THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FKIDAY , APRIL 4 , 1800. TUP nntvi'i t Tttm it < mn'To TIIL vSPtllLATlVL JIARIlhlS , Wheat Better Than the Average But Not Up to Wednesday ! EXPECTED REACTION DOES NOT COME , Good Action In Corn .Mom of ilic SCH- nlon Provision Prices About Stonily Cattle Blow and Autlvc. ruiruio. April ( I. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; IIiuM-Tlie wheat market today was Hindi heller tlmn tlio n vertigo , lint not up to that of ycitorday In volttnio or width of range In prices. Quito a reaction wasoxpectcd from llio bulge of yesterday , but the news and linylnjf prevented any serious sot back. The pit had at all times n hunt not known of Into when the Indicator stood at ono price for an hour at u time. I-'arly bull nuw.s was firm anil higher. Liverpool cables and the early bear IICKS gave spring-like weather everywhere. Ia I or them wns some very bnllMi ncns frnm Illinois points on certain dam- ngo to wheat. Still later the export clearances wcic guild fair , but mostly In the r hhapc of Hour. Intruding Magln and Logan /c Co , were Hie host bnvcrs , Later ( loorgo Smllli took wheat Si'hwarlz ti Dnpeo and I-'li-lil k Llndloy. Sllll later lliitehliiMin was a buyer , nnd Itydcr , t lla.xler al o bought freely. SI an Her led tliecatly soiling , and later Ilryant led the rnld on July wheat , breaking the price nearly'$0. ' I'arurldgo was a M-ller nlso. The net Ion of the market was as follows : Slay opened nt Tti''c , sold at 7i' ! ( ii.7Uio. ? to 'lV. ) toill'jc. ' tolUVto7IV' ( . to7UV > td TO3 , ( ( , : ' , f. to 7i\c ! at I o'clock : .limn sold at H'p ' hi ii'.ffJHV' , July at 7sS < - , to 7S'ie ' , to Tfjo. Io7s'o. ' Tlietis was illicitly feeling In wluiat the last half hour. The clos ing priori wen- the lowed of the dav oxceptln July. list salcswere : May,7l'i ! < ! iW c ; June , ' 711'i'e : .Inly , T'l'ie. ' The corn market was a Rood one most of tlic M'sslon. In Hie face of large rccclpls ruled higher most of the day and the i1 pilces were at yestetday's llgnrcs. Last weie : April , ai'ci May , : n'.ic ' ; June , : il 4ei July. 'E."ieAlign" ! . : tJ ! i" September. : ? ( - . May void up lo'JiV' ! ' llc early and n | > toillo lie- foie the clo-e. July sold atit-'ic ' and Septem ber as high ntlM V. Theio was llllle eommollon In nuts except at Intervals. Thn market was weak late In llio day onoiling by Iliitchlnson. lie sold , tier- Imps. bushels iiioiind li'Vc for May. The price was nt 'JS'n1 ' eatly and olT to'-'ie ' , closing ut ! , ' ( - . I less was a good buyer. Provisions were inodcriite early In Iho day and prices were about steady. I.alcY there was pretty free soiling of laid and pork anil iirii-es yielded slightly bcfoto the close for all pro ducts. In early de.-illngs llntclitiiMm was : i seller of May pork and the old clique houses bought for defcried futures. I.alo In ( he day the AiiKlo-Amerk-an company and Ilca/ley were selli-rs of laid. Tlio stocks of iiiovUlons as published loday weto not snrirNln | In any way. but many Iraders slndled the situation wltli a view of the puilialilc run of hoes. I'ork clo-ed , 'H-lower till a round at ? IO..V > for.May. " > for Juno and f 10.7. ) for July.Hiort ribs wcteolf before the close to fr > .l2'i ' for May and iK > . ---J for July , or about 7ijO under the lop prices. Laid wab'4e hivser. CHICAGO liIVK STOCK. A pi II .T [ Ppeelnl Tolcs ram to Tin : HUB. ! t'Ani.i : HtislnoNS was rather slow nnd pilees weiik at tlio duullnu of 10l.u noted j'e'-tuiday. Advlees from Liverpool nnd Lon don say prices are 'Jo ' lower on beef than last week , and with heavy arrivals of both buuf and cattle from America. Them were llfty- sl.v carloads of Toxiins on sale. Iteccnt sales have been made at { 'I.S.7&1.1M for corn-fed and f'J. ti&i \ i for Ki'.iss stock. Cows and ml.\ed htooK nre. steady anil In Rood demand. Tlio wet inornlii ! ? somewhat Intcrfeted with tlio bn lm"-s In tlio stocker and feeder line , but prices showed no particular change. I'holct ! to e.Mni lieeves , W.RmfC > .tNI ; mcillnin to Rood steers , MiTiOto l.v < i HIM. si.iKv.f i..v ) ; i.'nn to icio : His $ : i.iai ( ill aijiwi tol.ani Ibs , ! .Wi. S lookers and feeders. $ l"jf < tl.Ki ; cows. liulU anil ml.xcd. 41..V ) CM.4U ; bulk , } --Vrli".T"i. Texas corn-fed stoois , HDDS Iliislnoss was active , wltli an up turn of a stnniK ' " ' on prime liouvv , while mlM'd and picKini ; : crades sold about ( lie sami ; as vester- day. Prime heavy sold at tl.ii : ) to $ l.i7 : . lamely at W.fij : mixed at fl..lVcf I.IK ) , lai ely at t13 ; fib-lit sorts nlfl.lMiil.lXl , larsuly at JI. : KLVAXCIAfj. YOIIK , Apill 'I. [ Special ToloKram to Tun Ur.i.1 : ST ) CKS. Tlio trade In Mocks was placed wltli tlio piospcct at thccloso of busi ness yesterday. They thought Mr. Cammack and .Mr. Jones were weakening because they attempted tohuy a fmv stocks and prices moved up on them. Without any further In- d leal Ions of strength In the Hit buying orders from the me expected , and any favora ble nellon at the meeting of presidents or pasM'imcr agents will bo laKen as a signal for general buying. 1'lrst prices wetn generally fiom S to'u percent higher than tlio cloilng denies of last evening. The sot Dement of thn Heading dlllicnltlcs , however , had the elfect of bringing out considerable Modi. and after selling up to12'S ' Hdcdlncil to4Pt. whllo the lemalndcr of the list followed and almost every tiling shaded off sllglillv In early trading. Lake Shore was n marked exception and rinvclaml , ( 'incln- natl , Cliicngoit St. Louis retired from 7lji lo ' , 'JAtehlon anil Texas 1'acllie also .showed stiengtb and failed logel below llielropcnlng prlci's. late lu llio hour Iheui was a bctlcr tone In thn 1I--I and the early losses weiu in ninny cases made up , though the movemenls were small and gem-rally Insignificant. Atclil- MIII. Missouri I'adlle. Louisville \ Nashville , LaliO Sliotc , Lncl.awatina , and St. I'aul weie active , lint thn business done in thn lest was small. Trading dining the hour to II ] o'clock was of a humdrum char acter and prices were not matei tally changed. The stock market during tlio closing lioins was without special featnic. On Die whole tlieio was a Htm tone nml prices cloved with small gains all though Die , Chicago lias was up to 111 and clo-ed at K < f. Sugar wasotr1 , . Louisville , Lake Shore and Mli-liigan Central were each higher , with the lasl named up nearly " . ' per cent to IK ) , ( iriinger stocks wcic up ' to ' per cent. Lackawanna lunched iil. : ( dosing ' „ per cent higher aLllU.V , and Keadlng closed higher atl'"i. . Tin' following were tlio closing quotations : jrs IH . Kl Northern Pacific. . . . ,1i | < j I S' IH millions . r-'l tin lncfoitcil 71U I IN icuulnr .IIJl4 : P. A X W 11154 t * ISjH ( MIIIMII | " ilo picfcrri'il Ill'i ' I'm lllc HH nfHi. . . lna" X. V. Cent nil M7 Cciiltal l-iu-llli' . . l'll. \ K il ChlniKo.V. Allim'M \ llork Ivlunil .r.'lf , Clili-iiKo. lliirllnuuin & C. , M. A. St. I' 131 yiilni-y 10' ln iircfcrrcil 1I3H I ) . I. . A W iriVX St. l-uul , \ Oiiiuhn. . . . S'JJI lllliuils ( ' < > iiti-nl llMn ild pit'ft rcil ' .li' 1 II. AW in , I'nUiii I'm-lllo C1H Kinii-nH A TVIIIH Hvm\V. . SI. L. A I * li'i l.iiki'Minri , MS i ilo pn-fcrrcd ' 'f.Jt .MU-lilitiinCcnlriil l 'HlWi'stcrn ' Union t2U yi m-nrl 1'ai-lllc - . ' MO.MVKasy : at Ms iiercont. I'IIIMK Mnir.iNTii.t : l'Ai'iit-.va7 : percent. STIIIII.IXII i\ciiAMu-Qul : : t but btuadyi sl.My-ilny bills , jl.sllt ; demand. Jl.s7. Slocks. NKW YOIIK. April ! ! . - [ Special TeloKV.'un to Tin. Ilir..l-Thu : ( ullowlni ; uro llio mining block limitations : if rnii'Uio. April ! l-1:15 : . close. Wlioat Api II. Pi'i-i ' May. 7S'4o , Corn April , ttTRkio ) ( : ; May , M.Vc. Oats ApilUVo ; May , i'o. Itye 4ic. ; c.ish. HurleyNominal. . I'rlino Timothyll.'JOQt.Sl. . I'lax Cash , JI.IS'- ' Whlskv tl.lf. I'ork May. J1H..V , ! July. $ in.r.'VJ , Laid April. M.i7'i May , $ rt.rjj. | 1 loursieady and nneliaiiKed. 