0 THE OMAHA DA FLY BEE. WEDNESDAY , APKIL 2 , J800. TIIJS OMAHA BEE , TNOirA LUxUFFS. 01 1 If K : NO. 13 I'KAUI , STUBKT. Drilvnrd byrnrrlcr In any part if llio Clly. 11 \ \ TILTON . MANAUKK. Ti'.M'.I'HONKS : TU'MM" * Own : . No. 13. Niiiiir Kitmin , No. y ) . MINOIl a N V P. Co. , Couiif II Illnffs r.iinuVr Co. , conl. Thatcher coal , 1M Mnlit street. Louis Hanson haq been apnolntcil toIre duly lit No. 4 hose house. The yminp Indies of St I'mil's rhiuvh will five a inii-ty lit llio Hoynl Aminmn hull Mon- dny evening , April 7. Kvcrybody Invited. Joseph Anton mid John Krkanvcro nr- restrd lust evening for peddling without n llcoiifto. The will ho nn linpoi-tnnt meeting of the P. K. O. Society nt Mrs. Ur. Iliineliett's this af ternoon at ! ) : ! ifl o'clock. Fred. J. Porlno of Onmlm and Nina II. names of this city were united lit inarrlnfro Monday evening at the rosldenco of 13. B. Jnrillnor , on .South Madison street , by Jus tice Burnett. The regular monthly meeting of the W. C. T t' u-lll bo held in their room in the Mur- limn Mock at ! l o'clock tills afternoon. A full nlti'iidimci' of members is desired , as there is Important business to bo transacted. All brothers of the Improved Order of Hod Men we requested to attend the tribe meet- Iiifr tl'iiviMiliig , as nrmngemunts will bo made to fo to Omaha Hatimlav evening to Institute a tribe then ) . H. L. Williams , deputy iri'and Kuchein. The ramatrainst Jack f Jrren for Iceeplng open a saloon on Sunday was tried yesterday allr nionn 'jrfoio ' .Uidfe' MrCJee. There was nocviili nrc to prove that the defendant sold im > ! i > iu ror was in Ills saloon for that pur- jiov' . urn ! the court ordered bis release. Tl < < i\ \ ' < a against Ni-ls and Anton Jensen nrnl Do I ; Webster for disturbing the peace Wv yi 'tt'Tday continued until next Monday im < ri > itn > ut Id o'clock , owing to Hie fact that one of t ho defendants is as yet unable to nppriir m court , and his physician stales that heui i.'it bo out for several days. Tlu Cuiipcll Ulisffs steam dye work' ! 'have been piv.it ly enlarged and new machinery ] iui in. < ' | ) > int ? the establishment fully for all Kiii'1. f worlf. A elningo has also been inaili'iii i in-linn , Mr. S. M. Williams of Dos Motnes , lairing an interest , in the business , and reqivboiithnj the linn on the road. Minnie Smith , the woman who was so liruti llv beaten Sunday nighl. by Kd Mnher , was j i-itritla.v tried for disturbing thu p-ace. Jli'i1 imsalhmt waa the only witness called , and as hf refused to testify for fear of crimi- Jiatliir ! himself , the ehnrgu could not l > e sus tained and the defendant was .discharged. The jury in the case of Etler vs O'Xeill re turned a sealed verdict at I o'clock yesterday morning , which wiui opeimd When court opened at 10 o'clock. It was in favor of the plaintiff in the sum of . * T , ( )0. ) The amount al lowed was in reality & ! ) , ( MX1 , as a counter claim of $ , . ) ( ) for rent was allowed the defendant. The counsel for thu defendant gave notice of nn apix-al and requested until Saturday to llio u motion fora new trial , which request was granted. The plaintiff sued for * 10,000 and interest , amounting to nearly $11,000. The mill U the nutgmwtliot tho'leasing of the Ogdcn liouse to Ktter t I'l'-ivo about two years ago. The plaintiff alleged that he paid $1IKK ( ) for furniture in the building and that tin-defendant Illegally sold it under attach ment without proper notice and hid it in at a ridiculously small price , thuro being no out- bide bidders present. Ir II S. West , porcelain urown and bridge work , No. 1:3 : Pearl. For ' -.ale. on account of .sickness. J. Dickey's ' general merchandise stock , located on Broad- wi.i , Council Bluffs , will bosol'l at a discount for cash or trade for good uniiieunibered city or Omaha property. Address Duquette A- Co. , Council Bluffs. The Manhattan sporting headq'rsUS B- way. J. O. Tipton , real estate , MT Broadway , 'J'lio Kiiiity | Assignment. Yestenluy was the opening day of the April term of the district court , and Judge Jeemer put In his time making assignments of equity cases. The following are the cases assigned for the mouth. WedlK-sdav , April 2 r > 02. . , SSOO , 5915 , GOOD , cms , iwor , IKCII ) . Thursday , April 3-G430 , G.V20 , C.J2I , Cr.tl : , cr > 7L' , min. Friday , April -l-CO'jy , 0001 , 0001 , OC03 , Glilii , .Saturday , April "i-OIXlO , I'.HT > , ( ilVKI , lilVH. Monday , April T-Mi : ! , liUSI , 11707tiTO. , IWOI. Tuesday , April S U05S , 57MlOUi7ljjllUM5l ( ( : : C417 Wednesday , April 0 0010 , 0018 , 71M , 07M ( , C7IKI , ( KIKJ. Thni-silay , April 10 fiSOS , Cs-7 | , OSSIHf. Friday , April 11 ( iS."Hi , OSt ! ' . ) , Ob77 , 707fi. 707fi.Satuiilny , April 12-IW&I , (5S ( i , i Friday. April IS 701t ! , 7031 , 70.11 , 70. ! < J. Saturday , April 1'J ' 7010 , 7011 , 701' . ' , 7015 , T07II. Monday , April 21 7078 , 70SO , 7100,7105 , , 7117 , 711 * . Tuesday , April 2'J 7125 , 71H ! , 7137 , TUB , TUCi. Wednesday , April 23 714-1 , 71-10 , 7i"i , 71.10 , 7NV2. Thursday , April ' . ' 1 7KU , 7100 , 7107 , and contempt cases. Friday , April 25 0015 , and contempt cases. Important to Horsemen : Largo line horse and turf goods. Probstlo , r > M B y , U. B. Several desirable dwellings with modern Improvements for rent In vicinity of the Presbyterian church. 