' Bradley Tifrns Carriage Business UPSIDE DOHJI David David Bradley &Co. on * Council HhilTs Are making such low will save you money. No prices and favorable dealer in vehicles should terms that our coma - buy until he has Brad- a pet i t o r s make the ley's catalogue , prices above assertion. and terms. when there is none. In some instance the company has hud Iho ears of engi neers put to a test by eminent nurieu lisls. In fuel , I have been told that som < companies have men employed who maki an examination of tlio ears of engineer ! after the engineers have been on tin road a certain length of lime. " Mrs. Win.slow's Soothing Svrup is ar unexcelled medicine for children while teething. 1-5 cents a bottle. To tlio Traveling Public. The great Hock Island route has pro vided every convenience and comfort foi its passengers going east over its maii : line. Its solid vestibule express trains , which leave daily for DCS Moincs , Dav enport , Hock Island and Chicago , arc the finest in the world. They consist ol now and olegafit day coaches , dining cars , Pullman palace sleeping cars ami free reclining chair cars , superbly ap pointed and filled up with till the modern improvements that conduce to safe and luxurious travel , .lunctional and lor- initial connections are made in union depots and at Chicago with fast limited vestibule express trains for all points east. In addition to this magnificent train , two express and mail trains leave Omaha daily , carrying sleepers and din ing ears. Further information as lo routes , rates , time , berths , etc. , call on or address - dross , T. Ij. DoBovoise , l0o ! ! Fnrmun street , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 8'2. K. ST. JOHNJ.vo. . SKHASTIAN , General Manager , G. T. & P. A. , Chicago. Chicago. An Umbrella Mntcrliiinincnt. A Philadclphian who arrived homo last week from Europe has an umbrella bought at the Paris exposition with which ho has been alarming or amusing , as the ease may be , his friends , says the Philadelphia Inquirer. One even ing last week ho was walking with a companion along a lane near his suburban residence. It was raining slightly and the umbrella was hoisted. While they were in dtcp con versation a noise like Iho firing of a toy pistol was heard , followed by a slight whiy.y.ing sound as'if some light body was rushing rapidly through the air. In a second a pretty piece of fireworks burst overhead and sent down a glittering shower of multi-colored lire. Tlie friend made a startled movement , peered cau tiously around in the darkness and re marked that it was a queer sort of a night for anybody to choose to give a pyrotechnic exhibition out in the coun try. The owner of the umbrella assented and they resumed their walk. Pretty foon there was another explosion and a second rocket burst high up in the air. A third and a fourth followed in rapid succession , causing the myslilied man to jump and rush about in a greatly excited condition. Ho was quickly calmed , however , when the um brella's proprietor handed it to him and told him to touch a small protuberance that appeared to bo simply a part of the elaborate ornamentation. Then Iho fifth rocket ascended. "Tlio show is over , " said the returned traveler , "for you can only load the slick with live pieces of lire works at a time. 1 paid $112. ) for the umbrella and 100 loads , but 1 think it is worth the money. The slick is , of course , hollow , and Iho ferrule is closed witli n lid that works on n hinge. A detonating apparatus is worked by the pressure which you have just made on the handle and makes the spark which communicates with the miniature rocket. Tlio whole thing is ingenious ( ml simple when you como to understand it. " Wo find St. Put rick's Pills to "bo very extra and glvo splendid satisfaction. They ire now about the only kind called for. \ \ . A. Wallace , Oasis , la , DiO'orcncc in Hi-ain AVcIghts. Sir J. Crichton