1'iovlslons ! jl.'Wi ! ; > hoit clear , t.v ( iiu'i.'iOi hhiirt libs. May , fMS'i. ' Hiittor Weuk ; creamery , IWi Jo ; dairy , IS C-'le. Cheese -Steady ! full oronni eheddiirs , 10 ® I'.Vi llalh , lo > 4 < a.U'4e | ! Voiins Ainurlcus , 11 ® ll'ti' . h s-Weak ; fiesb , IUi l3'o. ll'les steady ! Kreon No. I , 4Vo ; lienvy and ItMit crcen Killed. 4 , ii.V-i { salted Imll , .IV : Kieen salted calf , fej drv Hint. IV37oi dry Milled hides , Ooj dry oulfk&0v ! ; deacons , -.Ik ) Tullow-SH'iidyi No. 1 solid paoked , aj ) No. J , J'tcj ' euko , < o. . . . Itcceliits , Shlpm'ts , out - > heat niwo : UM.UOO UVlW . April : i.-\Vlieat-Iecelpts. ! ixhels : o\portK. S.wiO biHliels ; spot Ir- No. i led , b7M > 7'iO liioltiMitor. KS W'tc uiloiit < : I\O f. o. I ) . : o | > lliiiikfo | iiii ; weaU. No. - . ' , April , at hl'-e. t urn Itecelpts..S.iiiiO bushels ; oxporls. Ktt.500 msl't''s' ' , ' "P" ! "toady s No. S , too In elevator. Wij' - H > nlliint : ungraded mixed , oji iloiii steady ApilUlo.t ! ! ! ! too , Out * Uvvvli , lU'.uiX ) bushels i exports , 9n.nnntm hf > Ni pot flnnor ! Nn. 2 while , nS' ' < Fijci'ic ; mixed western , lfT i < ? JC.V ; wlilto west ern. 'M'afiv ; options ( Inner , April. IK" ( dlToe Uptime cloiod bati'ly itendy , tin- cliHtijti'd to .11 point * upi MIP ! . .N..VI ba ! April. H7.4uWI7.ViJi Mav. J17wai7.10 : : spot Hit ) steady ; fair cargoes , t.M VI. Sugar Haw. toady ; iiiu eovado , K tc t , 4\f. rellried , Ilimer : standard A , 515-ICo ; jHiwdered , ( IS-lfio ; nitiulate < l. 0 i-lfio , t'ptroleiiin-rnlted closed for May atSI'ic , iifgi : Wi'tiki western. ISRHl4e. ! ( ( I'oik rirni ! new. ill.7.Vrf.ia.'J5. Lnrd Knsler : western Ntciiin elo ed at M.pO. llutter Weaker : western dairy. MJKic' ! cii'iitneiy. IIW..V : KIpln.VKiurPie. Chcf f I'linii western. 10i'8IOio. ! ' cash , Lurd-Stronj : at 15.10. \ \Vhlskpy- ( ' . lluttvr Wvakur ; creamery , 203MO ! dairy , 14 < Q'J6e. MlN.vtApnri. : , April n. Wheat Receipt" . 145 cars ; shipments. ( VI ears ; market rather Mu.WAfKr.K. April : i. Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 sprlnj : . cash. 7.ci7lt' ; May. ; 73iC. ! C'orn-Scatx'O : No. : i. ; " 'e. ' . OatsI'lrmer : No. ' . ' , whiteSVSMUc. Kye-Steady ; No. I , lie. llarley-Sleiidy ; No. ' . ' . 4i'ffj4lo. : ' { 1'rovhlonsSteady ; pork , JIO..Y , . KANSAS I'nv , April.'I. Wheat Steady ; No. 3 , ca h , G5o bid ; Apill , C.V,1 : No. ! i red , eash , 7vo bid. bid.Corn IIlKber : No. 2 cash , 2(140 ( bid , Oats-No. 2 cash , Mle. bid. Ci.vriSNATi , ApiII U. Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 Coin-Strom : ; No. 2 mixed , If.Wflo. Oats Stionc ; No. 2 mixed , 2. > } jU. AVIilsky-il.il1-1. I < * Yr.iii'oni , . Aptlli. : Wheat I'lrm ; demand Improvlm : ; holders olVer moderaloly. toiuI'lrm ; demand fair ; now mixed I'lii , : < } ' | ( percental. MVI5 STOCK. Ajirll : > . Oattlo Ileci'tpt * . IS..Vfl | slilpmentJ. - ; market steady ; steers. $ il.l.U4.'iO ; be'exes. JI.MXTVi.OU : stoekers and feeders , 4J..VUIUj ; Texas coin-fed steers , . . . HocItecelpts. . 10..VX1 ; market stronp , clos ing linn ; mixed and ll ht , il.Kfel. : ; ) ; heavy , JI.I.- > Til.4 < l ; skips , W.ID'M.W ) . Sheep Hecelpts , ' . ( KX ) ; maiket strnns ; na tives.'/C.L1i , ; western corn-fed , K > .UUQ.V70 ; Tc.Mins , .W.WiKi.lO ; Iambs , i.ui&li.liu. KANSAS CITV. April ; i. C'attlo Itecelpts , : i.a : l ; slilpmouts. H.IKK ) ; market steady ; steeis , } : i.a : > 5tl.iVeow.s. ) ; Jl.soby.-'IO ; .stoekers and feed ers. fc.G ! iir.i..1iU. : ' Ilo'sItecelpts. ) . 7.000 ; .hlpments , 000 ; market steady ; all grades. $4.0051.1.15. ST. Lotus , Aptll -Cattle Itecelpt" . 1.200 ; shipments. I.tKjO ; matket stronK ; fair to fancy native steers , , J.'LIJOGI.MJ ; stoekers and feeders. t2.n : 'I..V ) . Ilo s llocelpts , 5,800 ; shipments , 2.700 ; mar ket htioiiK : heavy , $ I.1.VQ,4.25 ; paclilnp , $4.10 Q.I.VO : Il8lit4.uva4.i : . Siot'.x CITV. April Il.-Cattle Itecelpts , 1,000 ; shipments , lixi ; active. ifo s Itecelpts , .MOO ; opened and closed 2J ! ( See lower ; W.a > ii4.07i. ! OMAHA LIVE STOOK. Cattle. Thursday. Apill a. Kstlmated receipts of cattle , l.tlOOeompatod with l.r.tiyi : > sti > iliiy and I.HIl last Thursday. The steer market opened slow with prices un changed on tlio host grades and most dcslrablo lots and weak and saKclii ; : on others , with ciulte a good many sales reported lower on the least desirable lots. The nntrket was anything but buoyant and encouraKln- . during the whole day up till the middle of the aftet- noon , when u better tone prevailed and some sales weio repotted llrui with yesterday's pilces on the best grades nnd stioiiKcr on the more coniinimish grades. Very few bunches of steeis touched the J4.HO mark. Only ten loads of cows were mat Ueted. not enough to meet tlio demand , and all changed bands on an active and strong mar ket. ( Jiilti' a number of sales of cows were Hindi ! at l.t01 } l.25. lloth buyers and --ulleis Kenerally report cows active and strong to a. slmdo up. whllo the usual dlll'cienco of oplnlun on a slow steer market \lst . Iho moio conservative icporllm ? the market steady , whllo the majority re- poit It slow , with a majority of the Miles shading olT. A fair number of feeders aie on maiket and the demand keeps up so that pilces continue ( inn and the maiket tctlve , ail olianslii ! ; hands eaily. Hulls me romlns In wltli no quotable ehanxo in prices , helfeis and yi'u ; lln s sympathi/ln witli cows ; nnd active and linn with liberal iccclpts. Calves unchanged. Intimated receipts of hogs 3,300 wltli thliteen .stale loads making 4,100. comiiared with : i.Tin yostoiday and ii73 : last ThuiMlay. The market opened flo lower , the bulk selling al TKxat.or ( > . After two-lhlids of the receipts had changed hands buyers and sellers began dllTcrlng as to price and tlio market became Hat with twenty loads In llrst hands $ -'l.l7'i ! © 4.00 being hid. The market then became Hat and sotcmalned till after midday when bny- eis oiicned up again and all changed hands steady wltli the best prices of llio day. The average prices paid for hogs today was M.Ol'J , compaicd wltli jl.U.'i' ' yesterday and $1.07 lust Thursday. Slicep. Estimated receipts of sheen H.V1 , compared with I'M ' ycstcrdiiy and ' 'Ix' last Thiir-day. Tlio marKcl on good muttons contlnnoH acllvo and st longer , MIIIIO good corn-fed wcslerna sell- Prevailing I'rlocs. The followliiK Is n table of prices paid In this market for t ho Kmdos of stock mentioned : I'liine steer. " . 