13. II. Shcafo & Co. , rental agents. SeainoiiM I/oses llonri. Yesterday's Bin : contained an account of the trouble between W. II. Shaffer and Dr. N. A. Scuinons and the arrest of the former which followed. As before stated the whole dlfllenlty was the outgrowth of a scene of do mestic disagreements at the boarding house of Mrs. Martha Martin , No. 23 Koutli Eighth Mrcot , where all of the interested parties re- hided. It was given out that the whole racket wiw caused by Seauions' groundless jealousy , and yesterday's documents Indicate that such is indeed the case , us Seamons visited the i-ouiitv jail when ) Shaffer was conllned and agreed to dismiss the case if Shaffer would leave the city. This Shaffer refused to do , mid wanted Seamons to go ahead with ills prosecution If ho thought it advisable. Seamons stated in the presence of two wit nesses that ho had nothing against Shaffer , but that lie wanted him to go away and pay no more attention to bis ( Seamo'ns' ) wife. But Shaffer announced his intention of stay ing , and seeing the case through. Seamons ovldently concluded that it would not help matters any to let the case go to trial , and ho accordlnuly paid the costs and dismissed the fUHO. Ho iKiId the costs , amounting to fil.Wi , to Shaffer's brother , who settled with the court. Then ) Is moro yet to follow , however , jus Scuiiions' wife says she will sue for a di vorce on the ground of drunkenness and cruel mid abusive treatment. Shaffer states that Seamons' drinking Is responsible for the whole troub'o ' , and this assertion is corrobo rated by Mrs. Seamoiis. Drs. Wood bury have removed their dental cilice to 101 1'carl street , np stairs. The gasoline stove Is mow dangerous than the unloaded gun. Suvo life and property by using the C. B. tas and Electrlo Ught Co.'s giw stove. J. C. Blxbv , steam heating , sanitary engi neer , IM.'I Mfo building , Omaha j 'M Merrium block , Council DliUTs. Tlio Ke leral Court. The Jury In the ease of Klmmlsh vs Tinkon ' ft Boll In'the ftxlcml com t returned a verdict tor the plaintiff in the sum of $2,000. This Is the Han-lson county cattle caso. The case called for trial yesterday was that of United Sluttw vs Converse , charged with sending obscene matter tluough thenuilU. Judge love stated that he desired to cloeo up thu term us ho wished to Iwivo this moriitiib' . The case , however , was not concluded wueu coui-t udjourdcd last cvcuiuj , ' . IX TIIK RIIIKFS lii 111'Lvll ' \ \ ) , Au Urgent Demand for nn Assistant Oily Attorney , ILLEGALLY DRAWN 'iNIORMATIONS , . Hcniiions Hauls Ills Cuso Out nrConrt A Si'i'loiiH Huuinvay A Quar terly Session nCdit ! Iiltuu Kiln Club. Charles Nicholson , assistant chief of the llio department , aspires to become the head of that branch of the city service under the new administration , but If this Is not possi ble , and ho has every reason to fear that such will bo thu case , ho Is willing to continue for another year In Ida present position , lie Is not only willing but anxious to do so , and In order to gnln his point has been making him self nnitc , numerous with the alderman from the First ward , who , by the way , Is chairman of the lire ooinmlUoc. IIo law given it out cold that the First ward alderman will support him , and has virtually promised him thu position of assistant chief. However , ono man does not have full appoint ing1 power , and as Nicholson is not very .solid with the other aldermen ho realized that it would bo necessary to show them what ho was made of. and ho attempted to malco the Illustration hint evening. As is elsewhere stated In Ihrso columns , Louis Hanson was appointed as a llremon at No. ! hose house , and ontcivd upon his duties yesterday. About Sjo : : lost evening Nicholson concluded to initiate the new man. Homo words ensued which resulted in Nicholson assaulting him and beating him fearfully. When Hansen appeared at tlu > police Million ho presented a most revolting spectacle. Ho was covered with blood and his face was a mass of discol ored bruises. Ho stated that after knocking him down Nicholson had jumped upon' him with his feet nnd gouged his face with his boot heel. Jn fact , a ragged gash under his I'.vu showed tin- mark of u boot heel , where the llesh had been torn away from the cheek bone. The poliiv. started out to appre hend Ids brutal assailant , batcho had taken a motor and skipped to Omaha. A warrant was issued fur ids arrest and ho will bo hauled up today. Hanson's injuries are not itorloiH , but are very severe and * will keep him indoors for several days. Kaster bargains for this week at the Uos- ton Store : Lace bordered and colored hemstitched handkerchiefs , 10 and 1'J,1 cents , now for 5 cents. A lot embroidered hemstitched handker chiefs , from 12' ; to 19 cents , this week for 10 cents. The latest novelty A 'complete line of black I'ongee and China silk handkerchiefs , bargains marked f > S , 00. (15 ( cents , and SI.ID. Kid Gloves -Call and pet our prices , lower than ever. AVe carry a full line of the Kcnuino Foster glove * , black and colors , in dressed and undressed. Special prices $1 , ? l.'J5l.r > 0 and $1.7.1. All the ajiovo goods guaranteed. I'oisetsVo call your attention to the new line of .summer corsets at ! . " > and fiS cents. A guaranteed corset for ( ! ! > cents worth SI. Klbbons Five thousand yards of No. 5 and ' 7 ribbons , in colors only , lo'go at cents a yard , worth 7 and 11) ) cents. \Vo show all the latest novelties in Scotch clan tartan and a choice line of plaids. Two hundred boxes niching in Vandyke , IVircetoiiv , in white , cream and tints ; special this week , 1'J ' cents a yard. Some of the above goods sold at Al , 50 and "i cents. BOSTON STOKE , Council Bluffs. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. , 207 Pearl street , loan money for Lombard Investment company. H. A. Spooncr has removed his shoo store to No. : ! 