Urownhas been leclur- ng at Hirmingham on ' 'Hrain Growth , " mil giving ligures as to the average weight of brain enjoyed by different races. Thus wo have the following fig ures : The Scotch , .r)0 ounces ; the Kng- ishI ! ) ounces ; the Germans-IS. . ' ! ounce * ; .ho French , -17.0 ounces. II is hard for .ho Englishman lo find himself thus mnton by luss than n head , but ho must onsolo himself with the rellcclion that , ifter all , il is quality us well as weight > f brain which tells in the long run. Natnro'fl effort to exjiol foreign substances - IS stances from the bronchial passages. Frequently , this causes inflammation nnd Iho need of an anodyne. No other expectorant or nnodyno Is equal to Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. It assists Nature In ejecting the mucus , allays irritation , induces lepose , ami Is the most popular of all cough cures. "Of the many preparations before the public for thn euro ( if colds , coughs , bronchitis , ami kindred disease * , thorn is none , within the rnngo of my uxpeil- once , so rnllalilo as Ayer's Cherry IVe- toral. For years I was subject , to colds , followed by tflrrlhlo coughs. About four years ago.'whun so alllirtcd , I was nil- vised to try Ayur'd Clmrry I'nHnral anil to lay rill other remi'diua aside. I did no , and within n week was \vull of my cold and cough. Since then I have always hont this preparation in the house , nnd fi-nl comparatively m-cnro. Mrs. L. L. Drown , Uoinwirk , Miss. "A few years ago I took a severe cold which affected my lungs. I hail n tor- liblo cough , and passed night after night without ale-op. The doctors gave ino up. I tried Aycr'H Cherry IVrtoral , which relieved my lungs , Induced alenp , mid nffordud the rest necessary for the rncovury of my strength. Ity the con tinual IIHU of the IVctoral , a permanent riiri ) was uff i-ctbil. " Horuco I'alrbrothur , Itockingham , Vt. Ayer's ' Cherry Pectoral , Or. J. C , Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Bold by * ll Drucci'ti' I'rlcetl , lil > oltlt , < & . Council Bluffs Steam Dye Works. dOl3 ! HromUvatj , Nant * Norl h\vasl.arn Dopol > . - : - MAIL AXI ) KXPHI'SS ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. - : - SM a tor price Litftmi c > A > MACHAN & CO. C. A. BEEBE & COMPANY Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers tn FURNITURE. I argcst Plorli and Lowest Prices. Dealers , send for Catalogue. Kos. 205 and 2U7 Hroadway , anil 201 and HOli Picrco Klreul. , Council HlullV , la. T TNPIIECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! * - * OVKIt A MILLION llfSTIMItfTni Louisiana State Lottery Company Irirorporutcil liy Hie I.OKi l.ituro. for uilncntltm.i nnd chnrllnlilu innpoointnl it * fnindil-i' iimilo liiiituf tlip pn' . cnt Mute ronMilulloii , In 167V , by it overwhelming populnivote. . Its MAMMOTH DRAWINGS take plnci Scini-Annnally ( Juno and December ) and U Grand Sinsle Number Drawings take placi in each of the other ten months of the year and are all drawn in public , at the Academj of Music , New Orleans , La. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS For Integrity of Its Drawings , uncl Prompt Payment of Prizes Alf'toil us f < iln\v | ? : " \\'e ilo liorcliy ccrilly Hint we supervise tlic nr rnnt.-1'nu'iits lur all tl.c mnmhl ) nml M-ml-nnmia UianlncHdf thu l.miNIum : Slnlu l.otlci ) ( 'tunimiiy nnd In ijcr mi uinnnio nn < l r > ntr < > l the tliuului ? thcniM-lvo ? . nml lhit : the MIIUC 1110 comlm-ltM ltl honoity. f.irnu ! ! < , anil In com ! faith louiinl nil pnr tlc.i. antl tt nut Inn Lc iln1 cummmy lo use thin ci-rtl tlcalo n Ith fnc imilcs ol our MKII.nines lUUichccI , Ii Its advertisements. " ai.MMissioxr.ns. \Vr > . the tin.dprvlgnnil l > : inl < s mnl hankers will pay nil Prl7i 8 drawn in the LmiiMana s.atu Lotteries which limy hu prc'enle.1 tit our cuiinteii' . I { . M. WALMSLr.V. I'irs. Louisiana Nat. Hank 1'JKIlltK LANAI'X. l'u J. HanNat'l Hank. A. HALDWIN , Pics. NYJi leans Nnt'l Hank. ( JAKI. KOIIN , I'ics. Union National Hank. G'rancl Monthly Drawing At the Academy of Music , New Orleans , Tuesday , April 16 , 1800. CAPITAL PRIZE $300,000. , - - , . 