1'MI to KKK ) tf.s . f.-l.l5 | f(4.W ( ( liood steers. 12.VI to ll.V ) Ihs . : I..M C"t4.45 tiood steers. 10.VI to 1I100 tt s . : i.25 CiM\r \ Common 100(1 ( to I l.VJlb. steers . 2..K ) ft.'I.K > Common canners . 1.00 fft2.K ( ) Otdinary to fair cows . l.KD ( fe.i5 : Pair to Kooil cows . , . l.K ! ) ft2.45 ( teed to choice cows . 2.M SHIM Choice to fancy cows . 2.S5 iii.50 : Ka I r tosood bulls . 1.75 j.V ( > I'hoico to fancy bulls . 2..VI fiJl.50 Light stookois and feeders . S.W ) ( i'l.25 reedeis , ! lV ) to 1100 Iti.s . a.Wl ( Tf-'l.K'J ' Pair toeholco lllit hoys . 4.00 CJ4.05 1'alr to choice heavy hogs . . ' 1.95 ftuK'S I'alr to uliolev mixed lies . ! 1.07H4.l2i ! o of I'rlctvs HOK * . The following tubloshowstlioranseof prices iitild for lie s : LlKlit and medium lioxs . 51.00 ffll.05 ( food to choice mi.xed lui .s . . - ! . ! ' ' ( ( . , " Uuud to choice heavy lie s . a.ld < Iil.07ij Avcrnfj' * Cost ol' Ho s. Tlio following table gives llio avoraao cost of hogs on tlio dales mentioned. Incliidlin ; the cost tuday , as ba-ed upon sales leported ; > Hate. 1'ilee. Date. I'rlce. March 1 . * : i 75 Maieh 10 . ! l M1H Match It . II 7l'i ! March ' . ' ( ) . : t SO'J March 1 . 1177 Maich 21 . : | M Match r. . II 74 ; March 22 . II itt Mnich Ii . : i71'i Marcli 21 . II ! CI March 7 . : i 72'i March 25 . II H7 Mnieii 8 . ; i 7s , Mined a ; . : i w .Match 10 . : i n Match 27 . II 1C March 11 . ! l M Maiod 28 . -407 March 12 . 'IK ! Match S ) . . .4 07"j Maiult III . 'I SHi March III . . .4 00 Maich 14 . nmy April 1 . I 071J Maieli 15 . : il > 7'5 ' April'.1 . 1 05 > MM I od 17 . 'lir. Aplli : ) . U 41i ! Mated IS . .JIJil _ _ _ Illftliest and I.owost SuIcH rtf IIo H Today Vostciday lllgdcst . . . . . . ! ! 07H Illgdest . . . * ! 15 Lowest . ! l in Lowest . a 75 K Icicle Ilooolit.s. ] Oflli'Iiil Yesterdnv Ivstlmated Today Cattlo. . . . (15 ( cats 1.IKO Ci'ttle. . . . ( il cats I.IIOO Hogs . 4l ! cai-s a.St'4) ) Hogs . ffl cars : i.MK : ) Sheep. . . , 1 car IIU Sheep . 4 curs 115(1 ( Hot si's. . . . 1 cur 14 Horses . eats 20 Co in Jin rat I v < - Tallies. The following tables show the tango In prices on hogs during this and last week : Days. This week , Last week , Moniliir 4 K > BI IS' , ! i : i ! ) 81 U ) TllCP-llny I 3 75 MIlS'-ilHW ' H4 ( la WcilllCMttiy 4 ( HI ul 1,5 3 U.n4 U' > 'rinirnilny 3 W ul uUj ! lllr.'ljMl W ( , Mitiiriiiiy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .I. ! ! ! ! . " ! ! ! ! ! ! | 4 K 1'i'lue of Showing tlio average prleu paid for loads of dots on tlm days Indicated In IN ? , Itw , Kv'j ' and March ' 'M.'March ' 'M' ' , March ' 67 4 13 SSI SHI I I' ' liny. April VJ April 'M Smiiluy & 41 4 M iw ; 4 67 4 W Sn inlay Ilsosltliii ) | ) ol' Silicic. llio iiuinbor of i-attlo ; lings nml niKlit Ii } ' llit'puokuH und luudlti ) ; bny- tolny's nuirkft. CATTI.K. Iluyois No. Swift & ( "o 4M fitiirtit" II. Iliiniinonil .t Co ITT Tin' Arinour-C'iiilnliy 1'iii'klni ; cuinimny. . . r i Ciniulni I'lifUIni ; company l'j ' l.i-i Itutlivlillil . . . lli'iiton & Umli'rntHHl ut Ni'U Morris Miliivrt | | > nml IVi'iU'r * . . . . Ml llvckur & Deseii 67 Crone A : VanPant 10 Jacob Lobuiman. 58 The Armoiir-cndi'hy Packing Co S.7M Omaha Packing Co W. > Swift ti Co 172 Oeorgo 11. Hammond , V t'o M > s Hogs yesleiday nvcnigcd 257 and W to the cnr. enr.r.i- . Pwlfl&Cn ITS Armoitr-Cndaliy Packing t'o 1- ' ( loo. II , Hammond I'aeklng Co < * > John Illll 14T TryoA : llrnsli 4T Lee Itothsehlld 4IM Hamilton & Stephen f. . . . Henlon k Underwood 14- Nols Morrl"J llecher.V Kgan I'-'l CiauuA ; Van/.and ) I Salon. On the Market "With Hliccp. White , Sons & Co. , Mlnden. On tlic Mai-kct AVIth Cattle. Tobias Spolch. Verona : llncklcy & Iloso , Stromsburg ; ( ioorge Waiter , Iliaimud ; W. T. HlcUloy , C'olnmlms ; J. Cieery , L. Justus , St. Kdwatds ; Van X.andt Ilros. , Kwlng ; I. S. AVcsiover , Hoe ; II. C. Iloldt. C.oehnorj Wt-st- gale . 'c P. , Moil ! lo-o , S. Dak. ; J. M. Hal hour , Tabor , In. ; A. Smith. Itlalr ; II. C. l.eller , A. L. Spearman , Spilngtiold ; C. A. It. ( iordon , Cer- osco ; Peterson & N..NIcker.sonUllo ; MuU.Has- scll ; Vonng Ilros. , Dcliance. In. ; Superior Cattle - tlo Co. . Suphilor ; A. S. Daggotl. Kcbterson ; Louis Kllerner. Swanton ; . It. Sapp iV Co. . llllilieth ; John Cliiyster. Wllber : Jackson , t It. , Klwood ; II. M. Lamed. Tienlon ; ( . ' . K. Wliealon. Dickens ; K. K. Itcec-e , Mayweed ; H. G. Seeley. Ciishlnt'j C. II. Parmale & Co. , Cedar deck. On the Market "With H. r. Itaymond , llartern : W. I'nlver , Wll- co.Cole. ; . Copcland fc Co. , Palmer ; 11. ( J. Soc- Icy , CnsliIng ; KcllevACo. , liierley Contcr ; J.'I , . McDonongh X Co. . Did ; ( ieorge-C1. Snide , ( .iiotna ; C. II , Paimele , t Co. , Cedar ( 'look ; ( ! . A. Dou- , Cairo ; C. J. llvam. Corloy , la : J. M. Harbour. Tabor. la. ; William Kstt s. i'aclflo Junction , la. ; A. Oaidner , Shambangh. In. ; J. It. Iliirkliolik-r , Woodhlnc. la. : Peter Msingold , llonnliigKin ; Corioli Iliotheis , Ciclgliton ; C' . Homier. Uassctt ; J. VunUlrk. Silver I'llv. la. ; J. M. llairoll. Malvctn. la. ; Tlieo Welsh , Kesterson ; W. H. Sapp A : Co. , Hlldielh ; II. ( innd .1 Co. . Campbell ; Jackson & It. . Klv.oml and Knstls : M. Mackey , I'ainani ; J. 1' . 1'alr- maii. AMoll ; Itankln Urns. . Camliildgc : K. P. Wallers. Liishton ; C. J. I-'uirr. Veioim ; Tobias Spoiob , Sntton ; J. S. Iman. Silver Cieek and ( iscoola ; Hunk ot Coin , Coin. la. ; T. Harris , Central CityV. ; . T. Hlokley. Cdlimilm- ; . "I eery , St. Kdwaidi ; It. K. Itobeits , Washington ; Nye A : Sehnleder. Claikson ; I'ul- ler. S. A : 1' . , Scrihner ; .Mrkher .t Co. , West Point ; Van/.amll Ilios. Kwlng ; I ) . O'Donnell , Stafford ; Key & Co. . O'Ncil : J. II. 1'crrv. At kinson ; H , Ilios. c Co , , ' CiK'sham ; 11. C. Ilojilt , Uoelmer. Market Mention. O. A. Dove had ho s in fiom Cairo , Thomas Walsh brought In hogs fiom Ivestor- son. Unities Ilrothers V Co , of Giesham marketed J. lluscli biought cutllo over from Council lllulls. J. II. I'crry of Atkinson maikclcd two loads of hogs. The Hank of Coin , Coin , Iiu , conttihutcd a car of hogs , OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. I'rotliu.-e , KiJOS-Ptrlotly ftesh. ll''ic ' ' ; cold storage , pickled , limed , bulled , not wauled at any price. Poi'i.Tiiv Turkeys , dicssod , fancv dry picked , l2Sllllc ; lurkeys , live , per Ih , sc ; chickens , fancy , KViillc ; chicken" , choice , 7 © Ocichickcns. live , f.'UO'iti.50'ocse : ; | , diosscd , fancy , llrtpllc ; gecM1 ilic .si. ( | , Choice. ! > fflOo ; gei e , live , do/ . , $ < 1.0ii(7.iO ( ) ( : ducks , diesscd , fancy , lie ; ducks , choice. I'tiliie ; ducks , live , do/ . . W.Mifi/JI.Ki ( ; pigeons , do/ . , il.wv'r 1.25. ( lAMi : Jack snipe , il. ( ii l.-'i : golden plover , JI.K > ( ( I.2 ; > ; mallaid ducks.K ( i72.75 ; ciinvas- baek dnckH. fi.K ( > ifit.lKI ; tedhead ducks , do/ . . } 2.0H2..Vlj ( ti-al ducks , du/ . , * 1.2.V I..VJ ; mixed ducks , do/ . , $1.00 1.25 : geese , Canada , H.UO ® 4.M ) ; geese , small. * 2..VKTii.un. | ; M.U'l.t : Sl'dAIIPer Ib , IKtMS'tC. ' I'llKISI : : Per Hi. full cicam Vonng Amcilcn , 11'c ; full cieam twins. 