1 Main street. Helms nn elegantly lilted up place and a splendid stock of goods ready to meet his friends and all other people who want good goods and low prices. Finest photo gallery In the west Shcrra- clen's new place , -111 and 45 Main street. An Asulnlanl City Attorney Needed. A move that will very shortly bo made , and one by llio way which deserves to bo carried through , is to secure the appointment of an assistant city solicitor. The action lias fre quently been urged in TUB Bic : , and there is now a fair prospect that it will bo successful. There is no question but that the city solic itor now has moro than his hands full , and it will be utterly impossible for him to attend to additional work without assistance. The civil canes now on Uio court dockets , in which the city is interested , would alone keep him busy for some time , to say nothing of Ihcncw cases that are constantly coming up , and of the thousand and one instances in which ho is called on to hand down opinions for the benefit of llio city council. For this reason lie has no time whatever to .devote to criminal matters in which the city is the prosecutor , and In a great many cases , law brcakei-s do not get their just deserts for this very reason. Attention was again called to the matter yesterday afternoon when the c.ues against Maher and Uitchio were called for trial. The marshal has been in the olllco but u short time and naturally has other mat ters of more importance to attend to than to devote himself to the study of law as it per tains to the drawing of information contained in the two charges one a state crime and the other a misdemeanor. When the defendant's counsel demurred to the information , the de murrer was bustalui'd and the prisoner dis charged. If it had not been for some very lively rustling on the part of certain officials , the defendants would have succeeded lit getting away , but as It was n now Information was drawn up and the nuirsbal. i-carrcstcd llio parties as they were leaving llio court room. Similar cases have frequently happened , and the criminals huvo never been made lo answer for their crimes. AH Ibis would bo obviated if an assistant city attorney was ap pointed , whoso duty It would be to attend police court every day and look after these mutters as well as to attend to the prosecu tion of criminals. AVhcn not thus engaged , ho could render the city attorney much valu able assistance. The expense would not bo heavy , us there are at least a dozen young attorneys hero who Would bo glad to have the position at n sal ary of i.)0 a month or even less for the expe rience and odvertlslng that it would give them. Indeed there Is no question but that It would bo a paying Investment In the direct outlay of dollars ami cents , us the city is now required to pay out a considerable sum in the course of a year for additional legal services , which would not ho entailed in case such an appointment was mado. Judge McCJce was talking upon the subject yesterday , and expressed the belief that it was poor | HilIcy for the city to do longer with out an assistant city attorney. Said ho : "It ought to be done by all means , and the man appointed should also bo made assistant county attorney. That would allow him to prosecute in all cases , whether state or cily , and it would greatly oxpedato matters in the criminal court. As it Is now , wo very fre quently have to delay preliminary hearings lor several days , as Countv Attorney Organ Is very busy in the district court during u great deal of the time , and when the grand jury la at work , or during the trial of cases there on the criminal docket , us well us when ho is required to bo in attendance at the Avoca court , it Is almost impossible for him to attend to cases here. An assistant could relieve him of this work , and at the MIIIIO llmo it would bo well at- teudcd to. It [ s not right to putofftheso hearings as long as It la often necessary to do under the present system , if a man Is Inno cent It is obviously an Injustice to keep him locked up for several days , waiting until the county attorney can bo on hand , and If ho Is guilty ho should bo bound over and save the comity the expense of having witnesses run ning here day after day as the case Is con tinued. If u man [ ( , out on bail ho is con stantly coming into court to see If his case is ready , and ho is certainly entitled ton hear ing. \ \ o ought to have an ivsslsUtnt uttoruov to take care of these cases , and 1 hone the council will consider the matter. " Choice roMdenco proiwrty ceittiidly located for bale by E , II. Shoufy & Co. A Morions Kiiiiiuvay. About o'clock ycstenlay afternoon a fanner's team became frightened at a motor on South Madison street and run away. The driver managed to keep his scat for 'several blocks , but the team made a sharp turn at the corner of 1'lutiicr fctreet and threw him out. He was badly bruised t'nd rendered In sensible , Ho win taken to Uiodntg s'orc of II. W. tloughton where medical assistance wui rendered. It was found that no bones won ! broken , hutthoitiiforttiimte man's face was badlv' cut mid bruisedHo was ab'io to drive homo in the evening. The team dnshed down to Broadway , collided with n telegraph polo In front of No. 4 bo o house , smashing the wagon Into kind ling wood. The runaways were caught there before doing any further damage. The farm er's mime was not learned. Wo want you to list your rental proti „ with us and wo will secure you good , reliable tenants , llents collected and special atten tion given to care of property. E. II. Shcafo & Co. , Broadway mid Main St. , up stairs. A Dodge Thai Failed to Work. The eases of Ed Maher and