100,000 Tii'kots at fcW oac-h ; Halves , JIO ; Qnai- teis , i. ; Tfiitlis. K ; Twentieths , tl. LIST or i 1 riux.n or frjo.iwi i . f.iuo.ooo 1 I'UI/.K OK lOO.lXWIs . IW.UUO i I'ltiy.iwumis ; ) ! . wi.uuu 1 I'ltl/.l ! OP 2.r > . ( JUU It . 25.1X10 J 1'lllX.KS Or IU.UIJU mo . 2U.OUU fi I'lll/.lIS Ol.IKJII llio . 2S.OOO IB PUI/.KS OlLIJIII nre . 2S.UW 1UI IMUXKS OK MX ) me . MUKX ) 2iiu rni/.r.s OK Mme . 1.0,000 . WK ) rUIXKS Ol'Ml lire . IIXJ.OOJ . . . 100 I'rlzesof J.VJUme . HKIO ) ( 10) ) iln noilnre . : * Mioo lOO do 2Ulnr . 2U.OJO miMiN.u. I'lii/i- : ' . ! Htt I'riresof flOOmo . S'.WO WO do lUOmo . WVJUO 3,134 I'l-lrra amount In ? tn . $1,054,800 , No I'll Tickets ilrnn Int ; Capital 1'il/ea nro not en titled to terminal pi Izes. AGENTS W ANTED. JKVI-'oKCl.ni HATKS. or any fuither Information ill-shed , wrllo loxllily to the nnderslcned , clearly Matlni ; ) onr residence , Hitli Male , enmity. Mreetnnd nnniher. More rapid ri-timi mall deliver ) will ho asm i i' < l hy jour encloslni : on envelope hoailnK your lull iiilili'l'ss. IMPORTANT. AddicisM. A. DA UI'll IN , New Urleans , La. Oi-M. A. DAI'I'IUN. Wiishln-rlon. P. r. lly ordinary letter , minalnlim MIIMV : OIIIJKII. Is- Mied hy nil e\pie companlc. , New York lUchanKO , Uralt or postal note. Address Registered Letters containing Cur rency to NKW OULKANS NATIONAL HANK , New li leans. La. HliMKMIlPll. that the payment of prl/es IPI TKKII IIV I'lll'll NATIONAL llAMvh of Nl'W Orll'allH , nnd the tickets are KlKned hy the president of an In- Ktllutlon nhoio chartered iluhls iefoinUeil In the hlizhext cuuiu ; theielore , henaiu of all Imita tion or nnonyinoiiH schemes. ONi : Dm. I. Alt I" the pi Ire of HID rmalle.-it part or fraction of n il-kt-l -scili t nv I'K In nny drawlnc. AiDlhlUK In our namoollcrcd lor le.ih tlnin dullarli anlndle. _ _ B _ _ _ . I f T"7 TT f / IlKY'-iilli-iliiK fiomi'ireels \ AV / \ \ IA - ' " " ' Lost Manhood. VV I V r\ \ lf \ ViHilhfiiliil : < > i . linpnti'lii'y 1 * A A * v * ami | isi-iisi-mir | Mt'ii can ! ) > in oil | iei manually and privately hy mir Sexual Hpn IHc Sent hy mall tor l I . l > i-1"1 ' . ' " , " . ' ' lr ( lamp llearon Medical roaip.mj , \\ashlnijtun tieet. nostnn , Max. SP.ECI AL" NOTICES : COUNCIL BLUFFS. "T/lOlt HI'NT Thii-u unfiliiilshed looms , ilO K1-NT : llawKcyi-tnlli-raml fo.eil mills. ITUiK \Yiill.ci.I1..urn-ll . Hlilll's. la. ASH fin M-ooiiil-liaiid fninliuii' . stoves and VaipotK. A..I. MamU'l. : r. . " > llioaihvny. 171OU HALK-Al almiKaln : Ono dnnliln MIW and hllroi-j ono veneer iiiai'hlni' ultli KI-IIP- InK eoinl'lelt' ' , all lirw. snltiilile foi-liasUet fuo- loi'v- lininlii'at Snvili'i-V coiiiinlsslun house , ' . J I'Vuil si. , t'muioll HlnllN. AIIAHJAIN-My losldcuee. a 5-iooin house , pantry , luilli mom , rlo-rthi-ity wati-r. etc. ; Int dOxUM : hlalili' , oiiiil anil UIMM ! house ; lioar- IIIK fruit ; line Im-ailim ; oiii'-tlilrd down , lial- ancolo _ suit. N. O. WaiiLJO.'i Ilioadway. 1/UJK SAI.R Ni'Wh-iooin IIOIIMI with mod- 1 fin liiiiiiiivoineiitv. lai'iin Ui-otulot , In l t elithN m-lnlilioihood. This Is a bargain , H.V/ > . Now T-ioom enttaite on Ate. I' , 110:11 : On Mam ! avf. , with line lot. J ; ' > no. .Modern --story house on Mh uvi- . , t't.'JtJ , Now ll-ioom i-ottaxe , jLUKi. New 4-iooin cut taintl.WW. . ( . 'liulru KaidrnliiK laud oloso to the city In 5 or IDai'iu lutN. VIUi | icr acii' . easy term * . l.ot.iln Kiddle's Mil ) , on monthly payments. T noroH Inside aero properly at u bargain. i'lno re.slilf-ni'o lot on lionlon si. . ' ' 'J- Choice lul.s In Mnllln's suit , at i.'M cueh. Lot on A VH. D , neil r Mh st. . only fflw. Section of line land In Lincoln t o. , Neb. , to trailo for Council llfulls property. Vacant lots In all pails of the city on busy term * . 