10'jc ; ( nil cream Ohio Swiss , Kkfnllcieam ; Wisconsin Swiss. UlMCe ; full cream brick , lllc ; full cieam llmbnigvr SwUs , lllc. HONKV I.W ICc ner Ib : strained. Do. OIIAMIKS- Per bov. I'lorlda blights , fl.75 : Messina. fl,23 ; California fancy navals , } 5.Kl ( ; Lo.s Angeles , $2.73 ; seedlings. Itlveislde , ii.2.V : ; & a..V ) ; mountain , i.'I.OO ; In llvubo.lots 23u per . I'lxiiAi'ri.r.a-l'cr dofi. ; . ( TH.OO. STIUWIIKIIIIIKS- ni. . .VTii.t.v. CintitI'erbbl : , iclined , i.V ( ) ) ; half lilil , tl.M ; durd elder , pine , per bbl , f.VOO ; orance elder , dalf bbls. < r.dOi pear i-lder. dalf bbl ; , , tl.oo. MINCM MKAT , aik' bur id. LKMONS I'er box. Molina fiiney , l4.WK2l.riOi Verdolll , Rood , flW. HA.NA.N * s - 1'or ' bulled. tl.W8-lM. Hin-fKii-Creuniery , fancy uilN. prints. ' . ' 4 ® 2.V : ereainery , fancy oollil packed , & ! ! : creamery , cdoleo. ll itV.'e' dairy , fancy mils HO.NKK ( Qiuitatli.ns are for delivery In Cdl- CUKO ) . Dry ImlTalo. tier ton , IW.uvaih.iO ; dry country , dleiicdcd. IIO.i WialiOi dry country , ( lamp and meaty .UiiMO.W , VtotTAiii.ib-Uia-bHOct ; putatocs , fancy Muroittlni' . per bbl. $4.00 ! AiU | > n , extra fancy. per I'bl. JL.V ) . onlon . fair , \i\r \ bbl. W.'iO ! ntta- biiKH . per bbl. K.Wi nittnt . per bbl. K.Uli piironlpi. per bill , < .ViO : beet" , per bbl. ti.W\ \ dor e riiilNd loot.s. per dbl. $40 : dor e rndNi root . per Ib , 7c : celery tiiots , per bbl. Jfi.cOi celery KMil , per ( loz. ( Veal | 'IUIIHVISMMOc : : : per Iiu , .liM.iii--4R4'eprlb.-1v ' ! < . : : - - { | ) DllKssini VKAtCdoleo nieilliiiii , 7g7'io ( ' | llpdt. iVifip : hffivy. : > lo. AI'fl.KHi'er bill , lienjloii . $4.0(1 ; Willow Twl . I.i0 : lien Hav ! . fU < i > l' ' Itonmnlte , Jl.W. . . , , . . ConiANfTS I'er dnndrcd. fl. ; . " . I'lrKI.KS Medium , per bbl. t.V.Vl ; mnnll. M..V ) ; gherkin" , tr-W ; C. Jtf 11. oliUw cliow , t\i \ , } .VKi ; roTATnr.s-1'cr bu. faiuV ! " " ' ; cdolcP,5. " > 3Wc. risii-riesd fro/en wliHn trout , pike and picket el. per Ib. 7ei stiirBcon , Tc. HIIIKS , I'KI.TS A.NI > TAtlwiws-Orcon salted dldes. 4' . e ; drv salted lildeM , , varc ; dry Mint dldcs. 7c ; calf lildes. , VvUniiuitred littles So ! ( . ' . Sdecp pells , irreen , eacd. WcMtl.'i'i : slicei ) pelts , drv. pel lbnH > llc ; tnllow , Nn. LniMMc : No. S , ilU&'i'iOi grease , wdllo. : ii@4o ! : yellow , " c. HIAN. : Hnnil picked nnvv , 1I..V)31.WI ; hand picked navy , medium. Jl.4'VSl.W ; hand picked ountry , tliw.uo : Rood clean , Jl.'joai.lio. Al'i'i.i : IlL'TTKii-l'er Ib. Oa7e. Dry Goods. nttnwN COTTON Atlantic A , T'ie ; Atlantic II , To ; Atlantic H. fiSe ! Atlantic I1 , lie : Aurora C. 4 ji" lluek's lleail.tiyo ; Cabot W. fiJe ! : Dar- lliiKtnn. ( i i'i I'arnirrs' No. I. 'i. 4'je ; Atlantic Mi. Cr ; Atiiota II , liUi'i Aurora 1 ! . fiVc ; Arrow brand. ri\e ; Atlns , ( N II. 7'je ' ; Cdlea aw A II , ( i'ie ' : Clieeseclold. 4e ; Clifton I'R iVto ; 1'ep- petell H. (1'ic ( : reptiorell K,40-lned,7lie ; Lani- ? IKIII I ! II. Oc ; C'ast Iron. 7'4C. .i COTTONS llcrkeley oamlirlc. No. CO. lie : Host Vet. ( ! e : ltdiekstone A A. 73.o { ; butter cloth XX , 4'ie ' : Cabot , 7'8c ' ; llwlisdt Anclior. PC ; Diamond yV. .shrunk , IMJC ; Kller- ton W S. 7' ' e ! I'ariner's Choice. HHo ; 1'lrst Call , OiSi1 : I'Mtclivllie. 7' . e ; I'rult of tlio Loom , fi'ic : ( iiiUien Weddlnit. be ; Hill Semper Idem. l-o : Harvest , ( i'.e ; Hone. 7'jc ' ; Housekeeper , h'.ic ; Klii } ; Phillip camlirlc. Kv ; Laiidon | ( i II. ' .1'je ' ; Loiisilale. t 'ic ' ; Loii'-ihili : cambric , Ilk.- ; New York mills. He. HllKKTINOT ASH I'lM-OW-CVSINflS HroWII 1'eplierell. 43-ln. IOC ; reppeiell.4. ! . ISe ; 1'ep- perell. 11-4 , OTc : I'opperell , 10UL'c ; lto ton. , V4 , J'J'H' ' : llostou. s-4. 'JUO ; Itoston. ! l-4. ' - - " , c ; Ilos- ton. 10-4. Wo : I'tlea. 4s-ln. l.V ; tJtlen , W-lii , K'sc ' ; nica.7s-ln.2lc ; L'tiea. sn-ln , .lie ; Utlcn. ! ) -In. .Vic. Itleaelied I'eppeiell.4i.In. . I0c ; 1'epperell. 4fi-ln. lie ; I'oppcicll. ii-4. I4'jc ' ; IVp- perell. h-4. ttK'i I'eppctoll. U-4. 'c ; reppeiell , 10-4 , S4e : Huston. 5-4. I4c ; Itostoii. .s-4. J'.V : llos- lon. ! l-4. i'H'i llo-lon , 10-4. 2J'jc ' ; Ullva. b-4 , B4ci Utlca. tl-4. aic : lltlea. 10-4 , lis'io. ' lliXdilA.MS Amoskoai , ' . ( i'sc ; Amoskeap. dtess. S'sc ; Hales , ( i'ic ' ; Warxvlck , dri" . t-'sc ; Lancaster , fi'ic ; Olenalto. o ; Wliltenton , diess , S'ie ; Vork Pavorlta , dress , Msc : Cal cutta. , be ; Normandle , dless , K'J Leices ter. ( Ires * , i'e. ' I'ltistx ' Maltha Washington , fi ; American ; C'ic ' ; Arnold. O'c ' : Ainold II. long elotb. 10c , American. 10e ; Slifcl A. ! ! . ' < ; Ainanil A. 1-e ; .Merrlmack 'i. illo ; ( lold leaf , lee ; Unld ticket. lOc ; Hamilton , : > 'ic ' ; Allen pinks. ( i'e ' ; Allen cdambray , tic ; ( ilouce-ter. , Ve ; Kdd tono. ( I'ie ; WIml-or , ( i"3e ; llniullton. O'c ; Steel i Ivor , lie ; Kamapo , 4'/sc ; ft. I.eger , , V4oj Martha Wasblni'ton,41jc ; Allen. 5c ; Merrlmack , .V4c ; I'oiinlnlii , 0ioj ! Giirnor , 7e ; Ciolleld , b'Jc ; ller-'ic. SIIMITINO , Cltf.CKS Invincible. .VJriltiv Inol- lile , XX , fi'ie ; Crawford , he ; Otis , SijejBKcono- niy30 ( ; I'ark , KIO'S , 15c ; Caledonia X , IMje ; Caledonia XX. 10ie. ! CIIKVOITT Wlnneconnet , 7'e ' ; Wblt teuton , 7c { ; Stater.Fc ; Anui IiCag. sttlpcs. S'K" Amos- kcag , I'lalds. O'.ic ' : sea Island , bk'f'd , Iliii'i tea I.slebk'f'd , 12 H'i ICdlnbiiiK.Hc. TiCKisns Oakland , A. ( i'ic ; Oakland , O. 7o ; Amoskcag. AC A. Wl'sc ; llcrwlck , book fold sa loon. Ice ; Hannah , hookfold ( atecn , 14c ; Wai- K'ti , bookfold sateen , Hie ; Norwood , bookfold sateen , ll'to ; CnidN No. , " . U'ie ' ; Cordls No. 4 , 10'ic ; Cordls. A C K. IPC : ; CordU , K ! ' fey , bie ; C'otdls. rJO fey. ll'ic ' ; CdTTOSAHKS York Nankin , 10'sc : Kverclt , 8 oz , isp ; nirln. SoIK' ; 1'lat Hock , 8 oz , ISc ; Lewlslon , 10 oz , --"jo ; Worklngman's. I4c ; Tradesman's. 14c ; Corkscrew Cashmere.ue. . ( 'HASH Slovens' II. 10 In. VjC ; Stevens' I ) . IS In. Co ; Stevens' A. li ( In , To ; Stevens' I' . Is In , 7J.c ; Stevens' M. IS III , Mic : Stevens' N. ai In , h' jc ; Stevens' NN. Sin , O'ioj ' Slovens' SllT , JOIn In ll'jc : bleached , le extra. Df.NiMS Amoskeag. ! ) oz. JC' jo ; ork.camlet , 1-V ; Kvciett , standaid , 12'je ; Amlover. l"e : I'orester. II C. Ili'-So ' ; Havmaker's , 7'ic ' ; Old Yoik , XX , 10"-e ; Old York. XXX , P.'c ; Luw- roiiet'.ft'iO. Ilijd Lawren-o..VO , lll'Je , Lawrence , 0 oz , 15oj fancv .stripes und odeeks , lli'c. Groceries. DitiKii FIIVIT Currants , now , C'ie ; prunes , casks. l.IWO tt > s. ( lo : prunes bbls or bugs , UV : raisin emed. S'jTiO'ic ' ; cltion peel , diiims. 20 IDs , 22u ; lemon peel , dii'ims , IK1 ; fard dates , boxes , 12 Its. lie ; apilcots. clioicu cuiporatcd , 15c ; apricots , jollv cured 25 ft > bRes , Kic ; apricots , fancy , 23 n , bo.ics. IGc ; apples , choice evaporated , lie ; apples , iiilmo new , b'ic ; tigs , layer. 