W. B. Kltchlo were culled before Judge McOeo yestcnlay afternoon. G. A. Holmes appeared for the defense , mid demurred to the information which alleged both disturbing the pcaco and carrying concealed weapons. Attorney Suyder was present to represent City At torney Stewart , and illed new informations. Warntnta wore Issued , and the defendants were rcarrcsted just us they were trying to skip out. Maher was charged With assault with intent to do great bodily injury , and Hitehio with resisting an oltlcer. The court llxed the bonds of each at500. . A change of venue was then taken to the court of Squire KchurIn default of bail the de fendants were committed to jail. The time for hearing the cases has not yet been fixed. The Loaders of line watches and jewelry in the city , and the place to buy the best goods at the lowest prices , is the establishment without rivals , the moat reliable Ilrm of C. B. JAI-QCCMIX & Co. A Session of llio Lime Kiln Chili. The gambling cases against John Kedmond , Charles Jones and Carrie Hudson , charged with shooting "craps , " was heard in police court yesterday mowilng. Einmett Tinley appeared for the defense. IIo demurred to the complainants , selling forth that the action should bo brought in the name of the state. The demurrer was sustained and the city cases were dropped. Information under llio slate law was lllcd against Jones and the case called. There was no evidence in troduced to show that the men were gambling , and the prisoner - explained thai It was only a meet ing of the Lime Klin' club , and that the members were just paying their dues when the raid was made , and this accounted for the money in sight Of course , the court could not declare war on such u time honored organization as the Lime Kiln club , and promptly ordered the release of the prisoners. CO\IHTIO\ Keporls Keeolvcd From .Several Stilton. CHICAGO , April 1. The Funnel's' Review tomorrow will say , in part : Outside of Kansas reports from our crop correspondents relative to the condition of winter wheat are very discouraging. Particularly is this true of Illinois and Indiana. But six counties in Illinois Carroll , Clay , Henderson , Kunkakeo , Leo and Peoria estimate the present condi tion nt 100 per cent. All other counties re port the damage from 10 to 00 per ecnt. , It is unfo to say that the average condition of wheat in this state outside of the favored counties named is HO to 40 per cent below the usual average at tills season. The same state of affairs prevails in Indiana , only seven counties reporting the condition good. Ohio reports make a heller average , but show a great decline in llio past few weeks. Kentucky reports show a falling off of 12 per cent in the general average. The average for Missouri falls about ( > } per cent lower than the last report , although many counties re port the condition good. In Kansas reports show a slight change. Fifteen counties re port wheat injured from frost and dry , cold winds. In Michigan and Wisconsin the condition of wheat has continued to decline. But two counties Sir Wisconsin re port a condition of 100 percent. Other coun ties suffered from 10 to 50 per cent. The general average from reports received are summarized : The Burdock Plant is one of the best diure tics or kidney regulators in the vegetable world , and the compound known as Burdock Blood Bitters is unsurpassed in all diseases of the kidneys , liver and blood. Nebraska , Iowa and Dakota Pensions. WASHINGTON" , April 1. Special Telegram to Tin : Bir. : ] Pensions have been granted as follows to Nebraskans : Original Francis A. Henderson , Winside ; Asa A. Corklns , de ceased , LIbby ; David M. Clark , Indianola ; Husscll Hill , Humbolf Henry Merritt , Brownsville ; Oeorgc W. Thomas , Hampton ; D. M. Wood , Dannebrog ; George W. Handy , Crawfonl ; Franklin Dunnell , Homer ; AIox Xiko , Knoxville ; Joslah O. Tippetts , Campbell - . . boll ; UolltnO. M. Wells , Axtell ; JobiiWaeh- ter , Herman ; Albert O. Swift , Nebraska City. Increase Edward Cuso , Beatrice ; Al fred Williams , Chadron. lielssuc John Kopp , Omaha ; Edwin Shnmway , Genoa , Original widows , etc. Joseph , father of A. J. Wetmore , Omaha ; Susan , widow .of II , Upton , Lincoln ; Jane E. , widow of Asa A. Corkins , Libby. Iowa : John Von Steinwyek. Pelln ; Alex A. Colbert , Mcnlo ; .lohu T ) . Teiro , IdaGrovo ; Anthonz Lauless , lloniiek ; Kiissell.f. Miller , Hubbard ; Edgar C. Cobb , Keokuk ; Newton B. Pet/.er , CJlcnwood ; Alinon C. Turner , Grand Ulver ; Julius Breed , Colfax. Hestora- lion and Increase Joseph M. Wilson , Ander son ; Joseph Erb , Ues Moines ; Enos Conger , Cenlerville ; Samuel James , Oskaloosa ; A. Ullrich , Keokuk ; Hurley M. Grccnlo , Bedford. Reissue Asa Jackson , Hawloyvillc ; Joel Dodge , Newton ; Arven C. Wilkins , Manson. Original wid ows , etc. Charlotte , widow of Samuel Stu- urt , Eddyvillo ; Jane T. , widow of Joseph Kay , Monlrose ; Josephine II. , widow of James II. Wallace , IJussel ; Hherlotta , mother of Albert W. Heldt , Shell Hock ; - ManE. . , widow of Barney E. Eddy , Winthrop ; Lucy , widow of William Luindne , Clcarlield ; Flor ence , widow of Samuel B. Basselt , Hiawa tha ; Juliana , widow of Samuel T. Tyler , Ule ; Francis , widow of Joseph Batcman , Wymore ; Naucv E.ldow of K. Anderson , Wymore. South Dakota : Original -Calvin A. Cilcd- dcn , Ellendale ; John N. Johnson , Doland. Increase-Charles W. Clark , Collins. He- issue and increase -Jedediah W. Granger , Webster. Original widows , etc. Eliza , mother of Charles G. Kelly. Have used Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil for croup and colds , and declare it a positive euro. Contributed by Win. Kay , 5TO Ply mouth Ave. , Buffalo , N. Y. Citizens Win at Laraniie. LAUAMIK , Wyo. , April 1. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bm" : . ] The election today was one of the closest contests over held in this city. Two tickets were In the Held , repub llcan and citizens' , all but two on the latter being also republicans , The , light turned mainly on alderman and the gambling ques tion. Hon. A. S. Pcabody U'Hizejis' ) wns elected mayor over Colonel S. W. Downey ( rep. ) by ( IS majority. Downey is absent nt Omaha or Chicago , and It Is doubtful If he knows of his nomination. Ho was speaker of llio last Wyoming house of representatives , mid was both nominated and defeated by u peculiar combination of circumstances for which ho is not responsible. David McCnl- lough ( rep. ) was elected clerk and J. T. Nash ( citizens' ) treasurer. Insure Against 1'ncumnnla. Use Baker's Pure Cod Liver Oil or Baker's Emulsion. The old reliable brand. Alldrug- t'Uts. KcgiilntloiiH KegardliiK Chinese. WAsnixc.ToS' , April l.-Tho senate census committee has amended the house bill pro viding for famishing certificates to Chinese by the census enumerators In view of pro hibiting further Immigration so that the bill will Iw wholly unacceptable to the Pacillo coast representatives. The amendments pro vide that Chinese children bom in the United States subsequent to Juno 1 , 1SOO , shall not bo held to bo Chinese persons within the meaning of the act. Another amendment it apply only to those CUIucso who re e to give lha Infftriifatlon roonlred by the census eiiunier.ititiM.l ) ) who sh til full to ob tain the cc 'tlll"\ ! pi-jylde ; ! for by niiotlmr umondment. CMmwu merehaiiN. toiirisW nml .studenu nro csumptoil from the onsra- t ons of the act protntel they have the cor- tlllcatea required by'tho ' act of July 5 , MSI. TIIK SlWIt W/T | T CUXl'EXTIO.V , Discussing the Ik'iit. Wi y lo Distribute tin * Fiintlf. Hniov , S. D : , April 1. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BuL-.j-Tho Jced Wheat and Feed convention was largely attended today , twenty-two counties being represented. The convention wiwcalkil to order by Governor Mcllette , who freely stated Its object to bo the distribution of the seed and feed fund now on hand. Ho stilted that f 10,000 had been contributed and $20KK ( ) of the amount had been expended In the purchase of corn. After making some suggestions as to the manner of distribution Senators. C. Seppel- man of Potler countv was chosen chairman and Carl Genicr of Ueiidlo county mid E. F. Gross of Potler county were made secre taries. A motion providing for the selection of a committee of twenty-four , one from each county represented , to act with the original commlttcu of llvo appointed at the meeting held hero In March was presented and fol lowed by a general discussion. The convention meets again tomorrow. Koutli Dakota Hlicep HuiscrH. Huiio.v , S. D. , April I. [ Special Telegram Tin : Br.i.J : Nearly three hundred persons from till parts of the state attended the Sheep Kaisers' convention today. Colonel J. B. G odd Is of Virgil Is chairman and Frank E. Slovens of Huron secretary. Papers were road by D. J. Briggs of Broadland , A. M. Beobo of Huron , Harlow M. Beobo of Huron , and J. . D. Gcddis. They were freely dis cussed and after the appointment ? of a com mittee on constitution and by-laws the con vention adjourned till Juno it , when a two- days' SO.-HOII ! will b3 held here and u sheep breeders' and wool growers' association bo organized. City Kleccioii at Huron. Hruox , S. D. , April I. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Ilir. : . | The city election today was very Spirited and resulted in the election of the entire republican ticket bv n majority of from fit ) to It ) ! ) , except the police justice , which was a tie. Iverson , Independent , was elected alderman in the Second ward. Some remarkable cures 'of deafness are recorded of Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. Never fails lo cure earache , riltfSIXfA'N IXSM'ECTIOX 1.A IT. Its Constitutionality Ilclng Tested in UK ; Federal Courlf. NOIIFOI.K , Va. , April 1. [ Special Telegram lo Tin : Bm : . ] The legislature of Virginia , at its last session , passed a law requiring that all beef , veal and mutton butchered at any point 100 miles from the place it should bo offered for sale should be inspected. The feejs i cent per pound , one-half to go lo the stale and the remainder to Ihe inspectors. The law has proven exceedingly obnoxious , especially to cities , as it has had the effect of putting up the price of meat 2 or ! ! ccnls , llio advance coining out of the pockets of consumers. Today the constitutionality of the law was argued before the circuit court of the United Stales for the eastern district of Vir ginia in this citv. W. James .Bell of Chicago and W. H. White of this city ap peared for the petitioner , William Kedman of Armour & Co. , who had been arrested for re fusing lo pay Iho inspector's fees , and argued Iho case , holding Ihut Iho law was void be cause violalivo of the clause , of the United Stales constitution which gives to congress Iho exclusive right to regulate commerce be tween Iho states , and guarantees to the citi zens of each state all the rights enjoyed by those of any other state. They , claimed that the net was aimed at Chicago beef. The state was represented by the attorney general and the inspectors by H. M. Hughes of Nor folk. These gentlemen defended the act as a valid inspection law , and denied that it was either a tax measure or designed to