1'lrt.t inort'litre loans. W. C. Stacy & bun , Itoom < , Opera Illoi-k. Council Illnlls. In. : hi M-I..I IK.UM s null luts to Undo for Council llliitTN i t'n.iihu ui.ln.in.vi'il | prop erty. C. II JuUcJ , tW l > uadwuy , Couu il HlulU , "lilOU SALiMy : icsliloncp , Kill Willow ave- JL tine , on south side of llayll.ss paiK ; heated liy steam , llxhlcd by electricity and contain- In ' all modern Improvements ; lot UK ) liy ' VO foot. Also will sell or exohnn e finImptoved city property my faun of f > 70 acres , ton miles cast of ( . oiincll llluaX N. M. I'lr-ey , Council Hlulfs. _ _ "VTBW Improved real o tate to trade fur unlm- -L > proved Omaha oi-Cimnefl Hlull's piopeily. C. II. Jndd , fiU ) Hroadway. HALK or Kciit-liarilen land , with iflOlt ' . , by J. K. ItU-e , UK ! Main t > l. , Cunt-lnl lllnll's. IflOltPALi : The 7-room cottage nt the cor- ncrof Hid aveniio ami Dili stteet ; also the now Swiss cottage occupied hy mo on 'lid ave nue ; either piopirty will bo sold on easy teims. \V. C. .lames. _ i "I OHSALn At a barpiln. a WO-acn1 ranch . .1KM ) miles from Omaha ; In HiM-elns * loca tion and A No. I In every ics-poot ; IliNliai alu will lopay a oln.se I in estiva I ion. I'mpaitlcu - lais call on or addles- . I ) , .lulniMin , No. 10 I'eiii-lst. . Council HliilVs. _ /"UM'NCIL HI. I' ITS property for sale at Vy j-i-eat bargains. The foilim Inj : , amotm Iho most beautiful homos In the city , will be sold at Bieat bargains , ou monthly paymint.s , or , teims tosult : Tlneo new S-room houses on Lincoln aventio two blocks from i-ln-lilc motor lino. Two now l-inom houses four blncK-s from dee tile motor line ou North Seventh sticH. One new .l-iooni house four blocUs fiom elect rle motor line on North Seventh stioet. Thioonew Rand li-mnm houses one bloc-It from clocl lie motor line , corner Avenue A and Twelfth street. Hosldes the above I have houses and lots lu all parts of the city. One now . " -room house on Mill stioet. C. II. .Indd. CM Hioadway , Council HlulN. " F. M. ELLIS & CO. , ARCHITECTS , AND nUtt.lll.NO Sl'l-r.lH.NTKMII'.NTH. Ttooms 4,0 : and V.tl licit llulldlnit. Omaha , Neb. , and Idioms''II and SIG Monlam ItloeU , Council lUulfs , la. Ciiirospunilenco sollclliidj J. 1) . KlI.MU.SnSO.V , T. . I. . SlIWlAHT , Ties. Vlec-I'ies. ( . 'HAS. It. H iNN'.tx , Cashier. Citizens' ' State Bank , ' ' . . ' . OF coL'M'tr. ni.t'iTS. Paid Up Capital $150,000 Surplus 36,000 Liability to Depositors 390,000 llHin-oit ) : < I. A. Miller , IO. . ( ilcason. K , I ; . Hhucart , K. K. llait. .1. ! > IMmiiml-on. Chus. Ii. MnmiMii. Transact em'ril banlilni : busi ness. Iiiii'Ki'sl capital nnd sin plus of any bank In Northwestern Iowa. Inteiestoii tlmo deposits. deposits.CHR'IS 'BOSEN ; SASH and DOOR Factory and I'laning Mill. Host , emilpped , most centrally located fao- torv In the city. All modern latest pattern machinery ; operated by skilled mechiinlcH. Special iittciillon clvcn to seicdl and bund sawing , pliinlii ) ! and trlmmlm ; . 'i'ni tal con tracts and estimates for houses and building n specialty. Coiner North Main and Mynslo strei'ts. Cinincll Itlull's. Telephoni'"H1. " S. E. MAXON , HRCHITEGT And Superintendent. i 1JOO.M till MKItltlAM Ill.OCK , COl'NCII , . . .j Mfc , Th Xlurpliy * i MANUFACTURING CO. , 1st Aii-niii'nnd f-lieel. Sash , Doors and Blinds Hand and Scroll Sawlnp. lli'-SiiwIiiB and I'lanliiK. Sawlnaof all kinds. Torch HiacUetM. KlndlliiK wood W. i per load ilullvini'il. clean sawdust , by tin ) barrel ! i > o. All work to bo first-class. Telephone ir.1l. "VOUU TATIlONAOi : POIiHMTKIi. " Tnod. \V. II. M. I'L'fci.V. OF1MCHR & PUSHY , ANKERS. Corner Main und Itioudwny. Council UkiflV ; , - lown. Dealers tn foiclcn and domestic i-xi liaiiue. Collodions made and Intcu-il paid on timg deposits. . Electric Trusses , Bells , Chebt Prutoftor-H , Etc. s Wanted DR. 1.15. | tDI ) Counell lllulTs l.i 27 MAIN STREET , OVI-U JACyLLMLN S JKWKLKV