10 per cent tate. II/l-c ; In sacks , 7e ; Per sian dates , 7c ; Salt Lake apples , ftfji's hlnok- berrlos , evaporated , 50 boxes , 5'.ie ; eheirlos , pitted , dry eitied. We : penches , iiared , fancy , isc ; eliolcc , Kic ; Salt Lake , 7c ; pilled plums , ( 'ill. 25 If i boxes , S'lfiJHic ; iiisliucrrlcs , ova p. , N. Y. , new , 2 > jej priinc.s. It. O. 00-70 , IVSO'Jc ' : orange peel , l.V ; raisins , California London crop Ifvsft , J2.40 : Cal. loose miiscaleis.crop IKs'J ' , J2.00 ; : Valeneliis , IKss , C'.ic ; Valencias , new , ' t'sc ' ; Cal. seedless sks. , 7a.c ; ; Oiidura layer , new , ] 04c ! ; dried grape.s , 4c ; iirnnellcs , now. 12'5c. ' CANNCII GOODS rrtilts , California standaid brands , 2' Ib , per do/ Apricots , tl.70Tcl.N"i ; apricots , pie fruit. SI.50 : gajloiis , J4.50 : lilack- berrlcs , J2.25 ; cheri , black , W.fKxaiVi-i ; cdet- rle.s , white , W.a.Vii'.SOi pit apetl.i ( : > ® I.sO : pears , llartli'tt. fc'.KKT'-.i. " ' ; peachesyellow , K.lWlSJSi ; peaches , lemon cling.,40 ; plums , egg , 1.Mi ; plums , golden dropJi.sO ; plums , gieen gages , fl.G.V'il.M ) ; peaches. lth pits In , il.CO ; currants , $ i.'IO ; goo-eberrles. K.'S > ; quinces. $1..10 ; raspberries , W.M ) ; .strawbetrles. fJ.V ) ; peaclies.i-ib : eastein standaid , Jl.Ki ; Jl-lli pie , . ( ; ( - nlc. $2.0.1 ; millon pie , SI.OO ; apples , hlghhtiiiidaids , fe'ia ; 'J-lb goo-elierrle- ; -Mb strawberries. IKKTi'lTic ; a-lb raspberries il.OOMbbliicorilos. ; : ! ) Kxa'.xic ; L'-lb blackber- tles. ( i.ViV.7rc ; t-Ibstrawberries ! , pie-erved. fl.NI ; < itlr > 0 ; cheirle2lb red , llaltimoio , b-ViUJe ; pear2lb , $1.110 , Vr.or.TAiii.KSTomatoes , ' 1 Ih extra , $1,00 ; II Ib standard , western brands , iKWlUc : gallons , slrletly standard. t2.W ) . Corn rine.-l giown , $1.00 ; giltedgedugar corn , very line , JL.10 ; choice Ib siigarcorn , IL'JO ; 2 Id extra , wcnt- ei n brands. s.1cUI. < i : Ib slandard , we-tcrn brands. utit'Oi * . Mushrooms 1 Ib Trench , extra line , 22tfl2.1i1 ; 1 III 1'ieneli , line. lMIi22i'i 1 Ib rruiieh. ordinary , UVfi.lSc , 1'eas Tres line , per can. 2.1o : deml line , per can. Kic ; 2 Id. sifted , { l.)0 ( ) ; 2 Ib early .Inne , $1.2.iai..1 : ) ; 2 Ib Martow , stanilaid brand , ? 1.10 ; 2 Ib soaked , .ri7c. Strlni ; Ileans-2 Ib high grade , Hofngee , Me ; 2 111 ( lolden Wax beau7.V ; 2 III siring dean70c. . Lima Ilean2 Idnaked , 7.c. Ho Uin linked Iteatis fill ) LewiJl.ivi : ctown brand. JLJiO , Sweet potatoes- ! l 11) ) New .ler.-oy. $ l.liO. I'ninp- kln-ilb : new puinpkln. Jl.oo. Okta and toma toes. fl.tif ) ; Okra. JIJ'iO : sllecotasll , .JI/.U 1'isil Codllsh. extra Georges , new. r'io ; grand bank , new , 4'sc ' ; sliviT. 2 Id , blocks , lie ; snow wdlle. 2 Id btlcks , now 7'5 ' ; Tin key cod. large middles , bricks , 81,0 ; snow wlilto crates , 12-.1 Id , boxes , ; Iceland halibut. Ho ; medium scaled herring. 2.1c ; No. 1 sealed herring , V ; doine-tlo Holland herring , .Yic ; llamdiirit spiced herring. $ l..1Ui Hnslanar - dlncs. 7.1e ; Hu Ian saidlnes , plain. .Mo : Im- poili'd ' Holland herring. Crown liritnd , bOc ; do. fancy milkers , HJej mackerel. No. 1 shore , half dlds , J 1:1.00 : ; ddiaters. dalf bills , frls.00 ; wlilte- llsd , dalf bbls. $7.o < ) ; trout , dalf bbls. W..W ; fanillydltellsli. . $ : t.UI ; stilnion , teM1 1 Ib inaekeiel ilierrlng ) , * l.K ( fl.lO ! ; 1 Ib finnan dad dies , ll.i.l : 1 Ib lobsters. tt.l.V t2.2.1 ; lib Alaska salmon. Aleut. JI.Wi : 2 III oysters , 10 ofl.Uli 1 Id oyslei.lo / . * ! .1.1 ; 2 Ib soled. 12 o/ , ij'.V : ! 1 Ib cliiius. Hillc neclcs , $1.22 ) ; Ib clams , lltllo ( ; 'i Ib-aidlnos , Imported , per case , 100s. $11. UK"- 1 0.00 : 'ilb sardines , imported , per case. Idfls. Jl.1 ( KXfi2U.U : ' .Ibimpoitod boneless saidlnes , 2ic ( ; 'i -ardlniK , American , per lOUs , riened style , I..VK1O.X ( ) ; ' , Ibsaidines , American , per ca-o , 100riened style , $7. 10 S.OO : > ! II ) saidliios , mustard. perj.ease , Ms , ia..vai.OO ; Impottod key surdlnet" . $13W. SODA i'kgIbs to liov , .I'lG.1. Nfrs-Almond- ; Itvazlls , lie ; fill erts , 12'ie ; pectins , lie : \ xilnilt12' ' e ; piMinut cocks , be ; toasted , lie ; Tennessee peanuts , 7c. linros iliioi'cis'i 1'er IbItorax , lie ; cop peras , ' . " -c : Hay leave.s , lie ; glue , Ilic ; ep-om sjill.4e ; glanber salts , iiy ; sulpdiir , 24c ; blue vlttol. Uc : alum , 4c ; taitarlo acid , 42c ; losln , 2c ; saltpctie , absoliitelyipiiie , lee ; gnnieain- phor , 2 His In box. 1 oevikos , 'Me ; Imp'i nnd ' : II ) packages. 2Ue ; sagi.4 and 'i Id pack- agi's , l.V1 ; madder , l.'lcnltpetre ; , lOe ; Indigo , : i-lb and .1-11) ) boxes , S l-'t uVTf.TlIc ; Inillgo. ! l-l I ) nnd.Vlb lioxes , Mailil- . ; , ' > < . ; scaling wax , 2.1-lb bo.xcled , : ie ( ; scaling wa.x , 2.1-lb boxes , \\dlte.4c. CA.NMiii MKTK 1 Id liuiud tongno , J2.75 ; 2 Ib limed longiio. $1.7.1 ; I Id ororncd lu'ef. $1.20 ; 2 Ib corned beef. fcj.UV. II Id coined deof. $ ll.Ml ; II Ib coined beef , $11.00 ; 2 Id boneless pig- feet , $ . ' .20 : 1 Ib lnillsd : draun , $ Luii21d : Kngllsd brawn , $2.1.1 ; U Ib Kngllsd brawn , K < ; 1 Ib comprc cd dam , $1.7,1 : 2-lb completed ham , $2.7.1 ; 1 Hi chipped deef. $2.00. SUM'S Castile , mottled , per Id. KllOc ; do white , per Id , I2c. ' Ilitooiis-l'arlor. 4 tie , $2.7.1 : a tlo , J2.23 ; .stable- . $2.K1 : common , $1Vigil , 75 , COCOA 'i Ib tin. 40c per Ib. CIIOTOI.ATI22&i ; : : > o perlb ; German chicory , red , b'ie. ( SAi.soiiA-llbls , l\ ; granulated ; l.fe ; kegs l'0 CorrKi : Iloasted Arbuckle's Arlosa , 2.1 , c ; MeLaiifdlln's X. \ \ \ , r > Se ; ( iermaii. 2.1',0i IHhmitli. 2.1'ie ; Alaroiaa , 2. * > Sc ; bulk. 2.11.10. t'oKFKK-tiii'cn l-'ancyold golden Hlo , 2.V ; fancy old penderry. 2.Vjj ltd ) , cbolee to fancy , U'lc ; llio , prime , 'Jll'.ej Hlo , good , 22o ; Mocha , 2iv : Java , genuine. O. O. , 2se ; Java , good In terior , 24c ; Afilean , 22o. SriAits Cut loaf , soj cut loaf eilbes. 7Ue ; standaid. poudcicd. 7'io ' ; XXXX poudored , H1 ; granulated , standard. ( ' , ' .Ti7c ; confection ers. A. , o : white e.xtra C. 0)ej ) o.xlr > i C , Ned. ' OI.IVKS Quart- , per (2.2A ; bulk , per gal , KV. VINKOAU JO gr. elder , H1 ; k-ixiU , ISc , wdite HlllP. 15O l.'iGfc per Jb , J-TOVF. TOMSII - tj.POiiU.fiT per grow. Il.uis-Ain. , pt-rlOO , fl.VOi U-wlston , per 100 , $ 17.00. , per rag , 2'i' ' | : tnanlila , It. : > iiJO ( ! No. I , 7c7 - HAIISt'nlon oiittarc. ; itiin percent oil list. SALT -Dairy. 'XI Ib In bbl. bulk. $2.10 ; best grade , fin. IK $2.'m : best grndc. 1W. ! ! s. $2.40 : best grade , 2S. IO- > , $2.20 ; rook salt , crushed , Jl.bOi commnn , bbN , $1,2.1. rAiliSAfKiit'S ( loons Ilarpyn | < 4 < ? .4ci farlua , SOi peas , .Tc ; oatmeal. Hiio : ; maciironl , lo : xcrmleolll , ICK1 : rice , 43 'iL' ; sago and tapioca , OIci lima bean , fio. Oii-o-Keroseiie-r , W. . 10c" W. W.-12'4C ; hendllght , iio : ; gasoline , 1-V ; salad oil , tJ.UKZii per dor. MKATS-HIIIIIS. No. 1. 10 Ib. average. Otic ; W to 22 Ibs , f lo ; 12 to 14 ll > . 10c ; shoulders , fie ; breakfast bacon , No. L s > o ; ham sausage , be : dried beef hnm , fi'i c ; beef tongue ! " , M.UO per dodry ; salt meats , iiitQOUo tier Ib ; ham roulette , G > ic ; boneless ham , , 'ioi ' plonlo ham , 7u. UpPff. IM. 1" nnd 3 In. . Jlf.OOi A select. l't and Pi In. , $1:1.00 : ; II select. 