operate as a discrimination aira'insl ' those in thu dressed bcuf business. They laid great stress on the point thai Ibe court could not go behind the letter of the act , which says nothing about meat from other states. The court staled lhat an opinion would bo delivered next Mon day at Hichuwnd. LAKKA Xlt 11.1II J. IXKft. The Next Import ant Subject That Con- 1'routs "Western Itoiuls. CHICAGO , April L [ Special Telegram to THE BKI : . ] Next to tomorrow's meeting for reorganization of the Interstate Commerce Railway association , Iho most important sub ject for the western roads is Iho present New York meellng of the trunk lines and their settlement of rates between the lake and the rail lines. Chairman Blanchard of the Cen tral Traffic association said : "Tho great Northwestern route refused the offer of the trunk lines to accept a 10 cent differential until June lit and to then nrbitruto the question. Nothing has been accomplished in the way of settling the question. " As the mailer now stands the northern lake routes nro in a position to dictate terms , and unless an agreement is reached will take all of Iho northwestern through business. Should the mil lines utlempt lo meet the rate it will lead lo a lowering of Iho present re duced bases , the St. Paul having declared , that the northwestern and western rates must always hereafter bo raised or lowered proper tionately. Now appointments noted today arc : E. Summerlield as general manager of the Kan sas Cily , Wyandolte & Northwestern and W. W. Slmmonds us assistant to Iho president of the Monon. Now Contc.s House , Kan. Clly. Absolutely lire proof. Finest and largest hotel in Kansas City. Unexcelled in its ap pointments. Whose Fault IK It. COLLINS , Wyo. , April 1. To the Editor of Tin : Hue. What is the mailer with the mall service ? It is almost an impossibility for us to get any mail through to this place. A small package sent from Omaha in August , 1SS9 , readied hero in February , 1SK ! ) . It was directed all right Of Iwo letters from Cha dron one was three and Iho other six months gelling here. Both had been sent lo Collins , S. D. , although they were plainly addressed In ink. Oat of a dozen letters sent from Lin coln and Omaha , written in February , four reached us all right The balance went around the world and were stamped at Col lins , S. D. . Every letter was backed with a pen , and the most of thorn had Wyo ming spelled out-in full. If our mail is sent properly it ought to vouch us in from three to lour days. Ourofllco lias been established ubout six years. It Is Jiot a now thing. Will somebody plouso explain where the trouble is ! Is it in the mail service , or is II the fault of the olllco clerks -This I thing should ho ventilated , T. I. COLLINS. Fits , spasms , St. Vltus dance , nervousness and hysteria are sopu cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Free samplers at Kuhu & Co. , Kith mid Douglas. Not HIM AIM1' ' " Hooney. Little Annie Roonoy is ut the Audito rium hotel , Kays tlio ( 'hlcutfo Tribune ; not she of the witinliijr sinllu whom thu nopultir bongtellrt o'f , but Miss Hooney of Wyoming1. On tlnvtoj ) payo in llio now register nro these mimes : "M. B. Koonoy , Miss A. Itoonoy , Wyoming. " Mr. Itooney is u wealthy block-ruiser nml comes to Chicago ouco u year. IIo guys life is a burden to hit. daughter now that every ono is talking and bing- IiiK'of "Annio Hoonoy. " r'\Vo don't mind it out west , " ho said , "although it bothered us for a while. When the nong reached I'heyonno , about tlireo weeks ago , every 0110 thought 'Littlo Annie Hoonoy' wns our Annie lloonoy. I jokingly told some of the men Umt a friend of ours down east was so pleased with my daughter that ho wrote that song about her. Homo fresh boy who writes for the paper put my re mark in a Cheyenne daily , ami from Hint time Annie was too popular. Him was pointed out as 'Little Annie Koonoy , ' with her lovely unile , etc. , and people flocked to the house to see her. Ono dny there were more than two dozen Bradley "Tins Carriage Business UPSIDE DOWt ] - David David Bradley ? Bradley &Co. &Co. OF OF. Council Council Bluffs. . Bluffs. Are making such low . \vill save you money. No prices and favorable dealer in vehicles should terms that.our corn- buy until he has Brad- pet i tors make the ley's catalogue , prices above assertion. and terms. cullers all strangers , too to gel a look at her. So much attention was paid lo us that T thought 1 would lake a litllo trip to Chicago. Kven llio elevator boy was humming that song when wo won't u ] ) to dinner lust night , ll won't lust long , for McGinly died early. " Change of life , backache , monthly Irregn- ' laritiei , hot Hashes are cured by D'r. Miles' Nervine. Free samples at Kuhn it Co. , IDth mid Douglas. 'A Famous Story AVrlter. Miss Constance IVnimoreVoolson 1ms had moro biographical sketches printed about her during the last year thiin over before in her wholelifo. . says the Phila delphia Times. Mr. Arthur Htednuin , her latest biographer and admirer , is perhaps the most enthusiastic , but tlio mo.it earnest friends that Miss Woolson has arc the magazine editors , so many of whom woo her literary productions fco successfully. As a "bCi'iaP novelist the author of "Anno" is regarded as a most valuable card , but she can bo induced to do very little work now. Miss "Woolson lives almost continuously in Italy , which she linils most desirable as a place of residence. Hho has never been very strong , and before going abroad to live spent most of her time in Florida with her mother , who finally died ther.o Having a comfortable income she is able to live anywhere and in any way she chooses , but I fancy her lifo is not ono altogether to her choosing a homo hits been den'icd lo her for many years , but if she has troubles and regrets no ono over hears of them. She is a dainty lit tle woman , perhaps oven more particu lar than tlio rest of her .sex upon mat ters of dress. T TNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! u OVKK A MII.MON DISTKIUl" TED. ! Louisiana State Lottery Company. IncorporntPtl l > y tlio Logzlsliitnre , for rdiicntlonnl nuil L'liatltnblo puriiOfua , ntul It * franchlsn made u part of the tircscnt vtuto constitution , In lSTUbyim overwhelmlm ; popular vote. Its MAMMOTH DRAWINGS talro nlnen Seml-Annually ( Juno and December ) anil its Grand Single Number Drawings take place in each of the other ten months of the year , and are all drawn In public , at the Academy of Music , New Orleans , La. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS For Integrity of Its Drawings , and Prompt Payment of Prizes. Attested in follows : "Wo ilo licrcby certify tlint wo Miporvlra tlionr- ruMKi'nirnlH fur nil tlio monthly nml M'ml-mimml ilrnwlnxs nf the Louisiana Stulo Lottery t'nmpniiy , mid In person uiuiiut'o ami control tlio drawing themselves , nnit thnt the pumo aic conducted with honc.ity , tiili'in1 * * , nnd la KOod faith toward all par ties , and HO authorize the company to usu thin ci-rtl- llcatowlth lMC.-linlk'3 of our signatures iiUaclicd , hi CO.M.MISSIOXKHS. We , the undersigned banUsaml hankers will pay all pilzt's drawn In thu Louisiana State Lotteries which may tto presented at our counters. H.'M. WAMISUJY. I'res. Louisiana Nut. Hank I'IKHUK I-ANAI'X , Pit's. State Xafl Hani ; . A. ItAMUVIN , I'res. Now Orleans Nat'l Hank. CAUL KOI1.V , I'res. Union National Hank. Grand Monthly Drawing At the Academy of Music , Now Orleans , Tuesday , April 16 , 1800. CAPITAL PRIZE $300,000. , - - , . 100,000 Tlukuts at } 30 each ; Halves , tlO ; Quar ters' ' , $3 ; Tenths , $ - ' ; Tiruntlutlis , 51. LIST or 1'llIXKS. i MIIHK OF f.m.m is f.mnoo 1 'IllIIllU.UtXIls : > ! lUO.KX ( ) 1 'Hl/.K ( ) ! ' OMiOUli HI.UPO 1 MIl.K.MHXIlH ( ! . ' . - > .W 1 1 'Itl/KS OK 1U.UUO uro Ai.dUl ) ! > 'III/.KS Olii.UXJ nro 2.1.1XJO S.'i 'Itl/.KS OP 1,1)011 ) lire 2S.UOO HIM 'iu/.is : or .vx ) mo : a.n ( M 'KI/.KH OK KOU nro HUM W 'Itl/KS Ob' JUO III u 100,000 AIM'IIOXIWATIO.V l'111/.KS. 100 I'rlzeaof KM ) mo M.OOfl 100 do : Win re. . . IlU.IIOi ) 100 tlo XtXIare 2UUUU TKIIMINAI , rni/.is. : .m 1'ilzesof JKKIare ! > J.KM ! VM do JUOare WWX ) 3,134 Prl/rsamnnntlnKtn $1,06.1,800 NIITI : Tickets drawlni ; Capital I'rUes uro not en- tltk'cl to terminal pil/es. . AGENTS WANTED. IHTKon n.m UATIX or any further Information desired , vrrlto loKlhly lo Iho iiiiderclmied , clearly MatlnK jour residence , with Mate , county , street ami iinmLcr. Moio rapid return mall delivery will ho assured by ) our cncloalni ; on envelope bearlnj ; jour full Mililiei. * . IMPORTANT. Address M. A. DAIM'IMX. New Orleans , La. Or M. A. DAUPHIN , WiiblilliKton. P. C. lly ordinary letler , contalnlni : MIIVKV niinrn. Is sued hy all e\prc H companies , .N'uw York KjclmnKC , draft or postal note. Address Hoglbteretl Loiters containing Cur rency to NKVV OUI.KANS NATIONAL HANK. New Ol leans. I.a. Itrsi nil 111:11. : thattliopnvment of prlc hot' . \ TI.KII II V Mll'lt NATIIJV.U. 1I.4.VKM of Now Orlcalll , nnd Iho tickets uro sluned by Iho. president of an In- Mltntlon whotto iharlered rljlhttt are recognized In the hlKhcst courts ; therefore , botrnro of all Imlln- tlons or anonymous schemei. ONU DOI.I.AII li Iho prlco of the imnllent part or fraction t a ticket l.--fhli nv I H In any ilranlni ; . Anylhlnu la our uaiuo uHurcil for less than a ilullur In a Dwindle. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. l/UHt HK.NT Three iinfiirnlbliftl loornH. 1110 -L South HIMlJ hi. irum HKNTHawkcyt - roller ami ( cert mills. J ? Swan & Wall > nr'fliiiii ( > ll llluIN , In. 1ASII for fccoml-lnunl furniture , stoves and C A. J. Mamlcl , ! ft Ilioailway. "I7WU SAI.KAt a bargain : Oue double saw J. and sllcer ; ono veneer inaehlno wllli u'ear- Ini ; complete , all new , suitable for basket fac tory. Innnlrr at . ' Miydd'H commission house , i I'carl M. . Council II In IT * . ADAliUAlN My rchldciire u 'i-room house , puntry. h.ilh loom , i liisetw.rlty water etc ; lot OOxlVU , fctuble. ctml and uood IIOIIKO , Lear- liiK frulti linn locatltiu ; . .ni'-tlilnl down , Lal- uuuotouult N O.Vurd \ 403 lliuailway. fJfvffkSSSSSS tfXiASJTKjs s SATURN , (26OS. ( ) Will malip Ihcvrasnii of N.W.iMlie t'nlon Pilvln ; ; I'aiK. Council Illnirs. Iowa , fioin M.ii.h 1st ulitll June Int.licn lie will lie iHmncd to Fremont and his \vorthy companion MAMBRINO BASHAW , (1789. ( ) will take his place fiom June 1st until , ' . . . „ . . . . , Jst. Tbe.se Iwo are the only lallions In tint west that an * ( be sites of 'J-o : ; pel-formers. Saturn Is a chestnut , stallion. Hi hands 1 i h. and in llesli Kill law foaled hied I'oucll Itios. . . ' . llu oiditmry Killcljih pounds ; ISTO ; by Sprln o. I'a. Is pel feet ly > ound and N l orou- , and u eel tain foal cllcr , further comment Is"ui nt cessa ry. Terms ilOO the season with the usual letnrn prl\ Hew ; luvarably casli or baiiKabl > paper be foie tlie mare leaves piemlses. Amont ; Saturn's jret an > Mcl.cod.'il'.i'.j ' ' ; Consul. ' . ' . lly rou Sheiman. ' . ' : ' . ' > . and many others better than'J:4 : ( > . ( iood eaie and perfect accommi > ns for btoelc. VIsltois always welcome at the parl ; . I "or bieedlm ; catalogue , etc. . wilte li JAS. G. SMITH < $ . SON , Fremont , Neb. PROFESSIONAL , DIRECTORY. HT3Irl-ItiKnr ! _ Hydraulic nml Sunitnr.v Kniriuooi1. Plans , Kstiinutos . JJ11 K111IJ1I1U ripooilioiilions. Supervision of 1'ublioVorlc. . Brown , ' , Coiieil iJlulTa , Iowa. NC I , . . . . , . Justice of tlio Pence. Oillue over American K.xprchs , No.11 . O11UI / , Hrondwa , Council Blurts , Iowa. - Attorneys nt F.a\v. Practice in the State nnd Kotl- T- CV or-li I'ourta. Unoms 7 : ind 8 Shutfurt-Bono Hlou-lt , Council UlulTd , lowu. C. rBEEBE & COMPANY" Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FURNITURE. . . send for Catalogue. Dealeis. I urges ! Stock and Lowest Prices. Xos. 205 and 207 Broadway , and 201 and 2 < H ! Pierce Slivot. , Council KlutT.la. . Council Bluffs Steam Dye Works. 