1U and PJ In. . &n.mi ; A slock boatils. 12 to 10 ft. . 12 In. . $15.00 : 11 stock boanN , 12 to 111 ft. . 12 In. . $ : w.OO ; C stock hoards 12 to 111 ft. . 12 In.17.00 ; I ) stock boards , 12 to 1(1 ( ft. . 12 In , , $27.00 ; A ! M > \ , I.T In. nnd upwind * . $4i.0 ! ( ) : II box. Ill In. and upwards , jjai | : C box. ii : tn. and upwards , $ 'IS.OO ; A Ikiiirlnir. n In. , 11.10 * : H lloorlng , 0 In. , $ . ' ! 2.00 : U lloorlng. 0 In. . $2S.OO : select fencing. $20Wl ; siding. 1st and 2d clear , $21.00 ; A siding. $20.00 ; 11 siding. $111.00 ; U siding. $1.1.00 ; common boaids , } lT.,10 ; No. 2 boards , all lengths $1.1.00 ; fencing , 1st. 12 to 20 feel. $ IS.OO ; fencing , No 2 , 12 , 14. 18 and 20 feet. tll.OO ; lolsts and scantling. 2x4. 14 to Kl feet. $1.1.00 ; timber , 4.x4 tob.xH , 12 to Id feel , JlO.nO ; nickels , Hal. common , $12.00 ; p ickets , fancy head and dtesscd , selected. $ 22.00 : sdlngles. choice A to e\tra A. $2..10tfl2.7,1 ; shinglestandard. . $2.2.V7i2.40 ; sdlngles , cedar , $2.-J ) .T..Vl : lath. dry. $2.7.1. SorrniiiN : YII.IOW : I'IMJ Olcar.S In celling. $1S.O < ) ; star. , In celling. $ | i . , V ) : Isl and 2nd clear. 2 In lloorlng. $21.00 ; eonimon 4 In lloor lng. $ I4..V ) ; star 4 In lloorlng. $1(1.00 ( ; clear | lu iiartltlon , $22..VJ ; clear llnlsd. No , 1. P , In s 2 s. $2il.OO ; clear , corrugated celling , 4 in , * 20.0U LlMK-llc-t.Rlo. CI.MI.NT$1.4.1. : : . llAllt 2.V. STIIAW HoAiii ) } | . (0. PI.A8TKH J3J11. TAH IIOAHU-4I..10. HI.OCK TIN Small pig , 2-o ; per Id ; bar.TOo per Ib. Ib.COITKII COITKII I'lanlshed boiler sizes. : B per Ib ; cold rolled. 2se per Ib ; sheathing,27o perlb ; pit Is and Hats. 2bc per Ib. liAt.vANi/.Kii SIIIIT : : liio.v Dlsc't .10-10 per cent , pat. plan. Iron , Nos , 2427 , A , 10'ic ' ; II , 11'iC. ' .HooFlNC-Chareoal , I.C. , 14x20 , 112 , $5.7.1 ; I. X. . 17.2.1 , SIIKKT liio.v No. 20 , Kl.TSj 5 'o. 27 , J.T.S.1. POI.DKII 14(3 ( I.I1 jc. . TIN l'i.ATi-l. C. , fo.\HS23. $7.2.1 ; 1. X. , 10x14 , 22.1. $ ! > .0 ( > . TIN l'l.\Tn-Coko-I. O , . 10x11 , 225 , M.25 KTKr.i. NAILS Hase , $2.00. STIKIVIIIB : NAILS Hase , $11.10. Wliu-Jap. barb , $ : UiO ; galv. , J4.20. AX IMPORTANT DECISION. The Illinois Supreme Court Passes on the I'roferroil Creditor QiieHtlon. Tlic supreino court of tlio state of Illinois delivered an opinion yesterday afllrming the decision of the appellate court iu the suit of .Tahii V. Fill-well & Co. against I' . AV. Nilsson - son , says the Chicago Tribune. Attorneys Adolpli Moses uiul B. S. Walker , who up- peared in the case of Xilsson , are authority for the statement that llio decision is directly counter to the law as to preferences laid down by the United States supreme court in the case of White vs Cotzlmtiscn. The lawyers received only u telegram stating tlio fact of the anlriiumcc , and they do not know the text of the opinion , but if they are right in the assumption that the decision of the state su preme court is opposed to that of the United States supreme court it will become ) tlio rec ognized law of Illinois and is of considerable importance , since there nre many suits in the courts involving largo amounts wliicli are * predicted ou the theory , as predicted in the White vs Cotzliau.sen case , that a falling debtor's preference of creditors amounts tote to n voluntary assignment , and that a fund confessed or assigned away to special creditors can bo impressed with a trust in favor of all creditors and can bu distributed pro rata among them. Frederick W. Cotzlmtiscn is a Milwaukee lawyer , who was a creditor of young Alex ander White , who , with his brothers and sisters , inherited a largo fortune , from his father , the late Alexander White. White had conveyed away his property to relatives and others and the federal supreme court put in effect the doctrine that Cotzlmtiscn and all other unsecured creditors were entitled to share pro rata in the property so convoyed , as the conveyance was an assignment , whether the conveyor intended it to be or not. .ludge I'rendergast adopted the same rule ns to confession of Judgment notes constitut ing u voluntary assignment , but in Cohen vs. Farwcll the supreme court decided that if that were so , which they were not then called on to decide , the county court could liavo no jurisdiction except where a man voluntarily submitted himself to the jurisdiction of the court bv mailing an assignment in turn , It now holds , so Mr. Moses claims , that neither in the county court nor in the court of chan cery by bill in equity can general creditors come In and share in assets on which exe cutions have been levied in favor of preferred credit jrs , except where fraud is shown. Nilssou was a dealer in gentlemen's fur bishing goods at No. ril West Madison- street and Xo. 20 North Clark street , and judgments for about $1(1,000 ( WITJ confessed in favor Tf tlio Lincoln National bank and alien creditois , and Farwoll , who .secured a ( uiUxmcnt jitter on , sought to secure his claim on tlio theory as laid down In White vs Cot/hnusen. Inas much as tills was the only point in the case of Farwoll vs Wilson it is understood by the af- lii'inaiicornported from Ottawa that the supreme premo court of this state disagrees with llio supreme court of the United Stales. The case was originally decided by Judge Collins , who disregarded gtho White vs Cotzlmiisen caie. The appellate court alllrmcd him , Judge Gary only dis.spiitinfr. Judge Jiimieson. also refused lo follow Wdito vs Colshiuiben in the Traders' bank /inmicrnmn. . Chin-Kelt AVIth Imitating Cliiu-li-euse. Marcel Marie Grc/.ier "of the Convent Grand Chartreuse , department of Iscreand lie-public of France , " Hied u bill in the United States circuit court , eastern district of lllnols , against Simon , Ignatz and Samuel Hastcrlik , doing business In Chicago ns Ilasterlik Urothers , for in fringing the complainant's trade mark. The bill says the Carthusian Order lot Monks en gaged in the manufacture of the cordial known us chartreuse in the sixteenth century , mid have conducted the business with prolit ever iiiuce. Within the last few years it is claimed that the defendants have put on the market an inferior compound which is put up in bottles of exacllv the sumo si/.o and shape us that used by the Car thusians. The label Is also said to bo an exact Imitation of the genuine , consisting of "a cross mounted on a glebe and partly sur rounded by seven stars , and below the letters , ( ! do Chartreuse. " Tile bill says that the bluff manufactured by the defendants is not to lie compared with the genuine cordial ami can bo sold for much loss. The defend ants , it is said , have damaged the complain ant's business to the amount of $10,000. The bill asks that they bo restrained from further infringement of tdo trade murk and bo re quired to account fur the protlts resulting from the sale of the American Chartreuse. 80HROBDBR& DEHR GRR1R -Provisions and Stocks. Basement First National Bank. 3O5 South 10th Street , Omaha. WANTED IS3UED BV CITIES , COUNTIESSCHOOL , DISTRICTS , WATER , CorteipondenceioHclled COMPANIEO , tTC. N.W. HARRIS COMPANY . . & , Bankers , 103-108 Donrborn Street , CHICAGO. 7O State Otroet. BOSTON , RfflLWHYTIMEGHRD. Tcnvos i rlllfAllO. lU-UMNiitoS * A V. ! Arrl < V _ OnOhi . Ik-pot Idlli nml Mnvin mrfon ( Mimli.'V 3.1J p m. . ( . 'lilcnKiiVe'tltiiiTi' l\in | n lui n tn U.4J n in . . . .riilmgo KiprpM . AM p in P.l.'i | i ni . Clilrneo K | > to . . | : ) nm y.M p ni . . . lown lornl trcpl Hiimtny. . II M n m TTSTcsTTiT'llMNirTOX .V MO. ItiVKll.rrl , c ' Onmh . _ ilKHHJWIIinnit | > l oi _ Hirpt < _ t . _ ( ) iii.ilin. _ fo.uTn ni'.l ' > ein-rf VeMUniUY i\pri-iii. : . 7. ' Siw p m X.'O n ni ! . . .lln tltii : Cnncordln Lucal . . ' p m ( i.V , p tn Denver K.ipre I VM n m "LenvesT K. C . ST. J. A C. II. I Arrives Omaha. I Depot Ifltli oiul Minim Mrcel . | Onmlm. . . . . ni'itr l'r ' i : < pre . . . .l C. Nlnht Kip. Tin I' . I * . Trnn < . _ lf pgtjotli nnil Mnrcy Mredy 2.45 p in OTi'rlnnil Klyer ITS p in 'O m 7.11 n in p ' ' ' ' ' 10.10 n tn . . . . . . . ! ! i > enver i : pre . . . . 4 ai p in 4.45 p m ( Irniul liilaml Kip. ( except Sun. ) IJ.M p tn Knii < a Clty K\pn > ii ' - " " " " ' "licaVcs I T-iTiCAffiTTi T ST'ACiKic. Arrlvi-T Uiimlin. | t' . I * , ilopol , loth nml Mnrcy St * . < Omnlin. . VT& | flu | . IUU ) n in fl.lJ n tn1 . Atlnntlo ( ' . . : p in lUi p ml . Vcitltnilp MnilliMl i'.OU | i m " " " "j nros ; CIIU'AO ( ! , \ NOUTIIWKSTIIH.N.I Arrlvtn" Uinnlm. If. IV ili'pol , lOtli nml Mnrcr Sin. ! ( Mimlm. I'.l.'i n m Clilnifii Ktpro. " I I ! . ' ! ) p m 4.M p in \V lltnilii l.linltpil VM n m ' m ( l.v. i-\ . Hall Mull ( Ar. ex. Miinii 7.40 n in li.SO p ml Kmlorn Flyer . _ . . . . ! 2.4.1 i m Xen vcMCllTcAliO , Mil , . , A. ST. I'AtiU "Arrive * " Oitiahn. I * . 1 * . depot. lUlli nnil Mnrcy st < . Omnli.-i. IMS n m . .ChlcaRO .MalUooept Sund.iyt..i S.41 p HIM | , ni Chicago W.ll n m ' . ' .30 p ni C'lili-nini Kxpn- ' z.w.i : | in Tcnves" ! " OMAHA A ST. LOUS. I Arrived Onmlm. It' . I'.ili'liot. lUlli and .Mnrcy St.l Omaha. "y&Vi" ' S"t. " l-oul * Ciianon Hull K .i\ \ > iii "Learcs | SKIl'A l-ITV A I'ACIKIC. I Arrives" Oiimlm. ! tr. P. ilopot. 10th nml Mnrcyl > . | Om.iha. " -.IS n nil . . . . .Sioux Cltv I'nKM'iiiii'r . . . . KIU5 p in li.lft p ml St. Paul Kxim11" Uiutt n in " Jx'nvcj j SIOH.X CITV A I'ACIKIC. I Arrive * ' Onittlur I Jli'pot I.MIi nail \\Vlnti-r Sl < I Oniah . _ " " " " " li.4.S p m . . . . . > ! . I'aul Limited. . . . . . . . ! ' . ' . ! ! . > a in l-cnves I K. K. \ MO VAI.I.KV. I Arrive * lninhn. | _ Io | > ot l'1"1 n1"1 Wobntor St . ! ( lirnihn. TuiijTrial Illnck IIIIN Kxpro A.VO p 111 UOO n . . . < iMliiR * Kxp. il'x. Suniliiy ) . tt.'M | i in .MO P mlValioo , V Lincoln I'avM'iiKcr 111. ' . ' . ) u in ft.ll ) p in I. . York A Niirfollt ( lit. Sunday ) IKI.--U 11 ni " " " " ' lA-ftVL'Tl ( ' . . ST P. . M AO. I Arrives Omalm. I Depot I.MIi Mini \\VliMcr SI . I Oninlm. "h7 ) n "Si . .Sluux Ctty Acfiiiiimotlntldii. . T'.l.'i ' p in 1.00 p in .Sioux City lltpres * < Kx. Siin.l. ! . . - ) p in 11.4. ' , p in St. I'nul Limited ' .l : KI a m ii' ; : > n in .Florcnnt l'n < eii i'r llx. ! Sun ) . H 4. * , n m S.lii P 111 .Klorence I'nii enKer ( Kx. Hun ) . i > : p in ToavciTi Missorui I'ACIKIC. [ Arrive * Ouiulm. I Depot 13th anil Webster St * . I Onmlm. 10.IIO n inf7 ! rsl.T.oul ! < * If. t" . Kipteim. . . 4 V > p in 11.15 | i nil. . .St. Unilx A K. C. Kipro" . . liJII n m UNION PACIFIC-SI.'linillAN TIIAINS. Tlie.iu tnilns IIKOlop | nt l.'itli. Kill. 20th nnd 2tth streets , Siimintt nnd Snvldne Cros ! , lii > f. 'NVorklny- nien'ff Irnlm do notiun _ _ Sunday. Tlroad-i Trnnn-1 iSliMi-ryl vtny fcr Oiimlm | Slu- South A 11)11't CllliytiiJIcot.J | Dejiot.i lln - _ [ Jlnmlm. " llcpot. , l - ; AM AM'\MI.\\I ' A M A ) l 1 A M ! > . ' * > ] ( i.l.'i n.o.ITI ( : , . : , ? ( ; . . - ) 5.4 : . ii.i7 : r.M (1.401Ci.Xi ( ( i.47 C..27 7.0(1 ( C..I.-I 7.l5li.l ( | ( ) 7.20 C.OO 7.2JS.M | 7.45 7.40 7..VJ 7. : 8.I5 ( 7I. > 0 8.12 7.15 T.O. " , H.-.IU T.IIO 8.43 S.Ili S.W H.-.T ' . ' .ail & . : , | . . . . , . . 4.'i' ' l'-W ' ll.M ' .1.27' ' I II.OS W. IA' ' . . . . 111.07 Hvibi&u ! ! | ! ! ! ! ; I'M. I'M I'M I'M I I'M i I'M , I'Ml I'M I'M'I'M ' I'M .I..I I aujl , - . . . . . . . : . . . . 4.271 4.03 4.1. ' , i.rj .ii ; 4.25 ; ; 4.IJ .r.o.'i 4. . ' ) . ' fi.l.S)5.l2.V07 ) ; fi.25 * M 'li.lU ' . . . .I. . . . . . | 7.Bi ( 7.15 7.07 - . : . ! /.joq Leaves CHICAliO A. NOItTIIWKSTKKN. I Arrives Transfer Union Depot. CnnneU JllallH. "friiiiifor " 11.40 n in ClilciiKi , KTiri'im | "f.4U p in .1.40 p m Veillbulc Limited ! i.4 : > u in 4..V , p ill KiKtcrn I'lyer A.45 p m 8.IHI p m Atliintlc Mull 7. : ) u in TrnveJ I CIlICAIiO. It. 1. A , I'ACIKIC' . I Arrives Trnnsfer I Union Deimt. Council lllntl * . I Transfer " 6.15 p ml 7r..Tr..NlKlit I0 | ire . " . * . ) . : i.ri n m 10.0.i 11 ml Atlantic Ktpress li.lXI p in UI.Oi ) p mi _ . .Vestllmlo Limited l.'iO p in 1/ciivcs iCHICAIil ) , Mil , . \ ST. I'AUL Arrives Trnmifer L'nlou llepot. Council ItlntN. iTrausfer lilKTa in ! . .cfilcaco Mall ( e\cet | ) Sunday ) . 'ft.SuTT m ( i.iO : p in Chicago Kxprcst ' .i.l.'i n m 1U.W p in . . . . : _ . _ . . ' | ( ! ( KAPICIIS. . 2.0U p'm " " Leaves K."C. , ST. .IOH A C. II. I Arrives Transfer Union Depot. I'unni'll Mlnll" . ! Tnmnfer rf07 ( iriii r..Kiui"ns ! City Day Kxprchs 10.2. ' , 11 m . . .ICini'iit City Nlulit Kxpreis . . ' " Leaves ( iMAlFA'Ai hT. LOUIS. Arrives Unlun Depot. Ciiuni'll Hhur ( Trnnnfer V.IS'jTrii St. I iuts Canon Hall Leaves CIUC.IUO , Hl'HI.'N Aytll.VCV. . Arrives Trnn fer _ l'nlon DejMU. Counrll lllulN. Transfer li.4'J a m 10.00 ii m . ' . . ( ) p m I'lilruKo Fnxt Mall , - , . : ) p m 7.w : p ml Crcxton Loi-al 11.20 n in .SIOL'X CITV A I'ACiriC. TraiKforl Union Depot. Council Mlnll.H , 7.4. ' , n m | . . .tjlonx Cliy Arcummodatlon.r O.fiO p ml . St. I'.iul Kxprt1 GRAND LOTTl-RY OF JUARliZ. t'nilpr HIP manaKcmentof tlm Mexican International Banking Co. , CotH'cpsionarlc * ! . Incurporateil by llio blittu ul' Clil- Inmliua , Mexico , For Charitalilo Purponos. GUARD MONTHLY DRAWING will tnl.o pliireln pulillent Ilii'cUj- Juiiicz ( form erly I'IIKI < lel Nortel , Mexico , WEDNESDAY , APRIL 23rd , 1800. under tlio pciional xupcrvMon of ( Jcncrnl .loiiv S. Mosiivanil Mr. CAMII.O AlKil'l.l i.l.s. llio fernier u gentleman of Hiicli proiulnenco In tliu riiiled States that his pro-once alonu Milllclcnt k'uiiiumcu to tliu public that the drawing * will bo held with strict hon- t ty and fiilrnvis to all , and the latter ( the Mipcrvl- ; or ot the Mexican Kovoinmoiit ) Is ut eiiual Mainline and InU'frlly. CAPITAL , PRIZE , $ GOOOO. O.SI.V 1 ,000 TlCKKTS. ( ) XIV ( XI.OUO 'I'lfKUTS. Whole Ticket.$1. . I lair Tickets , } 2. ( jtiaiter Tickets , l. LIST or I-IIIXKS. 