1OU3 Broadway. Near NorMiwosLern IJcpol , - : - MAIL AND EXPRESS ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTEXTION : - : - . Send for Price List . C. A. M ACPI AN & CO. S and Circulars. IjlOU AI < r XewS-room house with niod- Jera Impiovements. laiw xiovislot , In 1st class nelclibin hood. This Is u bargain , iil.ritKl. New T-ioom cottage on Ave. II , nearOalUand avi > . . with line lot , f..bdO. Modvrn S-sltiry house on Mb ave. , $ ' 1,303 , New li-ioom eotlage. } | , ( XK ) . New 4-rooin coltas-'e. il.OOII. Cliolee ( liiideuliii ; land ole e to the elty In ! ) or 10 acre lots. $100 per mw , easy terms. Lots In Kiddle's snb. on monthly payments. T acres Inside aero property at a bargain. 1'lno lesldenee lot on lienton St. . $ N > U. Choleo lots In Mulllu's sub. at f.'M eaeh. l.ol on Ave. I ) , noarslh St. , only { 700. Section of line land In Lincoln t'o. , Neh. , to trade for Counell Iliall's property. Vacant lots In all paits of thu city on easy terms. I'lr.st morlgago loan * ! . \V. C. Slaey & Son , IJoom , Opeia Illoel : , Council llluiVs , la. "I HAVK.several houses and lots to tiiidufor - Counell llluiVs ordinalia niilmproved prop erly. I' . ll..ludd'iKi ( ( llroadway.Council Illnlls. "ITIDlt S A IK-My residence. . " > .V ! Willow avo- L niie , on soutli side of llayll s purlvi healed by steam , lighted by electricity and contain ing all modern Improvemenl.s ; lot 100 by LIM feet. ANo will sell or exchange for Impioviid property my faun of "iTH aeies , ten miles ens t of Council Illull'a. N. M. 1'usey , Counell IllufTs. JKW I m proved leal eslati'lolradu forunlm- N piovcd Clmaha orCounell llluiVs properly. C. II. J mid , Kim Ilioadway. " 17UU ) SAI.K or llenl ( Jardeu land , with JL1 bouses , by .1. It. Kice , Itr. Main ht. , Council niuirs. _ 'I/'Olt ' SALK- Tim 7-room ijoltago nt tlm eor- J. nerof Ilril aveiinn and ! lh stieel ; also ( ho new Swiss eottagii oeeuple < l by me on 'Inl avenue - nue ; eltlier piopeity will be bold on easy terms. \V. ( . ' . .lame" . _ "I71OH HAI.K At a baigaln. a IKW-acro raneli J1UO miles fioni Oinalia ; In Iliht-class loca tion and A No. 1 In every lespeel ; llils bargain will icpuy a close \estlgal Ion. I or partleu- lars call on or addiess.1. I ) . Johnson , No. 10 IVailHt . . Council II 1 1 1 jVs. _ _ _ ' III.I'ITS pioperly for sain at OOI'XCIL . Tiie following , among tint most beautiful homes In the city , will he hold atgieiit bargains , on monthly iiaymentH , or terms to suit : Tlnt'o new v-rooia house' ) on Lincoln avcnno two blocks fioin electric motor line. Two new 4-rooiu hon-es four blocks from elect lie motor II no on Ninth Seventh hi reel. Ono new 5-ii'om house four blocks fiom electric motor line on Ninth Seventh street. Thieo new a a ml ( i-room luiiixus ono block from elect lie motor line , corner A\enue A anil Twelfth street. Ilesldes tlu > above I have houses and lots In all parts of the cily. One new . 'i-ioom hoiion on Mill street. C. 11. J iidil , H1 Hiouilwiiy. ( 'oiinell Illnirs. F. M.ELLIS & CO. , ARCHITECTS , AND llCll.blVC SCIT.IttM'KMir.NTS. Itoum.s 4.1U ami | .l. lleo lluildliig. Omaha , Neb. , and Itoums'II and ' 'Mi Merrlam Illoek , Coiuicll lllullb. lu. Coiiuspoudciu'u bolleltcd. 27 MAIN'STJIEET , OVEH JACQl I.MIN S JENVI.LItV bTOUC Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. Agents Wanted. DR. C.U. JUIW J. I ) . I'llMCXIISO.V , K. It. SlICdMIT , ' . Vice-1'I . 1're- - CM. CliAf. It. HANXAN , Cashier. Citizens' ' State Bank , " IK cor.Nnr. m.fi'rs. Paid Up Caiiital $160,000 Surplus Hft.OOO Liability to Depositors Httfi.OOO DIIICITIIIIK-I. A. Miller , I' . O. ( ileasm ( , K. I , . Shugait. 1C. 1C. Hart. .1. I ) . KdmumKou. I'has. K. llannan. Transact general banUIng IHIM- ne.ss. Largest capital and surplus , , f lllty bank In Nortliwehturn loua. Inleiest on tlmii ileiioslts. ' ' " ileiioslts.CHR'I'S BOSEN , SASH and DOOR Factory and Phming .Mill. Hist eiinlpped. most centrally located fac tory In tin1 elty. All modern latest putieiu machinery ; operated by hkllled mechanic * . Special attention gl\en lo scroll nnd band hawing , planing anil trimming , lieneral con- trad * and estimates for houses ami InilldliiKi a specially. Coiner Noilli Main and Mynstu MieelK. Council Iliull'H. Telephone > " . The J. A. Murphy MANUFACTURING CO. , lit Avenue ami " 1st Sin el. Sash , Doors and Blinds Hand and Hcroll Sawing. Itu-Saulng and Planing. Sawing of all klndx. I'oreli HiaeKels. Kindling wood f..M ) per load dell\eied. Cle.iu Hawilnst b } ' Ihn barrel * . ' . * ie. All uoik lo bu Iliht-class. Teh-phono . VOI.'lt I'ATIfONAdi : HOItKTIT.Il. " Trios. OtTicrn. W. II. M. | 'L > KV. Ol'TICER & 1'USIiV ' , BANKERS. Corner Main and Ilioadway , Council Bluffs , - lown. llcjIiirH lii foridgn nnd iloincktlo exeniin | ; ( ' . Collections mudu and Interest paid on tlmu deposits. sr E."M A x o N , r i ARCHITECT And Superintendent. 1IOUM 31 WI.HICIAll Ill.Of K , LLLN.LL ) ( i'-i's , IOWA.