1 Prlzoot fl , Ui ) ) It . ' fllO.OUO 1 1'rl/eol 10.000 Is III.IIO 1 I'rl/oiif fHU ) Is tiMH 'I I'rl/ci of 1,000 each me : t.iui ( 10 I'rUi'i uf .110 each ate. yftu Ul l'il < esor lOdcnchnro nUW 100 I'rlionof Mlviieliuro fiK ( ) 2.VJ 1'rlzes of nii'iicliuru 7'iOO AI'I'IIOMMA'llilX rill/.l.ti. 100 I'rlzesof $ AHrnili lire J fl.fjOO 1U ) I'rl/cii of . " .fleacli are : i,0i ) 1W 1'rUenof 2 eaehnrn 2wj : TI.IKIIN'AI. rillttlS. K'.l Termlimls to ( ill.lxio l'ile of V.'J each are. . . ill.tisO i''J TeriiilnaU to tlO.UUO l'rl/o of (10 oacji aro. . . W.O ,1111 1'rUcs Mlnountllli tn HJ.V'.lTo r We the nndcridt.'iicd hciohy certify that tlm llanco Nnclonal ot Mexico , In ( hlhuahua has oil dcpiult trom Mio McMcan Intenmtloiml llnnklnn Company , the nrojiiiiary Inndi to guarantee llio payment or nil the prl/o dra n In the till AS I , l.cni IHV : ill' 11 A III/ : . " \\'i > fiirllier certify that no "III mpcrvl-o all thn [ irrnnfi-nu-nH , nnd In tii-rimi iimmiKi1 nml conlrol all llio ilni\vlnn if IliU Lottery , nnd Unit Iho amo aril conducted with lionesly , tulrnoii , und 111 ijuod lallll tonuril all pintles. JOHN S. MOSIIV. Commissioner. CAMILO AIliii-LI.KM ( : : , Supei visor for the ( 'overmuent. If liny tlrket drnnlnn a iul/e Is fcnt to iho nmlcr- MKiied , Its face value will bu collected and remitted lu Ihuuwner thereof ricool Lhuruc. l'.li\H It. IHtoN.sO.V. I'rusldcnt Kl I'ano Nntlonul CI I'.iso , Tev. n AJi.NTh : WAXTICI ) . Forcliih rates , or any further Information , wrlln to tlio nndemlKiu-d , nlalliu > our address clearlywith Hale , county , ntn-i't nnd number. Moru rapid malt delivery will be imnurcd by > uur enclunlni ; an envt-l- 0io bcarlUK > our full address. MI..MCAN INI-CII.VATHINAI. IIAVKIXO Co , , Clly ut Juurui , Mexico. NOTICI : . Send reinlllnncci f < > r Il.-Ui'ti liy nr'tlnary letter , contalnlni ; Money order Issued 1 , > nil Kkpress I'om- iianlen. New York K\chanie. Hank limit ur I'uitnl Note Addrens all icKintcrcd letters to MLJLlt.lS l.NTLII.N.irixt.ll IU\hlNi. Co. ( HI ! Juurci Mixi'-o FIR MEN ONLY ! " MSForlOBTorFAILJNOMANnoODi , IOioer.1 and HEEVOUS DEBIUTY | . , , [ , , , Weaknen of Dodyond Mind , EifctU I aUilllJfError ( ) orExc i ln01iJorYounr , ' lleljotl , Hill * Bin IIOOII full ; KtiKrtd. Haw l. liriifj Jb'.oUI.'r"a.r.lll.r IIUMK THIfiTa ( > T-D cll > | Illfl Hta Uilllrt.r. . | u blitti > < rtnla C oilrUi. nrllt Iktm. ll > crtpll < U * k * fibUaalloa ! < ! lirof Bialldir ( ltdrrt ) . uaiii ERIE MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALO , H. Y. RESTORED. Manhood UtKn.r FR K. \ vl.-tlm - - of ( i.ull.rill lin | > riiirn . rAulritf I'rfiiiAtiire Pi-cay rrtuull ( Ability. l t Muitiuoil. Ac lu.vlnKtrlrdIiMalii ( vrykiio nreni ' dy ! , & dlwovur1 ! ! * rlnii'lu ' mi-an * of inlf rnrf , vihlcb ti * llll lldlv > l < tlll'lll'.KIuhUrrllo nllmr . Aiidrcu , J. U , ItthVtb , I'.o. lioi KKJ..NVW YcikCiir. NEI3HASKA National Bank U. S. DEPOSITOHY. OMAHA. NKB. Cnpltnl , - $ ' 400,000 Surplus Jon. 1st , 1SOO , - 07.13OO Oltloern nml DlrectoM Henry \V V le . pre lilontt J wl s. Iteeil , > lce ilrc lili > nl : . ( nines W Snvniie. W V-Mor e. .liihn S. Collins ; II. C. Cuslnnu ; J N II. 1'ntrlck ; W. II. S llnitlies. eiishler. Tl-IK IKON UA.NIC. C'onifr liflt and Knrnaiu slreelf , A Oenernl llaitklint lln < ilm < 44 Trniisg.-teil. * GOMMKUGIALv National Bank Cnpltnl , - $4OOOOO Surplus , - 40,000 OOlcer ! " nnd Directors - K M. Morrcmnn , O. SI. llltclicook , , lo epli ( iarnenu. .Ir , A. Henry ! ! M. AndivonVllllniii ( i. Mniil , vlcc-pre ldent I * II. WllllniiK. A. I' . llopkliipresident. . A. .Mllllnnl , rnnltler : F. II. llrjnul , ns l < tanl caviller Omaha ManUfaotiJrBrs , HootH anil Shoos. Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots KShoes AKt'iits/or llo ton llnbber Shoe Co . IK.1. . . 111)1 ) ami I1W llarney Stieel Omnhn. Noli. Ili'oivi-r.M. ' " " " "STOHZ * TlLEH , Lager Uccr Brewers , l.VI Ncrlli ISth Slreel. Oinnhn. Xeb. Cornice. RAQLI-fcoilNICE WOIUCS , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice Window cnp * nnd melnllc nkytuht * . .lolm Kpenrter , proirletor. | llteinnd IIU South lUlli street Artists' Jlatci'lalH. " " " ' " A. lioSPK , Jr. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1M,1 DoiiKlax Street. Oninlm , Neb. Coal , Coke , Mto. OMAHA COAL , COKK AND LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. S. K. Cor. liHIi nml liouclns streets , Uiunlin , Xeb. NEBRASKA FUEL CO./ Shippers of Coal and Colic , ' . ' ! < South l"lh Street , Oninlm , Xeb. Clears. DEAN , ARMSTRONG Sc CO. , Wholesale Cigars. (02 X. lillh Street "Hello ! " 1439. Dry ( tiioilH and Notions. JI. E/SMITII & CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions Corner lllh nnd llownrd Streets. ' KILPATRICK-KOCH DRV GOODS CO.T" Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , Gents'Kurnlshliudoods. Corner llth nml llnrney SllCCf. OlIKlllM. Xel > . Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , 1' Street , ( liuahu. Xiihrnska. "CIIARLKS SHIVERICK , Furniture. Oiynhn. N hrnxkn. < rooifics. McCORD , BRADY Ac CO , Wholesale Grocers , 1,1th nml I.envenworth Streets , Oinnhn. Xebrn kn. Ijiimlier , JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , , Htc. Imported nml American 1'ortlnml Cement -'Into itKont fur Mllwnukee llyiliiiullc' Cement , nml ( Julucy Wiiltu Mine. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber. Wood cnrpctfl nnd pariiurt Mfmrln , tlth and Slit't'l * * . ( Mtialiii. NclJia kn. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , LiUli , Lime , Sasli , Doors , Ktc. Ynrds. C'nrncr ; th nnd IloiiKlna. ( .Illioo , ( Nirnrr 10th nnd lluuuliis. FRED W. GREY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Corner ' .Uh and ll nmli : Streets. Oinnhn. and Notions. Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , iiOS , ' . ' 10 and 31' . ' -.iiitli llth utreet. Notions : J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 1121 Ilarury ti < > i-l. Omaha. Oll.'t. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale llefincd and Lubricating Oils , Axlof-'ieane , etc , Hi.i.iln \ II. lilnhop. I'apci CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Curry ii nkoMoiknf inlnilm ; . wiiippliu.'nn < l ivi t pnper. Hpeclnl aiii > iitl < in n'lvun to i-nid paper Suffix , Kin. A. L. DEANE , V ; CO. , < ieneral Axentt for Halls' Safes , Ml nnd iiffl South 10th St. , Onmlm. Toys , Klu. II. HARDY A ; CO. , Dolls Albums Goods Toys , , , Fancy , llouuo Knrnl-hlni ; ( Jurpilii. ChlMren'H Car l-'arnam aticet. onmjin , Neb. Water Supplies' . U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMI' CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Hulllilnjlnil MillH. ' .Us ami CO.Ioni'i n , Uumliu. ( i. I' lt"i < Aftlnii MuimuiT HHOWNELI , & CO. , Engines , Holler ; and General Machinery. bhcet-lrim vmrk. mi-am | iuinn | , miw mills I'-'IJ ltli ! J ca\cnvMiitli stn-el. Oinnliu. Iron \Voi-kH , PAXTON vV VIKHLINO IIION ' Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , Knvlncx , bra work , iicneral foundry , tmu'hmu anU bluckmiillli woik Oltli o nnd worki , I' I' , Ity. and llh Htieet , Oiuaha. OMAHA SAFE Js IRON WORKS , Manf'rs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes1 , Vaults , jnll n-oik Iron nhutlur * mid tire ocnKtit ( i. Aiidreen , prop r ( ul lull undJurkujf. M Sash , Doors , Klu. M. A. DISHHOW & CO. , \Vli'jle ulo niHiuifuitiirc-ri of Sasli Doors lilinds and , , Mouldings. llruiicli nUlro , I Ml iiii'l l/ar.t utri'uti , Umulni , Nft' , o u tJ [ i O IT. i f " " ' UNION'STOCK VAIIDS co. , Of South Onidha , Limited ,